SAAFE forum

General Category => Blather and Babble => Topic started by: Monroe on 12 October 2014, 02:13:09 pm

Title: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Monroe on 12 October 2014, 02:13:09 pm
Aaaaagh!! I hate when I say to a client.. 'Please give me 3 minutes, then ring the buzzer' But they ring it straight away!

Clients who just stand at the door for ages, without ringing the buzzer. Until you call them and they tell you they are outside. Just ring the buzzer!

When I say, call to confirm. And they text. If I'm waiting for a call, I might not hear the text!

Regular Clients that email me on aw, and wait days for a response when they could simply just call me!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 12 October 2014, 04:22:49 pm
Start emails or conversations with "Hi Hun"  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aussie Male Escort on 12 October 2014, 04:32:11 pm
Online messages saying "are you available now?" I suspect they send these multiple escorts and then go see whoever responds quickest. Luckily I'm busy enough that I can afford not to sit in front of my computer 24/7 waiting for these.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 12 October 2014, 04:58:17 pm
Online messages saying "are you available now?" I suspect they send these multiple escorts and then go see whoever responds quickest. Luckily I'm busy enough that I can afford not to sit in front of my computer 24/7 waiting for these.
Yes I don't respond to those emails, or another thing I hate is when you text them after a missed call and they ask "Which one are you?" I am under no illusion that I'm their one and only but I'd style it out a bit! X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lil on 12 October 2014, 05:09:20 pm
Guys who expect me to book a hotel when my profile clearly states I do outcalls only!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Prettywoman on 13 October 2014, 01:21:43 am
Guys who send random texts asking "are you horny?" I'm doing my weekly shop in asda, so yeah, Very.

Or guys who ask "have you any special offers?" Yes, me! for x amount of time at my stated rate!!

And the most annoying has to be when they say "are you available right now?" You tell them yes I can be ready in 20 mins, and they say "sorry I wanted now" and I'm like, where are you like?? Outside my flipping front door!!  :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sassy Slapper on 13 October 2014, 07:31:20 am
I dont give them my flat number till I'm ready and waiting with my shoes on, at the window and watching through the crack in the blinds for them to come along the street. Then and only then do I send the text with my building and my flat number. Been through all this turning up when they feel like it malarky in the past. Even if its a regular I tell them to wait in their car till I text them "okay come now". Its in their best interest too, especially with the weather turning, to be warm and dry in their car x

What annoys the hell out of me is when they walk past the door twice then stand right outside it and shout into the phone "IM OUTSIDE A BUILDING, NEXT TO A SHOP CALLED &******&, IS THIS IT, I THINK IT IS" and for that reason I dont bother answering once I have sent the text. They can ring and ring and ring, I just cut them off and say "thats it to the right or the door directly behind you" etc

Another one is when they can't follow the instructions all the other guys manage to follow very easily and they text back saying "are you sure" Its so hard not to text them back with "no, I dont have a clue where I am, for the last 3 months I have no idea how i ended up in the same place every day?where am I, please help, save me, I'm lost"

And when they catch your nipple with their teeth then they keep doing it they say "sorry, didnt mean too, over exited" and if you keep telling them they look at you as if you are making it up. I end up just telling them that intention doesnt dictate how much it hurts and if they do it again?no boobies
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: FelicityF on 14 October 2014, 06:05:01 pm
I HATE when the same client says "can we do 90 minutes" then they arrive and say "I can only stay an hour...I've got a meeting".
The same guy did this to me 3 meets in a row. Only on the third one did I realize. My conclusion is that it's so they're not rushed by knowing another client could be waiting outside at the end of their hour.
I just refuse to see him now, I know it's not a major thing but because I know what his game is it pisses me off so bad!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Caledonia on 14 October 2014, 06:29:05 pm
Breath  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: alice842 on 14 October 2014, 07:27:48 pm
I've seen this guy three times and every single time he's said he's interested in trying water sports, so every time I've gone to his hotel with a full bladder ready to pee everywhere and then he gets so carried away with kissing and vanilla stuff that he never brings it up or asks for it. And of course, because I've been steadily drinking glasses of water for the last 2 hours, I needed to dash to the toilet every 30 minutes.  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Prettywoman on 14 October 2014, 09:18:33 pm
I feel your pain! I also get this, guys asking for watersports then acting like they never, I think we should just piss all over them regardless, that'll teach em!!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Caledonia on 14 October 2014, 10:20:27 pm
I used to get asked for w/s all the time when I didn't offer it, now I do and I haven't had one enquiry  :FF

Nipple pulling, rough fingering, biting, crappy oral (on me not them  ;D), when they try to drill through to your flaming womb and just general crappy sex.  In the words of Paris "I blame the porn".
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Reni on 15 October 2014, 07:25:58 pm
Skid marks left on my bedding at the end of the session when I haven't even played near there!
Bleugh goes to show dirty some are and the bedding needs to be washed twice!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 15 October 2014, 07:54:14 pm
Skid marks left on my bedding at the end of the session when I haven't even played near there!
Bleugh goes to show dirty some are and the bedding needs to be washed twice!!!

Hope everyone's had their dinner... But I have a theory that men's anuses are not as sensitive as women's. Twice in my dating experiences I was having sex with someone only to discover that they had a noticeable 'turtle's head'. I cannot EVER imagine that happening with me, even if I went to the loo 'just in case'.

Once it was in a hotel, and he left a severe skid mark. Thankfully it was his room, not mine! Eeeuw!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Reni on 15 October 2014, 08:19:47 pm
Oh my gawd turtle head! Pass me the bucket. Seriously though these clients know they're going to get intimate, go to the toilet before meeting and when showering please wash that area!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Prettywoman on 16 October 2014, 09:16:09 am
Vile! I feel sick haha :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Grumpy Cow on 16 October 2014, 04:28:06 pm
Am drumming on a large piece of wood right now as precaution but I actually never had a smelly or unhygienic client (yet).  One time someone that had come straight from a very physical task asked if he needed to shower first.  I said not necessarily as he had the choice of me getting my Kaercher pressure washer out.  He laughed and hit the bathroom pronto  ;D

I am not a good enough actress and have a very strong sense of smell so would not be able to hide it if someone stunk and be probably very vocal about it.  If they don't know they smell bad then it is high time they are told! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Prettywoman on 16 October 2014, 05:25:35 pm
Wish I could be like that! I have a regular who is such a lovely guy, his main bits are clean as a whistle but his pubes STINK!!!  :-\ I'm thinking he just has a quick douche of his dick in the sink before we meet, but his pubes smell of stale sweat! How can I tell him that without offending? I actually gag it's so bad! But like I say, he's lovely, he's an older man of around mid 50's I'd say (old enough to be my dad!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 16 October 2014, 05:32:23 pm
I had a guy once who was wanting a massage (to start with), he had a bit of bogroll stuck between his arsecheeks!! Ugh
Other things that really annoy me is the infamous "available?" texts, clients turning up early when they know I'm not ready yet,
and my favourite; persistent bloody BB requests! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Reni on 16 October 2014, 06:27:36 pm
Managed to get myself involved in texting ping ping today:
Guy: can you see me Saturday morning? Text me 3 times.
Me: (after 3rd text) No.
Guy: when can you see me?
Me: check my profile.
Guy: where?
Me: where you got my number from?!
Guy: can you send me a link?
Me: No.
Saved number as idiot number 4.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hotblondie on 16 October 2014, 08:40:44 pm
Wish I could be like that! I have a regular who is such a lovely guy, his main bits are clean as a whistle but his pubes STINK!!!  :-\ I'm thinking he just has a quick douche of his dick in the sink before we meet, but his pubes smell of stale sweat! How can I tell him that without offending? I actually gag it's so bad! But like I say, he's lovely, he's an older man of around mid 50's I'd say (old enough to be my dad!)

Exactly like one of my regs Ive seen yesterday :(
I will join him in the shower next time and make sure he is clean :D
Playfully, I will wash him proper ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 17 October 2014, 05:54:10 pm
I've just had it again this morning. An old bloke comes in and doesn't wipe his feet! There's a concrete footpath but he was walking across the grass part of the way and it had been raining. As this has happened lots before I have to ask them (politely of course) to wipe their feet if it's been raining. Today I was picking up the post when I let him in as I didn't want him to as he might see my real name but he rushed straight up the stairs before I could say anything and left muddy footprints. There are 3 mats he could've used.

I'm sure they'd wipe them at their own home. I'm like an old scrubber these days, scrubbing carpets all day.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Reni on 17 October 2014, 08:47:07 pm
I've just had it again this morning. An old bloke comes in and doesn't wipe his feet! There's a concrete footpath but he was walking across the grass part of the way and it had been raining. As this has happened lots before I have to ask them (politely of course) to wipe their feet if it's been raining. Today I was picking up the post when I let him in as I didn't want him to as he might see my real name but he rushed straight up the stairs before I could say anything and left muddy footprints. There are 3 mats he could've used.

I'm sure they'd wipe them at their own home. I'm like an old scrubber these days, scrubbing carpets all day.
That's really rude of him! I now ask them to take their shoes off if it has been raining. Haha
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 17 October 2014, 10:09:11 pm
I always ask them to if it's raining, especially when they wear those big old manky work boots. I do show a minge of annoyance, I can't help it but then thank them when they apologise and take their shoes off as you can't really start the booking off in a bad mood. I'd end up with half of them walking off ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Reni on 17 October 2014, 11:00:34 pm
Oh. If they wear work boots they usually automatically take them off even if it hasn't rained. Which is nice  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 17 October 2014, 11:21:39 pm
Yes, some of them are polite and take them off without asking but usually it's when it's dry ;D No, some of them do but a fair few don't. I've got wooden flooring upstairs which would be easier to clean but anyway, why be on your hands and knees when really you don't have to! Scrubbing I mean..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hadley on 19 October 2014, 06:59:06 pm
I do show a minge of annoyance

I want to see this  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Grumpy Cow on 20 October 2014, 01:25:22 am
I do show a minge of annoyance

I want to see this  ;D

Hahahahaha me too!  I am now visualising it...   ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 20 October 2014, 07:55:27 pm
Clients with black socks that leave fluffy black bits in my carpet!!! :FF
I have quite a light carpet and these black bits of sock just seem to stick to it like Velcro, the hoover doesn't get rid of them, so
I constantly find myself on all fours picking bloody bits of black fluff out of my carpet.
Does my nut right in!! >:( >:(

PS: I do know they're not deliberately doing it to annoy me lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Reni on 20 October 2014, 07:59:21 pm
Just had that today. Black sock fluff on my new white rug :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Reni on 20 October 2014, 08:01:14 pm
Ok so these guys aren't clients as such as they would never be promoted to that level  ;D
But why Di they insist on calling all through the night I mean 5am?!! Realistically who is on 24/7?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 20 October 2014, 11:44:16 pm
I do show a minge of annoyance

I want to see this  ;D

Hahahahaha me too!  I am now visualising it...   ;D

You should've seen me! When he sat on the stairs to take off his shoes, I stood inbetween him and thrust back and forth, back and forth with it until he was knocked out  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MistyBloo on 21 October 2014, 07:46:17 pm
My top 10 most common and irritating texts and my responses. I have little patience!
1. Are you open?
(I am not a supermarket)
2. U workin?
(WORKING what?)
3. Can you fart in my face?
(Can you not contact me)
4. Hi
( I'm sure you are)
5. What do I get for ?40?
(a weeks shopping)
6. God you are amazing
(I will let GOD know next time I see him)
7. Your pics make me so horny babe.
(That's the devil in you.,, stay away I am religious)
8. Do you do anal Luvy?
(Does is say on my profile? NO)
9. Are you available? (reply sent within 10 minutes maximum) Yes, please call if you would like to make a booking....SILENCE...(3 weeks later) Are you available hun? (reply sent within 10 minutes again) Yes, please call if you wish to book.....SILENCE... OK I see that you have a problem with your phone keyboard so I will call you at some point just to make this booking that you never are going to make. (Surprising how many do reply after they see that)
10. Fancy a fuck?
(This is an automated response, thank you for contacting your local constabulary. One of our officers will respond to your message shortly)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Reni on 21 October 2014, 08:16:32 pm
That us very funny!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 24 October 2014, 03:54:08 pm
Use my pillows to put their heads on!!!!! :FF
This is my bed, I sleep in it, my pillows are for my head only!!! 
I put a clean sheet on covering my duvet for every client, there's cushions if they really feel the need to put something under their precious heads (as if my bed is made of concrete..), so why, why, why, grab MY pillow from under my duvet and use it???
Ohh it pisses me off no end! >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 24 October 2014, 04:09:05 pm
I have  to change all the bed linen as some clients cum it went through to base sheet, i always change top sheet for fresh one  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hotblondie on 24 October 2014, 05:35:49 pm
Use my pillows to put their heads on!!!!! :FF
This is my bed, I sleep in it, my pillows are for my head only!!! 
I put a clean sheet on covering my duvet for every client, there's cushions if they really feel the need to put something under their precious heads (as if my bed is made of concrete..), so why, why, why, grab MY pillow from under my duvet and use it???
Ohh it pisses me off no end! >:(

Buy two extra pillows from Primark with 2 pounds pillow cases just  for clients and let them use. I tell them to grab one more to enjoy the show and they love it. They need something for their heads, dont they?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 24 October 2014, 05:36:40 pm
Use my pillows to put their heads on!!!!! :FF
This is my bed, I sleep in it, my pillows are for my head only!!! 
I put a clean sheet on covering my duvet for every client, there's cushions if they really feel the need to put something under their precious heads (as if my bed is made of concrete..), so why, why, why, grab MY pillow from under my duvet and use it???
Ohh it pisses me off no end! >:(

That's exactly wot I was going to say blondie.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 24 October 2014, 09:00:30 pm
Yeah, looks like I'm gonna have to, buy a couple of pillows.. I've got 4 cushions on the bed (is that what they're called lol,
you know, those things you put on couches and sofa's), but obviously the lordships require proper bed-pillows, a couple of
cushions just doesn't seem to be good enough  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 24 October 2014, 11:16:11 pm
Use my pillows to put their heads on!!!!! :FF
This is my bed, I sleep in it, my pillows are for my head only!!! 
I put a clean sheet on covering my duvet for every client, there's cushions if they really feel the need to put something under their precious heads (as if my bed is made of concrete..), so why, why, why, grab MY pillow from under my duvet and use it???
Ohh it pisses me off no end! >:(

I have my own pillows in another room. The pillows on my bed they can use. However, while I spread a clean sheet all over everything, I make no guarantees about the pillow cases. I guess they don't care, so I don't, either.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: losthope on 26 October 2014, 04:45:25 pm
Try and kiss with bad breath  :(
Try and play with my bum
Spit on their Fingers
Blow raspberries when giving oral
Try and kiss me after giving oral
Take longer than 2 Minutes to cum
Exist lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: alice842 on 26 October 2014, 09:32:32 pm
I've been meaning to post something about this for a while but does anyone else find some clients just command 'suck my balls' when you're giving them oral? Around every ten clients of so I get one who orders me to do it, not asks, ORDERS. I think it's so f-ing rude especially as they're never shaved so it's basically getting a mouthful of their pubes  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 26 October 2014, 09:44:20 pm
I've been meaning to post something about this for a while but does anyone else find some clients just command 'suck my balls' when you're giving them oral? Around every ten clients of so I get one who orders me to do it, not asks, ORDERS. I think it's so f-ing rude especially as they're never shaved so it's basically getting a mouthful of their pubes  :-X

Yep, it's pretty annoying, never mind a rather nasty experience all those pubes in your mouth.. :P
Suppose it's part of the job, although they shouldn't be "commanding", ask nicely or you don't get mister!
Another thing that's been annoying me lately; Yes, I know my flat isn't the warmest, but after a few minutes we're both
heated up enough, yet I've had a couple of clients asking me if "we can get under the covers!"
No effin way!! That's my bed, where I sleep, and I don't want to either have to change my sheets every single day
or sleep in between pubes, come, bits of clients skin etc.. Eeewwwww! >:(
I put a clean sheet over my bedding for every client, and now they're wanting to get IN it?! Sorry, not happening!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Alice G on 26 October 2014, 11:40:33 pm
Try and kiss with bad breath  :(
Try and play with my bum
Spit on their Fingers
Blow raspberries when giving oral
Try and kiss me after giving oral
Take longer than 2 Minutes to cum
Exist lol

So funny! - They all should be entitled to breathe or exist at least! poor things!
Mind you there are one or two that should cease to exist,  as they serve no purpose on this earth!
But I suppose that can apply to the ones outside of the world of punting too! x
ps - have had the blow raspberries thing - what is all that about?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: whatfreshhellisthis on 28 October 2014, 02:43:50 am
'Clients' is putting it loosely but constant requests and demands for pictures. I have a private for-pay gallery if you want to see my bits that badly, I'm running a business here you cheapskate twats.

Also one guy has started sending me pictures and videos of him???? Literally why would I want to see that in a million years, eurgh
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 28 October 2014, 09:44:29 am
I've been meaning to post something about this for a while but does anyone else find some clients just command 'suck my balls' when you're giving them oral? Around every ten clients of so I get one who orders me to do it, not asks, ORDERS. I think it's so f-ing rude especially as they're never shaved so it's basically getting a mouthful of their pubes  :-X

Yep, it's pretty annoying, never mind a rather nasty experience all those pubes in your mouth.. :P
Suppose it's part of the job, although they shouldn't be "commanding", ask nicely or you don't get mister!
Another thing that's been annoying me lately; Yes, I know my flat isn't the warmest, but after a few minutes we're both
heated up enough, yet I've had a couple of clients asking me if "we can get under the covers!"
No effin way!! That's my bed, where I sleep, and I don't want to either have to change my sheets every single day
or sleep in between pubes, come, bits of clients skin etc.. Eeewwwww! >:(
I put a clean sheet over my bedding for every client, and now they're wanting to get IN it?! Sorry, not happening!

I am never asked to get under the covers (like you, I put a clean sheet down.) I think you need to buy a small space heater and make sure the chill is off the room before they undress.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hotblondie on 28 October 2014, 09:53:21 am
I bought 2 small heaters from ebay for 14 pounds each. One for my room and one for the bathroom (central heating not working there).
I dont like when its cold in the room/house at all, plus I can catch a cold ..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 28 October 2014, 11:28:52 am
yeah I will have to get some for the winter, it was really just coz I mentioned the cold lol, I always have cold hands so maybe they got
a bit of a shock from that lol  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 28 October 2014, 04:04:15 pm
I hate it when clients email me and put their phone number for me to ring them, my number is on my profile! Do any girls ring the client? I don't, that annoys me x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 28 October 2014, 08:31:51 pm
I hate it when they txt/email me just to point out a reverse bid they've posted because they'd like me to bid on it. Every time this has happened the) has been for a lot less than my advertised rates. Basically its just another way for asking for a discount! Cheeky Buggers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 31 October 2014, 02:17:34 pm
Being ugly, fat and smelly.  >:(
Sorry, I know that's terrible, but I seem to be getting a lot of them these days..
Lord give me a nice, clean, funny, handsome man for a 3 hr booking! ;)
Waiting on my heater getting delivered BTW, thanx Hotblondie!  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 01 November 2014, 10:03:04 am
When they say they might be a bit early because they live nearby, annoying because just get here for the time agreed on, and then they turn up 10 minutes late anyway!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 01 November 2014, 10:35:41 am
Sticking their tongues in my ears. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THAT?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 01 November 2014, 10:36:52 am
Some of them even put fingers in my ears.

Seriously - you can stick your tongue and fingers in my vagina. You can stick them in my arse. Why must you stick them in my ears? Can I have just one tiny piece of me that you don't stick things in? Just the one?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 01 November 2014, 11:12:32 am
I literally can't take it in my ears so I have to tell them. If I didn't mind too much I would let them but I would rather have a 12 inch up my bum then have them do that so when they start kissing up my neck just as they get to ear lobe I tell them. It's rare thank gawd and they've just laughed so don't think they mind. Same if they just go straight to it and shove it in.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 01 November 2014, 11:52:42 am
Touching my face

Says 'Oh by the way, do you do (add something not on my list of likes or services that I offer' after you've made the booking and given address and parking details

Calls me two minutes before the appointment time to let me know they're going to be 15 mins late

When they waste your time with a succession of phone calls over a couple weeks to enquire about your availability and reminder of prices and don't book.  They get blocked after the third!

Not bloody listening to your parking instructions (not a good start)

During massage when they turn over without giving you any prior polite warning and nearly knocking you off the bed!

Pouncing on you like a squid as SOON as you get into the room

Asking me to lie down so they can fondle me and give me a massage

Licking my ears or my torso

Kissing my cheek during mish with a wet sloppy mouth taking my make up off

Pressing all their weight down on my back during Doggy - I mean, c'mon put your hands on my hips for gods sake you're gonna put my back into spasm  ::)

When they peel down your stockings without asking

Asking lots of personal questions right from the get go

Wow, that felt good!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 01 November 2014, 02:05:43 pm
Sticking their tongues in my ears. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THAT?!

Lol that made me laugh  :) WHY do they do that??       
This is not annoying, but sticking their fingers up my vagina, it does nothing for me.. Am I the only one??                                                                                                                     
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 02 November 2014, 01:32:34 pm
I don't mind fingers in my vagina and even like it when I'm doing sex for fun.

The thing about the tongue in the ear is the sound. *shudder*

Another thing that annoys: when they fuck around with my hair a lot. I don't mind a bit of stroking but what the hell is that thing where some of them just rub your head in a circular motion. It's like they're deliberately trying to make my hair into a rat's nest.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 02 November 2014, 06:37:58 pm
Yeah Fabulassie, or after having their fingers up my fanny or where-ever, and then doing the hair thing, making it lovely and
greasy and covered in things I'd rather not have it covered in  >:(
Especially if I've literally just washed it, and then have to do it all over again :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Alice G on 03 November 2014, 01:23:40 am
Their forced fingers fumbling around in the fanny that seeks no purpose or enjoyment to the recipient.
Why the hell do they think they are a budding gynaecologist?
Pinching the nipples hard is the worst one.
Bad breath and bad body odour (this tends to be rare though) x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sexynana on 03 November 2014, 03:06:37 am
Bad breath and bad body odour (this tends to be rare though) x

Huge client + on top of me + body odour + having their sweat all over my body :(

Still trying my best to adapt to this situation. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosa on 03 November 2014, 08:54:35 am
Bad breath and bad body odour (this tends to be rare though) x

Huge client + on top of me + body odour + having their sweat all over my body :(

Still trying my best to adapt to this situation.

Have you got a shower you can offer?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sourgrapes on 03 November 2014, 09:30:08 am
guys fingering my vagina, then my bum, then back to the vagina again. Wiping said finger on my bedding.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sexynana on 03 November 2014, 12:11:22 pm
Bad breath and bad body odour (this tends to be rare though) x

Huge client + on top of me + body odour + having their sweat all over my body :(

Still trying my best to adapt to this situation.

YES :(. The thing is that some clients do smell even after a shower but i can take it . It is when they start to sweat during sex. The bigger ones tend to sweat a lot!
Have you got a shower you can offer?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MistyBloo on 03 November 2014, 03:30:59 pm
Try and kiss with bad breath  :(
Try and play with my bum
Spit on their Fingers
Blow raspberries when giving oral
Try and kiss me after giving oral
Take longer than 2 Minutes to cum
Exist lol

Ha ha, yes how dare they breathe... do not like anyone who spits on my flower or drools on his fingers and placing them there. I am lucky I get wet quite easily but if not I place long lasting lube down there just before they arrive
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MistyBloo on 03 November 2014, 03:43:50 pm
Clients who don't dry themselves off before they get out of the shower, thus leaving a  trail of water from the en suite to the bed, soaking the sheet and pillow

worst one ever. Client turns up after work smelling of the cigarette he just had, hair thick from grease and not many teeth and the ones he had were black from tar, socks filthy  dirty and holes in them both. Personality wise he was respectful so the show must go on regardless...

I usher him to the shower and quickly sprint to the boudoir to strip the bed linen and put an old sheet (clean) down. throw off the pillows. Hoping he would use the shower gel I pointed at so he would wash his hair. well.... NO

When he laid down I was hovering over him and I could not smell a hint of shower gel, hair wet but STILL greasy Well, as you can imagine I had an invisible nose peg on the entire time. Had to stay away from the top end of him to avoid kissing so made lots of MMMM noises whilst sucking on a flavoured condom on him for AS LONG as my mouth could possibly hold out

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 03 November 2014, 07:54:24 pm
guys fingering my vagina, then my bum, then back to the vagina again. Wiping said finger on my bedding.  :FF

Ah that's bad..! Can you not end up with some nasty infections from that?
I honestly don't know but I wouldn't be happy with that either!
Then again nothing gets up my bum lol ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Anna Love on 04 November 2014, 07:15:34 pm
I hate the fingering vagina or bum.  They think since they can put their penis there, everything is allowed.  I sometimes allow them vagina fingering, but never bum!!!   I also hate when they lick pussy and go up and kiss me , i can't stand that!!!  Am I the only one who hates that????  :-X :-X :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 04 November 2014, 10:53:48 pm
I hate the fingering vagina or bum.  They think since they can put their penis there, everything is allowed.  I sometimes allow them vagina fingering, but never bum!!!   I also hate when they lick pussy and go up and kiss me , i can't stand that!!!  Am I the only one who hates that????  :-X :-X :-X
When they go up to kiss me I'm usually relieved cose I can't stand licking pussy more than anything  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sourgrapes on 05 November 2014, 02:38:34 pm
I'd rather have them as far away from my face as possible   :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: xSweetCheeksx on 05 November 2014, 06:06:10 pm
Ugh! Had to sign off early today cause I've lost motivation after my last one  :(
He was so full on and made me feel sick. I was seriously lacking motivation through out the whole thing. When he was kissing me he may as well have just swallowed me cause he was trying to snog my whole face off and slobbering everywhere then he was really rough, I had to tell him to calm down. He was one of those that are too full on and a real jobs worth.
Feel bad for signing off early but had 3 bookings today and he just totally ruined my motivation not to mention made me sore and used 4 condoms!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mi on 05 November 2014, 06:57:54 pm
Cumming on my brand new couch! It's amazing how much more you notice when it's your own stuff being shed, farted, jizzed on.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: tigerlily on 05 November 2014, 07:18:40 pm
I don't mind fingers in my vagina and even like it when I'm doing sex for fun.

The thing about the tongue in the ear is the sound. *shudder*

Lol, I actually like having my ear licked sound and all. Send 'em all to me! But I hate it when client's get trigger fingers inside my vagina and just start scraping them around. Ow. Or my bum. Goddamit I get trigger fingers inside my bum! Ow. Even when I say 'gentle, slow, gentle slow' still fingers scraping. What the hell?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: xSweetCheeksx on 05 November 2014, 07:53:12 pm
Cumming on my brand new couch! It's amazing how much more you notice when it's your own stuff being shed, farted, jizzed on.
Oh god that really annoys me, it's like they actually think it's a dumping ground. Last week when I was in a hotel I had a client cum a shit ton on the bed. I was just sat like noooo  :FF and there he is pumping away still. I think it's so disrespectful.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Reni on 05 November 2014, 08:36:39 pm
Totally agree its so disrespectful.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Earth on 10 November 2014, 08:38:23 am
first timers who say 'give me a discount and i will be your regular'. if they struggle with money from the start they are more likely never to come back. and that includes quickies and half hour requests!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 10 November 2014, 06:53:00 pm
When they smack my arse as I'm walking up the stairs after letting them in! I walk behind them now x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: freebird on 10 November 2014, 07:00:30 pm
I have to say clients turning up STUPIDLY early really gets my back up!  You get that text "I know im here a little early so I will just hang around and wait" which then puts you under pressure to shower and get ready like something from a Benny Hill sketch!!  :o

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KinkyVixen on 11 November 2014, 02:10:19 am
I have to say clients turning up STUPIDLY early really gets my back up!  You get that text "I know im here a little early so I will just hang around and wait" which then puts you under pressure to shower and get ready like something from a Benny Hill sketch!!  :o


Oh , ive been there and dont that many times !! Get into a right tizz with it .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 11 November 2014, 04:56:28 pm
Clients asking if I was busy today/how many other guys I saw! Drives me insane, why on earth would you want to know that? Why does it matter?!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hotblondie on 11 November 2014, 05:18:25 pm
When I got the same question I ask them back : Why you are asking, you want to rob me?
They get the message, apologizing and such :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lil Lolita on 11 November 2014, 09:47:31 pm
For me, mine would be the following:

-Ask them to be discreet and then they start talking/moaning loudly in the room.
-Think it's ok to use the shower 5 minutes over time (as someone already pointed out in another thread, if you've got the hotel room, you don't want to piss them off too much or they could be nasty and report you to reception).
-Arrive too early (when I say 5pm, I mean 5pm. Not 16:45).
-Try and push their fingers up my bum and then in my pussy

However, the worst one for me is when they try and start the booking without the money. I politely request this and then they say 'oh sorry, yeah, nearly forgot about that!'  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 14 November 2014, 12:16:22 pm
When you tell them  you can't see anybody as it is the time of the month and then they say 'there are ways around that' or 'there are other ways to skin a rabbit' = NO there aren't since I wouldn't dream of working during a period!!  I never feel sexy during that time who on earth does! 

As if we haven't considered that already FFS.

I do sometimes do a BJ but that is it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 15 November 2014, 05:06:26 pm
When a potential client rings and asks you how much (because they couldn't be bothered to read properly) and then says they'll call you back. Why can't they just say thanks and hang up. Why do they feel the need to pretend they will call back. Bit annoyed at the moment because that's pretty much all I've had this week. Makes me wonder if my number has just been put up somewhere with no info on me sometimes!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 15 November 2014, 06:24:19 pm
Using their saliva/spit on their fingers before they stick them up me to "make me wet". Fuckin HATE it!!  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VioletteUK on 19 November 2014, 03:10:40 am
Using their saliva/spit on their fingers before they stick them up me to "make me wet". Fuckin HATE it!!  >:(
Or licking me like a damn Labrador! I hate this! Tongues in my ear! Wet sloppy kisses on any part of my body, but especially my neck.
But the pet peeve du jour. That whirly hip movement some men make, you know they got this shit from a porn movie. I want to shout dude, back and fucking forth! You are not mixing a cocktail!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 19 November 2014, 09:25:44 am
Last night I had a two-hour booking with a guy who wanted to kiss continuously. I counted the songs playing on my iPod just to see how long he would go... four songs later (12 minutes?) and I finally had to pull away. He didnt want me to pull away and came in for more kissing so I kissed him for another song. Finally I had to say "OK - I need to breath now" with a smile and so he just kissed my neck and cheek and then after maybe ten seconds resumed snogging.

Even after he orgasmed (which he did three times) he wanted to keep caressing and kissing me and he held me very close to him the entire two hours.

It was a late booking and I was really exhausted. That kind of exhausted where it's hard to stay patient. I know that they've paid for two hours and that means they can have everything on my "likes" list for two hours but it was really hard to do. Long bookings can be awesome when they want company and like to talk between rounds. I will cuddle and stuff during that but having his face non-stop latched onto mine like a leech was annoying as fuck.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 19 November 2014, 09:59:15 am
Using their saliva/spit on their fingers before they stick them up me to "make me wet". Fuckin HATE it!!  >:(
That whirly hip movement some men make, you know they got this shit from a porn movie. I want to shout dude, back and fucking forth! You are not mixing a cocktail!
hahahahahaha you killed me with mixing coctail  ;D
My last client had a thing about a tongue. He just stuck it outside of his mouth and I was supposed to kiss him  ??? I dont know, suck on it? So disgusting! And he kept putting that wet tongue in my ear, licking my neck, licking my entire body, even legs from feet up to my butt with one long lick!! Imagine amount of saliva he was producing  :o
And how they manage to shower and still smell after that, how I am asking!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: roxy666 on 19 November 2014, 12:51:01 pm
I'm one hell of a lucky girl today!

Had a client asking for a quick bj booking, then asked how much  :FF it's on my Fucking profile you eejit!

Then once I told him the price of a blow n go, he then asked if he could have it at ?20!!!

I again told him to read my profile before he insulted me any more as discounts are covered in my FAQs which is - "straight answer is no. I am not a supermarket with reduced goods on the shelf, please don't embarrass yourself by asking this. If you can't afford my prices, which I set up as it's the average going rate for this area and my age, then please find someone else who is cheaper. Thank you."

What do these losers think when they ask!? That we will say yes, I'll give it away for practically nothing!

He said, but it will be covered, so better for you! Hmmmmmm, still no. BLOCKED!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 19 November 2014, 02:17:30 pm
I get that all the time "how much for a blowjob", I tell them well that would be a 15min quickie then.
"But I only want a bj, can I just have a quick 10min bj for ?20?"
No. Fuck off.  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: roxy666 on 19 November 2014, 04:19:21 pm
Hahahahaaaaa, it's irritating isn't it!

Even more so as I even provide a "10 min blow n go" service at a slightly cheaper rate to cater for thisrate, but still, you get the odd chancer Twat taking the Piss!

And exactly what you said....NO, FUCK OFF! Lol

Should of asked what he done for a living then asked him if I could have it at a 50% discount (as that's what he was asking worked out at)

"Yeah, I love that corsa your selling on your forecourt, but my finances aren't great atm, could you sell it for ?800 for me? No. Exactly. Cheapskate prick! Lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PixieLove on 21 November 2014, 11:40:59 am
One thing that annoys me is something that several client have done. 10 minutes before the booking is about to end they get another hard on and then expect me to finish them off. Ludicrous. When this happens however, I always excuse myself and say well save it for the next time. So bloody manipulative.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Vichyssoise on 21 November 2014, 11:55:14 am
I have a reg who only ever books half an hour. The last couple of times he has asked me to join him in the shower to finish him off and invariably has gone over by ten to fifteen minutes. When I pulled him up about it this last time and told him to book an hour next time he said, but I have been in the shower the last ten minutes, yeah but I was with you, hello.   :FF
Another was sweating profusely and was embarresd by it and kept stopping to wipe his forehead with tissues in the end he got fed up getting off to get the tissues he grabbed the PILLOW and wiped himself with it. Aargh I have to sleep on that eejit. I was in a hotel so got the spare out the wardrobe.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 21 November 2014, 01:06:33 pm
One thing that annoys me is something that several client have done. 10 minutes before the booking is about to end they get another hard on and then expect me to finish them off. Ludicrous. When this happens however, I always excuse myself and say well save it for the next time. So bloody manipulative.

Ten minutes is plenty of time to get them off again. But I may say something like "Oh! You want to go again? OK! We're going to need to be quick, so what works best for you?" I may even apologise for having chatted so much between rounds (if that is what I've done.) But, frankly, they're paying for however much time of sex/whatever is on your likes list and so you should give it to them. However, you're well within your rights to call time when the time is up. I may go five minutes over (especially if I know I've been chatty.)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: roxy666 on 21 November 2014, 01:21:23 pm
Oooooooo, another thing that annoys me, and they are well in their rights to ask for it, I'm just a difficult mare, lol. But when they ask for cof and you know it will end up in your hair!

I'm not a girly girl, so I'm usually very basic on make up and my hair is twisted into a bun most of the time, so all I do is take it down, job done. But once in a blue moon, like today, I am in the mood to make a full blown effort with foundation, highlight and contour, the works, and also straightening my hair....which I have a lot of the bloody stuff! So takes me 2 hours to do all this n get dressed etc.

When I've spent 2 bloody hours putting effort in, I don't want it ruined within an hour of working! So no, you can cum in my mouth instead! Lol xox
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 21 November 2014, 06:08:28 pm
When they come in and ask to use the bathroom, I'm presuming to have a quick wash, but no, have a pish,
dribble all over my toilet and then expect me to give them oral and suck it clean GRRRRRR  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: roxy666 on 21 November 2014, 06:37:44 pm
When they come in and ask to use the bathroom, I'm presuming to have a quick wash, but no, have a pish,
dribble all over my toilet and then expect me to give them oral and suck it clean GRRRRRR  :FF

One day when I'm feeling a bit vengeful after a clients done that, I might just go take a shit then sit on his face after!  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Reni on 21 November 2014, 07:23:17 pm
Yes I hate that when as soon as they come in they want to use the bathroom. At least pay me first!
Either way I ask if they washed their willy haha
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 24 November 2014, 06:02:33 pm
Book with me in advance. I then turn down all other work for those dates/times, then cancel on the day. Had two clients do that to me today, woke up to messages from both making excuses. (Which may have been true, but 'somethings come up' a couple of hours before our booking sounds a bit like a cop out)

Advertising for 'Outcalls only', and getting people messaging you, confirming details of their address and time, etc, then them stating that they wanted an incall -.- Happened three times today. Which leads me to a number of zero jobs today. Currently waiting on a regular who wanted to book for 8 tonight, to then turn around and say, I'll let you know if because I might be expecting company.

I'm not holding my breath. At least I managed to go to town and do some christmas shopping today...

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lil Lolita on 24 November 2014, 06:30:52 pm
Book with me in advance. I then turn down all other work for those dates/times, then cancel on the day. Had two clients do that to me today, woke up to messages from both making excuses. (Which may have been true, but 'somethings come up' a couple of hours before our booking sounds a bit like a cop out)

Advertising for 'Outcalls only', and getting people messaging you, confirming details of their address and time, etc, then them stating that they wanted an incall -.- Happened three times today. Which leads me to a number of zero jobs today. Currently waiting on a regular who wanted to book for 8 tonight, to then turn around and say, I'll let you know if because I might be expecting company.

I'm not holding my breath. At least I managed to go to town and do some christmas shopping today...


Oh this really gets me too!! I had a guy book me on my last tour and then cancel right at the last minute. The chancer has tried since, but he's gone on my block list.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 24 November 2014, 08:10:27 pm
I have a reg who likes me to expose myself and he stares in admiration like he's never seen a vagina before  :). However last month I was doing this and he starts playing with it with 2 hands then he pulled the lips apart in what can be described as how you would open a packet of crisps. He really stretched it. I've had various clients do things I wasn't mad about but no one's ever done this before and not only did it hurt when doing it but for a couple of hours after it stung like mad.  Of course I told him at the time and nearly slapped him.

Last week he books again and I expose myself again albeit hesitantly and he starts playing and he did it slightly again although not as hard but I reminded him. As it wasn't as hard he gets 1 more chance and in future I will ask him to please play with me with just one hand and that goes with everyone although 2 handers is pretty rare.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 24 November 2014, 08:18:43 pm
Yes I also have had it 'accidentally' go in my hair, only a few times but one a few months ago was an outcall to an old guy who wanted to dip it in without a condom. I said no so he said can he cum on tits I said sure. So he stood up beside the bed and starts wanking then came on my boobs although some went in my hair and my hair's not that long. Wonder whether that was done on purpose as he seemed a bit peeved about the bb. Not going there again anyway. Fun journey home with cummy hair!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sourgrapes on 24 November 2014, 08:19:37 pm
OMG, like a packet of crisps - I'm howling    ;D
Just tell him he can use his tongue, not his hands.....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 24 November 2014, 08:54:25 pm
 ;D You can picture it though. He sort of pinched both sides and pulled apart. I shall remind him I ain't a packet of crisps next time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rubyruby on 24 November 2014, 10:13:08 pm
When they spray half a bottle of cheap aftershave down their boxers

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 24 November 2014, 11:06:49 pm
When they spray half a bottle of cheap aftershave down their boxers


This! Ugh, the taste...

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 25 November 2014, 01:54:32 am
Twice recently I've had older, unfit, slightly immobile clients who really seemed completely clueless about what to do with a woman - thankfully full sex with both wasn't feasible, but they both rubbed me for ages all over, with no oil or anything, and sometimes quite roughly with the heels of their hands. Especially around groin and breasts, it's really pretty unpleasan and uncomfortable! Female genital geography was clearly a complete mystery to them, and one kept pressing my urethra.

I just kept thinking - god, if you have a wife, she has my sympathy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VioletteUK on 25 November 2014, 07:49:03 am
When they spray half a bottle of cheap aftershave down their boxers

To cover the fact those shot hairs haven't seen of felt water since Adam dressed! Yuck!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 25 November 2014, 01:47:45 pm
I really really hate when they have nice, freshly washed cock, then I'm getting closer... and pubs smell like piss  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: alice842 on 25 November 2014, 02:06:07 pm
Ahh! I've had a few guys email saying 'not sure if you're doing incalls today, your profile's a bit unclear' - it isn't unclear! I list all the days I'm free, clearly mark 'Incalls @ X station' on certain days. Obviously when I'm not doing incalls I'm only available for outcalls. Well, I think it's fairly obvious  :FF I've now put a little note on my profile stating that when I'm not doing incalls I can only do outcalls obviously. How dense are they?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: heather3 on 26 November 2014, 07:28:13 pm
I had a client the other day who had a bogey hanging out - he was sniffling too - just made me cringe - I had to tell him to go and blow his nose FFS - Im not his mother! :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 26 November 2014, 08:51:27 pm
It's not really a client because he won't be booking, but I had an email from one who expected to have the run of my entire flat which really irked me more than it should have, for some reason.

My living room and kitchen area is private; it's not decorated yet and looks a tip, but I also keep my handbag and computer in there and it's where I relax and eat my lunch so the talk of starting off on the sofa then 'moving on to the bedroom' without asking if this was OK just needled me. I've had others go wandering off and peering through doorways despite the bathroom being the next door from the bedroom too - I wouldn't do that at somebody's house?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 26 November 2014, 09:35:04 pm
It's not really a client because he won't be booking, but I had an email from one who expected to have the run of my entire flat which really irked me more than it should have, for some reason.

My living room and kitchen area is private; it's not decorated yet and looks a tip, but I also keep my handbag and computer in there and it's where I relax and eat my lunch so the talk of starting off on the sofa then 'moving on to the bedroom' without asking if this was OK just needled me. I've had others go wandering off and peering through doorways despite the bathroom being the next door from the bedroom too - I wouldn't do that at somebody's house?

I'm exactly the same! I've sometimes thought of getting a two-bedroom flat just so that I can use my lounge for entertaining clients and then use the second bedroom as my rats' nest/lair where I fuck around on my laptop and throw makeup hither and yon.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 26 November 2014, 11:39:52 pm
It's not really a client because he won't be booking, but I had an email from one who expected to have the run of my entire flat which really irked me more than it should have, for some reason.

My living room and kitchen area is private; it's not decorated yet and looks a tip, but I also keep my handbag and computer in there and it's where I relax and eat my lunch so the talk of starting off on the sofa then 'moving on to the bedroom' without asking if this was OK just needled me. I've had others go wandering off and peering through doorways despite the bathroom being the next door from the bedroom too - I wouldn't do that at somebody's house?

I'm exactly the same! I've sometimes thought of getting a two-bedroom flat just so that I can use my lounge for entertaining clients and then use the second bedroom as my rats' nest/lair where I fuck around on my laptop and throw makeup hither and yon.

Me three. I have a regular who likes to start off downstairs, even to the point of moving my living room furniture around! He's a sweetie, and I don't mind having a drink and a natter on my sofa, but it does get a bit much. In the spring/summer, I may start closing the door to my living room and kitchen, so they're just naturally guided right up the stairs, unless it's a longer booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VioletteUK on 27 November 2014, 12:37:49 am
It's not really a client because he won't be booking, but I had an email from one who expected to have the run of my entire flat which really irked me more than it should have, for some reason.

My living room and kitchen area is private; it's not decorated yet and looks a tip, but I also keep my handbag and computer in there and it's where I relax and eat my lunch so the talk of starting off on the sofa then 'moving on to the bedroom' without asking if this was OK just needled me. I've had others go wandering off and peering through doorways despite the bathroom being the next door from the bedroom too - I wouldn't do that at somebody's house?
No it isn't just you who is irked by this. The cheek! I hate clients going into any space that isn't theirs. I feel like it is a violation. Or am just being a prima donna?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 27 November 2014, 11:26:30 am
It's not really a client because he won't be booking, but I had an email from one who expected to have the run of my entire flat which really irked me more than it should have, for some reason.

My living room and kitchen area is private; it's not decorated yet and looks a tip, but I also keep my handbag and computer in there and it's where I relax and eat my lunch so the talk of starting off on the sofa then 'moving on to the bedroom' without asking if this was OK just needled me. I've had others go wandering off and peering through doorways despite the bathroom being the next door from the bedroom too - I wouldn't do that at somebody's house?
No it isn't just you who is irked by this. The cheek! I hate clients going into any space that isn't theirs. I feel like it is a violation. Or am just being a prima donna?

I totally agree with you ladies and same here. 

I also have a balcony which I barely go out on, let alone have clients out there and it's been hinted to me on more then one occasion that we play out there (despite the fact there are lots of flats opposite with a bloody good view).

As you say, they wouldn't do it to most people but seem to see us in a completely different category to most human beings! 

It's a stupid ego thing  in my opinion - they want to get more then they think the other punters are getting.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 27 November 2014, 04:10:23 pm
I totally agree with all the above, the bedroom is where I work, the rest of my house is MY PRIVATE SPACE!!!!
I don't want to have to go tidying up the whole house before every client, hiding things I don't want them to see!
The only time I allow them anywhere else apart from the bedroom is when it involves role-play and it's been
discussed and arranged in advance..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: roxy666 on 27 November 2014, 04:27:37 pm
Yep, add me to the list!

I moved my family pictures into the living room for a reason, I don't want some client going, oh I know him, is that your dad!? Awkward! Plus, my kitchen is almost always disorganized. When they go to the Bank or the docs, I'm pretty sure they don't just go around snooping and opening doors to other rooms!

It's just plain rude and an invasion of privacy! I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be happy if we cased their house on an outcall! Lol xox
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Alice G on 28 November 2014, 08:18:33 pm
My worst one I think ever is when they put their hands either side of your head when you are giving them oral and basically force you to give them controlled deep oral (they control it and not you)  - not only does it squash your ears and mess your hair up it is very uncomfortable on the tonsils and I start heaving.
Had some guy do this recently - will not meet anyone again who does this - doesn't happen very often, but is just my big hate - am sure this topic has been covered before - but just thought would post it again. x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: alice842 on 28 November 2014, 08:24:12 pm
My worst one I think ever is when they put their hands either side of your head when you are giving them oral and basically force you to give them controlled deep oral (they control it and not you)  - not only does it squash your ears and mess your hair up it is very uncomfortable on the tonsils and I start heaving.
Had some guy do this recently - will not meet anyone again who does this - doesn't happen very often, but is just my big hate - am sure this topic has been covered before - but just thought would post it again. x

I call them head grabbers/pushers. I find soo many clients think it's an okay thing to do and it really annoys me. I have found a way of arching my tongue though so they can't push it further in but it's still uncomfortable and disrespectful.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Alice G on 28 November 2014, 08:35:16 pm
Yes, have had to do the arching tongue thing too - I have a strong tongue now!
But yes, I agree it is totally disrespectful - they think because they are paying for it they can do what they want, but there and boundaries and the nice ones have respect and want us to enjoy it too.
Wish I had some false teeth and super glue when they do this - try explaining that in A&E (and to the wife!) x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 28 November 2014, 08:53:41 pm
My place is open plan except kitchen and spare room so when they call for short notice I have to quickly tidy the lounge although it's full of trinkets and sometimes I chuck things in the kitchen so when I get them a drink I ask them to sit down.  Some do but some ignore and follow me into the kitchen so it's embarrassing if I've chucked things in it. They almost get to see the whole house anyway so at least give me the kitchen to myself! One ages ago once brought some wine and he went into the kitchen and opened the cupboards looking for glasses. He said he was a broker and was very cocky. Hate those types.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hotblondie on 28 November 2014, 08:54:32 pm
I just take their hands off my head and tell them nicely I cant do deapthroat. I provide GFE not PSE and I dont advertise I do deepthroat.
They never try again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 28 November 2014, 09:00:46 pm
I do deepthroat and I have no problem with it, but at my own pace and moving my own head thank you very much!
Had one today; "Oh yeah, hold it there", holding my head down with his cock deep down my throat.
Obviously I couldn't breath, swallow and nearly started gagging so I just lifted my head up and asked him how I was
supposed to breathe like that?!  ::)
Apart from that he was a lovely guy lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bella.X on 28 November 2014, 09:55:01 pm
push my head down whilst doing a bj. f off
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Alice G on 28 November 2014, 11:41:26 pm
I just take their hands off my head and tell them nicely I cant do deapthroat. I provide GFE not PSE and I dont advertise I do deepthroat.
They never try again.

That sounds like the best thing to do and say - I will block those that try to go outside the normal and acceptable  boundaries.  (I don't advertise deep throat - some think they can try) There are the ones that think they think this is ok. It is very rare thing thank God!

Just a note to add - the ones that do this can be bordering on/attempting aggression/controlling behaviour - hope that makes sense. Mutual gentleness and going with the flow with a happy ending is surely the best way? Yes GFE not PSE
Any hint of aggression and a controlling attitude pisses me right off and I think my body language will tell them so. Will definitely take the hands off the head thing if I get into this kind of thing again. X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 29 November 2014, 08:48:08 am
It seems that "PSE" means "does things that other women find humiliating and/or painful."

I was thinking about the deep throat/gagging/face fucking thing last night because I got a text from someone wanting to know if I DT. I don't. He replied "the gagging is the part I like." Gagging is a thing in porn. It indicates that the woman is uncomfortable and going beyond her boundaries. And that's what they're getting off on.

I also think porn conditions men to find things attractive. Like, they click on a porn link - already horny - and they're wanking and then things start to happen and the men become conditioned to find those things attractive. If every porn video had a thing where a german shepherd walked into the frame just before the money shot, pretty soon men would develop a fetish for fucking with a dog in the room.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 29 November 2014, 08:56:46 am
Well! I have just googled "why do guys get off on gagging" and apparently part of it is they get off on thinking that they're just too damn big for a woman to take all the way in.

That's it: I'm fake gagging from now on!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: roxy666 on 30 November 2014, 01:49:24 pm
I do offer deep throat and 99% of my clients ask before hand if they would like to push my head and for me to hold it. Ihave no problem with this, I make it clear to them that I can't breath during DT so they have to respect when I want to come up for air.

As for gagging, I provide this too. When you gag, your throat muscles massage the tip of their cock, this is one of the reasons why men like it. I am also sub, gagging is part of the excitement of bdsm for obvious reasons.

If you don't do DT, gagging and skull Fucking, then just discuss oral at the beginning of the booking to make your boundaries clear.

Now, lol, the thing that annoys me, is when a client wants you gagging to the point of wretching and bring up!
I had a client do this and encourage this the other week, luckily I had an empty stomach! Why on earth he hadn't explained his fetish and ask before the booking piss's me off! After I explained I don't like that he kept pushing me to achieve it. Fucking boundary pushers! Should of kicked him out, but I didn't, thought Fuck it, I'll give it ago, I'll try most things once. But no, no no no! Didn't enjoy being covered in my own spit , eugh! Saved as messy gross guy and blocked! Haha xox
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sourgrapes on 30 November 2014, 02:14:46 pm
Skull fucking - holy crap.  :o  But, I guess if you can bear the gagging stuff etc. you may as well market Roman showers properly, with the price tag attached. If a guy is prepared to pay - what ?500? ?700? 1k, to be barfed on, why not.  Next time a guy pushes your head down on his cock, just tell him to get his wallet out again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: roxy666 on 30 November 2014, 02:48:56 pm
Skull fucking - holy crap.  :o  But, I guess if you can bear the gagging stuff etc. you may as well market Roman showers properly, with the price tag attached. If a guy is prepared to pay - what ?500? ?700? 1k, to be barfed on, why not.  Next time a guy pushes your head down on his cock, just tell him to get his wallet out again.

Hahahahaaaaa! I didn't know it had a name! Roman showers ay! Lol, luckily like I said, no food in my stomach, so was Fuck loads of stringy gooey sticky saliva, and he took great pleasure in rubbing it all over my body, gross!

But for those prices you've mentioned, I'll gladly supply it, its not the worst thing to provide! Haha

Yeah I don't mind skull Fucking as long as they respect when I need a breather, if they don't and ignore my pushing away, then they lose the privilege of booking me again for that service. Simple. Lol xox
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sourgrapes on 30 November 2014, 02:56:53 pm
Most things are bearable if the price is right. I don't usually do hard sports, but a guy once paid me 2k, so I made a HUGE effort to oblige. Watching him eat the stuff was not my favorite memory ever, but who cares for that money.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: roxy666 on 30 November 2014, 03:10:23 pm
Yeah, I don't do water sports or hardsports, but for 2k I'd make the exception!

The only thing I wouldn't do for any amount of money is BB, but I think that goes without saying, and then also anal, but that's because it's, sadly, painful for me, so that's different. Watching some guy eat my shit isn't physically painful,lol.

Though when you get the odd tosser asking for BB, they also want it at a discount, not offering more money! No logic in that! One sure way to get themselves blocked! Eugh! Lol xox
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 01 December 2014, 09:19:03 am
Well! I have just googled "why do guys get off on gagging" and apparently part of it is they get off on thinking that they're just too damn big for a woman to take all the way in.

That's it: I'm fake gagging from now on!

LOL - that made me's amazing how it's all about their ego isn't it!

However, fortunately the gift of good acting is a blessing in this job..............!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 02 December 2014, 02:32:23 pm
What's skull fucking?! Been in this business a long time but never heard of that one, what is it??
Another thing clients do to annoy; slag you off on a punter-forum when you're on your period, feeling sensitive and
hormonal, and potentially ruin your business that was already slow lol
(Sorry, I've been bangin on about the same thing on a few threads, I'm aware of that  ;) And I'll stop now!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lil Lolita on 02 December 2014, 02:50:36 pm
When they have cum, you hand them a tissue (if they have come on you and you are cleaning yourself up as well), then they just throw the tissue on the floor when they are done. And dump the towels all over the floor after a shower. Geez!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 02 December 2014, 08:05:28 pm
If I'm gonna get one more guy asking for CIM today, I swear I'll puke all over them  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 02 December 2014, 08:06:26 pm
I'd rather punters dropped the wet towels on the floor then put them on the bed - I don't want to have sex lying on a cold damp towel (or even a dry one, for that matter). I keep meaning to get a sign asking them to put them in the bath when they've finished like in hotels :).

It's always nice when they only bother drying their front and maybe their arms, and then go and lie down with their hair and their back still soaking wet too >:(.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 02 December 2014, 10:29:07 pm
I'd rather punters dropped the wet towels on the floor then put them on the bed - I don't want to have sex lying on a cold damp towel (or even a dry one, for that matter). I keep meaning to get a sign asking them to put them in the bath when they've finished like in hotels :).

It's always nice when they only bother drying their front and maybe their arms, and then go and lie down with their hair and their back still soaking wet too >:(.

I encourage them to throw them on the floor because I hate them on the bed, too.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosa on 02 December 2014, 10:39:55 pm
I towel their back, give them a rub down before going anywhere near the bed!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rubyruby on 02 December 2014, 10:40:10 pm
Stick their fucking chewing gum to my bathroom sink,under my bedside table or above my front door  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 02 December 2014, 11:56:44 pm
Stick their fucking chewing gum to my bathroom sink,under my bedside table or above my front door  :FF


I don't think I have ever had this happen. Wow.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rubyruby on 03 December 2014, 12:07:44 am
You can tell which doors belong to girls working by the chewing gum stuck in the top of the door frames, this could just be a leeds thing though
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 03 December 2014, 12:58:34 pm
I just had to go and check! My door is safe :) Also, my bin is right next to it so there's no excuse for not putting gum or other rubbish in it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 03 December 2014, 04:34:23 pm
I've only had one do it but he's been a few times and he puts it on the table. One time he put it on top of my wooden bed frame. I did get the bin which was right next to it and ask him if he wouldn't mind in future.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 03 December 2014, 09:16:18 pm
I've only had one do it but he's been a few times and he puts it on the table. One time he put it on top of my wooden bed frame. I did get the bin which was right next to it and ask him if he wouldn't mind in future.

Years ago when I worked in a massage parlour in another country I noticed that guys who cross the threshold with anything in their mouths (cigarette or chewing gum) were fucking dicks. Guys who chewed gum were always arseholes! And who enters a building with a lit cigarette?! When I was a smoker (and smoking was allowed in restaurants, pubs, etc) I always put my cigarette out before walking through the door. I didn't even realised I did that until I saw clients come in with lit cigs.

I've had a couple of clients with chewing gum over here and I have to say that they were alright (I screen pretty carefully.) I will ask them to spit it out (and I hold a tissue in my hand for it) saying, "Just so it doesn't end up in my hair."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 03 December 2014, 09:41:24 pm
That guy's quite nice but I remember someone once who rang the bell, when I answered he was smoking. He took a couple of puffs and then threw it outside my door! When I asked him to pick it up he said sorry but didn't seem it. I think he was ok during the booking but I'm only a prossie after all, should expect things like that  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 04 December 2014, 02:23:51 pm
The smelly ones who refuse an invitation to shower before the booking but expect a bloody shower after! 

Gosh this list could go on forever couldn't it!  LOL

Actually worse then above and dare I say it................. (cough cough) those that aren't in the habit or have the ability to wipe their arseholes properly (yuk yuk yuk) and lie down on your bed and (gross as this is) there's a poo mark there!  Oh God, that's the worst.  Some guys just haven't a clue about washing, wiping, hygiene at all!

Got to laugh ladies haven't we!!!!


Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 04 December 2014, 05:25:43 pm
The smelly ones who refuse an invitation to shower before the booking but expect a bloody shower after! 

Gosh this list could go on forever couldn't it!  LOL

Actually worse then above and dare I say it................. (cough cough) those that aren't in the habit or have the ability to wipe their arseholes properly (yuk yuk yuk) and lie down on your bed and (gross as this is) there's a poo mark there!  Oh God, that's the worst.  Some guys just haven't a clue about washing, wiping, hygiene at all!

Got to laugh ladies haven't we!!!!
Oh yes I've had skid marks left by dirty bums too, what is wrong with these guys?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 05 December 2014, 01:44:40 pm
I know..! It still amazes me how grown men don't know how to wash!!  ???
Every time I read a post like this I think of the guy I had who had a bit of bogroll stuck between his arse-cheeks..
Not a clean bit of bog-roll either..
I mean, c'mon, you know where you're going and what you're going to be doing don't you?!  ::)
(and I know that's pretty mild compared to some things lol, but that's just the one that always pops in my head  :))
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 05 December 2014, 02:16:26 pm
Any guy that doesn't completely scrub everything covered by a pair of boxers (back and front)  and give it all a realllllly good soaping and scrubbing before seeing a prostitute is a fucking moron. If I thought a guy had carefully washed his arse at the start of the booking I would probably be happy to give rim jobs. But you just can't trust them to even wipe properly.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: roxy666 on 05 December 2014, 11:07:50 pm
I know..! It still amazes me how grown men don't know how to wash!!  ???
Every time I read a post like this I think of the guy I had who had a bit of bogroll stuck between his arse-cheeks..
Not a clean bit of bog-roll either..
I mean, c'mon, you know where you're going and what you're going to be doing don't you?!  ::)
(and I know that's pretty mild compared to some things lol, but that's just the one that always pops in my head  :))

Omg! I have exactly the same!

An old reg of mine, and he would want anal play aswell! And just like you said, every time I read things on this topic, I get a flash back of his hairy ass crack with a tiny bit of bog roll enfused! Mmmmmmmm, yummy! Haha xox
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VioletteUK on 08 December 2014, 07:09:56 am
I just take their hands off my head and tell them nicely I cant do deapthroat. I provide GFE not PSE and I dont advertise I do deepthroat.
They never try again.
You ladies are too nice. I stop, smack their hands hard until they remove them, then continue. They don't do it a second time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 10 December 2014, 10:44:10 am
When they frantically start taking their clothes off in front of you while you try to exchange a few pleasantries as soon as they get in the door.  Jeez, just relax and wait for me to leave the room at least! 

And when they're booked for an hour, you've taken the money and are laying a towel on the bed or removing pillows or something and they're out the door heading down your hallway towards the shower without knowing where they are going.  It's like, can you just wait 10 seconds and I'll show you where it is!  I find that a bit rude.  Slow down we've got a whole hour  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: roxy666 on 10 December 2014, 10:50:10 am
When clients turn up with a full blown cold, chest infection or any other contagious illness and its in full swing so they know they are unwell and contagious. I know they aren't being a Dick doing it on purpose, it's just a lack of thinking and consideration for us.

Last year when I had a couple colds over the winter season, I was honest and told them before they made the booking and said I understood if they wanted to wait until I was well again, as most don't want to catch my cold.

This year I've decided, anyone who arrives with a cold or anything, I'm going to politely turn them away and explain why.

I find it so annoying, we are self employed and them giving us their lurgy will cost us a couple weeks work!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 10 December 2014, 06:49:08 pm
I had a "lovely" gentelman yesterday. He changed booking from 1 h to 30 min. Turned up late. Came pretty quickly and then demanded for 15 min to give him some money back. Doesn't matter that I don't do 15 min quickies. Haggled for remaining 10 minutes and then gave me offer I couldn't refuse - he's SO GOOD at sex, so if I WILL pay him 20? he's gonna stay half an hour LONGER.
I'm so lucky!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 10 December 2014, 06:51:05 pm
I had a "lovely" gentelman yesterday. He changed booking from 1 h to 30 min. Turned up late. Came pretty quickly and then demanded for 15 min to give him some money back. Doesn't matter that I don't do 15 min quickies. Haggled for remaining 10 minutes and then gave me offer I couldn't refuse - he's SO GOOD at sex, so if I WILL pay him 20? he's gonna stay half an hour LONGER.
I'm so lucky!!!

That goes beyond "annoying" and into the zone of scary. Because if someone demands money back in a situation like that and I'm like, "nope" and then he doesn't take that well, I'm worried about how to get him out of there. Glad you're OK. XX
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 10 December 2014, 08:09:26 pm
That goes beyond "annoying" and into the zone of scary. Because if someone demands money back in a situation like that and I'm like, "nope" and then he doesn't take that well, I'm worried about how to get him out of there. Glad you're OK. XX
He was more in "begging" mode than demanding and scary, but I know they can change like flip of a coin!
Anyway, that just cracked me up - I'm gonna pay HIM to stay longer. Some guys and their egos  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsDee on 12 December 2014, 08:58:58 am
Annoys me..

cheesy willies, I am lactose intolerant
Smelly armpits and smelly private parts
and when you are giving them a blowy they bop around as if they are riding a rodeo horse, i mean sometimes I am in serious danger of losing a tooth or two.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 12 December 2014, 02:24:23 pm
Yeah, like they're fuckin your throat..! Let me do my thing and you'll enjoy it, guaranteed lol, just lie there and
take it, instead of making this thrusting movement up my throat, it's a blowjob, which makes it my job not yours lol  ;)
If you want to give me directions fine, but don't start fucking my throat, just tell me if you want it deeper, harder,
faster, slower or whatever..
Pffff As if a WG wouldn't know how to give a BJ better than they would, bloody control freaks  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 12 December 2014, 03:33:03 pm
Opposite of the throat fuckers- last week I had a client who kept asking me to deep throat him, then he started moaning "oh yeah baby, gag on my cock"... He had a 3.5 inch (at the most!) penis! Didn't want to state the obvious so I tried my best to fake gag on his little willy. Strange boy!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: heather3 on 12 December 2014, 05:11:27 pm
I had a client the other day who just smelt of garlic - it was so overpowering - I even asked him to use some more mouthwash but it wouldn't shift it - I just had to grin and bear it - I find that so annoying - it put me off sex and food! :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 12 December 2014, 05:13:31 pm
Opposite of the throat fuckers- last week I had a client who kept asking me to deep throat him, then he started moaning "oh yeah baby, gag on my cock"... He had a 3.5 inch (at the most!) penis! Didn't want to state the obvious so I tried my best to fake gag on his little willy. Strange boy!

I think I had a date with him once.  :D Someone with the same endowment regaled me with tales of various escapades with his old FWB, including her vomiting over his cock after she tried deepthroating him. Got to see it for myself and I was like, WTF? I can't deepthroat at all but got all of him in no problem! I also remember the man with a pencil dick who complained that condoms were uncomfortable because of his "girth". Right...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 12 December 2014, 05:58:27 pm
Lol oh these guys make me laugh.. The "throatfucker" I was on about had a very small willy as well, hence why he was
maybe trying to get it deeper down, but it being so small it was already as deep down as it could possibly go!
It was one of those ones you hold between thumb and forefinger instead of in the palm of your hand, and I know
he was uncomfortable as he likes to play the big man, drives a big motor etc...  ;D
Poor blokes, they just don't realise that the size of their dick doesn't make them any more or less of a man, their
personalities do!!  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hollybolly on 12 December 2014, 08:02:12 pm
Ah yes. Wee man syndrome. It's becoming an epidemic it seems.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 13 December 2014, 07:46:07 pm
Not wipe their feet when they come in!!!!!  :FF
I just spent half an hour scrubbing my carpet coz a guy came in with his workie-boots, with fuckin shit on them  >:(
Raging... !!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 14 December 2014, 02:31:55 pm
Not wipe their feet when they come in!!!!!  :FF
I just spent half an hour scrubbing my carpet coz a guy came in with his workie-boots, with fuckin shit on them  >:(
Raging... !!

I would be, too! I'm lucky to work from a tower block of flats so they get plenty of opportunity for their feet to dry/de-muck before entering my flat.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsDee on 15 December 2014, 09:34:23 am
Don't laugh but just licked a mans balls and I think when he wiped his shitty arse he wiped to the front not the back  :-\ :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 15 December 2014, 12:49:36 pm
Ugh!!  :(  And I'm moaning about having it on my carpet  ;)
You poor thing!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lil Lolita on 16 December 2014, 03:30:30 pm
Not wipe their feet when they come in!!!!!  :FF
I just spent half an hour scrubbing my carpet coz a guy came in with his workie-boots, with fuckin shit on them  >:(
Raging... !!

I hope you don't mean actual shit?!  :-X Or just the usual old dirt from outside like mud? Just I remember when I worked for an agency earlier last year, I had an incall (in another girls flat) and a client came in... and walked dog poo everywhere. I wanted to be sick as it stank. I very subtly pointed it out and I don't know who was more embarrassed! I just felt sorry for the poor girl who's flat it was!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 16 December 2014, 06:38:57 pm
Yeah I meant actual shit lol. I didn't realise until after he'd left, I thought it was just mud, and said to him; "Don't worry,
I'll let it dry in and hoover it up later"..
But then when he'd gone I got a babywipe and tried to wipe it off, and the smell just hit me, definitely shit!!  >:(
Not happy!
But I'd still rather have it on my carpet than lick it off some guys balls  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 16 December 2014, 07:09:40 pm
I had a 2 hour booking the other day and every time the guy decided a change of position was in order, he would jiggle my right breast  - rather like a grown-up ruffles a kiddie's hair- as a prompt.
I felt like asking him for an ice-cream for good behaviour at the end of the session  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Reni on 16 December 2014, 10:00:51 pm
I have a two hour booking tomorrow. He has emailed me loads already, changing time from 12 to 11 then wanting 10am after i said no I dont mind deleting the booking he can make it work. Then asking do I want him clean shaven or little growth as hd he doesn't want to give me stubble rash! Will I be wearing this and that for him. I'm thinking he may turn out to be a timewaster if not then hard work. I hope I'm wrong, he has a couple of good feedback, I know we take these with a pinch of salt, but loathed to cancel him now. I'm hoping he doesn't call to confirm at the right time...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 20 December 2014, 06:30:56 pm
Bloody idiot shot me with his load in my eye!!! It was accident but I'm still mad as hell, with bloody eye and next client in one hour! Not the most sexy look I must say  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 20 December 2014, 07:46:05 pm
Bloody idiot shot me with his load ineye!!! It was accident but I'm still mad as hell, with bloody eye and next client in one hour! Not the most sexy look I must say  :FF

This has happened to me before. Bloody awful! Try not to rub at it, and make sure you wash it out with lukewarm water.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsDee on 20 December 2014, 10:17:28 pm
Try getting rid of the smell when he shoots up your nose by accident or it dribbles into your ear :/
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 20 December 2014, 11:11:21 pm
Try getting rid of the smell when he shoots up your nose by accident or it dribbles into your ear :/
it's so true, that guy who shot me in the eye, he managed to get his cum even inside of my nose! smell is awful!

BJC, thanks for advice, washing with water really helped  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lil Lolita on 22 December 2014, 12:42:42 pm
Try getting rid of the smell when he shoots up your nose by accident or it dribbles into your ear :/
it's so true, that guy who shot me in the eye, he managed to get his cum even inside of my nose! smell is awful!

BJC, thanks for advice, washing with water really helped  :)

I like to carry some hypoallergenic eye drops with me as well in case this happens. I wash with lukewarm water, then apply 1-2 eyedrops, they will definitely soothe the eye and reduce redness.

But yep, that's happened to me before and very annoying!! What's worse is if you wear contact lenses; before I discovered the whole water and eyedrops thing, I went to the doctor not long after it happened and he gave me some prescription eyedrops... bad idea if you wear contacts, as it looked as though I had a fluorescent yellow lens in!  :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: French Delight on 02 January 2015, 06:38:10 pm
Apart from poor hygiene and the usual time waster, what upset me is the "Quizz Champion" type (I have a lot !) during a meeting. I'm usually happy to chat but these questions sound boring to me so I give silly answers :D

- Are you French ?
(No, it's only a marketing term. As you can hear it I'm chinese)

- Do you miss snails/frog legs/whatever the clich? about french food ?
(I'm vegetarian. That's not silly it's true lol)

- Do you come from Paris ?
(No, from a little village with such a name that even locals don't know where it is)

- Why did you move to England ?
(Because I'm hiding after a prison break, Interpol is after me)

- Are you married ? Do you have children ?
(No I'm lesbian)

- Where is your family ?
(in the garden, fertilizing the tomatoes plants)

- How long have you been doing "THIS" ?
(chatting to you ? 2 mn, I think it's time for the paperwork)

- What is your real name ?
(It's unpronounceable in english, do you speak parseltongue ?)

- What did/will you have for lunch/dinner ?
(nothing, I thought you were going to feed me)

Some of them stare at me shocked, sometimes it's good to be naughty ! :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Holly T on 03 January 2015, 03:50:34 pm
When they deliberately take an age to get dressed.

Today, the next client arrived and left.  Not a happy bunny.  >:( And these bookings weren't even back to back.

Was very tempted to grab the rest of his clothes and throw them on the doorstep after half an hour.  He left insisting that he'd be back - I don't think so. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 03 January 2015, 05:03:26 pm
When they deliberately take an age to get dressed.

Today, the next client arrived and left.  Not a happy bunny.  >:( And these bookings weren't even back to back.

Was very tempted to grab the rest of his clothes and throw them on the doorstep after half an hour.  He left insisting that he'd be back - I don't think so.

You should've!! (grabbed his clothes and threw him out).
You lost a booking through him, that's out of order!  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Holly T on 03 January 2015, 05:18:04 pm
Thanks, Siorse.  Think I've become too soft (in more ways than one) over the festive period.  Ah well, lesson learned and now that I'm back at it a little more I intend to get back to my assertive self quick sharp!  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsDee on 03 January 2015, 06:07:20 pm
Had a client today who had a prince albert piercing  :-\ he was all like you will love it, no i wont it hurts, i have tried but he insisted it will be ok.  I feel very uncomfortable down there tonight on top of that one of my molars is chipped from the fecking thing clunking against my teeth when giving oral.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Judyohhh on 04 January 2015, 12:54:28 am
The all-time record I had for a client taking his time before/after was when I first started working.  Normally, someone only takes 10 minutes, 15 tops, to "freshen up" beforehand.  This guy easily took 20 minutes -- said he had to shave, blah, blah, blah.  Then afterward, I swear he was in there for 30-35 minutes!  I was like, "WTF???".  Seemed like a nice businessman type, but still couldn't figure it out.  Never happened again, thank gawd!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 06 January 2015, 11:55:12 am
Sending photo's of their dicks on my phone, with comments like; "you could have my 9" cock in your mouth at 11.15"
Oh thanks so much, I'm honoured...  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 06 January 2015, 12:01:07 pm
I had a 2 hour booking the other day and every time the guy decided a change of position was in order, he would jiggle my right breast  - rather like a grown-up ruffles a kiddie's hair- as a prompt.
I felt like asking him for an ice-cream for good behaviour at the end of the session  :-\
jiggling the breast, ive had one twist the nipple like it was tuning a fm radio station in !

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 06 January 2015, 01:08:28 pm
Sending photo's of their dicks on my phone, with comments like; "you could have my 9" cock in your mouth at 11.15"
Oh thanks so much, I'm honoured...  ::)

My phone doesn't automatically receive images - thank God! I have to log in to some web page to see them. So I just say (if I bother to reply at all) "sorry - my phone can't display images!"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kazzle on 06 January 2015, 10:39:09 pm
jiggling the breast, ive had one twist the nipple like it was tuning a fm radio station in !

That reminds me of my student days (so long ago) when I accidently walked in on a friend and her boyfriend. She was naked and her boyfriend was wearing her bra over his ears like a WW2 pilot while he twisted her nipples saying "come in control, come in control"

I think everyone blushed and I walked out. We never talked about it.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 07 January 2015, 02:28:41 am
today i had another one who tried to tune radio with my nipples
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 09 January 2015, 11:48:56 am
Making a booking, then saying "I've got a meeting, don't know what time it'll finish so I'll let you know if I'll still make it"
Will I keep it free for you?
Oh so it's alright for them to not miss meetings and appointments but I've got to knock potential bookings back coz he
"might or might not make it".
He knows where I am, so I don't want to risk him turning up with a double booking..
He did book after all . Murder!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 09 January 2015, 12:12:58 pm
Making a booking, then saying "I've got a meeting, don't know what time it'll finish so I'll let you know if I'll still make it"
Will I keep it free for you?
Oh so it's alright for them to not miss meetings and appointments but I've got to knock potential bookings back coz he
"might or might not make it".
He knows where I am, so I don't want to risk him turning up with a double booking..
He did book after all . Murder!  :FF

If they say things like "I'm thinking I'll be there between 6-7" or some other vague thing I will ask them to nail it down more precisely. And if they persist in acting like they think they can just reserve the time slot on the possibility or whatever, then depending on my mood I may go ahead and double-book. If someone who is a regular/sounds more sincere/whatever books then I will tell them "sorry babe... something came up. Let me know if 8 works for you, instead." I won't go so far as to let them show up if I know someone else is coming, but I will feel free to blow them off for something better, just as they have demonstrated they are willing to do with me.

Another tactic is to tell them, "I've got to pop to the shops/post office/whatever and I don't want to risk running late. Instead of 7, let's say 7:15." Then, if the other guy shows there's still time to text them and cancel.

But anyone who has indicated unreliability - if I am willing to entertain the idea of seeing them at all - will be "flying standby" unbeknownst to them. This includes people who have cancelled at short notice more than once or no-showed, as well as those who seem to think they can reserve time on the off chance they'll be coming by.

I won't blow off anyone who sounds sincere, even for a regular or a longer booking. I may try to rearrange a half hour if it's the only way to do a longer booking, but I won't push the point and will honour the first booking made.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 09 January 2015, 12:19:57 pm
Thing was, this one sounded totally sincere last night (that's when he booked, he was even gonna book through AW), and he was probably genuine, but they
seem to think we don't have an agenda to stick to as much as they do!!
He just text and let me know he can't make it (that's something ::)), and that he's hoping to book next week and I'd been great.
No big loss though, coz I've still got another booking, and didn't have to turn anyone down because of him, but they can make life
bloody hard for ye with their solid bookings turning into, might not make it, leave ye hanging, can't make it!  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 09 January 2015, 02:18:43 pm
OK, so this is REALLY trivial, but it winds me up when a client grabs a handful of my (not cheap, and strong) Kleenex to wipe their cocks! Firstly, I have wet wipes right next to the tissues, and they're better for the job, and secondly, as they're good quality, you only need to use one tissue at a time. A small bugbear, but one that's growing...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 09 January 2015, 02:31:13 pm
OK, so this is REALLY trivial, but it winds me up when a client grabs a handful of my (not cheap, and strong) Kleenex to wipe their cocks! Firstly, I have wet wipes right next to the tissues, and they're better for the job, and secondly, as they're good quality, you only need to use one tissue at a time. A small bugbear, but one that's growing...

Then put them out of reach. :) Like, on the floor by the bed and with the wet wipes on the bedside table.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guava on 09 January 2015, 08:44:52 pm
Even worse was the client who chose to wipe himself on the white bath towel, even though I have tissues and wet wipes next to bed.  After many washes and various stain removal products, I gave up and chucked the towel as I couldn't get rid of the stains.   >:(

Learned my lesson though.  Now I make sure I move the bath towels well out of reach.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 10 January 2015, 12:36:29 pm
OK, so this is REALLY trivial, but it winds me up when a client grabs a handful of my (not cheap, and strong) Kleenex to wipe their cocks! Firstly, I have wet wipes right next to the tissues, and they're better for the job, and secondly, as they're good quality, you only need to use one tissue at a time. A small bugbear, but one that's growing...

Yeah, I keep them in my "box of goodies" (condoms, lube, babywipes etc.), just under the bed, when they're done I get the wipes
out, take them out myself and hand them to them, and ask if they need any more..
Was getting sick of having to buy a packet a day, coz they can't manage to get out ONE at a time, but a bundle of 20 odds like
you said!  ;) 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Anna Condar on 15 January 2015, 07:14:10 pm
I've got a regular who's really getting on my nerves lately.

Him: "Are you free this weekend?"

"yes, Saturday and Sunday, all day/night so far.

Him: "I'm working on Saturday"

"What about Sunday?"

Him: "Stocktake".

Then why did you fucking ask, idiot!? This is the 'nice guy' that kept texting me between appts as I've previously posted and I had to tell him to pack it in. I lost it today as this is the second time he's done this and I'm at a loss to understand why  ???  I wound up saying that if he wants an appt to check his diary, book the appt and that I wasn't available to chat.  It's tyre-kicking and it makes me fume. :FF

Nice little ego boost for him "she's available; I could see her if I wanted".  Perhaps I'm being paranoid, but perhaps he's been the one bad mouthing me and is checking to see whether it's working...hmmm.  ??? :'(

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hotblondie on 15 January 2015, 08:37:08 pm
I would have blocked him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Anna Condar on 15 January 2015, 09:42:59 pm
I would have blocked him.
I'm getting there fast, tbh. I'm fed up with this; but I'm not sure what to make of his behaviour.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 17 January 2015, 04:01:33 pm
I've got a regular who's really getting on my nerves lately.

Him: "Are you free this weekend?"

"yes, Saturday and Sunday, all day/night so far.

Him: "I'm working on Saturday"

"What about Sunday?"

Him: "Stocktake".

Then why did you fucking ask, idiot!? This is the 'nice guy' that kept texting me between appts as I've previously posted and I had to tell him to pack it in. I lost it today as this is the second time he's done this and I'm at a loss to understand why  ???  I wound up saying that if he wants an appt to check his diary, book the appt and that I wasn't available to chat.  It's tyre-kicking and it makes me fume. :FF

Nice little ego boost for him "she's available; I could see her if I wanted".  Perhaps I'm being paranoid, but perhaps he's been the one bad mouthing me and is checking to see whether it's working...hmmm.  ??? :'(

I'm getting a lot of them recently!!! When are you free?
Well it would be handier if you let me know when you would like to book, instead of me telling you when I'm booked etc..
Ok, I'll get back to you..
Had loads of them..!!! And they come to nothing, it's driving me nuts!!
You're probably right, and they're on some kind of power-trip, knowing they "can have us" when they please...
Some people..  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 17 January 2015, 06:48:59 pm
I had a client I saw, really nice guy and so I was happy when he was talking about booking for an overnight. Then kept emailing, chatting and always some reason the overnight will have to be rescheduled. If I stopped replying he'd bring up booking again. The last time he did it I decided that if he didn't actually book that time, I was done replying all together. Haven't heard from him since!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Layla Luv on 18 January 2015, 05:32:02 am
Client: Are you available
Me: no sorry I'm not available  (personal or work not there business )
Client: Can't you just fit me in.......

if I've obviously told you I'm not available why would I just suddenly want to fit you in that drives me absolutely insane, especially if it's done multiple times.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 18 January 2015, 12:52:35 pm
Client: Are you available
Me: no sorry I'm not available  (personal or work not there business )
Client: Can't you just fit me in.......

if I've obviously told you I'm not available why would I just suddenly want to fit you in that drives me absolutely insane, especially if it's done multiple times.

I've been asked this a lot too. Best one is 'ok can I just come for 15 minutes then?' Um... NO. I don't offer 15 minute quickies.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 18 January 2015, 04:47:41 pm
Lol yeah I get them a lot too, or this one; "can I see you now?"
                                                             "No, sorry, I've got a booking coming in 10 mins"
                                                             "Can you not tell him to come half an hour later?"   ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hollybolly on 20 January 2015, 06:53:01 pm
I took most of January off as it has just been TW central. So many "Can I come see you now?" "No as I already said I am not available untill Thursday". "I thought you only worked Tuesdays? "What? No that is incorrect" "So...what about now??" I swiftly hang up.  :FF Seriously I can't be bothered this month. Role on payday so the decent ones get in touch haha.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 20 January 2015, 07:12:56 pm
I don't know if I've mentioned this already or not but I hate when clients lean on my hips with all their weight in doggy style - like they're trying to drive me down into the mattress. Stupid idiots!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 20 January 2015, 07:24:02 pm
I don't know if I've mentioned this already or not but I hate when clients lean on my hips with all their weight in doggy style - like they're trying to drive me down into the mattress. Stupid idiots!

I'm getting physio for tendonitis in my shoulder and I had a client do this the other day. It really started to hurt.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 20 January 2015, 08:54:29 pm
When they basically request I wear every outfit I have at the same time! Got one tomorrow who's asked for, latex dress, suspenders, thigh boots, latex gloves, crutch less knickers, peephole bra!

How the fuck can I wear all that and still walk! X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 21 January 2015, 03:14:35 pm
When they basically request I wear every outfit I have at the same time! Got one tomorrow who's asked for, latex dress, suspenders, thigh boots, latex gloves, crutch less knickers, peephole bra!

How the fuck can I wear all that and still walk! X

I'd invite him in/show up at his place or hotel dressed nicely then go and change into what he requested.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lil Lolita on 24 January 2015, 04:36:29 pm
Here's another one- ask for bareback when it's in my 'absolutely not' list, and in the FAQ's. And the ones offering more money for without. Piss off! I value my health and so should you!!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sassy Slapper on 25 January 2015, 07:51:54 am
Ive had a slew of

 "are you available today?"

"yes, what time would you like?"


"oh, i can do in 15 minutes"

"ahh, sorry, too late for me, sorry can't hang around that long"

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 25 January 2015, 08:15:02 am
Ive had a slew of

 "are you available today?"

"yes, what time would you like?"


"oh, i can do in 15 minutes"

"ahh, sorry, too late for me, sorry can't hang around that long"


Then why don't they say, "Are you available right now?"

I love when they call, find out that I need 15-30 minutes, say that's too long to wait, and then call me back 15-30 minutes later. (Because they failed to find someone else available RIGHT NOW). They always seem to think that since I said I could be ready in 30 minutes, that I will be ready when they call back. Well, no. I didn't jump up off the couch and put on my lingerie when they first called because they didn't make a booking.

Sometimes I say, "Aw, gee - I'm sorry. Someone else just called and put in a booking."

To be honest, I'm usually pretty much relieved that they didn't book because they sound like twats in hurry to find any old hole they can.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hotblondie on 25 January 2015, 08:46:07 am
When I got this questions: are you free now? , I ask them if they are in front of my door? Which they are not.
So being free now is of no help to them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sassy Slapper on 25 January 2015, 02:26:01 pm
What cracks me up though is ....

a... they are not already on my street so likely have a ten minute drive anyway
b...will probably spend the next 20 minutes calling around till they find a girl who says yes she is free now and then drive ten minutes to get to her house which means...well, its obvious isnt it.

men are such plonkers sometimes.   :FF ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 25 January 2015, 04:22:50 pm
Are you free(available now)?
what time they want to book ?
they then say evening when they have called in the morning, how is that now you ask me !! ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Treetop on 25 January 2015, 07:49:04 pm
Got one today from a reg.

Client -    Are you free hun? I can be there in ten mins 
Me -        (thinking of this post and fact I have my stockings on underneath, I can get my make up and hair done in under 5 mins.) Sure darling just make your way over. See you soon.

Knock on door literally 30 seconds later... me opening it holding a power drill, pollyfiller on one eyebrow dressed in an ancient pair of tatty teddy fleece pjs. Guys face was priceless.

If they say a time frame why can't they stick with it?! Do they think I sit around all day primed to go? I hate it when they are early!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Anna Condar on 26 January 2015, 11:04:33 pm

If they say a time frame why can't they stick with it?! Do they think I sit around all day primed to go? I hate it when they are early!
I honestly think they do. We're just there for their massive cocks and Lothario sex appeal, obv. Panting and throwing off our clothes to reveal a scantily clad body whilst yelling, "take me!".  ::)

You can see I'm getting a bit pissed off of late, eh... ;D

What is driving me mad of late is the amount of deference I'm expected to give - that's really beginning to grate on me...I had a new client show up 90 mins late and I told him in a VM en route and when he arrived that I could now only offer 40 mins rather than the hour he wanted. He really was a miserable git. Oddly, left good FB but has emailed since to say he didn't feel he should have to pay my ?100/40 min fee - but said nothing at the time! Wants to see me again, but 'doesn't feel quite right'. I blocked him after sending a response; I had enough of this with PD. It's crawling with oddballs out there at the moment.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 27 January 2015, 09:25:54 am
I got one recently that sounded really nice on the phone, we had a chat about the football that had gotten crazy that day and then he booked. Shows up to mine and proceeds to spend the next hour slobbering all over me (he showed up late so luckily I got it down to an hour from the 90 minutes he originally booked), ramming his tongue far enough down my throat that I could barely breathe etc.

Then at the end of the booking starts going on about how I'm 'just his type' and hinting that he wants me as a fb. That experience was bloody traumatic, I won't be letting him pay again, never mind doing him for free. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chloe94 on 27 January 2015, 01:53:21 pm
Took a booking over the phone this morning, arranged for 2pm. A few hours before he texts saying he's nervous and will my partner be in (always makes me feel a bit suspicious when they ask this) so I tell him it'll just be me.
1:10pm he texts saying he's here now.. 50 mins early! I was still with my last client! I'm ready now (at 1:50) but he can wait till his booked time to come :FF

It's so unbelievably rude to just turn up ridiculously early. 10 mins early is fine as some clients think they have to come early if they want to shower but 50 mins?!?!

And my last client had to be nearly booted out as he wasn't getting the hint that his time was up!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 27 January 2015, 03:06:35 pm
Assume I don't have a social/personal/love/family/home/private/friends life................ and seriously think the offer of a free meal is going to make me drop everything and jump at it ? 

As I said to a friend today, I'd rather sit at home and watch Coronation St (which incidentally I hate but apologies to all you Corrie fans) or paint dry then go out to dinner for NOWT! 

They actually get surprised when I say no thanks, don't mix business and pleasure........... but if you paying for my time then hell yes please! 


Got to laugh !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 28 January 2015, 03:35:24 pm
Had a guy call up and book for 3 hours, I felt off about it but for some reason I convinced myself to do it.

He turns up at the hotel then asks for an hour instead and pays. 5 minutes later he tells me he only has half an hour on his parking and can he have 30 minutes instead. I tell him no, that I don't offer 30 minutes.

So the booking carries on and no more comments about his parking. Then at the end of the booking he asks for a shower. He is in the shower 20 minutes before I ask how long he will be... 15 minutes later and he's still in the shower. So I tell him I'm leaving.

The next morning I felt stupid for leaving him in there and expected the room to be trashed when I went back to check out, luckily it wasn't. But now I think it's a con to get laid and get the hotel room to pimp from or whatever... I can't think of any other logical explanation.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 28 January 2015, 03:48:35 pm
Today, BREATHE  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: englishrebecca121 on 28 January 2015, 04:02:03 pm
things they do to annoy?


i just dont get it why bloody booked in the first place! more annoyingly had 1 todAay and its my 1st day back after a long break :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 28 January 2015, 04:12:09 pm
I once had a whole day of no shows... I don't understand why they do it? One or two I can understand, something came up or anything could have happened. But after a whole day of them I was left wondering what on earth was the point????
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 28 January 2015, 05:10:02 pm
Idiots who get off on just knowing you're sat there waiting. I do minimal preparation and then watch TV whilst I wait so at least if they don't show I'm already doing something else.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: niccis on 28 January 2015, 05:43:20 pm
I once had a whole day of no shows... I don't understand why they do it? One or two I can understand, something came up or anything could have happened. But after a whole day of them I was left wondering what on earth was the point????
Omg know the feeling... the other day I have been having so many tws I was actually shocked when 1 late comer actually turned out to be genuine!! Lol i was convinced he was having me on keeping me waiting around and then there he actually was?!?! I didnt know whether to b happy with him or mad at him hahahaha he was lucky I was having so many other idiots that day 2 make him seem better in comparisson jeez  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: niccis on 28 January 2015, 05:55:18 pm
Had a guy call up and book for 3 hours, I felt off about it but for some reason I convinced myself to do it.

He turns up at the hotel then asks for an hour instead and pays. 5 minutes later he tells me he only has half an hour on his parking and can he have 30 minutes instead. I tell him no, that I don't offer 30 minutes.

So the booking carries on and no more comments about his parking. Then at the end of the booking he asks for a shower. He is in the shower 20 minutes before I ask how long he will be... 15 minutes later and he's still in the shower. So I tell him I'm leaving.

The next morning I felt stupid for leaving him in there and expected the room to be trashed when I went back to check out, luckily it wasn't. But now I think it's a con to get laid and get the hotel room to pimp from or whatever... I can't think of any other logical explanation.

When i first read this i thought (sorry) u must b a bit mad 2 leave him in there and loose the room 2 him... but then i was thinking what would I do?... i dnt rly know but its safer 2 get out of there if u have a bad gut feeling ... Im not sure there is any way u cud get him out physically so aside from begging if he didnt want to go ur kindve stuck! And it would become seriously awkward if hotel staff were involved (plus then u wud prob end up getting kicked out anyway and loosing the room) so I can rly sympathise with the dilema here I have no idea what i wud do... maybe wait outside the room for a while see if he leaves? ... did u have to cancel any later bookings that wud b rly anoying!

Ur rly lucky the room was ok though ..I dnt know how u can get around this happening except 4 not allow shower after the meet... but thats going 2 b unpopular with some guys too..
Well hope this doesnt happen 4 u again anyway, stay safe x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 28 January 2015, 06:24:11 pm
I was done with the room for the day, that's the only reason I left so easily.

This won't happen again due to the fact that I never take bookings I feel unsure of anymore. I go with my gut now.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 30 January 2015, 12:00:18 pm
When it's totally dead, and you decide to go out coz there's no business anyway, and as soon as you're dressed and put your
jacket on, they all start phoning!!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 30 January 2015, 02:03:11 pm
The ones that hint............. at things hoping you will oblige...............

You ever get that line ................ OH I could stay and do this all afternoon/evening/morning

Yeah mate, you can and it's extra ........................ !!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 02 February 2015, 10:57:24 am
You ever get that line ................ OH I could stay and do this all afternoon/evening/morning
oh yes I get this often: "I could do this all night", "I could spend all afternoon with you"
my only reply is "well. that'd expensive" with lovely smile.
how quickly they back off!!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsDee on 02 February 2015, 11:23:02 am
you know what really niggles me, when they shower and they can not even have the shower curtain on the inside of the bath not outside so that your whole floor does not get drenched.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 02 February 2015, 12:29:16 pm
Why do men throw wet towels on the bed?

To be fair, I don't have a hamper convenient for them and they probably don't want to throw it on the floor.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 02 February 2015, 04:31:00 pm
When they can't even dry themselves properly and get in your bed wet.

When they dump used condoms on the floor of your place.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: bluebottle on 04 February 2015, 12:29:46 am
Being truthful but in an autistic way....

Me: Did you shower before coming here?

Client: Yes

Me: When

Client: 9 hours ago

Me: Do you think your clean?

Client: Yes.

Me: Get in the shower

.....I used to be coy about asking but now I don't care.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 04 February 2015, 01:39:57 pm
Being truthful but in an autistic way....

Me: Did you shower before coming here?

Client: Yes

Me: When

Client: 9 hours ago

Love it! 

Me: Do you think your clean?

Client: Yes.

Me: Get in the shower

.....I used to be coy about asking but now I don't care.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 04 February 2015, 01:44:25 pm
Bullshit a lot of bullshit about an inflated bullshit of a life which is completely fabricated ! :FF 

I don't believe that you really are in all honesty ........................

James Bond/The PM in disguise/A member of the Royal Family/David Beckhams mentor/Multimillionaire who mixes with numerous celebrities................. and more.............LOL

I was telling my friend about this the other day and she said I should play that song ........ everytime the bullshitters are in a booking

It don't impress me much !!!  (Shania Twain )   !!!!

Making myself laugh out loud here girls !!!!!!!!!

Keep safe
Jenny xxx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 04 February 2015, 01:58:07 pm
Best line I had was a guy who claimed he procured zoo animals for rich Arabs... could be insane enough to be possible...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 04 February 2015, 05:43:38 pm
I get annoyed when they can't take a sincere compliment but instead give a cynical smirk and indicate that I'm just saying that shit because I'm a prossie.

If I say, "you have lovely eyes" and they say, "Oh, I'm sure you say that to everyone" then I will reply, "No. Only the ones with lovely eyes. The others, I find something else to compliment."

I really hate it when you tell them their cocks are big and they scoff at the very IDEA that anything smaller than a lamp post could be too big for my cavernous whore hole. Because they compare themselves to what they see in porn.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 05 February 2015, 12:42:35 pm
When they assume I must offer BDSM services just because I look alternative.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 05 February 2015, 04:12:50 pm
Yeah, not drying themselves properly, then complaining they're cold, and throwing wet towels on the floor!  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: bluebottle on 06 February 2015, 12:12:08 am
Luxuriating in my shower for 20 minutes.
('What is he doing in there?')

Then I went to his house-share and the bathroom
was infested with big, hairy, green, super-mould.

Not just little bits...
All round the bath, shower and walls. :o

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss-M on 06 February 2015, 04:00:25 am
This really annoys me;

Had a client ring me, spent a good few texts,emails finding best day/time for a two hour booking, as he can only do during the week, not weekends, then cancel in the morning of booking, with poor excuse, only one text;

HIM: had a bit of an accident, you know what I mean!, sorry can't make tonight.

What accident? No I don't know what you mean? Lol

Then later on that afternoon asks to book tomorrow for two hours told him ( truthfully not pushing him away or lying to him ) that I'm not free till Tuesday morning five days from now,

HIM ; ok can we just do the original time today, go back to our normal appointment?
ME ; sorry that slot has been filled now, Tuesday morning earliest time I can fit you in.
HIM ; but I only cancelled this morning? A few hours ago, can't you cancel the other person as that was my time?
ME ; excuse me? Your time? You cancelled so rebooked somebody , plus I don't appreciate you saying its your time, you cancel a booking it gets filled, works through life that way with anything.

No reply, but did get phone call 1955 from him ( 5 mins before phone gets switched off ) a good few hours from last text message.

HIM; can I book Tuesday morning then? Sorry for today ( and let's out a whimper on the phone???? )
ME ; nope it's booked up till Tuesday night now I'm afraid! ( just had a confirmed booking about an hour previous lol )
HIM ; bloody hell you get booked quick or is this a decoy? You don't want me to book?
ME ; as explained on previous emails/phone calls only do 3 bookings a day, and I fill slots quick, come back to me when you have decided.

Do clients honestly think we won't fill slots if we have a cancellation? And just keep open there cancellation times? Just in case they have a change of heart? God if that was right I think I'd only work a couple of hours a week!

Sorry for the rant!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 06 February 2015, 08:51:46 am
its amazing how long they can spend on the phone making their booking and talking about what they want and getting the address yet when they cancel they cant even either call to let us know or give a reason they just text. sorry luv cant make it ( maybe they spent all their top up credit on getting turned on and jerking off no mins left) to tell us they are wasting our time with a dumb excuse  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 06 February 2015, 08:55:57 am
I get annoyed when they can't take a sincere compliment but instead give a cynical smirk and indicate that I'm just saying that shit because I'm a prossie.

If I say, "you have lovely eyes" and they say, "Oh, I'm sure you say that to everyone" then I will reply, "No. Only the ones with lovely eyes. The others, I find something else to compliment."

I really hate it when you tell them their cocks are big and they scoff at the very IDEA that anything smaller than a lamp post could be too big for my cavernous whore hole. Because they compare themselves to what they see in porn.  ::)
Imagine if we said you are so ugly I am only seeing you  because your paying, the sex techniques you use are useless and wouldn't even arouse a dead creature let alone a sex worker. your performance is a disaster, your cock useless  and don't bother coming back get out lol lol !!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissDee on 06 February 2015, 09:09:57 am
I just got this text for a booking i have sunday-

Ok so I go to reception on the Sunday & ask for you, or call you. Also does the hotel have parking

Yes thicko go to reception and ask for the prossie WTF! Only thing i'm greatful for is the fact i'v been able to tell him NO you do not go to reception and ask for me  :FF

**Edit OMFG!! I have just received another text off another potential client asking the same thing i think the guys in the area i'm touring this week are thick i mean seriously though  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 06 February 2015, 11:42:12 am
its amazing how long they can spend on the phone making their booking and talking about what they want and getting the address yet when they cancel they cant even either call to let us know or give a reason they just text. sorry luv cant make it ( maybe they spent all their top up credit on getting turned on and jerking off no mins left) to tell us they are wasting our time with a dumb excuse  :FF

Yeah that's one of my pet-hates too!! And it's been happening a lot in the last few days..!!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 07 February 2015, 09:07:39 pm
Ask your real name.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 07 February 2015, 09:28:24 pm
Asking -

1) If I buy or rent my place
2) How much of my earnings do I actually declare (yes, I've had plenty of these, cheeky basturds)
3) How much rent, or how much was my mortgage

I mean WTF, how rude.. just because I'm a working girl, that doesn't mean you have the right to ask personal questions that are bloody considered rude to ask! Why on earth would I tell YOU something so personal.  Honestly, they haven't got a clue  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 08 February 2015, 10:16:45 am
Calling 5 times at 4am so that they are quite obviously trying to wake you up (this idiot succeeded so I just turned the phone off). I keep it on silent but after that many calls the vibrations wake you up... why do people do this?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 08 February 2015, 11:01:50 am
Calling 5 times at 4am so that they are quite obviously trying to wake you up (this idiot succeeded so I just turned the phone off). I keep it on silent but after that many calls the vibrations wake you up... why do people do this?!
My phone goes on silent and in a drawer downstairs so my out of hours time is not disturbed :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 09 February 2015, 07:32:49 am
Asking -

1) If I buy or rent my place
2) How much of my earnings do I actually declare (yes, I've had plenty of these, cheeky basturds)
3) How much rent, or how much was my mortgage

I mean WTF, how rude.. just because I'm a working girl, that doesn't mean you have the right to ask personal questions that are bloody considered rude to ask! Why on earth would I tell YOU something so personal.  Honestly, they haven't got a clue  :FF

This REALLY pisses me off. In what situation is it acceptable to ask someone you've just met this kind of stuff? I've found the best way to nip these guys and their lack of social boundaries in the bud is to give an evasive answer and then ask them the same question they've just asked you. It's not always foolproof but the idiots with half a brain usually get the hint!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 09 February 2015, 11:26:27 am
Asking -

1) If I buy or rent my place
2) How much of my earnings do I actually declare (yes, I've had plenty of these, cheeky basturds)
3) How much rent, or how much was my mortgage

I mean WTF, how rude.. just because I'm a working girl, that doesn't mean you have the right to ask personal questions that are bloody considered rude to ask! Why on earth would I tell YOU something so personal.  Honestly, they haven't got a clue  :FF

This REALLY pisses me off. In what situation is it acceptable to ask someone you've just met this kind of stuff? I've found the best way to nip these guys and their lack of social boundaries in the bud is to give an evasive answer and then ask them the same question they've just asked you. It's not always foolproof but the idiots with half a brain usually get the hint!

I know, right?!  I usually just tell them I'd prefer not to answer as it's personal. Or I'll jokingly tell them what a cheeky bugger they are, depending on how likable they are.  It suddenly dawns on them in a big way at that point  ::)  I just wish I didn't have to put them in their place like that as it grinds my gears and greatly decreases potential for a repeat visit.  Some clients are more likable than others, but it still really annoys me that they are that disrespectful and believe it's OK to ask me those things because I obviously don't deserve their manners.   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 09 February 2015, 11:44:24 am
"Will you be alone in the flat?" That question creeps me out!
Why do they want to know?!  If there was somebody in the other room they wouldn't even know about it!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 09 February 2015, 12:57:01 pm
"Will you be alone in the flat?" That question creeps me out!
Why do they want to know?!  If there was somebody in the other room they wouldn't even know about it!
this is very off putting, I had said I have a security buddy upstairs if asked what my latest booking is and do I live there by myself.
  I had been asked recently  will I be staying the night at the hotel by a client this worried me.
I don't usually get asked and I cleared off after I finished anyway. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 09 February 2015, 01:46:16 pm
Asking if I'm alone is a surefire way of not getting a booking.

I am never asked how much money I make or declare. I get asked how many children I have, where are they (as in are they in my home country or something like that) and then where their father is. If I tell them the truth about their father they always want to know if he knows/minds what I'm doing. Generally, I pretend there is no other man in the world besides the one I'm in a booking with but it's hard to hide when you've had children and so I sometimes get pressed on this issue.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 10 February 2015, 06:03:06 pm
Clients that want to gossip about other hookers in your area!had 1 semi regular do just that this week, I don't get involved x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 10 February 2015, 08:55:49 pm
When they use your bogroll to dry their hands..!!!  :FF When I've just gave them a clean towel  ::)

As for them asking personal questions etc., I tell them nothing, or make something up that's kinda close to the
We don't ask them about their private life do we?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 10 February 2015, 09:37:28 pm
When new clients ask if you're clean, I told a guy via email tonight that no I'm absolutely filthy x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 10 February 2015, 09:44:48 pm
When new clients ask if you're clean, I told a guy via email tonight that no I'm absolutely filthy x

Hahaha oh brilliant!!  ;D Love it!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: littleminxjennifer on 10 February 2015, 09:56:00 pm
after tonight?  not answer the bloody door!   :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 10 February 2015, 11:16:08 pm
Ask me as the booking ends and he's getting dressed, what am I doing the rest of the day ? 

Or fishing to see how many bookings I've had or will have - bloody annoying. 

When they ask if I am busy I say, every day is a busy day in my life! 

Nosey or what!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissLaura on 11 February 2015, 09:38:08 pm
Really hate it when you are giving it your best and they suddenly announce that they've cum, as in completely silently. The silent ones are just as bad as the ones that make the cringeworthy sex noises where I really want to laugh.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss K xXx on 11 February 2015, 11:26:42 pm
Aaaaagh!! I hate when I say to a client.. 'Please give me 3 minutes, then ring the buzzer' But they ring it straight away!

Clients who just stand at the door for ages, without ringing the buzzer. Until you call them and they tell you they are outside. Just ring the buzzer!

When I say, call to confirm. And they text. If I'm waiting for a call, I might not hear the text!

Regular Clients that email me on aw, and wait days for a response when they could simply just call me!  :FF

When I send my client my address, I always put in the text that I will text them as soon as I am ready then they can call for my buzzer number. Then about a half hour before our booking, I text them again to tell them I will text them as soon as I'm ready......that usually makes me pretty clear on the fact so I rarely have people hanging around looking dodgy or phoning/texting me before I'm ready. Usually works well for me x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Teddy Bear on 12 February 2015, 12:13:10 pm
Ask personal questions like seriously they would call us nosey if we asked everything about their lives.

Asking about my tattoos, mind your own business.

Not knowing how to put on a condom at any age, it's indiscriminate! I can't even comprehend that.

Not having the correct amount of cash and expecting change. I never enter a clients house with any money as have been robbed once before, it's not like they didn't know I was coming I only do outcalls.

Asking for a shared bath/shower. Yes lets get in the shower and ruin my perfectly applied makeup and poker straight hair I spent hours straightening... pffft no thanks.

Grabbing my head and forcing me down during oral. I smack their grubby hands away, get the fuck off my beautiful hair and I know how to give a blow job without adult supervision thank you very much.

Biting my nipples, grabbing my breasts too hard or god help me SCRATCHING my vagina/clitoris. That's right they are all attached to me and that bloody well hurts. Normally the ones who complain if you accidently nick them with your nails or teeth ::).

Finishing and then going to rummage in MY bag for baby wipes >:(. This actually happened and boy did I let him have it for that one.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 12 February 2015, 08:09:43 pm
Asking for a shared bath/shower. Yes lets get in the shower and ruin my perfectly applied makeup and poker straight hair I spent hours straightening... pffft no thanks.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nora batty on 12 February 2015, 10:26:27 pm
Clients who book an hour then on arrival change to half an hour.  Ok that's fine, but what's not fine is when times up and I offer them a shower they lie on bed saying they in no rush and want to start a chat or ask for a drink.  Usually I say to them I brought an appointment forward whilst they were in the shower and if they want a quick shower they must hurry.

Clients who tell me its not a real job.  Wish the HMRC thought the same mate then I could keep my tax. 

Clients who offer me free sex and a cuddle, because no real man would ever date me because I have sold sex.

Clients who think my vagina has corners.  It does not bend round, stop inserting your penis at such a painful angle.

Clients who make comments like "fuck you are hot,wouldn't mind meeting your daughter does she work?".  These ones are usually trying to get you to react and I usually do!

Clients who believe they are magical in bed and ask to start offering a couple service with me and I can keep 2/3rds of money. 

Clients who steal my knickers.

Clients who show me pictures of their wives and children.  This is so not on.  Yes I am a nice and friendly escort, but you booked me, leave your family out of it.

Clients who talk down to me, usually get offered to leave via balcony or door they can decide
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chloe94 on 13 February 2015, 04:10:02 pm
Asking for a shared bath/shower. Yes lets get in the shower and ruin my perfectly applied makeup and poker straight hair I spent hours straightening... pffft no thanks.

I get asked for this a lot as my shower is quite big and steamy, yes it sounds lovely but what about when I am dripping wet and panda eyed, I think men forget about that because they get out the shower, dry off and are ready to go. also water isn't a lubricant and condoms in water sounds risky so If I did it it would just be oral, no shower sex sadly :/
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 13 February 2015, 04:37:55 pm
When I see a youngish client and he suddenly announces (with a smug look on his face) :
"It must be nice for you to see a young guy like me that's alright looking instead of old/dirty/fat/ugly/crap in bed blokes for a change "
Yes, I much prefer cocky, arrogant twats to my usual lovely polite regulars.
And why the he'll would you assume that you're so much better than my other clientele when you know bugger all about them?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 13 February 2015, 05:23:38 pm
When they text at the time they're supposed to be here and parked letting you know they're going to be 10 minutes late, instead of letting you know beforehand.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 13 February 2015, 05:27:39 pm
It's worse when they don't feel the need to let you know at all, then still think they can show up after having kept you waiting!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss K xXx on 13 February 2015, 06:26:00 pm
When I see a youngish client and he suddenly announces (with a smug look on his face) :
"It must be nice for you to see a young guy like me that's alright looking instead of old/dirty/fat/ugly/crap in bed blokes for a change "
Yes, I much prefer cocky, arrogant twats to my usual lovely polite regulars.
And why the he'll would you assume that you're so much better than my other clientele when you know bugger all about them?!

I would much rather have an old, fat and unattractive client any day of the week who is respectful towards me over a young, fit hotty who is a complete arsehole and boundarie pusher.

In my private life then obviously I like guys my own age and fit but when it comes to my work, I much prefer the opposite. The looks are completely irrelevant to me. I'm grossed out by bad hygiene not looks and I can't bear giving myself to someone who's disrespectful so mature respectful and clean gents are right up my street.

I don't like to tar everyone with the same brush and say all young guys are pricks, of course that's not the's just quite rare in Glasgow to meet a decent young guy who isn't a chancer and a chav. The young respectful ones are definitely a rare breed.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: martine21 on 14 February 2015, 12:17:21 am
The ones who as soon as the cash is handed over go straight for your lady bits, urm hello i'm not even turned on yet and your going at me like a sander?!

 ::) :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 14 February 2015, 12:21:15 pm
Sucking my lips. This drives me nuts as they don't do it gently and it causes my lips to swell.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: tigerlily on 14 February 2015, 03:15:47 pm
I know some guys get turned on by saying it, but every time I hear the phrase 'good girl' I really want to punch a dick.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 14 February 2015, 03:30:59 pm
I know some guys get turned on by saying it, but every time I hear the phrase 'good girl' I really want to punch a dick.

Yeah, I think I'd much prefer "you dirty bitch."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: tigerlily on 14 February 2015, 05:03:55 pm
I know some guys get turned on by saying it, but every time I hear the phrase 'good girl' I really want to punch a dick.

Yeah, I think I'd much prefer "you dirty bitch."

Seriously. Much more complimentary :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 14 February 2015, 06:30:52 pm
I know some guys get turned on by saying it, but every time I hear the phrase 'good girl' I really want to punch a dick.

Haha, I've got one that says that as well, even though I'm probably twice his age..!!!  ;)
Well, maybe about 10 years his senior lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 14 February 2015, 06:59:30 pm
I know some guys get turned on by saying it, but every time I hear the phrase 'good girl' I really want to punch a dick.

Hear, hear - especially when you're giving oral. Feck off you patronising twat!

I liked what my client said today: "You love cock, don't you?!"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mimi_ on 14 February 2015, 10:08:00 pm
I had a serial eyelid kisser yesterday. Took so many deep breaths I nearly passed out!!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss K xXx on 15 February 2015, 12:27:13 am
I had a serial eyelid kisser yesterday. Took so many deep breaths I nearly passed out!!!!!!

An eyelid kisser? That's new lol x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Alice G on 15 February 2015, 01:21:52 am
I agree  with others - "good girl" is the worst - would rather be called "you bitch" any day.
It is weird - that if you say to guys - "good boy" especailly in a dom situation, they quite like that - but if you said to them,  "you are a f*****g bastard" they would be fairly pissed off! x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LouDelightful on 15 February 2015, 04:56:07 am
I hate it when client's disrespect my place .

Had one client put chewing gum smeared on my bedding !!! Disrespectful much !!!
Throwing they're rubbish on the floor when they're is a perfectly good Bin in perfect reach .
Bad manors!!

Im not a snob just think you should treat someones home with respect especially if your a guest ,
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissB on 15 February 2015, 01:35:29 pm
When you leave them feedback and they don't do the same. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 15 February 2015, 04:25:55 pm
A classic is I cannot get through the gate or get lost finding me. It only turns out they hadn't read the text message clearly. Another is when they get out thier phone to prove my instructions wrong. And then say oh yeah must have missed that. They don't annoy as such just could do without. Simple things then I say you got yourself lost there. Not me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 16 February 2015, 06:10:59 pm
When they walk straight out of the bathroom after urinating, without washing their hands... but quite keen on washing them just before they leave  >:( 

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SelenaSx on 20 February 2015, 08:51:25 pm
I work from 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday... it states that on my profile.  I keep Fridays available for admin, my cleaning ladies and postal deliveries so that my clients will never be disturbed during their sessions..  I do offer Friday appointments but inform the clients of this fact.

things that get on my tits....

1.  Are you free?  texts.... no but I am available... but not at 1:23am in the fooking morning.... If I get texts or phone calls at that time, I send them a text in the morning referring back to my profile where my work times are stated. 

2.  I want to be your Master.  No problem, I am a switch so don't mind having a master..... but when they tell me I have to amend my profile to only offer being a Dom to others... no one else can dom me  and then they don't want to pay to Dom me ... then we have a problem.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: eatmeplease on 20 February 2015, 09:22:14 pm
I absolutely hate this with a passion---when my lovely client wants to lick my face like he's  a dog, then proceed to stick his tongue in my ear lots of saliva every where it literally makes me feel sick ....ffs
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 20 February 2015, 10:34:23 pm
Tongues in my ear actually give me the rage. I honestly want to scream "For fuck's sake can't you just leave ONE FUCKING ORIFICE ALONE?!"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BBW_Cora on 21 February 2015, 01:43:19 am ears really don't enjoy being licked, sucked or probed by a slimy tongue.. and neither does my belly button! It really spoils the mood for me and I struggle to relax after that happens   :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 21 February 2015, 02:07:15 am ears really don't enjoy being licked, sucked or probed by a slimy tongue.. and neither does my belly button! It really spoils the mood for me and I struggle to relax after that happens   :-\

Nobody touches my belly button. Ever. Not even me. (Yes, I can get it clean.)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss K xXx on 22 February 2015, 12:55:22 am
I think the most annoying thing that a client does but this is men in general (not all men obviously) but I hate it when they piss all over my bathroom floor. It grosses me out.

I had someone leave an actual puddle on my bathroom floor recently, so much so.......I had to take a picture of it.

Yuck  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 20 March 2015, 04:40:39 pm
Something I have just noticed this week... it has probably gone on before but I only noticed now. My medicine cabinet is often open after a booking. The cabinet is just over the toilet so I guess they have a nosy whilst they're having a pee.

Now I want to think of something funny to put in there. Perhaps a sign saying, "Congratulations! You have discovered the Key to a Special Treat! Say the magic word "petunia" when you go back into the bedroom and get a surprise!" Then I can tweak their noses and call them nosey parkers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: milfy on 20 March 2015, 04:55:11 pm
Something I have just noticed this week... it has probably gone on before but I only noticed now. My medicine cabinet is often open after a booking. The cabinet is just over the toilet so I guess they have a nosy whilst they're having a pee.

Now I want to think of something funny to put in there. Perhaps a sign saying, "Congratulations! You have discovered the Key to a Special Treat! Say the magic word "petunia" when you go back into the bedroom and get a surprise!" Then I can tweak their noses and call them nosey parkers.

That's so funny. A jack in the box would be a great addition too lol But might end with a trip to a&e. Still,serve them right for looking!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 20 March 2015, 04:59:48 pm
Perhaps a precariously balanced pile of jingle bells would be good? Not that I have the time for stacking bells. LOL

I do think I'll put a little post-it note in there, someday. But I'll put something funny and lighthearted on it as I'd rather not actually turn a booking sour.

Perhaps "Hello. Welcome to my medicine cabinet. It is very dull, unless you have a fetish for dental hygiene products. Please remember to wash your hands."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 20 March 2015, 08:46:51 pm
Stick a giant butt plug in there with a note on it saying 'put this in before you come back'.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 20 March 2015, 08:53:55 pm
Stick a giant butt plug in there with a note on it saying 'put this in before you come back'.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chloinnyc on 24 March 2015, 11:21:27 pm
I have 3 regulars who have all been annoying the crap out of me lately.  Seems like the regulars can really start pushing our buttons  after a while...

Reg #1 thinks he's way too important with his big Hollywood lifestyle to actually set a time for an appointment, and has asked me to keep multiple days open for him.  Obviously that did not happen.  When he actually nailed down a time he then emailed me at 2 AM the morning before saying "my day is now packed, I will let you know if we wrap early early." My response: "Shockingly I prefer actual plans since I'm also quite busy, not to mention that's just common courtesy.  Let's consider the appointment canceled regardless of when you wrap.  I will be giving preference to people who are able to make concrete bookings moving forward, so unless you can do that I'm not the provider for you."  Haven't heard from him thank god, he can take his movie set and shove it, been there done and that left the film industry b/c of people like HIM!

Reg #2 insists on talking politics for like an hour.  Literally just shoving his opinions down my throat b/c he thinks he's so much older and wiser.  Sorry but I have more life experience at 25 than he'll have at 80...I think he realizes that and it makes him insecure.  But an appointment is not the time or place for that talk, not to mention our views are total opposite and it's so hard for me to keep my mouth shut and stay pleasant.  I was a bit harsh at the end of our last booking and have been wanting a reason to stop seeing him and I'm praying I don't hear from him again.

Reg #3 is a good guy but he wants to be the only one to do certain things with me and I have to be very firm in reminding him that this is business and the services I offer are available to anyone who passes my checks and will pay my rates.  He'll send me texts saying "save your ass for me" etc. and when I remind him that this is my business and no one gets anything saved for them, he says something along the lines of "I get that but I want you to be open for me/it will be better for you if you do."  Um, unless you're going to pay me the extra $$ I'll lose out on by saying no to anal all week, then no, it won't be better for me.  Blech.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss K xXx on 24 March 2015, 11:42:15 pm
Reg 1 just seems to misunderstand (like many, many clients do) that this is how we earn a living and so therefor our work is as important to us is theirs is to them, you just gotta stick to your guns on that one and not let people piss you about. I've quite a number of clients who I absolutely love that happen to have totally hectic lifestyles and can't plan in advance which means that they can only ever get to see me if I just so happen to have a cancellation that day or something, it seems to work out for us. If it's a regular then just explain that you like to be organised (as I do) and that they either have to book in advance or if that's not possible then they just have to chance their luck that you'll be available at some point fairly short notice.

Reg 2 maybe doesn't realise that in certain situations, you shouldn't talk politics or religion or that sort of stuff so maybe just try to change the subject.

And reg 3 sounds like a total wank! I'd get him to fuck!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 25 March 2015, 08:01:49 am
When guys email or call claiming to be looking for a girl they will visit once a week/month, as though you're gonna lick their arse for the potential regular custom!

These in my experience never come to anything x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 25 March 2015, 08:39:24 am
When guys email or call claiming to be looking for a girl they will visit once a week/month, as though you're gonna lick their arse for the potential regular custom!

These in my experience never come to anything x

Exactly! It's right up there with "check my feedback to see what a genuine guy I am."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature lorraine on 25 March 2015, 03:30:18 pm
Are you free annoys the life out of me my reply is no Im not free you have to pay for me
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 25 March 2015, 06:53:07 pm
I hate it when I get a message from a client saying he is looking for a regular girl, would I consider seeing him for cheaper than my advertised rates? As he's going to be a regular client.
My standard reply is no, funnily enough I'm not interested in seeing someone who wants to pay less than everyone else, especially not on a regular basis!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 25 March 2015, 07:18:40 pm
Walking in my crib in shoes.
I instruct them to take them off at the door.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 25 March 2015, 07:30:17 pm
Dropping wet towel on the floor
Leaving bathroom like after Niagara waterfall
Asking stupid/personal questions
Talking down to me, like I'm some stupid little girl with matchbox
Asking "have you been busy today" or after using shower commenting "wow, you used WHOLE bottle of shower gel?" (and how possibly could you know how long it was there, you idiot???)
Calling me "naughty girl"  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 27 March 2015, 12:01:46 am
Fucking multitasking!

You know, when they want to fuck you and also play with your clit AND suck your nipple. It's not doing anything for me because you're too busy banging away to do it with any finesse and you're never going to cum whilst your trying to get me off so just fucking cut it out. ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissFlint on 27 March 2015, 12:14:39 am
Fucking multitasking!

You know, when they want to fuck you and also play with your clit AND suck your nipple. It's not doing anything for me because you're too busy banging away to do it with any finesse and you're never going to cum whilst your trying to get me off so just fucking cut it out. ::)

Me too! I hate it when I'm on top in cowgirl and the client tries to rub my clit at the same time, completely missing the spot and rubbing me somewhere in the middle of my pubes. What's the point? It doesn't give us pleasure so it's a complete waste of their time and also extremely annoying. I'd rather just have sex. I really should just tell them to stop..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissFlint on 27 March 2015, 12:17:08 am
Also when a client texts to say "Are you available today?" without stating a time and noticing that I have the "Available today" sign up on adultwork.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: milfy on 27 March 2015, 01:12:09 am
Cuddling me after sex with their big sweaty armpit stinking up my hair  :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 27 March 2015, 05:57:40 am
Cuddling me after sex with their big sweaty armpit stinking up my hair  :FF

Oh, yes! Ugh!

(Thank God for dry shampoo.)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 04 April 2015, 06:13:17 pm
Lol, everytime a client so much as TOUCHES my head, I think thankgod for dry-shampoo!!  ;D

But why can't they wipe their f-ing feet?!  >:(
I now have 2, yes TWO, door-mats, one outside the door on the landing, and one inside in the hall, and still... they walk
right in and leave a trail of whatever they've just been trodding through (they must have dogs, farms and all sorts  ::)) all
the way through the hall and bedroom.
Do they get away with that at home?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hard Candy on 13 April 2015, 07:19:25 pm
Being really late.

Being really early.

Bad hygiene n not taking up the offer to shower on arrival.

Trying for free extra time and running over.

Being too rough.

Booking an hour n coming late then only paying for half the time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hard Candy on 13 April 2015, 07:30:00 pm
And yes the ones who want a cheaper deal n say they want a regular girl.... Fuck right off! Never gonna happen. I'm not that stupid.

Also the shared content n guys saying they want to work with you but they have no feedback or profile. It's obvious they're after something for nothing.

Guys with no feedback. Leave me alone. It's clear I don't see you. You're all time wasters!!!!! One of my biggest annoyances I'd say.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 13 April 2015, 08:34:22 pm
What really drives me nuts is during doggy when clients pull out and go straight back in over and over again, I don't know about anyone else but with me it shoves loads of air up there and ends up hurting. I've had it happen with loads of guys that want to do doggy to the point where I won't do it unless they explicitly ask now.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hard Candy on 13 April 2015, 09:10:21 pm
Yes it is annoying when they do that. I think it's to stop themselves from coming too soon though.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chloinnyc on 14 April 2015, 01:01:44 am
Most of mine have already been said, but I really hate when they do that swirly motion with their torso during sex so they're rubbing their skin against me.  I'm not sure why they think it feels good.  And also when they're giving RO and have stubble and feel the need to rub their entire face against me.  I have one regular who keeps his face still, lifts my butt up and moves me up and down against him and it KILLS, I have to tell him to stop every time but he never learns!

Oh and the noises some of them make when I'm coming (or more likely pretending to come) are hilarious and basically the opposite of sexy!  I don't mind bc it's something to laugh about later but it's so weird, I feel so bad for the women in their personal sex lives!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 14 April 2015, 03:58:54 am
The going in and out during doggy IS annoying, and always ends up in making me let rip some massive fanny farts...
I blame porn for this, the amount of wallys doing it seems to have increased over the past couple of years, and I've seen a few pornos with the guy doing this. If porn is anything to go by its supposed to drive us crazy and make us beg for the super stud who's stood behind teasing you to give it to you hard so you can cum.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 14 April 2015, 01:39:56 pm
When we've finished and the deed is done, and it's time to get up off the bed and wrap up the booking, they still like to paw at me and fingers hands everywhere.............  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 14 April 2015, 04:01:44 pm
The going in and out during doggy IS annoying, and always ends up in making me let rip some massive fanny farts...
I blame porn for this, the amount of wallys doing it seems to have increased over the past couple of years, and I've seen a few pornos with the guy doing this. If porn is anything to go by its supposed to drive us crazy and make us beg for the super stud who's stood behind teasing you to give it to you hard so you can cum.

I agree that porn has caused it. Though I actually think they like doing it because they can see their manhood going in from the head over and over again but it just causes me pain from the air build up because they shove it straight back in fast, repeatedly!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hard Candy on 14 April 2015, 04:03:59 pm
Yes they're trying for extra time there. Seriously annoying. Bookings over. Time to go now!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 14 April 2015, 09:32:06 pm
Not reading a text message. Some thing as simple things.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roseanna_ on 14 April 2015, 09:38:05 pm
No shows, rebooking no show again and continual reschedules who never know if they are coming or going
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 15 April 2015, 07:36:30 am
No shows, rebooking no show again and continual reschedules who never know if they are coming or going

Easy solution for that is one no show = block.

Cancellations over and over are different... of course I give a cancellation another chance. They do it twice and then I put them on my "feel free to double-book" list. Three times and they're dead to me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 15 April 2015, 03:05:14 pm
Ask me the following stereotypical nosey client questions............

1. How did you get into this ?

2. Anything bad ever happened to you whilst doing this ?

3. Are you married/single?

4. Do you rent/own this place?

5. Your real name ?

I feel like replying for for f.... s sake................. bleep bleep bleep but instead I smile sweetly and change the subject.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 15 April 2015, 03:12:14 pm
I haven't been asked my real name in ages!

I have never rebooked a no show. There might be certain circumstances that I would, like they had lots of great feedback and offered what sounds like a legit excuse, but they would only get 1 second chance. I've never had that situation yet though.

I had one guy no show on me when I booked the hotel specifically for his booking, so when he text later with excuses I told him there would be a ?40 charge (I never expected to see it, but if he wanted to book again that was the deal). He has rung and text numerous times for months since trying to book, not once offering the cancellation fee, just acted like it never even happened.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: alice842 on 15 April 2015, 04:42:27 pm

1. How did you get into this ?

I always tell them the truth - that I got into this because I needed a job (that usually makes them laugh ::))
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 17 April 2015, 12:43:41 am
When you leave them feedback and they don't do the same. :FF

I never leave feedback till they do. ;)

When they can't follow simple directions.
Today I turned the phone off on a middle aged
client who stood outside my door loudly repeating
my instructions endlessly as his ears weren't working.
(In the middle of the street)

99.9% of time when their senses aren't functioning
they walk out with nerves or some 'odd' complaint.
So I gave up after 5 minutes.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mi on 17 April 2015, 04:06:14 pm
Casually picking toilet roll from his balls and flicking it on my carpet. That'll teach me to run out of baby wipes :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 17 April 2015, 04:27:27 pm
I'm in a townhouse and as soon as they come in the door I say after you, pointing up the stairs, some will say 'no after you' so I go up and they're looking up my dress. What's worse is some have even cheekily grabbed me there so after the last time I insist they go first. It they continue insisting back then I literally run up the stairs, taking big heels off first of course.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lailah terri on 17 April 2015, 09:32:31 pm
Spitting on my fanny, I have frikkin lube! I don't want your saliva in there  :-X

Him Bare dick wanking then Condom wanking, ew...

Tickley tongues, weird one but it makes me shudder!

When they try and rub their bare dick on my fanny, no thank you sir...

When you tell them no fingering then they try that weird tickle around ya hole thing?

hehe, doesn't happen often but when it does it can change my whole mood.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 18 April 2015, 12:36:58 pm
What is it with these guys..??!!  They're trying to book for ages, finally got time, arrange a time, they're all up for it, and then just disappear, stop all communication, pooff,  ???
Then there's the ones that phone (a few times), can I book for such and such a time, yes no probs, ok, could you wear this and that,
yes no probs, ok see you then!
2 mins later, a text; "Oh, I didn't realise the time, sorry, I have to cancel".  ::)
Yeah right.. Weirdo's!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 19 April 2015, 12:31:26 pm
Wet kisses/excessive licking.

I'm fine with kissing with tongue, but I feel like some clients come in thinking 'I want to get as much saliva on her as possible'. Spit on my hoo ha is fine, but when there's a floppy tongue all over my neck and face and ears...blech. I can't even see how it's sexy for them either, especially when I'm quite obviously recoiling in disgust.

Also, kissers who suck your lips???? It hurts.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 19 April 2015, 12:57:41 pm
Post sex fingering :/
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hard Candy on 20 April 2015, 02:47:55 am
Yep those wet sloppy kisses are gross n equally as bad are the guys who hardly open their mouths when they kiss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 20 April 2015, 04:16:36 pm
When they faff around outside my incall place, my first client today pulled up in a car that had the loudest engine ever, then rang for the door number from outside the car, I waited to let him in and he was looking in his car boot for ages and then in his glove compartment in his car,

Finally he came in, booking done, quick shower and then spent 10 minutes drying himself, then whilst I was seeing him out he said "Thanks, I really enjoyed that" REALLY LOUDLY in the front garden! The street I work in is very quiet, then he sat in his very loud car with the engine running for ages doing god knows what.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 20 April 2015, 04:18:42 pm
No one kisses me  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sugarkane on 20 April 2015, 05:21:00 pm
Urgh kissing. I find this the worst part of the job! Give me a dick to suck any day and I can just switch off! Just had one punter insist on passionately kissing me for a full hour, like I was the love of his life. I'd never stop anyone doing this but it just makes me feel so uncomfortable!  I didn't even fancy him let alone want to kiss him like he was Ryan Gosling for 60 mins
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 20 April 2015, 05:29:35 pm
Urgh kissing. I find this the worst part of the job! Give me a dick to suck any day and I can just switch off! Just had one punter insist on passionately kissing me for a full hour, like I was the love of his life. I'd never stop anyone doing this but it just makes me feel so uncomfortable!  I didn't even fancy him let alone want to kiss him like he was Ryan Gosling for 60 mins

That really made me laugh, just picturing it, like a scene from Gone With The Wind!!!  ;D What is going on in these guys heads? hahaha

I see a guy who kisses me full on the whole time. Although he's OK and I don't mind once I get into it, at first I do find myself twisting away and diverting attention from my face haha. I find kissing more intimate than the actual sex so it's uncomfortable.  Should have been an actress!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sugarkane on 20 April 2015, 05:46:22 pm
Lol, that's exactly it! It's way to intimate. I don't mind a little at the beginning but all the cheeky little lingering kisses and staring into my eyes.... Urgh please mate! STOP!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 21 April 2015, 01:24:50 pm
Holding my head!!!!  :FF They don't realise it makes your hair (well mine anyway) greasy, especially when they've just had their fingers down my fanny etc..
AArgh it does my nut in!!
Even worse when they do it when I'm giving them a BJ, but in that case I'll tell them, coz I really can't stand it, it freaks me out.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 21 April 2015, 01:34:38 pm
When they faff around outside my incall place, my first client today pulled up in a car that had the loudest engine ever, then rang for the door number from outside the car, I waited to let him in and he was looking in his car boot for ages and then in his glove compartment in his car,

Finally he came in, booking done, quick shower and then spent 10 minutes drying himself, then whilst I was seeing him out he said "Thanks, I really enjoyed that" REALLY LOUDLY in the front garden! The street I work in is very quiet, then he sat in his very loud car with the engine running for ages doing god knows what.

OMG !  They have no sense at all!  Similar thing is the ones that are walking and lost with my simplest of simple idiot proof instructions yet the stroll up and down my street shouting my name and number out loud whilst I talk to them on the phone!  DUH!!!!!!

Or stand on my doorstep for ages grinning like cheshire cats before they come in....- some I've been known to literally pull in by the collar LOL

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 21 April 2015, 02:33:14 pm
Holding my head!!!!  :FF They don't realise it makes your hair (well mine anyway) greasy, especially when they've just had their fingers down my fanny etc..
AArgh it does my nut in!!
Even worse when they do it when I'm giving them a BJ, but in that case I'll tell them, coz I really can't stand it, it freaks me out.

I had a client once who wanted a bath with me. I said ok but I can't get my hair wet (literally just had it done at the hairdressers, in gorgeous curls!) He proceeded to DFK me while in the bath, running his damn wet hands through my hair!! I nearly slapped them away lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 23 April 2015, 02:18:21 pm
Phones up, can I have a booking?

I'm fully booked but have you seen me before?

No, not me there must be some mistake.

I'm sure you've visited me before. Aren't you the guy who visited me on particular specific day, when the weather was extreme, and who has ever since let me down to the point where I said I couldn't see you in future without a deposit.

Oh yes, I remember now.

 ??? ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fifilondon on 23 April 2015, 03:52:01 pm
had a booking with a guy who's hands felt like sandpaper.

Declined a massage, where i planned to stealthily grease up his hands.

Literally felt like he was exfoliating me when he touched my skin UGHHHHHHH x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fifilondon on 23 April 2015, 04:05:02 pm
Some of them even put fingers in my ears.

Seriously - you can stick your tongue and fingers in my vagina. You can stick them in my arse. Why must you stick them in my ears? Can I have just one tiny piece of me that you don't stick things in? Just the one?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 23 April 2015, 04:30:45 pm
They don't realise it makes your hair (well mine anyway) greasy, especially when they've just had their fingers down my fanny etc..
AArgh it does my nut in!!

It's not the holding my head especially, but I hate people touching my hair and I always seem to get one who'll rummage about doing fingering and whatnot then stick his bloody fingers straight in when I've just washed it. My hair is long, thick and wavy and it's not possible to run fingers through it - they just catch and hurt.

I told one straight out to stop touching it the other day after I'd already tied it back in a bun to keep it away from his rank armpits, and another a couple of weeks ago who decided to put lube all over his finger, stick it up my bum and then go straight for the hair. On both of these occasions I'd just washed it >:(.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 23 April 2015, 04:32:55 pm
I've stopped straightening my hair, which  helps, but I hate when the rub their hands in circles in my hair, on the sides of my head. Like they're trying to fuck it up as much as possible.

I have a lot of long hair and keeping it out of armpits is hard!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 23 April 2015, 05:10:04 pm
Clients who ring and go through the
verification process....which can be
quite lengthy then says, 'I've been before'.

So now a client's done the same thing
and I refused him as he didn't pass my

I asked him why he hadn't told me
in the first place?
His reply, 'I don't have to...'
He's been calling me daily for 4 weeks since.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 23 April 2015, 05:57:53 pm
OK, so this is a trivial one, but it's happened a lot recently - when they accept the offer of a drink and then don't touch it. Why? I have mineral water, sodas etc., and it's really beginning to hack me off that I keep wasting them. I don't begrudge giving clients a drink at all, especially in warmer weather, but I've become convinced that some just say yes for the sake of getting their money's worth. Grrr.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sugar on 23 April 2015, 06:04:14 pm
Clients who ring and go through the
verification process....which can be
quite lengthy then says, 'I've been before'.

So now a client's done the same thing
and I refused him as he didn't pass my

I asked him why he hadn't told me
in the first place?
His reply, 'I don't have to...'
He's been calling me daily for 4 weeks since.

Just out of curiosity  do you save numbers or did the guy have a brand new number? Alot of guy automatically expect us to remember them if they have the same number since last time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 23 April 2015, 06:50:49 pm
They don't realise it makes your hair (well mine anyway) greasy, especially when they've just had their fingers down my fanny etc..
AArgh it does my nut in!!

It's not the holding my head especially, but I hate people touching my hair and I always seem to get one who'll rummage about doing fingering and whatnot then stick his bloody fingers straight in when I've just washed it. My hair is long, thick and wavy and it's not possible to run fingers through it - they just catch and hurt.

I told one straight out to stop touching it the other day after I'd already tied it back in a bun to keep it away from his rank armpits, and another a couple of weeks ago who decided to put lube all over his finger, stick it up my bum and then go straight for the hair. On both of these occasions I'd just washed it >:(.

Lol that's actually exactly what I meant, mine's not curly, in fact I don't even straighten it it's that poker straight, but it gets greasy
really quick!!
But for some reason guys like to touch my hair/head, maybe they think it's romantic or something  ::)
Saying that, I HATE it when they hold my head when I'm giving them a BJ too, I take them away and tell them I'm perfectly
capable of doing it myself and don't need any help thank you!  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hard Candy on 23 April 2015, 07:12:27 pm
I have hair that once touched or the minute I sweat or if someone pulls it even for a second it gets frizzy, matted and the curls shrink a few inches leaving me with a fuzz head like Tina Turner crossed with Einstein. I then have no choice but to wash it n it will be sooo tangled up its really painful getting a comb even through it with conditioner on. The last thing I want is to then have someone else then go n mess it up again! If it were straight n silky then fine, I'd just brush it but I can't brush my hair. Only comb when washing. So once it's messed up that's it. I've had cum in my hair, lube, sweat, and probably spit. Gross. I do like my hair being pulled at times but I don't appreciate every punter messing with it. Honestly it takes a few minutes to have me looking like ive been dragged through a bush backwards and I know that swirly motion mentioned. I don't know why they do it cos their hands will get trapped in my hair!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sexyaliyah on 23 April 2015, 08:55:34 pm
I also HATE the hair touching. It's gross. I just tell them to politely stop with a little giggle. Lol I have this nervous giggle I have picked up when I work..  :FF

Things clients do to annoy me as an indie.. especially regulars, act like they don't do this or I'm the first escort they have ever seen and they put on a nervous act in the next five minutes they are all over me slobbering and kissing with there dirty lips and greasy fingers lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chloe94 on 25 April 2015, 12:24:21 pm
I don't mind cum, massage oil, sweat, lube on skin but not on my face or in my hair please!!

Going to start wearing a synthetic wig so I'll have to just say "it's a weave let me tie it up first" (not wig cos they might think I'm bald!), as oils would ruin it!
Then I will have something new to complain about: clients touching my wig ;D

Oh and clients who use the mouthwash cap instead of the shot glasses I have next to the bottle, now between every client I have a new thing to do: wash the cap.
they can help themselves to any toiletries in the bathroom just not the mouthwash cap!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 25 April 2015, 04:42:41 pm
OK, so this is a trivial one, but it's happened a lot recently - when they accept the offer of a drink and then don't touch it. Why? I have mineral water, sodas etc., and it's really beginning to hack me off that I keep wasting them. I don't begrudge giving clients a drink at all, especially in warmer weather, but I've become convinced that some just say yes for the sake of getting their money's worth. Grrr.

Agree its most annoying giving clients a fresh (un opened) bottle of water for them to just have a sip out of it and leave it on the side!  A second hand bottle of water is of no use to anyone  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 25 April 2015, 05:17:27 pm
Politeness?Give themselves time to settle nerves?

I'm not bothered, tap water and a glass is no skin off my nose. I am usually offered drinks at other businesses, so it's not unusual.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 25 April 2015, 06:37:56 pm
Lately I had a guy and when I was giving him BJ he was petting my face  ??? Like touching in romantic way with his hands. Wtf?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 25 April 2015, 09:24:32 pm
Politeness?Give themselves time to settle nerves?

I'm not bothered, tap water and a glass is no skin off my nose. I am usually offered drinks at other businesses, so it's not unusual.

Being polite would be to say yes a glass of tap water is fine. giving them a bottle of water for them to take a sip then leave it is annoying!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 25 April 2015, 10:01:40 pm
Being polite would be to say yes a glass of tap water is fine. giving them a bottle of water for them to take a sip then leave it is annoying!
I think they're doing this just because of nerves, I must admit sometimes I'm doing this same when I'm distracted - if hairdresser is asking me if I want something to drink and then I forget about it. It's not meant to be rude, people are just absent minded, especially in nervous situations. They always do this same with me, but I doesn't bother me, it's less than 1?  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 26 April 2015, 12:31:26 am
Clients putting my legs over my shoulders and bending me in half. I am an old woman, not a fucking deck chair.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 26 April 2015, 12:09:33 pm
Clients putting my legs over my shoulders and bending me in half. I am an old woman, not a fucking deck chair.

Hahaha oh that made me laugh  ;D
I'm lucky I'm quite bendy, I used to do gymnastics and it seems to have stayed that way lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 28 April 2015, 03:45:44 pm
When you turn up to an outcall and clients don't even offer you a drink  >:(  Bloody rude.  Especially if you've had a shit journey.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 28 April 2015, 07:43:57 pm
Yes they stopped offering drinks some time ago! :(
Did the internet kill good manners?

Ciient having an incall then feeling so guilty
about cheating on his girlfriend he vomits.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 29 April 2015, 05:59:08 am
OK, so this is a trivial one, but it's happened a lot recently - when they accept the offer of a drink and then don't touch it. Why? I have mineral water, sodas etc., and it's really beginning to hack me off that I keep wasting them. I don't begrudge giving clients a drink at all, especially in warmer weather, but I've become convinced that some just say yes for the sake of getting their money's worth. Grrr.
how many half used small bottles of water I have ! , tempted to give the next client a glass full from a remaining bottle !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Curvygal on 29 April 2015, 01:28:07 pm
When you turn up to an outcall and clients don't even offer you a drink  >:(  Bloody rude.  Especially if you've had a shit journey.

So true.  Or the ones (like one I had last night) that hand you the money in the hall and show you straight in to the bedroom!  Erm...'okay.....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 29 April 2015, 02:02:59 pm
When you turn up to an outcall and clients don't even offer you a drink  >:(  Bloody rude.  Especially if you've had a shit journey.

So true.  Or the ones (like one I had last night) that hand you the money in the hall and show you straight in to the bedroom!  Erm...'okay.....

err that's would be my perfect jobby .... ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fifilondon on 29 April 2015, 02:25:21 pm
lately it's been hairs.. pubes.. everywhere.. in the bathroom.. on the bed.. arghhhh

I'm so tired of picking up little black hairs in my hotel rooms.. Thinking of investing in a mini vac x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 29 April 2015, 03:16:41 pm
lately it's been hairs.. pubes.. everywhere.. in the bathroom.. on the bed.. arghhhh

I'm so tired of picking up little black hairs in my hotel rooms.. Thinking of investing in a mini vac x

For the bedding, try one of those lint rollers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PoshTotty on 29 April 2015, 03:24:53 pm
Clients who can't follow simple instructions, especially the ones which are there to make everything as discreet as possible. Like telling them to park in a particular spot i.e. my parking spot not my neighbours'. But still parking in the wrong place! Then sitting in his car (looking suspicious) because a neighbour was pratting about in her car and he didn't want to draw attention to himself. As though a strnager just sitting in a tiny private car park doesn't look odd at all! I send aerial photos of my road, with my house and parking space marked on them, yet they still can't find my place and park correctly. Jeez! I'm annoyed with them before they even step foot over my threshold, so I then have a harder time gritting my teeth and putting up with their "little ways".

The almost shouting "Hello PT, lovely to meet you" and "had a great time, hopefully see you again some time" when I've specifically asked them to be quiet when arriving and leaving in case we're within earshot of neighbours.

The shared bath or shower where you specifically say it's on the condition they don't get your face or hair wet, then they get clumpsy with the shower head, spraying your head. Or touch your head with their wet hands.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fifilondon on 29 April 2015, 03:37:58 pm
lately it's been hairs.. pubes.. everywhere.. in the bathroom.. on the bed.. arghhhh

I'm so tired of picking up little black hairs in my hotel rooms.. Thinking of investing in a mini vac x

For the bedding, try one of those lint rollers.

Ohhhh genuis!! Will do! xx :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 29 April 2015, 03:50:33 pm
The one that say what do YOU like, I want YOU to have fun, I want YOU to come.................and make a big deal out of it being about ME.................

I feel like saying well what I would like is you to hand over the reddies and bugger off!  (Can't though can I! )  LOL

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 29 April 2015, 06:18:54 pm
The one that say what do YOU like, I want YOU to have fun, I want YOU to come.................and make a big deal out of it being about ME.................

I feel like saying well what I would like is you to hand over the reddies and bugger off!  (Can't though can I! )  LOL

I tell them that I want them to lick me until I'm wet and then bang the Hell out of me in doggy style. Easier to fake it from that angle and distance.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 01 May 2015, 03:25:29 pm
When I get longer bookings and they ask what I want to do, I feel like saying 'I want to watch TV'.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 01 May 2015, 04:10:47 pm
Asking 'What else do you do?', 'Teach me something'.

I offer the things I offer, and that's it. There is nothing else, I'm not sure what else they expect me to do. :-[
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 01 May 2015, 04:23:49 pm
Asking 'What else do you do?', 'Teach me something'.

I offer the things I offer, and that's it. There is nothing else, I'm not sure what else they expect me to do. :-[

I HATE this.  I always say, well what more do you want?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 02 May 2015, 01:04:01 pm
Not made a booking,
Do not know any details/prices etc despite being given verbally and link to website and explained not available at the time they then phone at short notice to ask for an appointment for that time.

Say aww "I've been looking forward to this"  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 13 May 2015, 09:24:22 pm
Recently I'm finding that if you can't give them
an instant 'yes' they snap 'forget it!'.

I may have a short holiday and explained it
to a caller who seemed polite and nice.
Then he snapped 'forget it' and put the phone down.
Sensible sounding men seem to unable to
control their emotions and  become 5 year olds.
Considering someone else really burns them.

If it's not agreed, guaranteed and available 'now'
it's ok to be bad-tempered and childish.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 14 May 2015, 04:31:52 pm
When they're too rough with my tits. omg and why do I have to say three times to be more gentle.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 16 May 2015, 02:56:27 pm
Say "You're joking" when you advise that you aren't working or are already booked.

Another great is to offer more money when I've said I can't do something, or am already booked.

Mostly said by new clients. Why on earth would I bump someone else I already know, who I've seen many times, and doesn't need directions etc?Or let myself and others down in the remainder of my life?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 16 May 2015, 03:50:33 pm
Yeah, I had a guy exclaim in utter astonishment "YOU'RE KIDDING!" when I declined to rim him. Um, it's not advertised in my services and I'm pretty sure that licking anuses is not a standard thing that one assumes all prossies will do.  ???

And, the guys who, upon being told that you're all booked up for the evening say, "Can't you just squeeze me in for a half hour?"

"No, I don't think the client who is coming for two hours would appreciate that."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 16 May 2015, 03:54:12 pm
Say "You're joking" when you advise that you aren't working or are already booked.

In their defence I have been known to do this, not consciously, it's a more reactive response.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 16 May 2015, 04:58:15 pm
Say "You're joking" when you advise that you aren't working or are already booked.

In their defence I have been known to do this, not consciously, it's a more reactive response.

Yes I do understand this but it can sound a bit daft. I sometimes say "No, I made it up" and we laugh about it.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 16 May 2015, 06:06:58 pm
Yeah I don't blame you, that's how I'd reply too. But despite knowing it's a daft reply, I still come out with it when I find ask for something that it out of stock or can't get an appointment when I want lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 16 May 2015, 06:14:00 pm
When you tell them you're fully booked and they ask "Do you know anyone else?" No I'm not a pimp!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 16 May 2015, 06:18:23 pm
Even better when they say 'are you sure you're not free'... actually no, I'm an idiot lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 16 May 2015, 06:25:15 pm
When you tell them you're fully booked and they ask "Do you know anyone else?" No I'm not a pimp!

Yes..then they say, 'Is she like you?'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 16 May 2015, 06:31:03 pm
Even better when fully booked/not working "Do you have a friend(s)?", yes I do and they are not a prostitute.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 16 May 2015, 06:56:04 pm
Even better when fully booked/not working "Do you have a friend(s)?", yes I do and they are not a prostitute.
yes this is weird, my friends are not hookers anyway, I think they assume we live in a prostitute world where we don't associate with anyone else! X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 19 May 2015, 12:28:13 pm
When clients say a time they will phone to enquire for a booking like I just sit down all day with no other bookings or life. They should just phone to enquire or just say in the text. As cannot give a time that will be available to answer. If in a booking I don't answer the phone.

I also find it very rude when they type using caps.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rubyruby on 19 May 2015, 01:07:58 pm
When they frig the entrance of your vagina like its a fucking guitar  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsDee on 19 May 2015, 02:02:36 pm
Being fingered by Freddie Kruger and the more you tell them to be gentle the harder they go  :'(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 19 May 2015, 02:21:08 pm
Being fingered by Freddie Kruger and the more you tell them to be gentle the harder they go  :'(

Ouch. I had one of those. I said jokingly 'don't you cut your nails?' and he replied 'I did before I came here'... makes me think the fingernails issue has arisen before!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 19 May 2015, 03:05:19 pm
I had a guy pull his broken fingernail off and throw it on my floor :/ Ick.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 19 May 2015, 07:50:34 pm
When clients say a time they will phone to enquire for a booking like I just sit down all day with no other bookings or life. They should just phone to enquire or just say in the text. As cannot give a time that will be available to answer. If in a booking I don't answer the phone.

Oh, I hate that, too. "When's a good time to call you?" Well, there is one good time to call as I'm on the way in but other than that... I dunno!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 19 May 2015, 11:21:22 pm
When clients say a time they will phone to enquire for a booking like I just sit down all day with no other bookings or life. They should just phone to enquire or just say in the text. As cannot give a time that will be available to answer. If in a booking I don't answer the phone.

Oh, I hate that, too. "When's a good time to call you?" Well, there is one good time to call as I'm on the way in but other than that... I dunno!

Yes that annoys me too. I do have a time in the morning I often leave free for confirmations etc, but that's not usually convenient for most. If I was to say 3pm tomorrow, if I'm available for bookings and I end up with an appointment at that time I'm going to take that appointment over sitting waiting incase I receive a phone call.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Secret-Whore on 20 May 2015, 06:32:06 pm
I have a guy that's booked a meeting with me and we've had great email correspondence and confirmed all services etc, but he keeps trying to negotiate and a chat between his home life (married), his work and my busy schedule. I find that so awkward  :-\ we don't have anything to chat about.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 20 May 2015, 06:46:01 pm
What the fuck is up with the guys who call and hang up as soon as you answer and then text to say "Sorry... lost signal/someone came in the room/whatever" and then try to book via text? As soon as they hang up I save them as "Hung Up" and then ignore all future texts. A couple of them have called again so I guess they realised that I wasn't going to text them but as far as I'm concerned, they're rude idiots.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hotblondie on 20 May 2015, 06:57:08 pm
What the fuck is up with the guys who call and hang up as soon as you answer and then text to say "Sorry... lost signal/someone came in the room/whatever" and then try to book via text? As soon as they hang up I save them as "Hung Up" and then ignore all future texts. A couple of them have called again so I guess they realised that I wasn't going to text them but as far as I'm concerned, they're rude idiots.

I do the same, block them. One told me he had no credit left, another one that  he had no signal. Bullshit, they wanted to hear if Im real then book through texts. I consider them very rude so I dont see them.
I do take bookings by text but the have to call me to get my flat number after Ive seen them from my window, which its different.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 20 May 2015, 07:12:49 pm
I never really get people who hang up and then start texting. But one of my London bookings tried calling with a really bad signal to confirm his booking and I accepted an AW message as confirmation instead but I was only 50% sure he'd turn up. He did though  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: victoryrose on 20 May 2015, 07:27:12 pm
I get those all the time! Doesn't work because I demand to confirm details over the phone before I so much as pencil them in. Idiots.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 25 May 2015, 03:43:10 pm
Last night I noticed a discarded small plastic bag outside my incall place - which is also my home.

Contained 1 and a half bluish diamond shaped pills which are probably some relation to viagra.

I am not impressed.

I am fairly selective who I see and clients know this is my home/discretion is important.

Could have been a passerby but what are the chances of that?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 25 May 2015, 04:16:50 pm
I've had experiences where a WG was in my block and
I presume clients left incriminating stuff on the communal
door bell area, someone else was dropping condoms on the floor.

Don't think the girls did it.
Malicious clients

Or could be coincidence.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 25 May 2015, 04:37:53 pm
I've had experiences where a WG was in my block and
I presume clients left incriminating stuff on the communal
door bell area, someone else was dropping condoms on the floor.

Don't think the girls did it.
Malicious clients

Or could be coincidence.

I'm not part of a communal block, it could be coincidence but highly unlikely.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 26 May 2015, 01:06:25 am
When they call the minute you switch your phone on at 8am and are incredulous they will need to wait 1 hour or so for you to arrive ( they are always still in bed themselves, you can tell )
 What do they think they are ordering? A Pizza Hut Breakfast?!  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 26 May 2015, 01:15:39 am
I'm not part of a communal block, it could be coincidence but highly unlikely.
It is very annoying. I know.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 29 May 2015, 09:57:36 am
I hate being asked very personal questions. I get asked how many children do I have and how old are they. I am often asked where they are. (Do they mean who has custody or where are they at that moment?) Sometimes I am asked if I am married or have a partner or where the children's father (or if there are multiple fathers) are.

Another wanted to know what my first sexual experience was and how old I was. For some reason, it annoyed me. Mine was a pretty typical adolescent fumble with an age-appropriate partner, but what if the real answer is "I was raped by my uncle when I was 7?"


I tend to pull them up on it. I'll tweak their noses and smile and say "nosy, aren't you?" And sometimes I will say, "That's a very personal question. I never ask my clients questions like that."

I should probably just smile and lie and act as if I'm thrilled they care so much about me as a human being.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Secret-Whore on 29 May 2015, 11:09:34 am
I was doing incalls at a hotel and a client turned up unexpectedly, so I didn't zip my ssuitcase shut in time. In the middle of the booking, he noticed a basque and proceeded to pull it out and try to rifle tthrough my suitcase! I just said 'Excuse me!' because I was shocked. He noticed his faux pas, and apologised profusely, but wtf?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 29 May 2015, 12:21:22 pm
I was doing incalls at a hotel and a client turned up unexpectedly, so I didn't zip my ssuitcase shut in time. In the middle of the booking, he noticed a basque and proceeded to pull it out and try to rifle tthrough my suitcase! I just said 'Excuse me!' because I was shocked. He noticed his faux pas, and apologised profusely, but wtf?
Whaaaat? I'd be so furious!!!

They always, always (!!) ask for my real name. Maybe I'm that amazing with pretending their girlfriend lol. I just reply "it's fake" with sweet smile. Bloody boundary pushers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Secret-Whore on 31 May 2015, 08:15:16 pm
I was doing incalls at a hotel and a client turned up unexpectedly, so I didn't zip my ssuitcase shut in time. In the middle of the booking, he noticed a basque and proceeded to pull it out and try to rifle tthrough my suitcase! I just said 'Excuse me!' because I was shocked. He noticed his faux pas, and apologised profusely, but wtf?
Whaaaat? I'd be so furious!!!

They always, always (!!) ask for my real name. Maybe I'm that amazing with pretending their girlfriend lol. I just reply "it's fake" with sweet smile. Bloody boundary pushers.
I stopped seeing a guy due to that. I saw him on my first day on AW and he made me feel so uncomfortable. He asked me for my real name and I gave him another fake one, then when he realised that I wouldn't tell him (it was obviously fake because it was an extended version of my AW one), he called me Miss Fake Name... He also kept texting me asking how I was and never booking as he was texting 'for a chat' and kept an eye on my profile and texted me about getting lots of feedback ('you're doing well, aren't you'). He also asked me for my personal mobile phone number. When he did eventually text me for a booking, I ignored it along with all the others.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 02 June 2015, 02:28:20 pm
When you kindly ask them to phone for more details but then still text. Not the time wasters but the ones who make a booking then text after. Another is when they try using me like have some magical powers like google maps. I should one time say hang on let me think the mapped out route. Many find me with the postcode.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 03 June 2015, 12:26:21 pm
When you kindly ask them to phone for more details but then still text. Not the time wasters but the ones who make a booking then text after. Another is when they try using me like have some magical powers like google maps. I should one time say hang on let me think the mapped out route. Many find me with the postcode.
Just one more question
Can I phone now
Is it ok to phone now
Can I phone in 5 minutes
Sorry got held up
I'll phone you later

Just phone!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 03 June 2015, 12:38:20 pm
Just gave the client the option of arriving 10 minutes early
so he could walk to the venue in good time.

I say 'call me 30 minutes before the appointment to confirm'.
He gets flustered as he can't work out the timing and seems to blame me.
(30 minutes is the same here as in any part of the world isn't it?  ???)

Then he cancels by text  as soon as I put the phone down.
Sometimes being horny cuts off blood to the brain so
every instruction is seen as an insult.
They really need to jerk off in the office loo before calling and calm :)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fifilondon on 04 June 2015, 03:17:42 pm
absolutely flooding the bathroom!Why?!

Had a dressing gown hanging on the back of the door and he popped it on...argh!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 04 June 2015, 03:21:28 pm
Anything you leave in the bathroom they will
smear on their body or rub their asshole with  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 04 June 2015, 04:58:11 pm
After reading posts on the subject, it really annoys me how guys play with female workers emotions.

It affects our livelihood if we stop but they couldn't give two flying f***s about that.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fifilondon on 04 June 2015, 06:34:52 pm
Anything you leave in the bathroom they will
smear on their body or rub their asshole with  :D

hahahahah! so true, so true   ::) :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 04 June 2015, 06:46:02 pm
Anything you leave in the bathroom they will
smear on their body or rub their asshole with  :D

hahahahah! so true, so true   ::) :)
I always chuck my hand towel in the laundry straight after any client has used my bathroom.

Also, when they have a glass of water and put it down between the coasters I have so carefully placed in my room to be used!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 04 June 2015, 07:04:43 pm
It amazes me how grown up men don't know how to operate a shower. After booking I'm finding shower handle in weirdest combinations! Also floor looks like small lake.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 04 June 2015, 07:45:29 pm
It amazes me how grown up men don't know how to operate a shower. After booking I'm finding shower handle in weirdest combinations! Also floor looks like small lake.

I always turned shower on for clients.  I just didnt. Trust them not to break it.  I always showed them button to turn off shower too, made life easier.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tinkerbell on 05 June 2015, 08:34:37 pm
Insist they've 'just had a shower'. Really? Why do you absolutely pong then??
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sherbet_dab on 06 June 2015, 01:43:24 pm
Potential client: "Hi, are you free at (whatever time)?"
Me: "Yes, would you like to book?"
Potential client: "Great, I'll give you a call back then!"

IF YOU WANT THAT TIME THEN BOOK IT NOW!!!!  There's no guarantee that I'll still be free then if you don't make a definite booking, it's first come first served!

Boils my piss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 06 June 2015, 01:53:42 pm
Potential client: "Hi, are you free at (whatever time)?"
Me: "Yes, would you like to book?"
Potential client: "Great, I'll give you a call back then!"

IF YOU WANT THAT TIME THEN BOOK IT NOW!!!!  There's no guarantee that I'll still be free then if you don't make a definite booking, it's first come first served!

Boils my piss.

I assume that they're not sure of their schedule. I do say "as of now, I'm available then." Then they understand that I may be booked by then.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VioletteUK on 07 June 2015, 10:11:18 am
When they say, Oh I think I know where you are. No you don't, if you did I would be giving your directions like you were from another county. Men and directions, they just assume I haven't a clue where I am located.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 20 June 2015, 11:55:17 am
From a client who has seen me once before made a booking for next week. I received a text this morning from him. 'Cant wait what you have to offer?. He should know already have been with me all of a sudden forgot every thing.

So text reply him to please phone to inquire. He then texted me back no I have seen your profile. This shows me immaturity.

I reply with so you know what is offered.

He replied yes very good.

Then try test number two here goes. He said did ask you do you do 69.

I don't encourage sex text with any clients so always discourage in thier tracks.

I then text yet again to please phone to enquire.

He then replied with sorry.

See how much strangeness here is silly.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 20 June 2015, 12:55:55 pm
I've been getting a lot of the same as above.  Loads and loads of texts and you know the stupid one liners and I have to confess my patience this week has worn thin with the most ridiculous phone calls  :FF

Is your place safe ? 

Are you clean?

Will you do a quickie as I can't afford your rate.............

etc etc etc..................

Is it silly season at the moment!  I know I need to just ignore but sometimes the thing I hate most about this job is not the meeting with people but the dickhead timewasters that come with it! 

Rant over !

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Teddy Bear on 30 June 2015, 04:14:05 am
Family photos arghhhh seriously?! On my way home from a booking where the guy had pictures of his wife and newborn baby everywhere like seriously man if you are going to cheat on the mother of your beautiful newborn son fine but don't make it THAT obvious! He was wondering why he was having trouble getting and keeping an erection I just lay there with this heartwarming 'flickerbook' of their whole life all around me thinking 'yeah I wonder why that might be!!' ::)

Even funnier ones are when they say they are not married while standing right next to their goddamn wedding photo, how thick can someone be, or worse how thick do they think I am? :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ladyofthemansion on 30 June 2015, 05:31:45 am
The ones who want to kiss you while chewing gum and make your lips or boobs sticky lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LovePod on 30 June 2015, 09:59:40 am
The ones who try to clean my teeth during kissing (or whatever they try to achieve when their tongue is gliding along my teeth)  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 30 June 2015, 10:31:42 am
The ones who want to kiss you while chewing gum and make your lips or boobs sticky lol.
Ha!I stand there with my hand out like a headmistress and then bin it before they get kisses!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MollyG on 01 July 2015, 10:56:55 pm
Saying they need a photo of my face to decide

And asking how many clients I saw that day :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ladyofthemansion on 01 July 2015, 11:39:44 pm
Licking my lips when they kiss! Yuck!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sherbet_dab on 02 July 2015, 09:46:26 pm
Asking my real name - I swear every other client does this!

Saying stuff like 'oh i bet you love this job, easy money!' etc

Not washing their dick after they've been for a piss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 02 July 2015, 10:11:32 pm
Indiscrimantly grabbing any old thing in the bathroom to use as shower gel. Like my expensive shampoo - there's a massive bottle labeled SHOWER GEL right there by the shower head! The shampoo is at the other end of the tub and says "Shampoo!"

Today a client grabbed my bottle of Bobbi Brown makeup remover where it sat next to the sink and apparently poured it all over himself thinking it was body wash. Not only did he waste what costs over ?20, the floor of the shower was very slick. Dumbass.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 02 July 2015, 10:15:33 pm
Men and bathrooms - a mystery to me. I have two towels (hair and body) on a stand, and the guest towel is either on a little table or the radiator, which I always clearly state. Yet 80% of the time, they used one of mine, even when they're damp!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 02 July 2015, 10:16:47 pm 'manworld' everything is simple.
See it: Use it/Eat it/Fuck it

I have 20 lovely different bath gels for them to mess around with
and a single solid soap for myself, hidden in a tiny little corner.

Client asked for my nice, clean, private, personal soap (that I stick up my ass..!)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 02 July 2015, 10:29:01 pm
Skidmarks on towels anyone? It's reason enough for me NEVER to offer an Incall  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 03 July 2015, 03:04:27 am
I hate it when I go into my bathroom after they've used it, and I find the toilet seat up and piss absolutely everywhere. On the rim of the bowl, and droplets on the floor. And usually the guys who feel the need to spray my bathroom floor like a feral cat don't flush the small amount of wee they actually manage to get in the toilet.
Firstly- HOW do they do this?? Do they literally swing their cock whilst peeing? WHY?!
And secondly- I'm sure they wouldn't do this in their own bathroom.  So why mine?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sherbet_dab on 06 July 2015, 09:27:05 pm
Skidmarks on towels anyone? It's reason enough for me NEVER to offer an Incall  ;D

I once had a client leave a massive skidmark on a hotel bedsheet.  He wasn't even embarrassed  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 06 July 2015, 10:20:54 pm
Guys who say "good girl!" when I'm sucking their dick. Posh guys say it. Do they get that from having lots of dogs and horses or something?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MollyG on 07 July 2015, 12:30:43 am
I hate it when I go into my bathroom after they've used it, and I find the toilet seat up and piss absolutely everywhere. On the rim of the bowl, and droplets on the floor.

This has annoyed me and cleaning up makes me gag. And I noticed a lot of clients ask for a bottle of water but barely drinks it. Its summer now many clients smell of bad armpit odour that doesn't wash off  ???

This is insanely annoying as well. Imgine saying this to a grown woman such as myself and in a patronising voice

Guys who say "good girl!" when I'm sucking their dick. Posh guys say it. Do they get that from having lots of dogs and horses or something?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 07 July 2015, 02:42:02 am
Balls that smell ( and taste ) of deodorant.
We all know you used it INSTEAD of and not in addition to a hot flannel and soap.. :P
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: The_Lynx on 07 July 2015, 04:38:30 am
Guys who say "good girl!" when I'm sucking their dick. Posh guys say it. Do they get that from having lots of dogs and horses or something?

Not a job occurrence, but, my SO dropped that one on me recently for the first time ever. To say it confused me would be an understatement. ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 07 July 2015, 01:54:56 pm
Hnnng how do they manage to flood the bathroom floor when they shower? I can splash about and wash my hair without getting a drop on the floor. Do they shower with the curtain open? What's going on?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 07 July 2015, 03:05:56 pm
Hnnng how do they manage to flood the bathroom floor when they shower? I can splash about and wash my hair without getting a drop on the floor. Do they shower with the curtain open? What's going on?!

If you have a curtain instead of a screen I think some people will push the curtain outside the tub so that it doesn't blow inwards and stick to their legs.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kimberly-x on 07 July 2015, 06:41:26 pm
even though it clearly states that im in a small town outside of cambridge they all ask where abouts i am  :FF

i had one client yesterday (that i turned down)
after a pleasant phone call he text me like. this. and. asked. me. if. i. do. bareback. and. would. not. stop. asking. me. stupid. questions.
then called me a timewaster!!!

or just texing me saying "free today" or "3:15 Postcode?"

calls in the middle of the night like im going to pick up

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 07 July 2015, 09:29:14 pm
Hnnng how do they manage to flood the bathroom floor when they shower? I can splash about and wash my hair without getting a drop on the floor. Do they shower with the curtain open? What's going on?!

If you have a curtain instead of a screen I think some people will push the curtain outside the tub so that it doesn't blow inwards and stick to their legs.

Really???? That seems such an odd thing to do when that would obviously spill water outside the tub!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 07 July 2015, 09:30:24 pm
Hnnng how do they manage to flood the bathroom floor when they shower? I can splash about and wash my hair without getting a drop on the floor. Do they shower with the curtain open? What's going on?!

If you have a curtain instead of a screen I think some people will push the curtain outside the tub so that it doesn't blow inwards and stick to their legs.

Really???? That seems such an odd thing to do when that would obviously spill water outside the tub!

They don't care! They're not going to be cleaning it up.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: The_Lynx on 07 July 2015, 10:25:02 pm
Hnnng how do they manage to flood the bathroom floor when they shower? I can splash about and wash my hair without getting a drop on the floor. Do they shower with the curtain open? What's going on?!

If you have a curtain instead of a screen I think some people will push the curtain outside the tub so that it doesn't blow inwards and stick to their legs.

Really???? That seems such an odd thing to do when that would obviously spill water outside the tub!

They don't care! They're not going to be cleaning it up.

Some people are just really, really messy. I spill water all over the place in my own flat and I just kinda... leave it there. It dries up on its own. >_>' What I'm trying to say is, for some folks it doesn't even cross their minds really.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 07 July 2015, 10:35:48 pm
Hnnng how do they manage to flood the bathroom floor when they shower? I can splash about and wash my hair without getting a drop on the floor. Do they shower with the curtain open? What's going on?!

If you have a curtain instead of a screen I think some people will push the curtain outside the tub so that it doesn't blow inwards and stick to their legs.

Really???? That seems such an odd thing to do when that would obviously spill water outside the tub!

They don't care! They're not going to be cleaning it up.

Some people are just really, really messy. I spill water all over the place in my own flat and I just kinda... leave it there. It dries up on its own. >_>' What I'm trying to say is, for some folks it doesn't even cross their minds really.

I'm the same!

I wouldn't put a shower curtain out of the bath but I do splash water around and I don't care. It dries on its own.

Sometimes, after I've dried myself off with my towel and I figure it's ready for the laundry, I'll dry the floor with it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: The_Lynx on 07 July 2015, 10:53:46 pm
Sometimes, after I've dried myself off with my towel and I figure it's ready for the laundry, I'll dry the floor with it.

Ditto, I do that too. ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MollyG on 07 July 2015, 11:51:44 pm
annoying client calls and asks 'what time are you available'?

Me: what time is good for you?

annoying client: whenever you are around

me: erm 9 o'clock?

annoying client: that's not late for me. another time

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 08 July 2015, 07:49:03 am
they email you after your finished and your mobile is no longer displayed no availability sign showing asking are you free now?  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 08 July 2015, 10:16:12 am
Ask if you enjoy the services you offer ..............

I feel like telling the truth - not really mate, but it pays the bills............. LOL

I mean would I really turn around and say no............... duh

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nachos on 08 July 2015, 11:38:19 am
Ask if you enjoy the services you offer ..............

I feel like telling the truth - not really mate, but it pays the bills............. LOL

I mean would I really turn around and say no............... duh

Lol!  Exactly!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kimberly-x on 08 July 2015, 01:44:23 pm
Guys who say "good girl!" when I'm sucking their dick. Posh guys say it. Do they get that from having lots of dogs and horses or something?

i got my first "good girl" last night
kept doing it and stroking me like a dog i nearly burst out laughing
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 08 July 2015, 03:24:16 pm
Assume that I'm some form of 24/7 party animal/sex addict that spends all day shopping in luxury designer shops and only eats caviar and drinks champagne and has an entourage of cleaners following me round like some Princess and I only work at night and all night (when I'm not out partying that is). 

Along with that the assumption that I'm working every possible waking hour so by their calculation I'm probably on near on 10k a week and I do this job because I actually really really need the nookie...........

The truth is I'm always looking for a bargain when I shop in the High Street or online (never designer but only if it's on sale!), I hate caviar, I don't drink alcohol and I only work daytimes and most evenings I'm a couch potato watching tv in my pj's, slippers and if I really push the boat out it's a takeway pizza or curry!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MollyG on 08 July 2015, 05:41:01 pm

Along with that the assumption that I'm working every possible waking hour so by their calculation I'm probably on near on 10k a week and I do this job because I actually really really need the nookie...........

I get this all the time. Clients do a quick calculation based on my hourly and say 'you must be f**king loaded!'

This one takes the cake 'you're f**king loaded and you don't even pay tax!' I pay more tax than some of these tax dodging rich clients.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 08 July 2015, 09:21:28 pm
It's often assumed that I drive a sports car, or a German 'marque'.

Nope, I don't do finance, and I have no intention of chucking away a couple of years worth of income into something that has heated seats, a digital radio and parking sensors. I can upgrade the radio for a lot less than that if I wish, and don't feel any need for a flash motor. A car is a thing that transports me to places if I cannot walk, cycle or use public transport.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amber_c on 09 July 2015, 10:33:05 am
clients who say "oh but you don't declare this do you?" then give me advice on their ideas for tax dodging..
irritates me as I pay my full share of what I owe and I find it extremely patronising to assume I need advice on running my business! :FF

clients who assume I'm loaded, had one who was very surprised that I rent my work flat (why would I work from somewhere I own?!) and finance my car.
I might make good money but not enough to buy properties and drop tens of thousands on a car!

Clients seem to vastly over-estimate our take home pay. Expenses and tax eat into it quite a bit.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 09 July 2015, 11:35:54 am
When their back smells of soap but their arse crack smells of day old spare ribs left out in the sun   >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 09 July 2015, 12:37:06 pm
Yeah I once remarked something about tour expenses and keeping receipts for my accountant and the client was incredulous that I pay taxes. Like he just laughed and couldn't believe it. I told him I have to pay tax if I'm supporting a family. I mean, the bill get paid somehow and how can I hide that?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 09 July 2015, 02:07:40 pm
Great post, making me smile. Not impressed with the skid marks thing though..yuk!! Reminds me of an ex who asked me to wash his Calvin Kleins & they were brown at the rear!  :o

Tenacious text tennis really grates on me. Got it plastered all over my profile not to do this, yet they think they are the exception to the rule because they've booked an hour with me & need to build it up.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 09 July 2015, 06:18:49 pm
clients who say "oh but you don't declare this do you?" then give me advice on their ideas for tax dodging..
irritates me as I pay my full share of what I owe and I find it extremely patronising to assume I need advice on running my business! :FF

clients who assume I'm loaded, had one who was very surprised that I rent my work flat (why would I work from somewhere I own?!) and finance my car.
I might make good money but not enough to buy properties and drop tens of thousands on a car!

Clients seem to vastly over-estimate our take home pay. Expenses and tax eat into it quite a bit.

Exactly !!!  I actually had someone once almost snarl at me accusingly and say "it's all right for you as you don't pay tax do you?"............. this was actually said with a real bitter tone and I retorted "Of course I do!  Why on earth would I want to live on my wits not paying taxes etc, I mean I want to be in the system at my age ............... "

I don't think he even believed me you know...............

They seem to think we're all a bunch of airheads who do nothing but squander our earnings and live a fancy lifestyle ...............

I've had clients want to meet me outside hotels to see what I drive.............. funny thing is I hide mine far away and watch hilariously as they gaze at each flash car pulling up expecting me to jump out -

Agree with others here, why would I want to waste my good earnings on a flash car when all I want is something to take me from A to B as economically as possible! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 09 July 2015, 07:56:20 pm
Snogging & grabbing as soon as you walk through the door. Er cash first then a quick chat. I'm not one of those synths like on the channel 4 "Humans" programme!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 09 July 2015, 08:23:41 pm
I had an outcall to a hotel on Monday and was giving him a bj for ages then like a lot do, he asks me what I like. I said shall we have sex maybe. He said ok as he wanted to please me but he wanted to finish on my tits. So we had sex doggy then he pulled out and I continued playing with myself as earlier he said he liked that but then he came in the condom. So he started saying that he didn't actually want sex and that he's paying me to satisfy him not the other way round! I said why did you ask me a few times then what I like??

I know he was disappointed at the tits thing but he didn't say he was about to come and should've asked me straight away to turn around. That's the first time someone's moaned at me for 'enjoying' it. He said sorry and we kind of made up but don't think I would see him again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 09 July 2015, 11:56:45 pm
Snogging & grabbing as soon as you walk through the door. Er cash first then a quick chat. I'm not one of those synths like on the channel 4 "Humans" programme!!

I have a real bugbear about this. I had it with my last Client. Greets me from behind the door dressed only in a towel, but thinks it's perfectly polite to keep my fee upstairs in the bedroom - no doubt scared I'll run out the door and race off with my pimp?

 It does not get the booking off to a good start for me  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 10 July 2015, 05:12:11 pm
I've had this twice today: clients who've contacted me before, made a booking and not showed up, and thus have a 'no' or 'TW' by their name in my phone. Call me up as if we've never had any contact - one denied it and said he'd call me back to make a booking later (yeah, right), the other just put the phone down straight away.

Honestly, do they all think we were born yesterday?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kimberly-x on 10 July 2015, 09:09:45 pm
ive had loads of people make a booking and say they will call later for the address then just never call i dont mind giving the street name and the post code they take it but never bloody call even when i text them saying are you near then they never answer the phone :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Teddy Bear on 11 July 2015, 04:44:23 am
When they expect me to wear my jaw out on their limp flaccid cock while they wank it furiously and assure me it will only take '5 more minutes' for them to finish. I'm like it's not even going to get hard in 5 more minutes let alone finish the game.

I stop and offer another service or if they persist grab my clothes and announce I'm leaving, with the full fee, as they are clearly not understanding my boundaries.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 11 July 2015, 06:43:17 am
When they expect me to wear my jaw out on their limp flaccid cock while they wank it furiously and assure me it will only take '5 more minutes' for them to finish. I'm like it's not even going to get hard in 5 more minutes let alone finish the game.

I stop and offer another service or if they persist grab my clothes and announce I'm leaving, with the full fee, as they are clearly not understanding my boundaries.
oh god this is just it I have to recover from laughing at this one its so true !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 11 July 2015, 08:38:57 pm
I had an outcall to a hotel on Monday and was giving him a bj for ages then like a lot do, he asks me what I like. I said shall we have sex maybe. He said ok as he wanted to please me but he wanted to finish on my tits. So we had sex doggy then he pulled out and I continued playing with myself as earlier he said he liked that but then he came in the condom. So he started saying that he didn't actually want sex and that he's paying me to satisfy him not the other way round! I said why did you ask me a few times then what I like??

I know he was disappointed at the tits thing but he didn't say he was about to come and should've asked me straight away to turn around. That's the first time someone's moaned at me for 'enjoying' it. He said sorry and we kind of made up but don't think I would see him again.

What a twit, but typical of some punters..............

They're all for this and that and then if it doesn't go exactly to plan for some of the whingey whiny ones then have a strop.  Deal with it and man up I say!   I mean he's had an orgasm so why moan! 

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amber_c on 12 July 2015, 12:00:19 am
clients who are obsessed with my orgasm, happily spending ages lapping away at my crotch like a dog until I either orgasm or fake it, and then they keep trying to play with the clit.. like would they like it if they came and I kept wanking them off? no matter how many times I say I'm a bit sensitive there after orgasm they don't get the message.

wet sloppy kissers getting saliva all over my face, I find it disgusting but I just put up with it, part of the job I guess.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Treetop on 12 July 2015, 09:21:39 am
Silent clients... annoys me beyond all else, guy yesterday spent the entire booking silent except to ask if he could leave his shoes by door, a mumble when gave me (the wrong) cash and to ask if most if my clients were fat mid bj!
Every so often I get these and drive me crazy with frustration, no grunts, talking, heavy breathing, like gauging the enjoyment of a corpse.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rubyruby on 12 July 2015, 11:56:42 am
clients who are obsessed with my orgasm, happily spending ages lapping away at my crotch like a dog until I either orgasm or fake it, and then they keep trying to play with the clit.. like would they like it if they came and I kept wanking them off? no matter how many times I say I'm a bit sensitive there after orgasm they don't get the message.

wet sloppy kissers getting saliva all over my face, I find it disgusting but I just put up with it, part of the job I guess.

My guess is the guys who keep doing it are the ones who have only ever had partners that have faked it
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sourgrapes on 12 July 2015, 01:14:32 pm
Had one today: phoned and made a booking. Sounded young and nerdy. Asks for post code. 

Then comes a text: what's your name
Me: text back stage name
Him: what's your surname?
Me: how is that relevant?
Him: It isn't

An hour later he remembers he's meeting a friend for dinner, and cancels.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 13 July 2015, 10:18:37 am
Silent clients... annoys me beyond all else, guy yesterday spent the entire booking silent except to ask if he could leave his shoes by door, a mumble when gave me (the wrong) cash and to ask if most if my clients were fat mid bj!
Every so often I get these and drive me crazy with frustration, no grunts, talking, heavy breathing, like gauging the enjoyment of a corpse.

Snap, pet peeve of mine too. One of my first agency clients sat reading the news paper when I arrived. Total objectification, we are just blowup dolls to these twits.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lunar Moon on 13 July 2015, 05:44:35 pm
clients who are obsessed with my orgasm, happily spending ages lapping away at my crotch like a dog until I either orgasm or fake it, and then they keep trying to play with the clit.. like would they like it if they came and I kept wanking them off? no matter how many times I say I'm a bit sensitive there after orgasm they don't get the message.

wet sloppy kissers getting saliva all over my face, I find it disgusting but I just put up with it, part of the job I guess.

The lap dogs are a pain but hey let them stay down there while I mentally do my shopping list for Tesco later - I just shut myself off and moan here and there and fake it, I never let myself orgasm with a client (tbh the issue hardly ever arises lol) so sensitivity is not an issue for me.

The Sloppy Kissers are another thing - Absolutely HATE that, and I tell them, I am straight with them that it is not the sort of kissing I like and maybe they should change their technique to please other ladies as not many ladies would like this sort of kissing (I believe in being straight).  Makes them think and they have corrected in future bookings.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 14 July 2015, 12:55:35 am
Clients who take way too long putting their close back on. Sometimes I just feel like throwing their things out and tell them to get out Sigh. Like they just don't wanna leave.
 Clients who like to forget that their being timed. Saw one client for an hour recently (old guy in his late 50s) about 50 minutes in or so, he asks if i can make him cum twice, i was like when? he said tonight. lool. you serious though? man there is no way I can make you cum twice in 10 minutes. Oh so  you think i'm gonna give you some extra time or something? Don't be ridiculous.
Clients who like to play with tour tongue with their tongue (YUK) and sometimes their tongue are really slimey or salty. ewwwww.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sherbet_dab on 14 July 2015, 02:23:19 pm
Obviously misogynistic, arrogant clients, who think they have you all worked out and start trying to give you life advice.  Because men know best, right?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 14 July 2015, 03:20:36 pm
Turn up 20 minutes early when I'm about to get the DNA result on Jeremy Kyle!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 14 July 2015, 03:31:43 pm
Turn up 20 minutes early when I'm about to get the DNA result on Jeremy Kyle!

LOL  ;D I hate early clients, I always make them wait till time to start just out of annoyance. Bit petty I know but meh, my doctor/dentist/hairdresser doesn't see me early - like ever!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ShaylaF on 14 July 2015, 05:12:19 pm
Freebie hunters. Sigh.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 14 July 2015, 06:12:08 pm
Turn up 20 minutes early when I'm about to get the DNA result on Jeremy Kyle!

LOL  ;D I hate early clients, I always make them wait till time to start just out of annoyance. Bit petty I know but meh, my doctor/dentist/hairdresser doesn't see me early - like ever!
I make them wait too, it happened to me today it annoys the hell out of me, yes suppose it is petty but I can't help it x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 14 July 2015, 06:14:48 pm
Clients who take way too long putting their close back on. Sometimes I just feel like throwing their things out and tell them to get out Sigh. Like they just don't wanna leave.
 Clients who like to forget that their being timed. Saw one client for an hour recently (old guy in his late 50s) about 50 minutes in or so, he asks if i can make him cum twice, i was like when? he said tonight. lool. you serious though? man there is no way I can make you cum twice in 10 minutes. Oh so  you think i'm gonna give you some extra time or something? Don't be ridiculous.
Clients who like to play with tour tongue with their tongue (YUK) and sometimes their tongue are really slimey or salty. ewwwww.

your telling me,!! I notice they always leave things inside out then take forever to turn them right way round before putting them back on..
ive taken to now fixing that and folding as they are talking to them so the end of the booking is somewhat faster when they are getting dressed!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 14 July 2015, 07:17:52 pm
Clients who take way too long putting their close back on. Sometimes I just feel like throwing their things out and tell them to get out Sigh. Like they just don't wanna leave.
 Clients who like to forget that their being timed. Saw one client for an hour recently (old guy in his late 50s) about 50 minutes in or so, he asks if i can make him cum twice, i was like when? he said tonight. lool. you serious though? man there is no way I can make you cum twice in 10 minutes. Oh so  you think i'm gonna give you some extra time or something? Don't be ridiculous.
Clients who like to play with tour tongue with their tongue (YUK) and sometimes their tongue are really slimey or salty. ewwwww.

your telling me,!! I notice they always leave things inside out then take forever to turn them right way round before putting them back on..
ive taken to now fixing that and folding as they are talking to them so the end of the booking is somewhat faster when they are getting dressed!!
Worse when they are finally dressed then sit down for a longer chat! I then start tidying round them, check my phone, have a shower, anything until they get the message!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 14 July 2015, 08:37:40 pm
Not wiping their effin feet when they come in!!!!  >:(
Sorry if I've mentioned this before, but it really pisses me off! I now have TWO doormats, one outside my door, and one inside,
and I still have to ask them if they would please wipe their feet, as my carpet is really light couloured.
Sometimes I forget, and low and behold, I had a trail of god-knows-what leading in to my bedroom today, what do they do,
come straight from a farm and trample about in the pigsty for a bit just to piss me off??
Grrrrrr  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 16 July 2015, 06:52:26 pm
Not following instructions and interrupting. :(
50 year old blokes unable to navigate the 6 yards to
my front door because they are too distracted and nervous.
I told him to turn his volume up.
Then discovered he was actually peering down the road, like
a twitchy meercat.....not walking.

Had to turn my phone off, abandon this little puppy
and he was replaced by a 30 yr old male with a sense
of direction within 15 minutes.

Am I doing something wrong?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 16 July 2015, 07:20:32 pm
No, you're not doing anything wrong!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 16 July 2015, 07:40:55 pm
 ;D Thanks Fabs.
I must ban these 'mature' bookings. lol
Oh noooooo I have a 60 yr old ringing now.... ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 18 July 2015, 01:24:54 pm
Cum on my neck and hair when I tell them to get it on my tits.  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 18 July 2015, 05:01:43 pm
Making you go through your whole script on the phone and then right at the end, asking for something very specific and non related to what you offer, that they could of just asked at the start!   :FF  JUST SAY WHAT YOU WANT
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 19 July 2015, 12:44:45 pm
God yes. Saying 'What services do you offer?'

I always ask them to say what they want,I'm not wasting my time listing everything I could actually do for him then to ask me at the end  'Do you do anal?' (or something I don't offer). Just sodding ask me straight off!!!

But then it still irritates me that my profile and website clearly state no anal... but we all know most of them can't read...

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 19 July 2015, 12:51:32 pm
Exactly!  Trouble is, most of my callers are from my ad in the newspaper and you only get 16 words.  So I have to keep to the bare basics.  Somedays, I'm taking nowt but phone calls and it's exhausting.  Really doesn't help when they don't specify specifically what they want. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 19 July 2015, 03:12:39 pm
Or you give them all the details they ask for and they say, "I'll ring you back later." And they never do.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kimberly-x on 19 July 2015, 03:18:08 pm
Or you give them all the details they ask for and they say, "I'll ring you back later." And they never do.

Ive had that all day
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 21 July 2015, 02:55:51 am
..When they ask "How tall are you?" as an add-on question. Maybe it's just me, but I think it's a ridiculous question and a silly stipulation.

 I mean, I'll be fucking him on his bed, not doing the bloody foxtrot  at a wedding >:(
(Yes, I'm a short-Arse  ;D )
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsDee on 21 July 2015, 10:58:07 am
Contacted by someone from AW who wanted a booking at 11.30, not a problem I email him back asking that he text me that way I can verify my address.

He emails back saying he only has his personal phone on him can he book via email, no can do I respond you have no feedback and have only been registered with AW for the last two weeks.

Lets see if he emails me back.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 21 July 2015, 02:03:21 pm
Rest their foreheads on your pubic bone whilst giving oral. It Effing hurts!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 21 July 2015, 02:17:12 pm
Talk endless fabricated bullshit that is meant to impress me.............(but just goes over my head as I smile with feigned interest).......... I mean do I care that you bumped into or saw some D list
celebrity ? 

Following on from that those that talk to me about other working girls they've seen and good or bad experiences.  Someone once came to see me and kept telling me how fantastic some woman was .............. I felt like saying well why the hell aren't you sat in hers right now instead of here !!!! 

Don't get me wrong girls, I'm nothing but pleased for others in the business but when someone spends nearly the whole hour going on and on about so and so............ it starts to get a bit OTT!!!

I hate it when they go on about how someone else has done this or done that and given them everything under the sun (that I don't offer............)............... I almost think they're boundary pushing but it never works with me! 

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 21 July 2015, 04:36:15 pm
I'm repeating....'it's on the website' like 4 times
before they understand the words.
Their brains seem primed to understand only, 'yes', 'no' and 'now'.

Then a pause before they comprehend I'm
not going to answer any more questions.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: foxy roxy on 21 July 2015, 05:15:11 pm
..When they ask "How tall are you?" as an add-on question. Maybe it's just me, but I think it's a ridiculous question and a silly stipulation.

 I mean, I'll be fucking him on his bed, not doing the bloody foxtrot  at a wedding >:(
(Yes, I'm a short-Arse  ;D )

I'm 5'8, I do say that on my profile, whenever they ask me how tall I am I automatically assume they dont want to see me because I'm too tall, especially with my heels on. I'm usually right. But as phoenix says, we'll be lying down, so what difference does it make?

And yes, 'what services do you offer?' You want me to list everything that I offer? Even though it's clearly displayed on my profile and you had to go past that piece of information to get to my phone number!!! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 21 July 2015, 05:22:20 pm
..When they ask "How tall are you?" as an add-on question. Maybe it's just me, but I think it's a ridiculous question and a silly stipulation.

 I mean, I'll be fucking him on his bed, not doing the bloody foxtrot  at a wedding >:(
(Yes, I'm a short-Arse  ;D )

I'm 5'8, I do say that on my profile, whenever they ask me how tall I am I automatically assume they dont want to see me because I'm too tall, especially with my heels on. I'm usually right. But as phoenix says, we'll be lying down, so what difference does it make?

And yes, 'what services do you offer?' You want me to list everything that I offer? Even though it's clearly displayed on my profile and you had to go past that piece of information to get to my phone number!!! :FF

It's a lot easier to answer than "what don't you do." I suppose I should just say "I don't do bareback" and leave it at that. If they need more specific information they can ask.

But by then the damage is usually done and I am thinking of how to get off the phone.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 21 July 2015, 05:50:55 pm
Putting their weight on you during doggy. Someone did that to me the other day then asked me to play with myself while he was at it!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 21 July 2015, 07:33:45 pm
I've noticed something recently. Some clients email, having clearly read everything they can about me. Whereas the majority who call have somehow managed to find my number, but then ask where I am, what I do, what I look like etc., and just mumble something about time or internet connections if I asked if they haven't looked at my profile. It's vexing!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 21 July 2015, 10:10:41 pm
when they try so hard to nut twice knowing fully well that they cannot nut twice  :FF especially at a certain age. they would pound away then finally stop and say "Oh i don't think I can cum again" im here thinking "Then why bother then?" with my now swollen and sore vagina after being pounded non stop  >:( gosh. and then they have the cheek to say "I usually can't nut twice" >:( >:( >:( why start something you know you can't finish man ::) it's even worse when they wait till the last 10 minutes as well. Smh
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 22 July 2015, 12:41:13 am
When they do that thing of going in and out during sex, it's when they accidentally hit the bit between the front and back, like banging into a brick wall, really annoys me as it can really hurt and I've especially found after the booking it can sting for ages, next day too so I always ask them to please just keep inside ::).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kimberly-x on 24 July 2015, 08:25:51 pm
call me 14 times in one day for a half hour booking its like i dont have days off to them
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 25 July 2015, 01:33:12 pm
Keep rubbing my butt cheeks hard so it pulls on them & pumps air up my twot.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 25 July 2015, 03:07:53 pm
I HATE it when they pull all the way out and push air into me too.  And when they turn into animals and start pumping all over the place and they don't care that they could so easily go up your back side and really hurt you unless you tell them to be careful.  Really annoys me.  I hate that I have to tell them to be respectful and careful when doing doggy. 

Another thing that grinds my gears whilst in doggy, is that they think it's ok to rub and stick a finger in your butt hole just because it's 'there'.  Why the hell can't they ask first?  Not everyone likes or wants it.  None of them ask, 'is this ok?'.  They just go ahead and help their bloody selves. 

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 25 July 2015, 03:40:38 pm
It states very clearly in my profile I don't do anal, so if they even so much as come near it, with a finger, a tongue, a dick, anything, I'll slap it away and tell them "No entry" in there!!
Not that it keeps them from trying though  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 25 July 2015, 04:09:36 pm
It states very clearly in my profile I don't do anal, so if they even so much as come near it, with a finger, a tongue, a dick, anything, I'll slap it away and tell them "No entry" in there!!
Not that it keeps them from trying though  ::)

I'm the same. I don't want anything my ass.  I can tolerate a bit of tongue because they enjoy it, but I find it so rude that they think they can push their finger in there with no warning.  Makes me want to turn around and slap them  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 25 July 2015, 04:16:53 pm
It states very clearly in my profile I don't do anal, so if they even so much as come near it, with a finger, a tongue, a dick, anything, I'll slap it away and tell them "No entry" in there!!
Not that it keeps them from trying though  ::)

nah it doesn't stop them from trying at all.some of them just do not understand the word no. have this one regular who seems obsessed with anal. always insisting that i try it, putting his finger in my ass (i had to tell him to stop like 3 times, eventually i just stood up and said that's enough, i don't enjoy anal I've told him this several times but he so thinks it feels good to me and i'm just playing hard ::)) either that or he just doesn't care and is a boundary pusher. always trying to lick my asshole  :-X sigh, i don't get this anal obsession. it's one thing to be obsessed with a woman's ass cheeks but when you start obsessing over the asshole we have a problem. my shit comes out from their, nothing goes in, period. My pu**y is tight enough.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 25 July 2015, 05:34:47 pm
Ditto being annoyed/perplexed with the anal obsession. I experienced this whilst online dating, too. It's as if as soon as they know you're a woman who likes sex, you're obviously also keen to take it up the wrong 'un several times a week.

Yet conversely, many men also admit that despite the tighter entry it's not all that, and a vagina feels better - they just get off on the 'taboo' aspect. Surely that disappeared about 30 years ago?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: The_Lynx on 25 July 2015, 07:47:20 pm
Yet conversely, many men also admit that despite the tighter entry it's not all that, and a vagina feels better - they just get off on the 'taboo' aspect. Surely that disappeared about 30 years ago?!

Like with anything else, it's down to preference. I've slept with a fair few people who outright prefer how the rear end feels. Personally I vastly prefer it for my personal enjoyment, since you could park an 18wheeler up my vag and I'd hardly notice (not loose, just very insensitive). ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 31 July 2015, 09:58:22 am
Going straight for the clit & just keeping the tongue there expecting me to enjoy it without trying to stimulate the rest of my lady parts.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 31 July 2015, 10:09:20 am
Texting me to ask if it's OK to ring me. Grrr.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 31 July 2015, 10:38:03 am
long emails going on about how good I look  and on  about wanting to see me yet no bookings at all  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kimberly-x on 31 July 2015, 06:05:11 pm
Going straight for the clit & just keeping the tongue there expecting me to enjoy it without trying to stimulate the rest of my lady parts.

Lady parts!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 31 July 2015, 08:27:29 pm
Going straight for the clit & just keeping the tongue there expecting me to enjoy it without trying to stimulate the rest of my lady parts.

Lady parts!

lol I thought I'd get taken the piss out for that!  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 01 August 2015, 04:04:48 pm
when the old guys say to me " I just want to lap up all your juices" I don't know why just makes me feel sick  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 01 August 2015, 04:07:25 pm
when the old guys say to me " I just want to lap up all your juices" I don't know why just makes me feel sick  :-X

urgh yes, makes me think of a cat or dog #wrong! And the "good girl" pat down - hate it!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kamila on 01 August 2015, 04:57:02 pm
When they ask my rates and then hang up. Seriously I must just give it away for a tenner.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 03 August 2015, 05:04:07 pm
When they ask my rates and then hang up. Seriously I must just give it away for a tenner.

lool. idiots :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kamila on 07 August 2015, 08:39:50 pm
Client wanting 30 min outcall in other part of town. Asks how much. (I do not offer 30 min so decided to annoy him instead)
My reply "It's very very cheap u like baby cheap?"
"Yeah I like cheap lol xxx. How much babe. Tell me about urself. Thanks xx" (I wrote about myself in detail in my ad!)
"Me sexy very sexy yes. I tell price when we finish is ok? I bring driver is ok? Very very safe can join, u like 3samo? He is free no pay"
"no I don't like guys. How much for you"

... What shall I say next ? Lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 07 August 2015, 08:48:32 pm
"I'm very sexy baby yes and he free very safe he gentle baby yes?"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 07 August 2015, 08:50:24 pm
Kamila...I love you...wicked girl!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 09 August 2015, 10:44:07 am
When they make a booking everything is agreed with their requests. Then later ask another request by text that they should have said first.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 09 August 2015, 12:16:15 pm
When they make a booking everything is agreed with their requests. Then later ask another request by text that they should have said first.

Oh, that does my fucking head in.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 09 August 2015, 12:34:16 pm
Me too. Or we've arranged a time, where I am etc, all sounding good then they say 'can I just ask a couple of questions'. I find when they ask if they can ask a question rather than just ask it, it usually goes downhill and they always ask for something I don't offer.  Saves time to ask those things at the beginning although it does make me then think they were a tw. Or as one recently who said 'can I just ask a question' (here we go) asked if I could take a 10 inch penis  ::).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 09 August 2015, 01:13:18 pm
Another few small things!

Snogging me when I'm on my back. Sometimes I feel suffocated and have to literally push them away as I don't know why but I don't like breathing through my nose when they kiss heavily.

When exploring they kind of pull apart bum cheeks and vagina lips like they?re opening a food product. Feels like I'm gonna get ripped.
Some want to finish on tits and want to stand up doing it. Sitting at the end of the bed doesn?t work as it ends up on the floor, legs etc so now I lie down which is better but sometimes then it gets in my hair, which is only just above my shoulders.  I always now suggest that they lie down and I lean over them but some still want to stand so maybe it just feels nicer for them. If that's what they want I won't deny it of course but it's just messy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 09 August 2015, 01:15:19 pm
Another few small things!

Snogging me when I'm on my back. Sometimes I feel suffocated and have to literally push them away as I don't know why but I don't like breathing through my nose when they kiss heavily.

When exploring they kind of pull apart bum cheeks and vagina lips like they?re opening a food product. Feels like I'm gonna get ripped.
Some want to finish on tits and want to stand up doing it. Sitting at the end of the bed doesn?t work as it ends up on the floor, legs etc so now I lie down which is better but sometimes then it gets in my hair, which is only just above my shoulders.  I always now suggest that they lie down and I lean over them but some still want to stand so maybe it just feels nicer for them. If that's what they want I won't deny it of course but it's just messy.

I hate being pulled open, too.

For the hair - be sure to pull yours back behind your head and then up so that it goes up from your face and isn't near your shoulders.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 09 August 2015, 01:21:30 pm
Yes, I'll best remember to put it behind my head and lie back completely. A couple of times it's gone on my fringe but I think that's because I was looking downwards to see what he was doing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 09 August 2015, 01:43:30 pm
When they make a booking everything is agreed with their requests. Then later ask another request by text that they should have said first.

Oh, that does my fucking head in.

Me too.  I don't want to see them after they do that because I know I'll hate them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 10 August 2015, 06:05:10 pm
Just not long had a client book with me the street name and post code was sent. Then phones me to say his near xy and z the other side of town. Expecting me to turn in to Google maps. But said a street that was close to me he knew. Thought job well done. Until... He phones from a different far out place asking for directions. He drove to me with no sat nav relying on me for Google maps. I don't mind helping but being used as Google maps alot of the time isn't on.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kimberly-x on 11 August 2015, 01:41:32 pm
When they make a booking everything is agreed with their requests. Then later ask another request by text that they should have said first.

Oh, that does my fucking head in.

Me too.  I don't want to see them after they do that because I know I'll hate them.

i get this then they text me loads of questions
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 11 August 2015, 04:11:06 pm
I hate it when some newbies seem to assume you are the only booking they have (ever) and text/phone constantly prior to the booking.............

Sometimes if I answer and see that they're just after a chat (yawn), I will lie and say, sorry can't talk in a shop LOL, works every time! 

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 11 August 2015, 04:21:43 pm
First time I had this....
AW caller requests quicky service with 'everything'
then says, 'that's expensive!'.

I kill the phone and enjoy my ham croissant then
he turns up at the tube as if we're great chums!

'I'm rearing to go' he says. ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 11 August 2015, 06:26:18 pm
Is anyone else finding that clients are extra fussy lately? 90% of my bookings at the moment come with dress requests down to the colour of the stockings. It's starting to drive me nuts!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 11 August 2015, 06:31:18 pm
I hate it when some newbies seem to assume you are the only booking they have (ever) and text/phone constantly prior to the booking.............

Sometimes if I answer and see that they're just after a chat (yawn), I will lie and say, sorry can't talk in a shop LOL, works every time!
Yes! Like it's a date,  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fifilondon on 12 August 2015, 12:20:27 am
new one- creepy sniffing- had a client the other day that kept smelling my hair, then smelling his fingers ugh  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 12 August 2015, 07:28:07 pm
Is anyone else finding that clients are extra fussy lately? 90% of my bookings at the moment come with dress requests down to the colour of the stockings. It's starting to drive me nuts!

Yes! I recently had someone book a hotel outcall a fortnight in advance. He sent several lengthy text messages telling me how important it was for me to wear blue, seamed stockings. Do you know how hard it is to find blue seamed stockings? I had to order them especially over the internet. Sure enough the day came and went with no confirmation, cancellation or stupid excuse. Then he pipes up a week later about how hed love to see me next month, then another long rant about how vital it is that I wear sodding blue seamed stockings... Told him to bugger off. Timewaster. Blue seamed stockings indeed.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 12 August 2015, 08:11:20 pm
When they hold my head when I'm giving them a BJ..!!  >:(
I really, really hate it,it freaks me out, makes me feel like I'm gonna choke..
So I usually just slap their hands away, well gently lift if they're nice lol, and most are very apologetic.
It's common sense though really isn't it, or does it not bother a lot of you?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: alicedotalice on 12 August 2015, 08:18:35 pm
Uncut nails while they want to finger me! :FF Do you also have a plague of uncut nails o is it just me?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hotblondie on 12 August 2015, 08:32:57 pm
I hate both, clients long finger nails and the ones who want to act like in porn.
As Paris said, I blame porn  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 12 August 2015, 08:41:33 pm
Is anyone else finding that clients are extra fussy lately? 90% of my bookings at the moment come with dress requests down to the colour of the stockings. It's starting to drive me nuts!

Yes! I recently had someone book a hotel outcall a fortnight in advance. He sent several lengthy text messages telling me how important it was for me to wear blue, seamed stockings. Do you know how hard it is to find blue seamed stockings? I had to order them especially over the internet. Sure enough the day came and went with no confirmation, cancellation or stupid excuse. Then he pipes up a week later about how hed love to see me next month, then another long rant about how vital it is that I wear sodding blue seamed stockings... Told him to bugger off. Timewaster. Blue seamed stockings indeed.

I think there's a warning about this guy on here?

Bleuuurgh I had an old old client once with horrible long raggedy nails, and he kept trying to touch my v. Horrible.
Uncut nails while they want to finger me! :FF Do you also have a plague of uncut nails o is it just me?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 12 August 2015, 08:51:43 pm
Is anyone else finding that clients are extra fussy lately? 90% of my bookings at the moment come with dress requests down to the colour of the stockings. It's starting to drive me nuts!

Yes! I recently had someone book a hotel outcall a fortnight in advance. He sent several lengthy text messages telling me how important it was for me to wear blue, seamed stockings. Do you know how hard it is to find blue seamed stockings? I had to order them especially over the internet. Sure enough the day came and went with no confirmation, cancellation or stupid excuse. Then he pipes up a week later about how hed love to see me next month, then another long rant about how vital it is that I wear sodding blue seamed stockings... Told him to bugger off. Timewaster. Blue seamed stockings indeed.

I think there's a warning about this guy on here?

Bleuuurgh I had an old old client once with horrible long raggedy nails, and he kept trying to touch my v. Horrible.
Uncut nails while they want to finger me! :FF Do you also have a plague of uncut nails o is it just me?

There's a warning about a guy obsessed with blue satin shit... not entirely sure if it's the same guy, though.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 13 August 2015, 03:16:56 am
Is anyone else finding that clients are extra fussy lately? 90% of my bookings at the moment come with dress requests down to the colour of the stockings. It's starting to drive me nuts!

Yes! I recently had someone book a hotel outcall a fortnight in advance. He sent several lengthy text messages telling me how important it was for me to wear blue, seamed stockings. Do you know how hard it is to find blue seamed stockings? I had to order them especially over the internet. Sure enough the day came and went with no confirmation, cancellation or stupid excuse. Then he pipes up a week later about how hed love to see me next month, then another long rant about how vital it is that I wear sodding blue seamed stockings... Told him to bugger off. Timewaster. Blue seamed stockings indeed.

I think there's a warning about this guy on here?

Bleuuurgh I had an old old client once with horrible long raggedy nails, and he kept trying to touch my v. Horrible.
Uncut nails while they want to finger me! :FF Do you also have a plague of uncut nails o is it just me?

There's a warning about a guy obsessed with blue satin shit... not entirely sure if it's the same guy, though.

I just checked and the blue satin guy seems to pester girls in London. I'm in Leeds and have a different number for the blue stockings guy. He's a prolific Timewaster though so I'll have to do a post in the TW section later.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: serenaswansea on 13 August 2015, 05:00:11 am
Bad teeth and smegma. Ackackackkkkkk!   :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 13 August 2015, 08:21:08 am
Mount you on the bed with bare dick then try to rub it near my fanny. Had knickers on otherwise it's would have been a shoulder shove. Still had my hand down there pushing his dick away then squirmed away to grab a condom. My knickers are lace/mesh so porous. Luckily I don't get many who do this often but it does make me worry that they are trying BB.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 13 August 2015, 08:02:12 pm
All my clients today have been early. Annoying, and can't chill when I know they're waiting.

It makes me laugh when they ask for bareback and then moan that other escorts do it, as if that makes us more likely to offer it. Surely if they do bareback that makes them more likely to carry an infection? I had one client like that today, I definitely won't be seeing him again and only did OW when he said that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 13 August 2015, 08:21:48 pm
All my clients today have been early. Annoying, and can't chill when I know they're waiting.

It makes me laugh when they ask for bareback and then moan that other escorts do it, as if that makes us more likely to offer it. Surely if they do bareback that makes them more likely to carry an infection? I had one client like that today, I definitely won't be seeing him again and only did OW when he said that.
All mine were early too today, it annoys the hell out of me! They say "Oh I'm a bit early but I'll wait" why don't they just wait and  text me on the agreed time? Like you said Lucie I can't carry on reading my book or relax knowing they are outside.

Another thing I've had a spurt of is guys that text question marks if you don't respond within 1 fucking second! It's so rude. X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 13 August 2015, 08:38:38 pm
All my clients today have been early. Annoying, and can't chill when I know they're waiting.

It makes me laugh when they ask for bareback and then moan that other escorts do it, as if that makes us more likely to offer it. Surely if they do bareback that makes them more likely to carry an infection? I had one client like that today, I definitely won't be seeing him again and only did OW when he said that.
All mine were early too today, it annoys the hell out of me! They say "Oh I'm a bit early but I'll wait" why don't they just wait and  text me on the agreed time? Like you said Lucie I can't carry on reading my book or relax knowing they are outside.

Another thing I've had a spurt of is guys that text question marks if you don't respond within 1 fucking second! It's so rude. X

Omg the question marks. It's annoying enough when anyone does that let alone wannabe clients. They should know we're busy!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 14 August 2015, 11:00:38 am
Again, another client with a communication style that I'm not understanding

Client 'Can I book an appointment. I've seen you before.' (Long silence)
-Me 'What's your name'
Client 'What!'
-Me 'What's your name'
Client 'Why!'
-Me 'So I can remember you'
Client ' Oh I didn't think you'd remember me!'
Me 'You don't think I've got a memory?!?' ???

It's like wading through treacle.
I'm a roboticon programmed for sex with no memory chips?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Liverbird on 14 August 2015, 02:57:35 pm
When they ask you why you do this job, usually trying to embarrass you.

My reply? Well if you could get paid what I get paid for what I do, you'd be there in a shot. End of ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fulton on 14 August 2015, 03:05:35 pm
Today's annoyance.
Client who won't talk, tell me what he wants.or do anything spontaneously.
Just lay there and waited.
Unenthusiastic about everything I try.
Frustrating, and annoying. Should have just down the same and waited the hour out.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 14 August 2015, 03:14:17 pm
Passive aggressive..massage his feet for the hour lol
He'll soon start talking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 14 August 2015, 04:16:24 pm
Wanting to make a booking, me going to hell and high water to please them and get them a time that suits them, them saying ok, I'll
book for then..
Then saying, I won't make that, can we make it half an hour later? Yes ok, fine..
Him 10 mins later; Ah fuck it, just make it another time..  :FF
What is that all about?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 15 August 2015, 03:15:07 am
Have a couple of regs who text at say 1pm and say are you free at 8, not sure if I'll make but just seeing if you?re free in case I am. I say well I'm around tonight but depends if someone else books you understand. Seems to go over their heads as if they do want it they?ll simply send a text about half hr before with 'I am able to come, see you then' rather than ask if I'm still free!. Only about 50% of the time when I get these very advanced texts do they want an appt in the end so if I've booked someone else in and they moan I remind them of that fact. One's a barber so I give him the same sort of scenario. He says he understands but likes to text early so I know to possibly expect him and he can plan things.  We just go round in circles and I?m telling those two now not to book in advance as I?ll ignore it. They can bugger off if not happy.
Same scenario occasionally with a new person booking tentatively ?oh so you're not sure if you'll be free at 4pm then?' :FF So in response to all like this I?ll say I only do short notice bookings so best to ring hour or half hour before to check, bye. I have to get off the phone as I?m starting to pull at my hair. If they pay me a good fee to be on standby then I?ll keep those uncertain slots open but I doubt any of them would like that!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 15 August 2015, 08:52:48 am
they think you work 24/7 and cant understand why your not available at a time that suits them.
They message me on days when im not even showing as available and ask if I am.
they haven't realised they are blocked, they had not turned up for their booking (tw) and are texting to see you and ask why their calls are being cut off !!!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 15 August 2015, 09:42:32 am
Have a couple of regs who text at say 1pm and say are you free at 8, not sure if I'll make but just seeing if you?re free in case I am. I say well I'm around tonight but depends if someone else books you understand. Seems to go over their heads as if they do want it they?ll simply send a text about half hr before with 'I am able to come, see you then' rather than ask if I'm still free!. Only about 50% of the time when I get these very advanced texts do they want an appt in the end so if I've booked someone else in and they moan I remind them of that fact. One's a barber so I give him the same sort of scenario. He says he understands but likes to text early so I know to possibly expect him and he can plan things.  We just go round in circles and I?m telling those two now not to book in advance as I?ll ignore it. They can bugger off if not happy.
Same scenario occasionally with a new person booking tentatively ?oh so you're not sure if you'll be free at 4pm then?' :FF So in response to all like this I?ll say I only do short notice bookings so best to ring hour or half hour before to check, bye. I have to get off the phone as I?m starting to pull at my hair. If they pay me a good fee to be on standby then I?ll keep those uncertain slots open but I doubt any of them would like that!

I have a couple like this, text during the day asking if I'm free at certain times but never booking, and then finally deciding on a time but I'll obviously be booked by then. They just assume we will be free for them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 15 August 2015, 11:15:32 am
I say things like "Well, I'm working then and as of now I have availability for that time. If you want to book, get back to me and we'll see what we can do."

If they actually get back to me and want a booking and I'm available, great. If not, too bad.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 15 August 2015, 12:46:30 pm
I don't think explanations work with them, as
they are too thick and disorganised.
Our logic is of zero interest to them.

I torment them sometimes...and it shortens the conversation.
Client - What time are you free?
Me - In 2 minutes
Client- That's too early..(frustration)

By that time I've already decided he can jog on.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 15 August 2015, 01:20:17 pm
They do think we're available 24/7 and have no life, if they've tried a couple of times to make a booking within the next 10 mins and
I can't, I'm "difficult to book".  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluetits on 15 August 2015, 01:56:35 pm
I think as well when it's a reg, they think as they do book quite a lot, that I should automatically put them before anyone else and should keep these slots open. There's one I've seen twice and on the first meet he said that he got annoyed with the last person as she was often booked with someone else when he wanted to book. 'I was a good reg' he said. So did he really think she should've cancelled the other ones? I won't.

I don't think they want to lose me at the moment so they will just have to be understanding!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 15 August 2015, 05:54:57 pm
When they lie and say they would definitely see you again knowing fully well that they won't. Don't get me wrong, the fact that they wouldn't see me again doesn't bother me in the slightest cuz a huge percentage  of the men that see me I wouldn't want to see again either plus I have my wonderful regulars. So I know there is nothing wrong with me. It's the fact that they lie. I just don't get why they would lie. ??? Not like I asked you if you would see me again as I know fully well some of these men want to shag as many women as they can and why not ? But what's wrong with just saying, thanks for coming, I had fun, cheers. I remember as A noob I would get all excited when a punter says he would see me again. Once this man I saw even gave me a maybe date. Called him couple times on the maybe date and he didn't pick. Some of them are so convincing as well. Better actors than me ;D now when they say stuff like "you've got yourself a regular" or "I would definitely be seeing you again " I just roll my eyes and give a don't care response lolz.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 15 August 2015, 06:03:45 pm
Yeah when the word 'regular' come out their hole...
you know you've got a wally who's going to play
you like a banjo!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 15 August 2015, 07:11:42 pm
Yeah when the word 'regular' come out their hole...
you know you've got a wally who's going to play
you like a banjo!

...Especially when they request a discount with the reasoning:
"I'll be a regular client if you do it for x amount..."
So you'll be paying less than my other clients on a regular basis? Hard to resist but I think I'll stick to my clients who pay my full fee without argument.
And then they seem genuinely surprised that I don't want their regular, piss taking business.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 17 August 2015, 05:06:23 pm
Phone you pretending that they haven't met you before. Ok so I understand if maybe the booking went bad, but if the booking went fine, why call couple months/weeks later and acting like we have never met? :FF

Client-"Hello is this so and so? I saw your ad on so and so.

I'm here thinking, "man I've seen you before, your number is saved on my phone. I remember you" lolz.
I normally just say oh hi, long time. Or hi so and so. This normally makes them feel embarrassed. You can here it in their voice. I possibly lost out on a booking doing that though, as the guy must have felt too embarrassed to book. Oh well. Guess he won't be a fake bitch next time ;D doing that just makes them seem like psychopathic creeps. Or maybe they think I forgot I've seen them? If so what's wrong with saying 'Hi, I saw you some time ago my name is so and so, we met in so and so" guess you just like being a creep,
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sausagemcmuffin on 17 August 2015, 07:46:37 pm
Vile  placqie smelling breathe and keep blowing it in your face.
licking my ears and neck with same vile breathe and slobbery mouth.
sucking nipples like they are trying to pop them out.
Athletes foot.
Fungal toe nails urghghghhgghhghghg - makes me want to heave just thinking about it..

haha think I'm in the wrong job!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 17 August 2015, 09:00:09 pm
Vile  placqie smelling breathe and keep blowing it in your face.
licking my ears and neck with same vile breathe and slobbery mouth.
sucking nipples like they are trying to pop them out.
Athletes foot.
Fungal toe nails urghghghhgghhghghg - makes me want to heave just thinking about it..

haha think I'm in the wrong job!!

 :-X I have a client with shit breath coming soon. Like his breath literally smells like poo :'( but how can you not know your breath stinks? :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 18 August 2015, 12:09:36 am
I have the halitosis problem with a regular. I'm SO tempted to say something. I cannot believe he doesn't know, or realise why I can't kiss him enthusiastically. My body, bed and room all smell of it when he's gone. Just get yourself to a bloody dentist, FFS!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 18 August 2015, 12:40:06 pm
I have the halitosis problem with a regular. I'm SO tempted to say something. I cannot believe he doesn't know, or realise why I can't kiss him enthusiastically. My body, bed and room all smell of it when he's gone. Just get yourself to a bloody dentist, FFS!

This bugs me too. I mean if I can smell it, surely he can right? Or perhaps they just don't care? In that case I would stop seeing them. I thought maybe it could be a one off but seems as though it really is halitosis  :-X I shall not be putting myself through that again :-* someone like that could never become my regular. Props to you :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 18 August 2015, 02:17:19 pm
When they roam around your hotel room and touch your things. Some  hotels have open shelving and hanging rail so they can see your stuff and sometimes I have something out on the desk and it bugs the fuck out of me when they just casually pick something up. Like maybe my e-cig or even go into my clothes and see what choice of outfits they might like to ask me to put on. Obviously I put valuable or sensitive things into my suitcase but ordinary/mundane things will be left out ... and I think it's fucking weird to go touching them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 18 August 2015, 02:27:58 pm
I have the halitosis problem with a regular. I'm SO tempted to say something. I cannot believe he doesn't know, or realise why I can't kiss him enthusiastically. My body, bed and room all smell of it when he's gone. Just get yourself to a bloody dentist, FFS!

One client did say some thing about his bad breath. So think they know just to embarrassed or don't care.I always kiss other parts trying to avoid. All they need to do is brush thier teeth more often built up plaque. Recommend pearl drops. ☺And to see a dentist for a oral health check up. I've never understood the bad breaths.   Just think dating must be difficult  for them unless with another one with bad breath.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 19 August 2015, 05:24:30 pm
Need to know everything about you in advance.

Had a booking arranged today, asked me on the phone while arranging the booking what I study, then after arranging it messaged me to say 'looking forward to chatting (what I told him I study - which isn't quite the truth for obvious reasons) with you'.

I find it intrusive to ask stuff before they've even turned up for a booking, it just gives me the impression they will spend the whole of the booking prying.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katya.romadina on 19 August 2015, 06:58:02 pm
I don't mind men chatting . But when lots of questions after another being asked can start to annoy . I try to be polite but it is even more annoying when asking lots of questions and questions during the sex ! Not very often this happens but just so annoying when it does!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 19 August 2015, 07:00:45 pm
I don't mind men chatting . But when lots of questions after another being asked can start to annoy . I try to be polite but it is even more annoying when asking lots of questions and questions during the sex ! Not very often this happens but just so annoying when it does!

I had someone do this a month or so ago. I usually only bend the truth a little on big stuff but otherwise tell the truth, but with this guy I just lied about everything because I got a stalkery vibe from him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katya.romadina on 19 August 2015, 07:19:50 pm
I do this aswell midstudent. The more questions the more i begin bend the truth.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 19 August 2015, 07:44:13 pm
Had a couple ask me to go on holiday this week for free recently oh but "all expenses are covered & spending money is provided", 1 offered 250 quid for the whole week!  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: victoryrose on 19 August 2015, 09:31:48 pm
Need to know everything about you in advance.

Had a booking arranged today, asked me on the phone while arranging the booking what I study, then after arranging it messaged me to say 'looking forward to chatting (what I told him I study - which isn't quite the truth for obvious reasons) with you'.

I find it intrusive to ask stuff before they've even turned up for a booking, it just gives me the impression they will spend the whole of the booking prying.

Same. I do tell them what I study but I quite hate it when they try to discuss my subject with me especially during term time as I am fucking sick and tired of talking/thinking about it. ;D But when the questions start I get worried, and lately I've had clients find my real identity because I've been way too slippy with the info I leak, but it's the kind of info I can't go back on so I just have to be even more careful with who I see (because they'd have to know what I look like in order to recognise me). That means the minute that these questions start, I'll straight up cancel the booking. I guess I'm fucked if I get a stalkery client post-screening though. Fingers crossed. ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Adele on 19 August 2015, 10:52:02 pm
On the other hand, I've found out that most clients who really want to know my major are lecturers themselves. Had some guys from the tech uni, who were desperate to know what I study, and only booked when confirmed that I'm an art, not a science student. I always tell them different major and year, but the same faculty - as I don't want to be found, but don't want my professor coming by either!

My annoyance of the day - I've had my hair black, purple, blue and blonde this past year - but the minute I dye my hair red, and change it on my profile, here it comes. The never ending 'are you a redhead down there too?' Absolutely everyone, like they can't stop themselves. What is it with man and red pubes? Maybe I should grow it out and dye it too when I'm at it.

Reminds me of this film with Julienne Moore, when asked that, she went 'let's just say, if I'd stand on my head, I'd be a brunette with a lovely breath' - but I imagine punters would just go yes, stand on your head, I'll fuck you like that!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 20 August 2015, 08:43:54 am
Vile  placqie smelling breathe and keep blowing it in your face.
licking my ears and neck with same vile breathe and slobbery mouth.
sucking nipples like they are trying to pop them out.
Athletes foot.
Fungal toe nails urghghghhgghhghghg - makes me want to heave just thinking about it..

haha think I'm in the wrong job!!

 :-X I have a client with shit breath coming soon. Like his breath literally smells like poo :'( but how can you not know your breath stinks? :(
Do you have to see him or can you do without sounds vile to have put up with that .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsDee on 20 August 2015, 04:09:05 pm
Oh man i am so never seeing this regular again, arrived 15 minutes late with a hangover.  Acted like a dick all the way through, nearly threw up whilst shagging because his hangover was that bad, pulled my hair at one point so hard I nearly punched him in the balls to let go. He is so freaken blocked! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 21 August 2015, 02:55:20 pm
Following booking procedures perfectly on the first booking and from that point forward expecting you to be available at a moment's notice (when they know I only do advance bookings) and for them to get priority.

Had quite a few people doing this lately. It's starting to get annoying.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 21 August 2015, 03:45:40 pm
Following booking procedures perfectly on the first booking and from that point forward expecting you to be available at a moment's notice (when they know I only do advance bookings) and for them to get priority.

Had quite a few people doing this lately. It's starting to get annoying.

Guys who ask 'can't you cancel the other booking?' when I tell them I'm busy at a time they want  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 21 August 2015, 05:30:38 pm
When you can hear them all the way from the kitchen hocking up a loogie and tons of phlegm while they're in the shower. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 21 August 2015, 05:40:00 pm
Vile  placqie smelling breathe and keep blowing it in your face.
licking my ears and neck with same vile breathe and slobbery mouth.
sucking nipples like they are trying to pop them out.
Athletes foot.
Fungal toe nails urghghghhgghhghghg - makes me want to heave just thinking about it..

haha think I'm in the wrong job!!

 :-X I have a client with shit breath coming soon. Like his breath literally smells like poo :'( but how can you not know your breath stinks? :(
Do you have to see him or can you do without sounds vile to have put up with that .

I already saw him lol. only saw him once before that and thought maybe it was just a one off. I still saved his number as shit breath though to remind me. when i saw him calling i was like, oh well, perhaps he had a bad day the last time? i was wrong. what's worst is that he didnt even bother to make use of the mouth wash in the bathroom which was literally next to the towel he picked up. Think this one knows but just doesn't care. that would explain why he wasnt surprised i moved my face when he tried to kiss me. On the BlOCKLIST.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 21 August 2015, 05:44:10 pm
Following booking procedures perfectly on the first booking and from that point forward expecting you to be available at a moment's notice (when they know I only do advance bookings) and for them to get priority.

Had quite a few people doing this lately. It's starting to get annoying.

Guys who ask 'can't you cancel the other booking?' when I tell them I'm busy at a time they want  >:(

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 21 August 2015, 11:50:20 pm
I know it's not his fault but one guy I see has a REALLY bent willy. Not his fault, but what really annoys me is that he doesn't seem to know how to use it and always wants positions which makes getting it in really tricky. 

It's like some sort of bent elephant in the room. Neither of us ever mention the bendiness of the willy- I try and suggest other positions and try to guide it in but it's so hard when it bends in the opposite direction of my vagina but he doesn't move or declines my suggestions and suggests more equally unworkable places and positions.

Today we moved from the sofa, over the bathroom sink, over the windowsill, doggy, missionary it was all fumbley and this damn thing pinging in the wrong direction!

It's like he is totally oblivious to a cock so bent if it was a banana it'd be outlawed in the EU!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tallgirl on 22 August 2015, 12:39:15 am
When you can hear them all the way from the kitchen hocking up a loogie and tons of phlegm while they're in the shower.

I remember hearing a client coughing in the shower.  The next time I went to have a shower there were blobs of green phlegm on the wall and floor of the shower cubicle.  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 22 August 2015, 01:21:00 am
.....It's like some sort of bent elephant in the room..... fumbley and this damn thing pinging in the wrong direction!...

.....It's like he is totally oblivious to a cock so bent if it was a banana it'd be outlawed in the EU!

Denial! ;D

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 22 August 2015, 04:48:55 pm
Come for a 15min quickie straight from work wanting a shower and making it that bogging it takes you three times longer than the booking to clean it  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 22 August 2015, 07:56:43 pm
Need to know everything about you in advance.

Had a booking arranged today, asked me on the phone while arranging the booking what I study, then after arranging it messaged me to say 'looking forward to chatting (what I told him I study - which isn't quite the truth for obvious reasons) with you'.

I find it intrusive to ask stuff before they've even turned up for a booking, it just gives me the impression they will spend the whole of the booking prying.

I turned out to be right about this guy, 10 minutes into chatting after he arrived and he starts asking me about my parents, when I changed the subject he tried to ask again a little later. Asked about my relationship status and any other personal question he could think of.

Then proceeded to tell me all about his relationship that broke up, down to the exact date it happened  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 22 August 2015, 08:01:46 pm
What bugs me about men who have some sort of anatomical quirk is when they don't believe/listen to us about what will and won't physically. I saw someone a few times whose cock was at a 45 degree angle, so no way could I go on top because I'd have to balance on one knee to get it in, then remaining in a listing position for the duration. He was also mildly on the autistic spectrum, and so sulked when I explained it wouldn't work.

I know it's not his fault but one guy I see has a REALLY bent willy. Not his fault, but what really annoys me is that he doesn't seem to know how to use it and always wants positions which makes getting it in really tricky. 

It's like some sort of bent elephant in the room. Neither of us ever mention the bendiness of the willy- I try and suggest other positions and try to guide it in but it's so hard when it bends in the opposite direction of my vagina but he doesn't move or declines my suggestions and suggests more equally unworkable places and positions.

Today we moved from the sofa, over the bathroom sink, over the windowsill, doggy, missionary it was all fumbley and this damn thing pinging in the wrong direction!

It's like he is totally oblivious to a cock so bent if it was a banana it'd be outlawed in the EU!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 22 August 2015, 10:15:51 pm
Need to know everything about you in advance.

Had a booking arranged today, asked me on the phone while arranging the booking what I study, then after arranging it messaged me to say 'looking forward to chatting (what I told him I study - which isn't quite the truth for obvious reasons) with you'.

I find it intrusive to ask stuff before they've even turned up for a booking, it just gives me the impression they will spend the whole of the booking prying.

I turned out to be right about this guy, 10 minutes into chatting after he arrived and he starts asking me about my parents, when I changed the subject he tried to ask again a little later. Asked about my relationship status and any other personal question he could think of.

Then proceeded to tell me all about his relationship that broke up, down to the exact date it happened  ::)

lool I hate these ones. Only cuz I have to smile and nod my head under the pretense that i care :'( ??? :-[
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 25 August 2015, 10:34:06 am
When you try and kindly prompt clients for an exact booking time as cannot work with around the clock types. But still around a time what is this?. Why do they think they can do this with escorts when making bookings is for a time. You wouldn't get them making an appt at the barbers for around 12pm.  I cannot take these bookings seriously unless given a time. Even if clients say around 5pm just book 6pm to be on the safe side.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 25 August 2015, 10:45:26 am
I've been really quiet apart from the odd tw lately on aw, as soon as my profile says that I'm unavailable for a month, clients read that as I'm available now! Never had so many messages in my life. Emailed a couple back saying 'I'm not available until September as my profile states' and they reply that yes they seen that, but they thought I'd be available anyway  :FF  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessica Summers on 28 August 2015, 03:40:49 am
I've had a number of clients just lately that when I've buzzed them in haven't pushed the door. Then phone me from outside and say I can't get in.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 28 August 2015, 09:35:32 am
I've had a number of clients just lately that when I've buzzed them in haven't pushed the door. Then phone me from outside and say I can't get in.

Hahaha you just reminded me of my last client, buzzed the apartment number on the intercom three times asking what number flat I was in  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 28 August 2015, 10:52:24 am
Yea the ones that expect 'psychic' door opening!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessica Summers on 28 August 2015, 10:55:06 am
Lol.. I also get the ones that push the number but not the bell so it doesn't buzz.. Then tell me the buzzer system doesn't work  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 28 August 2015, 02:03:41 pm
You know when they keep saying 'pardon' a dozen time?
We both speak English right?

Worked it's a delaying tactic so they get
time to think of the next question.
Now I put the phone down after the second 'pardon?' or
excuse myself and make some coffee while he hangs on.

No time for those tricks.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 03 September 2015, 03:25:42 pm
Jesus. ..why ask me if they can phone. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Adele on 03 September 2015, 04:47:26 pm
A client yesterday went to the toilet, but didn't put the light on (why? no idea. windowless toilet). When he left my place I went to check. He peed EVERYWHERE! Obviously seat, but also walls, floor, rug, and my favourite... cat's litter box. A client peed into my cat's litter! Oh god!

BTW, when he left the toilet, he didn't wash his hands, not to mention his cock, but requested OWO instead (oh, the joys of licking of urine of smelly wankers cock! ::)) Even that didn't cracked me up as much as the thought of client using my cat's litter box!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 03 September 2015, 06:30:27 pm
Ring and ask how many times they can come in a 15 minute quickie.The clue is in the 'quickie' name..what do they have down their pants a dick or a tommy gun?!? :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 03 September 2015, 06:52:11 pm
A client yesterday went to the toilet, but didn't put the light on (why? no idea. windowless toilet). When he left my place I went to check. He peed EVERYWHERE! Obviously seat, but also walls, floor, rug, and my favourite... cat's litter box. A client peed into my cat's litter! Oh god!

BTW, when he left the toilet, he didn't wash his hands, not to mention his cock, but requested OWO instead (oh, the joys of licking of urine of smelly wankers cock! ::)) Even that didn't cracked me up as much as the thought of client using my cat's litter box!  ;D

Lol, sorry poor you having to clean it all up, but at least he got SOME in the cat's litter box!  ;)
Do you think he was too shy to ask where the light switch was?!
Some people..  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Secret-Whore on 03 September 2015, 07:18:16 pm
Jesus. ..why ask me if they can phone.

THANK YOU! It's so uncomfortable. We have ZERO things to discuss! Just arrange your booking and meet me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 03 September 2015, 07:48:46 pm
finger slipp whooops
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 05 September 2015, 11:20:11 pm
finger slipp whooops

How do you keep doing those fingerslips lol, I don't get it, where does it slip?!  ???
Sorry if I'm being really stupid here lol
Anyway, things clients do to annoy; Fuck my throat!!!  :FF
I keep saying; "Do you mind not holding my head when I'm giving you a blow job, I know what I'm doing and it makes me uncomfortable, sometimes to the point I feel like I can't breath/gonna choke!"
But do they listen? Nooo, course not..  ::)
Apart from that, if they just let me do my thing, they get a better BJ, and they come quicker.
But they still keep bloody doing it  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 05 September 2015, 11:29:54 pm
When they call and tell me they've got lost on the way to my apartment, then talk over me (usually telling me how they're lost again) whilst I'm trying to give them directions...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 05 September 2015, 11:33:05 pm
Siorse, It's when I write the first silly thing that comes into my  ;D
Then have to scrub it. ;)

BJC...yes, my experience is clients who loose their way are
usually trouble, inadequate, insecure. Some brain bits not working.
I'm quite happy leaving them on the pavement now as they come
in with attitude and their horn is usually vanished.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 06 September 2015, 01:01:12 pm
Siorse, It's when I write the first silly thing that comes into my  ;D
Then have to scrub it. ;)

Aha get ye lol, you should just leave it, the first thing that comes in your head is usually true..!!  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 06 September 2015, 01:44:49 pm
Use my pillows to put their heads on!!!!! :FF
This is my bed, I sleep in it, my pillows are for my head only!!! 
I put a clean sheet on covering my duvet for every client, there's cushions if they really feel the need to put something under their precious heads (as if my bed is made of concrete..), so why, why, why, grab MY pillow from under my duvet and use it???
Ohh it pisses me off no end! >:(

haha! Poor buggers!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 06 September 2015, 04:24:53 pm
Siorse're not wrong!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 06 September 2015, 04:33:11 pm
When they call and tell me they've got lost on the way to my apartment, then talk over me (usually telling me how they're lost again) whilst I'm trying to give them directions...

I'm glad not the only one, it is like they seem to know more than me but they phoned for help.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: heather3 on 07 September 2015, 06:01:18 am
..I so agree about giving directions - men what are they like - they have this thing that we are not very good at map reading or directions but I swear the number of men who cannot follow simple instructions to find my place - I do try and be patient though as I know some are nervous and get themselves in a right old pickle - bless!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 07 September 2015, 08:21:42 am
Use my pillows to put their heads on!!!!! :FF
This is my bed, I sleep in it, my pillows are for my head only!!! 
I put a clean sheet on covering my duvet for every client, there's cushions if they really feel the need to put something under their precious heads (as if my bed is made of concrete..), so why, why, why, grab MY pillow from under my duvet and use it???
Ohh it pisses me off no end! >:(

haha! Poor buggers!  ;D
they always leave a smell on my pillows so I use a large towel also and whip it off after they have gone !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 07 September 2015, 11:28:33 am
I just thought if that was me I would buy a separate pillow for clients then swap.  It would save all that built up tension.☺
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Siorse on 07 September 2015, 05:12:55 pm
I just thought if that was me I would buy a separate pillow for clients then swap.  It would save all that built up tension.☺

There's pillows and cushions there, but some just HAVE to have to the one I sleep on!!  :FF
Grab it from away under the duvet, and the sheet that covers it!
I do, Erotic Flower, as soon as any of them have used it I change the pillow-case lol, but I just wonder why they HAVE to have that one lol  ;)
I'm a bit funny about having a clean pillow all the time anyway, never mind having a few stranger's heads on them, no way would I sleep
on it after that!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: roxy666 on 14 September 2015, 02:02:47 pm
I have a completely different duvet a pair of pillows for work, I just chuck the ones I use in another room so clients can't get their hands on my pillows! I fully get it. I like having MY pillows only for MY head, lol. As for the duvet, it's only because my old feather duvet has lost all the feathers in the centre of it from all the shagging on top of the duvet.......and that happened before I started this line of work! :o hahaha. So don't want to ruin my newer feather duvet xox
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Monroe on 17 September 2015, 12:24:46 am
 ;D Wow i started this last year, Glad to see it's still going.. Well not glad you guys are getting annoyed, but you catch my drift haha  :D xxx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 17 September 2015, 01:25:33 am
Ask me personal questions  >:(

What's my real name, what do I study at uni, which uni am I at, what do my parents think of my job, am I single, why am I single, why do I do this job, do I save or blow my wages, do I pay tax?

Mind your own god damn business! I got really annoyed with a client who kept asking me these sorts of questions the other day so asked him exactly the same ones back, he was uncomfortable answering but still didn't take the hint. Grrr
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mysteriousGirl on 17 September 2015, 11:12:01 pm

Texting all of the time without making a booking.

The "hello my darling how are you, what have you been up to?" kinda messages. Thrice weekly. Sigh  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 18 September 2015, 02:18:31 pm
'Hi babe r u working' repeatedly despite my ignoring it from the same bloody guy!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 18 September 2015, 09:49:15 pm
'Hi babe r u working' repeatedly despite my ignoring it from the same bloody guy!

Their too daft too understand when they are being ignored or perhaps they think we are too busy to reply so they try texting again? It's confusing because sometimes even when you tell them straight out stop texting me. They still text. One of the many reasons why I could never enjoy this job  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 18 September 2015, 10:23:18 pm
This week all I've had is texters. I've had to put in massive letters on my profile STOP BLOODY TEXTING ME!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 20 September 2015, 02:42:47 pm
Putting a booking request through without asking if you're available first, or even speaking to you at all. this really irritates me to the point I've started saying I'm not available then even if I am.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 20 September 2015, 03:29:29 pm
Putting a booking request through without asking if you're available first, or even speaking to you at all. this really irritates me to the point I've started saying I'm not available then even if I am.  :FF

I hate this! I just ignore
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 20 September 2015, 04:04:41 pm
One just asked me if I can get him some coke. Hey buddy just because I escort doesn't mean I'm a crack whore.  Another example of guys assuming we all take drugs.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 21 September 2015, 08:54:54 am
Whispering and/or mumbling instructions so I can't fully hear and have to go, "What?"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 21 September 2015, 10:00:05 am
Tell me they are married in their emails. It's just their creepy little thrill of getting one over on their Mrs. Sod off!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 22 September 2015, 07:19:23 pm
Oh god yeah the ones that think they need to tell you they have a partner.
These types also seem to want to tell you what they do for a living and what they look like in an introductory email!Why do I need to know these things?Nearly always timewasters or dickheads.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JoeySalami on 23 September 2015, 05:46:01 am
"You?ve done what I asked, thanks, but it doesn?t give me that floaty feeling I was hoping it would."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 24 September 2015, 11:28:05 pm
Well, didn't end up as a client. But just had a booking made for an outcall for two hours in London in October. I asked which station was closest to his and he asked where I was coming in from. He then proceeded to tell me that it was too far for me to travel and he 'recommends' that I explain on my profile how far I would be willing to travel not to catch guys like him and others out.  :-\

Well, my reply to him was 'I apologise if this is too far for you. However, I have and do travel much farther. Thank you for the advice though.

And another thing, my profile states where I'm based, so why ask and then say I'm too far and make out that it is my fault for tricking him?

Some sort of crazy....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LovePod on 25 September 2015, 02:36:29 pm
Clients who insist to give me a massage with lots and lots and lots of babyoil so I almost drown in it, and of course then stroke my hair with their oily hands. Had 2 clients today, both of them managed to mess up my hair with their oily paws  :FF

Expecting another one later on but put the babyoil away, no more oily back and hair rubs today.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 25 September 2015, 02:52:48 pm
When they say they can't find a decent escort in the area, the next town, the county & the region  :o "dissatisfied douche" I'm going to call this dickhead I just had.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mysteriousGirl on 25 September 2015, 10:48:22 pm
Clients who insist to give me a massage with lots and lots and lots of babyoil so I almost drown in it, and of course then stroke my hair with their oily hands. Had 2 clients today, both of them managed to mess up my hair with their oily paws

Oh gosh I feel your pain I've had this happen to me before and it's so annoying!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 25 September 2015, 10:50:20 pm
I hold the bottle and put a tiny smear of oil on
his hand and out of his grasp. I wear wigs so can't
be having them destroyed. ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 25 September 2015, 11:19:48 pm
*Some* clients do this and its so annoying:

1: Not just press the door buzzer lightly but hold their finger on it for what sounds like ages  ???

2: Then when I can't run to the door immediately that second, press it again in the same way  ::)

3: Finally they don't realise that when I press 'open' on the buzzer it means they have to push said door open   :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BarbaraB on 26 September 2015, 12:45:22 am
 sms     You  are open ?  ehm no... so you are close ?

what make me crazy if somebody call me 10x in 5 min  without my answer or if i decide call with automatic message: hello please  txt me i can't speak now.... still called me ....
Dear, please when u will be downstairs just txt me and i will give you my room number.... So i will call u.... No please txt me, this is more discrete ... and  guess what of course calling

questions of my service or my price what is clearly write in my profile

this is really you in photos ?   no  this is my grandmama

and lot of other  things
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BarbaraB on 26 September 2015, 12:48:35 am
Clients who insist to give me a massage with lots and lots and lots of babyoil so I almost drown in it, and of course then stroke my hair with their oily hands. Had 2 clients today, both of them managed to mess up my hair with their oily paws  :FF

Expecting another one later on but put the babyoil away, no more oily back and hair rubs today.

pretty  good is  oil gel by Johnson Baby ... is not running around lol 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 26 September 2015, 12:55:22 am
this is really you in photos ?   no  this is my grandmama

I like that one...I will steal it lol ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BarbaraB on 26 September 2015, 10:37:51 am
oh i  forget,  first massage: send me your address

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 26 September 2015, 01:25:55 pm
I wonder if some girls actually just send these guys their address just like that? Maybe they do hence why they try it out on you as well?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BarbaraB on 26 September 2015, 03:38:09 pm
honestly i don't understood this, i did   in past for girls phone calls, and i just can't believe,  honesty my  security is in first point if i stay in hotel, i don't  sending post code..  i had couple strange guys , and  stalkers and  i don't want this anymore ... all time i say in my profile  something like I'm 2 min  by  walk from  Tower hill  station. but still ask me  of full address  withut booking  post code or hotel name .... after what  i clearly explain all is about my and his safety.  all time  i sending  my address hour  before  booking after  we  both confirm this ..... 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 26 September 2015, 03:54:13 pm
Guys like to say...'oh the other ladies text their address.'
But I think their taking poo.

I know that some SW indy or not, text the guys to arrive
at a landmark and first come first serve instead of the
agreed time so many are TW.

Or make them wait an hour, turn off their phones etc
Lots will be no-shows so the genuine ones get pissed off.
That's why they're  obsessed with the full address to the point of rudeness.
And they will push till I decline the booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BarbaraB on 26 September 2015, 05:10:47 pm
Guys like to say...'oh the other ladies text their address.'

yes "other girls"

 i know couple and i hear couple stories from customers

 girls  do double  bookings, because have a lot of time wasters and  if she book  two of same time  she have bigger  chance somebody will show up ;D

next couple girls is hmm inside some "community"  3 profiles  for 6  girls in one apartment  and just who is  free take this guy who is before door ...

etc etc etc
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: cheesypeas on 30 September 2015, 03:49:29 pm
Had a very genuine, well meaning, polite, 60 year old if I enjoy oral on me.
Well yes I do..very much, but...
The image of an elderly guy's mouth touching me was a cringer
and I put him off.

Now getting a bit of sun  and fresh air :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 11 October 2015, 06:24:08 pm
When clients make a booking then assume they can come earlier Imagining me sitting down with nothing to just waiting for my phone to ring. How wrong are they. One due at 8.30pm wanted 7pm but have a 6.30pm with a reg. So he decided to stick to the original time. 

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 11 October 2015, 06:42:22 pm
When clients make a booking then assume they can come earlier Imagining me sitting down with nothing to just waiting for my phone to ring. How wrong are they. One due at 8.30pm wanted 7pm but have a 6.30pm with a reg. So he decided to stick to the original time.

+1 I only have 15 mins breaks in between clients so if I'm busy, being early pisses me right off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 11 October 2015, 08:01:41 pm
When clients make a booking then assume they can come earlier Imagining me sitting down with nothing to just waiting for my phone to ring. How wrong are they. One due at 8.30pm wanted 7pm but have a 6.30pm with a reg. So he decided to stick to the original time.

The cheek of the 8.30pm  just texted me to hurry up he has not much time now. I'm not late.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 11 October 2015, 10:32:51 pm
I had an hour between bookings today.... Until the first guy was 20 minutes late and the next guy was 20 minutes early.

So much for a lunch break!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 12 October 2015, 06:48:47 pm
When clients make a booking then assume they can come earlier Imagining me sitting down with nothing to just waiting for my phone to ring. How wrong are they. One due at 8.30pm wanted 7pm but have a 6.30pm with a reg. So he decided to stick to the original time.

The cheek of the 8.30pm  just texted me to hurry up he has not much time now. I'm not late.

I told someone I was available from 7pm the other day and he said something like 'lets say 7:30 but I could end up being earlier depending on work/travel'... like I wouldn't be doing something else?! Or put another booking before his.

Why do they think we're just sat around waiting for them. The time I put between bookings is so I can shower/eat etc or if I don't have a booking until 7:30 I might make plans.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BarbaraB on 12 October 2015, 07:17:56 pm
When clients make a booking then assume they can come earlier Imagining me sitting down with nothing to just waiting for my phone to ring. How wrong are they. One due at 8.30pm wanted 7pm but have a 6.30pm with a reg. So he decided to stick to the original time.

The cheek of the 8.30pm  just texted me to hurry up he has not much time now. I'm not late.

I told someone I was available from 7pm the other day and he said something like 'lets say 7:30 but I could end up being earlier depending on work/travel'... like I wouldn't be doing something else?! Or put another booking before his.

Why do they think we're just sat around waiting for them. The time I put between bookings is so I can shower/eat etc or if I don't have a booking until 7:30 I might make plans.

one time  was  happened  to me   he was 45 min  before   txt me  I'm outside   ...  me but  u  are really early he  well then i cancel  this   booking  you look  stressed ....

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 13 October 2015, 04:13:03 pm
A classic a client books then changes the time which is agreed. Then comes at the original time which is an hour before. He texts me he got the times mixed up and will come back later. What was the point texting me this. I would have done my thing then phoned at the right time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: verarose on 14 October 2015, 02:03:21 pm
I have noticed that I have grown very good at pretending since escorting, because most clients I see all do something to annoy me but they never know it.

My biggest pet peeve is when clients call me when I clearly state that I am text and email only. I have classes, so I can't answer the phone all the time and when my phone is constantly ringing all the time it distracts me from class and booking appointments in class through texts.

I swear 80% of clients can't read. I am outcall only, yet so many men who contact me expect me to be incall or get a hotel room for us.

I also hate hate hate when men try and barter for a lower donation. And they pull a line like, "cmon baby do it for me" as if I liked them and wanted to have sex with them THAT badly that I would give them a discount. I am a person, not a loaf of bread on sale at the grocery store.

Bad fingering is the worst, and some men just don't know how to do it whatsoever. You would think that men that old would have some experience but most just think brashly shoving a finger up there is gonna instantly make me cum, and speaking of cumming. I hate when clients expect me to cum and say "I really want to make you cum" so they go on forever and hold in their orgasm just because they are trying to make me cum. I know we are supposed to be selling a fantasy, but in reality it's just work for us and I think most of you will agree that it's very hard to cum with a client, and most of the time I don't want to cum with a client because it'll sortof cross the line between work and reality for me...if that makes sense. I only try and cum when I'm having "real" sex with a partner outside of work.

I also hate when potential clients pester me with a ton of questions through email or text when inquiring about my services. The basics like what I offer, donation, my schedule and stuff like that are fine but then some of them want to just get some dirty talk for free out of you or badger you to lower your rate and it's just so annoying. I hate having my time wasted, so I usually stop responding if they keep asking irrelevant questions like what I'm wearing and if I'm horny. They act like I'm just sitting by the phone eagerly waiting for them to reply and they are the only person I'm talking to. I have other people I'm trying to book and that's why I can't be aswering their dumb questions.

Second biggest pet peeve and last one on my list, is when clients just don't respond after leading you on. I don't know if it's just that they chicken out or what but it's happened to me so many times. Like, they will ask to see me and we book an appointment. I get all ready and waste my makeup and gas going to their location, they respond and everything right up until the moment I am outside of their place and then I can't get a hold of them! I text, call, email and nothing! And then some of them have the nerve to message me back the next day saying things like "sorry about the other day...can you come see me now?" ugh!!

Oh, just remembered another one. When clients ask to stick it in without a condom. Now, I know some ladies offer this service for an extra donation which is fine, but it's just not something I am comfortable with. To me, wearing a condom protects both the client and I from any unwanted accidents. So when they ask and I say no, some clients keep asking and asking and offering a higher donation. Are they really that stupid? They know I'm an escort right? Do they realize how many men I have been with? Now, I don't have an STD but in my mind if I were a client I wouldn't want to stick it into a woman who has been with multiple partners just to be safe! And I wouldn't want to get her pregnant either. I swear some of these guys don't think.

Haha. I guess it seems like I'm a really easy person to annoy but in the end it's work and everyone gets annoyed at work (;
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Vichyssoise on 14 October 2015, 03:57:08 pm
Those cock pics are one of the worst things to annoy me. As soon as I get one he is blocked. Second to that are when they ask me for a sexy pic to keep me going till will meet. Just had one of them requests of a reg as well. I am going to keep the cock pic and forward them on to the sexy pic requests now.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 14 October 2015, 04:21:55 pm
Yep clients who email via AW for a booking and then don't respond to my prompt reply or don't confirm as asked.Totally does my tree in because I've invested the time to respond and try and make it as smooth as possible.Regulars that start taking the piss,tell fibs and think you are stupid.Caught one out today that has been on thin ice for cancelling and taking 10 emails to sort a booking out because he keeps chopping and changing times.He did the same today after toing and froing agreed to he wanted a 12:30 booking then he tried for an outcall when we had already agreed to an incall then he nattered for earlier before finally cancelling all this via email as he reckons his phone his broken..I since found out this is bullshit its really because he no showed me ages ago..I never let on because he started to see m after a duo with another of his regulars.Anyway lo and behold my duo mate asked me to mind her phone and he then proceeded to book her.My mate actually cancelled on him as she didn't like how he had treated me and wasn't keen on him as a client (bad breath).I've made the decision to totally block him as well,just fed up of guys like this making it overly complicated and playing silly games.Not worth the money.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 16 October 2015, 10:32:58 am
After you've already confirmed twice & then they still text & call. Creepy little time stealing titivators who are insecure perverts. Was just quite bunt & said "you are on the pester today aren't you." So he laughed & said "yes I suppose I am, so leave you alone" the penny drops.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LondonBased on 16 October 2015, 11:26:24 am
When clients make a booking then assume they can come earlier Imagining me sitting down with nothing to just waiting for my phone to ring. How wrong are they. One due at 8.30pm wanted 7pm but have a 6.30pm with a reg. So he decided to stick to the original time.

I had this happen to me on Tuesday I think it was, he arrived over a half hour early and bombarded me with calls and texts then had the check to text me saying he will wait till 8 before he goes when 8 was when we had arranged in the first place. He also put in a last minute request that if anything was setting me back more time so I ended up cancelling at the last minute because he obviously made me think he was going to be a really horrible client in person so he starts calling me a timewaster and the starts insulting me and giving me abuse. I don't understand how he couldn't see that it was his behaviour that put me off. I am sure that if for any reason he or any other client got a bad feeling at the last minute, they wouldn't think twice about not going through with the appointment.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sensualmilf on 16 October 2015, 11:29:33 am
Don't wash their cocks properly in the sink (I insist!)

I spent a half hour booking giving a lesson on penis hygiene after scraping off the fucking limescale. He thought he had a disease ffs. I swear if I'd told him he had Cockeritis he would have gone straight to hospital.  :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 16 October 2015, 01:07:56 pm
Ask me when i'm free then when i tell them I'm free at so and so time or free all day tomorrow they don't reply. I hate when clients ask this. Not sure if I should have put this under how not to book an escort.. It's like they have no interest in booking in the first place but just want to wind you up. I've started ignoring guys that ask me when I'm free now. If you want to book just email me a date and time and if it suits then we go ahead with it..  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sourgrapes on 16 October 2015, 01:48:53 pm
Ask me when i'm free then when i tell them I'm free at so and so time or free all day tomorrow they don't reply. I hate when clients ask this. Not sure if I should have put this under how not to book an escort.. It's like they have no interest in booking in the first place but just want to wind you up. I've started ignoring guys that ask me when I'm free now. If you want to book just email me a date and time and if it suits then we go ahead with it..  >:(
I know, right? What sort of a muppet asks questions like "what's your availability like this week?" What do they want - my week's diary on a spreadsheet?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 16 October 2015, 02:49:32 pm
Ask me when i'm free then when i tell them I'm free at so and so time or free all day tomorrow they don't reply. I hate when clients ask this. Not sure if I should have put this under how not to book an escort.. It's like they have no interest in booking in the first place but just want to wind you up. I've started ignoring guys that ask me when I'm free now. If you want to book just email me a date and time and if it suits then we go ahead with it..  >:(
I know, right? What sort of a muppet asks questions like "what's your availability like this week?" What do they want - my week's diary on a spreadsheet?

Lol sometimes I think they gather together and come up with silly things to say,ask and do. Either that or they are all equally stupid!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Treetop on 16 October 2015, 04:35:38 pm
Ask me when i'm free then when i tell them I'm free at so and so time or free all day tomorrow they don't reply. I hate when clients ask this. Not sure if I should have put this under how not to book an escort.. It's like they have no interest in booking in the first place but just want to wind you up. I've started ignoring guys that ask me when I'm free now. If you want to book just email me a date and time and if it suits then we go ahead with it..  >:(
I know, right? What sort of a muppet asks questions like "what's your availability like this week?" What do they want - my week's diary on a spreadsheet?

I've never got why they ask this! I resonpd with well roughly what time are you looking for on which day and I'll see what I can do.. and they do seem to want a little spreadsheet or print out of our diaries. I get so annoyed after a couple of rounds of when are you free? When are you looking for I just tell them to get back to me when they know a time and hang up. I have no patients for this question at all.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: heather3 on 16 October 2015, 05:17:00 pm
...I just had to stop a client coming to see me because he was so critical of my flat - it isn't that bad honestly but he was just so critical about my power shower, my bath mat, the colour of my towels...he must have ocd or something but was just doing my head in.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 16 October 2015, 07:29:33 pm
Guys who have totally unrealistic expectations.Just had a crossdresser asking if I can provide clothes well yes i have lots of clothes so no probs.Then asking if i can do makeup yes no probs..can I do false eyelashes and fake nails for him er no not unless he brings them and is happy going home with false painted nails on.I'm a hooker not a beauty parlour owner.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 17 October 2015, 12:46:32 am
I hate it when a guy books me days in advance ( by phone as required ) then assumes it's perfectly acceptable to text a cancellation, with a very poor excuse and no suggestion of an alternative date.

It infuriates me even more when Regulars do this and I don't respond ( sulking  :P ) and won't take any future advance bookings from them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissFlint on 17 October 2015, 01:00:59 am
When they say they can't find a decent escort in the area, the next town, the county & the region  :o "dissatisfied douche" I'm going to call this dickhead I just had.
Yeah I hate that.  If they're are the types to slag off every escort they've seen it usually means that will be impossible to please and hate women in general!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 17 October 2015, 11:52:23 am
Guys who have totally unrealistic expectations.Just had a crossdresser asking if I can provide clothes well yes i have lots of clothes so no probs.Then asking if i can do makeup yes no probs..can I do false eyelashes and fake nails for him er no not unless he brings them and is happy going home with false painted nails on.I'm a hooker not a beauty parlour owner.

I get this all the time. I'm a size 6/8 & they are are over 12 stone usually  ::) & never done it before. Go to the frickin charity shop mate on your way over, I tell them. Apparently there are exclusive clubs where it is expected for ladies who cater for cross dressers to provide all the gear for them including wigs etc. It kind of makes sense when they are married etc so they don't have to cart it around & can just leave it behind. I wouldn't want to specialise in this & have to store all that stuff.

When they ask to see you on a day you don't work & I have it plastered on my profile & in my automated email that I don't work on that day. Some think they are an exception to the rules.  >:(

Texting me late at night asking to see me in 2 weeks time when I'm in their area & going into graphic detail about what they want to happen in the booking.  :-\ Then when I say go away & read my etiquette section he texts back "will a bunch of flowers make it up to you". I tell you what you can do with those flowers..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 17 October 2015, 01:01:00 pm
Consistent messages on aw weeks or months before their imaginary booking !!
Or cancellation of their pre booked reality  visit . :o

Oh you are the best looking escort blah blah I can't wait to meet you we will do this that and the other
Oh I'm so sorry I can't make it  ...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fancypants on 17 October 2015, 01:48:04 pm
Consistent messages on aw weeks or months before their imaginary booking !!
Or cancellation of their pre booked reality  visit .

I fricking hate that!!!! grrrr  :FF   when they've got a huge amount of positive feedback they seem to think that they can get away with it. When I lay down the law in terms of email/text tennis they always say " have you seen my feedback"! that's basically like saying " don't you know who I am"!!! ...... I always reply " have you seen my list of services and rates"? because no where on my profile does it list " email" or " text" as a service!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 17 October 2015, 02:09:41 pm
Clients that do everything right until it comes to sex and they try and chance bareback, this winds me up SO much.
Clients that try to cram everything into 15 mins also.
Sex talk in texts.
Condescending twats.

Saw someone the other week who tried to sneak in without a condom and stopped him and he said oh yeah you don't want any diseases from me and I don't want any from you neither of us have got any but better safe than sorry....?! Well, I know I haven't but I don't know you haven't just by your say so and why attempt it before saying that then?! He then text recently asking to see me again and asked for a time I don't work, tried to cram everything into my offer on at the moment AND finished the text with sex talk and a "then I'm going to feed your pussy some cream without if possible!" Now I'm fairly certain that means he's asking for bareback, someone correct me if I'm reading that wrong? I didn't allow it the first time, why would I this time  :FF

Oh and a new one for me- Clients feeling guilty afterwards and letting you know?

I offer BDSM and sub/dom services and saw someone recently who wished to try it for the first time and emailed me this morning saying he knows everything was consensual but he can't stop feeling guilty about what happened in the appointment and for the first time in a long time said a prayer for both of us- him to be forgiven and for me to find a better life because I don't deserve this life and am just a young girl. I'm 27! I understand those services aren't to everyones tastes and I understand some will feel guilty if it's new to them, but I'm perfectly fine with what I offer and sub/have a Dom in my personal life too, it was the condescending change my life, don't deserve this etc that pissed me off. He could have stopped the appointment at any time if he was uncomfortable just like I could, so don't try and dump your guilt on to me!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 17 October 2015, 02:14:56 pm
"then I'm going to feed your pussy some cream without if possible!" Now I'm fairly certain that means he's asking for bareback, someone correct me if I'm reading that wrong?

Hmm. Have you got a cat? ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 17 October 2015, 02:27:49 pm
"then I'm going to feed your pussy some cream without if possible!" Now I'm fairly certain that means he's asking for bareback, someone correct me if I'm reading that wrong?

Hmm. Have you got a cat? ;D

Hahahaha. I do have a kitten actually and it's the same client who saw his bowl and asked about him and then spent 20 minutes telling me about his two cats!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Treetop on 17 October 2015, 02:32:54 pm
"then I'm going to feed your pussy some cream without if possible!" Now I'm fairly certain that means he's asking for bareback, someone correct me if I'm reading that wrong?

Hmm. Have you got a cat? ;D

Hahahaha. I do have a kitten actually and it's the same client who saw his bowl and asked about him and then spent 20 minutes telling me about his two cats!  ;D

You never know some guys really like kitties! I had a client who used to bring my pussy dreamies and actual cat cream/milk ..... only time I've let clients give my pussy a creamy treat. ;-)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 17 October 2015, 04:02:58 pm
Ask me when i'm free then when i tell them I'm free at so and so time or free all day tomorrow they don't reply. I hate when clients ask this. Not sure if I should have put this under how not to book an escort.. It's like they have no interest in booking in the first place but just want to wind you up. I've started ignoring guys that ask me when I'm free now. If you want to book just email me a date and time and if it suits then we go ahead with it..  >:(
I know, right? What sort of a muppet asks questions like "what's your availability like this week?" What do they want - my week's diary on a spreadsheet?
I get this stupid question I them say only such a day and time is free now I'm quire busy so what would you like they often don't want you to do this to them as they are vague and just callers not bookers
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 18 October 2015, 09:33:12 pm
Insist that what I do is illegal and when I say otherwise they get extremely frustrated and argumentative  as they are so sure that it's illegal lol! How about basing your argument on some facts rather than TV and your own assumptions? I had one client even tell me that I should delete all message from clients off my phone in case I get stopped my police! Their ignorance frustrates me because it's like they refuse to do any research but remain in their ignorance! Ignorance without willingness to learn is being dumb! Cannot believe in this day and age people still think prostitution is illegal in England. Talk about being singleminded. Stupid Clients Annoy Me!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fancypants on 19 October 2015, 04:53:48 pm
Spend years getting dressed. Took 40 minutes for my last client to put his fucking pants on.His package wasn't that big. From now on I refuse to see people above 60.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kate_x on 19 October 2015, 05:15:05 pm
Ask me when i'm free then when i tell them I'm free at so and so time or free all day tomorrow they don't reply. I hate when clients ask this. Not sure if I should have put this under how not to book an escort.. It's like they have no interest in booking in the first place but just want to wind you up. I've started ignoring guys that ask me when I'm free now. If you want to book just email me a date and time and if it suits then we go ahead with it..  >:(
I know, right? What sort of a muppet asks questions like "what's your availability like this week?" What do they want - my week's diary on a spreadsheet?
I get this stupid question I them say only such a day and time is free now I'm quire busy so what would you like they often don't want you to do this to them as they are vague and just callers not bookers

At the moment I keep getting "are you working today?"
I say "yes". They ask when I'm available.....I say I'm working until 9pm and when they know a definite time then to let me know
They don't ring back!

In my experience if someone is serious about booking they will ask if I'm available at a specific time rather than all this vagueness!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 19 October 2015, 05:58:57 pm
Insist that what I do is illegal and when I say otherwise they get extremely frustrated and argumentative  as they are so sure that it's illegal lol! How about basing your argument on some facts rather than TV and your own assumptions? I had one client even tell me that I should delete all message from clients off my phone in case I get stopped my police! Their ignorance frustrates me because it's like they refuse to do any research but remain in their ignorance! Ignorance without willingness to learn is being dumb! Cannot believe in this day and age people still think prostitution is illegal in England. Talk about being singleminded. Stupid Clients Annoy Me!!!!!!!
We're you tempted to tell them it might be illegal  to be calling you what paranoid jackasses! !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 20 October 2015, 04:59:41 pm
Ask me to recommend someone! Really grinds my gears. Most of the time they don't mention any particular type/services so I don't know how they expect me to know who they'd like anyway. Surely it would be easier to pop on a punting forum and ask them instead of emailing/ringing random escorts to recommend someone. I'm not shagging other escorts either so I've got no idea whether they'd be any good or not!

Needed a rant there  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 20 October 2015, 06:49:09 pm
Insist that what I do is illegal and when I say otherwise they get extremely frustrated and argumentative  as they are so sure that it's illegal lol! How about basing your argument on some facts rather than TV and your own assumptions? I had one client even tell me that I should delete all message from clients off my phone in case I get stopped my police! Their ignorance frustrates me because it's like they refuse to do any research but remain in their ignorance! Ignorance without willingness to learn is being dumb! Cannot believe in this day and age people still think prostitution is illegal in England. Talk about being singleminded. Stupid Clients Annoy Me!!!!!!!
We're you tempted to tell them it might be illegal  to be calling you what paranoid jackasses! !
No because It might have just turned into a useless debate and I hate debating with stupid men that know nothing apart from how to put a cock in a pussy. I just kindly rushed him out the door to avoid listening to his ignorance any longer.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 20 October 2015, 07:40:29 pm
Ah yes!The odd cheeky twat who rings me up to ask for another girls number as they have forgotten it and I do duos with said girl..feck off and go on the internet am not their pimp!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GoddessEveEnglish on 21 October 2015, 07:23:40 pm
When a client makes an advance booking, confirms, and then sets up an RB for that exact date and time!!

Plan B anyone??!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fancypants on 21 October 2015, 09:09:18 pm
October, the month when spirits and idiots are the most active, well for me anyway. Seem to be attracting the forest Gumps at the moment.  :-[ 

When a client makes an advance booking, confirms, and then sets up an RB for that exact date and time!!

Plan B anyone??!!!
If possible I would double book . Perhaps RB is just a plan B for him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sunshine1715 on 22 October 2015, 12:12:57 am
Guys like to say...'oh the other ladies text their address.'

yes "other girls"

 i know couple and i hear couple stories from customers

 girls  do double  bookings, because have a lot of time wasters and  if she book  two of same time  she have bigger  chance somebody will show up ;D

next couple girls is hmm inside some "community"  3 profiles  for 6  girls in one apartment  and just who is  free take this guy who is before door ...

etc etc etc
Well once I had really bad day with TW and was so upset so next 4 were calling me I made exactly on the same time and... what happened? They didn't arrived but the 5th one ( one of my regulars) ring me and said I can be in 10 mins, he came and I made my hr at least. Usually I do not do multiple bookings but sometime if punters play hard I do play harder
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 23 October 2015, 10:18:04 am
Ask me when i'm free then when i tell them I'm free at so and so time or free all day tomorrow they don't reply. I hate when clients ask this. Not sure if I should have put this under how not to book an escort.. It's like they have no interest in booking in the first place but just want to wind you up. I've started ignoring guys that ask me when I'm free now. If you want to book just email me a date and time and if it suits then we go ahead with it..  >:(
I know, right? What sort of a muppet asks questions like "what's your availability like this week?" What do they want - my week's diary on a spreadsheet?
I get this stupid question I them say only such a day and time is free now I'm quire busy so what would you like they often don't want you to do this to them as they are vague and just callers not bookers

At the moment I keep getting "are you working today?"
I say "yes". They ask when I'm available.....I say I'm working until 9pm and when they know a definite time then to let me know
They don't ring back!

In my experience if someone is serious about booking they will ask if I'm available at a specific time rather than all this vagueness!

Indeed. From now on I am ignoring and deleting vague messages like this and I am being very strict about it. Messages like, "are you available tomorrow?", "I would like to arrange a booking" "when can I see you?" etc, would go directly into the trash folder. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 24 October 2015, 08:31:21 am
At the moment my tolerance must be low, everything seems to be annoying me. Maybe time for a wee break!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Midsstudent on 24 October 2015, 04:45:04 pm
I don't mind if they are vague asking about a certain day (i.e. are you available tomorrow) I'll just reply asking what time they were thinking. However, asking for the week/month etc is just TW tactics.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 25 October 2015, 11:06:50 am
The continuous emails asking me to meet them on days I'm not available then getting annoyed because I don't get back to them
I'm part time I'm not a 24hr tesco !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Librarylady on 25 October 2015, 11:25:01 am
Sending super long essays with what they want. How are we supposed to remember if we were to see them? Keep referring back to their messages? lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic flower on 25 October 2015, 01:04:10 pm
Sending super long essays with what they want. How are we supposed to remember if we were to see them? Keep referring back to their messages? lol
Yes I get this long email describing the booking I would have to keep looking at this stupid email if I took his booking
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 25 October 2015, 04:06:25 pm
I don't mind if they are vague asking about a certain day (i.e. are you available tomorrow) I'll just reply asking what time they were thinking. However, asking for the week/month etc is just TW tactics.
The thing with me is that when they ask if I am available tomorrow and I respond with "Yes, what time would you like to come see me?" They usually never respond. Probably because they did a copy and paste and sent to various other escorts and someone else responded  before me. But common sense would say, "I want a same day booking so perhaps I should call her as she may not be sitting round on her computer waiting to respond to emails" Either that or they just do it for kicks. I don't bother replying to them now, especially if I know that I am not free as I get the odd cow that don't bother acknowledging responses regardless if you say you are free or not.  I even had one client ask me what time I was free today, I told him that I am free all day, he then replied, so what time are you free? again I said all day.We went back and forth like this about four times. Perhaps I need to work on my responses? To me, free all day means anytime is good and suggests that you can pick anytime you like to come around. Maybe I'm wrong> ??? Someone help me here
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Librarylady on 25 October 2015, 04:29:39 pm
I do the same as midsstudent and most of the time they reply with a time (the ones who have feedback anyway). I ignore 0 feedback guys to save time. I learnt very quickly only around 1/20 turns into a real booking and I didn't want to keep wasting my time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: The_Lynx on 25 October 2015, 04:31:35 pm
I even had one client ask me what time I was free today, I told him that I am free all day, he then replied, so what time are you free? again I said all day.We went back and forth like this about four times. Perhaps I need to work on my responses? To me, free all day means anytime is good and suggests that you can pick anytime you like to come around. Maybe I'm wrong> ??? Someone help me here

Suggest a time to 'close' the sale, I'd say. I've had it happen before that they also have a very open schedule and want YOU to suggest a time. The worst case, you realize they are faffing about. Best case scenario, you avoid email ping-pong and set an appointment.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 26 October 2015, 07:13:26 pm
Yes I also find the emailers who ask for same day bookings rarely come to anything but I answer still and normally say I am and would they prefer afternoon or evening.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Secret-Whore on 01 November 2015, 05:54:35 pm
'Are you available for a booking on Friday?'
'I'm sorry but I'm not available on Friday.'
'Are you sure?'

'Are you available at xx:xx on Tuesday?'
'Unfortunately I can only do from/before xx:xx'
'Are you sure you can't do xx:xx?'

YES, I'M FUCKING SURE. I can't stand these idiots. Under what circumstances would I not be sure? Has the answer ever been 'Nah, you're right. I'm lying in order to not get paid.'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nova on 01 November 2015, 06:12:58 pm
'Are you available for a booking on Friday?'
'I'm sorry but I'm not available on Friday.'
'Are you sure?'

'Are you available at xx:xx on Tuesday?'
'Unfortunately I can only do from/before xx:xx'
'Are you sure you can't do xx:xx?'

YES, I'M FUCKING SURE. I can't stand these idiots. Under what circumstances would I not be sure? Has the answer ever been 'Nah, you're right. I'm lying in order to not get paid.'

Had this recently. My availability was on my profile but he still asked when I was free. I typed it all out again for him, then he asked for a tyme I had just listed as not free. I said, 'As I said, I'm not free at that time. Can do from x time on that day.' His response: 'I would really like an earlier time than that. Can you not make an exception for me?'
So he genuinely thought that when I said I was not free at that time, that I was planning to just lounge around and do nothing, turning down bookings for lolz. It never occurred to him I might actually be busy or, god forbid, already booked! As it happens I was on a training course on that day and he was really surprised when I told him that.
Another thing about that message was, 'Can you not make an exception for me?' Change my existing plans for someone I've never met, who already sounds like a demanding, disrespectful fool? Sure, why not?!   :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Secret-Whore on 01 November 2015, 06:27:20 pm
'Are you available for a booking on Friday?'
'I'm sorry but I'm not available on Friday.'
'Are you sure?'

'Are you available at xx:xx on Tuesday?'
'Unfortunately I can only do from/before xx:xx'
'Are you sure you can't do xx:xx?'

YES, I'M FUCKING SURE. I can't stand these idiots. Under what circumstances would I not be sure? Has the answer ever been 'Nah, you're right. I'm lying in order to not get paid.'

Had this recently. My availability was on my profile but he still asked when I was free. I typed it all out again for him, then he asked for a tyme I had just listed as not free. I said, 'As I said, I'm not free at that time. Can do from x time on that day.' His response: 'I would really like an earlier time than that. Can you not make an exception for me?'
So he genuinely thought that when I said I was not free at that time, that I was planning to just lounge around and do nothing, turning down bookings for lolz. It never occurred to him I might actually be busy or, god forbid, already booked! As it happens I was on a training course on that day and he was really surprised when I told him that.
Another thing about that message was, 'Can you not make an exception for me?' Change my existing plans for someone I've never met, who already sounds like a demanding, disrespectful fool? Sure, why not?!   :FF :FF

Exactly. I sometimes do incalls and advertise the dates on my profile. I always, without fail, get guys who can't be bothered to read when I'm available. What really annoys me though are the ones who ask if I can make an exception for them  ::) One time I explained to a guy that I don't conduct them from my home, but I book somewhere and therefore can only offer incalls on the dates I have booked accommodation. His response? 'Can you please make an exception for me and let me come to your house?'. I didn't bother texting back.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 01 November 2015, 06:29:25 pm

Another thing about that message was, 'Can you not make an exception for me?' Change my existing plans for someone I've never met, who already sounds like a demanding, disrespectful fool? Sure, why not?!   :FF :FF

Oh I hate that crap. I think people just assume this is the only thing you do full time and that you have a full weekly schedule free to play around with. I'm a student so I keep my bookings to weekends so I have the week to attend and get work done and all the time people ask me to do things on a weekday and not in the evening they want it in the middle of the day then I say I don't work on weekdays because I'm busy with other things and they get all patronising like "I'll give you an extra ?10 I think we can make this work for both of us"

Because ?10 is so important to me that I'll skip Uni just to run after them. I'm already turning down my fee to not book at a time that suits them ?10 won't make any difference nor does it impress me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 01 November 2015, 08:05:12 pm
Yep I hate these sort of guys too.Had someone the other night who asked if I was available at around 8pm (I only work until 9pm anyway but had finished earlier due to other commitments).I explained I wasn't around to then get the same text 10 mins apart (I'd ignored the first text)saying that he was only in Leeds for one night and had been looking forward to seeing me and was there anything we could do to make it happen?I replied if he had been so looking forward to seeing me and wanted to know how to 'make it happen' why not try giving me abit more notice?Oddly I got no reply..silly sod!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Librarylady on 01 November 2015, 10:34:29 pm
I had this too a few weeks ago. He text me about a booking at 11am. I told him I couldn't do anything until 1pm, a few messages were exchanged about location at which point I repeated the fact I wasn't free until 1 and then I got 'how about 12?' when I didn't reply I got a message about 10 minutes later saying 'can you let me know asap please'.

The thing is as I had told him, I was working. Clients don't like it when we text through bookings with them, but when we're not with them do they expect us to text during our bookings?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hadley on 02 November 2015, 02:34:35 am
I totally agree... my bugbear is when someone asks me "What is the earliest time you would be available on (e.g.) Wednesday?"

I reply "The earliest time I would be available on Wednesday would be x o'clock".

Inevitably, I get the response "Can't you do any earlier?" Well no, as that would be what earliest means!

God loves a trier though bless them  ;D

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 02 November 2015, 10:19:16 am
I had a guy ask for a 15 min quickie and I told him the earliest I could do was 2pm he agreed to that but then texted asking what time could he see me?!?I repeated 2pm.He then asked if I could do earlier I said no.He then turned up at 1:30 rang and asked if he could see which point I told him to forget it.I always think if they are that pushy on the phone they are going to be as pushy face to face.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 02 November 2015, 05:31:39 pm
'Are you available for a booking on Friday?'
'I'm sorry but I'm not available on Friday.'
'Are you sure?'

'Are you available at xx:xx on Tuesday?'
'Unfortunately I can only do from/before xx:xx'
'Are you sure you can't do xx:xx?'

YES, I'M FUCKING SURE. I can't stand these idiots. Under what circumstances would I not be sure? Has the answer ever been 'Nah, you're right. I'm lying in order to not get paid.'

Love it!  Made me chuckle to myself! 

I think they get up themselves and almost feel snubbed that we are not available!  I think a lot of them think they are the one and only that matter !  Like we don't have other clients nor personal lives................... ! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 02 November 2015, 10:08:48 pm
Have a horrible cough at the moment so not working... yesterday...

Caller: Can I see you today?
Me: Sorry but I'm not working until Wednesday now.
Caller: Oh, why not? (not that it's any of his bloody business!)
Me: I've got a cough and cold at the moment
Caller: Oh I don't mind.
Me: But I do, I'm having some time off
Caller: Oh pleeeeeeeease.... I really want to see you (whingy child mode)
Me: Well you can wait until I'm better then
Caller: Just 15 minutes

I hang up. Dick.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 03 November 2015, 11:45:01 am
I hate it when they are a first timer i.e. have never ever met an escort before and I say please do not show up too early as I won't be ready.  Then they end up showing up twenty minutes early and they don't understand why I can't see them straightaway.

I think it is because guys don't take long to get ready - don't they realise women have to GET PROPERLY READY?!

Even boyfriends go weird like that, leaving the house quickly while we get our hair brushed and put our lipstick on.  We can't just get our things on and face ready in 2 minutes like men do ....  When will men ever learn!! :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 03 November 2015, 12:20:49 pm
One I'm slowly starting to hate and I don't think it'll ever stop is the guys you get who see you as some sort of weird Science experiment where they feel the need to prod and examine you. I'll be laid there expecting them to perform oral and instead they sort of just stare at my bits and poke their fingers around opening me up looking at it like it's an alien. I mean it's just the same as all the others I'm sure they have seen plenty of close ups in porn. After a while I'm just thinking okay one of two things better happens soon. 1. You stop playing with your food and eat or 2. You stop being fascinated with my vagina and find something else to do.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Librarylady on 03 November 2015, 02:32:17 pm
Can anyone explain to me the type of fingering where they don't actually penetrate you with their fingers, just sort of poke at the opening? It's so uncomfortable.

My biggest pet peeve is when they don't just stroke your hair while kissing but they sort of scrub it up and down like they are trying to give me an afro lol I had my hair done today and the client kept doing this, I was dying to just stop him and say 'pleaseeee you're going to make it all greesy!!!'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fancypants on 03 November 2015, 03:24:21 pm
My biggest pet peeve is when they don't just stroke your hair while kissing but they sort of scrub it up and down like they are trying to give me an afro

This is also my biggest pet peeve ! Not only do they give me  an afro but they rub my eyebrows off as well and if that wasn't bad enough their version of dfk means eating my face...I've got a tiny head so I naturally get quite anxious.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 03 November 2015, 05:20:56 pm

This is also my biggest pet peeve ! Not only do they give me  an afro but they rub my eyebrows off as well and if that wasn't bad enough their version of dfk means eating my face...I've got a tiny head so I naturally get quite anxious.

Maybe they thought your head was a lollipop. It's the only explanation for them doing that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fancypants on 03 November 2015, 05:38:28 pm

Maybe they thought your head was a lollipop. It's the only explanation for them doing that.

Great..i've now got the lollipop song stuck in my lollipop head!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 03 November 2015, 05:41:14 pm
OMG Ladies you are making me laugh out loud but it's all so true! 

The worst thing that I've had happen is the ones that go down there and use their teeth (and I'm not talking about buck toothed guys either)!!!  I literally had to stop someone a few weeks ago for fear he was going to bite my bits off!  Sheesh!   :FF

As for those that say make an exception for me - agreed I hate that!  As though we're meant to have no other clients, no personal commitments, just drop everything for the great HIM!  I had someone recently begging to be 'squeezed in' -  I retorted with how disgusting - do you think I want a production line of guys waiting at my door!  Do one! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 03 November 2015, 05:47:08 pm
Sorry to resurrect this old chestnut - the offer of dinner (with the intention of not getting paid for it!)

Recently, I've had two fairly good regulars ask me out for dinner with the usual crap of lovely fancy place, nice food, drink bla bla bla bla and it's fairly clear from their talking that they're not intending to pay for my time.  It really fucks me off but perhaps I've laid my bed as instead of flatly saying no first time they suggest it, I just avoid the subject and hope it doesn't come up again but it does! 

Although saying that had another good reg ask me out to lunch - got out of that one by saying I don't do lunch as it's working hours and I'd hate to miss out on work.................................. 

Final rant - just had someone ring for a booking, last minute and again, as it's evening asked if I had eaten supper.  I said why ?  And of course he's suggested dinner (and not a dinner date but dinner before/after the booking)  I replied I don't do dinner, food doesn't interest me so I just eat whenever I have time LOL so no thanks to dinner but I'll still take your booking LOL
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 03 November 2015, 07:12:32 pm
Think my life is their buisness!!

I hurt myself last night so cancelled all appointments until further notice and got asked if it was a work related injury or something else and when I didnt text back called two hours after.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nova on 03 November 2015, 07:50:47 pm
I hate it when they are a first timer i.e. have never ever met an escort before and I say please do not show up too early as I won't be ready.  Then they end up showing up twenty minutes early and they don't understand why I can't see them straightaway.

I think it is because guys don't take long to get ready - don't they realise women have to GET PROPERLY READY?!

Even boyfriends go weird like that, leaving the house quickly while we get our hair brushed and put our lipstick on.  We can't just get our things on and face ready in 2 minutes like men do ....  When will men ever learn!! :(

This. Totally this.
The guys who do this must imagine that we just sit around perfectly made up with the room ready and everything in place all day just twiddling our thumbs til they turn up. I've had to explain to quite a few that I time my getting ready-ness to finish when your booking is due to start. Maybe I should just start letting them in and explain that the reason my hair is dripping wet/I have no make-up on/the room is a mess is because they didn't have the courtesy to give me the time to prepare those things.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 03 November 2015, 07:57:02 pm
LOL we're on a roll today girls.................

Following on from the getting ready for a booking - ever had someone suggest he come even if you are not ready!  I've had the odd one say, oh I don't mind if you're not ready or I'll just wait while you get ready.........................

Me thinks no way - do you really want to see me in my civvies (whatever I threw on that morning), no make up, etc............. and no I don't want you sitting watching me whist I run around my flat with rollers in my hair and one leg in a stocking and one out, brushing my teeth and generally cursing you for being early (not to mention awful wind I've got today................ too much roughage LOL )
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: xSweetCheeksx on 06 November 2015, 04:05:47 pm
Ugh, just had a right horrible bastard so need to vent!

So this guy phones me, sounded okay but a little on the cocky/arrogant side but as business is slow today i accepted. He said he either wants 15mins or 30mins but ask if he could decide once here. Again, business being slow i was past caring and said yes.
So he turns up telling me he's parked in a multi story. He was like "damn i really want half an hour but need the change for the car park, what can you do for ?60?" So i just said 20mins (i charge 50 for 15mins and 70 for 30mins so thought 60 for 20mins is reasonable).
He said that's fine. So i put the money away and started the booking. He was seriously tall, maybe 6ft3ish and omg he was so fucking rough! I feel like a damaged rag doll now!  >:( I had to tell him to calm it down and then half way though the cheeky twat asks if I'd do the extra 10mins for free so that he could have half an hour. I was fuming from feeling like a rag doll at this point so point blank said 'sorry but no, this is my job. I don't do it for the good of my health!'. I was just feeling that way out.
Literally can't wait for today to be ddone with, had enough! My bits feel sore and i just want a nice hot bath and a big glass of wine. Roll on 7.30!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 08 November 2015, 01:14:49 am
Chilling on the bed after they have cum with a small amount of time left. Maybe i'm just being a bitch? but it really irritates me when they do this. I had a client recently book a half hour appointment, came in 25 mins then had the cheek to lay their on the bed expecting some additional service or something, saying "what are you going to do to me now?" I was just a bit in shock as most men just get up use the shower and leave bang on time or politely inform me that they are just calming down for a few minutes. That's fine and all but this particular individual seemed a bit weird, supposedly wanting a hand job for the next 5 mins but it mostly takes them around 5mins to put their shit on and get out. 10 mins if they take a shower. So why he didn't just jump in the shower and leave , I do not know. Yes, I understand you want your moneys worth and all but let's not start something we clearly cannot finish. He clearly didn't want to use those final 5mins to pack up and go and It's funny because some refuse to have a shower in a 30min booking as they say it eats in to their time but oh how they jump in the shower afterwards to eat into my time. I'm pretty sure if a client books a certain amount of time he has to shower, sex and leave your presence within that time? ??? ???  So if you book an hour from 2, I expect you out by 3. I hesitantly allow an extra 10mins for shower etc in certain circumstances but even that still pisses me off. I think he was just trying to see if he can get extra time without me saying anything about it though, but then again he genuinely looked, acted and spoke quite thick so I believe something's not connecting in his upstairs.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: The_Lynx on 08 November 2015, 05:22:43 am
I'm pretty sure if a client books a certain amount of time he has to shower, sex and leave your presence within that time? ??? ???  So if you book an hour from 2, I expect you out by 3.

This will vary from person to person. I generally don't do incalls so I don't have the issue of people overstaying, but I don't count any light chat before getting down to business towards their time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 08 November 2015, 09:14:05 am
I'm pretty sure if a client books a certain amount of time he has to shower, sex and leave your presence within that time? ??? ???  So if you book an hour from 2, I expect you out by 3.

This will vary from person to person. I generally don't do incalls so I don't have the issue of people overstaying, but I don't count any light chat before getting down to business towards their time.
ahhhh I use to do this back when I was nice lol :P
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 08 November 2015, 11:42:07 am
If they want to chat they can pay me first lol. People try all sorts of things to make you forget about the money so you shouldn't really delay that. I'm not totally strict about time but you give an inch they take a mile. Talk about how you don't include shower time in their time with you and then they want a 45 minute shower with you before anything starts.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: xSweetCheeksx on 08 November 2015, 03:10:13 pm
Chilling on the bed after they have cum with a small amount of time left. Maybe i'm just being a bitch? but it really irritates me when they do this. I had a client recently book a half hour appointment, came in 25 mins then had the cheek to lay their on the bed expecting some additional service or something, saying "what are you going to do to me now?" I was just a bit in shock as most men just get up use the shower and leave bang on time or politely inform me that they are just calming down for a few minutes. That's fine and all but this particular individual seemed a bit weird, supposedly wanting a hand job for the next 5 mins but it mostly takes them around 5mins to put their shit on and get out. 10 mins if they take a shower. So why he didn't just jump in the shower and leave , I do not know. Yes, I understand you want your moneys worth and all but let's not start something we clearly cannot finish. He clearly didn't want to use those final 5mins to pack up and go and It's funny because some refuse to have a shower in a 30min booking as they say it eats in to their time but oh how they jump in the shower afterwards to eat into my time. I'm pretty sure if a client books a certain amount of time he has to shower, sex and leave your presence within that time? ??? ???  So if you book an hour from 2, I expect you out by 3. I hesitantly allow an extra 10mins for shower etc in certain circumstances but even that still pisses me off. I think he was just trying to see if he can get extra time without me saying anything about it though, but then again he genuinely looked, acted and spoke quite thick so I believe something's not connecting in his upstairs.
I'm completely with you on this. If an hour booking starts at 2pm i want rhem out by 3pm. I have 2 regulars i had to really put my foot down with cause one of them kept booking 15min quickies and was staying about 30mins in total cause he wanted to shower then even whilst getting ready putting clothes back on, he'd stop putting his stuff on if ye was talking. This seriously irritates me, why is it so hard to put your clothes on WHILST talking!! I also have a reg who always books 45mins but would essentially end up having an hour for the price of a 45min booking due to taking the piss about cumming then the shower then yapping. It wound me up so much that in the end i told them through text when each booked again that due to it making me late for other bookings, if you want 45mins or 15mins, this includes showering in that time slot. Not afterwards. Glad i said something cause neither take the piss now and my 15min now always books 30mins.
I know some men accuse of clock watching but at the end of the day it works both ways. If you're going to take an hour book an hour, not 45mins! You wouldn't do this in other aspects of life when buying things so why with us!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: The_Lynx on 08 November 2015, 03:29:26 pm
I'm pretty sure if a client books a certain amount of time he has to shower, sex and leave your presence within that time? ??? ???  So if you book an hour from 2, I expect you out by 3.

This will vary from person to person. I generally don't do incalls so I don't have the issue of people overstaying, but I don't count any light chat before getting down to business towards their time.
ahhhh I use to do this back when I was nice lol :P

I find it easy to be polite towards everyone regardless of how they act, so people whom I find amicable are easy to be nice to. And I find most of my clients pleasant, really. I'm also lucky enough to have a fair few clients who are so easy to talk to that I've stuck around for 20-30 minutes after the meeting, just chatting over a coffee. ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 09 November 2015, 12:56:56 am
Chilling on the bed after they have cum with a small amount of time left. Maybe i'm just being a bitch? but it really irritates me when they do this. I had a client recently book a half hour appointment, came in 25 mins then had the cheek to lay their on the bed expecting some additional service or something, saying "what are you going to do to me now?" I was just a bit in shock as most men just get up use the shower and leave bang on time or politely inform me that they are just calming down for a few minutes. That's fine and all but this particular individual seemed a bit weird, supposedly wanting a hand job for the next 5 mins but it mostly takes them around 5mins to put their shit on and get out. 10 mins if they take a shower. So why he didn't just jump in the shower and leave , I do not know. Yes, I understand you want your moneys worth and all but let's not start something we clearly cannot finish. He clearly didn't want to use those final 5mins to pack up and go and It's funny because some refuse to have a shower in a 30min booking as they say it eats in to their time but oh how they jump in the shower afterwards to eat into my time. I'm pretty sure if a client books a certain amount of time he has to shower, sex and leave your presence within that time? ??? ???  So if you book an hour from 2, I expect you out by 3. I hesitantly allow an extra 10mins for shower etc in certain circumstances but even that still pisses me off. I think he was just trying to see if he can get extra time without me saying anything about it though, but then again he genuinely looked, acted and spoke quite thick so I believe something's not connecting in his upstairs.
I'm completely with you on this. If an hour booking starts at 2pm i want rhem out by 3pm. I have 2 regulars i had to really put my foot down with cause one of them kept booking 15min quickies and was staying about 30mins in total cause he wanted to shower then even whilst getting ready putting clothes back on, he'd stop putting his stuff on if ye was talking. This seriously irritates me, why is it so hard to put your clothes on WHILST talking!! I also have a reg who always books 45mins but would essentially end up having an hour for the price of a 45min booking due to taking the piss about cumming then the shower then yapping. It wound me up so much that in the end i told them through text when each booked again that due to it making me late for other bookings, if you want 45mins or 15mins, this includes showering in that time slot. Not afterwards. Glad i said something cause neither take the piss now and my 15min now always books 30mins.
I know some men accuse of clock watching but at the end of the day it works both ways. If you're going to take an hour book an hour, not 45mins! You wouldn't do this in other aspects of life when buying things so why with us!

Oh my gosh. Yes it's true. Especially the part when they stop putting their clothes on when they are talking. Most of them do it if not all, hence why I leave the room when they are changing.   Some of them book 30 minutes hoping that you would allow them an extra 10mins so they get 40mins hence why I am strict with time. Cheeky bastards. That's why I work at making them cum at a certain time. So if a client books 30 minutes at 2pm, at 2:15 I move on to making him cum, I can never wait till last 10 mins because  I would get agitated, especially if they haven't cum yet. I tend to just walk out the room when i am trying to make a client cum and he only has 5mins left and he just won't cum. I just get too anxious.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 09 November 2015, 01:02:42 am
If they want to chat they can pay me first lol. People try all sorts of things to make you forget about the money so you shouldn't really delay that. I'm not totally strict about time but you give an inch they take a mile. Talk about how you don't include shower time in their time with you and then they want a 45 minute shower with you before anything starts.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 10 November 2015, 01:30:41 am
'Are you available for a booking on Friday?'
'I'm sorry but I'm not available on Friday.'
'Are you sure?'

'Are you available at xx:xx on Tuesday?'
'Unfortunately I can only do from/before xx:xx'
'Are you sure you can't do xx:xx?'

YES, I'M FUCKING SURE. I can't stand these idiots. Under what circumstances would I not be sure? Has the answer ever been 'Nah, you're right. I'm lying in order to not get paid.'

Major annoyance, this. I remember telling one guy I wasn't free the day he wanted and he said 'if you could see me then I would be grateful'. Sorry, what does your being grateful have to do with it?

It's the neediness and the expectation that we should change our plans and sacrifice our free time to suit them that gets me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 10 November 2015, 02:02:26 am
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Teddy Bear on 10 November 2015, 03:48:34 am
Attempt to go through my whole condom stash for their flaccid cock and then get tetchy when I cut them off at 3 per booking if there is no action, seriously they just ping them off and go "got another"? How about no dickhead.

Oh and stress utter discretion on my part and then I get to their house and it's lit up like the fucking 4th of July at 4AM! Seriously?! You have the nerve to ask if I'm discreet.

I honestly believe that to be a hookers client you have to have a knobhead gene and a complete lack of self awareness because I've never met human beings like them in any other facet of my life before ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 10 November 2015, 10:14:24 am
Chilling on the bed after they have cum with a small amount of time left. Maybe i'm just being a bitch? but it really irritates me when they do this. I had a client recently book a half hour appointment, came in 25 mins then had the cheek to lay their on the bed expecting some additional service or something, saying "what are you going to do to me now?" I was just a bit in shock as most men just get up use the shower and leave bang on time or politely inform me that they are just calming down for a few minutes. That's fine and all but this particular individual seemed a bit weird, supposedly wanting a hand job for the next 5 mins but it mostly takes them around 5mins to put their shit on and get out. 10 mins if they take a shower. So why he didn't just jump in the shower and leave , I do not know. Yes, I understand you want your moneys worth and all but let's not start something we clearly cannot finish. He clearly didn't want to use those final 5mins to pack up and go and It's funny because some refuse to have a shower in a 30min booking as they say it eats in to their time but oh how they jump in the shower afterwards to eat into my time. I'm pretty sure if a client books a certain amount of time he has to shower, sex and leave your presence within that time? ??? ???  So if you book an hour from 2, I expect you out by 3. I hesitantly allow an extra 10mins for shower etc in certain circumstances but even that still pisses me off. I think he was just trying to see if he can get extra time without me saying anything about it though, but then again he genuinely looked, acted and spoke quite thick so I believe something's not connecting in his upstairs.

I hate that! I get people 27 mins or so into a half an hour expecting another bj, if they took 27 minutes to come the first time, how on earth do they expect to cum again in 3 minutes anyway?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gizzi on 10 November 2015, 11:24:38 am
I had a regular who would always book a half hour app. I enjoyed his company so never paid much attention to him overstaying, but as time went on he would deliberately delay and avoid cumming until the very end of the booking, dragging out the appointment more and more.
Over time this really got on my nerves.
The last time I saw him he again kept delaying, it got to the final minute, only this time things didn't go quite as he planned as he must have "gone past the point" or his penis was as pissed of with his constant delaying techniques as I was and he couldn't cum. I'm pretty good at what I do but there was nothing happening and it became clear, to me at least, that it wasn't going to, not in my time anyway.......

I called time on the appointment and sent him away to deal with his frustrated cock himself.

Harsh but fair I think.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 11 November 2015, 09:23:00 pm
'Are you available for a booking on Friday?'
'I'm sorry but I'm not available on Friday.'
'Are you sure?'

'Are you available at xx:xx on Tuesday?'
'Unfortunately I can only do from/before xx:xx'
'Are you sure you can't do xx:xx?'

YES, I'M FUCKING SURE. I can't stand these idiots. Under what circumstances would I not be sure? Has the answer ever been 'Nah, you're right. I'm lying in order to not get paid.'

Major annoyance, this. I remember telling one guy I wasn't free the day he wanted and he said 'if you could see me then I would be grateful'. Sorry, what does your being grateful have to do with it?

It's the neediness and the expectation that we should change our plans and sacrifice our free time to suit them that gets me.
Its similar to the guys who know full well you don't work after say 9pm (its on all adverts)but insist on sending texts saying 'I know you don't work after this time but will you see me?' And its nearly always at say 8:30 or just after 9pm when in all likelihood I'll be on my way home or with my last appointment or preparing to shower etc.I find it really silly and pushy to be honest.If they actually rang and tried to give me a bit of notice I might stay a little later I have done for nice regular guys but just not gonna rush back to my flat or hang around half the night for someone who may or may not turn up after my working hours.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 11 November 2015, 09:30:51 pm
Attempt to go through my whole condom stash for their flaccid cock and then get tetchy when I cut them off at 3 per booking if there is no action, seriously they just ping them off and go "got another"? How about no dickhead.

Oh and stress utter discretion on my part and then I get to their house and it's lit up like the fucking 4th of July at 4AM! Seriously?! You have the nerve to ask if I'm discreet.

I honestly believe that to be a hookers client you have to have a knobhead gene and a complete lack of self awareness because I've never met human beings like them in any other facet of my life before ::)

 ;D ;D ;D :FF Brilliant x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 11 November 2015, 09:42:31 pm
Someone I've seen before emailed me saying he would like to visit me for an Incall this weekend. Normal procedure of back and forward emails, then he emailed saying. 'Blah. Blah. I'd like to be there between such-and-such time and such-and-such time, and hope that work doesn't mess up my plan. Could you be flexible by an hour either way'

Sure let me sit around and turn away bookings for three hours in the hopes that you'll turn up  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 12 November 2015, 03:56:03 pm
Another one today asking if I have any friends that would like to join in  :FF my real friends have civvy jobs! I told him book 2 hookers, it annoys me that they think we only know other prostitutes!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Librarylady on 12 November 2015, 05:39:23 pm
Another one today asking if I have any friends that would like to join in  :FF my real friends have civvy jobs! I told him book 2 hookers, it annoys me that they think we only know other prostitutes!

I got this today too. Wonder if it was the same guy. Told me only to reply if I could get a 'gf' to join us *snigger*

Me knows all da local prossies innit!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 12 November 2015, 05:47:22 pm
Another one today asking if I have any friends that would like to join in  :FF my real friends have civvy jobs! I told him book 2 hookers, it annoys me that they think we only know other prostitutes!

I got this today too. Wonder if it was the same guy. Told me only to reply if I could get a 'gf' to join us *snigger*

Me knows all da local prossies innit!  ;D

You all have a little club house where you have tea and cookies.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 14 November 2015, 04:05:06 pm
Working at a hotel. I can see the client through my window as they walk passed reception outside. I then tell them my room number, and every single one of them have repeated it out loud, whether there have been people standing around or not  :FF.

'Okay... room ***, got it'


I've wanted to actually say down the phone, okay, now, don't repeat out loud what I'm about to say to you.

Do these people not understand anything about discretion!

I'd tell them the room number before like usual, but due to a bad experience yesterday, and the fact I have to direct them to the building with the rooms anyway, I'd rather tell them once I can see them...  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 14 November 2015, 04:30:00 pm
Working at a hotel. I can see the client through my window as they walk passed reception outside. I then tell them my room number, and every single one of them have repeated it out loud, whether there have been people standing around or not  :FF.

'Okay... room ***, got it'


I've wanted to actually say down the phone, okay, now, don't repeat out loud what I'm about to say to you.

Do these people not understand anything about discretion!

I'd tell them the room number before like usual, but due to a bad experience yesterday, and the fact I have to direct them to the building with the rooms anyway, I'd rather tell them once I can see them...  :FF
I had a guy walk up my street last week shouting into his phone "Oh ok number 17, I know I'm early are you ready" I went mental when he arrived, was a nice guy but why the fuck do they do this! I work in a suburban street with lots of retired people at home all day, hopefully they are all deaf x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 14 November 2015, 05:57:14 pm
Working at a hotel. I can see the client through my window as they walk passed reception outside. I then tell them my room number, and every single one of them have repeated it out loud, whether there have been people standing around or not  :FF.

'Okay... room ***, got it'


I've wanted to actually say down the phone, okay, now, don't repeat out loud what I'm about to say to you.

Do these people not understand anything about discretion!

I'd tell them the room number before like usual, but due to a bad experience yesterday, and the fact I have to direct them to the building with the rooms anyway, I'd rather tell them once I can see them...  :FF

Yep, then they look shiftily left & right as they exit the room to see if anyone is watching, WTF is that all about? Can't they just exit with an air of confidence?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sienna92 on 17 November 2015, 07:02:51 pm
When they insist on making you cum... Well try to. And sit there the whole time staring at you. It makes me feel SO uncomfortable! I tend to just close my eyes but I can feel their eyes on me. I've had a few bookings like this recently where they've just wanted to pleasure me. One guy the other day and one yesterday just fingered me and gave me oral the whole time which I'm not complaining about because I pretty much got money to lie there and feel really akward lol but it's the staring I hate
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Monroe on 17 November 2015, 09:51:50 pm
I hate the ones with no personality, you try and talk to them and they are so quiet, so the whole booking feels uncomfortable and the sex and atmosphere is rubbish

They are the quickest ones to say ' you were rubbish' on forums

It works both ways for me, i can only do so much :-[ 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 18 November 2015, 12:54:41 pm
When they insist on making you cum... Well try to. And sit there the whole time staring at you. It makes me feel SO uncomfortable! I tend to just close my eyes but I can feel their eyes on me. I've had a few bookings like this recently where they've just wanted to pleasure me. One guy the other day and one yesterday just fingered me and gave me oral the whole time which I'm not complaining about because I pretty much got money to lie there and feel really akward lol but it's the staring I hate

ph my goooshhhh. I HATE these ones. I was going to say this but you beat me to it. I  hate when they fucking stare at me during sex as well, it makes me uncomfortable and I worry that they can tell I am faking. Same with closing my eyes as I can still feel them staring. This is when I suggest doggy. lol. Don't get me started on the ones that try make you cum. Sometimes I feel so frustrated that I just want to get up and say "Listen you can never ever ever make me cum much less give me pleasure so you are just wasting your time, you are paying me not me paying you, now do you want to keep your mouth down their whilst I fake pleasure for the rest of the booking or do you want to fuck me cum and leave. your choice" I think it just goes to show that men think if they lick our clits or put their dicks in us it feels good. Not because something is going in and out inside of me means it feels good. it just feels like something is going in and out inside of me lol. there is no sexual pleasure whatsoever. and the whole attacking the clit with their tongue non stop gets really irritating actually. I just fake an orgasm and say sorry i'm getting sensitive as I have cum please stop. But then I have to kiss them or give them oral so sometimes I drag on the whole mmmm i love your tongue on my clit for as long as I can bare  ::) I tell you men and women are so different. A man can get hard for anything/anyone/anywhere not sure if it's the same for women though definately not the same for me, i just can't get wet with someone I am not attracted to, hence why I secretly apply lube when they are not looking and they feel so good about it (really? you must feel good thinking you actually got me wet and horny for you ;D lol) silly silly boys
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 19 November 2015, 09:31:07 pm
Inquire about whether you do a specific service or not claiming that it is not a big deal if you don't provide it or not then you never hear from them again if you say you don't provide it as it was obviously a big deal. Fucking Twats!
Sorry just wanted to let that out as I can't exactly say it to their face ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Celestial Fairie on 20 November 2015, 07:45:32 am
When they go over the time allotted and I politely make them aware and they still slowly get dressed stretch and piss around trying to hug and thank me. YOU just wasted my time and lost me money now unless you're going to pay for the wasted time get the f*ck out. >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 20 November 2015, 08:39:20 pm
Ask me to wear something from my pictures that takes 10 minutes to put on, when they've only booked a 30 minute appointment. I wouldn't mind so much if they didn't then take it off within 5 minutes of walking through the door -_-
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 20 November 2015, 09:07:43 pm
When they insist on making you cum... Well try to. And sit there the whole time staring at you. It makes me feel SO uncomfortable! I tend to just close my eyes but I can feel their eyes on me. I've had a few bookings like this recently where they've just wanted to pleasure me. One guy the other day and one yesterday just fingered me and gave me oral the whole time which I'm not complaining about because I pretty much got money to lie there and feel really akward lol but it's the staring I hate

ph my goooshhhh. I HATE these ones. I was going to say this but you beat me to it. I  hate when they fucking stare at me during sex as well, it makes me uncomfortable and I worry that they can tell I am faking. Same with closing my eyes as I can still feel them staring. This is when I suggest doggy. lol. Don't get me started on the ones that try make you cum. Sometimes I feel so frustrated that I just want to get up and say "Listen you can never ever ever make me cum much less give me pleasure so you are just wasting your time, you are paying me not me paying you, now do you want to keep your mouth down their whilst I fake pleasure for the rest of the booking or do you want to fuck me cum and leave. your choice" I think it just goes to show that men think if they lick our clits or put their dicks in us it feels good. Not because something is going in and out inside of me means it feels good. it just feels like something is going in and out inside of me lol. there is no sexual pleasure whatsoever. and the whole attacking the clit with their tongue non stop gets really irritating actually. I just fake an orgasm and say sorry i'm getting sensitive as I have cum please stop. But then I have to kiss them or give them oral so sometimes I drag on the whole mmmm i love your tongue on my clit for as long as I can bare  ::) I tell you men and women are so different. A man can get hard for anything/anyone/anywhere not sure if it's the same for women though definately not the same for me, i just can't get wet with someone I am not attracted to, hence why I secretly apply lube when they are not looking and they feel so good about it (really? you must feel good thinking you actually got me wet and horny for you ;D lol) silly silly boys

I have had an email from 'lickulots' today. This username sends shivers down my spine. What the F do they get out of it, God knows. Tired of pretending to like it. Maybe it's because women pretend to like it that they keep on doing it. Or maybe it's just to feed their EGOS that they can give women pleasure. At least they're not staring at you when they have their head between your legs...oh yeah but then they keep looking up to see your face randomly and catch you staring at the wall blankly hahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 20 November 2015, 09:26:04 pm
When they insist on making you cum... Well try to. And sit there the whole time staring at you. It makes me feel SO uncomfortable! I tend to just close my eyes but I can feel their eyes on me. I've had a few bookings like this recently where they've just wanted to pleasure me. One guy the other day and one yesterday just fingered me and gave me oral the whole time which I'm not complaining about because I pretty much got money to lie there and feel really akward lol but it's the staring I hate

ph my goooshhhh. I HATE these ones. I was going to say this but you beat me to it. I  hate when they fucking stare at me during sex as well, it makes me uncomfortable and I worry that they can tell I am faking. Same with closing my eyes as I can still feel them staring. This is when I suggest doggy. lol. Don't get me started on the ones that try make you cum. Sometimes I feel so frustrated that I just want to get up and say "Listen you can never ever ever make me cum much less give me pleasure so you are just wasting your time, you are paying me not me paying you, now do you want to keep your mouth down their whilst I fake pleasure for the rest of the booking or do you want to fuck me cum and leave. your choice" I think it just goes to show that men think if they lick our clits or put their dicks in us it feels good. Not because something is going in and out inside of me means it feels good. it just feels like something is going in and out inside of me lol. there is no sexual pleasure whatsoever. and the whole attacking the clit with their tongue non stop gets really irritating actually. I just fake an orgasm and say sorry i'm getting sensitive as I have cum please stop. But then I have to kiss them or give them oral so sometimes I drag on the whole mmmm i love your tongue on my clit for as long as I can bare  ::) I tell you men and women are so different. A man can get hard for anything/anyone/anywhere not sure if it's the same for women though definately not the same for me, i just can't get wet with someone I am not attracted to, hence why I secretly apply lube when they are not looking and they feel so good about it (really? you must feel good thinking you actually got me wet and horny for you ;D lol) silly silly boys

I have had an email from 'lickulots' today. This username sends shivers down my spine. What the F do they get out of it, God knows. Tired of pretending to like it. Maybe it's because women pretend to like it that they keep on doing it. Or maybe it's just to feed their EGOS that they can give women pleasure. At least they're not staring at you when they have their head between your legs...oh yeah but then they keep looking up to see your face randomly and catch you staring at the wall blankly hahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Am I the only one who genuinely enjoys it? I've always been turned on by old men going down on younger women (even watch the porn). Maybe having four or five orgasms a day when I offer incalls is why I'm always in such a good mood  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 20 November 2015, 10:33:52 pm
Ask me to wear something from my pictures that takes 10 minutes to put on, when they've only booked a 30 minute appointment. I wouldn't mind so much if they didn't then take it off within 5 minutes of walking through the door -_-

lool ;D ;D there was this one time I was doing incalls from a hotel that was unfrotunately key carded so had to go down for the client. He wanted me to wear a specific item of clothing from my pictures. I said to him that I can't put that on to greet him as i would have to come down for him explaining the key situation but  told him I can put it on for him when we get to the room (hoping he would say never mind just leave it) He said yes. So got to the room and he literally sat their watching me struggle to put the shit on. When I had it on and was laying on the bed he came and took it off :o Maybe I shouldn't have said I can put it on for you in the room? I think he was a bit shy to say "don't bother putting it on" but still the whole thing just made me laugh.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra Glasgow on 21 November 2015, 02:23:50 am
I hate the ones with no personality, you try and talk to them and they are so quiet, so the whole booking feels uncomfortable and the sex and atmosphere is rubbish

They are the quickest ones to say ' you were rubbish' on forums

It works both ways for me, i can only do so much :-[

THIS exact thing happened to me just recently but of course they would all rather believe I'm at fault rather than the guy with zero personality who just joined the site.

Been doing this nearly 5 years, can only imagine how many people I've met in that time and all it takes is for 2 or 3 random usernames (that you didn't click with) to completely destroy your reputation.

It sucks but what can we do about it? Stew and begin to hate ourselves like I have the last 6 months or so until I joined this site again.

Thanks to some of the lovely ladies on here, I'm now taking a whole different approach to it which is not to care or respond and I feel better for it.

There's literally nothing we can do to stop these people spitefully destroying our reputation so one has to just get on with it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra Glasgow on 21 November 2015, 02:27:05 am
I get really panicky as well when my clients start having a conversation with me as they walk into my building and up the stairs (until through both security doors) calling me Kendra out loud and asking if I've been busy today.

I hate being asked if I've been busy anyway cause it feels kinda yucky even although I know I'm freshly showered but I particularly hate them asking me this when in my building and anyone could hear them.

It's harmless though, they are probably just trying to make conversation but I would just prefer it if they kept it till they were in my flat lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 21 November 2015, 08:06:14 am
Kendra, try answering the door with a finger on your lips and smiling like it's all a naughty secret, then whispering as you walk with them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 21 November 2015, 09:04:19 pm
I get really panicky as well when my clients start having a conversation with me as they walk into my building and up the stairs (until through both security doors) calling me Kendra out loud and asking if I've been busy today.

I hate being asked if I've been busy anyway cause it feels kinda yucky even although I know I'm freshly showered but I particularly hate them asking me this when in my building and anyone could hear them.

It's harmless though, they are probably just trying to make conversation but I would just prefer it if they kept it till they were in my flat lol.

I hate being asked if I have been busy as well. Out of all the things to ask me. I always say no anyway, whether I have been busy or not, in-case they plan something if I say "oh yes I have been really busy::) ::)" One guy actually said to me once, do you remember what I did to you last time? I said yes, he said oh I thought you wouldn't have remember as you see a lot of people. Little did he know that he was the first client i saw that week  :'( For some reason they all think that I am mad busy when I am here struggling to get at-least 2 a day. :-\  . Why do they assume I am so busy? :-[  and the fact that he said it as though he was so sure. He didn't even say "oh I thought you wouldn't have remember as you probably see a lot of people" No no, the man said because you see a lot of people.  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra Glasgow on 21 November 2015, 11:54:44 pm
Kendra, try answering the door with a finger on your lips and smiling like it's all a naughty secret, then whispering as you walk with them.

Sorry sweetie, I wasn't clear......I'm on the phone in my apartment and I'm talking them through the security. There are cameras all over my building so I wouldn't go and collect them as I would stick out like a sore thumb x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra Glasgow on 21 November 2015, 11:58:50 pm
I get really panicky as well when my clients start having a conversation with me as they walk into my building and up the stairs (until through both security doors) calling me Kendra out loud and asking if I've been busy today.

I hate being asked if I've been busy anyway cause it feels kinda yucky even although I know I'm freshly showered but I particularly hate them asking me this when in my building and anyone could hear them.

It's harmless though, they are probably just trying to make conversation but I would just prefer it if they kept it till they were in my flat lol.

I hate being asked if I have been busy as well. Out of all the things to ask me. I always say no anyway, whether I have been busy or not, in-case they plan something if I say "oh yes I have been really busy::) ::)" One guy actually said to me once, do you remember what I did to you last time? I said yes, he said oh I thought you wouldn't have remember as you see a lot of people. Little did he know that he was the first client i saw that week  :'( For some reason they all think that I am mad busy when I am here struggling to get at-least 2 a day. :-\  . Why do they assume I am so busy? :-[  and the fact that he said it as though he was so sure. He didn't even say "oh I thought you wouldn't have remember as you probably see a lot of people" No no, the man said because you see a lot of people.  :(

I think most punters think we see like 10 guys a day. Personally my phone rings 30+ times a day but I swear only about 3-5 of those said callers seem desirable to me.

I guess there are ladies out there whether through choice or not entertain most of the calls they get so therefor running a revolving door (no disrespect to those who do) so I think a lot of them think we are all like that.

My target per day is 2 and my limit is 3. I am available between 10am and 10pm on the days I work should anyone want to book me with that time frame if it's an advance booking but if I've seen all 3 clients by 3pm in the afternoon then that's me done for the day. I never go past my limit as otherwise I get sore and burnt out.

I prefer getting started early in the day so that I can finish early.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 24 November 2015, 11:32:38 am
I don't know where to put this :( but I hate when a baboon books without booking? if that makes any sense at all (probably not) but they would send you an email saying, "I love your profile blah blah blah blah hope you don't mind me emailing blah blah but would like to see you soon blahhhhhh" It's just annoying that they can't just send a proper email saying "Hi I would be in London on so and so date can I see you at so and so time for one hour? I would be staying at so and so hotel" Why do they need to drag things on sooooo much? I find that very annoying. Worse is that some of them actually have lots of feedback so not sure if timewaster or not. ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lady c on 24 November 2015, 06:59:45 pm
Skid marks left on my bedding at the end of the session when I haven't even played near there!
Bleugh goes to show dirty some are and the bedding needs to be washed twice!!!

Hope everyone's had their dinner... But I have a theory that men's anuses are not as sensitive as women's. Twice in my dating experiences I was having sex with someone only to discover that they had a noticeable 'turtle's head'. I cannot EVER imagine that happening with me, even if I went to the loo 'just in case'.

Once it was in a hotel, and he left a severe skid mark. Thankfully it was his room, not mine! Eeeuw!

oh my turtle head thats so funny..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 24 November 2015, 09:37:36 pm
It irritates me when they ring and before you can even speak they assume you're free, conversation something like this.

Him, hi is that ***?
Me, yes
Him, oh hi, I want to come and see you this afternoon around 3pm, not sure if it will be 3pm but defiantly no later than 4pm because of work commitments and don't know how far you are from me so if you give me your postcode I can estimate my travel time, are you close to the town centre? If not it might take me a bit longer so will be nearer to 4pm.

I just listen while he goes on thinking fuck off I'm fully booked anyway today.

Him, so can I have your postcode and I'll ring when I'm on my way.

Me, no I'm fully booked today, bye. Block

Does anyone else get this?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 24 November 2015, 10:41:45 pm
It irritates me when they ring and before you can even speak they assume you're free, conversation something like this.

Him, hi is that ***?
Me, yes
Him, oh hi, I want to come and see you this afternoon around 3pm, not sure if it will be 3pm but defiantly no later than 4pm because of work commitments and don't know how far you are from me so if you give me your postcode I can estimate my travel time, are you close to the town centre? If not it might take me a bit longer so will be nearer to 4pm.

I just listen while he goes on thinking fuck off I'm fully booked anyway today.

Him, so can I have your postcode and I'll ring when I'm on my way.

Me, no I'm fully booked today, bye. Block

Does anyone else get this?

In other words... I'm sure you girls sit waiting for tossers like me to call as I've loads of personality and you've nothing better to do  :FF :FF :FF Is there not a throat punch emoji on here?  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 24 November 2015, 10:49:58 pm
It irritates me when they ring and before you can even speak they assume you're free, conversation something like this.

Him, hi is that ***?
Me, yes
Him, oh hi, I want to come and see you this afternoon around 3pm, not sure if it will be 3pm but defiantly no later than 4pm because of work commitments and don't know how far you are from me so if you give me your postcode I can estimate my travel time, are you close to the town centre? If not it might take me a bit longer so will be nearer to 4pm.

I just listen while he goes on thinking fuck off I'm fully booked anyway today.

Him, so can I have your postcode and I'll ring when I'm on my way.

Me, no I'm fully booked today, bye. Block

Does anyone else get this?

In other words... I'm sure you girls sit waiting for tossers like me to call as I've loads of personality and you've nothing better to do  :FF :FF :FF Is there not a throat punch emoji on here?  ;D
You got it!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 25 November 2015, 12:07:21 am
It irritates me when they ring and before you can even speak they assume you're free, conversation something like this.

Him, hi is that ***?
Me, yes
Him, oh hi, I want to come and see you this afternoon around 3pm, not sure if it will be 3pm but defiantly no later than 4pm because of work commitments and don't know how far you are from me so if you give me your postcode I can estimate my travel time, are you close to the town centre? If not it might take me a bit longer so will be nearer to 4pm.

I just listen while he goes on thinking fuck off I'm fully booked anyway today.

Him, so can I have your postcode and I'll ring when I'm on my way.

Me, no I'm fully booked today, bye. Block

Does anyone else get this?

Yes, I got one yesterday. Entire conversation was:

Him: Hi, whereabouts are you?
Me: I'm in xyz
Him: What's your address?
Me: Why?

No, "I'd like to make a booking" etc. Idiot.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 25 November 2015, 01:12:21 am
Guys that call and in response to my polite "Hello?" Respond; ( adopts strong Liverpool accent, no offence - my family are all Scousers -  8) "Where are you??!!"
No hello, nothing! Not that it's any of their Bizzy where I am either, as I'm Outcall only.. >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sienna92 on 25 November 2015, 12:44:28 pm
When they turn up to the booking ?10 short >:( I saw a guy I'd already met around a year ago (my rates haven't changed since then)
He was already in my room and I'd got myself ready so I done the booking and he didn't stay for the full half hour but if he tries to book again I will remind him of my rates and if he still doesn't have the right amount will turn him away.
Can't stand it when they try to take the piss.

Also had another guy the other day who seemed surprised I don't offer OWO and kept asking for it. "Oh I can just go into the bathroom and wash myself if that's the problem"  No I just don't want to bloody do it!
I asked him on the phone if he was happy with the services I provide and he said yes and booked me! Not my fault he hadnt bothered to read my profile properly. It states in bold Please note I do not offer OWO and All my services are protected!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nora batty on 25 November 2015, 10:00:05 pm
If a client just lies on the bed like a starfish, unmoving and expects to have a fantastic time but doesn't interact with me. 

Putting their whole body weight on me when I am a tiny woman and I struggle to breathe or move.  Most guys don't do it out of nastiness, they just have no sense.

Anyone grabbing me by the throat, they may have been watching porn and think it's sexy.  But usually results in me kicking them in the head as I panic thinking he trying to murder me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlet on 26 November 2015, 02:22:22 am
What really frustrates me is when clients want to know what I'm into, or more specifically, my sexual fantasies.

I just had a numpty email what he wants from a booking AFTER I agreed to it on the phone. In it, as well as assuming I would offer roleplay and submission, he then offers for us to act out my fantasies. I know I am overreacting, but it angers me that he thinks I WANT to share and act out my intimate desires with him, a complete stranger. He's assuming that I have any at all! It is a silly situation; I allow strangers to do very intimate acts with me and I tell them how I like it, but it feels like too much of a line is being crossed.

I now need to think of a "fantasy" which requires me to do as little as possible. Maybe my fantasy is to watch a man clean my flat in silence for a solid hour?  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nova on 26 November 2015, 11:03:06 am
What really frustrates me is when clients want to know what I'm into, or more specifically, my sexual fantasies.

I just had a numpty email what he wants from a booking AFTER I agreed to it on the phone. In it, as well as assuming I would offer roleplay and submission, he then offers for us to act out my fantasies. I know I am overreacting, but it angers me that he thinks I WANT to share and act out my intimate desires with him, a complete stranger. He's assuming that I have any at all! It is a silly situation; I allow strangers to do very intimate acts with me and I tell them how I like it, but it feels like too much of a line is being crossed.

I now need to think of a "fantasy" which requires me to do as little as possible. Maybe my fantasy is to watch a man clean my flat in silence for a solid hour?  ;D

This. Totally this.
I never know what to say when a client asks me what I enjoy, the truth being that I enjoy giving a great service, I enjoy getting paid and I enjoy getting positive feedback. In terms of positions, I couldn't give a stuff. As long as it's not painful I don't care at all. Great sex happens with boyfriends, not when I'm working. Obviously I can't say that though. Maybe I should just make something up and pretend I just love this random thing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 26 November 2015, 01:00:15 pm
I just reply that I really like to give my clients a good time and make them come while I smile sweetly.The truth is if I told them that I really love to have my back kissed and stroked then I doubt they would find that a turn on.So I just make out I get off seeing them get off which is kinda true I do love to see a happy client! :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 26 November 2015, 04:41:07 pm
What really frustrates me is when clients want to know what I'm into, or more specifically, my sexual fantasies.

I just had a numpty email what he wants from a booking AFTER I agreed to it on the phone. In it, as well as assuming I would offer roleplay and submission, he then offers for us to act out my fantasies. I know I am overreacting, but it angers me that he thinks I WANT to share and act out my intimate desires with him, a complete stranger. He's assuming that I have any at all! It is a silly situation; I allow strangers to do very intimate acts with me and I tell them how I like it, but it feels like too much of a line is being crossed.

I now need to think of a "fantasy" which requires me to do as little as possible. Maybe my fantasy is to watch a man clean my flat in silence for a solid hour?  ;D
When I get asked this I'm so tempted to say.
"I'd like you to arrive pay me, let me wear my pyjamas while I watch Netflix, you make the tea then leave"
And yes an hour of back and shoulder tickling would be amazing!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nova on 26 November 2015, 06:22:39 pm
What really frustrates me is when clients want to know what I'm into, or more specifically, my sexual fantasies.

I just had a numpty email what he wants from a booking AFTER I agreed to it on the phone. In it, as well as assuming I would offer roleplay and submission, he then offers for us to act out my fantasies. I know I am overreacting, but it angers me that he thinks I WANT to share and act out my intimate desires with him, a complete stranger. He's assuming that I have any at all! It is a silly situation; I allow strangers to do very intimate acts with me and I tell them how I like it, but it feels like too much of a line is being crossed.

I now need to think of a "fantasy" which requires me to do as little as possible. Maybe my fantasy is to watch a man clean my flat in silence for a solid hour?  ;D
When I get asked this I'm so tempted to say.
"I'd like you to arrive pay me, let me wear my pyjamas while I watch Netflix, you make the tea then leave"
And yes an hour of back and shoulder tickling would be amazing!

A client once asked me what my ideal booking would be and I'm afraid I was rather unprofessional (but honest) and said pretty much this. He concluded I must hate my job. I asked him how many people he felt would show up for work if they were given the option of staying at home in jammies and still being paid and if he felt that all of those people must hate their jobs too.
There's no grey area with some people is there? You either love your job and want nothing more than to give them extra time and offer more services that aren't even listed for free or you must hate it and be really damaged by it. It's not possible that you don't hate or love it: it's just a job, you do it and mostly like it. It's not your dream job but it's preferable to most other things.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra Glasgow on 26 November 2015, 06:46:26 pm
What really frustrates me is when clients want to know what I'm into, or more specifically, my sexual fantasies.

I just had a numpty email what he wants from a booking AFTER I agreed to it on the phone. In it, as well as assuming I would offer roleplay and submission, he then offers for us to act out my fantasies. I know I am overreacting, but it angers me that he thinks I WANT to share and act out my intimate desires with him, a complete stranger. He's assuming that I have any at all! It is a silly situation; I allow strangers to do very intimate acts with me and I tell them how I like it, but it feels like too much of a line is being crossed.

I now need to think of a "fantasy" which requires me to do as little as possible. Maybe my fantasy is to watch a man clean my flat in silence for a solid hour?  ;D
When I get asked this I'm so tempted to say.
"I'd like you to arrive pay me, let me wear my pyjamas while I watch Netflix, you make the tea then leave"
And yes an hour of back and shoulder tickling would be amazing!

A client once asked me what my ideal booking would be and I'm afraid I was rather unprofessional (but honest) and said pretty much this. He concluded I must hate my job. I asked him how many people he felt would show up for work if they were given the option of staying at home in jammies and still being paid and if he felt that all of those people must hate their jobs too.
There's no grey area with some people is there? You either love your job and want nothing more than to give them extra time and offer more services that aren't even listed for free or you must hate it and be really damaged by it. It's not possible that you don't hate or love it: it's just a job, you do it and mostly like it. It's not your dream job but it's preferable to most other things.

I am accused quite frequently of hating my job because I offer vanilla services, cause I'm very selective about who I see and cause I don't tolerate piss takers.

Fact is, I love my job when I meet nice people who respect me and what I offer.

But I will gladly admit to hating my job when I have to deal with the unsavoury part of it.

This is the case with anyone in ANY job.

People who say these things to us are completely ignorant and blindsided though.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlet on 26 November 2015, 11:59:41 pm
What really frustrates me is when clients want to know what I'm into, or more specifically, my sexual fantasies.

I just had a numpty email what he wants from a booking AFTER I agreed to it on the phone. In it, as well as assuming I would offer roleplay and submission, he then offers for us to act out my fantasies. I know I am overreacting, but it angers me that he thinks I WANT to share and act out my intimate desires with him, a complete stranger. He's assuming that I have any at all! It is a silly situation; I allow strangers to do very intimate acts with me and I tell them how I like it, but it feels like too much of a line is being crossed.

I now need to think of a "fantasy" which requires me to do as little as possible. Maybe my fantasy is to watch a man clean my flat in silence for a solid hour?  ;D
When I get asked this I'm so tempted to say.
"I'd like you to arrive pay me, let me wear my pyjamas while I watch Netflix, you make the tea then leave"
And yes an hour of back and shoulder tickling would be amazing!

A client once asked me what my ideal booking would be and I'm afraid I was rather unprofessional (but honest) and said pretty much this. He concluded I must hate my job. I asked him how many people he felt would show up for work if they were given the option of staying at home in jammies and still being paid and if he felt that all of those people must hate their jobs too.
There's no grey area with some people is there? You either love your job and want nothing more than to give them extra time and offer more services that aren't even listed for free or you must hate it and be really damaged by it. It's not possible that you don't hate or love it: it's just a job, you do it and mostly like it. It's not your dream job but it's preferable to most other things.

I am accused quite frequently of hating my job because I offer vanilla services, cause I'm very selective about who I see and cause I don't tolerate piss takers.

Fact is, I love my job when I meet nice people who respect me and what I offer.

But I will gladly admit to hating my job when I have to deal with the unsavoury part of it.

This is the case with anyone in ANY job.

People who say these things to us are completely ignorant and blindsided though.

I do enjoy my job. I genuinely like the majority of my clients. Bookings can be fun. I often have orgasms. But it is still a job and I treat it as such. My mind is always focused on making sure the client is enjoying himself and the time, not my own sexual fulfillment. It's impossible for me to consider what I want sexually when a booking is just work. I enjoy bookings as much as anyone could enjoy their job.

I find it funny that clients expect us to be professional (in the sense that we aren't late for bookings, email back promptly, never cancel) but they want us to treat bookings as actual sex where we let loose and go wild.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra Glasgow on 27 November 2015, 04:11:02 pm
What really frustrates me is when clients want to know what I'm into, or more specifically, my sexual fantasies.

I just had a numpty email what he wants from a booking AFTER I agreed to it on the phone. In it, as well as assuming I would offer roleplay and submission, he then offers for us to act out my fantasies. I know I am overreacting, but it angers me that he thinks I WANT to share and act out my intimate desires with him, a complete stranger. He's assuming that I have any at all! It is a silly situation; I allow strangers to do very intimate acts with me and I tell them how I like it, but it feels like too much of a line is being crossed.

I now need to think of a "fantasy" which requires me to do as little as possible. Maybe my fantasy is to watch a man clean my flat in silence for a solid hour?  ;D
When I get asked this I'm so tempted to say.
"I'd like you to arrive pay me, let me wear my pyjamas while I watch Netflix, you make the tea then leave"
And yes an hour of back and shoulder tickling would be amazing!

A client once asked me what my ideal booking would be and I'm afraid I was rather unprofessional (but honest) and said pretty much this. He concluded I must hate my job. I asked him how many people he felt would show up for work if they were given the option of staying at home in jammies and still being paid and if he felt that all of those people must hate their jobs too.
There's no grey area with some people is there? You either love your job and want nothing more than to give them extra time and offer more services that aren't even listed for free or you must hate it and be really damaged by it. It's not possible that you don't hate or love it: it's just a job, you do it and mostly like it. It's not your dream job but it's preferable to most other things.

I am accused quite frequently of hating my job because I offer vanilla services, cause I'm very selective about who I see and cause I don't tolerate piss takers.

Fact is, I love my job when I meet nice people who respect me and what I offer.

But I will gladly admit to hating my job when I have to deal with the unsavoury part of it.

This is the case with anyone in ANY job.

People who say these things to us are completely ignorant and blindsided though.

I had someone last nite accuse me of hating my job because I refused to see him for a half hour (I don't do half hours) he said he can only manage once in an hour so most of the hour would be wasted. I said I have plenty of clients who can only cum once in the hour but we make it work and make it last. I said your welcome to come and go in a half hour but the minimum I take to invite someone into my home to have sex with me regardless of how long it takes him is my hourly fee.

He said I must really hate my job to have that sort of attitude  ::)

Really? How about the fact that I know what does and doesn't work for me and that's all I'm prepared to do. If you don't like it, book someone else FFS! 90% of ladies offer half hour appointments.

As far as I'm concerned, a guy asking me for a half hour when he knows I don't do them is actually asking me for a huge discount but still my full advertised services....up to 50% off they are asking.

Why oh why do people continue to look at my profile and try to book me when they aren't actually happy with my do's and dont's? It's getting beyond a joke now.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 27 November 2015, 11:30:23 pm
What really frustrates me is when clients want to know what I'm into, or more specifically, my sexual fantasies.

I just had a numpty email what he wants from a booking AFTER I agreed to it on the phone. In it, as well as assuming I would offer roleplay and submission, he then offers for us to act out my fantasies. I know I am overreacting, but it angers me that he thinks I WANT to share and act out my intimate desires with him, a complete stranger. He's assuming that I have any at all! It is a silly situation; I allow strangers to do very intimate acts with me and I tell them how I like it, but it feels like too much of a line is being crossed.

I now need to think of a "fantasy" which requires me to do as little as possible. Maybe my fantasy is to watch a man clean my flat in silence for a solid hour?  ;D

Massive massive gripe of mine. I think it comes from a well-intentioned place, but my god. It's the delusion they have about their own desirability that irks me. Similarly, the ones who want us to actually cum or stress some importance that we enjoy it. I find it really creepy. Everyone who buys sex needs to understand that they're buying a fantasy, otherwise there wouldn't be money changing hands.

Like, I enjoy providing a good service and making people feel happy. What makes these guys think I want to share something as personal as sexual fantasies with them?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ebony British on 28 November 2015, 02:11:32 am
I am really annoyed by "black Friday" I don't know if the mass hysteria of the day has got to the guys calling me today but they all want special offers/mates rates ffs I'm not bloody Asda or, and even they have set prices that you can not barter over.

1 guy had the cheek to ask me as I'm from London "why I don't want to haggle like they do on the fruit stalls?" I told him "who the heck haggles for FRUIT for goodness sake it can't be that bad, and if it is I am the last expense you should have on your list MATE!!!!!". Another asked me if he can have his money back after the time has passed if he cant get it up :o can you believe it???? Because I am really going to do that right? I told him to keep his receipt after 28 days he can get a voucher or gift card  ;D bloody cheek.

Anyways now I have shared with you guys my mood has lifted now I can smile again lol I had to vent and let my rant out now back Netflix  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra Glasgow on 28 November 2015, 12:12:49 pm
I am really annoyed by "black Friday" I don't know if the mass hysteria of the day has got to the guys calling me today but they all want special offers/mates rates ffs I'm not bloody Asda or, and even they have set prices that you can not barter over.

1 guy had the cheek to ask me as I'm from London "why I don't want to haggle like they do on the fruit stalls?" I told him "who the heck haggles for FRUIT for goodness sake it can't be that bad, and if it is I am the last expense you should have on your list MATE!!!!!". Another asked me if he can have his money back after the time has passed if he cant get it up :o can you believe it???? Because I am really going to do that right? I told him to keep his receipt after 28 days he can get a voucher or gift card  ;D bloody cheek.

Anyways now I have shared with you guys my mood has lifted now I can smile again lol I had to vent and let my rant out now back Netflix  ;)

I had someone try to haggle with me once and when I told him to do one, he started sending me abuse. I googled his number and found loads of things on him, the funniest being that he was caught stealing cheese and meat from his local supermarket  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 01 December 2015, 11:49:57 am
I get really panicky as well when my clients start having a conversation with me as they walk into my building and up the stairs (until through both security doors) calling me Kendra out loud and asking if I've been busy today.

I hate being asked if I've been busy anyway cause it feels kinda yucky even although I know I'm freshly showered but I particularly hate them asking me this when in my building and anyone could hear them.

It's harmless though, they are probably just trying to make conversation but I would just prefer it if they kept it till they were in my flat lol.

I just hate when they ask if I've been busy today. Like why though ? Why do you want to know ? Why ? It just goes to show how much clients ask about your personal business. First it was what school do you go to? Where do you live ? Who do you live with? Now it's have you been busy? How many clients have you had today? Did you make a lot of money? I really wish they would get a brain and know when they are crossing the line. Yes it's good to have a bit of chit chat but for fuck sake :FF next time an idiot ask me personal questions I would flip out just mind your own fucking business. Sigh! Someone asked me if I was busy yesterday and I'm still pissed today. I just wish they would come fuck and go. I do not want to get to know you and you shouldn't want to get to know me. It should just be sex no? As I said small talk is fine, lovely weather, how are you etc but asking how many men I've fucked today is really none of your business and totally unacceptable.  ::) yes we are getting intimate but we are not familiars. I HATE THIS. I TRULY DO!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 01 December 2015, 02:10:53 pm
Agree that I hate being asked very personal questions such as 'Are you married' 'What do your children think of what you do' How many clients do you see' etc,etc, I never ask clients personal questions. Yesterday lovely booking for an hour with a client I've seen loads and loads, I know virtually nothing about him and him about me, then a half hour booking who overstayed by 10 minutes to ask me lots of very personal things, it really annoyed me but I stayed calm and pleasant, I wish I'd have told him to stop being so nosey now because it made me feel shit.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 01 December 2015, 02:24:50 pm
when they take a shower at the start and then put all their clothes back on
digging their nose right into your pubic bone when giving you oral
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 01 December 2015, 02:26:15 pm
Clients that ask what times you have available so you say for example 'I can do a 30 min or 45 min at 2:30 then after that I am free anytime between 4:15 until 9pm' so basically loads of time for them to book.Only for them to say 'Oh u was wanting an hour at 2:30'.So why not say that in the fecking first place...prat!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 01 December 2015, 04:21:05 pm
when they take a shower at the start and then put all their clothes back on
digging their nose right into your pubic bone when giving you oral

lol I had one client do this once. Went into the shower and came back with all his clothes back on. :o I was like what the fuck? Probably some sort of body conscious insecure thing or he's just daft like the rest of them because that makes no sense
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 01 December 2015, 08:09:32 pm
Second cancellation from a guy last night (9pm) due at 2pm today for 2 hour booking. First booking cancellation seemed feasible; hence, I was ok about re-arranging. Yet, last nights message asking me for a 'favour' and to rearrange for next Tuesday. The reason? He had been unexpectedly called on business to Japan for 5 days, leaving within the hour!! This trip had been planned by his boss to run concurrently with the anniversary of his dad dying apparently, as a surprise to cheer him up but seemingly, after talking on the phone he 'knew' I was genuine and genuinely thought he could 'bring happiness' into my life  ;D  Message was war and peace in length, but I ignored it as I was pissed off he's wasted my time and was getting on my tits. Then tonight, he says, send me your pay pal address and I'll pay you the rate for cancelling today as he was 'devastated' for cancelling, yadda, yadda - I've a nose for timewasters (or so I thought) but this is epic. I'm an understanding person, but come on, some things just don't work like this in real life; 'right son, you're going to Japan in an hour, so pack up and sling it - see you when you get back' pffff  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 01 December 2015, 08:13:02 pm
Bearing in mind this guy wanted me to wear heels for hours before meet to make my feet sweaty - in reality, I was going to wear trainers for ten minutes and do a bit of foot movement, Davina McCall style before he got here - hey, ho  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 01 December 2015, 09:48:21 pm
Repeatedly do the same fecking thing over and over.Finally banned a guy on AW who has repeatedly emailed me for a short notice booking like 30 mins before I am due to finish.Have told him over and over to ring not email and try and give me an hours notice if he wants to come over in the evening.I advertise that my availability is 10am until 9pm that's when I answer the phone and take appointments.However if the phone has stopped ringing by 8pm I will start to pack up and head off as anyone ringing after that is not likely to be able to arrive and finish for 9pm anyway and I won't stay later than that without notice.Well he finally got told enough was enough..emailed not phoned once again this time at 8:45 asking to come at 9pm and if I would work later!Wtf!Guy with feedback as well but lack of brain cells banking on the fact I would even get and answer his email in 15 mins and then rush around getting ready while trying to give out address details that's also depending on how long it would take to get to me?!?They really do shoot themselves in the foot.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 03 December 2015, 01:02:45 pm
This one guy has been messaging me the same thing for almost a year (contacted me throughout the year about 5 times), asking me if I do bdsm/humiliation, what sex toys I have, outfits, etc. I replied the first few times very bluntly without much detail and saying I don't usually do it in a first booking and we would have to discuss limits. He's messaged Me again, so I said the same thing again. Yes, that's all fine. He puts in a booking request and it's for 30 minutes. I've had enough with this guy. How does he expect to discuss limits use toys and do bdsm and humiliation in 30 minutes. I've told him I don't do that in a 30 minute and he can cancel if he wants to. I'm pretty sure by this point he's a time waster or going to be a very troublesome client so I'm hoping he cancels anyway
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 03 December 2015, 10:39:22 pm
Ringing between 1am and 5am assuming I don't need sleep, have no life and am waiting for a call to get laid by a pissed up bloke - oh pllleeeeaaassseeee  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss-Olivia on 05 December 2015, 02:05:50 am
I feel the longer I'm in this "job" the more things begin to annoy me. Simple things that I never even noticed before is really making me angry. This weeks one for me is when you go to a clients house, and they basically pounce on you before you've even taken your coat off. I hate the way they sit  really close to you stroking your leg and trying to kiss you. Atleast wait till we have said our hellos and are in the bedroom.

I advertise myself as GFE as I'm very vanilla but recently Iv been hating the whole GFE.... The kissing my neck, cuddling me etc etc. The sex can handle, the Intimacy I can't. Think I need a holiday :-)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 07 December 2015, 10:31:55 pm
Ask what your name is as in your real name  before they have even met you!What the actual feck?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 07 December 2015, 11:41:44 pm
Missed call...I text saying 'I'm sorry, I can't talk at the minute but will be free to chat at xxx'....they ring back straight away and continue to do so as If I've really said 'I'm free now, please annoy me for as long as you like and keep ringing'. With one twat on Saturday night, I had 26 missed calls in under an hour!!! Yeah, you're normal and I'd love to see you - not! blocked  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 07 December 2015, 11:46:46 pm
Ask what your name is as in your real name  before they have even met you!What the actual feck?

I give them a complicated to remember/pronounce Welsh name
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 08 December 2015, 08:32:13 am
Ask what your name is as in your real name  before they have even met you!What the actual feck?

Oh I hate that crap. Had guys badger me to tell them my real name and when they ask what I do I say I'm a student "Oh where do you go to Uni?" Like why would I tell them where I study and spend my personal time? But when I tell them no or to change the subject they sit there with a pout and say "I was just making conversation no need to get angry!" Some guys just seem to want to know all your intimate personal details which are irrelevant to them hiring you for sex.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sandra29 on 08 December 2015, 09:28:55 am
I hate when they make a booking and they dont read your profile and then they come and ask for something what you dont do. They put on a face when you say NO like is unusual to get rejected.

I had one of those yesterday and he come with " let's go to read your profile together and discuss about "
Yeah sure , that he had to doit before call amd when he is already in my room  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra Glasgow on 08 December 2015, 10:57:58 am
I hate when they make a booking and they dont read your profile and then they come and ask for something what you dont do. They put on a face when you say NO like is unusual to get rejected.

I had one of those yesterday and he come with " let's go to read your profile together and discuss about "
Yeah sure , that he had to doit before call amd when he is already in my room  :FF

I don't know why but I find being stuck alone in a room with a stranger that's turned up expecting something I don't do and then the disappointment in them when you tell them you don't do it beyond awkward, sometimes intimidating. I get so anxious at the thought, I know I'm over reacting but I can't help it so I always ask new clients when they phone me if they have read my profile and are happy with what's on offer, they usually say yes and for those who don't....I refer them back to my profile x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 09 December 2015, 05:16:07 pm
I've had the 'What do you like?' a lot recently.... I feel like saying I like to sit, talk and have a nice glass of wine so can we do that instead ? 

That's not so bad though but I've had some really loud guys stand outside my place and literally shout my name down the phone and ask again what number my house is for clarification - all at the top of their voices!  Loud men can be so indiscrete! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 11 December 2015, 12:02:14 am
I've had the 'What do you like?' a lot recently.... I feel like saying I like to sit, talk and have a nice glass of wine so can we do that instead ? 

That's not so bad though but I've had some really loud guys stand outside my place and literally shout my name down the phone and ask again what number my house is for clarification - all at the top of their voices!  Loud men can be so indiscrete!

I like to not kiss your stink mouth, I like to not have you dribble and put your stink saliva on my vagina, I like to not talk to you, I like you to leave early,I like you to cum quick, I like you to be vanilla, I like you to not smell stink,  :) Ahhhhh, I can only fantasize ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 11 December 2015, 10:04:43 am
When they repeat the same thing throughout the whole booking. Had Mr "so naughty" 200 times yesterday then Mr "I like to be in you" another 200. {I didn't count, I'm probably exaggerating} I find the "naughty" quite amusing but the "in you" quite creepy! He wanted penetration for the whole hour & still didn't climax  :-\ think I'll avoid him in the future. I actually had to tell him that he was too demanding expecting that the whole time. No massage to start, no hr in between, a bit or oral but OMG bloody tiring.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra Glasgow on 11 December 2015, 12:58:23 pm
The general time it takes for men in any walk of life to cum is 3-10 minutes I'm sure so when I get someone who shags for the whole hour, it totally gives me friction burns on my foo. I don't mind having sex for an hour but it's not really the relaxing GFE I offer. It's the aftermath of the burning foo I don't like and then I end up not taking any more work that day so having a client that shags the whole time ends up costing me money x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 11 December 2015, 03:03:15 pm
Two potential clients today

1. Called me on a landline so I told him he'd need to call me on his mobile when he arives for instructions of where to come, he tells me he doesnt own a mobile so I said "I cant see you then" he then tried to "solve" the problem by if he gave me his discription and an approx time of arrival he would walk up and down my cul-de-sac and I could keep an eye out for him and call him over when I spotted him.... :FF  errrrr no.

2. Just got dolled up for another client, bang on time he called to say he was here I asked what vehicle he was in as (I can see the length of the cul-de-sac from my window) he says a large white van which I couldnt see and I told him, he then he said he wasnt exactly in my road he was around the corner and he wanted my door number but I said "Oh no I don't give that out, I dont even know for sure you're here" so I said come out your vehicle and walk down the cul-de-sac while on the phone and I will direct you...he then said he can't detatch the mobile from the vehicle... I mean WTF! He insisted I should just give him my door number so I told him "no way mate you can forget it".... :FF

Its been quiet these last few days and I'm noticing the idiots are comng out to play.

This has been a very weird day. I'm done!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 11 December 2015, 10:59:59 pm
Two potential clients today

1. Called me on a landline so I told him he'd need to call me on his mobile when he arives for instructions of where to come, he tells me he doesnt own a mobile so I said "I cant see you then" he then tried to "solve" the problem by if he gave me his discription and an approx time of arrival he would walk up and down my cul-de-sac and I could keep an eye out for him and call him over when I spotted him.... :FF  errrrr no.

2. Just got dolled up for another client, bang on time he called to say he was here I asked what vehicle he was in as (I can see the length of the cul-de-sac from my window) he says a large white van which I couldnt see and I told him, he then he said he wasnt exactly in my road he was around the corner and he wanted my door number but I said "Oh no I don't give that out, I dont even know for sure you're here" so I said come out your vehicle and walk down the cul-de-sac while on the phone and I will direct you...he then said he can't detatch the mobile from the vehicle... I mean WTF! He insisted I should just give him my door number so I told him "no way mate you can forget it".... :FF

Its been quiet these last few days and I'm noticing the idiots are comng out to play.

This has been a very weird day. I'm done!

Sorry for my ignorance in advance but...what was number 2 about? What was his agenda?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: littleminxjennifer on 11 December 2015, 11:32:18 pm
clients like this...
mails me saking when i'm free, unfortunately for him i was literally leaving on holiday the following day so had nothing.  he then starts texting, where are you, what do like type questions.  i refer him back to the profile saying if you read my likes, my profile etc you're going to see quite clearly all the answers to the questions your asking.
following morning while i'm finishing my packing i get several texts from the guy saying how hot i was, can wait to see me yadda yadda yadda.

now i had by this point saved notes reminding myself of his number (in case i'd forgotten to block) that he seemed to be a little needy and felt like a timewaster.

get back from hols and the mail starts almost right away.  is there an alert these people can see when you're online?  hey how are you? good holiday? any white bits? can't wait to see you...

i reply saying yes i'm home, holiday was great thank you, are you wanting to make a booking?

thought i'd give him the benefit of the doubt.  his feedback is good, so maybe i was a little harsh as he'd plycked up the courage to contact me and i knocked him back for my holiday... shouldn't have bothered

lad makes the booking, i text the area and where to call me from, and then he starts with the "so hot, can't wait" type texts, finally texting "are you horny"

now i hadn't responded since sending the area, but this one i was like "sorry, i don't play text tennis or do sex chat via text as already explained in my profile, we can chat and get horny when you arrive"

he then cancels as he thinks "we won't work out, i thought we were pals!"

 :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 11 December 2015, 11:56:47 pm
clients like this...
mails me saking when i'm free, unfortunately for him i was literally leaving on holiday the following day so had nothing.  he then starts texting, where are you, what do like type questions.  i refer him back to the profile saying if you read my likes, my profile etc you're going to see quite clearly all the answers to the questions your asking.
following morning while i'm finishing my packing i get several texts from the guy saying how hot i was, can wait to see me yadda yadda yadda.

now i had by this point saved notes reminding myself of his number (in case i'd forgotten to block) that he seemed to be a little needy and felt like a timewaster.

get back from hols and the mail starts almost right away.  is there an alert these people can see when you're online?  hey how are you? good holiday? any white bits? can't wait to see you...

i reply saying yes i'm home, holiday was great thank you, are you wanting to make a booking?

thought i'd give him the benefit of the doubt.  his feedback is good, so maybe i was a little harsh as he'd plycked up the courage to contact me and i knocked him back for my holiday... shouldn't have bothered

lad makes the booking, i text the area and where to call me from, and then he starts with the "so hot, can't wait" type texts, finally texting "are you horny"

now i hadn't responded since sending the area, but this one i was like "sorry, i don't play text tennis or do sex chat via text as already explained in my profile, we can chat and get horny when you arrive"

he then cancels as he thinks "we won't work out, i thought we were pals!"

 :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF

Do These men think we get flattered by them calling us sexy or something? Sorry but an old granpa calling me hot is such a self esteem killer. I barely have any as it is already. Something about an ugly man calling me hot doesn't sit well with me. Never have lol. why the fuck would he think you guys were pals? This is why I have stopped giving benefit of the doubt and ignore fucked up stupid texts like that from the get go. Seems to me that he probably got turned off by your professionalism as most men don't see this as a job but as a hobby hence they see nothing wrong with the flirty texts etc. This is what they want  e.g.

Dickhead-mmmm baby you horny
Escort-mmm yes I am can't wait to have you inside me

That right there is a conversation I would have with my man not a client. They need to recognize boundaries and not cross them but that would never happen because they are delusional and stupid. Not because punting is a hobby to you means escorting is a hobby to us. Need I remind you that you are paying for me? Your not hooking up with some friend or gf. They make me sick :-X Reminds me of the hey baby wanna hook up for some fun types. what fun? :o  you think I have fun sucking your cock? do i know you? The way they talk is as though we are familiars. Bastards  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 12 December 2015, 12:05:02 am
I hate it when a Client wants to have a shower together. Argh ::) Chances are we probably won't actually be showing just playing with the water and soap on our bellies. neither of us would want to squat and wash our asses now do we? I for one would not be squatting washing my pussy in front a client so the only thing that gets washed is my tits so if having a shower together is an attempt to make sure I am clean you have failed big time, if it's because you just want to explore, you would soon find out that there is nothing special about showering together, not only do you soak down my bathroom because you are incapable of doing anything properly, you piss me off before I even jump in bed with you. Trying to look sexy in the shower is not what I want to be doing. So not a good start. Just quit this shit, have your nice shower and come back to bed so we can fuck and you can get the fuck out. Arghh :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Monroe on 12 December 2015, 05:05:45 am
I hate it when a Client wants to have a shower together. Argh ::) Chances are we probably won't actually be showing just playing with the water and soap on our bellies. neither of us would want to squat and wash our asses now do we? I for one would not be squatting washing my pussy in front a client so the only thing that gets washed is my tits so if having a shower together is an attempt to make sure I am clean you have failed big time, if it's because you just want to explore, you would soon find out that there is nothing special about showering together, not only do you soak down my bathroom because you are incapable of doing anything properly, you piss me off before I even jump in bed with you. Trying to look sexy in the shower is not what I want to be doing. So not a good start. Just quit this shit, have your nice shower and come back to bed so we can fuck and you can get the fuck out. Arghh :FF

 HAHA  ;D ;D I know right, by the time i have dried off, he's dried off, i have creamed myself, and got into the outfit he wants, half the time has gone
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 12 December 2015, 08:05:42 am
Two potential clients today

1. Called me on a landline so I told him he'd need to call me on his mobile when he arives for instructions of where to come, he tells me he doesnt own a mobile so I said "I cant see you then" he then tried to "solve" the problem by if he gave me his discription and an approx time of arrival he would walk up and down my cul-de-sac and I could keep an eye out for him and call him over when I spotted him.... :FF  errrrr no.

2. Just got dolled up for another client, bang on time he called to say he was here I asked what vehicle he was in as (I can see the length of the cul-de-sac from my window) he says a large white van which I couldnt see and I told him, he then he said he wasnt exactly in my road he was around the corner and he wanted my door number but I said "Oh no I don't give that out, I dont even know for sure you're here" so I said come out your vehicle and walk down the cul-de-sac while on the phone and I will direct you...he then said he can't detatch the mobile from the vehicle... I mean WTF! He insisted I should just give him my door number so I told him "no way mate you can forget it".... :FF

Its been quiet these last few days and I'm noticing the idiots are comng out to play.

This has been a very weird day. I'm done!

Sorry for my ignorance in advance but...what was number 2 about? What was his agenda?
He could have been an address collector, I only give them my post code and street name so if he says hes parked around the corner he will still need to get out his car and walk into my road whilst talking to me on the phone so I can see him before giving him my door number.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emi787 on 12 December 2015, 02:45:37 pm
My no.1 bug bare is their utter stupidity.  Some men, even those who seem very educated and witty and on lots of money, have not got any common sense at all! mainly in terms of directions. Seriously there has been times I would love to just scream at them how retarded they are when they get lost. Some scruffy men need no help what so ever, its like.. hu?! makes no sense.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 12 December 2015, 04:25:07 pm
I don't think it's always them being dumb some of them just like playing games. They want you screaming down the phone so everyone can hear you or running around outside looking for them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 12 December 2015, 04:45:38 pm
I don't think it's always them being dumb some of them just like playing games. They want you screaming down the phone so everyone can hear you or running around outside looking for them.

Playing games? huh?
Dumb or immature it still doesn't look good for them and I see no hope in the  future.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 12 December 2015, 09:44:18 pm
Two potential clients today

1. Called me on a landline so I told him he'd need to call me on his mobile when he arives for instructions of where to come, he tells me he doesnt own a mobile so I said "I cant see you then" he then tried to "solve" the problem by if he gave me his discription and an approx time of arrival he would walk up and down my cul-de-sac and I could keep an eye out for him and call him over when I spotted him.... :FF  errrrr no.

2. Just got dolled up for another client, bang on time he called to say he was here I asked what vehicle he was in as (I can see the length of the cul-de-sac from my window) he says a large white van which I couldnt see and I told him, he then he said he wasnt exactly in my road he was around the corner and he wanted my door number but I said "Oh no I don't give that out, I dont even know for sure you're here" so I said come out your vehicle and walk down the cul-de-sac while on the phone and I will direct you...he then said he can't detatch the mobile from the vehicle... I mean WTF! He insisted I should just give him my door number so I told him "no way mate you can forget it".... :FF

Its been quiet these last few days and I'm noticing the idiots are comng out to play.

This has been a very weird day. I'm done!

Sorry for my ignorance in advance but...what was number 2 about? What was his agenda?
He could have been an address collector, I only give them my post code and street name so if he says hes parked around the corner he will still need to get out his car and walk into my road whilst talking to me on the phone so I can see him before giving him my door number.

OK but...what do you mean, 'an address collector'?? Why would a man want to collect addresses? For what reason?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 12 December 2015, 11:06:57 pm
Two potential clients today

1. Called me on a landline so I told him he'd need to call me on his mobile when he arives for instructions of where to come, he tells me he doesnt own a mobile so I said "I cant see you then" he then tried to "solve" the problem by if he gave me his discription and an approx time of arrival he would walk up and down my cul-de-sac and I could keep an eye out for him and call him over when I spotted him.... :FF  errrrr no.

2. Just got dolled up for another client, bang on time he called to say he was here I asked what vehicle he was in as (I can see the length of the cul-de-sac from my window) he says a large white van which I couldnt see and I told him, he then he said he wasnt exactly in my road he was around the corner and he wanted my door number but I said "Oh no I don't give that out, I dont even know for sure you're here" so I said come out your vehicle and walk down the cul-de-sac while on the phone and I will direct you...he then said he can't detatch the mobile from the vehicle... I mean WTF! He insisted I should just give him my door number so I told him "no way mate you can forget it".... :FF

Its been quiet these last few days and I'm noticing the idiots are comng out to play.

This has been a very weird day. I'm done!

Sorry for my ignorance in advance but...what was number 2 about? What was his agenda?
He could have been an address collector, I only give them my post code and street name so if he says hes parked around the corner he will still need to get out his car and walk into my road whilst talking to me on the phone so I can see him before giving him my door number.

OK but...what do you mean, 'an address collector'?? Why would a man want to collect addresses? For what reason?

Some could be dangerous. Others are just weird creeps. And others, I suppose, collect women's addresses rather than airplane or train numbers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 13 December 2015, 12:52:09 am
Two potential clients today

1. Called me on a landline so I told him he'd need to call me on his mobile when he arives for instructions of where to come, he tells me he doesnt own a mobile so I said "I cant see you then" he then tried to "solve" the problem by if he gave me his discription and an approx time of arrival he would walk up and down my cul-de-sac and I could keep an eye out for him and call him over when I spotted him.... :FF  errrrr no.

2. Just got dolled up for another client, bang on time he called to say he was here I asked what vehicle he was in as (I can see the length of the cul-de-sac from my window) he says a large white van which I couldnt see and I told him, he then he said he wasnt exactly in my road he was around the corner and he wanted my door number but I said "Oh no I don't give that out, I dont even know for sure you're here" so I said come out your vehicle and walk down the cul-de-sac while on the phone and I will direct you...he then said he can't detatch the mobile from the vehicle... I mean WTF! He insisted I should just give him my door number so I told him "no way mate you can forget it".... :FF

Its been quiet these last few days and I'm noticing the idiots are comng out to play.

This has been a very weird day. I'm done!

Sorry for my ignorance in advance but...what was number 2 about? What was his agenda?
He could have been an address collector, I only give them my post code and street name so if he says hes parked around the corner he will still need to get out his car and walk into my road whilst talking to me on the phone so I can see him before giving him my door number.

OK but...what do you mean, 'an address collector'?? Why would a man want to collect addresses? For what reason?

Some could be dangerous. Others are just weird creeps. And others, I suppose, collect women's addresses rather than airplane or train numbers.

I know it sounds crazy but unfortunately address collectors do exist. Pain in the ass, not sure what they get from it 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 13 December 2015, 11:08:11 am
Two potential clients today

1. Called me on a landline so I told him he'd need to call me on his mobile when he arives for instructions of where to come, he tells me he doesnt own a mobile so I said "I cant see you then" he then tried to "solve" the problem by if he gave me his discription and an approx time of arrival he would walk up and down my cul-de-sac and I could keep an eye out for him and call him over when I spotted him.... :FF  errrrr no.

2. Just got dolled up for another client, bang on time he called to say he was here I asked what vehicle he was in as (I can see the length of the cul-de-sac from my window) he says a large white van which I couldnt see and I told him, he then he said he wasnt exactly in my road he was around the corner and he wanted my door number but I said "Oh no I don't give that out, I dont even know for sure you're here" so I said come out your vehicle and walk down the cul-de-sac while on the phone and I will direct you...he then said he can't detatch the mobile from the vehicle... I mean WTF! He insisted I should just give him my door number so I told him "no way mate you can forget it".... :FF

Its been quiet these last few days and I'm noticing the idiots are comng out to play.

This has been a very weird day. I'm done!

Sorry for my ignorance in advance but...what was number 2 about? What was his agenda?
He could have been an address collector, I only give them my post code and street name so if he says hes parked around the corner he will still need to get out his car and walk into my road whilst talking to me on the phone so I can see him before giving him my door number.

OK but...what do you mean, 'an address collector'?? Why would a man want to collect addresses? For what reason?

Some could be dangerous. Others are just weird creeps. And others, I suppose, collect women's addresses rather than airplane or train numbers.

I know it sounds crazy but unfortunately address collectors do exist. Pain in the ass, not sure what they get from it

They get to sit on google maps and wank over knowing guys are turning up to pay for sex there.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 13 December 2015, 05:53:05 pm
Client I've seen before, who after the booking wanted a shower - was in there 20 mins until I turned off hot water.
Had 2 missed calls today so I texted him this evening saying Sorry I missed his call but I was busy. He responds with that's ok, can you see me later, but I've only got 40 (a quarter of my hourly rate). Told him I wouldn't even look at his cock for 40 quid, let alone anything else. Additionally, it'd cost that to pay for his shower. Some men soooo take the piss if they've seen you once and try for 'mates rates' but this is off the scale ha  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 16 December 2015, 05:01:34 pm
Ring or email and ask how they go about booking you..err!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 16 December 2015, 05:05:14 pm
I've lots of girls to choose from, tell me why I should choose you? (which translates to tell me what you're going to do to me whilst I toss off as I've no intention of ever booking you - freebie please)

Hmmm, let me think about that - do one!!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emi787 on 16 December 2015, 05:17:50 pm
About 5 years ago I had a client who used my toothbrush, he didn't ask or anything I just found out, I hated it. For probably a year on I always kept my toothbrush hidden outside of the bathroom. And then started keeping it in the bathroom again.

Then, I think about 6 months ago? I found a bit of brown on my toothbrush, I smelt it it was... his no.2. When I asked him on the phone about it he denied it was him at first, then I got it out of him it turned out he was having trouble trying to make his poo flush down... yeah, I know, unbelievable :( I will never ever keep my toothbrush in the bathroom ever again!

Men who step outside of the bath the instant they turn the shower off. OMG! pick the towel up and mostly dry yourself INSIDE the bath! leaves water all over the floor when I go in there.

When they want a drink, and only end up having a sip or two. Like, really?!

Turning up uninvited.

Getting lost for directions. And also asking me to come down to bring them up to my apartment - when I'm in my lingerie, skimpy dress and high/stripper heels. No, just no. You can afford escort prices so you have at least 1 brain cell in there to follow simple instructions.

Other things as well but I best not type a book here.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 16 December 2015, 05:22:25 pm
About 5 years ago I had a client who used my toothbrush, he didn't ask or anything I just found out, I hated it. For probably a year on I always kept my toothbrush hidden outside of the bathroom. And then started keeping it in the bathroom again.

Then, I think about 6 months ago? I found a bit of brown on my toothbrush, I smelt it it was... his no.2. When I asked him on the phone about it he denied it was him at first, then I got it out of him it turned out he was having trouble trying to make his poo flush down... yeah, I know, unbelievable :( I will never ever keep my toothbrush in the bathroom ever again!

Getting lost for directions. And also asking me to come down to bring them up to my apartment - when I'm in my lingerie, skimpy dress and high/stripper heels. No, just no. You can afford escort prices so you have at least 1 brain cell in there to follow simple instructions.

Oh my god Emi - I am literally crying laughing here - the toothbrush thing is just off the scale; dirty git!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 16 December 2015, 05:41:38 pm
I sincerely hope you told toothbrush guy what a disrespectful disgusting wanker he is!I couldn't see someone again who would do something so vile!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 16 December 2015, 07:15:16 pm
Ring or email and ask how they go about booking you..err!

lool. ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 17 December 2015, 05:57:43 pm
Think your time isn't important!!

Guy books for 4.30pm, then later asks change it to 5pm. I agree.

No text or call, nothing until 5.38- hi I'm on xx where do I go?

Just no, fuck off!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hadley on 18 December 2015, 12:41:36 pm
Then, I think about 6 months ago? I found a bit of brown on my toothbrush, I smelt it it was... his no.2. When I asked him on the phone about it he denied it was him at first, then I got it out of him it turned out he was having trouble trying to make his poo flush down... yeah, I know, unbelievable :( I will never ever keep my toothbrush in the bathroom ever again!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 18 December 2015, 03:45:29 pm
When they make the booking, all the way through establishing a time, clothing requests, and getting the address.... and THEN they ask what your rates are.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 18 December 2015, 03:51:24 pm
When they make the booking, all the way through establishing a time, clothing requests, and getting the address.... and THEN they ask what your rates are.

Had all this piss about with a guy, although he said he had read my profile when I asked him.
Hour before the booking he texted and said 'Actually, I only want a massage and a wank. 40 mins - ?50?
TW Twat!!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 18 December 2015, 03:52:07 pm
When they make the booking, all the way through establishing a time, clothing requests, and getting the address.... and THEN they ask what your rates are.

I have no tolerance for men asking what my rates are or where abouts im based. All that info. is right where they found my number so I just hang up almost instantly soon as I hear what are your rates? ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Littlemisslondon on 18 December 2015, 07:15:09 pm
You're not a Cow !! Lol you're lovely! He may have paid this money BUT he still cost you money twice so you were quite right to judge, if you hadn't called him out on his bad behaviour he wouldn't have sent the Paypal payment so GO YOU !! Don't you dare feel bad for being assertive, I'm well impressed with this! xxxx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lois01827 on 18 December 2015, 07:42:40 pm
You're not a Cow !! Lol you're lovely! He may have paid this money BUT he still cost you money twice so you were quite right to judge, if you hadn't called him out on his bad behaviour he wouldn't have sent the Paypal payment so GO YOU !! Don't you dare feel bad for being assertive, I'm well impressed with this! xxxx

 ;D ;D ;D ;D x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BlaqHarlot on 21 December 2015, 04:36:26 am
Brag in field reports. I was left a field report nearly a week ago and decided not to make it public since the stupid client wanted to brag and fabricate what had happened in our booking! Not sure why he felt the need to lie and make little things up such as I stayed two hours longer and that I told him he was the best client I had, there was some other stuff aswell. Really pathetic.

I just thought bless you, having to lie and fabricate the truth for no other reason than to boost your ego, and he will be so pissed when he realises I'm not making it public. Why do clients do such dumb things sometimes? It's as though a lot of them are pretty stupid, makes me laugh lol! The lying and fabricating only makes me be suspicious of other field reports and feedback as you don't know if it's truth or not.

Another thing that clients do to annoy is lie about you when you've refused to book them. Like I get it, you're bitter and a little angry I rejected you and that you can't sample my fantastic good but honestly get over it there are thousands of beautiful girls you can go see hahaha. Men in general really cannot stand rejection, poor sods! ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Angie.B.x on 21 December 2015, 08:39:53 am
I know how you feel about that DesignerWhore!! One put in his field report that I made him lie down on the bed and pissed all over him. (Yeah right I'm gonna piss all over my bed!!) Then he stood up and I sucked his cock until he came all over my face!! WTF? I wouldn't even let my other half do that never mind a complete stranger. I actually hate the white sticky stuff  ???  :FF
Then when I checked my Adultwork earlier I have a booking request for 4pm today for 4 hours for the princely sum of ?150! There was one the other day who booked 30 hours for ?70!
I don't know if it's me being totally irrational because I'm having a lot of senior moments lol, but every damn one of them are doing something to annoy me. Even small things  ::)
I think I may take January off or some guy is going to do something totally innocent and he will bear the brunt of everybody elses idiocy  :P
I wish it wasn't too early to take a wine to set me up for when I switch my phone on for all the middle of the night calls and texts lol
A wee cup of tea will have to do though.
I feel much better now I've got that off my chest but I just wish we could all have at least one single day without all the nonsence  ::) ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 21 December 2015, 09:47:22 am

Then, I think about 6 months ago? I found a bit of brown on my toothbrush, I smelt it it was... his no.2. When I asked him on the phone about it he denied it was him at first, then I got it out of him it turned out he was having trouble trying to make his poo flush down... yeah, I know, unbelievable :( I will never ever keep my toothbrush in the bathroom ever

This made me feel sick, then really mad. What if there had been no remains on the toothbrush and you'd carried on using it? Some men are so disgusting! Why didn't he do his business before he got to yours, anyway? Absolutely no respect. I really wonder what goes through these people's minds. Although, things similar seem to happen everywhere. The tanning shop I use has a disclaimer saying if you wee or poo in the machines you will be made to pay to have them cleaned. I asked if that had actually ever happened and was told by the owner that she gets someone wee in the machine or the vaces in the room at last a few times a month and someone had gone for a number 2 in the machine once. Really makes me wonder about the human race.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 21 December 2015, 12:26:47 pm
All guys like to stretch the truth it'd just be nice if they left it out of field reports and just kept to bragging to their mates about whatever fake story they want to make up. Lately what's getting me annoyed since I just started doing incalls is the amount of people who just feel I should run on their time and they can show up when they feel like it. I tell them to call when they are on their way and hear nothing after their booking starts so it's a no show. Somehow 2 hours later when I'm seeing another client my phone won't stop going off with calls and texts. After checking it when that booking is over it's the previous client contacting me for an address then when he got no response hours after the time he booked he is calling me all the names under the sun and a fake.

I'm really not sure where I said the booking was an open one and he can just come whatever time of day suits him. I mean it's in their emails that they sent to me "I would like to see you at 2pm for an hour" somehow that reads back to them "The booking is still valid if I want to come at 4pm"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BlaqHarlot on 21 December 2015, 12:34:46 pm
I know how you feel about that DesignerWhore!! One put in his field report that I made him lie down on the bed and pissed all over him. (Yeah right I'm gonna piss all over my bed!!) Then he stood up and I sucked his cock until he came all over my face!! WTF? I wouldn't even let my other half do that never mind a complete stranger. I actually hate the white sticky stuff  ???  :FF
Then when I checked my Adultwork earlier I have a booking request for 4pm today for 4 hours for the princely sum of ?150! There was one the other day who booked 30 hours for ?70!
I don't know if it's me being totally irrational because I'm having a lot of senior moments lol, but every damn one of them are doing something to annoy me. Even small things  ::)
I think I may take January off or some guy is going to do something totally innocent and he will bear the brunt of everybody elses idiocy  :P
I wish it wasn't too early to take a wine to set me up for when I switch my phone on for all the middle of the night calls and texts lol
A wee cup of tea will have to do though.
I feel much better now I've got that off my chest but I just wish we could all have at least one single day without all the nonsence  ::) ::)
I feel your pain! The hagglers piss me off, if you can't afford my rate go to a girl who's rate you can afford.
Haggling to a certain extent makes these punters look cheap, I state very clearly my rates are non negotiable. Yet I will still get the "I've only got 90 can you do an hour" like are you that desperate for some action that you'd spend your last ?90? Not just wait until payday? Complete bullshit. They can afford it they are just chancers.

These days I just do a big sigh and block, it's much better than sending a "fuck off" email/message hahaha
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 21 December 2015, 03:40:22 pm
Brag in field reports. I was left a field report nearly a week ago and decided not to make it public since the stupid client wanted to brag and fabricate what had happened in our booking! Not sure why he felt the need to lie and make little things up such as I stayed two hours longer and that I told him he was the best client I had, there was some other stuff aswell. Really pathetic.

I just thought bless you, having to lie and fabricate the truth for no other reason than to boost your ego, and he will be so pissed when he realises I'm not making it public. Why do clients do such dumb things sometimes? It's as though a lot of them are pretty stupid, makes me laugh lol! The lying and fabricating only makes me be suspicious of other field reports and feedback as you don't know if it's truth or not.

Another thing that clients do to annoy is lie about you when you've refused to book them. Like I get it, you're bitter and a little angry I rejected you and that you can't sample my fantastic good but honestly get over it there are thousands of beautiful girls you can go see hahaha. Men in general really cannot stand rejection, poor sods! ;D

With you on both points! I recently had a guy go absolutely bat shit crazy via txt when I declined his booking because I got a bae vibe off him. Wound me up so much i snapped and replied saying "Its obviously rather damaging to your ego to get turned down by q "dirty whore" but I'm sure youll find aanother lady you can pay to spend some time with you"
Obviously I shouldn't have sunk to his level and provoked him even more but he caught me in a Bad mood. The audacity of some of them is bloody incredible.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Littlemisslondon on 22 December 2015, 12:29:17 am
I'm not desperately keen on feedback, I have some nice comments and thats lovely but Im not particularly 'into' feedback.... The one thing I do dislike is tacky feedback... We all know what we're doing on AW after all ! I had a client recently who was a bit of pain, he was nervous and subsequently decided we should spend 2 1/2 hours in the hotel bar... I gently reminded him that it was a 3 hour booking but sadly he was on a role, by the time I did get him back to his room there were literally 30 mins left, he was horrified that I was leaving in 30 mins, begged me for extra time, I foolishly agreed 30 mins.... so 60 mins of him being far too wasted to do anything but I did my best to ensure he didn't feel 'cheated' and gave him plenty of attention.... I'm still new at this and don't find this type of situation comfortable! I was relieved to leave but as he had been polite and hadn't been in any way disrespectful, I left him very nice positive feedback.... He in turn left me feedback saying how hot and full on the sex was !!!  :-\ The only feedback comment I have ever had that includes 'sex' and we didn't have any lol... How annoying !!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ParisB on 24 December 2015, 01:58:22 am
Two potential clients today

1. Called me on a landline so I told him he'd need to call me on his mobile when he arives for instructions of where to come, he tells me he doesnt own a mobile so I said "I cant see you then" he then tried to "solve" the problem by if he gave me his discription and an approx time of arrival he would walk up and down my cul-de-sac and I could keep an eye out for him and call him over when I spotted him.... :FF  errrrr no.

2. Just got dolled up for another client, bang on time he called to say he was here I asked what vehicle he was in as (I can see the length of the cul-de-sac from my window) he says a large white van which I couldnt see and I told him, he then he said he wasnt exactly in my road he was around the corner and he wanted my door number but I said "Oh no I don't give that out, I dont even know for sure you're here" so I said come out your vehicle and walk down the cul-de-sac while on the phone and I will direct you...he then said he can't detatch the mobile from the vehicle... I mean WTF! He insisted I should just give him my door number so I told him "no way mate you can forget it".... :FF

Its been quiet these last few days and I'm noticing the idiots are comng out to play.

This has been a very weird day. I'm done!

Sorry for my ignorance in advance but...what was number 2 about? What was his agenda?
He could have been an address collector, I only give them my post code and street name so if he says hes parked around the corner he will still need to get out his car and walk into my road whilst talking to me on the phone so I can see him before giving him my door number.

OK but...what do you mean, 'an address collector'?? Why would a man want to collect addresses? For what reason?

Some want the address so that they can come back later on the off chance and maybe see you popping in / out without you realising especially if there is street parking / car park near by

Some want it so they can turn up at there own leisure
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ParisB on 24 December 2015, 02:02:57 am
I hate when they make a booking and they dont read your profile and then they come and ask for something what you dont do. They put on a face when you say NO like is unusual to get rejected.

I had one of those yesterday and he come with " let's go to read your profile together and discuss about "
Yeah sure , that he had to doit before call amd when he is already in my room  :FF

I don't know why but I find being stuck alone in a room with a stranger that's turned up expecting something I don't do and then the disappointment in them when you tell them you don't do it beyond awkward, sometimes intimidating. I get so anxious at the thought, I know I'm over reacting but I can't help it so I always ask new clients when they phone me if they have read my profile and are happy with what's on offer, they usually say yes and for those who don't....I refer them back to my profile x
I cut all the bullshit out I have a bit of a script that i stick to - I can say it in my sleep
Covers the prices services,  what they get , what I don't do and if anything Is extra &  location

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: politics999 on 24 December 2015, 04:57:51 pm
Ah my all time fucking pet peeve (sorry for swearing)

Asking me WHERE I go to university. (Not WHAT I do at university but WHERE I go)

Like hell i'm telling you where I go to university. It's none of your bloody business.
That's like me asking WHERE do they work. They would wonder why I want to know
 I don't care how close you think we are. I meet you for 1 hour, (even if we meet every week)  we do not know each other.
I'm super sweet when I answer with the location of my fake university.

I'm always super cautious because some idiot met me then went and repeated everything he "thought" he knew about me on a forum. (then still tried to book me like I wouldn't know it was him that wrote it)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: politics999 on 24 December 2015, 05:03:18 pm
Also knowing that I don't do anal play/anal and still trying to stick their hand up my butt???

I had one client who would buy me gifts etc (I guess to sweeten me up) and then stick his finger repeatedly up my bum and talk about how much he wanted to do me up the ass even though I had told him that would never happen.

What is men's fascination with buttholes??? 
I should purposely take a crap on the next one's fingers so that they understand.  ;D ;D ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Willow Summers on 24 December 2015, 06:37:06 pm
I have now put it on my profile that if they want a shower, it comes out of the time they have paid for.

I had a client that assumed it was ok to bring his soggy old bike into my flat, because it is very expensive and doesnt trust people 'in this area'. Cheeky git!! AND I had to clean up a muddy floor afterwards!

Men that seem to this you are now friends and keep trying to elicit long text conversations.

I also get countless pictures and videos of clients cocks sent to me. Gee thanks, not seen one of those in a while   :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 27 December 2015, 05:09:52 pm
Also knowing that I don't do anal play/anal and still trying to stick their hand up my butt???

I had one client who would buy me gifts etc (I guess to sweeten me up) and then stick his finger repeatedly up my bum and talk about how much he wanted to do me up the ass even though I had told him that would never happen.

What is men's fascination with buttholes??? 
I should purposely take a crap on the next one's fingers so that they understand.  ;D ;D ???

Never understood it either I've herd guys claim they like it because it's tighter but I think it's mostly a control thing because they know it hurts and they get off on making you do it for them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 27 December 2015, 10:50:05 pm
I have now put it on my profile that if they want a shower, it comes out of the time they have paid for.

I had a client that assumed it was ok to bring his soggy old bike into my flat, because it is very expensive and doesnt trust people 'in this area'. Cheeky git!! AND I had to clean up a muddy floor afterwards!

Men that seem to this you are now friends and keep trying to elicit long text conversations.

I also get countless pictures and videos of clients cocks sent to me. Gee thanks, not seen one of those in a while   :FF

Agree with all the rest of this post , ie; unwanted cock pics, irritating expectations of long text convo's after the meeting,  but the charging them for taking a shower?  Personally I allow 10 minutes or so either side of the booking to shower,  not included in the booked time,  its much preferable to have a clean guy than someone who refuses on the grounds of wanting his 'money's worth' :-)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 29 December 2015, 10:23:47 pm
constantly text you and keep texting even without getting a reply. I am on Christmas holiday and receive several texts from one jackass when I switched my phone on today out of curiosity. I will not be so curious anymore and switch on my phone as it leads to me being irritated and that is not what I want right now. Just don't get how they are so persistent. He has been texting since 1st dec. If you are texting someone and they didn't reply the first time, didn't reply the second time, didn't reply the third time. What the fuck makes you think they would reply the 100th FUCKING time? Even if i was purposely ignoring the texts, can't men take a hint? I stop trying to contact someone after getting no response twice. Men can be very persistent. Aren't there other prostitutes around? fucking nuisances. What if I decide to quit for a year. would he text me everyday for a year too? Would not be accepting a booking from him when I resume work as he comes across very needy, had to put him in his place and tell him to stop calling me girlfriend not so long ago.  :FF No wonder I saved his number as annoying guy ::) He's the type that would want to date you after one booking. Oh yes, because what I need in my life right now is to date one of you lot that annoy me every fucking day. No thanks! I'm not desperate. lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 12 January 2016, 10:16:34 am

1st guy: When are you available next?
me- friday and from thereafter monday.
him- so you're not available before friday this week?

2nd guy- can you do a meet this week?
me- I can do friday anytime between 6-9pm.
him- Can you do 1.30pm friday?

 :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lovely-laura on 12 January 2016, 11:11:21 am
Massive pet peeve of mines is when they doesnt even greet you in a text or email.

No good morning or hello but quite happy to request to swallow there spunk.

it annoys me to the point that if they dont at least say hi (its two letters its cant take that long to type) It will put me off seeing them altogether

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 12 January 2016, 11:24:09 am
Most times I find guys like that are TWs, sometimes they cannot relate to women, sometimes its more specific to wgs ie. a form of disrespect. So plain rude.

When guys start off like that sometimes I just say It is normal to start off a conversation with a greeting and even a name. Then they don't know what to do with themselves.

As far as I'm concerned courtesy costs nothing.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 12 January 2016, 11:55:56 am
Most times I find guys like that are TWs, sometimes they cannot relate to women, sometimes its more specific to wgs ie. a form of disrespect. So plain rude.

When guys start off like that sometimes I just say It is normal to start off a conversation with a greeting and even a name. Then they don't know what to do with themselves.

As far as I'm concerned courtesy costs nothing.
Agreed.I use how they text or come across on the phone as part of my screening and if they bark down the phone or via text something like that without so much as a hello then they don't get an appointment.They are hardly going to be less rude in the room with us are they?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iluvcats on 12 January 2016, 11:56:25 am
I know how you feel about that DesignerWhore!! One put in his field report that I made him lie down on the bed and pissed all over him. (Yeah right I'm gonna piss all over my bed!!) Then he stood up and I sucked his cock until he came all over my face!! WTF? I wouldn't even let my other half do that never mind a complete stranger. I actually hate the white sticky stuff  ???  :FF
Then when I checked my Adultwork earlier I have a booking request for 4pm today for 4 hours for the princely sum of ?150! There was one the other day who booked 30 hours for ?70!
I don't know if it's me being totally irrational because I'm having a lot of senior moments lol, but every damn one of them are doing something to annoy me. Even small things  ::)
I think I may take January off or some guy is going to do something totally innocent and he will bear the brunt of everybody elses idiocy  :P
I wish it wasn't too early to take a wine to set me up for when I switch my phone on for all the middle of the night calls and texts lol
A wee cup of tea will have to do though.
I feel much better now I've got that off my chest but I just wish we could all have at least one single day without all the nonsence  ::) ::)

I had this yesterday! Client books for 30 hours at 70! I wasn't even working yesterday! My days & times are clear on my profile can't they read?? I was so bloody annoyed, it's as if they go out of their way to make us unhappy 😡
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Just keep swimming on 12 January 2016, 12:43:40 pm
My last text said 'can I fuck u at 7?'

Eh no!!  Manners cost nothing!! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 12 January 2016, 12:44:30 pm
guys that go round the houses when booking.Had a regular recently ask about a duo.Didn't stipulate any particular duo partner or type of lady so I organised one.He asked who with I told him..after an hour he texted and said he preferred a larger curvier lady and would I keep a lookout for a lady more like me. Now I am sorry but the ladies I offer duos with are named right there on my profile along with links to their profiles so he could have picked out of those to start with or said at the beginning the sort of lady he would like for the duo. Trying to be patient I tried again with a lady more his type only for him to say he couldn't find her profile and could he just see me tonight...this is after i have spent on and off an hour organising the bloody duo.Why can't they just be straightforward and say 'Can you organise a duo tonight with such and such from your profile?' Equally if none of the girls I offer duos with tickle their fancy I am not going to find another lady who i don't know to rope in!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 12 January 2016, 05:07:00 pm
I know how you feel about that DesignerWhore!! One put in his field report that I made him lie down on the bed and pissed all over him. (Yeah right I'm gonna piss all over my bed!!) Then he stood up and I sucked his cock until he came all over my face!! WTF? I wouldn't even let my other half do that never mind a complete stranger. I actually hate the white sticky stuff  ???  :FF
Then when I checked my Adultwork earlier I have a booking request for 4pm today for 4 hours for the princely sum of ?150! There was one the other day who booked 30 hours for ?70!
I don't know if it's me being totally irrational because I'm having a lot of senior moments lol, but every damn one of them are doing something to annoy me. Even small things  ::)
I think I may take January off or some guy is going to do something totally innocent and he will bear the brunt of everybody elses idiocy  :P
I wish it wasn't too early to take a wine to set me up for when I switch my phone on for all the middle of the night calls and texts lol
A wee cup of tea will have to do though.
I feel much better now I've got that off my chest but I just wish we could all have at least one single day without all the nonsence  ::) ::)

I had this yesterday! Client books for 30 hours at 70! I wasn't even working yesterday! My days & times are clear on my profile can't they read?? I was so bloody annoyed, it's as if they go out of their way to make us unhappy 😡

I've had this. I think they think they're putting in 30 minutes but the system doesn't work like that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 12 January 2016, 05:14:19 pm
Maybe it's just me but I get irritated when a guy texts something like "Hi, I was wondering if you're free at all today?"

I text back "Hi, sorry but I'm busy today"

And then nothing! Not even an "Ok thanks". I would at least text back a thanks, is it me or am I being narky?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hadley on 12 January 2016, 05:34:49 pm
Clients that don't understand what "at discretion" means.

I offer anal at discretion, and the amount of guys that text me and ask ahead of time can they definitely have anal in the booking is unbelievable.

I politely reply no, as this service is at discretion, so even though I may sometimes offer it cannot be guaranteed. My offering anal depends on how I feel, if I'm in the right mood, if I'm turned on enough, if I feel the client can be gentle enough. I tell them clearly when making the initial enquiry that this is a decision I make during the booking and not before. My profile also very clearly states that anal sex is at discretion.

Despite this I get endless "but will you"? and "I have 7 inches, quite thick so will you do it"? type calls. I really think that guys expect me to have one of those post office plastic things with the letterbox shaped hole in it - you know the ones they use to ascertain whether your letter will be charged in the cheaper or more expensive bracket, depending on whether or not you can squish your parcel through the gap.

They want me to say yes -  if you can stick your throbbing purple member through this bit of plastic with a hole in it, this will qualify you to fuck me in the arse.

Anyway, if I was (for example) happy to bum-fuck anyone under 6 inches I would simply say so on my profile. That's not what at discretion means. At discretion means you have the right to choose, at any time, and for any reason!!

Rant over  ;D

H xx

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 12 January 2016, 05:54:32 pm
I have that same issue with swallowing it's at discretion and some clients can be pretty demanding over it like it's a deal breaker for them and they can talk me into it with "Oh well I planned to book you for this long for this money but I don't know if you can't do that" I've turned it down during a booking and they try to push my head down on them and it ends up like "Why didn't you just swallow it?"  "I already told you no" "but why?" "I don't have to give you a reason" it really is an abstract thing most of the time I'm not saying they are dirty or I'm worried they might have something although sometimes it might be the case sometimes I'm  just not comfortable with somebody and I don't want to do some things.  A lot of clients want to do things like CIM or bukkake because they saw it in porn and it's not something I want to be doing several times a day all the time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hadley on 12 January 2016, 06:01:52 pm
The swallowing must be difficult to manage because it's easier for them to try to cross that line, isn't it x

At least with anal I have the chance to roar "Nooo" in an exorcist type voice and roll away, which usually gets the message across.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iluvcats on 12 January 2016, 06:07:18 pm
Maybe it's just me but I get irritated when a guy texts something like "Hi, I was wondering if you're free at all today?"

I text back "Hi, sorry but I'm busy today"

And then nothing! Not even an "Ok thanks". I would at least text back a thanks, is it me or am I being narky?

This ^^^ 😡😡

When clients won't/don't take no for an answer then repeatedly put bookings through so u have no choice but to reply to them (forced contact) or they take a mini tantrum & tell everyone on a well known place but add some lies to the mix all because we declined a meet with them. Poir wee scones spit their dummies out. (I can just imagine their faces bright purple with steam coming from their ears)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 12 January 2016, 06:16:50 pm
I have that same issue with swallowing it's at discretion and some clients can be pretty demanding over it like it's a deal breaker for them and they can talk me into it with "Oh well I planned to book you for this long for this money but I don't know if you can't do that" I've turned it down during a booking and they try to push my head down on them and it ends up like "Why didn't you just swallow it?"  "I already told you no" "but why?" "I don't have to give you a reason" it really is an abstract thing most of the time I'm not saying they are dirty or I'm worried they might have something although sometimes it might be the case sometimes I'm  just not comfortable with somebody and I don't want to do some things.  A lot of clients want to do things like CIM or bukkake because they saw it in porn and it's not something I want to be doing several times a day all the time.
I always say if its a deal breaker then book someone who doesn't have at discretion next to it.Whether I swallow or not depends on the consistency,taste and amount and that isn't something I'll decide on until he has cimed.To be honest most of them don't give a shit what you do with it once they have popped,the blokes that demand it are usually the pushy dominant types.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 12 January 2016, 06:18:54 pm
Maybe it's just me but I get irritated when a guy texts something like "Hi, I was wondering if you're free at all today?"

I text back "Hi, sorry but I'm busy today"

And then nothing! Not even an "Ok thanks". I would at least text back a thanks, is it me or am I being narky?

This ^^^ 😡😡

When clients won't/don't take no for an answer then repeatedly put bookings through so u have no choice but to reply to them (forced contact) or they take a mini tantrum & tell everyone on a well known place but add some lies to the mix all because we declined a meet with them. Poir wee scones spit their dummies out. (I can just imagine their faces bright purple with steam coming from their ears)
I just block anyone who keeps putting unannouced and unwanted booking requests through.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iluvcats on 12 January 2016, 06:27:32 pm
Maybe it's just me but I get irritated when a guy texts something like "Hi, I was wondering if you're free at all today?"

I text back "Hi, sorry but I'm busy today"

And then nothing! Not even an "Ok thanks". I would at least text back a thanks, is it me or am I being narky?

This ^^^ 😡😡

When clients won't/don't take no for an answer then repeatedly put bookings through so u have no choice but to reply to them (forced contact) or they take a mini tantrum & tell everyone on a well known place but add some lies to the mix all because we declined a meet with them. Poir wee scones spit their dummies out. (I can just imagine their faces bright purple with steam coming from their ears)
I just block anyone who keeps putting unannouced and unwanted booking requests through.

This is already blocked members doing this, they can still put bookings through & leave feedback only if they're blocked.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 12 January 2016, 06:36:10 pm
I block my whole calendar as unavailable and put a note on my profile to disregard the AW calendar and also the hours I'm available..

Thus no one can bung thro an unwanted booking & potentially leave nasty 'FB only' comments. This is because exactly this happened to me 18 months ago after I refused a booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iluvcats on 12 January 2016, 06:42:59 pm
I block my whole calendar as unavailable and put a note on my profile to disregard the AW calendar and also the hours I'm available..

Thus no one can bung thro an unwanted booking & potentially leave nasty 'FB only' comments. This is because exactly this happened to me 18 months ago after I refused a booking.

I've tried that too but still having blocked clients putting bookings through & leaving fake feedback :-(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 12 January 2016, 08:04:51 pm
I block my whole calendar as unavailable and put a note on my profile to disregard the AW calendar and also the hours I'm available..

Thus no one can bung thro an unwanted booking & potentially leave nasty 'FB only' comments. This is because exactly this happened to me 18 months ago after I refused a booking.

I've tried that too but still having blocked clients putting bookings through & leaving fake feedback :-(
I block mine too but some clients know how to override the booking form, x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 12 January 2016, 10:18:40 pm
Clients that don't understand what "at discretion" means.

I offer anal at discretion, and the amount of guys that text me and ask ahead of time can they definitely have anal in the booking is unbelievable.

I politely reply no, as this service is at discretion, so even though I may sometimes offer it cannot be guaranteed. My offering anal depends on how I feel, if I'm in the right mood, if I'm turned on enough, if I feel the client can be gentle enough. I tell them clearly when making the initial enquiry that this is a decision I make during the booking and not before. My profile also very clearly states that anal sex is at discretion.

Despite this I get endless "but will you"? and "I have 7 inches, quite thick so will you do it"? type calls. I really think that guys expect me to have one of those post office plastic things with the letterbox shaped hole in it - you know the ones they use to ascertain whether your letter will be charged in the cheaper or more expensive bracket, depending on whether or not you can squish your parcel through the gap.

They want me to say yes -  if you can stick your throbbing purple member through this bit of plastic with a hole in it, this will qualify you to fuck me in the arse.

Anyway, if I was (for example) happy to bum-fuck anyone under 6 inches I would simply say so on my profile. That's not what at discretion means. At discretion means you have the right to choose, at any time, and for any reason!!

Rant over  ;D

H xx

The guys who say they're 7 inches or whatever are timewasters. I have never had a guy show up after giving me the measurement. Doesn't matter if they say it's 3 inches or 10. He's not showing up.

However, I did once have a guy inquire about my "anal at discretion." I told him that it came down to his size, circumference, and how gentle he seemed. He just said, "Oh, there won't be a problem."

Sure enough, guy had a tiny dick. But he didn't press the issue or give me a size one way or the other.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 12 January 2016, 10:21:21 pm
The swallowing must be difficult to manage because it's easier for them to try to cross that line, isn't it x

At least with anal I have the chance to roar "Nooo" in an exorcist type voice and roll away, which usually gets the message across.


If you do CIM then they can't make you swallow. The trick is to give really sloppy blowjobs with lots of spit. The cum is just dribbled out and added to the spit running down their balls.

When they warn me they're coming I will tilt my head so that the cum hits the roof of my mouth more than the back of my throat and open my lips a bit (I use my tongue a lot). I rarely even taste the stuff and it doesn't stay in my mouth very long at all.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iluvcats on 14 January 2016, 10:03:08 pm
It annoys me when they deliberately intend to overstay their time to get free extras.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 14 January 2016, 11:30:36 pm
Maybe it's just me but I get irritated when a guy texts something like "Hi, I was wondering if you're free at all today?"

I text back "Hi, sorry but I'm busy today"

And then nothing! Not even an "Ok thanks". I would at least text back a thanks, is it me or am I being narky?

No it's not just you nia. It irritates me as well hence why I have just stopped replying to them now. They are normally the ones that sends vague messages and are often very polite as well. e.g. "Hi, are you free at all today or are you free next week? Thanks Jack" etc. Then you have to reply with yes I am free at so and so time on so and so date, then they don't respond. Now, if they don't email me with a date, time, duration and location I ignore.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 14 January 2016, 11:58:32 pm
Maybe it's just me but I get irritated when a guy texts something like "Hi, I was wondering if you're free at all today?"

I text back "Hi, sorry but I'm busy today"

And then nothing! Not even an "Ok thanks". I would at least text back a thanks, is it me or am I being narky?

No it's not just you nia. It irritates me as well hence why I have just stopped replying to them now. They are normally the ones that sends vague messages and are often very polite as well. e.g. "Hi, are you free at all today or are you free next week? Thanks Jack" etc. Then you have to reply with yes I am free at so and so time on so and so date, then they don't respond. Now, if they don't email me with a date, time, duration and location I ignore.

Same here I just ignore stupidity.  Even worse "Are you around this week?" The last one who did this ( a client who has been many times before too but sometimes decides to behave like a complete idiot!!)  texted that I replied "Why?" He then gave an actual day and time he was thinking of, booking was made then "what will you be wearing?" Me: Whatever you want me to" (yawns) so he then asks for what he would like me to wear, I tell him yes and to confirm that morning,  then he decides he wants the day before with one hours notice, I happen to be available the day before at short notice so he then texts to say he has arrived ...Half a fucking hour early!!!

I see his text 10 minutes before he's due, after rushing around finding the requested clothing, so I then put kettle on, have a cig out my balcony and text him dead on 12 to say, "I'm ready now"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 19 January 2016, 04:18:37 pm
 :FF the guys that spend ages on the phone politely I must say, asking about your services etc being very exact about what they want and don't want then tell you they want a 15 minute booking! Jesus Christ just arrive and fuck me, cum then leave! Simple, it's 15 minutes x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 20 January 2016, 11:56:58 pm
:FF the guys that spend ages on the phone politely I must say, asking about your services etc being very exact about what they want and don't want then tell you they want a 15 minute booking! Jesus Christ just arrive and fuck me, cum then leave! Simple, it's 15 minutes x

Just one of the many reasons why I don't offer 15 minute bookings, too many tight stupid idiots.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 24 January 2016, 04:19:32 pm
Guys who freak out over the curtains/blinds being open even a crack. Even if you're on a high floor and the only way someone could see in your window would be with a high-powered telescope from the top of that church tower a mile away....

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 24 January 2016, 07:40:06 pm
Guys who freak out over the curtains/blinds being open even a crack. Even if you're on a high floor and the only way someone could see in your window would be with a high-powered telescope from the top of that church tower a mile away....
Yes I have that.Curtain open like half an inch at the bottom on a 3rd floor window.I asked who he thought might be able to see given there was also a net curtain.Spiderman?!?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 24 January 2016, 08:33:23 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 25 January 2016, 02:42:52 pm
Maybe it's just me but I get irritated when a guy texts something like "Hi, I was wondering if you're free at all today?"

I text back "Hi, sorry but I'm busy today"

And then nothing! Not even an "Ok thanks". I would at least text back a thanks, is it me or am I being narky?

This client who I have seen several times in the past is notorious for doing stuff like this. He is also quite vague like "when are you free?" I only respond because I have seen him several times before and he seems quite normal. But when I respond he usually ignores it if it's a time that doesn't suit him or ignore it if I say i am not working. I then started to ignore him when he asks if I am free at so and so time blah blah. Just recently, he messaged again asking if I was working today? Knowing how he doesn't reply I still thought I give benefit of the doubt as I am much calmer now and it's quiet. I said yes, please let me know what time, he said 3pm I explained that I can see him at 3:15 and if this is not ok to let me know. did he respond? No. I then told him off (sorry I was just pissed) and he then apologized and said he got busy (understandable) he then asked when next i'm working. (still vague, I mean if you want to make a booking another day just say it no?) At this point I am just fedup with texting back and forth so just thought "forget it" It shouldn't be this long and complicated to make a booking. BLOCKED! Am I being a bit ott?

Also, I'm starting to think that men text "are you working" Only for you to respond so they can ignore it. I think they get a kick out of it maybe? I have a friend who have received "are you working" text from the same number several times and whenever she responded he ignores it. Starting to think it has nothing to do with them being busy now.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 25 January 2016, 04:11:59 pm
I think the real answer is that they message a few different numbers and then pick out of who responds,sort of like a working girl raffle.Also I think that sometimes they sew who is around for a plan b.Pisses me off and if I get the same text/message more than twice and no booking on the 3rd occaision I write back something along the lines of 'Does it matter?You have asked me this several times before but on each occaision you have failed to reply let alone book me.I won't be responding again' and block.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 26 January 2016, 01:03:15 pm
*Ask idiotic/invasive questions.

Had a reg ask me if my child was a work accident WTF?!

And another reg asked for a booking to which I reminded him I don't work weekends due to having the little one and was asked can he come round when the little one is asleep. 

* Not move the fuck on. An ex client/stalker I posted about over 16 months ago is STILL at it, trying with different numbers/aw accounts.

 :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 26 January 2016, 01:37:27 pm
*Ask idiotic/invasive questions.

Had a reg ask me if my child was a work accident WTF?!

And another reg asked for a booking to which I reminded him I don't work weekends due to having the little one and was asked can he come round when the little one is asleep. 

* Not move the fuck on. An ex client/stalker I posted about over 16 months ago is STILL at it, trying with different numbers/aw accounts.

 :FF :FF :FF
That's not just idiotic it's a revolting and quite insulting question.I think I would avoid even mentioning that you have a child.I think it gives blokes like this a segueway into asking nosy questions about your life.If you aren't available just say you already have plans end of story.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 26 January 2016, 02:01:23 pm
I'd probably lose my composure if someone asked me a question like that. I'd likely say, "It's a good thing you're able to pay for sex, because your understanding of women, sex, and just human beings in general is so fucked up that I don't think a proper relationship is something you can do."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 26 January 2016, 05:25:10 pm
That's not just idiotic it's a revolting and quite insulting question.I think I would avoid even mentioning that you have a child.I think it gives blokes like this a segueway into asking nosy questions about your life.If you aren't available just say you already have plans end of story.

I'd probably lose my composure if someone asked me a question like that. I'd likely say, "It's a good thing you're able to pay for sex, because your understanding of women, sex, and just human beings in general is so fucked up that I don't think a proper relationship is something you can do."

It's obvious I have a little one due to baby pictures/toys etc that are on the way to the work bedroom. No idea how I didn't slap him in the face when he asked me that.

And now I have a regular who has done some appointments with me and my real life Dom asking if him part owning me is up for discussion. No, you can't get freebies that way and if that isn't the aim, you still can't part own me! Is this just the week for usually decent respectable regulars turning into toal dickheads?!  :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 26 January 2016, 06:15:04 pm
I think I would be inclined to maybe move the personal pics toys etc out of the way when a client is due.When I worked from home I made the mistake of leaving a personal letter on a coffee table and a client got my real name from it.I don't think I would want one seeing pics of my kids etc into the bargain.
They do ask some silly inappropriatw questions though.Just had one now actually while shagging me ask if he could double check that I don't offer unprotected sex as he is really scared of getting stis..felt like saying yeah I do with my bf and to be honest alot of wgs will have sex at least with partners without condoms..he then went on to quiz me mid shag how long I had lived in my flat.He looked quite perplexed when I said I don't live here.Why they feel the need to conduct a conversation in the middle of sex or a bj is beyond me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 26 January 2016, 08:31:40 pm
"Part owning?"

Is that like a time share?

If a client asks me directly about my children (it's obvious that I have given birth) I may say something like, "Oh, let's not get personal." The most intrusive guy, who really got on my nerves, I just said, "Oooh... I'm not sure it's appropriate to discuss children in a sexual context" with my eyebrows arched. Made him feel like a pedo for even asking. Cunt.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 27 January 2016, 02:29:42 pm
Book for 1pm. Text me at 12:30 saying he's stuck in traffic so can we rearrange for 2:30pm. Then at 2:25pm text me saying he's stuck at work.

Even if that were true, he would've known he was stuck at work way before 5 minutes before his booking. People like this get on my nerves.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 27 January 2016, 06:27:29 pm
Guys who only want to spend out enough for your special offer, but then ask you if x y and z from your full service price is available in the special offer. No, that's why it's a special offer. What's the point of me charging ?20 less than my official prices, just to do the same as I would if you'd paid for a full service  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nora batty on 27 January 2016, 06:55:12 pm
"Part owning?"

Is that like a time share?

If a client asks me directly about my children (it's obvious that I have given birth) I may say something like, "Oh, let's not get personal." The most intrusive guy, who really got on my nerves, I just said, "Oooh... I'm not sure it's appropriate to discuss children in a sexual context" with my eyebrows arched. Made him feel like a pedo for even asking. Cunt.

You are far more polite than me lol.  One guy asked me where my daughter worked as I am such a stunner he would love to meet the younger version but in a much sleazy way.  This too was mid shag.  I rarely lose my temper or show any kind of negative emotions to clients, but this one was thrown out half dressed.  Had to cancel my following client as didn't want him to have a half arsed service as I was in a foul mood.

I never discuss my family or theirs.  If they bring it up I usually deflect it and change subject instantly.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 27 January 2016, 08:24:12 pm
"Part owning?"

Is that like a time share?

If a client asks me directly about my children (it's obvious that I have given birth) I may say something like, "Oh, let's not get personal." The most intrusive guy, who really got on my nerves, I just said, "Oooh... I'm not sure it's appropriate to discuss children in a sexual context" with my eyebrows arched. Made him feel like a pedo for even asking. Cunt.

You are far more polite than me lol.  One guy asked me where my daughter worked as I am such a stunner he would love to meet the younger version but in a much sleazy way.  This too was mid shag.  I rarely lose my temper or show any kind of negative emotions to clients, but this one was thrown out half dressed.  Had to cancel my following client as didn't want him to have a half arsed service as I was in a foul mood.

I never discuss my family or theirs.  If they bring it up I usually deflect it and change subject instantly.
That's sick! I had a client ask if my mum was fit because he thought I was and was looking for a "Lady friend" he left early too!

Also it really winds me up when they are done, showered, dressed ready to leave and they sit on the fucking bed and carry on chatting on about shit I'm not interested in, I give clients their full time paid for, showers are in my time and most respect this, I start tidying up etc and they still sit there  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 27 January 2016, 09:00:35 pm

Also it really winds me up when they are done, showered, dressed ready to leave and they sit on the fucking bed and carry on chatting on about shit I'm not interested in, I give clients their full time paid for, showers are in my time and most respect this, I start tidying up etc and they still sit there  :FF

Completely this. Had a guy earlier book thirty minutes, got there and wanted an hour but didn't have enough with him. Then 35 minutes later and already 5 minutes over the time he paid for, he sat on the end of the bed and proceeded to ignore all hints that I wanted him to leave. Including me standing near the door and telling him to have a safe trip home. 45 minutes into a 30 minute booking he's still talking about how joy is quiet and rubbing his fingers together to get his point across and asking me if I could feel what he was talking about as he explained how joy felt. I was just like To which he said at least you're honest, stood and took the hint to leave.

I think he's autistic. I've seen him before and took a hell of a time to get him to leave then as well
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 27 January 2016, 09:26:33 pm

Also it really winds me up when they are done, showered, dressed ready to leave and they sit on the fucking bed and carry on chatting on about shit I'm not interested in, I give clients their full time paid for, showers are in my time and most respect this, I start tidying up etc and they still sit there  :FF

Completely this. Had a guy earlier book thirty minutes, got there and wanted an hour but didn't have enough with him. Then 35 minutes later and already 5 minutes over the time he paid for, he sat on the end of the bed and proceeded to ignore all hints that I wanted him to leave. Including me standing near the door and telling him to have a safe trip home. 45 minutes into a 30 minute booking he's still talking about how joy is quiet and rubbing his fingers together to get his point across and asking me if I could feel what he was talking about as he explained how joy felt. I was just like To which he said at least you're honest, stood and took the hint to leave.

I think he's autistic. I've seen him before and took a hell of a time to get him to leave then as well
I even stand by the bloody door Roxy! Had a guy today telling me his life story and how his wife has stood by him and he owes her so much, nice way to show his gratitude the poor cow! X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 27 January 2016, 09:33:33 pm
I am pretty strict at getting guys out of the door, it gets the point where I just don't care!

One thing I find annoying is the guys who take forever to get dressed.  The ones who take one item of clothes, stand there holding it, talk for a bit then finally put it on. Then repeat the process with all their items of clothing!

It can end up with me literally shoving them out the door!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 27 January 2016, 09:38:39 pm
I am pretty strict at getting guys out of the door, it gets the point where I just don't care!

One thing I find annoying is the guys who take forever to get dressed.  The ones who take one item of clothes, stand there holding it, talk for a bit then finally put it on. Then repeat the process with all their items of clothing!

It can end up with me literally shoving them out the door!
If like today I had only half hour between clients I tell them straight that I'm in a rush, if they're regular big spenders I allow more time for small talk, I had to wash part of my hair too as one guy cum in it! Would take ages to wash the lot x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 27 January 2016, 10:04:48 pm
I am pretty strict at getting guys out of the door, it gets the point where I just don't care!

One thing I find annoying is the guys who take forever to get dressed.  The ones who take one item of clothes, stand there holding it, talk for a bit then finally put it on. Then repeat the process with all their items of clothing!

It can end up with me literally shoving them out the door!
That's why I put my robe on and leave the room when I see them start to put their clothes on. I just say excuse me 1 sec. Then wait till I hear them opening the door to come out and rush back in and say thanks for coming. I can't do this when touring though, as I stay in hotels. One time it was sooo bad, the man just kept on talking and talking. I tried to think of something so I can leave the room. even thought of having a shower but as I don't trust them, I don't want to leave them in the room by themselves as all my belongings are in there. Now to give him a hint that I want him out asap, I said to him "I want to have a shower but i will wait till you leave as I take too long, he turned around and said, "oh it's ok I'll wait" I said, you know what never mind. I ended up going in the bathroom and washing the hotel mugs, glasses, spoons and kettle to avoid talking to him so he can get dressed quicker and just GET OUT! Sometimes I just want to go and sit on the toilet. He is the same client that kept on coming up behind me and holding on to me when I was looking out the window as he was getting dressed hoping he wouldn't talk to me. Like the man literally stopped getting dressed and held on to me like that scene from titanic. It took all the energy I had to maintain a smile but inside I was literally fuming. It is really frustrating. You must think I like you or something  ::) This is why I can never work in a studio flat. There is no where to run to when they start chatting about shit I don't give a damn about. JUST LEAVE FFS :FF Why don't they want to leave? Can someone please just answer me that?  Whatever happened to "you don't pay the prostitute for the sex, you pay her to leave" This is clearly not the case so they need to stop frontin
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 27 January 2016, 10:18:31 pm
hahaha this has made me laugh a lot. Poor buggers!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 27 January 2016, 11:06:09 pm
I am pretty strict at getting guys out of the door, it gets the point where I just don't care!

One thing I find annoying is the guys who take forever to get dressed.  The ones who take one item of clothes, stand there holding it, talk for a bit then finally put it on. Then repeat the process with all their items of clothing!

It can end up with me literally shoving them out the door!
If like today I had only half hour between clients I tell them straight that I'm in a rush, if they're regular big spenders I allow more time for small talk, I had to wash part of my hair too as one guy cum in it! Would take ages to wash the lot x

I will give them a sheepish smile and say "I'm sorry if I seem impatient... I really need to use the toilet!"

Sometimes I will say "I really gotta poo"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: littleminxjennifer on 28 January 2016, 01:53:18 pm
slobber and show up with scraggy nails.  hate the slug tongue brigade and just had one.  let him give me head for half an hour and didn't stop him... anything not to have that slug in my mouth again urgghhhh
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 28 January 2016, 04:50:29 pm
Book you when you've told them they're not welcome the tossers. Forgot to block someone & he turns up just as I realise who he is. "let me apologise face to face"  "my punishment can be to lick your feet" arrogant SOB.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 28 January 2016, 05:31:10 pm
I always send my address minus the door number and state quite clearly to call me when outside. More often than not they text saying 'outside what's the number'. Why do they not know the difference between ringing and texting? I want to make sure they're actually bloody there. Then when they do ring they aren't there yet anyway. Annoying
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 28 January 2016, 05:47:48 pm
"Part owning?"

Is that like a time share?

If a client asks me directly about my children (it's obvious that I have given birth) I may say something like, "Oh, let's not get personal." The most intrusive guy, who really got on my nerves, I just said, "Oooh... I'm not sure it's appropriate to discuss children in a sexual context" with my eyebrows arched. Made him feel like a pedo for even asking. Cunt.

I have no idea what he means by it and don't care either. Why he thinks I'd be willing to discuss him 'part owning' me when I'm actually friends and emotionally and romantically involved with my actual dom is beyond me!

The most I ever say about my child is yes I have a little one, I don't state anything else not even gender or age, I just don't see why they have to ask anything at all?!

Another thing that annoys me is them becoming too attached, it's getting very close to ditching a reg I see twice a week without fail because of this.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 28 January 2016, 06:39:34 pm
It annoys me when they put their phone number in an email for me to ring them, my numbers on my profile, ring me! I had one guy text me with that message that says "This person has no credit, call them back" or something along those lines cheeky bugger!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 28 January 2016, 10:07:18 pm
I always send my address minus the door number and state quite clearly to call me when outside. More often than not they text saying 'outside what's the number'. Why do they not know the difference between ringing and texting? I want to make sure they're actually bloody there. Then when they do ring they aren't there yet anyway. Annoying

I've had this several times. I usually just ignore the text till they get tired of waiting and call.  ::) Calling is soo much quicker anyway.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 29 January 2016, 11:21:16 am
It really annoys me when they don't tell you that they want a role play/domination/uniforms/etc until they're there. Please, please, give us some warning. I have no problem doing any of these, but just let me know what im psyching myself up to do. Don't let me think it's going to be a normal gfe, just to have you come in and want me to act like a dominatrix. It doesn't effect the service, but I only do this part time and it throws me off my game, slightly :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 07 February 2016, 03:29:45 pm
Massive pet peeve of mines is when they doesnt even greet you in a text or email.

No good morning or hello but quite happy to request to swallow there spunk.

it annoys me to the point that if they dont at least say hi (its two letters its cant take that long to type) It will put me off seeing them altogether

when I get a call saying "are you available" I say "I don't know yet I might be" him "oh whys that then" me " well most people call and say "hello my names so and so and I wondered if you might be free at all today " they usually apologise and start again or if they're a total non verbal communicater, I just let them waffle and say actually no I'm busy !......or I say nicely but firmly "WOW, that's the nicest 'hello'I've had today !!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 07 February 2016, 04:03:47 pm
Sorry if this has been covered read loads but the threads so long ....when they turn up and look like the just shaved with dry bic in the car ....I just think oooouch I hope your not a 'goer' makes me so sore plus the stubbly ones 'porn star stubbly knobs' mind you not into the 'Jackson five' nuts either had a gorgeous really tall good looking guy with alopecia I hadn't noticed just thought he had a close crop but he said it was Alopecia Areata so none anywhere but he was really fit !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 07 February 2016, 07:38:16 pm
Massive pet peeve of mines is when they doesnt even greet you in a text or email.

No good morning or hello but quite happy to request to swallow there spunk.

it annoys me to the point that if they dont at least say hi (its two letters its cant take that long to type) It will put me off seeing them altogether

when I get a call saying "are you available" I say "I don't know yet I might be" him "oh whys that then" me " well most people call and say "hello my names so and so and I wondered if you might be free at all today " they usually apologise and start again or if they're a total non verbal communicater, I just let them waffle and say actually no I'm busy !......or I say nicely but firmly "WOW, that's the nicest 'hello'I've had today !!!

It is ignorant and I wouldn't see a man like that, we should boycott them :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: The_Lynx on 07 February 2016, 09:08:37 pm
Am I really the only person who doesn't much care about the "hellos"? o.O
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 07 February 2016, 09:22:49 pm
I truly believe the men who don't have the decency to greet you in a polite, human manner are doing that for a reason....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 07 February 2016, 09:50:05 pm
Me too I think it says a lot about the attitude myself , mind you it is the tone too...I'm like it in my normal day to day life to I wouldn't call anyone without some kind of greeting
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lovely-laura on 10 February 2016, 04:00:31 pm
When they spend 30Min's going down on you (badly)

then come up and comment on how wet you are..........of course I'm wet you have just spent the best part of half an hour drooling on my nether regions :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: trashbaby on 10 February 2016, 04:06:25 pm
When they spend 30Min's going down on you (badly)

then come up and comment on how wet you are..........of course I'm wet you have just spent the best part of half an hour drooling on my nether regions :FF :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 10 February 2016, 04:15:20 pm
Whilst I really enjoy being fingered when its done right, lately some have been poking me in the completely wrong direction, pressing hard on my clit, or worse on my urethra opening with sharp nails..  :o  I gently move their hand, say 'ouch its tender down there' or just move out the way, but sometimes the damage has already been done by then. I had a real sore vagina and felt like a bit of a water infection the past few days, feels better now but annoying at the time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 10 February 2016, 06:18:58 pm
Whilst I really enjoy being fingered when its done right, lately some have been poking me in the completely wrong direction, pressing hard on my clit, or worse on my urethra opening with sharp nails..  :o  I gently move their hand, say 'ouch its tender down there' or just move out the way, but sometimes the damage has already been done by then. I had a real sore vagina and felt like a bit of a water infection the past few days, feels better now but annoying at the time.
I had one last week asking me to tell him how to do it so I told him slow down, don't press so hard. Of course he listened for about a minute before going back to his speedy jabbing and wondering why I wasn't reacting the way he expected!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iluvcats on 10 February 2016, 06:45:34 pm
Whilst I really enjoy being fingered when its done right, lately some have been poking me in the completely wrong direction, pressing hard on my clit, or worse on my urethra opening with sharp nails..  :o  I gently move their hand, say 'ouch its tender down there' or just move out the way, but sometimes the damage has already been done by then. I had a real sore vagina and felt like a bit of a water infection the past few days, feels better now but annoying at the time.

Why do their wives/ girlfriends etc not teach these blokes how to touch a woman properly? It's so frustrating (as well as painful)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 10 February 2016, 08:32:55 pm
When they spend 30Min's going down on you (badly)

then come up and comment on how wet you are..........of course I'm wet you have just spent the best part of half an hour drooling on my nether regions :FF :FF

I had a guy do this today, "Oh you're so wet" yes it's not because I'm enjoying it though! I do a really good fake cum though to make them feel good about themselves,
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 10 February 2016, 08:37:38 pm
I bought a jelly vibrator and I invite them to use it on me. They love to poke *something* in me while I'm giving oral and the jelly feels very comfortable. Better than grubby fingers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 10 February 2016, 08:47:04 pm
I don't mind them using fingers if they know what they're doing, I make sure their hands are washed and squirt hand sanitiser on their hands before, a few times they haven't rubbed it in properly and it bloody stings!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nova on 11 February 2016, 02:17:28 pm
I had one last week asking me to tell him how to do it so I told him slow down, don't press so hard. Of course he listened for about a minute before going back to his speedy jabbing and wondering why I wasn't reacting the way he expected!

Why is it that if what they're doing isn't provoking the desired reaction, the general response is to go faster and harder - never slower and softer?! Because what woman doesn't love being poked sharply and repeatedly in the vag?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 11 February 2016, 02:26:36 pm
Yeh I think it's a sense of desperation....

I just can't tolerate guys jabbing away at me I find it really painful and much worse if they've got sharp nails. I always always tell them to be more gentle, I have no compunction about doing that! And I will also distract them by saying oooh but it was so nice when you did XYZ......
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lulu7 on 11 February 2016, 03:43:45 pm
Ah I've had this!

I had a super nice client.  in his 50-0's client who use to do the finger poking, hard rubbing fingering thing. I used to always give him priority to book as no sex was involved (and I thought therefore it must be an easier booking)  but the painful fingering and clitoris rubbing actually used to be ten times more stressful than being pounded. No matter how much I told him to go slower/be gentler he never did.

He also had the tiniest penis and i had never given him oral before until our second to last booking and he stuck it in my mouth and it stank! The smell of it somehow transferred onto my hair and I couldn't get the smell out of my nose for hours. He then came to see me again and I couldn't face the thought of touching him let alone his penis and I was tired of the hard fingering and it really must have showed because he emailed me saying I seemed disinterested. I felt terrible but i had no idea how i was going to tell him that his penis stank and he was physically hurting me.  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 11 February 2016, 04:41:55 pm
Saying "your penis stank and you physically hurt me" would be ideal but who knows if it would do any good.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Evergreen85 on 13 February 2016, 04:21:18 am
So far, the most annoying stuff i've come across:

-pushing bareback, anal etc when they know perfectly well i do NOT do that. What on earth makes them think I'll change my mind?? What??

-trying to rub their bare dicks on my fanny, and when i tell them off they make this hurt little baby's face and say 'but i'm not putting it in'

-being drunk/high on drugs. Why the hell would they hire an escort when they know perfectly well they're too drunk/high to even get it up, let alone cum?? One such charmer kept trying to put his limp shrimp in me, and when it wouldn't work (pushing rope...yeah good luck with that) he'd act surprised and say 'why wouldn't it go in?hmmm that's strange'.and try again.and again.and again.

Another genius booked me for an outcall; I got to his hotel and he was so drunk he couldn't even stand up. It then turned out he didn't have cash, so he offered me his credit card. I really wanted to ask him where should i swipe that, between my butt cheeks?..he then managed to find half the fee, I cancelled and as I was leaving he threw up all over the floor.

-Slobbering all over my face.i can barely keep myself from recoiling.

-putting tongue/finger in my ear.instant berserk rage!!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluelady on 13 February 2016, 11:31:21 am
Online messages saying "are you available now?" I suspect they send these multiple escorts and then go see whoever responds quickest. Luckily I'm busy enough that I can afford not to sit in front of my computer 24/7 waiting for these.
Yes I don't respond to those emails, or another thing I hate is when you text them after a missed call and they ask "Which one are you?" I am under no illusion that I'm their one and only but I'd style it out a bit! X

That happens quite a lot, I reckon they maybe call 5 or 6 and whoever answers back quickest gets the gig. Emails I dont really answer especially if I've got my number showing, why would you want to send me an email
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 13 February 2016, 01:12:59 pm
Online messages saying "are you available now?" I suspect they send these multiple escorts and then go see whoever responds quickest. Luckily I'm busy enough that I can afford not to sit in front of my computer 24/7 waiting for these.
Yes I don't respond to those emails, or another thing I hate is when you text them after a missed call and they ask "Which one are you?" I am under no illusion that I'm their one and only but I'd style it out a bit! X

That happens quite a lot, I reckon they maybe call 5 or 6 and whoever answers back quickest gets the gig. Emails I dont really answer especially if I've got my number showing, why would you want to send me an email

Because they are thick bluelady. I have had emails requesting same day bookings. And it's always some ridiculous timing like they send an email at 3 for an appointment at 4? isn't not just better to call you idiot? I cannot stand the ones that hate calling. Soon as you ask them to call they run and hide like little kids. I no longer ask them to call. I just ignore. They say they are shy. Oh ok, so your shy to talk to me on the phone for 10 seconds but not shy to come to my flat alone, get butt naked and fuck. Oh ok. I do a littleminxjennifer on them. Aaaaaaaaaaand delete. Another thing i hate is OKD. Obsessive Kissing Disorder. I don't mind kissing/ how else would I start the booking? By just going straight for their cocks? The problem is when they just don't want to stop, it's just kiss kiss none stop and it's hard especially with the older ones, or the smelly mouth ones or the slimey tongue ones. I had a booking just now and he honestly couldn't cum unless i was kissing him. It just gets too much. Now I just move my face away and don't care. Thing is they still don't get the hint. either that or they just don't care. Needless to say I would continue to move my face away. But why do they do this? Like being so obsessed with putting their tongues in your mouth? and it becomes like an animalistic obsession and sometimes they grunt whilst they open up their mouth as wide as they can to swallow your face. Like literally grunt.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 13 February 2016, 01:15:38 pm
Whilst I really enjoy being fingered when its done right, lately some have been poking me in the completely wrong direction, pressing hard on my clit, or worse on my urethra opening with sharp nails..  :o  I gently move their hand, say 'ouch its tender down there' or just move out the way, but sometimes the damage has already been done by then. I had a real sore vagina and felt like a bit of a water infection the past few days, feels better now but annoying at the time.
I had one last week asking me to tell him how to do it so I told him slow down, don't press so hard. Of course he listened for about a minute before going back to his speedy jabbing and wondering why I wasn't reacting the way he expected!

I think because they've never got it right they probably can't tell the difference between an 'arghh' and an 'ooooh'  ;)

I'm gonna be a bit more careful next time I let a random guy loose on my bits! I can pinpoint it down to which one it was with the sharp nails, you can shag all day and not get sore then it only takes one to be careless and it can be sore for days  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 13 February 2016, 06:03:26 pm
The older guys in their late 60 really piss me off because they don't know anything about sti's etc & have never been tested. Had one yesterday who sees up to 5 escorts a month, insists on giving oral & has a manky mouth as it is (brown teeth), said he "can't go to a clinic" & "too scared" to tell his GP what he does & ask for oral swabs there ffsake  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jenny 2 on 13 February 2016, 06:58:31 pm
The older guys in their late 60 really piss me off because they don't know anything about sti's etc & have never been tested. Had one yesterday who sees up to 5 escorts a month, insists on giving oral & has a manky mouth as it is (brown teeth), said he "can't go to a clinic" & "too scared" to tell his GP what he does & ask for oral swabs there ffsake  :-\

Agree and some of them have an arrogance that drives me nuts............. One insisted on trying to spank me when I said clearly many many times in the booking that I don't like it nor want it......... another also tried to shove fresh cream up my bits until I pointed out that nothing goes up there or it will cause me problems............. whilst I do have a lot of oldies that are lovely and respectful there are some who think they know it all and think they can make demands because they are paying us! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 13 February 2016, 09:10:05 pm

Another thing i hate is OKD. Obsessive Kissing Disorder.

Brilliant. Some have OLDB too (Obsessive licking down below Disorder). On both counts...kissing and licking...I just think to myself the whole time, WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY GETTING OUT OF THIS. Lick lick lick...'just wait, this will soon be over and the relief will be longer lasting than the trauma' (my subconscious)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 13 February 2016, 10:56:20 pm
The ones that nibble your clit
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 13 February 2016, 10:59:17 pm
Or try and suck it off like it's a ready salted peanut ! Ooh ouch
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iluvcats on 14 February 2016, 12:26:29 am
It annoys me when they lick my face  ??? Why do they do this?!?!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 14 February 2016, 01:29:25 pm
It annoys me when they lick my face  ??? Why do they do this?!?!  :FF

Dogs do this as a greeting.

Say no more.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iluvcats on 14 February 2016, 06:09:18 pm
They are disgusting lol  ???

Another thing that really annoys me is when they write reviews saying "not a clockwatcher as we went over time" so are they saying that if they get the time that they book & pay for no more, no less then we arw clockwatchers?! To me this statement says a girl is a clockwatcher if they don't give a client any free time. This is a very unfair statement to make imo
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 14 February 2016, 06:13:57 pm
They are disgusting lol  ???

Another thing that really annoys me is when they write reviews saying "not a clockwatcher as we went over time" so are they saying that if they get the time that they book & pay for no more, no less then we arw clockwatchers?! To me this statement says a girl is a clockwatcher if they don't give a client any free time. This is a very unfair statement to make imo

Cat Woman...didn't you know? You're supposed to give every client an extra half hour for every hour they spend with you.

Just in case you damage their ego by reminding them they are not your boyfriend.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iluvcats on 14 February 2016, 06:28:03 pm
They are disgusting lol  ???

Another thing that really annoys me is when they write reviews saying "not a clockwatcher as we went over time" so are they saying that if they get the time that they book & pay for no more, no less then we arw clockwatchers?! To me this statement says a girl is a clockwatcher if they don't give a client any free time. This is a very unfair statement to make imo

Cat Woman...didn't you know? You're supposed to give every client an extra half hour for every hour they spend with you.

Just in case you damage their ego by reminding them they are not your boyfriend.


Yeah they seem to think this way don't they? We're not charities, we're running a business & like every business self employed, time is money. I think the term "clockwatcher" is bloody ridiculous considering dentists, lawyers, doctors etc all have to keep an eye on time at some point lol some punters just take the utter pish out of our time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 14 February 2016, 06:29:28 pm
Yes but it's all about the MALE EGO and that must be protected at all costs Pussycat.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 14 February 2016, 06:32:13 pm
Online messages saying "are you available now?" I suspect they send these multiple escorts and then go see whoever responds quickest. Luckily I'm busy enough that I can afford not to sit in front of my computer 24/7 waiting for these.
Yes I don't respond to those emails, or another thing I hate is when you text them after a missed call and they ask "Which one are you?" I am under no illusion that I'm their one and only but I'd style it out a bit! X

That happens quite a lot, I reckon they maybe call 5 or 6 and whoever answers back quickest gets the gig. Emails I dont really answer especially if I've got my number showing, why would you want to send me an email

Because they are thick bluelady. I have had emails requesting same day bookings. And it's always some ridiculous timing like they send an email at 3 for an appointment at 4? isn't not just better to call you idiot? I cannot stand the ones that hate calling. Soon as you ask them to call they run and hide like little kids. I no longer ask them to call. I just ignore. They say they are shy. Oh ok, so your shy to talk to me on the phone for 10 seconds but not shy to come to my flat alone, get butt naked and fuck. Oh ok. I do a littleminxjennifer on them. Aaaaaaaaaaand delete. Another thing i hate is OKD. Obsessive Kissing Disorder. I don't mind kissing/ how else would I start the booking? By just going straight for their cocks? The problem is when they just don't want to stop, it's just kiss kiss none stop and it's hard especially with the older ones, or the smelly mouth ones or the slimey tongue ones. I had a booking just now and he honestly couldn't cum unless i was kissing him. It just gets too much. Now I just move my face away and don't care. Thing is they still don't get the hint. either that or they just don't care. Needless to say I would continue to move my face away. But why do they do this? Like being so obsessed with putting their tongues in your mouth? and it becomes like an animalistic obsession and sometimes they grunt whilst they open up their mouth as wide as they can to swallow your face. Like literally grunt.
Oh god the shy ones! As soon as they say that I ignore any further contact, and yes the sameday emails when my number is showing I don't understand  ???, I had a weird guy on Friday ring me and asked if I'm serious about my job! I wanted to say "No my profile is up just for a fucking laugh" literally that's the first thing he said, weird.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 14 February 2016, 06:34:35 pm
Alternatively, it could be that they think they are paying us too much for x hour (s) of their wonderful company (when we should probably be paying them) and so want to get their money's worth over and above the original deal.

Over and Above is where it's at.


Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iluvcats on 14 February 2016, 06:39:53 pm
Alternatively, it could be that they think they are paying us too much for x hour (s) of their wonderful company (when we should probably be paying them) and so want to get their money's worth over and above the original deal.

Over and Above is where it's at.



I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than give them a freebie (extra free time) if i wanted to give free sex away i'd pick up a gorgeous looking guy to my own taste 😜
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 15 February 2016, 02:39:02 pm
When they tell you they are looking for someone to book regularly long term, just make a booking!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 15 February 2016, 03:24:13 pm
When they tell you they are looking for someone to book regularly long term, just make a booking!

I cut those guys right off. "Oh, I'm sorry - I am not interested in anything long term. I like fucking strangers. Sorry."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 15 February 2016, 04:41:02 pm
When they tell you they are looking for someone to book regularly long term, just make a booking!

I cut those guys right off. "Oh, I'm sorry - I am not interested in anything long term. I like fucking strangers. Sorry."

ahhhh i am going to use this one ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 15 February 2016, 06:59:01 pm
i dont mind so much the guys who copy and paste their message to alot of girls (if they are looking for someone/something specific) but ..... come on... when you send me the same on 5 times throughout the year..... x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kayax on 15 February 2016, 11:50:16 pm
When they tell you things that are blatantly not true...  :FF

I've had a few in the past....

Got one in particular who speaks complete bullshit but obviously I can't turn around and go "why are you lying", instead having to sit there, smile and pretend I'm interested. Also thinking to myself wow, this guy actually thinks I believe everything he says. Why are you going to the extent of making up stories in your head? Showing me fake pictures of girls he's fantasising over/knows + bringing along pairs of knickers that have apparently been worn but which blatantly have been picked up from Primark for ?1, please boy, stop....  ::)

Goodness knows what happens on the next meet... Pray for me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 17 February 2016, 09:42:41 pm
Asking if they're the first/last client/how many you've seen before them. Drives me NUTS. None of your damn buisness!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mysteriousGirl on 18 February 2016, 02:54:44 am

- getting attatched and trying to worm their way into your personal life

"if there's ever anything I can do to help you out then just let me know"

No mate. If I ever need a favour I'm far more likely to ask a friend or relative than somebody who's paid me for sex.

Never mind blurred lines, it's blurred boundaries  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 18 February 2016, 03:12:28 pm
A client I saw a year or so ago telling me I had a bony  ass. Said in accusing tone as if he expected my slender frame to hide a Kardashian type ass instead. ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 18 February 2016, 03:32:19 pm
Guys with psychological sex problems and/or erection problems that seem to think you can cure them!They send rambling emails about how fucked up they are after a bad marriage and how they can't get it up and they hope you have tricks to about pressure and unrealistic expectations!I don't claim to be a sex guru or therapist and as for Mr Viagara?!?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 18 February 2016, 03:52:40 pm

- getting attatched and trying to worm their way into your personal life

"if there's ever anything I can do to help you out then just let me know"

No mate. If I ever need a favour I'm far more likely to ask a friend or relative than somebody who's paid me for sex.

Never mind blurred lines, it's blurred boundaries  ::)

THIS. I have a reg keep asking/telling me this it's like FFS I have friends and family who would help me if I needed it!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 18 February 2016, 05:46:13 pm
When you ask a client how long he wants to book for and he asks you how long do I think he should book for or asks what he will get an hour that he can't get in 30 mins.Oh just feck the feck off!!
Depends on his budget and whether he wants a fast furious probably come once or whether he wants it slower and more relaxed with more than one pop or whatever.Honestly sometimes it's like they cannot think for themselves or join the dots as to why we offer differing lengths of time..and mostly lets face it they are timewasters.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 18 February 2016, 05:53:17 pm
Yeh or the I'll book for 30 and see how it goes (don't think so sonny jim).

And the ones to firstly you try and pin down with a time, then they ask you about a specific service you don't do showing thereby they haven't bothered to even read the basics of your profile/website and are just spamming you and wasting your time :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 18 February 2016, 06:13:50 pm
Yeh or the I'll book for 30 and see how it goes (don't think so sonny jim).

And the ones to firstly you try and pin down with a time, then they ask you about a specific service you don't do showing thereby they haven't bothered to even read the basics of your profile/website and are just spamming you and wasting your time :FF
Yep and the ones that claim to have read your comprehensive website including your blogs but then say they don't know what to website has everything they could want to know including how best to book me!All my annoying things today are from the same bloke in his emails.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 18 February 2016, 06:27:26 pm
Yeh or the I'll book for 30 and see how it goes (don't think so sonny jim).

And the ones to firstly you try and pin down with a time, then they ask you about a specific service you don't do showing thereby they haven't bothered to even read the basics of your profile/website and are just spamming you and wasting your time :FF
Yep and the ones that claim to have read your comprehensive website including your blogs but then say they don't know what to website has everything they could want to know including how best to book me!All my annoying things today are from the same bloke in his emails.

Oh don't you just hate that I've had that today too. Right now I feel like saying its just you and your hand tonight (Pink you put it so well)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: trashbaby on 19 February 2016, 12:55:44 am
The ones who make a big song and dance about wanting to be your first booking of the day.  Like dude if you don't think I'm going to wash in between guys why are you booking me in the first place?

I actually said this to one of them once. And he was all "oh no of course I know you'll have a wash, I'm not being rude!", so I said, why does it matter then?  It's like they think that going to sleep and waking up the next day suddenly magically erases any previous whoring.

If you don't want to have sex with a prostitute DON'T HAVE SEX WITH A PROSTITUTE jesus christ it's not difficult.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 19 February 2016, 09:56:21 am
I think it's also because they think you'll be more horny and raring to go if they are the first. As if our supply of pretending to look exciting and turned on diminishes with each client we see!

But yeah, I fib and say yes to anyone who asks if they are my first client of the day whatever time it is if they ask!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 19 February 2016, 01:10:02 pm
The ones who make a big song and dance about wanting to be your first booking of the day.  Like dude if you don't think I'm going to wash in between guys why are you booking me in the first place?

Oh my god this all over I've had so many people get weird when I say no ( when they ask for a night-time booking!!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 19 February 2016, 05:47:37 pm
I'm fuming because I just had my first, "knock at the door," "Are you available?" I told him he was out of order just coming to my house. And I couldn't work out if I'd seen him before. I hope so or someone is just giving out my address.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 19 February 2016, 06:05:03 pm
I'm fuming because I just had my first, "knock at the door," "Are you available?" I told him he was out of order just coming to my house. And I couldn't work out if I'd seen him before. I hope so or someone is just giving out my address.

Only happened to me once a few years back.  I'm ashamed to say I allowed the booking, primarily since it was a regular but no way I'd allow it these days, totally out of order.  Also talk about indiscreet!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 19 February 2016, 06:10:54 pm
I'm fuming because I just had my first, "knock at the door," "Are you available?" I told him he was out of order just coming to my house. And I couldn't work out if I'd seen him before. I hope so or someone is just giving out my address.

Only happened to me once a few years back.  I'm ashamed to say I allowed the booking, primarily since it was a regular but no way I'd allow it these days, totally out of order.  Also talk about indiscreet!
I answered the door in my decorating clothes so clearly in no state for a booking! The fact that he still asked instead of making an excuse and leaving was mind boggling itself!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 19 February 2016, 07:24:20 pm
Throw the baby wipes on the floor after cleaning themself off. There's a bin not two feet away from you FFS!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 19 February 2016, 07:26:28 pm
The ones who make a big song and dance about wanting to be your first booking of the day.  Like dude if you don't think I'm going to wash in between guys why are you booking me in the first place?

This drives me mental. Had a reg ask this a few days ago when confirming his time he slipped in will I be the first one of the day...totally ignored the question and answered the ones that needed answering and later before the booking he asks it again then says he needs to postpone due to work can I let him know when my next booking is so he can work around me?! Just give me the new time you want so I can say yes or no?! ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 19 February 2016, 07:37:22 pm
Throw the baby wipes on the floor after cleaning themself off. There's a bin not two feet away from you FFS!

Aha that's why I have control of the baby wipes, I hand them over and have a nappy sac waiting for deposit of such waste!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: martine21 on 19 February 2016, 09:30:06 pm
Them coming in, paying you and sticking there fingers straight in you.

Erm, im bone dry? X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 19 February 2016, 10:27:25 pm
I think it's also because they think you'll be more horny and raring to go if they are the first. As if our supply of pretending to look exciting and turned on diminishes with each client we see!

But yeah, I fib and say yes to anyone who asks if they are my first client of the day whatever time it is if they ask!

Exactly this. This is what I always think when they ask if they would be the first. First or last it still isn't pleasurable lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: littleminxjennifer on 20 February 2016, 03:03:02 am
Miss the toilet roll on a holder right in front of them, instead reaching to a fresh roll further behind the current roll  :FF

I only ever leave 1, occasionally 2 rolls out in case I don't notice that I'm running a bit low
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Abigail0623 on 20 February 2016, 04:29:14 am
Everyone listed good ones but the thing I hate the worst is when they are down on me and they are licking me like a dog licking a dinner plate. It's slow and gross sounding. I think most men think they are great at going down and it's my job to pretend to like it no matter what their technique. But the sound drives me insane.

Another one I hate is when I pretend to cum while they're down (because that's what the want), they don't realize I faked it and keep going. They say, "are you gonna cum?" and I have to fake it even LOUDER. Faking an orgasm takes a lot out of me.

Why do guys care if I cum? That's not why I'm there. If I do cum, it's an added bonus but I shouldn't feel forced to cum. I don't have time to teach every client what gets me off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 20 February 2016, 10:32:10 am
Men who ring you up and ask for a booking at a specific time and when you say' Sorry I can't do..' they hang up without another word. So rude.  If they can't even say thank you or goodbye let alone listen to me finish my sentence then they get saved as DNA (Do not answer) if they ring again I know not to answer because if I am free I don't want this rude git in my flat!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 20 February 2016, 11:17:35 am
Men who ring you up and ask for a booking at a specific time and when you say' Sorry I can't do..' they hang up without another word. So rude.  If they can't even say thank you or goodbye let alone listen to me finish my sentence then they get saved as DNA (Do not answer) if they ring again I know not to answer because if I am free I don't want this rude git in my flat!

I hate that! They're so fucking rude.

I used to take it more personally. Then a piano teacher told me that the exact same thing happens to him. Someone will call and ask how much he charges and as soon as he tells them, they'll simply hang up. "I always save their number because I'm the cheapest in town so they'll always call back."

It's helpful to remember that a lot of this rudeness is not sexworker-related. People no-show on GP appointments, will hang up mid-sentence on piano teachers, and just generally blunder through life being arses.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 20 February 2016, 11:28:31 am
I had one the other day hang up on me after actually booking a half hour in a couple of hour's time, just because I asked him if he'd read my ad and was happy with fees and services rather than immediately give him directions since he'd not even addressed me by name and it didn't sound as if he had any idea who I was. Bullet dodged, I think.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 20 February 2016, 05:15:07 pm
Them coming in, paying you and sticking there fingers straight in you.

Erm, im bone dry? X
Yep then they moan because we use lube!I use put some on before I open the door for this exact reason!I don't want a chafed fanny because of a client excitedly rubbing in between my legs the minute he walks in.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 21 February 2016, 09:22:06 pm
Guy calls for a booking, makes one for later that day and then an hour later cancels 'due to work' Fair enough at least he's let me know so I say no worries see you another time,  but then he calls again a day later and starts asking loads of questions such as "I've read your profile and seen you do X, Y and Z, do you really do all that? I felt like saying "No course I don't. I just spend my time writing it all out for a fucking laugh!"  ::)

Then when he does make another booking and I ask him to confirm by text early in the morning (before 9am) then I can confirm my end that alls ok, he then says "Why is there a chance you might not be able to make it?" I reply "Well you never know anything can happen between now and then and I wouldn't want you setting off and me not being here for you".  ???

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 21 February 2016, 09:40:03 pm
Anyway he arrived and was ok, but even more annoying just because I played out his fantasy of him being 'sold' as a sex slave and took some humiliating photo's of him in the booking he texted after asking if I still wanted to 'sell him'  ::) I said no not at the minute lol. Just seen a text from him at 6.30pm on a Sunday to ask me to email the pics to him.

 Seriously where do these guys come from  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Teddy Bear on 22 February 2016, 05:33:12 am
Constantly go on and on about the money. I had a client tonight who would not shut up about how much he had paid me. I thought they all wanted to believe it's a date and we'd love to spend time in their company even if money wasn't involved. Oh no not this bellend 'wow I've spent a lot of money on you tonight, my bank balance is going to feel very empty tomorrow, you're expensive but worth it, that blowjob was so worth ?xxx' on and on. Shut the fuck up already ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 22 February 2016, 08:07:22 am
Clients who go on and on about past experiences with escorts during bookings.  Usually falling into 2 categories,  either horrific or mind blowing.

I have one client who  does both, and constantly repeats himself telling me stories I've heard in prior bookings.

Last time I heard all about his new horrific and mind-blowing experiences. Not once but 4 or 5 times I had to hear how stunning this young French girl was and how she didn't seem bothered about when he went and yes he would want to see her again. This despite the fact she kept him waiting half an hour which he admitted stressed him out!

He complained about another one who didn't make him feel welcome and how he left after 5 minute unable to get a hard on. It made me  wonder if or how he talks about me to other escorts!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 22 February 2016, 11:24:09 am
I get really annoyed when potential client asks for my number straight away because I never get out straight up xxx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 25 February 2016, 10:01:32 am
Regulars turning into dicks..

Fuming cos a normally reliable regular hasn't confirmed or cancelled. I wouldn't mind except I've had medical appointments last 2 days and was thinking at least today I get some income!

Just goes to show you can't rely on any of them. I'm off to get a mega coffee and find lots of nice things to buy to cheer myself up.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 26 February 2016, 08:04:07 pm
Regulars turning into dicks..

Fuming cos a normally reliable regular hasn't confirmed or cancelled. I wouldn't mind except I've had medical appointments last 2 days and was thinking at least today I get some income!

Just goes to show you can't rely on any of them. I'm off to get a mega coffee and find lots of nice things to buy to cheer myself up.
I just had one , but he is a regular , mentioned him before in another post re asking questions , and he said on this booking "well this isn't turning out the way I planned and it's your fault because you haven't been available" ( I try to fit around him but totally lost my mojo and had a period aswell so took time off) he's used to getting his own way , but I really really told him off , cut him off mid sentence , because he wasn't listening to me , forced him to listen to me explaining I go out of my way to accommodate his specific times dates etc ...then gave him twelve of the best !!! V assertive man became very apologetic and tipped me for ' putting him quite rightly and firmly in his place'  having said that I do 'love' and appreciate my clients , they drive a long way, and I try to give a service worthy of the fee !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 29 February 2016, 02:25:29 am
I don't always offer 15 minutes appointment but every few months offer a 15 minute quickie for a reasonable rate. As soon as I advertise this is currently on  cue the emails/calls/texts of what other offers do you have on? is xx included in the quickie? can i see you for an hour for xx (the quickie rate.) etc.  :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: K47 on 01 March 2016, 02:22:39 pm
some things that have annoyed me recently:

Guys not liking it when I refer to myself as a prostitute. Twice in the last couple weeks this has happened and they correct me and say 'you're an escort, not a prostitute'. ??

Guys being really overly complimentary to where its obviously probably fake.. had a guy the other day tell me I'm the best looking girl hes EVER seen. Yeah right.. I think I'm fairly good looking but no way am I the best looking person anyone's ever seen!
then I had another one straight after him, who literally while having sex told me 'you're beautiful, you're gorgeous..' every 20 seconds or something. I like compliments but that was just OTT and after saying oh thankyou! and giggling about 10 times I started getting annoyed.. shut up and enjoy the sex!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Just An Escort on 02 March 2016, 10:27:24 pm
Had a client today who refused to park in the visitor area of the car park of my flat complex (one reason I got this flat was because of the generous visitor parking!) and then took 10 mins to walk from wherever he had parked to the visitor area so I could give directions and then got lost going around a corner. He was finally in my flat 20 mins after he first text to say he was parked in a nearby road! :FF 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 02 March 2016, 10:34:45 pm
Had a client today who refused to park in the visitor area of the car park of my flat complex (one reason I got this flat was because of the generous visitor parking!) and then took 10 mins to walk from wherever he had parked to the visitor area so I could give directions and then got lost going around a corner. He was finally in my flat 20 mins after he first text to say he was parked in a nearby road! :FF

Some guys refuse to park where they are told because they think we're going to photograph their registration plates or our pimps are going to nick their cars or something like that. I think there's also an element of "no prossie is going to tell me what to do!"

I'd have been tempted to take half of that time out of his booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Just An Escort on 02 March 2016, 10:54:03 pm
I'd have been tempted to take half of that time out of his booking.

Yeah, he left by the time his booking originally should have ended and paid for the full 2 hours!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 02 March 2016, 11:22:46 pm
I'd have been tempted to take half of that time out of his booking.

Well that's alright then!

Yeah, he left by the time his booking originally should have ended and paid for the full 2 hours!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 03 March 2016, 04:47:30 pm
Potential clients who do this: make an appointment for an hour then confirm on the day but say - looks like it might have to be 30 minutes. Okay fine I pencil in 30 minutes instead. I ask him to keep me informed as to whether he's going to be late or early, texts to say he's going to be late, I ask him to keep me updated.

10 minutes past the appointment time still no update so I cancel him, finally nearly 25 minutes after the agreed time he texts an apology which goes like this:

Really sorry about today it was not how I planned. Trouble is I was with someone and they kept changing the plans hope we can meet up very soon blah blah blah sorry again.

Well that makes it all alright then that he messed me around, because it wasn't his fault!

Not having a good day.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: K47 on 03 March 2016, 05:02:42 pm
I had a client not show up for his appointment then got a text off him 2 hours later saying "sorry, got chatting to my housemates! are you still free?"

how is that an excuse??
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: trashbaby on 05 March 2016, 03:19:05 pm
I had a client not show up for his appointment then got a text off him 2 hours later saying "sorry, got chatting to my housemates! are you still free?"

how is that an excuse??

Potential clients who do this: make an appointment for an hour then confirm on the day but say - looks like it might have to be 30 minutes. Okay fine I pencil in 30 minutes instead. I ask him to keep me informed as to whether he's going to be late or early, texts to say he's going to be late, I ask him to keep me updated.

10 minutes past the appointment time still no update so I cancel him, finally nearly 25 minutes after the agreed time he texts an apology which goes like this:

Really sorry about today it was not how I planned. Trouble is I was with someone and they kept changing the plans hope we can meet up very soon blah blah blah sorry again.

Well that makes it all alright then that he messed me around, because it wasn't his fault!

Not having a good day.

They think we're their fuckbuddies. There's no other explanation (aside from sheer rudeness)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 05 March 2016, 05:07:29 pm
I gave that guy another chance since he apologised very prettily on AW, guess what he let me down again. Still he seems to think he'll get another chance to see me  :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 06 March 2016, 11:42:28 am
Clients who are not able to follow instructions. Seriously! How hard can it be?

I've had no problems with being found until yesterday. I literally had three people wandering around my apartment building. Up and down the stairs then ring me and talk loudly while asking where I am again?

All they have to remember is first floor door on the left. I can see from my key hole as they pass the first floor, and head up to the second floor, then down again, then up again. Then they call. -.-

I had one guy yesterday who was asking over and over on the phone whether or not anyone will know what he's doing if he turns up. I told him no. After his visit I bet my whole apartment block does! He wouldn't get off the phone when i gave him the instructions because he wanted to be able to find it, and so I spent about two minutes as he's running up and down the stairs explaining to him before getting angry, first floor door on the left. Go up the first flight of stairs then it's the door on the left. No I can't come out and get you, go through the door. Are you winding me up? Just go through the door. Yes you have to go up the stairs. No that's the ground floor. I was seconds away from telling him to just leave because he's being too indiscreet, but Miracles do happen and he came through the door and I let him in. The poor thing was apologizing and shaking like a leaf, he even looked on the verge of tears so I hid my anger and didn't give him a telling off for being so indiscreet and thick.  :FF when he left I pointedly said to him. Well hopefully you'll be able to find your way out now  ::)...

It really does boggle the mind ...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 06 March 2016, 11:51:19 am
Yeh I had one who couldn't find my flats despite the fact I told him 100 times they were next door to the high rise.  He found the high rise and couldn't find my flats  ???  He wanted me to come out and get him, I was like no.......and in the end I gave up I mean how many times can you explain the same thing?  He kept trying to contact me for another hour after that (no he still hadn't twigged where I was)..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 06 March 2016, 06:18:52 pm
Guys who put a question in the email header, leaving the actual email blank. I have had this twice lately, so I've replied the same way.

If they can't be arsed neither can I! I mean its obvious they are just spamming loads of escorts when they are being that lazy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 07 March 2016, 11:02:55 pm
Dickbrain. It's literally infuriating.

A client I've seen before emails me asking my availability as he can't find it on my profile. I direct him to the 'availability' tab on my profile. (If you want to know my availability, it'll be in the part that says availability ffs).

He then says oh great, you're right next to me in April, I'll book then. (My availability is put up for the current month, so March only. It's pretty clear).

Oh okay I see you're working 8am-10am on Saturday, can I book at 10am?

Is he fucking stupid. I said no, I'm working 8am-10am. Let me know what time is good for you. Again he says 10am. It's like when they're horny all logic goes out the window, I'd love to have a cock for a day to see if it made me behave the same  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss Carolines secret on 08 March 2016, 05:37:39 am
ive removed my working dates as its very clear these men cant read!
 i get 4am messages or emails asking to see me , i call their bluff and tell them im ready they dont contact me back .. enough of this. ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss-Olivia on 08 March 2016, 12:12:26 pm
Text you at 5am on a Monday night- "hey sorry to text you so early, could you do an hour meet on Friday"   Surely that text could have waited till an acceptable time to be texted to me!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 08 March 2016, 12:37:31 pm
I had one who asked the cleaner in my building where my flat was  :FF I give directions in a way a 10 year old could understand and they still can't manage it
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: K47 on 08 March 2016, 01:24:44 pm
Guys who put a question in the email header, leaving the actual email blank. I have had this twice lately, so I've replied the same way.

If they can't be arsed neither can I! I mean its obvious they are just spamming loads of escorts when they are being that lazy.

This bugs me too
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Littlemisslondon on 10 March 2016, 10:55:49 am
When they send you a friggin essay/novel on how wonderful they are and how they can't WAIT to book me for next Tuesday for 2 hours as an outcall, they are sure I'm probably already booked as I'm so 'sexy, pukey, wobbly, whatever....'.... You reply thanking them and asking them to send the booking through AW so you have the address etc.... They reply 'Oh I wouldn't want to waste your time making a booking incase I have to cancel, I will call you Tuesday lunchtime to arrange....'

Arrange diddly squat my arse.... Reckon attention seeking time waster....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 10 March 2016, 02:15:31 pm
ive removed my working dates as its very clear these men cant read!
 i get 4am messages or emails asking to see me , i call their bluff and tell them im ready they dont contact me back .. enough of this. ::)

Oh that nonsense is all the time usually just people who have been out on the piss I think looking for a wank over texts. "Hey babe I will give you ?100 for a blowjob in my car right now"  "Okay sure call me when you are on X road and I'll tell you where to pick me up"  they never call . I think they just have a wank over the thought and then fall asleep
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 12 March 2016, 01:53:15 pm
when you text them the following morning, to confirm their appointment to be told
" you didn't send me the address yesterday so I made other plans for this morning, maybe we'll meet next time you are in the area"
So I told the twit the area & first part of postcode when he called to book but forgot to text the full address because the phone was manic & I busy with clients. Said to him that I send it 1 hour before arrival anyway & it confirms he's still coming by return, when he called Friday evening. So I called him out & sent a text "why not send a text reminder for the address yesterday if i'd not sent it, you were clearly out to waste my time" he then text that I'm "not a very nice person"  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Teddy Bear on 13 March 2016, 02:37:47 am
I think I've mentioned it before but the ones who pay in all 20's and then expect change, fuck that noise I tell them I don't have change and they say oh keep it then, if you are that hard up for a tenner maybe you should find a cheaper hobby! I couldn't care less if my rate is an uneven amount I confirm it before accepting the booking so they have no excuse, it's just pure rudeness.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss Carolines secret on 13 March 2016, 11:03:19 am
 one send me an email asking if i do silent phone chat !!!!!!!!!  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 13 March 2016, 12:35:51 pm
I think I've mentioned it before but the ones who pay in all 20's and then expect change, fuck that noise I tell them I don't have change and they say oh keep it then, if you are that hard up for a tenner maybe you should find a cheaper hobby! I couldn't care less if my rate is an uneven amount I confirm it before accepting the booking so they have no excuse, it's just pure rudeness.

I hate this. It's not so bad if I'm working from a flat where my money is in a different room but when I'm in a hotel and I've purposely stashed it out of sight I'm not going to show you my hiding place to get you change. And a lot of the time I don't have change anyway, I may have not had any bookings yet or been to the bank, then they go all huffy like we're robbing them, bring the correct money next time it's not hard when I write it in my confirmation text
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Just An Escort on 14 March 2016, 10:28:20 pm
I think I've mentioned it before but the ones who pay in all 20's and then expect change, fuck that noise I tell them I don't have change and they say oh keep it then, if you are that hard up for a tenner maybe you should find a cheaper hobby! I couldn't care less if my rate is an uneven amount I confirm it before accepting the booking so they have no excuse, it's just pure rudeness.

I hate this. It's not so bad if I'm working from a flat where my money is in a different room but when I'm in a hotel and I've purposely stashed it out of sight I'm not going to show you my hiding place to get you change. And a lot of the time I don't have change anyway, I may have not had any bookings yet or been to the bank, then they go all huffy like we're robbing them, bring the correct money next time it's not hard when I write it in my confirmation text

This is a problem for me too as I also have rates that don't divide by 20 - I've had guys say that they'll just pay less next time and I always say that's not how it works. I also have my cash stashed in a secret place I'm not going to go and unlock with a client around. And just like you guys I always confirm the amount in text - often multiple times!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: K47 on 15 March 2016, 10:02:20 pm
I really hate it when customers kiss me so hard they're like smushing their face into mine. Loads of them do it. It's so uncomfortable and awkward feeling, how can you kiss properly like that?? and smudges my makeup too!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Just An Escort on 15 March 2016, 10:53:55 pm
I really hate it when customers kiss me so hard they're like smushing their face into mine. Loads of them do it. It's so uncomfortable and awkward feeling, how can you kiss properly like that?? and smudges my makeup too!

Also when they do this and their stubble is really sharp! I've actually got cuts on my face before from guys doing this - on top of the usual stubble rash  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 16 March 2016, 03:06:35 pm

feels like im being kissed by camel or something
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: K47 on 16 March 2016, 06:17:27 pm
OMG fucking angry right now. A guy called me at about 3:30 asking for a booking at 6:30. He sounded fine on the phone, so accepted the booking. just now (15 mins before the booking) he started texting asking if I do oral and how rough can he be?
I called him and said I don't mind the sex to be rough but I don't like having my hair pulled or anything. He said that's fine but he thought he'd read on my profile it said I like it rough(no it says nothing like that, I do GFE), then started asking if I do oral without (also says on my profile I definitely don't). I said no. He said 'would you do it without for me though? I'm young, good looking, 25!" I said no definitely not sorry. He said ok he'll just leave it then because he likes oral without. I said fine well try actually reading peoples profiles next time! and hung up. Arsehole!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 16 March 2016, 06:54:34 pm
OMG fucking angry right now.
Me too! Had a guy I've seen twice before book for 6.30. I tell him on the phone please let me know if you're going to be late. 6.35 comes and no sign or call so I start running a bath. At 6.40 I see I've missed a call from him then the knocking on the door starts. I answer his second call and no apology that he's over 10 minutes late now. I just told him I don't sit around waiting for people who haven't told me they're going to be late nd said bye.

Why do they think they can start pushing it just because they have visited before?! Grr, glad I'm running nice hot bath :) And I think there's some wine in the fridge ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 16 March 2016, 07:35:57 pm
OMG fucking angry right now.
Me too! Had a guy I've seen twice before book for 6.30. I tell him on the phone please let me know if you're going to be late. 6.35 comes and no sign or call so I start running a bath. At 6.40 I see I've missed a call from him then the knocking on the door starts. I answer his second call and no apology that he's over 10 minutes late now. I just told him I don't sit around waiting for people who haven't told me they're going to be late nd said bye.

Why do they think they can start pushing it just because they have visited before?! Grr, glad I'm running nice hot bath :) And I think there's some wine in the fridge ;)

When they turn up 15 mins late max with no warning, I just take it off their time with me. Their fault for not letting me know and I expect full payment for the time they originally booked. Any more than 15 mins and they won't see me. Once had an agency booking turn up an hour late with no communication and still expected to see me, what is it with these men?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 16 March 2016, 07:39:58 pm
Guys who turn up late (esp very late) and don't bother to let you know......its simple, they don't respect that you have a schedule, but expect you to fit with theirs = total lack of respect.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 16 March 2016, 11:13:05 pm
I really hate it when customers kiss me so hard they're like smushing their face into mine. Loads of them do it. It's so uncomfortable and awkward feeling, how can you kiss properly like that?? and smudges my makeup too!

Oh god how I hate this! Especially when they're on top and your head's squished in the pillow so there's no where to back away! And then when they're pushing so hard down with their mouth that your teeth are almost cutting into your own gums. ... I do wonder if this is a technique only punters know because absolutely no one in my normal day to day life has ever kissed me like this and I have never seen it happen in any films/TV programs, etc. literally the only time you see that technique is in comedies!

Sorry, winds me up lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 16 March 2016, 11:25:43 pm

 I do wonder if this is a technique only punters know because absolutely no one in my normal day to day life has ever kissed me like this and I have never seen it happen in any films/TV programs, etc. literally the only time you see that technique is in comedies!

Sorry, winds me up lol

Oh yes its the 'getting my moneys worth' crew

There is no excuse for this stupid behaviour  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: K47 on 17 March 2016, 10:06:43 am
I do wonder if this is a technique only punters know because absolutely no one in my normal day to day life has ever kissed me like this and I have never seen it happen in any films/TV programs, etc. literally the only time you see that technique is in comedies!

That's true I've never had it happen in normal life either!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 17 March 2016, 10:27:03 am
I also find overeager oral sex on me to be rather a turn-off - some are so full on do they honestly think we like sledgehammer sex??
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 17 March 2016, 02:30:55 pm
I also find overeager oral sex on me to be rather a turn-off - some are so full on do they honestly think we like sledgehammer sex??

Over eager anything is a turn off. So over eager kissing, oral, penetration, touching, grabbing, grunting/screaming etc is very irritating. Why are men so animalistic and beastly when it comes to sex? Had one guy was screaming so loud, I was in a hotel and people were walking up and down the corridor, I had to put my hand over his mouth. It was sooo loud. I felt embarrassed for him and myself. I asked him why he was screaming so loud his response was, Oh i can feel it you know! They are just rough all the time. Pussy play= rough, like seriously? I am so dry and you are so rough I fear you would tear or cause burns on the outside of my vagina, scuse me as I get some lube cuz unfortunately you do nothing for me. One sec yeah? Just calm down man. It's like they've never fucked before or never been with a woman before or something. grunting whilst their giving oral or kissing. Scuse me, are you some sort of boar hog, mountain lion? Dafuk is that about? These fucking  animals  :FF Just calm down. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: K47 on 17 March 2016, 06:46:16 pm
One of my 'regulars' (well I've seen him 3 times) called me last night wanting to see me but said he'd lost his bank card so can he just transfer money into my account instead. I said no sorry because I don't want you knowing my real name. He said "ok well how about you see me tonight and then I'll drop the money round yours in a few days when I have my bank card back, guess it depends how much you trust me though!" trust him?? I've met him 3 times! as if!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: trashbaby on 18 March 2016, 09:49:12 am
I had one the other day who didn't bother me at first but I've been seething a little since.

He came in, seemed quite nervous. Asked me if our meeting was discreet? I'm like nah mate I'm going to ring the evening standard when you've left  ::) I reassured him and we cracked on.  He then asked me if he was my first today and I thought y'know what, I'm not pandering to your icky feels about prostitutes. So I was honest and said he wasn't.  I went to go down on him and he said he didn't want OWO, I said that was absolutely fine and went for the condom but he seemed really anti-letting me touch him?  Anyway we laid down, he fingered me very enthusiastically, wanked over my face and that was it! We had a little chat while he got dressed and he was all discretion this, discretion that, I'm married, I've got to be really careful, I cant take diseases home, blah blah. 

15 minutes and he was in and out! I mean I was the one laughing all the way to the bank (?100 in 15 minutes) but my GOD, what is WRONG with these men who get all hung up about the 'dirty prossie'? If you don't want to see someone who's had sex with someone else that day go out on the pull like everyone else - and put yourself MORE at risk of STI's, considering that sex workers have lower STI rates than the general population.

I don't ever feel dirty or anything like that, and I really effing resent it when guys think it's ok to make us feel like that. hmph.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 18 March 2016, 09:54:57 am
Guys that contact you and ask vague questions like 'What can I get in 30 mins?' Well what is it that you want for a start?!?Worse still are the guys who ask you how long they should book and what is the difference between 30 mins and an hour... :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 18 March 2016, 09:56:11 am
I also find overeager oral sex on me to be rather a turn-off - some are so full on do they honestly think we like sledgehammer sex??

Oh yes when they dive down there like there's no tomorrow, forehead hits the pubic bone or presses on it *Ouch!*  ::)

Some of them need to realise gently does it...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 18 March 2016, 11:48:50 am
Guys that contact you and ask vague questions like 'What can I get in 30 mins?' Well what is it that you want for a start?!?Worse still are the guys who ask you how long they should book and what is the difference between 30 mins and an hour... :FF

Yes general vagueness...Such as "Are you available today" or worse "Are you available next week" Then when you give them a time they can't make that one! Unless they've got the whole day/week free (which is highly unlikely)  why don't they just ask for the time they want to come I can then either say yes or no or they can suggest another time to suit them.It happens so often I just don't get it  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jezabel on 18 March 2016, 12:30:52 pm
I had one the other day who didn't bother me at first but I've been seething a little since.

He came in, seemed quite nervous. Asked me if our meeting was discreet? I'm like nah mate I'm going to ring the evening standard when you've left  ::) I reassured him and we cracked on.  He then asked me if he was my first today and I thought y'know what, I'm not pandering to your icky feels about prostitutes. So I was honest and said he wasn't.  I went to go down on him and he said he didn't want OWO, I said that was absolutely fine and went for the condom but he seemed really anti-letting me touch him?  Anyway we laid down, he fingered me very enthusiastically, wanked over my face and that was it! We had a little chat while he got dressed and he was all discretion this, discretion that, I'm married, I've got to be really careful, I cant take diseases home, blah blah. 

15 minutes and he was in and out! I mean I was the one laughing all the way to the bank (?100 in 15 minutes) but my GOD, what is WRONG with these men who get all hung up about the 'dirty prossie'? If you don't want to see someone who's had sex with someone else that day go out on the pull like everyone else - and put yourself MORE at risk of STI's, considering that sex workers have lower STI rates than the general population.

I don't ever feel dirty or anything like that, and I really effing resent it when guys think it's ok to make us feel like that. hmph.

I hate this, I actually cancelled a guy who during the phone conversation said something like not wanting to see 'dirty little slappers'. I emphasise this wasn't aimed at me in fact he went on about how he picked me since I seemed to respect myself blah blah BUT it bugged me more & more since clearly it showed he had a disrespectful attitude towards women in general. So I cancelled and told him why.

He did come back with an apology...but too late matey. Occasionally I've gone thro bookings with guys I've got that vibe from and they are always far worse in person. He was a first timer, but that's no excuse in my book.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 18 March 2016, 04:38:54 pm
Guys that contact you and ask vague questions like 'What can I get in 30 mins?' Well what is it that you want for a start?!?Worse still are the guys who ask you how long they should book and what is the difference between 30 mins and an hour... :FF

Yes general vagueness...Such as "Are you available today" or worse "Are you available next week" Then when you give them a time they can't make that one! Unless they've got the whole day/week free (which is highly unlikely)  why don't they just ask for the time they want to come I can then either say yes or no or they can suggest another time to suit them.It happens so often I just don't get it  :FF
Oh god yes 'Are you available next week?' Well for a start my availability is pretty set and written in bold i.e Monday 11am to 7pm,Tuesday 11am to 6pm etc etc.Really do they want to rewrite your entire weeks rota for them?It pisses me off full stop when you then have to write back 'Well what day,length of booking and time are you thinking of?' only for them to mention a day but then not a pulling teeth.Decent clients tend to tell you all that in the first instance.Not rocket science is it?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 18 March 2016, 09:52:03 pm
Make a booking for a certain time, cancel with a shit excuse then you see a review for another girl at the same time they booked you.

I wouldn't normally give a shit but that was my only booking today and he's a regular, I'm not a happy bunny. More so that he said he couldn't do the time he booked but would let me know what time he could do later then didn't get back to me.

I'm never working st Paddys weekend again it's been absolutely unbareable!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 18 March 2016, 11:12:20 pm
Guys that contact you and ask vague questions like 'What can I get in 30 mins?' Well what is it that you want for a start?!?Worse still are the guys who ask you how long they should book and what is the difference between 30 mins and an hour... :FF

Yes general vagueness...Such as "Are you available today" or worse "Are you available next week" Then when you give them a time they can't make that one! Unless they've got the whole day/week free (which is highly unlikely)  why don't they just ask for the time they want to come I can then either say yes or no or they can suggest another time to suit them.It happens so often I just don't get it  :FF
Oh god yes 'Are you available next week?' Well for a start my availability is pretty set and written in bold i.e Monday 11am to 7pm,Tuesday 11am to 6pm etc etc.Really do they want to rewrite your entire weeks rota for them?It pisses me off full stop when you then have to write back 'Well what day,length of booking and time are you thinking of?' only for them to mention a day but then not a pulling teeth.Decent clients tend to tell you all that in the first instance.Not rocket science is it?

Yes like pulling teeth!

A booking request today from someone I've seen loads:

Him: Hi are you around next week?

Me: What day and time are you wanting?

Him: I'm hoping for Mon afternoon

Me: Yes that should be ok

Him: I'll confirm asap Mon

Me: Ok you need to let me know before 10am, shall we say 2pm for an hour?

Him: Probably later after 4, what will you be wearing?

Me: Ok I'll save 4pm for you just confirm Monday morning before 10am. Seamed stockings heels...

Him: Lovely xx

For fuck sake all that could have been arranged a LOT easier if he had just said the time he wanted in the first place!

The thing is though, he's actually a really decent guy when he does arrive, I don't know why he has to make such a big drama with the booking arrangements!! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 19 March 2016, 12:08:35 am
Make a booking for a certain time, cancel with a shit excuse then you see a review for another girl at the same time they booked you.

I wouldn't normally give a shit but that was my only booking today and he's a regular, I'm not a happy bunny. More so that he said he couldn't do the time he booked but would let me know what time he could do later then didn't get back to me.

I'm never working st Paddys weekend again it's been absolutely unbareable!
I banned a bloke for doing this.He booked me over 3 times for a 2 hour booking then cancelled each time with some bizarre excuse.Finally I had a look at his feedback and every time he booked me he had seen someone else.I never actually met him but I was not prepared to be messed about again by him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 19 March 2016, 08:44:02 am
Last Wed I had a horrible client.  He was a first timer and texted 'I just hope it is worth it' - well that was offensive enough on its own.  How I wish I had cancelled seeing him.  He had an attitude problem and seemed to think escorts were just a piece of meat.
He was also very common and rough the type I absolutely detest meeting with.

I should have trusted my instincts and fobbed him off.  I hadn't worked for a few days as it had been the time of the month and I was low on funds.  Silly me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 19 March 2016, 12:08:16 pm
Guys that contact you and ask vague questions like 'What can I get in 30 mins?' Well what is it that you want for a start?!?Worse still are the guys who ask you how long they should book and what is the difference between 30 mins and an hour... :FF

Yes general vagueness...Such as "Are you available today" or worse "Are you available next week" Then when you give them a time they can't make that one! Unless they've got the whole day/week free (which is highly unlikely)  why don't they just ask for the time they want to come I can then either say yes or no or they can suggest another time to suit them.It happens so often I just don't get it  :FF

I have blocked a reg because of this. Always sends a message on AW with "When next you available?"  :FF instead of just calling me and asking if I am available at 3pm tomorrow. Some know what time they want, so why not just say? It's funny because when I reply with availability he doesn't respond, probably because he can't do those times. and now you are BLOCKED because of it. Stupid stinker. They constantly need to be spoon fed.What time you start in the morning? Usually said by someone who wants to push boundaries or have a power trip. "oh so you start at 12? Can I see you at 11?" If you know you wanted 11 why didn't you just say that in first place.  or "What services do you do?" "what services do you want bitch?" Men are dumb lol ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: trashbaby on 19 March 2016, 12:59:14 pm
The availability thing is so annoying. I do understand that sometimes they might be free all day, for example, and would like to know what availability I have. Particularly because I am part time and often work on an as-needed basis.  If they ask me what my availability is for the week I will tell them what days and take it from there. But the ones who want to be spoon fed the information bit by bit I don't even bother replying to.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 22 March 2016, 12:10:53 am
I keep getting emailed by a guy asking x,y and z. So today i got so fed up with him i nearly screamed "EMAIL WHEN IT SAYS IM AVAILABLE!!!!!?!?!" X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 24 March 2016, 05:05:26 am
I had a client come for a 30 min incall last week, he started the stopwatch on his phone at the start of the booking. He came, and after the usual clean up routine I put my bra back on. He then showed me the stopwatch... It was at 27 minutes. I was stumped. I said I doubt much will be achieved in 3 minutes but he was adamant that he hadn't had the time he'd paid for... So I started again with oral. Obviously it was Mr Floppy and 1 minute in he got shitty and said you might as well just stop as you're obviously not in to it... I was seriously fed up with him by this point so just told him to take himself and his remaining minute and 30 seconds out of my house.
Awful client, got sulky because he couldn't manage round 2 in 3 minutes then blamed me for it. When he was getting dressed he was asking ridiculous questions like do you have a pimp, how much do you earn etc. Ignorant prick.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 24 March 2016, 07:33:51 am
Wow! What a twat!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 24 March 2016, 04:45:28 pm
Yes a right nasty bastard that one.

'how to see the same escort twice...not'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Littlemisslondon on 24 March 2016, 05:53:27 pm
When you text them on the day of their booking to confirm they are coming, they say yes and tell you how excited they are and then they don't show up!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 24 March 2016, 05:55:50 pm
Ask stupid questions and book something they know they will struggle to come from.

Had a guy recently book for 15 minutes wanted a bj only. Almost near the end of the time tells me "I struggle coming from bjs only happened twice. What happens if I don't come?"

..You extend or get the fuck out and stop trying to get free time!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mrsdarcy on 25 March 2016, 10:36:05 pm
A client rang today and I answered in a polite and friendly manner. I basically only got the chance to say hello, then he said:
I'd like to enquire about booking you, but before you jump down my throat it's not for today
I almost jumped down his throat for his rudeness but I tried to let it slide..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeylove on 26 March 2016, 02:08:25 am
First time client 'Give me a discount and i will become your regular'  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 30 March 2016, 10:20:06 pm
I say "thanks for that , but its rare if I see anyone other than a regular" ! ......tit for tat lol x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 30 March 2016, 11:51:54 pm
holding his bare cock "but baby.... dont you want me?"
me: pardon?
him: "cant i go in you?
me : i dont do that
him: but dont you want me?
me:...... no
him: but...

WHY OH WHY did THAT shut him up?! isnt no enough??
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nova on 31 March 2016, 12:12:17 am
holding his bare cock "but baby.... dont you want me?"
me: pardon?
him: "cant i go in you?
me : i dont do that
him: but dont you want me?
me:...... no
him: but...

WHY OH WHY did THAT shut him up?! isnt no enough??

It shut him up because then he understood that you were someone else's property. He had more respect for this guy he's never met than for you.
You know and I know that you're no-one's property, but that's how some guys think. If you weren't owned by someone else, there's no logical reason for you not to want him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 31 March 2016, 09:24:40 am
holding his bare cock "but baby.... dont you want me?"
me: pardon?
him: "cant i go in you?
me : i dont do that
him: but dont you want me?
me:...... no
him: but...

WHY OH WHY did THAT shut him up?! isnt no enough??

It shut him up because then he understood that you were someone else's property. He had more respect for this guy he's never met than for you.
You know and I know that you're no-one's property, but that's how some guys think. If you weren't owned by someone else, there's no logical reason for you not to want him.

I know... its the sad nature of things. It's exactly the same with people who hit on you on a night out xc
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 31 March 2016, 09:32:48 am

It shut him up because then he understood that you were someone else's property. He had more respect for this guy he's never met than for you.
You know and I know that you're no-one's property, but that's how some guys think. If you weren't owned by someone else, there's no logical reason for you not to want him.

This is so true and so depressing. :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 31 March 2016, 09:37:11 am
Hence the joys of remaining single.

I really do not miss a relationship whatsoever.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BBW Joi Parker on 09 April 2016, 11:10:48 pm
The other day a client contacted me wanting a half hour. When I told him my price he said "I don't want no sex" 😂😠. He went on to complain about how he didn't understand why I paid so much. I was so mad at his audacity that I didn't even bother giving him the "you pay for my time" bullshit; I just hung up...not to mention I was already spooked that he'd say that over the phone.

PS before I hung up he called me a cunt 😠😠🔥

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 11 April 2016, 09:36:38 pm
When they email you from your website but then ask really vague questions like 'What can I expect from you?' Firstly what do want and secondly you could always try reading through the 50 odd reviews on my site for a clue!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 12 April 2016, 08:25:35 pm
get lost on way to my flat then text me saying they are lost instead of just calling me and asking for directions  :FF Either they truly adore, enjoy and love texting or fear phoning. Most times I do not hear when a text comes through, so had one client text me saying he cannot find me, when I checked my phone I saw it was sent 30 minutes ago. So the dummy was walking around like a headless chicken for 30 minutes when he could have just called for clarification. Had another text saying he was outside and stood outside the gate waiting for 20 minutes like a clown until I eventually saw the text and phoned him. Now I ignore them. Phone me or you don't get in. ::) Imbeciles  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluelady on 14 April 2016, 11:30:09 am
i hate when they send you a message and you ask them to call for all details .... then what do they do ... send another bloody message with another question . spend an hour messaging back and forward and then they might not even turn up ... aaaarrrgghhh
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 14 April 2016, 03:20:45 pm
i hate when they send you a message and you ask them to call for all details .... then what do they do ... send another bloody message with another question . spend an hour messaging back and forward and then they might not even turn up ... aaaarrrgghhh

I had that this morning.

Him: Hello. Are you available today? If so, where are you located?
Me: Yes, I am available today. I'm at a hotel near XYZ. Please call me if you would like to make a booking.
Him: What's your rate for one hour?
Him: ??
Him: HELLO??


I've noticed that the majority of those who text will not call if asked to. I will take a booking by text if they have all their ducks in a row: "Hello Fab. I was wondering if you were available at 3pm for one hour? Jim." I will happily take Jim's booking. But if it's just "Are you working today?" then I have to ask them to call me. And very few of them will.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 17 April 2016, 07:38:26 pm
First time client 'Give me a discount and i will become your regular'  ::)

I usually reply with "I never do discounts as I've already got a lot of regular clients who are more than happy to pay my rate, so I'm not looking for any more regs at this time. If you do want to book lets just see how we get on with the first booking as we might not even like each other" ;-)

The mumbling/stuttering/silence/speechlessness/shock in their voice always makes me laugh lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 17 April 2016, 07:52:25 pm
When they text and if you don't reply immediately they text question marks, so rude.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss Carolines secret on 18 April 2016, 09:18:00 am
They think they are entitled to a lower rate because they have seen you few times before and don't like it when you refuse to drop your reasonable rate lower.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 18 April 2016, 11:29:42 am
They think they are entitled to a lower rate because they have seen you few times before and don't like it when you refuse to drop your reasonable rate lower.

I had one like this last week, so annoying. He'd seen me before I had a long break a few years ago. He kept asking the price after he'd already paid me. Mainly the ones who don't want full sex because of ED, I find are like this. (None of this was mentioned on the phone though before seeing me & I didn't recognise his voice & vice versa) By not out-rightly asking for a discount but hinting to see if it's pro-offered is passive aggressive in my book & like you say indicates a feeling of entitlement. I pointed out he was paying for my time then he made some facetious comment about me (indirectly) not having the right technique. That that seems to be the crux of his narc personality. I just laughed & said I don't care if you didn't climax, it's not my issue because I get lots of guys who can. He already said at the start he may not climax or get hard because of health issues so why blame me!?

Had one text at 1pm to ask if I was available at 3pm on Saturday but I text back to say I left the town to go home. At which point he then calls asking if there are any other girls in the area, like I'm some flipping telephone directory. Told him I'm not a pimp & to go back on the internet, then hung up. Lazy gits can't spend a few minutes looking online for themselves.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 18 April 2016, 11:42:09 am
Sometimes they ruin a perfectly good rapport by acting like that.I wonder if it dawns on them after quite a few ladies they had good times with stop answering their calls?
I had a client who I saw once a few weeks ago.Perfectly nice bloke.Gave him a good service and some banter he was a happy bunny.Tried to rebook like this 'Can I see you in 5 mins and can you do a quickie for 30?' Replied and asked him if he really felt it appropriate to treat me and my flat like a soho walkup and ask for large discount to boot?'He did actually apologise but I won't want to meet again after that!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 18 April 2016, 11:43:40 am
They think they are entitled to a lower rate because they have seen you few times before and don't like it when you refuse to drop your reasonable rate lower.

I had one like this last week, so annoying. He'd seen me before I had a long break a few years ago. He kept asking the price after he'd already paid me. Mainly the ones who don't want full sex because of ED, I find are like this. (None of this was mentioned on the phone though before seeing me & I didn't recognise his voice & vice versa) By not out-rightly asking for a discount but hinting to see if it's pro-offered is passive aggressive in my book & like you say indicates a feeling of entitlement. I pointed out he was paying for my time then he made some facetious comment about me (indirectly) not having the right technique. That that seems to be the crux of his narc personality. I just laughed & said I don't care if you didn't climax, it's not my issue because I get lots of guys who can. He already said at the start he may not climax or get hard because of health issues so why blame me!?

Had one text at 1pm to ask if I was available at 3pm on Saturday but I text back to say I left the town to go home. At which point he then calls asking if there are any other girls in the area, like I'm some flipping telephone directory. Told him I'm not a pimp & to go back on the internet, then hung up. Lazy gits can't spend a few minutes looking online for themselves.
I had this today! I told him I'm busy all day so he asks if another girl in my area does domination, I don't fucking know! Read her profile idiot  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarita on 18 April 2016, 04:18:43 pm
So last night I had an email asking me to meet someone for half an hour titwank and bj  in woods over on the Wirral (am in Liverpool). He was prepared to pay me the princely sum of ?100.

I replied and simply said "In a word, no".
He then sent me another message, saying he hadn't wished to offend but thought I did outcalls. I pointed out that I don't do outcalls for less than an hour (which is more than ?100) and not for any amount of money would I meet someone in a wood.

The weirdest thing was that he had tons of AW feedback, but all for camming and all his feedback for 2015 and 2016 referred to him as a woman.
Very very strange and creepy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 22 April 2016, 11:19:12 am
Tell me to slow down, then I point out he has 10 mins left, after I've noticed he's trying to take the piss with time in a 30min booking, so I say well it's a quickie & we are limited for time you can extend, nope not enough cash. Then I carry on, he then says slow down again with 5 mins remaining whilst thinking his flaccid cock will penetrate.  :-\ Had him out the door on time, cheeky prick.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 22 April 2016, 11:28:51 pm
First time client 'Give me a discount and i will become your regular'  ::)

I usually reply with "I never do discounts as I've already got a lot of regular clients who are more than happy to pay my rate, so I'm not looking for any more regs at this time. If you do want to book lets just see how we get on with the first booking as we might not even like each other" ;-)

The mumbling/stuttering/silence/speechlessness/shock in their voice always makes me laugh lol

Ugh. I hate the guys who say they'll be a regular if I see them at a discounted rate. My standard reply is:

"Sorry, being paid less than what I charge on a regular basis doesn't appeal to me at all"

Usually shuts the chancers straight up.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sultress000 on 22 April 2016, 11:44:16 pm
Love these replies! I get all these types of chancers too.. Its just unbelievable
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 23 April 2016, 07:42:27 am
Had to cancel someone recently as came on my period and it was really heavy. He text me and said he could come round just for a social to give me cuddles and kisses etc for an hour. He's a regular so I thought it would be an easy way to make some extra money with someone trustworthy. Text him back saying it sounded lovely and I'd offer him a discount seeing as no sex of any kind would be involved. His response "I didn't realise it would have to be a "transaction". If you decide you want some company later and someone to rub your tummy for you then you know where I am".

Grrrrr - why do certain clients assume we'd ever want to see them for free? He's old enough to be my grandad and I've never ever lead him to believe that I might have feelings for him or want to be his friend outside of escorting in anyway. It's as if because I give a good performance during bookings they think it's the best sex I've ever experienced and I'd happily spend time with them for free.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 23 April 2016, 04:06:31 pm
When they text and if you don't reply immediately they text question marks, so rude.

Text received at 10.50 last night: Available now

I ignored it then another text from him at 11pm: ??
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 23 April 2016, 04:13:42 pm
Had to cancel someone recently as came on my period and it was really heavy. He text me and said he could come round just for a social to give me cuddles and kisses etc for an hour. He's a regular so I thought it would be an easy way to make some extra money with someone trustworthy. Text him back saying it sounded lovely and I'd offer him a discount seeing as no sex of any kind would be involved. His response "I didn't realise it would have to be a "transaction". If you decide you want some company later and someone to rub your tummy for you then you know where I am".

Grrrrr - why do certain clients assume we'd ever want to see them for free? He's old enough to be my grandad and I've never ever lead him to believe that I might have feelings for him or want to be his friend outside of escorting in anyway. It's as if because I give a good performance during bookings they think it's the best sex I've ever experienced and I'd happily spend time with them for free.

Because he's a cheeky cunt, what part of the word 'escort' doesn't he understand!? He's just trying it on. I bet the thought of him popping round for free to 'rub your tummy' makes you cringe, it would me lol :-)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lulu7 on 23 April 2016, 04:50:26 pm

My biggest pet peeve is that they'll send me a cock picture/ try to text me outside of hours/ ask if they can be my friend/ offer me a job/ free dates/ free overnights then somehow get really offended when I say no. And then call me a "gold digging whore, who is only in it for the money"

Erm you found me on a ESCORTING site. A site which exchanges sexual favours for money! Why are you so surpised that I dare want MONEY for these things. I'm a prostitute? Shock horror! I want money for sex! How dare I?  ::) :FF ???

It bloody well pisses me off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 23 April 2016, 09:28:38 pm
I've noticed lately that potential clients are getting snotty when you politely turn their booking down.Today for example I had a guy ring and he asked alot of questions which I did answer politely such as what does swallow at discretion mean,would you swallow the second time I meet you,can I cross dress,can I have a gfe,can I see you this afternoon,if I want to book can I ring on the day (a minute ago he wanted this afternoon)he then asked if I do everything on my enjoys list followed by do I enjoy escorting or do I do it for the this point I said I felt that was a question too far and I was going to end the conversation.2 mins later he sent a snotty text saying he was nervous and I'd disrespected him and he had wanted to spend his hardearned cash on me.I mean for gods sake!
Sent him a text back telling him I had been very respectful but felt i comfortable with some of his questions and didn't wish to continue being grilled.I added that the fact he had just got extremely snotty for no real reason meant my gut was right and he was very welcome to take his hardearned cash and poor attitude elsewhere.Jesus why bother carrying on just because someone doesn't want to meet or discuss totally nosy and odd things!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss Carolines secret on 24 April 2016, 05:59:30 am
When they text and if you don't reply immediately they text question marks, so rude.

Text received at 10.50 last night: Available now

I ignored it then another text from him at 11pm: ??
The odd thing is some of these irritating wankers arnt even available it's their bullshit messages I just have to ignore
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 24 April 2016, 01:05:13 pm
When they text and if you don't reply immediately they text question marks, so rude.

Text received at 10.50 last night: Available now

I ignored it then another text from him at 11pm: ??
The odd thing is some of these irritating wankers arnt even available it's their bullshit messages I just have to ignore

Yes they probably just send the same stupid text out to see if anyone replies with no intention of actually booking anyone.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MandyVine on 01 May 2016, 07:36:44 pm
I have a regular who has a small penis, not what I would call a micro, but not much length or girth. 

His favorite position is us on our sides and him entering from behind.  It's not a condom issue with him, he is big enough for it to stay on, BUT he pulls out too far and falls out and then has to be guided back in...  again and again and again. 

For some reason this annoys the shit out of me.  I've tried to manipulate my body in all sorts of contorted positions to keep him inside of me long enough for him to cum but it gets old. 

I know he's paying me and it's not as if he's asking me to do anything I don't offer but grrrrrrr, I want to scream "do you NOT understand why this position is NOT working?"   :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF Rant over...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: trashbaby on 01 May 2016, 11:58:53 pm

I've been quizzed so many times recently as to why my working hours are what they are.  It is literally NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS. None.  I can sort of forgive it in person because it's sometimes just small talk, and they might be nervous and blurt it out without really thinking.  But on the phone, when they demand a certain time and I say no i don't work past X time.  And they are like, why? and then sound all pissed off that I won't do what they want or explain why.

I just want to write I OWE YOU NOTHING on my forehead
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 02 May 2016, 10:53:09 am
I can't remember if I've said on here already but when they say "I've seen you on quite a few places" with a riased eyebrow & smarmy-ish smirk.  Wow Sherlock, you just have to go on my website & see all the banners to see where I list my services. I always give a bit of a sarcastic response to these types. I just don't understand their reasons for it.  ??? fookin eejits
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss Carolines secret on 02 May 2016, 11:02:04 am
I have a regular who has a small penis, not what I would call a micro, but not much length or girth. 

His favorite position is us on our sides and him entering from behind.  It's not a condom issue with him, he is big enough for it to stay on, BUT he pulls out too far and falls out and then has to be guided back in...  again and again and again. 

For some reason this annoys the shit out of me.  I've tried to manipulate my body in all sorts of contorted positions to keep him inside of me long enough for him to cum but it gets old. 

I know he's paying me and it's not as if he's asking me to do anything I don't offer but grrrrrrr, I want to scream "do you NOT understand why this position is NOT working?"   :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF Rant over...

Why don't you tell him the position isn't working ?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MandyVine on 02 May 2016, 03:55:53 pm

I know he's paying me and it's not as if he's asking me to do anything I don't offer but grrrrrrr, I want to scream "do you NOT understand why this position is NOT working?"   :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF Rant over...

Why don't you tell him the position isn't working ?

Believe me, I have tried.  I have suggested other positions and done it in the nicest way possible (I love the way it feels when you're in me in doggy) but HE wants this position and HE keeps going back to it.  Not all clients actually listen or take instruction.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 02 May 2016, 04:21:17 pm
When they ask your rates and when I say "They are all on the profile" and they say "Are you're ?130 an hour"

Why ask!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 02 May 2016, 05:57:47 pm
When they ask your rates and when I say "They are all on the profile" and they say "Are you're ?130 an hour"

Why ask!

I have, in the past, quoted a higher price than is on my profile. Almost always they came back with "Aha! But here it says it's 120!"

Sometimes I would say "That's the price for people who don't ask stupid questions."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 02 May 2016, 06:47:50 pm
When they ask your rates and when I say "They are all on the profile" and they say "Are you're ?130 an hour"

Why ask!

I have, in the past, quoted a higher price than is on my profile. Almost always they came back with "Aha! But here it says it's 120!"

Sometimes I would say "That's the price for people who don't ask stupid questions."
Good answer, I'm gonna do that next time x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 04 May 2016, 10:08:10 am
It's probably been said a million times before but this is the thing that irritates me more than anything else in the world and its just happened yet again..

Email on AW 'when are you next available?'

Ffs my whole availability for the month is on my profile and I spend hours on it every month, booking locations, working out dates and so on. Why can't they just fucking look at it? Literally nothing annoys me more. If you've found my profile easy enough to email me, READ IT. Not only that but I also have it written three times that I'm on a break so no doubt he didn't bother to see that either.

Phew, needed that rant  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss Carolines secret on 04 May 2016, 11:08:02 am
I'm tired of the long lengthy emails stating a load of old boring nonsense plus  no bookings at all requested
Or asking when I'm visiting their town like I'd go all the way to some god forsaken place based on a damn strangers request  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 04 May 2016, 07:06:03 pm
It's probably been said a million times before but this is the thing that irritates me more than anything else in the world and its just happened yet again..

Email on AW 'when are you next available?'

Ffs my whole availability for the month is on my profile and I spend hours on it every month, booking locations, working out dates and so on. Why can't they just fucking look at it? Literally nothing annoys me more. If you've found my profile easy enough to email me, READ IT. Not only that but I also have it written three times that I'm on a break so no doubt he didn't bother to see that either.

Phew, needed that rant  ;D

I keep mine updated often too and every SINGLE TIME when I post slap bang in the middle of my adultwork page that I'm NOT available I get stupid emails like that! Yes very annoying.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lulu7 on 04 May 2016, 09:46:23 pm
Telling me, "they don't have any money/ they aren't rich."

That's very nice but what do your money troubles have to do with me?  I'm not giving you free time because you aren't rich. If you "aren't rich" then you really shouldn't be spending your money on escorts then should you? Porn is free. 

I once charged someone above my rate for saying this to me. He asked for a extra hour after telling me he isn't rich and I gleefully said a fee higher than the one I charge. I don't go to sainsburys, stare at the chocolates and then tell the shop assistant i'm not rich. They would give a flying fuck about my financial woes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mysteriousGirl on 04 May 2016, 11:41:52 pm

Texting me about mundane bollocks ranging from the fact they are sunbathing to what they are having for dinner.

Who doesn't like a good spaghetti bolognese, but must they insist on letting me know about it? Jeez
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 05 May 2016, 07:15:31 am
When I give them very clear and specific parking instructions to park on a specified road and then they proceed to park just off it.

They text me saying 'I am just on a side road off that x road'.

Makes it hard to direct them then.  Annoying.

As if I am going to give them my main road name until they have parked up and arrived....!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 05 May 2016, 12:18:21 pm
It's amazing how many men think we're setting them up to be mugged/robbed if we give specific parking instructions...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 05 May 2016, 01:29:00 pm
I'm in a massive anonymous block so I just give them the address. Although right now I'm touring and in a flat on the most generic road ever. There's literally nothing to guide them. Even the postcode puts them in the wrong place. I've finally made a map by screenshooting Google maps and drawing arrows and shit on it. If I decide to take a booking, I'm willing to tell them exactly where I am. No flat number until they arrive, of course.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 06 May 2016, 11:53:13 am
Conversations like this.

Him. alright are you working today?
Me. Yes but I'm fully booked sorry.
Him. Oh, right, ummm, ahhh, ummm. So you don't have any time today at all?
Me. No sorry.
Him. Oh, ahhh, ummmm, ummm, shame, do you have any friends?
Me. Yes but none of them are prostitutes.
Him. Oh ok, ummmm, call me if you get any free time.
Me. Ok, bye.


Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Naughtyforty on 06 May 2016, 05:57:29 pm
I've seen one guy a few times. He has always turned up with beige trousers, navy jacket ( he just needs a straw boater to complete the look ) anyway I have coat hangers out  and obvious hanging places (a rail)  in my room. Every time though he takes his jacket of puts it on a hanger ( taken from the rail ) then opens my  wardrobe to hang it up. Aarggh!
I even try and beat him to it now " can I take your jacket".  "No no I will get it"
Nosey git just wants to look in the wardrobe I'm sure. I've try and depersonalise the room but he must suspect I live here.
Drives me bonkers but apart from that he is fine so i bite my tongue... I might snap one day though!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 06 May 2016, 06:03:40 pm
Put something shocking in there next time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Naughtyforty on 06 May 2016, 06:37:15 pm
Good idea. I will need to let my imagination run wild and think of a belter...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 06 May 2016, 06:58:49 pm
Good idea. I will need to let my imagination run wild and think of a belter...

Big gorilla mask on top of a fluffy coat or something, he'll shit himself  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 06 May 2016, 07:10:41 pm
When they pick up a book nosily then quickly put it down when you come back in the room. Why not just ask "is that good book?"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 07 May 2016, 12:31:47 pm
When they pick up a book nosily then quickly put it down when you come back in the room. Why not just ask "is that good book?"

I'm sure they don't care some of them just like touching your stuff. Happens to me a lot of I leave a client anywhere while not looking they'll start picking things up and going through drawers though I do make sure there is nothing identifying lying around where they could find it. Last week had a client ask for a glass of water was going to get him but he just waves it off and says he'll get it and then starts going through all my cupboards and drawers until I walk in the kitchen and get a glass for him. Not sure what he was looking for I don't keep my I.D in the kitchen.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 07 May 2016, 12:39:05 pm
I had a half hour booking yesterday and the guy was in the shower at the end for 12 minutes! I was thinking "Doesn't he have washing facilities at home?" I had to tell him to get out! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 07 May 2016, 12:55:41 pm
I had a guy pretty much insist on following me into the kitchen for his glass of water. This is a touring flat and I don't much care. But if he'd tried it at my home flat I'd have been extremely irritated.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 07 May 2016, 06:56:49 pm

I'm sure they don't care some of them just like touching your stuff. Happens to me a lot of I leave a client anywhere while not looking they'll start picking things up and going through drawers though I do make sure there is nothing identifying lying around where they could find it. Last week had a client ask for a glass of water was going to get him but he just waves it off and says he'll get it and then starts going through all my cupboards and drawers until I walk in the kitchen and get a glass for him. Not sure what he was looking for I don't keep my I.D in the kitchen.

I'd have flipped if someone did that to me. I don't let any clients in any room except the work bedroom and the bathroom. My space and they're not seeing it.  ;D

When they leave the bathroom messy. How hard is it to hang a towel back up or not get water everywhere?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 16 May 2016, 10:21:50 am
Had a client last week who, when leaving, picked up my post that had been posted through my letter box during the booking and was like "so your real name is *****" and read my real name from the letters. He then text me after the booking to thank me and called me by my real name.
Really pissed me off!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 16 May 2016, 10:36:48 am
Had a client last week who, when leaving, picked up my post that had been posted through my letter box during the booking and was like "so your real name is *****" and read my real name from the letters. He then text me after the booking to thank me and called me by my real name.
Really pissed me off!!!

He knew it would.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 16 May 2016, 11:18:00 am
When they email and say that they've been looking at your profile for ages and really want to book you but they're "Not ready yet"

Email when you're bloody ready then! This from a guy with a 6 year old profile and zero feedback x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 16 May 2016, 12:30:33 pm
Lol the absolute definition of the time waster. Never actually makes a booking, loves email ping pong and dirty texts while having a wank. They just seem to think we sit around waiting for bookings and have time to just send them sexy emails or read all their crap about "Things I want to do when we meet which will be never because I'm a tight wad". If nobody is interested in a booking that day I'll get some shopping done or Uni projects maybe hang out with my boyfriend and friends. I'm not that pathetic that I sit in begging people to book me and neither is anybody else.

Lately the clients that are bugging me are the overly nervous or over zealous ones. For example they make the booking you've pencilled it on to the calendar it's all sorted but they just don't leave you alone for the whole time until the booking. I don't mind questions and clarifications to a degree I understand some are maybe booking some company for the first time and they don't understand everything about how it works but some feel the need to constantly text me about how they can't wait until they see me in three days and they are horny thinking about it. Like they feel once they have booked then sending texts to build up anticipation is just part of it. It's so freaking special to these guys and they seem to expect me to feel the same but to me it's just another booking when I probably have 3-4 more on the same day and I probably won't remember much about them the next day. When I get to the booking they have paid for I'll give a good service and pretend I'm having a great time with them but before that I wish they'd just leave me alone. The booking isn't going anywhere until then if they need to anticipate they can do it themselves looking at my pictures or something  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 16 May 2016, 02:50:49 pm
Lol the absolute definition of the time waster. Never actually makes a booking, loves email ping pong and dirty texts while having a wank. They just seem to think we sit around waiting for bookings and have time to just send them sexy emails or read all their crap about "Things I want to do when we meet which will be never because I'm a tight wad". If nobody is interested in a booking that day I'll get some shopping done or Uni projects maybe hang out with my boyfriend and friends. I'm not that pathetic that I sit in begging people to book me and neither is anybody else.

Lately the clients that are bugging me are the overly nervous or over zealous ones. For example they make the booking you've pencilled it on to the calendar it's all sorted but they just don't leave you alone for the whole time until the booking. I don't mind questions and clarifications to a degree I understand some are maybe booking some company for the first time and they don't understand everything about how it works but some feel the need to constantly text me about how they can't wait until they see me in three days and they are horny thinking about it. Like they feel once they have booked then sending texts to build up anticipation is just part of it. It's so freaking special to these guys and they seem to expect me to feel the same but to me it's just another booking when I probably have 3-4 more on the same day and I probably won't remember much about them the next day. When I get to the booking they have paid for I'll give a good service and pretend I'm having a great time with them but before that I wish they'd just leave me alone. The booking isn't going anywhere until then if they need to anticipate they can do it themselves looking at my pictures or something  :FF
Oh god I'm with you! I've had 2 guys booked in for Friday ringing asking if all is still ok. I'm so busy today with bookings and Friday is the last thing on my mind, you're right though it's a big event for them so I try to keep that in mind x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 17 May 2016, 01:57:56 pm
For example they make the booking you've pencilled it on to the calendar it's all sorted but they just don't leave you alone for the whole time until the booking.

I recently blocked one such individual.  Lack of professional boundary.  Quite insulting, really.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 17 May 2016, 03:12:14 pm
When they email and say that they've been looking at your profile for ages and really want to book you but they're "Not ready yet"

Email when you're bloody ready then! This from a guy with a 6 year old profile and zero feedback x

Emails received from a waster telling me all that he wants to do in a booking....I've replied saying yes all that's fine all he needs to do now is call me, he's replied saying he's too shy to call but he just wants to let me know about his likes etc...I checked on 'all emails' and the sad twat has been sending me shit like this since May 2015!  ::) He's now blocked.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 17 May 2016, 03:57:04 pm
I had a fake booking on AW from a brothel owner based in ***  he had aliases with an escort - when I asked him to ring, he "faked" deafness and asked me to "text him" my address.  I insisted speaking for security reasons and I accept no booking.  He later said he did not hear a thing over the phone (oh yeah? he responded to me so well) whilst he said he had hearing aids.
A TOTAL WANKE*.   Stop acting as a disabled when he clearly isn't!   Blocked. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 17 May 2016, 06:51:59 pm
When they email and say that they've been looking at your profile for ages and really want to book you but they're "Not ready yet"

Email when you're bloody ready then! This from a guy with a 6 year old profile and zero feedback x

Emails received from a waster telling me all that he wants to do in a booking....I've replied saying yes all that's fine all he needs to do now is call me, he's replied saying he's too shy to call but he just wants to let me know about his likes etc...I checked on 'all emails' and the sad twat has been sending me shit like this since May 2015!  ::) He's now blocked.
Oh the "Shy" ones! Ridiculous, timewasters of the highest order x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 17 May 2016, 08:06:10 pm
I usually reply that if they are too shy to speak to me quickly on the phone then I don't think they are ready to actually meet in person.They usually go silent then.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 17 May 2016, 09:02:47 pm
I usually reply that if they are too shy to speak to me quickly on the phone then I don't think they are ready to actually meet in person.They usually go silent then.
I say this too, most have just hung up.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mysteriousGirl on 18 May 2016, 12:18:16 am
Requesting certain looks that you know for a fact make you look like a tit.

Case in point: my client tomorrow wants me to go looking like a chav. Skirt skimming my arse, tiny top, massive hoop ear rings and stockings WITH TRAINERS  ::)

Bloody dreading it. As its been a pre booked appointment for some time, I agreed to it previously and am now wishing I hadn't.

He's a reg so I know he's being serious and not wasting my time. I'm going to feel like a right fool getting changed into all that malarkey. Ugh.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nova on 18 May 2016, 08:05:03 pm
It's only a little thing but: When I ask them to text to confirm by noon for their evening appointment and they send a message saying, 'Are you still free to meet tonight?' or similar. Yes, OBVIOUSLY I'm going to honour the booking because I'm the professional here. In the extremely unlikely event that I needed to cancel, you would know by now. You're texting to confirm that YOU are able to attend the booking.  Grrrr.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 18 May 2016, 11:01:31 pm
It's only a little thing but: When I ask them to text to confirm by noon for their evening appointment and they send a message saying, 'Are you still free to meet tonight?' or similar. Yes, OBVIOUSLY I'm going to honour the booking because I'm the professional here. In the extremely unlikely event that I needed to cancel, you would know by now. You're texting to confirm that YOU are able to attend the booking.  Grrrr.

I never contact clients for any reason so I just wait until they confirm then let them know if I can't make it and always tell them that something could come up from my end and I may need to cancel.  Everyone works differently though, there's no right or wrong way to arrange bookings.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss Bentley on 19 May 2016, 11:20:25 pm
1 - Entire days spent taking loads of bookings and ALL of them cancelling or no showing so you're sat around all day making no money and going out of your mind..  Seems to be happening a lot lately

2 - people who explicitly agree to your services when booking then arrive and say they completely ignored you on the phone because you're just a hooker and why would they listen to you.

3. Can you just get naked so I can make sure I like it before I pay..

4. Stands screaming in hotel reception that they're here and want your room number

5. Want a booking now, you say you can be ready in 15mins and they say no they want now.. They couldn't possibly be right outside..

6. I want a discount because I had to pay for parking

7. 'I speak not good English..  My friend make book.' when they're already here and had their friend pretend to be the client so you would book them

8. Do you have any diseases? Are you sure? Did you shower?

9. Toilet roll stuck in the bum

10. Can I do anal? No. Come on I really want to. NO. All the other girls do it. I don't care I don't. Come on.. NO. (starts trying to do it anyway)..  (substitute anal for BB OWO or anything else you don't do!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Irishminx on 20 May 2016, 03:49:19 am
Just joined and wow I thought I was the only one.
5am texts seeing if your available in 2 months time.

Client making and confirming a booking, when it comes to address etc " oh your too far from me" My location it's on my profile!!!!

Haggling rates "but I'm really hot with a 12 inch cock"

"But I can get the same service for half the price from so and so" Well go get it then.

"Do you do bareback? No? I'll I'll pay extra" Yeach dude the 20 quid it's gonna make the sti so worth it

 :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 20 May 2016, 01:47:27 pm
When they seem surprised that they have to pay like ?2 to park despite it stating clearly on my profile that I am in the city centre..willing to pay ?100 for a shag but dismayed at having to pay to park..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 20 May 2016, 01:57:52 pm
Nipple pincher/biters  ???

When they reach over and pick something up off the side and say "Oh I'll just put this in you" (a butt plug that I use on men that I had cleaned but forgotten to put away!) No you fucking well won't!!  :o

When they suggest ridiculous things such as "Can we have sex with us both wearing butt plugs" NO!

And "Can we use a double ender, one in vagina and the other end in his bum" No F OFF!!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 20 May 2016, 03:08:30 pm
When they go into the drawer next to your bed and start rooting round for toys/poppers/baby oil whatever.Er tell me what you want and I'll get it if I have it you ignorant twat!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: strawberryjam on 20 May 2016, 03:44:21 pm
A client just asked me if he can lick me out in 15min booking  :FF I do it very rarely anyway....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: IveS on 20 May 2016, 04:13:26 pm
I had a guy a few weeks ago that kept making really shit jokes the whole way through then singing / doing impersonations and taking phone calls for a large amount of an hour booking.....I've got neighbors to worry about!

He rang yesterday needless to say I wouldn't see him again for double my rate  >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 20 May 2016, 04:55:29 pm
I had a guy a few weeks ago that kept making really shit jokes the whole way through then singing / doing impersonations and taking phone calls for a large amount of an hour booking.....I've got neighbors to worry about!

He rang yesterday needless to say I wouldn't see him again for double my rate  >:( >:( >:(
I always say on the phone that I have neighbours who are home and they'll have to be quiet/ discreet, if they're a yeller etc I'm probably not for them or I'll have to put my hand over their mouth or shove a pair of knickers in it ....but they don't seem to mind and usually say " I'm a quiet kind of guy" ....they really can be so nice ...apart from my tit bongo drummer the other day , v quiet but weird !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 20 May 2016, 09:07:42 pm
When they go into the drawer next to your bed and start rooting round for toys/poppers/baby oil whatever.Er tell me what you want and I'll get it if I have it you ignorant twat!

I'm considering filing my drawers with thumb tacs just to teach them a lesson. If we went to an outcall to their place and went through their mail,drawers,wardrobes etc they'd freak out and accuse us of trying to steal. One guy the other day was going through my clothes like "Lemme see what outfits you have to wear" No fuck off twat if you wanted to request an outfit you should have discussed it with me when you made the booking. Tell him to not go through my stuff and he just shrugs and goes to sit down on the bed then opens the bedside draw and  rummages around in it. I close it and tell him to stop again and he laughs at me. He stopped when I threatened to throw him out but he just had this stupid grin on his face. Not accepting bookings from him again saved under "Sir Touchalot"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 20 May 2016, 09:22:05 pm
When they turn up late without communicating with you and seem utterly flabberghasted that you are not still sat waiting for them and you can't/won't see them!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 20 May 2016, 10:47:46 pm
They seem to believe that money speaks to us regardless of their poor and antisocial behavior. Because we are hookers, they seem to assume that we tolerate things that (civvies women wouldn't) to get money.  They don't realise we are not any different!  No manners no service!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 21 May 2016, 10:53:08 am
Turned on my work phone this morning to about 10 messages from a booking later today asking stupid questions and just talking about how he can't wait to see me and what he'd like to do to me. Seemed reasonable when he made the booking so it might be that he's nervous or over excited but I'd put a bet on him not showing up for his booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BarbaraB on 21 May 2016, 12:12:27 pm
couple days  ago, client made booking  via aw... during   sex (in end)  he get outside   of me put his   condom down and  winkle ...  up of my pussy   of course  i jump rolled  down  of bed and  cover my pussy...  he cum  around my  bed (amazing) ...  after  the meeting  he send me  good feedbacks and after a lot of  txt and  aw messages,  when   i will leave him  good  feedbacks  because he  deserve it  because  he know  how to treat  girl .. (don't know  if he mean licking  like  dog or wheat ever .. anyway next txt  i ended u message in aw please  be  honest  i have couple questions .....

Hello Beautiful
I have some questions for you regarding sex and i want you to be very honest with me please Some women told me they do not want to finger their pussy because it is sensitive ! I do not know what is that , is it because it's painful ?
You remember when i finger and licked your pussy you ask me to do it slower , is it because it was hurting you or you just did not want me to make you cum ? I thought if i will increase speed i could make you cumming and squirting If a client will make you cum can you see other clients after this or do you need more time to recover ? How does it work ? One day i have visited a girl and she was cumming on my cock , it was great my cock was wet with her pussy juice but she did not want me to make her cum again she said to me that she will want to see more clients after me ! At my first number with you i have tried to cum and spray all over your pussy but you did not allow me , you covered your pussy with your hand ! I love to cum and spray over pussy it is so sensual and sexy ! Some girls accept this fantasy with me other do not ! Can you get pregnant if i will cum over your pussy ( but not inside !! ) Can you please be honest and give me straight answers to my questions? Would you be able o leave your pussy more hairy next time , i want a hairy pussy , most of them are shaven nowadays ! :)) I like you so much if i would have been rich i would have come to you everyday , but i do want to see you again one day ! Take care of you , Michael

i cant  believe ....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seleranda on 21 May 2016, 12:20:12 pm
1 - Entire days spent taking loads of bookings and ALL of them cancelling or no showing so you're sat around all day making no money and going out of your mind..  Seems to be happening a lot lately

2 - people who explicitly agree to your services when booking then arrive and say they completely ignored you on the phone because you're just a hooker and why would they listen to you.

3. Can you just get naked so I can make sure I like it before I pay..

4. Stands screaming in hotel reception that they're here and want your room number

5. Want a booking now, you say you can be ready in 15mins and they say no they want now.. They couldn't possibly be right outside..

6. I want a discount because I had to pay for parking

7. 'I speak not good English..  My friend make book.' when they're already here and had their friend pretend to be the client so you would book them

8. Do you have any diseases? Are you sure? Did you shower?

9. Toilet roll stuck in the bum

10. Can I do anal? No. Come on I really want to. NO. All the other girls do it. I don't care I don't. Come on.. NO. (starts trying to do it anyway)..  (substitute anal for BB OWO or anything else you don't do!

I don't find this annoying, but a huge lack of respect. If somehow any of them passed my screening process I would be out of the door (I don't do incalls) without blinking twice. I'm freaking out about how some of the clients see us. I hope you didn't entertain any of them!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 21 May 2016, 12:47:06 pm
Coming by taxi and not arranging to have one pick them up after. So they have to call one after the booking and then expecting to wait around inside my house. Er no, time up, out you go!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jill on 22 May 2016, 08:20:55 pm
Coming by taxi and not arranging to have one pick them up after. So they have to call one after the booking and then expecting to wait around inside my house. Er no, time up, out you go!

I have not read the whole thread or I would be goggly eyed but this last comment is true with me.
Several guys arriving by taxi know they need one to get back to wherever and then appear unsure how to go about it if they are not familiar with the area.  I become the taxi fairy and have got it down to a fine art now. I found a firm very close to me who always get me a car within a few minutes and I ask them to pick up at a street corner close to me. No way am I giving my address to a local firm and have my client chatting to the driver! I then get the client out and tell him he must walk along the road and the cab will be there very soon. It works every time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 02 June 2016, 10:41:22 am
Had a guy last week who was repeating everything I said as I was talking, quite odd & disconcerting.

I find ones who book me once then contact me every week but have no intention of coming to see me, because it never happens again very annoying. I've now stopped being friendly because of these types incase it's just a cheap thrill to text me. They probably do it to other ladies in the area too. They want to grow up & stop behaving like teenagers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 02 June 2016, 10:54:18 am
Yes I have a guy who I saw once about 4 months ago.He has twice emailed me asking for another appointment (not sure why he doesn't just phone)but never confirms.
In between all this he randomnly texts saying 'Hi sexy' or 'Who's this?'..dickhead.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lem0nade on 07 June 2016, 11:35:19 pm
Dragging their feet to get out of the door... I'm perfectly happy to go over by 5 - 10 minutes if I haven't kept track of the time but some guys actually take the piss.

The most annoying client I've had: He's taken ten minutes to wash his hair, groom himself then with the most sort of aching deliberation spent ten minutes putting his clothes back on, all while asking me on a date??? Can that be two annoying things in one?

After taking his hand to lead him out the door (he wasn't getting the hint but I didn't want to be rude), I receive a bombardment of texts over the next few days asking me out for coffee, lunch, dinner. And he had the gall to claim that "I clearly had a good time" so I should see him for free. It's literally my job to pretend I'm enjoying myself, pal. Don't get ahead of yourself.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 08 June 2016, 12:13:19 am
If they take too long in the shower just turn the hot water off they'll soon get out. Some do take the piss it's a reasonable courtesy to offer a quick shower after but some really do take advantage had it with a couple of clients. One guy had a shower got dressed and then walked in the living room and sat down then said "Got any coffee?". It's like "Um what the fuck do you think you're doing?" 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 08 June 2016, 08:06:07 am
When they call you at 8 in the morning asking you if the vibrator has arrived in the post yet.

My post doesn't get here before midday at the absolute earliest to start with!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jill on 08 June 2016, 10:03:48 am
If they have had a one hour booking and all was good, then they text a week later to ask if you will do a ?20 "quickie" !

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 08 June 2016, 12:18:16 pm
When they think it's acceptable to ask if they can see you today and pay you at the end of the week when they get paid because they're a regular. Then be offended when you say no. "Don't you trust me?" No. Would you ask the cashier at Asda if you could pay later next week because you shop there regularly? Numpty.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 08 June 2016, 02:14:49 pm
When you are in the middle of giving them a bj and they ask you if you will do bareback if they become a regular then act surprised when you stop doing what you are doing and give them a bollocking!
Just had this today and then he merrily asked to see me for ab hour next time and was shocked when I said erm no I don't think so.He's now in my phone as bbdickhead.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 09 June 2016, 12:18:44 pm
When they send really vague emails like 'Can you share something about your services?' Well like what?!?If you actually read my website where you got my email address from it's all pretty self explanatory!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 10 June 2016, 11:58:59 am
The suspicious types one just wanted me to video call him. His the one with the problem not me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: losthope on 12 June 2016, 10:46:16 am
ask, whats your real name ?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: strawberryjam on 12 June 2016, 03:44:27 pm
They ask me to send them more pictures  :FF because they "can't see any on AW"
Bullshit, they collect photos and they will never book
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 12 June 2016, 09:26:21 pm
Yup, I have heard something similar.  Block  :)
Can I book to see you? his feedbacks were hidden.  I asked the reason why.  He said he was  afraid of getting hacked again.  Looked like he had nearly 500 feedbacks, likely under all cam & phone chat and nil under escort.  Amazed if he thought I would even open his 3rd message.  Deleted.  He could be genuine but .. ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 14 June 2016, 08:01:12 pm
Does anyone else freak out when they leave a client to have a shower and then come into the bedroom only to find them under the duvet?

My brain's going: "Get the fuck out of my bed, you freak!"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 14 June 2016, 09:12:12 pm
Does anyone else freak out when they leave a client to have a shower and then come into the bedroom only to find them under the duvet?

My brain's going: "Get the fuck out of my bed, you freak!"
Not freak as such but I do think you are here to have a wild fuck not a twee 1950's fumble with the sheets up to our necks and the lights out!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissFlint on 14 June 2016, 11:04:18 pm
Does anyone else freak out when they leave a client to have a shower and then come into the bedroom only to find them under the duvet?

My brain's going: "Get the fuck out of my bed, you freak!"
I would be furious of that happened to me! I've had clients ask if they can get into bed but I always refuse. I have a throw on the bed for a reason.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 15 June 2016, 12:13:16 am
Does anyone else freak out when they leave a client to have a shower and then come into the bedroom only to find them under the duvet?

My brain's going: "Get the fuck out of my bed, you freak!"

Oh yeah that's just awful. Are they there for a kip?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 15 June 2016, 12:17:26 am
I absolutely hate random, idle pawing and fondling. I hate it from partners and I hate it from clients. Like when sat chatting at the end of the booking and they reach out and just stroke my breast, fondle a nipple. It fills me with rage. He could have had a finger up my bumhole ten minutes earlier, no problem. But when the sex is done I'm not up for fondling. And I have to bite my tongue and remind myself that as far as he knows, he's paid for the time and figures they're his tits to touch.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: emily11 on 15 June 2016, 10:59:41 am
When they come up with obnoxious or complicated requests last minute even though they booked a week or two ago, knowing you won't have time to see someone else instead. Drives me crazy. Finally blocked an idiot this week who kept doing that to me.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra on 15 June 2016, 11:14:00 am
Does anyone else freak out when they leave a client to have a shower and then come into the bedroom only to find them under the duvet?

My brain's going: "Get the fuck out of my bed, you freak!"
Not freak as such but I do think you are here to have a wild fuck not a twee 1950's fumble with the sheets up to our necks and the lights out!

In my work room, I don't have a duvet....I just use fluffy throws but one time I went to get my client a drink and came back to find him under the duvet in MY PERSONAL bedroom, I freaked at that. I was so shocked because when he came into my flat, I took him into my work room and hung up all his clothes in the wardrobe, he knew that was my work room so I have no idea how he got mixed up? They look completely different.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 15 June 2016, 12:45:50 pm

In my work room, I don't have a duvet....I just use fluffy throws but one time I went to get my client a drink and came back to find him under the duvet in MY PERSONAL bedroom, I freaked at that. I was so shocked because when he came into my flat, I took him into my work room and hung up all his clothes in the wardrobe, he knew that was my work room so I have no idea how he got mixed up? They look completely different.


He was clearly messing with you some clients just get a kick out of it. He wanted your bed to smell of him. Unfortunately live in a one bedroom place so don't have much of a choice but to use my own bed with some extra sheets and pillows covering it never had a client be able to get under the covers yet but caught a couple trying to pull all the sheets and covers up to try. They're not my boyfriend and we aren't there to snuggle. 

Another one above the random touching gets to me too I mean I don't mind exchanging a bit of a shoulder rub over small talk after we finish but some guys will just grab a boob or start poking around downstairs. I had one guy who was an obsessive face toucher we'd be chatting away and he'd be tracing around my face with his fingers at one point he ran a finger along my lips then it ended up poking up my nostril I'm just like "What is this? What's supposed to be happening?" I don't know if he was trying to be cute or what but it was taking all of my will to not bite his finger off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 17 June 2016, 12:07:39 am
Question/whine about you stopping a certain service.

My body, my choice!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 17 June 2016, 08:48:56 am
When they repeatedly ask if you've had bad experiences to try & squeeze some perverted narcissistic voyeurism.   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosie13 on 17 June 2016, 11:53:09 am
The constant need to ask if I my breasts were as large when I was at school. Please don't indulge me in your schoolgirl fantasies!!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 17 June 2016, 12:06:21 pm
just had Mr "if you've got it flaunt it" bragging about how much his business class flights costs & how great his holidays are, 4k on flights  :o woopie for you mate to be able to waste that kind of cash  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 17 June 2016, 03:44:25 pm
Does anyone else freak out when they leave a client to have a shower and then come into the bedroom only to find them under the duvet?

My brain's going: "Get the fuck out of my bed, you freak!"

Oh no that made me laugh so much, unbelievable cheek! Its never happened to me but there's one old guy who I outcall to his house, we always have to get inside the bed with the duvet over us, I really hate it, feels really creepy and just so wrong  :'(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 17 June 2016, 03:50:12 pm
just had Mr "if you've got it flaunt it" bragging about how much his business class flights costs & how great his holidays are, 4k on flights  :o woopie for you mate to be able to waste that kind of cash  ::)

What a fool, I can think of a lot better things to spend that sort of money on!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 17 June 2016, 10:37:01 pm

Oh no that made me laugh so much, unbelievable cheek! Its never happened to me but there's one old guy who I outcall to his house, we always have to get inside the bed with the duvet over us, I really hate it, feels really creepy and just so wrong  :'(
 ::) akin to charity work.. :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 17 June 2016, 10:53:57 pm
Does anyone else freak out when they leave a client to have a shower and then come into the bedroom only to find them under the duvet?

My brain's going: "Get the fuck out of my bed, you freak!"

Oh no that made me laugh so much, unbelievable cheek! Its never happened to me but there's one old guy who I outcall to his house, we always have to get inside the bed with the duvet over us, I really hate it, feels really creepy and just so wrong  :'(

Oh I hate this too. It feels like I'm his wife and that's enough for me to deep breathe into the nearest brown paper bag  :P
I used to see a fella who shared a house with his sister and brother-in-law and booked me every christmas when they went away. Lovely guy, easy fun overnight etc etc but he  would pop on the leccy blanket before we snuggled in..and the sheets would smell of..strangers I would never meet  :-[
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 18 June 2016, 03:27:50 pm
Does anyone else freak out when they leave a client to have a shower and then come into the bedroom only to find them under the duvet?

My brain's going: "Get the fuck out of my bed, you freak!"

Oh no that made me laugh so much, unbelievable cheek! Its never happened to me but there's one old guy who I outcall to his house, we always have to get inside the bed with the duvet over us, I really hate it, feels really creepy and just so wrong  :'(

Oh I hate this too. It feels like I'm his wife and that's enough for me to deep breathe into the nearest brown paper bag  :P
I used to see a fella who shared a house with his sister and brother-in-law and booked me every christmas when they went away. Lovely guy, easy fun overnight etc etc but he  would pop on the leccy blanket before we snuggled in..and the sheets would smell of..strangers I would never meet  :-[

Oh no not an electric blanket!!? the last time I saw one of them it was at my nans about 30 years ago  :o Agree he probably fantasised about you being his wife  ::)

The 'getting inside' the bed just feels far too personal for me and he also has a photo of him and his (dead) wife on the bedside cabinet! I try and avoid looking at it and wishing the clock to go faster! The way he gets right close up to my face during sex and he always goes on top sort of trying to get as deep inside me as possible...makes my skin crawl  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CurlsnCurves on 19 June 2016, 04:50:50 pm
Arrive half an hour early! Take a very long time to leave after the times up. Try to get more action right before booking times up. Take the bedspread off and use my pillows cos I work from home so don't want clients on my actual bedding. Leave shit stains on my bedspread which is usually freshly washed. Yuck!!! Don't listen when I tell them not to do something, as in when they need to not go in so deep. And when booking ask lots of questions that are already answered on my ad or just book without having first messaged me. And leaving their number. I'm not calling it so there's no point.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 20 June 2016, 01:38:26 am
When I ask them to send me a quick text half an hour before the booking to confirm that they're definitely still coming and hear nothing, then I get a text saying "I'm here, what number is it?" And they're genuinely surprised that I'm not ready and waiting for them after they have failed to confirm as agreed, AND not replied when I've texted to chase them up. "Sorry babe, I was driving" ... Then why agree to text me if it was going to be a problem? And would it be such an ordeal for you to pull over and text two words?!
Made myself dizzy this week rushing to get ready for a no show, then assuming the next goon isn't coming as he hasn't confirmed only for him to appear when I'm still in my PJs...  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Willow Summers on 20 June 2016, 04:18:29 pm
Text me to ask for an appointment and if I havent replied after 5 minutes they text me with    '??'   I hate it when they text question marks!  I even have it on my profile to not text me question marks and I'll reply if and when I can!   :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 21 June 2016, 12:26:04 pm
Call to enquire if you could do an appointment round about lunchtime and then say they will ring you to confirm.Then at 12:10 ring expecting you can see them and then sound confused that you actually took in real nailed on appointments instead!I sometimes feel like I'm having to explain how an appointment works to a 5 year old!If I don't have a time and length of booking and I haven't given an address it's not a fecking appointment!Do they think you will  close off say 2 hours around lunchtime just in case they actually do make a decision and ring back to confirm a time?!?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 21 June 2016, 02:24:48 pm
Text me to ask for an appointment and if I havent replied after 5 minutes they text me with    '??'   I hate it when they text question marks!  I even have it on my profile to not text me question marks and I'll reply if and when I can!   :FF
When they hang up when you answer, sure enough text follows ( as quickly as thunder follows lightening )..pause...Then '??'  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 22 June 2016, 01:22:49 am
Not listen/keep asking for something you don't do!!

I recently stopped doing anal and when asked by a client I used to see a lot for only anal, told him when I was working but that I was no longer doing anal.

Cue texts of  thats a waste of a lovely ass, can you make an exception for me, would love to enjoy your ass again, do you have a price that would tempt you?

It isn't about money it's a personal choice, go and find someone that offers it!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 22 June 2016, 10:50:23 am
When they have seen you before then text the night before. To confirm in the morning to only no show. His lost his booking piority. Luckily the standby saved any loss. :) He could of had the decency to text change of plans.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 22 June 2016, 06:48:38 pm
I had a booking with a relatively younger chap.  I asked him if he could text me once he arrived instead of just knocking my door as I was getting ready. 

He texted me, "I'm here" and I said, "fine, please come to door"..etc I don't remember exactly what I said.  I waited for him to knock my door, another text arrived, "The door is locked!"  ::)  I didn't ask him to just open the door to come right in.   ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 22 June 2016, 09:06:17 pm
Become too confident/personal.

If one regular goes in my drawers for toys one more time I'm going to slap his hands!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 22 June 2016, 11:02:05 pm
Become too confident/personal.

If one regular goes in my drawers for toys one more time I'm going to slap his hands!

Oh yes! When they touch my things I get very annoyed. That includes going through my clothes to see what else I can wear for them (in Ibis and Premier Inn the storage space is all cubbies. I keep things neatly in them.) A couple of times guys have said, "Have you got any tights/nude stockings/etc and started looking through my stuff. Another client strolled over to the desk and picked up my ecig and said, "Oh, so what's this?" And just last week a guy went through my big zipper bag of toys "let's see what else you've got."

I really, really hate that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 22 June 2016, 11:27:16 pm
 ;D ;D. I started to think ..I would hate that, too  ::) ??? Why do they do it?   ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 22 June 2016, 11:53:22 pm
Not only annoying, but a bit of a red flag: guys who are super paranoid about the curtains being shut. It could be a one-inch gap between the bottom of the blinds and the window sill, or the curtains being open on the tenth floor with no other tall buildings within two miles, and they're moaning about wanting them closed.

Really? You think someone with a high-powered telescope is standing in the church steeple on that yonder hill, intent on watching a couple of middle-aged people fuck?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 23 June 2016, 05:31:30 am
I hate the old ignorant ones. Mr flaccid dick yesterday was pulling the flavoured condom down, I said "no take it off I'm getting an non latex one. He kept saying stupid over & over & he'd never heard of a latex allergy. Felt like saying well stupid yourself out of the door you ignorant rude limp dick twit. Should have been concentrating on getting hard not insulting allergies. Told him next time he goes for a rectal exam they'll be using a non latex gloves because SO MANY people are allergic to latex that medical practitioners don't use it anymore. Ignoramus.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 23 June 2016, 08:27:47 am
Not only annoying, but a bit of a red flag: guys who are super paranoid about the curtains being shut. It could be a one-inch gap between the bottom of the blinds and the window sill, or the curtains being open on the tenth floor with no other tall buildings within two miles, and they're moaning about wanting them closed.

Really? You think someone with a high-powered telescope is standing in the church steeple on that yonder hill, intent on watching a couple of middle-aged people fuck?

I had one who kept shutting the curtains too when I deliberately left it slightly open!   ::)   ::) That type of behavior could well be "pathological" (his rational thinking is gone).  Type of ppl we would have to deal with.  :o ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 23 June 2016, 08:31:10 am
I hate the old ignorant ones.

Sounds so exasperating!!!   :-X :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 23 June 2016, 01:34:23 pm
Not only annoying, but a bit of a red flag: guys who are super paranoid about the curtains being shut. It could be a one-inch gap between the bottom of the blinds and the window sill, or the curtains being open on the tenth floor with no other tall buildings within two miles, and they're moaning about wanting them closed.

Really? You think someone with a high-powered telescope is standing in the church steeple on that yonder hill, intent on watching a couple of middle-aged people fuck?

Ugh hate these guys always whining about the blinds being open it's not even like the bed is near the window nor are we on the ground floor people would have a job seeing in there and the window cleaner comes really early so nobody will be climbing ladders to have a look. Had a couple who try to fiddle with the blinds when i walk out the room to put money away.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 23 June 2016, 02:31:24 pm
I had a very "considerate" one today.  After a string of "not sure of that one"tastes metallic "OCD of keep shutting the curtains" etc  ;D  ;D  Nice weather too..makes a difference.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra on 24 June 2016, 02:45:24 pm
Got a really busy nite tonight and wouldn't have time to do the things I really needed doing so I rushed into town and only managed to get half the things done that needed doing as I had a client booked in for 3.30 today.

I told him that I would be in touch closer to the time with my address but when I got back, he had sent a text 10 minutes before I got home asking for the address (200 minutes to be exact before the booking) as he's about to leave soon.

Sure no problem, address sent.

Then the ignorant idiot starts asking for things I don't do.

People phoning asking for things I don't do is annoying but people booking me then after receiving my address and leaving it so close to the booking time where I've turned others away and rushed back to get ready for him is infuriating.

I politely but aggressively made myself quite clear on how unacceptable this is and it's apparent that we're clearly incompatible so the booking is cancelled blah blah blah.

The cheeky prick sends me back a text saying WOW he's glad he never met me as I'm a nutcase.

I really couldn't give a shit if I come across as a nutcase in this instance. I'm a woman scorned FFS, it's more than just pissing me about, I'm extra annoyed at him asking for my address first and the fact that I was rushing around town like a mad women to get back for him.

I pointed out that I'm not in the wrong as I'm everything my profile says I am and that I was committed to our booking, it was HIM who was in the wrong before ending the conversation saying that he should stick to the ones that offer the services he enjoys and I will stick to those respectful of my services.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 24 June 2016, 03:08:26 pm
It's not his fault you were rushing around.

Asking for things you don't do is annoying.

When I did incalls if same day I'd ask for contact at a specific time which was usually 1 hour before, to confirm booking and for parking info. Exact door/address only given when they phoned from landmark in sight of my door.

This seemed to cut down on messing around, don't know if it helps you in anyway.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra on 24 June 2016, 03:15:25 pm
I never said it was HIS fault I was rushing around. I just mentioned it as it was completely relevant to why I'm so annoyed.

I can't stand giving my address and things out to people like that, he knew what he was doing by leaving it till that point to ask for things I don't do. If he would have asked at the start then I wouldn't have been anywhere near as annoyed.

My procedure seems to work for me no problem at all when I'm dealing with decent clients. It's only ever an issue with idiots that I wouldn't want to spend my time with anyway.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 24 June 2016, 03:57:58 pm
Asking what you do and don't do after making a booking is rather silly and annoying but I thought you always asked them if they had read your profile and understood what you did and didn't do before a booking was accepted.

I would never give out address before they arrived and like Mirror says, usually at a point I could see them from.  When I was taking on another apartment this was always one of the main points.  I only ever gave out postcode and to,d them to contact me when they hit the postcode point and when I received the call I would guide them in to the point for parking.  I understand this isn't always possible but I defo wouldn't give out full address.

Kendra, I hate to say it but an awful lot of people are pissing you off lately. Sometimes it's time to look at ourselves.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra on 24 June 2016, 05:27:07 pm
An awful lot of people are pissing me off lately because I have obviously had a higher volume of undesirables get in touch and book me lately  ::)

Think about this.....

Let's say a particular escort gets say 10 calls a day and I get at least 50 a day....I'm gonna have to deal with a lot more hassle and undesirable clients than the escort that gets 10 calls a day. It's just basic math.

And as I keep saying, SOME people will attract bad clients more than others. Perhaps I appeal to a lot of immature and rude men?

Since I made this thread today, things got even weirder and crazier for me which I'm gonna start another thread on.

I realise I was angry earlier when I wrote this but for good reason unless none of what I wrote would piss any of you off? I'm in a better mood now but only cause my last client was hilarious and not in a good way.

And I stopped asking new clients on the phone if they had read my profile and were happy because it didn't make a blind bit of difference.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 24 June 2016, 05:50:23 pm
You could always just add to the 'Things client do to annoy' thread...?

I can sort of see where Lady Lust is coming from, although I agree many men are just idiots. But did you have a chat on the phone beforehand about what you do and don't do? Also, I never give my full address (i.e. door number) out until they're parked up - just my postcode and a suggestion of where to park.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra on 24 June 2016, 06:17:22 pm
You could always just add to the 'Things client do to annoy' thread...?

I can sort of see where Lady Lust is coming from, although I agree many men are just idiots. But did you have a chat on the phone beforehand about what you do and don't do? Also, I never give my full address (i.e. door number) out until they're parked up - just my postcode and a suggestion of where to park.

No I don't discuss services on the phone UNLESS the client is simply confirming what I do for example if someone asks me if kissing, OWO or whatever is genuinely on the menu then I'm more than happy to discuss.

He never mentioned anything about specifics.

I don't give out my door number either.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 24 June 2016, 06:28:03 pm
You could always just add to the 'Things client do to annoy' thread...?

Agreed, and merged.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 25 June 2016, 04:15:39 pm
When the tell you a request instead of asking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 07 July 2016, 07:45:39 pm
When you spend time washing and styling your hair, and then a punter cums in it "by accident"  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VioletteUK on 08 July 2016, 02:56:39 pm
'Are your photos real?'
I replied, no they are all fake, I spend hundreds a month updating a total fake profile. My twitter, Facebook, website, and instagram are also fake. I am not really a 6ft tall african american, I am actually a 4'11 Chinese woman using google translate to communicate with you.

He didn't reply, and showed up for his booking.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Willow Summers on 08 July 2016, 04:44:07 pm
When you spend time washing and styling your hair, and then a punter cums in it "by accident"  >:(

Im soon gonna ban facials. My hair cant cope with umpteen washes, dryer and straighners in one day! Mucky buggers!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nora batty on 08 July 2016, 05:25:54 pm
When they squeeze your boobs so hard you think your implants are going to burst. 

I got a lovely black and green set of finger prints on my boobies today.  Off to boots for some arnica cream.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 08 July 2016, 07:13:08 pm
My hair cant cope with umpteen washes, dryer and straighners in one day! Mucky buggers!

 I can sometimes just wash out the section with spunk in but worse than that, sweaty armpits...the whole damn lot has got to be washed dried and straightened again!!   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VioletteUK on 10 July 2016, 06:59:45 am
I can sometimes just wash out the section with spunk in but worse than that, sweaty armpits...the whole damn lot has got to be washed dried and straightened again!!
A years supply of disposable shower caps might be in order? As a black girl, who can't not wash my hair everyday due to its tendency to turn violently curly, as it dries out badly and it takes forever to dry straighten, i just don't allow facial for this reason. If they can't piss into a pot the size of manhole, I wouldn't trust them with aiming for a face, which is considerably smaller.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 10 July 2016, 10:44:32 am
A years supply of disposable shower caps might be in order? As a black girl, who can't not wash my hair everyday due to its tendency to turn violently curly, as it dries out badly and it takes forever to dry straighten, i just don't allow facial for this reason. If they can't piss into a pot the size of manhole, I wouldn't trust them with aiming for a face, which is considerably smaller.

Ah I see not really an option to wash the section out for you then, so yes the shower cap a good idea  :) I keep a pair of cheap sunglasses available and often put them on at the last minute as we all know the stinging in your eyes can last for hours...I've also got a pair of 'secretary' glasses with plain lenses in, I bought them from Ann Summers sale for about ?1 years ago, I sometimes wear them, seems to make the 'event' move along a bit quicker too lol  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendra on 10 July 2016, 11:10:20 pm
When they squeeze your boobs so hard you think your implants are going to burst. 

I got a lovely black and green set of finger prints on my boobies today.  Off to boots for some arnica cream.

This happened to me, it was one of the main reasons why I had my implants removed and my left one came away from its pocket which I'm almost sure was a client that caused it as I was with someone one time where he squeezed so hard that it took my breath away and he lay on top of me with his full body weight on me and I felt something tare inside my left boob x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BlaqHarlot on 11 July 2016, 12:16:41 am
When they deliberately take 10 minutes to put each piece of clothing back on whilst asking you 100 questions.
I'm no clock watcher and I can't remember the last time one of my bookings ended exactly on time but I had this client on hotel incalls and he honestly took forever to put his clothes on, asking me a long question after each piece of clothing, I got bored so stood up, put my robe on and was like "Well that was great! I would love to see you again soon" his face was a picture hahahaha
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 11 July 2016, 02:37:32 am
A years supply of disposable shower caps might be in order? As a black girl, who can't not wash my hair everyday due to its tendency to turn violently curly, as it dries out badly and it takes forever to dry straighten, i just don't allow facial for this reason. If they can't piss into a pot the size of manhole, I wouldn't trust them with aiming for a face, which is considerably smaller.

The disposable shower cap is a life saver for me, I get mine from Amazon. A pack of 10 is like 77p or a hundred is about ?3. Saves a lot of time!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 11 July 2016, 07:44:10 pm
When they deliberately take 10 minutes to put each piece of clothing back on whilst asking you 100 questions.
I'm no clock watcher and I can't remember the last time one of my bookings ended exactly on time but I had this client on hotel incalls and he honestly took forever to put his clothes on, asking me a long question after each piece of clothing, I got bored so stood up, put my robe on and was like "Well that was great! I would love to see you again soon" his face was a picture hahahaha

The annoying thing with some is when you get tired of it and shoo them out the door they get upset. "Bit pushy aren't you?"  well yes when you're still there 15 minutes after the booking ends and only half dressed or still in a towel just out the shower I do get pushy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VioletteUK on 12 July 2016, 02:05:59 am
The annoying thing with some is when you get tired of it and shoo them out the door they get upset. "Bit pushy aren't you?"  well yes when you're still there 15 minutes after the booking ends and only half dressed or still in a towel just out the shower I do get pushy.
Oh as soon as the session is done, I leave them to get dressed alone, this I find tends to sort the lounging on the bed talking shit to drag out the time. Noting like sitting in a dark boudoir surrounded by sex toys to bring home to man, just how out of place he is.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bee42 on 12 July 2016, 06:14:37 am
I hate it when they ask if you are single I just say that's my personal business or They send you pictures of there cock I just block them and my big
one is when they ask if you will go bare back and u say no and they go on I just tell to piss off ,the best one is when they book for a hour or so and then start asking to send pictures and wat you wear and wat you into  thinking that u will do anything because they have made a booking for that long and that u are going to kiss there arse and the best thing is they booked time  before and didn't turn up and they don't realise that you know they are time wasters ,and when they don't text I just tell them I am busy and they still continue o that drives me mad I could on all day lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Willow Summers on 12 July 2016, 02:52:22 pm
Oh as soon as the session is done, I leave them to get dressed alone, this I find tends to sort the lounging on the bed talking shit to drag out the time. Noting like sitting in a dark boudoir surrounded by sex toys to bring home to man, just how out of place he is.

I need to start doing this, im cheesed off with them hanging around taking about their ailments, sex-less marriage or pet dogs.

Like i give a flying fuck!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 12 July 2016, 03:41:46 pm
Constant messages (often with lengthy contents) leading to the booking day.  I noticed that this chap had a negative comment on his AW feedback.  "Constant texting then cancelled".  I stopped replying every message now...he seems genuine but possibly "lonely" (retired and ignored by his wife), not sure how to handle this.   ::)  I might wait till there are five messages in the inbox and see what he's been saying...not that I have any patience over them  ::)

Message, titled "hey.." - if someone already met me once, I wouldn't mind but anyone familiar without ever meeting once, I dislike...stopped reading his messages now.  I don't need any flirty messages from a middle-aged balding man who has no concept of being just polite.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VioletteUK on 12 July 2016, 07:26:01 pm
I need to start doing this, im cheesed off with them hanging around taking about their ailments, sex-less marriage or pet dogs.

Like i give a flying fuck!!!
Oh the other thing some will do to drag out the session, is ask for a warm drink. Sorted, I have to-go cups with the little plastic sippy cover. I stand by the door and hand it to them as they leave, the looks on some of the faces is priceless! ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissFlint on 13 July 2016, 12:33:03 am
Call to enquire if you could do an appointment round about lunchtime and then say they will ring you to confirm.Then at 12:10 ring expecting you can see them and then sound confused that you actually took in real nailed on appointments instead!I sometimes feel like I'm having to explain how an appointment works to a 5 year old!If I don't have a time and length of booking and I haven't given an address it's not a fecking appointment!Do they think you will  close off say 2 hours around lunchtime just in case they actually do make a decision and ring back to confirm a time?!?
It's my pet hate! I had a client say he probably wanted to come around 3 but he might end up being half an hour early, oh and he wanted me to keep my schedule open in case he wanted to extend for an hour. So basically he wanted me to block 2 hours for a booking which may or may not take place.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sexyshanti93 on 15 July 2016, 09:50:36 am
Guys asking for incalls texting for 'more pics, or face pic' theres a reason i dont do em, freeloading cunts and face obvs not going to send it due to privacy? Hate it ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 21 July 2016, 06:54:02 pm
Oh as soon as the session is done, I leave them to get dressed alone, this I find tends to sort the lounging on the bed talking shit to drag out the time. Noting like sitting in a dark boudoir surrounded by sex toys to bring home to man, just how out of place he is.

I do this if i am working in a flat. I go into the living room and leave them in their but when in a hotel I don't know where to go . I sometimes sit there counting the amount of clothing they have on and how many they still have left. "Ok, so he's got trousers on, only shirt, socks and shoes left to go (breathes deeply) ok, so he now has one arm in, one more arm, then socks and shoes. One socks on, just one more sock then shoes. Argh, one shoe left aaaaaaaaaaand he's gone ;D ;D For some reason I barely get this anymore though. They don't seem to stick when putting on clothes and hope it stays that way. Maybe it's cuz I look stressed when they take too long. One client told me that lol. Guess how i feel inside shows on the outside cuz I really can't help it.  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 06 August 2016, 06:46:41 pm
Emails giving less than 2 hours notice when I say 2/3 times on my profile a minimum of one hours notice from calling. I often don't show my number but my booking procedure is clear  :FF

This happened today. I'd given up around 6pm and went for a nice relaxing bath only to return at 6.30 to an email both on AW and elsewhere requesting 7pm  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 15 August 2016, 06:06:14 pm
Contact me on dating sites saying things like, "You look familiar, are you an escort," or, "I've seen you on AW." Great, thanks for telling me you know where I work. Now I know not to consider you as a date.

And contacting me on a dating site after meeting me as a client, to say they had a great time when we met. I wouldn't message my hairdresser on a dating site and thank them for my recent haircur or my dentist for my latest check up!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BlaqHarlot on 15 August 2016, 09:59:04 pm
Contact me on dating sites saying things like, "You look familiar, are you an escort," or, "I've seen you on AW." Great, thanks for telling me you know where I work. Now I know not to consider you as a date.

And contacting me on a dating site after meeting me as a client, to say they had a great time when we met. I wouldn't message my hairdresser on a dating site and thank them for my recent haircur or my dentist for my latest check up!
I had this today off snapchat.
I said "10/10 for observation" he then asked for a booking and I told him "No, I will never see a client who thinks it's okay to message me saying I know you're on AW"

He then tried to apologise and say I'm beautiful and all that stuff. I blocked him. I've had it on Facebook too, I'm not sure what they are trying to achieve, or whether they are trying to scare me which fails! I always give a sarcastic reply and they soon understand I couldn't give a shit if they knew who I was haha!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 15 August 2016, 10:15:07 pm
I would prefer them to say if they've seen me on any other sites (non paying ones) as someone could have posted up my details on them without my knowledge. The escort/client situation would still apply though, so can't see a problem really.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 15 August 2016, 11:11:32 pm
Contact me on dating sites saying things like, "You look familiar, are you an escort," or, "I've seen you on AW." Great, thanks for telling me you know where I work. Now I know not to consider you as a date.

And contacting me on a dating site after meeting me as a client, to say they had a great time when we met. I wouldn't message my hairdresser on a dating site and thank them for my recent haircur or my dentist for my latest check up!

I had one 'super' like me on tinder so I got a notification it was him, why can't they just leave us alone when it comes real life
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 16 August 2016, 01:10:58 pm
I had one 'super' like me on tinder so I got a notification it was him, why can't they just leave us alone when it comes real life

They just have their fantasies about being in our inner circle and knowing all our secrets or something. Maybe a power thing too like the clients who make threats to out you.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 17 August 2016, 12:03:19 pm
The constant need to ask if I my breasts were as large when I was at school. Please don't indulge me in your schoolgirl fantasies!!

Along with How old were you were you when they developed?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 17 August 2016, 12:51:31 pm
I had this today off snapchat.
I said "10/10 for observation" he then asked for a booking and I told him "No, I will never see a client who thinks it's okay to message me saying I know you're on AW"

He then tried to apologise and say I'm beautiful and all that stuff. I blocked him. I've had it on Facebook too, I'm not sure what they are trying to achieve, or whether they are trying to scare me which fails! I always give a sarcastic reply and they soon understand I couldn't give a shit if they knew who I was haha!

And this is the reason why I hesitate to do online dating  ??? That and also the fact that my face is out there for anyone to see and that I'm lonely ;D ahaha aaaaaaand also why I refuse to indulge in any social media. Even the pics my friend has up of me on Facebook I want taken down. But designer how did he get your snapchat ? Have you got it on your work phone?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 17 August 2016, 01:00:33 pm
It annoys me when they call half an hour before the booking time to inform you they have arrived but will wait. Go away! I'm watching loose women! X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 17 August 2016, 01:05:32 pm
I know this has been mentioned a lot of times already. You know clients seemingly not wanting to leave after the booking or them taking too long to get dressed , but I think I'm getting a bit too unreasonable about this. Like even if the client is still chatting two minutes past the end of booking I get irritated, even if he is nice, even if I enjoyed the booking. Do you think I'm over reacting maybe ? Like seriously sometimes it just 2/3 minutes over run and I just feel like shooshing them out with a stick cuz I honestly don't like clients hanging around when the duration of the time they've paid for is up but to feel this way after only 2mins. I think I have a problem. As I said, it's not like I didn't enjoy the company of the client or we didn't get on, as I can understand if I didn't and wanted them out asap. You know? Like I had a booking with a client who I didn't really like and he was just laying on the bed naked with his phone chit chatting. Not sure if he thought cuz he booked for 7 but arrived at 6:40(with no apology for showing up early) that his booking was going to continue till 8 rather that 7:40? ::) then on top of that kept on talking whilst I was about to open the door to let him out so I had to continue closing the door so he can finish speaking as don't want neighbours to hear. Eventually I had to shout "Just Get Out" at him.  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 17 August 2016, 01:17:23 pm
I know this has been mentioned a lot of times already. You know clients seemingly not wanting to leave after the booking or them taking too long to get dressed , but I think I'm getting a bit too unreasonable about this. Like even if the client is still chatting two minutes past the end of booking I get irritated, even if he is nice, even if I enjoyed the booking. Do you think I'm over reacting maybe ? Like seriously sometimes it just 2/3 minutes over run and I just feel like shooshing them out with a stick cuz I honestly don't like clients hanging around when the duration of the time they've paid for is up but to feel this way after only 2mins. I think I have a problem. As I said, it's not like I didn't enjoy the company of the client or we didn't get on, as I can understand if I didn't and wanted them out asap. You know? Like I had a booking with a client who I didn't really like and he was just laying on the bed naked with his phone chit chatting. Not sure if he thought cuz he booked for 7 but arrived at 6:40(with no apology for showing up early) that his booking was going to continue till 8 rather that 7:40? ::) then on top of that kept on talking whilst I was about to open the door to let him out so I had to continue closing the door so he can finish speaking as don't want neighbours to hear. Eventually I had to shout "Just Get Out" at him.  ???
Anything over 10 minutes annoys me but by 5 minutes if they are slow I start tidying up turn the music off et, some take the absolute piss though and I'm not a clock watcher but have my limits, one guy took so long last week I had to straight out say that he had to go as I'm busy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 17 August 2016, 01:22:29 pm
Anything over 10 minutes annoys me but by 5 minutes if they are slow I start tidying up turn the music off et, some take the absolute piss though and I'm not a clock watcher but have my limits, one guy took so long last week I had to straight out say that he had to go as I'm busy.

See that's the thing. I'm pretty sure I can manage 10 minutes but I fear if I entertain the after booking chit chat they would take the piss and it will go past 10 minutes and it will be even more difficult for me to get them to leave.  ??? I don't want them getting too comfortable after the booking cuz they take the piss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 17 August 2016, 01:26:02 pm
See that's the thing. I'm pretty sure I can manage 10 minutes but I fear if I entertain the after booking chit chat they would take the piss and it will go past 10 minutes and it will be even more difficult for me to get them to leave.  ??? I don't want them getting too comfortable after the booking cuz they take the piss.
It's up to you but 10 minutes is my ultimate limit, I think 2 minutes is wishful thinking? Is it just an annoyance or that you do bookings close together? I leave an hour between clients so 10 mins is acceptable to me X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 17 August 2016, 01:33:31 pm
It's up to you but 10 minutes is my ultimate limit, I think 2 minutes is wishful thinking? Is it just an annoyance or that you do bookings close together? I leave an hour between clients so 10 mins is acceptable to me X
Maybe I'm just so used to them either leaving couple minutes before or bang on time that 2 minutes over time annoys me. It's one thing if they are in the shower or getting dressed that's absolutely fine but when they are just there chit chatting it pisses me off. Like why are they talking when they should be getting ready to leave? I leave half and hour between bookings.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 17 August 2016, 01:40:08 pm
Maybe I'm just so used to them either leaving couple minutes before or bang on time that 2 minutes over time annoys me. It's one thing if they are in the shower or getting dressed that's absolutely fine but when they are just there chit chatting it pisses me off. Like why are they talking when they should be getting ready to leave? I leave half and hour between bookings.
Oh yes when they are dressed but still continue chatting that's a pain in the arse, I've had their sob stories, pictures of their kids etc
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 17 August 2016, 02:17:49 pm
Oh yes when they are dressed but still continue chatting that's a pain in the arse, I've had their sob stories, pictures of their kids etc

It never stops being awkward when they show pictures of kids. You've just finished doing your thing you're both naked on the bed and they whip out the wallet. Is it a tip? That would be nice...No he just whipped out baby pictures and now he wants to tell you about his life.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 17 August 2016, 04:52:58 pm
It never stops being awkward when they show pictures of kids. You've just finished doing your thing you're both naked on the bed and they whip out the wallet. Is it a tip? That would be nice...No he just whipped out baby pictures and now he wants to tell you about his life.
I don't like it one bit, I just think its inappropriate.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 17 August 2016, 05:04:04 pm
I don't like it one bit, I just think its inappropriate.

Me too makes me queasy somehow. I remember  one booking where immediately after the guy informed me his wife had given birth some some weeks before & was 'too sore' for sex hence he'd come to see me. He then showed me baby pics which made me feel really uncomfortable.

Another client after an outcall insisted on showing me all the pics in the house of his young gf. He turned wierd after too but that's another story.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 17 August 2016, 06:16:30 pm
I have had about 4 trying to use my line as a sex one today. From now on I will just hang up on them sod it have had enough of these kind. Even tried pulling them up on it politely.  Even one who sounded genuine did it to me. Like im interested in thier thrill over the phone would rarther have my own fun. They just fund me. Why do these lot have to mess about like this. It's so disrespectful. They start acting like that woth thier wife they will get a clip round the ear hole for being a prick.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissBehaving on 17 August 2016, 06:17:57 pm
Pet hate :
2.45pm the phone rings , new potential client says :
-Are you available this afternoon for an outcall to such a town (30 miles away from where my profile is based ) .
Me :
-I have an appointment in 15 minutes in "name of town" (26 miles away from the client )
The client :
-We could meet after ?
Me :
-Yes of course , how about 5pm ?
Client :
-Yes that's great !
As I was asking the client to text me his address , client says :
- can I think about it and get back to you ?

Me (in my head)
-What is there to think about ? Shouldn't you have done the thinking before picking up the phone ?, you're horny or you're not, you'd like to meet me or you don't , the time is convenient or not .

What I actually said was :
- That's great , speak later .

And blocked him , I just haven't got the patience for ditherer  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 17 August 2016, 07:44:44 pm
Me too makes me queasy somehow. I remember  one booking where immediately after the guy informed me his wife had given birth some some weeks before & was 'too sore' for sex hence he'd come to see me. He then showed me baby pics which made me feel really uncomfortable.

Another client after an outcall insisted on showing me all the pics in the house of his young gf. He turned wierd after too but that's another story.
I don't think about their wives ever unless they start showing me family pics, I think if I was the wronged woman I would be really upset if I knew they'd shown pics of my babies to a hooker.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CurlsnCurves on 17 August 2016, 07:46:08 pm
Funnily enough it doesn't bother me if they show me pics of their children, wife, etc. I'm actually a nosey bastard and often curious. It's stinky men that go over time or turn up mega early that piss me off n those that nick my pussy by being too rough when I've repeatedly told them to be careful. Oh and the slobbery kissers where there's too much saliva....and never touch my ears with your tongue.....ergh, yuck!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lapetitemort on 18 August 2016, 03:22:37 pm
Right now my biggest key hate is when I say I'm either done for the day as I've seen maximum clients or its my day off. And they reply with something like 'oh, not even for a half hour/hour booking?' 'Aw if you're tired I'll give you a massage? Aw nothing at all available no? Aw not just one last booking?' Oh my god it ANGERS me! Cos you know, I don't need days off/don't need to sleep/need to rest cos I'm sore. Some guys are so self entitled.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 18 August 2016, 06:46:01 pm
You just know they're TW's when after you've given them your details they say...
"Oh well thanks If I get a CHANCE I MIGHT call and see you tomorrow"
I shan't hold my breath mate.   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo1992 on 18 August 2016, 09:07:03 pm
My pet hate is hygiene or lack off, had one chap the other day who wanted me to rim him I quote " like your tongue is in my stomach", resdy myself for the deed to find a little nugget of poo nestled in there, gross. I sent him off to the bathroom and no i did not rim him
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 18 August 2016, 09:10:06 pm
My pet hate is hygiene or lack off, had one chap the other day who wanted me to rim him I quote " like your tongue is in my stomach", resdy myself for the deed to find a little nugget of poo nestled in there, gross. I sent him off to the bathroom and no i did not rim him

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 18 August 2016, 09:14:17 pm
My pet hate is hygiene or lack off, had one chap the other day who wanted me to rim him I quote " like your tongue is in my stomach", resdy myself for the deed to find a little nugget of poo nestled in there, gross. I sent him off to the bathroom and no i did not rim him


I'm getting a bit fed up lately with stinky stale piss pubes...thinking of writing something on my profile but will the 'offenders' take note?!  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo1992 on 18 August 2016, 09:24:10 pm


I'm getting a bit fed up lately with stinky stale piss pubes...thinking of writing something on my profile but will the 'offenders' take note?!  ::)

I very much doubt it, it does seem to be a trend for me too recently, I just pack them off to wash properly
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lapetitemort on 18 August 2016, 11:03:56 pm


I'm getting a bit fed up lately with stinky stale piss pubes...thinking of writing something on my profile but will the 'offenders' take note?!  ::)

Might be an idea to insist every client showers first?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo1992 on 19 August 2016, 06:33:05 am
Might be an idea to insist every client showers first?

I once had a client who was waxed everywhere down below, the full sac and crack, no stale wee pubes! Maybe we should insist on waxing our clients first  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 19 August 2016, 10:58:36 am
'I've been called into work'
This bollocks really irritates me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 19 August 2016, 11:21:12 am
'I've been called into work'
This bollocks really irritates me.

Oh god me too. I'm like yeh right >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 19 August 2016, 02:33:37 pm
Might be an idea to insist every client showers first?

Not really because most clients are clean and don't stink of stale piss...The ones who've previously stunk or if I'm unsure of whether they will be clean though yes they are going to be told to shower rather than asked in future!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 19 August 2016, 02:46:20 pm
'I've been called into work'
This bollocks really irritates me.

Yes that ones so unoriginal and over used...why can't they use their imagination for excuses to cancel , at least they're not insulting us then  :FF ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 19 August 2016, 02:51:46 pm

Yes that ones so unoriginal and over used...why can't they use their imagination for excuses to cancel , at least they're not insulting us then  :FF ???

Yah had this happen today. So stupid. Think maybe they are just address collecting ? And it's funny how  it's always soon after they've booked. Maybe I was just second option perhaps.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 19 August 2016, 02:59:36 pm
And would you see anyone who said that before ?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 19 August 2016, 04:03:27 pm
Yah had this happen today. So stupid. Think maybe they are just address collecting ? And it's funny how  it's always soon after they've booked. Maybe I was just second option perhaps.
This guy booked, I text him the postcode and then he was 'Called into work' then 10 mins later changed his mind and told me he was coming after all. No you're not piss off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 23 August 2016, 08:22:15 pm
Start making porn noises from the word go  >:(  I don't even do PSE and am clear I don't! I'm only recently back to work following 2 months out with injury. Its clear on my profile I'm back with limited services.

Still my latest guy kinda pushed and shoved me around  :FF He got the message when I kept shoving his hand away (ie he was trying to shove my head down push me around the bed ffs) He also was not careful of my ankle  >:(  I'm doing a lower rate because of this (have to keep it strapped up)  All this is clear on my profile but  I was constantly having to say to him.  I can't do this, don't do that  :FF

Plus he wanted to go at it for ages another thing I've said I'm not doing.  He has obviously watched a lot of porn.

Result, one painful ankle.  All my other clients have been really considerate.

The thing is when he started off I thought I was gonna find it hard to keep a straight face due to his porn noises,  and the fact he was doing them in a really posh accent....but that wore off with the shoving around.  And the fact he sweated so much he drenched the sheets.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: loubyloo on 23 August 2016, 08:31:45 pm
'I've been called into work'
This bollocks really irritates me.

How about 'I've just been stopped by the police for speeding so won't be able to make it! '

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 23 August 2016, 09:25:10 pm
How about 'I've just been stopped by the police for speeding so won't be able to make it! '

That's a new one, never had that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 23 August 2016, 09:26:29 pm
How about 'I've just been stopped by the police for speeding so won't be able to make it! '

I've had 'My son has had a stroke' if that was a lie shame on him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 23 August 2016, 09:53:47 pm
Yep I've had loads of 'My son/daughter was ill/had an accident'.I had a guy no show me using that excuse afterwards then he rearranged and no showed again.I felt like texting him and asking what happened did his son break his other leg?
The fact is that even if something genuine came up it takes 2 mins to text 'Got to cancel sorry'.
As for the cancellers who get called into work it's so obvious that they have booked someone else and were hedging their bets!How many punters have jobs that require them to be on call like that?A few but not the amount that seem to cancel all the time like that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 23 August 2016, 10:55:53 pm
I had a punter who I thought to be a TW as he didn't show up ( I waited about 30 minutes) So I left and an hour later, I looked at my phone with his texts asking where I was.  ??? ::). I said he could have phoned.  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 23 August 2016, 11:49:43 pm
And would you see anyone who said that before ?

Definitely not if its someone I've never met...if its a regular maybe if they were willing to compensate me in some way for lost earnings...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 24 August 2016, 11:14:43 pm
Clients who use shampoo or conditioner or body lotion or literally anything else but shower gel as shower gel.

I have no idea why this bugs me so much; it doesn't affect me at all but I guess it's just annoyance at their inability to read (much like the inability to read our ads I suppose).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 24 August 2016, 11:57:36 pm
Everything in the bathroom is thiers through their eyes. I only have shower gel and Lynx deodorant with mouthwash in there.

Some like experimenting.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 25 August 2016, 08:57:09 am
Clients who use shampoo or conditioner or body lotion or literally anything else but shower gel as shower gel.

I have no idea why this bugs me so much; it doesn't affect me at all but I guess it's just annoyance at their inability to read (much like the inability to read our ads I suppose).

It bugs me too (I remember one client using liberal amounts of my shampoo because 'that was the one they had at home') so for a long time now they get one choice in my bathroom - men's shower gel (everything else gets hidden away)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 25 August 2016, 11:45:01 am
Everything in the bathroom is thiers through their eyes. I only have shower gel and Lynx deodorant with mouthwash in there.

Some like experimenting.

It's like a hotel to them I guess. They feel it's complimentary so they want to get as much of their monies worth as possible... In the end hiding everything you don't want them to use is the only choice.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 25 August 2016, 04:48:58 pm
Guys who you feel are going deliberately over time and you have to hustle them out, I'm sure its been mentioned before but happened to me recently.

Lucky I keep an eye on the time, he was trying to make the session last till the last min, I had to sweetly hurry him up coming 10 minutes before the end, then hustle him into a shower, then 'talk, talk, talk at me!' I literally had to pull him up off the sofa to get him to go otherwise he'd have been here all day! As it was he went 15 minutes over time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 25 August 2016, 05:28:02 pm
Yet again another client didn't use his savie and used me as Google maps from afar. Hang on a minute Google lives inside my head let me switch it on. Any requests like this results in a cancelled booking. For time wasting.

Then the client said he didn't realise it was far this was after I guided him to me.

I've had enough need a break am getting ready to go out then when back see what happens. Luckily I earned today.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 25 August 2016, 07:34:51 pm
I know men can go a bit ditzy after coming, but do you really need to be told THREE times which towel and shower gels to use? I have a whole bloody basket of male/unisex ones, so of course he picks a girly one of mine of the shelf.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CurlsnCurves on 25 August 2016, 07:47:50 pm
I follow them into the shower and talk to them whilst they're there. They get told what shower gel to use, handed a towel and told they can use the men's deodorant if they like. I rarely let them go in by themselves to start as they need me to turn on the shower as it can be tricky sorting the mixer for temperature. They only get to use the bathroom alone for a wee at start of booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 25 August 2016, 07:49:48 pm
I know men can go a bit ditzy after coming, but do you really need to be told THREE times which towel and shower gels to use? I have a whole bloody basket of male/unisex ones, so of course he picks a girly one of mine of the shelf.

I think they lose half their brain cells after coming  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 25 August 2016, 09:03:53 pm
I follow them into the shower and talk to them whilst they're there. They get told what shower gel to use, handed a towel and told they can use the men's deodorant if they like. I rarely let them go in by themselves to start as they need me to turn on the shower as it can be tricky sorting the mixer for temperature. They only get to use the bathroom alone for a wee at start of booking.

I too show them how to use the shower since a few kept asking me numerous times. So it is set standard part of my routine in the bedroom.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 25 August 2016, 10:18:35 pm
Everything in the bathroom is thiers through their eyes. I only have shower gel and Lynx deodorant with mouthwash in there.

Some like experimenting.

Oh no absolutely, all of my own stuff is in the cupboards but I work from hotels so I let them use the free amenities. So it really shouldn't bother me if they use up the free shampoo on their pits, it's just so  ::) like IT WILL TAKE YOU LESS THAN A SECOND TO READ THE WORDS ON THE THING.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 26 August 2016, 01:49:22 am
Had another grabby type today. Constantly touching things what is the point of touching my stuff? Comes in asked to use the bathroom fine. Rummages through bathroom. Asked to stop comes out pays then I go to put the money away and tell him to go upstairs instead find him rummaging through my living room bookshelf. Asked to stop and led away upstairs gets clothes off and I turn around for 2 seconds to get a condom for him and he has his hands in my bedside drawer asking what underwear I have. I got pretty mad by that point and told him to either stop or get out. I nearly just told him to leave but it was only 30 minutes and he'd already paid so I wanted to get it done with since it'd probably be over in 15 minutes and he'd just leave early. (Of course he didn't). STOP TOUCHING MY STUFF.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 26 August 2016, 11:57:36 am
I have a semi regular that leading up to his bookings he sends VERY long emails full of detailed requests (He's a bdsm client) I don't mind one lengthy email but he sends one or two a day, full of links to porn or specific stockings or shoes that he'd like me to wear,

He is soooo specific it takes all the fun out of it for me and him. Then I get a VERY long email this morning picking through the bones of yesterday's session! 'This was good' 'That wasn't quite right' etc

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 26 August 2016, 12:24:35 pm
I have a semi regular that leading up to his bookings he sends VERY long emails full of detailed requests (He's a bdsm client) I don't mind one lengthy email but he sends one or two a day, full of links to porn or specific stockings or shoes that he'd like me to wear,

He is soooo specific it takes all the fun out of it for me and him. Then I get a VERY long email this morning picking through the bones of yesterday's session! 'This was good' 'That wasn't quite right' etc


This is what I really dislike about domination or bdsm bookings, I used to get so many of these fucking ridiculous essays I now cannot actually bear to read all their shite, any emails longer than half a page just get a reply 'Yes that's fine' call to book at best but mostly I just ignore. One even had to go through my whole list of 'activities' (when I had a list)  and say whether he liked them OR NOT!!  Ffs you wouldn't go in a restaurant and point out to the waiter everything that you don't like!!!   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 26 August 2016, 12:32:29 pm
When clients find any thing normal hilarious apparently all escorts do is lay on our backs. They are confused bless them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 26 August 2016, 12:39:56 pm

This is what I really dislike about domination or bdsm bookings, I used to get so many of these fucking ridiculous essays I now cannot actually bear to read all their shite, any emails longer than half a page just get a reply 'Yes that's fine' call to book at best but mostly I just ignore. One even had to go through my whole list of 'activities' (when I had a list)  and say whether he liked them OR NOT!!  Ffs you wouldn't go in a restaurant and point out to the waiter everything that you don't like!!!
I think with bdsm sessions long emails are sometimes necessary but this guy is really taking the piss. I'm gonna bin him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 26 August 2016, 12:40:29 pm
When clients find any thing normal hilarious apparently all escorts do is lay on our backs. They are confused bless them.

I've 'questioned' a few on this stupid view *some* of them seem to have and one said that he thought because we charge ?100 an hour (or whatever) that we do nothing else but wait by the phone for bookings!! Another said similar in that he thought all escorts would be available 24/7 because we wouldn't want to lose out on the money because that's what HE would do!!! *rolls eyes*
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 26 August 2016, 12:41:51 pm
I think with bdsm sessions long emails are sometimes necessary but this guy is really taking the piss. I'm gonna bin him.

You start to wonder who is the actual slave him or you....fucking time thieves I can't be doing with them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 26 August 2016, 12:47:38 pm

You start to wonder who is the actual slave him or you....fucking time thieves I can't be doing with them.
Bdsm clients have very different kinks so they need to make these clear and that's why long emails are common. I don't have a problem with this but this guy is ruining his own sessions being so uptight
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 26 August 2016, 12:57:53 pm
Bdsm clients have very different kinks so they need to make these clear and that's why long emails are common. I don't have a problem with this but this guy is ruining his own sessions being so uptight

This is why I don't specialise in bdsm anymore, I'm happy to do the bits what I like ie; watersports,  discipline, caning etc but I won't entertain long drawn out scripts its not worth the money when someone can just call me, book a time, turn up have his little kinks dealt with and go. Any contact after the booking is just wasting my time so I don't reply after.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 26 August 2016, 02:29:04 pm

This is why I don't specialise in bdsm anymore, I'm happy to do the bits what I like ie; watersports,  discipline, caning etc but I won't entertain long drawn out scripts its not worth the money when someone can just call me, book a time, turn up have his little kinks dealt with and go. Any contact after the booking is just wasting my time so I don't reply after.

I'm the same really when you specifically specialise in it and make it known you probably get 10 times as many fantasists who want to write long emails and wank. I can be open minded to a clients ideas if they booked enough time for it to work but I'm not going to entertain somebody who gets really controlling and writes long descriptions of what they want to do. Somebody asking if they can spank me or flog me or they want me to pee on them etc is easier to consider and work out how to make it happen than somebody who writes 5 pages of text full of detailed descriptions of everything that needs to be done exactly right.

I also think people who want to control the booking this much will be a pain to deal with in person.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 26 August 2016, 07:28:51 pm
Agreed - unless they pay additional fees each time we read & reply to their lengthy dribbles.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 28 August 2016, 04:37:52 pm
Jesus when they get at your apartment complex outside and then take it upon themselves to find me. There are 4 buildings of apartments here in the complex. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lulu7 on 29 August 2016, 08:57:25 pm
Why do they feel the need to ask me out to dinner for free or on "dates".
 Or like one delusional lad today who asked me if I was going to carnival as he would "love to meet up with me there" for free. So we can hang out like mates.

 :FF God give me strength. I rather chop off my own arm than have to interact with any of them (no matter how nice) for free.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 29 August 2016, 09:56:29 pm
An idiot who believes you have no intelligence to figure his silly intent out clearly  ::)   I told one, don't insult me, he said, wow!  Wow?     ::)   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 30 August 2016, 11:06:29 am
People who keeps saying umm uh umm in between every few words while on the phone!!! Just get to the effing point  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 30 August 2016, 10:12:03 pm
Why do they feel the need to ask me out to dinner for free or on "dates".
 Or like one delusional lad today who asked me if I was going to carnival as he would "love to meet up with me there" for free. So we can hang out like mates.

 :FF God give me strength. I rather chop off my own arm than have to interact with any of them (no matter how nice) for free.

Oh yes I used to get this a LOT! It eventually stopped for a while but then today a client I've seen maybe 4 or 5 times who has mentioned going out on a date before...well he rang me today asking if I would really go out with him for the night and would I stay over with him, go out for drinks and then stay over with him after...I said "Yes I might be able to do that with a few days notice it will be ?700"  He said he had to go and would call me back in about 5 minutes...No call back from him lmao  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 31 August 2016, 07:03:30 am
Some clients text us asking us to call them.  Why do they do that.  We don't even know who they are!  I never bother.  They don't even give a description of themselves.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 31 August 2016, 09:44:07 am
Some clients text us asking us to call them.  Why do they do that.  We don't even know who they are!  I never bother.  They don't even give a description of themselves.
I had one text me with one of those free texts that you get when you have no credit, I called it thinking it might be a friend or my daughter and it was some idiot wanting a booking!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 31 August 2016, 11:45:14 am
It never ceases to amaze me when they send these texts in the evening to me when I only ever work daytimes.

Do they expect us to be open for calls 24/7!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 31 August 2016, 08:33:56 pm
I get grumpy messages when I tell punters that I am not available at night.  My availability is shown but they still ask for a booking at night.  Yes, they would think so.  After all, we are supposed to be providing service to all of them.  They won't expect banks and gps to open all hours.  People have a life! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 31 August 2016, 08:43:00 pm

Oh yes I used to get this a LOT! It eventually stopped for a while but then today a client I've seen maybe 4 or 5 times who has mentioned going out on a date before...well he rang me today asking if I would really go out with him for the night and would I stay over with him, go out for drinks and then stay over with him after...I said "Yes I might be able to do that with a few days notice it will be ?700"  He said he had to go and would call me back in about 5 minutes...No call back from him lmao  ;D

I wonder if they deduced that we actually liked them and hence this please stay for the night invitation?  I recently got rid of one expecting more and more without the correct level of payment. Oh, I hate being taken advantage. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nora batty on 31 August 2016, 11:22:51 pm
I wonder if they deduced that we actually liked them and hence this please stay for the night invitation?  I recently got rid of one expecting more and more without the correct level of payment. Oh, I hate being taken advantage.

Have had a few do this and 2 serious marriage proposals, they seriously think as we are hookers no one else will want us and we are lonely for genuine affection.   :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 31 August 2016, 11:33:36 pm
I get grumpy messages when I tell punters that I am not available at night.  My availability is shown but they still ask for a booking at night.  Yes, they would think so.  After all, we are supposed to be providing service to all of them.  They won't expect banks and gps to open all hours.  People have a life!
Yh! Had a cunt call for a booking and when told I was busy he just hung up! Bloody disabled jackass with no home training ! Oh I hate them :FF bunch of fucking idiots
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 31 August 2016, 11:40:40 pm
Have had a few do this and 2 serious marriage proposals, they seriously think as we are hookers no one else will want us and we are lonely for genuine affection.   :FF

Yes this is the abnormal perception that most of these cretins have ! But in actuality they are the ones who appear lonely if they have to go as far as asking out a prostitute ! Next time a fool asks me out I will straight out ask him why? I can't believe they think that ! It kinda bugs me to be honest ! One client who hadn't booked me in ages called me once out of the blue asking me out to some concert ! He said not like our usual arrangement but as friends ! Since when paying someone to fuck you is classified as a friendship ? They are out of their fucking minds ! I swear
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 01 September 2016, 01:37:12 am
For some reason the simple word "Hi" in a text drives me up the wall.
Why do they do that? Do some Escorts engage with this silky seduction starter? I mean, how can we resist such witty repartee?
When they follow this up 20 minutes later with, "??" I want to kill them  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 01 September 2016, 03:11:09 am
For some reason the simple word "Hi" in a text drives me up the wall.
Why do they do that? Do some Escorts engage with this silky seduction starter? I mean, how can we resist such witty repartee?
When they follow this up 20 minutes later with, "??" I want to kill them  :FF

You are not alone.  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 01 September 2016, 02:13:58 pm
You are not alone.  :D

Messages like 'Hi' and 'Hey' don't even cut it on Tinder, why they think they can approach someone who charges for their time in this manner is another thing.

I had a client last night who was by all other means very lovely, but he left his keys on my desk to take a shower and he had a keyring with a picture of what I assumed was his newborn son (he had a wedding ring on).

 :( please don't bring babby into this
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Willow Summers on 01 September 2016, 03:59:46 pm
For some reason the simple word "Hi" in a text drives me up the wall.
Why do they do that? Do some Escorts engage with this silky seduction starter? I mean, how can we resist such witty repartee?
When they follow this up 20 minutes later with, "??" I want to kill them  :FF

Those fucking texts with '???' Really really piss me off!  I'll fekkin reply when and IF i want to! Grrrrr  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 01 September 2016, 06:41:39 pm
He said not like our usual arrangement but as friends ! They are out of their fucking minds ! I swear

Yup, I heard that, too.  It won't work full stop.  Our time is money.  No matter what you try to throw into the mix (e.g. friendship), our time is still money. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 01 September 2016, 06:44:28 pm
Have had a few do this and 2 serious marriage proposals, they seriously think as we are hookers no one else will want us and we are lonely for genuine affection.   :FF

Offer of more money would have been much nicer  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Willow Summers on 02 September 2016, 08:20:49 am
15 minutes after  a cock was meant to show, i text 'very funny, well done'
Then i get a text, 'im here whats your door number'
I informed him that he's too late so he can do one. Reminded him that his appt was 5.45pm NOT 6pm. I dont have time to see him now due to another quickie appt at 6.15.
 Him - Lol, i had to stop and withdraw your money'
Me - not my problem
Him - you obviously dont want my money then
Me - youre absolutely right

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 02 September 2016, 12:55:06 pm
15 minutes after  a cock was meant to show, i text 'very funny, well done'
Then i get a text, 'im here whats your door number'
I informed him that he's too late so he can do one. Reminded him that his appt was 5.45pm NOT 6pm. I dont have time to see him now due to another quickie appt at 6.15.
 Him - Lol, i had to stop and withdraw your money'
Me - not my problem
Him - you obviously dont want my money then
Me - youre absolutely right

Not a single braincell in there. I hate the ones with this idea that we are money hungry or desperate for money. The same ones that will call at some stupid hour expecting to come at 2am and you're like "I was asleep"  "Oh figured you'd be up for making money" "Um no I'd rather sleep" Just because you're a hooker doesn't mean you're a robot that spreads their legs anytime on demand. Would they turn up late to any other appointment and expect to still be seen? Well I guess there are always some like people who turn up half an hour late for a flight boarding and still expect to be let on the plane. Some people have no concept of time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lulu7 on 02 September 2016, 01:29:43 pm
I wonder if they deduced that we actually liked them and hence this please stay for the night invitation?  I recently got rid of one expecting more and more without the correct level of payment. Oh, I hate being taken advantage.

I had this super super annoying client. He would always ask me to stay over (for free) go to dinner (for free) he would talk so much tosh about wanting to go on holiday with me and be my sugar daddy (splenda daddy more like) because he would see other guys that i call my sugar daddies buy me things etc. He would even do things like say he wanted to book me for 2 hrs and then when I arrived he would only have money for a  1 hour booking and he would  pretend he never talked about booking me for longer.

 I hadn't seen him in ages (I just ignored his requests) and he became more outlandish with the supposed trips he wanted to take me on and would send me email constant emails until I had enough and told him I'm don't think I can see him and explained why.
His response was "I thought you liked me babe that's why I always asked you to stay over, you're making me sound like some boundary pushing jerk when I'm a nice guy, and i thought you liked me"

 They honestly think we really like them. Why? I have no idea? are my acting skills that good because if they are hollywood here I come.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newbieNW on 02 September 2016, 10:59:01 pm
Sounds like a real nightmare jerk, lulu  ::)   Drama queen as well, your punter  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 03 September 2016, 01:00:07 pm
A client phoned asking to see me  now. I kindly said that I can be ready in 25 minutes. He hung up the phone.

How rude at least show some courtesy. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 03 September 2016, 02:31:16 pm
Been getting quite a few self entitled under 30s this past 2 weeks. Trying to undercut my price etc because they are hot or whatever. Had one Chef offering to cook for me in "exchange" for my service lol. I probably wouldn't mind too much but he was acting like he was in a porno at one point, didn't know what to do with himself!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emi787 on 03 September 2016, 02:54:35 pm
Been getting quite a few self entitled under 30s this past 2 weeks. Trying to undercut my price etc because they are hot or whatever. Had one Chef offering to cook for me in "exchange" for my service lol. I probably wouldn't mind too much but he was acting like he was in a porno at one point, didn't know what to do with himself!
This can be a good thing lol. I've had some clients, usually on overnights, who cook for me who I can tell just want to "win me over" to impress me either in hope of becoming my boyfriend or get a cheaper hourly/overnight rate. Sometimes it does work though! but they have to be extra nice with me lol.
Its one of the reasons I love being an escort, seeing how some men basically bow to me in every way possible, and I'm getting paid for them being like it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Y211 on 09 September 2016, 08:19:25 am
I think my last client was aiming for some kind of bingo...

- "If I like you enough I'll become a regular"
- "I don't know what I want... but you're the expert, so just make me happy"
- Mauled my clit with his teeth, then seemed to think that because he was making "so much effort" (despite me telling him to please stop because it hurt), I should deep throat him in return
- Claimed I'd "promised" him French kissing (I hadn't), and then said I was "ruining his first time" by not kissing him
- "You won't suck it without a condom? This is all VERY disappointing. Why are you so harsh?"
- "What's your real name?"
- "So am I good or bad in bed?"

All this in a half-hour booking... and then at the end he told me he loved me! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 09 September 2016, 10:16:35 am
I think my last client was aiming for some kind of bingo...

- "If I like you enough I'll become a regular"
- "I don't know what I want... but you're the expert, so just make me happy"
- Mauled my clit with his teeth, then seemed to think that because he was making "so much effort" (despite me telling him to please stop because it hurt), I should deep throat him in return
- Claimed I'd "promised" him French kissing (I hadn't), and then said I was "ruining his first time" by not kissing him
- "You won't suck it without a condom? This is all VERY disappointing. Why are you so harsh?"
- "What's your real name?"
- "So am I good or bad in bed?"

All this in a half-hour booking... and then at the end he told me he loved me! :FF

LOL! He definitely wins!

(Did he leave your bathroom in a state?)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 09 September 2016, 10:30:07 am
(Did he leave your bathroom in a state?)

Ha! And turn up fifteen minutes early, calling 'just to let you know I'm here, but don't worry if you're not ready' (I'll just hang around out front, pacing up and down and occasionally looking at my watch).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 09 September 2016, 10:49:34 am
Ha! And turn up fifteen minutes early, calling 'just to let you know I'm here, but don't worry if you're not ready' (I'll just hang around out front, pacing up and down and occasionally looking at my watch).

Yeh and sometimes they'll sound so proud (what do you want a medal?) I turned up early not late is the inference! I'm not annoying like those people who are always late........errr yes you are and not very discreet either.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 09 September 2016, 11:13:55 am
Sometimes I'm happy when they're early.... Sooner in, sooner out. If I need to get ready I just point out that they're early "but I promise to be ready no later than x o'clock!"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 09 September 2016, 12:22:30 pm
My guys always get told when they confirm please let me know if you run late or early. If they keep me posted and I'm ready/nothing else on fine if they just show up 30 minutes early and expect to be seen at the snap of their fingers, not fine. I think the record was a regular who showed an hour early! He had to wait since I happened to have a booking prior to his. He was ok ok with this, well he had to be.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 09 September 2016, 01:07:44 pm
When they ring and say 'I've seen your profile can I have some details" what am I meant today? Recite my profile?

Does anyone else get this?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 09 September 2016, 01:44:55 pm
It seems to come more if I'm advertising on certain types of sites i.e. Friday Ad. Generally I refer them to my website perhaps giving basic details such as I offer GFE at X price in X place...since some sites won't allow anything sexual on them or prices

Edit but if they say they've seen my profile I will say well all the info you require is on there (so they've seen it but haven't read it ::) )
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 09 September 2016, 01:53:54 pm
I find it annoying when a client over confirms our meet.  For example a guy who arranged Monday we reconfirmed Thursday then he tries to call me today before he is leaving out.  Why do some of them do this?  I have no time for endless running commentary on when they are stepping into their car!

Can they just let us run our day and see them nicely at the allotted time in the proper way.

It does irk me when they over communicate!

As it turned out that he was a rather interesting guy.  So the meet was fine.  As to why they ring before leaving I have no clue.

We don't ring up the GP and say 'on our way' or call up the hairdresser do we!  So why are we treated so differently ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 10 September 2016, 11:06:01 am
I find it annoying when a client over confirms our meet.  For example a guy who arranged Monday we reconfirmed Thursday then he tries to call me today before he is leaving out.  Why do some of them do this?  I have no time for endless running commentary on when they are stepping into their car!

It's control. They think they are GOD.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: candystarbbw on 10 September 2016, 05:29:05 pm
When they ring and say 'I've seen your profile can I have some details" what am I meant today? Recite my profile?

Does anyone else get this?

Now this really gets on my tits!!!! also how much do you charge (my prices are on AW) arrrghhhhhh
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 10 September 2016, 05:40:13 pm
I have just twigged the same guy has wasted my time twice this week, once emailing to AW, once to my website email.  Similar email addresses and almost identical writing style. 

Via my website email he booked, spoke to me, and cancelled on the day with a blatently bogus excuse.
Via AW email asked to book at a similar time on 2 days running then said he was having a nightmare at work and couldn't commit....

Its blatent its the same guy! How can I not have noticed this before. What kind of moron does this?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Willow Summers on 10 September 2016, 05:44:27 pm
I text and cancelled a regular this morning telljng him im unless. At 3.20pm i get a missed call and message ' are you sure you cant see me? Im here as i didnt get your message'!

Ffs! Why would anyone want to fuck someone knowing they feel ill and doesnt want to do it?!  I used to think he was a decent guy. He can fuck off permanently now
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Willow Summers on 10 September 2016, 05:47:01 pm
Oops, that was meant to read 'im sick'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 11 September 2016, 07:29:32 am
I have had that before with clients wanting to see me despite me expressly stating I was ill.

I don't know what is the matter with some people I really don't!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 14 September 2016, 06:55:29 am
Me again!

When first timers email asking me to 'Guide them through the process of a booking'.  WTF!

Why would booking an appointment be any different to booking a haircut or seeing the dentist, hope you get the gist.

First timers can really be hard work!  Shame there are so many of them lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 14 September 2016, 10:35:17 am
Me again!

When first timers email asking me to 'Guide them through the process of a booking'.  WTF!

Why would booking an appointment be any different to booking a haircut or seeing the dentist, hope you get the gist.

First timers can really be hard work!  Shame there are so many of them lol.
Yep even worse when it tells you exactly how to book me on my adverts i.e ring with a date time length of booking..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 14 September 2016, 11:24:33 am
Perhaps they imagine we will vet them over the 'phone as to their measurements etc. lol who knows!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 14 September 2016, 11:44:23 am
It really does wear thin when they want hand holding through the entire process of a booking. Just tell when what day and time you want a booking and for how long and I'll tell you if I can do it and to confirm the booking an hour before so I can send you the directions.

Even worse are the ones that get really paranoid about everything. "Are there cameras? Are you sure nobody will see me? Why can't I have the address now?" etc. Nobody is doing anything illegal stop acting like you're a drug mule delivering packages.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PoshTotty on 14 September 2016, 03:41:52 pm
Clients who "forget" they are in my territory when on an incall. I had one close the curtains like he owned the place, didn't ask permission, so I went straight over and opened them again. Another pulled my pillow out of the bed. Sounds like nothing but it is my bed which I sleep in and the only way I can tolerate clients in my room is because I use a massive throw over the bed to turn it from my bedroom into my temporary work space. Do not rearrange my furnishings!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PoshTotty on 14 September 2016, 03:44:47 pm
They just have their fantasies about being in our inner circle and knowing all our secrets or something. Maybe a power thing too like the clients who make threats to out you.
Boundary pushers. You know, the ones who keep asking my real name, and when my birthday is, what my age is, etc. Do you want my national insurance number too?! ::) They tend to be regulars who feel the need to get closer, but when I get annoyed with them for keep asking (when I keep telling them I'm not giving that info) they then accuse me of taking my (non-work) stress out on them. No, I simply get irked keep telling people to stop doing something! No means no!  >:( I think it's a power thing too.

Oh the other thing some will do to drag out the session, is ask for a warm drink. Sorted, I have to-go cups with the little plastic sippy cover. I stand by the door and hand it to them as they leave, the looks on some of the faces is priceless! ;D
That is genius!  ;D

And this is the reason why I hesitate to do online dating  ??? That and also the fact that my face is out there for anyone to see and that I'm lonely ;D ahaha aaaaaaand also why I refuse to indulge in any social media. Even the pics my friend has up of me on Facebook I want taken down.
I was outed a couple of years back when an aquaintance posted a group pic with me in it on Facebook and a friend of hers told her his mate had booked me! :o Thankfully it didn't cause any problems, but it so could have.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PoshTotty on 14 September 2016, 03:46:57 pm
When they ring and say 'I've seen your profile can I have some details" what am I meant today? Recite my profile?
Does anyone else get this?
Oh yes, frequently :FF. So many phonecalls go like:

Idiot: hello, I've seen your website, can I have some details please.
Me: What in particular would you like to know?
Idiot: where are you?
Me: that's on the service page
Idiot: how much do you charge?
Me: that's on the prices page
Idiot: can I see you in [a place outside of my area] for [a duration I don't offer] at [a time or day I don't work]
Me: sorry, I thought you said you'd seen my website?
Idiot: yes but just quickly. I didn't get the chance to read it.
Me: then may I suggest, to save your phone credit, you go back to my website and read it thoroughly, and if you like what I offer, etc, then get back to me?
Idiot: OK

When first timers email asking me to 'Guide them through the process of a booking'.  WTF!
Oh yes, they are patience testers aren't they. I tend to quickly run through it but it does irritate me as I state exactly how to book me on my website. I sometimes wonder why the hell I bother having one when so many don't bother reading it! ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PoshTotty on 14 September 2016, 03:52:42 pm
Clients who don't confirm the booking, by calling or text (as requested) by a certain time on the day of the booking. I do escort work around other things that are more important to me so I hate not knowing what's going on. I get the "sorry, I forgot" or "sorry, I was busy", but I bet they wouldn't be so flakey if they were dealing with their boss! If they can function well at work they can damn well find a minute to send me a sodding text! I end up not wanting to see them because it's pissed me off so much that they can't follow simple instructions that I've explained the importance of.

Clothing requests. I do take them but I hate the ones where I feel like a mannequin rather than a living woman. With some men I get the impression they just have a fixed idea of what look they like and it could be on any woman regardless of whether that look suits her.

Had a client the other day who wanted a shower on arrival. Fine I thought. But then the water was running for about 15 minutes. I'm sat waiting for him thinking "how long should a quick freshen up take!?" and "what a waste of my water" >:( After the booking he asks for another shower and takes ages in there again. I'm on a fucking water meter mate, hurry up!

Clients who keep on and on trying to cum even when there's no way it's going to happen. They had it in their head they wanted to do it twice and they're not happy if they can't and their cock keeps going soft. Mate, you've had a nice orgasm, just accept you won't be able to do it again at your age in the time you have (and fuck off).

Had a client recently who had seen me about 4 times but then asks for a discount on a few future bookings because he can't afford me. Normally I just say an outright "No discounts" but I was curious how much he was thinking. He wanted 33% off! Needless to say the answer was no discounts at all so he sent an email saying he won't visit again! That's fine, he was nice but I know I'd feel shit accepting far less than my normal price.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CurlsnCurves on 14 September 2016, 08:31:36 pm
If they can't afford you then they can definitely fuck off. They wouldn't go into Sainsburys and ask for a discount cos they've shopped there four times before but can't afford it. They'd go somewhere cheaper or buy less. Why do these guys think they're entitled to a discount? Four times isn't that much. If it was a regular guy visiting every week or two for months on end fair enough. But only four times, no. If he can't afford to see an escort then that's his problem, not yours.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 14 September 2016, 09:42:15 pm
Strong tea and a jaffa cake for PoshTotty, I think :).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PoshTotty on 15 September 2016, 10:56:04 am
If they can't afford you then they can definitely fuck off. They wouldn't go into Sainsburys and ask for a discount cos they've shopped there four times before but can't afford it. They'd go somewhere cheaper or buy less. Why do these guys think they're entitled to a discount? Four times isn't that much. If it was a regular guy visiting every week or two for months on end fair enough. But only four times, no. If he can't afford to see an escort then that's his problem, not yours.
Exactly ::). Even though he was very complimentary about me and was respectful in his request (his lack of funds rather than me not being worth the money) it still irritated me because it put me in a slightly awkward position. He's not buying a car, he's buying my time (which is a finite resource) and expertise (which he had already said was invaluable in helping him with his problems). His timing was shit too. I'm trying very hard to reduce stress and complications in my life and clients like him just give me something else to get uptight about :-[.

Strong tea and a jaffa cake for PoshTotty, I think :).
LOL. I've not been on here for ages and have accumulated a lot of fucked-offness that needed offloading  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 15 September 2016, 07:49:52 pm

LOL. I've not been on here for ages and have accumulated a lot of fucked-offness that needed offloading  ;)

Its good to offload  :)

Nipple biters...or teeth anywhere for that matter!! What is it with this seemingly 'new trend' of attempting to nibble on nipples, it feels horrible and really fucking annoying! I'm wondering if its a new thing seen in porn or something, do other women like it or is it just me that can't stand it  ???  ::)

A client today within 5 minutes of arrival, managed to get told off 3 times, first for trying to bite my clit, then my nipples then he picked up a vibrator off the side and got it swiftly taken from him...after about 4 minutes he came in the condom that I was sucking him off with.

Yesterday in a domination booking asked to be 'told what to do' so I instructed him to get down on his knees and whilst moving and slapping his hands to get off me until I say he could touch, I then allowed him to gently lick my nipples if he asked nicely....So what does he do, starts trying to suck and nibble on them!!!!!  :FF I had to tell him 3 times to stop it, he did eventually....

So I'm thinking about putting something on my profile (without clients/potentials thinking I'm a stuck up cunt which I'm not!) about no teeth/biting no matter how gentle but I can't think of an easy way to word it lol 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Willow Summers on 15 September 2016, 08:06:37 pm
Katrina, you beat me too it! I was gonna complain about nipple biting. I recently had my nipples pierced and i tell all clients that they are now super sensitive. Since saying this, i have had 4 biters!! Monday one old guy really fucking hurt me! I genuinely dont understand their mentality
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 15 September 2016, 08:37:27 pm
Katrina, you beat me too it! I was gonna complain about nipple biting. I recently had my nipples pierced and i tell all clients that they are now super sensitive. Since saying this, i have had 4 biters!! Monday one old guy really fucking hurt me! I genuinely dont understand their mentality

Ouch!! Nipple piercing sounds so painful!!

But yes that's the problem with saying anything before hand about 'dislikes', there will always be *some* ignorant assholes who just do it anyway, maybe they want to get a reaction, even if its them being 'told off'  ::)  Having my ultra sensitive nipples touched in the wrong way makes me so fucking angry!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 15 September 2016, 09:28:34 pm
They want to make our nipples hard. They think they're like penises and they can arouse us or something.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 17 September 2016, 01:15:18 am
Email/text in all capitals.

I feel like screaming back at them not to shout at me.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 17 September 2016, 08:55:53 am
Those that deliberately try to overstay as if he's entitled or he would need to come twice, leaving me to ask an awkward question "would you like to extend our booking?" :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 17 September 2016, 08:58:03 am
"Do you get off on this?" whilst riding them trying to get them to hurry up & cum because time is running out. What a stupid time to ask that question.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 18 September 2016, 11:39:57 am
When their cocks are dripping with cum and I have to hold a cupped hand underneath to avoid it getting all over the sheets.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 18 September 2016, 04:06:52 pm
Frequent "graphic" messaging from the punter whom I had seen once before.   :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 18 September 2016, 05:49:09 pm
"Do you get off on this?" whilst riding them trying to get them to hurry up & cum because time is running out. What a stupid time to ask that question.

If you want them to pop faster just say that you get off on it with him because his cock feels so good. Feeding an ego is usually the fastest way to results in that position.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nora batty on 19 September 2016, 12:51:09 am
A client booked a long booking today.  He arrived on time, was a good client so far.  Half hour into booking his phone goes andnhensaysnhe needs to check in case it's work.  It's the wife!  So he gets a fit of the guilts and asks for a massage.  2 mins later he says he can't go through with it is it ok if he leaves.  Totally fine with me he can have a partial refund for the time he's not used.

He gets dressed, I give him his money and walk him to door,where he decides he wants a grope and snog. So I ask if he would rather stay.  No he's going.  So off you pop then, but not this idiot  he lingers and lingers and lingers and as I finally get him out the door goes in for another snog. So I issue the ultimate cock flop method and say, isn't your wife looking for you.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Willow Summers on 19 September 2016, 08:28:14 am
A client booked a long booking today.  He arrived on time, was a good client so far.  Half hour into booking his phone goes andnhensaysnhe needs to check in case it's work.  It's the wife!  So he gets a fit of the guilts and asks for a massage.  2 mins later he says he can't go through with it is it ok if he leaves.  Totally fine with me he can have a partial refund for the time he's not used.

He gets dressed, I give him his money and walk him to door,where he decides he wants a grope and snog. So I ask if he would rather stay.  No he's going.  So off you pop then, but not this idiot  he lingers and lingers and lingers and as I finally get him out the door goes in for another snog. So I issue the ultimate cock flop method and say, isn't your wife looking for you.

You gave him money back? Sod that off, he booked your time, its up to him whether he stayed or not
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 19 September 2016, 12:49:22 pm
You gave him money back? Sod that off, he booked your time, its up to him whether he stayed or not

I wouldn't have offered any money back either in this situation!! No way it was his problem. The only time I've (occasionally)  ever offered *some* money back its been when a client has booked an hour, came within a few minutes and we haven't 'clicked' (in other words I wanted him out) I've then offered to make it a 30 minute booking and gave back ?30 so I've got rid but still made my minimum charge of ?70, not just for the service he's had but also my time taken arranging.

When they call to book they are making an unwritten 'contract' to pay X amount of money. Other people's domestic situation is not my problem.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 19 September 2016, 01:05:37 pm
If you want them to pop faster just say that you get off on it with him because his cock feels so good. Feeding an ego is usually the fastest way to results in that position.

yes I realise this & said "absolutely" blah blah. He'd already popped anyway & it was second go. It's just sometimes they have microexpression of guilt & I wonder if they worry they are forcing me but daft time to question it.  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 19 September 2016, 10:29:52 pm
Frequent "graphic" messaging from the punter whom I had seen once before.   :(

Frequent messages from someone who I've seen once before asking stupid thing such as "How's your day" and "Hope you had fun today" blah blah fucking blah !  ::)

How difficult is it for grown adults to understand its just a job !!  ??? :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CurlsnCurves on 19 September 2016, 11:22:26 pm
I don't mind nipple biters as long as its not in the vain of chewing like they're a piece of steak. I think I've only had a very few be too much when it comes to biting. I do like them pinched n twisted hard though so maybe it's just me. Clit biting sounds godawful!!!

What's truly annoying me at the moment is guys calling or texting and making a booking then ten minutes later saying they've changed their mind. Or saying they've wanted to see me for ages and want a booking then when I say okay when, how is tomorrow? They say they can't for a week or so due to this or that. Well then, why are u wasting time now when you know you're not able to see me? Just call when you actually can. I really, really don't see the point of messing about for the sake of it. I don't need a weeks warning that you might book me, you might not, in fact you probably never had any intention of doing so in the first place I'm which case you'll be waiting until Armageddon and into infinity cos you never gonna see me boy!!! I had one the other day tell me he wanted to bring his father along for a double suck off for dad's B-Day and would I do it and swallow? He was very expressive about wanting me to swallow as another girl had not. It went on a bit and I could tell he was just wasting my time which is a shame as I'd love a father son duo booking. Annoying really.

I hate it when they call and I can't understand a word they're saying. May it be cos of a foreign accent or simply mumbling or not talking loud enough. Makes me feel like I'm deaf or being rude in the case of someone with a non English accent. I seem to be getting lots of calls from Italian men lately and whilst I find them perfectly easy to understand in person, on the phone I'm struggling. Actually I don't even think they sound very Italian on the phone. Strange one that. Especially as I was around Italians lots in my youth and at one point knew how to speak a bit myself. I guess it shows how old I'm getting. Or maybe it's just my shit mobile!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 19 September 2016, 11:42:06 pm
Me- you can't smoke in my flat
Him- why?
Me- asthma
Him- oh okay no bother *proceeds to get out baggy and rack himself up a line* :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Just An Escort on 20 September 2016, 03:39:36 pm
This afternoon I had this client who I'd seen before, when he was about to pay he said "I've got credit with you" I was a bit confused by what he meant by that - "last time I had to pay ?10 extra because you didn't have change" I just pointed out that I have no way to keep track of that, would've told him before I never give change and that the fee is as agreed and also that every client could say that and they can't prove it! He begrudgingly paid my full fee - and was fine in the booking - cheeky bugger though!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 20 September 2016, 10:34:30 pm
This afternoon I had this client who I'd seen before, when he was about to pay he said "I've got credit with you" I was a bit confused by what he meant by that - "last time I had to pay ?10 extra because you didn't have change" I just pointed out that I have no way to keep track of that, would've told him before I never give change and that the fee is as agreed and also that every client could say that and they can't prove it! He begrudgingly paid my full fee - and was fine in the booking - cheeky bugger though!

I don't really see what's 'cheeky' about it, surely he wouldn't make it up that you hadn't given him change last time?

What's ?10 in the grand scheme of things anyway  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 21 September 2016, 12:47:10 am
We discussed having correct change on here recently. A few of us believe that you should either charge multiples of 20, or have a couple of tenners lying around for change. I think it's a bit cheeky to assume that a client won't want their change.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 21 September 2016, 03:48:31 pm
Has been said a million times but guys that put through booking requests randomly! I keep my booking diary locked but just had an email.
'Hi, I have some free time tomorrow and just tried to put a booking in and says you're not available?!
Says in your blog you're around all week?'

I sent a passive aggressive email back. Do any girls really accept bookings like this?  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LovePod on 21 September 2016, 04:51:02 pm
Has been said a million times but guys that put through booking requests randomly!

Same here, I have blocked my availability on AW because I received random booking requests, despite me plastering "PLEASE CONTACT ME TO CHECK MY AVAILABILITY BEFORE SENDING A BOOKING REQUEST" all over my profile and in my FAQ.

The best ones are the guys who would ask on Monday "what's your availability on Friday" and then I don't hear from them all week. Friday comes and they want a short notice booking. When I tell them "sorry but now I am already fully booked" they are getting annoyed. Do they really think that I will keep all Friday free for them just because of a random email they've sent me 4 days earlier?  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 21 September 2016, 04:57:49 pm
Same here, I have blocked my availability on AW because I received random booking requests, despite me plastering "PLEASE CONTACT ME TO CHECK MY AVAILABILITY BEFORE SENDING A BOOKING REQUEST" all over my profile and in my FAQ.

The best ones are the guys who would ask on Monday "what's your availability on Friday" and then I don't hear from them all week. Friday comes and they want a short notice booking. When I tell them "sorry but now I am already fully booked" they are getting annoyed. Do they really think that I will keep all Friday free for them just because of a random email they've sent me 4 days earlier?  :FF
I'm with you! I tell them I'm always fully booked a week ahead, they say ok I'll ring next week, they ring I'm fully booked a week ahead  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 22 September 2016, 10:36:08 am
I'm with you! I tell them I'm always fully booked a week ahead, they say ok I'll ring next week, they ring I'm fully booked a week ahead  :FF

Yesssss, this. They ring wanting to see me in like 30 minutes, when I explain I need a little more notice they say they understand and ask when free. Of course they ring again on whatever day expecting me to be ready for them in 20 mins and say but you said you were free then.*sigh*
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 22 September 2016, 11:21:13 am
They talk about you climaxing the whole time, then when you do, they say tell me when you are  ??? Flippin clueless lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 22 September 2016, 02:04:26 pm
They talk about you climaxing the whole time, then when you do, they say tell me when you are  ??? Flippin clueless lol
I think they expect you to shout and scream like in porn  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 22 September 2016, 02:25:23 pm
The best ones are the guys who would ask on Monday "what's your availability on Friday" and then I don't hear from them all week. Friday comes and they want a short notice booking. When I tell them "sorry but now I am already fully booked" they are getting annoyed. Do they really think that I will keep all Friday free for them just because of a random email they've sent me 4 days earlier?  :FF

Are you sure this isn't a TW?  Mine is definitely a TW. I got someone similar to this.  I am assuming that he's just wanking over it. I gave my phone number on Monday with loads of emails since but no call. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 23 September 2016, 10:12:43 am
Yep had two last minute formal bookings on AW recently.  They were all last minute i.e. 45 mins. prior to the time they wanted.  Think the timewasters and fantasists come out more in the summer weather too.  I am quite certain they are just larking about and wanking off throughout.

Also about half the formal bookings I do get are without an accompanying email.  Surely it is manners courtesy and respect otherwise it just looks like they are making some kind of aggressive demand on us.

Courtesy does seem to be a dying phenomenon at times!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosie13 on 23 September 2016, 05:35:10 pm
I've not been working today as not feeling too great. My work phone is off, my number isn't showing and my availability diary is up to date but that doesn't seem to make it clear that I may not be available. Six 'I'm in the area if you're free now" texts later and several missed calls, he still doesn't have a clue. I've only just put him out his misery.

I had a booking with him the other night which was a first and great fun, now beginning to think he's just going to be a massive nuisance.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lady69 on 23 September 2016, 05:38:33 pm
The ones who make Vague appointments. Won't and can't confirm appointment types. Trying to make life difficult. Especially the ones I have seen before who become too comfortable and feel like they don't have to make a simple effort to make an appointment to see you.

For example a gent I had seen before asked me at 10am on a Monday if I was available at 3.30pm later in the afternoon? to which I replied yes.

Never heard anything from him till 2.30 pm when he asked can I park in the same spot? At this point my mood had changed and decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. He thought it was a good idea to just turn up and knock on my door even though he hadn't heard from me, hanging about for a good 10 mins.

After a few phone calls trying for another chance needless to say I will Not be seeing him again. I never give them the chance to show me what else they are capable of doing after the first time.

Or the one who made an appointment for 5pm then later said he was not sure if it will be 5, okay fine.  I then said to him just let me know an hour to 5 if you are going to make it or not. Didn't hear from him till 5.42pm phone was off but I can still tell who called at what time. I was already enjoying myself elsewhere. You snooze you loose.

Time is Money!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 23 September 2016, 05:49:36 pm
Oh, yes! In London and in Manchester, clients are generally very prompt. They say a specific time and are usually on time. Other places they're always saying "I'm about a half hour away... I'll make my way over to you and give you a call." or "Are you available lunchtime? Send me your postcode and I'll call you when I'm in the area."

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 23 September 2016, 07:26:00 pm
Block.  No respect for your time.  A red flag.  Punters are not created equal.  Some are decent,  others are completely disrespectful.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 24 September 2016, 12:35:36 pm
Send me your postcode and I'll call you when I'm in the area."


Really irritating but I love saying "well you can if you want but I can't guarantee if I'll be a available when you decide to turn up."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 24 September 2016, 12:40:05 pm
Client used the mouthwash which I put out in the bathroom (great) but put the cap back on without properly fastening it. I then just picked it up and slung it in my toiletries bag, which isn't waterproof.

Result: suitcase full of clean clothes which are unaccountably damp - but at least they smell like fresh minty breath!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Y211 on 26 September 2016, 10:17:23 am
Guy comes into my brothel this afternoon claiming to have come from India to see how the legal sex industry works in Australia and advocate for legalisation over there... the receptionist lets him in because he "seems legitimate", and we all agree to speak to him because he says he'll "pay us for our time".

Well, he turns out to know pretty much nothing about the topic (had never even heard of the Scarlet Alliance, the peak body for sex workers here) and then he pulls the old "oops, I forgot my wallet".

I only spent about five minutes talking to him, and I know it doesn't really matter, but I'm just so annoyed that he got to come into our space and waste our time for free.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 26 September 2016, 10:56:53 am
Money up front regardless of what they say they want!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 26 September 2016, 10:06:30 pm
When they refer to your boobs as "jiggling juggs"  :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosie13 on 26 September 2016, 10:27:12 pm
When they refer to your boobs as "jiggling juggs"  :o

Oh what?! I hate anyone that refers to mine as giant puppies, it just makes me want to smother them to get peace.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 27 September 2016, 02:45:07 pm
Licking me - specifically my face! I declined a guy who I remembered licked all over my face with a pointy tongue. Just why? Leaves me all sticky and smelly. Would prefer cum to be honest!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosie13 on 27 September 2016, 02:51:03 pm
Licking me - specifically my face! I declined a guy who I remembered licked all over my face with a pointy tongue. Just why? Leaves me all sticky and smelly. Would prefer cum to be honest!

This grinds my gears too, I hate face licking with a passion. It's not sexy in the slightest. I'm a huge fan of kissing but see people who just ram their tongue down my throat? Uhh no! All this takes me back to is the worst kisser ever who was so adamant to make his tongue reach my tonsils that he didn't realise I'd pulled away and he was licking my nostril   :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 27 September 2016, 03:06:23 pm
What about when they try and swallow your ears  ??? what's that about. I always half jokingly tell them if they swallow my earrings they will have to buy me a new pair.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosie13 on 27 September 2016, 04:11:38 pm
What about when they try and swallow your ears  ??? what's that about. I always half jokingly tell them if they swallow my earrings they will have to buy me a new pair.

A shoulder to the face usually does the trick! Why would you ever want to put your tongue in someone's ears? That said, why would you want to stick it in someone's arse too? (I'm a little squeamish) x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 27 September 2016, 04:12:20 pm
This grinds my gears too, I hate face licking with a passion. It's not sexy in the slightest. I'm a huge fan of kissing but see people who just ram their tongue down my throat? Uhh no! All this takes me back to is the worst kisser ever who was so adamant to make his tongue reach my tonsils that he didn't realise I'd pulled away and he was licking my nostril   :-X

bahaha nostril tongueing! That's probably a thing somewhere - for someone!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosie13 on 27 September 2016, 04:13:52 pm
bahaha nostril tongueing! That's probably a thing somewhere - for someone!

you couldn't pay me enough to have someone sit stick their tongue up my nose for their pleasure. Nope. No way.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 28 September 2016, 09:35:23 am
A punter setting out to meet me without a sat nav, and his uncharged mobile, which kept getting disconnected.   I don't usually use this icon but............. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 28 September 2016, 12:46:44 pm
A shoulder to the face usually does the trick! Why would you ever want to put your tongue in someone's ears? That said, why would you want to stick it in someone's arse too? (I'm a little squeamish) x

If done right ears can feel nice but with clients they usually go over the top, I like a bit of nibbling on the ears but they try to eat them. Rimming I also enjoy more receiving than giving but if it's clean that's fine I guess different people enjoy different things.

Face licking is a no though just why? I guess they like a mouth full of make up because some seem determined to lick it off my face.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nora batty on 28 September 2016, 12:57:09 pm
Turning up with huge cold sore on booking, expecting a full service.

He was taken aback at my distant NO CHANCE.  When I inform him it's highly contagious he's not concerned. 

No service given, lecture was free.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mi on 28 September 2016, 03:49:00 pm
bahaha nostril tongueing! That's probably a thing somewhere - for someone!

I have met this someone, and he ate what he found, i'm not squeamish but the words ''sick fuck'' spring to mind. Only met him twice, thank god.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 28 September 2016, 05:30:47 pm
I have met this someone, and he ate what he found, i'm not squeamish but the words ''sick fuck'' spring to mind. Only met him twice, thank god.

OMFG!!! That is all!!! :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 01 October 2016, 12:57:20 pm
OMFG!!! That is all!!! :o

Yep...'sick' is indeed the word I would use. Nothing else would cut it. I couldn't be in the presence of that man.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosie13 on 01 October 2016, 01:48:57 pm
Bin sitting within an arms reach, still drops used condom and babywipes on my new carpets  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 01 October 2016, 04:01:11 pm
Daughter took me shopping, we got back and were unpacking when my door buzzer goes off, thinking its a random delivery for one of my neighbours I put my head out of the back living room window (I've a first floor flat and I won't buzz in strangers) and there was a man I didn't recognise so I shouted down '"Yeah?" Guy turns around looks up at me and shouts up "Are you working?" I'm taken aback but in a flash I put on my pissed off bitch face on and I shout back "No! at the same time as giving him an arm gesture to 'go away' He could see I was pissed that he'd turned up out the blue so says apologetically "I tried to call you but your phone was switched off"  :FF Really? Wouldn't the fact that its Saturday and my phone is switched off be enough of a hint that I'm not working?.

Thankfully my daughter knows what I do but under different circumstances it could have been a problem for some.

What a selfish twat!.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosie13 on 01 October 2016, 04:07:57 pm
Daughter took me shopping, we got back and were unpacking when my door buzzer goes off, thinking its a random delivery for one of my neighbours I put my head out of the back living room window (I've a first floor flat and I won't buzz in strangers) and there was a man I didn't recognise so I shouted down '"Yeah?" Guy turns around looks up at me and shouts up "Are you working?" I'm taken aback but in a flash I put on my pissed off bitch face on and I shout back "No! at the same time as giving him an arm gesture to 'go away' He could see I was pissed that he'd turned up out the blue so says apologetically "I tried to call you but your phone was switched off"  :FF Really? Wouldn't the fact that its Saturday and my phone is switched off be enough of a hint that I'm not working?.

Thankfully my daughter knows what I do but under different circumstances it could have been a problem for some.

What a selfish twat!.  :FF

Jeezo! The stupidity of people is staggering! No wonder you were pissed off!! That could have ended very differently! X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cat_BBW on 01 October 2016, 04:36:35 pm
Bin sitting within an arms reach, still drops used condom and babywipes on my new carpets  :FF

New carpets or not, why the fuck do they do this?? I can only imagine their mother/wife has them trained to believe that whatever gets dropped magically and mysteriously disappears into the ether...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosie13 on 01 October 2016, 04:44:45 pm
New carpets or not, why the fuck do they do this?? I can only imagine their mother/wife has them trained to believe that whatever gets dropped magically and mysteriously disappears into the ether...

This is a fair point, there's no excuse. I marched round to the other side of the bed and thrust the bin under his nose, he seemed to get the message...I do often wonder how some people live when they leave the bathroom looking like a storm has hit it or they just dump their stuff everywhere despite me offering a place to hang stuff up...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 01 October 2016, 04:56:30 pm
I do often wonder how some people live when they leave the bathroom looking like a storm has hit it or they just dump their stuff everywhere despite me offering a place to hang stuff up...

Finding out the answer to this one a few times too many is what made me stop doing outcalls to private dwellings ;D.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosie13 on 01 October 2016, 05:01:59 pm
Finding out the answer to this one a few times too many is what made me stop doing outcalls to private dwellings ;D.

I've been fairly lucky with outcalls to homes with exception of the time I had to have sex on a very squeaky sofa bed, if they guy hadn't been so lovely I'm not sure I could have gone through with it!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 02 October 2016, 12:11:09 pm
Finding out the answer to this one a few times too many is what made me stop doing outcalls to private dwellings ;D.

It is shocking how some people live, like that one episode of Friends where Ross gets a girlfriend and her place looks like a dump and he's like "It's like the end of time and all that exists is garbage!" that was a recent booking for me I think he was a hoarder or something the place stunk,thankfully the bedroom wasn't too messy but stunk of cigarette smoke all I can remember is that strong smell of smoke and the sound of daytime TV the rest is a blur of sights I'd rather forget.

It's not like the guy was in bad health he could easily get off his arse and clean up,thankfully don't seem to get many outcalls to homes anymore it's usually an incall in my apartment or a hotel room.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Shewolf on 02 October 2016, 06:06:57 pm
This has been my experience of outcalls in private houses. Really dirty. One guy I've seen a couple of times seems to have a thing about toiletries i.e he doesn't seem to have thrown any away for ten years. They are covered in thick dust and paint bits everywhere (flaky paint) and the shower is covered in mould. I had a good inspection when sitting on his loo  ;D It was well gross. It makes my weirdo vibe go off, stuff like this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 02 October 2016, 06:52:10 pm
This is why I won't go to private homes on outcalls!

(And also why I don't have guests at my own home! I'll admit - my house is grim!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 02 October 2016, 08:20:47 pm
I think I've been pretty lucky, I've only been to a couple of outcalls where I didn't want to touch anything.

TBH I'm shit at housework and if I didn't have a cleaner you'd all be saying the same about me!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cat_BBW on 02 October 2016, 10:18:07 pm
This is why I won't go to private homes on outcalls!

(And also why I don't have guests at my own home! I'll admit - my house is grim!)

OMG! Soul Sister  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 04 October 2016, 10:37:10 am
Clients who don't understand post codes...
Had a client call from Staffordshire to come to Birmingham for 10.30am today I asked him to get into Birmingham as near to my BXX post code as he can. He calls me from B34 so not too bad and I give him my postcode which he puts into his satnav. Now my post code has a 0 in it BXX 0XX I emphasise its a zero not an O anyway client calls at his booking time to say he is in a cemetery I asked what post code he put in and yes he put an O instead of a zero..Why don't clients know post codes have a number and two letters at the end and not three letters.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 04 October 2016, 05:43:14 pm
Guys that talk like Ali G, all this street talk shit, why oh why do some people speak in this stupid way? It puts me off straight away. I work in bloody Essex not Kingston Jamaica! I have a few West Indian friends and they don't speak like this!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 04 October 2016, 06:17:53 pm
I've got one guy like that. Every sentence ends with "innit". Like "I'm gonna lick ya pussy girl innit!" He is Asian though so I guess he gets a bit of a pass!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 04 October 2016, 06:24:28 pm
I've had a few clients who want us both to pose in the mirror like, 'look at us together'. It's pretty creepy. Fine if you want to use the mirror because it's hot or whatever but demanding me to look too is weird.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 04 October 2016, 06:40:36 pm
I've got one guy like that. Every sentence ends with "innit". Like "I'm gonna lick ya pussy girl innit!" He is Asian though so I guess he gets a bit of a pass!
I don't give anyone that speaks like that a pass, it's ridiculous whoever you are. My daughter said some silly street thing once, I think the look on my face said it all.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 04 October 2016, 06:56:36 pm
Just for laughs, I like to try to imitate it. "Yeah I'm down wiv da kids bruv!"

I once said to my son "Wagwan" and he just went "Oh god mum, no. Just stop"  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 04 October 2016, 07:17:02 pm
Just for laughs, I like to try to imitate it. "Yeah I'm down wiv da kids bruv!"

I once said to my son "Wagwan" and he just went "Oh god mum, no. Just stop"  ;D ;D
That's sic Vc
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: martine21 on 14 October 2016, 07:58:00 pm
Just for laughs, I like to try to imitate it. "Yeah I'm down wiv da kids bruv!"

I once said to my son "Wagwan" and he just went "Oh god mum, no. Just stop"  ;D ;D

Wagwan lmao i nearly spat my drink out hahaha  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 14 October 2016, 08:16:10 pm
Ok this is what I hate ...when they lay on the bed on their backs and hold their legs apart as if suggesting I lick their arse which I'm not doing , I always think they look like a baby wanting their nappy changed. Or doing that thing we/I did when I was little , hold your ankles and roll around like a triangle !
I just think they look really dreadful , especially as I don't offer rimming or anything like it .

Apart from one guy who wanted my covered vibrator up his arse ,he'd never done before and was insistent even though I said it might hurt/ be uncomfortable, oh no 'Mr Macho' said " oh I'll be fine just give too me blah blah blah"plus it's not exactly a big vibrator in fact it's like average life size...lubed up got it past the first sphincter kept checking he was alright , then he was screaming " quick get it out , GET IT OUT " seriously about an inch and a half in" What a Pratt he nearly shit himself ha xxx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: strawberryjam on 15 October 2016, 04:46:35 pm
Ok this is what I hate ...when they lay on the bed on their backs and hold their legs apart as if suggesting I lick their arse which I'm not doing , I always think they look like a baby wanting their nappy changed. Or doing that thing we/I did when I was little , hold your ankles and roll around like a triangle !
I just think they look really dreadful , especially as I don't offer rimming or anything like it .

Apart from one guy who wanted my covered vibrator up his arse ,he'd never done before and was insistent even though I said it might hurt/ be uncomfortable, oh no 'Mr Macho' said " oh I'll be fine just give too me blah blah blah"plus it's not exactly a big vibrator in fact it's like average life size...lubed up got it past the first sphincter kept checking he was alright , then he was screaming " quick get it out , GET IT OUT " seriously about an inch and a half in" What a Pratt he nearly shit himself ha xxx

Oh shit Mr Macho lost his macho status ... How is going to live with that  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 19 October 2016, 04:08:56 pm
I know this is an old one but when a potential client asks can I have some details from your ad I can't help it my hackles go up instantly. I'm polite but my tone automatically stiffens as I refer them to my website!

I had a query like that just know. He seemed very taken that I didn't reel off my whole profile  ???. Sometimes I do give basic info but usually I just do not have the patience (and if they can read my number they can at least read the basics too!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 21 October 2016, 12:03:13 pm
Those who call and hang up after only one ring followed by a text asking if I'm available. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 21 October 2016, 12:07:54 pm
Or when they ask if you are available at a certain time and when you are not they rudely put the phone down..instant block from me.No need to be rude.What's wrong with 'Ah that's a shame hopefully another time bye?'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 21 October 2016, 05:36:50 pm
When they ask advice on setting up as a male escort, I've had 2 lately ask me this. They are very pretty guys and I tell them I'm sure the male clients will love them, they soon change their mind.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 21 October 2016, 09:21:38 pm
When you text them after they've left a voicmail saying "thanks but I'm not available" they then text "what for good"? Why would I reply if I'd quit escorting...I've got dates up on my website etc. I dont understand it  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 21 October 2016, 11:21:25 pm
Or when they ask if you are available at a certain time and when you are not they rudely put the phone down..instant block from me.No need to be rude.What's wrong with 'Ah that's a shame hopefully another time bye?'
Or when they ask what time I'm available knowing full well what time will and won't work for them so when I give a time  they say they will call back but don't  ::) why is it so hard to just call and ask if I'm available at the time they want ? Hanging up is even worse . Cave men. Glad I wasn't available at the time that suits cuz who knows how rough and man beer pig they would have been like in person. Just start barking from now on seeing they don't understand English . I Think they speak dog.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 21 October 2016, 11:26:38 pm
When clients are told not to repeat x,y and z several times during finding me. They do it any way more like a Mili second attention span some have seriously.Even after saying they won't do a few times.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emi787 on 22 October 2016, 07:23:22 am
I swear most men don't read a single word on the profiles, they must just look at the pictures and then look straight at your phone number  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sashaan on 26 October 2016, 11:24:37 am
I have a semi regular that leading up to his bookings he sends VERY long emails full of detailed requests (He's a bdsm client) I don't mind one lengthy email but he sends one or two a day, full of links to porn or specific stockings or shoes that he'd like me to wear,

He is soooo specific it takes all the fun out of it for me and him. Then I get a VERY long email this morning picking through the bones of yesterday's session! 'This was good' 'That wasn't quite right' etc


lmao you've got a control freak on your hands! :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Y211 on 27 October 2016, 10:14:30 am
Shoves his fingers in me (without asking), feels my sponge, and then demands that I take it out!

I tried to deny that there was anything in there at first, and that didn't work, so then I told him flat out that if I took it out I'd bleed all over the bed. His response to that was, "But why??"  :FF

I'll have to be stricter about avoiding fingering during my period in future...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 27 October 2016, 11:50:38 am
Shoves his fingers in me (without asking), feels my sponge, and then demands that I take it out!

I tried to deny that there was anything in there at first, and that didn't work, so then I told him flat out that if I took it out I'd bleed all over the bed. His response to that was, "But why??"  :FF

I'll have to be stricter about avoiding fingering during my period in future...

lol these men skipped biology class. I remember getting my period when I was with a client and he started freaking out that he'd hurt me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 27 October 2016, 12:03:18 pm
My pet hate is when they go in drop their pants and lie back and say suck him. No interaction at all just expect you to suck them For a half hour or hour. I like some interaction x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red KB on 31 October 2016, 10:48:05 am
Making a sales purchase then using it as an excuse to bombard me with emails every few days telling me how much they love it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tinkerbell on 31 October 2016, 05:48:23 pm
Why do people insist on calling me baby? It makes me want to vomit. I'm not their baby and even my boyfriend of 5 years doesn't/wouldn't call me baby, let alone some geezer I'm never met calling me it on a first ever message.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 31 October 2016, 08:40:57 pm
Why do people insist on calling me baby? It makes me want to vomit. I'm not their baby and even my boyfriend of 5 years doesn't/wouldn't call me baby, let alone some geezer I'm never met calling me it on a first ever message.

They are slezzy like the majority of them. Everyday men in my experience act nothing like clients, it brings out awfulness behaviors.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mi on 03 November 2016, 03:08:18 pm
Come in drunk and take ten minutes to figure out how to use the shower at the start and end of the booking!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 03 November 2016, 07:46:43 pm
Breathe, Book Me, Leer at me, Ask very fuckin personal questions like 'Does your Mum know you do this? Do you have a Boyfriend; what does he think of you doing this job? "Well unlike you I don't pretend to the person I love that I'm away to play golf coz he knows my job is just that; a job & knows that the sex I have with him is REAL SEX WITH EMOTION & he never fingers me, infact boys on the outside don't stick their fingers inside you so why the fuck do Punters??,! I really really need a break atm as i'm tensing up when they go down on me & I look down & see a head full of grey hair and I wanna vomit; I barely even masturbate atm because all the creeps' faces that I serviced that day go thru my mind & I'm instantly turned off!!! God I HATE clients; imagine sleeping with someone who just wants your cash & then also expects you to like them!! Deluded. Men that pay HAVE TO BELIEVE WE LIKE IT AS THEIR EGO'S CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! Clients are rarely streetsmart (Wide if ur an Edinburgh chick) at all; God I'm in a fucking belter of a mood today & all because of a Ginger 2 faced lying Gimp that needs to pay beautiful women to go with him, I'd hate to be an uncool giy & lets face it cool guys don't pay 😊😊
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 03 November 2016, 08:09:15 pm
When regulars expect to be your friend texting non related to bookings. I definitely wouldn't choose clients for friends it's the wrong sort. Clients act funny they wouldn't be frantically wanking on the bed before she joins him. Yes when clients do that I think gross. Clients play with their dicks like I care. There are a lot of desperate strange men out there only prozzes get to see. Because they wouldn't dare to in public the weirdos. It makes me cringe writing about this yuck yuck and more yuck. Some clients make me cringe inside when they touch me they are so disgusting.

Let's see how this one turns out at 10pm.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 03 November 2016, 08:33:36 pm
Breathe, Book Me, Leer at me, Ask very fuckin personal questions like 'Does your Mum know you do this? Do you have a Boyfriend; what does he think of you doing this job? "Well unlike you I don't pretend to the person I love that I'm away to play golf coz he knows my job is just that; a job & knows that the sex I have with him is REAL SEX WITH EMOTION & he never fingers me, infact boys on the outside don't stick their fingers inside you so why the fuck do Punters??,! I really really need a break atm as i'm tensing up when they go down on me & I look down & see a head full of grey hair and I wanna vomit; I barely even masturbate atm because all the creeps' faces that I serviced that day go thru my mind & I'm instantly turned off!!! God I HATE clients; imagine sleeping with someone who just wants your cash & then also expects you to like them!! Deluded. Men that pay HAVE TO BELIEVE WE LIKE IT AS THEIR EGO'S CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! Clients are rarely streetsmart (Wide if ur an Edinburgh chick) at all; God I'm in a fucking belter of a mood today & all because of a Ginger 2 faced lying Gimp that needs to pay beautiful women to go with him, I'd hate to be an uncool giy & lets face it cool guys don't pay 😊😊
Yes they do, I like a lot of my regulars that's why I've let them return and if I hated prossying as much as you do I would give it up. No amount of money would be worth doing a job I hated. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 04 November 2016, 12:01:50 pm
Yes they do, I like a lot of my regulars that's why I've let them return and if I hated prossying as much as you do I would give it up. No amount of money would be worth doing a job I hated.
I have some very cool guys as my regs also I agree that some of them make me feel sick and I don't particularly like them, sometimes I make faces at them while they are going down on me! Childish I know but it makes me laugh inside. Am I the only one that does this?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BlaqHarlot on 04 November 2016, 12:16:45 pm
I have some very cool guys as my regs also I agree that some of them make me feel sick and I don't particularly like them, sometimes I make faces at them while they are going down on me! Childish I know but it makes me laugh inside. Am I the only one that does this?
No I've done this too haha! A client who claimed he had made every escort orgasm through oral and bragged about his cock being magical, he was so delusional. He really got my back up so I let him know that not every technique works on every girl and every girl likes different things in the bedroom. He was having none of it and went down on me intending to orgasm, I was making the funniest of faces, rolling my eyes even silently giggling!

When he came back up he said "You haven't come yet" and I told him straight "the technique you're using does nothing for me" he didn't understand at all lol! Those kind of clients need to come back down to reality and he sure did at that point! :D :D :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 04 November 2016, 12:43:02 pm
No I've done this too haha! A client who claimed he had made every escort orgasm through oral and bragged about his cock being magical, he was so delusional. He really got my back up so I let him know that not every technique works on every girl and every girl likes different things in the bedroom. He was having none of it and went down on me intending to orgasm, I was making the funniest of faces, rolling my eyes even silently giggling!

When he came back up he said "You haven't come yet" and I told him straight "the technique you're using does nothing for me" he didn't understand at all lol! Those kind of clients need to come back down to reality and he sure did at that point! :D :D :D
I don't tell them they're rubbish I just enjoy making the right noises but now and then poking my tongue out at the back of their head, imagine one of them caught me! Very silly but whatever gets you through the day.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 04 November 2016, 04:10:54 pm
Asking for the location when it's on my profile & they've actually read it & repeat it back to me. WFT is that all about  ??? It's in XXX (postcode area) 5 minutes walking distance from X landmark. Do you know where that that? Yes. So why bloody ask then if you already know!?!  I want to shout;
 "You get the precise location when you actually have an appointment. Mind your own effin business for now".
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cat_BBW on 04 November 2016, 04:34:00 pm
infact boys on the outside don't stick their fingers inside you so why the fuck do Punters??,!

Literally every single one of my ex-boyfriends, one night stands, and partners enjoyed fingering, so this is not true at all for me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 05 November 2016, 11:10:10 pm
Share too much personal information and/or become needy/clingy leading up to the booking.

Had a client message in September asking for an appointment in October. Told him to book and leave contact details and once he had I would provide my own. He sent a spiel about his marriage and how when his wife's carer confirmed she was available he would book etcetc. Didn't hear anything further from him until mid October (past the inital date he asked for.) This time he apologised for not being in touch and followed with an essay about why, how his wife had been in his hospital and could he book for november now.

Again told him to book and provide contact details and I would provide mine. He did so, and it was confirmed he would contact me on the day of the booking when he set off. Logged in to AW a few days later to find an email saying things like he hopes I will be a good girl for him, October has been too long, not long to go, hopes I have my toys out etcetc...Everything had already been covered that needed to be, so I didn't answer it.

Logged in this morning to find two emails, the first saying I hadn't accepted his booking request is there a problem (He had already mentioned this prior and I had told him that I do not confirm meets until they have taken place.) the second saying as he had not heard from me he is worried he will be let down, he needs a response to his booking request or from tomorrow he would look elsewhere. The booking wasn't until the 8th next week.

My reply:

Hi xxx,

A rating for a booking isn't accessable until it is confirmed and I do not confirm a meet has took place until it has taken place, only schedule it as I mentioned earlier. I also can not access adultwork daily as is mentioned on my profile hence only replying just now.

Given the date of your last message I assume you have since looked elsewhere for a booking.

Best wishes.


Think I had a lucky escape there, I can't be doing with clingy clients and his obsession with being able to leave a positive or negative rating didn't sit well with me. Now I'm just waiting for the negative feedback only I'm sure will come my way when he is able to leave it!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 05 November 2016, 11:28:37 pm
Shoves his fingers in me (without asking), feels my sponge, and then demands that I take it out!

I tried to deny that there was anything in there at first, and that didn't work, so then I told him flat out that if I took it out I'd bleed all over the bed. His response to that was, "But why??"  :FF

I'll have to be stricter about avoiding fingering during my period in future...
OMG when they feel a sponge don't you think its like they try to push it up further+further so its even more difficult to get out?! Now if they aren't really fussy abt fingering anyway but do it sometimes  then I'll ask them not to as I have a sponge in or if they are the 'digging for gas' types then I don't take bookings with them during time of month or if I don't need the cash then I just don't work during period tine; you don't have the option to take 4 days off a month if you work in a sauna & clients in saunas get extremely annoyed when they finger you & feel a sponge & they ask 'why are you working with your period' and I explained that management don't allow us time off and the guy went and had a word with man on desk & gave him a row for making the girls work on their period!!! I liked that client lol x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 06 November 2016, 03:06:04 pm
I hate it when they say 'I can be there in 10 minutes!' and I tell them no, make it half an hour and then they still get late  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 06 November 2016, 11:22:10 pm
Punters that think they really really like you "as a person" when I know full well that it's their full balls making them think that way.

Also long term punters that disappear off the face of the earth and never had the courtesy (sp?) to say goodbye!!

Punters who keep asking me to do the three things I don't do: Orgasm, kiss, anal!! I have a rule now - any punts that ask me for one of those things more than three times (different visits) gets banned. I put something descriptive as their contact name on my phone, so I know when "Always asks A", "Wants to snog" "Big cock" and "Hard work" ring, I ignore them lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 06 November 2016, 11:31:35 pm
Ok this is what I hate ...when they lay on the bed on their backs and hold their legs apart as if suggesting I lick their arse which I'm not doing , I always think they look like a baby wanting their nappy changed. Or doing that thing we/I did when I was little , hold your ankles and roll around like a triangle !
I just think they look really dreadful , especially as I don't offer rimming or anything like it .
Oh God, I laughed so hard at that. My favourite punter does this - he always showers first but I've always thought - Oh dear - he looks like a baby wanting nappy changed. Thought it was just him that did this. I'm on top of him doing 69, and he has lifted his legs right up, so if I looked (and I keep my eyes shut at that bit) I'd be able to see his bumbits. Yeuk.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 07 November 2016, 01:04:46 pm
Oh God, I laughed so hard at that. My favourite punter does this - he always showers first but I've always thought - Oh dear - he looks like a baby wanting nappy changed. Thought it was just him that did this. I'm on top of him doing 69, and he has lifted his legs right up, so if I looked (and I keep my eyes shut at that bit) I'd be able to see his bumbits. Yeuk.

Haha yes best to keep eyes firmly shut at that point, and I try not to breathe in too!!  Ending up facing a mans hairy arsehole a horrible sight lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 07 November 2016, 02:31:53 pm
Ewww, lol! Honestly, the things we see and hear!!

One of my semi regulars just annoyed me. All I did was ask him a question that I was interested about in his life and (I've felt this coming lately so was kind of prepared) while I was giving him a BJ, he started doing that thing where they think they know you and want a relationship. And then - (and he is now barred), he kept asking if he could just put his bellend in (his words) for a few seconds - even for extra cash. On and on he went!

Other things clients do to annoy me: Asking me to look into their eyes (no chance), asking me to put something on in particular, giving me old five pound notes, hanging around for a chat, breathing....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 08 November 2016, 11:33:43 am
Generally faff about and um and aah when setting up an appointment!Had a bloke text asking if I was around this afternoon this was at 9:15am.I text back within 5 mins saying yes and he texts back saying he wants 1pm or thereabouts.Text back fine and ask how long for and then nothing until 45 mins later when he says iot depends on where I am in Leeds (so clearly missed the bit on my ad that tells him within a mile radius!) Still I humour him and tell him...nothing for 30 mins where he then says he'd best just have 15 mins because he only has a short lunchbreak.Told him I'd taken another appointment because he took too long sorting his booking out with me..I just cannot be bothered with palaver for a quickie!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 08 November 2016, 06:09:25 pm
'Regular' client who I've been doing a 15 minute quickie with for ?50 for years texts at 2.20pm to ask if "I'm around" (which annoys me to start with!)

Me: Yes got someone at 3.15 for an hour though

Him: Can you do quick wank and facial at 3pm?

Me: Can't do facial as my clients due at 3.15! Can do wank and cum on tits?

Him: How much love?

Me: ?50

Then no reply at all!! Next time he contacts me and asks the price it will be double if he wants to play silly cunts!!! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 11 November 2016, 09:58:23 am
Punters that think they really really like you "as a person" when I know full well that it's their full balls making them think that way.

I always chuckle at that one, they don't know who I am they just know the person I play for their fantasies. If they knew the real me they'd probably run a mile at the sight of me with my glasses on and no make up doing Uni work in my jammies while covered in cookie crumbs.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 12 November 2016, 01:37:22 am
My pet hate is when they go in drop their pants and lie back and say suck him. No interaction at all just expect you to suck them For a half hour or hour. I like some interaction x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sashaan on 14 November 2016, 01:15:51 pm
I had two clients cancel on me last weekend.
And one who was supposed to call me and didn't.
The one who cancelled some time ago, texted me at late evening asking about my availability next morning  :FF It was for an outcall in another city, 30 min in bus and then I haven no idea how much to get where he was.

Another charmer contacted me in Sunday asking me to come to a city a 1h away "by afternoon". After a bit of a convo he wanted to do a car meet, told me he thinks the amount I demand is too much and to drive that far away without knowing what I look like (pls post pics of your face)  :FF :FF :FF You expected me asap at your place, now it's a fucking problem?

Ffs I feel like I should make some kind of rules. Book in advance would be a one.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 24 November 2016, 09:11:02 pm
I'm so sick of clients fingering me like they're scooping out ice cream or digging for gold. Seriously, why has no one told them not to do this. And why do they always seem so shocked when I tell them they're hurting me  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 24 November 2016, 10:12:55 pm
Breathe, Book Me, Leer at me, Ask very fuckin personal questions like 'Does your Mum know you do this? Do you have a Boyfriend; what does he think of you doing this job? "Well unlike you I don't pretend to the person I love that I'm away to play golf coz he knows my job is just that; a job & knows that the sex I have with him is REAL SEX WITH EMOTION & he never fingers me, infact boys on the outside don't stick their fingers inside you so why the fuck do Punters??,! I really really need a break atm as i'm tensing up when they go down on me & I look down & see a head full of grey hair and I wanna vomit; I barely even masturbate atm because all the creeps' faces that I serviced that day go thru my mind & I'm instantly turned off!!! God I HATE clients; imagine sleeping with someone who just wants your cash & then also expects you to like them!! Deluded. Men that pay HAVE TO BELIEVE WE LIKE IT AS THEIR EGO'S CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!! Clients are rarely streetsmart (Wide if ur an Edinburgh chick) at all; God I'm in a fucking belter of a mood today & all because of a Ginger 2 faced lying Gimp that needs to pay beautiful women to go with him, I'd hate to be an uncool giy & lets face it cool guys don't pay 😊😊

when they go down on me & I look down & see a head full of grey hair and I wanna vomit;
This is me as well. I don't think I even want oral from anyone in my normal life anymore. Even when I'm watching porn and the dude goes to go down on the girl I just skip it. Damn! I hate kissing and receiving oral from clients. Some do it cuz they think by doing it you'll be having fun, others just enjoy the taste of pussy. I've always been questioning why men will lick a prostitues Pussy. And then they stick their tongues in your mouth and waggle it around, most of the times their breath is kinda stale. I just move my face. What's even worse is they think I like it. My Acting skills are on point then. It boosts their tired old egos. I'm just so cold with clients now I barely even make sex noises or talk Which apparently comes off as being inexperienced (that's what one said to me) I honestly didn't care, I don't care what comes out of any of their mouths and honestly I was just disinterested and bored and kept on fantasising about the booking coming to an end. And yes most clients  are nasty looking, there's no denying it. I had one come with what looked like dried up chicken poo all over his back and wanted massage. No problem but A warning and explanation would have been nice though. ! I know some of us may have to put up with some nasty shit though cuz some of these men are embarrassed to tell their wives what they are into.
I had one this evening ask to take me out to food I say no, he says oh you don't like me enough to be seen with me in public? I'm just confused cuz I don't even think I  gave  him the impression that I liked him to begin with. After repeatedly attemting to shove his finger in my ass despite being told no every time. No wonder his name is saved as "only if broke." Just fuck me and fuck off I don't want you.  ::) why don't they get this?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CallgirlLondon on 24 November 2016, 10:24:52 pm
Swerving the shower with any excuse so they have more time... Not going to happen. Ever. I know have the shower running before they even enter the room " your shower is on and ready, hop on in"

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 24 November 2016, 11:30:41 pm
Swerving the shower with any excuse so they have more time... Not going to happen. Ever. I know have the shower running before they even enter the room " your shower is on and ready, hop on in"

I get in with them. The booking starts when they walk in the door. So my tongue is in their mouth before they even pay and then I get the money and then I ask them to shower with me.

They're being rushed but they don't seem to notice.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 25 November 2016, 02:33:25 pm
I get in with them. The booking starts when they walk in the door. So my tongue is in their mouth before they even pay and then I get the money and then I ask them to shower with me.

They're being rushed but they don't seem to notice.

I'm pretty much the same, having a routine down and planned keeps clients occupied and means less time wasted on them dithering around making small talk. It was a lesson I had to learn over time after much frustration with clients stalling. I prefer showering with them most of the time you know they have washed properly if you do it for them and they don't drag the shower on if they have naked lady there pulling them out to get them in the bedroom they are far too excited. Just get us both clean let them help me out a little bit so they can get their hands on me then once that's done shower off towels on and I've got them by the hand "Let me show you my bedroom so we can get comfortable I redecorated recently You should see how cute it is!"

It's like a game sometimes between you and the client for who can set the pace first lol. Not that they are complaining about how they were rushed about by the time I'm on top of them working my hips.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 25 November 2016, 03:10:19 pm
The day after you clean the shower a client manages to deposit huge amounts of hair all over the bath when showering!  He was an exceptionally hairy guy to be fair......
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyOfTheNight on 27 November 2016, 05:55:54 pm
When a client completely disses the next road along from you at the end of a booking...essentially my area. How dare he there is nothing wrong with where I am.

And when they pompously end an email by... hoping you're discreet as they are in a public job. Right now I couldn't give two hoots. Do they not realise discretion is way more important to me than to him.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 27 November 2016, 08:08:37 pm
And when they pompously end an email by... hoping you're discreet as they are in a public job. Right now I couldn't give two hoots. Do they not realise discretion is way more important to me than to him.

The paranoid ones are laughable, like you'll lean out the window when you see him and yell that he's coming over to see a prostitute. It's like "Yes I'm discreet, yes I see clients with more important jobs and positions in life than you,who have wives and kids and they never ask me stupid questions you self important twat".
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 28 November 2016, 01:13:21 pm
Clients who book in for a certain time go through the booking process then say 'I'll let you know if I can make it'.How about you bugger off,like I'm going to bother turning down other bookings for a 'maybe'!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 29 November 2016, 07:09:42 pm
This is me as well. I don't think I even want oral from anyone in my normal life anymore. Even when I'm watching porn and the dude goes to go down on the girl I just skip it. Damn! I hate kissing and receiving oral from clients. Some do it cuz they think by doing it you'll be having fun, others just enjoy the taste of pussy. I've always been questioning why men will lick a prostitues Pussy. And then they stick their tongues in your mouth and waggle it around, most of the times their breath is kinda stale. I just move my face. What's even worse is they think I like it. My Acting skills are on point then. It boosts their tired old egos. I'm just so cold with clients now I barely even make sex noises or talk Which apparently comes off as being inexperienced (that's what one said to me) I honestly didn't care, I don't care what comes out of any of their mouths and honestly I was just disinterested and bored and kept on fantasising about the booking coming to an end. And yes most clients  are nasty looking, there's no denying it. I had one come with what looked like dried up chicken poo all over his back and wanted massage. No problem but A warning and explanation would have been nice though. ! I know some of us may have to put up with some nasty shit though cuz some of these men are embarrassed to tell their wives what they are into.
I had one this evening ask to take me out to food I say no, he says oh you don't like me enough to be seen with me in public? I'm just confused cuz I don't even think I  gave  him the impression that I liked him to begin with. After repeatedly attemting to shove his finger in my ass despite being told no every time. No wonder his name is saved as "only if broke." Just fuck me and fuck off I don't want you.  ::) why don't they get this?
Because they are deluded hun, they have to believe we like it because their ego's can't handle anything else. Well I've decided to hang up my hold up's forever because I honestly can't do it anymore, I'm going to end up in a mental hospital if I continue to do this job; I've been at it for 11 years on+off now and I can finally say 'inner happiness is more important than cash' and actually believe it. Who cares if I can't afford that designer hand bag? My physical & mental health are way more important than cash; my body has been violated for long enough and I really can't do it anymore or I seriously believe I'll be the next Aileen Wuornos and start killing the clients!! These clients could have an IQ of 160 but when it comes to prostitution and their own dicks then they will always have an IQ of 12.

It sounds to me like you either need to give up or have a break just now but until you see and believe that inner happiness is more important than cash then you won't stop.

Good luck hun xxx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 29 November 2016, 07:10:18 pm
I'm so sick of clients fingering me like they're scooping out ice cream or digging for gold. Seriously, why has no one told them not to do this. And why do they always seem so shocked when I tell them they're hurting me  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Roxy101 on 29 November 2016, 07:47:30 pm
Had two clients one after the other today who had eaten just before seeing me. I hate being able to smell and taste stale food on their breath. I usually dfk but try my best not to when they do this. Ugh. I hate it
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: peachybum on 29 November 2016, 08:29:06 pm
Come in from the bathroom moaning that theres no hot water after running the tap for 2 secs. It's not magic you have to let it run a little longer  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 29 November 2016, 09:36:59 pm
Come in from the bathroom moaning that theres no hot water after running the tap for 2 secs. It's not magic you have to let it run a little longer  :FF

Turn the cold tap on in the sink and then leave it running! Why?!!

Also when I run the shower for them the ones who faff around for ages giving it time to run all the hot water off then complain its cold ugh!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 30 November 2016, 08:09:26 am
I seriously believe I'll be the next Aileen Wuornos and start killing the clients!! These clients could have an IQ of 160 but when it comes to prostitution and their own dicks then they will always have an IQ of 12.

 ;D Brilliant!

Why can't they close the bloody bathroom door when they are in there? I feel like their mother when I close it.

Had one this morning complaining that he was cold. He then said he's been at the local supermarket for an hour & a half.  :o He didn't have the common sense to ask for an earlier appointment, just thought he'd turn up 30 minutes early. So I made him wait. The communication skills & stupidty of these clowns amazes me. He also said he was expecting to see a personalised number plate in the hotel carpark with my working name on it.  ::) Unbelievable, I wanted to ask if he's ever had a head trauma.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 01 December 2016, 03:56:25 pm
;D Brilliant!

Why can't they close the bloody bathroom door when they are in there? I feel like their mother when I close it.

Had one this morning complaining that he was cold. He then said he's been at the local supermarket for an hour & a half.  :o He didn't have the common sense to ask for an earlier appointment, just thought he'd turn up 30 minutes early. So I made him wait. The communication skills & stupidty of these clowns amazes me. He also said he was expecting to see a personalised number plate in the hotel carpark with my working name on it.  ::) Unbelievable, I wanted to ask if he's ever had a head trauma.
Lol...I honestly believe that the blood must run to Mens head when they come to an appointment & that mixed with nerves makes them extra stupid!! ;) ;)

Love the number plate idea he had!! Priceless!! Did you ask him why he thought this?xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 01 December 2016, 07:52:07 pm
When they email or text telling me they are saving up to visit, I don't care! Contact me when you have the damn money and make a booking. Also when a guy you've seen once texts and thinks you're gonna remember him, 'Oh I'm the guy you said had a nice cock' I tell everyone that!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 01 December 2016, 08:33:08 pm
Lol...I honestly believe that the blood must run to Mens head when they come to an appointment & that mixed with nerves makes them extra stupid!! ;) ;)

Love the number plate idea he had!! Priceless!! Did you ask him why he thought this?xx

Yeah, and it's their little head 😂
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 01 December 2016, 09:21:41 pm
When they ask "When are you coming back to XYZ town?"

Occasionally I can actually answer them. Usually I can't. Sometimes I want to say "I won't be. Your town is shite."

Most annoying is when they ask if you'll be there next week and you say "Nope, I'm leaving Friday" and then they go "Awwww... that's such a shame. I really wanted to see you but I don't have a day off until Tuesday. Your pictures look so good. When do you think you'll be back? Where are you going next week?"

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 01 December 2016, 10:29:23 pm
When they ask "When are you coming back to XYZ town?"

Occasionally I can actually answer them. Usually I can't. Sometimes I want to say "I won't be. Your town is shite."

Most annoying is when they ask if you'll be there next week and you say "Nope, I'm leaving Friday" and then they go "Awwww... that's such a shame. I really wanted to see you but I don't have a day off until Tuesday. Your pictures look so good. When do you think you'll be back? Where are you going next week?"

Yup. I go to London maybe about three times a year and they're always asking when I'm going to be back.

Also, I hate the assumption that I'm always working. If I'm booked they say 'okay I'll just see you tomorrow!' Um no you won't, I'm doing shit tomorrow that isn't you.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lilyoctober on 02 December 2016, 12:48:17 am
Sound dead lovely and 'normal' on the phone, then 30 mins before booking, they come out with all sorts of requests and texting 'do you do this, that and the other?' (usually very random)? No mention of it in conversation! Pass thanks, stop wasting my time  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 02 December 2016, 02:54:26 pm
Sound dead lovely and 'normal' on the phone, then 30 mins before booking, they come out with all sorts of requests and texting 'do you do this, that and the other?' (usually very random)? No mention of it in conversation! Pass thanks, stop wasting my time  :FF

Yes then when I say "we can discuss that when you arrive" all of a sudden some 'emergency' has cropped up and he can't make it after all!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: pussywillow on 05 December 2016, 11:17:24 am
Is it just me or does this irritate anyone else- when they call and say "Are you open? " What my mouth? My legs? My front door? I know they think they are calling a brothel. I explain its just me in my flat. A lot of them still don't seem to get it though.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 05 December 2016, 03:33:40 pm
Is it just me or does this irritate anyone else- when they call and say "Are you open? " What my mouth? My legs? My front door? I know they think they are calling a brothel. I explain its just me in my flat. A lot of them still don't seem to get it though.  :FF

Yeah I get that now and again, one guy started asking me how many girls are there for him to choose from and didn't seem to understand the concept of an independent. He seemed to think he was talking to a madam running a brothel. The funny thing was he got the number from a website profile that clearly shows pictures of only me and states quite clearly that they are booking me.

My other favourite is "will anyone else be there?" Oh yes several people but don't worry  I have a mini fridge with drinks and magazines for you to read while you wait for the other customer to finish with me.....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 05 December 2016, 03:37:50 pm
When they say will anyone else be there i get paranoid and think are they going to rob me cos they want me on my own. My hyperactive mind!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 05 December 2016, 03:52:25 pm
When they say will anyone else be there i get paranoid and think are they going to rob me cos they want me on my own. My hyperactive mind!
You are not alone, in my mind at best he's a possible thief at worst a murderer.
Neither do I like it when they specifically ask to be my last booking of the day because straight away I suspect he's looking to rob me lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetshycanada on 05 December 2016, 09:36:25 pm
Asking for bareback is bad enough, but waiting till everything is all setup just pisses me off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: FellowTraveller on 09 December 2016, 02:05:00 pm
Saying I'm not racist BUT...

I just had a client like that who at the end of the booking started talking about how his former area had gone was so blatant I had to confront it.

I'm not racist but its the blacks he said claiming they targeted vulnerable whites in the area. So I said you've seen it have someone he knew had. Several times I said whites are just as likely to cause problems. I was fuming he said it so many times.

The atmosphere got distinctly frosty as I politely but coldly showed him out.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 14 December 2016, 05:30:59 am
When they pretend they have never booked an escort before but you know this is utter crap!! I've had 2 guys on AW do this a couple of months back; 1 had over 30 feedbacks & the other had 7!! Do not they click that we read their AW profile when this is exactly how they got in touch in the first place??! The amount of feedback they have is right next to their AW user name...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 14 December 2016, 05:32:01 am
When they pretend they have never booked an escort before but you know this is utter crap!! I've had 2 guys on AW do this a couple of months back; 1 had over 30 feedbacks & the other had 7!! Do not they click that we read their AW profile when this is exactly how they got in touch in the first place??! The amount of feedback they have is right next to their AW user name...
Ooops got "do not they" muddled up, should read "do they not"!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 15 December 2016, 08:38:16 am
When they pretend they have never booked an escort before but you know this is utter crap!! I've had 2 guys on AW do this a couple of months back; 1 had over 30 feedbacks & the other had 7!! Do not they click that we read their AW profile when this is exactly how they got in touch in the first place??! The amount of feedback they have is right next to their AW user name...

Yeah what is that all about? So odd. I get guys like this then see on forums that they've been punting for years  ::) silly little mind games so they think we'll give a better service?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kitty_69 on 15 December 2016, 11:36:08 am
Yeah what is that all about? So odd. I get guys like this then see on forums that they've been punting for years  ::) silly little mind games so they think we'll give a better service?
lol i got one saying he was a virgin he was 30 years old and got 10 feedback from escorts 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 15 December 2016, 12:18:17 pm
lol i got one saying he was a virgin he was 30 years old and got 10 feedback from escorts
I had one the same.When I queried it he said he had only had massage and bj's from them.He couldn't give an answer when I asked why I was different enough to lose his virginity to compared to the other wellknown and perfectly nice wgs he had feedback from... ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 15 December 2016, 12:35:20 pm
They may be hoping we will offer them bb if we are their first escort or first ever shag x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kitty_69 on 15 December 2016, 12:41:05 pm
They may be hoping we will offer them bb if we are their first escort or first ever shag x

he wouldn't get that from me 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jett-setta-go-getta on 15 December 2016, 01:22:38 pm
ha ha sounds like he is a fantasist  8)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 15 December 2016, 05:01:05 pm
Thats the mentality of them i reckon x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 15 December 2016, 05:33:10 pm
Tell them you charge virgins extra because it's hard work dealing with them. See how long they are a virgin for.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 15 December 2016, 06:02:20 pm
When they say they found you on aw then ask your prices then ask where you are! Just had a guy do this and when I told him where I am he says it's too far! Surely they search in an area they can get to? This will never fail to baffle me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: FellowTraveller on 15 December 2016, 06:03:26 pm
When they say they found you on aw then ask your prices then ask where you are! Just had a guy do this and when I told him where I am he says it's too far! Surely they search in an area they can get to? This will never fail to baffle me.

Its pure laziness I think.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 15 December 2016, 06:06:05 pm
Its pure laziness I think.
I can see that with not looking at prices but area?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: FellowTraveller on 15 December 2016, 06:08:48 pm
I can see that with not looking at prices but area?

Laziness with a large pinch of pure TW.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nia Hope on 15 December 2016, 06:09:42 pm
Laziness with a large pinch of pure TW.
You hit the nail on the head!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 15 December 2016, 07:00:01 pm
They may be hoping we will offer them bb if we are their first escort or first ever shag x
Me neither!He didn't end up confirming his booking in the end oddly!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 15 December 2016, 08:50:08 pm
I've had a few say this and I wonder if it's because we'll think "Wow, I want to turn him on to punting! I'll give him a discount and extra time!"

Or that they can pretend not to know the etiquette and get away with not having had a shower, not offering the money right away, etc.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 15 December 2016, 09:44:00 pm
Tell them you charge virgins extra because it's hard work dealing with them. See how long they are a virgin for.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: loubyloo on 16 December 2016, 09:14:41 am
When they have lube on their fingers and/or they've been fingering you and then reach up and stroke your hair!
I've given myself whiplash trying to move away fast enough to avoid them!
I do NOT want my juices in my hair thank you!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 16 December 2016, 05:26:00 pm
Punters that think they really really like you "as a person" when I know full well that it's their full balls making them think that way.

Also long term punters that disappear off the face of the earth and never had the courtesy (sp?) to say goodbye!!

Punters who keep asking me to do the three things I don't do: Orgasm, kiss, anal!! I have a rule now - any punts that ask me for one of those things more than three times (different visits) gets banned. I put something descriptive as their contact name on my phone, so I know when "Always asks A", "Wants to snog" "Big cock" and "Hard work" ring, I ignore them lol.
It just shows you how clueless about sex and woman's bodies that clients are; how can you possibly ask a SW if she'll cum for you?!! I mean jeez...Or the ones that as soon as they start touching you they ask 'why aren't you wet yet' because they expect you to be wet just at the thought of having sex!!! Some of these men are in their 60s and probably been having sex for the past 40 odd years and they know nothing about a woman's body!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 17 December 2016, 03:27:09 pm
It just shows you how clueless about sex and woman's bodies that clients are; how can you possibly ask a SW if she'll cum for you?!! I mean jeez...Or the ones that as soon as they start touching you they ask 'why aren't you wet yet' because they expect you to be wet just at the thought of having sex!!! Some of these men are in their 60s and probably been having sex for the past 40 odd years and they know nothing about a woman's body!!

lol I think men think our bodies work in the same way as theirs and that if you keep pumping we'll just eventually cum like they do. I hate having that pressure (even in my personal life) when guys keep asking you to cum. If it happens, it happens but it definitely won't if you keep demanding it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 17 December 2016, 03:36:18 pm
lol I think men think our bodies work in the same way as theirs and that if you keep pumping we'll just eventually cum like they do. I hate having that pressure (even in my personal life) when guys keep asking you to cum. If it happens, it happens but it definitely won't if you keep demanding it.
Yes agreed, they are also so impatient & take it personally when you don't cum after they have been digging for gold inside of you for all of 2mins!! lol

They way they think that EVERY SW can squirt & again they use the same technique as I mentioned above & do not listen when I say I can't squirt so I end up just peeing on them in dribbles & they think this is squirting & they look so proud of themselves after this!!

I know alot of girls think that we should teach them to use their finger's correctly but as we all know they just don't listen which is a major 'thing they do to annoy'!! And not reading profile & they looking hurt/shocked when I say 'No I don't do Anal' or 'No you cannot tie me up'; they make you feel like you've cheated them in some way & on more than one occassion I've pulled my AW profile up in front of them and said 'Look+Read' and they look pretty sheepish & apologise!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: FellowTraveller on 17 December 2016, 05:22:23 pm
The ones who lie and who lie badly! For example messing you around with bookings, canx etc, chopping & changing stories/reasons and forgetting its all there in black & white, well texts/emails anyway.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ScottishSexpot on 17 December 2016, 05:35:07 pm
They like to make out that they have an oh-so-top-secret job!! If it was so top secret then why mention it?! Fantasists lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 17 December 2016, 08:35:19 pm
The ones who lie and who lie badly! For example messing you around with bookings, canx etc, chopping & changing stories/reasons and forgetting its all there in black & white, well texts/emails anyway.
I had such that, told him to get stuffed in a subtle way.  Zero tolerance on these.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jasmines world on 21 December 2016, 09:54:19 am
First post she says a little nervously  Hi all ..  but Ive been reading and enjoying for ageeessss so I just had to put something... What annoys me is .. . I hate being messaged a day   before a meet with "Do you have... " ... hmm last one .. Silk Kimono.. the one previous.. tights.. not any old tights red cream.. ?! blue .. gusset .. cuban heels ..  as if I keep a stock in !! I do keep a certain amount in but im not Love Honey .com.  When you say well it may be a little difficult to get some at this late notice  they message back in disbelief  oh there on such and such a site.. ..  Unbelievable  but I guess  its there "little fantasy" .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Caitlin on 21 December 2016, 11:33:18 pm
If they express disbelief, tell them you'll happily wear them if they bring the items along. If you "could" get them from whatever site within 24 hours, so can he.  8)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jasmines world on 22 December 2016, 10:59:57 am
Ha ha nice one Catlin I will try that :) I have bought some of the items in the past if enough notice and I can use them afterwards for meets or photo shoots but some are plain ridiculous   :) I also hate when they start faffing about with money scrating  about  as if they hope you will say oh forgot the last ?10 ! I stand there patiently smiling away ( while thinking oh carry on ive got all day not)  while they are digging deep for what they make it look as if its  there last fiver lol the richest most well dressed too are usually good at this :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jill on 23 December 2016, 12:17:24 am
Most of my days go smoothly and without problems, same goes for the men who come to see me but one who is teetering on the brink of being banned is Paul who this morning texted to ask if I can see him around 6m? Yes I reply, then nothing, no response and no booking. He has done this twice now so unless he makes and keeps a booking next time he contacts me he is gone!
They get too familiar and comfortable with us but it is their loss when we sack them then they wonder what on earth they have done wrong!  I have to admit though it is a nice feeling to be able to ban the odd one here and there, a little bit of power and all that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 23 December 2016, 11:28:11 am
Just some wanking material, looking at your text.  Block.   :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 23 December 2016, 11:41:05 am
Most of my days go smoothly and without problems, same goes for the men who come to see me but one who is teetering on the brink of being banned is Paul who this morning texted to ask if I can see him around 6m? Yes I reply, then nothing, no response and no booking. He has done this twice now so unless he makes and keeps a booking next time he contacts me he is gone!
They get too familiar and comfortable with us but it is their loss when we sack them then they wonder what on earth they have done wrong!  I have to admit though it is a nice feeling to be able to ban the odd one here and there, a little bit of power and all that.
Yes I have a bloke like that!Been seeing him for years but the last year he keeps ringing/texting asking what I am working I give him pretty much the same answer every time so say 'around between 1pm and 6pm' and it's always 'I give you a ring if I can make it'!Or I'll ask him what time he wants and it's always 'Not sure'.So now I just answer with text me a time you want a booking or I ignore him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 23 December 2016, 12:00:48 pm
Most of my days go smoothly and without problems, same goes for the men who come to see me but one who is teetering on the brink of being banned is Paul who this morning texted to ask if I can see him around 6m? Yes I reply, then nothing, no response and no booking. He has done this twice now so unless he makes and keeps a booking next time he contacts me he is gone!
They get too familiar and comfortable with us but it is their loss when we sack them then they wonder what on earth they have done wrong!  I have to admit though it is a nice feeling to be able to ban the odd one here and there, a little bit of power and all that.

Paul may see you as a plan B. Thinks he can count on you if the new girl doesn't pan out.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 23 December 2016, 12:44:25 pm
I've had clients like that, and after doing it umpteen times I will advise them to stop contacting me, they are wasting my time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 23 December 2016, 05:16:46 pm
Paul may see you as a plan B. Thinks he can count on you if the new girl doesn't pan out.
  This could well be true.   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 25 December 2016, 06:13:48 pm
In the middle of the deed, he suddenly asks how many men I see daily, I ended up raiding my voice reacting to such an intruding question.

Another client, refusing to phone me whilst he made a booking BECAUSE he was with his family, kept texting me all day,  He refuses to phone, I believe he's playing. If he persists longer tomorrow, I will post his number under TW. I hate text pests.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 25 December 2016, 10:11:40 pm
I've found the perfect shut up to the "How many men do you fuck a day" is
"However many I want."

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 26 December 2016, 09:15:21 am
I've found the perfect shut up to the "How many men do you fuck a day" is
"However many I want."

 ;D ;D  A Great answer!  I started telling him off about upsetting my bed spread to protect the bed in a very critical tone of voice after that intrusive question.   I may well have been tired. I'm usually very patient and accepting when I am with my clients.  I had to wash everything after that.  But he paid all the extras afterwards (I didn't think he was gonna after the deed).   :) 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetshycanada on 01 January 2017, 07:53:31 pm
Do they expect us not to have lives... Ive gotten calls the kids 24th-25th last night and again just now, he sounded shocked I was having a family dinner and wouldn't step away from the stove and rush right over  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 01 January 2017, 08:05:24 pm
A repeat client brought the same boxes of chocolates I was given a few times already.  Not very creative, couldn't bring myself to tell him I don't like them in case it offends.. ::). Useful when passing them to other peeps... So I never turned it down.

I noticed some profiles state what gifts they enjoy receiving and Not welcome.  Food stuff was Not welcome, I wasn't an exception.

Why the same gifts over and over?   ???  Somewhat annoyed me...... :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: littleminxjennifer on 02 January 2017, 04:38:21 am
One that really annoys me is when they come in and I say lets get the admin out the way so we can relax and enjoy ourselves, and they ask oh, how much is it again?
With new clients I always say to them, have you seen my rates, pictures and likes list and you are happy with all you've seen?   They will say they have or if they haven't I ask them to check so we know exactly what they are getting and how much they are paying.

Really rips my knitting so it does
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 02 January 2017, 09:35:42 am
I bet this man does it to anybody.  One who acts as if 'oh, silly girl, you shouldn't have asked, I wouldn't have to spend a penny for it' type.   I have had one before.  Generally, not the best start.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 02 January 2017, 09:42:32 am
One that really annoys me is when they come in and I say lets get the admin out the way so we can relax and enjoy ourselves, and they ask oh, how much is it again?
With new clients I always say to them, have you seen my rates, pictures and likes list and you are happy with all you've seen?   They will say they have or if they haven't I ask them to check so we know exactly what they are getting and how much they are paying.

Really rips my knitting so it does

I've cut this bullshit out now. As they come in I'll say "It was an hour you wanted, right?" When they say yes then I say "OK so that's 120 please".
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MistressMorgana on 02 January 2017, 11:59:32 pm
I've cut this bullshit out now. As they come in I'll say "It was an hour you wanted, right?" When they say yes then I say "OK so that's 120 please".

Ditto to that and Amen!

The last person to ask me how much I charged after he arrived was thrown out.  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 05 January 2017, 11:12:20 pm
When they sound confident & reasonably intelligent on the phone when they book, but seem to regress mentally when they arrive...

Mr Clueless "you're really pretty you don't need to do this"
Me "what do you mean by that?"
Mr Clueless " you could get a man & a normal job easily"
Me becoming more irritated " well this isn't the 1950's, women support themselves these days & are happy being single etc. What have looks intellect got to do with being a sex worker? There are stunning women working in this industry, you ever seen a porn film? Well a lot of porn stars become escorts. Some escorts even have degree's"  ::)

More stupid questions & comments followed including "can I penetrate you with this on" (The condom) Wtf? Seriously, did he think he was paying for a naked chat in my bedroom?  ??? "what's that you're drinking?". I have a Britta fill & go bottle so being a clear liquid it's obviously water.  :-\ 

Felt like he was trying to tenderise me like a cut of meat. Told him to be gentle twice already, so he says"oh your're a big softie aren't you". "no I just don't like rough man handling, not many women do."

Finished for the day after that guy.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 06 January 2017, 04:45:29 pm
When chatting and they say something like "I want to ask you something, you don't have to tell me I know its really private but..." Then they ask a really personal question and I reply with "I'd rather not say" the tone in their voice drops and they go all moody  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Daria00 on 10 January 2017, 09:15:02 am
Today I had cancelation at 8.40am for 10am. All good but I had to wake up at 7 am to have a plenty of time to relax and get ready before. I am angry now because I couldn't sleep last night till 12.30am. I not sure if the topic is right but it really annoying me when they cancel morning appointments after I am nearly ready.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 10 January 2017, 09:53:17 am
When they sound confident & reasonably intelligent on the phone when they book, but seem to regress mentally when they arrive...

Mr Clueless "you're really pretty you don't need to do this"
Me "what do you mean by that?"
Mr Clueless " you could get a man & a normal job easily"
Me becoming more irritated " well this isn't the 1950's, women support themselves these days & are happy being single etc. What have looks intellect got to do with being a sex worker? There are stunning women working in this industry, you ever seen a porn film? Well a lot of porn stars become escorts. Some escorts even have degree's"  ::)

I hate that. So patronising. I had one tell me I should settle down, and that this work 'eats away at your soul'. So... you're eating away at my soul right now then?

It bugs me that men have this attitude but then see escorts anyway. Kind of like the flipside to the guys who see escorts but when they're rejected by one start hurling insults about being a dirty whore etc. Either way they look down on us, but are happy to consume our labour.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 10 January 2017, 12:43:09 pm
I hate that. So patronising. I had one tell me I should settle down, and that this work 'eats away at your soul'. So... you're eating away at my soul right now then?

It bugs me that men have this attitude but then see escorts anyway. Kind of like the flipside to the guys who see escorts but when they're rejected by one start hurling insults about being a dirty whore etc. Either way they look down on us, but are happy to consume our labour.

They just have the mindset that having a man and being married = happiness, it's funny when I tell them that I have a boyfriend and then they say stuff like "If I was your boyfriend I would support you and not let you do this".  Nobody asked your opinion dickhead like my boyfriend is my pimp or something, I can make my own life decisions I don't want some controlling nutcase in my life. They get equally confused when I show ambition saying stuff like I'm a university student and I also work as a freelance graphic designer and illustrator.

I've lost count of the amount of guys who talked about marrying me, like my life would be better living with them in their tiny one bedroom flat staying in all day while they go to work in the factory.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 10 January 2017, 10:14:16 pm
It's an subject, which might warrant its own thread.  Loads of escorts started off at a later life after living in civvies life.   Some escorts started off from a very young age and move onto do normal stuff.  I wonder if you get this shite more often if you were very young.

Men fall in love easily if they are younger and a bit naive, after seeing young gorgeous escorts.  Maybe, they say these things, as a result of poor social skills, bad enough not to get laid for free, having to pay..not out of their choice, hate paying..etc.. They think ..hey, you can give it for free anytime as I'm available and single !  Cock speaks, absolutely no sense whatsoever, but some men can't help themselves, unable to hide stupidity in front of young women.  If there's a chance to get regular sex on tap, they will try on .. Really, a real stupid move.  Block and move on.   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 10 January 2017, 10:52:25 pm
Today I had cancelation at 8.40am for 10am. All good but I had to wake up at 7 am to have a plenty of time to relax and get ready before. I am angry now because I couldn't sleep last night till 12.30am. I not sure if the topic is right but it really annoying me when they cancel morning appointments after I am nearly ready.
I had exact same this morning , late night , overlaid in bed up at 8 rushing around but he's coming tomorrow morning sounded plausible and pleasant ..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 10 January 2017, 11:21:25 pm
I had a 6am this morning. Got up at 5.30. Would have been fucking fuming if that one had cancelled! Mind you I had one at 7am as well!
(they both turned up)
Last minute cancellations drive me bonkers. Like at 5 mins to the appointment time I've already run round arranging the room, getting the cat off the bed, locking all my personal shit away, mouthwash etc. At that point it might as well be a no show for the time it's wasted.

I don't mind so much when I'm touring cos I'm always sat in my whore clothes anyway, on cam. I only pack the laptop away when they ring from the car park.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Daria00 on 11 January 2017, 09:04:44 am
I have another one today for 10 am x told him to confirm at 7.30 to ensure that we are both awake. He is my regular but after yesterday I will check on them before I make a move from bed. Still they may not come or cancel even they confirm but it gives me a litter bit of comfort.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jill on 11 January 2017, 12:35:20 pm
I have this niggle which some new men do when they come in. I open the door and greet them nicely and they walk in straight past me and along the hall, their backs are to me and not only that they have walked past the door I want them to go in, the bedroom!
I have to say "stop" and ask them to turn around. It annoys me a lot but have to stay polite and make a joke of it with them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 11 January 2017, 01:52:12 pm
Making me ask for me fee.  ::) this really irritates me. Had a reg do this recently. He usually always sets the money out before heading to the shower but this time he didn't. To me it doesn't matter how many times I've seen you, I want my money first. This is why you are here. To pay me to fuck you.  I understand giving me the money first reminds you that I'm not into you and I'm just here for the money but just set it to the side or something you don't have to put it in my hand. I had a reg who would get upset when I asked for the money, he would say I would give it to you in the end, you know I always do. I don't understand why he got upset though. If I wasn't confident enough to ask for my cash, I would angrily and ferociously wank their cock and give a shit service cuz how can you forget to pay? The whole time I would just be thinking about the money I don't have in my pocket, thinking he might do a runner. I'm basically fucking you for free if I don't get money first.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 11 January 2017, 02:59:28 pm
Making me ask for me fee.  ::) this really irritates me. Had a reg do this recently. He usually always sets the money out before heading to the shower but this time he didn't. To me it doesn't matter how many times I've seen you, I want my money first. This is why you are here. To pay me to fuck you.  I understand giving me the money first reminds you that I'm not into you and I'm just here for the money but just set it to the side or something you don't have to put it in my hand. I had a reg who would get upset when I asked for the money, he would say I would give it to you in the end, you know I always do. I don't understand why he got upset though. If I wasn't confident enough to ask for my cash, I would angrily and ferociously wank their cock and give a shit service cuz how can you forget to pay? The whole time I would just be thinking about the money I don't have in my pocket, thinking he might do a runner. I'm basically fucking you for free if I don't get money first.

I find about 50% of guys get their cash out before I ask for it. To get past the awkwardness, I now have a set phrase. I get them in the door, ask them if they found parking okay, ooh isn't it cold, you can take your shoes off, come on through to the bedroom. Then it's "It was an hour you wanted, wasn't it? That's 120 then please" and then just wait for them to get it out. I never deviate from this. I've only had one guy raise his eyebrows and say "Oh you want that now?" to which I raised my own eyebrows back and said "Yes!?"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fliss on 11 January 2017, 06:00:53 pm
When a client tells you 'you are expensive but worth it'.

This happened today and I just had to correct him by saying actually I'm mid-range for this area....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 11 January 2017, 07:03:14 pm
I find about 50% of guys get their cash out before I ask for it. To get past the awkwardness, I now have a set phrase. I get them in the door, ask them if they found parking okay, ooh isn't it cold, you can take your shoes off, come on through to the bedroom. Then it's "It was an hour you wanted, wasn't it? That's 120 then please" and then just wait for them to get it out. I never deviate from this. I've only had one guy raise his eyebrows and say "Oh you want that now?" to which I raised my own eyebrows back and said "Yes!?"

Yes, that's exactly what I do. 'Now it was a half hour wasn't it so that's 80 - why thank you!' :). I do find most pay without need a prod, but it saves messing about.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 11 January 2017, 07:12:44 pm
My contribution for today is giving you a running commentary while you're trying to direct them, ie talking straight across you when you're speaking so they not only can't listen to or concentrate on what you're saying properly but you can't concentrate either because you're being bombarded with 'I'm just coming past a wall!' and other gems (although that's maybe much harder for me being deaf, since the only ear I have that half works is being bellowed at).

I've learnt to manage it by stopping completely and when they eventually have to draw breath I ask them if there's anything else they want to say, then say 'Good! Now I can speak and we can both hear each other properly!' in the most nauseatingly pleasant and upbeat tone possible ;D.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jill on 11 January 2017, 07:13:52 pm
Occasionally a new man will make no move to pay so I politely ask, they smile and say oh yes of course but take their time, making sure they fiddle about putting the jacket on the hanger or untying the shoes first, trying to make me look daft. It does not work as they are the ones not playing the game properly.
 I just stand there and wait because until the cash is in my hand they are not getting so much as a kiss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jill on 11 January 2017, 07:21:01 pm
My contribution for today is giving you a running commentary while you're trying to direct them, ie talking straight across you when you're speaking so they not only can't listen to or concentrate on what you're saying properly but you can't concentrate either because you're being bombarded with 'I'm just coming past a wall!' and other gems (although that's maybe much harder for me being deaf, since the only ear I have that half works is being bellowed at).

I've learnt to manage it by stopping completely and when they eventually have to draw breath I ask them if there's anything else they want to say, then say 'Good! Now I can speak and we can both hear each other properly!' in the most nauseatingly pleasant and upbeat tone possible ;D.

Yes I get that with new men. Talking over me on the phone and interrupting when I am trying to direct them to park. It is when they answer my question of where exactly they are when the satnav. drops them at the postcode I give them,  they reply "next to a house with a fence" or "in Holly Avenue" and they seem surprised when I then ask which direction they are facing so I can tell them where to park or drive to. Being in a particular road is one thing but I need to know if they are facing the right way to help them get to me.

Rocket science? Not quite

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 11 January 2017, 07:36:19 pm
With new clients I sit on the end of the bed and pat besides me to beckon them over to sit down next to me as new ones are usually nervous and they are happy to sit and chat for a minute to calm themselves down.
I smile to calm them down and we have a little chat in my time, this lets them see I'm calm, friendly above all human.
I explain to them what's available in the booking and confirm my fee. I then ask them if they are ok with that and once they agree I get up and say nicely OK Dave/John/Mike that will be ?xxx, they always jump up and pay readily, after I've got the cash I offer them a hot/cold drink and the use of the bathroom etc.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 12 January 2017, 08:48:06 am
Occasionally a new man will make no move to pay so I politely ask, they smile and say oh yes of course but take their time, making sure they fiddle about putting the jacket on the hanger or untying the shoes first, trying to make me look daft. It does not work as they are the ones not playing the game properly.
 I just stand there and wait because until the cash is in my hand they are not getting so much as a kiss.
I give a little greeting peck as you would a friend ( dependant on my judgement ) if they go for anything else I say one of two things "let's sort the paperwork" if they look blank  it's we need to take care of some business first" and if they're really not sure , they usually get it if I give a big smile and step back away from them , but some just really forget at the start because of excitement etc or nerves so I remind them as nicely as possible .

Then it if that fails I'm blunt , then my whole persona changes , big smile and reassurance etc .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fliss on 14 January 2017, 12:33:49 pm
Almost every single booking lately the guys ask me if I have a boyfriend... hint hint hint...have they all made New Year's resolutions to have escort girlfriends or something  :FF  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 14 January 2017, 12:42:13 pm
The ones that make it clinical by telling you what they want to do next, like a list of instructions that ruin any chemistry or spontaneity and as erotic as being given instructions on how to assemble a flat pack. Had one last night...

Please can you take your bra off?
I'm going to suck your nipples now
I was playing with his cock- Can you give me oral now?
Now we'll have some sex.
Mid me on top of him- Now I will go on top
Giving him a hand job- Can you go a bit faster?
Now more oral
Can you go deeper?

Just want to say Let me do my thing, we'll get to all these things in good time! I know what I'm doing!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 14 January 2017, 01:44:21 pm
I actually don't mind this WB, I quite like a man who knows what he wants/needs.

I find it more annoying when they clearly want me to do something - but don't communicate it. So I'm left playing guessing games - do you want me to ride you? Do you want to finish with oral? Do you want to wank off over me? Dude, just fucking tell me!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: The_Lynx on 14 January 2017, 02:37:05 pm
Same as VC, I actually enjoy clear, concise communication in the bedroom. Not a fan of the 'sports commentator' thing, mind, but I people telling me what they'd like makes my job a lot easier.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nemature on 14 January 2017, 02:40:15 pm
I like some direction as well what i do not like is when the men do something to me then look up like a puppy and say "did you enjoy that" recurrently
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 14 January 2017, 02:40:25 pm
I actually don't mind this WB, I quite like a man who knows what he wants/needs.

I find it more annoying when they clearly want me to do something - but don't communicate it. So I'm left playing guessing games - do you want me to ride you? Do you want to finish with oral? Do you want to wank off over me? Dude, just fucking tell me!

Me too. I much prefer this than the ones who just lie there like a dead fish and at least I know what I'm supposed to be doing and they get what they want :).

as erotic as being given instructions on how to assemble a flat pack.

That depends what you're building and who you're building it with :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 14 January 2017, 08:43:59 pm
Same as VC, I actually enjoy clear, concise communication in the bedroom. Not a fan of the 'sports commentator' thing, mind, but I people telling me what they'd like makes my job a lot easier.

Oh god, my next booking I'm going to be hearing Kenneth Wolstenholme in my head:
"And he's coming into the box... they think it's all over... it is now!"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SweetAngel on 18 January 2017, 03:49:06 pm
U free
U workin
Hi hun/babe
U available
Can I come now (without having a clue where I am)
How much
I want sex
Etc etc
Over the phone:
Do u like doggy very fast? A lot of girls complain that it's too painfull
My dick is too big, is that a problem?
Do you give good services?
Are u busy now? Are you fuckin someone?  :FF
When they come: the list is too long :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: pennypittstop on 19 January 2017, 12:29:23 pm
They just have the mindset that having a man and being married = happiness, it's funny when I tell them that I have a boyfriend and then they say stuff like "If I was your boyfriend I would support you and not let you do this".  Nobody asked your opinion dickhead like my boyfriend is my pimp or something, I can make my own life decisions I don't want some controlling nutcase in my life. They get equally confused when I show ambition saying stuff like I'm a university student and I also work as a freelance graphic designer and illustrator.

I've lost count of the amount of guys who talked about marrying me, like my life would be better living with them in their tiny one bedroom flat staying in all day while they go to work in the factory.

Oh my gosh this is the worst!

Punters can say a lot to me and it just wash off, but when they start trying to take on the role of psychotherapist and start telling you how to live your life, well, the anger builds.

I had one guy recently telling me about what life will be like when I've grown up and have a life, a stable relationship, career, etc.

I swear, if they genuinely think prostitution is so damaging to us, WHY DO THEY COME?

They're basically admitting imo that the don't give a toss if what they are doing is damaging, I think their patronising attempts at life advice are them just making themselves feel better.

(not that prostitution in damaging, but from the way they speak about it they must think it is).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 19 January 2017, 04:26:54 pm
Oh my gosh this is the worst!

Punters can say a lot to me and it just wash off, but when they start trying to take on the role of psychotherapist and start telling you how to live your life, well, the anger builds.

I had one guy recently telling me about what life will be like when I've grown up and have a life, a stable relationship, career, etc.

I swear, if they genuinely think prostitution is so damaging to us, WHY DO THEY COME?

They're basically admitting imo that the don't give a toss if what they are doing is damaging, I think their patronising attempts at life advice are them just making themselves feel better.

(not that prostitution in damaging, but from the way they speak about it they must think it is).

As if they think we haven't heard all of that before  ::)

I had another guy the other day get lost, he called for directions and I gave him the correct directions from where he was, he got lost some more because he misinterpreted them, and then when he called again I asked him if he had a smartphone. He then said 'yes, I'll check the satnav on that.' What?! Why would that not be your FIRST port of call?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 22 January 2017, 06:03:07 pm

I swear, if they genuinely think prostitution is so damaging to us, WHY DO THEY COME?

They're basically admitting imo that the don't give a toss if what they are doing is damaging, I think their patronising attempts at life advice are them just making themselves feel better.

Yeah I never got why they say these things and then pay to see you, if my life is so terrible then stop coming to see me for sex and paying for my terrible existence lol. They all say the same things you hear a million times before with their advice, lost count of marriage proposals. I'm happy with my boyfriend he knows the real me not just some character I play to entertain men for money.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissFlint on 23 January 2017, 12:23:51 am
One client said I was the least mentally damaged escort he'd ever met.  Even though this was supposed to be a compliment I found it offensive.

Today I had a client who booked for 30 minutes and 20 minutes into the booking he asked if he could come twice.  :FF  I explained he could try but I didn't know many men who could come twice in 10 minutes!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 27 January 2017, 08:32:33 am
When they've seen you 6 months ago & don't remember. I said he looked familiar when he came through the door. I've had ones I've not remembered but tat was after a 4 year break. This is first time I've had one not remember me.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nora batty on 27 January 2017, 10:32:53 am
After reverse oral the guy uses my duvet cover to wipe his mouth.  He didn't try it on the sly, was very bold about it.  So I asked him does he wipe his dick on the curtains too?  Tramps!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 28 January 2017, 11:09:50 am
Coming out the shower without drying off, dripping like a wet dog and then going straight for me completely soaked.

As an extension, washing their dick and balls but not drying them properly so their whole crotch area smells of mildew.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MelissaS on 31 January 2017, 10:12:22 pm
This one has probably been mentioned already but..

When repeat clients start sending emails general and unnecessary chit chat on the run up to bookings, especially when they're long emails and take a good few minutes to read and then reply to! Why can't they just be straight forward?

It makes me feel like I'm dating them and that's the last thing I bloody want, in the job or outside of the job!  :FF Ha
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nemature on 02 February 2017, 02:52:32 pm
When clients try to give me oral and miss the clit completely and just tongue the mound in front of it I am going to give on a anatomy lesson soon I do not understand how they get into their 50's and have no knowledge of the female body!!!

Rant over
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: xSweetCheeksx on 03 February 2017, 02:30:51 pm
When clients try to give me oral and miss the clit completely and just tongue the mound in front of it I am going to give on a anatomy lesson soon I do not understand how they get into their 50's and have no knowledge of the female body!!!

Rant over
So true! I've got a regular who thinks he's amazing at oral but i fake it every single time. He's about 50 and literally just sticks his tongue up the actual vagina, goes absolutely no where near the clit area, not that i care as i just humour them and fake it but as you say, how do they get to the age of around 50 and not have a clue. No wonder some of the wives give them non.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: xSweetCheeksx on 03 February 2017, 02:38:44 pm
This one has probably been mentioned already but..

When repeat clients start sending emails general and unnecessary chit chat on the run up to bookings, especially when they're long emails and take a good few minutes to read and then reply to! Why can't they just be straight forward?

It makes me feel like I'm dating them and that's the last thing I bloody want, in the job or outside of the job!  :FF Ha
This really grates on my nerves! I actually have one sending me poetry now  :FF

Something that really gets on my nerves and it happened again today. Client asks "how many people do you see" or "how many have you got lined up today?". I honestly feel like  saying 'non of your fucking business!'.
I think it's just so rude.
I said to the guy who asked today 'sorry but i prefer to keep that to myself' to which he said 'ok no problem, just wanted to know how much you make'.  .... again, non of your fucking business!  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 05 February 2017, 02:58:44 pm
This really grates on my nerves! I actually have one sending me poetry now  :FF

Something that really gets on my nerves and it happened again today. Client asks "how many people do you see" or "how many have you got lined up today?". I honestly feel like  saying 'non of your fucking business!'.
I think it's just so rude.
I said to the guy who asked today 'sorry but i prefer to keep that to myself' to which he said 'ok no problem, just wanted to know how much you make'.  .... again, non of your fucking business!  >:(

Lol honestly it'd hurt them to know you probably make a lot more than they do. These are always pointless questions you get from clients though, I think some guys just desperately want to be one of your inner circle and know about your life when really it's not as exciting and amazing as they think.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Charlie_20x on 05 February 2017, 06:06:44 pm
Ugh! Had to sign off early today cause I've lost motivation after my last one  :(
He was so full on and made me feel sick. I was seriously lacking motivation through out the whole thing. When he was kissing me he may as well have just swallowed me cause he was trying to snog my whole face off and slobbering everywhere then he was really rough, I had to tell him to calm down. He was one of those that are too full on and a real jobs worth.
Feel bad for signing off early but had 3 bookings today and he just totally ruined my motivation not to mention made me sore and used 4 condoms!!!!!

Kissing where they basically try and eat your face and dibble over you is my pet HATE!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 05 February 2017, 07:50:36 pm
Kissing where they basically try and eat your face and dibble over you is my pet HATE!!!

During my last tour I saved a guy in my phone as "slobbery cheese breath"
I have no idea what is wrong with these guys.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 06 February 2017, 02:16:44 am
I told a regulasr I wasn't working for a few sdays due to a death in my family. He replied
"Aw babe, let me cheer you up with my cock"

Words fail me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 06 February 2017, 11:55:31 am
I told a regulasr I wasn't working for a few sdays due to a death in my family. He replied
"Aw babe, let me cheer you up with my cock"

Words fail me.

100 percent proof guys think with their cocks. Sorry for your loss xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: xSweetCheeksx on 06 February 2017, 01:42:24 pm
Kissing where they basically try and eat your face and dibble over you is my pet HATE!!!
Same and when they slobber on my neck also. Can't stand the thought of someone's saliva drying into me  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 06 February 2017, 02:22:58 pm
I told a regulasr I wasn't working for a few sdays due to a death in my family. He replied
"Aw babe, let me cheer you up with my cock"

Words fail me.

Shit like this is so telling how they view you and I'm guessing human being is very far down the list
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 06 February 2017, 02:30:12 pm
I told a regulasr I wasn't working for a few sdays due to a death in my family. He replied
"Aw babe, let me cheer you up with my cock"

Words fail me.

What a complete and utter wanker  >:(

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mariah on 06 February 2017, 03:17:43 pm
I told a regulasr I wasn't working for a few sdays due to a death in my family. He replied
"Aw babe, let me cheer you up with my cock"

Words fail me.

Just shows how utterly disgusting and selfish they are. I have one at the moment who is complaining about his wife being grumpy and tired (she just had surgery for cancer a few weeks ago and is currently undergoing intense radiotherapy - she's not even recovered from the surgery!). I've really put him in his place about his comments/attitude towards her, so now he's less vocal about it, but it's comments like these that make me really despise some men.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 06 February 2017, 07:15:14 pm
today i had a  guy litrally strip when he got here, i sat on the bed and he goes to climb on me!! and im just here putting both my hands up sayng "can we sort out payment first?!" xxxxx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mariah on 06 February 2017, 07:41:08 pm
today i had a  guy litrally strip when he got here, i sat on the bed and he goes to climb on me!! and im just here putting both my hands up sayng "can we sort out payment first?!" xxxxx

Cave man...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 06 February 2017, 08:02:53 pm
Some regs are known to do too comfortable.  But, if he's new...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kit on 06 February 2017, 11:30:22 pm
Kissing where they basically try and eat your face and dibble over you is my pet HATE!!!

^ I really hate this! ^  ::) sooo annoying!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 07 February 2017, 01:19:56 pm
I had one last week who was licking my face and had really pongy breath. I could smell his saliva all over me and it was making me feel extremely nauseas  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bessie on 07 February 2017, 02:07:21 pm
I had a client a while ago who I had seen on two occasions the outcall went really well, the block was alright but constantly asked for my real name.  I asked him if he would mind leaving me a field report which he said of course no problem.  The next time he booked he asked for a discount which I make clear I don't offer. 
He started going on that he had left a field report and should be compensated, I replied that he didn't have to and had he of mentioned that compensation would be needed at the time then I wouldn't have asked.  He then went on to say why would he pay Tesco prices when he could go to Lidle, after being compared to a supermarket quickly told him to do one and blocked!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 08 February 2017, 10:56:27 am
Just had an AW message from an old client- he used to be fairly regular but haven't seen him in a couple of years- no idea why- but  his message basically said Hello stranger, when are we going to be treated to new pics and videos?

Really annoyed me as the pics are meant to be there to encourage guys to see us not for ex clients to toss themselves off over! I know men will use our pics for their wanking material of course, but it seems so cheeky to actually infer that they will do this rather than actually PAY to see us!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 10 February 2017, 02:16:36 am
Just shows how utterly disgusting and selfish they are. I have one at the moment who is complaining about his wife being grumpy and tired (she just had surgery for cancer a few weeks ago and is currently undergoing intense radiotherapy - she's not even recovered from the surgery!). I've really put him in his place about his comments/attitude towards her, so now he's less vocal about it, but it's comments like these that make me really despise some men.

No surprise they are hated and their wives don't even want to touch them  no more. Just rank .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 10 February 2017, 10:00:08 pm
No surprise they are hated and their wives don't even want to touch them  no more. Just rank .
  I have had three clients whose wives were battling with serious illnesses as far as I was aware, and subsequently, these wives had passed away, all three.  I saw these clients before and after his respective wife had passed. One came after the funeral.  They seemed much happier now that they no longer had the sick wife to deal with/cope with.  One saw two escorts in a row after the funeral.  I wasn't quite sure if he was grieving or celebrating. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 11 February 2017, 06:36:47 pm
Sounds a strange way to grieve but we all deal diferently. Probably defo richer after their deaths with house paid off and perhaps insuramcr money. So maybe they were happier!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 11 February 2017, 09:06:53 pm
I guess..  There is a saying, "women grieve after the relationship was over (spending some time to herself) and men get a replacement".   :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lotus300 on 12 February 2017, 01:06:56 am
Just shows how utterly disgusting and selfish they are. I have one at the moment who is complaining about his wife being grumpy and tired (she just had surgery for cancer a few weeks ago and is currently undergoing intense radiotherapy - she's not even recovered from the surgery!). I've really put him in his place about his comments/attitude towards her, so now he's less vocal about it, but it's comments like these that make me really despise some men.

I had an uncle like that. He complained that he no longer had sex because his wife was dying of cancer.

I was flabbergasted by his selfishness and pettiness.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 12 February 2017, 12:21:17 pm
Sounds a strange way to grieve but we all deal diferently. Probably defo richer after their deaths with house paid off and perhaps insuramcr money. So maybe they were happier!!

Well not all marriages are happy ones, some people stay together because they feel they need to and starting over at their age is probably a daunting thing I guess with a sick wife it'd look bad to run off so they stick it out a few years and enjoy their windfall. It's cringe to listen to them complain about a sick wife meaning they don't get laid but if they want to spend that insurance money on me then I can bite my tongue and listen to anything they say.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 15 February 2017, 02:12:54 pm
Phone quiet all day so I decided to take the little doggies for a walk, leads on, coat on, shoes on and the phone rings.

Him..Hi its xxxx I've been before can I come over and see you?' (No name with his number so he's not a regular or anyone I remember)
Me...I'm about to step out with the dogs I can be back and ready in 45 minutes.
Him..Oh I wanted to come over in half an hour.
Me...I cant do in half an hour.
Him Ok we will have to leave it then.

Even though its been quiet this month and I could have took the leads off and walked them later I refuse to be rushing or pandering to punters who expect me to be sitting around ready to entertain them at 5 minutes notice. I've always asked punters to allow me an hour to cover me having to do other things and for preparing for them. If I can be ready sooner I will say so but to phone up and expect an almost instant booking especially from someone who's not a regular really pisses me off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 15 February 2017, 04:24:23 pm
Phone quiet all day so I decided to take the little doggies for a walk, leads on, coat on, shoes on and the phone rings.

Him..Hi its xxxx I've been before can I come over and see you?' (No name with his number so he's not a regular or anyone I remember)
Me...I'm about to step out with the dogs I can be back and ready in 45 minutes.
Him..Oh I wanted to come over in half an hour.
Me...I cant do in half an hour.
Him Ok we will have to leave it then.

Even though its been quiet this month and I could have took the leads off and walked them later I refuse to be rushing or pandering to punters who expect me to be sitting around ready to entertain them at 5 minutes notice. I've always asked punters to allow me an hour to cover me having to do other things and for preparing for them. If I can be ready sooner I will say so but to phone up and expect an almost instant booking especially from someone who's not a regular really pisses me off.

The other week I was sat at home just enjoying a bit of peace with a nice cup of tea and a client rings (never seen him before) He asked if I was available in half an hours time, I said I could do 40 minutes time? (It takes me 20 mins on a good day to get to my work flat but it was school leaving time so I knew it would be more like 30 mins to get there allowing for traffic leaving me 10 minutes to get ready) He said ok then. I poured my tea down the sink and set off, got all ready and he called 2 minutes before the due time, Me: What number are you at? Him: "I've just called to say the cash machine has eaten my card" Me: Well don't contact me again" Him: Puts phone down. I knew he was just being a cunt because of the extra 10 minutes, I mean who only has one card and why leave getting the money out until the very last minute  ???...Asshole!!!  :FF

The only thing I could think of was what a waste of a good cup of tea lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 15 February 2017, 08:00:52 pm

The other week I was sat at home just enjoying a bit of peace with a nice cup of tea and a client rings (never seen him before) He asked if I was available in half an hours time, I said I could do 40 minutes time? (It takes me 20 mins on a good day to get to my work flat but it was school leaving time so I knew it would be more like 30 mins to get there allowing for traffic leaving me 10 minutes to get ready) He said ok then. I poured my tea down the sink and set off, got all ready and he called 2 minutes before the due time, Me: What number are you at? Him: "I've just called to say the cash machine has eaten my card" Me: Well don't contact me again" Him: Puts phone down. I knew he was just being a cunt because of the extra 10 minutes, I mean who only has one card and why leave getting the money out until the very last minute  ???...Asshole!!!  :FF

The only thing I could think of was what a waste of a good cup of tea lol
Totally agree with you its unforgivable of him causing the waste of a good cup of
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 15 February 2017, 09:36:11 pm
Totally agree with you its unforgivable of him causing the waste of a good cup of

I know, I would have been even more peed off if I'd just opened a packet of biscuits too...might have even swore at him lol  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 15 February 2017, 09:42:24 pm
The only thing I could think of was what a waste of a good cup of tea lol

I couldn't waste tea. I would have left that and microwaved it when I got back ;D

Mine for today is talking about genitals in the third person, which I had from two different punters in one day the other day. One not only referred to his as 'he' but mine as 'she' which was the point where I felt a bit ill and had to remind him that there were only two people in the room and neither of us were five years old.

Bleuurrrrgh :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 15 February 2017, 10:05:48 pm
I've had to ask two separate clients today not to be so forceful with oral. The trouble is once they've sucked it like a fucking hoover, my clit pretty much goes on strike.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jasmine89 on 16 February 2017, 09:47:12 am
I had a client last night who started to nibble on my ears which I'm not the biggest fan of but I can tolerate it. That is until he unexpectedly decided to put my entire ear, not just the lobe into his mouth and proceeded to probe it with his tongue. I have never jumped away so fast in my life it was truly disgusting. I have no idea how he could think that this would feel nice  :FF :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 16 February 2017, 10:24:06 am
Ha ha ha I had someone lick in my ears it was gross and sounded like a storm in the Atlantic !! Nearly made me sick because I did comment about it being / feeling weird and they said they liked it too !

I might do some weird stuff but I'm not sticking my tongue in someone's ears !!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 17 February 2017, 03:18:35 pm
Cancel 15 mins before the appointment  :FF

I suppose at least he texted and didn't just no show!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bluelady on 19 February 2017, 12:21:31 pm
I F***** hate when a punter spends 20 minutes asking every question under the sun , then makes a verbal booking , then later sends a text cancelling with some rubbish excuse ... why do they do this ????
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 19 February 2017, 12:35:37 pm
I F***** hate when a punter spends 20 minutes asking every question under the sun , then makes a verbal booking , then later sends a text cancelling with some rubbish excuse ... why do they do this ????
w/b material
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 19 February 2017, 01:21:43 pm
As GP said - they've used your conversation to have a wank over, had no intention of showing up. At least this one had the courtesy to cancel rather than just no showing I guess  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MandyVine on 19 February 2017, 10:05:02 pm
Ha ha ha I had someone lick in my ears it was gross and sounded like a storm in the Atlantic !! Nearly made me sick because I did comment about it being / feeling weird and they said they liked it too !

I might do some weird stuff but I'm not sticking my tongue in someone's ears !!!

I LOATHE having anyone stick their tongue in my ears and frankly cannot understand what THEY get from it?  Just any orifice will do????  I'm a very clean person but there have to be trace amounts of earwax in there.  Disgusting! 

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lotus300 on 19 February 2017, 10:56:13 pm
I read the best-selling book: "Joey the Hitman: The Autobiography of a Mafia Killer". And in this book, the author tells that the thing that excited him most during his adolescence was when a girl put her tongue in his ear.

So maybe these men have read this book? ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 19 February 2017, 11:23:32 pm
I couldn't waste tea. I would have left that and microwaved it when I got back ;D

 ;D So I am not the only person who microwaves tea if it is not hot enough! I have never reheated it if it has gone stone cold though,I shall try it next time as I often make tea and then forget all about drinking it.

But this reminds me of one man who had used up all his time and sat up on the bed and when he should have been getting dressed he asked if I would make him a cuppa! I was too polite to say no and went to make it. I was fuming inside and was not quick enough off the mark to say I had to go out or something. I spent the next 15 minutes chatting while he sipped it but at least I only made him a cup and saucer drink and not a builders mug like I do for myself.  ::)

Lesson learned though!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissBehaving on 19 February 2017, 11:49:48 pm
I had a client on Friday who kept licking my nose ... even tried to stick the tip of his tongue up my nostril ... gross
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 20 February 2017, 10:52:48 am
i had someone today ask for a cuppa tea, and want to chat whilst he finished , then got annoyed that we finished on time! this aint the W.I!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 20 February 2017, 01:24:28 pm
i had someone today ask for a cuppa tea, and want to chat whilst he finished , then got annoyed that we finished on time! this aint the W.I!

Exactly!  Who wants to drink tea in a meeting with an escort?  I always offer a drink of any kind at the outset and a few have asked for coffee or tea which is fine as only takes a couple of minutes to sort,but then they almost always leave it to go cold. I should install a microwave in the bedroom!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Worried93 on 20 February 2017, 10:37:01 pm
When clients try to haggle your prices and offer half of what your price is because you "Won't regret it."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 20 February 2017, 10:42:35 pm
When clients try to haggle your prices and offer half of what your price is because you "Won't regret it."

Like this morning he haggled so each time I went higher lol he asked he thought xx was the original price. I said it was until you went down on it so I went up. :) It amuses me this is my approach now.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Worried93 on 20 February 2017, 11:11:58 pm
Like this morning he haggled so each time I went higher lol he asked he thought xx was the original price. I said it was until you went down on it so I went up. :) It amuses me this is my approach now.

I just gave him the street name "McMoron Street" think he got the idea then  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 20 February 2017, 11:13:56 pm
i had someone today ask for a cuppa tea, and want to chat whilst he finished , then got annoyed that we finished on time! this aint the W.I!

Lol if somebody asked for me to make a cup of tea I'd tell them to get lost, I'm being paid to get you off not be your personal Starbucks. I do offer a cold drink at the start of the booking from a little mini fridge I keep stocked, occasionally get the cheeky sods who think it's an open bar and down a bottle of beer and go to help themselves to another.

Come to think of it this may have been one of my dumber ideas.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 21 February 2017, 05:06:24 am
;D So I am not the only person who microwaves tea if it is not hot enough! I have never reheated it if it has gone stone cold though,I shall try it next time as I often make tea and then forget all about drinking it.

But this reminds me of one man who had used up all his time and sat up on the bed and when he should have been getting dressed he asked if I would make him a cuppa! I was too polite to say no and went to make it. I was fuming inside and was not quick enough off the mark to say I had to go out or something. I spent the next 15 minutes chatting while he sipped it but at least I only made him a cup and saucer drink and not a builders mug like I do for myself.  ::)

The 'heat' of my tea is dependent on if they're arriving or leaving.

Lesson learned though!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 24 February 2017, 08:16:53 pm
Saw a new client once, booking done, all fine. In the next few weeks he starts texting asking for bookings NOW which I inevitably can't do because I have other bookings or have made plans with friends. He moans that I'm hard to get hold of and I said short notice is always tricky and that he should book in advance if he wants to see me.

So tonight he asks if I'm available and I said yes, from 8.45pm. He then said 'I'll be there at 930. Text address' which has already rubbed me up the wrong way because it's so entitled and he didn't even think to ask if that's okay first. Explained I'm going out tonight so can't, and again said he should pre book. His response: 'I just get horny then find one remember you gave an insane bj was wanting that tonight'.

 :FF Like I get men get horny and want someone at short notice and that's fine, but if you're after someone specific can't you have a little foresight or understanding that they're not there at your beck and call at all hours?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 27 February 2017, 05:08:39 pm
One client keeps slapping my arse during sex which I find offputting and irritating. In the end I told him to stop.
He said every escort he has seen absolutely love it.
Is it just me or is he trying it on.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 27 February 2017, 05:21:15 pm
One client keeps slapping my arse during sex which I find offputting and irritating. In the end I told him to stop.
He said every escort he has seen absolutely love it.
Is it just me or is he trying it on.
I don't mind it but then I have spanking on my 'likes' list I don't like it too rough though.No not every escort will have loved it,this is just what some clients say to make you feel bad for saying no or because they are deluded and believe that every escort loves everything they do and come oddles from it every time! ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 27 February 2017, 07:34:29 pm
One client keeps slapping my arse during sex which I find offputting and irritating. In the end I told him to stop.
He said every escort he has seen absolutely love it.
Is it just me or is he trying it on.

Lucky you (Joke) I encourage them to spank me during bedroom fun and all I get is a tap. :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 27 February 2017, 11:09:22 pm
Remark "It's better than working for a living, eh?"

While you're mid deep throat with eyeliner straggling down your face and snot hanging out your nose.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 27 February 2017, 11:30:55 pm
Lucky you (Joke) I encourage them to spank me during bedroom fun and all I get is a tap. :)

I have a large mirror on one wall and sometimes I bend over on the bed and tell him to look over there at my big bum then tell him I have done some bad things lately and deserve some punishment. Works every time! Most men are a little scared to spank hard though, they only do a few taps and I have to tell them I have been much naughtier than that.  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 28 February 2017, 11:23:57 pm
When they act interested then keep talking with nothing amounting to a booking. At that point I know they are wasters. To one I said to join plenty of fish or a social networking site.

I'm not here to leach off unless they pay for my time. To have a toned down conversation with them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BlaqHarlot on 28 February 2017, 11:34:27 pm
Twice in two days I've had emails off members asking for a low price.
First one was "Can I see you for a BJ for ?40 today"
Second one was "Can I book you for an hour today", I told him I don't work Tuesday and that my working days are on my profile his response was "Today is my only day off so can I see you and I'll pay you ?120 for the hour" this isn't my hourly rate and I told him to keep his money and spend it on an escort who actually works in tuesdays.

The hagglers and ones after low prices make me laugh, they would not dare work for less in their own work place yet expect a WG to do so. I've said this so many times to hagglers "if your boss asked you to work for less than your normal wage you wouldn't be happy with it so why should I?" A lot of them are so stupid and don't seem to understand that escorting is a real job, they think because it's sex and there's pleasure involved that it's okay to haggle.

I doubt they go to Tesco and haggle the price of their shopping down so they shouldn't with escorts, the ones who tend to haggle or offer a low price in my experience are usually illiterate, "txt like dis bby" and ask "u avail", no thanks! Hahaha.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lotus300 on 01 March 2017, 03:55:09 am

The hagglers and ones after low prices make me laugh, they would not dare work for less in their own work place yet expect a WG to do so. I've said this so many times to hagglers "if your boss asked you to work for less than your normal wage you wouldn't be happy with it so why should I?" A lot of them are so stupid and don't seem to understand that escorting is a real job, they think because it's sex and there's pleasure involved that it's okay to haggle.

Yes, it's true.

But I also think that it is because many of them find that a salary of 100 or 200 pounds per hour is "a lot". Given that it's a lot more than what they earn, that's "a lot".

So they think they would accept to work for less, so we should be like them.

They do not understand that prices are set (as everywhere else) by an interaction between supply and demand.

If we add contempt for the sex workers that many have, it gives customers who think they can negotiate our prices down.

Personally, I never lower my prices. My prices are my prices: they can take or leave. :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 01 March 2017, 10:02:48 am
1. Men who look surprised and tut when I ask for the money upfront at the start of the booking as though they think I'm being rude.

2. Men who spit on their hands and rub it all over my pussy or their cocks. Absolutely vile and turns me off them completely!

3. Men who push boundaries. I state clearly on my profile that I don't offer anal and that I also don't like my anus being touched or licked. I always stare this in person at the start of each booking too but yet I still get clients who ignore me about it and try and force it.I've got zero tolerance for this now.

4. Men who would clearly jump at the chance to do bareback and think it's OK to try and rub their genitals against mine without a condom on. Again, zero tolerance for this now.

5. Being cancelled on at the last minute and given a stupid excuse that I've heard a million times before (mum has had a heart attack, I've been in a car crash, I've woken up with the flu). I get that sometimes these things do happen and people have to genuinely cancel, but on the whole I think it's usually because they've gotten horny and made a booking without thinking if they can actually definitely make it or not. They then wake up and decide they can't be bothered anymore or don't have the funds or have simply bottled it.

6. Clients who make flyaway remarks to me about how I must be really wealthy doing this, especially as I get away without having to pay tax. EXCUSE ME BUT I DO PAY TAX AND A LOT OF IT YOU INSUFFERABLE PRICK!

7. Bad breath and wanting to kiss me In a really slobbery manner and practically lick me like a dog.

8. Going down to give a blow job and smelling stale wee or a slightly whiffy bum crack, even after they have just been in the shower. How hard is it to rub some soap down there?! I also had a client last week who STANK of BO. It was so bad that I could still smell it on my sheets after washing them. I had to cut the booking down to 30 mins as I couldn't keep holding my breath so much. I get that some guys get nervous during bookings and might get underarm sweat from anxiety, but this was the strongest smell I've ever known.

9. Clients who ask for extremely detailed outfit requests or role play requests. I had someone want me to wear bright blue stockings with white hold ups and a white leather mini skirt. When I told him I didn't have such an outfit he seemed genuinely appalled and cancelled the booking. I've also had guys send me essay long emails with roleplay scenarios. One wanted me to walk down my street to his car completely naked at night and then fuck him over the bonnet....

10. Clients who get far too overfamiliar. I have one or two regulars who I'm fine with being a bit less professional with as I've known them for so long now. But with everyone else I want it to remain as an escort/client relationship without any blurred lines and I do my best to stick to that. I had a client who kept asking my real name even though I told him I didn't want to give him it for discretion. I eventually told him it was holly (which it isn't) to shut him up. I then received a card in the mail the following week thanking 'holly' for the booking and amazing sex and wondering whether he could interest me in an evening listening to some classical music together over a glass of wine, but just as friends with no money involved :-/

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 01 March 2017, 10:03:29 am
1. Men who look surprised and tut when I ask for the money upfront at the start of the booking as though they think I'm being rude.

2. Men who spit on their hands and rub it all over my pussy or their cocks. Absolutely vile and turns me off them completely!

3. Men who push boundaries. I state clearly on my profile that I don't offer anal and that I also don't like my anus being touched or licked. I always stare this in person at the start of each booking too but yet I still get clients who ignore me about it and try and force it.I've got zero tolerance for this now.

4. Men who would clearly jump at the chance to do bareback and think it's OK to try and rub their genitals against mine without a condom on. Again, zero tolerance for this now.

5. Being cancelled on at the last minute and given a stupid excuse that I've heard a million times before (mum has had a heart attack, I've been in a car crash, I've woken up with the flu). I get that sometimes these things do happen and people have to genuinely cancel, but on the whole I think it's usually because they've gotten horny and made a booking without thinking if they can actually definitely make it or not. They then wake up and decide they can't be bothered anymore or don't have the funds or have simply bottled it.

6. Clients who make flyaway remarks to me about how I must be really wealthy doing this, especially as I get away without having to pay tax. EXCUSE ME BUT I DO PAY TAX AND A LOT OF IT YOU INSUFFERABLE PRICK!

7. Bad breath and wanting to kiss me In a really slobbery manner and practically lick me like a dog.

8. Going down to give a blow job and smelling stale wee or a slightly whiffy bum crack, even after they have just been in the shower. How hard is it to rub some soap down there?! I also had a client last week who STANK of BO. It was so bad that I could still smell it on my sheets after washing them. I had to cut the booking down to 30 mins as I couldn't keep holding my breath so much. I get that some guys get nervous during bookings and might get underarm sweat from anxiety, but this was the strongest smell I've ever known.

9. Clients who ask for extremely detailed outfit requests or role play requests. I had someone want me to wear bright blue stockings with white hold ups and a white leather mini skirt. When I told him I didn't have such an outfit he seemed genuinely appalled and cancelled the booking. I've also had guys send me essay long emails with roleplay scenarios. One wanted me to walk down my street to his car completely naked at night and then fuck him over the bonnet....

10. Clients who get far too overfamiliar. I have one or two regulars who I'm fine with being a bit less professional with as I've known them for so long now. But with everyone else I want it to remain as an escort/client relationship without any blurred lines and I do my best to stick to that. I had a client who kept asking my real name even though I told him I didn't want to give him it for discretion. I eventually told him it was holly (which it isn't) to shut him up. I then received a card in the mail the following week thanking 'holly' for the booking and amazing sex and wondering whether he could interest me in an evening listening to some classical music together over a glass of wine, but just as friends with no money involved :-/

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 01 March 2017, 10:55:04 am
i have 4 words for you: cum in my eyes
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Anna Condar on 04 March 2017, 12:21:19 am
Clients who thinks it's ok to call and text after making a booking for some sort of 'build up'. It's NOT A DATE,IT IS A TRANSACTION! ! :FF Whilst I have no issue with being nice and polite etc,do I contact you when you're at work or on your day off?? No. So stop sodding encroaching on my time.  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Anna Condar on 04 March 2017, 12:37:34 am
Also,just had some idiot ask me what CIM meant. I told him then got another email asking was it down to the taste etc as some girls have it and some not. I said I'm not bloody Google, look it up.

I'm really not in the mood atm... >:( ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TrashAzn on 04 March 2017, 02:12:54 am
Also,just had some idiot ask me what CIM meant. I told him then got another email asking was it down to the taste etc as some girls have it and some not. I said I'm not bloody Google, look it up.

I'm really not in the mood atm... >:( ;D

He knew what it means I bet he just gets off on making women talk about it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissBehaving on 04 March 2017, 09:04:27 am
Also,just had some idiot ask me what CIM meant. I told him then got another email asking was it down to the taste etc as some girls have it and some not. I said I'm not bloody Google, look it up.

I'm really not in the mood atm... >:( ;D

I got these 2 mails as well , even though when I checked his profile,  "cim" is his only interest and his  profile text says that he's looking for a massage with a "cim" ending .... by fear of a being penalised by AW I fell pressurised to reply to every mails even though clearly some are just "piss take"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 04 March 2017, 11:26:34 am
Emailing for a booking within 30 minutes when my number is showing.

Holding down the door buzzer for a million years.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 04 March 2017, 11:46:51 am
I got these 2 mails as well , even though when I checked his profile,  "cim" is his only interest and his  profile text says that he's looking for a massage with a "cim" ending .... by fear of a being penalised by AW I fell pressurised to reply to every mails even though clearly some are just "piss take"

Sure I have seen this recently but I have an auto reply email on AW and I think this solves the problem of being reported for not responding to mails.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 11 March 2017, 02:33:17 pm
Punter calls he's been before as I have his name saved as xxxx Quckie
I haven't got a clue who he is but he said he wanted to come straight over for a BJ so I asked "Is it for a quickie or a half hour?" to which he says...
"Well you know.. around 15-20 minutes"
I told him I don't offer 15-20 minute bookings its either a 15 minutes OR a half hour and which one would he like? He kind of settled for the 15min option.
TBH I didn't expect him to come and as expected he hasn't shown.
He's now listed as a BKD but NS ensuring he wont get another chance to piss about.
I'm not a clock watcher but a quickie to me is just that, its an in and out, done and dusted service (Neither of us will get fully stripped either) its not a chance take the piss and stretch out my cheapest service...Twat!
I really dislike cheapskates!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 11 March 2017, 03:06:35 pm
Shave their chests... 3 days before the booking.

<rubs aloe gel on boobs>
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 11 March 2017, 04:18:30 pm
I have no time for hagglers, but I've had a couple recently who actually think they have the moral high ground when I refuse to accept a lower rate. It's very annoying when they try to bargain me down, but usually when I tell them no they'll leave me alone. It's the fact they think they can tell me off when I do it that really gets to me. It's so manipulative for them to turn it around on you and accuse you of being money-obsessed  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 11 March 2017, 06:58:12 pm
Someone I had seen a few times..he keeps asking me, "what's your earliest availability?" My availability has always been the same.  So, I tell him the usual times.  Each time I tell him the same time.  Then, today, I got another text from him, "what's your availability for the next week?"   ::)  He's not a weirdo.  Apart from a couple of times he cancelled at a short notice due to his workload, he's very much genuine and very reliable. I decided not to text back.  This has to stop.   :-\

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 11 March 2017, 08:00:12 pm
Someone I had seen a few times..he keeps asking me, "what's your earliest availability?" My availability has always been the same.  So, I tell him the usual times.  Each time I tell him the same time.  Then, today, I got another text from him, "what's your availability for the next week?"   ::)  He's not a weirdo.  Apart from a couple of times he cancelled at a short notice due to his workload, he's very much genuine and very reliable. I decided not to text back.  This has to stop.   :-\

Yeah I've got the same client "Are you around next week?" and if if I suggest a day/time its never suitable!  My availability is ALWAYS up to date on my profile so its really quite irritating. I'm on the verge of asking every single client, regular or not to call to book instead of texting (apart from the ones who have never played this silly game and never cancelled)  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 12 March 2017, 08:51:17 pm
Really?  Oh jeez, sound so irritating!  I'm currently dealing with someone I had seen once before a few months ago, sending me several messages to make a single booking.   High maintenance or just "desperate for attention" or both.... I dislike having to spoon feed a baby in my age, especially, spoon feeding middle aged men lol  :-X. I'm thinking of ditching this one.   :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 13 March 2017, 11:36:25 am
Ive got a client ive been seeing for ages. He books an hour cums after about half hour so we kiss cuddle and chat cos we have tried and he doesnt get hard again. Lately though hes been asking me after hes cum to wank and suck his soft cock. Now i dont mind doing this if he got hard and cum again but he stays soft soft and its hard work sucking a soft non responsive cock for half an hour !!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 13 March 2017, 04:52:05 pm
It's difficult to get a guy hard straight after he has cum. I usually give him time to recover then slowly try to get him hard.
If they are older then could be more of a challenge.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 13 March 2017, 06:32:18 pm
He doesnt get hard again no matter wot i do and he knows that hes a one pop man. Yet lately keeps asking me to play wth and suck his soft cock!!!  Im paid for the hr so i do what he requests but detest doing it as i feel he ruins the session xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 13 March 2017, 07:29:19 pm
Oh well it's his problem. My fave client only books half an hour as he sometimes has the same problem so sees it as a waste of money if he isn't going to enjoy himself. I sense your frustration. :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Luciexx on 13 March 2017, 10:36:21 pm
Maybe, time to move on for both?  Punter/escort relationship has its own sell by date.  Regulars are tricky.  One reason why I prefer not to have them.  This guy knows he won't come again, but he paid for an hour.  So, he expects you to get on with your job for the remaining 30 minutes, to be his good girl/good escort even though he knows that he won't be coming again (rather than wasting money on chatting or cuddles).  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 13 March 2017, 11:49:22 pm
Maybe, time to move on for both?  Punter/escort relationship has its own sell by date.  Regulars are tricky.  One reason why I prefer not to have them.  This guy knows he won't come again, but he paid for an hour.  So, he expects you to get on with your job for the remaining 30 minutes, to be his good girl/good escort even though he knows that he won't be coming again (rather than wasting money on chatting or cuddles).  ;D

Exactly this ! He's just come to the idea of getting his moneys  worth! Wether he came to this idea by himself or was influenced by others you'd never know! Maybe suggest that he only books half hour and if need be he can extend: but  I sense even If he does extend  he will still want you to suck to the last minute. Some clients have it in their heads that they are paying you for an hour of sex and that's exactly what they want. A whole hour of sex that they paid for because in their head chit chatting is too easy for you so they want  to make you work hard for that money. They don't want to feel like they wasting their money just to chit chat. Had a client who refused to do positions that was easy for me as he said he likes seeing me WORK! So whenever I suggest an easy position for me like doggy he would say not a chance. Work for your money. It is what it is. Had clients who don't even wanna chat for 5mins. Just non stop sexual contact , holding their cum till the very last minute. I'd rather they just book a shorter time tbh. It's a win win cuz they get to save sum cash and I don't have to put up with them for long. Nothing wrong with getting your moneys worth but when they not even getting hard what's the point? Sometimes I think they just do it to spite you cuz they maybe feel like they wasting money! Lol. In that case just book a shorter time! They just get too greedy I think and want to book for an hour knowing they can't last that long.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 14 March 2017, 12:00:02 am
Ive got a client ive been seeing for ages. He books an hour cums after about half hour so we kiss cuddle and chat cos we have tried and he doesnt get hard again. Lately though hes been asking me after hes cum to wank and suck his soft cock. Now i dont mind doing this if he got hard and cum again but he stays soft soft and its hard work sucking a soft non responsive cock for half an hour !!

I'm curious as to what he says when the hour is up and he doesn't get hard and cum again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 14 March 2017, 02:54:41 pm
He just says whats the time oh fiive mins in shower Then im done. I will suggest a shorter time next time.  However my 45 min rates are onky 15 quid cheaper than my hr so i think he takes tbe hr just so he can relax and not feeled rushed but begrudges paying tbe extra so makes me work for it xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 14 March 2017, 10:05:42 pm
Not a biggie but one man sometimes asks for a style of dress, this time it was secretary look and I like doing that one. I wore a white shirt and navy knee length tight skirt with stockings etc and navy underwear and shoes.

I did a twirl for him and he said nice but can you do a grey skirt? He should have asked when he booked if he wanted specifics like that.  I do have a grey skirt but when I went to look for it in my store room could I find it?! No I couldn't so told him the one I was wearing would have to do. He was ok with it. Some guys are so picky.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fabulassie on 15 March 2017, 08:34:43 am
He just says whats the time oh fiive mins in shower Then im done. I will suggest a shorter time next time.  However my 45 min rates are onky 15 quid cheaper than my hr so i think he takes tbe hr just so he can relax and not feeled rushed but begrudges paying tbe extra so makes me work for it xx

Refund him 15 and point to the shower.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CurlsnCurves on 15 March 2017, 10:04:17 am
I get punters like that all the time. They know they can only cum once but insist I suck them for the remainder even though it's useless as they can't get hard and aren't going to cum twice. It's hard work, it's not nice and it's very annoying. They will say something like I know I'm not going to cum but it's still fun trying! Erm, no, it isn't actually. Trying to flog a dead horse springs to mind.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CurlsnCurves on 15 March 2017, 10:08:53 am
"It's hard work"

Actually no it isn't, haha.

But be grateful it's just the one you have like that as I've a few of them!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 15 March 2017, 12:38:29 pm
"It's hard work"

Actually no it isn't, haha.

But be grateful it's just the one you have like that as I've a few of them!

Poor you. They are cheapskates trying to get their moneys worth i think. I want to say something like its no fun sucking an unresponsive cock but i think that sounds harsh. Im too nice x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: losthope on 15 March 2017, 08:31:58 pm
Stay too long in the shower knowing that their time was up 10 minutes ago, It actually puts me off them, this is the thing that put me out of tune with them, especially when I have asked them to be quick because I have to get ready for my next booking, it can instantly change the atmosphere from me being naturally nice to absolutely non interested, its rude and its disregarding the fact they are delaying me in my day
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 15 March 2017, 09:52:01 pm
They have their own little ways of getting their moneys worth and a bit more is possible x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: losthope on 16 March 2017, 01:58:28 pm
He just says whats the time oh fiive mins in shower Then im done. I will suggest a shorter time next time.  However my 45 min rates are onky 15 quid cheaper than my hr so i think he takes tbe hr just so he can relax and not feeled rushed but begrudges paying tbe extra so makes me work for it xx

Just keep saying you only have the amount of time you want him to have, I got a bit stricter with my regs, some stayed others migrated, but the ones that stayed are the ones I want
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gracious on 17 March 2017, 05:30:03 am
Guys who rush you even though they have booked an hour or pinch/bite your nipples (9/10 guys do this so now as soon as we get into the bedroom I say "no pinching or biting please"!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 18 March 2017, 11:01:44 pm
Guys who rush you even though they have booked an hour or pinch/bite your nipples (9/10 guys do this so now as soon as we get into the bedroom I say "no pinching or biting please"!)

This is my number one annoyance (biting/pinching my nipples)  >:( I'm having to tell so many of them lately not to do this, also the squeezing as if they're crunching up a crisp packet  ::) Its a massive turn off for me. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 21 March 2017, 12:12:47 pm
When clients are certain you gave them the wrong instructions only to realise you were right. Just had one say my intercom is broken only to find out it does work.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Curvygal on 21 March 2017, 04:05:17 pm
When they have a sudden emergency that means they can't make it....I know this can really happen, so let me explain. 

This afternoon I got a guy on the phone at 14.45 who asks where I am, says he's in such and such an area and he'll head over.  I say no I can give him an appointment at 3.30, so he should take his time as it's not that far.  He says it'll take him around that amount of time to get there. 

He calls me at 3.05 to tell me he's at such and such a totally different area, which you wouldn't go to if you were travelling from the first area he'd said to me, and when can I see him.  I told him 3.30.  He asks for 3.25, so by now I'm thinking address hunting, boundary pushing twat.  I give him vague directions to my hotel and tell him to call me when he's outside.  So he calls at 3.30, instead of being in the hotel car park or at the hotel door, he's at the other side of the hotel (which coincidently no windows face).  I tell him to walk to the front door and I'll get him there.  He says OK.  5 minutes pass.  I realise he's not coming.  I message to find out where he is, he messages back after 10 minutes that he's on the phone. 

He messages after 15 minutes to say he has an emergency and can't come.  Grrr.  Time wasting bounary pushing twatbag.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 22 March 2017, 10:32:18 am
Why can't clients just phone especially when they want to come for a booking. Texting isn't the same as verbal leading to cross communication. I don't like texting at all if most of my business wasn't through these I would scrap it. Jesus can't the guys be more thoughtful. Just phone I do if any are reading this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 22 March 2017, 06:38:51 pm
Sometimes it is difficult for them to talk e.g other people around. Some guys find speaking on the phone uncomfortable especially if it's their first time. Some guys find it difficult to talk full stop. I find this annoying as I like a chat and find it awkward sometimes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 22 March 2017, 07:44:57 pm
Had one today who did this weird dick flinging dance after the shower, he had 2 aswell so I had to endure it twice {think Maori Rugby player}. I was tempted to offer him the hair dryer when he started ruffling his pubes back into place. Never seen anything like it  :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissBehaving on 23 March 2017, 11:49:00 am
The amount of various body hair and enough sock fluff to knit a scarf that clients leave in the shower tray.....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 23 March 2017, 08:56:38 pm
Had one today who did this weird dick flinging dance after the shower, he had 2 aswell so I had to endure it twice {think Maori Rugby player}. I was tempted to offer him the hair dryer when he started ruffling his pubes back into place. Never seen anything like it  :o
I'm hoping you mean 2 showers not 2 dicks! :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 29 March 2017, 05:35:50 pm
When they make a booking on a maybe these I don't take seriously. I asked him to text to confirm 30 minutes later which he never did. So instead of rushing back I decided to go elsewhere. Then he texted me he was here at the time he said.

Those days are long gone where I rush around for maybe bookings. I'm not going to be rushed on a whim booking.

Do others get annoyed at this?.

I did Nicely explain apologizing and to let him know he didn't confirm.

An update....

The client phoned back he thought I meant a different booking time. He booked for in a few hours. After all a happy ending for keeping my cool.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 30 March 2017, 08:42:25 am
When they make a booking on a maybe these I don't take seriously. I asked him to text to confirm 30 minutes later which he never did. So instead of rushing back I decided to go elsewhere. Then he texted me he was here at the time he said.

Those days are long gone where I rush around for maybe bookings. I'm not going to be rushed on a whim booking.

Do others get annoyed at this?.

I did Nicely explain apologizing and to let him know he didn't confirm.

An update....

The client phoned back he thought I meant a different booking time. He booked for in a few hours. After all a happy ending for keeping my cool.

I'd be texting him after 30 minutes, surely that's too much effort for a man to remember to do that?

Yeah it's really annoying, I was discussing this with a colleague yesterday, the type that say I'll call when I'm close by & don't actually suggest a time. They just think they can mosey on down when they feel like it without a care in the World.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 30 March 2017, 10:47:22 am
I'd be texting him after 30 minutes, surely that's too much effort for a man to remember to do that?

Yeah it's really annoying, I was discussing this with a colleague yesterday, the type that say I'll call when I'm close by & don't actually suggest a time. They just think they can mosey on down when they feel like it without a care in the World.  ::)

You have simplified things thank you for that. I will just send a confirmation text half an hour before bookings. Next time it is a maybe booking. Usually I ask them to confirm an hour before.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 03 April 2017, 01:05:40 pm
Waffling!I have one particular client that always faffs around when booking.
Today it was 'How soon could you book me in?'
Him:How early could you see me on Thursday?
Him:Can you do earlier?
Him:What about 9:30am?
Me:No sorry
Him:Ok 10 am is fine.
Now what the hell was all the waffle about today and different times about?Why not just ask for earlyish on Thursday?
He does stuff like this everytime as well as telling me all about how he has a girlfriend now so this will be our last booking...yep said that the last 2 times he booked! ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 03 April 2017, 05:09:04 pm
Send the same aw email repeatedly every 1/2 week asking if I am available today, and always sending it when it's specifically stated I don't work on that day.

I've had someone do this about 7 or 8 times now and the majority of the times answered back after I had read it as he was polite and asked the way I expect to be asked. But this time I just lost my patience and blocked him after deciding he is probably doing it on purpose!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 03 April 2017, 05:58:59 pm
Give me a facial and then leave most of it on the pillowcase  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 03 April 2017, 06:43:56 pm
Give me a facial and then leave most of it on the pillowcase  >:(

This is why I suggest me kneeling on the wooden floor, so any mess is easier to clean saved time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 05 April 2017, 10:13:51 am
What annoys me is when I leave very specific parking instructions and they then text to confirm arrival stating they are in a completely different road and expecting me to navigate them from there.  Am I a cab driver or something?  I don't know all the roads where I live!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 05 April 2017, 11:38:45 pm
Not even read the tag line, never mind the profile. I can't make it any clearer I'm currently on holiday, but still keep getting asked for bookings.   :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PassionFlower on 06 April 2017, 08:42:43 am
Managing to read every part of the confirmation email I send, including post code and phone number, but failing to see the part where I ask them to confirm an hour before...

Not too bad for appointments during the day, and I can normally be bothered to get back into my working gear on a night time, but for an early morning booking; no chance!

How he expected me to gt out of bed, showered, hair washed, shaved, made up and into something sexy in 5mins is beyond me  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 06 April 2017, 09:20:07 am
Lie through their teeth.I agreed to see a guy I've seen a few times abit earlier than I usually book in clients which meant me getting up a fair bit earlier to honour the booking.He was meant to confirm at 8am and unusually he didn't so I sent him a discrete text to ask if we were still on and he told me that he had booked for tomorrow morning!He had booked via text and Thursday was mentioned twice by him and then by me which I forwarded to him,no way could he have remotely got mixed up! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 07 April 2017, 04:34:14 pm
"When Reg becomes losers"

It seems that it's very common to have quite a few men clearly getting off from leading you/escorts on with a booking he has no intention of keeping.   Attention-seeking whilst wanking off?  The best cure for this "sickness" is BLOCK/ give absolutely no attention.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 10 April 2017, 12:32:14 pm
One man I saw this morning who books me a few times a year is the type who (while looking into space) gushes that my tits are the best and my lips are the best and how fantastic I am, etc etc. Ok we like to hear nice things but when it is just so over the top and obviously fake it leaves me cold. He did it again today.

It takes more of my acting skills to deal with him and I just wish he would not do it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 10 April 2017, 12:33:17 pm

double post deleted
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 11 April 2017, 04:23:16 pm
Become over familiar and lazy. Just because I've seen you x times doesn't mean I am now going to answer a "wanna meet?" text!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 11 April 2017, 06:25:37 pm
One reg's BS, "missing you, my friend" business.  ::)  I told him unless he would agree to book a such and such minimum time/correct fees, I won't be seeing him ( as he overstays).  I doubt I would have to see this man again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 11 April 2017, 10:47:05 pm
Grabbing my hair during sex or when giving oral. Really pisses me off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 11 April 2017, 10:54:52 pm
Porno might be responsible, that one.  PSE.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 11 April 2017, 11:03:16 pm
The last guy who pulled my hair pissed me off so much I went on top and grabbed  his hair. I really had to stop myself laughing out loud seeing the expression on his face. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 12 April 2017, 05:27:49 pm
 Superb ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 13 April 2017, 09:35:50 am
Just had an arse hole on the phone hang up on me the dick. I just know it they are going to piss me off big time today. No respect at all given. Nothing attractive about the horrible things. Like leeches.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 13 April 2017, 10:42:33 am
Not even read the tag line, never mind the profile. I can't make it any clearer I'm currently on holiday, but still keep getting asked for bookings.   :FF :FF
I haven't put anywhere I'm holiday or away because of having to be so careful about what you put In your tag line and profile body but I have got Auto reply and defined holiday hours.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 13 April 2017, 02:44:48 pm
Well a regular was 25 minutes late without letting me know. So I went out for 20 minutes as put it off for him in the first place. He should have informed me then he tells me he was trying to park for 20 minutes.

I waited around for so long until doing other things. My time isn't free to be wasted. They either be responsible or I move on.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SuperCheese on 15 April 2017, 08:31:35 am
Not only did he not call to confirm my postcode and completely ignore me after booking, I've just received this:
You cost me ?13.80 in travel and for that you been reported to the police for deception your profile will be traced.
 In Reply To...

Date:   14/04/2017 19:51
Subject:   Re: Availability

You'll have to call for it xx"

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 15 April 2017, 10:38:38 pm
Beg for bookings!Had a bloke cancel his 2pm appointment today and so I decided to take the afternoon off to get other things done.At 1:10pm he texted asking if he could see me at 2:30pm as he wasn't busy now..well I was!Told him no can do and pointed out that he had cancelled on me.He initially said ok then sent me a begging text saying 'please'.He got abit of a bollocking and informed that clients who can't take no in the first place don't get a meet ever with me!
I can't stand pushy blokes especially newbies and especially when they bloody cancelled earlier on!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SophieXXX on 16 April 2017, 04:03:10 am
I had such a weird one the other day. Client books, parks and I give him my house number and directions. He knocks on my front door, as I'm coming down the stairs he opens the door! Granted, an oversight on my part for not locking the door but I was fuming. Very close to turning him away.

His excuse was that there were lots of people around on the main road, he'd gone through the alleyway by my house where you can't be seen from the main road. I was not impressed and definitely won't be seeing him again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 16 April 2017, 08:48:12 am
Not only did he not call to confirm my postcode and completely ignore me after booking, I've just received this:
You cost me ?13.80 in travel and for that you been reported to the police for deception your profile will be traced.
 In Reply To...

Date:   14/04/2017 19:51
Subject:   Re: Availability

You'll have to call for it xx"


lol police. sure thing buddy

Beg for bookings!Had a bloke cancel his 2pm appointment today and so I decided to take the afternoon off to get other things done.At 1:10pm he texted asking if he could see me at 2:30pm as he wasn't busy now..well I was!Told him no can do and pointed out that he had cancelled on me.He initially said ok then sent me a begging text saying 'please'.He got abit of a bollocking and informed that clients who can't take no in the first place don't get a meet ever with me!
I can't stand pushy blokes especially newbies and especially when they bloody cancelled earlier on!

The ones who plead get an instant blocking from me. They keep persisting as well and I usually have to threaten them with the police so they stop.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 17 April 2017, 06:43:51 pm
Guy books for 1230pm rings at 1235pm to get the final directions, doesn't listen to a word I'm saying and randomly just blurts words out and asks if i can just come down and get him after 15 minutes of trying give him the simplest directions. Give up and tell him we best just leave it as it's 20 minutes into his half hour and he's got my back right up. Leaves me shitty feedback calling me lazy cause I wouldn't go meet him on the street  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 19 April 2017, 07:17:08 am
Just received an email this morning from a guy off AW which was sent at 2 am stating I am Available Today and can he see me!

I put him straight on AW and Available Today showing from midnight, it does not mean we are up waiting all night on the offchance!!  WTF.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 19 April 2017, 09:57:19 am
Guy books for 1230pm rings at 1235pm to get the final directions, doesn't listen to a word I'm saying and randomly just blurts words out and asks if i can just come down and get him after 15 minutes of trying give him the simplest directions. Give up and tell him we best just leave it as it's 20 minutes into his half hour and he's got my back right up. Leaves me shitty feedback calling me lazy cause I wouldn't go meet him on the street  :FF

Ahhh i hate this! I currently live top floor flat, so when someone arrives i buzz them in downstairs and wait for the tap at the door. They aint in public or on the street but ive had people just go straight in before i have a chance to get back to my door (if im just finishing off a few bits/lippy etc.) Its worse cos my corridor is tiny so it opens to the toilet.... so i cant see them! i should lock the door but they still should at least have common courtesy!! x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 20 April 2017, 04:45:39 pm
I had one client who started licking my face. Took me by surprise and had to stop him doing it in the end.  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PassionFlower on 20 April 2017, 05:01:51 pm
Today I had a client piss in my mouth without warning while I was giving him OWO...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: peachybum on 20 April 2017, 07:29:39 pm
Today I had a client piss in my mouth without warning while I was giving him OWO...

OMG! I feel your pain!! I had it happen to me, he was an old man and I don't think he realised that he had done that so he carried on "orgasming" (more like pissing) all over the bed. My reaction wasn't the best. It shot straight to the back of my throat making me gag. I shot off the bed to run to the bathroom heaving very very loudly in the process. Sat downstairs afterwards gargling water whilst muttering the dirty bastard. LOL!

I told my bestie who also does this job and she found it highly amusing that she would tell anyone who knew what we did whilst crying with laughter. Then one day she was working at mine and after the booking she came to me with the most serious look. I was half thinking shit what have I done she's got that look like she's going to kill a bitch lol. She told me it just happened to her and she spend the next 2 weeks non stop apologising to me for laughing when it happened to me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PassionFlower on 20 April 2017, 08:01:13 pm
OMG! I feel your pain!! I had it happen to me, he was an old man and I don't think he realised that he had done that so he carried on "orgasming" (more like pissing) all over the bed. My reaction wasn't the best. It shot straight to the back of my throat making me gag. I shot off the bed to run to the bathroom heaving very very loudly in the process. Sat downstairs afterwards gargling water whilst muttering the dirty bastard. LOL!

I told my bestie who also does this job and she found it highly amusing that she would tell anyone who knew what we did whilst crying with laughter. Then one day she was working at mine and after the booking she came to me with the most serious look. I was half thinking shit what have I done she's got that look like she's going to kill a bitch lol. She told me it just happened to her and she spend the next 2 weeks non stop apologising to me for laughing when it happened to me.

Haha bloody hell! Bless you both, was it the same guy?

This guy was young but a bit... off. He paid for the PSE service but said he just wanted a bj so I assumed he wanted sloppy, gagging DT etc but he kept telling me to slow down, then just went for it!

I think he kinda wanted me to freak out, but as I offer WS as part of the PSE I just kept going and didn't mention it lol!  It was annoying that if I hadn't realised or my bj technique was different I might have come up for air and ended up with it all over my bedding/carpet! 

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Naughtyforty on 20 April 2017, 09:37:02 pm
I had one client who started licking my face. Took me by surprise and had to stop him doing it in the end.  ???

I can't remember if I've mentioned this before but I had one guy a couple of years ago.
In mish he kept sticking his tongue up my nose  :(  :-\  and really seemed to get off on it
I can laugh now   ;D but I boaked for weeks
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 20 April 2017, 10:39:42 pm
Saw my fave client today and told him about it during our post sex chat. He said he had a confession to make. I thought please don't lick my face. He said when he was younger he wanted to lick the face of this girl he fancied who had creamy soft white skin. After a drunken night at the pub he told her this and licked her face. She found it amusing and licked his. This went on for the rest of the night and carried on each time they went out.
Gladly he is over this now, his face licking days over.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 20 April 2017, 11:19:05 pm
Beg for bookings ...Just had one call for a booking, 'no sorry I've finished for the night' oh can you not see me? 'I've left the city, I'm at home which I don't work for' .... why not il pay extra ???'

blocked  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 21 April 2017, 04:09:38 pm
Just had one who didn't want to kiss, finger me or do oral (even with a condom on) as he was so paranoid about passing an STD onto his wife. Fair enough he's being careful (i'd rather that than someone wanting bareback) but I did find it offensive that he thought I must be riddled with diseases if he was barely wanting us to have any form of physical contact. he had also booked an hour and wasn't someone who wanted to talk much. The booking dragged as I was running out of ideas of how to fill the time seeing as he wanted such a limited service (he also said no to a massage)!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 21 April 2017, 06:51:03 pm
Someone, who refused to follow my polite instruction into my venue (the majority would not mind and would follow).  After a while, I started to lose my patience as he appears to be sitting inside his car whilst I asked him to get out and follow my instruction.  He left me a feedback, but now I'm not sure if I should as he really wound me up.   ::) :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: QueenB on 21 April 2017, 07:20:53 pm
Waffling!I have one particular client that always faffs around when booking.
Today it was 'How soon could you book me in?'
Him:How early could you see me on Thursday?
Him:Can you do earlier?
Him:What about 9:30am?
Me:No sorry
Him:Ok 10 am is fine.
Now what the hell was all the waffle about today and different times about?Why not just ask for earlyish on Thursday?
He does stuff like this everytime as well as telling me all about how he has a girlfriend now so this will be our last booking...yep said that the last 2 times he booked! ::)

Agh...those type do my nut in. Blocked so many for faffing about. So irritating!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: QueenB on 21 April 2017, 07:32:24 pm
Typical Punter who has no intention of booking but likes to think he can.

Punter:Are you free today?
Me:Yes I have some availability left (at the moment) what time were you thinking?
Punter: About 4pm ish?
Me: Let me check my diary......yes i can do around that time.
Punter: Oh might be more like 3:45pm
Me: Yes that works for me too.
Punter: Are you not available now?
Me: I am
Punter: What time are you available until
Me: Look PAL you don't ring up and ask if i am free today then cant decide on a feckin time??!!
Punter: I have to ring you back as i am not sure what time i will finish work

Argh...F***k off you tw*ts!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 21 April 2017, 07:58:14 pm

I'm sat here with a full on migraine after dealing with clients doing this ALL day  :FF

Typical Punter who has no intention of booking but likes to think he can.

Punter:Are you free today?
Me:Yes I have some availability left (at the moment) what time were you thinking?
Punter: About 4pm ish?
Me: Let me check my diary......yes i can do around that time.
Punter: Oh might be more like 3:45pm
Me: Yes that works for me too.
Punter: Are you not available now?
Me: I am
Punter: What time are you available until
Me: Look PAL you don't ring up and ask if i am free today then cant decide on a feckin time??!!
Punter: I have to ring you back as i am not sure what time i will finish work

Argh...F***k off you tw*ts!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lotus300 on 22 April 2017, 02:40:43 am
 Some people who do this do not intend to make an appointment.

But other people seem to have weather vanes in their heads. They are not able to make a decision and hold it. Whether with us or in any other circumstance of life.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: QueenB on 26 April 2017, 06:28:32 pm

I'm sat here with a full on migraine after dealing with clients doing this ALL day  :FF

 :D I think maybe we should all come up with a standard response across the board to deal with persistent texters. I had an message from a guy wanting to make a booking for specific date and time who copied and pasted the same message to my friend so we drafted exactly the same response. Needless to say we didn't hear back from him. Hopefully it put an end to his copy and paste days
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 26 April 2017, 06:30:04 pm
After 2 or 3 texts I just start replying "Please give me a call to discuss a booking" and just send the same reply over and over.

If they call then they are genuine. If they don't then they had no intention of booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: QueenB on 26 April 2017, 06:35:13 pm
After 2 or 3 texts I just start replying "Please give me a call to discuss a booking" and just send the same reply over and over.

If they call then they are genuine. If they don't then they had no intention of booking.

I used to VC , even replied within 5 mins and very rarily got a call. I ignore them now but on occasion I reply (like you) requesting them to call me to discuss but only if its a message from someone who is literate and good grammar and polite (don't get that mny of them) x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 01 May 2017, 01:38:51 pm
Book an appointment and then send a text asking you what your name is.I can't take clients like that seriously and I'm pretty sure they won't be turning up or will cancel.
I won't even tell them I just say my name is on the advert where you got my number,I'd think that would be the first thing you would know about me before you make contact... :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Worried93 on 04 May 2017, 09:47:31 pm
Book an appointment and then send a text asking you what your name is.I can't take clients like that seriously and I'm pretty sure they won't be turning up or will cancel.
I won't even tell them I just say my name is on the advert where you got my number,I'd think that would be the first thing you would know about me before you make contact... :FF

I hate clients like this, especially when I answer their call straight away and then they ask who I am. You called me!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 04 May 2017, 11:04:11 pm
Some people who do this do not intend to make an appointment.

But other people seem to have weather vanes in their heads. They are not able to make a decision and hold it. Whether with us or in any other circumstance of life.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 04 May 2017, 11:09:40 pm
Emails from a punter I saw a couple of times.  "I have been thinking about you this week"  I thought to myself he was looking at my profile again without making any bookings.   ::) I don't reply anymore... "Aren't you talking to me? Etc etc.....put these messages in a file named under "a pest, possible stalker"   ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 04 May 2017, 11:49:53 pm
Email you or even call and then ask how do I go about booking do you think the number or email address you contacted me on might just be a way? ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 04 May 2017, 11:53:33 pm
Email you or even call and then ask how do I go about booking do you think the number or email address you contacted me on might just be a way? ::)

Funnily enough these types very rarely book and if they (eventually) do they are even more annoying than their pathetic ways of communicating  :FF :FF :FF 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 04 May 2017, 11:55:38 pm
Whats worse is the guy who emailed me on AW this evening asking how to book me has actually seen me before and left me a field report so no not just timewasters...actual clients whose brains have epic failed them! :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 05 May 2017, 12:00:51 am
Whats worse is the guy who emailed me on AW this evening asking how to book me has actually seen me before and left me a field report so no not just timewasters...actual clients whose brains have epic failed them! :D

Oh yeah then regs that start acting like cunts as well there's nowt worse!!!!!  ??? :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 05 May 2017, 08:55:05 am
When they email a very vague enquiry such as 'Are you available?'.  or 'When are you free'.  Why don't they go by my Availability diary and just take it from there?  Don't they think it might be just a teensy bit helpful and useful to let me know their name age and ethnicity when enquiring?  Also to outline a time they had in mind?

It is like we have to prize it out of people it really is.  Like we have to do all their organising planning and thinking for them.

Hopeless with communication some of them.  About half of them are like this they need to go to 'Diary Organising Finishing School' lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 05 May 2017, 09:43:42 am
When they email a very vague enquiry such as 'Are you available?'.  or 'When are you free'.  Why don't they go by my Availability diary and just take it from there?  Don't they think it might be just a teensy bit helpful and useful to let me know their name age and ethnicity when enquiring?  Also to outline a time they had in mind?

It is like we have to prize it out of people it really is.  Like we have to do all their organising planning and thinking for them.

Hopeless with communication some of them.  About half of them are like this they need to go to 'Diary Organising Finishing School' lol.
Personally I don't need a name.age or ethnicity but I agree that that a time or even afternoon or evening would be helpful from them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 05 May 2017, 11:28:13 am
 I don't need to know their age (as long as they're over 25) I don't need to know their ethnicity, marital status or any other irrelevent details, if any type of person was excluded I would just say on my profile. What does annoy me when making a booking is when they feel the need to tell me how they don't smoke, don't drink, they work out at the gym, good looking etc as if they need to impress me up! Its not dating, its a business arrangement so all I need to know is the time/day and duration of booking and preferably if they could address me by the name I use and sign off with theirs (even if its a made up one!) Its really quite simple but *some* try to make it as complicated as possible!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 05 May 2017, 01:11:22 pm
I don't need to know their age (as long as they're over 25) I don't need to know their ethnicity, marital status or any other irrelevent details, if any type of person was excluded I would just say on my profile. What does annoy me when making a booking is when they feel the need to tell me how they don't smoke, don't drink, they work out at the gym, good looking etc as if they need to impress me up! Its not dating, its a business arrangement so all I need to know is the time/day and duration of booking and preferably if they could address me by the name I use and sign off with theirs (even if its a made up one!) Its really quite simple but *some* try to make it as complicated as possible!!!

I'm trying to imagine me booking an appointment with a professional and coming out with this sort of lame crap.
"Hey babe, you free? I'm in my 30s, curves in all the right places, don't smoke, not married. So can you do me a haircut?"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 05 May 2017, 04:24:48 pm
I had a client the other day who was really pissing me off, asking if he was my first client of the day as he is 'very selective'. Why the hell is it any of their business? I get that it may come from a place of insecurity, but if it's an issue for you, don't try booking an escort.

I even had one guy saying he wanted to be the first of the day because he thought it would be less likely that he'd get an STI  ??? I asked him if he thought we reset overnight and he said he'd have a lower chance of catching something because she'd have showered in the morning. Sometimes their ignorance on sexual health is astounding.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 06 May 2017, 03:56:13 pm
Getting fed up of punters putting in booking requests without calling first and as I don't work weekends I remove my tel number on Friday night and put it back Monday morning this on my profile in the Q & A's, so why oh why don't punters ever read  :FF :FF..
A punter has put a booking in for today so I emailed him saying I don't work weekends and anyway he'd need to call me before I'd accept a booking, he said he would have called first but I'd taken my tel number down...YES Einstein I have! Because I never work on the weekends!
Don't just look at the photos guys read the words!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 06 May 2017, 05:33:06 pm
I get this quite often.

My understanding is, they seem to think if there's a booking, we'll take it no matter what as we will be chasing cash even if we publicise that we would not be available at certain times/ on certain days.  So, consequently, they just assume that we would be available at their beck and call anyway.  My impression.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 07 May 2017, 12:11:30 am
I'm trying to imagine me booking an appointment with a professional and coming out with this sort of lame crap.
"Hey babe, you free? I'm in my 30s, curves in all the right places, don't smoke, not married. So can you do me a haircut?"

Thankyou VC for restoring my humour   ;D

I think what I need to do is set up an auto email reply quoting a dear friends words "Have you got a wallet and a pulse? preferably in that order" If you have I will see you."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 07 May 2017, 08:32:23 am
How do you identify them if you don't know their name and age?  Strange.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 07 May 2017, 08:51:07 am
How do you identify them if you don't know their name and age?  Strange.

I just.ask them if they've been before so I know whether they need directions or not? I don't need to identify them unless they're somebody I don't want to see and if that's the case I'll have blocked their number anyway :).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 07 May 2017, 10:36:43 am
How do you identify them if you don't know their name and age?  Strange.

Names mean fuck all to me, I normally have anyone I've seen or spoke to saved as 'lovely Irish ow' I find I can put a face and memory to that. I don't think I've ever asked for a name in the 3 years I've been doing this
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 07 May 2017, 10:46:01 am
I just.ask them if they've been before so I know whether they need directions or not? I don't need to identify them unless they're somebody I don't want to see and if that's the case I'll have blocked their number anyway :).

Same here even with names I wouldn't remember as remember better when I see their face. The Irish all sound the same here lol. I put them under seen before, not discrete like things or ban getting blocked.

If they look young I ask to see I'd when they arrive but you can easily tell if they are young by there tone.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 11 May 2017, 11:30:57 pm
I always greet most clients with slow kissing before we get down to business but often as they get turned on and hard can feel their cock against my pussy or clit. Some try rubbing against me too. This is all before the condom is on.
I'm sure I read somewhere before that this can be risky.
Does anyone experience this and is it risky?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 11 May 2017, 11:38:19 pm
I always greet most clients with slow kissing before we get down to business but often as they get turned on and hard can feel their cock against my pussy or clit. Some try rubbing against me too. This is all before the condom is on.
I'm sure I read somewhere before that this can be risky.
Does anyone experience this and is it risky?
A few clients will try this and yes of course it's risky.You can at the very least get herpes and genital warts from genital rubbing and if his precum goes on or in your pussy worse!I make it explicit on my profile that I don't allow bare rubbing and if they try I move my leg in the way and tell them to stop.
Some clients will do this because they are angling for bareback and some due to ignorance that you can pass stis only by full penetration.
If you want to be safe then don't get yourself in positions where they can rub against your bare fanny or poopchute.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 12 May 2017, 01:44:50 pm
I always greet most clients with slow kissing before we get down to business but often as they get turned on and hard can feel their cock against my pussy or clit. Some try rubbing against me too. This is all before the condom is on.
I'm sure I read somewhere before that this can be risky.
Does anyone experience this and is it risky?

Yeah quite a few will try this. I stop it by wrapping my hand around their cock and making sure it doesn't touch my genitals. If they get sulky then they get a lecture about how HPV and HSV can be passed on even if there are no visible symptoms.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PassionFlower on 12 May 2017, 02:48:59 pm
I always greet most clients with slow kissing before we get down to business but often as they get turned on and hard can feel their cock against my pussy or clit. Some try rubbing against me too. This is all before the condom is on.
I'm sure I read somewhere before that this can be risky.
Does anyone experience this and is it risky?

This normally happens to me while lying down with them on top, I just sneak my hand down there and start playing with myself, it works a treat at distracting them lol!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PassionFlower on 12 May 2017, 03:04:54 pm
All from one client I've seen a few times:

Make an appointment, says might be early.  I reply I'll be showering and to call when he gets there.  Doesn't call, instead stands knocking at the door for (in his own words) 10mins!

Ask if I would like to partake in some watersports, even though he can clearly see I'm fresh out of the shower

I have candles and mood lighting in my room, so he switches the main light on...

I ask what he fancies today in his 15min booking, he spends 5 mins telling me about all the TV porn he's been watching and how he would like to meet one... like I've got someone in the wardrobe for just such an occasion or I'll reach into my vag and turn it inside out et voila!  Instant penis!!!

Dithers about oral only or full service, starts with oral and says how much he likes it when I look him in the eyes while I'm down there, but due to shape, size and general angles involved I can't maintain constant eye contact without either bending his penis down over or dislocating my neck.  So I look down and get a sharp "Hello?" from him...

Gets shirty when I tell him no CIM as I did on the first meet.  On the second meet after sex the condom was full of blood, it was then that he tells me he has an ongoing prostate problem, meaning I swallowed that the first time round!!!  :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

So goes for full service, I ask what position he would like, get the reply "whatever you want" so I ask for doggy "oh no I had you doggy last time, lets do missionary"  ::)

Dithers around getting ready, pointing out one of the drawers on my vanity table is broken and next time he'll bring a screwdriver and fix it "Free of charge" with a really lecherous wink

Just drops the money on the bed

Anyone in the NE wanting this charmers number (hopefully to block) just PM me

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 May 2017, 03:28:10 pm
This normally happens to me while lying down with them on top, I just sneak my hand down there and start playing with myself, it works a treat at distracting them lol!


This also happened with a regular. He went down on me whilst I was lying on the bed and so I was enjoying the moment as he gives good oral, then he comes up to kiss me whilst his cock was rubbing against my clit. At first I didn't think anything of it as I thought it was just the position he was in but then he starting poking it around my pussy almost as if willing me to give my permission to slip it in.
At this point I grabbed for the condom and said let's have sex.
I think I need to wise up that maybe some guys are a bit sneaky and try and get away with things subtly. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 12 May 2017, 03:34:31 pm
All from one client I've seen a few times:

Make an appointment, says might be early.  I reply I'll be showering and to call when he gets there.  Doesn't call, instead stands knocking at the door for (in his own words) 10mins!

Ask if I would like to partake in some watersports, even though he can clearly see I'm fresh out of the shower

I have candles and mood lighting in my room, so he switches the main light on...

I ask what he fancies today in his 15min booking, he spends 5 mins telling me about all the TV porn he's been watching and how he would like to meet one... like I've got someone in the wardrobe for just such an occasion or I'll reach into my vag and turn it inside out et voila!  Instant penis!!!

Dithers about oral only or full service, starts with oral and says how much he likes it when I look him in the eyes while I'm down there, but due to shape, size and general angles involved I can't maintain constant eye contact without either bending his penis down over or dislocating my neck.  So I look down and get a sharp "Hello?" from him...

Gets shirty when I tell him no CIM as I did on the first meet.  On the second meet after sex the condom was full of blood, it was then that he tells me he has an ongoing prostate problem, meaning I swallowed that the first time round!!!  :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

So goes for full service, I ask what position he would like, get the reply "whatever you want" so I ask for doggy "oh no I had you doggy last time, lets do missionary"  ::)

Dithers around getting ready, pointing out one of the drawers on my vanity table is broken and next time he'll bring a screwdriver and fix it "Free of charge" with a really lecherous wink

Just drops the money on the bed

Anyone in the NE wanting this charmers number (hopefully to block) just PM me


id of murdered him with the broken draw
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PassionFlower on 12 May 2017, 04:03:01 pm
This normally happens to me while lying down with them on top, I just sneak my hand down there and start playing with myself, it works a treat at distracting them lol!


This also happened with a regular. He went down on me whilst I was lying on the bed and so I was enjoying the moment as he gives good oral, then he comes up to kiss me whilst his cock was rubbing against my clit. At first I didn't think anything of it as I thought it was just the position he was in but then he starting poking it around my pussy almost as if willing me to give my permission to slip it in.
At this point I grabbed for the condom and said let's have sex.
I think I need to wise up that maybe some guys are a bit sneaky and try and get away with things subtly.

Exactly!  If they really aren't taking no for an answer rock your weight back over a bit and put your feet as high up his thighs as possible while bracing both hands against the centre of his chest, about level with the nipples.  Keep your knees and elbows bent while doing this and once in position, push with arms and legs as hard as you can.  Unless he's considerably heavier than you this will back him up off you for long enough to get out from under him.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PassionFlower on 12 May 2017, 04:07:29 pm

id of murdered him with the broken draw

I cannot tell you how tempting that was...

Then again if I was to see him again I wouldn't be sure he'd make it out alive based on the noises and difficulty breathing from him while getting down to it!  He's a rather old man and looks and sounds exactly like the tortoise having sex video on youtube lol

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 May 2017, 04:32:09 pm
Some of my regulars ask when I'm working next and so I tell them if I know. Had one recently and said I would be off the next day until next week which was true at the time.
My plan fell through to go away so decide to work instead.
He starts texting me saying my availability has been on the last two days making out I lied about going away.
I can be paranoid enough about being stalked but it feels like I'm being watched.
Or maybe I'm just being over sensitive.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 12 May 2017, 08:02:03 pm

He starts texting me saying my availability has been on the last two days making out I lied about going away.
I can be paranoid enough about being stalked but it feels like I'm being watched.
Or maybe I'm just being over sensitive.

This is fairly common in my own experience.  Some men can be very controlling which is quite shocking. You need to watch what he says and how he behaves when he's with you.

I'm stalked by a man whom I only met 3-4 times for a short time span, have been getting abusive messages since I declined to date him, getting attention seeking messages, which suggested he wanted a booking (but not really, he just wants some weird reaction from me).  Mind fucking games.   ::) If your clients are not like that, it's up to you if you tolerate it.  Lately, it's easier for me to see married guys who have got a lot to lose than single, needy guys.  I know there are respectful single guys, too!  But I got a few bad ones.  One, in particular. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 13 May 2017, 09:36:50 am
I had a haggler today.  He wants a longer booking and wants ?50 off.   ::) He tells me, sorry for being so cheeky.
I told him I was already booked as I was.

Then he's asking if I would be free in two weeks time.  I never said, yes.  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 13 May 2017, 10:20:34 am
Haggling is an instant turn off and insult for me. If I decide I want to give a discount that is entirely up to me.
It's not an east end market.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 14 May 2017, 05:05:27 pm
1+  Lots of women do accept the steep discount.  I personally don't feel happy with it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 14 May 2017, 05:42:05 pm
I had a message from a client regular today saying you was on late last night!!!  I feel like im being spyed on. If i want to chck messages late and reply i will and im not justifying myself to you!!  I didnt reply to that part of his message. Totally ignored it x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 14 May 2017, 08:08:12 pm
I had a message from a client regular today saying you was on late last night!!!  I feel like im being spyed on. If i want to chck messages late and reply i will and im not justifying myself to you!!  I didnt reply to that part of his message. Totally ignored it x

This really annoys me too, someone the other week who had booked for 10am the next day messaged me late (after 12) saying seeing as I've logged on 'today' could we make it earlier as he assumed that I must be up early!!!  ??? I pointed out to him (when I replied at 9am as agreed) that just because I've logged on after midnight doesn't mean anything other than I happened to log on  :FF :FF And yes I felt I was being 'stalked'  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 14 May 2017, 09:46:35 pm
This topic does come up quite frequently.  Maybe, it deserves its own thread.  . ..?

It could be the nice weather, but things I was putting up with during the miserable months, I stopped caring, being a pleaser.    I told, well, politely, to move on.  I got sick of this reg, testing to see how far he could push his boundaries over the past few months.  I dropped a hint quite a few times.  He apologized each time and I accepted. Today, suddenly, I lost interest.  Summer is here and time for renewal, time for a good clear out.

Another, emailed, asking for my availability whilst he knows damn well when I am working and he has been stalking on my updates.   He sends me his dribble each time I add updates, without asking for a booking. :-\. I wish they only check ONLY WHEN they want to book and never contact until they want a booking.  I have wise clients, who see other girls to keep himself entertained.  Usually, loaded clients don't get too clingy as they got a fuller range of options.  I wish I had more of them. 

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 15 May 2017, 04:44:05 pm
When they book and take liberties by texting all the time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 15 May 2017, 04:46:09 pm
This topic does come up quite frequently.  Maybe, it deserves its own thread.  . ..?

It could be the nice weather, but things I was putting up with during the miserable months, I stopped caring, being a pleaser.    I told, well, politely, to move on.  I got sick of this reg, testing to see how far he could push his boundaries over the past few months.  I dropped a hint quite a few times.  He apologized each time and I accepted. Today, suddenly, I lost interest.  Summer is here and time for renewal, time for a good clear out.

Another, emailed, asking for my availability whilst he knows damn well when I am working and he has been stalking on my updates.   He sends me his dribble each time I add updates, without asking for a booking. :-\. I wish they only check ONLY WHEN they want to book and never contact until they want a booking.  I have wise clients, who see other girls to keep himself entertained.  Usually, loaded clients don't get too clingy as they got a fuller range of options.  I wish I had more of them.

My friend tells them because of the pointless txts their txts now go to spam and if they want a booking they need to call, so far it's working for her
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 15 May 2017, 09:13:44 pm
Cool. xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sugar on 15 May 2017, 09:25:59 pm
My prices are quite low compared to similar escorts,  so can't afford to make my self any cheaper without going street prices.  I hate it when a semi regular wants ?40 off my hourly rate,  he may see me every other month if that.  They want lemonade prices but champagne surroundings and service.  Gets on my nerves.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 15 May 2017, 09:47:26 pm
One man (now banned) had seen me many times then came up with a sob story pleading cash strapped so I agreed to drop his fee by ?10. It was only a half hour booking every time so I didn't mind too much until after 3 or 4 of these good value bookings he began bragging of the cruise he had just booked.

I said nothing but became fully booked each time he attempted to see me after that. Eventually he got the message.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 16 May 2017, 08:12:06 am
In my own experience, any "discount" deals ever lead to anything positive.   It's entirely up to escorts to take it, but they never lead to a happy end.    Overstayers and hagglers always end up in avoid/block box.  I think it's a form of boundary pushing.     I know, as you all would be aware that escorts would consider "a discount" for regulars and there are punters, who just decided what our reasonable rate would be for themselves after a while. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Adele7 on 16 May 2017, 08:55:39 am
When they keep their socks on in bed. Even worse, when the socks leave black fluff on the white sheets. URGHH :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 16 May 2017, 09:51:17 am
Ask to rebook when they have seen you before and you both know it didn't go well!
Had an email from a bloke last night asking to come and see me and referring to a previous meet where apparently he couldn't endure my services and I had stopped the booking early?!?
I didn't have a clue what he was on about and so asked him to elaborate.Apparently I had stopped the booking because he was moving around too much during oral...again this didn't ring a bell at all!
Anyway it was when he asked to book for 2 hours that it clicked!
This was a bloke who I saw years ago who had claimed he was a virgin but proceeded to sens me a list of things he hoped to do in a 2 hour session (queening,domination,foot fetish,tie and tease etc etc) these days I would have declined such an unlikely sounding booking as either a fantacist or a really hard work sort of booking that had way too much going on for the sort style of escorting that I do.
I terminated the booking 30 mins early as quite frankly it was like being with a corpse!
Nothing I seemed to do got much of a response.He didn't seem into me or the things he had asked for and when I gave him some money back I explained all this to him and he admitted he had thought it would be more like a porn film even though he had zero experience with women and wasn't acting like he was in a porn film either!He also admitted he didn't even really know what half the things he had asked for even was!
There was no nastiness but he knew why I had ended the booking and I felt I had done the right thing in terms of gently explaining it and giving him a part refund!
Turns out he is still as deluded!I told him I would meet again with him but it would be for an hour not 2 to see if we clicked better this time,he reckoned he was more experienced now etc,but no!He then tried to persuade me to extend to 2 hours and then sent me the exact same list of things he wanted to do 4 years ago adding on things like me wearing dirty underwear and dirty stockings!
Told him flat out it was the exact same list and the exact same attitude and reminded him why his first and only booking with me had ended badly!The fact that 4 years on after patiently explaining all this the first time round he put down to him moving about just shows how silly and deluded he still is!
He ended our correspondence with what a shame it was as he wanted the challenge of making me squirt to make it up to me just made me think what a total knob!
Anyway lesson learnt for me if they weren't a pleasant client to begin with chances are they don't improve and it really isn't worth revisiting it for me! ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 16 May 2017, 10:26:05 am
Ah yes the porn star experience for men who haven't a clue.

An older gent came to see me who claimed he had no experience with professional women and I think he was telling the truth on that but he was one of those straight faced dour types which immediately makes me dread the next hour or so. Anyway he had read my profiles in detail so should not have been under any illusions as I am totally honest with my services and type of booking to expect.

I muddled through it and still had difficulty raising a smile with him and I could tell he was possibly disappointed. I asked him if there was a problem and his answer was along the lines of well I thought it would be something else, a bit of glamour and excitement.

My lack of "glamour" and excitement for him was down to him really, I need a responsive person to bounce off. Maybe he had been watching Belle de Jour or reading racy novels and expected me to serve him champagne and be wearing a sparkling evening gown which I would drop to the floor etc  ::)

Thing is if he had requested this and supplied the champers I would happily have done it!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 16 May 2017, 11:04:29 am
I honestly don't know what they expect when they go into a long list of services they want and how they want passion etc then they just lie there like a dead dog then moan that it isn't like a porn film or whatever!
Real life isn't like a porn film anyway but less so if both parties aren't really joining in!
I really can't be bothered with clients like this for any money.
No problem with guys who book a 30 min and just want a massage and a bj and a bit of pampering but don't book 2 hours of non stop action and just lay there like a sack of shit!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 16 May 2017, 02:53:42 pm
I've seen a couple of guys that want to make you work for the money. Much prefer it when they put a little effort in then I'm more likely to be responsive and we both end up having a great time together.
Once they get me going will gladly put the work in and give a whole lot more.
Luckily I have some regulars who know how to show a woman a good time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 16 May 2017, 05:03:24 pm
Hate it when new customers pester you for your phone number. They get the number a few hours before their booking but had one keep going on about giving him my number days in advance emailing me on aw.
Am so tempted to cancel now as he is annoying me so much. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 16 May 2017, 05:26:57 pm
I offer a gfe so i like mutual pleasure.  I hate the just lie back and suck my knob brigade. I say i offer a gfe and dnt want these kind of guys. They then moan when they cant get hard yes because im bored just sucking you!!!!  Grrr
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 17 May 2017, 09:08:43 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 17 May 2017, 11:54:48 pm
I have a duo coming up and a client is planning an orgasm competition between me and the other WG  :FF

First, there won't be any orgasm except for the fake one (unless he's extremely lucky).
Second, this fixation of 'making' a woman orgasm and earning a badge like a boy scout is just beyond.

I'm very tired of faking all the time. I still have fun and orgasm occasionally, I enjoy touch and the human side of bookings, but this detachment and idiotic porn-fakery is killing me. I become more and more angry at men and more resentful. And mind you, my clients are actually really nice and I like them a lot. And I'm a vanilla GFE. And don't even work that much.

I feel like I'm just perpetuating some kind of a motion in a factory.
How can I be authentic and honest, when there is usually not much foreplay, the guys at the end of the day don't look for a connection but want to have their needs met and fantasies fulfilled, and I'm forcing my body to do things it doesn't want to do?

'Orgasm competition' ...  ;D This is a perfect title for a novel on a modern world.

If its any consolation I've got a similar booking coming up, only me though nobody to help out...Just be a bloody good actress that's all it takes lol :-))
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iloveginandtonic on 18 May 2017, 12:00:32 am
There's so many!

*cum all over the bed sheets
*suck my nipples as though they are slurping up spaghetti
*asking if my apartments a studio... surely being able to see that everything is in one room such as the kitchen and sofa gives that one away!
* when they speak to you on the phone and sound completely normal then begin to text 100 and one weird messages going into detail about what they would like from the booking.

*requesting role play then asking me to come up with a scenario without any indication of what their fantasy is

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 18 May 2017, 09:03:01 am
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 19 May 2017, 11:34:13 pm
Had a couple of guys this week commenting on my feedback and feedback I've given to a couple of recent clients. I gave good feedback as they showed me a great time sexually.
The guys made comments about it sounding jealous that the feedback was better than I gave them.
Sometimes it feels like its a competition as to who is best in bed.
Does anyone else experience this behaviour?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 20 May 2017, 08:43:54 am
A client who failed to confirm at an agreed time, filled something else since he didn't confirm.  An hour later, he texted, saying "sorry, I am still coming".  I believe he forgot to confirm. "OK", I thought.  Then he tells me, he wants to come now, which means two hours earlier than his booking time.  No chance for that, Pal.  Jog on. People tend to have a schedule.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: losthope on 20 May 2017, 03:30:12 pm
Repeat my apartment number about 3 times at the the top of their voice when pressing buzzer, drives me up the wall
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 20 May 2017, 08:10:45 pm
Thank you Katrina   :)
I think I'm undergoing an existential crisis. Which ultimately is a good thing!

Yes seraphine I know that feeling well...sometimes its as if I'm not an actual person just a figment of delusional men's imagination!!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 02 June 2017, 01:01:55 pm
Regulars saying "I know you're off but...." and then asking to see you, if you can squeeze them in on one of the days off etc. Made even worse with the one who said it to me recently as he knows I am off because it's school holidays and I'm a mother, so will be well aware I will be spending the time with my son. If I work then I'm not off am I? And like hell I would palm off my son for a few hours in order to see a client!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 02 June 2017, 01:26:51 pm
Had a couple of guys this week commenting on my feedback and feedback I've given to a couple of recent clients. I gave good feedback as they showed me a great time sexually.
The guys made comments about it sounding jealous that the feedback was better than I gave them.
Sometimes it feels like its a competition as to who is best in bed.
Does anyone else experience this behaviour?

I never say anything about them sexually, even if they are great in bed, I just say turned up, was polite, respectful, etc etc as imo other girls that read the clients' feedback only want to know that client is safe, well that's all I want to know anyway so I just assume the other girls are the same!! I can def see other guys getting jealous when reading that your other clients were great in bed! Its silly we know but men & their egos remember?!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 02 June 2017, 02:30:36 pm
Probably said by others before me but when a man wants a booking asap and I say eg. I am not free until 2.30 then he asks can he come at 2pm!

 I reply no because I have a booking at 1pm for an hour and he then says so why can he not come at 2pm?

So one is leaving and I am unwashed and my room is a bit of a mess, but the other one wants to come straight in. Not likely! Maybe some women work like that but not me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 02 June 2017, 03:55:27 pm
Had one regular last week. I just had a shower and brushed my teeth literally before the booking. When I kissed him he commented about me brushing my teeth saying did the last guy just cum in your mouth.
I was lost for words as he's normally polite and lovely but I was seething after. Hope he doesn't turn into a dick like so many others.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nora batty on 02 June 2017, 04:51:05 pm
Clients trying to finger me or when touching themselves have pre cum on their hands then running their hands through my hair.  Fuck off, I don't want my hair full of bodily fluids. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LuluLoves on 02 June 2017, 09:57:22 pm
When you give directions to your street, and obviously don't plan to give any more information until they have arrived, but they jump in and say 'oh you're on X street I think I know where you are you must be in so and so apartment building'.

I don't know why this bothers me so much I think it just creeps me out - like at least pretend you don't have stalker tendencies!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 02 June 2017, 10:46:03 pm
Ask how old I was when I lost my virginity and talk about I must have been really naughty when I was younger. I'm only 22 now so what how old are they talking about?!?!  They get one warning with this if they mention it again they leave without a refund. I have younger siblings and it makes me sick.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PassionFlower on 03 June 2017, 10:23:15 am
1. When I give them a description of my house (eg 4th door on the right, red door) and they ask what number... If I wanted to tell you the number I would have just said!!!

2. Emailing on a weekend when my profile states I'm not working, presumably reading my out of office which states it's an auto response and then replying telling me how much they want to see me that day

3. Putting their hands over my ears while I'm giving a blow job, then getting huffed that I haven't heard their request for something

4. Coming to see me on my time of the month when I explain on my profile that area is out of bounds and still trying to finger me, getting miffed if I try to stop them or freaked it there's blood!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SophieinSurrey on 03 June 2017, 12:04:17 pm
Ask how old I was when I lost my virginity and talk about I must have been really naughty when I was younger. I'm only 22 now so what how old are they talking about?!?!  They get one warning with this if they mention it again they leave without a refund. I have younger siblings and it makes me sick.

Agree with this. I tell them I don't talk about my private life, they don't like it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheilaStar on 03 June 2017, 12:13:01 pm
Putting their hands over my ears while I'm giving a blow job, then getting huffed that I haven't heard their request for something

Hahahaha!!! So annoying! Especially with wet hands after touching me or themselves
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 03 June 2017, 12:54:12 pm
When I state in my text to walk down the street where x shop is actually on (to the left of the road where I instruct them to park) and they find it hard to understand.  What is not easy to grasp with such specific instructions?  I then ask them to pass by x shop and turn right at the end of the road and again they can be flummoxed.  With such easy details to take on board is there really no hope at times!!  It must be nerves with some of them I assume .....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 03 June 2017, 09:08:47 pm
Hahahaha!!! So annoying! Especially with wet hands after touching me or themselves
Worse than that is clients that want you to suck their cock and have you talk dirty to them..errrrr not quite sure how that works all at the same time!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheilaStar on 03 June 2017, 10:38:17 pm
Worse than that is clients that want you to suck their cock and have you talk dirty to them..errrrr not quite sure how that works all at the same time!

LOLZ! That's straight out of comedy. I'd like to try a role reversal with this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 04 June 2017, 09:36:22 am
Sometimes when doing doggy waiting for the guy to get his cock in but he has problems getting it in or worse feel it against my arsehole.
They say sorry wrong hole but wonder how many are genuine.
This happened with an ex of mine although we had a few drinks before and I shouted out wrong hole.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 05 June 2017, 06:38:37 am
I find new clients who think nothing of sending us several texts on Sundays (when the mobile is off for most of us) and then badgering us when we don't reply.

Have they never thought that we might need time out from our job and we don't run a 24/7 hotline?

These new ones really do not spare us any thought or consideration.

If we know the hairdresser or takeaway is closed we don't think to bother them so why should it be any different for us.  It really does annoy me sometimes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 05 June 2017, 09:46:32 am
I find new clients who think nothing of sending us several texts on Sundays (when the mobile is off for most of us) and then badgering us when we don't reply.

Have they never thought that we might need time out from our job and we don't run a 24/7 hotline?

These new ones really do not spare us any thought or consideration.

If we know the hairdresser or takeaway is closed we don't think to bother them so why should it be any different for us.  It really does annoy me sometimes.
I find regulars are worse for this.I take my number off AW when I am not working.I accept that some newbies will have got my number from other directories and probably (like alot of them) won't have read my working hours.
However it really pisses me off when regulars who know full well text me about a booking or send an enquiry even admitting they know I'm off!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 05 June 2017, 07:33:38 pm
Really... Is there any name for this? 

"I wish you were working so I pester you, instead" SYNDROME? 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 05 June 2017, 07:56:49 pm
Probably said by others before me but when a man wants a booking asap and I say eg. I am not free until 2.30 then he asks can he come at 2pm!

 I reply no because I have a booking at 1pm for an hour and he then says so why can he not come at 2pm?

So one is leaving and I am unwashed and my room is a bit of a mess, but the other one wants to come straight in. Not likely! Maybe some women work like that but not me.

I get this all the time and I then have to explain that back 2 back bookings don't happen with me as I need to wash, fix the room etc and then they are like "ahh got you", their little brain stops their big brain from working!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 07 June 2017, 07:15:39 am
I get this all the time and I then have to explain that back 2 back bookings don't happen with me as I need to wash, fix the room etc and then they are like "ahh got you", their little brain stops their big brain from working!

I dont see why we shld have to justify ourselves to punters as ro what we are doing. Its none of their business if we have just seen someone and are cleaning up!!  I do it too and i hate myself afterwards for explaining myself x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 07 June 2017, 08:29:16 am
When they breathe.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 07 June 2017, 09:51:05 am
When they breathe.

Client I have seen a few times came yesterday. He is super cautious about discretion (from conversations with him I have easily deduced this) yet on getting dressed he decided to open the blinds at my window and look out. This may not seem a massive problem to some but the position of my work bedroom and who can and can't see in from outside means I close them for a reason!  My room is still fairly well lit but those blinds have to stay firmly shut until he is gone.

I didn't say anything but if he ever did it again he would know about it.  No other client has ever done this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 07 June 2017, 10:09:04 am
Really... Is there any name for this? 

"I wish you were working so I pester you, instead" SYNDROME?

Needy attention seeking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 07 June 2017, 11:13:26 am

Yesterday's "blind opening" man did something else which could have compromised my discretion.

He has seen me a few times and quite recently too so as with most semi regs I assume they remember my door number.  This one was a few mins late and I got a phone call. He asked was it flat no 19 and I said NO it's 18 !!

He was on his way back home as thought I was not answering my door. He turned around and came back so I didn't miss the booking but I told him next time (if there is one) I will remind him of the flat number. I think I will do this with any man I haven't seen often as when I asked him what he would have done if anyone answered no 19 (there was no one home) he was dumbstruck and had nothing to say. Had a female anwered the buzzer or even a male!  lord knows what he would have said.

It only takes one mistake to spoil it all.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 07 June 2017, 01:55:28 pm
Sick of having to think for them because they can't organise themselves. They seem to be thinking I'm brain synchronised with google maps this week.
"I'm in xxx how far is that?" I don't flippin' know, I'm not from here, look online you fool before clogging up my phone line.

Got messed around at the last minute today by a pleb who "only had 30 minutes in his tea break" but didn't bother to check his timings.  ::) They expect us to be bloody psychic, its highly irritating, especially after you've told them approximately were you are 2 days ago.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 07 June 2017, 02:09:34 pm
Yes that irritates me too.I've had everything from 'How long would it take me to get from York?' To what train/bus would I get to get to yours and which motorway is closest to the city centre...I don't even drive so wouldn't know which motorways or roads to drive on..what's wrong with satnav or google?
I also get..Is the city centre North or South Leeds..ffs it's in the fucking centre!!!! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheilaStar on 07 June 2017, 02:31:49 pm
Yes that irritates me too.I've had everything from 'How long would it take me to get from York?' To what train/bus would I get to get to yours and which motorway is closest to the city centre...I don't even drive so wouldn't know which motorways or roads to drive on..what's wrong with satnav or google?
I also get..Is the city centre North or South Leeds..ffs it's in the fucking centre!!!! :FF

One word: Tools!

And they say men have good navigational skills... some can't even plan their journey
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lotus300 on 07 June 2017, 04:15:59 pm
Many think that the customer is king. And they are too lazy to make the effort of a search.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 07 June 2017, 06:52:09 pm
Needy attention seeking.

Thank you. Time to cut some apron strings!   ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 07 June 2017, 07:03:36 pm

 I asked him what he would have done if anyone answered no 19 (there was no one home) he was dumbstruck and had nothing to say. Had a female anwered the buzzer or even a male!  lord knows what he would have said.

It only takes one mistake to spoil it all.

This happened to some women and they had to move out as their neighbours found out from these mistakes punter made and neighbours got outraged, didn't like "what she was up to", made it very hard to continue.   I think it's pathetic to knock the wrong number, given the nature of this line of work (it's not something you can broadcast), but some people are too "casual" about it, don't realise the code of confidentiality women do need and want to stay discreet in the community. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheilaStar on 07 June 2017, 07:25:25 pm
Thank you. Time to cut some apron strings!   ;D

Sounds more like cutting their umbilical cord haha!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 08 June 2017, 05:09:10 pm
Yes that irritates me too.I've had everything from 'How long would it take me to get from York?' To what train/bus would I get to get to yours and which motorway is closest to the city centre...I don't even drive so wouldn't know which motorways or roads to drive on..what's wrong with satnav or google?
I also get..Is the city centre North or South Leeds..ffs it's in the fucking centre!!!! :FF

Yep tourist information centre aren't we! And following on from this, 90% never say how long they want to stay & I have to ask almost every time. They think they can just roll up & decide when they get here lately.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 09 June 2017, 03:36:57 pm
Leave skid marks on the bed!!!! Argghhh!!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: losthope on 09 June 2017, 11:03:25 pm
When they arrive saying they have read all your reviews on forum so they came to see how good you are, then promptly start saying what they like (boundary pushing at its finest) thinking your going to be frightened to say no because they might put a negative on forum..You know the types you have to refuse liver licking and kidney sucking to even though their last wonderful service provider did it...  :FF their few and far between but I get so agitated by them
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 10 June 2017, 09:51:10 pm
I dont see why we shld have to justify ourselves to punters as ro what we are doing. Its none of their business if we have just seen someone and are cleaning up!!  I do it too and i hate myself afterwards for explaining myself x
If I work I consider the whole day a working day and use these little moments to generate business , it works for me :) xxx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 11 June 2017, 08:10:12 am
I expect they are just making conversation but they sometimes ask 'So how many do you see in a week?'.  It is a bit like saying how much do we earn.  We don't ask them but I don't think they mean it to sound like that lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 11 June 2017, 09:48:46 am
I agree they are not interested in what we earn but some like to think the less other men we see the better as if they could have it their way want you all for themselves.
Sometimes I will say after the booking that you are my last customer or I wasn't gonna work today but saw you especially. Seems to keep them happy. Only say to my regulars who I enjoy time with. It's the perception of exclusivity I suppose.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 11 June 2017, 10:07:14 am
I expect they are just making conversation but they sometimes ask 'So how many do you see in a week?'.  It is a bit like saying how much do we earn.  We don't ask them but I don't think they mean it to sound like that lol.
I just say " that's interesting , how much do you earn with a smile" if they say , I might say oh that's unusual most people don't talk about their income" end of doesn't mean Ill answer back plus I'm excellent with pause gaps its my forte and changing the subject " Wow that's extremely intrusive " ha !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 11 June 2017, 10:52:11 pm
When they arrive saying they have read all your reviews on forum so they came to see how good you are, then promptly start saying what they like (boundary pushing at its finest) thinking your going to be frightened to say no because they might put a negative on forum..You know the types you have to refuse liver licking and kidney sucking to even though their last wonderful service provider did it...  :FF their few and far between but I get so agitated by them

These type tend to be deterred by having to pay more. Since putting my rates up from 140gfe 200pse  to 200gfe 250/300pse I have had much less of this and if a client starts pushing boundaries I send them home. I think some guys just see escorts to write reviews and tell others about it. I do have some nice clients that use forums but imo it's a bunch of guys, trying to get as much for there money as possible, and not caring about how the sp feels during the booking as long as they get what they want. These types that tell me they want to do everything in a short amount of time for example an hour then proceed to tell me about reading reviews and having high expectations of me, do not get to see me. More hassle than it's worth and mentally exhausting. I think that they also use reviews as a way of trying to get you to do more. I had a lot of customers do this. All of whom are now banned. I have literally turned into the pickiest fussiest whore ever. But i can't risk my own mental health or wellbeing for the sake of anybody. My life is too precious.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 12 June 2017, 06:45:19 pm
Sounds more like cutting their umbilical cord haha!

Definitely, I do think they get attached.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 15 June 2017, 04:26:21 pm
Several texts from different guys when I politely ask them to phone. They say my speakers broke.  It used to annoy me now I smile inside thinking how pathetic these creatures are. :)

They keep reminding me that I have made the right decision. :)

Yeah.!! I'm crossing over baby so clients can keep up thier fuck wit behaviour.:)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 18 June 2017, 02:36:48 pm
So funny....

One spoke to me before phoned me asking to come at 4am in the morning. I politely declined.

Yep that is it not long now keep it up because I don't need them nobs.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 20 June 2017, 03:26:10 pm
These ones who try to pick an argument out of nothing grate on me. Guy today said he wanted to go for a walk, so I said OK if there's time when we have finished. I could sense him being a potential time piss taker. Saw him once before & I got that inclining. It turns out we had 10 minutes remaining so I suggested the walk because I was going into town anyway. He offered to buy me an ice cream so I politely declined because I have food intolerances.
He then said "how is a guy expected to date you when you cant do this cant do that."
So I instantly shot him down & telling him not to be so rude. That was  way below the belt.

Within the booking he started slobbering around my ears, this is something I hate for several reasons. So I asked him to stop. Apparently I ?told him off? the first time he saw me for touching me. {wtf} He seemed quite childish & a bit odd. Brought pictures of the cod he caught on his last fishing trip {yawn}. I find this shitty churlish attitude jarring. He told me he ?has issues with girls? from childhood so he thinks he can pay sex works & insult them as some sort of Karmic payoff it seems.

I thought at first it may be the start of a sub fantasy, being told off but he mentioned a few other escorts who he can no longer seem to get an appointment with. I told him straight, it?s his passive aggressive attitude & he needs to look at that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 20 June 2017, 03:39:53 pm
Yeah quite a lot of clients just have no social skills or are just plain rude or feel bitter towards women if they have not had much luck in their life with women.
They then take it out on us or have the attitude I'm paying I do what I want.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 21 June 2017, 09:40:11 am
He told me he ?has issues with girls? from childhood so he thinks he can pay sex works & insult them as some sort of Karmic payoff it seems.

I thought at first it may be the start of a sub fantasy, being told off but he mentioned a few other escorts who he can no longer seem to get an appointment with. I told him straight, it?s his passive aggressive attitude & he needs to look at that.

This is so funny.  The whole post made me chuckle.  It seems that it's a man's thing, offering ice cream to a woman they fancy.  I'd put "clingy, p/a client, see if desperate" .  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 21 June 2017, 09:43:12 am
Yeah quite a lot of clients just have no social skills or are just plain rude or feel bitter towards women if they have not had much luck in their life with women.
They then take it out on us or have the attitude I'm paying I do what I want.

I had seen one or two like this (so far as I remember).  I don't tolerate rudeness too well so may have seen more but blocked them.  Luckily, I see much older guys as I'm older so luckily I don't need to deal with men (wusses) who annoy women, get rude and unable to pull. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 21 June 2017, 10:59:31 am

It's not an age thing sweetmilf. I find some most worse with age & often have issues with rudeness & boundary pushing with the over 60's, like the guy I mentioned in my previous post, he's in his 60's.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 21 June 2017, 03:54:09 pm
Yes I find a lot of the rude ones are older and seem to have a chip on their shoulder and attitude problems
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 21 June 2017, 06:11:58 pm
It's not an age thing sweetmilf. I find some most worse with age & often have issues with rudeness & boundary pushing with the over 60's, like the guy I mentioned in my previous post, he's in his 60's.

Really?   :o :o :o  In his Sixties?  I'm afraid that he has no
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 21 June 2017, 06:16:52 pm
Yes I find a lot of the rude ones are older and seem to have a chip on their shoulder and attitude problems

 :o :o  Mind you, my screening is rather vigorous.. ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 22 June 2017, 02:38:04 am
I said to a client who wanted tonight that I couldn't see him as will be meeting a friend for a coffee. He asked where is it I told him it is private not on an out call.

Then he asked if he can meet me after there to walk back for a booking. I poliety said sorry not tonight when really I meant no fuck off you cunt. :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PassionFlower on 22 June 2017, 08:25:22 am
I do just find that so many guys have the inability to concede to a woman when she makes a factual statement that doesn't fit his needs.  It's like the rules shouldn't apply to them:

Him: Hi can when's your next available appointment?
Me: I can fit you in at 5pm
Him: Can't you see me any sooner?

No?  5pm is my first available appointment???  :FF :FF :FF

Him: Hi, what time do you finish?
Me: Normally between 6pm and 8pm though I can work as late as 10pm with an advance booking though AW
Him: But I wanted to see you at 1am when I finish work?

Ooooooooooookay, well wanting and getting are not the same things?

Or mid-booking

Him: Can we do Bareback?
Me: No, I don't do bareback
Him: Oh go on!

You know what?  As a result of that well presented counter argument, I changed my mind! BB it is!!!

I've also had messages saying things like "I'd love to come and see you but I have family in your town"... I'm not entirely sure what I was supposed to do with that info, though part of me was tempted to reply with "I can give you the number of a good hit man who can take care of that problem"  ;D

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 22 June 2017, 08:39:54 am
Really?   :o :o :o  In his Sixties?  I'm afraid that he has no

Absolutely, had 3 this week in the 50-65 age group, all causing problems & behaving in a very churlish way. Find this age group draining.

The rude one who showed me his Cod.

1 called then apologised for messing me around last time I was in town, then booked & did a no show. Had seen the nutcase once before & knew I should have ignored his call. "Yeah man" type, done too many drugs in his youth & probably still on them.

Another one got stroppy after I'd said no to something then walked out after firing off a tirade of criticisms. Never had a walk out before. Now he's left shitty feedback lying about what happened distorting things. Talionic thinking I believe it's called.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 23 June 2017, 08:22:11 am
This new thing I do now when I know it isn't going any where over the phone
I say thank you bye in a fun high pitched voice then hang up in a shoot smiling. It used to annoy me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: losthope on 24 June 2017, 11:41:27 am
Wipe their feet on the way in like a dog covering his mess, for god sake they have walked up how many flights of stairs with carpet on, meanwhile Im hiding behind the door with knickers bra and stockings on, praying the neighbours dont walk out
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: longlashes on 24 June 2017, 01:02:33 pm
Dunno if this has been covered but clients turning up at your home and hanging about.  This happened to me a few months ago when I had ill health and my nerves were very bad.  It was the last thing I wanted.  The guy came twice in a week, putting a note through my door on both occasions and asking me to call him.  I mean surely after I hadn't called him the first time he should have got the message ::)

I was so mad when he knocked again.  I've never had that before.  I've had a hiatus from escorting for a very long time too  :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 25 June 2017, 01:47:57 pm
Call and ask a million questions, then ask for a time which I can't do. Wouldn't it make more sense to ask that near the start? I reckon they just think we are available all the time for them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 26 June 2017, 09:18:20 am
Leave snide reviews saying you charge too much when they have stale breath and a stinky cock despite showering and being offered mouthwash and still expect you to go through with the booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 27 June 2017, 12:36:41 am
Dunno if this has been covered but clients turning up at your home and hanging about.  This happened to me a few months ago when I had ill health and my nerves were very bad.  It was the last thing I wanted.  The guy came twice in a week, putting a note through my door on both occasions and asking me to call him.  I mean surely after I hadn't called him the first time he should have got the message ::)

I was so mad when he knocked again.  I've never had that before.  I've had a hiatus from escorting for a very long time too  :FF :FF
I would go absolutely mental if a client just came to my door and putting a note through!! Omg!!! 😡😡😡
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 30 June 2017, 01:46:12 pm
Get too fucking comfortable and take liberties!!!

Been seeing a guy almost weekly for a very long time now, the last few times he booked he was late AND overstayed and even though the services he has are easy enough that started to drain me. So spoke to him about it, all seemed fine, made another booking. Well he was late and then asked in this booking for something he knows I don't offer. So that instantly pissed me off. My partner was in the booking with us and as the hour was almost up he wrapped it up just after he said that before I had a chance to explode. The being late again and asking for a service he knows I don't do moved him from annoying to see if quiet.

Skip forward to this week, between being busy and sick my work phone has been off for a few days. Turned it on last night to several texts. Text one was fine, asking if I could do this week. text two (25 minutes after the first) went along the lines of get in contact slut or you'll be sorry make you perform your master again...ermm..just because I offer sub services to you doesn't mean it is okay to send texts like that, any name calling/rp is done inside a booking after payment!! Text 3 asked when is the slut letting me know about this week and the final text informed me he would be with me at x time on x day!!! No, I don't think you fucking will! Even without the silly texts/names, that is not going to get you an appointment.

Usually I wouldn't have deigned to answer and had he turned up would have been told to leave or I would call the police (Because I don't think I should have had to answer that shit, since he should know better and can't expect to tell me when he is turning up.) But as I had family here I had to compromise my prinicipals rather than my family. He got a rather shirty response saying that day is not convenient and please don't assume any time is fine without me confirming it is first.  I haven't had a response nor did he turn up at the time he decided he would. Needless to say that has moved him from only if quiet to never again!  :FF :FF :FF

Sorry for the long rant, it really pissed me off!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 30 June 2017, 03:22:05 pm
Boundary pushers. Glad u stuck up for yourself well done. Yes i agree u r only submissive when hes paid for you. Bet your response shook him x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 30 June 2017, 07:05:57 pm
Get too fucking comfortable and take liberties!!!

Been seeing a guy almost weekly for a very long time now, the last few times he booked he was late AND overstayed and even though the services he has are easy enough that started to drain me. So spoke to him about it, all seemed fine, made another booking. Well he was late and then asked in this booking for something he knows I don't offer. So that instantly pissed me off.  No, I don't think you fucking will! Even without the silly texts/names, that is not going to get you an appointment.

Sorry for the long rant, it really pissed me off!

Is that a bareback? I received a surprise message from someone I recently saw, asking if he can "fuck me bareback and have a threesome".  I was disappointed by him.    :-\ Not sure if I should take it personally or if this is something I should have anticipated?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 30 June 2017, 07:23:23 pm
Ive got a regular whose wanted bb too. He says u r the only wg i wld do bb wth as he sees others. I dnt give a shit u r probs saying that to all of us. Plus hes been asking for anal something i dnt do. I feel like saying go elsewhere and get your bb and anal from there. But hes regular cash so i politely refuse
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 30 June 2017, 09:07:01 pm
Is that a bareback? I received a surprise message from someone I recently saw, asking if he can "fuck me bareback and have a threesome".  I was disappointed by him.    :-\ Not sure if I should take it personally or if this is something I should have anticipated?

No it wasn't bareback, he asked for rimming. I did used to offer it with certain clients who were very clean but I started hating and resenting it, and he was fully aware it wasn't something I was prepared to do any longer as I'd also directed him to the updated services on my ad (Stopped a few others at the same time.) before he made that appointment. He sort of whispered the request, so he obviously knew my partner would have said something too if he had heard it asked for.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 30 June 2017, 09:36:51 pm
Ive got a regular whose wanted bb too. He says u r the only wg i wld do bb wth as he sees others. I dnt give a shit u r probs saying that to all of us. Plus hes been asking for anal something i dnt do. I feel like saying go elsewhere and get your bb and anal from there. But hes regular cash so i politely refuse
Yup, they all say, you are the only one etc sad these men are. I was very offended and was upset.  He said, so sorry and I said you didn't mean to upset me deliberately.  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 30 June 2017, 09:40:04 pm
No it wasn't bareback, he asked for rimming. I did used to offer it with certain clients who were very clean but I started hating and resenting it

Rimming.  Oh, I see.  I don't blame you.  :-[
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 30 June 2017, 10:42:21 pm
One of my regulars asked about doing bb since he had been seeing me for months and we are pretty much a couple. How deluded are some men.
It's almost like they are grooming us.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 01 July 2017, 12:57:12 pm
It's almost like they are grooming us.

If you felt as if they were.  They probably were. I believe this happens quite often.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 01 July 2017, 03:13:15 pm
When they arrive saying they have read all your reviews on forum so they came to see how good you are, then promptly start saying what they like (boundary pushing at its finest) thinking your going to be frightened to say no because they might put a negative on forum..You know the types you have to refuse liver licking and kidney sucking to even though their last wonderful service provider did it...  :FF their few and far between but I get so agitated by them

One of those called me yesterday. Managed to call me "darling" 3 times in less than a minute and asked what if I'm really that good. I told him no, I'm complete shit, he's got wrong number. And I hang up on him.
I need vacation. Soon.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nemature on 04 July 2017, 09:19:19 pm
I hate it when you are on a 45 minute booking and they go soft so often that you use 4 condoms anyone would have thought we had been in some sort of sex marathon but no just a older gent who struggles to maintain a hard on I felt like I needed a drink afterwards it was such hard work. I know its not his fault but I felt exhausted and a bit peeved when he left promising to book again as I had been nice and could we try anal next time! I may have a migraine that day
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 05 July 2017, 11:02:14 am
I hate it when you are on a 45 minute booking and they go soft so often that you use 4 condoms anyone would have thought we had been in some sort of sex marathon but no just a older gent who struggles to maintain a hard on I felt like I needed a drink afterwards it was such hard work. I know its not his fault but I felt exhausted and a bit peeved when he left promising to book again as I had been nice and could we try anal next time! I may have a migraine that day
The thing is alot of these older gents know they have problems maintaining an erection and should be honest about it.Its deeply unsexy constantly having to keep reapplying condoms and not very practical either.
There's plenty of options such as the little blue pill these days.
I'm afraid if they struggle so much we get to the 3 condom mark I'll only give oral or an hj after that,it just gets ridiculous.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 05 July 2017, 11:03:58 am
One of those called me yesterday. Managed to call me "darling" 3 times in less than a minute and asked what if I'm really that good. I told him no, I'm complete shit, he's got wrong number. And I hang up on him.
I need vacation. Soon.
Asking you if you are good is just a really daft question,I always say nope I'm crap that's why I have all those reviews..guys like this never book in,they just want you to beg them to book like you are desperate.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 05 July 2017, 03:11:29 pm
One of my regulars has erection problems and can lose the erection during sex. He was honest with me about this when I first saw him and said a cock ring often helps.
So he used this and had no problems. I've been seeing him now for a few months and glad to say he doesn't need the cock ring anymore so I must be doing something right.
So maybe this could be a suggestion for clients with this problem. A lot of it must be psychological and when they wear it they don't have to worry about staying hard.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 05 July 2017, 05:42:05 pm

I'm afraid if they struggle so much we get to the 3 condom mark I'll only give oral or an hj after that,it just gets ridiculous.

I agree.  I used to have one client, who went completely soft each time we tried to have sex and his sweat was dripping down on me.  That was it.  I didn't like it at all.

You need to be just honest.  Trying to have anal when he has an erection problem is like.. DREAM ON, MATE, JOG ON!  Not kidding.  He's taking a piss.   :-\  He's testing your patience.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nemature on 05 July 2017, 08:05:00 pm
Thank you for your replies I was thinking I might just be being unfair and feeling a bit short tempered but it seems we are all singing from the same hymn book.
I definitely will not be seeing him again he was such hard work and did not seem to understand that it is not realistic to have erection problems but expect a full service 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 05 July 2017, 08:07:30 pm
Thank you for your replies I was thinking I might just be being unfair and feeling a bit short tempered but it seems we are all singing from the same hymn book.
I definitely will not be seeing him again he was such hard work and did not seem to understand that it is not realistic to have erection problems but expect a full service
Yes tell him you're an escort not a miracle worker lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nat on 06 July 2017, 06:09:54 pm
I had one client who started pumping my mouth really fast during a bj, I hate that. I specifically say I offer a sensual GFE and there's nothing sensual about that.

I also had a client the other day with the most bland personality ever! He didn't want DFK - only wanted to give pecks, which I was  absolutely thrilled about. However, I felt so uncomfortable when he started to excessively sniff my face. Then when he had finished, he just dumped the condom on the floor and left. No washing his hands or any thing. I hate unhygienic people.

Then I had an Asian client my first week who begged me for a 15 min booking for 50 after I repeatedly said I don't do this. Because I wasn't getting much traffic I decided to go along with it. He was a nice person, but he was 15 mins late (he did tell me way in advice about traffic). But to add onto that, he wanted to have a long chat after our appointment. I had to kick him out in a nice way lol. After that experience, I decided that I would never do 15 min bookings again. Time consuming, and I don't want a plethora of men coming to me. He wanted to book again, I informed him I no longer did that length and he kept haggling with me saying 'just for me please', blocked straight away.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: longlashes on 06 July 2017, 07:52:34 pm
I would go absolutely mental if a client just came to my door and putting a note through!! Omg!!! 😡😡😡

Sorry hun, only just seen this.  I was livid.  He wrote on the note did I still like perfume and flowers. erm a big fat yes but not from some boundary pushing jerk who turns up unannounce with no appointment now do one!  :FF :FF :FF :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: longlashes on 06 July 2017, 07:56:00 pm
Cient' s that take loads more baby wipes when you have already cleaned them up.  I always like to clean them up otherwise they use tons of wipes I find some times
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 06 July 2017, 09:56:12 pm
Someone asked me for an outcall today . I said 'no sorry' as it was too far.

He then text saying 'are we still on????'

Wtf? I relied - 'sorry we had nothing confirmed?'

He then replies saying oh I knew you'd do this I've read all about you on 'you know where!!'

Seriously wtf? I'm so pissed off, I've done nothing wrong and will no doubt be getting slated on that stupid forum. Great.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 06 July 2017, 10:35:45 pm
Then I had an Asian client my first week who begged me for a 15 min booking for 50 after I repeatedly said I don't do this. Because I wasn't getting much traffic I decided to go along with it. He was a nice person, but he was 15 mins late (he did tell me way in advice about traffic). But to add onto that, he wanted to have a long chat after our appointment. I had to kick him out in a nice way lol. After that experience, I decided that I would never do 15 min bookings again. Time consuming, and I don't want a plethora of men coming to me. He wanted to book again, I informed him I no longer did that length and he kept haggling with me saying 'just for me please', blocked straight away.

Is him being Asian relevant or...?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 07 July 2017, 06:55:19 pm
I had a client, who started to take his clothes off before sorting know.

Then he tells me, he forgot his wallet in his car.   :o  I thought..ok.."come and look" one then.  He puts his clothes back on but he tells me he can leave his possession as he's coming back.  He did and he came running back.  Happy days!  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Irish_Roisin on 07 July 2017, 07:27:48 pm
In desperate need off a very long time off - poss switch to civvie for a couple of months. At Heathrow with only timewasters rapidly hating the male population more and more as I mull over their strangeness ???

- Walking through the door without knocking, I make sure to lock it now not to give them the chance - puts a sour taste in my mouth from the start!
- knocking as loudly as humanly possible on the door despite my instructions always saying to knock softly
- Trying to put the condom on themselves and stretching it over instead of rolling, makes me cringe, how do grown men not know how to put protection on their own genitals?!
- Moving my fringe or brushing their fingers through it heavily, it isn't there to be bloody played with and i don't put makeup on my forehead for a reason lol
- leaving the shower like a bomb site, doubt they do it in their own homes, feel like it's a lack of respect for us
- talking about how wet I am and are they turning me on baby? I'm amazed only 10% seem to realise it is obviously lube
- asking me what I like or making me choose a Roleplay - my ideal one would be where they slide the money under my door while I sit in my pyjamas with room service...mmm what a horny thought

*Deep breath* Definitely reaching peak burn out, I could go on and on. Flying to Australia tomorrow for a country move and I am most excited just to take my AW Profile down, I shall do it at the airport with a glass of wine ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 07 July 2017, 09:58:41 pm
In desperate need off a very long time off - poss switch to civvie for a couple of months. At Heathrow with only timewasters rapidly hating the male population more and more as I mull over their strangeness ???

- Walking through the door without knocking, I make sure to lock it now not to give them the chance - puts a sour taste in my mouth from the start!
- knocking as loudly as humanly possible on the door despite my instructions always saying to knock softly
- Trying to put the condom on themselves and stretching it over instead of rolling, makes me cringe, how do grown men not know how to put protection on their own genitals?!
- Moving my fringe or brushing their fingers through it heavily, it isn't there to be bloody played with and i don't put makeup on my forehead for a reason lol
- leaving the shower like a bomb site, doubt they do it in their own homes, feel like it's a lack of respect for us
- talking about how wet I am and are they turning me on baby? I'm amazed only 10% seem to realise it is obviously lube
- asking me what I like or making me choose a Roleplay - my ideal one would be where they slide the money under my door while I sit in my pyjamas with room service...mmm what a horny thought

*Deep breath* Definitely reaching peak burn out, I could go on and on. Flying to Australia tomorrow for a country move and I am most excited just to take my AW Profile down, I shall do it at the airport with a glass of wine ;D

Aw I'm so jealous  :o all the best in Australia. Xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 09 July 2017, 09:34:22 pm
Asking you if you are good is just a really daft question,I always say nope I'm crap that's why I have all those reviews..guys like this never book in,they just want you to beg them to book like you are desperate.

Another one called me today. Same question. I was hungry and that's not the good time to piss me off.
So he asks in his arrogant voice what I'm good at (hmmmm killing him softly was I thinking), and I ask back if he checked my advert. The poor twat says no, he got my number from a friend. And, babe, tell me what you're good at.
Told him his mate is a shit mate if he didn't tell him what I'm good at. Then told him whatever I'm good at he'll never find out. Hang up and blocked.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 09 July 2017, 11:02:13 pm
Anyone who tells me their mate gave them my number I always say ask your mate then.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 09 July 2017, 11:09:45 pm
If I get a "got your number from a mate" I say sorry I can't meet you. Not wasting a second on those callers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iloveginandtonic on 09 July 2017, 11:40:15 pm
Clients who get on the bed... and kneel  :FF

It drives me crazy! When they just kneel on the bed and begin to tweak, prod and group my body!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 10 July 2017, 12:52:27 am
Clients who get on the bed... and kneel  :FF

It drives me crazy! When they just kneel on the bed and begin to tweak, prod and group my body!

I don't really mind that. They can grope and tweak away as long as I have the fee. Anything I am not happy with I speak up and tell them but prodding and poking is fine, I do the same to them.  :)

Kneeling on the bed is ok with me too if that is what they want. No doubt some things I find irksome others may not, we are all different but wonderful.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sensualskye on 10 July 2017, 01:25:24 pm
Orrrrrr when they kneel down on all 4s and think it's sexy.... nah old balls hanging there really ain't x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: longlashes on 10 July 2017, 05:26:11 pm

- leaving the shower like a bomb site, doubt they do it in their own homes, feel like it's a lack of respect for us

I totally agree with this.  I was touring Chester in January and staying in an absolutely gorgeous new build apartment and I found most clients disrespected the bathroom with totally show they have no respect for our environment either too as you have mentioned.  I was so annoyed.  Also the toilet seat didn't cover the rim properly so I was forever cleaning it as not many guys have a wee without splattering. 

Also clients that don't shower properley, especially those that shoer and don't wash their face or wash it properly.  I mean by the time they come to see us the dirt grease and grime of the day has been on them for quite a few hours..worse in Summer :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nat on 10 July 2017, 09:31:56 pm
Attempt to book me without looking at my profile, then complain about my rates. Will then proceed to sat  rubbish like "oh I've had it for less before" umm so what?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 11 July 2017, 02:05:34 pm
I totally agree with this.  I was touring Chester in January and staying in an absolutely gorgeous new build apartment and I found most clients disrespected the bathroom with totally show they have no respect for our environment either too as you have mentioned.  I was so annoyed.  Also the toilet seat didn't cover the rim properly so I was forever cleaning it as not many guys have a wee without splattering. 

Also clients that don't shower properley, especially those that shoer and don't wash their face or wash it properly.  I mean by the time they come to see us the dirt grease and grime of the day has been on them for quite a few hours..worse in Summer :FF :FF

It's ridiculous that there are grown men out there that can't wash themselves properly. You get ones that have a shower and then when they raise their arms above their heads their pits reek. You can tell that not even any water touched that part of their body.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 11 July 2017, 02:34:11 pm
I will jump in the shower with them. And wash them if I have to. I can't stand smells :/
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissBehaving on 11 July 2017, 05:35:00 pm
It's ridiculous that there are grown men out there that can't wash themselves properly. You get ones that have a shower and then when they raise their arms above their heads their pits reek. You can tell that not even any water touched that part of their body.

+ 1
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Taylor on 11 July 2017, 09:00:08 pm
I only play once or twice a month as i have a civvy job partner family etc, clients dont seem to under stand this..there amazed that i have a full time job..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 14 July 2017, 01:44:14 pm
Random clients calling me to get my flat number while  still sitting in their stupid car! The parking is literally 20 seconds away from mine. Even my confirmation text repeats that they need to park first (please!) and call me once they stand next to "xxx". Still once in a while I get the "hello I'm here" and there we go with me repeating the whole thing over and over again.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 14 July 2017, 02:41:17 pm
I always ask them to ring when they are in front of x landmark and half the time they ring from behind it or to the side of it or across the street from it looking completely the wrong way and seem to struggle when I ask them to turn and face it..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 14 July 2017, 03:17:41 pm
I always ask them to ring when they are in front of x landmark and half the time they ring from behind it or to the side of it or across the street from it looking completely the wrong way and seem to struggle when I ask them to turn and face it..

Exactly. My landmark is right opposite the entrance to mine. And still, when I say "can you see this huge wooden door with xxx sign? " sometimes I hear "nooo, where is it?"
It's a freaking massive door !!!! Sometimes I think it's my English:)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 14 July 2017, 06:16:34 pm
Random clients calling me to get my flat number while  still sitting in their stupid car! The parking is literally 20 seconds away from mine. Even my confirmation text repeats that they need to park first (please!) and call me once they stand next to "xxx". Still once in a while I get the "hello I'm here" and there we go with me repeating the whole thing over and over again.  :FF

I often wonder why "some" of these awkward men are so rubbish at taking the simplest instructions whilst other men are perfectly fine.  I could never figure it out.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 15 July 2017, 07:34:51 am
I think they are on holiday away from me for a few days. Not complaining but sure no high hopes for today.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 17 July 2017, 10:00:20 pm
Ugh, need to vent.

Had a client book 9pm for an hour, seemed fine on the phone. He called a few minutes after 9pm to say he had an emergency and could come at 10pm. Was a bit annoyed, but wanted the cash as it hasn't been the best day and he sounded genuine and apologetic and thanked me for understanding. He then called at 10pm to say he was on his way and I said that's fine, but I need to be done at 11pm and would want the fee for the full hour. Then texts to say he would feel rushed, and that he wants to cancel. I turned down so many enquires for that slot, am so pissed off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emily1234 on 17 July 2017, 10:04:27 pm
I think the most what piss me off clients want to know everything. For example some clients went to living room because wanted to know how many person is here. Wtf.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 17 July 2017, 10:07:40 pm
I think the most what piss me off clients want to know everything. For example some clients went to living room because wanted to know how many person is here. Wtf.

Tell him he can't go in your living room because you've got a load of bouncers ready to throw him out if he misbehaves lol  ;D 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emily1234 on 17 July 2017, 10:08:23 pm
Hahaha i will do it :D thanks 😂
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 17 July 2017, 10:56:45 pm
Ugh, need to vent.

Had a client book 9pm for an hour, seemed fine on the phone. He called a few minutes after 9pm to say he had an emergency and could come at 10pm. Was a bit annoyed, but wanted the cash as it hasn't been the best day and he sounded genuine and apologetic and thanked me for understanding. He then called at 10pm to say he was on his way and I said that's fine, but I need to be done at 11pm and would want the fee for the full hour. Then texts to say he would feel rushed, and that he wants to cancel. I turned down so many enquires for that slot, am so pissed off.

This is the thing which makes me go grrrrrr!!! and more than just a bit annoyed!  They wait until they are due to knock at the door and then text (never call when it happened to me) to say something came up and they can not make it. They do not get a later booking and probably not get a booking at all after pulling that stunt.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 18 July 2017, 07:22:04 am
This is the thing which makes me go grrrrrr!!! and more than just a bit annoyed!  They wait until they are due to knock at the door and then text (never call when it happened to me) to say something came up and they can not make it. They do not get a later booking and probably not get a booking at all after pulling that stunt.

Yes, I should have said to not bother coming later! Lesson learnt.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: tskatie on 19 July 2017, 10:29:07 am
I've just had to dump/block one prospective client. I did what should've been the simplest thing yesterday, place an ad with some details about myself, the things I do and the things I don't. First of all he wants me to dress up all fancy type thing, high heals, short skirt/fishnets and makeup type thing, then to insult me even more he asks if I can get my cock hard. I'm thinking wtf??? My ad stipulated that one, I dress to blend as any other wowan would, not to stand out and secondly that I'm post op. Really hate it when people can't pay close attention to what's in front of them  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 19 July 2017, 11:18:11 am
Texting to ask if it is OK to call.  :FF

And insisting on making a booking for when they?re out of meetings without a specific time. "Probably around 3:00, but maybe earlier, unless it runs late...  I'll call you when I'm free."

There's no booking without a firm time. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 19 July 2017, 02:47:40 pm
Have a conversation about booking and then as an afterthought ask?

Where are you?

I'm tempted to say on the moon it's happened so often this week. I mean a small detail like location, easily overlooked right  ::)

Not important at all to check where I am first, no just annoy me by asking  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 19 July 2017, 03:30:58 pm
It's annoying me when guys ask when the baby is born they can buy my breastmilk?!?! What the fuck hell no!

And is it cheaper becuse I'm pregnant? I'm pregnant not retarded for fuck sake. It should be more expensive as it's a rarity

And when they r confirm everything that is written on my profile most often my price. When it is blatently written  for them to see

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 19 July 2017, 05:09:08 pm
When they ring and say "I'm at such and such a station, can I come now?" and I say yes that's about 15 mins walk. 20 mins later they text saying they got in a cab and now it's stuck in traffic and they'll be another 20 mins  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 19 July 2017, 06:38:59 pm
When they ring and say "I'm at such and such a station, can I come now?" and I say yes that's about 15 mins walk. 20 mins later they text saying they got in a cab and now it's stuck in traffic and they'll be another 20 mins  ::)

I'm always getting the 'I'm passing thro tomorrow/later' and seeming to think they can then call 'when they are in the area'

No mate you can make an appointment like everyone else.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 19 July 2017, 09:11:34 pm
I'm always getting the 'I'm passing thro tomorrow/later' and seeming to think they can then call 'when they are in the area'

No mate you can make an appointment like everyone else.

To be fair when I'm in central London I do prefer to just say "OK come over now" because the traffic is so unpredictable. Same in Gatwick.

Smaller towns with better travel though, they can bloody well make an advance appointment!

Tonight's annoyance: a client who says "talk dirty to me babe" while expecting you to suck his dick at the same time. Mate, I only have one mouth!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 19 July 2017, 11:52:42 pm
If they say they will be passing through or in the area but can't give a specific time then I tell them they take a chance whether I am busy or not. Not rocket science for them. I usually assume no call will come and I am often right but tough luck if they then want a booking and I am either booked up or finished for the day.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 20 July 2017, 05:41:00 am
I'm happy for them to call when they're in the area. If I'm free, fine.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 20 July 2017, 09:59:10 am
When they're trying to do doggy, but instead of kneeling up straight they try to literally get on top of you like they're mounting you (as in when you're on your knees too, not doggy when you're both lying down). Like okay now you're squashing me, and the angle means you're not going to get in?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 20 July 2017, 10:04:23 am
I'm happy for them to call when they're in the area. If I'm free, fine.

I've found in the past when I did allow, they would all be No Shows or time waste in some other way, that's why I cut them out. Where I am normally there's no excuse for traffic etc!

Only exception might be regulars.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 20 July 2017, 10:27:09 am
When they're trying to do doggy, but instead of kneeling up straight they try to literally get on top of you like they're mounting you (as in when you're on your knees too, not doggy when you're both lying down). Like okay now you're squashing me, and the angle means you're not going to get in?

This. This whole mounting thing.
 Why? Why on earth would they try this shit?! I mean we know the obvious answer: they may have seen it in porn but bloody hell why try it if you can't even master the basics?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 20 July 2017, 10:36:48 am
To be fair when I'm in central London I do prefer to just say "OK come over now" because the traffic is so unpredictable. Same in Gatwick.

Smaller towns with better travel though, they can bloody well make an advance appointment!

Tonight's annoyance: a client who says "talk dirty to me babe" while expecting you to suck his dick at the same time. Mate, I only have one mouth!
Oh this is just silly when they do this!I just stop and say well which is it then I can't talk with my mouth full!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 20 July 2017, 02:12:00 pm
When they're trying to do doggy, but instead of kneeling up straight they try to literally get on top of you like they're mounting you (as in when you're on your knees too, not doggy when you're both lying down). Like okay now you're squashing me, and the angle means you're not going to get in?

God, yes - it does my head in when men can't do doggy properly: it's not rocket science! I always position myself at the right height for the cock to be aligned with my fanny at a 90 degree angle. So when some start fannying about I'm rolling my eyes... Not only does trying some weird position mean that they usually can't get a decent rhythm going, but if the angle is wrong it can be really painful to the lower entrance of the vagina. I've never understood why it isn't just common sense to get this particular position right.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 20 July 2017, 02:35:41 pm
God, yes - it does my head in when men can't do doggy properly: it's not rocket science! I always position myself at the right height for the cock to be aligned with my fanny at a 90 degree angle. So when some start fannying about I'm rolling my eyes... Not only does trying some weird position mean that they usually can't get a decent rhythm going, but if the angle is wrong it can be really painful to the lower entrance of the vagina. I've never understood why it isn't just common sense to get this particular position right.

Me neither! Surely it should come natural? Plus putting their whole weight on top of you isn't exactly comfy for them either. And the angle of your vagina means it slopes towards the small of your back, so how is them doing that going to work?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 20 July 2017, 06:17:38 pm
When they're trying to do doggy, but instead of kneeling up straight they try to literally get on top of you like they're mounting you (as in when you're on your knees too, not doggy when you're both lying down). Like okay now you're squashing me, and the angle means you're not going to get in?

It's like they want to reinact a porn scene. I straight up tell them to be more convenient please or I will not enjoy myself and my job would be pointless  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 20 July 2017, 07:42:35 pm
I say "cut that out. It's not a position, it's a camera angle."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 21 July 2017, 01:04:43 pm
I dislike clients, who take off his condom and drop it on the floor even in the heat of the moment...I find it very disrespectful towards the service provider.   :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 21 July 2017, 02:12:55 pm
I dislike clients, who take off his condom and drop it on the floor even in the heat of the moment...I find it very disrespectful towards the service provider.   :-\
Yep same when they do it with wet wipes I tell them immediately to pick them up and give them to me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 21 July 2017, 06:16:10 pm
Good to know you do that.  They gotta behave. ... :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 21 July 2017, 10:30:08 pm
I dislike clients, who take off his condom and drop it on the floor even in the heat of the moment...I find it very disrespectful towards the service provider.   :-\

I used to work from my home. When I moved house I got the removal company to dismantle my bed to take it out and load it on the van. They found three separate lots of chewing gum.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 21 July 2017, 10:43:27 pm
 Not nice, VC....:o :-\  Sorry to hear that.   :(

I had "Mr Skid Mark Man" this evening.  Several skid marks were left on several bed covers.    :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 21 July 2017, 11:36:29 pm
Not nice, VC....:o :-\  Sorry to hear that.   :(

I had "Mr Skid Mark Man" this evening.  Several skid marks were left on several bed covers.    :-X
i feel for you on this one. It really is fucking repulsive!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 21 July 2017, 11:38:33 pm
Repeatedly beg for photos when you tell them there are plently on your profile. Fucking joke. Then they say but please it's me I'm a nice guy blah blah

If you were a nice guy you wouldn't be boundary pushing.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 22 July 2017, 09:37:26 am
i feel for you on this one. It really is fucking repulsive!

Thank you for your empathy.  :)  He glanced over one skid mark after he came back from the shower.  Don't feel like seeing him again unless he accepts having a shower at the beginning.   :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 22 July 2017, 10:40:03 am
Thank you for your empathy.  :)  He glanced over one skid mark after he came back from the shower.  Don't feel like seeing him again unless he accepts having a shower at the beginning.   :(

I had one before and he kept moving his towel to cover his shit stains 🤢
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 22 July 2017, 11:58:37 am
They found three separate lots of chewing gum.

Chewing gum disgusts me and I think the only reason I'd rather they turned up chewing than smoking is because at least it doesn't smell. And there's no need to arrive with it - if I was having a pie on the way to an outcall I'd finish it, wipe my mouth and get rid of the foil tray before I got there, not stand on the doorstep still gnawing on it.

If I see they have it I get a tissue and hold it out so they can get rid of it although most do ask, to be fair. Sticking it on the furniture is beyond grim.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 22 July 2017, 12:16:22 pm
Chewing gum disgusts me and I think the only reason I'd rather they turned up chewing than smoking is because at least it doesn't smell. And there's no need to arrive with it - if I was having a pie on the way to an outcall I'd finish it, wipe my mouth and get rid of the foil tray before I got there, not stand on the doorstep still gnawing on it.

If I see they have it I get a tissue and hold it out so they can get rid of it although most do ask, to be fair. Sticking it on the furniture is beyond grim.

Tricky one this, if it was a chicken and mushroom affair I would keep munching until the door bell was answered. The foil tray would be scrunched up and discarded in the nearest plant pot though, I am not a litter lout!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 22 July 2017, 12:40:13 pm
OMG I find chewing gum so gross too. I always offer the bin to them politely ::)

The ones who try and kiss me still chewing it ...eewwww
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BlaqHarlot on 22 July 2017, 01:23:04 pm
Leaving the toilet seat up or weeing on the toilet seat.
Surely if you wee on the seat you'd see it and the logical think to do is clean it up incase I sit on it?!

I remember one client must've had a number two before I got to the hotel, it was still in the toilet, no tissue... I was disgusted!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 22 July 2017, 02:14:26 pm
Repeatedly beg for photos when you tell them there are plently on your profile. Fucking joke. Then they say but please it's me I'm a nice guy blah blah

If you were a nice guy you wouldn't be boundary pushing.


I Google wacky photos and send those.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: RKitten on 22 July 2017, 11:41:33 pm
Double dipping, double mother f*cking dipping  :FF . I have one client that does this, I tell him, you can go vagina to ass with the same condom but you have to change condoms if you want to go ass to vagina. I douche like crazy, but seriously?! I don't want an infection.

Time scammers. I have a few clients who regularly run over, and get stroppy when I tell them it's time to stop. I'll give a bit of extra time, but pushing for me to sleep over when they've only paid for an hour or two, or whine that I should just clear the whole day for them, is just not on. I have a job/life outside of this, respect that.

Clients who don't respect boundaries. "Can you do x/y/z on your will not do list for me? I'll pay extra." No it's on my no go list, anything else I will do. "But I really want x/y/z." Then go to a woman who does that. "But I want you to do it." Block!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 23 July 2017, 09:31:30 am

Time scammers. I have a few clients who regularly run over, and get stroppy when I tell them it's time to stop. I'll give a bit of extra time, but pushing for me to sleep over when they've only paid for an hour or two, or whine that I should just clear the whole day for them, is just not on. I have a job/life outside of this, respect that.

I didn't realise there was a name for this.  Used to call it "overstayer/boundary pusher" but time scammers sound much better as it is more specific.

If he has a AW feedback, you could sort of see the pattern based on that.
For example, if he used to see a "regular" escort for a few times, that suddenly stops (and no more with her - likely she gave him an ultimatum - blocked) and he went to other women.  It is quite likely he was refused after she tried to put up with him/his poor behaviour for some months.  Because these men are so unwilling to change after escorts finally had enough (I'm sure she voiced her concern a few times leading up to that), he simply takes all his poor habits to other new escorts and he tries to find one that would put up with him/expecting a whole day for an hour's payment.   Immature.  A Man Child.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 23 July 2017, 09:55:27 am
Not so much of an annoyance as it is funny, but when guys expect you to get on top of them when they are right at the edge of the bed, or want to do 69 when their head is right up at the headboard. Boy, scooch.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: RKitten on 23 July 2017, 11:08:57 am
I didn't realise there was a name for this.  Used to call it "overstayer/boundary pusher" but time scammers sound much better as it is more specific.

If he has a AW feedback, you could sort of see the pattern based on that.
For example, if he used to see a "regular" escort for a few times, that suddenly stops (and no more with her - likely she gave him an ultimatum - blocked) and he went to other women.  It is quite likely he was refused after she tried to put up with him/his poor behaviour for some months.  Because these men are so unwilling to change after escorts finally had enough (I'm sure she voiced her concern a few times leading up to that), he simply takes all his poor habits to other new escorts and he tries to find one that would put up with him/expecting a whole day for an hour's payment.   Immature.  A Man Child.

Most of them don't have a lot of feedback, my worst offender rarely uses the AW system, and is a total man child.

Walked out on him last time 5 hours after the start of a 2 hour booking (okay we had dinner for two of those hours, so not as bad), and left him whining with a hard dick. "Do you only see me for the money? Don't you like me?"  Sure I like you hun, but I'm a business woman. I don't like clock watching, but you're now being put on timer till you've paid for your scammed time.

"Next time you come, no early starts the next day so you can stay as long as I want." No, as long as you pay for. He's hoping to switch to incall, that will never happen, or he'll find himself racing to put his pants on as I dangle his phone out the window. This is as effective a method to get clients out as it was dates.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 23 July 2017, 12:00:41 pm
Thank you for your very helpful post.  Sadly, some men force us to speak up as they get very disrespectful.  If they change, after we make everything clear to them, that's all good, but some never want to listen, let alone change (a typical "Men behaving appallingly".  It all comes down to "disrespect" in my opinion. 

Decent ones modify their behaviour when we drop a hint.  I already had a few ("let's walk all over her as I am a customer!") and just imagine how much their wives/GFs had to put up with them through the years, it always makes me think!  Once these went on for a while, I prefer to not meet again for the sake of my mental health. 

Most of them don't have a lot of feedback, my worst offender rarely uses the AW system, and is a total man child.

Walked out on him last time 5 hours after the start of a 2 hour booking (okay we had dinner for two of those hours, so not as bad), and left him whining with a hard dick. "Do you only see me for the money? Don't you like me?"  Sure I like you hun, but I'm a business woman. I don't like clock watching, but you're now being put on timer till you've paid for your scammed time.

"Next time you come, no early starts the next day so you can stay as long as I want." No, as long as you pay for. He's hoping to switch to incall, that will never happen, or he'll find himself racing to put his pants on as I dangle his phone out the window. This is as effective a method to get clients out as it was dates.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: RKitten on 23 July 2017, 02:36:26 pm
Thank you for your very helpful post.  Sadly, some men force us to speak up as they get very disrespectful.  If they change, after we make everything clear to them, that's all good, but some never want to listen, let alone change (a typical "Men behaving appallingly".  It all comes down to "disrespect" in my opinion. 

Decent ones modify their behaviour when we drop a hint.  I already had a few ("let's walk all over her as I am a customer!") and just imagine how much their wives/GFs had to put up with them through the years, it always makes me think!  Once these went on for a while, I prefer to not meet again for the sake of my mental health.

Think I'm going to have to put up a warning post about him when I plan to ditch him (giving him one last chance), he's thrown up a few warning signs that say he gets overly fixated on whichever SP he's seeing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 23 July 2017, 05:25:35 pm
I don't blame you.  Good luck.  :-* xxx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 26 July 2017, 01:41:25 pm
When they act like they need to be served like they are important. Do they not know this is all fake.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 27 July 2017, 01:25:41 pm
Silent calls....

One just now did again after saying hello twice so hung up. Sod the fucker on my ban list.

I am on my out back to the recruitment agency. These riff raff type clients keep me strong while doing this.

Keep up the great work you client cuntish twats. :)

P.s. Not to escorts to the client like those disrespectful.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Philippa Joyce on 27 July 2017, 07:58:45 pm
I hate when they call me "Honey" , it makes me unreasonably angry lol...also when punters text me to try to make a specifically says on my profile to ring,not text.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CurlsnCurves on 28 July 2017, 08:03:54 pm

Hold my head down on their cock for deep throat so I can't come up for air and keep doing it.

Expect to contact me and come straight over.

Offer their own prices and timescales for bookings.

Call at stupid times like 3am.....why????

Ask for an outcall or a morning booking when I make it clear I don't offer these.

Double dip.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MelissaS on 28 July 2017, 10:10:33 pm
Leaving the toilet seat up or weeing on the toilet seat.
Surely if you wee on the seat you'd see it and the logical think to do is clean it up incase I sit on it?!

I remember one client must've had a number two before I got to the hotel, it was still in the toilet, no tissue... I was disgusted!
:o  :o :o That's horrific. It tops mine though.
Years ago I had a client come for an incall when I worked from a hotel and he did a poo in my bathroom as soon as I arrived. Not only could I hear him but it still stank when he left half an hour later!!! I was horrified!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 29 July 2017, 12:50:54 pm

Expect to contact me and come straight over.

Offer their own prices and timescales for bookings.

Call at stupid times like 3am.....why????

Ask for an outcall or a morning booking when I make it clear I don't offer these.

Double dip.

I get those, too. 

I mentioned this to one of my long-standing nice clients, he could not believe it.  He thought I would consider quit because of all the bull*** we get!     Definitely, the finest examples of disrespct. They think we are running a 7/24 knocking shop.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 29 July 2017, 01:04:16 pm
I think we just see some of the worst side of customer service to be honest.

People in shops and on phone's get asked some pretty stupid questions in customer service.

Also - you go to your GP surgery and see the sign saying "352 people failed to attend their appointments this month."

Now I'm not justifying shitty manners and arseholes but I do remind myself that it's not personal to me. Ok some of it is personal to our profession but most of it is just general shitty manners. I find this does help me not get too annoyed. Some of the time anyway!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 29 July 2017, 03:05:54 pm
I think we just see some of the worst side of customer service to be honest.

People in shops and on phone's get asked some pretty stupid questions in customer service.

Also - you go to your GP surgery and see the sign saying "352 people failed to attend their appointments this month."

Now I'm not justifying shitty manners and arseholes but I do remind myself that it's not personal to me. Ok some of it is personal to our profession but most of it is just general shitty manners. I find this does help me not get too annoyed. Some of the time anyway!!!

I totally agree with this.
I had a few jobs that involved me smiling and nodding politely while my oh-so-posh clients were taking it out on me. Good practice, I can put up with a lot of bullshit and be patient.
And it's also why I think this is the best job I've ever had. Now it's my CHOICE if I decide to put up with someone's attitude or hang up on them.
But yeah now before calling Argos or whatever customer service for help, I tend to think twice and read the bloody instructions on whatever I buy. Saying "please check my website" is a bit like hot line people saying "have you tried to just plug it in?" :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 29 July 2017, 03:33:43 pm
There are times when these BSs get you so much.  I shouldn't have even mentioned it to one of my nicest clients.   :-\ There are numerous escorts, who said, "I'm done with all this f**BS" and moved on.  Not that I am saying, I am, but ..It does amaze me.  Men who are in their late 40s or 50s, perennial bachelors, I wouldn't wonder why.  I wouldn't say, my perception is right or anything, but there's an old saying, "good older men are taken or in cemeteries".  I might say, that might be the case (few exceptions).  There are always reasons why there are divorces (but I digress, you know.. x)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dolita on 29 July 2017, 05:21:05 pm
Call me "dear" - really hate it.

Text continually while I am trying to manically get showered, do hair, make up and be on time for them! I get so stressed having to stop and text back.

I also hate when they are on their way, like 30 mins or less to the meet and they then ask for something which they had not in comms. Such as "you can wear such and such outfit.." "Can you bring such and such toy/equipment?"

Umm no? I am already at the hotel and ready for you!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 29 July 2017, 07:01:29 pm
When client has numerouse amounts of positive feedback which shows they know how to navigate aw system. Yet email asking - Are you taking outcall bookings - It is clear I am on my page my number is showing and I have green light and it is plastered several times start of page.

Oh when a fool emails you again good feedback asking to book etc then you reply with do call me on ..... input your number cos its is a pain to keep logging in. They read email but never contact you. I wonder how they get good feedback yet cant do a simple task :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 30 July 2017, 10:56:14 pm
Ask what your best price is...the same price as everyone else pays!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MandyVine on 31 July 2017, 12:48:50 am
Putting their hand on the top of your head and pushing down--IN MISH--NOT during oral. 

What is the purpose in that?  I've had many men do it. 

I have a slight issue in my neck so I immediately move and if they persist I tell them to stop but I just don't understand the purpose behind it. 

Are they trying to go deeper?  Is it some manifestation of control?  So annoying!   :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 31 July 2017, 07:35:36 am
Putting their hand on the top of your head and pushing down--IN MISH--NOT during oral. 

What is the purpose in that?  I've had many men do it. 

I have a slight issue in my neck so I immediately move and if they persist I tell them to stop but I just don't understand the purpose behind it. 

Are they trying to go deeper?  Is it some manifestation of control?  So annoying!   :FF :FF :FF

Some guys do it deliberately, yes it's a control/macho thing, some thing they can sneakily bring in what they view as dominant behaviour.

But some actually don't realise they are doing it, I had a guy like that recently and pulled him up (I like you have a neck issue) and he apologised saying he hadn't realised, must be the caveman coming out.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 31 July 2017, 09:36:06 am
Also when your giving them oral and they start humping your face. For me I can't function! I completely lose all concentration. How the hell do you tell someone to 'stop humping my face please'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: The_Lynx on 31 July 2017, 12:06:54 pm
Also when your giving them oral and they start humping your face. For me I can't function! I completely lose all concentration. How the hell do you tell someone to 'stop humping my face please'

My at-home partner does this when he is enjoying himself particularly much, and yeah it's infuriating - I always lose the rhythm. ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 31 July 2017, 01:03:11 pm
Ask what time I'm free. I tell them what time I'm free from. 'Oh aren't you free before then?'


Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 31 July 2017, 01:29:17 pm
Texts  are u working  when profile clearly shows calls not texts  I ignore and delete  or very  long informative emails but ooh can't call luv work might call later... Don't bother !! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 31 July 2017, 01:29:33 pm
Ask what time I'm free. I tell them what time I'm free from. 'Oh aren't you free before then?'



I second this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 31 July 2017, 01:43:25 pm
Call me and put the phone down as soon as I answer it followed 10 seconds later with an 'r u available text'. If they haven't got the balls to talk to me they wont have the balls to go through with a booking.
All are listed as silent caller and barred.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 31 July 2017, 04:41:37 pm
Ask what time I'm free. I tell them what time I'm free from. 'Oh aren't you free before then?'


Oh yes or the ones that tell you they can do anytime and you say ok I'm free at 1pm...can't you do fuck off and stop wasting my time!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 31 July 2017, 04:44:46 pm
Oh god the 'I'm free anytime ones"  ::)

Then you patiently say 'I work by appointment, what time is good for you between X and Y, or I need a start time and duration"

Invariably the response is 'whenever is good for you'  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CurlsnCurves on 31 July 2017, 04:50:13 pm
Call me "dear" - really hate it.

Text continually while I am trying to manically get showered, do hair, make up and be on time for them! I get so stressed having to stop and text back.

I also hate when they are on their way, like 30 mins or less to the meet and they then ask for something which they had not in comms. Such as "you can wear such and such outfit.." "Can you bring such and such toy/equipment?"

Umm no? I am already at the hotel and ready for you!!

This. I can't stand it either.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 31 July 2017, 07:11:16 pm
Oh god the 'I'm free anytime ones"  ::)

Then you patiently say 'I work by appointment, what time is good for you between X and Y, or I need a start time and duration"

Invariably the response is 'whenever is good for you'  :FF

I have been known to reply to this with "How about 6am tomorrow?"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 31 July 2017, 07:48:24 pm
Oh god the 'I'm free anytime ones"  ::)

Then you patiently say 'I work by appointment, what time is good for you between X and Y, or I need a start time and duration"

Invariably the response is 'whenever is good for you'  :FF

Yeah the 'pretending to be considerate' guys fucking annoying because as soon as you say a time suddenly they're not 'free anytime' at all  :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 01 August 2017, 01:37:57 pm
Ask what time I'm free. I tell them what time I'm free from. 'Oh aren't you free before then?'




Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 03 August 2017, 01:08:10 pm

Lmao  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hippydippy on 04 August 2017, 03:18:14 pm
Also when your giving them oral and they start humping your face. For me I can't function! I completely lose all concentration. How the hell do you tell someone to 'stop humping my face please'

happened just yesterday. i just kept smacking his thigh everytime he started bucking and waving my finger like 'no,no'
potentially they could get quite a nasty bite if they're not careful. I know I've had a fat lip from this. Should have unsheathed my teeth and let him get hurt instead of me lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 07 August 2017, 03:40:25 pm
Had one guy who I'd left feedback on but didn't like it and said it was too boring. Said I'd left much better feedback on other clients I'd seen.
Wants me to leave better feedback next time. I always leave honest feedback so puts me in an awkward position.
Also had some recently comment on how I hadn't logged in to adultwork since such and such date and not been responding to texts. Makes me feel I'm almost being stalked online. Just decided to take a few days off over the weekend when I switch off work phone.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 07 August 2017, 06:26:18 pm
Jessie, I wouldn't want to see that guy again. Red flags!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 07 August 2017, 08:29:50 pm
Pester for a booking.Had a client who claims to have seen me years ago asked for a booking today,this was at 3:30pm,advised him I was fully booked today but could do tomorrow.
He replied going on about how he was only in Leeds for one day and he had been really looking forward to seeing me..
I advised him that maybe next time he knows he is coming to Leeds on business he could give me the heads up the day before or in the morning.
He then asked if I could let him know if I had any cancellations which i agreed to do and said he wasn't sure if he would have had time to see me so didn't how can you expect that I would be available guaranteed enough to look forward to seeing me.
Anyway I didn't respond and an hour later he texted again saying 'I take it,it's not looking good for me?'
This pissed me off..I said I'd let him know if I had a cancellation,no need to check..the whole thing just smacked of nattering because he just assumed I would be able to see him and was annoyed that I actually couldn't.
I do understand that some clients can't plan ahead but you surely know at least a few hours in advance that you are going to another city and you may fancy a punt.So you would have the brains to at least make a prelimanry enquiry and not then act all surprised and hurt when your chosen sex worker is busy when you call half way through the actual day.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HS1978 on 08 August 2017, 09:23:55 am
well a client just farted in my face while he was ontop in 69  :-X :-X :-X. I almost bit is cock when it happened.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 08 August 2017, 12:30:11 pm
I had a new client booked for an hr. said he hasnt come twice in an hr for over 8 mths but can we try??  I thought great this is gna be hard work. And yes it was hard work and no he didnt come twice. Hes over 60 its a sign of getting old!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 08 August 2017, 04:27:55 pm
well a client just farted in my face while he was ontop in 69  :-X :-X :-X. I almost bit is cock when it happened.
Poor you. How gross. I would have bit his clock.
I always make sure I'm on top for 69.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: loubyloo on 08 August 2017, 05:24:13 pm
happened just yesterday. i just kept smacking his thigh everytime he started bucking and waving my finger like 'no,no

I've recently started wearing races and I made it clear to my client that I have to be in control of oral or you may hurt me or yourself.
So the fool started trying to facefuck me and got his dick caught and ended up with a cut on his bellend! HAH! That'll teach you to respect what I've said!
Ended the booking cos he was bleeding and no refund offered.
He has been back since though and apologised.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 08 August 2017, 06:42:34 pm
I do understand that some clients can't plan ahead but you surely know at least a few hours in advance that you are going to another city and you may fancy a punt.So you would have the brains to at least make a prelimanry enquiry and not then act all surprised and hurt when your chosen sex worker is busy when you call half way through the actual day.

Some men are strange.  I had a guy, visiting from another city, booked so well in advance.  Since he didn't confirm so I cancelled the booking.  Wish he did have the brain to confirm (as agreed).  Instead, he started to get abusive as if his reasoning went out of the window.  Well, it's your own fault, Pal, don't F blame me for your own mistake.  I am assuming that he thought I was going to wait for him without his confirmation. An idiot.   

As for yours, you never know, his Plan A might have let him down and you ought to be able to see him (like a magic).    ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 08 August 2017, 08:27:58 pm
Him: Hey u free?
Me: No, I'm expensive.
Him: What? What u mean?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 08 August 2017, 08:36:10 pm
Him: Hey u free?
Me: No, I'm expensive.
Him: What? What u mean?


Love this! I do this every time they ask that stupid question!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 08 August 2017, 10:41:12 pm
Some men are strange.  I had a guy, visiting from another city, booked so well in advance.  Since he didn't confirm so I cancelled the booking.  Wish he did have the brain to confirm (as agreed).  Instead, he started to get abusive as if his reasoning went out of the window.  Well, it's your own fault, Pal, don't F blame me for your own mistake.  I am assuming that he thought I was going to wait for him without his confirmation. An idiot.   

As for yours, you never know, his Plan A might have let him down and you ought to be able to see him (like a magic).    ::)
No I don't think I was his plan B he whittered on about the fantastic hour I gave him when he saw me before (like I would remember him from several years ago)and just obviously presumed I'd be free.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 09 August 2017, 06:55:51 am
6.50 am. 

"Hey, would you be able to do an outcall to sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx? I'm 18, and I do have ID if you would like to see it. I would appreciate seeing you as I've not seen many who offer what you do lovely. I would really appreciate it x"

Me " have you read my profile?"

[I clearly state I only do outcalls if you have booked me through AW with plenty of feedback]

It's going to be a long 'hump-day'!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 09 August 2017, 09:38:38 am
just obviously presumed I'd be free.

 Oh dear..::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: storm on 09 August 2017, 02:45:48 pm
It might have been covered but I cant stand it when they get a pillow and try to put it under me before oral, it serves absolutely no purpose I can see other than being totally awkward and uncomfortable
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 09 August 2017, 05:02:37 pm
Licking/kissing through underwear. I'd like to keep using that ta, now it has to go in the wash!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 09 August 2017, 07:08:49 pm
No I don't think I was his plan B he whittered on about the fantastic hour I gave him when he saw me before (like I would remember him from several years ago)and just obviously presumed I'd be free.

I jinxed myself.  I had exactly the same type of client (who kept giving me a short notice booking, which never worked out).   Some men have no concept of "arranging" things.  They think "Dial a Hooker" will get what they want just like "Dial a Pizza". 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 09 August 2017, 08:06:39 pm
Pester for a booking.Had a client who claims to have seen me years ago asked for a booking today,this was at 3:30pm,advised him I was fully booked today but could do tomorrow.
He replied going on about how he was only in Leeds for one day and he had been really looking forward to seeing me..
I advised him that maybe next time he knows he is coming to Leeds on business he could give me the heads up the day before or in the morning.
He then asked if I could let him know if I had any cancellations which i agreed to do and said he wasn't sure if he would have had time to see me so didn't how can you expect that I would be available guaranteed enough to look forward to seeing me.
Anyway I didn't respond and an hour later he texted again saying 'I take it,it's not looking good for me?'
This pissed me off..I said I'd let him know if I had a cancellation,no need to check..the whole thing just smacked of nattering because he just assumed I would be able to see him and was annoyed that I actually couldn't.
I do understand that some clients can't plan ahead but you surely know at least a few hours in advance that you are going to another city and you may fancy a punt.So you would have the brains to at least make a prelimanry enquiry and not then act all surprised and hurt when your chosen sex worker is busy when you call half way through the actual day.

I absolutely hate this. If they're wanting to book you so bad, why not arrange in advance? I have one guy who always calls wanting short notice bookings and most of the time I can't do it. He moaned that I was too hard to get hold of and I said I'd be more likely to be able to see him if I have notice. He then said 'I get horny and just want to see someone straightaway'.  ::) Fair enough, but if there's a specific person you're after wouldn't a bit of forward planning do you good?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nemature on 09 August 2017, 09:11:50 pm
Wash their private bits but not rinse the soap off so when you do oral all you can taste is soap

I thought I might start foaming at the mouth
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 09 August 2017, 10:44:02 pm
Jessie, I wouldn't want to see that guy again. Red flags!
Problem is I have finally gone independent so need to build up my client base.
If he persists to be a pain will drop him once I get enough regulars.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: NotSoSnowWhite on 10 August 2017, 10:09:54 am
Just had a guy message asking if I could see him today for an hour and a half, fine, I ask him what time he wants to book and he comes back with "I'm free all day so what time suits you" I check my diary and offer him 2pm, shouldn't be a problem if he is free all day right?? Nope!
"I would prefer earlier but if you only have two I can try and rearrange some things"  :FF

So you're not free all day at all, just tell me the time you wanted in the first place ffs.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 10 August 2017, 10:45:32 am
Licking/kissing through underwear. I'd like to keep using that ta, now it has to go in the wash!

This pisses me off especially when you have one pair on tour in hotel for one night. Then have to go commando
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 11 August 2017, 07:10:47 pm
Is it just me or have you all noticed how they leave the bathroom door open when they go to wee?????
And the icing on the cake is they stand there weeing and happily keep chatting to me!!!! I'm like errrrmmm sure why not, should I flush for you since we are that fucking familiar!?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 11 August 2017, 09:27:17 pm
Just had a guy message asking if I could see him today for an hour and a half, fine, I ask him what time he wants to book and he comes back with "I'm free all day so what time suits you" I check my diary and offer him 2pm, shouldn't be a problem if he is free all day right?? Nope!
"I would prefer earlier but if you only have two I can try and rearrange some things"  :FF

So you're not free all day at all, just tell me the time you wanted in the first place ffs.
No patience for clients like this same as the ones that won't give a length of booking immediately.If they can't give a timr or length of booking pretty much straight away then no more coms from me,just timewasting.Same as the ones that ask if you are around in the evening and say they will get back to you..they rarely do,just tyre kickers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 11 August 2017, 10:55:15 pm
When the booking arrangements seem to be going fine on the phone then I ask how long they would like to spend with me,

er about an hour or so is what I hear next.  :FF

I politely tell them they need to be rather more specific and this can weed the genuine from the dodgy. It may seem trivial to some but I think if a man does not know the duration of his booking we are not getting off to a good start.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 12 August 2017, 12:39:42 am
When the booking arrangements seem to be going fine on the phone then I ask how long they would like to spend with me,

er about an hour or so is what I hear next.  :FF

I politely tell them they need to be rather more specific and this can weed the genuine from the dodgy. It may seem trivial to some but I think if a man does not know the duration of his booking we are not getting off to a good start.

The worst ones are those who reply "for as long as you will have me".
That screams time waster anyway so I just jokingly say I'm not in charge of their finances. Funny how they often suddenly decide to check their diary and call back later. Of course they don't.

One cheeky fucker once told me it's not just about the money, it's also about good company. I replied yes of course, and then I asked him "SO HOW MUCH MONEY WILL YOU HAVE TO SPEND ON MY COMPANY THEN?" Moron.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 12 August 2017, 03:20:50 pm
I swear it is full of weirdos phoning me today the cunts. Let thier be light. I should remember it is the weekend where the sain clients married are at home behaving.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 12 August 2017, 06:00:37 pm

"I would prefer earlier but if you only have two I can try and rearrange some things"  :FF

So you're not free all day at all, just tell me the time you wanted in the first place ffs.

I had someone who said once,"I have a few free hours and I can come and see you today" (it was a lie by TW)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 12 August 2017, 06:46:19 pm
Is it just me or have you all noticed how they leave the bathroom door open when they go to wee?????
And the icing on the cake is they stand there weeing and happily keep chatting to me!!!! I'm like errrrmmm sure why not, should I flush for you since we are that fucking familiar!?

Yeah this is always  ??? to me. It's like all social decorum goes out the window.

When the booking arrangements seem to be going fine on the phone then I ask how long they would like to spend with me,

er about an hour or so is what I hear next.  :FF

I politely tell them they need to be rather more specific and this can weed the genuine from the dodgy. It may seem trivial to some but I think if a man does not know the duration of his booking we are not getting off to a good start.

Hate this dithering. '30 mins, or maybe an hour?' Well which one? I don't think they realise we have to make schedules.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 14 August 2017, 02:39:03 pm
Goofy ones at least sort your teeth out scrubber.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 14 August 2017, 02:51:20 pm
Another one is one just asked if I was busy today. I told him yes one was phoning me while he was on the phone to me. Which is true. Then I said Obviously you are not too busy because you are here with me.

Screw that cunt I thought. I felt better not having to supress any more. :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: washingline on 14 August 2017, 05:24:38 pm
Goofy ones at least sort your teeth out scrubber.
:) :) :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: washingline on 14 August 2017, 05:41:32 pm
Guy today asked me to lick and suck his balls. They were soooo  hairy  :o  So I said "I don't do that" He said "oh ok" with a sad face. Might have done, if they were as smooth as my pussy  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sexymilf on 14 August 2017, 05:49:46 pm
I dont suck thr balls unless smooth. Ive saiid i will if you shave x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 14 August 2017, 06:14:57 pm
I dont suck thr balls unless smooth. Ive saiid i will if you shave x

Or get a pube stuck in your mouth lol had that happen.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 14 August 2017, 06:39:09 pm
Ha ha one just booked me then the stupid fuck accidentally phoned me when he was supposed to phone another escort.

I canceled when really I felt like saying piss off twat. :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 14 August 2017, 06:40:46 pm
Tomorrow will be better dealing with them. Where are all the sain ones gone.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lady c on 14 August 2017, 10:15:19 pm
Not sure if anyone said this yet....
Any discount for students??...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 14 August 2017, 10:25:26 pm
Not sure if anyone said this yet....
Any discount for students??...

I had this a few times as I work near a University and occasionally see students. I used to feel just slightly sorry for them and did consider giving a discount but thankfully came to my senses when I saw how they turned up in designer clothes and with a far better phone than me (even more so the foreign students sent here on god knows what kind of grants and huge living expenses). They pay full wack or don't book!

Senior citizen discount requests too but again the old folk who have inherited properties and have massive savings and private pensions can whistle for a discount. I give no one a discount and they can take their sob stories elsewhere.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 14 August 2017, 10:38:59 pm
Not sure if anyone said this yet....
Any discount for students??...
Yes have had this and also any discount because I'm travelling to I give a shit,no money no honey.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nemature on 15 August 2017, 08:04:49 am
If today continues like it has started I might get to the point where them just breathing would be enough to annoy me
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 15 August 2017, 08:25:32 am
Getting constant texts about personal stuff. Have to switch phone off when not working and wastes my time deleting their texts.  :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 15 August 2017, 01:49:16 pm
If today continues like it has started I might get to the point where them just breathing would be enough to annoy me

I will soon get to the point when I just turn the phone off. It's that moment when I can't even stand a sound of a man's voice anymore.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 15 August 2017, 06:34:55 pm
Got a few texts, asking for a booking this week.  He obviously phoned from another number as his previous one was blocked.  I now blocked his new number.  He's just wanking (and he doesn't think I knew that).  Horny and not thinking clearly ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 15 August 2017, 09:11:31 pm
Send this text

Free now?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 20 August 2017, 10:49:12 am
This morning already nonsense texting so blocking .stupid comments irritating already
Waiting for a genuine caller !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mya888 on 20 August 2017, 02:11:27 pm
Two things that recently have been really getting on my nerves :

1. Non stop text messages from one client early in the morning and late at night "good morning my love" or "how are you my love" ahhh  :FF

2. When they kiss my face. And I dont mean lips, just the whole face, so I spend time to put make up on, which cost money so they can all eat it off my face, plus it's disgusting I hate it. I always try to gently move their face off mine or I turn my head away but somehow there's always a guy who does this :/
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hippydippy on 20 August 2017, 04:09:28 pm
I had one delightful fellow that wasn't just trying to kiss,it was like he was pushing me into the mattress. I had to reach up, grab his head with both hands and push back a bit. Then promptly turned my head to avoid his mouth. Felt trapped, it was horrible  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 21 August 2017, 06:09:47 pm
2. When they kiss my face. And I dont mean lips, just the whole face, so I spend time to put make up on, which cost money so they can all eat it off my face, plus it's disgusting I hate it. I always try to gently move their face off mine or I turn my head away but somehow there's always a guy who does this :/

Ugggggh I hate this too. I always try to move so they can kiss my neck or lips instead but there are some that just don't pick up on the cues.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nemature on 22 August 2017, 06:15:49 pm
One today came in chewing gum, went for a shower then came back out without it I thought he had put it in the bin but oh no he had stuck it to the bar that holds the shower head! I wonder what their houses are like but I bet they have a partner who goes around cleaning up after them.
Rant over
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 22 August 2017, 10:14:45 pm
Guys who send a vague query, then when I send my standard email to read my profile including booking instructions then proceed to whinge and moan about the fact I haven't sent my full postcode.

And then say but it says you are in X, but how near is that to X, and how can I give you a time/duration when I don't know how far you are  ??? :FF :FF

My answer today was:

My profile states I'm in X....clearly.  Google is your friend here.

No one else complains about these things which are very easy for you to do.

Since you are finding it all so difficult when it really isn't I suggest you go elsewewhere.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 22 August 2017, 10:20:17 pm
I have had someone ask me to ring them today as they have no minutes.

Hell no

Then he messages me four question marks

Each a separate question mark and message.

He is now blocked.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nemature on 23 August 2017, 05:58:00 am
I have had someone ask me to ring them today as they have no minutes.

Hell no

Then he messages me four question marks

Each a separate question mark and message.

He is now blocked.
I have had this and my attitude is if he cannot afford to buy some extra minutes then he cannot afford to pay me
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 23 August 2017, 09:07:14 am
I have had this and my attitude is if he cannot afford to buy some extra minutes then he cannot afford to pay me

Mine too. Amen.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 26 August 2017, 10:52:58 am
Reg booked for 11.30am to 12pm. Then texted me at 10am he will be earlier I assumed nearing the time by ten minutes. He texted me a minute ago saying his bus is nearly here.

I had everything planed am not rushing in case they arrive early. I texted him 11.10am please.

He texted back with Good.

It pushes me more to find a civy job. No respect at all.

He should be better talking to me. His been with me over a year.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 27 August 2017, 02:30:12 pm
Be what I call 'unintentionally' rough, pushing you and pulling you around like you are a doll. Hmm maybe not so unintentional...

I saw one client like that just now and had to tell him a couple of times no rough stuff, (and DO NOT hold my head down during oral)

Then he came really quickly and had the cheek to ask could he change it to 30 minutes ie. get a refund, NO I SAID I CAN'T DO THAT  :FF

At least he accepted it, showered and left, but really it's not my problem, if you book an hour you pay for an hour, no matter how quickly you come...

Edit: Just noticed he used up nearly a WHOLE bottle of shower gel, great now I've nearly run out.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 28 August 2017, 05:42:37 pm
Be what I call 'unintentionally' rough, pushing you and pulling you around like you are a doll. Hmm maybe not so unintentional...

I saw one client like that just now and had to tell him a couple of times no rough stuff, (and DO NOT hold my head down during oral)

Then he came really quickly and had the cheek to ask could he change it to 30 minutes ie. get a refund, NO I SAID I CAN'T DO THAT  :FF

At least he accepted it, showered and left, but really it's not my problem, if you book an hour you pay for an hour, no matter how quickly you come...

Edit: Just noticed he used up nearly a WHOLE bottle of shower gel, great now I've nearly run out.

This used to happen to me idiots no respect to using the correct amount for shower gell needed. So I squeeze the amount in their hand put the shower on for them and leave the room with the shower gell.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 29 August 2017, 05:15:03 pm
Regs expecting sexting between bookings. Had a reg book in for later this week, after it's arranged sends another text telling me how he's saved a huge load for me and tell him how much I want it. I'll pass, thanks.  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 31 August 2017, 03:46:15 pm
When they want to see you at a certain time and you tell them you are already booked so you suggest an alternative time after.
Hate it when they make comments like one guy did today who said I'm not going to want to see you straight after some guys just shagged you am I. Felt like saying itchy back but had to bite my tongue.
I think some guys think they are our only clients and we see no one else.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Philippa Joyce on 31 August 2017, 03:55:15 pm
I hate when they ask if i will be available in 10mins time....i tell them i don't sit around in my underwear all day waiting for phone calls ,i do have other things to do too and that i need at least half an hour to get ready......I say it in a joking kind of  way but they know i mean it and often apologise lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 31 August 2017, 03:58:34 pm
They just don't realise it takes time to get ready and prepare ourselves.
When I tell them this some say I don't mind if you have no make up on and no sexy underwear.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Philippa Joyce on 31 August 2017, 04:12:09 pm
I know.....I couldn't do the job without the make up and naughty undies on. I also wish some  men would mention before turning up,that they have a disability. :-\. 3 days ago i took a booking. the blokes turned up ,let him in and hes stood there shaking from head to foot. I said ,theres no need to be nervous, I wont bite u unless u ask me to...he said no its not that,Ive got Parkinsons. I felt a right berk. Appointment went ok,  helped  him dress and undress etc but just wish id known in advance so I could have been more prepared.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 31 August 2017, 04:33:44 pm
Maybe he thinks you wouldn't take the booking.
I much rather they are up front about stuff like that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 31 August 2017, 09:09:52 pm
Use the toilet and don't flush  >:(

At least it was just a number one!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 31 August 2017, 09:25:04 pm
I met a couple of new clients over the past week as well as some trusty old regs who may be not be very exciting after several years but are the bread and butter reliable ones.

One of the newbies was on a bragfest, it was like he had to cram in as many boasts of his swinging days as he could and while some of his stories were quite funny I was thinking if he does not shut up soon he will get very little service for his time.  Have you ever laid there slowly wanking him or sucking him and he is all the while jabbering on about crap? It is as if they forget for a while exactly why they have paid you!

The other newbie was ok but kept asking if I will meet him for drinks and just "casual and all done in public in some nice bar in town" ?? My mind boggled. I just smiled and said I will think about it but I know he meant unpaid social meeting and I do not do that.  Am half waiting for his invitation by text now, which will be politely declined.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 31 August 2017, 09:28:55 pm
One of the newbies was on a bragfest, it was like he had to cram in as many boasts of his swinging days as he could and while some of his stories were quite funny I was thinking if he does not shut up soon he will get very little service for his time.  Have you ever laid there slowly wanking him or sucking him and he is all the while jabbering on about crap? It is as if they forget for a while exactly why they have paid you!

I have had this today! Although it was after he'd cum, so at least that was one thing. Long stories (probably mostly bullshit) about how many women he's shagged, all the fights (sorry, "rumbles") he's been in, and that time he twatted his ex's brother because he was slagging off his ex's mum.

He was about 5'3 and still lives with his mum. Save it for Jeremy Kyle mate.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 31 August 2017, 09:42:16 pm
I have had this today! Although it was after he'd cum, so at least that was one thing. Long stories (probably mostly bullshit) about how many women he's shagged, all the fights (sorry, "rumbles") he's been in, and that time he twatted his ex's brother because he was slagging off his ex's mum.

He was about 5'3 and still lives with his mum. Save it for Jeremy Kyle mate.

Small men sometimes have giant imaginations and not always in a good way.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 31 August 2017, 09:52:11 pm
Small men sometimes have giant imaginations and not always in a good way.  ::)

Again with the small men. Sometimes you get one and they have a massive cock!! Normally when a small guy walks in I think hallalujah this will be easy. But the odd occasion the pull the trousers down and I am Horrified hahaha.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 01 September 2017, 03:54:45 am
I find small guys have small guy syndrome like they have to prove something to us and often demeaning like a power trip. Don't like them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 01 September 2017, 03:47:49 pm
Ring my phone in the car just as Steve Earle's meisterwork Copperhead Road has come on the radio  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 01 September 2017, 04:16:41 pm
When they moooooaaaaaannnn !!!!!

I had one client this week, an otherwise nice perfectly clean decent looking older gent. We get naked and he starts with that dramatic moaaaaning act. Just not the good day as I had a really bad migraine. He spent over 30 min moaning straight into my ears. Awful. Just awful.

That other guy I saw twice and will not see again no matter what just because of his fucking MOANING act. I know people can moan in bed but in this particular case it's an act, you can say it's not natural. Might be he saw it in some lame porn and it's his freaking idea of sensual and passionate love making. The twat lays there on my bed letting me ride him (well yes of course!) while he keeps his eyes closed, moans, growls, bites his lips, throws his head back and theatrically stretches his arms above his head to grab the pillows in spasms of pure pleasure. To sum it up: imagine a big fat cat having seizures / epilepsy attack. Wait, don't, it's insulting for cats:)

Shit now I have flashbacks. Ewwww
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Broke on 01 September 2017, 08:01:08 pm
Send me dick pics and text me for a day and a half, then become a ghost.  Or call me without reading the bold capitalized things in my ad, like that I don't host or generous men only.  A lot of guys will try to convince me to do it for free because they think they're attractive, which couldnt mean less to me anyway since I'm not attracted to men. 

Gay guys are really bad with ghosting and wasting time, because there's so much free gay sex on Craigslist.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 02 September 2017, 10:38:34 am
At the end, after taking forever to dress, deciding to show me photos of their kids/holiday/motorcycle/whatever on their phone.

I'm smiling politely but inside screaming I DON'T GIVE A FUCK GET OUT!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 02 September 2017, 10:57:05 am
Leaving the bathroom light on. Now this one annoys the shit out of me. Plus the bathroom faces the bedroom so it's the only thing I can see and think of!!!

Got to the point I just pretend I do something around while they are in there so I can turn that light off myself  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sherbet_dab on 02 September 2017, 02:59:49 pm
Horrible, slobbery reverse oral, where you can feel their saliva running down your arse crack, up your bum and soaking the bed. HATE IT!  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 02 September 2017, 04:21:52 pm
At the end, after taking forever to dress, deciding to show me photos of their kids/holiday/motorcycle/whatever on their phone.

I'm smiling politely but inside screaming I DON'T GIVE A FUCK GET OUT!

Ah yes this is so true. I just think if it were in reverse and they were keen to get home/back to work etc and we started to show them photos of our pets or holiday scenery, they would not like it at all and would be bored as fuck so why do they make us suffer it?  ::)

There is one man who has often showed me the photos of the latest civvy girl who is hot and has seduced him and I have to put on an interested face while thinking shut up and go!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 02 September 2017, 04:47:57 pm
Ah yes this is so true. I just think if it were in reverse and they were keen to get home/back to work etc and we started to show them photos of our pets or holiday scenery, they would not like it at all and would be bored as fuck so why do they make us suffer it?  ::)

There is one man who has often showed me the photos of the latest civvy girl who is hot and has seduced him and I have to put on an interested face while thinking shut up and go!

I once had a client I saw once. Once! He then sent me a picture of a girl he met and started seeing to explain why he wasn't going to book me again. Wtf????!!!!
And one month later he called to apologise and book. Yeah it didn't happen.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iloveginandtonic on 03 September 2017, 10:30:35 pm
Clients who insist on making me cum first ... :FF

Me (whilst nodding my head) "are you ready for a condom?"
Client "what makes you cum? I want to make you cum first" 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 04 September 2017, 12:06:00 am
Then there are those men who keep telling you they really want to please you and make you cum yet they can hardly bear to put a finger tip on your bits and if they do give oral it lasts for about 30 seconds. Useless!

On those occasions I either do a bit of faking or just tell them I am happy and turned on just pleasing them (which is usually still fake I know).

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 04 September 2017, 03:34:08 pm
I'm lucky in that a few of my clients make me cum but I need to feel relaxed with them. If they expect me to cum then puts pressure on me and uneasy so not gonna happen.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 04 September 2017, 03:47:31 pm
I am a terrible actress and no client can make me cum as I don't give that side to myself only to my boyfriend.

I make it clear to client in a nice way that ( I am not in love with you to cum plus I can't fake it) they drop. I've now put in my profile.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 04 September 2017, 03:56:28 pm
No man in my life so no problem enjoying myself sometimes. I cannot fake it either.
Some guys get obsessed about making you cum and get competitive with other clients. One guy was trying so hard to make me cum I just said sorry it ain't gonna happen. He then asked me to fake it so I tried but found it really embarrassing and made me uneasy. He seemed happy though.
Maybe it's to do with porn that they need to hear us being vocal.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iloveginandtonic on 04 September 2017, 05:37:38 pm
If they keep persisting to mar me cum, I tell themthe only way I cum is by using my toy.
Then I get to just use my toy on myself whilst they use their hands on themselves  ;)
Win win!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: meetingdiversity on 04 September 2017, 06:03:26 pm
If they keep persisting to mar me cum, I tell themthe only way I cum is by using my toy.
Then I get to just use my toy on myself whilst they use their hands on themselves  ;)
Win win!

I use this trick too with the toy if they are hopeless at using thier fingers. One yesterday was making me laugh out loud because he was doing a fast movement.  Saying to cum almost like magic. I couldn't stop laughing as he reminded me of one of those concrete drills. :) I had to amuse myself at his lameness in bed.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 04 September 2017, 11:02:11 pm
A new one for me - had a guy come and go, no issues. Then he texted asking me to delete his number, messages and phone log history as he's going through a difficult separation and wants to be discreet. What does he possibly think will happen? I assured him I would never contact him unless he contacted first, but he still didn't want his number to be on my phone as he's being 'ultra cautious'. Does he think a private detective is going to seize my phone?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 06 September 2017, 03:31:36 pm
Probably been said before but ignoring my parking suggestions so they get themselves lost, then make out as if it's my fault   :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sherbet_dab on 06 September 2017, 05:57:04 pm
Using my expensive makeup wipes to clean their dicks on  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 06 September 2017, 06:26:46 pm
Using my expensive makeup wipes to clean their dicks on  :FF

I had a whole load of expensive stuff in the bathroom and I walked in to someone giving themselves a mini facial with it all! :FF

For this reason I've bought some cheap face towels and put them in a little metal wire basket with a brown parcel label tied to it saying 'use me ;)' so it's clear for those who have to navigate what to use and what not to use. They can then wipe what they like on one then put it in the laundry basket. Wash with detol and voila :)  thrown them after they have been washed and used a second time or they get tatty.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 06 September 2017, 06:58:57 pm
A new one for me - had a guy come and go, no issues. Then he texted asking me to delete his number, messages and phone log history as he's going through a difficult separation and wants to be discreet. What does he possibly think will happen? I assured him I would never contact him unless he contacted first, but he still didn't want his number to be on my phone as he's being 'ultra cautious'. Does he think a private detective is going to seize my phone?

I have had this, I just say "Sure no problem" then make a note next to their name that they're paranoid, but keep the contact info.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 06 September 2017, 11:03:50 pm
Horrible, slobbery reverse oral, where you can feel their saliva running down your arse crack, up your bum and soaking the bed. HATE IT!  :-X

This doesn't bother me so much until they say 'god, you're soooo wet'. No, no I'm not, well not turned on wet anyway. I'm wet because you've just emptied the contents of your mouth on my vagina.

Still, I'd rather they slobber over my vagina than in my mouth  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sherbet_dab on 07 September 2017, 01:01:24 am
I had a whole load of expensive stuff in the bathroom and I walked in to someone giving themselves a mini facial with it all! :FF

For this reason I've bought some cheap face towels and put them in a little metal wire basket with a brown parcel label tied to it saying 'use me ;)' so it's clear for those who have to navigate what to use and what not to use. They can then wipe what they like on one then put it in the laundry basket. Wash with detol and voila :)  thrown them after they have been washed and used a second time or they get tatty.

I provide ample baby wipes in both bedroom and bathroom, and there's always, y'know... AN ACTUAL SHOWER AND CLEAN TOWELS PROVIDED. But no. Always with the makeup wipes!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 07 September 2017, 04:01:01 am
I'll say something like, 'I've put the BLUE towel ON THE RADIATOR for you'. Go into the bathroom and they've used MY pink towel from the towel rail (even if it's a little damp...)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 07 September 2017, 08:55:32 am
Text me asking if they can ask me a question. If you were actually genuine, surely you'd just bloody ask instead of asking if you can ask  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 07 September 2017, 08:56:58 am
I had a whole load of expensive stuff in the bathroom and I walked in to someone giving themselves a mini facial with it all! :FF

For this reason I've bought some cheap face towels and put them in a little metal wire basket with a brown parcel label tied to it saying 'use me ;)' so it's clear for those who have to navigate what to use and what not to use. They can then wipe what they like on one then put it in the laundry basket. Wash with detol and voila :)  thrown them after they have been washed and used a second time or they get tatty.

I move everything of mine out of the bathroom. In the summer I tour a lot, once I forgot to remove my toothbrush. When the client had gone I realised to my horror he'd used it  :P
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 07 September 2017, 11:44:29 am
I have had this, I just say "Sure no problem" then make a note next to their name that they're paranoid, but keep the contact info.

LMAO!!! Once I had a guy who literally sat next to me while I was deleting his phone number.
Well i deleted him from contact list, got him back from text history when he left and saved under paranoid prick.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 07 September 2017, 12:54:49 pm
LMAO!!! Once I had a guy who literally sat next to me while I was deleting his phone number.
Well i deleted him from contact list, got him back from text history when he left and saved under paranoid prick.
Exactly!You can just get it from call/text history.I don't ever delete numbers of people I have seen just in case they turn into dickheads.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mature helen on 07 September 2017, 03:25:14 pm
I don't do texting so what really annoys me are callers who
1. call me then put the phone down when I answer,
2. give me the silent treatment
3. ring it once then hang up
Because I know 99% of the time these calls will be followed by a text asking 'u available' some even commit the cardinal sin of then sending me
the ? text.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Pinkpinkfizz on 07 September 2017, 10:53:12 pm
My pet hates :

Phone rings
Me: Hello?
Guy: hello
Me: yes?
Guy: hello
Me: can you hear me?
Guy:yes, hello

And when a client fingers you and then tries to stick his finger in your mouth so you "erotically suck on it". Yikes!!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mya888 on 08 September 2017, 11:42:58 am
Had this one last night : after the booking was finished, we said our goodbyes etc, I open the door for him to leave, then the moron stops in the middle of the doorway and says: so do you always work from this hotel?  :FF :FF :FF
Will never see the idiot again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mya888 on 08 September 2017, 11:45:14 am
I don't do texting so what really annoys me are callers who
1. call me then put the phone down when I answer,
2. give me the silent treatment
3. ring it once then hang up
Because I know 99% of the time these calls will be followed by a text asking 'u available' some even commit the cardinal sin of then sending me
the ? text.

Got so many of the "?" texts this week after ignoring their previous messages, even one or two "fuck you" to follow up.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aqua Allegoria on 08 September 2017, 09:52:08 pm
I don't do texting so what really annoys me are callers who
1. call me then put the phone down when I answer,
2. give me the silent treatment
3. ring it once then hang up
Because I know 99% of the time these calls will be followed by a text asking 'u available' some even commit the cardinal sin of then sending me
the ? text.

+ 1
I think it's because my profile says "call me".
I had a few of those fuckers hang up and then finally call me again (once they realised I wasn't going to reply to their moronic text). I just bluntly said "nope, not seeing someone who hangs up on me"
Guess what ? Bad signal... Phone died... Someone walked into the room... Oh and of course the tunnel... I'm always amazed by all those tunnels suddenly appearing in my town, bloody hell seriously?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 10 September 2017, 12:09:52 pm
Sometimes, I wonder how we/you could actually cope with tricky punters (I got rid of a few) and I haven't got them for a while, until today.  Yikes.   :(  It would be interesting if this booking happens and I won't be seeing him again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 10 September 2017, 12:57:54 pm
Had this one last night : after the booking was finished, we said our goodbyes etc, I open the door for him to leave, then the moron stops in the middle of the doorway and says: so do you always work from this hotel?  :FF :FF :FF
Will never see the idiot again.

I've had numerous people call in the lobby for the lift and room number. I refuse the booking!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 10 September 2017, 01:54:10 pm

I've had numerous people call in the lobby for the lift and room number. I refuse the booking!

Not sure I understand - do you mean they were too obvious? Do you want them to call outside the hotel or when they're on your floor?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 10 September 2017, 04:13:02 pm
Guys trying to finger you in the arse during doggy without asking and without any lube. Also charge extra for this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 10 September 2017, 04:22:58 pm
Not sure I understand - do you mean they were too obvious? Do you want them to call outside the hotel or when they're on your floor?

I specifically ask them to call me when they're outside, preferably as they're approaching the hotel so that I can give them proper directions to get straight to the lift and up to the room (and also because I don't want them repeating my room number aloud when they're in the lobby).

I sent one packing in London a few weeks ago because he not only turned up twenty five minutes early (at 8am) but called me from the reception after I'd said not to enter the hotel until he'd rung me for final directions. I was still getting ready and could hear people talking nearby as he bellowed down the phone and whilst if he'd apologised and gone back outside when I asked him to I might have still seen him, he refused to listen to me so I told him to fuck off I would not be able to see him after all.

Guys trying to finger you in the arse during doggy without asking and without any lube.

Definitely. I've asked one or two how they'd like it if I suddenly rammed a bone dry finger up their arse without warning or permission and they agreed it probably wasn't the politest thing to do to somebody. Not that I ever would, but they don't know that :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Philippa Joyce on 10 September 2017, 05:09:50 pm
lol us poor women honestly. things we have to put up with. We deserve every penny we earn .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 10 September 2017, 06:35:42 pm
Email me on AW to inform me that my number isn't displayed and can I send my number!Nope dickhead,if you bothered to read my profile and applied some common sense you might realise that my number isn't up because shock horror it's my day off!
Not only are my working days/hours mentioned 3 times on my profile but the following sentence 'My phone number is displayed on the days I am taking appointments' is also on there 3 times!Yeah here's my number cos I really fancy dealing with a moron on my day off,let's have a natter!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 10 September 2017, 06:49:04 pm
Text me asking if they can ask me a question. If you were actually genuine, surely you'd just bloody ask instead of asking if you can ask  :FF

Yes I get this quite a lot. Or they ask if it is convenient to ring me.  Why not just ring me and find out?  All time wasters, wanting some text "chat"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 10 September 2017, 09:43:34 pm
I specifically ask them to call me when they're outside, preferably as they're approaching the hotel so that I can give them proper directions to get straight to the lift and up to the room (and also because I don't want them repeating my room number aloud when they're in the lobby).

I sent one packing in London a few weeks ago because he not only turned up twenty five minutes early (at 8am) but called me from the reception after I'd said not to enter the hotel until he'd rung me for final directions. I was still getting ready and could hear people talking nearby as he bellowed down the phone and whilst if he'd apologised and gone back outside when I asked him to I might have still seen him, he refused to listen to me so I told him to fuck off I would not be able to see him after all.

This has happened a few times over the past couple of weeks. I try and stress it to everyone to ring me outside the hotel for discretion. The excuse is usually 'oh well it's busy down here no ones cares or is listening' or 'I -AM- being discreet' :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 13 September 2017, 02:01:34 pm
I have had this, I just say "Sure no problem" then make a note next to their name that they're paranoid, but keep the contact info.

Lol that's exactly what I did. I need to keep contact info for my records. It's very silly how self-important some of them are - had one guy faff about making a booking telling me his car is very recognisable ::) okay bud.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 13 September 2017, 02:04:45 pm
Guys trying to finger you in the arse during doggy without asking and without any lube. Also charge extra for this.

I fucking hate this. What's the problem with just asking? At least use some spit before you go in dry for fuck's sake. And then they use the same finger to try and go for your fanny  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 15 September 2017, 07:16:18 am
This is really bloody winding me up now.

Say I advertise my working hours as 10am-4.30pm (written exactly like that), why do clients not realise that 4.30 is the finishing time? I keep getting asked for a booking at 4.30, if I was working later than that, surely I'd say so?  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 15 September 2017, 07:21:06 am
Oh and not understand what calling to book means..

'I realise you need a phone call to book, can I put in a booking request now and ring you later to confirm?'

No, because that isn't calling to book is it?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 15 September 2017, 10:09:16 am
This is really bloody winding me up now.

Say I advertise my working hours as 10am-4.30pm (written exactly like that), why do clients not realise that 4.30 is the finishing time? I keep getting asked for a booking at 4.30, if I was working later than that, surely I'd say so?  :FF

I changed my profile to include "This is not when I take the last booking but the time I finish." Of course I still get the twats who don't read anything at all but it seems to have helped a fair bit.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 20 September 2017, 05:39:02 pm
Calls me for 1o mins makes a booking but can't bother to text or call to cancel waste of time
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 20 September 2017, 09:12:41 pm
Tell me they can't read my AW profile because they're on the app. Yes you can, just click the bloody boxes  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 21 September 2017, 11:10:08 pm
Tell me they can't read my AW profile because they're on the app. Yes you can, just click the bloody boxes  :FF

Urrrghghgh I hate this. I know AW is badly designed but it's not that hard if you just take a second and put an ounce of effort it.

This has only happened a couple of times, but clients who open the wardrobe to hang up their clothes. So rude????? This isn't your house you can't just go around opening wardrobes! Rude enough wherever you are, but especially since I work from home I have all my own things in there.

Also - does anyone else get slightly annoyed when guys tug your bras down to get at your tits? Hey, just let me take my bra off. I get that they're keen but those things are expensive and delicate, I don't want them messed up!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 21 September 2017, 11:25:37 pm
It has been a while since I got one of these but today's charmer not only mentioned several times that Miss A and Miss B and Miss C who he has seen lately all gave him extra time and not only that but he never shut up about all the other other women both civvy and sp who he has done this that and the other with, only making me determined to give him exactly the time he paid for and no more. It was his choice to yakk on and on using up his time and he told me he is leaving me feedback and will be back!

Oh no he won't, once is enough thank you and what do I do about return fb because all his others write as though he is a joy to be with, they lie I tell you, they lie!  ::)  He said he has been chasing women for 40 years despite being married and was so proud of it. Disrespected his wife to me too, why can they not just have a nice booking and be done with it?

I really don't want to add to the lies but I know he will not be happy if I leave none.  Help!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 21 September 2017, 11:29:10 pm
I have had an immense number of time wasters today. More than the usual!

Most have called asking to see me in 30 mins (i ask for half hour notice) and then texting straight after 'sorry Ill just leave it now, don't want to put you under pressure, I will book tomorrow at an earlier time' (errrrm no thank you) and another ' sorry didn't realise the time'. :FF  --- and there are those that just don't show up without letting you know they cant attend booking. Hate being messed about.

I am strongly considering having at least an hours notice, I totally see the point of another post I read on the forum for people wanting a booking right now being tws! Argh. Phone off, me time, bedtime.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 22 September 2017, 06:13:36 am
I have had an immense number of time wasters today. More than the usual!

Most have called asking to see me in 30 mins (i ask for half hour notice) and then texting straight after 'sorry Ill just leave it now, don't want to put you under pressure, I will book tomorrow at an earlier time' (errrrm no thank you) and another ' sorry didn't realise the time'. :FF  --- and there are those that just don't show up without letting you know they cant attend booking. Hate being messed about.

I am strongly considering having at least an hours notice, I totally see the point of another post I read on the forum for people wanting a booking right now being tws! Argh. Phone off, me time, bedtime.

Yep this is why I absolutely INSIST on a minimum one hours notice, it really does show up the timewasters.  You can guarantee that every single time I waive this (not often these days) they will somehow waste my time, so not matter how genuine they sound, I really try and stick to my guns on this.

Regulars are the only exception, they can book with 30 minutes notice if I'm free.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 22 September 2017, 11:48:04 am
It has been a while since I got one of these but today's charmer not only mentioned several times that Miss A and Miss B and Miss C who he has seen lately all gave him extra time and not only that but he never shut up about all the other other women both civvy and sp who he has done this that and the other with, only making me determined to give him exactly the time he paid for and no more. It was his choice to yakk on and on using up his time and he told me he is leaving me feedback and will be back!

Oh no he won't, once is enough thank you and what do I do about return fb because all his others write as though he is a joy to be with, they lie I tell you, they lie!  ::)  He said he has been chasing women for 40 years despite being married and was so proud of it. Disrespected his wife to me too, why can they not just have a nice booking and be done with it?

I really don't want to add to the lies but I know he will not be happy if I leave none.  Help!

Just add to the notes about what he is really like (guessing its aw you are on) and leave a normal feedback, just merit things like cleanliness and turning up on time, no need to sing praises like the sun shines out of his arse if he hasn't been that fantastic! You can also leave neutral feedback, we can't constantly be bound by our need to have positive feedback. If you already have glowing feedback and if he gives you negative just respond accordingly and people will see you are genuine.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 22 September 2017, 02:30:22 pm
Manage to get the stench of BO allover my hair... >:( Don't these people realise that it takes me approx. 1.5 hours to wash, dry and straighten my hair but they can't be bothered to even take a quick shower :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 22 September 2017, 07:02:46 pm
Regs thinking they can fuck about when booking. Had one call yesterday asking if I was available today and told him before x time. He then doesn't get back to me until today 30 minutes before the time I said I was available until, telling me he's on his way and will be there in 20 minutes. And then he was 20 minutes late to top it off!

I refused to see him. The money would have been handy this week but I am done with them messing me around.  :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 22 September 2017, 09:37:55 pm
Had a guy the other day who was friendly enough but probably didn't realise how annoying he was being.

Texted five minutes past his booking time to say he was on his way, then 10 minutes in to say he couldn't find the entrance (it's clearly signposted and impossible to miss). Then calls again to say my room number doesn't exist (like, not even 'I can't see it' but 'there's no room

Declined a shower and said he was clean. His pits stank of BO though so I got him in the shower (first he was like 'what, you want to get in the shower with me?' I was like 'nah you. for your pits'. Then after the shower he was like 'haha sorry I'm embarrassed it was a long day at work!' Mate, if it was a long day at work why didn't you shower when it was offered?

Then this dude asks my age and tells me I look older than I am.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 23 September 2017, 08:51:06 am
Had a guy the other day who was friendly enough but probably didn't realise how annoying he was being.

Texted five minutes past his booking time to say he was on his way, then 10 minutes in to say he couldn't find the entrance (it's clearly signposted and impossible to miss). Then calls again to say my room number doesn't exist (like, not even 'I can't see it' but 'there's no room
  • '. So was almost 20 minutes late, and didn't apologise.

Declined a shower and said he was clean. His pits stank of BO though so I got him in the shower (first he was like 'what, you want to get in the shower with me?' I was like 'nah you. for your pits'. Then after the shower he was like 'haha sorry I'm embarrassed it was a long day at work!' Mate, if it was a long day at work why didn't you shower when it was offered?

Then this dude asks my age and tells me I look older than I am.  :FF

What a nightmare !!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 23 September 2017, 10:33:35 am
What a nightmare !!

lol I know. He was still quite friendly despite all of it so I couldn't tell him to fuck off. Just clueless I think. Fortunately I got him done in 40 minutes but he paid for the full hour and he didn't make a fuss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 24 September 2017, 02:27:49 pm
Sorry am on a ranting rage:

Had a guy text faffing, and I kept telling him to call to book. In the meantime of course someone called to book the slot he wanted. Then when I told him sorry, the slot has been taken he said 'can't u change them pls hun'. I lost my shit lol. It's so rude and selfish to think your boner is more important than someone else's. I said 'if a restaurant was fully booked, would you ask them to just cancel other people?' He just kept saying 'sorry I was only asking' but the *point* is that it's rude to ask  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 24 September 2017, 02:48:15 pm
Sorry am on a ranting rage:

Had a guy text faffing, and I kept telling him to call to book. In the meantime of course someone called to book the slot he wanted. Then when I told him sorry, the slot has been taken he said 'can't u change them pls hun'. I lost my shit lol. It's so rude and selfish to think your boner is more important than someone else's. I said 'if a restaurant was fully booked, would you ask them to just cancel other people?' He just kept saying 'sorry I was only asking' but the *point* is that it's rude to ask  :FF

I am feeling the same the past couple of days, so many idiots! People I've seen before try and barter with me....block!  People I haven't ask for services I don't do, GO TO MY PROFILE, READ IT!

People ask me to be their GF, or try sexting with me. Yes all in the last couple of days, one guy who texted asking 'did I want some fun' got a text I'd had from another moron in return which was 'you like sucking cock'

Oh yes and to crown it all, a NO SHOW  :FF

And someone has started playing loud music downstairs  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic Masseuse on 27 September 2017, 09:16:52 pm
Ask how far I am from their hotel, I tell them ?5 in taxi and they say oh no I'm going to walk, it instantly irritates me, I am high volume, low fee, so their walk is eating into my time. Now its winter it makes it even worse as I do Body to Body Massage so rubbing my boobs on a freezing cold corpse like body is far from enjoyable, I am actually starting to wonder if thats why they choose to walk  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 27 September 2017, 09:23:52 pm
I am just so sick of them asking where I am located and how much and do I do this do I do that so I now tell them to read my profile. If they carry on a sling questions I say I'm busy read my profile then you get the ones that are verbally Abusive because you have told them to read the profile. When they could have avoided being told to read it in the first place by reading it lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic Masseuse on 28 September 2017, 12:46:26 am
I am just so sick of them asking where I am located and how much and do I do this do I do that so I now tell them to read my profile. If they carry on a sling questions I say I'm busy read my profile then you get the ones that are verbally Abusive because you have told them to read the profile. When they could have avoided being told to read it in the first place by reading it lol

I say, I will send you a link with all my info and its a link to my profile  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 28 September 2017, 03:49:21 pm
One of my regulars when he books always texts the night before asking if we are still on, then also morning of the booking which is usually in the afternoon then again about an hour before.
Drives me nuts. If I can't make it I will text him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mySecret on 28 September 2017, 04:04:22 pm
One of my regulars when he books always texts the night before asking if we are still on, then also morning of the booking which is usually in the afternoon then again about an hour before.
Drives me nuts. If I can't make it I will text him.

ahahah i have one same! text me to confirm several time, then to confirm fees and confirm address! all are always same since 2 years.
he is my regular since 2 years! he is lovely! he has some psycologic issue so i am the therapy for him!

i prefer over confirm than no communication!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 28 September 2017, 04:28:02 pm
Yeah mine is a regular too and really lovely.
I have cancelled a few times recently to be fair with genuine reasons and he is always bitterly disappointed if this happens. A bit like a cute little puppy but great in the sack.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: baijiu on 29 September 2017, 05:44:31 pm
One of my regulars when he books always texts the night before asking if we are still on, then also morning of the booking which is usually in the afternoon then again about an hour before.
Drives me nuts. If I can't make it I will text him.

I have one like this, always "do you want to see me this week", "are we still on for today? Just let me know if you can't make it", "text me when you're on the way", "text me when you're on X tube line", "text me when you're at X station", "text me when you're five minutes away"?

I usually send an "on my way" text to new clients but I've never arrived late for a booking and I've only ever cancelled on this guy once because I was "ill" (I'd actually had a fight with my boyfriend and couldn't face the thought of seeing this guy in particular because of his clingy texting making me feel uncomfortable). This guy is actually completely fine in bookings but sends weird texts in between like "do you miss me?" and gets petulant if I ignore him (which I always do). Like honestly, this is my job, I don't want to engage with you all the time!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 29 September 2017, 06:18:02 pm
Yeah mine is similar saying how much he misses me if he does not see me every week. And if I haven't texted in a few days thinks something must be wrong, either he's worried about me or thinks I don't want to see him anymore.
In person he is an absolute dream in every way. I just don't get it.
Maybe they get too attached and a bit delusional forgetting this is my job.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: londonfox on 29 September 2017, 10:10:50 pm
This might just be a 'me' thing but I always ask what clients want to do in the pre-booking communication so I know what to prepare myself mentally/physically for. I saw a guy last night who hadn't specified he wanted anything done to his anus, but put my hand there without warning... I love doing stuff anally TO clients, and thank fuck, he was clean. But I wish he had told me prior because sometimes delving into someone's ass without warning isn't pleasant.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: baijiu on 29 September 2017, 10:53:09 pm
Yeah mine is similar saying how much he misses me if he does not see me every week. And if I haven't texted in a few days thinks something must be wrong, either he's worried about me or thinks I don't want to see him anymore.
In person he is an absolute dream in every way. I just don't get it.
Maybe they get too attached and a bit delusional forgetting this is my job.

Haha, sounds exactly like mine! I wouldn't mind quite as much if he hadn't tried to haggle when I raised my rate. Like, "I really love spending time with you and you're fantastic company - will you carry on seeing me for ?100?". When I said no he came back with "But I can't afford to see you as often as I want to for ?150!". Tough shit! Just see me 2x a month instead of 3x a month, it's the same amount of money! It's not like I don't always overstay by at least half an hour to an hour (something I did a lot when I started due to lack of experience and some bad advice - working in a brothel has done wonders for my time-keeping).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kate_x on 04 October 2017, 03:39:32 pm
When at the end on his way out, after finishing quite quickly (his choice/doing - not mine!) he says "Well that was a nice easy one for you wasn't it!"

No mate an easy one would've been you posting the money through the door and me not having to even set sight on you!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kate_x on 04 October 2017, 03:45:45 pm
Another one who today says "what do the neighbours say?"

Well a "hi" and "bye" every now and then what are they supposed to say? Do they think I go running up and down the street shouting "I'm a hooker, get you bj's here!" ? 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 04 October 2017, 04:09:03 pm
When at the end on his way out, after finishing quite quickly (his choice/doing - not mine!) he says "Well that was a nice easy one for you wasn't it!"

No mate an easy one would've been you posting the money through the door and me not having to even set sight on you!

This is one which makes me want to throw something at them. If they make it an easy one that is their choice. Makes up for the ones who give us a headache.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: londonfox on 04 October 2017, 04:29:15 pm
When at the end on his way out, after finishing quite quickly (his choice/doing - not mine!) he says "Well that was a nice easy one for you wasn't it!"

No mate an easy one would've been you posting the money through the door and me not having to even set sight on you!

That's so rude of him. I wish there was a foolproof comeback to that!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 04 October 2017, 04:35:03 pm
That's so rude of him. I wish there was a foolproof comeback to that!

There will be!  I once told a man who said just do anything you want to me I am easily pleased "you are just a push over aren't you" in a jokey way and he laughed and agreed.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 04 October 2017, 05:05:00 pm
Most are just innocently asking but I keep getting asked if I am going to busy during the day.

'Yea I have lots of clients, please make sure to get a mate to ring me at the end of the day to rob me of all my reddies'

Is what I want to say or if they seems quite nice I explain that I don't disclose such info due to something like this happening and they understand. Most the time I say I'm having a quiet day no matter what. I also keep getting asked when I am taking my last booking is, so doesn't help my mild paranoia  ::).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 09 October 2017, 11:53:58 am
Come out of the shower soaking wet and not bother drying themselves ??!!!

Message afterwards hassling for feedback .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 09 October 2017, 01:03:36 pm
Come out of the shower soaking wet and not bother drying themselves ??!!!

Urgh was just thinking about this today! Coming at you soaking wet or getting on the bed and getting that wet too. I get that they're eager but aren't they freezing?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 09 October 2017, 02:34:51 pm
Think it's just cluelessness but so many guys come off really rude in their messages just because they can't be bothered to write out proper sentences. I asked someone to text and confirm an hour before so I can send address to him then, he just texts '3:15 where'. Is it so hard to say 'confirming our booking, what's the address please?'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 09 October 2017, 10:09:26 pm
Urgh was just thinking about this today! Coming at you soaking wet or getting on the bed and getting that wet too. I get that they're eager but aren't they freezing?

I hate to admit but I automatically go into mum mode when this happens. "Your back's still all wet! Where's that towel, let me dry you off properly before you catch cold!" Not the sexiest start to the booking  :-[
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 10 October 2017, 01:09:58 am
I hate to admit but I automatically go into mum mode when this happens. "Your back's still all wet! Where's that towel, let me dry you off properly before you catch cold!" Not the sexiest start to the booking  :-[

I do the same as it peeves me off when the bed gets wet damp cos they were to dam lazy to dry themselves also I don't understand why guys decide to wash their hair during the shower before the action. That should be after cos I insist the same ONE towel I assigned to that client is to use dry hair too.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dollars on 10 October 2017, 05:31:32 am
client eating fish from a tin while watching the telly ,who does that before getting intimate?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic Masseuse on 10 October 2017, 08:34:36 am
client eating fish from a tin while watching the telly ,who does that before getting intimate?

Loooooooooooool I hope he didn't want to give you oral
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 10 October 2017, 01:21:29 pm
Swear to god I?m going to lose it today .

?What time you free??

*gives my earliest availability*


 :FF :FF :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 10 October 2017, 02:10:22 pm
Got asked if I'm available in 1 weeks time. Sure. 'Will you be ok for anal?'  .... I will just get my crystal ball to check my Bowel habits in 7 days time and also magically know how big his dick is when I've never met him
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JESSIE -x- on 10 October 2017, 04:46:24 pm
Things I hate the most are crude messages at 3am like. 

'Got a hard C##K just for you. Wanna play. '
Or.  'Been wanting over your pictures all night.  Fancy a F##K'

Well actually I'm currently sleeping..   like normal people with work do....   I also clearly state I do not work after X time. Whether it be 5pm or 6pm.    I do not work weekends or evenings. ...

'Can't you see me at 8 tonight then'

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 10 October 2017, 05:40:11 pm
Asking a million questions during sex.

Are you gonna show me a good time? How old are you? Where are you from? Where are your parents from? What's your name? Why are your eyes closed? Is my cock a good size? Why don't you shave? Will you shave me? Do you do overnights? Do you live here alone? How long have you lived here? Do you play with yourself everyday? Do you cum everyday? Do you speak any other languages? (no) Do you speak Urdu? (I just said no) Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you study? Do you keep busy? What time do you finish? Do you have others today? Have you had a shower? Do you see a lot of Asian clients?

omg it just went on and on and on
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 10 October 2017, 06:29:59 pm
Asking a million questions during sex.

Are you gonna show me a good time? How old are you? Where are you from? Where are your parents from? What's your name? Why are your eyes closed? Is my cock a good size? Why don't you shave? Will you shave me? Do you do overnights? Do you live here alone? How long have you lived here? Do you play with yourself everyday? Do you cum everyday? Do you speak any other languages? (no) Do you speak Urdu? (I just said no) Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you study? Do you keep busy? What time do you finish? Do you have others today? Have you had a shower? Do you see a lot of Asian clients?

omg it just went on and on and on

Id tell them not to be so intrusively cheeky, read my profile correctly and ask most of them to actually leave!!

Then again on the other hand If we were having sex I would stop altogether, sit up and take up -their time- to happily answer some of the more trivial questions. I love having a good natter after the session but if they want to ask while having sex then it might make them think twice about it!!

Thankfully most seems to show their true colours over the phone, that's the beauty of making sure they ring up first before taking a booking IME :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 10 October 2017, 07:34:07 pm
Id tell them not to be so intrusively cheeky, read my profile correctly and ask most of them to actually leave!!

Then again on the other hand If we were having sex I would stop altogether, sit up and take up -their time- to happily answer some of the more trivial questions. I love having a good natter after the session but if they want to ask while having sex then it might make them think twice about it!!

Thankfully most seems to show their true colours over the phone, that's the beauty of making sure they ring up first before taking a booking IME :)

Lol yes, I just said he was asking too many questions. He was nice, just a bit clueless and too eager.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 10 October 2017, 07:42:24 pm
Which position gives you the strongest orgasm?  Er none if your foreplay does not improve to the man who wants me to get maximum pleasure yet barely touches me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 10 October 2017, 07:53:39 pm
Which position gives you the strongest orgasm?  Er none if your foreplay does not improve to the man who wants me to get maximum pleasure yet barely touches me.

Oh those ones make me laugh so much.  I had a young lad thought he was Brad Pitt and he was terrible in bed.  I mean terrible.  One of the worst bookings I've ever had.  Shame as he wasn't bad looking.  But the whole time "when are you going to cum?"  While hammering away at me.  Oh I don't cum during intercourse.  "Why?  All the other girls I've been with do."  He was being so arrogant after the full half an hour was up and he was still not finished I eventually said maybe, just maybe, they were faking now hurry up and get in the shower.  I never do stuff like that either I just snapped!  He made a right mess of my bed and room as well and made marks on my ass from where he slapped me so hard without even asking.  He said as he left "I'll see you again" I said no you won't goodbye  ::)

I also have a lovely regular who is really sweet but I've never known someone talk so much during sex.  About the most un-sexiest things.  Then wonders why he struggles to cum sometimes.  Like talking about his work and family and stuff while pumping away  :FF ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 10 October 2017, 11:05:55 pm
When you are ill and have to cancel. Most don't believe you.
Not replying instantly to their non work related texts.
Asking for my personal phone number and to send them saucy photos.
Have had all of this crap this week.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 10 October 2017, 11:39:53 pm
when you say no to being available or offering a service or a particular booking and they reply with that's a shame! That really fucks me off. Or they ask why. That makes me want to scream.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 11 October 2017, 09:43:25 am
Oh another one... 'can I book for 90 mins?'
'Great - I'm offering *?30 less than my rate*, is that ok'
'Sorry I don't take offers, try eBay'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 11 October 2017, 09:47:23 am
Come out of the shower soaking wet and not bother drying themselves ??!!!

In the same vein, flooding the bathroom floor. When I was recently on tour, my hotel shower was completely self-contained i.e. the shower door made a seal when you shut it and it went from floor to ceiling. Somehow so many of them still flooded the floor and soaked the bathmat through  ??? I swear they must have been showering with the door wide open.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Z on 11 October 2017, 10:15:45 am
when you say no to being available or offering a service or a particular booking and they reply with that's a shame! That really fucks me off. Or they ask why. That makes me want to scream.

Same.  :FF
Why they say that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 11 October 2017, 12:18:21 pm
Clients who you have seen before ringing up and seemingly not remembering they have seen you before.They are either thick as shit or see so many sex workers they can't remember 'Which one you are'.
Instantly bloody annoys me especially when you tell them you know them already and they are like 'Oh er er yes I remember'. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 11 October 2017, 01:22:37 pm
Clients who you have seen before ringing up and seemingly not remembering they have seen you before.They are either thick as shit or see so many sex workers they can't remember 'Which one you are'.
Instantly bloody annoys me especially when you tell them you know them already and they are like 'Oh er er yes I remember'. :FF

I used to get that sometimes when I worked in a parlour, they'd pick me, go into the room, and they wouldn't remember that they'd seen me before at all.  I mean how many girls do you have to have seen where the WG can remember you but you can't remember them.  Really puts me off! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Crixus_X on 12 October 2017, 03:17:01 am
When i was a newbie i sometimes forgot to switch my phone off a night and would get woken up but lots of horny guys on private numbers uurrgg  :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 12 October 2017, 08:34:05 am
Had someone book me and he said I may be late I'm seeing someone before you. I instantly said 'what, another working girl?!?' He said 'no a mate, I don't have that much stamina!!'

Oops!  :-[
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 12 October 2017, 02:50:31 pm
Had someone book me and he said I may be late I'm seeing someone before you. I instantly said 'what, another working girl?!?' He said 'no a mate, I don't have that much stamina!!'

Oops!  :-[

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 12 October 2017, 07:41:52 pm
Another one emailing wanting a short notice booking when my number is showing. Read it a day too late lol. Never mind that my profile clearly states I require a call to book. Shouldn't even have to be written really, it's common sense that if you want to get a response from someone quickly that you call them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kate_x on 12 October 2017, 08:59:53 pm
Another one emailing wanting a short notice booking when my number is showing. Read it a day too late lol. Never mind that my profile clearly states I require a call to book. Shouldn't even have to be written really, it's common sense that if you want to get a response from someone quickly that you call them.

A massive bugbear of mine this is! I also clearly state to call me to book.

I don't mind if they are checking a detail for a few days ahead or something but the number of numpties I get who email me on the day asking if I am free "now" or if they can visit me at such and such time which is just an hour or 2 away is astonishing! Do they think we just sit at our pc's/laptops/tablets etc... all day??  :FF  I would dismiss them as timewasters but quite a few of them have had positive feedback (so should know better!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 12 October 2017, 09:29:01 pm

I have started offering a few incalls, on the basis that it's very limited and discretion paramount.

One new client about to leave said 'I won't kiss you goodbye when you open the door' (neighbours facing), then proceeded to stand outside back from the door telling me what Iovely time he'd had, and that he'd be in touch next month. He'd arrived waving flowers around.


Another stood back outside when leaving explaining to 'my working name' that he'd never been into this part of the street before 'used my working name again'.

I've sorted the present thing, I explain to anyone who might bring anything it's not expected, if you do please use a non-descript bag.

Most are appreciative of this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 12 October 2017, 11:48:30 pm
A massive bugbear of mine this is! I also clearly state to call me to book.

I don't mind if they are checking a detail for a few days ahead or something but the number of numpties I get who email me on the day asking if I am free "now" or if they can visit me at such and such time which is just an hour or 2 away is astonishing! Do they think we just sit at our pc's/laptops/tablets etc... all day??  :FF  I would dismiss them as timewasters but quite a few of them have had positive feedback (so should know better!)

I know, I've found a lot of them had feedback. It just doesn't make sense to me? Imagine if you really needed to get hold of a friend and you needed a response from them quickly. Would you... email them? The last guy who did this made it clear he was really keen to book, so why then did he email wanting a booking in the next half hour instead of just calling  ??? Sometimes their lack of common sense is astounding.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 13 October 2017, 12:21:35 am
I know, I've found a lot of them had feedback. It just doesn't make sense to me? Imagine if you really needed to get hold  of a friend and you needed a response from them quickly. Would you... email them? The last guy who did this made it clear he was really keen to book, so why then did he email wanting a booking in the next half hour instead of just calling  ??? Sometimes their lack of common sense is astounding.

I had a guy today who?d tried to book me a fair few times, always when I wasn?t working or at too short notice. Finally I said, call next time, giving appropriate notice.  However I hadn?t realised he was already saved as someone who?d messed me around last year, only twigged after I got VM and saw blocked texts saying ?I?ve been contacting you on AW, its...X?. Gave him one chance thinking I was too strict last time, he calls, makes the appt, that 5 minutes later cancels by text, citing work

Thing is I know from a friend he lied about the location he was going to, that together with him messing me around at least twice, means he?s now blocked.

Why do they do it? It felt afterwards as if he?d done it deliberately, what a sad bastard to get a kick of doing stuff like this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 13 October 2017, 08:32:19 am

I have started offering a few incalls, on the basis that it's very limited and discretion paramount.

One new client about to leave said 'I won't kiss you goodbye when you open the door' (neighbours facing), then proceeded to stand outside back from the door telling me what Iovely time he'd had, and that he'd be in touch next month. He'd arrived waving flowers around.


Another stood back outside when leaving explaining to 'my working name' that he'd never been into this part of the street before 'used my working name again'.

I've sorted the present thing, I explain to anyone who might bring anything it's not expected, if you do please use a non-descript bag.

Most are appreciative of this.

Oh I know what you mean!  I always ask my clients to be quiet and discreet coming in and out.  I have this one regular who every single time I see him out I say "right I'm opening the door, please be quiet now" he's quiet while the door is closed, and as soon as I open it "ok bab I'll see you when I get paid, which might not be until such n such but I will see you soon, take care bab bye"  :FF :FF :FF It's almost like he does it on purpose. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 13 October 2017, 09:04:24 am
I probably seem demented but when I open the door I whisper and I always start to whisper as I go towards the door when they leave too. IME it always encourages them to do the exact same, it's like an unspoken signal of discretion and they usually clock straight away what I am doing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 13 October 2017, 12:08:49 pm
When new clients who have displayed decent discretion up until they leave, wait until I have opened the door to them going and they step outside (there are other front doors just feet away) and say I will be back! No Arnie jokes please.

Why can they not say this before I open the door? It infuriates me and while it has not happened yet that a neighbour was passing there is always a first time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 13 October 2017, 12:12:51 pm
I probably seem demented but when I open the door I whisper and I always start to whisper as I go towards the door when they leave too. IME it always encourages them to do the exact same, it's like an unspoken signal of discretion and they usually clock straight away what I am doing.

I do the same too so not demented!  Most of them pick up on it but the odd ones don't.  I normally say I'm not going to say anything when I open the door, 90% of them follow suit but the odd one still loves to make a song and dance!  I don't get it. If they make it clear what they're there for how is it discreet for them?   ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 13 October 2017, 09:49:46 pm
Book me when they don?t actually want a booking.

Lost count of the amount of sour faces over the years in my agency days who just booked for the sake of booking because they were in a routine.

And had a client today who didn?t really want to be here at all. Just broken up with his fianc?, wasn?t in the right frame of mind. Couldn?t get hard and said ?I?ve just paid 100 to lick pussy?, so I felt bad and refunded him for his remaining time. But why should I be out of pocket because someone doesn?t want to be there? I get why he came, he thought it would take his mind off it/cheer him up, but I lost out on a booking for the same time with someone who actually wanted that space and would have been happy to pay the whole fee  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic Masseuse on 14 October 2017, 07:57:06 am
Book me when they don?t actually want a booking.

Lost count of the amount of sour faces over the years in my agency days who just booked for the sake of booking because they were in a routine.

And had a client today who didn?t really want to be here at all. Just broken up with his fianc?, wasn?t in the right frame of mind. Couldn?t get hard and said ?I?ve just paid 100 to lick pussy?, so I felt bad and refunded him for his remaining time. But why should I be out of pocket because someone doesn?t want to be there? I get why he came, he thought it would take his mind off it/cheer him up, but I lost out on a booking for the same time with someone who actually wanted that space and would have been happy to pay the whole fee  :FF

I wouldn't have refunded him, his relationship problems aren't going to pay your bills.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 14 October 2017, 08:28:10 am
I wouldn't have refunded him, his relationship problems aren't going to pay your bills.

+1, it?s up to you how you operate as I am happy to refund in particular circumstances but if it?s just because they are having a bad day it?s really not your fault. It usually has to do with something relating the booking itself or if it has been an issue on my part.

The other day I had reached my target and someone was running late, it was for an hour and had had lots of enquiries about his particular slot and I had a booking soon after. So I decided to take Amy?s stance on people turning up late by saying that he would still need to pay for the hour he had booked as I had to turn people down. He understood and was still happy to see me. He turned up came twice in 10mins and jumped straight into the shower! I gave -him- a refund! Only a small percentage as the fact remained that I could have seen others.

The point is, never let anyone deliberately guilt you into a refund, always be the one in control. You are your own boss. If I worked at Tesco as a cashier and gave out discounts for things that didn?t warrant it my boss would have sacked me, we all have bills to pay. x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 14 October 2017, 09:40:11 am
Yes, I wish I didn?t give a refund as it?s pissed me off and messed up my target for yesterday. Was difficult in the moment to refuse, as I did feel for him, but he shouldn?t have visited me if he wasn?t 100% into it. I must be stricter with refunds in the future, it?s becoming a bit of a joke at the moment.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 14 October 2017, 01:28:09 pm
Book me when they don?t actually want a booking.

Lost count of the amount of sour faces over the years in my agency days who just booked for the sake of booking because they were in a routine.

And had a client today who didn?t really want to be here at all. Just broken up with his fianc?, wasn?t in the right frame of mind. Couldn?t get hard and said ?I?ve just paid 100 to lick pussy?, so I felt bad and refunded him for his remaining time. But why should I be out of pocket because someone doesn?t want to be there? I get why he came, he thought it would take his mind off it/cheer him up, but I lost out on a booking for the same time with someone who actually wanted that space and would have been happy to pay the whole fee  :FF

?100 to lick pussy sounds like a great deal to me, I don't know what he was complaining about  ;D

In all seriousness though yes, much better for yourself to be less lax about refunds. It's not your fault he wasn't in the right frame of mind. You wouldn't expect money back if you got food at a restaurant and then decided you weren't actually in the mood for eating out. I have only ever given back someone ?20 because I was concerned for my safety.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 15 October 2017, 03:24:59 pm
Email me on AW informing me I haven't got my number displayed and asking me to email it to them!For the love of God!3 times it tells them on my profile that my number is only displayed when I am available!!!!It also tells them what days I work and it always on a fecking Sunday my advertised day off when they email and ask me for my number,fecking idiots!! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Anna Condar on 19 October 2017, 12:57:17 am
My latest gripe is asking me for a date and telling me to 'give them a chance' and asling personal questions - am I dating etc. It's none of your business!!
I finish next week. It's for the best now; I said I'd call it a day when it became a chore and it's getting that way...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 20 October 2017, 10:14:42 am
Received an email from a reg,  "Why do you do why you do? I'll give you a job if you want? "

and another client earlier on in the week said, "here's my card, contact me and I'll tell you how you can make some REAL money, a good girl like you can do better..."

First of all, I'm an independent and am not looking to be rescued. I have made a conscious decision to be an escort, I am not under duress, so please don't ask me if I need work or why I am doing this. There are lots of job sites/agencies out there and I am not looking to be employed by clients.

so fucking rude.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Worried93 on 20 October 2017, 01:03:57 pm
Received an email from a reg,  "Why do you do why you do? I'll give you a job if you want? "

and another client earlier on in the week said, "here's my card, contact me and I'll tell you how you can make some REAL money, a good girl like you can do better..."

First of all, I'm an independent and am not looking to be rescued. I have made a conscious decision to be an escort, I am not under duress, so please don't ask me if I need work or why I am doing this. There are lots of job sites/agencies out there and I am not looking to be employed by clients.

so fucking rude.

I want to print this off and shove it in the face of every guy who asks that. Or the ones who say "you're too nice to be doing this."

Like wtf would you rather I was horrible to you during the meet?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 20 October 2017, 01:55:19 pm
They do seem to like asking us 'So how did you get into this'.  A bit of a daft question if you ask me.  Also a bit intrusive.  I think they are just being friendly but I do find it annoying.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 20 October 2017, 02:11:37 pm
Received an email from a reg,  "Why do you do why you do?
and another client earlier on in the week said, "here's my card, contact me and I'll tell you how you can make some REAL money, a good girl like you can do better..."

I get asked why do you do this job and how did you get into it etc. and up until recently I was quite honest as my story is quite interesting but now I answer them by saying "so how did YOU get into it and why do YOU do it? 

Some very obvious and expected responses but I turn it around to them because I am no longer prepared to tell them anything about myself. If they still ask me even after I have sidestepped them I just say I had always wanted to try it and found I loved it type of answer.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 20 October 2017, 03:53:47 pm
I want to print this off and shove it in the face of every guy who asks that. Or the ones who say "you're too nice to be doing this."

Like wtf would you rather I was horrible to you during the meet?

I know I don't get the whole "you're too nice to be doing this job" remark.  It's so strange.  Maybe we should start saying "you're too nice to be doing this to your wife".  Lol I don't mean that just a joke I know everyone has different reasons for doing what they do on both sides and I don't judge. I think it is them trying to be polite sometimes but it just makes me wonder what they're expecting us to be like.  Like some horrible mythical creature that's not actually human haha. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 20 October 2017, 04:41:18 pm
I've started saying outright now when they say that that they're being patronising. That's when they start to backpedal like 'no no I didn't mean it like that.' Well, you can be patronising without intending to be? I reckon they think they're being so complimentary when they say it but I don't have the patience for it because they're indirectly slagging off other escorts, which I hate.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 20 October 2017, 04:55:31 pm
Some nice men do understand how hard this job can be. Men know how some other men can be.  I was barebacked this week by a reg, who took his condom out, not nice.   Men know that there are risks involved in this line of work.  Maybe, some men do care whilst I entirely understand if women don't want their "empathy" or care.  I probably wouldn't either but it depends e.g. how he phrases it. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 21 October 2017, 02:20:05 pm
If anyone asks how I got into this I have to hold back saying I was a bit skint and just needed a bit of extra cash and it just kinda stuck with me and I realised I was good at it. Same with most people who choose to carry on doing sometime. I mean why else does -anyone- work? I just chose to do sex related work.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 21 October 2017, 02:51:48 pm
I had a punter, who simply turned up at the door once.  It was the first ever time I have had anything like this.  I sent him away politely as I had no notice whatsoever and I was about to do something else I already planned.  He said, "oh here you are." as if I should just hop on the bed.  Seriously, dude..  Luckily, I believe he may feel that I "let him down", no further contact.  Didn't realise he was so indiscreet!  >:(  A moral of the story, you learn about someone only after a while, not after meeting once or twice.  Get rid of them as soon as they start showing their bad traits if you can.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kate_x on 22 October 2017, 05:33:48 pm
Omg absolutely fuming. Saw a guy about 6 months ago where I used to live. Was ok but I had real trouble getting rid of him at the end despite me having to make it blatantly obvious his time was up, eventually being almost rude about it (after me trying to wrap things up and playing it nice!). He just didn't get the message!

Anyway today he contacts me and makes a booking for the same duration as last time. I make it clear that 30 mins is 30 mins and if he wants any extra time then he'd have to pay for it, otherwise he would be leaving once the 30 mins was up and he agreed that would be ok. Give him post code and then I hear from him about 10 mins after the time he said he would be leaving to say he will be slightly late as he was just about to leave. He said he was using a new sat nav and it wasn't accepting my post code. There is no reason why this would happen as it's not a new development but I gave him a couple of road names instead.

The next time I hear from him is 50 mins after he said he was leaving (should take him no more than 20-25 mins for him to get to me from where he lives and he says he will have to cancel because he can't find me! I asked him where he was now and he gives me the name of a town which isn't even half-way between me and him and just 10 mins from where he said he was coming from! "I ended up in *names town*" he says! What an earth was he playing at? Why not ring me when he had arrived in my (small) town? I could've directed him from there!

I quickly reply with that's absolutely ridiculous don't ever contact me again and I hang up. Good riddance!

More annoyed at myself for giving him another chance tbh but I've only ever had one no show by someone I've seen before in the past so usually if they've been before I have confidence that they will turn up again!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 23 October 2017, 06:12:51 pm
Some irritating  guy keeps on messaging me on aw
He dosnt constantly suggested just stupid obvious questions  :FF
I  messaged asking  why dont you just call ?until I got another dumb message I've blocked him now he has no intention of calling or booking .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 23 October 2017, 06:29:43 pm
Omg absolutely fuming. Saw a guy about 6 months ago where I used to live. Was ok but I had real trouble getting rid of him at the end despite me having to make it blatantly obvious his time was up, eventually being almost rude about it (after me trying to wrap things up and playing it nice!). He just didn't get the message!

It always amazes me some men are so determined to boundary push and overstay (in fact, ripping you off) and these men EXPECT you to put up with it.  ??? >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 25 October 2017, 09:32:24 am
When an enquiry starts off really nice and polite, you are super helpful roughly saying where you are etc.

Then it descends into them asking the price, are ALL services included, do you do 15 minutes and finally.....I can come at X time if you can do it for X price.

Me finally snapping I?m hanging up now, haggling is so rude
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mySecret on 25 October 2017, 10:21:10 am
punter: are you free tomorrow at 3pm, if yes i will send a booking request!
me: yes, you could confirm on aw and once i got it i ll send my address.
punter: NOTHING

me: Hi, i didn t hear from you so to me booking is not confirmed, i am not available anymore.
punter: i was just on your profile to send a booking request
punter: i think that you won t meet me anymore, i am really sorry if you think that i wasted your time, but i was checking your wishlist to bring some gift to you tomorrow for that i didn t send a booking request early

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
they think that i am stupid???? i really do not tollerate lies..i am not his wife! LOL
no further comment!  ::) ::) :-X :-X

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 25 October 2017, 10:23:34 am
When an enquiry starts off really nice and polite, you are super helpful roughly saying where you are etc.

Then it descends into them asking the price, are ALL services included, do you do 15 minutes and finally.....I can come at X time if you can do it for X price.

Me finally snapping I?m hanging up now, haggling is so rude

Yes so annoying especially because it sounds promising to start with. I had 'are you free for 90 mins?' Agreed a time then he says 'ok great, I am offering X amount.' Conversation over.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 25 October 2017, 11:37:59 am
Yes so annoying especially because it sounds promising to start with. I had 'are you free for 90 mins?' Agreed a time then he says 'ok great, I am offering X amount.' Conversation over.

I blocked his number but somehow a text still came thro:

Can you still do X time x

Didn?t bother replying, but why on earth would I agree to see someone who pissed me off by haggling, and seemed to know nothing about what I provided. The mind boggles.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aleshaxx on 31 October 2017, 12:44:31 pm
Trying to get extra services for freeunder the guise of role play
"Can you boss me around and call me names and spank me" that would be domination then.
"Can you be really horny and slutty and talk dirty and gag" PSE then...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 31 October 2017, 02:59:40 pm
Is this the right place for a rant?? lol

Pre arranged meets who cancel!!!!!  :FF :FF :FF You think your ok when you get a meet from a client you have seen before but nope cancelled with a weird message and was thinking well least I have an overnight on Thursday (which is rare for me) but yep, now thats cancelled!  :FF :FF if only excuses and cancelled 'work' payed the bills eh?  :'(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 31 October 2017, 03:26:29 pm
Continuing to ask for the postcode again and again when you've given them the start of it (already on my AW also), and told them pretty much exactly where you are within a five minute walk's radius.  Yes, I get you're not from around here.  Still not giving you my full postcode until a booking has been made  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 31 October 2017, 09:37:52 pm
Had a punter who?s been messaging me for around a year but never managed to make a booking. Finally today we were both available. Gave him the postcode. Bear in mind it?s not the postcode for my actual address, just nearby where it?s easy to direct them to.

?Sorry I?m a solicitor and I have a client who lives on that street. It?s complicated, I can?t risk him seeing me and I have quite a recognisable car.?

What is it, the bat mobile?? Honestly some people are way to up themselves - nobody gives a shit what you?re up to mate. He tried to arrange an outcall another time, I said if you?re not interested in coming to me I?m not interested in coming to you. Such a weird thing to say.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 01 November 2017, 12:48:31 pm
Had a punter who?s been messaging me for around a year but never managed to make a booking. Finally today we were both available. Gave him the postcode. Bear in mind it?s not the postcode for my actual address, just nearby where it?s easy to direct them to.

?Sorry I?m a solicitor and I have a client who lives on that street. It?s complicated, I can?t risk him seeing me and I have quite a recognisable car.?

What is it, the bat mobile?? Honestly some people are way to up themselves - nobody gives a shit what you?re up to mate. He tried to arrange an outcall another time, I said if you?re not interested in coming to me I?m not interested in coming to you. Such a weird thing to say.

Sounds like a time waster or address collector!  If he knew the rough area you were in and was that worried about it he would have looked for someone further away in the first place surely. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 01 November 2017, 01:24:17 pm
Trying to get extra services for freeunder the guise of role play
"Can you boss me around and call me names and spank me" that would be domination then.
"Can you be really horny and slutty and talk dirty and gag" PSE then...

Yup. These are the sly guys. I offer anal play and I don?t mind if they slap my behind a bit while doing it. Recently had a guy who would not stop dragging his sharp fingernails across my back and grabbing my hips really hard. I told him to stop and he ignored me, -three times-.

I swear it?s just going to be a one warning policy from now or I?m just going to end the booking. Im fed up of boundary pushers! they can?t constantly claim ignorance to everything unless they are seriously dim-witted.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 02 November 2017, 05:43:49 pm
clients who smoke! Know its there right etc and even when they dont smoke just before, during or after. I stink of smoke! makes me feel sick! hate it! even loads of perfume, air freshener and showers doesnt get rid of it!  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 03 November 2017, 11:45:17 am

they think that i am stupid???? i really do not tollerate lies..i am not his wife! LOL
no further comment!  ::) ::) :-X :-X

Some punters do try to pull this stupid game.  My patience has run out on them.  I simply ignore now for my sanity.   :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 03 November 2017, 12:50:14 pm
clients who smoke! Know its there right etc and even when they dont smoke just before, during or after. I stink of smoke! makes me feel sick! hate it! even loads of perfume, air freshener and showers doesnt get rid of it!  :-X

That pisses me off and they expect to have the kissing - nooo way I decline. You want to kiss me I am minty fresh tasty you are stinking of fag mouth too. Also when they want to touch you yet no amount of washing hands can take off that stinking smoking smell. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 03 November 2017, 01:01:10 pm
One guy makes all kinds of sounds and pulls faces  I asked him if he's ok  I thought he was in pain  each time he's in the sex act .it gets on my nerves best I shut my eyes  more often
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 03 November 2017, 03:42:17 pm
When they pull their faces I have to stop myself from laughing.
I've been told I make funny sounds when I'm enjoying myself.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lalalondon on 03 November 2017, 04:23:11 pm
Rim you and then try to deep French kiss YUK!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Erotic Masseuse on 04 November 2017, 09:28:20 pm
clients who smoke! Know its there right etc and even when they dont smoke just before, during or after. I stink of smoke! makes me feel sick! hate it! even loads of perfume, air freshener and showers doesnt get rid of it!  :-X

Blimey, what was they smoking ? Tarmac ?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 05 November 2017, 04:21:01 pm
Blimey, what was they smoking ? Tarmac ?

lol, maybe because I am a non smoker and I notice it more? but no, after he left I wasnt surprised as for me smoke is just a horrible smell that refuses to go. My dad smelled of it all the time and he just smoked normal stuff. So after I just sat on my sofa after spraying so much stuff and was thinking 'I smell just like my dad!!' haha hey ho, take the good with the bad eh?  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 05 November 2017, 04:24:54 pm
That pisses me off and they expect to have the kissing - nooo way I decline. You want to kiss me I am minty fresh tasty you are stinking of fag mouth too. Also when they want to touch you yet no amount of washing hands can take off that stinking smoking smell. :FF

Yeah it is very true. Its just basic manners. Like I have a set routine of meeting someone, for sure at least 10mins before, have some minty chewing gum, especially after having fish for lunch. Extra heavy on air freshener as I actually care not smelling. Speaking of chewing gum, I think its just as annoying as when the client turns up and they are still chewing gum, I find that extremely rude. Like for sure I bin it just before I see them. Think its gross kissing someone who has still got it in their mouths

Dont get some people!  :FF lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 07 November 2017, 08:01:42 pm
Ok ready for this one? lol

Get a meet, all arranged this afternoon for an hour at 7pm. Spoke on phone, seemed ok but said was his first time and nervous which is nothing abnormal. Then after I reasured him will make him feel comfortable and relaxed, he said 'I have a girlfriend/fiancee, is that ok?'

errr what am I supposed to say?? 'no its not ok' lol got to admit made me laugh. Anyway, after all 'booked' in, had a few hours before and just had that feeling, sure we have all had it like 'yeah this meet is so not going to happen' Then about 15mins before said he was going to be late. I said it was ok but needed him to be here before 7:30pm. Think got to be firm and think 30mins over is more than fair. Then he finally got there 2 mins before 7:30pm. Did my usual, let him know my apartment number. He came in and was out of breath, weird? as he said he parked his car outside. Then he came up with an excuse saying he had to pick up and drop off his boss round the corner.

Then of course said 'I am so sorry but I am nervous, can we not do this?' I tried by saying, can I offer you a drink, we dont have to do full sex, happy to chat, offer a massage. but nope he wanted to go, saying he felt guilty etc etc. Made it clear was very annoyed and he had wasted my time and that he should give me at least something as a goodwill gesture. He gave me ?20, suppose should be grateful I got that but could of earned an whole hour rate instead! At the end of the day, both adults and it was his choice to book my time and want to do it. sigh I laugh but should cry! suppose thats food for the rest of the week at least!!!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 07 November 2017, 08:25:35 pm
Ok ready for this one? lol

Get a meet, all arranged this afternoon for an hour at 7pm. Spoke on phone, seemed ok but said was his first time and nervous which is nothing abnormal. Then after I reasured him will make him feel comfortable and relaxed, he said 'I have a girlfriend/fiancee, is that ok?'

errr what am I supposed to say?? 'no its not ok' lol got to admit made me laugh. Anyway, after all 'booked' in, had a few hours before and just had that feeling, sure we have all had it like 'yeah this meet is so not going to happen' Then about 15mins before said he was going to be late. I said it was ok but needed him to be here before 7:30pm. Think got to be firm and think 30mins over is more than fair. Then he finally got there 2 mins before 7:30pm. Did my usual, let him know my apartment number. He came in and was out of breath, weird? as he said he parked his car outside. Then he came up with an excuse saying he had to pick up and drop off his boss round the corner.

Then of course said 'I am so sorry but I am nervous, can we not do this?' I tried by saying, can I offer you a drink, we dont have to do full sex, happy to chat, offer a massage. but nope he wanted to go, saying he felt guilty etc etc. Made it clear was very annoyed and he had wasted my time and that he should give me at least something as a goodwill gesture. He gave me ?20, suppose should be grateful I got that but could of earned an whole hour rate instead! At the end of the day, both adults and it was his choice to book my time and want to do it. sigh I laugh but should cry! suppose thats food for the rest of the week at least!!!  :FF

No that's completely not right.  Anyone who had any ounce of respect would have paid the full fee whether he wanted to stay or not after taking up that much of your time.  Really seems to be time waster central for this industry the last month looking at everyone's posts and my own experiences!  Hope you're ok I would have wanted to cry too, should pick up soon with Christmas xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kate_x on 07 November 2017, 08:30:26 pm
Ok ready for this one? lol

Get a meet, all arranged this afternoon for an hour at 7pm. Spoke on phone, seemed ok but said was his first time and nervous which is nothing abnormal. Then after I reasured him will make him feel comfortable and relaxed, he said 'I have a girlfriend/fiancee, is that ok?'

errr what am I supposed to say?? 'no its not ok' lol got to admit made me laugh. Anyway, after all 'booked' in, had a few hours before and just had that feeling, sure we have all had it like 'yeah this meet is so not going to happen' Then about 15mins before said he was going to be late. I said it was ok but needed him to be here before 7:30pm. Think got to be firm and think 30mins over is more than fair. Then he finally got there 2 mins before 7:30pm. Did my usual, let him know my apartment number. He came in and was out of breath, weird? as he said he parked his car outside. Then he came up with an excuse saying he had to pick up and drop off his boss round the corner.

Then of course said 'I am so sorry but I am nervous, can we not do this?' I tried by saying, can I offer you a drink, we dont have to do full sex, happy to chat, offer a massage. but nope he wanted to go, saying he felt guilty etc etc. Made it clear was very annoyed and he had wasted my time and that he should give me at least something as a goodwill gesture. He gave me ?20, suppose should be grateful I got that but could of earned an whole hour rate instead! At the end of the day, both adults and it was his choice to book my time and want to do it. sigh I laugh but should cry! suppose thats food for the rest of the week at least!!!  :FF

I feel your frustration....and anger! On the few occasions I've had a "show and go" I call them I try and at least get my half hour fee from them. Whatever their reason for walking I stress that they have wasted my time and that I could've had another in that time I had allocated for them. Most have been OK about it and I obviously wouldn't persist if they were looking like they were going to get mad or aggressive and I would just want them gone! Still a shite feeling though  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 07 November 2017, 08:39:08 pm
No that's completely not right.  Anyone who had any ounce of respect would have paid the full fee whether he wanted to stay or not after taking up that much of your time.  Really seems to be time waster central for this industry the last month looking at everyone's posts and my own experiences!  Hope you're ok I would have wanted to cry too, should pick up soon with Christmas xx

Awww thanks, yeah im ok thanks. In comfy pjs now and with my hot chocolate. Sadly these kinds of meets will happen now and again. More annoying as was my only booking today. Hope it will pick up by christmas  :) x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 07 November 2017, 08:40:34 pm
I feel your frustration....and anger! On the few occasions I've had a "show and go" I call them I try and at least get my half hour fee from them. Whatever their reason for walking I stress that they have wasted my time and that I could've had another in that time I had allocated for them. Most have been OK about it and I obviously wouldn't persist if they were looking like they were going to get mad or aggressive and I would just want them gone! Still a shite feeling though  >:(

Yeah, maybe should of pushed to get a bit more, at least half! sigh. yeah it is a shite feeling. Hopefully week will get better. He simply sent a message after saying 'sorry' just ignored it x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 08 November 2017, 09:45:58 am
Ladyv  how very annoying for you ...
I did have one turn up then make some damn excuse the other week and cleared off I had a feeling he wasn't coming back. What a waste of time .
Hope you get good clients very soon
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 08 November 2017, 10:13:39 am
Ladyv  how very annoying for you ...
I did have one turn up then make some damn excuse the other week and cleared off I had a feeling he wasn't coming back. What a waste of time .
Hope you get good clients very soon

Thanks sugar (smiled a little typing that lol) Yeah I know! you know what, at the end of the day, I may not be everyones cup of tea and thats fair enough. We all have the power to choose but I think its simply cruel for someone to 'promise' to pay a fee, waste your time and make it so you have to 'depend' on them for the money you are working for. Only for them to walk out. They would never do that for a 'normal' everyday appointment, like dentist, hair appointment etc. Imagine it?? I laugh but it is very much  :FF lol. I think some really get off on it and its quite sad as most are just trying to make a living and better themselves, surely cant begrudge anyone for that?

Anyway, thanks for your message. Hope you have a good day. Got one booking confirmed but shall see! used to feel a bit more happier once they shown up as was thinking, for sure get money but even if they actually walk in, always chance for it to be 'cancelled!' PMSL xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 08 November 2017, 12:09:24 pm
Thanks sugar (smiled a little typing that lol) Yeah I know! you know what, at the end of the day, I may not be everyones cup of tea and thats fair enough. We all have the power to choose but I think its simply cruel for someone to 'promise' to pay a fee, waste your time and make it so you have to 'depend' on them for the money you are working for. Only for them to walk out. They would never do that for a 'normal' everyday appointment, like dentist, hair appointment etc. Imagine it?? I laugh but it is very much  :FF lol. I think some really get off on it and its quite sad as most are just trying to make a living and better themselves, surely cant begrudge anyone for that?

Anyway, thanks for your message. Hope you have a good day. Got one booking confirmed but shall see! used to feel a bit more happier once they shown up as was thinking, for sure get money but even if they actually walk in, always chance for it to be 'cancelled!' PMSL xx

They should figure out whether you're their cup of tea from you profile, pictures and feedback before they even contact us.  To go to the effort of making a booking, and heading all the way there to leave I think sometimes is just what they wanted to do in the first place cup of tea or not.  Hope you have a good day today x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 08 November 2017, 03:06:19 pm
They should figure out whether you're their cup of tea from you profile, pictures and feedback before they even contact us.  To go to the effort of making a booking, and heading all the way there to leave I think sometimes is just what they wanted to do in the first place cup of tea or not.  Hope you have a good day today x

Thanks, yeah know what you mean, he kept saying how nervous he was and that it didnt feel right because he had a girlfriend etc etc but how is that my problem? didnt stop him from making the booking and showing up though. In a way I dont 100% judge him but we didnt have to do anything sexual.

Like to think I am a kind and 'normal' person, I have loads of nice drink on offer and music on in the background. The decent thing would of been to stay at least a bit longer and to pay the money as agreed. For sure next time it happens, will push for full fee! I am getting better, the only other time it happened, I wasnt brave enough to ask for any money, this time got a little back. so all experience and will learn from it for next time :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetshycanada on 08 November 2017, 03:36:08 pm
"Do you still have the underwear I gave you?" This from an out of town client I see 2-3x a year! It's like probably, but you'll have to be more specific!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 08 November 2017, 04:41:56 pm
Could quite happily cry, my only meet today which I was really counting on has cancelled!!! It has been a horrible day and such a waste. Really feeling it today  :'( Hope others are doing better x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: washingline on 08 November 2017, 08:09:24 pm
Could quite happily cry, my only meet today which I was really counting on has cancelled!!! It has been a horrible day and such a waste. Really feeling it today  :'( Hope others are doing better x
Big hug to you, hot chocolate time x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 08 November 2017, 08:43:04 pm
Big hug to you, hot chocolate time x

Yeah it sure is! A hot chocolate always helps. I am done for the day now. yummy hot chocolate, early night and hope tomorrow is better x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MistressKaz on 09 November 2017, 10:43:40 pm
When they've just taken a big strap-on and their arses are dribbling, but instead of taking the proffered wet wipe or staying still as instructed, they turn around without taking the protective towel with them and instead put their shitty arse on the top blanket!

WTF is wrong with these guys?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 09 November 2017, 11:57:12 pm
When they've just taken a big strap-on and their arses are dribbling, but instead of taking the proffered wet wipe or staying still as instructed, they turn around without taking the protective towel with them and instead put their shitty arse on the top blanket!

WTF is wrong with these guys?

Yeah these ones seem to do their very best to smear their shitty arses all over any part of clean bedding in sight  ??? ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 10 November 2017, 12:14:21 am
Yeah these ones seem to do their very best to smear their shitty arses all over any part of clean bedding in sight  ??? ::) ::) ::)

The poop bums. I can't hide it anymore I have to tell them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 10 November 2017, 12:21:07 am
The poop bums. I can't hide it anymore I have to tell them.

Just lately I've been unable to hide my disgust, I think that my face says it all when I see shit smears   ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 10 November 2017, 07:44:21 am
Call up talk ages about their booking wanting weeks away  :FF
I polity ask them to contact me nearer the time to confirm
Funny they don't  hmmmm.
Get off on thinking they have booked an escort but can't go through with it in reality .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 10 November 2017, 09:45:27 am
Call up talk ages about their booking wanting weeks away  :FF
I polity ask them to contact me nearer the time to confirm
Funny they don't  hmmmm.
Get off on thinking they have booked an escort but can't go through with it in reality .

I had a few of those lately, but the second I get a hint or even suspect they just want to talk I tell them please contact me the day before the booking. Some do and some don't but none of them get a chance to string out a phone convo if I have never met them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 10 November 2017, 11:06:02 am
Sorry my fellow WG's but major rant coming on (healthy to let it out right?)  :o

Had a client I met once before not too long ago. He seemed friendly and polite. We seemed to get on well and for sure could sense he wanted to make it a regular thing (in my head I am thinking, yes finally as havent got any proper regulars yet) so he left saying he was happy. All cool and then maybe a few days after, he wanted to arrange another meet but also with it kept texting me and asking me really personal questions (you know the sort you would get from timewasters) but had in my head how nice he was and kinda let it slide. So the day comes when we should meet and I messaged him saying 'do you need my address?' and he simply repiled with 'sorry no'. This confused me a bit so sent back 'sorry do you mean you cant come or you need my address again? nothing. So last night got a message, asking how I was and I thought nope not going to reply, then he texted saying 'hes been away on business'. still ignore, but then he said he can meet tomorrow morning. Kinda thought should really still ignore but sadly its been such a bad week for me, got nothing to lose right? So agreed 10:30am but of course nothing. Not even going to message him. For sure no more chances for him. Even more annoyed as cut short my gym workout so could fit in seeing him. I am just angry as its plain cruel and makes it feel like its my fault?

I honestly dont get it, I know some men may be polite while in your company and say how nice and amazing you are but go out and think 'no, didnt like her' that is fair enough but you would move on right? you wouldnt keep arranging to see that person and just let them down. huge sigh. They must get a huge kick out of it, I just choose to believe in karma. Anyway hope everyone has a better Friday, this weekend has got to be better right?  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 10 November 2017, 11:13:06 am
Sorry my fellow WG's but major rant coming on (healthy to let it out right?)  :o

Had a client I met once before not too long ago. He seemed friendly and polite. We seemed to get on well and for sure could sense he wanted to make it a regular thing (in my head I am thinking, yes finally as havent got any proper regulars yet) so he left saying he was happy. All cool and then maybe a few days after, he wanted to arrange another meet but also with it kept texting me and asking me really personal questions (you know the sort you would get from timewasters) but had in my head how nice he was and kinda let it slide. So the day comes when we should meet and I messaged him saying 'do you need my address?' and he simply repiled with 'sorry no'. This confused me a bit so sent back 'sorry do you mean you cant come or you need my address again? nothing. So last night got a message, asking how I was and I thought nope not going to reply, then he texted saying 'hes been away on business'. still ignore, but then he said he can meet tomorrow morning. Kinda thought should really still ignore but sadly its been such a bad week for me, got nothing to lose right? So agreed 10:30am but of course nothing. Not even going to message him. For sure no more chances for him. Even more annoyed as cut short my gym workout so could fit in seeing him. I am just angry as its plain cruel and makes it feel like its my fault?

I honestly dont get it, I know some men may be polite while in your company and say how nice and amazing you are but go out and think 'no, didnt like her' that is fair enough but you would move on right? you wouldnt keep arranging to see that person and just let them down. huge sigh. They must get a huge kick out of it, I just choose to believe in karma. Anyway hope everyone has a better Friday, this weekend has got to be better right?  :FF

Unfortunately some seem to think that when they've booked us and turned up once it gives them a free reign to mess about in future.  I've had it a few times.  They come once or twice and think it's ok to text us everyday, or constantly ask for availability and not respond, make and change or cancel appointments loads.  The only thing you can do is put them on block and put it down to experience.  Seeing as he's done that to you twice and not even bothered to cancel the appointment, you'd be well within your rights to post a TW warning on here IMO. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 10 November 2017, 11:26:40 am
Unfortunately some seem to think that when they've booked us and turned up once it gives them a free reign to mess about in future.  I've had it a few times.  They come once or twice and think it's ok to text us everyday, or constantly ask for availability and not respond, make and change or cancel appointments loads.  The only thing you can do is put them on block and put it down to experience.  Seeing as he's done that to you twice and not even bothered to cancel the appointment, you'd be well within your rights to post a TW warning on here IMO.

Yeah, I know should of learned from last time but sure you know the feeling, its friday and its just been such a dead week and no sign of meets. You start to worry and stress. The feeling of got nothing to lose comes into it. Its so bad at the moment, got to pick up again soon? Anyway posted on TW warning bit too :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 10 November 2017, 11:33:56 am
Yeah, I know should of learned from last time but sure you know the feeling, its friday and its just been such a dead week and no sign of meets. You start to worry and stress. The feeling of got nothing to lose comes into it. Its so bad at the moment, got to pick up again soon? Anyway posted on TW warning bit too :)

Oh did you sorry if I missed that.  Yes I know what you mean it really drains your energy when you get someone like that take advantage.  I'm sure it will pick up Christmas is normally the busiest!  Have a good weekend and next weekend is a new week :) x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 10 November 2017, 11:48:20 am
Oh did you sorry if I missed that.  Yes I know what you mean it really drains your energy when you get someone like that take advantage.  I'm sure it will pick up Christmas is normally the busiest!  Have a good weekend and next weekend is a new week :) x

You too hun, nice get to chat on here about it. Does help as not healthy bottling it all up. Wish everyone well this weekend and stay safe :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 10 November 2017, 11:56:43 am
When they've just taken a big strap-on and their arses are dribbling, but instead of taking the proffered wet wipe or staying still as instructed, they turn around without taking the protective towel with them and instead put their shitty arse on the top blanket!

WTF is wrong with these guys?

Some men are really good at keeping things clean.  Others... :-X 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SuperCheese on 10 November 2017, 10:18:47 pm
Ask for outcalls to really random places, when you don't actually offer them anyway!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 11 November 2017, 08:37:57 am
There was a call from a really tall, middle aged, overweight guy (but not morbidly obese, I prefer, these days actually) who made an awful lot of vocal noise (almost like shouting as if he won't care about anything, anyone could have heard that..) and all the crazy banging noise as if the bed is about to collapse as if the bed was shaken by an earthquake (which I never heard/happened, with anybody else).  It could have been if he continued longer.   Seriously, worried, that he was breaking the bed, he was on his mission.  He has been known to leave skid marks everywhere.  Not the considerate type. "I'll do it anyway, as I don't care as I paid" type.  I was guessing that he was not everyone's cup of tea.   Not many women would tolerate this type of behaviour.  He also has a well-veiled game playing habit (he does not follow my booking procedure and pretends that it works for him).  Thinking about it now, glad I avoided!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 11 November 2017, 10:19:14 am
Probably been said before but when they say loudly something like cor you look sexy before the front door is properly closed as they come in.  That may be ok if it is a house and no neighbours within earshot but if it is a flat on a floor with several other doors a few feet away, NO!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 11 November 2017, 11:28:05 am
*Shakes head*   :(

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 11 November 2017, 12:28:24 pm
Probably been said before but when they say loudly something like cor you look sexy before the front door is properly closed as they come in.  That may be ok if it is a house and no neighbours within earshot but if it is a flat on a floor with several other doors a few feet away, NO!

Or how about ?you?re worth every penny? really loudly as they are going out the door in similar circumstances.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: starnatalia on 11 November 2017, 06:48:37 pm
Send you email or message   .... Hi 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 12 November 2017, 07:19:10 am
One guy visited spent on a hour booking then kept calling to chat about his next visit when I asked him when he was booking all he kept saying was "I'm saving my pennies up ".
he had no intention i just ignore his calls nowadays . ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 12 November 2017, 08:22:22 pm
Send you email or message   .... Hi
Yes very annoying and I don't answer.Get to the point or bugger off!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: starnatalia on 13 November 2017, 05:41:23 pm
 :)  deferently no answer from me ,block a number.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 15 November 2017, 11:25:47 am
Met a client yesterday for 1 hour in a hotel, which made a nice change. Got there, he had rose wine for us and we had a chat before which again makes a nice change, makes it feel a bit more 'normal' sort of speak. He paid me the money as agreed no problem. Older man and English. Nice to chat to, so got down to it. kissing, foreplay etc but when it came to putting condom on he kept going soft (sadly not uncommon I find with some)

So as he was top, dont mind letting him rub his penis on top (in between legs) to help get him hard enough for condom to go on but he kept trying to (playfully) get it in without!  ::) just as I was about to politely tell him to stop, he cum but was on my stomach. All fine (I suppose lol) then finished with a massage. Throughout the meet he kept saying how stunning and how gorgeous I am etc etc but then he was talking about he wants to make it a regular thing but only once a month and he pretty much demanded a discount as the second meet would make him a 'regular' Sorry but I dont think so! especially not just once a month?? So I said happy to take ?10 off but would have to be at least once a week. He didnt say much to that, then he went on about wanting to maybe see me later after he has seen his friends, back at hotel. Could of been possible but he wanted to only pay ?50 and then me come back in the morning and him only pay ?50?? Politely said that doesnt work for me and its not my rates, especially at those kind of times, so I left.

Then after a bit I got a message from him saying

"hi. Had a great time, will see you again. 2 tips never fuck without a condom (wtf?? We didnt do that and he was pushing for that) and be more flexible with price (my price) sorry to be so hard but times are hard xx'

Yeah your dam right, hence why my rates are set at that price!  :FF by then was quite late and he sent me a couple of weird messages about wanting to be friends etc so simply ignore!

Dear oh dear, really dont get people like this?? I think these kind of people are worse than normal timewasters lol

Anyway, come on Wednesday lets see what you got!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 15 November 2017, 11:53:46 am
I saw a tight "git" of late, sorry to be blunt. No offence meant. But he was.
Surprise, surprise, he texted me afterwards, "can we make this into an arrangement each month?" 

I tried to be diplomatic with him (the best way) - but I told him if you wanted a booking, please book normally as others do" (politely) Time may be hard, but "you are not my type at all"   If I wasn't paid, I wouldn't even consider breathing in the same room. A form of boundary-pushing in my honest opinion.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 15 November 2017, 12:49:46 pm
I saw a tight "git" of late, sorry to be blunt. No offence meant. But he was.
Surprise, surprise, he texted me afterwards, "can we make this into an arrangement each month?" 

I tried to be diplomatic with him (the best way) - but I told him if you wanted a booking, please book normally as others do" (politely) Time may be hard, but "you are not my type at all"   If I wasn't paid, I wouldn't even consider breathing in the same room. A form of boundary-pushing in my honest opinion.  ;D

lol this sounds just like the client I met yesterday! They must have a secret group somewhere, the boundary pushers!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 15 November 2017, 02:45:45 pm
lol this sounds just like the client I met yesterday! They must have a secret group somewhere, the boundary pushers!  ;D

Yes, both are strikingly similar (and stupid).  8)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 16 November 2017, 03:09:46 pm
Some think we are experts on stis.
Had one tell me after the booking he had an itch down below and could I inspect it as he was concerned.
Told him it would have been nice if he informed me of this before the booking as a courtesy. Maybe I expect too much.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 16 November 2017, 03:34:45 pm
Some think we are experts on stis.
Had one tell me after the booking he had an itch down below and could I inspect it as he was concerned.
Told him it would have been nice if he informed me of this before the booking as a courtesy. Maybe I expect too much.

Oh my god I would have gone mad!  I had a guy ring me up once asking if it would be ok to do kissing if he had a cold sore, I said no.  He then said what about reverse oral?  Also no.  Oh I'll book someone else then was his response  :FF

I had one guy quizzing me about testing once after a scare in the area I was working in at the time, and he said to me "I had a chest infection last week so I'd better get checked quickly"  a chest infection?!  I said if you had caught an STI from receiving uncovered oral one of the side effects is certainly not going to be a chest infection  ::) ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: themoneyhoneyy on 16 November 2017, 09:07:14 pm
Right now me vs client ( 0 feedback) on AW :

E-mail he sent me :

Hi ** you seem to be changing your profile a lot ( one time). Keep loosing track of you and now a new profile - very elusive.

Ps some more selfies would be great. I prefer selfies rather than expensive photographs. Yours are very nice though but I lrefer grittier real world photos to see the real you.


Me :

Hello "M"

thank you for your e-mail.

I do not change my profile A LOT. I had only one before and AW deleted it because I used my profile pictures on other websites so I had to register again.

For someone that is watching me so much I can not remember you ever making a booking :)

Also thank you for reaching out to me about your preference but you know how people feel about unsolicited advise about their business... people don't like it. Makes you look like a dick. No disrespect.

I take about 4 bookings a week and I do not have a problem filling those. My profile has to be authentic to ME.

Thanks for reaching out but if it is not to enquire about a possible booking, please don't.

Take care.

 :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF fucking time waster asshole twats

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Monroe on 22 November 2017, 10:01:40 pm
Haha, no way! I can't believe this thread is still going. I started it years ago.

I see clients never change!!!  :FF :FF :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 23 November 2017, 03:45:17 pm
awww had a great successful meet run....think managed to do about 9/10 bookings in a row and a no show this afternoon!!! sigh  :FF suppose had to happen at some point! is it sad I am gutted my good run has come to an end? lol another meet at 6pm hopefully  ;D

Hope everyone is getting work and doing ok. Stay safe all xxx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 24 November 2017, 06:50:56 pm
?When are you available next??

So I reply with my availability for the next week.

?Oh :( I was hoping you?d be free today.?

I actually replied - don?t you think it would have made more sense to ask if I?m available today then? So annoying when people ask for general availability but actually only have a 1 hour window for the whole week - just ask if I?m available then!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Z on 24 November 2017, 07:57:15 pm
Ask to quickly use the toilet before handing over money.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 24 November 2017, 09:34:00 pm
Ask to quickly use the toilet before handing over money.

I've only had this once and the guy was literally doing the "I need a pee" dance. He said "I really really need to pee, I guess you want the money first though, hang on" and I was like dude, just go and pee first, I don't want to deal with an accident!

Today's annoyance: client goes for a shower at both the beginning and end of the booking. I told him "the shower gel is hanging on the wall" - not only is there the hotel shower gel but I'd put a nice neutral-scented Imperial Leather one next to it.

Went in the bathroom once he'd left and he'd used my fucking expensive shampoo instead of shower gel. Fuckwit!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Z on 24 November 2017, 09:45:53 pm
I've only had this once and the guy was literally doing the "I need a pee" dance. He said "I really really need to pee, I guess you want the money first though, hang on" and I was like dude, just go and pee first, I don't want to deal with an accident!

Today's annoyance: client goes for a shower at both the beginning and end of the booking. I told him "the shower gel is hanging on the wall" - not only is there the hotel shower gel but I'd put a nice neutral-scented Imperial Leather one next to it.

Went in the bathroom once he'd left and he'd used my fucking expensive shampoo instead of shower gel. Fuckwit!
Exactly the pee dance. ;D  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 24 November 2017, 10:18:24 pm
I've only had this once and the guy was literally doing the "I need a pee" dance. He said "I really really need to pee, I guess you want the money first though, hang on" and I was like dude, just go and pee first, I don't want to deal with an accident!

Today's annoyance: client goes for a shower at both the beginning and end of the booking. I told him "the shower gel is hanging on the wall" - not only is there the hotel shower gel but I'd put a nice neutral-scented Imperial Leather one next to it.

Went in the bathroom once he'd left and he'd used my fucking expensive shampoo instead of shower gel. Fuckwit!

Omg yes!! this happened to me all the time! have 2 shelves in my shower, one for my personal stuff and another full of nice hotel style stuff and I even say politely say and point out, can you use these please, but nope!! so now if I remember I hide away my stuff!  ::) and to add to this, sometimes the complete mess they leave and water all over the place....Really??  :FF but on a positive note, had one client who had a shower and took ages (didnt bother me as he 'finished' and had loads of time left but could hear him make so much noise and took ages so was dreading opening the bathroom door which he gone and I swear its the neatest and cleanest ive ever seen my bathroom! I thought he could come again for sure! lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 24 November 2017, 10:34:50 pm
Ask to quickly use the toilet before handing over money.

Oh my gosh. I hate this one. Honestly gets on my nerves. The first thing I think of when a punter comes in, is the money, so when they do this it throws me off cuz after small greetings at the door to let them in, I expect the money next not for them to go dirty my toilet. Should start asking for the money soon as they step one foot in the door lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 24 November 2017, 11:12:07 pm
I've only had this once and the guy was literally doing the "I need a pee" dance. He said "I really really need to pee, I guess you want the money first though, hang on" and I was like dude, just go and pee first, I don't want to deal with an accident!

Today's annoyance: client goes for a shower at both the beginning and end of the booking. I told him "the shower gel is hanging on the wall" - not only is there the hotel shower gel but I'd put a nice neutral-scented Imperial Leather one next to it.

Went in the bathroom once he'd left and he'd used my fucking expensive shampoo instead of shower gel. Fuckwit!
So many do this lol. I've started to remove everything from the bathroom that isn't available to them. I had one guy use the handwash instead of the shower gel that was there?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kate_x on 25 November 2017, 12:07:14 am
So many do this lol. I've started to remove everything from the bathroom that isn't available to them. I had one guy use the handwash instead of the shower gel that was there?

Im having to do this as well. So many are using my shower cream and shampoo when the mens one is staring them straight in the face  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kate_x on 25 November 2017, 12:09:28 am
Oh when a previously nice regular very nearly tries bareback today! Changed my opinion of him totally
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 25 November 2017, 01:44:58 pm
Oh when a previously nice regular very nearly tries bareback today! Changed my opinion of him totally

Wow really? suppose this shows an important lesson, even if its a 'regular' client, you cant trust them 100%

Hope your ok x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 25 November 2017, 02:04:38 pm
I think sometimes with regulars you can let your guard slip and some are like predators waiting to pounce should an opportunity arise and acting all innocent when you have a go at them for taking advantage.
I've had some trying to rub their cock against my clit and getting way too close to my pussy. I'm sure if I hadn't intervened they would have tried to slip it in.
On a separate note had a client shout out my name in the street from his car. I was with my sister and could have died on the spot.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: demelza on 26 November 2017, 11:10:54 am

On a separate note had a client shout out my name in the street from his car. I was with my sister and could have died on the spot.

LOOOOL. F'ing worst. Nightmare. Scenario. Ever.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 26 November 2017, 10:39:50 pm
Wow really? suppose this shows an important lesson, even if its a 'regular' client, you cant trust them 100%

Hope your ok x
I know of so many girls, who are long time workers of this wonderful sex industry, that all at least have that one regular that thinks because he's been 'good' and 'worn one' the past 10+ years, then he is now entitled to free services & of course, a BB service!

Men...tsk tsk :( correction SOME Men xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 26 November 2017, 11:10:11 pm
I know of so many girls, who are long time workers of this wonderful sex industry, that all at least have that one regular that thinks because he's been 'good' and 'worn one' the past 10+ years, then he is now entitled to free services & of course, a BB service!

Men...tsk tsk :( correction SOME Men xx

yeah completely agree!  ::) x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 29 November 2017, 03:48:47 pm
Does anyone else feel their heart sinking when a prospective client says ?I?m easy going sounds like you are too? and you can?t help wondering if it?s code for boundary pushing, BB or worse, just from the tone of voice  ???

And same said prospective client when you ask him to confirm at a set time starts huffing and puffing, even when you say ?what?s good for you? he says his days are unpredictable and can?t give a time, and sounds off when you insist he confirms by X time.

And makes you feel like you are being unreasonable  :FF. I?m not holding my breath
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 29 November 2017, 04:47:42 pm
I think some clients can be very indecisive especially on the phone. I prefer if they just book date and time and that's it rather than umming and aahing and saying they will let you know.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 29 November 2017, 05:19:58 pm
I think some clients can be very indecisive especially on the phone. I prefer if they just book date and time and that's it rather than umming and aahing and saying they will let you know.

He wasn?t umming and aha-ing about appt time, he?d booked, he just sounded like an escort had never asked him to confirm before! And didn?t like it.

It would not surprise me if he didn?t show or something, if he has massive difficulty even committing to confirming....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 29 November 2017, 07:14:34 pm
I often think these enquiries are phone jerkers to be honest .they don't have any intention of booking at all.Just wanking off during or after they have talked to a live escort ooh how exciting must it be for them  ::) ::) :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 01 December 2017, 09:00:34 am
I've had two clients that have slightly grated on me this week and I wouldn't see them again unless I really needed the money.

Client 1
Books for an hour.
Arrives just over 20 minutes late.
Slobbers all over my face trying to kiss me with his mouth covering both of my lips, ruining my makeup and dribbling spit all over me, so much so that when I turn my head there was still a trail connecting both of our mouths.
Asks me to stop during oral as he'd rather do penetration and after changing positions nearly every few minutes (oh how I hate the edgers!) I'm covered in his sweat dripping all over my stomach, face and hair as well as his spit, he keeps apologising and I say it's fine wanting to stop the acrobatics and not prolong this any longer.
We then had intermissions every now and then for  him to wipe his face on a towel as he kept trying to stain my pillows and also to change positions.
I check the time and see we have 15 minutes and let him know, he then mentions that he finds it near on impossible to ejaculate in a condom and can he wank over me instead! No worries, so off he goes only to aim buckets of thin cum directly at my stockings and not on my stomach which was his initial direction.
Wrapped all of that up and pointed him to the door, he had a good time supposedly but I'm not sure I can be bothered with all of that again.

Client 2
Completely disregards the address sent and instructions in which he was asked to ring on the intercom so that I could let him in. Ends up in the wrong block calling me to say he's inside and what was my apartment number (as if I didn't give him the intercom number and tell him to use the bloody thing!).
I explain that he didn't listen and hang up, not particularly interested in verbally guiding him to the right entrance considering he was now running late and was so abrupt on the phone.
Finally he rings the intercom and is reluctant to look into the camera or even say hello so there's back and forth until he does.
Finally arrives and doesn't have adequate change and so he tells me to keep the extra and "make it worth it"
The most delightful silent starfish of a client in which he laid spread out on the bed for all of 30 minutes, orgasming twice and not warning or telling me either time and only starting a conversation with me to tell me I must be paranoid as he called and messaged me on another phone number and I didn't respond.
He also piped up to complain about the use of regular sized condoms and how tight they are (I don't have time to stroke egos with such nonsense, men bigger in the downstairs department than him  fit into them just fine with no complaint).
He's more or less finished now and wants to get rid of his own condom and so I tell him to use the bin in the bathroom only to find out after he'd left he'd chucked it in the toilet and done a piss on top of it.

Thank goodness I'm done for the week!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 01 December 2017, 03:41:03 pm
I've had two clients that have slightly grated on me this week and I wouldn't see them again unless I really needed the money.

Client 1
Books for an hour.
Arrives just over 20 minutes late.
Slobbers all over my face trying to kiss me with his mouth covering both of my lips, ruining my makeup and dribbling spit all over me, so much so that when I turn my head there was still a trail connecting both of our mouths.
Asks me to stop during oral as he'd rather do penetration and after changing positions nearly every few minutes (oh how I hate the edgers!) I'm covered in his sweat dripping all over my stomach, face and hair as well as his spit, he keeps apologising and I say it's fine wanting to stop the acrobatics and not prolong this any longer.
We then had intermissions every now and then for  him to wipe his face on a towel as he kept trying to stain my pillows and also to change positions.
I check the time and see we have 15 minutes and let him know, he then mentions that he finds it near on impossible to ejaculate in a condom and can he wank over me instead! No worries, so off he goes only to aim buckets of thin cum directly at my stockings and not on my stomach which was his initial direction.
Wrapped all of that up and pointed him to the door, he had a good time supposedly but I'm not sure I can be bothered with all of that again.

Client 2
Completely disregards the address sent and instructions in which he was asked to ring on the intercom so that I could let him in. Ends up in the wrong block calling me to say he's inside and what was my apartment number (as if I didn't give him the intercom number and tell him to use the bloody thing!).
I explain that he didn't listen and hang up, not particularly interested in verbally guiding him to the right entrance considering he was now running late and was so abrupt on the phone.
Finally he rings the intercom and is reluctant to look into the camera or even say hello so there's back and forth until he does.
Finally arrives and doesn't have adequate change and so he tells me to keep the extra and "make it worth it"
The most delightful silent starfish of a client in which he laid spread out on the bed for all of 30 minutes, orgasming twice and not warning or telling me either time and only starting a conversation with me to tell me I must be paranoid as he called and messaged me on another phone number and I didn't respond.
He also piped up to complain about the use of regular sized condoms and how tight they are (I don't have time to stroke egos with such nonsense, men bigger in the downstairs department than him  fit into them just fine with no complaint).
He's more or less finished now and wants to get rid of his own condom and so I tell him to use the bin in the bathroom only to find out after he'd left he'd chucked it in the toilet and done a piss on top of it.

Thank goodness I'm done for the week!

Client 1 is just plain gross and ewwwww  :-X

Client 2 all I can think is why?????? why do so called 'people, human beings' behave in such a way??  :o

Really hope your ok and you get a nice meet soon.

Stay safe xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 01 December 2017, 11:12:09 pm
I've had two clients that have slightly grated on me this week and I wouldn't see them again unless I really needed the money.

Client 1
Books for an hour.
Arrives just over 20 minutes late.
Slobbers all over my face trying to kiss me with his mouth covering both of my lips, ruining my makeup and dribbling spit all over me, so much so that when I turn my head there was still a trail connecting both of our mouths.
Asks me to stop during oral as he'd rather do penetration and after changing positions nearly every few minutes (oh how I hate the edgers!) I'm covered in his sweat dripping all over my stomach, face and hair as well as his spit, he keeps apologising and I say it's fine wanting to stop the acrobatics and not prolong this any longer.
We then had intermissions every now and then for  him to wipe his face on a towel as he kept trying to stain my pillows and also to change positions.
I check the time and see we have 15 minutes and let him know, he then mentions that he finds it near on impossible to ejaculate in a condom and can he wank over me instead! No worries, so off he goes only to aim buckets of thin cum directly at my stockings and not on my stomach which was his initial direction.
Wrapped all of that up and pointed him to the door, he had a good time supposedly but I'm not sure I can be bothered with all of that again.

Client 2
Completely disregards the address sent and instructions in which he was asked to ring on the intercom so that I could let him in. Ends up in the wrong block calling me to say he's inside and what was my apartment number (as if I didn't give him the intercom number and tell him to use the bloody thing!).
I explain that he didn't listen and hang up, not particularly interested in verbally guiding him to the right entrance considering he was now running late and was so abrupt on the phone.
Finally he rings the intercom and is reluctant to look into the camera or even say hello so there's back and forth until he does.
Finally arrives and doesn't have adequate change and so he tells me to keep the extra and "make it worth it"
The most delightful silent starfish of a client in which he laid spread out on the bed for all of 30 minutes, orgasming twice and not warning or telling me either time and only starting a conversation with me to tell me I must be paranoid as he called and messaged me on another phone number and I didn't respond.
He also piped up to complain about the use of regular sized condoms and how tight they are (I don't have time to stroke egos with such nonsense, men bigger in the downstairs department than him  fit into them just fine with no complaint).
He's more or less finished now and wants to get rid of his own condom and so I tell him to use the bin in the bathroom only to find out after he'd left he'd chucked it in the toilet and done a piss on top of it.

Thank goodness I'm done for the week!

If your in London I know EXACTLY who client 1 is!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 02 December 2017, 07:07:04 pm
Honeymoonbarbie how vile for you to exoerience bet you were glad to finish .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 07 December 2017, 10:14:52 pm
Ask you out on a date :-X :-[.
I am in my early twenties, my clients are 40+. Why on earth do they think I would want to date them. For fuck sake. It's insulting and it hurts me to think that these men believe I have nothing better to do with my life that to spend time with them for free. Seriously, it breaks my heart. I'm pissed off writing this as a client I have only seen twice asked me out. Im still angry up to now. I felt so disgusting. Am I really that good of an actress ? From the very first meet he gave an incline that he was that stupid type but I brushed it off. It's my job to give you a good service and pretend to like you. They think I will be flattered or something? I am very offended that they think I actually want them when I wouldn't even notice their existence on the streets. I'm really offended, hurt and angry. This client thinks I'm naive, that I would get excited if he says he has a good job and is rich. All I care about is them showing up with my correct fee, then fucking off and coming back with my fee again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 07 December 2017, 11:27:40 pm
Ask you out on a date :-X :-[.
I am in my early twenties, my clients are 40+. Why on earth do they think I would want to date them. For fuck sake. It's insulting and it hurts me to think that these men believe I have nothing better to do with my life that to spend time with them for free. Seriously, it breaks my heart. I'm pissed off writing this as a client I have only seen twice asked me out. Im still angry up to now. I felt so disgusting. Am I really that good of an actress ? From the very first meet he gave an incline that he was that stupid type but I brushed it off. It's my job to give you a good service and pretend to like you. They think I will be flattered or something? I am very offended that they think I actually want them when I wouldn't even notice their existence on the streets. I'm really offended, hurt and angry. This client thinks I'm naive, that I would get excited if he says he has a good job and is rich. All I care about is them showing up with my correct fee, then fucking off and coming back with my fee again.

I know it's annoying, but don't you think your reaction is a little strong - using the words I've bolded? They like you, they're chancing their arm. I don't really understand why it should make you feel "disgusting"?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 08 December 2017, 12:51:12 am
I know it's annoying, but don't you think your reaction is a little strong - using the words I've bolded? They like you, they're chancing their arm. I don't really understand why it should make you feel "disgusting"?

I'm Sorry you don't understand. Don't expect you to..  No I don't think my reaction is too strong. And yes it is very very cringeworthy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Z on 08 December 2017, 09:39:58 am
Ask you out on a date :-X :-[.
I am in my early twenties, my clients are 40+. Why on earth do they think I would want to date them. For fuck sake. It's insulting and it hurts me to think that these men believe I have nothing better to do with my life that to spend time with them for free. Seriously, it breaks my heart. I'm pissed off writing this as a client I have only seen twice asked me out. Im still angry up to now. I felt so disgusting. Am I really that good of an actress ? From the very first meet he gave an incline that he was that stupid type but I brushed it off. It's my job to give you a good service and pretend to like you. They think I will be flattered or something? I am very offended that they think I actually want them when I wouldn't even notice their existence on the streets. I'm really offended, hurt and angry. This client thinks I'm naive, that I would get excited if he says he has a good job and is rich. All I care about is them showing up with my correct fee, then fucking off and coming back with my fee again.

I think the client who do that are clueless and entitled type. When they offer to date its annoying, frustrating and spoils my mood regardless of age and looks tbh.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetshycanada on 08 December 2017, 05:40:16 pm
When repeat clients but not regulars ask do you still have x,y or z that I gave you... it's like buddy unless you stiched your name on them I have no clue. I get more than one free pair of underwear a year  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 14 December 2017, 09:05:06 am
I've blocked a irritating regular from calling me until I feel better about taking his call or bookings .just dont feel i hsve the patience with him
He really gets on my nerves nice enough just goes on and on  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 15 December 2017, 04:26:09 pm
When they call you and after confirming price ask Have I seen you before :FF

How the f..k am I to remember every idiot who I see. I only save timewasters numbers not nice guys numbers as I move around allot. Of course I said - erm don't think so (i was peeved off by this time cos of to many dicks calling so took it out on him) I added - and anyways how many guys am I to remember whom I fukd. If you book me and I recognise your face when your in my room then great otherwise no.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 15 December 2017, 04:59:28 pm
I've blocked a irritating regular from calling me until I feel better about taking his call or bookings .just dont feel i hsve the patience with him
He really gets on my nerves nice enough just goes on and on  :FF

Someone ought to start a thread on "regulars".   ::)
Someone (I had seen before)got in touch, asking to meet.  He previously asked for a discount (not long ago) stating, he's short of cash. He has a highly well-paid employment. I was running a special, briefly. Maybe, he thought I was "desperate".   I declined him at that time.  Something died after he asked for a discount.  I deleted his message.   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sweetmilf on 15 December 2017, 05:12:10 pm
I am very offended that they think I actually want them when I wouldn't even notice their existence on the streets. I'm really offended, hurt and angry. This client thinks I'm naive, that I would get excited if he says he has a good job and is rich. All I care about is them showing up with my correct fee, then fucking off and coming back with my fee again.

Some men are well aware that a woman in her 20s wouldn't fall for a man in his forties no matter how rich he is.   Some men think women in her 20s would because he's stinking rich.   The logic behind might be: "I handed her this amount of cash and she had sex with me".  It translates into "I am rich, hence she will have sex with me for my high social status".   Not exactly, logical to her, but to him, it just makes sense and he decides to ask.   He essentially wants it for free.  A boundary pusher.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 16 December 2017, 01:52:28 pm
Come to an appointment saying they've just showered so they don't need the bathroom.  Get undressed and they absolutely stink.  Then take a really long shower at the end.   :-X :FF

When you clearly state in your text "please be quiet and discreet coming in and out" then shout the apartment number like "what was that?  THREEE ONE FIVE??" Right outside  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: trashbaby on 20 December 2017, 11:21:36 pm
Had one come the other day, refused to have a shower because he 'had one this morning' (it was like 1pm at this point) and then asked me for rimming.  I told him that was fine but that he would have to reconsider having a shower, he got all shitty (fnar) and still refused.

I don't know whether I'm overly sensitive to this kind of thing but jesus christ. would he expect a civvie woman to lick his sweaty, hairy, unwashed asshole?  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 21 December 2017, 02:28:51 am
Had one come the other day, refused to have a shower because he 'had one this morning' (it was like 1pm at this point) and then asked me for rimming.  I told him that was fine but that he would have to reconsider having a shower, he got all shitty (fnar) and still refused.

I don't know whether I'm overly sensitive to this kind of thing but jesus christ. would he expect a civvie woman to lick his sweaty, hairy, unwashed asshole?  :FF
This is a regular occurrence for me in all honesty; I'm working in a sauna atm & at least once a week I get a client that you describe, and yes they do expect us to lick their 'sweaty, hairy, unwashed ass holes', this is obvious in their reaction's!

Remember that, to some clients, then we are just dirty hookers who should 'just do what they're paid for, who cares if there's a cheesy knob, shitty sweaty arsehole, b.o, minging breath, etc, etc, just get on with it'! This is what their thoughts must be.  Personally I hate having to tell grown men how to wash properly, and infact just telling them TO wash is bad enough, I know I just have to get on with it but omg, the heart palpitations this causes me!! Ha ha x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 21 December 2017, 05:50:30 am
Rimming a guy's ass hole...
  ladies uou are too good to these  clients
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 21 December 2017, 10:08:58 am
When your limited on number of bookings you can take for the day, get a phone call and its a high chance its a TW/no show but your just hoping a tiny bit they will show up as its a stressful day to get work  :'(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 21 December 2017, 02:17:54 pm
Rimming a guy's ass hole...
  ladies uou are too good to these  clients

+1. Some girls seriously worship their clients to the point they even do it for no extra charge.. I think some girls even do it for something small, like  an extra 20 or something. Personally an extra 20 quid isn't going to make much of a dent in my bank account for me to even consider linking a punters shitty asshole where shit comes out :-X but each to their own.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 21 December 2017, 02:46:17 pm
Just had a long term reg show me his not too happy face.  I put up with this man because he is one of the bread and butter clients we probably all have.

Basically he came in and before my front door was shut he said "whorrr sexy dress!" and I ushered him into my bedroom and said "I will have to have a little word with you" but I said it in a jovial way and then told him that it is not only discretion for him which is vital but also for me! The position of my premises and door means that neighbours could pass at any moment.

He would not look at me for a few minutes after that and was quiet. I asked did he understand what I was saying and he just mumbled yes.

He is walking a fine line, he has done this kind of thing before and is quite self centered, he talks a lot about his home situation (no names mentioned) and gives me the impression he is a pain in the arse at home. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 21 December 2017, 03:09:56 pm
A lot of these guys are just like children in grown up bodies.
Next time put him on the naught step.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 21 December 2017, 06:23:09 pm
I just completely lost my rag with a client for the first time.  I told him to leave.  I've seen him about four times in the past, but not for over six months.  He's always been a bit of a pain and a faffer, but has always been nice in the appointment so I've been happy to deal with the annoyances.  In the past he's asked for an appointment on credit and I told him no. Last time he came was in June.  He arrived saying that his bank card had been swallowed and he couldn't get any money out, but he could write me a check. I told him no and why didn't he contact me before and cancel the appointment?  He said he didn't want to let me down.  I said well I could have taken another appointment and been paid for it.  He kept trying to kiss me and kept touching my bum as I let him out.  I told him no.  Was not very happy at all.  The cheek of arriving without payment.   

Haven't heard from him again until today.  He makes an appointment and I thought no harm in giving him another chance, he's always been nice in appointments and I had nothing else on at the time he asked for.  I double check he remembers where I am he says yes.  He arrives and I let him into the building, tell him the apartment number AGAIN (bear in mind he had to ring the apartment number to get in) and the floor number (there's also a sign in my building with the apartment numbers and their relevant floor numbers).  I'm waiting and waiting...nothing.  Ring him.  "I'm lost."  He's at the wrong floor.  This goes on for ten minutes of me telling him yet again the floor number and apartment number and directing him to my apartment, the one he's been to at least five times previously.  He's then outside the building asking to be let back in again.  I'd lost it by that point and told him to leave.  I'm so pissed off.  Does anyone think I overreacted?  I could literally scream. 

I'm mad at myself for giving him another chance  :FF 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 21 December 2017, 06:35:07 pm
" Does anyone think I overreacted?  I could literally scream."

No way and I think you were more than patient with him. Very odd behaviour indeed from him.

 I have also had two long term clients asking for a booking on credit.  My answer was a firm no and will always be that way no matter if I saw them a hundred times.  If they can not afford to pay on arrival they should not be booking at all.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 21 December 2017, 06:42:26 pm
" Does anyone think I overreacted?  I could literally scream."

No way and I think you were more than patient with him. Very odd behaviour indeed from him.

 I have also had two long term clients asking for a booking on credit.  My answer was a firm no and will always be that way no matter if I saw them a hundred times.  If they can not afford to pay on arrival they should not be booking at all.

Thank you Justine.  Thought I was right here.  I was so furious I thought maybe I was just seeing red but to waste two appointment times like that.  I honestly get the feeling he never wanted to come because he can't afford it he just wanted to see if I'd let him in for free or get another free grope like last time.  I too would never let them have it on credit, so rude!! x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 21 December 2017, 07:27:43 pm
+1. Some girls seriously worship their clients to the point they even do it for no extra charge.. I think some girls even do it for something small, like  an extra 20 or something. Personally an extra 20 quid isn't going to make much of a dent in my bank account for me to even consider linking a punters shitty asshole where shit comes out :-X but each to their own.
I rim some of my clients but ONLY if they're clean & if they're not clean then I tell them so, I hate having to tell grown men to wash, cringe, but its got to be done! I would rather rim a clean bum than have sex tbh, each to their own...Sorry for slightly going off topic.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SuperCheese on 22 December 2017, 01:33:20 am
Don't arrive clean enough...gross!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 22 December 2017, 02:09:13 am
Don't arrive clean enough...gross!
I found AW clients far cleaner than sauna clients and there's shower cubicles in the sauna rooms as well!
I swear some of them turn up dirty on purpose, and especially when they are spotlessly clean everywhere else barr their cocks, mmmmn suspicious...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Britishblonde on 27 December 2017, 09:35:54 pm
Had a guy today who messaged about my profile, that he couldn't see me until end of Feb and could he have some pics from my private gallery  :FF Don't think so hun.

Does anyone know how I can see how many emails a client has sent on AW? I saw something about this on another thread but can't find it.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosie13 on 27 December 2017, 11:43:52 pm
Had a guy today who messaged about my profile, that he couldn't see me until end of Feb and could he have some pics from my private gallery  :FF Don't think so hun.

Does anyone know how I can see how many emails a client has sent on AW? I saw something about this on another thread but can't find it.


I think you?re only able to see this if they have an alias? I might be wrong though. X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 28 December 2017, 09:05:13 am
I set up auto response as I'm on holiday yet thel message saying are you free today  :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MelissaS on 18 January 2018, 08:45:38 pm
I switched my phone on this evening to find a text from a client giving me life advice this morning!!

I met him once, he got very overly attached and I've ignored all his future texts since.

"Hey, part of me really wants to come and see you again but you have prob blocked this number so prob just talking to no one which is prob for best.
Saw you are working all week during day, guess you quit your office job? Be careful, don't end up in this situation where this kind of work is your only option. X"

The things that irritate me simply just irritate me and most ridiculous shit they say is water off a ducks back, but this left me absolutely furious.  >:(   :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 19 January 2018, 09:20:14 am
How patronising is that , it would put me off him as a client  very quickly  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MelissaS on 19 January 2018, 10:53:44 am
How patronising is that , it would put me off him as a client  very quickly  :-X

Oh Sugar, I was furious. I told him how dare he text me with life advice, I?d ignored his texts for a reason and to never ever contact me again. I didn?t get a reply so hopefully he?s got the message now!
Unbelievable to think he actually thought that sort of message was going to go down well.  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: little-minx on 19 January 2018, 12:26:50 pm
Oh Sugar, I was furious. I told him how dare he text me with life advice, I?d ignored his texts for a reason and to never ever contact me again. I didn?t get a reply so hopefully he?s got the message now!
Unbelievable to think he actually thought that sort of message was going to go down well.  >:(

Oh my god I would have been so angry too.  When they say stuff like that is confuses me loads.  They want a variety of escorts, they want nice escorts, then when they find one they try to put you off the job...then moan there's no good ones around.  Vicious circle of stupidity.   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 19 January 2018, 09:02:24 pm
"Hey, part of me really wants to come and see you again but you have prob blocked this number so prob just talking to no one which is prob for best.
Saw you are working all week during day, guess you quit your office job? Be careful, don't end up in this situation where this kind of work is your only option. X"

I LOVE replying to cunts like this.
"Thanks for the info. Can I ask what companies you've worked for as their [social media/outreach/acquisition/customer serveice] manager? I'd really like to exchange experience."

Inevitably it turns out I've held a more senior role than them. Oh what a surprise.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cheekygirl on 25 January 2018, 01:40:06 pm
I know this is really really pitty but I hate it when client critique the hotel room. I don?t know why it just
Books my blood. I feel I paid good money for the room, if the bin/wall paper/size of the tele isn?t too your liking it not my problem.

I also hate it when they spit/drool when giving you oral then comment on how let you are

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 25 January 2018, 01:41:25 pm
I know this is really really pitty but I hate it when client critique the hotel room. I don?t know why it just
Books my blood. I feel I paid good money for the room, if the bin/wall paper/size of the tele isn?t too your liking it not my problem.

I also hate it when they spit/drool when giving you oral then comment on how let you are


ewww yes, I hate it when they proper spit on you. I find it so gross  :-X lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 25 January 2018, 04:08:04 pm
I know this is really really pitty but I hate it when client critique the hotel room. I don?t know why it just
Books my blood. I feel I paid good money for the room, if the bin/wall paper/size of the tele isn?t too your liking it not my problem.

I also hate it when they spit/drool when giving you oral then comment on how let you are


I feel your frustration one time a client was picking at every aspect of the room I was hosting him in. I said to him - YOU SHOULD OF BOOKED A 5 STAR HOTEL OF YOUR LIKING AND HAD ME COME OUT TO YOU AS YOU ARE PICKING AND MOANING AT EVERY INCH OF THIS ROOM (it was a nice 4 star hotel clean presentable etc) IF YOU ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO FOCUS ON THE ROOM I AM IN I WILL TERMINATE THIS BOOKING WITH NO REFUND.

Idiot changed the topic fast. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: NELady.x on 25 January 2018, 06:46:14 pm
Flood the bathroom when taking a shower.. how is this even possible when the shower curtain is in the bath? AND there is a bath mat on the floor. But it still ends up soaked! Baffles me. Just no need for it....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MelissaS on 25 January 2018, 08:28:26 pm
When they request  bookings then go completely silent!!!  ???

This pisses me off, especially when a time has been agreed and it comes to sending a booking request!  :FF

It annoys me that much that I?m starting to just block them now if they do it. If they?ve found someone else or can?t make it then fine, just have some manners and let me know. I?m not pissing about in the future if they want to try the same shit again, they can go straight on the blacklist.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: newlook5 on 25 January 2018, 10:13:27 pm
leaving skid marks on my sheets
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 27 January 2018, 10:22:51 am
When they get on the bed and take both pillows for themselves.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KiaraK on 27 January 2018, 10:28:08 am
leaving skid marks on my sheets

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 27 January 2018, 12:31:02 pm
leaving skid marks on my sheets

I never had this in ten years! When you say sheets do you mean proper cotton bed sheets? No client has ever touched my sheets as only top covers are next to his body but still, never had a skid mark to date.

As another lady mentioned, I have also had the men who look around my room as though they find it distasteful. Right up until they cum everything is fine but as soon as they start to dress they are looking around with a very strange expression. My room is sparkly clean and warm, very prettily decorated for the occasion, men are men and once they finish with our bodies they turn into, well, men.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy lee on 29 January 2018, 04:13:42 pm
leaving skid marks on my sheets

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 29 January 2018, 04:42:57 pm
Clients dont get anywhere near my lovely white sheets.
I hate it when they make a mess in the toilet and don't clean up. Have had guys leaving marks on my toilet seat. Don't they know how to take a dump?
Or don't use the air freshener.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 01 February 2018, 02:07:17 pm
 I hate when they use the word fun or pleasure. Have someone who wants to book and he keeps saying stuff like "midday fun with you" or "hope you'll be in the mood for fun" ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 02 February 2018, 11:03:15 am
My mobile is displayed I get messages via e-mailing asking what the number is  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Meetingdiversity on 04 February 2018, 05:09:44 pm
Each time a client is rude to me on the phone makes me smile feeling happy. Happy that I am doing the right thing cutting down.

Happy that I will cut right down. When moved as my rent is very low hip hip hooray. God bless all the idiot loss causes.

Very happy and excited about my new beginnings, pretty tired today though as couldn't sleep properly last night.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Meetingdiversity on 04 February 2018, 09:01:11 pm
Even when they book and don't come like just now. I am enjoying making my vision board having so much fun. This is bliss.  Not even going to bother texting him.

I'm too good for people who show no respect to me because I respect myself.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 04 February 2018, 09:18:45 pm
Even when they book and don't come like just now. I am enjoying making my vision board having so much fun. This is bliss.  Not even going to bother texting him.

I'm too good for people who show no respect to me because I respect myself.

awww love this!!! Good for you

Lovely post to read  :-*
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Meetingdiversity on 04 February 2018, 10:20:33 pm
awww love this!!! Good for you

Lovely post to read  :-*

Bless you MsLady, usually weekends are quieter for me. Have a great night.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 04 February 2018, 10:25:06 pm
I never had this in ten years! When you say sheets do you mean proper cotton bed sheets? No client has ever touched my sheets as only top covers are next to his body but still, never had a skid mark to date.

As another lady mentioned, I have also had the men who look around my room as though they find it distasteful. Right up until they cum everything is fine but as soon as they start to dress they are looking around with a very strange expression. My room is sparkly clean and warm, very prettily decorated for the occasion, men are men and once they finish with our bodies they turn into, well, men.  ::)

Come to cardiff and meet ?blue eyed boy? ...  you?d soon experience skids
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: trashbaby on 04 February 2018, 10:42:23 pm
"Ive been told I'm great with my tongue"

meaning, "I'm going to haphazardly slurp at you for half an hour and you better like it"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ParisB on 04 February 2018, 11:44:54 pm
I've only had this once and the guy was literally doing the "I need a pee" dance. He said "I really really need to pee, I guess you want the money first though, hang on" and I was like dude, just go and pee first, I don't want to deal with an accident!

Today's annoyance: client goes for a shower at both the beginning and end of the booking. I told him "the shower gel is hanging on the wall" - not only is there the hotel shower gel but I'd put a nice neutral-scented Imperial Leather one next to it.

Went in the bathroom once he'd left and he'd used my fucking expensive shampoo instead of shower gel. Fuckwit!

 I never leave any of my personal stuff in the bathroom not even my toothbrush or tooth paste
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 05 February 2018, 06:03:42 am
I never leave any of my personal stuff in the bathroom not even my toothbrush or tooth paste

ESPECIALLY not your toothpaste!

I only leave things they're welcome to use. I once had a guy take a bottle of Bobbi Brown makeup remover off the sink and into the shower because he thought it was shower gel. The shower was a hazardous death trap and my expensive product was completely emptied.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 05 February 2018, 08:53:47 am
"Ive been told I'm great with my tongue"

meaning, "I'm going to haphazardly slurp at you for half an hour and you better like it"

Yuk  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 06 February 2018, 05:23:48 pm
I'm not even working today and clients are annoying me.

I hate the ones who think you will rearrange your plans just to suit them. Had to tell a guy repeatedly I don't work Sundays until he said 'Come on meet me tomorrow for 1 hour it will b good im genuine and just want to have a lot of fun you wont regret it .could b regular thing'. Well, now you're blacklisted for pushiness.

Another guy who I saw once (and had already annoyed me in the booking by calling me bossy when I asked him to scooch down on the bed so I had space) had sent a text on a day my work phone was off, asking my schedule for the week. I didn't see it, so he had taken it upon himself to drive through to my city today hoping he could see me. I replied and he responded saying if he'd have known my schedule he wouldn't have come. Why make the journey without a booking?  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: storm on 06 February 2018, 05:31:44 pm
It really annoys me when they get a pillow and want to put it underneath to go down on you
No idea why it irritates me so much, but always found it completely pointless and akwardly uncomfortable   >:( like the crappest thinnest pillow ever is gonna make me any more elevated lol
Also hate when they want you on the very edge of the bed though so maybe its just being ordered around the room i don't like  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 06 February 2018, 06:39:26 pm
Today a first timer to seeing sps (maybe true who knows) was ok-ish but was lying back on the bed while I posed and teased a bit before joining him, then he crooked his finger to get me to go to him. Not a major no no but I did it back to him and then just gave a little laugh.  Others may not be bothered by that kind of thing but I am.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 08 February 2018, 08:58:55 pm
Today a first timer to seeing sps (maybe true who knows) was ok-ish but was lying back on the bed while I posed and teased a bit before joining him, then he crooked his finger to get me to go to him. Not a major no no but I did it back to him and then just gave a little laugh.  Others may not be bothered by that kind of thing but I am.

God this takes me back to civvy work, when a new joiner to my team decided he was going to click his fingers as a signal he needed my help.

Cue "Did you just click your fingers like I'm a waitress? I'm your manager. Next time you do that, I'm taking it as a signal for a coffee break and nobody else from this team will be helping you with anything."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 09 February 2018, 02:09:04 am
My annoying one of the day has got to be an idiot pretending to send a deposit then asking me for a screenshot of my bank that couldn't provide me with one saying the money had been sent. Update, the money still isn't in my account  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 09 February 2018, 09:13:33 am
I'm not even working today and clients are annoying me.

I hate the ones who think you will rearrange your plans just to suit them. Had to tell a guy repeatedly I don't work Sundays until he said 'Come on meet me tomorrow for 1 hour it will b good im genuine and just want to have a lot of fun you wont regret it .could b regular thing'. Well, now you're blacklisted for pushiness.

Another guy who I saw once (and had already annoyed me in the booking by calling me bossy when I asked him to scooch down on the bed so I had space) had sent a text on a day my work phone was off, asking my schedule for the week. I didn't see it, so he had taken it upon himself to drive through to my city today hoping he could see me. I replied and he responded saying if he'd have known my schedule he wouldn't have come. Why make the journey without a booking?  ???
Because they're dumb lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 09 February 2018, 02:24:09 pm
I had a client last night who was chewing gum during foreplay ... vile... anyway I suggested he takes it out & I thought he?d put it in a tissue by the side of the bed. Today I find that he actually stuck his chewn gum to the bottom of my packet of baby wipes  :FF vile disgusting bastard
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MelissaS on 17 February 2018, 07:39:20 pm
I had a client last night who was chewing gum during foreplay ... vile... anyway I suggested he takes it out & I thought he?d put it in a tissue by the side of the bed. Today I find that he actually stuck his chewn gum to the bottom of my packet of baby wipes  :FF vile disgusting bastard
Not entirely the same but this reminded me of the time not long ago I went in my bathroom after a client had left and there was a big blob of brown phlegm in my sink  :o :o :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 17 February 2018, 07:55:40 pm
Possibly said before but definitely one of my biggest pet hates, when they lick their thumb in what they think is a sexy way and then start the rubbing down there.  I could scream!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: analuluiza on 17 February 2018, 10:23:23 pm
Break my shower. Happened 3 times and they don't even tell me????
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Worried93 on 18 February 2018, 12:43:29 am
Break my shower. Happened 3 times and they don't even tell me????

I had someone the other day break my plug (a pop up one) can't find a replacement. They also didn't bother to tell me. No idea how he managed it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 18 February 2018, 02:41:25 am
I had someone the other day break my plug (a pop up one) can't find a replacement. They also didn't bother to tell me. No idea how he managed it.

What kind of plug? Are we talking electrical or bath?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 18 February 2018, 01:59:37 pm
 Use up the entire bottle of shower gel
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 18 February 2018, 06:15:25 pm
Take a shower and still come back to the bedroom smelling a bit off.  I know it has been said before. I have plain unperfumed soap and shower gel so no excuse for not using it.  I think some men just pretend they have had a proper shower to impress us.

I also put down two large absorbent mats which in theory should keep the floor tiles reasonably dry and give the man a large bath towel.  It never works.

Bloody hell.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Worried93 on 19 February 2018, 02:19:47 pm
What kind of plug? Are we talking electrical or bath?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 19 February 2018, 02:35:44 pm
Any attempt to make me 'enjoy myself' or worse still, try to make me cum. Mate I haven't cum without my big fuckoff vibrator for many years and YOU will not be the one to change that..

Oh, and asking, 'do you like that', 'are you enjoying that' or 'does that feel good to you?' No. It does not and I really don't care either way, just get on with it. I am thinking about how I will spend my fee. ;D

It's always the minging or creepy ones that ask it too so the odds are really stacked against them!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 19 February 2018, 03:34:46 pm
I do enjoy myself and cum with a few of my regulars but I do find it annoying and a turn off if they keep talking during sex and trying too hard. Has to be natural and need to feel comfortable with them to make me cum.
And they need to be clean.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 19 February 2018, 04:37:44 pm
" Ooh I've been waiting so long to see you , I've not been able to get hold of you "
 sent via e-mail on a day when my mobile is displayed  and switched on..
What planet are these clowns on fir Christ's sake !!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MelissaS on 20 February 2018, 01:06:07 am
Any attempt to make me 'enjoy myself' or worse still, try to make me cum. Mate I haven't cum without my big fuckoff vibrator for many years and YOU will not be the one to change that..

Oh, and asking, 'do you like that', 'are you enjoying that' or 'does that feel good to you?' No. It does not and I really don't care either way, just get on with it. I am thinking about how I will spend my fee. ;D

It's always the minging or creepy ones that ask it too so the odds are really stacked against them!
This one is the absolute bane of my life!!!!!!  :FF That and asking me 'what I like'. Money. I like money.   ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MelissaS on 20 February 2018, 01:10:32 am
Today I had a client full on spit on me down there. I was furious. I wanted to tell him to get out there and then but I just told him do not do that again.

Worst thing was aswell he STANK of stale smoke so obviously didn't have fresh breath when he was spitting down there and the entire room stank after he left. I had to leave the windows wide open to are the room out.

Luckily I was only planning on doing the one booking anyway cause I'd have been far too embarrassed to have anyone in shortly after he'd left.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 20 February 2018, 12:44:11 pm
Sucking my clitoris seems to be a new phenomenon and I fucking hate it! It?s agony ffs,are these guys stupid?! You don?t suck clits EVER! I know from reading this forum that it happens to lots of girls but it?s only started happening to me in the past few weeks & last week I had 2 guys that sucked it and when they did the final suck, the big suck, then it was sheer agony and as we were 69ing then I more or less jumped up and had to say that he would have to stop if he was going to continue that! Where the fuck do these guys learn to eat pussy?! Is it a porn thing?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 20 February 2018, 12:49:58 pm
Today I had a client full on spit on me down there. I was furious. I wanted to tell him to get out there and then but I just told him do not do that again.

Worst thing was aswell he STANK of stale smoke so obviously didn't have fresh breath when he was spitting down there and the entire room stank after he left. I had to leave the windows wide open to are the room out.

Luckily I was only planning on doing the one booking anyway cause I'd have been far too embarrassed to have anyone in shortly after he'd left.

I have experienced this and it's one of the most disgusting things ever. I can only imagine the supreme rankness if he had gross smoke breath too... :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MelissaS on 20 February 2018, 02:22:25 pm
Sucking my clitoris seems to be a new phenomenon and I fucking hate it! It?s agony ffs,are these guys stupid?! You don?t suck clits EVER! I know from reading this forum that it happens to lots of girls but it?s only started happening to me in the past few weeks & last week I had 2 guys that sucked it and when they did the final suck, the big suck, then it was sheer agony and as we were 69ing then I more or less jumped up and had to say that he would have to stop if he was going to continue that! Where the fuck do these guys learn to eat pussy?! Is it a porn thing?!
That sounds absolutely horrendous.

I had an idiot text me saying all this stupid shit he was going to do to me including that he was going to 'eat my pussy and nibble on my clit'. I text him back saying nibbling on my clit sounds like pure torture stop texting me I'm not a chat line!!

I don't know if it was a figure of speech or what but not a lot surprises me these days and I wasn't risking it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Seamstress on 20 February 2018, 03:14:04 pm
I text him back saying nibbling on my clit sounds like pure torture stop texting me I'm not a chat line!!

Maybe threaten to chew on their balls in return (and charge 'em extra for the privilege, of course!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 20 February 2018, 04:29:34 pm
Making a booking then calling or texting that they are early and can they see me now. Don't mind too much if it's 5 mins or so but anything more gets on my nerves.
Had one recently who was 45 mins early calling constantly whilst I had a client.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 21 February 2018, 09:01:09 am
Today I had a client full on spit on me down there. I was furious. I wanted to tell him to get out there and then but I just told him do not do that again.

Worst thing was aswell he STANK of stale smoke so obviously didn't have fresh breath when he was spitting down there and the entire room stank after he left. I had to leave the windows wide open to are the room out.

Luckily I was only planning on doing the one booking anyway cause I'd have been far too embarrassed to have anyone in shortly after he'd left.

 :-X awful
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 21 February 2018, 09:34:06 am
Being early is more rude than being late, I think. It's ok if they wait until the time they booked but expecting you to see them early and calling while you are with someone is plain rude. Late is not great either though. I like to take short notice bookings in hotels and do often find that a guy who says he is 10 - 15 mins away is always more like 20 - 25.  :FF Just say that pal or check your satnav, it will tell you the exact time you'll be parking up!

Talking of chewing on things, I had a guy recently want me to bite his cock. And I mean bite it. Hard. He was awesome actually, a fab booking but I just remembered this! Odd feeling, deliberately biting into his dick...  :o He loved it!

What else do they do to annoy? Send copy & paste texts, when it's only a few words. Unless someone gets blocked I don't delete their text trail. So if each time I do incalls I get the EXACT same message... I kind of get the feeling he is scouting around a few ladies...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Iloveginandtonic on 21 February 2018, 09:57:39 am
They happen to be in the costa at the bottom of my apartment block and ring up at 11.58am asking for a midday booking!  :FF

Message me whilst they are in the lift up to my floor- wondering what apartment number I?m in- even though they rang the number to gain entry!

Phoning me when they are outside my apartment door- even though I told them to walk straight in!

Holding my arms, whilst I?m trying to provide a massage - how can I Massage if I can?t move my arms? Duh!

Messages asking what the price is for non sexual massage  :FF. why anyone would look for a non secu Massage on AW is beyond me!!  :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 21 February 2018, 12:35:07 pm

Messages asking what the price is for non sexual massage  :FF. why anyone would look for a non secu Massage on AW is beyond me!!  :FF

I had this the other day. "Can I have a massage, no sexual stuff". I said that I'm not a masseuse, he said "but it's on your likes list". I explained that I will massage as part of a sexual booking. He went on about how a local parlour was a bit steep at ?35!!!!!!! I said well as I charge ?50 for 15 mins I thought that was a bargain. Eventually I just said "Look, you can get a massage from a masseuse for like ?30 for an hour - why the fuck would you come to a sexual services provider for a massage?" He went away. I just don't get it. Did he think I'd be relieved to earn money and not have to have sex???? I just don't understand  :FF :FF :FF

Along these lines I hate being asked to strip or do a lap dance. Neither are on my likes list - for a good reason. I can't dance, I can't strip, if I try to do 'sexy' I look like a pratt! If you want a lap dance go to a lap dancing club.

Also, while I'm on it - asking for a blow job or hand job cheaper than my rate, like it's a favour to me if I don't have to have them play with me!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Meetingdiversity on 21 February 2018, 08:58:12 pm
When it was annoying now they power me to keep going on my journey.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: analuluiza on 21 February 2018, 09:50:18 pm
When they can?t kiss properly with tongues. Had someone putting there tongue in and out and swirling it everywhere it makes me SICK.

When they wash there dick and not there pubes which still have a pissy smell.

When they sweat and it drips on me in missionary.  :FF and also makes my bed wet UGH
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 22 February 2018, 08:03:43 am
When they ask you not to wear any perfume and they  turn up stinking of something too strong that ends up on you and the Bedlinen bathroom chair and  hallway !!
The worst is *brut * can't believe people still use it yuk . :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 22 February 2018, 12:32:44 pm
Ask you to wear your long hair down and then when your sucking them they play with your hair to the point where it?s coming around to your mouth and it?s going in with the cock & getting covered in slavers! Or they mess it that much that it?s like you?ve been electrocuted!! :FF :FF 

Ask where you?ve worked before and for how long! - who gives a shit, you have me here & now!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 22 February 2018, 04:33:59 pm
Making sarcastic comments about me leaving feedback for other clients. I always leave honest feedback but I had one today texting me about feedback I left for another client. Really missed me off  :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KittenCandy on 22 February 2018, 05:22:35 pm
Outfit requests-Always have and forever will hate this. I want to wear what makes me feel sexy. Clients just requests shit I hate wearing.. For fuck sake greedy man can't the good sex and conversation  be enough for you? why you want to dress me up like your doll?

When they offer to pick you up from the station ::)-Cuz obviously I want to spend the time it will take you to drive from the station to the hotel with you,painfully having to force myself to listen to you chat shit and possibly touch me up in your car, all for free? Ha no thanks!! Some might even drive slow on purpose just so they have more time to basque in your glorious presence and molest you for free. I'd rather walk  8) I had one clown book me for 3pm then said he will pick me up at 2:30pm: from the station as he can't check in till three. I fucking cancelled. You want to spend 30 minutes with me for free AND  I have to be seen checking in with you in public? lol. Mad men.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 22 February 2018, 05:54:42 pm
Outfit requests-Always have and forever will hate this.

Just shows how different we all are. I love outfit requests as long as it is not silly. If a man wants red or black or skirt or dress etc etc and that is what turns him on then I am more than happy to dress up.  I feel sexy in any outfit anyway as I start to get the buzz as I prepare for him arriving.

Most men don't ask for anything special re outfits so I just choose whatever I feel like wearing. Often they say "surprise me" so I do.  :)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 02 March 2018, 12:15:56 am
I?ve had two of these the passed couple of days.

?Can I get under the covers??

No, you bloody well can not! I didn?t compensate for the cold weather outside by hoisting the central heating up to near on 28 degrees to have you clamber under my duvet and potentially leave your bodily fluids and skid marks on my fitted sheet.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 03 March 2018, 01:46:38 am
Smoke RIGHT before they come in. Tastes and smells awful!!  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 03 March 2018, 08:15:15 am
They happen to be in the costa at the bottom of my apartment block and ring up at 11.58am asking for a midday booking!

I literally had this yesterday, received a call around lunchtime (which is prime hours for bookings for me) from a client I?ve seen before asking if I was available, I asked what time he had in mind and he says ?I had a meeting, I?m right round the corner, can you do 12??
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 03 March 2018, 08:25:10 am
That doesn't bother me at all. I'm usually ready. Occasionally someone won't give me 5-10 minutes to get everything tidy and those ones are idiots.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ieaio on 03 March 2018, 10:20:16 am
Client was trying to show me his pet on his phone or something.

He embarrassingly hid his phone as it his last search popped up:

My saafe posts. Weird. I just find it super creeper to sift through girls saafe posts. This is where we ask business questions and rant.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 03 March 2018, 02:58:20 pm
How would he know it's you? That would really freak me out and make me uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 03 March 2018, 03:40:25 pm
How would he know it's you? That would really freak me out and make me uncomfortable.

Exactly and I would stop taking bookings from him if I was you, no amount of cash is worth putting up with an obsessive client, which to me he sounds slightly obsessed with you, did you tell him your saafe name? -which is different- or is he just THAT obsessed that he worked out who you were? When are these types of clients gonna wake from their delusions and realise it?s just a job!! Why care so much about what a paid sex worker thinks of you?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 03 March 2018, 03:41:57 pm
How would he know it's you? That would really freak me out and make me uncomfortable.

This is why I only ever post on the "describe your last booking" or "they said what" a significant amount of time later.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 03 March 2018, 04:05:20 pm
This is why I only ever post on the "describe your last booking" or "they said what" a significant amount of time later.

Yeah thats true, although I know who 2 guys are from the other site sheerly by what they write etc, etc, so its no different to this site and them knowing us!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 03 March 2018, 04:37:17 pm
Back on topic, the punters who make a massive deal about how far they're travelling to see you - I don't understand why they think it makes any difference to me or even why there's any need to tell me at all, and it always makes me wonder as if they're expecting extra time for free or even services I don't offer just because for whatever reason they've decided against booking somebody local to them; what do I bloody care as long they're on time (and I had one this week who managed to be almost ten minutes late despite having lived in my town his entire life and who only had to walk fifteen minutes or so)?

Maybe it's the vague insistance that I should be Very Interested in everything they're doing in connection with their visit, which of course I am as soon as they walk through the door and hand over the cash and not a minute before. It makes no odds to me whether they've just come from San Francisco or the next street :).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LittleM on 05 March 2018, 05:16:45 pm

When they offer to pick you up from the station ::)-Cuz obviously I want to spend the time it will take you to drive from the station to the hotel with you,painfully having to force myself to listen to you chat shit and possibly touch me up in your car, all for free? Ha no thanks!! Some might even drive slow on purpose just so they have more time to basque in your glorious presence and molest you for free. I'd rather walk  8) I had one clown book me for 3pm then said he will pick me up at 2:30pm: from the station as he can't check in till three. I fucking cancelled. You want to spend 30 minutes with me for free AND  I have to be seen checking in with you in public? lol. Mad men.

Totally in agreement with this! My time isn't free & the expectation that I would sit in a car, voluntarily whilst they gnaw your ear off or try to cop a feel is just silly. Also, it makes me feel really unsafe - I have visions a client locking down the car & then driving me off somewhere that ISN'T the hotel/his house & agreed and doing awful things, and I'd be unable to contact my safe-buddy to let them know where I am because I'd have no idea where I am.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 05 March 2018, 05:20:12 pm
Client was trying to show me his pet on his phone or something.

He embarrassingly hid his phone as it his last search popped up:

My saafe posts. Weird. I just find it super creeper to sift through girls saafe posts. This is where we ask business questions and rant.

I've had this a few times, and it's from sifting through posts from girls in my area and they will bring up shit I've wrote on here to be petty in their bookings or tell me who certain saafe users are on aw
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 06 March 2018, 09:15:15 am
Indecisive parking antics - mind fuckery

Had one yesterday say he was in the public car park (address provided before hand) & he was on his way walking down to the flat (a 3 minutes walk). Then says he's outside & I notice a car parked in a private bay in the building opposite. I say it's probably not a good idea to park there & said I thought he'd gone to the public car park as that's where he said he was.  ??? So a woman then comes out of the building & tells him he cant park there so he's says he's moving. I then get a text a few minutes later saying he'll leave because of my "bad attitude". Because he couldn't find a space for free & got told off by a random woman I got the blame. Stupid Prick.

Are they that fucking lazy that they can't walk 3 minutes now? Some people.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 06 March 2018, 08:29:52 pm
I had a clit sucker today. I barked "No! For gods sake don't suck! Why would you do that!"

Safe to say he wasn't exactly enthusiastic about giving me oral after that but I swear to god it was like he was trying to hoover up the last drops of a MaccyD milkshake.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 06 March 2018, 08:45:47 pm
I had a clit sucker today. I barked "No! For gods sake don't suck! Why would you do that!"

Safe to say he wasn't exactly enthusiastic about giving me oral after that but I swear to god it was like he was trying to hoover up the last drops of a MaccyD milkshake.
Sounds like a slurper-sucker type.
Back in the days I had one who used to make noises as if he was sniffing for truffles  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 10 March 2018, 11:37:18 pm
Sounds like a slurper-sucker type.
Back in the days I had one who used to make noises as if he was sniffing for truffles  ::)

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Christinex on 11 March 2018, 09:25:54 am
Yesterday client - telling me what to put on my aw profile, saying how confusing is my location and I what tab to put on aw :FF Offering to take pictures of me and saying I need to learn tie & tease and offer more services to attract clients. Then he got pissed off to pay my full price without discount. Told him I have enough clients and cant offer discounts anymore and he need to find someone else in his price range. Wanker! I know him for couple of years but won't be seeing him again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 11 March 2018, 09:40:32 am
Yeah I have a client who slags off my photos and says he can do better ones and offers to take them. I like my photos thanks very much.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Christinex on 11 March 2018, 09:57:47 am
Yeah I have a client who slags off my photos and says he can do better ones and offers to take them. I like my photos thanks very much.

Wannabe pimp ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 11 March 2018, 05:46:37 pm
Client was trying to show me his pet on his phone or something.

He embarrassingly hid his phone as it his last search popped up:

My saafe posts. Weird. I just find it super creeper to sift through girls saafe posts. This is where we ask business questions and rant.

Wtf? That?s weird
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 11 March 2018, 05:49:49 pm
Clients that knock as quietly as they can on the door as if I have super human hearing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 11 March 2018, 10:21:10 pm
Clients that knock as quietly as they can on the door as if I have super human hearing.

Or the opposite! Knock loudly like they are chasing a murderer.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 11 March 2018, 10:59:11 pm
Or the opposite! Knock loudly like they are chasing a murderer.

I will argue that the most annoying is when it's so slow that nobody is knocking at all...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 12 March 2018, 09:29:20 am
Literally the first line on my profile says ?read my availability before contacting? and I say I don?t do weekends.

? Could I see you this weekend? I?d just like 30 mins for a first booking.?

So A. He hasn?t even read the first line of my profile and B. He thinks I?m going to go out of my way to do a 30 minute incall with someone I have never met before on a day I don?t usually work....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 12 March 2018, 12:41:41 pm
Go to the wrong hotel, in spite of having been texted the hotel, the road and the postcode.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 12 March 2018, 01:17:27 pm
Last night I got a call asking if I am free for in call. He had read my availability and knew it was unlikely. I make it very plain to read that Sunday evenings are not an option. I suggested this morning instead and he agreed. Not thinking he would turn up because it was last night he got the horn, but he did arrive and was fine.

Agreeing with the comments on men who think our directions are just plucked out of thin air, they are given clear and very easy to follow steps to get to the road/door but think they know better.  It's happened many times, I tell them to stop at Road A and phone me. No, they think it is better to continue driving or walking and when they eventually phone it is only for me to get them to back track and go to where I first told them.  ::)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 12 March 2018, 01:24:51 pm
I don't even make them call me from a landmark. I tell them the address. But they still go elsewhere.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: storm on 13 March 2018, 09:12:55 am
one last night reminded me how much I hate being physically pulled into new positions
 and I refuse to be pulled around so it just stops till they let go and I say say what they want to do don't pull me about yet they keep doing it
 next time will end the session wtf
so annoying
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: storm on 13 March 2018, 09:27:17 am
another's clients obsessing over their 'bedroom skills' this one regular suddenly said he must be ' in my top 3?' really seriously like he's been thinking it all out
and believes it

caught me off guard, didn't say anything just laughed it off but was he seriously expecting me to react positively? there's no way I would go along with that ever maybe some would to keep them buttered up, but for me it would be like ' how to turn your client into an obsessive stalker ' in under ten seconds
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 13 March 2018, 02:59:05 pm
Not charge their phone or use a power bank. Had some jackass today pacing around the pub down the road outside for 45 minutes. I wasn't sure if it was him, he seemed to be using his phone OK. I thought it may be a guy who was stood up for a date or something. Nope it was my jackass client,  said his phone kept dying 40 minutes after he'd arrived  ???. He was 30 minutes early. It was only after 45 minutes that he found the common sense to text me from charging it in the pub. The level of stupidity from some of these clowns is confounding.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 13 March 2018, 05:31:34 pm
Client I?ve seen once before and was an absolute pain in the backside in terms of wanting to be attached to my face constantly, made me sore and gave me thrush with all the plunging of his fingers inside me from the get go and almost clawing out any and all ?wetness? to smear on my clit and labia to ?pleasure? me before proceeding to lean his entire bodyweight on me and barely move in missionary to prolong intercourse now wants to book again and request the following:

You may recall my likes are being seduced, teased, GFE, lots of cuddles, deep french kissing and exploring each others bodies with our hand and lips together with gentle fingering(my nails are very short). Hope you will be wearing a glamorous sexy dress and stunning lingerie - a body stocking would be very nice if you have one! If not, lingerie with stockings and suspenders would be wonderful. My favourite colours are red or black. Soft music and scented candles would be an added bonus. Hope this is all ok with you and I am not asking for to much!

Why don?t I get the kitchen sink out for his perusal as well? Just incase.

I don?t take outfit requests, never have I mentioned having a bodystocking? Who?s to say I own black or red three piece sets of underwear?

Soft music and scented candles so that the experience can be even more of a headache and I?ll have to listen to other clients telling me that their ?sensitive? noses are offended by the candle in bookings later on it the day? No, thanks.

oy vey  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 13 March 2018, 08:46:38 pm
When they?re obsessed with anal play so you finger their arse and pull out a shitty brown fingr. Being discrete I just popped to the bathroom to wash (scrub) my hands and came back. He mentioned anal play again...  carry on sucking his cock. Then he wants me to rim him  :o bleirgh so I had to tell him if he wants it he needs a shower. So gross!!! You?d think if you knew you loved anal play you?d make sure you were squeaky clean!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 14 March 2018, 04:59:54 am
When they?re obsessed with anal play so you finger their arse and pull out a shitty brown fingr. Being discrete I just popped to the bathroom to wash (scrub) my hands and came back. He mentioned anal play again...  carry on sucking his cock. Then he wants me to rim him  :o bleirgh so I had to tell him if he wants it he needs a shower. So gross!!! You?d think if you knew you loved anal play you?d make sure you were squeaky clean!!!

Oh no no how awful   :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: loubyloo on 15 March 2018, 04:52:22 pm
When they start to give you oral when you're on your back and they kind of grab your hips and bounce you up and down whilst keeping their head still.
Wtf is all that about?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: elainegirl on 15 March 2018, 07:40:13 pm
Today a client rings and asks about services and prices. I explain them and what my extras are, etc. Client books.
Client arrives and says he wants sex and owo. Pays for that
Mid sex client decides he wants anal and cim which I charge extra for.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 15 March 2018, 07:45:34 pm
Just updated the whole profile its much clearer to view and read but guess what they still ignore the information  :FF :
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sourgrapes on 16 March 2018, 04:57:23 pm
Indecisive parking antics - mind fuckery

Had one yesterday say he was in the public car park (address provided before hand) & he was on his way walking down to the flat (a 3 minutes walk). Then says he's outside & I notice a car parked in a private bay in the building opposite. I say it's probably not a good idea to park there & said I thought he'd gone to the public car park as that's where he said he was.  ??? So a woman then comes out of the building & tells him he cant park there so he's says he's moving. I then get a text a few minutes later saying he'll leave because of my "bad attitude". Because he couldn't find a space for free & got told off by a random woman I got the blame. Stupid Prick.

Are they that fucking lazy that they can't walk 3 minutes now? Some people.  ::)

He obviously didn't realise the random woman wasn't you, and thought you were stroppy. Easy mistake to make.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: trashbaby on 18 March 2018, 12:49:07 am
The ones that say 'don't worry, I'm not one of those ugly old men!'

Like it matters?  I don't care what you look like or how old you are, as long as you're respectful, nice, and have a goddamn shower!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Christina_Rose on 18 March 2018, 01:26:17 am
Start desribing their physique in great detail, including inches of cock length.  ::) I'm like I do not care, I am more interested in providing a good service and how they treat me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: loubyloo on 19 March 2018, 11:29:39 am
When they're in missionary and they angle their cock downwards, trying to rub your clit with the base of their dick and it feels like they're pushing your arse inside out!!
So uncomfortable making me feel like I want a poo!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KatieW94 on 20 March 2018, 12:41:30 pm
When they're in missionary and they angle their cock downwards, trying to rub your clit with the base of their dick and it feels like they're pushing your arse inside out!!
So uncomfortable making me feel like I want a poo!!

Haha, It's one of the worst feelings ever. I move my hips so that he cant do that x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 21 March 2018, 12:51:27 pm
When they lead by asking specific questions about services and then end the conversation by asking more vital info like your availability or location only to be disappointed. Just wastes everyone's time! Or even worse when they book, and when I send them the postcode they say 'oh no that's too far'. Would it not have made sense to ask that first?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 21 March 2018, 01:40:49 pm
Lie there with a soft dick and no matter what you do, nothing's happening. Is there a problem? I'm afraid to ask! Then they are super vague about what I need to do. FFS just tell me or do it your bloody self!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 21 March 2018, 05:58:51 pm
Lie there with a soft dick and no matter what you do, nothing's happening. Is there a problem? I'm afraid to ask! Then they are super vague about what I need to do. FFS just tell me or do it your bloody self!

When this happens I usually ask them to guide me to what turns them on most. We are not mind readers and one size does not fit all.  Even when I have had to ask, they can shrug and say I don't really know.

Miracle workers we are not and I refuse to do circus tricks and get exasperated if they are just lying there waiting for something to happen and are not prepared to take an active part themselves.

I have been told "you are the expert" oh no I am not matey, even my repertoire has a limit!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 21 March 2018, 07:41:24 pm
Or when they lie there with you on top and don't do a thing. It's like riding a corpse. A little effort please just so i know you are alive and maybe enjoying this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 21 March 2018, 07:56:00 pm
When they?re obsessed with anal play so you finger their arse and pull out a shitty brown fingr. Being discrete I just popped to the bathroom to wash (scrub) my hands and came back. He mentioned anal play again...  carry on sucking his cock. Then he wants me to rim him  :o bleirgh so I had to tell him if he wants it he needs a shower. So gross!!! You?d think if you knew you loved anal play you?d make sure you were squeaky clean!!!

Stick a condom on your finger for this so it's not as icky.
Don't be discrete- Just say 'Ooops it's a bit pooey down there!'
Usually embarrasses them not to ask for more!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 22 March 2018, 06:44:00 am
Or when they lie there with you on top and don't do a thing. It's like riding a corpse. A little effort please just so i know you are alive and maybe enjoying this.

Next time I get one of these I shall be laughing to myself coz for this message thanks  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dolls on 22 March 2018, 10:25:51 am
Or when they lie there with you on top and don't do a thing. It's like riding a corpse. A little effort please just so i know you are alive and maybe enjoying this.
So true JG. ;D

I hate it when they say make me cum lying like a dead fish. Like i am a physician or magician to make their cock work.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 22 March 2018, 02:38:28 pm
We are magicians we make things rise from the dead   :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 22 March 2018, 03:38:14 pm
Took a call from a client today.He wanted an hour booking @3pm. I confirmed with him that he was looking for a GFE as I?m fed up of people turning up trying to be all extreme PSE and I like to attract the GFE seeker.
Yes that?s all okay he stated and I told him roughly where I was based. Again he was happy.
I was about to hang up and send the postcode when he starts asking about the price lol.
He clearly hasn?t read much of the profile so I told him the price.

I get off the phone send the postcode and state that he needs to confirm the booking by text at 2pm so I know he definitely will be coming.
Seconds later he texts. ?Yes coming?.

I text back and said well you still need to confirm at 2pm. I could sense he wasn?t serious.

Guess what 2pm comes and no confirmation. I text to say it?s cancelled and he replies and says
?Ok no problem I?m going somewhere else!?

Nothing worse than when they mess you about. He could have just text earlier and said that FfS lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: storm on 24 March 2018, 06:18:06 pm
Think it's probably caught me in a bad mood but i hate when clients mail you the second anything on your website/photos changes, as if they continuously monitor it. Been updating my website and already had three mails literally within minutes I don't mean about new pics, that's good but i mean the tweaks and wording etc.   'i see you no longer do x y z' or 'i see your rates have changed'  fuck off so ??  dosen't help now AW have that 'hotlist' recent activity thingy as they can see anytime you just update it to get to the top of the listings etc
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 25 March 2018, 03:54:39 pm
Ask if I have any fuking uniforms...


Arghhh it makes me cringe to death
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 25 March 2018, 06:31:12 pm
Ask if I have any fuking uniforms...


Arghhh it makes me cringe to death

Because most of the time they are just jerking off when you say what you have . :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 26 March 2018, 03:50:48 pm
Being vague about the start time. "I wanted to book an hour around 3? Well, I will be in a meeting in Cambridge until about 2... and should be an hour or maybe longer to get to you... ." OK, so maybe you will leave Cambridge about 2 and maybe the traffic will be OK.... Or maybe not.

Or "are you available now? I'm just on the M1 near Sheffield. I can be with you in 20, maybe 30 minutes?"

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 26 March 2018, 07:33:42 pm
Being vague about the start time. "I wanted to book an hour around 3? Well, I will be in a meeting in Cambridge until about 2... and should be an hour or maybe longer to get to you... ." OK, so maybe you will leave Cambridge about 2 and maybe the traffic will be OK.... Or maybe not.

Or "are you available now? I'm just on the M1 near Sheffield. I can be with you in 20, maybe 30 minutes?"

Yes, that annoys me too, like they can just pop along whenever they fancy it. And usually by the time they?ve faffed about deciding when they might like, somebody else has called and booked a definite time so it?s too late anyway.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 26 March 2018, 07:58:39 pm
We must sit around all day doing nothing waiting on their possible visit . ::)
Greatful when they turn up we do absolutely any stupid service they ask for ..
Im sure this is their thinking !!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DarcyLady on 27 March 2018, 12:52:13 am
I get some amazing calls that ask if I?m free in 10-15 minutes  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 27 March 2018, 03:55:27 pm
I have one regular who sometimes asks if I'm free right now as he's nearby.
Makes me wonder if he is just around the corner.
I never am as I need time to prepare myself.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 27 March 2018, 04:36:55 pm
I think the 'can I see you now' brigade seemed to get worse the past couple of years.When I started they seemed to grasp that it was by appointment then more and more seem to ring and ask if they can pop round 'now'.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 28 March 2018, 04:05:04 pm
Client I've seen a couple of times before has the worst comms and it's so annoying trying to get an answer out of him. Initially tried booking for 5pm, then cancelled because he said he can't get out of work on time, fine. Then:

- Ok six. Soz
- Is that a definite? For half hour?
- Where
- Same place as last time do you need the postcode again? Could you confirm 6pm for half an hour please
- No
- What?
- Who is this

What the hell is wrong with him?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 28 March 2018, 04:26:21 pm
When they try to funny but clearly are not.
Sometimes i just want to tell them but just bite my lip, smile and scream inside.  :P
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 28 March 2018, 06:55:36 pm
I've seen this guy three times and every single time he's said he's interested in trying water sports, so every time I've gone to his hotel with a full bladder ready to pee everywhere and then he gets so carried away with kissing and vanilla stuff that he never brings it up or asks for it. And of course, because I've been steadily drinking glasses of water for the last 2 hours, I needed to dash to the toilet every 30 minutes.  >:(

How uncomfortable
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 29 March 2018, 02:07:53 pm
When they don?t read your profile or at the very least the likes list.

I?m quite clear in my ad that I?m a GFE escort. I always ask on the phone if this is what they are looking for so it?s clear.
I had a client yesterday who said it was exactly what he wanted but he then turns up and starts trying a PSE with me. I?m not naive and have dabbled in PSE bookings before but since going independent I prefer being more vanilla.

The booking rapidly went downhill as he was rushing a lot and didn?t seem to know what he was doing. He then whipped his phone out (which I hate) as you never know if they are recording you (he wasn?t) but he put on some porn (yawn)  I just couldn?t be arsed. I like to go the extra mile with clients as I love doing GFE but he was just getting on my nerves. We didn?t click and clearly the services were at odds with what he wanted.
Why book a GFE when you want the bloody opposite lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 29 March 2018, 02:46:27 pm
Also when they text asking if you are availible. You almost instantly respond and they then don?t reply.

I have a bloke who texts if I?m availible almost everyday.
I always politely respond that I am and that he needs to call to make a booking. He never does and never replies.

The other day I decided to text back and when he asked if I was working. I just said no. He then kept on and on replying begging me to see him.

I think he just gets off on carrying the text convo on. One of those that doesn?t want to call but just waste time
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 30 March 2018, 10:14:23 am
Not entirely the same but this reminded me of the time not long ago I went in my bathroom after a client had left and there was a big blob of brown phlegm in my sink  :o :o :o

Years ago, I lived with a partner who did this early one morning and toddled off to work for the day. I am physically sickened by this sort of Stuff, but  left it there all day for him to attend to on his return.
I was reminded of it when I had a hotel Outcall to a client who had used his bathroom sink in the same way. He was from the same European country, so I wondered if it was a cultural thing.. :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 30 March 2018, 10:55:40 pm
Had a guy yesterday.....he decided he wanted to extend but needed the cash points I was happy to wait and he left his bag there but spent ages faffing about as the cash point was not working etc.
He had to find another.
He was also ?partying? as we say and I left my party client days behind a long time ago since becoming independent but he seemed lovely during the booking process and also the booking....additionally i needed the money. Never again though.

He came back an hour after leaving and we got down to business but I was immediately realising why I no longer deal with party clients.... the way they don?t want to leave at the of bank transfers (he ran out of cash again) I don?t do transfers...started banging on about PayPal and also if he could pay me double for just half an hour more.
I?m not that bloody good lol
I just wanted him out to be honest.

In a nutshell coke head clients annoy me and yesterday was a poignant reminder not to deal with them in the future!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 02 April 2018, 10:13:02 am
Really annoying when clients won't give you a chance to pick up the phone and just ring a couple of times before hanging up. On the flipside you have ones who will ring incessantly when it's obvious you're not around to pick up, or you keep rejecting the call but they keep trying.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 04 April 2018, 06:50:00 pm
Turns up twenty minutes early & calls when getting in hotel lift!  :FF For fucks sake pal. He had booked with 45 mins notice, all well & good & been asked to phone when parked. How thoughtless to arrive that early & expect me to be ready & waiting and alone! Dick. It was a shame as he was a good looking guy and I don't get a lot of them but with no apology for his bad timekeeping and general twattishness he ruined it.  :-\

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 04 April 2018, 11:31:49 pm
Turn up with an untrimmed fucking rain forest surrounding their penis.

Pulling on my nipple piercings.

Receiving oral from clients I just can?t stand it for some reason.

Leaving skid marks on my bed sheets. Wiping their dirty asses with towels and leaving skid marks on them too.

Trying to suck my tounge ??????? Ugh!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 04 April 2018, 11:39:42 pm
Turn up with an untrimmed fucking rain forest surrounding their penis.

Pulling on my nipple piercings.

Receiving oral from clients I just can?t stand it for some reason.

Leaving skid marks on my bed sheets. Wiping their dirty asses with towels and leaving skid marks on them too.

Trying to suck my tounge ??????? Ugh!

I have to say your first point is true, it makes me fucking heave. Usually older men I find, just don't give a shit. It's so gross, you know you are going to get a hair in your mouth. I make a point of stopping and removing it. I have made myself feel sick now, I need to lie down. It's just so damn unnecessary!!!

I don't mind the receiving oral but seriously, don't expect me to enjoy it, it's only passing the time and saving my jaw from more cock sucking!  ;D

I got asked today during sex 'Have you cum yet, babe?' We had been going about three minutes. He was done in about two more. His girlfriend is a lucky woman, hope she's got Netflix  :D :D :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 09 April 2018, 01:24:41 pm
Book GFE, then during the booking ask for another service which is quite clearly written on my profile as only available in VIP bookings.

Him: It doesn't mention that on your profile.
Me: Yes, it does.
Him: No, what's the service called, there's definitely nothing about it on your profile.
Me: Were you using the app or the desktop site?
Him: (starting to look panicked as he can tell I'm about to call him on his bullshit) Desktop
Me: Let's just get my laptop. [Open my profile, point to the screen where the service name is outlined and in bold]
Him: It didn't say that earlier.
Me: Yes, it did. I haven't edited my profile since the day I got here.
Him: Oh I remember now, I did see it but I clicked on it and nothing happened.
Me: Why would you click on it? You just needed to read the words.

WTF can't they just say "Oh sorry I missed that", conversation over.

Best thing of all, it turns out he's a retired teacher. :FFS
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 09 April 2018, 04:28:31 pm
I have to say your first point is true, it makes me fucking heave. Usually older men I find, just don't give a shit. It's so gross, you know you are going to get a hair in your mouth. I make a point of stopping and removing it. I have made myself feel sick now, I need to lie down. It's just so damn unnecessary!!!

I don't mind the receiving oral but seriously, don't expect me to enjoy it, it's only passing the time and saving my jaw from more cock sucking!  ;D

I got asked today during sex 'Have you cum yet, babe?' We had been going about three minutes. He was done in about two more. His girlfriend is a lucky woman, hope she's got Netflix  :D :D :D

But worse when cock is tiny hidden in amongst the overgrown  U have to bed it down with your hand and pluck up the little thing and try to breathe life into it..  no emoji for vomit can we get one please. :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Meetingdiversity on 09 April 2018, 05:28:20 pm
I happily black list them as I can be very extremely fussy now. I don't bother arguing with them. I just smile thinking to myself how sad desperate men they are reminding myself about my life seperate from escorting. I'm like saying to them silently to keep it up.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CandyPop69 on 13 April 2018, 01:36:01 am
Messages like this:

- u on?
(On what?!? Oh fuck off!)

(Fuck off)

-wot u up to?
(Not engaging in text tennis with you, that's what!)

When they try to book you having been a no show in the past. Oh how I take great delight in reminding them that they will never get the chance to book me having previously messed me around and been a no show and thus lost me money.

Book you for 90 mins then when they arrive say they can only do an hour. This annoys the hell out of me. How utterly rude. On a busy day I'll just decline the whole booking saying oh well I've given you the 90 min slot of the premise that you were in fact going to keep to it, having declined another guy who wanted the same duration and since you've decided to change you mind then I'm afraid I'll have to decline your booking and offer it to the other gent. Even if there isn't another gent. It's sheer disrespectful to do this and it infuriates me.

When they ask ' what will ?50 get me?' - oh please just Fuck the fuck off!!!

When they send face pics.... a google image of a fit model.... mate, go get yourself a hobby that isn't bothering WGs

Phone wankers.... I like to indulge them for a couple of minutes, then once they've given me sufficient air time and told me all the dirty things they want to do to me, I say can I just stop you there darling. Thank you for wasting my time and I certainly do hope your phone wanking orgasm was worth it, now if you'd like to relive your dirty talk, wait about 5 minutes and you should be able to access it on YouTube and Facebook and Insta, once I've finished uploading the recording I've just made..... oh how they beg and apologise!! PRICKS!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TheLittleMatchGirl on 13 April 2018, 01:47:35 am
Asking what gets me off, and insisting on making me cum :FF literally spending ages down there, and it just makes me think  why are up you wasting your time?! I'm a hooker, I don't fancy you in the slightest I just need to pay my bloody gas bill
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TheLittleMatchGirl on 13 April 2018, 01:50:36 am
Messages like this:

- u on?
(On what?!? Oh fuck off!)

(Fuck off)

-wot u up to?
(Not engaging in text tennis with you, that's what!)

When they try to book you having been a no show in the past. Oh how I take great delight in reminding them that they will never get the chance to book me having previously messed me around and been a no show and thus lost me money.

Book you for 90 mins then when they arrive say they can only do an hour. This annoys the hell out of me. How utterly rude. On a busy day I'll just decline the whole booking saying oh well I've given you the 90 min slot of the premise that you were in fact going to keep to it, having declined another guy who wanted the same duration and since you've decided to change you mind then I'm afraid I'll have to decline your booking and offer it to the other gent. Even if there isn't another gent. It's sheer disrespectful to do this and it infuriates me.

When they ask ' what will ?50 get me?' - oh please just Fuck the fuck off!!!

When they send face pics.... a google image of a fit model.... mate, go get yourself a hobby that isn't bothering WGs

Phone wankers.... I like to indulge them for a couple of minutes, then once they've given me sufficient air time and told me all the dirty things they want to do to me, I say can I just stop you there darling. Thank you for wasting my time and I certainly do hope your phone wanking orgasm was worth it, now if you'd like to relive your dirty talk, wait about 5 minutes and you should be able to access it on YouTube and Facebook and Insta, once I've finished uploading the recording I've just made..... oh how they beg and apologise!! PRICKS!

Christ I hate all of these! :FF :FF :FF :FF

LOVING your way to deal with phonewankers!! I will definitely be pinching that one! ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 13 April 2018, 09:34:17 am
Ugh so pissed off. Client asked to change our booking to an earlier time - earlier than I actually start!!! So I said yes, he knew my rough location. It was all arranged, im running round like a mad woman trying to get ready on time, go to check my phone - 'thought I'd have your address by now' and he hasn't even set off. So pissed off cos he asked for loads of extra things which I did for him and he didn't even set off!!! And i only have 2 hours today so No way I'll get someone to fill it and I really needed the money!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CandyPop69 on 13 April 2018, 10:13:50 am
Christ I hate all of these! :FF :FF :FF :FF

LOVING your way to deal with phonewankers!! I will definitely be pinching that one! ;D

It's so funny, they're like: "love I'm sorry, don't upload it, my wife and kids might hear, love I'm so sorry, I don't do it again." Then after their pleading I'll get them to bark like a dog, then I'll say: "okay sufficient amount of barking and I may consider not uploading it" - it's hilarious!
I enjoy the phobevesnkers for this reason! Haha xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MsLadyV87 on 13 April 2018, 11:08:17 am
Asking what gets me off, and insisting on making me cum :FF literally spending ages down there, and it just makes me think  why are up you wasting your time?! I'm a hooker, I don't fancy you in the slightest I just need to pay my bloody gas bill

haha this made me laugh soooo much!!!  ;D yeah this is true. Do hate that question, 'what turns you on?'  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 13 April 2018, 11:54:39 am
Ask for morning bookings which I don't do before midday now because it's a curse .
Everyone literally is a timewaster apart from regulars .
Ask for details when calling when I say it's all on my profile I then ask did  they read it  guess what they didn't ..
 Just looked at pictures and phone number  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 17 April 2018, 12:47:28 pm
When they're going down on you like they're trying to get the dregs out of an ice cream cone. Licking my vagina literally does NOTHING for me
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 17 April 2018, 12:51:13 pm
When you've just changed your bedsheets and they get spunk all over them. I think some of them think we all change the sheets after every single client.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 17 April 2018, 01:07:57 pm
When you've just changed your bedsheets and they get spunk all over them. I think some of them think we all change the sheets after every single client.

I hate this happening, sometimes it goes right through to the underneath sheet too. Sperm goes everywhere !!
I like to put a new sheet on especially if they were not too fresh if you know what I mean.
If they have created a water feature after giving you reverse oral the sheets are saturated .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 17 April 2018, 09:39:42 pm
When they're going down on you like they're trying to get the dregs out of an ice cream cone. Licking my vagina literally does NOTHING for me

I cam on this thread to moan about terrible oral too! Just had one who appeared to be bobbing for apples down there and rubbing his stubbly chin on my delicate bits!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 17 April 2018, 09:45:53 pm
I cam on this thread to moan about terrible oral too! Just had one who appeared to be bobbing for apples down there and rubbing his stubbly chin on my delicate bits!

Then there's the eye contact while they are down there, I just cannot look or I see the full extent of what's going on! Eyes closed, a bit of moaning but not too much, try not to laugh. :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 17 April 2018, 09:56:36 pm
I hate when they enthusiastically attack the clit. Because they were told we need that and they assume that more is better.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 17 April 2018, 09:58:43 pm
I hate when they enthusiastically attack the clit. Because they were told we need that and they assume that more is better.

That reacharound thing they do in doggy is far and away the worst for that IMO. I want to find the woman that told them it was fun to do that and give her a slap :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 18 April 2018, 01:22:05 am
Then there's the eye contact while they are down there, I just cannot look or I see the full extent of what's going on! Eyes closed, a bit of moaning but not too much, try not to laugh. :D

I hate looking clients in the eyes during sex-it really creeps me out, but I can look at them but not 'see' them if that makes sense? ( kind of look 'through' them i suppose ) look down and see them gazing 'lovingly'  up at me with their face between my legs is beyond embarrassing.. :-[ :P
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 18 April 2018, 10:56:03 am
Then there's the eye contact while they are down there, I just cannot look or I see the full extent of what's going on! Eyes closed, a bit of moaning but not too much, try not to laugh. :D

I do this, look up and pretend-moan whilst trying not to laugh. Them look up at from down under always looks ridiculous and hilarious. ps. it is mostly the ones that give terrible oral that try make eye contact , in my experience.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 18 April 2018, 11:57:38 am
Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like eye contact. Tbh I don't even do it with partners but it's a lot easier to enjoy sex with some clients when you can't see them
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 18 April 2018, 02:20:44 pm
A client accidentally left me negative feedback on AW which he meant to give to someone else  :FF I clarified with him it was a mixup and AW said they can remove it so no harm done, and I know it was an honest mistake but it's still so annoying! You'd think you'd take a second to just check.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 19 April 2018, 04:46:20 pm
I had an enquiry from a guy who said he wants to look me in the eyes when he makes me cum. In your dreams mate
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 19 April 2018, 07:43:54 pm
Had a client today who  was determined to suck my nipples until they came right off.  FFS. Asked him to be gentle, he would then back to vacuuming mode. yuck. argh. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Meetingdiversity on 20 April 2018, 09:55:16 am
Since being on lock down hardley they annoy me it is bliss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 20 April 2018, 01:05:16 pm
Had a client today who  was determined to suck my nipples until they came right off.  FFS. Asked him to be gentle, he would then back to vacuuming mode. yuck. argh. :FF
Oouch  too painful .
Hope your healing
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 20 April 2018, 01:39:41 pm
You have to do the Magic Eye trick when they look at you, you know those trick of the eye puzzles you look at but your focus is somewhere else! I can't look often because I don't really want to see a man I don't find attractive between my legs, I'd rather close my eyes and focus on spending the money...

Had a client today who  was determined to suck my nipples until they came right off.  FFS. Asked him to be gentle, he would then back to vacuuming mode. yuck. argh. :FF

Gross! But didn't you enjoy it?  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 20 April 2018, 07:33:48 pm

Gross! But didn't you enjoy it?  ;D ;D ;D

I was literally clamping my jaw in a bit to stop myself from screaming. Im nearly on my period so my nipples are annoyingly sensitive. On the usual I dislike my nipples being touched ---this was sore. and horrible.

Then on the way out he thought a nipple pinch would be nice.  :-X

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 20 April 2018, 09:28:44 pm
I hate having my nipples sucked or anything like that, I feel your pain.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 22 April 2018, 12:42:39 am
This client walked in, took my face in his hands and kissed me, his tongue straight into my mouth.(why why why) In his head im sure he felt he was some star because he then said, 'you should be paying ME for a kiss like that'. Straight away i knew i was going to regret the hour booking.

Right. ok. As he was handing my fee he says, are you worth this X amount. (ok, breathe. its only been two minutes)I say- thats the fee, You can let me know at the end if i'm worth it. He laughs and says, 'you will tell me your real name by the end of this booking.  '  >:(

He kept calling me baby and princess. Atleast twice in every sentence. Then pushing his tongue into my mouth even after id asked him not to plenty of times. Then kept asking me to give him my tongue. argh. no. (glance at clock. its only been 10 minutes :'(.shit. why.why.why)

Then he proceeds to give bad oral: stubbly rough oral, bad bad oral then again says, 'you should be the one paying me for this.' At which point i literally burst out laughing. He seemed confused as to what was cracking me up.

Lord have mercy I had a most awful time. He left saying what a great time he had, and he would definitely be back. :FF (Not in your dreams mate.)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LondonEscort2018 on 22 April 2018, 06:23:50 am
He left saying what a great time he had, and he would definitely be back. :FF (Not in your dreams mate.) always the ones with awful sexual skills that are annoyingly pompous.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 22 April 2018, 10:52:20 pm always the ones with awful sexual skills that are annoyingly pompous.

This is so true. Also, I have noticed the ones who think they are God's gift and say, "I'll bet I'm quite a change from all the fat and ugly blokes you usually see?" at the start are, without exception, THE most intolerable, misogynistic, deluded berks this side of Washington DC ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: englishrebecca121 on 23 April 2018, 12:12:08 am
 2 words


Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 23 April 2018, 11:58:48 am
2 words



And the ones who shed fluff from Tracksuit type attire all over the carpet and bedding 😒
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 26 April 2018, 10:13:06 pm
Pubes. Big, long, massive pubes. Amazon forest pubes.  :FF

I feel like a cat with a fur ball stuck in my throat half the time when some accidentally make their way down my throat. So uncomfortable. Why don't more men shave? ? >  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 26 April 2018, 10:43:41 pm
Don't think they know how to shave down there. I've had guys ask me to do it for them. Yes if u pay me to.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 27 April 2018, 02:13:37 am
Don't think they know how to shave down there. I've had guys ask me to do it for them. Yes if u pay me to.

Maybe I should offer it as an extra before the booking starts, need to think of how to sell it... :P lord knows I would be most grateful for more shaven bits.
I've only ever had one client ask me to shave him. Pity this was after the booking not before as I would have liked him to be shaved before, not after!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 27 April 2018, 07:22:13 am
Add ons extras . Shaving service for guys  :)
We might get the request for Hollywood beard and moustache too
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 27 April 2018, 07:52:17 am
Add ons extras . Shaving service for guys  :)
We might get the request for Hollywood beard and moustache too

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 27 April 2018, 09:30:26 am
Got one regular who keeps on saying sorry each time he calls to book.oh sorry have I disturbed you
Oh sorry your not free then
Oh sorry I can't make it then .
Sorry have  i called you at a bad time.
I did gently tell him you don't need to keep saying sorry each time you call.
If I was busy I would answer  the call  :FF
He's visiting this morning  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LondonEscort2018 on 27 April 2018, 12:45:14 pm
Got one regular who keeps on saying sorry each time he calls to book.oh sorry have I disturbed you
Oh sorry your not free then
Oh sorry I can't make it then .
Sorry have  i called you at a bad time.
I did gently tell him you don't need to keep saying sorry each time you call.
If I was busy I would answer  the call  :FF
He's visiting this morning  ::)

Oh sorry hope he turns out okay. :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 28 April 2018, 12:45:44 pm
When they turn up with a literal list of things they want to do and keep checking it during the booking to make sure they’ve ticked everything off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 28 April 2018, 06:31:47 pm
When they turn up with a literal list of things they want to do and keep checking it during the booking to make sure they’ve ticked everything off.

Wow! I've never experienced that! Mental checklists/box - ticking, yes. But not a literal list.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissMagnifique on 29 April 2018, 11:45:33 am
if anyone pinches or bites on my nipple too hard, I always say - oh is that what you like to receive? let me bite you back properly!!
they always flinch - ohhhh no no no, thats painful!
well exactly! its painful to me too!
and then usually the sessions go back to nice and gentle!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 29 April 2018, 11:57:55 am
if anyone pinches or bites on my nipple too hard, I always say - oh is that what you like to receive? let me bite you back properly!!
they always flinch - ohhhh no no no, thats painful!
well exactly! its painful to me too!
and then usually the sessions go back to nice and gentle!

hahahah I do the exact same also when they twisting my breast nipples as if they are looking for a radio station.

I look at them like WTF then say are you searching for your radio station - them no - me ok let me find it on yours so I do it back but harder then they get the point.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 29 April 2018, 12:48:49 pm
if anyone pinches or bites on my nipple too hard, I always say - oh is that what you like to receive? let me bite you back properly!!
they always flinch - ohhhh no no no, thats painful!
well exactly! its painful to me too!
and then usually the sessions go back to nice and gentle!

I am doing this from now on.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 29 April 2018, 03:51:34 pm
What is it that some clients do in the bathroom ????? He was in there for 5 minutes and when i went in after to get cleaned up I was shocked! Shower gel all over the shower and the entire floor is wet.All my bottles are tipped over. WTF? HUH? Do some people need a tutorial on how to use a bathroom?   >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 29 April 2018, 07:25:59 pm
Rip the condom off so they can cum on my face/tits/mouth and just drop the used condom somewhere. Then when I say "Where did the condom go?" they're like uhhhh dunno...

Thanks mate, I'll enjoy stepping on it in my bare feet as I get into bed later...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 30 April 2018, 11:36:13 am
Showed up with the notes folded over, I excused myself to check it and it was 15 quid less than my rate! This is a repeat client so he knows the correct rate, and then says 'oh, I thought it was xx" No. its not.

I then stood by as he fumbles through his pockets, and starts counting coins.

Cheeky sod. Because I was ready, dressed and he was already there I decided to do the booking. But super annoyed about this.

Just because they are repeat clients doesn't mean they won't try to con you.  :P
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 30 April 2018, 10:16:31 pm
Showed up with the notes folded over, I excused myself to check it and it was 15 quid less than my rate! This is a repeat client so he knows the correct rate, and then says 'oh, I thought it was xx" No. its not.

I then stood by as he fumbles through his pockets, and starts counting coins.

Cheeky sod. Because I was ready, dressed and he was already there I decided to do the booking. But super annoyed about this.

Just because they are repeat clients doesn't mean they won't try to con you.  :P

Had the same today, new client though. So fucking rude.  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 30 April 2018, 10:20:33 pm
Showed up with the notes folded over, I excused myself to check it and it was 15 quid less than my rate! This is a repeat client so he knows the correct rate, and then says 'oh, I thought it was xx" No. its not.

I then stood by as he fumbles through his pockets, and starts counting coins.

Cheeky sod. Because I was ready, dressed and he was already there I decided to do the booking. But super annoyed about this.

Just because they are repeat clients doesn't mean they won't try to con you.  :P

Similar happened to me last week...a client I've seen loads under paid by 10, I hadn't checked it for that very reason...Anyway I texted him a few minutes after he had left and said its 10 short, his response was that he definitely put the right amount there, I repeated again its 10 short, his next reply was that if I don't believe him then he is going to block me forever, I said again that its 10 short... Him: "Ok I'm blocking you" Me: "Ok bye"  ;D ;D ;D

I just look on it as a lesson learned to me to always count the money straight away.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 30 April 2018, 10:37:34 pm
I hate when they enthusiastically attack the clit. Because they were told we need that and they assume that more is better.

Or worse, immediately attacking the clit and the nipples (not the lovely area on and around the breasts) Just the clit and nipples only ...urggghhh!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 30 April 2018, 10:46:11 pm
Or worse, immediately attacking the clit and the nipples (not the lovely area on and around the breasts) Just the clit and nipples only ...urggghhh!  :FF

 This. This really really grinds my gears. FFS. :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 30 April 2018, 10:48:53 pm

I just look on it as a lesson learned to me to always count the money straight away.

Absolutely. Always count the money! Also, I will make sure to remind them of the fee in the comms before the booking. Because he was a reg I didn't think I needed to do this. Yeah, not doing that again. >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 30 April 2018, 11:54:42 pm
Had the same today, new client though. So fucking rude.  >:(

 :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 01 May 2018, 08:53:38 am
Absolutely. Always count the money! Also, I will make sure to remind them of the fee in the comms before the booking. Because he was a reg I didn't think I needed to do this. Yeah, not doing that again. >:(

I always confirm my Outcall ETA with their address and my rates.. even with long-term regulars. Partly to remind them this is not a 'choice', pal   ::)( don't you just loathe it when the old timers' refer to it as a "donation"? )

To Outcall ladies, Why do so many guys think it's ok to leave the fee on the mantlepiece or side table? I hate having to ask for it and then collect it myself from wherever they have 'secreted' it. I'm pretty convinced that some of these regulars are hoping I'll forget..Last night I had to locate the money from such an intricate spot under an ornament whilst the Client sat in an armchair saying, "Other side/ on the left/beside the clock"..Just hand it over dude!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mySecret on 01 May 2018, 12:50:58 pm
reverse booking at interesting fees..
ask about outfit, so legging sportwear. said yes, then asking which fabric??? are you serious?
me little patience but some they are so difficult...they do not realise it! usually more they ask for cheaper more they are difficult
i refused his booking! send a link with a pic instead...what they understand between polyester or Elastane...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cat on 01 May 2018, 10:09:51 pm
The pokers and they always have chuffing long nails ouch
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 01 May 2018, 11:50:45 pm
slobbery wet kiss soon as they walk in the door.  :-X  The type where they open their entire mouth and try suck on your lips. Cringe,  :-X

Ive had only 2 today and both did that. Eew. its been a cringe day. Some days are great (yesterday) some days are cringe days. ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: blue-scorpion on 07 May 2018, 11:00:00 am
I have this client that I accidently stole from the house - but the thing is that while I do get along with him, he always spends like 1 hr haggling my price - even tho he already gets a discount. But then he ends up paying/even TIPPING more than I asked for anyway 🤦‍♀️ Totally senseless! I mean... today I offered to return him £50 since I left 30 mins early... nope! Paid more than my entire months rent! God bless lol!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lola xxx on 09 May 2018, 09:31:19 pm
One that I've had a couple of times recently which grinds my gear's is asking for a face pic. Why would I hide my face on my profile and then just give it out to anyone who asks?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 09 May 2018, 11:10:51 pm
In hotel  sometimes they take so long to get to your room you almost think they are not coming at all .they call to say they forgot the room number lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 10 May 2018, 08:41:56 am
Fold my pillows in half! There are 2 pillows on the bed, if they want to prop their heads up higher why not use the 2nd pillow! I know this is a daft thing but it really annoys me!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seleranda on 10 May 2018, 02:29:39 pm
One that I've had a couple of times recently which grinds my gear's is asking for a face pic. Why would I hide my face on my profile and then just give it out to anyone who asks?

Well, it's not the same thing to post face pics on your profile for everyone to see (and have identity proof) than just some of them asking for them. Of course, if you value your privacy and don't want to be outed you're not going to send any pic. Their logic is that they want to check first if they like your face and that you might want to convince them to choose you by sending it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 10 May 2018, 02:49:55 pm
It's kind of worse that they think you should send a face pic to 'try and convince them to pick you'. Making you perform like a monkey. It's disrespectful.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 10 May 2018, 03:19:20 pm
In the past fortnight I have had 4 clients that have asked if I ‘work everyday’ and it’s so annoying because most people have a day or 2 off but it’s like because I’m a sex worker then it’s not really seen as proper work?! Pfft, if only they knew! :FF

Also there was a guy that came into the sauna on Sunday just past and one of the girls asked him if it was his day off from work and he replied ‘well who works on a Sunday’, and asides from shop workers, bus drivers, train drivers, airport & railway staff, taxi drivers and eh who else?..mmmn let me think, em SEX WORKERS, as in us sitting right here right now talking to you because we want you to choose 1 of us so that we get that something called money! Duh 🙄
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 11 May 2018, 08:56:16 am
Sadly some men and their preconcieved beliefs about sex workers comes across as quite irritating, and damn right ignorant at times .
We all sit around daily waiting in for their calls , we would never have a day off let alone a life outside of sex work dare we turn them down !!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 11 May 2018, 11:00:22 pm
Sadly some men and their preconcieved beliefs about sex workers ...
We all sit around daily waiting in for their calls , we would never have a day off let alone a life outside of sex work dare we turn them down !!
A client ive seen once before called to ask if i was at my incall location.

I say to him that he first needs to make an appointment.

He then says he is outside? :FF

FFS i lose my marbles. I aksed "Why would you come without making an appointment first?" His response " I forgot"

hang up. black list number. cheeky invasive chancer.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 12 May 2018, 01:29:16 am
A client ive seen once before called to ask if i was at my incall location.

I say to him that he first needs to make an appointment.

He then says he is outside? :FF

FFS i lose my marbles. I aksed "Why would you come without making an appointment first?" His response " I forgot"

hang up. black list number. cheeky invasive chancer.  :FF

Oh the original line of “I forgot”, tut tut, MY ARSS he forgot that he had to call you to make an appointment, the only thing he forgot was manners & showing you respect!! >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 12 May 2018, 09:51:05 am
I had a no show for a 30 min booking, 45 mins after the start time he was like ‘sorry I was in a meeting and forgot, I can come now.’

Like I’m really waiting in for people to just turn up whenever they want? I had another client booked in so I was fully booked anyway, but no way I’d let a fucking no show just rock up 2 hours late.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss harlequin on 12 May 2018, 10:12:53 am
I’m not known for tolerance and I’m ok with that!

Client I’ve seen once saved in my phone as “nosy fat but ok”
Him could I interest you in a drink one night
Me (showing an unknown level of politeness) sorry I prefer not to mix business with my personal life
Him ok I’m just looking for a FWB or fuck buddy
Me might I suggest a dating site instead of asking a professional escort for that
Him nah I will stick to the professional so are you free Thursday
Me no
Him next Tuesday
Me no
I felt like replying to him that there’s a reason he gets to have sex with ladies like me which is purely money orientated and if I were to see him in a bar he would be the last person I would sleep with for free! Take a look in the mirror mate Jesus

The usuals too
Are you working?
Where did you get my number
The one that says on every page that I’m working............

How much
States figure 50 over my rates
It says xxx on your site
That’s the rate for people who aren’t fecking stupid

I seem to have had these all week and it makes me wonder how some of them tie their own shoelaces MOST ANNOYING CLIENTS EVER
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 May 2018, 04:18:50 pm
I had one recently who seemed genuine so I tell him to book. He then wants to go on a date first. I say okay if you pay. Suddenly goes all quiet.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 17 May 2018, 04:21:41 pm
Callers who ask for details then ask "What do I like, what's my favourite thing?"  I've just had to explain to a grown man that this is not dating, it doesn't matter what I like I'm a service provider so I do what the client wants within my boundaries for payment.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 17 May 2018, 08:59:04 pm
Callers who ask for details then ask "What do I like, what's my favourite thing?"  I've just had to explain to a grown man that this is not dating, it doesn't matter what I like I'm a service provider so I do what the client wants within my boundaries for payment.  :FF

That pisses me of.

Client - What do you like
Me - Money
Client - what is your favourite thing
Me - Money
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 17 May 2018, 09:25:38 pm
How many outfits have you got ,how many outfits are you wearing ?
One usually is my answer .they don't book they don't turn up they just wank
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 17 May 2018, 09:34:03 pm
Guys that are sexually clumsy and hurt you by biting your nipple, fingering too hard and/or slapping your bum and when you pull them up then they ALWAYS say ‘sorry, I got carried away’, funny how men that pay for it get ‘carried away’ that bad that they hurt you but I’ve NEVER experienced this in my civvy life! ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kayley on 18 May 2018, 09:04:09 am
When they wont get off my clit straight away, even when I tell them they're hurting me. Or slap my face with a dick.  :FF
ooh and when they put their fingers in my mouth. I bite when they do that, I bet their dick's cleaner than that finger.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Braziliana on 18 May 2018, 01:29:07 pm
That pisses me of.

Client - What do you like
Me - Money
Client - what is your favourite thing
Me - Money

Ya ha ha!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 18 May 2018, 04:22:30 pm
For men who can't or don't want to read escorts profiles first maybe it's not for them!!!  buy a wank machine or doll and leave us alone.
 It's for the guys who know what to do.
Anytime now I will be sarcastic on this Damn tour..  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MrsTinkles on 22 May 2018, 11:14:46 pm
Ask if I have a boyfriend. I hate it when they ask this. I used to avoid answering but now I just say yes. It hasn’t cost any worthwhile business so far anyway!

But the responses are usually “does he know?” Or “does he mind?”

Like idk Hun does ur wife know? Does she mind?

(My guy does know and we are monogamous. Imo work doesn’t count as sex because it’s awful and I just spend the session writing shopping lists in my head)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 23 May 2018, 02:31:44 am
Ask personal questions about other girls that you work with, they have already been denied that info from the girl so he thinks he’ll be sly and ask other girls to get the information.

Assume that the girls in your sauna are not colleagues but friends, after all they don’t see our work as real work so they find it perfectly acceptable to tell ‘your friends’ your business!

I’ve said this before but asking if I work everyday, doing a 12 hour shift, this is the most annoying deluded question I get asked and I always say ‘well I have a life like most human beings, I have family and friends and I’m human so cannot handle working every bloody day and especially in this job’, I also ask if they work everyday.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 23 May 2018, 06:04:58 pm
Ask if I have a boyfriend. I hate it when they ask this. I used to avoid answering but now I just say yes. It hasn’t cost any worthwhile business so far anyway!

But the responses are usually “does he know?” Or “does he mind?”

Like idk Hun does ur wife know? Does she mind?

(My guy does know and we are monogamous. Imo work doesn’t count as sex because it’s awful and I just spend the session writing shopping lists in my head)

‘Do you have a boyfriend’ yes I do ‘how does he feel about you doing this?’ He loves it as he’s full of energy from cage fighting would you like me to call him and get him to join in he’s bisexual and I would love to watch you both fuck! 

Stops them in their tracks every. Single. Time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MrsTinkles on 24 May 2018, 04:00:53 am
*takes notes*
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma_C on 24 May 2018, 04:55:54 pm
pacing up & down in the street looking for the property when you've not told them the full address yet. They must be looking for the red light  ::) STAND STILL YOU FUCKER
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 24 May 2018, 08:13:58 pm
‘Do you have a boyfriend’ yes I do ‘how does he feel about you doing this?’ He loves it as he’s full of energy from cage fighting would you like me to call him and get him to join in he’s bisexual and I would love to watch you both fuck! 

Stops them in their tracks every. Single. Time.

I'm totes using this although given my (advertised) age I might say my BF is in government and can ensure any undesirables get targeted for stop and search and/or ocr on their vehicle.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 26 May 2018, 03:22:20 pm
Trying it on to get a freebie.
Had a guy who booked. Spoke on phone to see what he wants and to go over prices. I booked hotel for this. He turns up saying he's a male escort and willing to do it for free.
Not only was he not willing to pay but ended up losing bookings cos of him. Total arsehole nob.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay1996 on 30 May 2018, 07:24:05 pm
Pubes/stains on the bed :FF
Bad breath when there's clearly mouthwash on the sink :FF
People texting "Hi" :FF
£5 notes :FF
When they leave the bathroom in a mess with water everywhere :FF
"XXX isn't your REAL name is it?" No shit :FF
Slagging off other WGs :FF
"Are your nipples sensitive?" :FF
"How far down can you go?" When giving head :FF
Treating the clit like a DJ booth :FF

I could go on all night
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Seamstress on 31 May 2018, 10:20:59 am
"How far down can you go?" When giving head :FF

Yup, when you're already in the middle of the sesh:
"Do you deep throat?"
"Do you just want to try?"
"Still nope"
"I don't mind if you have to stop"
"The answer is no"
"Are you sure?"
If you were that bothered you should have checked beforehand whether it was on offer (or, y'know' seen from my likes / profile that it wasn't, but even I'm not daft enough to expect THAT much!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 31 May 2018, 03:15:39 pm
Yup, when you're already in the middle of the sesh:
"Do you deep throat?"
"Do you just want to try?"
"Still nope"
"I don't mind if you have to stop"
"The answer is no"
"Are you sure?"
If you were that bothered you should have checked beforehand whether it was on offer (or, y'know' seen from my likes / profile that it wasn't, but even I'm not daft enough to expect THAT much!)
Just like the pricks who ask during a session if you do anal.
Nope I don't.It tells you I don't do anal on my profile.
Have you ever done it?
Yes in my personal life.
Why won't you in a booking?
Because I don't like it.
Aw you might like it with me.
I won't.
Why not?
Because I am a 39 year old woman who has tried it with a few partners and can categorically say I do not like it and never will.Ask me one more time I fucking dare you! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 31 May 2018, 04:23:11 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 31 May 2018, 09:08:13 pm
Yeah the early ones throw me off my timing a bit as in remembering they got there at 20 to rather than on the hour I find that stupidly hard to remember , they usually ask if it ok and are prepared to wait but if they're there early and I'm ready I don't mind.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 31 May 2018, 10:04:23 pm
Just like the pricks who ask during a session if you do anal.
Nope I don't.It tells you I don't do anal on my profile.
Have you ever done it?
Yes in my personal life.
Why won't you in a booking?
Because I don't like it.
Aw you might like it with me.
I won't.
Why not?
Because I am a 39 year old woman who has tried it with a few partners and can categorically say I do not like it and never will.Ask me one more time I fucking dare you! :FF

Totally agree. I also had it this week with CIM - he assumed I did it. When I said I didn't, even in my private life, he looked at me as if I had two heads and asked why. As he was a twat, I just blurted out, "If you'd seen the state of some men's cum, you'd know why!"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 01 June 2018, 08:00:34 am
I had one that I faked a couple of times as he was so insistent and then when the Pratt was trying again I said I wouldn't be able to do again ( 1 hour booking)

He did this rediculous shocked face and said well my wife goes at least nine times !

What a bellend !

I thought of course she does you twat she's trying to shut you up !!!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Latty on 01 June 2018, 11:43:40 pm
People who text me asking how far I am when I'm on the way knowing I'm driving,  especially when I don't reply and they send those ?????? People who try and get me drunk knowing I'm driving  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: longlashes on 02 June 2018, 07:05:28 pm
Having super hairy (smelly) pubes.  I mean c'mon girls they want us shaved/trimmed so why not reciprocate.  Who wants to give head to such a gent and and lick hairy balls to boot.  Erm not meee! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 02 June 2018, 07:34:46 pm
Having super hairy (smelly) pubes.  I mean c'mon girls they want us shaved/trimmed so why not reciprocate.  Who wants to give head to such a gent and and lick hairy balls to boot.  Erm not meee! :FF
:-X yukk
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ParisB on 03 June 2018, 07:30:08 am
Yes, that annoys me too, like they can just pop along whenever they fancy it. And usually by the time they?ve faffed about deciding when they might like, somebody else has called and booked a definite time so it?s too late anyway.

I'm a bit passive aggressive with guys like this and just say well when you actually know what time you want and actually know how long you want,  get back to me
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss harlequin on 03 June 2018, 07:54:21 am
I'm a bit passive aggressive with guys like this and just say well when you actually know what time you want and actually know how long you want,  get back to me


I really don’t have time for this and it really annoys me I had one yesterday who wanted to book some time next week for an hour or an hour and a half or maybe two hours! I said the same thing get back when you know what date what time and for how long.

I don’t really care if they think I’m rude because I think they are rude for ringing and having no idea they just sound to me like they want a bit of wank fodder so they don’t get it from me. He then went on to say the “it’s my first time” so what? I don’t care! He then asked if I get many first timers. My response was how should I know that’s a personal question and none of my business it’s also none of his business asking about my other clients!

God they annoy me why can’t they just ring, book, turn up, pay, get the service and get the hell out!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 03 June 2018, 11:44:43 am
Yes agree with this because calling  weeks b4 the imaginative booking they want to have an endless pointless dialogue with an Escort.
When telling them to call on the day they plan to make their visit it cuts out the bullshit because let's face it they won't make all that effort to message when they realise your not biting their bait.
  they are often t wasters
The ones who ask me to go visit a part of England where they are living to tour just for them really annoys me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DarcyLady on 04 June 2018, 10:26:40 am
Client - "Do you do anal/cim/etc?"
Me - "Did you read my profile? Does it say I do?"
Client - "Umm...I don't know."
Me - "This is why I tell people to read my damn profile."

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 04 June 2018, 10:48:14 am
People who text me asking how far I am when I'm on the way knowing I'm driving,  especially when I don't reply and they send those ?????? People who try and get me drunk knowing I'm driving  :FF
Yep drives me nuts especially when I've pulled over , checked and then explained , then look and I have about 6  ??? ??? ??? I even say can text for 1.5 hours or whatever
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 05 June 2018, 08:47:34 am

People who text me asking how far I am when I'm on the way knowing I'm driving,  especially when I don't reply and they send those ?????? People who try and get me drunk knowing I'm driving  :FF

This used to drive me round the bend ( sad pun intended 🤐)
Now, as soon as they are booked, I send a text with their full address, my ETA, duration and fee "cash@start please" and tell them I can no longer read texts or respond to calls until my arrival..
 This has the added benefit of cutting out all the wanky "What will you be wearing? Do you do Anal? Can you bring some toys/uniforms" timewasters and they usually text cancel immediately ( in a panic  ;D )
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 05 June 2018, 10:21:55 am
Countless email this morning from people with no ability to read my profile  :FF
My block list is extending rapidly..
Get them out the way and hope my genuine bookings don't have problems getting through on the phone today .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 05 June 2018, 04:28:57 pm
My profile says I only see people with feedback of at least two but get so many enquiries from people with zero feedback which I ignore and delete.
Had one who sent a few emails then got pissed off cos I didn't reply. Even said he could tell I read his emails but not sure if that's possible or he was playing mind games.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 05 June 2018, 04:48:18 pm
My profile says I only see people with feedback of at least two but get so many enquiries from people with zero feedback which I ignore and delete.
Had one who sent a few emails then got pissed off cos I didn't reply. Even said he could tell I read his emails but not sure if that's possible or he was playing mind games.
Yes they can see if we have read them and if we have deleted their messages,we can do the same with their messages too.To do this just go to their emails and then click view all,a list of all communications between writer and recipient comes up along with whether they have been read or not.A useful feature I always found.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ParisB on 06 June 2018, 05:56:03 pm
My profile says I only see people with feedback of at least two but get so many enquiries from people with zero feedback which I ignore and delete.
Had one who sent a few emails then got pissed off cos I didn't reply. Even said he could tell I read his emails but not sure if that's possible or he was playing mind games.
Pay 1 credit a month to get the emails sent direct to your email box without having to log in
Saves you time on missing decent bookings and you can avoid the idiot ones that just say random crap
Plus they won't know that you have read  the booking or not
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 06 June 2018, 10:59:45 pm
Can u let me know how to do that. Thanks
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 07 June 2018, 08:47:31 am
Can u let me know how to do that. Thanks

There's a link on the emails sent to your personal email "If you'd like to receive the full content of this email..."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 08 June 2018, 04:38:32 pm
Asking for massive discounts.
Had a guy seemingly interested then says can I give oral for £20.
 :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 08 June 2018, 04:51:08 pm
Tempted to ask them to enter their discount code which of course they don't have when asking for money off!!
That could just confuse them lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CurlsnCurves on 08 June 2018, 05:32:09 pm
The thing with zero feedback is that it's not always indicative of a timewaster. I have a regular who has zero feedback and he doesn't seem bothered to get that changed. He currently is the only really decent client I have too, just wish he'd book for longer.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 09 June 2018, 09:54:33 am
Asking for massive discounts.
Had a guy seemingly interested then says can I give oral for £20.
 :FF :FF

I would offer my back to them for for twenty of their finest squid if I happen to be in the area. A half-hour very- intense back rub is my idea of bliss ( love my bum being massaged properly too, but they would have to pay double for that..'privilege' )  😎
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 11 June 2018, 01:44:49 pm
They say they don't want a shower after so use loads of my baby wipes, then have a shower too and use more towels  :FF :FF :FF

One or the other! Seriously. Fuckers. Might start offering wet bog roll from now on.  ;D (Not wet as in pissed on, wet as in from the tap although for some 'special' clients...perhaps!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Treetop on 11 June 2018, 03:10:02 pm
Also a shower issue - creating small floods by not closing the door! Why? Who showers like this? How do these people function as adults in their normal lives?  :FF
Dripping all over my floor and avoiding standing on the bathmat or throwing water around standing by the sink also annoy me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 11 June 2018, 07:30:05 pm
I’m guilty of making a pond in the bathroom - the mat isn’t in front of the mirror and for some reason I always need to stand in front of a mirror.

Had a guy message today asking whereabouts I was for public transport. Fair enough, so I told him roughly how far I am from the station or he could get a bus close by. Then he wants address so he can plan. ‘Not without a booking my good friend.’ So he puts a booking request through and says ‘ok I’ve done it can I have your address now?’ Thats not arranging a booking with me!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 11 June 2018, 09:36:10 pm
That's bad enough , i get the ones who want the postcode so I tell them i will give those details after they confirmed a booking .some say oh I will call you back they don't .
Or worse do booking to get my postcode  and be a no show .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 12 June 2018, 03:06:39 pm
When you carefully place the condom on the nicely erect cock, add a smidge of liquid silk to the end to keep things safe and sanitary ( I get irritation and cystitis with anything else ) and he goes and uses his big, fat hands to rub at himself furiously, thus potentially compromising the condom's safety and ruining all my handiwork!  >:

I feel like a toddler's mummy, telling them " Not to touch!!"  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 13 June 2018, 10:20:43 am
Not accept your answer!!

Had a guy I've seen twice ask yesterday if he could see me and told him I was fully booked, so he asked for today and was told yesterday was my last day until Monday. He then asks can't you squeeze me in! Which I ignored, so he followed up with Are you able to fit me in? Replied saying No, I am still fully booked. Texts again saying I would love to see you tomorrow, monday is too far away!...which I again ignored. Come this morning and he texts saying I would love to see you today. Seriously?  :FF Told him, As I told you yesterday, I am away until next week. His final response? I didn't know you were away, can't blame me for trying lol.

...Yes I can! Whether I am away on holiday or just taking a few days off or dealing with my personal life I CAN blame him for not accepting the first time I told him I was unavailable and generally being an inconsiderate twit who doesn't respect my answer.

Oh well, he only fucked it up for himself because now he will never see me again.  :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 13 June 2018, 11:43:31 pm
Yeah hate the ones who won't take no for an answer and literally beg to get a booking, once they've pissed me off my decision is final. *some* seem to think its a public service and are absolutely astonished when I refuse to see them  ???  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 14 June 2018, 10:29:20 am
Guys like that always got asked what part of no did they not understand?I also pointed out that I did not see men that were pushy and they had screened themselves out of getting an appointment with me in the future.
I find it very rude and potentially I always wondered what they would be like face to face.Would they equally be as unable to except the word no when it came to services I didn't offer.
I think the worst one I had was a call at 7pm as I was literally leaving my work flat to go to a friends birthday celebration.He wanted an outcall (which i did not advertise) and for asap.Explained politely why I could not meet but offered him an incall for the next day and he said 'Ok no problem'.
5 minutes later he texted 'Get a taxi to mine,I'll pay for it then you can go out later to see your friend'.
He couldn't see why this inappropriate or rude of him or why he basically got told to do one and not bother me again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 14 June 2018, 01:37:12 pm
Something is really beginning to get on my tits since I moved north... I make it clear that I like sex and GFE bookings and am not interested in BDSM. But I've been getting loads of requests for domme bookings. Just read my profile, FFS!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 14 June 2018, 01:50:36 pm
I've got someone saved as "Won't Take No For An Answer" calling me today. I think I remember telling him that being alone with a man who won't take no for an answer wasn't appealing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 14 June 2018, 04:00:51 pm
Yeah hate the ones who won't take no for an answer and literally beg to get a booking, once they've pissed me off my decision is final. *some* seem to think its a public service and are absolutely astonished when I refuse to see them  ???  ::)

I've got someone saved as "Won't Take No For An Answer" calling me today. I think I remember telling him that being alone with a man who won't take no for an answer wasn't appealing.

It's so irritating. It isn't difficult to understand no and it isn't like there aren't hundreds of other girls to choose from if someone is unavailable.  >:(

5 minutes later he texted 'Get a taxi to mine,I'll pay for it then you can go out later to see your friend'.
He couldn't see why this inappropriate or rude of him or why he basically got told to do one and not bother me again.

What a charmer, don't think I would have been so polite with my response!

Something is really beginning to get on my tits since I moved north... I make it clear that I like sex and GFE bookings and am not interested in BDSM. But I've been getting loads of requests for domme bookings. Just read my profile, FFS!

I advertise sub services and have it plastered all over I don't offer femdomme unless they want me to laugh all the way through the booking and have no idea what to do and I still get clowns thinking they're the exception!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 15 June 2018, 10:19:49 am
On a similar note to the above, when they call you and say "Hello Mistress" the deluded hope that you will magically become one for them :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English natural beauty on 25 June 2018, 09:21:43 am
Spit on my Vagina  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nemature on 25 June 2018, 09:49:26 pm
Ask how long they want to book for
They reply either a half hour or a hour - well sherlock which one is it!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 25 June 2018, 09:53:35 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 25 June 2018, 10:10:38 pm
Ask how long they want to book for
They reply either a half hour or a hour - well sherlock which one is it!

Oh and can I decide when I get there?

No you fucking can't genius  :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lillys0 on 25 June 2018, 10:26:22 pm
Ones that ask for freebies fuck buddies etc because " I fuck so good and you love it."

It's my fucking job to fuck guys and make them happy give good service, I'm not shagging blokes I don't fancy for free EVER
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lillys0 on 25 June 2018, 10:28:19 pm
Also when they don't wash their arse properly and I can smell it wafting when I give oral wtf is the that!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 25 June 2018, 10:40:57 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 25 June 2018, 10:46:27 pm
Thank you for saying that. Shitty whiff is my daily nightmare  :FF  :(
I'm considering secretly using a spray or essential oils on their arse.
Another idea I've been toying with is to use a special cream that morticians put under a nose during an autopsy  ;D

I wonder how well Vick's Vaporub works as a lube for HJ's and BJ's?


Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 25 June 2018, 10:48:52 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 25 June 2018, 10:50:50 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lillys0 on 25 June 2018, 10:56:07 pm
I didn't even realise what it was when I first started escorting the arse smell, I thought it must be the balls cock so I would wipe it with a wet wipe and the smell was still there, never had that when in civvie land
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 25 June 2018, 11:01:28 pm
I can then market it as 'extra energising treatment'  :D

Just put a dab of Vick under each nostril and you won't smell anything, or not much. If you can get some menthol sweets like Halls or Fisherman's Friends, so much the better :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 25 June 2018, 11:20:16 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 26 June 2018, 03:23:36 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 26 June 2018, 04:18:23 pm
Yes, that smell! 

Yesterday I had a fun and lively Strapon session in which he wanted a variety of my anal toys and Strapons.
Each time I pulled out, the toy and condom were clean as a whistle ( as he had delightedly told me they would be ) but, unbeknownst to him, the smell was horrific! :-X

I made a silent note to invest in super strength condom's to protect my lovely toys being ruined by aroma alone in future..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 26 June 2018, 09:08:55 pm
The smell is vile after the anal vibes are used.
Took me ages to get smell off with a strong scent washing tab in boiling water!  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 26 June 2018, 10:15:26 pm
Using my strap on or toys on men is not very often and am happy about that because last year I sacked two long standing regs because they didn't care one bit that it was messy for me to deal with. Yuk. Some men are squeaky clean back there and not sure if they prepared beforehand because I haven't asked.

Another man I have known years has just recently come to love being done up the back door but I gag when the strap on comes back out. Next time if it is as bad it will be the last he sees of me.  Can't be doing with asking that they wash in there before coming to me, if they haven't the curtesy to do so then they can fuck off, reg or no reg.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Curvymamma on 27 June 2018, 07:48:06 am
You know a message is going to annoy you even before you open it when you see a stupid profile name accompanied by zero feedback.  My profile is very clear I am not a domme I am very much a GFE, I don't see young gents or zero feedbacks, so today's offering:

"Hey! Can you head scissor dominate me?? I'll pay a lot of money for it, you need strong thighs, I am 21.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 27 June 2018, 05:09:26 pm
Arrogant cocky guys who think they know everything about us. Had one recently who said all us girls do this because we are in a desperate place in our lives. Total arsehole.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 27 June 2018, 07:54:55 pm
Using my strap on or toys on men is not very often and am happy about that because last year I sacked two long standing regs because they didn't care one bit that it was messy for me to deal with. Yuk. Some men are squeaky clean back there and not sure if they prepared beforehand because I haven't asked.

Another man I have known years has just recently come to love being done up the back door but I gag when the strap on comes back out. Next time if it is as bad it will be the last he sees of me.  Can't be doing with asking that they wash in there before coming to me, if they haven't the curtesy to do so then they can fuck off, reg or no reg.
I have on my profile that they have to douche beforehand if they want strap on, and I remind them that when they book. Couldn't be dealing with that mess ever again. It should be common sense but we all know they don't have that!

I'm raging today because a reg that I actually get on with asked by text if I would consider doing bareback with him. I said I was upset he'd ask and that he's lucky I wasn't going to block him. His response was that he was just joking  ??? Which pissed me off even more - he could at least say something like 'sorry that was a momentary lapse of judgement' but to pretend it was a joke? What's the joke, where's the humour in that? It's an insult to my intelligence.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Massage on 27 June 2018, 08:15:35 pm
You know a message is going to annoy you even before you open it when you see a stupid profile name accompanied by zero feedback.  My profile is very clear I am not a domme I am very much a GFE, I don't see young gents or zero feedbacks, so today's offering:

"Hey! Can you head scissor dominate me?? I'll pay a lot of money for it, you need strong thighs, I am 21.

He emailed me last week, my rep!y LOL no.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 28 June 2018, 09:54:38 am
Thank you for sharing your poop stories :) It made me feel less alone!  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 29 June 2018, 01:39:39 pm
Ugh new client asked if I can meet him naked at the door. Yes sure, let the neighbours have a gander and you can get a look too before you've handed the cash over  :FF

He seems fine otherwise and has a lot of good feedback but my god do they lack any perspective or reason.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Funkymonkey on 04 July 2018, 10:32:28 am
When they are utterly clueless and think they can just do what they like and you'll sit around waiting for them. I had someone book for 10 this morning, wanted me to paint my toenails. I said yes if you book an hour.

9am he calls to confirm but may be 15 mins late.calls at 10 to say he's setting off soon so will be there at 11. I say, ok I can still do 11. 30 mins ok? NO! I told you I would paint my nails for an hour booking. I'd already painted my nails and really need the money but I don't want to see someone who's taking the piss!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Seamstress on 04 July 2018, 03:01:44 pm
Dry-humping the inside of your thigh or similar because you won't let their nekkid privates anywhere near yours (no, not even "just on the outside" [as if there was such a thing]), like making things ridiculous and uncomfortable is miraculously going to make you change your mind rather than just letting you whop on the condom and get on with it.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 04 July 2018, 03:08:28 pm
Rearranging booking time last minute. Had a guy rearrange so he could have his dinner first but had three other guys wanting his spot so ended up losing out on bookings.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 04 July 2018, 06:32:37 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Massage on 04 July 2018, 07:22:25 pm
Over step boundaries, try and boss me about and expect to do things I don't list
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 05 July 2018, 11:39:35 am
Over step boundaries, try and boss me about and expect to do things I don't list
So true.. They have pre conceived ideas about us and when we say no they don't like it.. Aren't we meant to do everything in after all!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Massage on 05 July 2018, 01:31:27 pm
Exactly sugar I'm sure the boundary pushers think they have a golden pass
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: NadiaNielsen on 06 July 2018, 12:13:17 am
Leave hickeys... Just why  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 08 July 2018, 10:54:27 pm
Overstay, use a fuckload of my expensive, eco friendly baby wipes AND then decide to have a fucking shower for ten minutes when already over time. And then try to chat.

Fuck OFF.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 09 July 2018, 01:02:36 am
In the sauna the other day a client pestered me for bareback more than once, went through 4 condoms in a 45 min booking - he couldn’t stay hard and I suspect he had been sniffing as he asked me 12 times if I was okay :FF - then on his way out, when asked by receptionist if he had had a good time, answered ‘ach it wasn’t bad’, I was really pissed off at that and wanted to scream ‘it’s not my fucking fault your cock is a fucking flop with a condom and nor is it my fault that you’ve been sniffing drugs’!! GOD  :FF ...anyway things clients do to annoy...

Constant bareback questions, hints etc, etc
Going through numerous condoms
Blaming sex workers for their floppy cocks
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 09 July 2018, 08:18:01 am
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 09 July 2018, 08:49:28 am
Annoying!! But - hahaha  :D

I do hope every SW in the area has truecaller so when he calls them being all flowery and 'you are sooo beautiful' etc etc  :-X he'll come up as 'overstays booked 30 mins stayed 55' the cunt.  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Worried93 on 09 July 2018, 09:33:20 am
Make out with your ear. Just why!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 09 July 2018, 03:33:02 pm
Constantly saying wowee throughout a 2hour booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 09 July 2018, 09:21:32 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 10 July 2018, 09:32:41 pm
I had one once that kept doing this stupid giggle like he was constipated or had some kind of issue, after the tenth time not funny. I made a concerted effort not to say anything funny so he would stop. He didn't.

Also I can't stand when they are overly complimentary, makes me feel ill it's just so false. One or two compliments are lovely of course and appreciated but after that, please stop!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 11 July 2018, 09:08:36 am
When they expect you to give out your address location via email without them calling you first and then they get arsy pissy dicks about it. If you listened to the escort on how she operates not engange in ping pong tennis mail throw your toys out pram. You would of got her adress. Excuse for the rant. :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 11 July 2018, 09:26:07 am
Cover your eyes if you are squeamish  ::)

When they (thankfully)  have finished the booking and go to the bathroom/toilet and you hear them cough up and spit in the basin or bog. I once even heard one do it in the shower.

And some men say we are overpaid.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mi9696 on 11 July 2018, 10:19:44 am
Taking the piss (staying way after time trying to chat shit, trying to get more than agreed)
Complaining about spending money
And of course the “u avail” texts at 3am
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: AaleshaLondon on 11 July 2018, 12:09:34 pm
Making no effort to spell your name correctly  ::)

I've had my name remixed to death, which does kill my soul slightly, which makes me hesitant to even accept a booking from them
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissLeeMiss on 11 July 2018, 12:16:05 pm
Constantly saying wowee throughout a 2hour booking.

I once saw a guy who kept saying ‘yummy’ throughout the booking: He touched my boobs ‘ooh yummy’, he touched my bum ‘ooh yummy’, I went down on him ‘ooh yummy’, ad bloody nauseum. It started off annoying, became funny, and eventually just became annoying again.

Thankfully that was the last time I saw him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Massage on 11 July 2018, 12:24:08 pm
Taking the piss (staying way after time trying to chat shit, trying to get more than agreed)
Complaining about spending money
And of course the “u avail” texts at 3am

I despise lingerers, I never take a second booking from them anymore.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 11 July 2018, 12:31:59 pm
Texting me three minutes before the booking is due to start, asking if I have any uniforms.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Treetop on 11 July 2018, 02:44:20 pm
Picked at a not quite healed tattoo while cuddling. (I slapped his hand rather too hard)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: AaleshaLondon on 11 July 2018, 03:26:06 pm
Picked at a not quite healed tattoo while cuddling. (I slapped his hand rather too hard)
He shouldn't have touched! Hope there's no damage done x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 11 July 2018, 05:10:41 pm
Tree top why would somone even pick at your skin  , awful  :-[
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 14 July 2018, 07:04:00 pm
Have a shower but STILL have a shitty arse  :-X :-X :-X Disgusting pants with vile skidmarks and the smell of shit as he's lying there. Oh and then later in the booking I was already struggling with, asks for strap on. Unfortunately I had left it at home that day  ;D ;D ;D and felt a sense of relief wash over me that he hadn't asked when he booked.

Are they just gross, stupid or both? It's so disrespectful Oh and there was overstaying. and when I mentioned we were over time, all I got was vomitworthy oh, sorry, sorry, sorry... shut the fuck up, if you're not going to pay the extra fuck off. Blocked. And a descriptive name added to truecaller  :D

I find that while most clients are fine, those that piss me off display a catalogue of behaviour, it's never just one thing. All smacks of boundary pushing and I hate it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 14 July 2018, 11:11:22 pm
Message me asking if I'm working when my profile is set so far  out of my area only advertising  phone chat with no escort  info on it at all . :FF
They really can't read can they !!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 15 July 2018, 02:28:13 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 16 July 2018, 06:00:54 am
Your not wrong there.
I took great delight in messaging a few pests to say I'm no longer an Escort I quit and to which I got back... oh OK!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 23 July 2018, 10:43:43 pm
When you are on tour in a location.

Idiot - Calls where exactly are you?

Me- Im ten to fifteen mins drive from main central station and xxxx street.

Idiot - Are you north south east or west.

Me - I am ten mins drive from city centre. So when you reach to that point take you 10mins to get to me.

Idiot - Where exactly

Me-  Mate I am not local given as said above how many minutes I am if your coming from that starting point. I only hand my address to gentlemen who call one hour before confirm booking time. :FF

They really don't listen expect you to be a map know entire new area your in.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 24 July 2018, 05:15:25 am
When you are on tour in a location.

Idiot - Calls where exactly are you?

Me- Im ten to fifteen mins drive from main central station and xxxx street.

Idiot - Are you north south east or west.

Me - I am ten mins drive from city centre. So when you reach to that point take you 10mins to get to me.

Idiot - Where exactly

Me-  Mate I am not local given as said above how many minutes I am if your coming from that starting point. I only hand my address to gentlemen who call one hour before confirm booking time. :FF

They really don't listen expect you to be a map know entire new area your in.

I will tell them "I'm just off junction 12 on the M6" and they'll say "How far is that from Soggy Bottom (or some other regional obscure place name)?" and I'm like "I don't know where that even is. I'm right next to junction 12." "Is it close to a train station?" HOW THE FUCK SHOULD I KNOW GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 24 July 2018, 12:40:38 pm
Also have members of the ‘I don’t want to use Google Maps, please handhold and navigate for me” club at the moment even though when a booking is confirmed I give road names, when to turn, which way to look, where to park and mention any roadworks and yet I’ve just had:

“The road’s blocked off”
“I’ve come round this way but it’s a dead end”
“My SatNav won’t recalibrate”
“I’m on this road, where do I go now?”
“Oh your building has parking?”

Do they not realise that I figure out directions for them the same way they could easily do it for themselves?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 24 July 2018, 02:10:09 pm
I have, in a couple of confusing locations, actually made a map. Screenshot from Google maps and draw arrows, etc.

I have had clients get lost and admit that they didn't look at the map.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DarcyLady on 25 July 2018, 11:53:13 am
I will tell them "I'm just off junction 12 on the M6" and they'll say "How far is that from Soggy Bottom (or some other regional obscure place name)?" and I'm like "I don't know where that even is. I'm right next to junction 12." "Is it close to a train station?" HOW THE FUCK SHOULD I KNOW GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND.

Oh yes, I love these guys. They must think I work for the AA or Google Maps. I usually laugh and tell them to look it up. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 26 July 2018, 10:46:09 am
And on the other end of this scale, on my outcalls I always get asked where I'm coming from?
Before they launch into a step by step instruction of my journey, - as if I'm supposed to be noting it all down to refer to a little jotter as I drive..
They sound a teeny bit hurt when I stop them mid-flow to tell them I have Google maps on my satnav.. ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DarcyLady on 31 July 2018, 04:51:19 pm
Client - is it discreet?
Me - No, I like to let everyone know what I'm doing... :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 31 July 2018, 11:57:27 pm
Client - is it discreet?
Me - No, I like to let everyone know what I'm doing... :FF

Oh God, yes! What do they actually mean when they say is it discreet?!
In bad moods I tell them there is a bit neon sign that says WHOREHOUSE on the front of the building.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 06 August 2018, 08:46:39 am
I had an antsy client during a booking a few days ago who highlighted my mention of safe services on my profile and asked me how sexual health testing for escorts 'worked', I told him it worked the exact same way it does for anyone else but that I get oral, vaginal and anal swabs as well as a blood test every time I go and that if he was apprehensive I could do OW and not kiss him. He says he's sure it's fine and opts for OWO and DFK.

Then this morning I get a message thanking me for my time and asking me to send over a picture of my most recent test results for his 'peace of mind'

um ???

Surely if he's so concerned, he himself should go and get tested?

Cheeky sod.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 06 August 2018, 10:21:13 am
I had an antsy client during a booking a few days ago who highlighted my mention of safe services on my profile and asked me how sexual health testing for escorts 'worked', I told him it worked the exact same way it does for anyone else but that I get oral, vaginal and anal swabs as well as a blood test every time I go and that if he was apprehensive I could do OW and not kiss him. He says he's sure it's fine and opts for OWO and DFK.

Then this morning I get a message thanking me for my time and asking me to send over a picture of my most recent test results for his 'peace of mind'

um ???

Surely if he's so concerned, he himself should go and get tested?

Cheeky sod.

Yep I’ve had a few unpleasant bookings where guys have been a bit odd and barely wanted to touch me then afterwards they’ve tended to go on and on about MY sexual health.

No mention of theirs of course.

If it happened now I would terminate.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nachos on 07 August 2018, 02:45:06 pm
Arghh was just chilling in the park with an iced coffee, as it was quiet for me today. The phone rang and a really posh sounding gent booked to see me for an hour in 45 minute's time.
 So I rush back to get ready etc, then get a text message from him : 'Forgot to ask, is it air conditioned?'- meaning my flat!
Urrrm, nope not really, its not exactly Dubai here usually.
So he cancelled due to me having no aircon.  :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucylovesit on 07 August 2018, 07:02:45 pm
It’s probably been said but there’s a lot of pages lol.

When they turn up early, your ready so you let them in and then try and stay over their allocated time!!! Really grinds my gears. I don’t let anyone in early now lol x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 07 August 2018, 07:14:24 pm
It’s probably been said but there’s a lot of pages lol.

When they turn up early, your ready so you let them in and then try and stay over their allocated time!!! Really grinds my gears. I don’t let anyone in early now lol x

I say something like "I'm glad you're early because it gives me time to eat before my next booking" and then when time is up I remind them that I'm hungry.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 07 August 2018, 07:56:27 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucylovesit on 07 August 2018, 08:00:38 pm
Haha I like that idea, I’m going to steal it lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nachos on 07 August 2018, 08:08:29 pm
Brilliant !  :)

Ohh I'm gonna try that one!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 08 August 2018, 03:22:21 am
Someone emailed me on AW asking if he could see me, and I got the impression he meant today. I said no, as I've got pharyngitis, so won't be working for a few days. Within the hour he mails me again, 'Not even the slightest chance?'

Mate, I had a temp of 39.1 yesterday, find it difficult to eat, drink or just swallow, and have had less than 4h sleep over the past two days. Also, as it's probably viral, and an infection of the throat, do you really think it would be sensible to do a booking, even if I felt up to it?! Jeez...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 08 August 2018, 05:32:54 am
Yeah I've had guys do that when I say that I'm ill. Maybe they think we're lying.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kazzle on 08 August 2018, 10:08:27 am
Someone emailed me on AW asking if he could see me, and I got the impression he meant today. I said no, as I've got pharyngitis, so won't be working for a few days. Within the hour he mails me again, 'Not even the slightest chance?'

Reminds me of a regular who text for a booking, I told him I was ill. Next day he texted again, I told him I was ill and wouldn't be available for the next few days. The next day he phoned, I wouldn't normally have answered but I thought hearing me wheeze and croak down the phone would convince him that I was ill.

"You sound bad", he said. There was a slight pause and then he said "Perhaps I could send you some photos to cheer you up".

Yep that's what every woman wants when she's feeling ill, some photos of a man's dick.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 09 August 2018, 11:34:05 am
When they leave a trail of tissue. One bit on the floor & one bit flopped on the bed when he took his boxers down. They go to the bathroom but forget to remove it, weird. Had a few dribble catchers like this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 10 August 2018, 12:41:16 am
When they say "can I come in your mouth", receive an affirmative, then drop the used condom on the floor|
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 10 August 2018, 02:39:27 pm
Know full well that you don’t do certain services and see it as a challenge to force you into them, a bit rapey if you ask me.

A lot of sauna punters have the same mentalities as rapists imo.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 10 August 2018, 04:51:34 pm
In no particular order

Have a shower and still smell of BO  :-X :-X :-X

Have a shower and don't use any shower gel?  ??? ??? ???

Smell nice and clean but have gross breath?

Ask if they can do some coke then admit they already have, explains the jitteriness, doesn't it?  >:( >:( >:( No you can't mate. Thankfully I worked miracles and he had cum well within time  ;D

Have a smoke in the car before coming up to see me...fucking gross and super selfish.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Amazon_Woman on 10 August 2018, 07:40:08 pm
Clients expecting me to be able to wrestle them in our session, because I'm over 6ft tall  :FF

Just because I'm tall, doesn't mean I like wrestling men, like they do on WWE!!  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 10 August 2018, 10:41:09 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 11 August 2018, 08:09:32 am
I had a little stinker today, so empathise. Might be time to invest in Vicks Vapo Rub...  :D

 ;D ;D ;D

I honestly don't get it though. to be grubby on arrival is acceptable if you come from work, then you shower and you are clean. I always feel great when I dry off after a shower, nice and clean. How is it possible to have a shower and still smell? It makes me heave. I suppose they fall into the category of 'needs to pay for sex'.

Then the other end of the scale, when they arrive covered in half a bottle of aftershave, presumably to 'impress'. Cough. Anyone ever sucked a dick and got a mouthful of aftershave? Not nice! Preferable to BO? Marginally.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 11 August 2018, 10:54:45 pm
Going for a piss pre-sex and not washing their cocks & expecting you to suck it!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 14 August 2018, 03:55:15 pm
I know the clients who go to the toilet and don’t rinse their bits all too well, it happens multiple times a week.

In through the door, don’t want a shower but can they go to the bathroom to freshen up, sure I say knowing full well there’s no towels in the bathroom and if they know they’re not squeaky clean they’ll have to ask for one and I’ll point them to the shower rather than have them tip toe over the basin and dry themselves on a hand towel

This freshen up 99% of the time consists of going for a wee and running their hands under the tap.

I used to push for the shower after that and got fed up of having to haggle over it coming out of booking time and now I’ll very clearly smell them and use a wet wipe before performing OWO and tell them it’s because they went to the bathroom.

I did however have one guy go to the toilet and not wash his hands, I didn’t even let him leave the bathroom, I had to say something.

Have also had another who made a big song and dance of wanting a shower, came equipt with his own toiletries, spray air clogging Lynx all over himself only to scoot down my 400 thread count sheets at the end of the booking leaving a thick yellow oily streak in his wake. Had he never heard of washing and drying his arse? 

Another thing that irritates me is clients that don’t consider my sheets stay white because I don’t chuck bodily fluids all over them, I’ve had clients cum on them after I say they can’t finish in my mouth or on my face and one who got so carried away he didn’t think to put his hand over anything while laying on his stomach or they wipe their sweaty and spitty faces on them after performing RO  >:(

If I’ve just washed and ironed a fitted sheet I don’t want to stress about fluids seeping into my sheets and mattress protector and restrain myself from getting the Vanish out 20 minutes after it’s been put on the bed.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 15 August 2018, 09:40:37 am
I know the clients who go to the toilet and don’t rinse their bits all too well, it happens multiple times a week.

In through the door, don’t want a shower but can they go to the bathroom to freshen up, sure I say knowing full well there’s no towels in the bathroom and if they know they’re not squeaky clean they’ll have to ask for one and I’ll point them to the shower rather than have them tip toe over the basin and dry themselves on a hand towel

This freshen up 99% of the time consists of going for a wee and running their hands under the tap.

I used to push for the shower after that and got fed up of having to haggle over it coming out of booking time and now I’ll very clearly smell them and use a wet wipe before performing OWO and tell them it’s because they went to the bathroom.

I did however have one guy go to the toilet and not wash his hands, I didn’t even let him leave the bathroom, I had to say something.

Have also had another who made a big song and dance of wanting a shower, came equipt with his own toiletries, spray air clogging Lynx all over himself only to scoot down my 400 thread count sheets at the end of the booking leaving a thick yellow oily streak in his wake. Had he never heard of washing and drying his arse? 

Another thing that irritates me is clients that don’t consider my sheets stay white because I don’t chuck bodily fluids all over them, I’ve had clients cum on them after I say they can’t finish in my mouth or on my face and one who got so carried away he didn’t think to put his hand over anything while laying on his stomach or they wipe their sweaty and spitty faces on them after performing RO  >:(

If I’ve just washed and ironed a fitted sheet I don’t want to stress about fluids seeping into my sheets and mattress protector and restrain myself from getting the Vanish out 20 minutes after it’s been put on the bed.

That is disgusting.

I think you need to buy some less expensive sheets for this job, yours sound far too nice to be having clients touching them!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 15 August 2018, 03:36:20 pm
Honeymoonbarbie you need to invest in a couple of cheap reversible super kingsize duvet covers, with busy patterns that don't show lubey handprints, cum stains etc and can quickly be thrown in the washer-dryer at the end of the day ready for the morning.

I've got 2, one is grey and white, the other is red and cream and I use that if I'm due or on a period.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 16 August 2018, 12:26:30 am
I think you need to buy some less expensive sheets for this job, yours sound far too nice to be having clients touching them!
Honeymoonbarbie you need to invest in a couple of cheap reversible super kingsize duvet covers, with busy patterns that don't show lubey handprints, cum stains etc and can quickly be thrown in the washer-dryer at the end of the day ready for the morning.

I've got 2, one is grey and white, the other is red and cream and I use that if I'm due or on a period.
I got a little buy happy in the new year sales and don't think I spent more than £13.00 a piece on them and I've now gotten used to how soft they are but you're both right. I'll add some duvet covers into the equation!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missrosstoyou on 16 August 2018, 12:14:52 pm
Not wash their bits properly. I'm traumatised from when I first started out and had a guy whose cock smelled like nothing I'd ever experienced since or after. I said oh my god you have to wash! He was like there's no water (it was an outcall to a harbour he was fixing up a boat). By the sink there was fairy liquid, a washing up sponge and a bottle of water which I used to wash it. The smell haunted me for days and even when I've had whiffy cocks they're nothing like that one! Now when they come out of the shower there's always the feeling of dread when I go down on it actually clean or not? When I say you need to go back in the shower they are really apologetic and surprised. Sometimes before they go in I say you have to actually put shower gel on your bits after walking in and seeing a couple them only using water...
Only had a skid mark once touch wood!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 16 August 2018, 12:22:41 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 16 August 2018, 12:26:08 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 16 August 2018, 01:31:52 pm
...or when they try to caress you with their unkempt feet  :( Why. Just why  :(

I'm going to be sick.  ;D In fact, any form of caressing makes me want to gag...I just can't fake the intimacy part of it with someone gross, I just can't.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 16 August 2018, 01:36:17 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 16 August 2018, 01:55:52 pm
I was going to get some of those tiny hotel soaps to give to guys to use, I'm sure a lot of them still use bars of soap. They are actually quite expensive for what they are even in bulk, especially as you can't really give someone a used one!  :D

Failing that I do see some of them struggle with the shower gel pumps in hotel bathrooms (  :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF) so now I buy Asda's shower gel, 33p for a 250ml bottle, can't go wrong.

Now guys fucking use it! Yes, all over. That's it. Not difficult.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 16 August 2018, 02:12:42 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 16 August 2018, 04:08:34 pm
That's a winner.

It sure is!

But. I spoke too soon.  :( :( :(

Not long ago had a guy, half hour booking. Asked if he wants a shower, oh no he's just had one. OK, I couldn't smell anything so let it slide. Big mistake. Huge.

Takes off clothes and the BO was fucking horrendous. He was clean round his cock and everywhere else but Jesus fucking Christ. But the worst thing about this is that after he left, I could smell it on me.  :-X OK a long shower sorted that but OMG my sheets stink. I mean they STINK. My clean duvet cover and the hotel cover underneath. Just ran to the shop to get a bottle of Febreze and am currently trying to speed dry my duvet cover and have turned the hotel one upside down & back to front.

I considered spilling coffee on the hotel quilt to get and new one but for once, no housekeeping are about. I wouldn't mind so much but it was my first booking.

 :'( :'( :'(

Debating a warning but not sure if it warrants one or not? Sometimes we don't get paid enough.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 16 August 2018, 05:11:11 pm
It's beyond grim to realise that the deep whiff of BO emanating from your hair, neck and chest as you travel home on a breezy day is not actually your own  :-X
The only thing worse is the smell of faecal matter after Strapon sex.. At least THAT ends up on a condom in the nearest bin, whereas the 'eau-de-smelly-bastard' accompanies me for the journey home ..

 Thankfully, I don't have to use public transport  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 16 August 2018, 05:17:48 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 16 August 2018, 06:22:35 pm
It saddens me when a client is sparkly clean from top to toe on his first visit then gradually as he makes more and more bookings he starts to get lazy with his hygiene. When men take me for granted and don't bother spending those extra minutes cleansing the parts going near my mouth, I just become unavailable for any other requests to see me. No reasons given (although I have once or twice over the years) and I just block and ignore them.

In all my years as a service provider I have met only one or two men who actually take care of their feet too. By the nature of our services we are often inches away from the gnarled and dried up toenails and hard skin on their feet.



Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 16 August 2018, 06:57:39 pm
It saddens me when a client is sparkly clean from top to toe on his first visit then gradually as he makes more and more bookings he starts to get lazy with his hygiene. When men take me for granted and don't bother spending those extra minutes cleansing the parts going near my mouth, I just become unavailable for any other requests to see me. No reasons given (although I have once or twice over the years) and I just block and ignore them.

In all my years as a service provider I have met only one or two men who actually take care of their feet too. By the nature of our services we are often inches away from the gnarled and dried up toenails and hard skin on their feet.




I have noticed this too. I guess some might say this is why they pay us for sex so we put up with this shit when a girlfriend / wife would not, or would just stop fucking them! I mean it's one thing being grubby and skanky in your day to day life, but surely quite another when you are going to pay to see a woman you find attractive and getting naked with her? I mean, why??? Do they just not care what we think? Clearly not.

How gross. Women are not disgusting like this, are they? I'm not anyway!

This thread should be renamed 'Things clients do to make us sick'  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 16 August 2018, 07:59:37 pm
I have noticed this too. I guess some might say this is why they pay us for sex so we put up with this shit when a girlfriend / wife would not, or would just stop fucking them! I mean it's one thing being grubby and skanky in your day to day life, but surely quite another when you are going to pay to see a woman you find attractive and getting naked with her? I mean, why??? Do they just not care what we think? Clearly not.

How gross. Women are not disgusting like this, are they? I'm not anyway!

This thread should be renamed 'Things clients do to make us sick' ;D ;D ;D

Got one for you, puke away. Came into my room the other day after stashing cash and getting drinkies, to find him standing starkers with a long dribble of precum from his cock onto my nice aqua blue rug. Charming.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 16 August 2018, 08:43:56 pm
Got one for you, puke away. Came into my room the other day after stashing cash and getting drinkies, to find him standing starkers with a long dribble of precum from his cock onto my nice aqua blue rug. Charming.


Ew I can't be doing with dribbly cocks. And on your rug!  :'(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 16 August 2018, 09:08:55 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 17 August 2018, 11:07:59 am
Ew I can't be doing with dribbly cocks. And on your rug!  :'(

Had one last night who was proud of the fact he dribbled away before OWO, indicated it was a compliment to my overt sexiness?  ::)
He seemed surprised when I busily removed it and reapplied strawberry lube.
It's basically snot from a different orefice is it not?  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 17 August 2018, 01:13:37 pm
Had one last night who was proud of the fact he dribbled away before OWO, indicated it was a compliment to my overt sexiness?  ::)
He seemed surprised when I busily removed it and reapplied strawberry lube.
It's basically snot from a different orefice is it not?  :-X

Thought my precum on rug was not to be beaten but you raised me with your snot comment.

Sigh  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 17 August 2018, 08:10:00 pm
Oh God why do we do this job!  ;D ;D ;D

Um ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ possibly...

Oh and just to add after the stinking bastard from earlier, later I also spotted a random shit smear, from someone else.  :FF :FF :FF Someone who appeared clean and had been forced to shower.  :D Thankfully my duvet cover just about masked it.

What's worse than guys who stink or are dirty? Those that have a shower and STILL fucking smell. What is that about?

But on the plus side, no snot issues today so every cloud eh!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 17 August 2018, 09:11:30 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Charmaine on 17 August 2018, 11:01:04 pm
Just had a call asking for a booking at 2am . I politely told him I only work until 9pm and he was welcome to book at a later date . His answer was to call me a fat lazy slut  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 17 August 2018, 11:34:16 pm
Just had a call asking for a booking at 2am . I politely told him I only work until 9pm and he was welcome to book at a later date . His answer was to call me a fat lazy slut  ::)

What a cunt. Mind you it is Friday night and that does usually mean Twat night. Second time I've said this today, I think you dodged a bullet there!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarah72 on 19 August 2018, 08:35:36 am
Some things I’ve mentioned in a previous threads. Stuff I used to get asked over years when I was working full time. Some of it annoying, some of it down right personal and rude, other stuff laughable. But bet every working girl can relate to being asked a lot of this or similar. Lot of time just bit my tongue but lot of time you really felt like being sarcastic! Really???!

‘do you wear stockings and suspenders all the time’
‘My wife things I’m at....’ (usual dubious locations given)
‘Does your boyfriend know you do this’
‘You’re such a nice lady, why do you do this’?
‘I’ve an allergy to rubber so I can’t wear condoms’
‘Can I take your picture’?
‘I’ve fallen for you, can I see you outside of all this. I like to become your lover’
‘My wife doesn’t understand’
‘If I slip you an extra tenner will you....’
‘Can I have your panties’?
‘Bet your a lesbian’
‘Are you clean, do you get tested regularly’
‘I only do this occasionally’
‘Do your friends know’?
‘But so in so does this to me’
‘I’m not usually that quick’
‘Changed my mind’ (after several outfit changes)’can you put this on instead’?
‘Sure the receptionist at the hotel didn’t clock you’re a hooker’
‘Don’t let anybody see you when you leave’
‘You won’t tell anybody will you’?
‘Can you park at least 3 streets away’
‘I bet all your friends do this’
‘Bet you have a big porn collection’
‘What if the police come round’?
‘I know somebody who works for...If you do this/that for me I can get you loads of clients’!
‘Tell me about your boyfriend, does he have a big cock?’
‘How many men have you fucked’?
‘I know you don’t do...but would you do just for me?’

‘The missus knows I do this, really!’

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 21 August 2018, 04:31:25 pm
I’m losing the will to live here.. Have a guy who booked last year.... didn’t show up. Saved him as a no show timewaster and ignored any further calls from him. He crops up now and again but calls and calls and calls on the days that he does try to make contact (can’t stand persistent ones as they generally are arseholes when you do meet)

I mean when they literally call every five minutes not considering that you might actually be with another punter is baffling.
He also left a text which I didn’t respond to.

He has now messaged me on AW saying he has tried to contact me several times but I don’t pick up etc. I’ve politely told him that he didn’t turn up on a previous occasion so I’ve put him on my ‘no’ list.

I mean I know these guys pay us but do they really think we have to take their booking? That despite him pissing me about a year ago and leaving me sitting twiddling my thumbs waiting that I’m going to give him another chance to possibly do it again? No way.
I find this self entitled behaviour because they are paying us for sex to be so irritating and annoying
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: AaleshaLondon on 21 August 2018, 05:06:52 pm
I’m losing the will to live here.. Have a guy who booked last year.... didn’t show up. Saved him as a no show timewaster and ignored any further calls from him. He crops up now and again but calls and calls and calls on the days that he does try to make contact (can’t stand persistent ones as they generally are arseholes when you do meet)

I mean when they literally call every five minutes not considering that you might actually be with another punter is baffling.
He also left a text which I didn’t respond to.

He has now messaged me on AW saying he has tried to contact me several times but I don’t pick up etc. I’ve politely told him that he didn’t turn up on a previous occasion so I’ve put him on my ‘no’ list.

I mean I know these guys pay us but do they really think we have to take their booking? That despite him pissing me about a year ago and leaving me sitting twiddling my thumbs waiting that I’m going to give him another chance to possibly do it again? No way.
I find this self entitled behaviour because they are paying us for sex to be so irritating and annoying

This!!! For creatures who need us, pester us days on end to sample our exquisite selves that they are so extremely enraptured by, the behaviour of some clients towards us is egocentric and entitled. I love my bookings when I get a genuine nice human who doesn't look down on the woman they have just paid
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 22 August 2018, 01:35:27 pm
Suddenly launch into random thing not previously discussed.

Had one yesterday, nice and polite booking, perfectly fine when he arrived, but then launched into this whole porny act and calling himself Daddy (he was younger than me so sounded like even more of a twat!)

Initiallty I was veering between wanting to ask him why he was being such a dick and not laughing at him, but I did go along with it in the end and it was fine, but I just hate it when they seem to want one thing like a nice vanila GFE and then going off on some other tangent. I like to prepare myself for a booking, whether mentally to be porny daughter (sigh) or do have relevant kit ready and not have to go through my drawer to find thungs hwen theu suddenly announce they want tying up/whipping/gagging/whatever.

I had another once who wanted racial name calling. I just couldn't bring myself to call him what he wanted me to- dirty P**i  etc.

Also. age play is really contentious, as is the racial humiliation thing so why on earth wouldn't they check in advance if it was something we are comfotable with. I hate the idea that it's because they think because we are sex workers we will do anything and are all the same with no boundaries. In addition, surely if they want the best experience they should select an escort who is happy to do whatever it is?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 23 August 2018, 06:49:28 pm
I realised today how much it gets on my tits when you get a client who clambers about on top of you, often leaving you with his hairy arse in your face, or even worse, being pinned down under it, and then expecting you to somehow contort yourself so you can suck their cock or lick their balls. Why can't they just lie down or stand like a normal human being, and let me get on it with?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 24 August 2018, 10:10:24 am
I realised today how much it gets on my tits when you get a client who clambers about on top of you, often leaving you with his hairy arse in your face, or even worse, being pinned down under it, and then expecting you to somehow contort yourself so you can suck their cock or lick their balls. Why can't they just lie down or stand like a normal human being, and let me get on it with?

I had this the other day, client asked me to lay down and rather clumsily shuffled closer to me on his knees before scooping my head up and inching it closer to his crotch. Not only was I likely to get neck ache but he was on my hair!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 24 August 2018, 10:12:00 am
Anyone ever had clients that talk to your body parts? I've had "hello" directed at my boobs and "you look extra lovely today" directed at my labia in the last week  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 24 August 2018, 10:14:31 am
Anyone ever had clients that talk to your body parts? I've had "hello" directed at my boobs and "you look extra lovely today" directed at my labia in the last week  ???

yes lmao so embarrassing
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LisaSmiles on 26 August 2018, 05:04:42 pm
Clients who ask about an evening booking and then say "When are you free until"  instead of saying something helpful like "see you at 8pm".  This means they are trying to reserve my entire evening just in case they might feel like leaving the pub or wherever they are to come and see me.  I just tell them my latest booking is 9pm. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lola xxx on 26 August 2018, 05:26:19 pm
Clients who ask about an evening booking and then say "When are you free until"  instead of saying something helpful like "see you at 8pm".  This means they are trying to reserve my entire evening just in case they might feel like leaving the pub or wherever they are to come and see me.  I just tell them my latest booking is 9pm. :FF

Yeah I hate this. But also sounds like a timewaster to me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missrosstoyou on 29 August 2018, 01:52:04 pm
Give you unwanted advice, tell you about this site (why are you on here?) talk about other escorts-I don't know anyone so whats the point? Tells me you're too involved and to be avoided tbh
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 30 August 2018, 05:39:26 pm
Give you unwanted advice, tell you about this site (why are you on here?) talk about other escorts-I don't know anyone so whats the point? Tells me you're too involved and to be avoided tbh

It really creeps me out to think of Clients lurking here.

I like it to someone hiding in a female changing room listening to all the gossip, spying through the door crevice whilst wanking furiously...

..before dashing back to his keyboard to  inform all his "mates" with his superior "knowledge":-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 30 August 2018, 10:25:17 pm
I experienced something new today and it really irritated me.

Client I'd consider a regular who's behaviour has slowly been declining (overly friendly comms when arranging bookings, no longer being mindful not to scratch me, becoming a starfish and complaining that I won't let him dribble spit into my mouth while 'DFK' anymore) practically wiped away all of my natural lubrication from RO before entering me and when I went to get more lube he wouldn't pull out at all for me to apply it to the condom and myself, leaving me holding the bottle, so I riggled up the bed and he would follow and when I said "you'll have to move so I can apply the lube" he said "if I pull out I'll cum" and so I told him quite bluntly "well you're hurting me, either you can pull out and I apply the lube or you can pull out and put your clothes on and leave".

What the actual? Was I supposed to be uncomfortable and chafe? Why would he think that was acceptable?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chloe990 on 01 September 2018, 07:31:24 am
I've had a client that kept asking me how many guys i've been with. I tried to avoid answering and told him that i dont know as i dont keep count, he then started asking for an indication calling out random (huge) numbers, very annoying...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lillys0 on 01 September 2018, 09:32:25 am
When they ask have you had bookings yet at 2pm they want to be the first, guess what I'm a whore and I have  showers between clients.
Another thing when they rub your clit furiously and roughly happens everyday I work.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay1996 on 01 September 2018, 01:01:02 pm
When they don't realize your clit is sensitive after an orgasm and keep trying to rub it anyway. Bore off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 04 September 2018, 06:26:05 pm
Tell you they love you mid sex/mid bj etc.

I've had 3 regs do this now and I get they get caught up in the moment but I still find it so creepy!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 04 September 2018, 06:39:02 pm
Had it happen to me a lot recently because I've been off work, but when they make comments about how difficult I am to get hold of or that they've been trying to book me for ages. I don't think it's meant to sound critical but it just gives off this entitlement as if they think I should be more available for them or that I should prioritise this over other things. It should make total sense why an escort might just be part-time, it's a luxury service not one that's essential, but they act like it's a right sometimes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kate_x on 04 September 2018, 06:44:15 pm
Had it happen to me a lot recently because I've been off work, but when they make comments about how difficult I am to get hold of or that they've been trying to book me for ages. I don't think it's meant to sound critical but it just gives off this entitlement as if they think I should be more available for them or that I should prioritise this over other things. It should make total sense why an escort might just be part-time, it's a luxury service not one that's essential, but they act like it's a right sometimes.

Omg I had this happen today. I've been off for a few days and this morning a guy rang who I had seen for the first time last week and the first thing he says is "I've been trying to get hold on you, have you been away?" It was also the way he said it that really annoyed me, like he expected me not to take any time off and be around waiting for his call 24/7!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 04 September 2018, 07:09:39 pm
Omg I had this happen today. I've been off for a few days and this morning a guy rang who I had seen for the first time last week and the first thing he says is "I've been trying to get hold on you, have you been away?" It was also the way he said it that really annoyed me, like he expected me not to take any time off and be around waiting for his call 24/7!
ugh yeah, and when they don't get a response they keep texting. My work phone is off when I'm not working which might be for days but I will turn it on to a barrage of texts.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: trashbaby on 05 September 2018, 11:10:55 pm
...or when they try to caress you with their unkempt feet  :( Why. Just why  :(

An old reg used to constantly try to put his crusty yellpw toenail inside my vagina whilst I performed OWO. There's a reason he isn't a reg any more.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JustAnotherHooker on 05 September 2018, 11:21:54 pm
When they pretend they’re giving you a choice (probably only sauna punters) client: ‘can I rim you’ me: ‘no’ client: why? I’m paying you so I should be able to rim you, me: rimming isnt part of my service even for cash’ and they then treat you like your ripping them off! I did say to one client ‘your pretending your giving me a choice but your not’ and that shut him up!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 05 September 2018, 11:51:59 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 06 September 2018, 06:29:10 pm
An old reg used to constantly try to put his crusty yellpw toenail inside my vagina whilst I performed OWO. There's a reason he isn't a reg any more.
Why?Just why? ??? ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeymoonbarbie on 07 September 2018, 01:00:48 pm
When they pretend they’re giving you a choice (probably only sauna punters) client: ‘can I rim you’ me: ‘no’ client: why? I’m paying you so I should be able to rim you, me: rimming isnt part of my service even for cash’ and they then treat you like your ripping them off! I did say to one client ‘your pretending your giving me a choice but your not’ and that shut him up!

It’s such an annoyingly fine line.

I don’t work in saunas or parlours and am still asked “shall we do 69?” while I’m already performing oral, I mean I’d rather not have to centre my weight and hold myself up while a client clamps onto my lower back when the position I’m in is comfortable and more than sufficient but I can hardly say that, can I?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 07 September 2018, 09:04:32 pm
When they finish off and spunk all over me, then walk off to clean themselves up, leaving me there covered and unable to move. Fucking hate that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 07 September 2018, 09:38:24 pm
When they finish off and spunk all over me, then walk off to clean themselves up, leaving me there covered and unable to move. Fucking hate that.

You could always ask them to reach for the tissues/wipes/dustpan and brush for you.  I do.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 07 September 2018, 10:57:07 pm
You could always ask them to reach for the tissues/wipes/dustpan and brush for you.  I do.

I'm happy to ask, it's not that, it's just them being inconsiderate, I shouldn't have to ask!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: linglau on 07 September 2018, 11:50:36 pm
An old reg used to constantly try to put his crusty yellpw toenail inside my vagina whilst I performed OWO. There's a reason he isn't a reg any more.

That's just so vile, aagh it made me shiver.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LotusFlower on 08 September 2018, 12:30:22 am
It’s such an annoyingly fine line.

I don’t work in saunas or parlours and am still asked “shall we do 69?” while I’m already performing oral, I mean I’d rather not have to centre my weight and hold myself up while a client clamps onto my lower back when the position I’m in is comfortable and more than sufficient but I can hardly say that, can I?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 08 September 2018, 06:20:25 pm
Some make a big deal out of a 15min or  30min time frame where they have Sex with an Escort.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 26 September 2018, 01:43:29 pm
When they ask if you are working today and you give them a time when you are feee but they push for a time when you have been clear you are not able to see them.

When they ask if you are working today and then try and string out the conversation by asking what other days you are working. They tend to seldom never call back when you tell them those other days.
I think why ask if I’m working today when you don’t want to come today FFS ??? :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 26 September 2018, 02:06:18 pm
When they ask if you are working today and you give them a time when you are feee but they push for a time when you have been clear you are not able to see them.

When they ask if you are working today and then try and string out the conversation by asking what other days you are working. They tend to seldom never call back when you tell them those other days.
I think why ask if I’m working today when you don’t want to come today FFS ??? :FF

I have posted this before but the above is not something I ever need to go through. If they start those questions (when are you available etc) I cut them short and ask what time suits them and then it is a yes or no. Easy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 26 September 2018, 06:07:02 pm
When they don’t know how to kiss! Had a client earlier that just kept sticking his tongue in my mouth and not moving it, wtf
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 26 September 2018, 09:18:03 pm
I have posted this before but the above is not something I ever need to go through. If they start those questions (when are you available etc) I cut them short and ask what time suits them and then it is a yes or no. Easy.

Good point! I’m just going to throw it back at them instead of getting lulled in to being messed about. Most of these blokes just get a kick of making bookings they will never commit to with an escort.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 26 September 2018, 09:34:56 pm
I have zero patience with those that um and ah, I tell them to call back when they decide. They rarely do. This is why I never answer my phone on the days I'm not working, I can't be arsed talking when I much prefer to take bookings on the day.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 26 September 2018, 09:55:11 pm
A man booked an overnight with me for he thinks november.
That was 6 weeks ago.
He thinks he can call and text endlessly about the booking.
He has sent me photos of things he has bought me for the overnight.
The over night may or may not happen.
He keeps ringing and telling me he has it for sure he has the hotel booked.
Then rings back and says we should do it at his house.

I have told him many times to stop calling and texting until he has it booked and sure it is going to happen.

So he books says it is certain then says maybe not.

45 days to go.

I am not taking crap for 45 days.

Blocked tonight.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 28 September 2018, 03:01:07 pm
I have zero patience with those that um and ah, I tell them to call back when they decide. They rarely do. This is why I never answer my phone on the days I'm not working, I can't be arsed talking when I much prefer to take bookings on the day.

I’ve just had a bloke who has been messaging me for over a year and the minute he asks my availibility and I reply he is silent.
Just had him texting asking about tomorrow so i replied ‘if You give me a time and booking duration they we can arrange’ I replied seconds later and he hasn’t responded. In future I’m not going to bother
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 01 October 2018, 03:08:21 pm
I know we all moan about men who don't read our profiles, but I think what's actually worse is when they do - and then think our rules/limits don't apply to them.

Just had to deal with a delusional older bloke who lied about his age, so I double-checked, said I was very clear in my advertising that I had an age limit, and he proceeded to carry on as if the booking was confirmed.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 01 October 2018, 03:15:22 pm
I also just had someone text me who clearly thought my rules didn’t apply to him. Bellend!
Him - I’ve read your profile and want to book you for anal tomorrow
Me - you didn’t read it as it states in bold capital letters at the top that I don’t ever do anal
Him - I saw that but I really want to try it
Me - Book someone who offers it then

And block!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 01 October 2018, 05:30:14 pm
A man booked an overnight with me for he thinks november.
That was 6 weeks ago.
He thinks he can call and text endlessly about the booking.
He has sent me photos of things he has bought me for the overnight.
The over night may or may not happen.
He keeps ringing and telling me he has it for sure he has the hotel booked.
Then rings back and says we should do it at his house.

I have told him many times to stop calling and texting until he has it booked and sure it is going to happen.

So he books says it is certain then says maybe not.

45 days to go.

I am not taking crap for 45 days.

Blocked tonight.

It's not that guy from Stafford is it? Says he's disabled from a head injury.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 01 October 2018, 08:02:33 pm
It's not that guy from Stafford is it? Says he's disabled from a head injury.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 03 October 2018, 02:58:03 pm
During missionary when they crush you with their full body weight and they are sweating loads all over you. Had one like this earlier and I had to tell him to get off me as I couldn’t breathe.
Also hate when they try and contort your body into all sorts of crazy positions such as trying to get my feet up near my head. I’m not flexible and I hate sex being too deep.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 03 October 2018, 03:16:42 pm
During missionary when they crush you with their full body weight and they are sweating loads all over you. Had one like this earlier and I had to tell him to get off me as I couldn’t breathe.
Also hate when they try and contort your body into all sorts of crazy positions such as trying to get my feet up near my head. I’m not flexible and I hate sex being too deep.

I hate missionary, I can't stand their weight on me either and the angle of penetration in that position I find really uncomfortable. When they ask me I do 'my version' of it, I have them stand by the edge of the bed and I lie down with my legs together and flip my legs to the side so they can't lean forward and it's not very deep. It's not missionary at all I guess but it's an alternative, only when they really want missionary. I won't do missionary now at all, as well as all the other reasons I can get quite sore.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 03 October 2018, 09:28:29 pm

Also hate when they try and contort your body into all sorts of crazy positions such as trying to get my feet up near my head. I’m not flexible and I hate sex being too deep.

I say "I'm a lady not a deck chair!"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Charmaine on 06 October 2018, 10:23:18 am
Just had a call 40 mins before he is due to see me . He told me he won’t be coming to see me because it’s  raining  ::) . He said he will rebook a later date . Told him not to bother as I do not tolerate time wasters
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 06 October 2018, 10:36:41 am
Just had a call 40 mins before he is due to see me . He told me he won’t be coming to see me because it’s  raining  ::) . He said he will rebook a later date . Told him not to bother as I do not tolerate time wasters

I would understdand if it was thick snow.

Raining his having a laugh. I am sure he calls up his work ** oh can't come in today cos of thr rain **
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 06 October 2018, 11:43:06 am
I say "I'm a lady not a deck chair!"

I say similar "I'm not a deck chair love"
Obviously I'm no lady 😂
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 06 October 2018, 03:49:56 pm
He took his trousers off i could smell sudocream.

He had it on his thighs deep in the creases and wanting full service.

Can I rub on you and cover my sudocream on you is what he was really asking the answer was NO.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 10 October 2018, 01:21:58 pm
Client emails excessive requests then stated he brought me an outfit. I makes the booking and like text to inform me he's cut himself and it will affect the booking. Cancelled and request for another day( today)
I text to confirm but he won't come as he is not healed.
Really not sure if I even believe him!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Amaliaxo on 10 October 2018, 03:37:09 pm
Go to the door next over instead of reading door numbers and following direction! I stay on the phone to them when guiding them and I still get idiots who don’t listen!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 11 October 2018, 06:21:22 am
When they:

1. Struggle with getting hard but insist I waste a condom attempting to have sex. Thumbing in a marshmallow ffs
2. Leave their socks on - what is this a rest home?
3. Constantly talk about how much they like boundary pushing type sex - I offer a vanilla GFE experience ffs
4. Stick their baby nappy tasting tongue in my mouth literally for the whole booking
5. Ask so what turns you on/what do you like ffs
6. Constantly talk dirty and expect me to join in. I don't
7. Insist on seeing how many fingers they can shove inside you. WTF is that about?
8. Love a BJ but can't be arsed for a manscape so you're constantly picking pubes out of the back of your throat like a bloody furball
9. Struggle to string a sentence together
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 11 October 2018, 01:01:46 pm
I prefer it when they keep their socks on, lets face it *most* men's feet aint pretty  :D Yesterday I had a terrible experience...a client with the most awful fungal nail infections on both feet they were vile, really stunk the place out  :'(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 11 October 2018, 07:07:57 pm
I just had one with a fungal nail infection too. The sight of his feet was making me feel so nauseas.
He was also one of the ones who can’t get hard and was wasting condoms. Trying to put one on a floppy cock is mission! He then proceeded to hump the inside of my thigh thinking he was inside me
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 11 October 2018, 07:21:53 pm
I just had one with a fungal nail infection too. The sight of his feet was making me feel so nauseas.
He was also one of the ones who can’t get hard and was wasting condoms. Trying to put one on a floppy cock is mission! He then proceeded to hump the inside of my thigh thinking he was inside me
This one had a horrible penis too, probably one of the worst I've ever seen, it was quite thick but really short and a never ending roll of slimy foreskin  >:D I asked him if it 'goes back' and he said yes, I was sort of holding it thinking oh no I hope he doesn't want me to suck it without or attempt sex because a condom probably wouldn't stay on due to its really unusual shape. Anyway he was happy to just do spanking both ways and then he got dressed and suggested I made us a coffee, what a releif that was!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 11 October 2018, 07:52:02 pm
LMAO Katrina I was just actually sick in my mouth!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 12 October 2018, 11:27:28 am
I’ve just had to put a statement on my profile about clients needing to ensure they wash their cocks and bums properly as I’m seeing more and more people who seem to think it’s ok to be stinking of stale piss, shit or just general rankness.

It’s pathetic that I’m having to remind grown men to wash properly before having sex. So sick of going down to give a blowjob and then physically retching from the smell though. Grrrrr
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ellie B on 15 October 2018, 08:50:21 pm
Probably been covered many times previously on here - but:-

Clients who put you in a head lock (they put their arm around your neck and pull your head towards their face) and then proceed to ram their tongue down your tonsils.

This drives me mad and I need advice on how to prevent them from doing this without being a cold-hearted b***h

Why do they think we like this???? :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 15 October 2018, 11:54:44 pm
Clients who put you in a head lock (they put their arm around your neck and pull your head towards their face) and then proceed to ram their tongue down your tonsils.

Don't let them put their arm around your neck - I've never had this and if they started to try I'd duck. Another way to block it is to put your hand on the back of your head.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 16 October 2018, 10:34:41 am
Same old same old, how many men do you see a day/how do you declare your earnings etc?

I got one of these very recently and rather than turn it around and ask him similar questions I just looked him in the eye and said "next question please" which made him shut up.

Job done.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 16 October 2018, 07:07:46 pm
When they give you oral and then seem totally amazed at how “wet” you are. No mate - it’s your bloody drool that’s made me feel wet like that. Your terrible oral technique hasn’t made me squirt!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ellie B on 16 October 2018, 09:40:32 pm
Don't let them put their arm around your neck - I've never had this and if they started to try I'd duck. Another way to block it is to put your hand on the back of your head.
Noted thank you.
I think next time this happens, I will put my arm around their neck.
There is absolute no need for them to do this. It is them trying to take control in a totally unacceptable way.

There are so many other control freaks out there:
There are the ones that hold on to your wrists firmly, when they are on top of you which I find really scary; and another really odd one, which has happened a lot:-

I only do outcalls and drive myself, so when I leave to get in my car they follow me out and place themselves between me sitting  in the driver's seat and the open drivers door (them gripping onto the open car door) - basically not wanting me to shut the car door and leave even when they are well past the paid time. They want to continue with chatting away and I find this really controlling and weird.
What I do now - is get in the car, lock the door and wave goodbye to them!
This has happened so may times to me now with different clients, and they are all controlling. I also find it sad that they feel a need to do this.
I get so bloody annoyed. I need to be more assertive!!! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 16 October 2018, 10:41:23 pm
Noted thank you.
I think next time this happens, I will put my arm around their neck.
There is absolute no need for them to do this. It is them trying to take control in a totally unacceptable way.

There are so many other control freaks out there:
There are the ones that hold on to your wrists firmly, when they are on top of you which I find really scary; and another really odd one, which has happened a lot:-

I only do outcalls and drive myself, so when I leave to get in my car they follow me out and place themselves between me sitting  in the driver's seat and the open drivers door (them gripping onto the open car door) - basically not wanting me to shut the car door and leave even when they are well past the paid time. They want to continue with chatting away and I find this really controlling and weird.
What I do now - is get in the car, lock the door and wave goodbye to them!
This has happened so may times to me now with different clients, and they are all controlling. I also find it sad that they feel a need to do this.
I get so bloody annoyed. I need to be more assertive!!! :FF
Park a little out the way so they don’t walk you to your car, and they don’t know you’ve drove yourself (I prefer to say I have a driver whether or not I’ve used one)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ellie B on 17 October 2018, 12:48:11 am
Thanks Geordie.

It usually happens in hotel car parks or in their front drive (Big houses).
It never happens if I park way down the street (small houses!).

It is weird that they insist on walking me to my car which is parked in front of their front door!
It really feels like they are on some date and that a commercial transaction has not happened!

Just weird and bloody annoying!!! It has happened so many times!!!! Some want a bloody snog too.
Even more annoying than any of the above is that they insist I text them when I have got home safely. WTF :FF If I didn't get home safely  - ie broken down/accident they would be bottom of the list for calling!

All control freaks in my book! And patronising.

If you have a 9-5 office job would your boss say to you "Make sure you text me when you get home safely?"
I think not!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 17 October 2018, 10:19:59 am
Thanks Geordie.

It usually happens in hotel car parks or in their front drive (Big houses).
It never happens if I park way down the street (small houses!).

It is weird that they insist on walking me to my car which is parked in front of their front door!
It really feels like they are on some date and that a commercial transaction has not happened!

Just weird and bloody annoying!!! It has happened so many times!!!! Some want a bloody snog too.
Even more annoying than any of the above is that they insist I text them when I have got home safely. WTF :FF If I didn't get home safely  - ie broken down/accident they would be bottom of the list for calling!

All control freaks in my book! And patronising.

If you have a 9-5 office job would your boss say to you "Make sure you text me when you get home safely?"
I think not!!

Yes, it can sometimes be unavoidable to not park on their property. Big gated houses on dark country lanes, with no accessible parking laybys' for miles.  :(
Far safer and sensible to park where they wish, on their gravel drive ( otherwise, i always park out of sight )

I refuse to be walked out of the hotel by a Client and quote, truthfully, discretion.

At a Client's home, how about setting a 'fake call' to arrive on your exit time? Guys don't really want to be hanging around as you chat with a family member or security buddy and you can just wave them a cheery bye as you lock your car mid-conversation ( works better with a hand-free car phone holder too, you can continue to talk as you blow a kiss to the Client and drive away )
Could be slightly rude, but sometimes necessary   ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 17 October 2018, 10:23:47 am

If you have a 9-5 office job would your boss say to you "Make sure you text me when you get home safely?"
I think not!!

Ha! I have family who do that, ask me to text when I am home safely. I forget to text and they forget to check so that shows how much they care about me.  :o ;D

As for the wrist holding which I hate as I hate anything which makes me seem sub, I just wriggle out of the grip and remove their hands. When they hold my head and push up and down when I am giving oral, I just reach up and push their hands away.  Never had any man say anything.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emma Stone on 19 October 2018, 04:09:02 pm
When there getting over heated because there Fucking u that hard and fast and there sweat is dripping all over u!!! Yukkkkkkk

On my face,in my hair even in my eyes and mouth makes me wanna retch I have to tell them there sweating all over me as they just carry on asif I love showering in there sweat.....

wipe urself fool it’s gross.  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Charmaine on 21 October 2018, 05:28:26 pm
Walk up and down my street trying to find my house. When I clearly tell them exactly where it is in a text. Most do just walk straight up to it
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LotusFlower on 22 October 2018, 10:32:59 pm

*mid blowjob*
Him (deadly serious): "Do you have a boyfriend? Because I am thinking of leaving my wife for you".
Me: "That would cost you a hell of alot in retainer fees"
*Back to blojob*

Another -

*5 mins to go*
Me: "would you like to go for a shower now or stay having another quick cuddle?"
Him: "no, no need for a shower today"
(He continues chatting)
*time up, I get up and put my robe on*
(He continues chatting)
*I make it clear we are finished by beginning to tidy up the room etc*
Him: "I'll just have a shower then shall I?"
Me: "you want a shower now?!!!"  :FF :FF :FF

He finally leaves 15 mins over time and I missed my train home, making me almost very late to collect my kids.

Some of them seriously dont consider our time and other committments we may have. That pissed me off today.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 22 October 2018, 10:55:14 pm

*mid blowjob*
Him (deadly serious): "Do you have a boyfriend? Because I am thinking of leaving my wife for you".
Me: "That would cost you a hell of alot in retainer fees"
*Back to blojob*

Another -

*5 mins to go*
Me: "would you like to go for a shower now or stay having another quick cuddle?"
Him: "no, no need for a shower today"
(He continues chatting)
*time up, I get up and put my robe on*
(He continues chatting)
*I make it clear we are finished by beginning to tidy up the room etc*
Him: "I'll just have a shower then shall I?"
Me: "you want a shower now?!!!"  :FF :FF :FF

He finally leaves 15 mins over time and I missed my train home, making me almost very late to collect my kids.

Some of them seriously dont consider our time and other committments we may have. That pissed me off today.

I would of said. Sorry shower no longer available you shower when you get home. I must rush to catch my train. Do hurry up and dress. I dont play around when it comes to my time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 23 October 2018, 09:36:37 am
When they blatantly ignore your requests to call, emailing yet further quite personal ( non sexual ) questions about a prospective booking..
Just blocked a dude after 3 such requests he call, when he emailed: " So do you have a Driver? Sorry to ask, it's because of...yadda, yadda, yadda"  :FF BLOCKED..

Also, when previously good AW Clients become shitty little timewasters. Emailing availability questions, getting a prompt and positive response by return..then disappearing off the face of the earth, until the next time they email..They get blocked too after the 2nd time.. >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 23 October 2018, 12:24:38 pm
When they haggle the price of a 15 min quickie.  I lower it ten pounds just for them.  Then they bombard me with endless questions.

After about 6 texts all in I told them I cannot justify the time to spend on it and they must look elsewhere.

The guy then started cursing me saying I was running my business terribly and I would not keep clients that way!

Does he not think I know how to work after six years in this job?!

Sometimes it is noticeable how quickly a would be client can switch to a nasty piece of work.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 23 October 2018, 01:06:05 pm
Just had a bloke texting ‘location?’
Nothing else.
I reply back and say there is an estimated location on the profile etc with local landmarks etc.
He then asks for a link!
So one of those Who is contacting loads of random girls at the same time like a lucky dip.

I reminded him he had contacted me and should be aware of the link but in any case I was busy and unable to see him.

He replies back ‘your attitude will get you nowhere’

I responded ( yes I should have stopped at this point) that if he wanted a courteous response he should perhaps be more courteous in his initial comms.

Instantly he replied ‘ false advertising with a friendly service’

I shouldn’t have engaged with him in the first place!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 24 October 2018, 12:33:25 pm
Had such an annoying client I've now saved in my phone as 'only if quiet'.

Requested tights he could rip (I said I wanted to keep all my tights so he offered a tenner extra - fine), top and skirt and red lipstick. Also wanted me to snog him as soon as he got in (not til the cash is my hand, pal).

Arrived 15 minutes late, didn't have the freshest of breath. Very very full on with his kissing (the kind where you're struggling to breathe) and kept wanting me to reapply the lipstick. He had stubble which I pointed out and he said he'd shaved  ::) Used my vibrator on me horrendously, and was so so rough with his hands on fanny (despite me telling him repeatedly to be more gentle). Also kept going for my ass even when I said no three times!

Went on to ask so so many personal questions like what the worst part of the job was (in my head I was thinking clients like you!) Then took absolutely forever getting ready to leave, doing that thing where he would pause getting dressed to talk (you can do both at the same time!) He asked the time and I told him as it was already five minutes over and he said he'd only been here 35 minutes, aye but you were late! Mentioned I have anal play listed on my services and I had to explain that that doesn't mean you can just stick a finger in with no warning.

These kind of guys are so totally oblivious it's maddening.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 24 October 2018, 03:21:36 pm
I had 3 clients today and every single one of them text me at least 20 minutes before the agreed time saying they were parked up and ready. Obviously i’d prefer a client is early rather than late but I hate when they are more than 5 mins early. Messaged one of them back saying I was still getting ready but would let him know when it was ok to come to the door. He replied with “K” and then made a sulky comment when he arrived about how I took ages (it was still before the agreed time). Grrrrrrr
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LotusFlower on 24 October 2018, 07:36:26 pm
I had 3 clients today and every single one of them text me at least 20 minutes before the agreed time saying they were parked up and ready. Obviously i’d prefer a client is early rather than late but I hate when they are more than 5 mins early. Messaged one of them back saying I was still getting ready but would let him know when it was ok to come to the door. He replied with “K” and then made a sulky comment when he arrived about how I took ages (it was still before the agreed time). Grrrrrrr

I hate this too. I keep my phone on silent all day unless I have bookings to fill. I text them 5 mins before with room number / buzzer number and say "see you in 5 mins!". You don't show up at a dentist appointment 20 mins early then moan because the dentist is with another patient or, God forbid, on their lunch!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 25 October 2018, 07:12:13 am
Clients sometimes roll up half an hour early expecting us to be ready sat waiting for them WTF.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 25 October 2018, 09:36:21 am
Just had a bloke texting ‘location?’
Nothing else.
I reply back and say there is an estimated location on the profile etc with local landmarks etc.
He then asks for a link!
So one of those Who is contacting loads of random girls at the same time like a lucky dip.

I reminded him he had contacted me and should be aware of the link but in any case I was busy and unable to see him.

He replies back ‘your attitude will get you nowhere’

I responded ( yes I should have stopped at this point) that if he wanted a courteous response he should perhaps be more courteous in his initial comms.

Instantly he replied ‘ false advertising with a friendly service’

I shouldn’t have engaged with him in the first place!

I have been known to reply "Earth" but yes it is best to ignore these ones I think and if I get a hint that they have no clue who they have contacted they are not worth a response.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 25 October 2018, 09:47:03 am
I have been known to reply "Earth" but yes it is best to ignore these ones I think and if I get a hint that they have no clue who they have contacted they are not worth a response.

Yes, I just had an overnight text that simply stated the name of his town.( I assume )
Nothing else. Not even a question mark. I block these. We wouldn't get along.. :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay1996 on 25 October 2018, 11:26:58 am
Some idiot just called me:
Me: Hello?
Twat: What's ur postcode?
Me: Not even a "hello:?
Twat: Oh...uh...umm...

Seriously, where's the respect??
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 26 October 2018, 01:29:33 am
Clients (had 2 this week, mid twenties) that turn up and try and act out a porn scene.
I offer GFE.
Chucked this first guy out after half hour & told the second one straight that I DO NOT offer this kind of service or enjoy it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 26 October 2018, 03:02:30 pm
Clients (had 2 this week, mid twenties) that turn up and try and act out a porn scene.
I offer GFE.
Chucked this first guy out after half hour & told the second one straight that I DO NOT offer this kind of service or enjoy it.

Had a bloke like this yesterday. He clearly hadn’t read my profile and wanted a complete porno experience.
Had told him beforehand what was on offer but when he came in he was all pulling my hair and scrunching up my boobs with his hands. Asking ‘what are your limits then?’

Had to put him straight AGAIN and he was wondering why I couldn’t climax....I mean I can’t usually do that with clients anyway but when they think by digging at you for two minutes you are going to start squirting everywhere .....come on!!!!

He paid for two hours and left after the first hour! I was a happy bunny
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 26 October 2018, 03:08:11 pm
Have a shower grudgingly then hardly dry themselves properly and lie on the bed soaking wet. Selfish.

Try to get a condom on a soft dick and then proceed to squash it in. No.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 26 October 2018, 04:19:35 pm
Had one yesterday who left my bathroom in a state after having a shower. Wet towel dumped on the floor, piss in the toilet that he hadn’t flushed away, my shower gels and shampoos etc strewn around, spit in my sink and he’d even taken the lids off two of my bubble baths and not put them back on. Weirdo!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 26 October 2018, 04:29:55 pm
Give you your hour fee with a "nice little tip for you dear" then expect to stay for 2 hours because they tipped  >:D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VenusStar193 on 26 October 2018, 08:02:49 pm
When they:

1. Struggle with getting hard but insist I waste a condom attempting to have sex. Thumbing in a marshmallow ffs
2. Leave their socks on - what is this a rest home?
3. Constantly talk about how much they like boundary pushing type sex - I offer a vanilla GFE experience ffs
4. Stick their baby nappy tasting tongue in my mouth literally for the whole booking
5. Ask so what turns you on/what do you like ffs
6. Constantly talk dirty and expect me to join in. I don't
7. Insist on seeing how many fingers they can shove inside you. WTF is that about?
8. Love a BJ but can't be arsed for a manscape so you're constantly picking pubes out of the back of your throat like a bloody furball
9. Struggle to string a sentence together

I screamed when I was reading this...LITERALLY! What I constantly go through, either 1 or 2 of these a lot of clients do.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 26 October 2018, 08:18:26 pm
I had a guy yesterday who was kneeling over me and started slapping his dick on my boobs. Then he asked if he could do it on my face and before I even got the chance to say no, he went and did it anyway  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VenusStar193 on 26 October 2018, 08:23:57 pm
I've recently had a row of these happen in the past couple of weeks...

1. When they want to flirt with you via text (like I have nothing else to do with my time) when they know they have no intention of booking you
2. When they want to lower your prices for your 15 mins
3. When they text you..."Hey baby xxxxx" like bro I'm not your baby!
4. One's that constantly call on PRIVATE, come on, I'm not picking up cuz I already know you're a timewaster
5. Clients that come coke up still expecting to have sex..(cuz their dick won't get hard)..*Al Pacino's voice* "We both know that ain't going to happen"
6. Clients making me give them head for 45 mins just because they can't get hard "YOOO my mouth is tired"
7. Ones that text..."are you working" "u available" "u want a good fuck"....FIRST OF ALL..."HEEEEELLLLOOOOOO"
8. Clients that assume because I'm black I'm going to fulfill their pornhub fantasy of doing.."swallowing cum" "anal" and all sort. No can do Sir.

Well I'm glad I got that off my chest hahaha
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 26 October 2018, 08:36:10 pm
Have a shower grudgingly then hardly dry themselves properly and lie on the bed soaking wet. Selfish.

Try to get a condom on a soft dick and then proceed to squash it in. No.


I had one, as I was getting us a glass of water, attempt to put a discarded condom on his floppy dick  ??? As I turned round and realised what he was doing he said "Oh its ok to re use them isn't it? I said no course it isn't I've got plenty!!! WTF!!!  :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 26 October 2018, 08:53:13 pm
Some idiot just called me:
Me: Hello?
Twat: What's ur postcode?
Me: Not even a "hello:?
Twat: Oh...uh...umm...

Seriously, where's the respect??

I'd just be ready for the next rude caller who just says "postcode" with "have you got enough money"   ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 26 October 2018, 09:06:32 pm
I had one, as I was getting us a glass of water, attempt to put a discarded condom on his floppy dick  ??? As I turned round and realised what he was doing he said "Oh its ok to re use them isn't it? I said no course it isn't I've got plenty!!! WTF!!!  :FF :FF

Was it his condom or someone else's?!  :o ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 26 October 2018, 09:48:38 pm

Try to get a condom on a soft dick and then proceed to squash it in. No.


Oh yes that one. Like trying to get a marshmallow through a tiny buttonhole.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 26 October 2018, 09:54:12 pm
Oh yes that one. Like trying to get a marshmallow through a tiny buttonhole.  ::)

And they hold it with a death grip and try to keep it hard which only results in knuckles chafing me and it going floppy once it's in, and having to stop in case the condom slides off.  :FF :FF :FF

Mate, if you can't get hard then tell me and we can do something else, it's not a problem. Don't tell me 25 minutes into a 30 minute booking that you have issues. You need to book longer for a start and be honest. Seriously. I hate it when they are set on having sex but can't get it up, it's not like it's a surprise to them. Well I don't think it is. Perhaps it's me!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 26 October 2018, 11:16:58 pm
I had one, as I was getting us a glass of water, attempt to put a discarded condom on his floppy dick  ??? As I turned round and realised what he was doing he said "Oh its ok to re use them isn't it? I said no course it isn't I've got plenty!!! WTF!!!  :FF :FF

What the actual fuck hahahahahahah
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ellie B on 27 October 2018, 12:09:43 am
Oh yes that one. Like trying to get a marshmallow through a tiny buttonhole.  ::)

Love that!
They know that they are never going to get hard for whatever reason and they still insist on trying.
Why, oh why, oh why?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 27 October 2018, 02:21:36 pm
Was it his condom or someone else's?!  :o ;D

It was his, but I think at that point he wouldn't have cared even if it was the bloke's before him, he just desperately wanted it on and in again  :-X

I know, grim isn't it lol  >:D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 27 October 2018, 05:20:51 pm
I hate anal anything I tell them I do not do anal do not touch me only on the front.

I now have placed a hard anal toy where I can get it and shove it up their arse with no lube

See if they like getting it the way they give it.

Surprise thumb rammed up my arse is not nice and your getting it back, wish the toy was not so tiny I need  at thumb wide one.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 27 October 2018, 05:23:41 pm
I am also going to place a massive strap on where it can be seen and when they ask what that is Im going to tell them it is for you honey if you touch my anus.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 27 October 2018, 05:25:28 pm
Im constipated that might help thank you

ooh I need the loo move out of my way quick ooohhh while clutching my  stomach.

Im looking forward to the next anal player  >:D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 27 October 2018, 08:52:35 pm
I did that once, got my own back. I am happy for a little anal finger play on me (stopped doing full anal a while back) but do like to be asked first. One man just went straight for it and shoved a finger straight up.

I said nothing but a minute later I did the same to him (hated doing it with an uncovered finger but had to) and he yelped! I just gave him a look and he knew not to complain. Just because we are service providers does not mean we take anything that is literally thrust at us. Not me anyway!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 29 October 2018, 05:05:31 pm
This has happened to me three times in the course of my six year career as an escort.

Clients have lingered at the end of a booking and taken forever to get dressed and leave.

Why do some of them do this?

They have ALL been older than 65 too.  Is this a thing that some of that age group have?  I have seen plenty 65 and older as generally they are great but these other 3 really have got up my nose.

Two were positively creepy but the one today was just downright annoying.  He knew I wanted to leave early but he took so long to get dressed and although he was very obese and struggled to put his shoes on (which I Helped him with in the end) he really was taking the pee.

In the end I started packing my things away and he still took forever.

15 mins chat after the hour is up to get ready and go simply isn't acceptable.

I will block him.

He is new to escorts maybe it was that who knows.

Think he would turn out to be unboundaried more and more.

Time is money also and we really cannot be entertaining them when their time is up!

Is it that age group I wonder.  Also he had the old man smell.  Not the best.

Some of them are great but others spoil it for the rest of them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ellie B on 30 October 2018, 12:34:00 am
Im constipated that might help thank you

ooh I need the loo move out of my way quick ooohhh while clutching my  stomach.

Im looking forward to the next anal player  >:D

or the opposite to constipation - that is a mood breaker and messy...
Why do they think we want fingers shoved up in to any hole? yes, they maybe paying, but not for pain, especially they have sharp fingernails!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 30 October 2018, 03:01:45 am
They have ALL been older than 65 too.  Is this a thing that some of that age group have?  I have seen plenty 65 and older as generally they are great but these other 3 really have got up my nose.

There are definitely some pensionsers who hit their retirement age and develop an attitude of "I'm no longer being paid for my time, so nor will you be".
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 30 October 2018, 08:39:27 am
This has happened to me three times in the course of my six year career as an escort.

Clients have lingered at the end of a booking and taken forever to get dressed and leave.

Why do some of them do this?

They have ALL been older than 65 too.  Is this a thing that some of that age group have?  I have seen plenty 65 and older as generally they are great but these other 3 really have got up my nose.

Two were positively creepy but the one today was just downright annoying.  He knew I wanted to leave early but he took so long to get dressed and although he was very obese and struggled to put his shoes on (which I Helped him with in the end) he really was taking the pee.

In the end I started packing my things away and he still took forever.

15 mins chat after the hour is up to get ready and go simply isn't acceptable.

I will block him.

He is new to escorts maybe it was that who knows.

Think he would turn out to be unboundaried more and more.

Time is money also and we really cannot be entertaining them when their time is up!

Is it that age group I wonder.  Also he had the old man smell.  Not the best.

Some of them are great but others spoil it for the rest of them.
Yes I've definitely found older guys to be the lingerers, the ones who will dress so slowly and pause to talk when they could do both at the same time. Maybe they think because they have more time on their hands they are free to do that? It bothers me loads.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 30 October 2018, 01:20:37 pm
Yes I've definitely found older guys to be the lingerers, the ones who will dress so slowly and pause to talk when they could do both at the same time. Maybe they think because they have more time on their hands they are free to do that? It bothers me loads.

I don't let them linger, no way! But it is mostly the older guys but I think it's more when someone has a day off or is retired, those that come during or before work never fuck about, same with those sneaking in on the way home from work. Give me those anyday!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 30 October 2018, 02:06:04 pm
Call me heartless but I have emailed the guy very politely on adultwork to state I cannot see him again.  Also not to linger in future should he book anybody else.  He could see I was packing away too in the end and yet he still carried on!!

He wanted more kissing than I was comfortable with and I let that be the main reason.

I did not state he had the horrible 'ole man whiff'.

Not all are like these however!  I usually like the more mature and  seasoned approach to life and the chat but sometimes a guy comes along to remind us how they aren't always a straightforward client.

I also decided to block him after I sent the email as if not I am sure I will get one or two bitter replies or him arguing the toss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 30 October 2018, 02:31:09 pm
I was getting messages for a year can you believe from some guy asking me to tour his area where I have no desire to go .
So I'm touring Manchester he's looked at that on the profile made a song and dance about wanting to see me there  and because I wouldn't supply hotel name yet he's  got pissed off .
He's put no booking through yet sent a picture of himself holding a baby  not needed but at least not a cock shot for once !!
Guys that friendly message for months on end drive me mad , I don't even co respond until they book on the day because of time waster behaviour.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 30 October 2018, 03:22:31 pm
Many clients are just odd.  Three days prior to a tour day I have been asked 'Do you know where you will be yet'.

Like we just wake up on the morning itself and start looking for somewhere to tour?  How on earth do they think we run our affairs!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 30 October 2018, 04:12:42 pm
Just saw the most irritating client ever!
He booked for 15 mins and I make it crystal clear on my profile that quickies can involve either sex or foreplay but not both unless they can cum incredibly quickly. I also say that they need to arrive freshly showered as there won’t be time for one at mine before or after.

Anyway - this dickhead arrives and starts pawing at my boobs at the door before he’s paid me. I firmly remove his hands and ask for the money. We then go upstairs and I ask him if he wants foreplay or sex. He tells me he cums within 5 seconds so he’d like both. The next 10 mins are spent with him contorting my body like I’m a god damn rubber doll. He keeps losing his hard on and isn’t cumming even though we are doing different positions and I’ve given him oral.
I tell him times up but he can extend to 30 mins if he wants to keep going. He says he’s fine to finish but could he have a 30 second shower. I tell him to hurry up as he’s already been there for the agreed time. 10 mins later he was still in my shower and I had to bang on the door telling him to get out.
He then got dressed ridiculously slowly whilst asking me loads of personal questions which I was just giving him one word answers to and my face must have been like thunder. He had been there for 30 mins now but paid me £30 less than my 30 min rate.
I’ve blocked the idiot from contacting me again!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 31 October 2018, 11:01:40 am
Many clients are just odd.  Three days prior to a tour day I have been asked 'Do you know where you will be yet'.

Like we just wake up on the morning itself and start looking for somewhere to tour?  How on earth do they think we run our affairs!!
I get this none sense too
Plus  oh when are you coming to their town ,like we would go all the way to a random location just to suit a telephone enquiry
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 31 October 2018, 12:09:29 pm
Yesterday was a bit shite for me.
Lots of timewasters and some regulars who were mucking me around not committing to firm times etc.
I had some bookings so all was not lost but left my phone on after I stopped working in case anyone wanted to pre-book for tomorrow ( ie today)

Had some stuff going on in my personal life so when I logged into AW late last night to find two messages from two different blokes ( both with 0 feedback and the messages were long (!))
I was too knackered and drained from life in general to reply.
I’m usually excellent at comms. One in particular was asking for foot fetish services which I don’t provide but I was tired and stressed so I didn’t reply.

Was rushing about this morning... meant to respond but got caught up in other stuff. Then I log into AW to find a reply from one of these guys having a go at me for not responding to his message!

The one time I slip up and get a load of abuse in my inbox!

I mean my number was showing all night and this morning for him to call me to arrange a booking
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 31 October 2018, 01:03:41 pm
I get this none sense too
Plus  oh when are you coming to their town ,like we would go all the way to a random location just to suit a telephone enquiry
Yeah I remember one guy asking if I would travel all the way to wherever the fuck he was at the other end of the UK, I said no and he said he'd make it worth my while and book two hours  ::) Yes of course I'll travel half a day for two hours work with a client I've never even seen before. Definitely worth it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: RiverX on 31 October 2018, 01:32:38 pm
Incall yesterday, he went off to shower and came back after approximately 2 seconds. Wanted a BJ straight away, I just *knew* he wouldn't be clean.. I asked to him politely, do you mind going back into the bathroom and having a proper wash? He refused, trying to tell me the white stuff was just "dry skin"  ::) I then cleaned him off with a wet wipe and showed him how to shower properly lol. He said he doesn't like it because it's not very sexy  :FF
I'd have loved to say something along the lines of do you think it's sexy for me to suck on that?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 01 November 2018, 09:06:30 am
Incall yesterday, he went off to shower and came back after approximately 2 seconds. Wanted a BJ straight away, I just *knew* he wouldn't be clean.. I asked to him politely, do you mind going back into the bathroom and having a proper wash? He refused, trying to tell me the white stuff was just "dry skin"  ::) I then cleaned him off with a wet wipe and showed him how to shower properly lol. He said he doesn't like it because it's not very sexy  :FF
I'd have loved to say something along the lines of do you think it's sexy for me to suck on that?

A man was so riddled with cock cheese I threw up chased him and told him to go to the doctor.

He had a shower came out it was wet and heavy and falling off his cock he thought that was normal seemed to have no idea what it was

Kept asking me to look at it to prove it was nothing bad kept showing me his normal cock the smell made me baff and i had to throw out towels bath mat disinfect the shower scrub everything I lost so much money I had to cancel bookings

It was dripping off landing on his bare feet and my bath mat

I told him to stand still and i bought his clothes into him and didnt let him move until he was dressed.

He was a married man complained his wife would not have sex with him!!!

He kept asking for another shower but no I was not cleaning his cheese out of my plug hole there was enough in it already he is lucky he got a towel to dry himself, the towel was riddled went straight in the bin outside.

The ones that quick shower and break the dirt seal so the old dirt underneath stinks through OMG

The ones that refuse to shower lie on the bed gyrate sexily ooze sex appeal make kissy come F me faces and all you can smell is dried piss

Nothing ever will be sexy not even money when you smell of dried piss and feces

Why someone would spend an hour to drive to you give you £200 then refuse to wash so they get told that I cant do that you refused to shower is beyond me
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 01 November 2018, 10:30:29 am
I don't recall ever having one as bad as the above post and hope I never do.

Yesterday though a new client who was very clean from his forehead to his feet had forgotten to wash his hair in the shower before his visit. He had a thick crop of very greasy dark hair and a side parting which showed so much dandruff! Awful and I was mentally thinking should I throw out my pillow cases after he has gone. They are still in a plastic bag and I may just boil wash them.

With me, I can put up with some messy things but certain other things I find sickly. Dandruff is one of them.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 01 November 2018, 11:45:04 am
When you have paid for AT on AW and get loads of texts asking;

‘Are you working today?’

‘Are you free today?’


Just wish they would take note of the AT at the top of the profile and get to the bloody point and enquire about what times you have available
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: RiverX on 01 November 2018, 09:51:30 pm
Asking if they can get a discount for wanting only a BJ. I mean, first of all you’re paying for my time not my service and I personally enjoy sex more than a blowjob!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 01 November 2018, 11:00:24 pm
Oh Sweet Lord POP and Justine I feel sick. This is a good reason for not working from home although the one time I had someone with epic BO that stunk out my hotel room was enough for me and still fucking disgusting. I can't do unpleasant smells. But your two stories are beyond foul.

Sometimes we do not get paid enough.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 02 November 2018, 12:52:00 pm
Asking if they can get a discount for wanting only a BJ. I mean, first of all you’re paying for my time not my service and I personally enjoy sex more than a blowjob!

Yes! I’ve had texts requesting oral only for £30!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 02 November 2018, 12:56:24 pm
Yesterday I had a client contact me in the morning about a quickie booking in the evening.

Gave him the postcode to check his journey and clearly told him to let me know immediately if he can’t make it etc and also to confirm at a specific time.

He confirmed at the agreed time.

So half an hour before the booking he messages telling me he just looked on google maps and I’m
An hour from his office.
He had the postcode since the morning :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LotusFlower on 02 November 2018, 08:26:09 pm
When they show up late and don't bother even apologising. At least if they apologise, there is a slight chance I will give them their full time because let's face it, shit happens sometimes. No apology, every single minute late is being deducted from their time.

Had one today, 45 minutes arranged for 1pm. I text the buzzer details a few mins before , as I always do. The dude texts me at 1.03pm "ok, am on my way". I reply "on your way from where exactly because you should have been chapping at my door 3 minutes ago". He replied "I'll be 4 minutes exactly". He showed up at 1.15pm, no apology, no reference to his late keeping, he was shown the door at 1.45pm.

It just puts me in a shitty mood when they are late but don't warn me beforehand. I'm normally quite lenient if they let me know because I know how bad traffic can be in my area.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 03 November 2018, 01:29:30 pm
I had one who was 25 mins late yesterday and got no apology from him.
I didn’t put much effort into the booking and got him out as quickly as I could as he’d pissed me off so much.

The ones who are really early drive me mad too. I get a message 20 mins before the booking is due to start telling me they are parked up and asking for my door number so they can head over.

Eh no mate! I’m still getting ready and will be at least another 15 minutes grrrr
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 03 November 2018, 05:11:12 pm
When they email or text saying 'Can I see you around dinnertime'.  Boils my piss!

Firstly it should be LUNCH not dinner one of my pet hates is calling lunchtime dinner.

Secondly a lunch hour can be surely anytime between 12 and 130 pm??

Can they not specify a little it makes it hard trying to prize a time out of people sometimes .....!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 03 November 2018, 06:37:50 pm
When they email or text saying 'Can I see you around dinnertime'.  Boils my piss!

Firstly it should be LUNCH not dinner one of my pet hates is calling lunchtime dinner.

Secondly a lunch hour can be surely anytime between 12 and 130 pm??

Can they not specify a little it makes it hard trying to prize a time out of people sometimes .....!

I call lunch dinner (middle of the day) and what you call dinner I call tea (evening meal). It varies from where you come from. :)

But I agree that being vague about a booking time is irritating and twattish, like you have nothing else to do but paint your nails & wait for him...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 04 November 2018, 09:47:43 am
When they email or text saying 'Can I see you around dinnertime'.  Boils my piss!

Firstly it should be LUNCH not dinner one of my pet hates is calling lunchtime dinner.

Secondly a lunch hour can be surely anytime between 12 and 130 pm??

Can they not specify a little it makes it hard trying to prize a time out of people sometimes .....!

You have probably just outed yourself as a Southerner  :D

I don't like vagueness either though ( just outed myself - as a Capricorn  ;D )
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 04 November 2018, 07:07:35 pm
I like toast as much as anyone, just not for breakfast, dinner and tea.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ellie B on 05 November 2018, 12:24:23 am
They take Viagra for several bookings on the trot - eventually get hard, but as soon as the condom goes on,  they flop - and they blame you for not putting it in before it goes soft again (which tends to be a millisecond!!!)
Yes, we get paid a lot and are bloody patient, but cannot be responsible for the flops when everyone else you see who uses Viagra manages just fine with a successful conclusion! :FF
Advise them to see GP with said floppy dick, whilst taking Viagra and they just cannot be bothered as we are "paid to make them explode"

I personally think, they are wasting our time and their money!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sarastar1 on 05 November 2018, 03:19:15 pm
Just had a bloke ringing up asking for domination.
I don’t offer it. Quite clear from my ads I’m very vanilla. Then asking if I was submissive and if he could do dom on me lol. Why don’t they read the bloody profiles
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 07 November 2018, 11:55:27 am
Just had a bloke ringing up asking for domination.
I don’t offer it. Quite clear from my ads I’m very vanilla. Then asking if I was submissive and if he could do dom on me lol. Why don’t they read the bloody profiles
They can't read only look at photos and add numbers to their phones
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 08 November 2018, 12:27:45 am
It's a waste of a condom when they ask for one, or say yes when I offer one and then immediately just change their mind and want to finish with a hand job instead.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 08 November 2018, 06:54:52 am
If you ask me it is disrespectful not to read our profiles.  I have put a lot of effort into mine.  Although having said that some clients who have bothered to read the profiles can still turn out to be annoying in other ways so it is no guarantee of a good meet.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Librarylady on 08 November 2018, 11:03:44 am
Had 2 yesterday trying to get free phone sex. The first asked how horny I was and how many times I came yesterday and the second called only to tell me he just spilled over my photos and he will be booking me at some point. WHY do we have to listen to them being creepy!! It's not like we're paid for that  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Charmaine on 08 November 2018, 10:05:03 pm
The idiot yesterday who was to stupid to follow simple instructions
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 09 November 2018, 12:57:50 pm
I'm finding most clients are turning up absolutely bursting for a piss!  You can't actually get two words out of them and its really annoying when you're trying to offer them a drink, sort the payment, telling them where the shower is etc and all they're doing is shooting past you, not listening and literally ushering you to hurry up and stop talking while they're desperately trying to dash to the toilet.  It's like, hang on a bloody minute it takes 30 seconds to do a quick introduction - just calm the eff down! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 09 November 2018, 01:38:29 pm
It's the cold weather making them wee lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Femefatale on 11 November 2018, 02:22:42 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 12 November 2018, 09:11:34 am
Don’t bother looking at/asking my location before booking then cancelling when they realise where I am  :FF

I do usually tell them on the phone just in case but on the odd time I forget I get loads who cancel when getting the address saying they thought I was somewhere else. Why not bloody check the location first? Timewasting pricks
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 20 November 2018, 07:00:01 pm
Don’t bother looking at/asking my location before booking then cancelling when they realise where I am  :FF

I do usually tell them on the phone just in case but on the odd time I forget I get loads who cancel when getting the address saying they thought I was somewhere else. Why not bloody check the location first? Timewasting pricks

I sorted that one

As soon as they ask to met i ask what town they are in

they same 3pm

i say no darling what town

Oh 2pm then

No darling where would you like to meet

Your place

Darling are you in London?

why would I be in London?

Daling what City would you like to meet in  :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CurlsnCurves on 21 November 2018, 12:16:41 am
Currently calling up and asking loads of questions and  arranging a time and day for a booking, then when I say are you okay to pay a deposit and they say yes I give them my details and hear absolutely nothing from them again. Wish they'd piss off and stop wasting my time!!! If you can't do it then just say instead of lying about it and having me wait around for you to do nothing and go silent on me. They keep doing this in the last few days and I am sick of it. Worse thing is a couple of them sounded really genuine too.

Asking for a gfe with watersports and fisting.....yeah right cos that's obviously gfe! And I bet it's on purpose to try and get a cheaper rate....nope, not happening, gfe is gfe and kink is kink, different services and different rates mate. Then cancelling 40mins before the booking time when he'd only made the booking two hours in advance. Oh and I didn't even ask for a deposit on this one.

Asking what services I offer, making me go through everything only to ask for the one thing I don't offer and then ask me why and insist on wanting it getting a response back from me saying look I am a kinky escort, not a gfe one so look elsewhere. FFS. Why can't they say in the first place what they want? Drives me mad.

Having a semi regular turn into a time-wasting letdown who keeps taking the piss to the point of having to be told I won't see him again after the last piss around.

Turning up without the correct rate for a half hour booking and trying to get it a tenner less as a result of not wanting to give out an extra tenner in the form of a twenty when I know full well this guy is loaded and has insisted on turning up straight away giving me no notice to get properly ready and making it extra hard work as he is soft due to being on coke and can't easily cum. I insisted on the extra tenner and said I'd take a tenner less the next time to even it out but why do men do this? Expect us to go short our rate to suit them when they can easily sort out their cash beforehand and if not make up for it the next time? Why should we go short? Not having that mate, especially when I'm so skint and he's obviously got more than enough cash and pulls it all out in twenties all over the bed and looks to be over £200 in his wallet. No one carries that around with them do they?

Yep, I'm having a really shitty month so far.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 21 November 2018, 10:14:16 am
Mr creepy is blocked now keeps trying to get through for A booking. I can't stand a min with this guy again.
He was a regular for a month but his behaviour creeped me out so much. How do you say to someone you are uncomfortable when you are you don't want them anywhere near you?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 21 November 2018, 10:30:24 am
Mr creepy is blocked now keeps trying to get through for A booking. I can't stand a min with this guy again.
He was a regular for a month but his behaviour creeped me out so much. How do you say to someone you are uncomfortable when you are you don't want them anywhere near you?

Do something quick and calm not like me.

I tried to let a creepy guy down gently.

Then I told him he cant come back because he knocked my hotel room without notice then he knocked my apartment door without notice then he found out what other apartement I was in waited around as I would not answer the phone I didnt see him when i went to get something out of my car and he came running excited expecting me to see him because he tracked me down and was here and I double exploded massive big time and told him so many things about him self I am still a  little sorry

Then I read this back and thought im stupid I should have exploded long before


Tell him and make it clear before it gets out of hand

Good Luck

The guy I am talking about thought what he was doing was all compliments that he wanted to see me so much even knocking the hotel room door he could see nothing wrong, when I asked him what would he have done had I had a client in he said no problem he would have gone away and waited.
He could not see it would have been a problem for me and the other guy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 21 November 2018, 10:38:28 am
What a nightmare. Intrusive
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Grace D on 23 November 2018, 10:19:46 pm
When they ask of you're really horny because your nipples are erect. No mate, I'm just cold!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 23 November 2018, 11:41:11 pm
When they ask of you're really horny because your nipples are erect. No mate, I'm just cold!

Just asking if I'm horny in general, unlikely mate, the cash turns me on and that's about it!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Grace D on 24 November 2018, 12:31:07 am
Just asking if I'm horny in general, unlikely mate, the cash turns me on and that's about it!

Haha, yes! We sure need some acting skills in this job  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 24 November 2018, 04:09:28 pm
Ask How do i make you cum

you didn't shower i cant breathe its not going to happen but 5 mins before times up i cum have to get them out the door.

One of them had my head pressed in hard to his armpit i couldn't get free i was pushing he was holding then he got all excited, your heavy breathing I hear you cummng your cumming for me baby

Jezs I was trying breath next time he came he wanted me to heavy breath again  :FF ??? ::)

Pet hate

Stick their tongue deep in your anus (rimming receiving ) then go to DFK or oral

Dirty f***s
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Escortx on 25 November 2018, 04:56:21 pm
Just had a message today I’m adult work asking “are you single” So I reply “why do you need to know” and he replies saying “just wondering you’re gorgeous”. Annoying he had 18 quite good feedback ok but seems a time waster.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HankyPanky on 26 November 2018, 11:24:16 am
It's becoming a regular occurrence now getting copy and paste emails like this.. . The amount of men who think this is a desirable proposition just blows my mind  :FF

hi, hope you're well. please read till the end! first of all you're incredibly gorgeous :) I know that sounds crazy but I'd like to find a girlfriend that is open minded like me, not jealous. I've been escorting and I did porn videos, I'm published on two websites. I'm also a swinger since 2009, exhibitionist and I like having my partner fucked by other men.
I'm normal guy, a good guy, single and I have an office job, I go to the gym regularly 5 days a week, very healthy, and I have many other good things :)
My last escort partner found love with a costumer, so why not to try? :)
of course there is no rush :)
let me know what do you think.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 26 November 2018, 11:40:08 am
"My last escort partner found love with a costumer"

Ahhh, I wish I could find love with a costumer. It would save me a fortune on dress-up clothes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: someonesomewhere on 26 November 2018, 03:11:28 pm
Just had a bloke ringing up asking for domination.
I don’t offer it. Quite clear from my ads I’m very vanilla. Then asking if I was submissive and if he could do dom on me lol. Why don’t they read the bloody profiles

The not reading profiles really annoys me.

I'm sure they do it to see what abuse they will get from me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 28 November 2018, 03:09:59 am
I know it's probably because they are nervous, but conversations that go like this-

Me: hello XXX speaking
Him: Hi, how are you today?
Me: Very well thanks, you?
Him: Good thanks and you?
Me: Still fine...

I wonder if I said fine thanks and you? again whether we'd just go in circles for all eternity?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 28 November 2018, 09:04:39 am
When they rub your clit hard like they are trying to rub away a stain. I always tense up and forcibly remove their hand but they still don’t get the hint that I’m not enjoying it so I have to them tell them it’s really hurting me. Same goes for when they start sucking down below like they are trying to give my clit or pussy lips a massive love bit, or when they try and ram their claw like fingers deep up me when I’m not wet yet and they have sharp fingernails. Just no!
And finally when they suck, bite, grab,squeeze,  twiddle  my nipples really hard with no awareness for the fact that they are a sensitive part of the anatomy and should be handled with a bit of care.
I had a client yesterday who was doing all of the above and I kept pushing his hand and mouth off me and I was lying there in silence showing no enjoyment. He kept saying things like “I bet that feels good doesn’t it?” while I was shoving him away so after a few mins of this I was like “no, you’re really hurting me so please stop”. He then said “oh I didn’t realise”. You didn’t realise I wasn’t enjoying it when I was using both hands to push you away from me?!
Oh and I forgot one more thing - when they want dfk but their idea of this is to just put their huge slimy tongues deep into my mouth and leave it there. THATS NOT KISSING!

The clients who are like this are usually always married and I feel so sorry for their wives who must have had to deal with their hideous technique. It’s no wonder a lot of them say they are in sexless marriages now
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 28 November 2018, 09:09:25 am
When they text asking for a booking but you're too busy to respond right away.  Half an hour later they text: ???

This really pisses me off.  I actually text them back and tell them I'm not interested in having a booking with someone that sends me rude question marks when I don't reply right away. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 29 November 2018, 01:45:18 pm
I know it's probably because they are nervous, but conversations that go like this-

Me: hello XXX speaking
Him: Hi, how are you today?
Me: Very well thanks, you?
Him: Good thanks and you?
Me: Still fine...

I wonder if I said fine thanks and you? again whether we'd just go in circles for all eternity?

If anyone starts like this I just say what can I do for you? It forces them into telling me why they called instead of wanking on talking shite. I don't have time for that pal.

Oh and the '???' response when you don't reply? Instant block. I hate that! So rude.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 03 December 2018, 03:49:12 pm
I hate it when clients email me and put their phone number for me to ring them, my number is on my profile! Do any girls ring the client? I don't, that annoys me x
It is annoying I  don't call them either.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 03 December 2018, 04:18:59 pm
If anyone starts like this I just say what can I do for you? It forces them into telling me why they called instead of wanking on talking shite. I don't have time for that pal.

Oh and the '???' response when you don't reply? Instant block. I hate that! So rude.
Yes I found a polite but business like 'How can I help you?' stopped this waffle.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 04 December 2018, 07:53:32 pm
Book for 9pm then as they hang up say i will be there around 9pm ish

Well then I can book 8.30pm and 930pm because you are coming somewhere in between and have not really booked then have you.

Make a booking then as you hang up change it to sometime whenever ggggrrrrr
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 06 December 2018, 06:28:26 pm
Have a nugget of loo paper which you clock during giving them oral and try to ignore.
Then after they have a shower at the end you find said sorry tissue on the bathroom floor.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ParisB on 06 December 2018, 08:07:52 pm
The minute you change anything on your website or profile  or put something on Twitter they are on you like flies on f...Ing shit
No matter if it’s a tour date, rearranging something,  new pictures. They are there to tell you about it seconds later  Do they spend 24/7 on the internet or something
Honestly feels like your being stalked  never thought I would say this but I miss the old days of newspaper adverts
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ParisB on 06 December 2018, 08:10:50 pm
When they text asking for a booking but you're too busy to respond right away.  Half an hour later they text: ???

This really pisses me off.  I actually text them back and tell them I'm not interested in having a booking with someone that sends me rude question marks when I don't reply right away.

Or you get ??? Two mins after they have called you or sen you a text
They go right on my shit list
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 07 December 2018, 09:43:41 pm
You ask them to confirm on the morning of the intended booking and they keep texting days before asking if its still on... :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 08 December 2018, 01:56:51 am
When they call you and You ask them did you read my profile details then they reply no
Me - Go back and read my info to be sure I am the escort you want and services and rates.
Idiot - Can't you tell me
(In my head - no you dick shit  I did not write up my profile just to keep reciting it to lazy shits like you)
Me - No I cut the call and block knowing full well it won't be a legit booking.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 12 December 2018, 11:40:16 am
Come & bore you with their life story for 5 minutes before having to prompt them to pay upfront. When he get cash out, clinging onto it like it's his life savings. Then comparing me to another escort who asks for payment at the end.  ??? Followed by some condescending conversation about how all escorts are different & work differently because we are people.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 13 December 2018, 09:34:43 pm
They don't understand our scheduled   Booking  and appointments   but how do they manage dentists doctors banks .
I doubt they have the same approach of "oh I'll be there around 5ish .. sorry luv stuck in traffic running late " :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 13 December 2018, 09:44:01 pm
Client booked in advance then texted me a location question a couple days later.
I texted him to ring back so I could verbally explain but I really wanted to hear where his head's at.
He rung, whinging like mad...why he needs to call today?
'Because you asked me a question today, I presume you want it answered today.' Whinges again for 2 minutes.

I say, 'you're boring me, so I'm cancelling you now.' I'm wondering if controlling the conversation is far more important than having his dick sucked.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 13 December 2018, 10:45:30 pm
Evening client called in the morning to confirm & he was in a chocolate shop, would I like some as a gift? No thanks dairy/sugar free, wine, no thanks. If you'd like to get me a gift an amazon voucher would be great instead, I said.

Arrives in the evening with nothing. Tosser.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 14 December 2018, 01:57:08 am
Evening client called in the morning to confirm & he was in a chocolate shop, would I like some as a gift? No thanks dairy/sugar free, wine, no thanks. If you'd like to get me a gift an amazon voucher would be great instead, I said.

Arrives in the evening with nothing. Tosser.

That's a little harsh? He was in a chocolate shop, hence offered to buy you some chocolate. If I were him I wouldn't have got you an amazon voucher either!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 14 December 2018, 11:47:38 am
That's a little harsh? He was in a chocolate shop, hence offered to buy you some chocolate. If I were him I wouldn't have got you an amazon voucher either!

I agree. If a client did that with me I would say oh thank you how thoughtful and anything you choose will be lovely. (I can always pass it on to someone if it is not to my taste.)

What I would not do is suggest an alternative gift. I am almost embarrassed at the thought.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 14 December 2018, 12:19:34 pm
I agree. If a client did that with me I would say oh thank you how thoughtful and anything you choose will be lovely. (I can always pass it on to someone if it is not to my taste.)

What I would not do is suggest an alternative gift. I am almost embarrassed at the thought.

I have to agree but I am a big chocolate fan anyway. I'm a true believer that if someone gives me something but it's not my thing, I'll accept it with gratitude and if I really don't like it give it to someone who will. I think to say you don't like it is a bit mean and is saying that the thought they put into getting it was wasted and you look ungrateful. Even if a gift is awful I'd still be thankful to the giver.

That said, I get very few gifts anyway  :'( but some nice chocs and a tip from a regular yesterday did make me happy  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 14 December 2018, 05:31:35 pm
Ask do you do anal no i do not read my profile but this one is ringing back tomorrow to book he says

He got the answer

Yes, I do anal on you. I shove it hard as I can up your arse.  >:D

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 14 December 2018, 07:10:51 pm
Monday- Caller rung to consider a booking, we left it open....(all mutual like)
Friday- Rings 'Hello we spoke in the week I'm close to you, I wonder if your free now.'
Means-bitch 1 and 2 let me I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Me-I'll ring you back....takes my time, eats my bacon sarny, cause I know he's ringing local girls
in a crazy last-minute booking sweat and I don't play those games. Ring him-no answer. (Thought so)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: AnimalLover on 14 December 2018, 09:32:33 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Charmaine on 15 December 2018, 09:46:27 am
Evening client called in the morning to confirm & he was in a chocolate shop, would I like some as a gift? No thanks dairy/sugar free, wine, no thanks. If you'd like to get me a gift an amazon voucher would be great instead, I said.

Arrives in the evening with nothing. Tosser.

Wow that’s very harsh . All the client has to arrive with is the money for the booking
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 16 December 2018, 06:53:45 pm
Ive seen this guy twice before. The first time i made a note that he was a boundary pusher.

He text yesterday 3.30pm to say, ' can I come over'

I text back and said 'we can meet at 5pm, im not free before then'

he then repeatedly keeps texting and calling saying 'can he come now, he Is near my working hotel'

I text back saying 'no, come at 5'

Him: Why? 

I start to get a bit pissed, he's taking the piss here. He calls at 4 pm (for the umpteenth time), he sounds drunk-ish. I say 'no have to cancel, I wont meet clients when theyre drunk'

Him: ok

5 mins later: calls and texts can i come by....

 I ignore the texts. and get on with my evening.

Next day, same thing: Only this time I block him by the time he asks third stupid question.

Clients who have been ok in the past can turn into arseholes. What's that about?? ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: someonesomewhere on 16 December 2018, 10:41:39 pm
What's your address... My whatsapp is xxxxxxxx
Me - I suggest you go back and read my profile
Twit - I haven't got time. Whats your address... My whatsapp is xxxxxxxx
Me - I haven't got time for people who cannot be bothered to read my profile. You gain relevant info such as services, price and outcall/incall. All basics when booking an escort.
Twit - I'm blocking you. (At least with this twit I now have the mobile number and AW ID. Not that bright lol)

The whole what's your address really pisses me off. I have it everywhere that I'm outcalls only. As we all know when they scroll down to get the phone number/email/whatever it's obvious because of the pricing. But it still seems to escape them. And the oh but won't you make the exception for me? Yea mate, of course, I will. You're already showing you are a boundary-pushing twit, so there is no stopping you in future deciding to just knock when you are passing by as you have already told me where you work.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 17 December 2018, 07:32:46 am
What's your address... My whatsapp is xxxxxxxx
Me - I suggest you go back and read my profile
Twit - I haven't got time. Whats your address... My whatsapp is xxxxxxxx
Me - I haven't got time for people who cannot be bothered to read my profile. You gain relevant info such as services, price and outcall/incall. All basics when booking an escort.
Twit - I'm blocking you. (At least with this twit I now have the mobile number and AW ID. Not that bright lol)

The whole what's your address really pisses me off. I have it everywhere that I'm outcalls only. As we all know when they scroll down to get the phone number/email/whatever it's obvious because of the pricing. But it still seems to escape them. And the oh but won't you make the exception for me? Yea mate, of course, I will. You're already showing you are a boundary-pushing twit, so there is no stopping you in future deciding to just knock when you are passing by as you have already told me where you work.

Or when they know you are Outcall only, you remind them of this and ask their address ? ..and they reply,
"It's alright, I can come to yours!" As though they are doing you a great favour and you had never thought of this option yourself.. ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 17 December 2018, 05:36:42 pm
What's your address... My whatsapp is xxxxxxxx
Me - I suggest you go back and read my profile
Twit - I haven't got time. Whats your address... My whatsapp is xxxxxxxx
Me - I haven't got time for people who cannot be bothered to read my profile. You gain relevant info such as services, price and outcall/incall. All basics when booking an escort.
Twit - I'm blocking you. (At least with this twit I now have the mobile number and AW ID. Not that bright lol)

The whole what's your address really pisses me off. I have it everywhere that I'm outcalls only. As we all know when they scroll down to get the phone number/email/whatever it's obvious because of the pricing. But it still seems to escape them. And the oh but won't you make the exception for me? Yea mate, of course, I will. You're already showing you are a boundary-pushing twit, so there is no stopping you in future deciding to just knock when you are passing by as you have already told me where you work.

When I am in  - FUCK THIS SHIIT Mood -

When I idiot said to you - I haven't got time. Whats your address... My whatsapp is xxxxxxxx -

I would of replied back with a Hotel  address of some far out location.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 19 December 2018, 02:22:16 pm
Don’t normally see younger clients as I find they are almost always boundary pushers.
Saw one yesterday as I was needing the £££ and surprise surprise he’s been messaging me ever since saying he can be my fuck buddy and I should be the one paying him seeing as I enjoyed the sex so much *rolls eyes*.
I’ve just blocked him. What planet do these guys live on?! Do they seriously think we’ll be up for some free sex sessions with them because of how desirable they are?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 19 December 2018, 03:09:45 pm
Storming in and demanding the lights are on full blast.
I created a pleasant ambiance...if you don't like it tough.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kendall on 19 December 2018, 03:33:37 pm
Hate when they ask for the big light on, it's up there with wanting to make love under the covers
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 19 December 2018, 05:56:04 pm
When the insist on you taking off your music.

Sorry mate - Without this sensual music it make the atmosphere awkward and me give you a shitty service.
I say that to them. They shut up and carry on with the booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 19 December 2018, 09:43:07 pm
Storming in and demanding the lights are on full blast.
I created a pleasant ambiance...if you don't like it tough.

I hate when they close the curtains, shutting that 2-inch gap on the 7th-floor window that overlooks nothing. I joke, "That's better. Now God can't see you."

It actually creeps me out when they do it. They're feeling guilty and have negative vibes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 19 December 2018, 10:26:56 pm
I'd rather have the lights on full than the creepy fuckers who insist on minimal lighting.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 20 December 2018, 12:19:25 am
I'd rather have the lights on full than the creepy fuckers who insist on minimal lighting.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: jo-jo on 20 December 2018, 10:03:43 am
Storming in and demanding the lights are on full blast.
I created a pleasant ambiance...if you don't like it tough.

ive had this before.  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 20 December 2018, 10:17:56 am
Similar to the ones who play with the curtains, I really get weirded out by guys who touch my things. I've had guys go to the closet to look through my outfits (I mean, they want me to change into something else so they just start looking through my stuff), rifling through my bag of sex toys "let's see what else you've got..." and even just picking up objects from my dresser top. That really puts me on edge.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 20 December 2018, 12:32:10 pm
Similar to the ones who play with the curtains, I really get weirded out by guys who touch my things. I've had guys go to the closet to look through my outfits (I mean, they want me to change into something else so they just start looking through my stuff), rifling through my bag of sex toys "let's see what else you've got..." and even just picking up objects from my dresser top. That really puts me on edge.

Daisy that's completely out of order and disrespectful, especially the sex toys. They know they're being bad and boundary pushing. 'Stop, sit down' works great. I have a, 'Don't touch my shit law'. I'd invest in a few padlocks and hideable storage boxes, and drape any tempting clothes rails with heavy fabrics or sheets. You can clip them together with craft or market stall clips too. It can still look funky and decorative.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissTDI on 26 December 2018, 03:37:59 pm
When they show up at your front door randomly when your not Avalible, say they lost your number (despite only giving number out on aw so could message me on there) and expecting you to drop to your knees there and then. This has happened only once buy my lil boy answered the door. Was fuming!!! I think he could see that and he never phoned me or visited again. I've also had a guy get shit all over my bed... Wash your ass guys, I have wet wipes in the bathroom for christ sake!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Charmaine on 26 December 2018, 07:42:47 pm
When they’ve had a shower and just throw the towel on the floor
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 26 December 2018, 09:39:51 pm
When they’ve had a shower and just throw the towel on the floor

Yes I got sick of this too and so now when they go into the shower with the clean towel I give them, I ask that they drop it into the bath when they are finished (as they request guests to do in hotels) so I have no doubt which one they used and to wash it.

One man always wants a second shower before leaving and insists on using the same damp towel both times. It sits on the bedroom floor until he is ready to use it again. If he is happy to pick it up off the floor then that is fine with me.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Charmaine on 27 December 2018, 12:28:26 am
Yes I got sick of this too and so now when they go into the shower with the clean towel I give them, I ask that they drop it into the bath when they are finished (as they request guests to do in hotels) so I have no doubt which one they used and to wash it.

One man always wants a second shower before leaving and insists on using the same damp towel both times. It sits on the bedroom floor until he is ready to use it again. If he is happy to pick it up off the floor then that is fine with me.  ::)

I think that’s a good idea and will ask my clients to do the same . I do always wash the towels and put them in the dryer , ready for my next client . I just hope they will listen and put them i the bath and not on the floor . I know they are going to washed but that’s not the point .
I do have a lovely client that alway folds his towel after us
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay1996 on 27 December 2018, 02:42:07 am
When they use multiple towels. I always ask them if they can use the same towel but some are deaf and end up dirtying both.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 27 December 2018, 10:47:35 am
When they use multiple towels. I always ask them if they can use the same towel but some are deaf and end up dirtying both.

Opposite to me then! I offer them a clean dry one for the second shower ( a rare event)  as drying yourself on a very damp towel is not pleasant.

Lots of extra laundry is part of this job.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 27 December 2018, 12:47:45 pm
After a malicious client used 6 towels :o to carpet the bathroom floor I hand them a single tiny guest towel if they want a shower.
Nothing is kept in the bathroom, they can reuse as much as they like. If they ask for more.... 'Oh sorry I've run out :angel:'.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: RiverX on 24 January 2019, 08:22:10 pm
When they use multiple towels. I always ask them if they can use the same towel but some are deaf and end up dirtying both.

I only put a single towel in the bathroom now as I recently had a guy use 5!!?? towels after a 2 minute shower. The whole floor was underwater too. Obviously, after all that he didn't even manage to wash his dick properly.

I wonder sometimes how they are able to function in their day to day lives..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay1996 on 24 January 2019, 11:59:12 pm
Opposite to me then! I offer them a clean dry one for the second shower ( a rare event)  as drying yourself on a very damp towel is not pleasant.

Lots of extra laundry is part of this job.
Still lack of respect especially as I've told them not to
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 06 February 2019, 02:34:04 pm
When someone you have never met wants to be in regular contact with you months before  in a town you've never toured. Tries to befriend you constantly then when said tour arrives guess what they got a bullshit story for why they don't visit  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 07 February 2019, 06:20:52 pm
Won't say where they are and get hugely insulted when I ask. These cancel immediately in a huff, or text 'this is too difficult', which saves me time and effort. I'm all for quick ways to deselect uncooperative callers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 08 February 2019, 11:21:03 am
Had a guy swaying his hips back and forth at the start & end, like an excited dog. He was dressed when he did it thankfully.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LotusFlower on 02 March 2019, 06:27:15 pm
- When they try to act suave but just look like a dick. Some of them really think they are James Bond.

- When they touch your hair, run their fingers through your hair, take your hair down that they have just watched you tie up (I do this to keep my hair away from their pre-cummy cocks / ass cracks / stop it from going in my mouth), when they remove Kirby grips that are holding your hair in place.

- When they know fine well they have run over time but try stay as long as possible.

- When they haven't paid and try do a swift exit, gripping the money in their pocket as they do so.

- When their breath reeks and they slabber all over your face

- When they ask for services during a booking that you don't offer

- When they text 5 mins before booking with some additional request, normally an outfit that you have to dig out

I have had ALL of this in the first 3 hours of a tour in a new city and I am so pissed off I am not accepting any more bookings than the further 2 I have scheduled. I wish I stayed in my previous tour location because they were all just wonderful and gave me none of this shit.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 02 March 2019, 06:55:16 pm
- When they try to act suave but just look like a dick. Some of them really think they are James Bond.

- When they touch your hair, run their fingers through your hair, take your hair down that they have just watched you tie up (I do this to keep my hair away from their pre-cummy cocks / ass cracks / stop it from going in my mouth), when they remove Kirby grips that are holding your hair in place.

- When they know fine well they have run over time but try stay as long as possible.

- When they haven't paid and try do a swift exit, gripping the money in their pocket as they do so.

- When their breath reeks and they slabber all over your face

- When they ask for services during a booking that you don't offer

- When they text 5 mins before booking with some additional request, normally an outfit that you have to dig out

I have had ALL of this in the first 3 hours of a tour in a new city and I am so pissed off I am not accepting any more bookings than the further 2 I have scheduled. I wish I stayed in my previous tour location because they were all just wonderful and gave me none of this shit.

Sometimes all the dicks come at once  ::)

I could add the ones that incessantly question you about your working life

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 02 March 2019, 11:09:16 pm
Expect you to be overwhelmed at their generous offer of paying for dinner to keep you company because you are lonely (their opinion) on tour but they cant afford to book Dinner is free though

I had 2 of those today 2 in one day!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SophieSinner on 03 March 2019, 08:57:50 am
- Extremely demanding yet lazy. Expecting me to remain on top for ages without getting tired out, or suck them off to the point when it feels like my jaw is gonna seize up

- Bad hygiene and sweating

- When they finish and they're like 'we still have 3 minutes left' that is enough time for you to get dressed! I work in a parlour so I can't overrun

- Constant eye contact to the point where it's creepy

- And of course, the pisstaking timewasters, and those who expect everything for nothing  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Wailing Banshee on 03 March 2019, 09:20:52 am
Just had this as I was reading this thread!

Him: Hello I'd like to book an escort...

I didn't say anything, but I hated that he wanted to book an escort - Did he think I was a brothel/pimp/agency?

Then he did that thing when he asked the price and when I told him said he would call back in 5 minutes (pretty sure he won't!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: daisyladybird00 on 03 March 2019, 02:51:04 pm
When they:
-whisper on the phone and they’ve a really strong accent so I don’t understand anything plus I find it really creepy
- only know one position-> cowgirl
-cancel in last minute
-tell me they’re at my address but they just lie (I don’t understand these kind of people)
- show up late and don’t apologise
- smoke weed before our meet so they stink afterwards
-ask stupid questions like “ Can I cum 5/6 times in an hour? 🙄🙄”
-send me messages like: “postcode?” Or “address?”
- send me dick pictures on whatsapp
- ask for discount
- struggle with getting hard and ask to extend the time for free
-give me advice how I should run my business
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 03 March 2019, 10:40:17 pm
Generally they're very clean on arrival but I get put off  when they get nekkid and slyly pull on their dinky hoping you don't notice. Why? What are they tweaking it for ??? I spray atibac foam on them as I don't want dick particles on me. Then they pull it again! They don't seem to get the hint and I have to blunt it and tell them, 'you just touched your cock so I'm disinfecting your hands'.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LotusFlower on 04 March 2019, 02:06:46 pm
Generally they're very clean on arrival but I get put off  when they get nekkid and slyly pull on their dinky hoping you don't notice. Why? What are they tweaking it for ??? I spray atibac foam on them as I don't want dick particles on me. Then they pull it again! They don't seem to get the hint and I have to be blunt and tell them, 'you just touched your cock so I'm disinfecting your hands'.

I HATE this. Or when they touch their cock after you've put a condom on and look perplexed when you chanhe it.

The OCD me is screaming BACTERIA inside my head.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 04 March 2019, 02:33:00 pm
When they wank into their hands dont wash and try to finger like WTF

then look at you like some hygiene fruit cake when you say they need to wash
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: misscleo on 04 March 2019, 03:35:58 pm
Not sure if this is the right thread but i really want to share a brilliant response from a domme i follow on twitter to all the unsolicited dick pics. She replies with a pic of a used tampon! Apparently it works a treat.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ellie B on 05 March 2019, 10:56:50 pm
Had one guy last week ask the question - "do you have a proper job?" !!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Honeyxx on 06 March 2019, 01:15:04 am
When a client has the shower running but is not in it!!
I make everyone shower and now I make sure I knock and come in whilst the shower is on because I ‘left something’ ‘need to wash my hands’’ etc to make sure they’re actually showering
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 06 March 2019, 01:38:04 am
What are they doing in there Honey ???  (Love you spying on them ;D)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 06 March 2019, 09:25:02 am
When a client has the shower running but is not in it!!
I make everyone shower and now I make sure I knock and come in whilst the shower is on because I ‘left something’ ‘need to wash my hands’’ etc to make sure they’re actually showering

That would explain why they have showered but still smell a bit off. I strongly believe some men have an aversion to washing. It probably goes back to when they were boys and had to be bribed or forced into the bath/shower.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 06 March 2019, 06:27:14 pm
That would explain why they have showered but still smell a bit off. I strongly believe some men have an aversion to washing. It probably goes back to when they were boys and had to be bribed or forced into the bath/shower.  ::)

I sent someone in to his bathroom to wash before OWO but despite claiming he had used the soap (Dove, you can clearly smell it on skin after rinsing) I knew he hadn't bothered..
He got the thick, fruity lube ("sticky and unpleasant" ) hand job instead  >:D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 06 March 2019, 11:07:21 pm
As for free phone sex ("I'll only need a minute") when you're not free to do a booking that they'd never have turned up for anyway.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: regieeee on 07 March 2019, 07:10:47 pm
Some of them seem to want to go out for a dinner first before having sex (read: Spanish Inquisition). Gently turning down, they are not at all happy about it.  I get bloated like a balloon.  I can't have sex after eating at all. It amazes me how so controlling some of these Men are.  They seem to have some morbid interest in someone's personal life (that they pay to have sex with). 
Some etiquette book would be useful.  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LittleMinx2 on 07 March 2019, 09:20:31 pm
I hate when they seem to think my tits are udders or something and try to milk me like a cow. I just do not tolerate tit pulling. It hurts!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Honeyxx on 07 March 2019, 09:35:02 pm
What are they doing in there Honey ???  (Love you spying on them ;D)
On their phone, just aimlessly staring at the mirror/ground, probably thinking about how they are going to last long enough after they’ve seen me in person now hahah ;D

Some common excuses
‘Oh I’ve just popped my clothes back on after my shower’
‘Just using the loo’
‘Just making sure it’s at the right temperature for me’
‘Oh uhhh umm’

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Honeyxx on 07 March 2019, 09:42:40 pm
That would explain why they have showered but still smell a bit off. I strongly believe some men have an aversion to washing. It probably goes back to when they were boys and had to be bribed or forced into the bath/shower.  ::)

I have had a client bring his toothbrush and toothpaste with him in his toiletries bag and was very eager to show me as soon as I opened the door to him hahah
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 07 March 2019, 10:46:55 pm
Lick your face like as if they are Dogs. If I wanted my face lickd and break out into spots I would of had a pet dog.

I got to make it clear my face is out of bounds don't lick my face like your a animal.  :FF

Told first time yet they do it and I move nicely say stop I don't like it. Then try second I then say look kissing is off limits now. Clearly you do not know what you are doing my lips are here. Seeing as you are failing to keep in one position. Move to something else no kissing for you.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ellie B on 08 March 2019, 12:31:42 am
Some of them seem to want to go out for a dinner first before having sex (read: Spanish Inquisition). Gently turning down, they are not at all happy about it.  I get bloated like a balloon.  I can't have sex after eating at all. It amazes me how so controlling some of these Men are.  They seem to have some morbid interest in someone's personal life (that they pay to have sex with). 
Some etiquette book would be useful.  :)
I don't mind this at all. You can get some very nice guys and have a nice chat and a drink. Will also reduce your weekly food shop. If you get bloated, then you have a great excuse for a round tummy - theirs will probably be larger!
Think they want to be kind and not controlling. Some of the best bookings I have had, have been dinner dates. But only can speak for myself. Guys get lonely and not always want the blow and go!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 08 March 2019, 08:56:04 am
This maybe could have been in another thread but when they cancel you at short notice with a weird excuse and you doubt they are genuine then they try to rebook with an offer of much more money "as compensation." In my experience any man you have not yet met who offers way more than your rate is a time waster. I said no to his offer and have blocked him. I was not prepared for him to waste my time again, which I suspected would happen.

I am not talking about tips here, when they turn up and pay then give you exta.

If any lady has accepted a booking from an unknown for a lot more money than her rate I would be surprised. Why would a man do this?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Louisereturned on 08 March 2019, 09:56:29 am
constant bareback requests !!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: regieeee on 08 March 2019, 12:46:32 pm
Some of the best bookings I have had, have been dinner dates. But only can speak for myself. Guys get lonely and not always want the blow and go!
Yes, they probably meant well and took it personally.   I also have a dodgy tummy (GI conditions) and my suspender belt would not fit after a meal.   No sex after eating as I get sick.  :angel:
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GG on 08 March 2019, 02:00:45 pm
I love the idea of dinner dates but in reality if i always want to go to sleep after eating especially if a glass of wine is involved and if i have the private time first i hate getting all dressed up/make up and hair while the clients sat there waiting for me x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 10 March 2019, 07:25:16 pm
The ongoing bareback requests are a constant source of amazement to me, smh. I have 2 condoms prominently placed where they'll put their donation, 1 in the bathroom ON TOP of the washcloths so there's no nonsense about "I didn't see it." & 3 by the bed.

Yet they STILL ask. It ASTOUNDS me, y'all. I would string them from the ceiling like Christmas lights if I could get away it! I don't do that in my personal life, I'm sure as fuck not doing it professionally.

Being shocked/surprised/amazed that Greek/anal is an extra $100 even tho IT SAYS THAT ON MY WEBSITE & YOU SAID YOU READ THE WEBSITE IN ITS ENTIRETY. "Oh, I didn't bring that much...."
*hopeful pause*.
Me: "Awww, that's too bad!!! There's always NEXT TIME!" Same goes for role play. Nope. I'm not doing it unless you pay the additional cost.

Clients who are convinced they're in love with you & want to take you "away from this life bc you're better than this."
Go away. I call them Savior Complexes & I don't have time for you.

Those that want to keep my underwear. 1st off, the shit's expensive, ok? 2nd, it's gross but that's on you, not so much me. 3rd, give me some fucking notice AND you'll have to pay me; yes you heard me, I'm not handing my $20 panties over to you for less than $35. Now I have find new ones, maybe my favorite store is out of stock? Maybe I can't get there? Maybe it'll take 7 business days to ship to me & I'm scheduled to go to Washington DC in 4 days?
I finally started buying 2 panties for every 1 bra & that actually helped a lot, but it's annoying.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: regieeee on 11 March 2019, 05:11:20 pm
Sending videos on the work phone.
My "vintage" computer wouldn't cope with that...

Not sure what to say, without offending >:D or without giving him an impression that I didn't need his videos........
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lucie268 on 14 March 2019, 09:41:44 am
Really irks me when they try and dictate the booking process to you. Like they will book and then say 'okay now send the postcode and I'll call you half an hour before'. No, you follow my instructions, not the other way around.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dolita on 14 March 2019, 04:52:13 pm
Really irks me when they try and dictate the booking process to you. Like they will book and then say 'okay now send the postcode and I'll call you half an hour before'. No, you follow my instructions, not the other way around.

Yup. I think some of them think that when we are not in a booking with them, we are just sitting around with nothing else to do.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 14 March 2019, 07:16:51 pm
Many of these clients place alot of emphasise on trying controlled  us , some put so much into their requests and really get too emotional and upset by Sex workers who will not jump through hoops for them. . We are not their friends usually! I I get tired of the long drawn out emails and inquiry specifications.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: regieeee on 14 March 2019, 07:55:57 pm
I think it comes down to money.  "Do this if you want my cash".
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 14 March 2019, 08:37:48 pm
Scottish Dolly, so so many of them here think that, oh it's aggravating!
"Hi, I'm on my way, where are you?"

First of all, how can you possibly be on your way if you don't know where I am? When I ask them this, I'm either met with silence or they say huffily, "Well, give me your address!" as if I'm the dumbest person to ever walk the earth.

Hold up there, Sparky. It ain't that easy😡. Maybe I'm scheduled all day. Maybe I'm off. Maybe I don't like your tone now. Not to mention there's a OH DID I MENTION screening process I do before I see anyone....? Like it says in the ad that you obviously took no time to read?

Look, there ARE girls who say "don't call until right before  you're ready to see me,. I get that. That's how YOU operate. There's a million ads out there with a million different instructions, it's too bad you have to read the ones of the girls you're interested in seeing *shrug*.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Charmaine on 15 March 2019, 01:33:28 am
Had one last night that kept on licking my face like a dog .  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: workingmum on 17 March 2019, 09:23:18 pm
Using half the bottle of shower gel in one shower, really do you need to use all that! I like a clean fellow but really!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HankyPanky on 22 March 2019, 11:36:01 am
45 minutes into an hour booking, why aren't you wearing stockings and heels you should be wearing stockings and heels!
Me - did you ask for stockings and heels?
Him - no good point.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 22 March 2019, 11:46:19 am
Using half the bottle of shower gel in one shower, really do you need to use all that! I like a clean fellow but really!!!

Minature plastic travel tubes from boots or Muji online are great for limiting shower gel monsters.
Half fill them, more than enough.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 22 March 2019, 04:05:01 pm
HankyPanky ~ THANK YOU!!!
I hate wearing stockings/garter belts & ONLY don them if it's a specific request. I can't stand them; they're a hassle to get on, then they always want you to keep'em on the entire time & I'm thinking, "So help me God, if you put a run in these $20 fuckers I WILL KILL YOU." :FF

I DO wear them on OC (outcalls), simply bc if they fuss when I don't have them on, I can't exactly go home, but god I hate'em.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 22 March 2019, 06:43:29 pm
45 minutes into an hour booking, why aren't you wearing stockings and heels you should be wearing stockings and heels!
Me - did you ask for stockings and heels?
Him - no good point.

I once had a punter come in, look me up and down with a face like a smacked arse, and say:
'Oh. I thought you'd be wearing a girdle'.
I'd been busy, thought I must have forgotten and said something like 'I'm very sorry, did you request a girdle when you booked?'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HankyPanky on 27 March 2019, 09:10:34 pm
I'll wear stockings for a few reasons, out calls - but every time I wear them 100% of the time they ask me to take them off.  Or I'll put them on when I'm feeling fat and want to squash in and disguise the 4 toblerones that seem to have gone straight to my legs, or what I now refer to as my fat pants.
This was my first and now only 8am booking, he's lucky I was even awake let alone clip clopping around in stockings and heels  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 28 March 2019, 07:56:36 am
Make time  changes to a pre confirmed booking then try to change them back to the original time after messing me about .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 28 March 2019, 09:29:10 am
When they want to be fisted and say they've cleaned and douched. Get to you and you realise they havent when you're halfway through  :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 31 March 2019, 09:02:30 pm
When they want to be fisted and say they've cleaned and douched. Get to you and you realise they havent when you're halfway through  :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
It's disgusting.. I use a condom on toy for anal on the guy it came out full of shit  :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 31 March 2019, 09:18:05 pm
It's disgusting.. I use a condom on toy for anal on the guy it came out full of shit  :o

I do too, always put condoms on my anal toys for men. It is still a nasty job cleaning up though if they are not as scoured out as they thought they were.  A few men have brought their own anal toys which I am happy to use on them. They have not been bothered if a condom was on them and I have imagined just putting the used dildo in a plastic bag for them to take home, unwashed. Let them do the dirty job themselves. Never actually done this though.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 31 March 2019, 10:23:32 pm
I do too, always put condoms on my anal toys for men. It is still a nasty job cleaning up though if they are not as scoured out as they thought they were.  A few men have brought their own anal toys which I am happy to use on them. They have not been bothered if a condom was on them and I have imagined just putting the used dildo in a plastic bag for them to take home, unwashed. Let them do the dirty job themselves. Never actually done this though.

Justine, I think you should go with this evil, though save your £1 condom and let them deal with it  >:D
Sugar, I find they generally have few dollops of stale and fresh poo living up there. I have a bucket of hot bleachy water in another room, pop a couple of condoms on it, dildo him, run to the other room, bin the condoms and chuck the toy straight into the soak for 20 minutes. That way you hardly think about it, all clean and fresh by the time he's left.
If you're doing out calls this won't be possible, I take newspaper and plastic bag to seal it in.

I used to offer an additional colon cleansing service involving a pessary or micro-enema liquid. You could consider it a separate 'perve' some guys love this anal poo-pleasure thing before the toy. It extends the booking as they have to wait around for it to work which is quite good.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 02 April 2019, 08:25:14 am
Had one stop me at the top of the stairs on his way out, showing me videos of a stupid & mildly racist comedy show.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Riverprice on 02 April 2019, 08:29:01 am
It's disgusting.. I use a condom on toy for anal on the guy it came out full of shit  :o

Erugh Its horrid. I was wearing long latex gloves so I had to soak for hours! The worst was the smell it left in the flat. Middle of winter had to open all the windows and spray everything God knows how many times x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 02 April 2019, 01:47:08 pm
It annoys me when they walk in and then just as I'm about to start
Oh can I just use your shower ?
Then want another one after the booking also even though they are fresh .
If they smelt bad I could understand ..
I even give them the Same towel back if it's dry enough ..the room is warm  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dolita on 02 April 2019, 11:12:13 pm
Had one that wouldn't stop talking about his ex. Was incredibly off putting and wasn't impressed with how he spoke about her.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 03 April 2019, 09:18:23 am
Had one stop me at the top of the stairs on his way out, showing me videos of a stupid & mildly racist comedy show.
I fucking hate when they want to show me things on their phones. Videos, photos of their holidays. Fuck off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LilMissChaos on 03 April 2019, 03:41:59 pm
When now ex- regulars make pathetic & misguided attempts to either manipulate or ingratiate themselves by texting / emailing to "warn" me that I am being talked about negatively on the-punting- forum- that-shall-not-be-named in order to try and 'win' me back....

FFS, I've been working long enough now to have experienced this a few times, in various guises  :FF 'favourite' one so far *scarcasm* being a client who, after quite a few 'normal' ie 'enjoyable & safe bookings in quick succession then suddenly and horribly revealed himself to be a covert bareback- hunter (you know, the type who "wouldn't do it with any other service provider"....aye, righty-ho mate ::) and who often present in public as being anti-bb). He asserted that now he was my "regular" ,  protected sex could be dispensed with :FF

After messaging him later on to advise I wouldn't see him again (felt uncomfortable due to both his sneakiness & that he was obviously prepared to put his sexual health at such risk out of either ignorance or stupidity; I'm not sure which  :o)

This bloke then had the audacity a few weeks later, ( >:( I am shaking my head as I type this, even now  >:() to message giving me a "heads-up", you know, just out the goodness of his heart that he'd just learned that a "well known" local punter who also happens to be a prolific reviewer and is very vocal about his anti-bb views, was interested in booking me... Mr Cheeky Twat Ex Client wanted to check that I was still practising safe sex or, and I quote "it could be disastrous for your reputation" >:( >:( >:(

I was so fucking livid that words utterly failed me for once...Actually I'm glad about that as silence was all this cheeky cunt deserved

 :FF :FF :FF

* Disclaimer: I have no issue by the way, with either clients or service providers wanting/offering full bareback sex if they are up front about it (I really quite admire them actually given the often nasty/ uncalled for backlash thrown in their direction) My bugbear is with these sneaky bloody hypocrites who on public forums clearly haven't got the courage of their convictions  >:( It's this kind of punters deploying underhanded and/or manipulative tactics in order to get bareback services "UTC" that really get my fucking goat Errrrgh!!! End Disclaimer*

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 03 April 2019, 09:30:54 pm
Repeatedly try and ask questions, many invasive (often more than once)

- what my real name is
- why I started doing this/how long
- do I have any friends in the business
- do I rent this long or short term
- is he the first client of the day
- am I discreet

This and much more all in one bloody booking  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 03 April 2019, 10:03:49 pm
Repeatedly try and ask questions, many invasive (often more than once)

- what my real name is
- why I started doing this/how long
- do I have any friends in the business
- do I rent this long or short term
- is he the first client of the day
- am I discreet

This and much more all in one bloody booking  >:(

I always answer them with their questions give them back their question but I change it - So like this
I do not answer their stupid questions.

- Also what is your real name
- why do you see escorts and for how long
- do you also  have any friends in the business of seeing escorts
- Am I your first escort you seen of the day
- Are you also discreet
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 03 April 2019, 10:15:13 pm
I always answer them with their questions give them back their question but I change it - So like this
I do not answer their stupid questions.

- Also what is your real name
- why do you see escorts and for how long
- do you also  have any friends in the business of seeing escorts
- Am I your first escort you seen of the day
- Are you also discreet

I do similar  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 03 April 2019, 10:16:38 pm
I always answer them with their questions give them back their question but I change it - So like this
I do not answer their stupid questions.

- Also what is your real name
- why do you see escorts and for how long
- do you also  have any friends in the business of seeing escorts
- Am I your first escort you seen of the day
- Are you also discreet

Good idea I never thought to do that, its a bloody cheek and they wouldn’t like it thrown back at them like that.

I just head them off or change the subject, but so wearing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 03 April 2019, 10:23:02 pm
Good idea I never thought to do that, its a bloody cheek and they wouldn’t like it thrown back at them like that.

I just head them off or change the subject, but so wearing.

I always say it with a smile as well, and amuse myself with the confused look on their face as they struggle to answer  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 03 April 2019, 11:17:26 pm
I do similar  ;D ;D ;D

Me too. Any question I get which I do not like I either turn it back to them or just smile, raise my eyebrows but say nothing. They usually get the message (specially when they are struggling into their trousers and look a bit silly)  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 12 April 2019, 07:15:01 pm
I hate when guys enquire via email by name, but very obviously are just spamming to see who is available the quickest, how do you know? You know the re’ are you available bit in the header....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 12 April 2019, 11:07:22 pm
Ask "So what on earth brought you to live in [home city]?" with a sneery look.

How about you fuck off.

Southern by birth, Northern by the grace of god and a transplant.

Slag off Yorkshire and you won't get another booking with me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay1996 on 13 April 2019, 03:20:21 am
I fucking hate when they want to show me things on their phones. Videos, photos of their holidays. Fuck off.
Especially when its pictures of their kids. Tf you want me to say? :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 13 April 2019, 08:03:51 am
Asking me, a foreign touring escort, where I am in relation to other local places.

"I'm right at junction 12 off the M44."

"How far is that from Thatched-under-Obscurity?"

How the fuck should I know?!

Also when they ask me about bus routes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mimi_ on 13 April 2019, 01:35:17 pm
Asking me, a foreign touring escort, where I am in relation to other local places.

"I'm right at junction 12 off the M44."

"How far is that from Thatched-under-Obscurity?"

How the fuck should I know?!

Also when they ask me about bus routes.

Sorry but that made me laugh a LOT! x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 13 April 2019, 02:46:56 pm
We are not Google maps on tours.  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 13 April 2019, 05:38:11 pm
I hate it when a booking has been arranged then they proceed to text me with a running commentary of their movements "Just arrived in (the city)" then "Just arrived at my hotel" then "Just getting a shower" then "Just setting off I might be early is that ok?"  :FF No it effing isn't, its an appointment based system for a reason, and I aint your fucking girlfriend/wife I don't need all those details ffs  :FF

Telling me which hotel they are in when its an incall  ??? I don't give a flying fuck unless I'm visiting there  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 13 April 2019, 06:07:37 pm
I tell the guy to call me when he's arrived parked up.
They call say they are near by 5mins away  :FF
I don't care just turn up at the location on time
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 20 April 2019, 03:43:39 pm
Dont say how long they are staying when they book and either extend (I always assume 30 mins) or take an hours fee out  of the pocket and peel off 30 min fee and give that then try to stay extra time for free.

Worse when they have booked an hour arrive late stay cant stay an hour change to 30 mins then try to overstay  >:D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: regieeee on 20 April 2019, 04:05:51 pm
I might consider approaching adult sites to add some "etiquette" page.

This is after noticing the staggering length of this particular thread.  :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 20 April 2019, 07:12:00 pm
I might consider approaching adult sites to add some "etiquette" page.

This is after noticing the staggering length of this particular thread.  :o

My ad is short I have covered oral
no anal
My fee listed BIG

I get asked do I do owo anal how much

Nice idea the "etiquette" only escorts will read it
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 21 April 2019, 12:36:31 am
I have a stand alone etiquette page on my website & tell every single client the same thing:

"You've been to my personal website? (They've said yes) I need you to make sure you've gone to the Tribute page & the etiquette page & read them both."

I know I know, leading a horse to water etc l, BUT it gives me some ammunition if anything goes sideways during the session.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 21 April 2019, 12:38:14 am
I have a stand alone etiquette page on my website & tell every single client the same thing:

"You've been to my personal website? (They've said yes) I need you to make sure you've gone to the Tribute page & the etiquette page & read them both."

I know I know, leading a horse to water etc l, BUT it gives me some ammunition if anything goes sideways during the session.

I have a similar on my profile.
“How to book” it prompts them with what to include in their message. And cutely reminds them that a lack of effort in their messages will be rewarded with a lack of effort in my replies. X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 21 April 2019, 04:58:52 pm
Do you do everything?

I used to say look at my profile if its on it I do it if its not I do not do it have you read it

They would get iffy about me being prissy

Now I say yes dear I do everything

If they ask does that include  something I dont do I say not that

If they wont read and I told them to then they can come and get told in the room that is not on my list and they have no room to argue.

I cant fight with them all.
They wont read I cant make them but I will take their money for wasting my time .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 22 April 2019, 06:03:05 am
I should print off my likes and dislikes list  and stick it on the  wall above the bed then just point at them when men come in !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 22 April 2019, 07:09:08 am
I had a client yesterday for a half hour sesh.

He was a pleasant enough guy but saw fit to use liberal quantities of his own bottle of Dettol that he had brought with him in a wash bag.

The smell was so bad after he left I burnt two incense sticks in the bathroom yet the odour still pervaded.

We only did oral without and then anal with condom.  Does he honestly think I am so contaminated he must use copious amounts of disinfectant?

I always find the ones who bring  a washbag with them to be the most particular.

In 7 years of sexwork this is the first time a guy has used Dettol after seeing me!  It must be his usual routine.  He was splashing in the bathroom after our meet for what seemed like ages. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 22 April 2019, 11:57:04 am
Turn up for bookings dont turn up for bookings anything and everything  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: regieeee on 22 April 2019, 12:50:29 pm
I have a stand alone etiquette page on my website & tell every single client the same thing:

Nice one, CelesteManchester.
I think it's obvious that escorts do need it. :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 22 April 2019, 01:48:37 pm
I have a stand alone etiquette page on my website & tell every single client the same thing:

"You've been to my personal website? (They've said yes) I need you to make sure you've gone to the Tribute page & the etiquette page & read them both."

I know I know, leading a horse to water etc l, BUT it gives me some ammunition if anything goes sideways during the session.

Me too
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 22 April 2019, 04:06:07 pm
I had a client yesterday for a half hour sesh.

He was a pleasant enough guy but saw fit to use liberal quantities of his own bottle of Dettol that he had brought with him in a wash bag.

The smell was so bad after he left I burnt two incense sticks in the bathroom yet the odour still pervaded.

We only did oral without and then anal with condom.  Does he honestly think I am so contaminated he must use copious amounts of disinfectant?

I always find the ones who bring  a washbag with them to be the most particular.

In 7 years of sexwork this is the first time a guy has used Dettol after seeing me!  It must be his usual routine.  He was splashing in the bathroom after our meet for what seemed like ages.
How old was this guy?  im just curious..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 22 April 2019, 08:40:08 pm
I had a guy once, older guy, probably in his 70s. He asked for a shower after the booking. I said sure, let me turn the water on for you (this was in my old flat and the shower was temperamental) and fetch you a fresh towel. He said oh that's okay I always bring my own towel.

I thought fair enough, maybe he's a bit of a germophobe. Left him in the bathroom. 10 minutes later he called out saying he couldn't turn the shower off. I went into the bathroom and he was towelling himself down with, I'm not kidding, Regina Blitz kitchen roll.

After he left I went back into the bathroom and he had kindly left me with about 4 miles of used Regina Blitz and an unflushed toilet. Cunt.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 22 April 2019, 09:57:45 pm
VC ~
I've literally come out of the bathroom on an outcall & very briskly said, "ok, so! I didn't use the toilet 🚽just now, I saw it was already full. Should I flush that or did you just want to leave it there?"
Very obviously tapping my foot🙄.

Cue the beet red face & stuttering by the client *scowl*. Fortunately, thank heavens it's only ever been urine; I'm honestly not sure if I could go through with booking if it was unflushed poo.🤢

Then I wait.... listen...& call out "wash your hannnnnds!" as they walk out of the bathroom & they didn't wash their GD hands😡.

12. They're ALL fucking 12.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 23 April 2019, 05:10:04 pm
Client moans that a 2 minute walk to my door is too complicated after not listening to directions...(doesn't know his left from his right), I asked if he gets out much? He stumbles around squealing, 'is it the end of the road?...the very end?...but is it theeeee eeeend ?' Busy well-lit corporate area not like it's marshy woodland. I usually decline politely at this point but tell him slowly, 'you're a f*ng idiot', and kill the phone.

The more calm and reassuring I am the more flustered and panic stricken they become.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 23 April 2019, 06:00:04 pm
Ask you if your free on dates you not working. This is deliberate I'm convinced or they are just thick either way it's a turn off
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 24 April 2019, 02:52:41 pm
VC ~
I've literally come out of the bathroom on an outcall & very briskly said, "ok, so! I didn't use the toilet 🚽just now, I saw it was already full. Should I flush that or did you just want to leave it there?"
Very obviously tapping my foot🙄.

Cue the beet red face & stuttering by the client *scowl*. Fortunately, thank heavens it's only ever been urine; I'm honestly not sure if I could go through with booking if it was unflushed poo.🤢

Then I wait.... listen...& call out "wash your hannnnnds!" as they walk out of the bathroom & they didn't wash their GD hands😡.

12. They're ALL fucking 12.

I have mentioned this before but, years ago, I had a hotel Outcall with a client who had kindly blown his own snot into the sink and simply left it there.  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 24 April 2019, 05:37:20 pm
All clients must take their street shoes off in my corridor, this client smuggled them in and plonked them on my boudoir floor before I noticed.
He apologised and said they were clean ??? (man-clean),  but offered me £10 as a goodwill gesture, I said it's ok, don't worry, he was too nice to be vexed with.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 30 April 2019, 07:37:25 pm
Tell you to visit their town when they have never met you not have any intention of doing so.
I've said no on many occasions as I don't dance to their tune
Or the ones who see your new photos and compliment you like your meant to be so greatful to them .they don't book ever .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 30 April 2019, 08:17:02 pm
I really hate it when a client recommends you to someone else. I had a call the other day from someone who told me this had happened to him, and he asked me the most basic of questions. I suggested he go and look at my website, and got the eye-rolling 'I'm not good at this new-fangled internet stuff'. Well, fuck off then.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 30 April 2019, 08:29:07 pm
Kay ~
I turn it back on them.
"Awww, really? Remind me how you found me again?" *polite & conversational*
Stupid Client: XYZ website.
"That's online, right? You were able to get there, right? So there should be NP getting to MY website. I'll text you the link right now." (If you do that)

I've also had them say uh uh, my friend had to pull it up for me bc IDK anything about the internet!! I reply, then your friend with have to do all this for you too.

It's absolutely ridiculous that a 50 something year old man claims not to know how to use the Net. Yeah, they're out there but you found me & I'm not listed in the New York Times classifieds. You found me ONLINE.

MY 87 year old mother can barely log on to her Gmail account & nothing my brother or I have done has made a bit of difference; she refuses to learn. That's ok: she's 87.🤦🏼‍♀️
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 01 May 2019, 12:59:54 pm
I really hate it when a client recommends you to someone else. I had a call the other day from someone who told me this had happened to him, and he asked me the most basic of questions. I suggested he go and look at my website, and got the eye-rolling 'I'm not good at this new-fangled internet stuff'. Well, fuck off then.
It's usually complete bullshit anyway as surely if a friend had recommended you the friend would have at least filled them in with a few details even if it is just basic ones or given them a link to an advert for you.It's highly unlikely that said mate would just hand them a number to ring and even more unlikely anyone genuine would just ring a random number a mate gave them without wanting a few details or at least a picture to look at first. I've had this many a time stuff like 'What do you look like?' I mean seriously?Your mate didn't even tell you that?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 01 May 2019, 06:48:14 pm
I really hate it when a client recommends you to someone else. I had a call the other day from someone who told me this had happened to him, and he asked me the most basic of questions. I suggested he go and look at my website, and got the eye-rolling 'I'm not good at this new-fangled internet stuff'. Well, fuck off then.

I never accept a booking from someone who tells me on the phone he got my number/details from a friend. Not remotely interested in pursuing that one with any man. I do remember a couple of times asking who was the friend as I was thinking if true then this "friend" could be someone I blocked or did not enjoy the meeting etc.

Guess what, none of these guys was prepared to tell me who the friend was.

I hardly ever do out calls these days but used to do them a lot. One man invited me into his rather impressive home. Huge rooms and lots of them (my entire home could have fitted easily into his ground floor but so what and who cares  ::) )  but he wanted us to sit in his living room on opposite sofas for a chat first. I did say what a lovely home he had and his reply was yes and I worked hard for it, all rooms other than the ones I want to use with you are locked and nothing of value is anywhere to be found.

Such a lovely welcome don't you think?  ok he was cautious but needn't have made it so bloody obvious.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 02 May 2019, 06:00:19 pm
Justine that was so unkind and unnecessary of him to say that to you in his home.  Then your supposed to act sexually attracted to him. Bet you were glad to leave x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 11 May 2019, 07:08:14 pm
OMG Justine...what a controlling head fukor! Sometimes it's not about the sex at all.

...being dead. A client this week was a 'living corpse' , not moving or showing any signs of being alive. Seems a bit freaky and makes me uncomfortable, I don't want those types. I started oral and then asked him what he wanted. 'Just keep on with that'. I said, 'No, I'm not doing oral for 20 minutes, think of something else.' I just wanted him out quick as.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Philippa Joyce on 11 May 2019, 07:23:08 pm
It's so nice to know that's it's not only me that has to put up with some of these irritations lol. I've heard that we all get more mellow as we get older but I'm 54 now and getting less tolerant to some of their bullshit. Had one punter last week looking terrified on my doorstep cos I'd just sent him a snotty text for being late as I didn't think he was coming..he turned out to be one of the nicer guys and I did feel a bit mean for telling him off ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 11 May 2019, 11:28:46 pm
Kiss me while still chewing gum. Put it in the bin ffs!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 12 May 2019, 01:56:56 pm
Think that they are the exception to whatever you say.

Recently had someone ask can he see me, apologised that I was fully booked. "It would only be for five minutes as I am busy too."

Yeah, I'm still fully booked. Sod off.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 12 May 2019, 02:48:52 pm
More caller than client telling me they are running late deliberately as they have no intention of turning up  :FF
Now saying you need to be here by such time as one is straight after you.
This cuts off your waiting around as they have no intention of arriving.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay1996 on 12 May 2019, 04:01:37 pm
Ask for a drink and don't drink it
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 12 May 2019, 08:02:16 pm
Kiss me while still chewing gum. Put it in the bin ffs!

AAAh yes I hate this too and some men think it is ok to chew gum throughout the booking. I say nothing as at least their breath is ok that way but if we chewed gum like that it would get a thumbs down on the reviews.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SimplySinful on 12 May 2019, 08:32:50 pm
Kiss me while still chewing gum. Put it in the bin ffs!

I TELL them to put it in the bin if they don’t do it of their own accord.

Gross habit, I don’t want their old gum near my mouth.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Alisha.knows on 15 May 2019, 07:10:12 am

I do a lot of dildo play and I found that most of these men have a tinny piece of toilet paper rolling out of their butts.

I beleive is culture and education.

I always tell them the things they do wrong, and it is up them if they want to change.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 17 May 2019, 10:46:46 am
A guy yesterday with no lips kept dragging his mouth around my forehead wtf is that about..? Had another one pinch my cheek. Got nerve pain on that side too. Wanted to punch him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 17 May 2019, 04:35:05 pm
Ask for a drink and don't drink it

When they ask for tea and don't drink it. Especially at start of booking and go straight into wanting to fuck. Why I don't offer tea anymore.

Only Water and it is in the small shot glass.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 17 May 2019, 05:17:07 pm
When they ask for tea and don't drink it. Especially at start of booking and go straight into wanting to fuck. Why I don't offer tea anymore.

Only Water and it is in the small shot glass.

I don't offer hot drinks - it means leaving them alone while I go and faff about and they never drink it. I used to keep those little cans of different soft drinks in the fridge (Coke, Sprite and so on - they were 4 for a pound in Wilko for years) but so much got wasted it pissed me off and I only offer water now too. Nine times out of ten they don't drink that either.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 17 May 2019, 05:20:14 pm
...then they pour it down the sink. Tesco bottled water 2 litre for .55p
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 17 May 2019, 05:20:32 pm
Starting to feel really bad about having never really offered a drink unless it’s obviously hinted at. :/ Oops. Something to add to my list I guess
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 17 May 2019, 05:21:07 pm
I used to offer bottles of water but they’d open it, take one sip then leave the rest despite my insistence to just take it with them so it wasn’t wasted. Infuriated me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 17 May 2019, 05:57:46 pm
I have always offered a drink at the start and most ask for water (they get tap water) or a juice. My kettle has always just boiled (to cut down on time out of the room) in case they want tea or instant coffee but hardly any want that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 17 May 2019, 07:23:43 pm
I used to offer bottles of water but they’d open it, take one sip then leave the rest despite my insistence to just take it with them so it wasn’t wasted. Infuriated me.
Yes this keeps happening with my clients too .I only offer to the 30 min or 60 min clients. Not sure if a 15 min quickie would have time to drink !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DaisyDuck on 17 May 2019, 07:57:31 pm
If you want to offer bottled water, buy large bottles and pour into small glasses. If you are in London or Oxford or somewhere with bad water, I can see the point of bottled water.

If you have good tap water, then just refill the large bottle and put it in the fridge so it's nice and cold.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 17 May 2019, 08:47:31 pm
My tap water is fine for me so fine for clients to not drink  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 24 May 2019, 09:11:27 am
Guys turned up over 20 minutes late expecting to be seen but the hood up, face hiding, made me extra cautious so I told him to naff off.  Got accused of being racist becuse he was black. Told him I knew he'd be black on the phone when he said his name was Dre.  ::)

Barrage of threats for bad reviews ensued. Told him to fill his boots. Would actually have to of actually seen me to leave a bad review. Jackass. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 24 May 2019, 03:21:01 pm
It's so nice to know that's it's not only me that has to put up with some of these irritations lol. I've heard that we all get more mellow as we get older but I'm 54 now and getting less tolerant to some of their bullshit. Had one punter last week looking terrified on my doorstep cos I'd just sent him a snotty text for being late as I didn't think he was coming..he turned out to be one of the nicer guys and I did feel a bit mean for telling him off ;D

Strange one, in life I am becoming more mellow - in work I am waaaay less tolerant and more irritable! 41 now, I think I'll be a pro domme by 54!!!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 27 May 2019, 01:19:17 am
Some clients used to try to make morning bookings that they don't turn up for which is irritating to say the least .I now tell them to call hour before hand to confirm ..guess what they don't so it's now something I've become intolerant too I only offer bookings from my start time instead .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 29 May 2019, 09:15:30 am
Getting really fucking fed up of clients who can’t be arsed to read my profile and at least see what I offer before contacting me!

I always ask for an idea of services requested when booking so that I can check they’re happy with what I do and don’t do, and the sheer amount of people that can’t be bothered to look is getting right on my tits. I’ve knocked back 3 okay sounding people already this morning because they have no idea what I offer and ask for things I don’t do  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mySecret on 29 May 2019, 08:17:47 pm
yesterday i had a client so...kind of client that you think why i do this job? ahah
sorry for complain small things..Why f** they bring flowers and plants? I hate them!
more biscuit, chocolates...that i hate too! got 10 bottle of champagne, wine, liquors...I do not drink!  :FF :FF :FF i do not like sweet things!  :FF :FF all time to move with all bottles is fu** annoying!

i mean why i should take care of a plant that you bring to me which i am going to remember you forever! another client bring me one in the past! ahah 3 days died!  >:D

more disgusting breath! absolutely not personality matching!...
each 2 minutes ask me is it good? .... check my manicure like police (i do not use polish, my nail are short)
pussy workshop for all booking, fake some orgasms because i was not excited by him even i closed my eyes..
10000 questions why this, why there, you do it for money...

honestly the worst booking ever!  ;D put in the bin the plant and i keep the vase! :) biscuits i will give away!
i needed to share it, just to unwind! nothing so bad btw!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mySecret on 29 May 2019, 08:21:18 pm
Strange one, in life I am becoming more mellow - in work I am waaaay less tolerant and more irritable! 41 now, I think I'll be a pro domme by 54!!!!!

i am the before to send a text...(when they are late) i scroll on instagram...because me i am able after 1mn late to cancel the booking!  ;D now i find my meditation!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mySecret on 29 May 2019, 08:22:54 pm
Some clients used to try to make morning bookings that they don't turn up for which is irritating to say the least .I now tell them to call hour before hand to confirm ..guess what they don't so it's now something I've become intolerant too I only offer bookings from my start time instead .

instead to refuse them, you could ask for deposit in a sensible time! like early morning (just a suggestion) works for me!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 30 May 2019, 09:00:18 pm
instead to refuse them, you could ask for deposit in a sensible time! like early morning (just a suggestion) works for me!
Thanks mysecret I've nothing to loose will try this on tour .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 31 May 2019, 10:56:56 am
Nice job set up....but yet another adult who doesn't know his left from his right. I gave him 2 chances to make the 2 minute stroll. Then told him not to bother. He's not gonna be normal in the room is he?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kate_x on 31 May 2019, 11:19:08 pm
Nice job set up....but yet another adult who doesn't know his left from his right. I gave him 2 chances to make the 2 minute stroll. Then told him not to bother. He's not gonna be normal in the room is he?

Oh I hate these - so frustrating! I had one the other day who despite me giving him the postcode (which brings you directly to my road) and road name ended up down a random road in the next village  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 01 June 2019, 05:35:11 am
I used to give them my best John Lewis drinking glasses and filtered glasses but as most of them only take two sips then let it sit there I now give bog standard glasses with tap water.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 02 June 2019, 05:36:13 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: eliteone on 06 June 2019, 10:11:54 pm
Constant booking changes. This guy prebooked the full hour, but went from incall, outcall at a residence, outcall at hotel, reschedule til tomorrow morning outcall at hotel. Prebooked/prepaid but doing my fucking head in. 4x? Thankfully he claims he'll cover my transport but, jeez. I scheduled a taxi and had to cancel as he didn't have but a few hr. Well duh, you've went from an incall to a 45 min outcall journey, then on my way yet detoured for 1h9 min journey, then taxi on the way prepaid- you change again?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 06 June 2019, 11:03:25 pm
Constant booking changes. This guy prebooked the full hour, but went from incall, outcall at a residence, outcall at hotel, reschedule til tomorrow morning outcall at hotel. Prebooked/prepaid but doing my fucking head in. 4x? Thankfully he claims he'll cover my transport but, jeez. I scheduled a taxi and had to cancel as he didn't have but a few hr. Well duh, you've went from an incall to a 45 min outcall journey, then on my way yet detoured for 1h9 min journey, then taxi on the way prepaid- you change again?

Get that client to prepay your Addison Lee in advance before making your way to him be clear the prepaid taxi not part of your outcall fee,  not you get to his place and him cover the costs upon arrival as he has already been mucking you about. One minute his in a house next in a hotel dodgy person.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: eliteone on 07 June 2019, 01:07:29 am
Get that client to prepay your Addison Lee in advance before making your way to him be clear the prepaid taxi not part of your outcall fee,  not you get to his place and him cover the costs upon arrival as he has already been mucking you about. One minute his in a house next in a hotel dodgy person.

Thanks, I'll let him know. It's like £80 round trip. And my outcall fee is £50.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: AMERICAN GIRL on 07 June 2019, 12:04:29 pm
Asking for  a face picture!,


I always say “ only if I can have one of yours”

AG x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 07 June 2019, 01:32:49 pm
Asking for  a face picture!,


I always say “ only if I can have one of yours”

AG x
But then you get a cock shot  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 07 June 2019, 07:15:08 pm
But then you get a cock shot  :FF

I wonder if there are any sps out there who actually get a turn on by seeing a cock pic. I don't and have yet to meet one who welcomes them.  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 07 June 2019, 07:54:38 pm
I wonder if there are any sps out there who actually get a turn on by seeing a cock pic. I don't and have yet to meet one who welcomes them.  :-\
What a turn off ..I want to send the stupid cock shot back to them  next time
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 07 June 2019, 09:15:41 pm
Is it normal for them to ask to watch you rinse out your mouth, bc you offer a certain extra to clients. Involving your mouth.
Is it normal for them to ask if you’re sure you wash between clients.
Is it normal for them to ask for dental dam so they can give you RO, sighing really heavily and then licking your thigh and saying ‘that’s enough for me then’. Despite me saying ‘it’s not a requirement you don’t have to do that, you know.’ 
Is it normal for them to sigh mid flow and say ‘wow it’s nothing like porn is it’. Then not even cum ...
is that normal, or is that just me ??!! UHHHG
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 07 June 2019, 10:43:08 pm
Turn off the bathroom light!
Turn off the bathroom light!

Goddammit, it's making me CRAZY, you guys!

It's turned off when they go in to wash their hands. Every single 1 of them, it seems like, comes out & doesn't turn that light off😡. Why do I care? Why? Why? IDK, I really don't. I'm in a hotel. I'm not paying the damn bill. What's the difference?

It's been making me insane lately & I'll say, "you need to turn the light off."

Probably too many memories of the ex leaving every light in the house on & having a $400 electric bill bc of it *trauma flashbacks*.

I seriously want to put it on my website *shrieks some more*.

Yeah, this is me. Old & weird.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 07 June 2019, 11:13:57 pm
Turn off the bathroom light!
Turn off the bathroom light!

Goddammit, it's making me CRAZY, you guys!

It's turned off when they go in to wash their hands. Every single 1 of them, it seems like, comes out & doesn't turn that light off😡. Why do I care? Why? Why? IDK, I really don't. I'm in a hotel. I'm not paying the damn bill. What's the difference?

It's been making me insane lately & I'll say, "you need to turn the light off."

Probably too many memories of the ex leaving every light in the house on & having a $400 electric bill bc of it *trauma flashbacks*.

I seriously want to put it on my website *shrieks some more*.

Yeah, this is me. Old & weird.

OMG I thought it was just me !! WOW I tell them too. Then I just walk away from them to turn it off myself. .... meeeeeenn
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 08 June 2019, 12:28:18 am
Eve ~
Great! We can grow old together & snap at each other about the damn lights, lmao.

I forgot to add that sometimes I've very carefully arranged the lighting in the room, & now you're fucking it up bc you literally cannot lift A FINGER. Literally.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 08 June 2019, 08:47:18 am
Turn off the bathroom light!
Turn off the bathroom light!

Goddammit, it's making me CRAZY, you guys!

It's turned off when they go in to wash their hands. Every single 1 of them, it seems like, comes out & doesn't turn that light off😡. Why do I care? Why? Why? IDK, I really don't. I'm in a hotel. I'm not paying the damn bill. What's the difference?

It's been making me insane lately & I'll say, "you need to turn the light off."

Probably too many memories of the ex leaving every light in the house on & having a $400 electric bill bc of it *trauma flashbacks*.

I seriously want to put it on my website *shrieks some more*.

Yeah, this is me. Old & weird.

Yes, I do Outcalls only and this would bug me too!

My own are: clients that flush the condom straight down their toilet (I warn them not too and they just reply, "No, it won't get blocked, it's fine")  ::)

 Clients that will use half a pack of their own ( usually non  deobigradable) wipes than get up to to actually wash after sex. I provide tissues, but nothing else.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 08 June 2019, 09:09:03 am
Become inconsiderate twats!

Recently had both of the following:

Hi are you available tonight?
Sorry I finish at 7pm. (It’s now almost 8pm)
Oh ok was hoping I could call as just finished work myself (ignored)
(Immediately after the last text) Could I call on my way home?

What part of I’m finished isn’t clear??

Hi can I see you tomorrow?
Sorry I am unavailable until further notice due to being ill.
I won’t take long can you still see me? (Ignored)
I will only be 5 minutes can I see you?

Yes because that’s just what I want/need when I’ve been in bed for the majority of the last fortnight feeling like I am dying and in constant pain!! Fucking selfish twats  :FF  :FF

Neither of them are welcome back anymore!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 08 June 2019, 02:54:15 pm
Become inconsiderate twats!

Recently had both of the following:

Hi are you available tonight?
Sorry I finish at 7pm. (It’s now almost 8pm)
Oh ok was hoping I could call as just finished work myself (ignored)
(Immediately after the last text) Could I call on my way home?

What part of I’m finished isn’t clear??

Hi can I see you tomorrow?
Sorry I am unavailable until further notice due to being ill.
I won’t take long can you still see me? (Ignored)
I will only be 5 minutes can I see you?

Yes because that’s just what I want/need when I’ve been in bed for the majority of the last fortnight feeling like I am dying and in constant pain!! Fucking selfish twats  :FF  :FF

Neither of them are welcome back anymore!

Dear X ~

This will now be the 2nd time I've told you I'm not available this evening. When that sinks in, you let me know.
Kind regards ~

I'm just bitchy enough to actually send something like this, soooooo🤷🏼‍♀️.

Oh! Text yesterday!
"Hi Celeste, long time no see, hope you're doing well & your Dad is ok. I'd love to see you this afternoon for $140. Thanks, So&So"

Ok, obviously I'd told this client about my dad being put into hospice, but not passing, so that means I've not seen him for at least 16 months😡. And WTH is this shit about $140? My 30 minute donation is $175; I've never offered a $140 option, ever.

"Hi So&So, I'm doing well, thanks! Unfortunately Dad passed away in February of '18; I miss him a lot. My donation for a 1/2 hour session is $175 & non negotiable.
Speak soon ~

Jackass😡🔨 ~ oh & of course ~ radio silence on his end🙄.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 10 June 2019, 12:07:44 am
Is it normal for them to sigh mid flow and say ‘wow it’s nothing like porn is it’. Then not even cum ...

 ;D ;D ;D >:D >:D :FF :FF :FF ::) 8)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 10 June 2019, 12:37:04 pm
Is it normal for them to ask to watch you rinse out your mouth, bc you offer a certain extra to clients. Involving your mouth.
Is it normal for them to ask if you’re sure you wash between clients.
Is it normal for them to ask for dental dam so they can give you RO, sighing really heavily and then licking your thigh and saying ‘that’s enough for me then’. Despite me saying ‘it’s not a requirement you don’t have to do that, you know.’ 
Is it normal for them to sigh mid flow and say ‘wow it’s nothing like porn is it’. Then not even cum ...
is that normal, or is that just me ??!! UHHHG

That porn comment is not normal but if you provide PSE and they said that makes sense. If you provide GFE then course I would reply as I am GFE escort.

No shit sherlock it is not like porn as i'm a gfe not pse. ( I don't hold things back with such idiots). :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 10 June 2019, 04:20:45 pm
The client that asks if any one else had been before them ..
We're not virgins for gods sake  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 10 June 2019, 04:57:56 pm
The client that asks if any one else had been before them ..
We're not virgins for gods sake  ::)

This makes me insane😡. I know I've addressed this in other posts, but I deliberately ignore the ??. If they have balls to ask a 2nd time I say either (after looking at their hand) "Does your wife know you see escorts?"

Or, "The fact that you've asked that ?? twice now & I've not answered it should indicate something. What do you think that might be?"

Client: stumble, stutter, apology, umm, errr.....

Yeah. That's what i thought.😡
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 10 June 2019, 11:00:28 pm
The client that asks if any one else had been before them ..
We're not virgins for gods sake  ::)

ME: Yes of course, do you think I sat here waiting only for you. Others have been before and and will be after you.

There are some imbeciles out there. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 11 June 2019, 08:03:39 am
Arrived 20 minutes early without telling me initially. Music stopped at 45 mins. Client hadn't climaxed as too busy talking about previous experiences, yet wanted to try something different.  ??? Usually books "bigger women". Although he's mentioned a local lady who's similar to me.  ::)

I said times up "is that how it works is it" his response "Yes you've booked for 45 minutes & had a shower on my time for free, aswell as turning up early. You've also just told me you've seen lots of other escorts so you must know that you are paying for my time."

Then he contacted me asking me to leave feedback after my working hours.

I will leave it 48 hrs or so now before I leave feedback. Bloody oddball.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 11 June 2019, 07:09:56 pm
I hate it when clients email me and put their phone number for me to ring them, my number is on my profile! Do any girls ring the client? I don't, that annoys me x
Oh yes we are supposed to be chasing them  in their fantasy !
I just put number in my phone but ignore the request. I never call I doubt most of us do
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 12 June 2019, 12:34:50 am
The client that asks if any one else had been before them ..
We're not virgins for gods sake  ::)

I don't get that directly, but in a roundabout way like, "Have you been busy today?" and more often, "Are you off home now?"
I never discuss other bookings so waffle on about vague errands and correspondence to reply to etc. 8)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 13 June 2019, 08:33:53 pm
This happens more often now. When new callers are in a rush, I may need time to organise or get another client out the door, I say I have to take a quick shower. They protest, 'do you really have to' ,or 'you don't need to'. Not sure where they get the idea that shagging unclean, stinky women is ok? I put the phone down.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 13 June 2019, 10:28:44 pm
Recommend a hotel , confirm a booking with you
Email you then to say they arnt going to be there after all days before  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scottish Emily on 14 June 2019, 12:38:25 am
I don’t really get why they ask if you’ve been busy, maybe just making conversation. I hate being asked how many clients I see a day. I give a vague reply. Should start asking how many escorts do you see a month.
I hide my toothbrush now as a client used it even though there’s always mouthwash for them to use.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 14 June 2019, 01:58:59 pm
Asking about your availability for this morning or afternoon or tomorrow morning then 'tapping their fingers' and 'tutting' at their busy schedules. These guys hardly ring back anyway so I don't see why I should indulge them in their procrastinating.
I've decided to be up front and say, 'I'm not hanging around for you to make up your mind and mull over your diary, I'm booking someone else now.' Feels satisfying knocking that on the head, quite the soup nazi sex grinch!

'No soup sex for you!'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cb21 on 15 June 2019, 09:45:24 am
No mater how simple you make your advert. Refuse to read it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 15 June 2019, 03:45:50 pm
SaltySweet ~
Hahahahaha!!!! I can see I've started a trend here😆 *giggling*.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 15 June 2019, 03:53:36 pm
LOL Celeste we bow down to you!  ;D  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 19 June 2019, 02:21:12 am
You ask if they have any questions, they say no. I take their address and compose a concise text with  all details of my service and fee, duration booked etc.


'..anything u don't do then?'....
Yes, visiting a confirmed knobhead..don't do that.. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 19 June 2019, 06:36:00 am
 they say they like what they see get horny get aroused want more oral then say they best get a condom on or they will come quick .
Have sex they come quicker than they wanted then say that the session went too quick ( this is like 20 mins of a 30 min booking)I dont give change from their payment !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PissedOffPrincess on 19 June 2019, 09:19:10 am
I used to say
I am ... age
I do not do ....
I charge....
I am in a hotel /apartment near...
Before I give you my address does that suit you

They say yes I give address they text

wot you charge

Suppose they are not really clients cos they get ignored after that
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 20 June 2019, 02:12:00 pm
Cum on the bed sheet they then seeps through to the one underneath  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 28 June 2019, 05:44:28 pm
Is it normal for them to ask to watch you rinse out your mouth, bc you offer a certain extra to clients. Involving your mouth.
Is it normal for them to ask if you’re sure you wash between clients.
Is it normal for them to ask for dental dam so they can give you RO, sighing really heavily and then licking your thigh and saying ‘that’s enough for me then’. Despite me saying ‘it’s not a requirement you don’t have to do that, you know.’ 
Is it normal for them to sigh mid flow and say ‘wow it’s nothing like porn is it’. Then not even cum ...
is that normal, or is that just me ??!! UHHHG

Not one of these things is normal. He'd have got a straight no from me on the first request then told he was fucking rude and out of line on the 2nd one and at the third one I'd have told him to leave.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 28 June 2019, 05:50:52 pm
Not one of these things is normal. He'd have got a straight no from me on the first request then told he was fucking rude and out of line on the 2nd one and at the third one I'd have told him to leave.

UGH genuinely still have that ‘dirty’ feeling from him hovering over my head. Felt so gross. Fml.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Marianne on 28 June 2019, 05:53:34 pm
UGH genuinely still have that ‘dirty’ feeling from him hovering over my head. Felt so gross. Fml.
He clearly thinks we are dirty whores and has serious shame issues about what he is doing which he has then transferred onto you. Horrible vile man. You a smashing and he has fucking issues - end of  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 29 June 2019, 02:48:37 am
EWE, none of those things are normal.

I can understand in the moment you needed to act to keep yourself safe (no matter how much your inner self might have been shouting 'bite my shiny metal ass')

You are still here so your subconciousness probably made a good decision.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: regieeee on 29 June 2019, 01:45:02 pm
I used to have one client.
He never wanted to give much, except using his fingers.
He accepted OWO, lots of it.
Mainly on his back throughout the booking.

After a while, it was apparent that he never wanted to "catch" anything.
He usually spent ages in a shower to a point he started flooding - that never happened before.

He's a paying customer.
Fair enough.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DailyGrind on 29 June 2019, 11:36:02 pm
I had one guy turn up a few years back, about late 30s mid 40s. Very odd soft spoken fake posh accent, very red dry skin that caused his face to be taught and seemed scared to touch anything, including door handles etc.
His large back pack was full of dettol, rubber gloves, teeth guards(!??!), finger protectors and an array of professional cleaning products which he lined up perfectly on my dressing table. He also had spare clothes and towels.
I thought I was going to be part of a scene in dexter.
Absolutely horrifying. I asked if he was ok.....he replied it was his first time!!

Wow, he must of had severe anxiety or OCD, wish he had warned me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 30 June 2019, 02:26:18 pm
I had one guy turn up a few years back, about late 30s mid 40s. Very odd soft spoken fake posh accent, very red dry skin that caused his face to be taught and seemed scared to touch anything, including door handles etc.
His large back pack was full of dettol, rubber gloves, teeth guards(!??!), finger protectors and an array of professional cleaning products which he lined up perfectly on my dressing table. He also had spare clothes and towels.
I thought I was going to be part of a scene in dexter.
Absolutely horrifying. I asked if he was ok.....he replied it was his first time!!

Wow, he must of had severe anxiety or OCD, wish he had warned me.
Something clearly off putting about him ..quite scary ..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 30 June 2019, 06:43:53 pm
I had one guy turn up a few years back, about late 30s mid 40s. Very odd soft spoken fake posh accent, very red dry skin that caused his face to be taught and seemed scared to touch anything, including door handles etc.
His large back pack was full of dettol, rubber gloves, teeth guards(!??!), finger protectors and an array of professional cleaning products which he lined up perfectly on my dressing table. He also had spare clothes and towels.
I thought I was going to be part of a scene in dexter.
Absolutely horrifying. I asked if he was ok.....he replied it was his first time!!

Wow, he must of had severe anxiety or OCD, wish he had warned me.
;D ;D ;D
Hahahahah just visioned that in my head cartoon version.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 30 June 2019, 11:33:23 pm
I had one guy turn up a few years back, about late 30s mid 40s. Very odd soft spoken fake posh accent, very red dry skin that caused his face to be taught and seemed scared to touch anything, including door handles etc.
His large back pack was full of dettol, rubber gloves, teeth guards(!??!), finger protectors and an array of professional cleaning products which he lined up perfectly on my dressing table. He also had spare clothes and towels.
I thought I was going to be part of a scene in dexter.
Absolutely horrifying. I asked if he was ok.....he replied it was his first time!!

Wow, he must of had severe anxiety or OCD, wish he had warned me.

Oh god I had one like that a few years ago. I was working from home then and my shower was a bit temperantal so he asked me for help from the bathroom and I was like.... Why the fuck have you got half a roll of blue paper down the side of my loo?

I was gracious and lovely in the moment and just helped him with the shower controls and waited til he left to go WTAF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 01 July 2019, 02:08:57 pm
A guy who has no booking or no idea where I'm based hadn't bothered to read profile has sent text after text with underground stations he's stopping at northern line I'm no where near him. He's bonkers
I'm blocking he's on spam now  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 20 July 2019, 10:23:06 am
Sorry to repeat myself as I think I have moaned about this before but it happened again yesterday!  A new review which states Justine has a nice home which is her in call place 

It ****ing is not! Clients see my work bedroom and bathroom only and there is nothing to suggest I live there. Some might ask is it my home and I say no but this latest one didn't ask, he just assumed.

Safety and discretion means nothing to some of them and what it has done for this particular man who I didn't like much anyway (who has said he will book again soon) is I will not be letting him near me again.

Am I over thinking or worrying too much? I don't think so.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 20 July 2019, 12:55:29 pm
Sorry to repeat myself as I think I have moaned about this before but it happened again yesterday!  A new review which states Justine has a nice home which is her in call place 

It ****ing is not! Clients see my work bedroom and bathroom only and there is nothing to suggest I live there. Some might ask is it my home and I say no but this latest one didn't ask, he just assumed.

Safety and discretion means nothing to some of them and what it has done for this particular man who I didn't like much anyway (who has said he will book again soon) is I will not be letting him near me again.

Am I over thinking or worrying too much? I don't think so.
No, I’d be pissed off too. No need to mention people’s living arrangements, it’s irrelevant and indiscreet.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 20 July 2019, 01:55:36 pm
No, I’d be pissed off too. No need to mention people’s living arrangements, it’s irrelevant and indiscreet.

Anything regarding personal information, address, family details etc should most definitely NOT be shared, I would not be happy either. Makes me even more annoyed because discretion is one of the most important considerations, towards them I mean.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 20 July 2019, 06:59:34 pm
Anything regarding personal information, address, family details etc should most definitely NOT be shared, I would not be happy either. Makes me even more annoyed because discretion is one of the most important considerations, towards them I mean.

If I had a tenner for every time a punter has told me something about another woman that I'm pretty certain she wouldn't want me to know (where she works, what her civvy job is, even her legal name), I could retire.

They get stopped in their tracks and I won't see them again, but the knowledge that he's likely up the road telling some random where my flat is makes me want to pull my fingernails out because I have no control over it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: regieeee on 20 July 2019, 07:00:32 pm
I would tell them before offering an appointment.
House rules / etiquette re. confidentiality/respecting escorts privacy if you like.
Nothing is said or asked might be construed as "all can be said about her online or at local pubs, "other lads" they do discuss each others one of these "latest conquests" at the gym's changing room. . . She said nothing about not discussing her private life, so yeah, I'm free to do that then. . .

These days, I tell/ask them.  If they ignored it, I ask again, telling this is important.
They might not "listen" even if they said they would respect, but at least you requested to provide the same discretion and they agreed.  Some escorts do add some comments on "discretion" clause.  They know, then.

I'm not willing to meet with someone without this since some time!  I kid you not!   :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TheQuietOneHA! on 22 July 2019, 12:19:52 am
If I had a tenner for every time a punter has told me something about another woman that I'm pretty certain she wouldn't want me to know (where she works, what her civvy job is, even her legal name), I could retire.

They get stopped in their tracks and I won't see them again, but the knowledge that he's likely up the road telling some random where my flat is makes me want to pull my fingernails out because I have no control over it.

I stupidly told a client about a course I was doing and he turned round and told me another local escort (who I knew of) did that and that’s what she does in her real life job.

I told him he shouldn’t tell other girls that and he got panicky that I would tell her.

Anyway, it just so happens that girl popped up recently on my Instagram and it’s defo her 100%, I wouldn’t of known it was her or twigged if he hadn’t of told me.

I need to try and remind myself sometimes to be careful about what I say but how the hell do you speak to clients without giving things away? Lies don’t come natural to me, I already get nervous diarhea (I can never spell that word) as it is with the lies that comes with this job.   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 22 July 2019, 09:37:28 am
I stupidly told a client about a course I was doing and he turned round and told me another local escort (who I knew of) did that and that’s what she does in her real life job.

I told him he shouldn’t tell other girls that and he got panicky that I would tell her.

Anyway, it just so happens that girl popped up recently on my Instagram and it’s defo her 100%, I wouldn’t of known it was her or twigged if he hadn’t of told me.

I need to try and remind myself sometimes to be careful about what I say but how the hell do you speak to clients without giving things away? Lies don’t come natural to me, I already get nervous diarhea (I can never spell that word) as it is with the lies that comes with this job.

I really wish when I had started I had come up with a bullshit story about my life that I could reel off to everyone, a fake identity I suppose. It would have been so much easier. One idiot wrote about me on a review site and gave away my first name (not real thankfully) and the county I used to live and when I moved to where I am now. Not especially identifying but I was still furious that he thought it was fine to do that because most of it was true.

I was new and hindsight is a wonderful thing of course but you learn as you go along and like you, I do often chat with clients about stuff. It's not easy to make the whole lot up!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 22 July 2019, 09:44:56 am
I was told this when I started by a girl who invited me on jobs- she said clients are nosey, don't tell them anything real.
Just think up a fake 'you' with fake facts and after a while it becomes second nature. Or just ignore and distract by changing the subject.
They usually ask the same 5-10 questions anyway eg where you come from? how you started? what you do before this? Do you rent or own? Have you a boyfriend?
Nothing is private once you let it out in the wild to a stranger.

And if they choose to make up crap to entertain themselves that's really out of our control.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 23 July 2019, 09:52:25 am
Ones I've never met that don't keep their distance. Last night, he follows me right up to the sink whilst I was pouring his water.  My back was turned & I could barely turn around he was close with a hungry look in his eyes. My rapist alarm bells were going off.

I told him to go sit down & said he should not do that especially whilst a woman back is turned.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 23 July 2019, 11:55:45 am
Ones I've never met that don't keep their distance. Last night, he follows me right up to the sink whilst I was pouring his water.  My back was turned & I could barely turn around he was close with a hungry look in his eyes. My rapist alarm bells were going off.

I told him to go sit down & said he should not do that especially whilst a woman back is turned.
I had this last week. Tried to finger me while I was walking up the stairs before payment then stood with his face a cm away from back of my head while I was putting phone on silent. Nearly shit myself when I turned around. Creepy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LisaLeeds on 24 July 2019, 11:29:25 am
I was told this when I started by a girl who invited me on jobs- she said clients are nosey, don't tell them anything real.
Just think up a fake 'you' with fake facts and after a while it becomes second nature. Or just ignore and distract by changing the subject.
They usually ask the same 5-10 questions anyway eg where you come from? how you started? what you do before this? Do you rent or own? Have you a boyfriend?
Nothing is private once you let it out in the wild to a stranger.

And if they choose to make up crap to entertain themselves that's really out of our control.


Some clients can be very nosey and will try finding out stuff about you online. Even if they're not motivated by something sinister, i still think its creepy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 24 July 2019, 02:46:24 pm
Super cheerful callers, fake friendly...but sounds like they're putting it usually covers up nerves and they generally chicken or cancel.

Callers who talk naturally, then the conversation starts deteriorating, not answering questions, clam up, because unknown to me someone's walked into their office. I just had one a minute ago and asked him 'Why can't you just say I'll ring you back? I've cancelled you and booked someone else because you're talking weird. ' They don't have an answer.  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ceciliaxxx on 26 July 2019, 04:01:29 pm
Just letting of steam. Had a client arguing about my rates on phone and text........ suggested he book someone else then came back and said he'll do it for me etc......a very no go area once annoyed me forget about it, and didn't like the sound of him. :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GG on 27 July 2019, 01:32:27 am
I had this last week. Tried to finger me while I was walking up the stairs before payment then stood with his face a cm away from back of my head while I was putting phone on silent. Nearly shit myself when I turned around. Creepy.
I was on tour with a friend and we were doing a duo booking. We let him in took him into the bedroom and I went to hide the money. My friend followed to get him a drink. Seconds later and I mean seconds he followed us into the kitchen. He was stark naked wanking away at his cock and he just started having a normal conversation with us. The 'how's the weather' type. If you could only hear him, you would not think he was stark naked wanking away in front of two women that he had only just met. It was really odd lol TBH it was more funny than annoying lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 27 July 2019, 04:23:34 pm
Call me up ask which area I'm in then tell me they used to live there and don't want to do the booking just in case they are recognised
Yea  the whole borough will recognise him .. ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LisaLeeds on 29 July 2019, 10:14:05 am
Been in Manchester for a few days and wow, theres so many time wasters. I've had so many trying to play ping pong with texts, it's ridiculous... though I suppose it's my fault for entertaining it.

I've had one send me a full blueprint of what he wanted in his booking.... What to wear, what positions, what I can or can't say, and too constantly dance... WTF? Surely people don't see idiots like him?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 31 July 2019, 08:26:56 pm
I've been looking at your profile for some time now and wanted to come and see you
Never calls when given number never emails back .
I'd like to use a wank emoji  >:D

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 02 August 2019, 01:49:19 pm
I always wonder how clients pick up the same phrases, it seems seasonal. I imagine they have an AGM and decide this is the phrase for the summer lads. Most recent trend is- he starts all fake politely 'How are you' (brief chat on price services which he hasn't read ) then he gets offended and splurts 'You know wot...forget it >:('. or 'Don't worry about it  :( '. I laugh down the phone.
They've done all the work for me, de-selected themselves and saves me screening time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 02 August 2019, 02:48:40 pm
When they call you and you pick up and they hang up the phone. Then send a text - Hi or Are you available.

Which for me I never respond I delete. If they stayed on the phone not hang up they have got a booking from me. Yet decided to hang up an text nonsense.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 02 August 2019, 02:55:57 pm
Telling me what my sessions or services include.
“Your massage has b2b loads of oil yeah.”
Me : sorry no I can’t use loads of oil as I work from hotels and that’s not suitable. B2b is fine though.”
“I want you naked and rubbing yourself on my cock, loads of oil, b2b. That’s what your tantric massage is. Am I asking too much lol “.
Me : “I don’t include b2b as standard in my tantric massage. It’s explained on my profile what that session involves. I won’t be rubbing myself on you, if you mean intimate areas. “
“Pussy rubbing is tantric massage tho”.
 ???  ::)

Is it ?? Am I missing something here? Do tell. Xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BSlady on 02 August 2019, 04:04:51 pm
"Hey you working"
Ughhh no I'm not that's why it says I am available and my profile is featuring  :FF

"Love to do watersports and hard sports"
Well if you read my profile you would know I don't do that!!  :FF

Some people have no brain cells
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ceciliaxxx on 03 August 2019, 12:12:32 am
Just asking questions when the answer is in the profile........ >:D guess they just save the number at some point and the rest is out of the window   ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 05 August 2019, 01:46:57 am
When they call you and you pick up and they hang up the phone. Then send a text - Hi or Are you available.

Which for me I never respond I delete. If they stayed on the phone not hang up they have got a booking from me. Yet decided to hang up an text nonsense.
I really, really can’t stand this. If you’re too nervous to speak on the phone, contact someone else who will arrange bookings via other means. Hanging up as I answer is plain rude and makes them sound like complete imbeciles.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jodie.jay on 05 August 2019, 12:59:20 pm
Am I the only one that gets irritated by this?
I hate when they try knock me down on price or more so when they try to get a free session, like seriously?! You wouldn't do it at a garage or tattoo parlour so don't do it to me 😬😬
Rant over 🤦‍♀️
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 05 August 2019, 05:58:03 pm
Messages /emails with OTT compliments about you and your photos  no booking suggested or  made .
Boring  zzz
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 05 August 2019, 06:21:51 pm
Messages /emails with OTT compliments about you and your photos  no booking suggested or  made .
Boring  zzz

Yes I get these from time to time and I know they are just hoping for some back and forth correspondence.  I ignore all emails and messages like that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Peerless100 on 05 August 2019, 09:45:15 pm
On every tour, there is always one who sends  “?”

 ::) No greeting, no explanation of what they would like, nothing. Nothing but a lonely little question mark.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 05 August 2019, 11:48:09 pm
On every tour, there is always one who sends  “?”

 ::) No greeting, no explanation of what they would like, nothing. Nothing but a lonely little question mark.

Try replying with just a comma     ,

See how they like it  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 05 August 2019, 11:57:39 pm
All the annoying stuff like combining text spk, babe and postcode hunting. So I thought send him something equally juvenille.

Random-Hey babe u availailable
Me-Hey shorty wasup
Random-Wats ur post code babe I wana come now
Me-Po po wot chuk
Random-Huh? do you sniff babe
Me-Eggs danny tomas calefar quarm?

Never heard from him again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 06 August 2019, 12:02:47 am
All the annoying stuff like combining text spk, babe and postcode hunting. So I thought send him something equally juvenille.

Random-Hey babe u availailable
Me-Hey shorty wasup
Random-Wats ur post code babe I wana come now
Me-Po po wot chuk
Random-Huh? do you sniff babe
Me-Eggs danny tomas calefar quarm?

Never heard from him again.

I have a stitch omfg.  ;D ;D ;D :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Peerless100 on 06 August 2019, 12:21:30 am
Try replying with just a comma     ,

See how they like it  ;D

Haha what about a !  ;D
All the annoying stuff like combining text spk, babe and postcode hunting. So I thought send him something equally juvenille.

Random-Hey babe u availailable
Me-Hey shorty wasup
Random-Wats ur post code babe I wana come now
Me-Po po wot chuk
Random-Huh? do you sniff babe
Me-Eggs danny tomas calefar quarm?

Never heard from him again.

 Absolutely love that!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 06 August 2019, 01:16:01 am
All the annoying stuff like combining text spk, babe and postcode hunting. So I thought send him something equally juvenille.

Random-Hey babe u availailable
Me-Hey shorty wasup
Random-Wats ur post code babe I wana come now
Me-Po po wot chuk
Random-Huh? do you sniff babe
Me-Eggs danny tomas calefar quarm?

Never heard from him again.

*collapses on floor in hysterics*
I've had the most supremely stressful day & I just fell off the bed laughing. Salty, you never fail me, GF♥️.
"Do you sniff?"
*dies laughing*
Quote The Jabberwocky to the next one!!!!
''Twas brillig in the slithy tove, did gire & gimble in the....something...." lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 06 August 2019, 10:09:38 am
*collapses on floor in hysterics*
I've had the most supremely stressful day & I just fell off the bed laughing. Salty, you never fail me, GF♥️.
"Do you sniff?"
*dies laughing*
Quote The Jabberwocky to the next one!!!!
''Twas brillig in the slithy tove, did gire & gimble in the....something...." lol

I think I may try this one next time a street charity worker grabs me.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: analuluiza on 06 August 2019, 01:45:05 pm
Spit and slobber on my pussy
Sweat on me in the heat
Roughly handle my boobs - they are fake
Fingering and haven’t even washed their hands
Enter pussy hard and fast when I’m completely dry FFS
Use too much teeth on my pussy
Just poke their tongue in and out my mouth. YUCK

Lol :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 06 August 2019, 06:49:07 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 07 August 2019, 10:40:37 am
Spit and slobber on my pussy
Sweat on me in the heat
Roughly handle my boobs - they are fake
Fingering and haven’t even washed their hands
Enter pussy hard and fast when I’m completely dry FFS
Use too much teeth on my pussy
Just poke their tongue in and out my mouth. YUCK

Lol :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 09 August 2019, 12:04:15 am
Client I have tmrw a/m said to me twice during phone convo "I have high expectations for you, Celeste!"

In the cheeriest manner ever. At the same time, there was a definite challenge in his tone & ohhhh, that just got my back up😡.

I said nothing the 1st time, mostly bc I was appalled, but the 2nd time I said, "So&So, you understand SOME of that depends on YOU, right?"

I'll be damned if he's going to lie there like a dead fucking starfish while I slave away, he can't get it up bc he's 62 & I get a crappy review out of it.

Why didn't I cancel? Bc I triple dog dare him to say that to my face. I WILL hurt you.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 09 August 2019, 12:24:47 am
I'm buying popcorn and sitting back waiting for this mid air explosion! ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 09 August 2019, 10:38:49 am
When they email 'make sure you wear stockings and high heels'.  Just what do they think we would wear?

Wellies and thick socks??
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 09 August 2019, 10:42:51 am
When they email 'make sure you wear stockings and high heels'.  Just what do they think we would wear?

Wellies and thick socks??
Tbf, I never wear heels unless requested and often ditch the stockings too.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 09 August 2019, 11:09:20 am
I only met this one once a couple of weeks ago and he texted to book again tomorrow. After my confirmation I can do it he texted will tell you what to wear when I decide

Skating on thin ice comes to mind.  Sometimes it is the way things are put that makes all the difference.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 09 August 2019, 11:11:47 am
I only met this one once a couple of weeks ago and he texted to book again tomorrow. After my confirmation I can do it he texted will tell you what to wear when I decide

Skating on thin ice comes to mind.  Sometimes it is the way things are put that makes all the difference.
Cheeky bugger
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: linglau on 09 August 2019, 11:43:49 am
  Just what do they think we would wear?

Wellies and thick socks??
There’s a guy out there who will think that’s a huge turn on.
It takes all kinds  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 09 August 2019, 11:45:29 am
There’s a guy out there who will think that’s a huge turn on.
It takes all kinds  ;D
I got asked to wear a rain coat that rustles yesterday  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: linglau on 09 August 2019, 11:55:55 am
a rain coat that rustles ???

Is that for stealing sheep or cows  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 09 August 2019, 12:09:01 pm
Is that for stealing sheep or cows  ;D
:D :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 09 August 2019, 10:00:01 pm
:D :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 09 August 2019, 11:36:52 pm
I'm buying popcorn and sitting back waiting for this mid air explosion! ;D

So him & his stupid RP🙄. I'm the mother of a failing student "Jordan", who HAS to get into medical school & HAS to pass Professor Dumbass's class. I present myself as the ultimate sacrifice so my baby can get into a good med school & this stays between me & the prof.

Much "what would Jordan say if he knew how far his mother would go to get him an A in chemistry *grunt grunt*?"

"I need to think on this more, we'll have to meet once monthly til he graduates."

Nothing more on his expectations thank god, but man, I hate RPs. They're so damn dumb.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 23 August 2019, 01:20:18 pm
Getting a little fed up with these over enthusiastic callers who invest so much time talking or emailing for sex .
I mean it's only a sex service I'm offering  yet they behave like it's the most important thing in the world .

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: regieeee on 27 August 2019, 07:35:58 pm
Sometimes it is the way things are put that makes all the difference.

He probably speaks to his "Wife" like that (?).

I often feel some women tolerate these men, who give "orders" to women. . .

One, who gave me a list of bullet points towards "his requirement" didn't seem to think
it's not normal for SW providers to read his "micro thesis" on one full page (A4). 

Knowing the length of his feedback, these other women "obliged". .  .  .
The cycle continues .  .  . ::)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 27 August 2019, 08:44:54 pm
Recently I had two prospective clients walk up the stairs shouting 'I'm heeeeeere!'.  >:(  I've never had this happen before.  :(  Both were oddly similar, mid age walkouts, immaculately groomed, from Mayfair /Knightsbridge area. Next time I'll switch off  the phone as they don't know what flat I'm in. Shit behaviour doesn't tend to improve once they're in the room.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sammy s on 28 August 2019, 08:51:35 pm
I had a client recently who walked up all the flights of stairs to my flat having a loud chat with my neighbour and then Calling our loudly “Sammy, I’m here for the booking but not sure if you’re flat 5 or 6” with my neighbour standing next to him. I felt murderous and told him what a stupid twat he is
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 28 August 2019, 08:59:35 pm
I had a client recently who walked up all the flights of stairs to my flat having a loud chat with my neighbour and then Calling our loudly “Sammy, I’m here for the booking but not sure if you’re flat 5 or 6” with my neighbour standing next to him. I felt murderous and told him what a stupid twat he is

Did you unleash Storm Sammy on him? *scowl* how indiscreet of him! I'd have bopped him over the head with a frying pan 🍳!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 29 August 2019, 09:16:44 am
A new client who must think we do this for a hobby and not a living.  'Just let me know if you are hornier any earlier than thursday and we can meet earlier'.  Then today I ask him to arrive at midday as agreed and no earlier as I have an earlier booking.  He then says 'just text me when you are ready'.  No I replied 'See you midday as agreed.  I don't have time to text.'.

Does he expect texting all the time he is new to this world I believe lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 29 August 2019, 09:54:56 am
A new client who must think we do this for a hobby and not a living.  'Just let me know if you are hornier any earlier than thursday and we can meet earlier'.  Then today I ask him to arrive at midday as agreed and no earlier as I have an earlier booking.  He then says 'just text me when you are ready'.  No I replied 'See you midday as agreed.  I don't have time to text.'.

Does he expect texting all the time he is new to this world I believe lol.

I hear you! I can pretty much guarantee that most of my hotel outcalls will text me when they arrive, to tell me I can go there "now" if I like? As if I am sat around all day, waiting for their arrival!
Same when someone calls after months ( or even years) and assumes I have been sat there with suzzies on and car keys in hand - just waiting for them to say the word!  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 29 August 2019, 01:49:31 pm
Always used to piss me off when a bloke I had seen once or twice before when they were in Leeds on business,would ring and book when they came again for the same day or even within a couple of hours,then be surprised I wasn't available.
'You aren't available?But I was really looking forward to seeing you this time.I only get up to Leeds a couple times a year!'
Then not having a thing to say when I pointed out if they were really wanting to see me why didn't they book in  advance as soon as they knew they were coming to Leeds?
As said it's like some think you are sat just waiting for them to call!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: regieeee on 29 August 2019, 04:40:29 pm
I have had a few of these.  .  . 

It's a bit like ordering a take-away.

If this happened more than three times, I stop giving any more chance to message me again.
They don't want to book in advance.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 29 August 2019, 07:46:46 pm
I hear you! I can pretty much guarantee that most of my hotel outcalls will text me when they arrive, to tell me I can go there "now" if I like? As if I am sat around all day, waiting for their arrival!
Same when someone calls after months ( or even years) and assumes I have been sat there with suzzies on and car keys in hand - just waiting for them to say the word!  ::)
I get this so much too & it's baffling. They'll confirm for a 1 pm appt, then text at noon & say they'll be here @ 12:15.

Takes willpower not to say, "So?"😆

If I'm ready, fine, come on up, let's get you in, get on with it, get it over with, get you out. Sometimes I feel mulish & say "We agreed on 1 pm. I'm not even at the hotel (feet up, watching Friends), I'll call you when I'm ready, which won't be until right around 1 o'clock.

They're always just shocked & they say, but I'm here now! I very politely (with the Hurricane Celeste edge to my voice) say, I am SO sorry! Did I miss a text where you changed the time? Did you want 12:15 & not 1? If so, why is the appt .... for...1 o'clock...? *my voice trails off uncertainly*

Yeah buddy. I'm making a point here & you damn well know it. I've never had anyone leave when they've arrived early to their session.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 05 September 2019, 03:59:15 pm
Trying to hand over the money at the door.
 :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 05 September 2019, 04:18:06 pm
What's the matter with that?  ??? I love it! Pull them in, happy bunnies all round!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 05 September 2019, 04:35:30 pm
What's the matter with that?  ??? I love it! Pull them in, happy bunnies all round!

It's just not very subtle.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 05 September 2019, 04:44:28 pm
Yes I totally agree  if it's outside the threshold and people roaming around! But full marks for enthusiasm lol! It makes my day when they pay up with one foot inside lol  ;D

Massage clients who dribble and drool on my pillow when half asleep. :-X I wasn't taught this in massage school and had to put a few pillows through the wash. For non dribblers I have multi layers of pillowcase, thick pillow protector, fluffy towel and massage paper. If I notice pre-dribble I put a flannel under their chops too. I take it as a semi-compliment. :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 12 September 2019, 05:07:37 pm
Dickhead just now. End of session he goes to the bathroom.
Came in my hand towel.
Comes out of the bathroom like nothing happened.

Fml  :FF

I went to wash my hands when he’d left and I dried them on that towel. DISGUSTING!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 12 September 2019, 05:16:20 pm
OMG what! How horrid, was there a dispute or completely out of the blue?  :-X
I only leave soap and lav roll...they can't be trusted.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 12 September 2019, 05:23:18 pm
Dickhead just now. End of session he goes to the bathroom.
Came in my hand towel.
Comes out of the bathroom like nothing happened.

Fml  :FF

I went to wash my hands when he’d left and I dried them on that towel. DISGUSTING!!

I'd be texting him a piece of my mind ~ though some would say I can't afford to do that ~
How unutterably rude, tacky, digusting, insert word of choice here. Grrrrr!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 12 September 2019, 05:51:09 pm
I'd be texting him a piece of my mind ~ though some would say I can't afford to do that ~
How unutterably rude, tacky, digusting, insert word of choice here. Grrrrr!

No dispute. Just a fucking dickhead.

I’m in a hotel room so I’m worried if I text “cunt” then he’ll come back. He seemed the sort.
I’ll wait till I leave and then he’ll be getting some horrid feedback for sure.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 12 September 2019, 06:40:18 pm
Disturbing...OMG he did it on AW booking? you can crucify him! I'd wait till the day he can't respond. But that's just me. :angel:
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 21 September 2019, 03:33:32 am
Squeezes my breasts like some kind of ripe fruit
Don't they have a clue we are human not melon
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 25 September 2019, 08:39:31 am
Client with 2 envelopes. 1 with my payment & one with a "bonus for if things go well". Why show it to me? Just keep in the back pocket.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 25 September 2019, 10:18:50 am
Client with 2 envelopes. 1 with my payment & one with a "bonus for if things go well". Why show it to me? Just keep in the back pocket.  ::)

I visited a client twice who did this. Gave me my hourly fee then showed me a separate pile for the second hour "If things go well"
He had health issues and no hope of getting hard for long enough, let alone Cumming. Needless to say I didn't get my "bonus."
Surprisingly he booked again and, when he showed me the bonus pile again I said, "No love, 1 hour is more than enough for me here, I'm off to see my best client directly afterwards, so we'd better crack on".
Yes, I probably made the return visit simply to say this  >:D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 25 September 2019, 12:21:32 pm
When they tell you they’re a virgin as they’re handing you your fee. This is currently me 🙄
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 25 September 2019, 01:03:36 pm
Dickhead just now. End of session he goes to the bathroom.
Came in my hand towel.
Comes out of the bathroom like nothing happened.

Fml  :FF

I went to wash my hands when he’d left and I dried them on that towel. DISGUSTING!!

Disgusting.  I only leave one tiny hand towel in the bathroom so put it straight into the wash after they have gone. If they want a bath towel for a shower I go to another room to get one for them. No shelves or cupboards in my bathroom anyway for them to get up to mischief!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 25 September 2019, 01:05:58 pm
I visited a client twice who did this. Gave me my hourly fee then showed me a separate pile for the second hour "If things go well"
He had health issues and no hope of getting hard for long enough, let alone Cumming. Needless to say I didn't get my "bonus."
Surprisingly he booked again and, when he showed me the bonus pile again I said, "No love, 1 hour is more than enough for me here, I'm off to see my best client directly afterwards, so we'd better crack on".
Yes, I probably made the return visit simply to say this  >:D
Never happened to me but if it did I would make sure he only got one hour. Stuff the extra cash. Patronising clients are one time only for me!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 25 September 2019, 01:06:35 pm
Disgusting.  I only leave one tiny hand towel in the bathroom so put it straight into the wash after they have gone. If they want a bath towel for a shower I go to another room to get one for them. No shelves or cupboards in my bathroom anyway for them to get up to mischief!

It was in a hotel! I’d left the hand towel and a bath towel. But there was limited places to hide the extra towels I had anyway. But he obviously just did what he wanted to do. It wasn’t a matter of towels. He’d have probably just done it on the floor if there’s wasn’t any towels. Ugh!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: kate_x on 25 September 2019, 01:09:23 pm
Disgusting.  I only leave one tiny hand towel in the bathroom so put it straight into the wash after they have gone. If they want a bath towel for a shower I go to another room to get one for them. No shelves or cupboards in my bathroom anyway for them to get up to mischief!

I used to leave my own hand towel in the bathroom - who would've thought a grown man would've wanted to use a bright pink hand towel for a shower when a manly blue full size one was hanging there!

Oh and most recently I discovered someone must've helped themselves to my partners deodorant that was in the bathroom cabinet - when one especially for client's was sitting right on the top in full view  :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ChloeClouds on 26 September 2019, 07:59:08 am
I have an outcall booking tonight. This guy has plenty of feedback on AW and has followed my booking process with no issues on that side but WOW he really does not take a hint with my NO SEXTING RULE. I have it clear on my profile and had mentioned to him intially after his first few messages were suggestive that I simply do not have time for sexting. He says that it would be "nice for a little tease throughout the day" so again, this time more to the point I explain that I do not to free sexting, it isn't part of my service as I simply do not have time (and quite honestly cannot be arsed!) I like to save all the fun for the meet and I will text him to confirm again at 6pm. See ya later!! He replies "Aww ok, I understand but I've already booked now so technically it isn't sexting"  :FF OMG!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 26 September 2019, 09:14:09 am
I visited a client twice who did this. Gave me my hourly fee then showed me a separate pile for the second hour "If things go well"
He had health issues and no hope of getting hard for long enough, let alone Cumming. Needless to say I didn't get my "bonus."
Surprisingly he booked again and, when he showed me the bonus pile again I said, "No love, 1 hour is more than enough for me here, I'm off to see my best client directly afterwards, so we'd better crack on".
Yes, I probably made the return visit simply to say this  >:D

Ha ha revenge is sweet.

With my client I kept saying "you'd best pay my bonus". It was secretary RP so I got away with it. He gave it to me in the end. Funnily enough he over stayed his time a little though.

I seem to be getting more douche bags then usual this week. One yesterday said he could bench press 150 kg not lbs KG. Wanted to start in missionary then put his wight on me twice. Ended up asking him to leave half way through. He said something rude to me whilst I was blowing him. Bad idea toss pot.With the crushing, I was already wanting to punch him.  I'd have thought someone who was so strong & built like a brick shit house, would be able to support their own body weight.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 30 September 2019, 06:55:46 pm
Turning up early, no apology no explanation.
Books for 12.30 turns up 12.05
I was still at home having tea.

Random - 'Im at landmark xxx'
Me - 'Good'
Random - 'Well?'
Me -'What time is your appointment?'
Random - '12.30'
Me -'OK'
Random - 'Well?
Me -'What time is your appointment?'
Random - '12.30'
Repeats whole convo a third time.....and I'm looking forward to not wanking his dick today. Got a one mile walk to busy myself with.

Me - 'Do you mean you want to come now?
Random - 'That's what I'm asking :('
Me - 'No, you didn't ask me. I have a client here so I'll see you at 12.30 as we agreed'
Random - 'Forget it >:( >:( >:( ' (.....he 'bangs' phone down in a manhuff)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Curvyambyr on 30 September 2019, 07:21:33 pm
Me - 'Do you mean you want to come now?
Random - 'That's what I'm asking :('
Me - 'No, you didn't ask me. I have a client here so I'll see you at 12.30 as we agreed'
Random - 'Forget it >:( >:( >:( ' (.....he 'bangs' phone down in a manhuff)

I think he forgot he booked time with a professional companion, not a tinder date  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 30 September 2019, 07:42:12 pm
 ;D ;D ;D yes it was more than strange Red... lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 30 September 2019, 07:51:09 pm
God, turning up early is tied in first place of absolute pet hates with touching my hair. I tell them all on the phone not to be early because I won't be ready, and they still do it. Mostly I just ignore rhe phone until I'm ready.

They get asked not to touch my hair once, then I fasten it up tightly and swerve out of the way if their manky hands go near my head again. For repeat offenders I put it in a tight bun before I answer the door, although I haven't resorted to a headscarf yet :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ann on 01 October 2019, 04:49:01 am
God, turning up early is tied in first place of absolute pet hates with touching my hair. I tell them all on the phone not to be early because I won't be ready, and they still do it. Mostly I just ignore rhe phone until I'm ready.

They get asked not to touch my hair once, then I fasten it up tightly and swerve out of the way if their manky hands go near my head again. For repeat offenders I put it in a tight bun before I answer the door, although I haven't resorted to a headscarf yet :D

Balaclava then  ;
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 01 October 2019, 07:08:34 am
I find I try to be ready 15 mins ahead wherever possible just in case they are early.  AT least half of them are!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: linglau on 01 October 2019, 11:27:54 am

Balaclava then  ;

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 01 October 2019, 12:02:05 pm
Wiping spunky dick on the towel I use to protect the pillow >:(  :-X
Once ever last week. I always wipe them down but he was like a squirrel too fast.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 01 October 2019, 04:31:09 pm
Turning up early, no apology no explanation.
Books for 12.30 turns up 12.05

Random - 'Im at landmark xxx'
Me - 'Good'
Random - 'Well?'
Me -'What time is your appointment?'
Random - '12.30'
Me -'OK'
Random - 'Well?
Me -'What time is your appointment?'
Random - '12.30'
Repeats whole convo a third time.....and I'm looking forward to not wanking his dick today. Got a one mile walk to busy myself with.

Me - 'Do you mean you want to come now?
Random - 'That's what I'm asking :('
Me - 'No, you didn't ask me. I have a client here so I'll see you at 12.30 as we agreed'
Random - 'Forget it >:( >:( >:( ' (.....he 'bangs' phone down in a manhuff)

That's mah girl!! *pats you on the back* I really♥️the deliberate denseness on your end😆. I mean, yay for being early & all that, but nearly a 1/2 hour? & expecting you to drop everything?
Come on, man. A text wouldn't have killed you.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 01 October 2019, 07:20:43 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: annabellebeauty on 03 October 2019, 04:29:31 pm
This has probably been said over and over again but I can’t believe how many men can’t wash their arse properly  :FF one of the hotels I use the bathroom is just frosted glass separating the bathroom to bedroom so I witness clients washing, I see and hear them use the shower gel provided, I make a point of watching to see they’ve washed the man bits and arse but sure enough when I go down on them or they are on their front for a massage I get that stale arse smell or notice bits of fluff etc at the top of bum cheeks! Don’t they realise they need to wash the whole way up. Makes me mad as if it was the other way around you can be sure there would be a lovely detailed negative review about me and my terrible lack of hygiene.

Another thing that annoys me is when a regular client messages to say that they really want to see you but they only have this amount of money, I always say ah no worries I’m sure I’ll see you soon! But sure enough they see you the next tine your working and have the right amount. Makes me cringe trying to get a discount.

Another thing is no shows, JUST CANCEL!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LotusFlower on 03 October 2019, 05:28:14 pm
When regulars lull you into a false sense of security so you don't demand a deposit, and then they cancel a multi hour booking with less than 24 hours notice.

Gee, thanks. It's almost as if I don't have bills to pay and was relying on that income. Or better yet, it's almost as if I have been knocking clients back all week because you had booked that time!!!!

Him: "Ohh I was so looking forward to it".

Me: "ohhh I was so looking forward to the money I now won't have. Looks like we've both lost".
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 03 October 2019, 06:40:12 pm
At the end of an outcall booking when a client asks me to drop by for a free spontaneous shag at best/£20 for petrol if I really have to "coffee" when I am next in town  on a visit to someone else ::)
I used to be really polite, now I just tell them that the client I will be seeing will be paying good money to watch me drink his own excellent coffee on his own time. But.. thanks anyway 8)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BethElizabeth on 03 October 2019, 07:27:15 pm
So since I've been independent I've been working from home... I don't tell clients this and they only ever see the bathroom and the bedroom, nothing personal or anything. Anyway, a client I have seen about 4/5 times mentioned he would like to date me as I am 'definitely his type.' I say I am not interested in dating, change the topic blah blah blah. Yesterday I get home from doing the grocery shopping, wasn't working so had on my track pants and a jumper, and this guy leaps out of his car and says 'AHA! Got you on your day off I see! Let me help me with your groceries." and tries to take a bag off me, probably hoping to come in to 'socialise' on my day off. I was really pissed off, and told him im not working and that it is wrong on so many levels! He acted shocked that I was pissed off which made me even more annoyed! Ughhhh I don't get how some people can be so bloody thick!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 03 October 2019, 07:48:06 pm
So since I've been independent I've been working from home... I don't tell clients this and they only ever see the bathroom and the bedroom, nothing personal or anything. Anyway, a client I have seen about 4/5 times mentioned he would like to date me as I am 'definitely his type.' I say I am not interested in dating, change the topic blah blah blah. Yesterday I get home from doing the grocery shopping, wasn't working so had on my track pants and a jumper, and this guy leaps out of his car and says 'AHA! Got you on your day off I see! Let me help me with your groceries." and tries to take a bag off me, probably hoping to come in to 'socialise' on my day off. I was really pissed off, and told him im not working and that it is wrong on so many levels! He acted shocked that I was pissed off which made me even more annoyed! Ughhhh I don't get how some people can be so bloody thick!
That is unforgiveable! This has been said many times but how would men like him feel or react if we turned up at their home uninvited! I have always believed that despite what a lot of clients say they are only really concerned with their own safety and not ours.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LotusFlower on 04 October 2019, 12:35:25 pm
So since I've been independent I've been working from home... I don't tell clients this and they only ever see the bathroom and the bedroom, nothing personal or anything. Anyway, a client I have seen about 4/5 times mentioned he would like to date me as I am 'definitely his type.' I say I am not interested in dating, change the topic blah blah blah. Yesterday I get home from doing the grocery shopping, wasn't working so had on my track pants and a jumper, and this guy leaps out of his car and says 'AHA! Got you on your day off I see! Let me help me with your groceries." and tries to take a bag off me, probably hoping to come in to 'socialise' on my day off. I was really pissed off, and told him im not working and that it is wrong on so many levels! He acted shocked that I was pissed off which made me even more annoyed! Ughhhh I don't get how some people can be so bloody thick!

I think I would have punched him straight in the throat.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 04 October 2019, 02:26:38 pm
So he stakes out your house, spying on you, waiting an unknown period of time..possibly hours who know! Despite your refusal, of his proposal tries to manipulate entry into your home. I don't think he's thick at all. He's an obsessive, fully prepared, highly motivated stalker. Needs to be nipped in the bud as these people are often unpredictable and mentally unstable.
He's now moved out of the category of annoying client into the red zone.

Did you happen to jot down his car numberplate just in case?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SWgirl on 04 October 2019, 04:56:32 pm
So since I've been independent I've been working from home... I don't tell clients this and they only ever see the bathroom and the bedroom, nothing personal or anything. Anyway, a client I have seen about 4/5 times mentioned he would like to date me as I am 'definitely his type.' I say I am not interested in dating, change the topic blah blah blah. Yesterday I get home from doing the grocery shopping, wasn't working so had on my track pants and a jumper, and this guy leaps out of his car and says 'AHA! Got you on your day off I see! Let me help me with your groceries." and tries to take a bag off me, probably hoping to come in to 'socialise' on my day off. I was really pissed off, and told him im not working and that it is wrong on so many levels! He acted shocked that I was pissed off which made me even more annoyed! Ughhhh I don't get how some people can be so bloody thick!

Possibly a report for NUM you just can’t trust these guys. Who knows how long he was waiting for you? Could he get worse after your refusal? Creepy!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nikkibabe on 08 October 2019, 12:34:56 am
When they confirm and i give them my address, i always tell them to CALL me when parked up for house/room number...then the texting starts 15minutes later...."on motorway", followed by "not far", and another "nearly there"...and really make my blood boil...a text saying "i'm here"  I told you to CALL , you dipshit!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Rosesugar on 08 October 2019, 05:01:57 pm
Message you when youve told them youve quit
No I'm not having a closing down sale !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 09 October 2019, 11:05:57 am
So he stakes out your house, spying on you, waiting an unknown period of time..possibly hours who know! Despite your refusal, of his proposal tries to manipulate entry into your home. I don't think he's thick at all. He's an obsessive, fully prepared, highly motivated stalker. Needs to be nipped in the bud as these people are often unpredictable and mentally unstable.
He's now moved out of the category of annoying client into the red zone.

Did you happen to jot down his car numberplate just in case?

I second this & that's a very good point about the number plate. What a creepy scum bag.

It would have been a like a scene from the exorcist if this happened to me. I'd have probably hit him in the nuts with my heaviest shopping bag.

Otherwise, there'a self defense move in Karate, a swift chop to the nose if a guy jumps out on you again.  You'd get away with it too because it's self defense. It's the only language these types understand sometimes.

Had an older guy getting me in Bear hugs yesterday, told him I don't like being crushed. On the third hug, I mentioned that I threw a guy out recently for putting his weight on me, giving me a crushed feeling. Fucking idiots. Had a gut feeling he'd be annoying on the phone when he booked.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 09 October 2019, 04:25:27 pm
He's a newby, so I patiently explain the simple confirmation process. But my gut says, 'hey...he's not listening'. As predicted, he's 10 minutes late confirming, no apology. So I asked why he's late.  'distractions.... :P' he says. My ass is sat at home sipping tea now, can't be bothered to run over to do him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jane Seymour on 23 October 2019, 02:05:57 am
It's been a while, but... I did enjoy my work, and left the industry for other reasons but..............  i did get annoyed when clients did not listen to me on the phone as I gave them the final directions to my place.  They never listened !

I got annoyed when disabled guys did not inform me they were disabled because of the extra time factor.

I got annoyed when guys overran the time and did not take hints asking for a cup of tea etc etc

I got annoyed when they showered and still left skid marks on the bed/sofa

I got annoyed when they tried to do bareback even though they knew it was never going to happen

I got very annoyed when guys pushed boundaries about where they could cum.  I didn't like it in my hair. It very often ended up there.

I liked regular clients because they felt safe.  They knew where they were coming, and I knew they would pay me, but every so often one would substitute £20 notes for tens, my fault entirely for never counting it, and then later asking to come back and denying they short changed me !!!  Very annoying.

I  also got annoyed when regulars assumed they had priorities  with time, and also called me when I was unavailable expecting me to be there at the drop of a hat but that was probably my fault anyway for not being firm enough.

Having said that these were minor annoyances and the job in itself was a joy mostly :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: China_Grl on 30 October 2019, 08:33:56 am
One of my pet peeves... drives me crazy   :FF

yes its the potential punters (well fake potential punters) who think for one minute that I and going to engage in free piggy-back texting or chatting on some APP describing sexual acts.

You know, the will you do this..describe...will you do that...tell me how you will please me..blah..blah..blah.

I either say book and find out, or just block them, depending on my mood.  >:D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 30 October 2019, 05:10:29 pm
I get this alot with foot fetish guys. So annoying. I tell them if they want sexting in the run up they can send me a digital voucher. Funnily enough they never take me up on it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: geordie on 01 November 2019, 12:00:11 pm
Thinking that booking me once means they’re entitled to text me shit whenever they fancy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: AnnDel on 05 November 2019, 09:14:38 pm
So since I've been independent I've been working from home... I don't tell clients this and they only ever see the bathroom and the bedroom, nothing personal or anything. Anyway, a client I have seen about 4/5 times mentioned he would like to date me as I am 'definitely his type.' I say I am not interested in dating, change the topic blah blah blah. Yesterday I get home from doing the grocery shopping, wasn't working so had on my track pants and a jumper, and this guy leaps out of his car and says 'AHA! Got you on your day off I see! Let me help me with your groceries." and tries to take a bag off me, probably hoping to come in to 'socialise' on my day off. I was really pissed off, and told him im not working and that it is wrong on so many levels! He acted shocked that I was pissed off which made me even more annoyed! Ughhhh I don't get how some people can be so bloody thick!

This deserve to be in warning section.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 06 November 2019, 11:55:53 pm
Potential clients who are 'new to this' asking dumb questions by text  "Do I need to bring my own condoms" "How much is it again?" "What bus do I get?" and when I ask for a deposit by phone top up "How do I do that?"  How the hell do these people manage to pull their socks on in the morning??!! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 11 November 2019, 03:44:19 pm
A new client today and a very young one (early twenties) who thought the idea of clutching the money in his hand as he knocked on my door was ok.

I told him off in a jokey way but made it clear it was not advisable. He just grunted "ok"

He also thought it fine to try and pull me about into different positions. It wasn't. My advice to him was to ask and I would oblige.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 12 November 2019, 06:52:40 pm
His name should have given his age away, but it's been a long time since I had a full hour with a late twenties 'lad' and I had forgotten how difficult it can be  :-\
Not a shagathon per-se, more of an oral-athon. 😟

What do others do with 60 minutes (and counting) of  just oral both ways?
Trying to have a chat/massage etc would have been futile (though he was perfectly polite)
He had already paid via bank transfer (and it would have to be dire circumstances for me to ever hand back cash anyway)

He was obsessed with making me squirt I assume🤔

I blame porn.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 12 November 2019, 07:17:33 pm
His name should have given his age away, but it's been a long time since I had a full hour with a late twenties 'lad' and I had forgotten how difficult it can be  :-\
Not a shagathon per-se, more of an oral-athon. 😟

What do others do with 60 minutes (and counting) of  just oral both ways?
Trying to have a chat/massage etc would have been futile (though he was perfectly polite)
He had already paid via bank transfer (and it would have to be dire circumstances for me to ever hand back cash anyway)

He was obsessed with making me squirt I assume🤔

I blame porn.

Goddamn I hate that ??😡. It's always said in the creepiest manner possible too🤢. I always coldly say, "No, I don't." & they're always so crestfallen.
Zero fucks given. You want that crap, go see Nina Hartley, she's escorting these days (& charging $2700 for 2 hours, last time I checked The Erotic Review😮).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 14 November 2019, 01:56:00 pm
It's the mix of paranoia and not following instructions that annoys me about some clients. When he's near the venue starts asking the 'is it a house or private flat' questions. I usually cancell at this point as its a 'chicken' signal. But I give him the benefit. So I ask which he prefers.'It's your lucky day!' I say without revealing either way. He's satisfied with the bullshit answer. (I'll use this in future, works well lol)

Now he wants to borrow a phone charger so we faff about searching for that. Then I ask why all the questions? He reveals last place he went had lots of Bulgarian girls waking round. Am I Bulgarian? Am I over 18? He shrugs. 'And why didn't you ask all these questions when you booked?' No answer.

I ask him to remove his shoes in the hall and some sixth sense made me reinforce it by saying 'its for hygiene reasons'. Usually I don't have to explain so fully. When he's on the massage table I notice he's smuggled them in which is a hanging offence. 'You didn't tell me not to bring them in'. I bite my tongue, throw them in the hall and wipe the floor with disinfectant.

I was distracted by his questions and accidentally let him keep his watch on. I just notice he's checking his bloody emails on it while I'm massaging. 'What are you doing? Have you come to relax? I make him hand it over. My erotic mojo has dried as I battle with the interruptions. Not vibing with this out of towner at all.

He's burned 15 minutes messing about before we start. He's busy and can only stay another 30 minutes but paid for the hour,  thank you sweet baby jaysus.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Chastity on 20 November 2019, 01:44:52 am
When you give clients directions and then they try to stay on the phone the whole time re confirming and asking for the directions again; being super indiscreet all the way up to the front door  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Egirl88 on 20 November 2019, 10:05:26 am
When they don't know how to press the intercom button to your flat correctly …….Flat they press flat 1 and Flat 5  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 20 November 2019, 02:04:53 pm
Yea,they love to ask the same thing 3 times that's their worrywart vibe...
I say 'Stop. Listen to what I'm saying. Don't repeat it. If you can't hear, ask me to say it again.' And some of them show they're not listening by continuing with the parrot ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 20 November 2019, 03:44:42 pm
Here's a fun one.
Recently I had a client who was friendly enough and we were having a nice enough session. I was on all fours and he asked if he could finish on my back, so I said yes. He took off his condom and then proceeded to shoot his load straight away, all over my lady area.

I cleaned up and asked him to leave and he did, and he was very apologetic saying that he didn't expect to finish that quickly after taking off the condom.
Anyway the next day I get some flowers delivered to my work address. He addressed them to "Miss Harriet Smith" not knowing my surname of course. And the card just read "Sorry about what happened, hope to see you again soon. <name of client as I knew him>

I mean it's a sweet gesture that I Wasn't expecting but still, I'm pretty strict about the rule regarding no semen in, on, or around my genitals.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 21 November 2019, 02:51:41 am
Here's a fun one.
Recently I had a client who was friendly enough and we were having a nice enough session. I was on all fours and he asked if he could finish on my back, so I said yes. He took off his condom and then proceeded to shoot his load straight away, all over my lady area.

I cleaned up and asked him to leave and he did, and he was very apologetic saying that he didn't expect to finish that quickly after taking off the condom.
Anyway the next day I get some flowers delivered to my work address. He addressed them to "Miss Harriet Smith" not knowing my surname of course. And the card just read "Sorry about what happened, hope to see you again soon. <name of client as I knew him>

I mean it's a sweet gesture that I Wasn't expecting but still, I'm pretty strict about the rule regarding no semen in, on, or around my genitals.

Christ, I had the same thing! He's between my legs, wants to take off the condom & finish himself off, ok sure, you can cum on my breasts I say (my standard reply). He says oh, I wanted to cum on your pussy.

*disbelieving look at him* keep in mind he's just jerking away, lol. I said nooooo....that's far too close without a condom & as a matter of fact *edge edge squirm*, why don't you bring that up here closer to my breasts, like I said😡.

He just didn't get it. Obviously if it was OUTSIDE  it was ok!!🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 04 December 2019, 10:47:11 am
Here's a fun one.
Recently I had a client who was friendly enough and we were having a nice enough session. I was on all fours and he asked if he could finish on my back, so I said yes. He took off his condom and then proceeded to shoot his load straight away, all over my lady area.

I cleaned up and asked him to leave and he did, and he was very apologetic saying that he didn't expect to finish that quickly after taking off the condom.
Anyway the next day I get some flowers delivered to my work address. He addressed them to "Miss Harriet Smith" not knowing my surname of course. And the card just read "Sorry about what happened, hope to see you again soon. <name of client as I knew him>

I mean it's a sweet gesture that I Wasn't expecting but still, I'm pretty strict about the rule regarding no semen in, on, or around my genitals.

That's when you drop onto your tummy & cover yourself with your hand. I'd never let a client finish on my back unless I was in a prone position. They just can't be trusted in the heat of the moment. They are thick as shit to think they can shoot their load onto genitals & it will be acceptable to us.

Had a neck slobberer yesterday, he went toward my throat after drooling down my left side for what seemed like 20 minutes. I pulled away with my throat being such a sensitive area. He then started to make passive aggressive comments about making "a list on the wall of what I don't like" & "what do you like?" &  "Oh I best be careful because you ladies react to every comment like this" Booking didn't go well after that needless to say. Assclown.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Egirl88 on 04 December 2019, 12:03:03 pm
The slobbering really gets to me after a while …..spitting on fingers to make me wet even though I lube up.
Saliva dangling from lips to chin after oral on me.... :-X
Licking all over my body like some dog eating its next meal  :-\
The list is endless and I'm sure you can all relate to this xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 04 December 2019, 12:16:48 pm
When they text to ask whether I'm available and say please let me know. So when I respond they don't reply to acknowledge my response.

That really does irritate me  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 04 December 2019, 05:26:01 pm
The slobbering really gets to me after a while …..spitting on fingers to make me wet even though I lube up.
Saliva dangling from lips to chin after oral on me.... :-X
Licking all over my body like some dog eating its next meal  :-\
The list is endless and I'm sure you can all relate to this xx

Oh yes! The only wet thing I want near me is my bottle of lube. I had dick dribble all up my arm yesterday, that was unpleasant.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 05 December 2019, 01:31:04 am
Oh yes! The only wet thing I want near me is my bottle of lube. I had dick dribble all up my arm yesterday, that was unpleasant.

I had someone last week who's dick constantly dribbled quite heavily  :-X He had paid extra for OWO, so I felt obliged to spray it (yes, spray - with a baby sanitiser   ;D) douse it with strawberry lube regularly and, to coin the phrase, suck it up ;D
Relations soured when, as he massaged my front, (not keen on that, but he requested I turn over) he continues to dribble his cock all over my stomach and as close as he could get to my inner legs.
I promptly stuck half a box of his tissues there and kept my hand on guard.
Aren't some clients just dirty little chancers?  :(

He was in his 60's too. A very seasoned punter and old enough to know better.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 05 December 2019, 08:41:22 am
 ;D I normally refuse owo with the really dribbly ones. I need to look up this baby sanitiser, thanks for the tip Phoenix!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DailyGrind on 05 December 2019, 09:14:17 am

I had someone last week who's dick constantly dribbled quite heavily  :-X He had paid extra for OWO, so I felt obliged to spray it (yes, spray - with a baby sanitiser   ;D) douse it with strawberry lube regularly and, to coin the phrase, suck it up ;D
Relations soured when, as he massaged my front, (not keen on that, but he requested I turn over) he continues to dribble his cock all over my stomach and as close as he could get to my inner legs.
I promptly stuck half a box of his tissues there and kept my hand on guard.
Aren't some clients just dirty little chancers?  :(

He was in his 60's too. A very seasoned punter and old enough to know better.

Ouch!! Baby sanitizer? Surely it would burn or be uncomfortable? My ex partner accidentally used hand sanitizer on me once, thinking it was lube, and it was agony.
I’m sure men shouldn’t use soaps and products on their bits (apart from ones that specifically say unperfumed, lubes etc), just like we shouldn’t. It unbalances the PH and can cause thrush etc.
Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 06 December 2019, 01:05:58 am
 The stuff you spray a baby's dummy or teething ring with no need to rinse? 🤔
I never considered it to be any more harmful than strong soap or baby Wipes, but perhaps you are right.
Not putting anyone's willy in my mouth without a bloody good clean though.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 06 December 2019, 01:13:27 am
Ouch!! Baby sanitizer? Surely it would burn or be uncomfortable? My ex partner accidentally used hand sanitizer on me once, thinking it was lube, and it was agony.
I’m sure men shouldn’t use soaps and products on their bits (apart from ones that specifically say unperfumed, lubes etc), just like we shouldn’t. It unbalances the PH and can cause thrush etc.
Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Oh yes, the hand sanitisers are too strong even to use on my own hands. I can't use even the mildest of those, they make my skin feel raw.

Not saying I am not wrong with the baby spray though..

Never had any complaints and they say they like the shock of the cold followed by the warmth..    :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 14 December 2019, 02:02:30 pm
I'm only just aware that I reject callers who don't say 'please' or 'thank you' through the booking process.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 18 December 2019, 12:59:31 pm
I'm only just aware that I reject callers who don't say 'please' or 'thank you' through the booking process.

I do the same. I rather loose out than take dick head clients where booking turn out badly.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 28 December 2019, 01:01:19 pm
The slobbering really gets to me after a while …..spitting on fingers to make me wet even though I lube up.
Saliva dangling from lips to chin after oral on me.... :-X
Licking all over my body like some dog eating its next meal  :-\
The list is endless and I'm sure you can all relate to this xx

Oh mi LUD!!!!  I had a client last week who was DROOLING into my mouth. He was doing it on purpose, he was trying to give me his saliva, like I frigging WANTED it!  I was turned my head away at first I thought he was a bad kisser and wouldn't do it again but no, he tried three times to pour saliva into my mouth.

I was done.  I should have known he would be terrible as he told me he wanted 'snowballing'  (I had no idea what it was).  This guy had got on my last nerve before I turned up though and thankfully he cut the booking short.  He wanted Anal and had an elephant sized dick so....that wasn't happening.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 29 December 2019, 01:54:00 pm
Do you do abc?
-you read my profile why do you ask?
Well you know ALL the girl's on aw say they do then they dont when you get there :(
-Why would I advertise something I don't do?
I haven't got time for your games  >:(  >:(  >:(
-I haven't got time for your games either click
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 29 December 2019, 01:55:59 pm
Do you do abc?

For a second I thought “abc” was yet another abbreviations I don’t understand haha.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 29 December 2019, 01:56:50 pm
For a second I thought “abc” was yet another abbreviations I don’t understand haha.

Adult baby ? Naaahhhh :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 29 December 2019, 03:06:05 pm
Do you do abc?
-you read my profile why do you ask?
Well you know ALL the girl's on aw say they do then they dont when you get there :(
-Why would I advertise something I don't do?
I haven't got time for your games  >:(  >:(  >:(
-I haven't got time for your games either click

As much as I hate to give this 1 to the clients, that's very common, at least here stateside. Girls will advertise they do everything under the sun, the guy gets there & she either refuses or says oh sure but that's an extra $50, $100, whatever. That's not right & that's dirty pool, but well, that's why you get crappy reviews, chickie🤷🏼‍♀️.

Now if they're asking about things that you don't have listed, of course that's very different🙄. We're not Starbux, there's no special, secret menu that you have to have the password for, FFS.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 31 December 2019, 04:40:14 pm
You're totally right Celeste.

With these callers I already reject them in my head in the first few seconds. Because I don't want a paranoid, judgemental bunny in my flat. Just for curiosity I ask if they had a bad experience and they say 'yes the girl didn't do such and such.'
'You need to sort out the dispute with her, not bring your baggage to my door '.
Every one of them squeals, 'I have no baggage!'
Then I put the phone down.
They apologise and try to book again but I block them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 06 January 2020, 11:21:57 am
I am fuming. We know it happens from time to time but when a client who has never been unreliable after 7 visits, texts me 5 minutes before he is due to arrive, to say he can't make it and may try later.

No way hose (how do you do little accents?) as he is now blocked. Try later? On yer bike!

Yes I know you may say I am being too touchy but new year and new rules is the way for me. I had more time wasting callers in the Xmas/New year week than I have had all year in 2019.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 06 January 2020, 01:16:16 pm
I am fuming. We know it happens from time to time but when a client who has never been unreliable after 7 visits, texts me 5 minutes before he is due to arrive, to say he can't make it and may try later.

No way hose (how do you do little accents?) as he is now blocked. Try later? On yer bike!

Yes I know you may say I am being too touchy but new year and new rules is the way for me. I had more time wasting callers in the Xmas/New year week than I have had all year in 2019.


If he'd been reliable  times I'd have given benefit of the doubt, yes it's rude but I'd give another chance however a repeat or pattern would mean sudden death or deposit required for future.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 06 January 2020, 10:10:41 pm
'When Clients Go Bad'-The Movie-Out Somewhere Near You!

If he'd been reliable  times I'd have given benefit of the doubt, yes it's rude but I'd give another chance however a repeat or pattern would mean sudden death or deposit required for future.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 06 January 2020, 10:25:02 pm
Maybe we should start a ‘when regulars go bad’ thread or is there already one?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 06 January 2020, 10:54:16 pm
'When Clients Go Bad'-The Movie-Out Somewhere Near You!


"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have any money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, & I will kill you."

Heh heh.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 07 January 2020, 11:06:35 am
 ;D Celeste!

Tantric could christen the thread lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 07 January 2020, 05:36:24 pm
"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have any money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, & I will kill you."

Heh heh.

TAKEN hheheh luv that movie
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Philipa on 08 January 2020, 09:57:05 pm
When clients cancels with the excuse, 'I've got the flu,; or 'my mother is ill,' or my wife just came back home,'
But you checked their reviews on AW -and lo behold, they booked someone else.
Why tell such a blatant lie  ???? It's annoying and I could easily handle the truth if they want to see someone new.

Had one client cancel because he had 'the worst flu ever.'
Then he calls me on the same day to reschedule booking. He miraculously recovered within 45 minutes apparently  ::). Reason was because the girl he booked canceled on him and he forgot his excuse of the flu!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 08 January 2020, 10:21:05 pm
When clients cancels with the excuse, 'I've got the flu,; or 'my mother is ill,' or my wife just came back home,'
But you checked their reviews on AW -and lo behold, they booked someone else.
Why tell such a blatant lie  ???? It's annoying and I could easily handle the truth if they want to see someone new.

Had one client cancel because he had 'the worst flu ever.'
Then he calls me on the same day to reschedule booking. He miraculously recovered within 45 minutes apparently  ::). Reason was because the girl he booked canceled on him and he forgot his excuse of the flu!

Wouldn’t you be annoyed though if someone booked you and then cancelled due to wanting to see someone else? I think I would be annoyed and especially if I was skint! Although if she was touring and this day would be the last day he could see her then I may be okay with this 😂😂
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Philipa on 08 January 2020, 11:44:47 pm
Wouldn’t you be annoyed though if someone booked you and then cancelled due to wanting to see someone else? I think I would be annoyed and especially if I was skint!

I would be annoyed, fuming actually, and appreciative of the blunt honesty. Clients make up excuses that are far fetched when a simple, 'sorry I can't make it,' will do.  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seraphine on 14 January 2020, 10:24:29 am
Apparently there is this new expression for haggling.
It's 'just asking to tailor the price'.   :FF :P
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 14 January 2020, 12:08:44 pm
Apparently there is this new expression for haggling.
It's 'just asking to tailor the price'.   :FF :P

Which you reply with the classic, "You wanted to pay more? Awesome!"😂
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 14 January 2020, 01:12:20 pm
Dingbat- 'Do you have regular STD tests each month?'  >:(
Me- Do you?
Dingbat-(doesn't matter what he says as I'm not going to see him anyway)
Me- 'to keep myself safe, sex will be covered and I won't do unprotected oral either way'
Dingbat-Will you kiss?  :(
Me-No, you may be a herpes risk.

Then they tie themselves into knots, because they're want the booking because I'm safe, but they also want the unsafe practices.They end up begging for the booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 14 January 2020, 02:30:08 pm
Dingbat- 'Do you have regular STD tests each month?'  >:(
Me- Do you?
Dingbat-(doesn't matter what he says as I'm not going to see him anyway)
Me- 'to keep myself safe, sex will be covered and I won't do unprotected oral either way'
Dingbat-Will you kiss?  :(
Me-No, you may be a herpes risk.
;D ;D ;D
Then they tie themselves into knots, because they're want the booking because I'm safe, but they also want the unsafe practices.They end up begging for the booking.

I like this @ herpes risk carrier hahahah I am stealing this response.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 14 January 2020, 02:54:19 pm
I like this @ herpes risk carrier hahahah I am stealing this response.

Me too, Dynamite! *offers to swathe the client in a full body condom* There, that'll keep you safe. What's that? You can't feel anything? win some, you lose some🤷🏼‍♀️.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MWinter on 16 January 2020, 06:48:16 pm
I have this one client who is an absolute pleasure. I have been seeing him for years and he is pretty much the ideal client.

However, there is just one catch..

He has developed a love for baby oil, and I mean completely drenching me in it, in fact he brings a waterproof mat with him.

So when he arrived for an incall he whipped out this bloody waterproof mat and a whole bottle of baby oil with no prior warning!!! (I only see him once or twice a year)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 16 January 2020, 06:54:15 pm
I have this one client who is an absolute pleasure. I have been seeing him for years and he is pretty much the ideal client.

However, there is just one catch..

He has developed a love for baby oil, and I mean completely drenching me in it, in fact he brings a waterproof mat with him.

So when he arrived for an incall he whipped out this bloody waterproof mat and a whole bottle of baby oil with no prior warning!!! (I only see him once or twice a year)


Please remember that baby oil doesn’t protect on condoms so if he or you had any bit on the condom and you had sex and didn’t wash then it’s very unsafe.

[quote fixed]
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 16 January 2020, 06:54:57 pm
Wash your hands after using baby oil that is!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissBehaving on 17 January 2020, 09:38:29 am
Personally I turn down any request involving oil unless it's the last appointment of the day... because of their habit of stroking/touching hair I just haven't got the time to wash , dry and straighten my hair as well as removing and redoing my make up from scratch between appointments .
I like my hair squeaky clean at all time ( I wah them everyday day )
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Glamescort on 17 January 2020, 01:59:49 pm
Had a client yesterday who rebooked today for next week. He never spoke other than yes / no. I tried open ended questions, ask him about his day... He replied answers such as "not much" or one word answers. In the end I guess he did not want to talk so stopped trying just ask if he likes what I doing etc. Felt very odd and very disconnected.i assumed he did not like me and was doing it to annoy but surprise he booked me again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Glamescort on 17 January 2020, 02:01:18 pm
I have this one client who is an absolute pleasure. I have been seeing him for years and he is pretty much the ideal client.

However, there is just one catch..

He has developed a love for baby oil, and I mean completely drenching me in it, in fact he brings a waterproof mat with him.

So when he arrived for an incall he whipped out this bloody waterproof mat and a whole bottle of baby oil with no prior warning!!! (I only see him once or twice a year)


Oh no I hate oil it gets everywhere. Maybe tell your client you allergic to it?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MWinter on 17 January 2020, 07:14:19 pm
Had a client yesterday who rebooked today for next week. He never spoke other than yes / no. I tried open ended questions, ask him about his day... He replied answers such as "not much" or one word answers. In the end I guess he did not want to talk so stopped trying just ask if he likes what I doing etc. Felt very odd and very disconnected.i assumed he did not like me and was doing it to annoy but surprise he booked me again.

Urgh, those meets are so awkward, I had one guy just sit on the end of the bed starring into space looking sad! I tried convo but he was just not having it. Sometimes it is not about us, we don't know what they have going on in their personal life. I just try and see us as therapists, because that is basically what we are haha.

Also about the baby oil thing, I had no idea.. thanks for the heads up.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Philipa on 17 January 2020, 09:34:27 pm
Personally I turn down any request involving oil unless it's the last appointment of the day... because of their habit of stroking/touching hair I just haven't got the time to wash , dry and straighten my hair as well as removing and redoing my make up from scratch between appointments .
I like my hair squeaky clean at all time ( I wah them everyday day )

Won't do oily clients at all unless it is a long booking and worth my while.
Same with client BO, can't stand the bad body odour getting into my hair, clothing, it lasts all day. My clients with BO are always scheduled last.
Have also has client's pubes stuck on my clothing in between appointments. Annoying!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissBehaving on 18 January 2020, 12:12:58 pm
I never get hagglers  , certainly never from someone I've already met ...until a couple of weeks ago and I'm still reeling .
I met the guy , mature , late 50's , a mont ago . No issues , friendly , brought chocolates .
A couple of weeks ago he texted wanting an hour appointment for the following day .
We agreed on a time blah blah blah ... a little later he texted again saying he really wanted to extend  " our liaison " to 1 1/2 hour .
I said that's fine .
He texted back saying " how much ? I'm thinking £150 and we'll concentrate on your pleasure during the extra time "  :FF :FF :FF
To which I said " Nah , my fee is a £180 "
Now the " nah " doesn't sound very sophisticated but much nicer than what was actually going through my mind .
Anyway he says he can't pay that much so to leave it at 1 hour .
Late that night he text again,  Repeating that he really wants a longer appointment, could we negotiate a mutually agreeable price  , together with a long list of what he wants me to wear .

By which point I'm absolutely fuming . My profile clearly states that my fees are as stated , no discount available and also that I do not cater for any request concerning my appearance .
I immediately cancelled the booking , no explaination and blocked him .
I realise that I shouldn't get so riled up over such a small matter but frankly I'm still mad about it . It doesn't help that my phone shows blocked calls and text ... and he's made dozan of them since that day .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 18 January 2020, 12:43:03 pm
I never get hagglers  , certainly never from someone I've already met ...until a couple of weeks ago and I'm still reeling .
I met the guy , mature , late 50's , a mont ago . No issues , friendly , brought chocolates .
A couple of weeks ago he texted wanting an hour appointment for the following day .
We agreed on a time blah blah blah ... a little later he texted again saying he really wanted to extend  " our liaison " to 1 1/2 hour .
I said that's fine .
He texted back saying " how much ? I'm thinking £150 and we'll concentrate on your pleasure during the extra time "  :FF :FF :FF
To which I said " Nah , my fee is a £180 "
Now the " nah " doesn't sound very sophisticated but much nicer than what was actually going through my mind .
Anyway he says he can't pay that much so to leave it at 1 hour .
Late that night he text again,  Repeating that he really wants a longer appointment, could we negotiate a mutually agreeable price  , together with a long list of what he wants me to wear .

By which point I'm absolutely fuming . My profile clearly states that my fees are as stated , no discount available and also that I do not cater for any request concerning my appearance .
I immediately cancelled the booking , no explaination and blocked him .
I realise that I shouldn't get so riled up over such a small matter but frankly I'm still mad about it . It doesn't help that my phone shows blocked calls and text ... and he's made dozan of them since that day .

It’s not a small issue at all so I see why your getting riled, what would rile me also is the fact that not only did he want a discount then he decided how much the discount would be and made the excuse that the pleasure would focus on you! Aye right mate, our pleasure is mainly money based I would say, well for me anyway! Another deluded client....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 18 January 2020, 02:13:45 pm
My guess is, he thinks he's proved himself as a 'nice' client in the first booking, so now you'd be willing to go the extra mile because he's a 'sure thing'. I could sort of understand if he'd seen you several times, but after one visit it's taking the piss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 18 January 2020, 03:35:37 pm
Some people do go through life trying to discount everything, I have had a cheeky one myself this week - first booking he negotiated an extension which did suit me, however he'd also broken a request of mine but was actually ok.

Faffed over a repeat which never happened, then tried to offer significantly less the extension deal agreed on the first booking. He could have booked a time he can afford and I did drop slightly which I do not usually do. Ended up finishing the call on the note 'I'm busy got to go', what's worse during the call he even acknowledged 'If I don't book someone else might get in'. Yes someone at full rate.

There were various arguments offered including he was paying for the hotel, not a great argument with someone who is mostly outcall.  ::) When I had a moment of quiet I did decide on a deal I would offer should he phone back, to fit his budget and me he hasn't and I've a full price booking arranged without any haggling or fuss. Just a text or two.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 01 February 2020, 06:49:54 pm
I doubt I am the only one who has experienced this one. Earlier today a new client. Booking was fine in my opinion and unless he was acting he really enjoyed it all too!

My complaint? I opened the front door and he came in with phone in hand. Hardly looked at me and walked past me while doing something on the mobile. Turns out he was switching it off which was ok by me but he barely glanced at me while walking down the hall, which he should not have done as he had no idea where he was going.

It pisses me off on the rare times it happens. If we sps did the same and kept our eyes on our phones while ushering them in we would be branded rude.

I had one man walk straight past me and say wow you look hot! the thing was, he had not even looked at me.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 01 February 2020, 07:24:31 pm
That's so annoying. Sometimes it's 'negging'- emotional manipulation. To make the other person feel insecure and make them want approval. It's a technique reccomended by various pick up artists and dating gurus.

When I was a newbie I opened the door and the agency client was posing- slowly leafing through a newspaper on the step like he was sat on the tube. He looked up about 10 seconds later in his own sweet time as if suprised I was there. This kind of planned manipulation generally show's they've got hidden agendas to screw you up. If it was now, I'd accidentally slam the door on his nose. ;) 'Oops!'

Now we get in the hall, I tell them to turn the phone off, put it away till they've left the premises. Nobody moving till that's done.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 01 February 2020, 09:29:40 pm
I doubt I am the only one who has experienced this one. Earlier today a new client. Booking was fine in my opinion and unless he was acting he really enjoyed it all too!

My complaint? I opened the front door and he came in with phone in hand. Hardly looked at me and walked past me while doing something on the mobile. Turns out he was switching it off which was ok by me but he barely glanced at me while walking down the hall, which he should not have done as he had no idea where he was going.

It pisses me off on the rare times it happens. If we sps did the same and kept our eyes on our phones while ushering them in we would be branded rude.

I had one man walk straight past me and say wow you look hot! the thing was, he had not even looked at me.  ::)

I had an OC who pissed me off to no end. Keycarded elevator so he had to met me in the lobby of course. I'm sitting there, NOT on my phone bc I think that looks terrible, he comes up about 10 feet away from me & says, "Celeste?" I smile & say hello.
He literally jerks his head in the direction of the elevators & strides off to them.
No hello, no handshake, no greeting....not a fucking thing.

So I sat there. I thought, you know, that's really GD rude & I'm not letting you get away with it. You need to come back & acknowledge my existence, you rude bastard. About 30 seconds later he comes back with this surprised look on his face, & says, "Are you coming?"
"Once you greet me properly & say hello I am." was my chilly reply.

I sat there til he came over. I held my hand out until he shook it. Only then did I rise to my feet & sloooowly walked to the lift. THEN, we had to wait for that GD elevator to go up bc ppl from his conference (that he didn't know, mind you) were IN IT & he "thought it might be awkward."

I'm thinking, gee, I have *regular ppl* as friends, who says you're not meeting someone from,  I dunno, your college years or something. Such guilt *tsks* & so unnecessary.

We're not even at his door yet & I'm fed up. As we're walking down the hallway I said thoughtfully,  "There's several ways this could've been handled, you know. You could've left a key card at the front desk for me. You also could've come to me & saved yourself an awful lot of stress, it seems like."

"Uhhhh. I didn't think of those."

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jackiela on 01 February 2020, 09:34:24 pm
I had one today I let him in while leading him to bedroom he gave me a hard slap on my bum oh Gosh I hate that habit with passion I find it so degrading and irritating. I just smiled and told him not to behave like a immature young boy who is visiting a working girl for the first time. He didn't like what I said and decided to cancel the booking I just showed him the door before losing my temper.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GothGirl on 01 February 2020, 10:16:56 pm
I had one today I let him in while leading him to bedroom he gave me a hard slap on my bum oh Gosh I hate that habit with passion I find it so degrading and irritating. I just smiled and told him not to behave like a immature young boy who is visiting a working girl for the first time. He didn't like what I said and decided to cancel the booking I just showed him the door before losing my temper.

Wow! That warrants a warning on the warning section.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 01 February 2020, 10:22:56 pm
I had one today I let him in while leading him to bedroom he gave me a hard slap on my bum oh Gosh I hate that habit with passion I find it so degrading and irritating. I just smiled and told him not to behave like a immature young boy who is visiting a working girl for the first time. He didn't like what I said and decided to cancel the booking I just showed him the door before losing my temper.

So he regressed from behaving like an idiot, to a toddler spitting his dummy out because he couldn't handle being 'told off' by a woman ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jackiela on 01 February 2020, 10:28:20 pm
Honestly sometimes you think we are dealing with adolescents teenagers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: katrina on 01 February 2020, 10:45:29 pm
Honestly sometimes you think we are dealing with adolescents teenagers.

Some teenagers are more mature  ::)

An adult male:  Ooh tits with buttons on I'll just press them beep beep  ::) ::) ??? Or even worse suckle on them  >:D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 01 February 2020, 11:17:38 pm
I had one today I let him in while leading him to bedroom he gave me a hard slap on my bum oh Gosh I hate that habit with passion I find it so degrading and irritating. I just smiled and told him not to behave like a immature young boy who is visiting a working girl for the first time. He didn't like what I said and decided to cancel the booking I just showed him the door before losing my temper.

Good on you J, who slaps bottoms any more? ??? so 1960s
Maybe just me but I don't turn my back on clients...vulnerable position. I guide by standing behind them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Philipa on 02 February 2020, 10:51:47 pm
That's so annoying. Sometimes it's 'negging'- emotional manipulation. To make the other person feel insecure and make them want approval. It's a technique reccomended by various pick up artists and dating gurus.

When I was a newbie I opened the door and the agency client was posing- slowly leafing through a newspaper on the step like he was sat on the tube. He looked up about 10 seconds later in his own sweet time as if suprised I was there. This kind of planned manipulation generally show's they've got hidden agendas to screw you up. If it was now, I'd accidentally slam the door on his nose. ;) 'Oops!'

Now we get in the hall, I tell them to turn the phone off, put it away till they've left the premises. Nobody moving till that's done.

Clients who use 'negging' tactics fall to pieces when the tables are turned on them!
Sensitive souls they are. Haha   ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 03 February 2020, 12:37:52 am
Clients who use 'negging' tactics fall to pieces when the tables are turned on them!
Sensitive souls they are. Haha   ;D

What am I always shouting about on here? turn it back on them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 04 February 2020, 05:53:23 pm
I'm sure I saw this brought up by a member recently. Callers who ask for role play then when you ask what kind...say 'I don't know'. I'm not interested in weedling it out of them.

Asking for a uniform then saying pvc or leather. That's not actually a uniform is it?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 06 February 2020, 04:29:49 pm
The old "Bend over so I can look at you". I'd already refused reverse oral becuse he's a smoker... ::)  So I'm hardly going to be riddled with diseases....dumb as. Should have kicked him out for asking me to do that. Damn these quiet days. Ms Frosty came out to play after that. Banged his head on the way down the stairs ha ha ha toss pot.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 06 February 2020, 05:12:53 pm
The old "Bend over so I can look at you". I'd already refused reverse oral becuse he's a smoker... ::)  So I'm hardly going to be riddled with diseases....dumb as. Should have kicked him out for asking me to do that. Damn these quiet days. Ms Frosty came out to play after that. Banged his head on the way down the stairs ha ha ha toss pot.

 ;D how embarassing hope he didn't bruise his little peanut head. Snap! I had one of those once, I charged him £50, bent and he left 2 seconds later! One of my regs revealed he did it to outcall girls to 'fuck their heads' and see how far he could push them as he had no intention of paying. Odd he didn't try it on me, and cute as f.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 11 February 2020, 07:19:20 pm
Said before, but use your personal stuff in the bathroom. Joke's on him, the toothbrush that was out was the one I'd used the night before to clean my dog's teeth after he was ill.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 11 February 2020, 08:24:58 pm
Oh my sweet Lord ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 12 February 2020, 03:28:19 pm
Said before, but use your personal stuff in the bathroom. Joke's on him, the toothbrush that was out was the one I'd used the night before to clean my dog's teeth after he was ill.  ;D

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 13 February 2020, 01:29:48 pm
Anyone found that soon as a caller says 'im confused' it's the kiss of death'.

'I'm confused your price list says £xx' :(
-'yes that's right' :)
'I think i'll leave it' >:(

It's obviously code for something......

Then their weird...covering-their-ass in- case -no -ones available comment.
'I'll ring you next time I'm in town'
I say 'no don't ring me'
If they're confused this week they'll be confused ever long
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hot flower on 15 February 2020, 08:13:22 am
One client I had talked the hind legs off the donkey plus OCD I couldn't wait for him to leave it got too much .
Oh do this don't do that oh more more enough ! ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Philipa on 15 February 2020, 09:00:52 pm
Anyone found that soon as a caller says 'im confused' it's the kiss of death'.

'I'm confused your price list says £xx' :(
-'yes that's right' :)
'I think i'll leave it' >:(

It's obviously code for something......

Then their weird...covering-their-ass in- case -no -ones available comment.
'I'll ring you next time I'm in town'
I say 'no don't ring me'
If they're confused this week they'll be confused ever long

Yes! Any hint of uncertainty in their words is a kiss of death.
Also, "let me think about it and get back to you.." that means I never hear from them again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 21 February 2020, 01:09:37 pm
Cancelling when around corner because they want full address.

Just... He travelled 45 mins and stood on the wrong landmark. I explain calmly and  tell him return to the tube 1 minute away. Moans that he's just come out of the tube.

I'm gonna give him 1 more chance to comply.

' yes I didn't tell you to wait at're in the wrong place. Go to the tube. How how will you find it when your on the wrong road?
-'You tell me the address.'
-'No go to the tube.' Then I try to make small talk to make him more relaxed and I know what's coming next, like clockwork he moans.
-This is too hard.

Over 50yrs they tend to resent being given directions and i expect this so i tell him. Fuck off then you count.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 21 February 2020, 01:47:02 pm
Just... He travelled 45 mins and stood on the wrong landmark. I explain calmly and  him return to the tube 1 minute away. Moans that hes just come out of the tube.

' yes I didn't tell you to wait at x..your in the wring place. Go to the tube. How how will you find it when your on the wrong road?
-You tell me the address.
-No go to the tube. Then I try to make small talk to make him more relaxed and I know what's coming clockwork he moans.
-This is too hard.

Over 50yrs they tend to resent being given directions and i expect this so i tell him.Fuck off then you count.

I had one dickhead last week who expected to be told my full address from a phonebox half a mile away  ::)
Utter morons these people  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 22 February 2020, 03:36:26 pm
I recently uploaded some new videos to my profile. One client asked me to send all the videos to his phone. It's there to make some extra money not for the fun of it. I was slightly peeved.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Amanda94 on 22 February 2020, 05:24:15 pm
Sending about four messages within five minutes and you scroll through them and find one question in each. All before you even have time to respond to the first one  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 23 February 2020, 09:20:48 am
Sending about four messages within five minutes and you scroll through them and find one question in each. All before you even have time to respond to the first one  :FF

Or when someone - usually a complete randomer who is texting unsolicited - asks a question, then follows with a "?" then a "??"...
Who knew such a solitary little keyboard character could induce such rage?  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 23 February 2020, 09:27:25 am
Or the single words:
"Free?" "Available?" "postcode"
Had them all overnight when my phone was off as usual.. Imagine leaving it on by mistake to be woken at 5am with that bollocks?  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 23 February 2020, 08:51:24 pm
Only once ever..shoe issues.

The client was being dropped off by taxi and asked for the exact house.
I don't give that out till the last second, anyway he sounded a bit vulnerable so I asked why?
'It's raining, I've got white trainers on and don't want to get them dirty'.

I nearly laughed out loud then thought, this is proper serious jeopardy for him.
He was really going home cause it was wet? ??? I soothed him down on the phone.

In walks a polite, well dressed drug dealer in sneakers the price of a lambo.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Glamescort on 23 February 2020, 10:54:34 pm
What is it with the men who rub your hair up and down trying to give you an afro while giving them a blow job? Ive literally have to tangle tease knots out of my hair   ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 23 February 2020, 11:25:43 pm
What is it with the men who rub your hair up and down trying to give you an afro while giving them a blow job? Ive literally have to tangle tease knots out of my hair   ::)

I have extremely short hair, & 1 would think it'd be impossible to mess up....not so. I use a shit ton of hairspray on it so it'll stay in place all day, AND to encourage those handsy mofos to keep their GD fingers to themselves *scowl*.

1 tried to brush his fingers thru my bangs yesterday & was literally met with a wall of cement .... giggling. He pulled back fast & didn't go near my head the rest of the time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 24 February 2020, 10:13:39 am
What is it with the men who rub your hair up and down trying to give you an afro while giving them a blow job? Ive literally have to tangle tease knots out of my hair   ::)

Not a good idea in my case. My wig would fall off in their hands and their hard on would vanish (I imagine) :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissBehaving on 24 February 2020, 10:35:18 am
What is it with the men who rub your hair up and down trying to give you an afro while giving them a blow job? Ive literally have to tangle tease knots out of my hair   ::)

That !
And stroking  your face / hair with their dripping wet hands after a slobbering RO and "manual stimulation " ...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 24 February 2020, 10:38:05 am
Not a good idea in my case. My wig would fall off in their hands and their hard on would vanish (I imagine) :-\

I've definitely posted upthread about this too, but them touching my hair is my pet hate. I no longer wash my hair if I know I have bookings later/the next day as it makes me furious and whilst I can stand them making a sort of ponytail and holding it, anybody trying to comb their (invariably dirty) fingers through it gets their hand batted away. It makes it greasy and dirty, plus it's painful as my hair is long, thick an wavy so they just get stuck.

Don't get me started on the ones who do it after getting lube all over their hands, having a wank, shoving their finger up your bum and so on. I've nearly given myself whiplash trying to duck sideways to avoid the minging fuckers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 24 February 2020, 11:35:55 am
My hair is long(ish) and I don't like it hanging over my face while giving bj's etc plus it can get icky so I tend to tie it up or wear some style which keeps it away from my face.  Men who think it is fine to unclip it and let it fall without even asking is that ok, they annoy me.

If I was asked can I please wear my hair loose then I would probably say yes but don't just take out my hair slides or ties please, it is not good manners.  (same with the men who think they can take our shoes off and pull down the stockings/unclip the sussies without asking first. 

Those men who insist on keeping the socks on, I can't recall ever taking them off for them despite wanting to. I find it funny to see a naked man with grotty socks on while he is trying to be sexy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 24 February 2020, 05:05:34 pm
It doesn't annoy me personally but they stick their hands up fanny, asshole, cock, spunk and go back to work. Without washing their paws. Just in time for a meeting-handshakes all round.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tianalostotheract on 25 February 2020, 11:48:37 am

That !
And stroking  your face / hair with their dripping wet hands after a slobbering RO and "manual stimulation " ...

A client literally almost pulled my wig off once and i nearly ended the booking because wtf ask first at least
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 25 February 2020, 04:14:19 pm
My hair is long(ish) and I don't like it hanging over my face while giving bj's etc plus it can get icky so I tend to tie it up or wear some style which keeps it away from my face.  Men who think it is fine to unclip it and let it fall without even asking is that ok, they annoy me.

If I was asked can I please wear my hair loose then I would probably say yes but don't just take out my hair slides or ties please, it is not good manners.  (same with the men who think they can take our shoes off and pull down the stockings/unclip the sussies without asking first. 

Those men who insist on keeping the socks on, I can't recall ever taking them off for them despite wanting to. I find it funny to see a naked man with grotty socks on while he is trying to be sexy.
Oh, I used to hate the ones who made a grab for my hold ups. I used to lightly move theiur hand away and ask if they were going to be leaving an extra tenner if they ripped them?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 25 February 2020, 04:41:17 pm
Oh, I used to hate the ones who made a grab for my hold ups. I used to lightly move theiur hand away and ask if they were going to be leaving an extra tenner if they ripped them?

I can rip them all on my own with dropping bra hook, even one on a body I was removing. Have shown how to do the finger down the inside trick to carefully roll them off.

Also reminds me of trying to get in with roll off technique before condoms are yanked off, roll off neatly knot.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 25 February 2020, 07:42:58 pm
I also had to develop the art of careful removal of hold ups due to managing to ladder a few pairs with my Pandora bracelet that had a sharp and dangly charm!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sera_fin on 27 February 2020, 10:31:26 pm

just got this message from an aw punter who has already made one enquiry

Thank you for your message. I hope you don’t mind me asking where you host your incalls, an area or approximate location would be helpful, and whether it is a private house or hotel.
I am hoping to visit for an hour on Saturday evening at around 6 pm or possibly 7 pm, if that happens to fit in with your plans. I also have a scenario n mind which I will send a brief email about, Once we have arranged a time to meet, to see whether it is agreeable to you.

Inward groan at the mention os a 'scenario'. Plus I don't offer role-play and also... why not just add the scenario to this email instead of dragging it out?  ???

It's a no from me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 27 February 2020, 10:50:57 pm
When they get in a huff and puff cos you made it clear that showering comes out of their time. Yet they think it's for free.
No mate you book 30mins and 30mins is what you will get anything more pay extra if you take forever in the shower. My time is paid for so cleaning yourself is part of your booking.

Excuse for the off the rail rant
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hot flower on 04 March 2020, 04:25:05 pm
When they get in a huff and puff cos you made it clear that showering comes out of their time. Yet they think it's for free.
No mate you book 30mins and 30mins is what you will get anything more pay extra if you take forever in the shower. My time is paid for so cleaning yourself is part of your booking.

Excuse for the off the rail rant
Dynamite. I also had a client  wanting to shower first until I told him it will cut into his booking time .he suddenly stripped off and leapt in the bed clearly ready .he did use the basin in the end !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DarcyLady on 04 March 2020, 04:53:32 pm
When they get in a huff and puff cos you made it clear that showering comes out of their time. Yet they think it's for free.
No mate you book 30mins and 30mins is what you will get anything more pay extra if you take forever in the shower. My time is paid for so cleaning yourself is part of your booking.

Excuse for the off the rail rant

Oh I love these idiots. 'What time does my time start? After I;m out the shower?' NOOO :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: peaches_xx on 04 March 2020, 06:56:28 pm
Aaaaagh!! I hate when I say to a client.. 'Please give me 3 minutes, then ring the buzzer' But they ring it straight away!
This is why I refuse to give my door number until I am ready.

Clients that email me on aw, and wait days for a response when they could simply just call me!  :FF
I rarely bother reading AW emails, if they won't call a number that's very clearly in front of them then they are probably a timewaster.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 05 March 2020, 11:30:24 am
This morning a client stroked my face after anal play on me (using his fingers). As in, he stroked my face and tried to shove his fingers in my mouth.

  >:( :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: linglau on 05 March 2020, 11:17:03 pm
This morning a client stroked my face after anal play on me (using his fingers). As in, he stroked my face and tried to shove his fingers in my mouth.

  >:( :FF

Agh that's gross  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 06 March 2020, 07:17:39 am
It doesn't annoy me personally but they stick their hands up fanny, asshole, cock, spunk and go back to work. Without washing their paws. Just in time for a meeting-handshakes all round.

That makes me borderline livid. I make them wash their hands. My inner matron comes out or I've now started spraying my sanitiser on them. Especially with the deadly viruses going around.

Give no indication of timing preferences in their communication.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 06 March 2020, 07:48:05 am
This morning a client stroked my face after anal play on me (using his fingers). As in, he stroked my face and tried to shove his fingers in my mouth.

  >:( :FF

I would have been tempted to bloody well bite down hard  >:(
Yesterday had the old trying to kiss immediately following RO - he was offered my cheek - and he thought I would be happy to have a random silver bullet vibe inside me, he produced from his hotel side draw.  :-X

From the paraphanalia I also clocked, it wasn't that many hours since his last female visit of an intimate nature  (despite a completely unnecessary cock and bull story of it "Being so long since I had a woman... Blah, blah")  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 06 March 2020, 09:20:26 am
I would have been tempted to bloody well bite down hard  >:(
Yesterday had the old trying to kiss immediately following RO - he was offered my cheek - and he thought I would be happy to have a random silver bullet vibe inside me, he produced from his hotel side draw.  :-X

From the paraphanalia I also clocked, it wasn't that many hours since his last female visit of an intimate nature  (despite a completely unnecessary cock and bull story of it "Being so long since I had a woman... Blah, blah")  ::)

Clients are fickle creatures.
I have also had clients trying to kiss me when they are literally drooling. And I mean French kiss.
What is wrong with people?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 06 March 2020, 01:49:45 pm

From the paraphanalia I also clocked, it wasn't that many hours since his last female visit of an intimate nature  (despite a completely unnecessary cock and bull story of it "Being so long since I had a woman... Blah, blah")  ::)

I saw a guy once and I swear his beard...I swear he had not washed since the last time he was between someone's legs.  SO SO gross.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 06 March 2020, 01:53:51 pm
Clients are fickle creatures.
I have also had clients trying to kiss me when they are literally drooling. And I mean French kiss.
What is wrong with people?

OMG, that is one of my biggest pet peeves, I am not fond of spittle at the best of times so to have a client try to drool in my mouth is the most disgusting.  I know there are nastier things out there but I think there is something particularly nasty about someone trying to transfer all their gob to you.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 06 March 2020, 04:56:04 pm

OMG, that is one of my biggest pet peeves, I am not fond of spittle at the best of times so to have a client try to drool in my mouth is the most disgusting.  I know there are nastier things out there but I think there is something particularly nasty about someone trying to transfer all their gob to you.
It's more concerning at the moment with corona virus etc. And yet clients still do it, they aren't washing their hands or showering before sessions.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DarcyLady on 07 March 2020, 06:34:47 pm
Client and me arrange all details, and then -

Client- Oh how much is half hour?
Me- It's £££ as stated on profile.
Client-Oh, I only have £
Me-I don't negotiate prices.
Client- What can I get for £?
Me- Your head checked. Bye.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Philipa on 08 March 2020, 10:32:44 am
I have also had clients trying to kiss me when they are literally drooling. And I mean French kiss.
What is wrong with people?
There is a fetish for spitting in your mouth whilst kissing you. Even the thought of it makes me retch. A client asked if he could re-enact some spitting he saw in porn  ::) I said, 'fine...£50 extra,' he was shocked it was not inclusive. But if he wanted a porn star experience with me spitting everywhere, he should be paying porn star prices.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SomethingNew on 08 March 2020, 12:42:36 pm
If this has already been mentioned ignore...

But not washing properly :FF and having the AUDACITY and CONFIDENCE to request OWO with a cock that smells of urine. I pulled back his foreskin and the wiff, oh my gosh the wiff  :-X

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 08 March 2020, 02:55:41 pm
If this has already been mentioned ignore...

But not washing properly :FF and having the AUDACITY and CONFIDENCE to request OWO with a cock that smells of urine. I pulled back his foreskin and the wiff, oh my gosh the wiff  :-X
I saw someone the other day who made a point of only taking his shower after I arrived at his hotel room (leaving me alone in his room with all his stuff, almost unheard of with new clients 🧐)
I am convinced he faked the shower as his willy, I later discovered, was not fresh at all.
I had no worries about telling him. I sent him off the bathroom.. Running water... Came back smelling of cum. For fucks sake! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 08 March 2020, 04:01:34 pm
I had 1 in New Hampshire last week come in smelling like he’d just walked out of a medical marijuana clinic😡. That’s a migraine trigger for me & I said, yeahhhh, this ain’t happening. You need to get in the shower 🚿& scrub that smell OFF you, NOW.
He says, “Do you want me to come back?”

I wasn’t paying attention bc I’m now having an anxiety attack: my bed’s going to stink of weed, I have another client directly after him, & is this going to cause a migraine? I’m busily spritzing Febreze (unscented) around the room & he again says, “Do you want me to come back?”

I’m sorry to say I snapped. I turned to him & thru clenched teeth replied,
“I. Want. You. Not. To. Smell. Like. Marijuana. What is coming back going to do for ME? I have a busy day, SIR (god help you if I’m calling you sir). The least you could’ve done is check to see if it was ok with me. Nowhere on my site does it say I’m 420 friendly.”

He grumpily gets in the shower 🧼& I can hear him muttering imprecations (lol). But he sure didn’t smell smoky when he got out!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SomethingNew on 08 March 2020, 05:05:45 pm
"He grumpily gets in the shower 🧼& I can hear him muttering imprecations (lol). But he sure didn’t smell smoky when he got out!


@Phoenix I don’t understand the ones who simply wash their hands when asked to freshen up or the ones who actually get in the shower but decide not to use soap. Surely it’s easier if you actually just showered and I didn’t have to send you back but noooo   >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 08 March 2020, 06:49:31 pm
I mean, the last thing I need is a review saying, “her room slash she smelled like dope.” That’d bring every loser/addict there is outta the woodwork; I spend 1/2 my day fending them off as is, smh.

I carry 2 small bottles of unscented Febreze with me, & used nearly a whole bottle between the room, curtains & bed. Paranoia, thy name is Celeste. Sigh.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissUnderstood on 09 March 2020, 06:40:18 am
Oh I love these idiots. 'What time does my time start? After I;m out the shower?' NOOO :FF
i don’t see any problem giving them five mins before and after to shower and get their shit together before they leave. I can understand why clients would be put off that it’s in the time to be fair, I would be the other way round. Unless you’re operating like a one in one out ‘convertor belt’ type then I don’t see the issue? And it makes them more likely to actually clean!

It’s like before and after a massage at a spa, most of the time you’re given time to relax before and after, get undressed/dressed. Have some water etc etc
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 09 March 2020, 09:20:42 am
i don’t see any problem giving them five mins before and after to shower and get their shit together before they leave. I can understand why clients would be put off that it’s in the time to be fair, I would be the other way round. Unless you’re operating like a one in one out ‘convertor belt’ type then I don’t see the issue? And it makes them more likely to actually clean!

It’s like before and after a massage at a spa, most of the time you’re given time to relax before and after, get undressed/dressed. Have some water etc etc

Give them a inch, though.....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 09 March 2020, 09:48:56 am
There is a fetish for spitting in your mouth whilst kissing you. Even the thought of it makes me retch. A client asked if he could re-enact some spitting he saw in porn  ::) I said, 'fine...£50 extra,' he was shocked it was not inclusive. But if he wanted a porn star experience with me spitting everywhere, he should be paying porn star prices.

It's a no from me. Not for any amount of money. Not only because it's gross and unhygienic but also because it doesn't do anything for me.
And I have some unhappy memories regarding that too so... Nope.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 09 March 2020, 09:50:22 am
If this has already been mentioned ignore...

But not washing properly :FF and having the AUDACITY and CONFIDENCE to request OWO with a cock that smells of urine. I pulled back his foreskin and the wiff, oh my gosh the wiff  :-X

Grim. I've had to aak clients previously not only to have to shower but to wash their cocks and to do so under the foreskin. I have had to remind them.
*facepalm. *
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 09 March 2020, 09:53:25 am
I had 1 in New Hampshire last week come in smelling like he’d just walked out of a medical marijuana clinic😡. That’s a migraine trigger for me & I said, yeahhhh, this ain’t happening. You need to get in the shower 🚿& scrub that smell OFF you, NOW.
He says, “Do you want me to come back?”

I wasn’t paying attention bc I’m now having an anxiety attack: my bed’s going to stink of weed, I have another client directly after him, & is this going to cause a migraine? I’m busily spritzing Febreze (unscented) around the room & he again says, “Do you want me to come back?”

I’m sorry to say I snapped. I turned to him & thru clenched teeth replied,
“I. Want. You. Not. To. Smell. Like. Marijuana. What is coming back going to do for ME? I have a busy day, SIR (god help you if I’m calling you sir). The least you could’ve done is check to see if it was ok with me. Nowhere on my site does it say I’m 420 friendly.”

He grumpily gets in the shower 🧼& I can hear him muttering imprecations (lol). But he sure didn’t smell smoky when he got out!

That's awful. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you were ok afterwards.
People are so selfish and unaware at times, it's baffling.

I tend to ask clients to shower beforehand anyway, but especially if they are pungent. Once a punter arrived and smelt as if he had bathed in aftershave. Also, it was an aftershave that someone from my teenage years wore, a bf who was abusive. So it set me off a bit.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 09 March 2020, 10:54:53 am
That's awful. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you were ok afterwards.
People are so selfish and unaware at times, it's baffling.

I tend to ask clients to shower beforehand anyway, but especially if they are pungent. Once a punter arrived and smelt as if he had bathed in aftershave. Also, it was an aftershave that someone from my teenage years wore, a bf who was abusive. So it set me off a bit.

Thanks Harriet, I was fine once I popped my migraine pill (& possibly a Xanax after he left, lol). If he wants to write a review bc I made him take a shower 🧼🚿for THAT reason? I can live with it. He’ll get laughed out out of the forum.
Douche monkey 🐒 .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 09 March 2020, 01:42:49 pm
It's a no from me. Not for any amount of money. Not only because it's gross and unhygienic but also because it doesn't do anything for me.
And I have some unhappy memories regarding that too so... Nope.

There is no amount of money,  I am sick enough of being asked about squirting because they think porn is real life. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 09 March 2020, 05:48:00 pm
There is no amount of money,  I am sick enough of being asked about squirting because they think porn is real life.

Goddamn, but I hate that ?? They always get a very clipped, “Nope.” from me, & god help them if they push it with, “I bet I could get you to....”

No you couldn’t so don’t even bother, k? Thanks!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 09 March 2020, 06:34:20 pm
Seem promising in their first message until the very end. Had some clown message me asking for a sub booking. He was well spoken, respectful and polite and referenced parts of my profile so it was obvious he had actually read it. All good and well until the closing statements of if I agree to the booking he can't afford more than x per hour. I charge more for sub bookings and x was less than what I charge for GFE! He referenced parts of my profile that are right above the prices for this type of booking, selective reading at it's finest.  ::) Also shot himself in the foot with "Check my feedback" Instant turn off. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Honeyxx on 09 March 2020, 10:58:43 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SomethingNew on 10 March 2020, 05:00:38 am
I haven’t had the religious view thing but definitely the patronising and condescending “why are you doing this? you’re such a nice girl, you’ll become jaded”  ::)

I still love men it’s just the stupid ones I despise and tbh this job has made it so much easier to spot them  :angel:
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 13 May 2020, 05:34:55 pm
Comes over for a 1.5hr booking. Literally doesn't speak the whole booking apart from the odd grunt. Asks to use the shower after and literally floods the place. Then (being the lovely helpful girl I am) I pick up his jeans to hand to him and I notice the huge skidders on the crotch as he doesn't wear boxers. Luckily I managed to swallow the "Fucking hell didn't your mum teach you to wipe your arse properly" comment, God knows how as I have Aspergers, which can literally be like Tourettes sometimes. How does a plumber not know how to use a shower?! Blocked!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Saffy on 13 May 2020, 07:32:06 pm
Ah yes the great unwashed they just make you want to quit the job on the spot.

I always interrogate them on their hygiene before I let them come.

It annoys my when they want to wash their dick in the sink afterwards. Make a mess everywhere and think you are like a wife and will clean it up.  They are not married nobody would marry them.

When I suspect this I will tell them they can wash it in the shower and then turn it on for them to stand under and they are not allowed to touch the shower head or shove it in their crotch.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 13 May 2020, 08:44:06 pm
Totally loving your prison warden approach Saffy ;D. And I thought I was strict!  :o I listen with my ear pressed to the door for plops. If they dump and stroll out without a shower I know they've got a poopy bum and give them bare bones, no-frills service...and double or triple the massage paper under their hole. The paper never lies. If they don't know basic hygiene-I want them out sharpish. No second booking. Most arrive super clean funnily.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Saffy on 13 May 2020, 09:35:53 pm
Oh no no no, no number twos.  I tell them they have to come showered. If they say "What you mean really clean" I put the phone down.

I only ones I let shower beforehand are regulars who are always clean but wants to freshen up.

Admittedly I am at the extreme end. But the plus side for them is I am always smelling of roses.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 13 May 2020, 09:58:12 pm
Oh no no no, no number twos.  I tell them they have to come showered. If they say "What you mean really clean" I put the phone down.

I only ones I let shower beforehand are regulars who are always clean but wants to freshen up.

Admittedly I am at the extreme end. But the plus side for them is I am always smelling of roses.

I'm your fangirl.
WTF! they have more than one category of clean...I'm trying to process that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Glowstick on 13 May 2020, 10:06:51 pm
Sorry rant alert...

So we're all in the position at the minute where most of us are waiting for the self employment grant or worst still living off universal credit or forced ourselves to work as there was no other option or whatever. If escorting was your main job, you are more than likely struggling financially.

I've had some lovely regulars text me asking how i am and to keep safe etc but to my surprise a client text me saying he owns a business and would i be interested in some work to do whilst at home for cash. He'd last booked me in July last year so I couldn't remember him but haven't really seen too many weirdos over the past year so i replied asking what the job was, he replied back asking if he could call at 7pm to explain and for me to go on my pc/laptop and he'll run through the website. My thoughts were either this is genuine as I have an IT degree and maybe in our booking I mentioned it and he just needs my help with his website or he's going to be some indian guy in a call centre making me logon to a dodgy website to put my card details in and steal from me.... but i decided I might as well humour him, it's not like I have anything better to do and the money would come in handy.

Ok so really friendly guy on the phone, then started guiding me how to use a computer, "now open the internet browser and type into the address bar, then paused (waited for me to do it)" I was thinking what the hell, even if I didn't have an IT degree I think I'd know how to do that haha! Humoured him more as this clearly was sales spiel - asked him what to do next...

type www.uw then it appeared UTILITY F%$£!*G WAREHOUSE....!!!

I went ape shit and hung up. How desperate must you be to start contacting the escorts in your phone to build your pyramid scheme empire  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Saffy on 13 May 2020, 10:19:16 pm
Yes a lot of scamming about at the moment. I'm suspicious of all these adds that keep popping up on screen. I am deleting history and cookies before i turn off my device and throughout day as well.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: schoolgirldarcie on 06 September 2020, 12:10:48 pm
Does anybody have any stupid little things that make them instantly resent a client - even before meeting? Maybe I just hate people, but I have loaddsss!

Before Meeting

1) A client trying to go all dominant with me asking me to call him sir.
2) Client says creepy shit like "Mmm, yum yum! Xx" over text it makes me fucking gag
3) Client overmessages or expects instant replies.
4) Client calls me, I reject it, then he instantly calls again. IF I WANTED TO TALK DIPSHIT I WOULD HAVE ANSWERED THE FIRST TIME
5) Client goes on about how big he is. Couldn't give a shit love. I hate you.

In Person

6) Client doesnt say a word before stripping off
7) Client dodges when I try to kiss him? Nahhhh so disrespectful
8) Client touches my pussy. Please no get your dirty fingers away from me :(
9) Client walks in and instantly asks if I have any other girls working with me that he can see instead.
10) Client asks for moneyback if he cums early. Fuck off.

What about youuu?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 06 September 2020, 01:29:08 pm
Rare for me but does anyone ever have those god awful clients who are incapable of opening a door. I don’t know if they’re just slow or intentionally trying to piss me off but I had one guy who I had to spend about 10 minutes on the phone with as he was unable to open my door.

In the end I had to come down and open it for him. Was pissed before the appointment even started because I had neighbours now clocking me and I had already had them raising suspicions at the time and wanted to be discrete as possible.

This has only ever happened to me two times but I genuinely wonder if they do this shit on purpose. There was nothing wrong with the door at all the two clients before him and no problems opening it and the other client after him had no issues either. I feel some people just like to be as awkward as possible.

Anyone else? 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cass on 06 September 2020, 04:47:18 pm
Rare for me but does anyone ever have those god awful clients who are incapable of opening a door. 

Ugh I had one of them the other day, I was watching him on camera telling him to push the door and he was giving it stupid light little taps like he thought it was going to open by itself for him, all while looking as guilty as if he had just done a dump in the street  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hot flower on 06 September 2020, 06:59:05 pm
I had a pointless email from someone trying to be smart with me
It just wasn't going to get a booking plus at the end he even wrote black lives matter .. I really couldn't see the point in that .
One blocked !!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Liverpoolgal123 on 08 September 2020, 07:05:55 pm
I’ve realised today something that bothers me about a couple of clients I have, today I saw someone new, he asked for ow which is rare I only have two other clients who prefer oral with, he didn’t want to Kiss or touch me in a sexual way, I got the feeling that he didn’t want to do any of that because I’m an escort, when he was done it was like he wanted to get out fast as he could, hardly spoke or looked at me. He’s txt me asking when I’m next working as he wants to see me again (I won’t see him as he made me feel like I was beneath him) this goes to my other clients who act the same (not wanting to kiss, touch me or give oral) why book a escort if you think we’re dirty? I’ve not really realised that it bothered me until today, am I being sensitive or anyone feel like that?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 08 September 2020, 08:18:48 pm
Is he European by any chance?  I have had a couple of Euro guys like that and was taken aback also. One, fairly young guy, just wanked himself off when I was just naked next to him, they tend to be really easy bookings and especially the generous ones who books you for three hours but lets you go after 90mins because they are tired.  Damn this virus, those  Euro business travellers were great!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 09 September 2020, 12:21:21 am
I also fucking hate anyone asking for a discount or haggling for a lower price. It just isn’t going to happen so stop fucking annoying me. What I can’t understand for the life of me is there’s plenty of escorts who charge less than I do. “Because I want to see you” well here we are back to square one then if you want to fucking see me it’s at my price and not yours. If you want a lower price go to a different girl I literally have no time for your fucking bullshit. God I hate some people. Lol  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 19 September 2020, 04:19:15 pm
Texting me about non work stuff. One recently was giving me updates about his holiday.

Getting pissed off if I don't reply to their texts instantly.This happens a lot.

I don't offer cim but trying to convince me their cum tastes lovely. How do I know I won't like it.

Thinking bareback is okay if they don't cum inside me.

Asking for discounts.

Cancelling last minute with feeble excuses.

No shows and wasting my time.

Being unclean and not washing.

Talking down to me as if I don't have a brain.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Escortx on 20 September 2020, 08:25:45 pm
Ask for a shower before a 15 min booking. Just me or is that unreasonable?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 20 September 2020, 10:03:52 pm
Ask for a shower before a 15 min booking. Just me or is that unreasonable?
Its unreasonable dam right taking the piss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadebear on 20 September 2020, 10:58:46 pm
Ask for a shower before a 15 min booking. Just me or is that unreasonable?

Hahaha i would've included it in his time! Oh sorry, 8 minutes left to go. And goodbye!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 September 2020, 12:03:28 pm

Too right, bloody cheapskates wanting to mess up your bathroom, use hot water and towels for a booking that is already hardly worth your while!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 21 September 2020, 12:07:40 pm
Hot, soapy flannel with dettol on, give him a quick nurse-rub job done.
If you're really posh, savlon.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 September 2020, 12:19:53 pm
Hot, soapy flannel with dettol on, give him a quick nurse rub job done.
If you're really posh, savlon.

Haha SS you do make me laugh with your no nonsense approach and getting the dettol out!
Going to make it sting but great for the sadists amongst us lol.
Something along those lines definitely a good idea though
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 21 September 2020, 12:31:13 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 21 September 2020, 01:38:56 pm
Hahaha i would've included it in his time! Oh sorry, 8 minutes left to go. And goodbye!

hahaha that I would do.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 September 2020, 05:34:59 pm

Getting a huge increase in guys contacting me in the complete opposite way to stated on my profile, it seems if you ask them not to do a certain thing that's precisely what they will do!
 Pretty sure it is just to try and wind me up or maybe they think in these strange times we will accept any old shit despite what our profiles say.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 22 September 2020, 04:20:43 pm
Getting a huge increase in guys contacting me in the complete opposite way to stated on my profile, it seems if you ask them not to do a certain thing that's precisely what they will do!
 Pretty sure it is just to try and wind me up or maybe they think in these strange times we will accept any old shit despite what our profiles say.

I swear we are being trolled by bored blokes sometimes, if you have you don't do something, they want to send a ridiculous message starting with 'I want to book you to do it'.

Since I put up that I am not interested in hardsports I have had a few emails asking me to crap and fart on them......grrrrrr

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cass on 23 September 2020, 07:34:29 pm
Getting a huge increase in guys contacting me in the complete opposite way to stated on my profile, it seems if you ask them not to do a certain thing that's precisely what they will do!
 Pretty sure it is just to try and wind me up or maybe they think in these strange times we will accept any old shit despite what our profiles say.

I don't take bookings by text and I say so on my ads, this week I've literally had 3 guys ask why I say I don't reply to text  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 28 September 2020, 10:07:10 am
I don't take bookings by text and I say so on my ads, this week I've literally had 3 guys ask why I say I don't reply to text  :FF

Unbelievable aren't they!?  I really can't decide if they are just bored and trying to be annoying or plain stupid!

Well I had some success, after ignoring texts on two occasions from one guy he finally fell into line and called me today  ;D

Unfortunately he sounded like a young gangsta chav  and most likely a time waster ... so declined the booking anyway ... but at least it proves that this type of screening is useful.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 28 September 2020, 11:48:22 am
Unbelievable aren't they!?  I really can't decide if they are just bored and trying to be annoying or plain stupid!

Well I had some success, after ignoring texts on two occasions from one guy he finally fell into line and called me today  ;D

Unfortunately he sounded like a young gangsta chav  and most likely a time waster ... so declined the booking anyway ... but at least it proves that this type of screening is useful.

I insist on a call to book and the amount of men that try and bypass this, like I’m fucking daft and I’m just gonna say “fuck my security procedure, just come up”, one guy said his speaker on his phone was broke and this was the same thing he said 4 months ago, I texted “instead of spending cash on hookers then perhaps you should buy a phone, I’m not interested in your reasons, no call means no booking”, and he said “please babe”, I replied “please fuck off and then blocked the cunt.

I also had a guy last week say, when he called, “so what’s the issue with the calling, is this to check if I’m Scottish or what”, nowhere on my profile does it say men have to be Scottish, I was a bit annoyed because he shouldn’t question my procedure and because he annoyed me before I had even met him then I didn’t see him, I’m still annoyed now about it, it was the way he said it 🙄
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SweetieeeS on 29 September 2020, 02:02:31 am
Hate when they ask really personal questions! Find myself creating personas I can’t remember when they come back !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 29 September 2020, 07:49:54 am
I insist on a call to book and the amount of men that try and bypass this, like I’m fucking daft and I’m just gonna say “fuck my security procedure, just come up”, one guy said his speaker on his phone was broke and this was the same thing he said 4 months ago, I texted “instead of spending cash on hookers then perhaps you should buy a phone, I’m not interested in your reasons, no call means no booking”, and he said “please babe”, I replied “please fuck off and then blocked the cunt.

I also had a guy last week say, when he called, “so what’s the issue with the calling, is this to check if I’m Scottish or what”, nowhere on my profile does it say men have to be Scottish, I was a bit annoyed because he shouldn’t question my procedure and because he annoyed me before I had even met him then I didn’t see him, I’m still annoyed now about it, it was the way he said it 🙄

You dodged a bullet there, I think. You shouldn't have to see arseholes like this if you don't want to. That's why you have your screening protocol, so these morons trip themselves up before you have the displeasure of meeting them  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: thickthighs on 01 October 2020, 01:56:21 pm
texting/Whatsapping question marks minutes  after their initial message because you haven’t responded to them within 30 seconds, so effing rude.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missizzy on 01 October 2020, 02:46:53 pm
Exist  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 01 October 2020, 03:07:52 pm
Leave black sock fluff all over my carpet and my bed  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 01 October 2020, 03:13:01 pm
When they cannot have an exact time in mind and they say “about 3” when asked what time, boils my blood because ‘about 3’ isn’t an appointment time and I have other clients to think about!!! Grrr
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: eva1982 on 01 October 2020, 06:48:47 pm
Leave black sock fluff all over my carpet and my bed  >:(

 ;D ;D ;D - I hate when they do this!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TheLastTime on 01 October 2020, 08:48:31 pm
When they cannot have an exact time in mind and they say “about 3” when asked what time, boils my blood because ‘about 3’ isn’t an appointment time and I have other clients to think about!!! Grrr

Usually TWs of some description. Today  I had an enquiry from a guy who wanted a booking for ‘about six for about an hour‘

Predictably he neither confirmed nor showed up...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 01 October 2020, 11:23:17 pm
When they cannot have an exact time in mind and they say “about 3” when asked what time, boils my blood because ‘about 3’ isn’t an appointment time and I have other clients to think about!!! Grrr

Totally pisses me off, like they think we can't possibly be busy and so are able to do "about" any time they choose.
I say, ok so is that 3 or 3.30?  If they can't decide then I tell them when I can see them, take it or leave it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 01 October 2020, 11:35:54 pm
Exist  :(

Haha we all feel that way some days I think but I have some pretty nice regulars so have to stand by them I guess
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 02 October 2020, 12:02:22 am
Totally pisses me off, like they think we can't possibly be busy and so are able to do "about" any time they choose.
I say, ok so is that 3 or 3.30?  If they can't decide then I tell them when I can see them, take it or leave it.

What really pisses me off is when they just call and ask “are you available Friday” and it’s like, “well ducking when, Friday has 24 hours in it”! It’s like they think we are constantly shagging for cash without eating, sleeping, being parents, family, etc etc, I said to one guy, who pushed me too far “I may just be a hooker to you love but I’m lots of things to other people”...

I don’t know about anybody else but when I make an appointment with any place then I always have the time and day in mind that I would like, and if the place cannot accommodate my first time then we work from there, I very much doubt these types of clients try their bullshit with other places, imo they are just nosey and want to know all that we’re doing.

[quote fixed]
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 02 October 2020, 04:05:52 pm
What really pisses me off is when they just call and ask “are you available Friday” and it’s like, “well ducking when, Friday has 24 hours in it”! It’s like they think we are constantly shagging for cash without eating, sleeping, being parents, family, etc etc, I said to one guy, who pushed me too far “I may just be a hooker to you love but I’m lots of things to other people”...

I don’t know about anybody else but when I make an appointment with any place then I always have the time and day in mind that I would like, and if the place cannot accommodate my first time then we work from there, I very much doubt these types of clients try their bullshit with other places, imo they are just nosey and want to know all that we’re doing.

[quote fixed]

I sometimes think that the excitement of sorting a naughty liason just drains the blood from their brains to their dicks and they are left incapable of a rational conversation.
The hours we could save on drawn out and pointless texts/ conversations if they would just get straight to the bloody point and tell us all we need to know! ... The time they wish to arrive and how long they want to stay ... How hard is that really!?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 03 October 2020, 10:24:26 am
I keep getting this idiot sending random messages of 'Can't wait to meet you babe'  'Can't wait for this to be over so we can meet'  etc etc all along those lines.  Just make a friggin booking of F off......urgh! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 03 October 2020, 08:32:21 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 04 October 2020, 12:27:34 pm
Spitting in the sink and not washing it down. Had a client who was a heavy smoker that left the biggest rotten black hookie in my sink before and I didn’t notice till he left.

I mean sometimes I genuinely understand why some of these men’s marriages are falling apart. Imagine being a grown man and still thinking it’s a woman’s job to clean up after your mess. I can see why any woman would lose interest if she was married to a man like that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 10 October 2020, 12:09:36 am
Trying to get discounts or a lower rate - just makes me feel awkward. Those that say ‘well I’ve only got this amount’ as if I’ll turn around and say oh well if that’s all you have then sure.
Had someone tell me they were travelling from far, wanted 2 hours but only had enough for 1. Said he’d happily pay an hour rate for 2 hours with me if I wasn’t busy, I felt that was very generous of him.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: washingline on 10 October 2020, 07:38:44 am
Spitting in the sink and not washing it down. Had a client who was a heavy smoker that left the biggest rotten black hookie in my sink before and I didn’t notice till he left.

I mean sometimes I genuinely understand why some of these men’s marriages are falling apart. Imagine being a grown man and still thinking it’s a woman’s job to clean up after your mess. I can see why any woman would lose interest if she was married to a man like that.
Yuk, gross, disgusting  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: washingline on 10 October 2020, 07:45:03 am
Trying to get discounts or a lower rate - just makes me feel awkward. Those that say ‘well I’ve only got this amount’ as if I’ll turn around and say oh well if that’s all you have then sure.
Had someone tell me they were travelling from far, wanted 2 hours but only had enough for 1. Said he’d happily pay an hour rate for 2 hours with me if I wasn’t busy, I felt that was very generous of him.  ::)
Skinflints, penny pinchers, tighter than a ducks arse, as they say  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 12 October 2020, 03:01:36 pm
When they cannot have an exact time in mind and they say “about 3” when asked what time, boils my blood because ‘about 3’ isn’t an appointment time and I have other clients to think about!!! Grrr

This guy must’ve come over stateside, Tanny! I’m talking to someone, so when would you like to see me blah blah, he says well, Monday or Tuesday.

Hmm, ok. Not great, but ok. All right, do you have a time in mind?

Maybe 5 o’clock, he answers. Ok I’m thinking, this isn’t flying.

Well, do you know, says I?

He walks right into my little trap😈.

“Know what?”

Anything, is my chilly response. You don’t know if you want Monday or Tuesday, you don’t know what time, I need some answers here “honnay.”

IIRC he got pissy & hung up😆😆.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 13 October 2020, 11:14:25 am
This guy must’ve come over stateside, Tanny! I’m talking to someone, so when would you like to see me blah blah, he says well, Monday or Tuesday.

Hmm, ok. Not great, but ok. All right, do you have a time in mind?

Maybe 5 o’clock, he answers. Ok I’m thinking, this isn’t flying.

Well, do you know, says I?

He walks right into my little trap😈.

“Know what?”

Anything, is my chilly response. You don’t know if you want Monday or Tuesday, you don’t know what time, I need some answers here “honnay.”

IIRC he got pissy & hung up😆😆.

I just cannot imagine these types of men behaving the same way if they were making an appointment with their lawyer or doctor, most people, (or so I thought most anyway) including myself, have an exact time in mind when I call to make appointments and if the place can’t accommodate me at my chosen time then we work from there, why oh why is booking an escort so different? Sure the service your appointment for is very different but not the actual booking in thing!

I have 2 theories, 1 is that they want to drag out a convo with us for as lengthy a time as possible, or that they just want to be nosey and find out when we are available and when not, because according to some of their small brains then we are shagging morning, day and night without having to eat, sleep or shit, because we’re not human remember! 🙄🙄
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 15 October 2020, 08:03:40 am
Another pet hate of mine and I could go on forever is clients who want to perform oral or rimming on you for a long period during the appointment and don’t bother to shave their face. Like fuck off your stubble doesn’t feel food at all pressed up against my intimate parts. I honestly can’t think of anything worse. I’m not making noises because I’m enjoying it I’m making them because I feel extremely uncomfortable  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GoneGirl on 16 October 2020, 08:36:00 am
When a long term regular starts to decide that your relationship is beyond client/escort now and starts giving you less money  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 16 October 2020, 09:00:33 am
When a long term regular starts to decide that your relationship is beyond client/escort now and starts giving you less money  >:(

That's for you to decide, not them. I soon put them straight if they seem confused on that point, he's just trying it on, get rid.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 16 October 2020, 06:44:58 pm
When a long term regular starts to decide that your relationship is beyond client/escort now and starts giving you less money  >:(

How did this come about? So he arrived and made some sort of excuse?  Not that there is any excuse.
Cheeky twat  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 16 October 2020, 11:58:55 pm
I’m not sure why it annoys me, it just does.

- Hi what time are you available today?
- hi, I’m available from 10 today.
- can you do 9?
- (me thinking , if I was available then I would of said) no sorry I’m not available until 10.
- aw I was looking for something at 9.
..... ok?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 17 October 2020, 01:12:04 am
I’m not sure why it annoys me, it just does.

- Hi what time are you available today?
- hi, I’m available from 10 today.
- can you do 9?
- (me thinking , if I was available then I would of said) no sorry I’m not available until 10.
- aw I was looking for something at 9.
..... ok?

I could tear my hair out at these types of guys! It’s a ploy to draw out a convo with a ‘REAL LIVE ESCORT” 🙄’s honestly in the top 3 things that clients do to annoy me specifically 😡
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 17 October 2020, 12:37:25 pm
The things clients do to annoy me is

**wanting to change the bookings times like 3 times through out the day
**texting loads of pointless shit  before the booking has even taken place.
**trying to go over their time
**hard work.. to intense in the room.. basically wanting my blood (trying to take blood from a stone) getting every penny’s worth and more..
**when they say they think they know me somewhere.. (why just why 😩)
**turning up late....(putting me behind with my other bookings)
**emailing me saying once the virus is over they want to see me.. (basically wanting to play email tennis with me because they are more than likely bored at home wanting free chat time)
** asking if they can take me out for dinner to get to know me without pay.. (I’m a sex worker.. try tinder for free dinner dates)

The list goes on ha!!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 17 October 2020, 08:18:43 pm
I’m not sure why it annoys me, it just does.

- Hi what time are you available today?
- hi, I’m available from 10 today.
- can you do 9?
- (me thinking , if I was available then I would of said) no sorry I’m not available until 10.
- aw I was looking for something at 9.
..... ok?

I had almost that exact same conversation a couple of weeks ago.  The 'Can you do X instead'  really hacks me off.  I SAID what I SAID!!!  Grrrrr
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TheLastTime on 18 October 2020, 04:35:40 pm
See you once then contact you and start disrespecting you/your time, so they become ex clients.

I’ve had two in a few days, One thought it okay just to text and ask me to squirt on his face without mention of a time of course... And didn’t get that he’d been disrespectful.

Another texted to ask if I was free at 4:15 and I say yes in 30 minutes which I thought was pretty dam good. No he says it needs to be earlier I need to be somewhere. Then texts to say he can do 4.45...AT 4.30. Which I didn’t pick up until 4.40.

Jesus wept.

I only have the time if you give me the notice....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 18 October 2020, 04:50:00 pm
I had almost that exact same conversation a couple of weeks ago.  The 'Can you do X instead'  really hacks me off.  I SAID what I SAID!!!  Grrrrr

Exactly! It’s also like , why even bother asking me if you are just going to ignore it and say your own thing anyway  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissMxxx on 19 October 2020, 02:20:14 am
Oh laaawd... where do I even begin  ;D

The clients that irk me the most are the one that try to force you to moan LOUDLY 'in the moment' well it's not really in the moment then is it?? Also prolonged eye contact creeps me out... I get that a lot

Or the classic
'when are you available'
'after 7pm suits me'
'can you do 5pm?'

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bloomer on 20 October 2020, 08:10:31 pm
Hmmm tonight made a booking this morning for an hour outcall  tonight off vivastreet .Gave me address all seemed great. Messages me a few hours later send a pic via WhatsApp... no I say but here is lik to my AW profile where there is more pics and option of face pics etc.
Comes back with  "stretch Mark's are putting me off". Now bare in mind I am a BBW MILF NEXT DOOR size 24/26 all included in the ad.
Cheeky tucker. I cheerily replied not a problem enjoy your night   and cancelled  his booking. Now he hounding offering more money.. as if mate.
Think it was a bargaining ploy.

. Hope he stays lonely tonight. :-*
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 20 October 2020, 11:16:34 pm
Hmmm tonight made a booking this morning for an hour outcall  tonight off vivastreet .Gave me address all seemed great. Messages me a few hours later send a pic via WhatsApp... no I say but here is lik to my AW profile where there is more pics and option of face pics etc.
Comes back with  "stretch Mark's are putting me off". Now bare in mind I am a BBW MILF NEXT DOOR size 24/26 all included in the ad.
Cheeky tucker. I cheerily replied not a problem enjoy your night   and cancelled  his booking. Now he hounding offering more money.. as if mate.
Think it was a bargaining ploy.

. Hope he stays lonely tonight. :-*

Haha too right, don't you just hate these cheap shits who try to knock you down. Stick to your guns and they will buckle.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 21 October 2020, 09:46:48 am
Clients stinking of aftershave/body's spray!  :-X
Coloured my hair yesterday and hoped to let it rest for a few days. Sat here the morning after (actually 24 hours later as it was an a.m outcall) and my hair reeks of him still!
This is despite spraying my head with conditioners, hairspray, my own spray..

Going for a chlorine soaked swim and giving it a bloody good wash to get rid.

This has happened pretty much every day this week - despite me always wearing my hair up.. I'm considering wrapping me' 'ed in a turban towel next time  ::)

Yet another rule to add to my already extensive list of Do's and Don'ts  :-\

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 22 October 2020, 11:44:14 am
The hair one is a big one for me too. Fucking disgusting. I can’t stand smokers either the smell always lingers in my hair too so I tell clients they can’t smoke when they come to an appointment. Not inside nor outside.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 24 October 2020, 03:05:40 pm
For me the most annoying thing ever is this question and the various permutations of it..

*So what do you like?
* Soooooo what can I do for you? (Hand over the cash and leave?)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 24 October 2020, 03:12:39 pm
* Soooooo what can I do for you? (Hand over the cash and leave?)

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 24 October 2020, 04:01:05 pm
The hair one is a big one for me too. Fucking disgusting. I can’t stand smokers either the smell always lingers in my hair too so I tell clients they can’t smoke when they come to an appointment. Not inside nor outside.

And they never wash their hands after a cigarette either  >:(
So yes, they touch your head, hair, clothes and you end up changing your name to Fag Ash Lil' :-\
I am so glad I don't allow fingers inside anymore..
Any non smoking Escorts who provide OWO to smoker clients will also be familiar with the sultry taste of Ashtray Cock - from their sneaky inbetween wanks  :P
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 24 October 2020, 04:09:05 pm
For me the most annoying thing ever is this question and the various permutations of it..

*So what do you like?
* Soooooo what can I do for you? (Hand over the cash and leave?)

It's pointless of them to ask.
Whenever I excitedly thank them, settle down to a full body massage (no extras please) and request a wake up call when their time has expired, it falls on deaf ears.

I am then forced to pretend to enjoy extended R. O.. or something..  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 24 October 2020, 04:50:15 pm
The amount of clients who just think we're raving nymphomaniacs hungry for the next cock is astounding. I can only comment on myself but, I didn't start doing this because I like being dribbled and sweated on whilst rough fingers are jammed up my vagina.  I almost outwardly groan when I hear, so what do you lke.. FFS money and shoes love, money and shoes
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 24 October 2020, 04:55:10 pm
Actually one thing that's been happening a lot recently after I put my actual age up on AW (49) is that potential clients make a point of saying they want to see me because they like older and mature ladies. I don't know whether to take offence or take it as a compliment. The funniest thing is I look a lot younger than I am and you can't tell I'm 50 in my pictures so I doubt they're booking me because I'm older?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 24 October 2020, 11:40:05 pm
Actually one thing that's been happening a lot recently after I put my actual age up on AW (49) is that potential clients make a point of saying they want to see me because they like older and mature ladies. I don't know whether to take offence or take it as a compliment. The funniest thing is I look a lot younger than I am and you can't tell I'm 50 in my pictures so I doubt they're booking me because I'm older?

Remember if you put 49 as your age, they'll assume you're at least 55. It's what annoys me so much about escorts being economical with the truth about their age - some ridiculously so!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emilia_D on 25 October 2020, 11:50:32 am
The amount of clients who just think we're raving nymphomaniacs hungry for the next cock is astounding. I can only comment on myself but, I didn't start doing this because I like being dribbled and sweated on whilst rough fingers are jammed up my vagina.  I almost outwardly groan when I hear, so what do you lke.. FFS money and shoes love, money and shoes

Oh my god, this irritates me so much. I do enjoy the job, but I've had clients want me to beg them for it, and I know I should suck it up and pretend but sometimes I just can't. I'm not desperate for your average dick.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 25 October 2020, 12:20:53 pm
The amount of clients who just think we're raving nymphomaniacs hungry for the next cock is astounding. I can only comment on myself but, I didn't start doing this because I like being dribbled and sweated on whilst rough fingers are jammed up my vagina.  I almost outwardly groan when I hear, so what do you lke.. FFS money and shoes love, money and shoes

I know it's shocking to hear sometimes. I have had plenty tell me you obviously do this job because you really enjoy it. Yes i enjoy going with men that are (well some not all) repulsive, smelly and all over me like i am a rag doll and having to hold my breathe so i cannot smell them and pass out.

When i get the dreaded what do you like? What turns you on? I tell them a couple of things and they want more and more, they say what else, what else, what else so not satisfied with 2 or 3 things they want 7 things listed. Why don't they just say they want dirty talk :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 25 October 2020, 12:37:23 pm
I could go on forever. But my biggest pet hate of all is men who don’t bother to invest in a cheap punting phone and message me off their normal civvy phone instead. Countless times have I gone on to WhatsApp and the profile picture is of him with his SO or even worse his children. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. I know I’m not the one doing anything wrong because I’m only providing a service, whatever he does outside of that is nothing to do with me. But for Christ’s sake the amount of men that cheat has made me never want to pursue a long term relationship ever. Sleazy fucks all of them.

On top of this these men are normally the ones who are up in arms about discretion of the highest order. What’s fucking discreet about having a picture of your kids on the WhatsApp you message sex workers on. Idiots.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 25 October 2020, 07:45:54 pm
I could go on forever. But my biggest pet hate of all is men who don’t bother to invest in a cheap punting phone and message me off their normal civvy phone instead. Countless times have I gone on to WhatsApp and the profile picture is of him with his SO or even worse his children. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. I know I’m not the one doing anything wrong because I’m only providing a service, whatever he does outside of that is nothing to do with me. But for Christ’s sake the amount of men that cheat has made me never want to pursue a long term relationship ever. Sleazy fucks all of them.

On top of this these men are normally the ones who are up in arms about discretion of the highest order. What’s fucking discreet about having a picture of your kids on the WhatsApp you message sex workers on. Idiots.

Yes, it also increases the risk of an angry spouse/GF finding our details.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 27 October 2020, 07:51:32 am
I could go on forever. But my biggest pet hate of all is men who don’t bother to invest in a cheap punting phone and message me off their normal civvy phone instead. Countless times have I gone on to WhatsApp and the profile picture is of him with his SO or even worse his children. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. I know I’m not the one doing anything wrong because I’m only providing a service, whatever he does outside of that is nothing to do with me. But for Christ’s sake the amount of men that cheat has made me never want to pursue a long term relationship ever. Sleazy fucks all of them.

On top of this these men are normally the ones who are up in arms about discretion of the highest order. What’s fucking discreet about having a picture of your kids on the WhatsApp you message sex workers on. Idiots.

I have a client like this who deletes all my messages, phone number after every meet and then sends me a message on my profile asking me to send him a message.  He makes the most hilarious excuses for this because he can't be honest and say he is partnered, he just wants to keep up the lie that he is single (like I friggin care).  What a complete tosser. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Emilia_D on 30 October 2020, 03:44:28 pm
This may have been mentioned as there are 215 pages, but I like to wear strip lashes or get eyelash extensions, hair extensions and fake tan. And clients are forever touching the lashes, rubbing their face on the lashes, pulling the hair extensions, wanting facials haha.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 03 November 2020, 04:45:56 pm
Recently I've had a lot more regulars texting me stuff when they're drunk then apologising the next morning.

Also a lot of texting chit chat , asking me what im up to etc
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 04 November 2020, 09:34:51 am
When you conceded to screenshot proof of hotel booking Instead of a preferred deposit (because they obviously don't trust you) and then - as confirmation of how little that trust is - they proceed to send inadequate little segments/sentences from any random hotel that prove nothing. No name, no date, no address of hotel...

You eventually ask for a room key photo (better than nothing) .. And they send you the wrong side (no number showing) :FF

Had this yesterday and the guy got all pissy with me, advising me to get my mental health checked -
"Because this is not the way to treat prospective Clients"

 His follow-up text (seeing as I flat ignored his first) accused me of passive aggression!!  ::) (so a secondary booking procedure - as he wouldn't accept the first - is "aggression"?  Go figure.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nelly on 05 November 2020, 03:18:16 pm
This has probably been done to death pages ago but....

"Are you free at all any time this afternoon?"

"Yes I could do 1 o clock, 2 o clock or half past 5?"

"Oh I can only do between 3 and 4, sorry". CLICK


Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nelly on 05 November 2020, 03:21:13 pm
Also, the washing machine hair thing. By which I mean placing their sweaty hands on each side of your head and roughly circling them, thereby messing up your lovingly coiffed hair and making you look like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards. Loads of them do this, just why???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 05 November 2020, 04:02:54 pm
This has probably been done to death pages ago but....

"Are you free at all any time this afternoon?"

"Yes I could do 1 o clock, 2 o clock or half past 5?"

"Oh I can only do between 3 and 4, sorry". CLICK



Just timewasting attention seekers  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 November 2020, 12:12:51 am
I was doiing supermarket shopping today and a client saw me and said hi I almost didn't recognise you with your clothes on. I was so embarrassed and walked away then he spanked my bum to make things worse. He's fat and in his fifties twice my age. I just wanted to curl into a corner.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: washingline on 12 November 2020, 08:12:46 am
I was doiing supermarket shopping today and a client saw me and said hi I almost didn't recognise you with your clothes on. I was so embarrassed and walked away then he spanked my bum to make things worse. He's fat and in his fifties twice my age. I just wanted to curl into a corner.
Stupid man. No common sense.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 12 November 2020, 08:33:12 am
I was doiing supermarket shopping today and a client saw me and said hi I almost didn't recognise you with your clothes on. I was so embarrassed and walked away then he spanked my bum to make things worse. He's fat and in his fifties twice my age. I just wanted to curl into a corner.

I can’t believe he done that! What an ass.
Hope you told him off via text or whatnot. Some people are genuinely clueless.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 November 2020, 10:14:57 am
Yes I told him he was totally out of order and gave him a final warning. He was very apologetic saying he was so happy to see me and was out of character for him.  :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cass on 12 November 2020, 12:38:09 pm
Yes I told him he was totally out of order and gave him a final warning

I wish I had this much patience I would have punched him in the nuts! What a dickhead.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 November 2020, 03:34:25 pm
That's given me an idea. I do some domme work although never with him. I've told him he needs to be punished if he wants to see me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Liverpoolgal123 on 12 November 2020, 04:36:35 pm
I’m curvy with a bit of a “mum tum” and I hate when clients touch/kiss or draw attention to my stomach. Some do it with out realising it and others do it to show it doesn’t bother them, while they might be trying to be nice, it brings my focus to it and it kills the mood a little for me
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 15 November 2020, 01:56:47 pm
I was doiing supermarket shopping today and a client saw me and said hi I almost didn't recognise you with your clothes on. I was so embarrassed and walked away then he spanked my bum to make things worse. He's fat and in his fifties twice my age. I just wanted to curl into a corner.

I would have pushed him halfway across the city in a rage!! Sorry you had to go through that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 15 November 2020, 05:26:30 pm
I was doiing supermarket shopping today and a client saw me and said hi I almost didn't recognise you with your clothes on. I was so embarrassed and walked away then he spanked my bum to make things worse. He's fat and in his fifties twice my age. I just wanted to curl into a corner.

“And how incredibly tactless of you to say something in a public environment.” *Glacial look, stomping off.*

And then he smacked your ass? Oh hell no! HELL NO. I’d have whipped around & done the Mr Spock Vulcan🖖neck pinch thing on him while yelling for security.

What a dick. That’s awful, I’m so sorry babe.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 15 November 2020, 06:18:05 pm
“And how incredibly tactless of you to say something in a public environment.” *Glacial look, stomping off.*

And then he smacked your ass? Oh hell no! HELL NO. I’d have whipped around & done the Mr Spock Vulcan🖖neck pinch thing on him while yelling for security.

What a dick. That’s awful, I’m so sorry babe.

Yeah, surely that's classed as assault. He would have needed hospital treatment if it had been me  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Aquellasincara@Alex on 15 November 2020, 06:25:06 pm
Had just one calling me on WhatsApp which I fricking detest ( can you not call me normal??) I find that 99.999% of the time these are TW!

I declined  and he goes:

-Hey how’s you today could I see you this afternoon for 2.30 please for 15 minutes x
 :FF FFS! I don’t offer 15 min app and it’s clearly stated so I go
- Where in my profile have you seen 15 minutes appointments advertised? 🤨
This D* head says:
-None to be honest but I can’t offord £120 for 30 minutes sorry

Which I respond -Lol so,perhaps call someone else you can afford?🤔
Blocked him after he says: -Ok sorry if I offended you have a good day

Like why are this guys so denseeeee? ::)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissElvira on 16 November 2020, 05:28:06 pm
For me it's my regulars arriving 10 minutes early as I like to be waiting at the door for them so they don't hang around, Ones that can't follow directions and I have to watch out my window to stop them knocking at neighbours and the guys that in 69 position just stick a finger up my bum especially if nails are not short and the trying to rub their penis on me without a condom and when they arrive asking if I'm said price when they know my fee like I will say actually just make it so and so.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 16 November 2020, 06:13:17 pm
Hate when people I've seen before ask if I'm working and I say yes and then they say oh, I'll text you later then to see if you're still free.

Why bother?  ::) That's my evening ruined wondering whether he'll text me  ::) 9/10 they don't.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 16 November 2020, 08:05:59 pm
Hate when people I've seen before ask if I'm working and I say yes and then they say oh, I'll text you later then to see if you're still free.

Why bother?  ::) That's my evening ruined wondering whether he'll text me  ::) 9/10 they don't.

Yes that's irritating, arsy, window shopping behaviour regular or not. I take away their power and say, 'If you don't know now, I won't be free later on as I'm having a night out. Bye  :)'
I cut him off at the balls and have a relaxing evening.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 17 November 2020, 01:49:08 am
So I had this kid (32) yesterday who says he wants 2 pops in the hour session. Fine, not a problem. He arrives at 4 pm, we get to business at 4:10 & he’s having a go at me (nonstop🙄) til about 4:40. I tell him he’s at the 15 minute mark bc I was tired & wanted him done & out. He finishes a cpl minutes later, goes to the bathroom to wash up🧼& I throw on a chemise.

He says, “I told you I wanted 2 rounds!”

Ahhh. You’re going to be *this* kind of asshole, are you then? I lean against the door & say in my silkiest voice, “Thats  *absolutely fine.*  I’d like to point out that it took you 35 minutes to get to that 1st pop, & you now have (glances at watch) .... 12 minutes left! But by alllll means! Show me what you can do in TWELVE MINUTES.”

I crossed my arms & gave him my steeliest look.....he left lol.

I’m not tracking you, bud. I’m not your goddamned FitBit. There’s a clock🕰right there on the nightstand. It’s how I knew you had 20 minutes left. I’m not going to shout “TIME!”🪓😡
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 17 November 2020, 12:52:20 pm
So I had this kid (32) yesterday who says he wants 2 pops in the hour session. Fine, not a problem. He arrives at 4 pm, we get to business at 4:10 & he’s having a go at me (nonstop🙄) til about 4:40. I tell him he’s at the 15 minute mark bc I was tired & wanted him done & out. He finishes a cpl minutes later, goes to the bathroom to wash up🧼& I throw on a chemise.

He says, “I told you I wanted 2 rounds!”

Ahhh. You’re going to be *this* kind of asshole, are you then? I lean against the door & say in my silkiest voice, “Thats  *absolutely fine.*  I’d like to point out that it took you 35 minutes to get to that 1st pop, & you now have (glances at watch) .... 12 minutes left! But by alllll means! Show me what you can do in TWELVE MINUTES.”

I crossed my arms & gave him my steeliest look.....he left lol.

I’m not tracking you, bud. I’m not your goddamned FitBit. There’s a clock🕰right there on the nightstand. It’s how I knew you had 20 minutes left. I’m not going to shout “TIME!”🪓😡

Jeez these sort annoy me!  He'd probably had a wank before he turned up to make sure he didn't cum straight away if it took him that long to get a first pop.
Then they think that because they have said they want two pops then it's set in stone!
These that want to drag it out to the very last min to get what they see as their moneys worth when they have no hope of achieving anything worthwhile are a pain in the ass.
Loved your response CM ... Top woman!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 17 November 2020, 08:42:40 pm
Jeez these sort annoy me!  He'd probably had a wank before he turned up to make sure he didn't cum straight away if it took him that long to get a first pop.
Then they think that because they have said they want two pops then it's set in stone!
These that want to drag it out to the very last min to get what they see as their moneys worth when they have no hope of achieving anything worthwhile are a pain in the ass.
Loved your response CM ... Top woman!

Lord that never even *occurred* to me🤦🏼‍♀️; you’re no doubt completely correct. I didn’t even ADD he tried to dick me around with the $$ & I wouldn’t let him ~ tried to negotiate (the old can’t-get-enough-out-of-the-ATM excuse).

He’s blacklisted for sure🙄🪓.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 18 November 2020, 11:00:59 am
I'm sure this has been said before but I'll say it again because it still happens to me.
Dick pics via whatsapp. Dick pics, body pics, arse pics. Because I want unsolicited pictures of big hairy arses.  Not to mention close ups of their particulars.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 18 November 2020, 01:05:41 pm
I've also had videos of them wanking sent to me with message saying thinking of you. Charming.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 18 November 2020, 01:37:56 pm
I'm sure this has been said before but I'll say it again because it still happens to me.
Dick pics via whatsapp. Dick pics, body pics, arse pics. Because I want unsolicited pictures of big hairy arses.  Not to mention close ups of their particulars.

I respond with the most disgusting std puss cheesy Vagina pics or granny pussy ( courtesy of google) and gay porn in arse and oral facial. I go back and check their response its either eww or some block me. Lol  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 18 November 2020, 01:41:16 pm
I respond with the most disgusting std puss cheesy Vagina pics or granny pussy ( courtesy of google) and gay porn in arse and oral facial. I go back and check their response its either eww or some block me. Lol  ;D

Kill their nice buzz! loving it DD.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 18 November 2020, 01:48:51 pm
I respond with the most disgusting std puss cheesy Vagina pics or granny pussy ( courtesy of google) and gay porn in arse and oral facial. I go back and check their response its either eww or some block me. Lol  ;D

Fighting fire with fire, I like it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 18 November 2020, 09:25:32 pm
One of my favourite regulars pissed me off last week. He said he put my small gold vibrator up my bum but I'm sure it was in the front door, not the back because I would have known. I was laying on my stomach do I don't think he could see what he was doing, but I don't do that service. He told me afterwards and I said, no you didn't. He came back to see me on Monday and I've put him on a months vibrator ban which he accepted. I thinks it's funny when I punish them. If he tries it again I'll make him stand in the corner for half an hour.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Saffy on 20 November 2020, 09:29:34 pm
These passive aggressive timewasters that call with "I just have few questions" and end the conversation with "Have a nice day".

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 21 November 2020, 04:51:00 pm
Getting sarcastic or sulky texts if I don't reply to them in time and think I'm ignoring them.

When I'm not working I usually turn my phone off. A lot of the time I get these texts then when my phone is off.

So annoying.  :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: thickthighs on 21 November 2020, 05:36:10 pm
Getting sarcastic or sulky texts if I don't reply to them in time and think I'm ignoring them.

When I'm not working I usually turn my phone off. A lot of the time I get these texts then when my phone is off.

So annoying.  :FF :FF

when text question marks ??? 30 seconds after their initial text because you haven’t replied  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 21 November 2020, 08:52:08 pm
when text question marks ??? 30 seconds after their initial text because you haven’t replied  :FF

Oh God, yes. And maybe a further two question marks when you ignore the single question mark.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 November 2020, 11:28:55 pm
Oh God, yes. And maybe a further two question marks when you ignore the single question mark.

It's pathetic isn't it... like a petulant lover/bf, as if you owe them your full and undivided attention.
FFS they need to get over themselves! They pay us to have sex with them ... we owe them nothing once their time is up!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: eastkate on 22 November 2020, 03:32:19 am
'Is that a picture of you right now??' 'How old is that picture?' 'Can you send a full picture with everything in?'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: thickthighs on 22 November 2020, 03:56:32 am
It's pathetic isn't it... like a petulant lover/bf, as if you owe them your full and undivided attention.
FFS they need to get over themselves! They pay us to have sex with them ... we owe them nothing once their time is up!

because we are sat there in sussies and phone in hand 24/7
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cat_BBW on 22 November 2020, 04:35:35 am
Oh God, yes. And maybe a further two question marks when you ignore the single question mark.

Oh even better, I get "Well??"

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss Fox2020 on 22 November 2020, 08:54:49 am
When you play around with YOUR profile and move it to a different location and within seconds you have an email from some twat asking why you’ve moved, are you coming back etc, especially annoying if you haven’t seen this twat for a while if at all.... :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 22 November 2020, 10:36:56 am
When you play around with YOUR profile and move it to a different location and within seconds you have an email from some twat asking why you’ve moved, are you coming back etc, especially annoying if you haven’t seen this twat for a while if at all.... :FF

Haha I have a cple just like that, lucky if you see them from one year to the next but the minute I take a little break or as you say, experiment with swapping area for a bit they are mailing asking if everything is ok and when I'll be available again. They must be checking the profile on a very regular basis even though they have no intention of visiting. And guess what... after all that ... still they don't visit when I'm back working  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 23 November 2020, 04:13:44 pm
Constantly asking me if I've cum yet.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 23 November 2020, 04:45:32 pm
Constantly asking me if I've cum yet.

I can't and won't lie with these idiots. I simply say I don't cum for clients that is reserved for my partner. The main focus is for you to enjoy my pussy and shoot your load in the condom.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PleasureSales on 23 November 2020, 05:15:55 pm
I can't and won't lie with these idiots. I simply say I don't cum for clients that is reserved for my partner. The main focus is for you to enjoy my pussy and shoot your load in the condom.
I cum for my partner and good clients who either have chemistry, skills or the ability to listen properly, but I can't cum for idiots. :)   
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 23 November 2020, 05:42:31 pm
I cum for my partner and good clients who either have chemistry, skills or the ability to listen properly, but I can't cum for idiots. :)

I cum in couple m.f bookings with the female partner as I am bisexual and women know how to press my buttons. Such bookings are rare once in a blue moon and they never ask have you cum.

It is for all one to one male bookings I don't cum.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 23 November 2020, 05:54:22 pm
I can't and won't lie with these idiots. I simply say I don't cum for clients that is reserved for my partner. The main focus is for you to enjoy my pussy and shoot your load in the condom.

Haha, this. Far too personal for me but I'm soóo envious of those that can and do.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 23 November 2020, 07:14:46 pm
I can't and won't lie with these idiots. I simply say I don't cum for clients that is reserved for my partner. The main focus is for you to enjoy my pussy and shoot your load in the condom.

That brilliant.. 👏😂
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 23 November 2020, 11:37:05 pm
I can't lie either but I do cum with some of my clients. Thing is if u keep asking me during sex then it will never happen but I won't tell them that so they can keep asking if they want but it will just puss me off more.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 26 November 2020, 12:15:04 am
Had a nosey client, saw a photo of me and a friend asking about her. My fault for leaving it around but was fuming. Then after our session I went to the bathroom came out and he disappeared. Found him snooping around in my living room where I had private stuff and strictly offbounds to clients.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: candidrose on 26 November 2020, 12:05:06 pm
The fact that punters literally NEVER read your profile. I was getting 100's of messages on AW with punters asking the same question - so I decided to make an FAQ with all my most popular questions - and posted on the top of my profile ' Please read my FAQ before messaging me'.... Yet behold.... I am still... getting.... the same questions.... that could be answered... by my fucking FAQ!!!!

While were here, here are some of the questions I keep repeatedly getting (DESPITE MY FAQ ) that really piss me off!!!!

- something along the lines of im a photographer blah blah blah I can take some professional pictures of you for your profile blah blah blah
- Hi do you want a content creator partner!!! we can make *insert bullshit amount of money* every day!!!!
- Hi I really want to see you will you accept *insert lowball offer*??? im clean and respectful!!!
- Hi do you do anal/bareback? how much extra?
- 'can you send me a face picture'

also at the top of my profile it states:

UNTILL WE ARE OUT OF LOCKDOWN I AM ONLY OFFERING WEBCAM, DIRECTIM AND PHONE CHAT - so I have taken my escorting rates off my profile, and even 5 mins before I wrote this I have several messages

'hi babe can I book you for one hour today'
'Hi how much for 30mins incall'
'Hi, I would love to meet you today. Please text or WhatsApp me on 07......'
'hi what's your rates for incalls'
'Whats your booking number so I can book you?'

 ignorant bastards!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 27 November 2020, 04:59:28 pm
I had one ask me to wear crotchless panties. I only have one pair and they were drying on radiator so I told him I couldn't. He's a regular and usually fine, I went to bathroom and came back and he was rooting through the top drawer in my dresser. I said what the hell do you think you're doing? He said oh I was just looking what knickers you've got so I can pick a pair. He honestly couldn't understand what the issue might be?! The sense of entitlement regulars seem to pick up after a while really gets to me sometimes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 28 November 2020, 03:44:17 am
I had one ask me to wear crotchless panties. I only have one pair and they were drying on radiator so I told him I couldn't. He's a regular and usually fine, I went to bathroom and came back and he was rooting through the top drawer in my dresser. I said what the hell do you think you're doing? He said oh I was just looking what knickers you've got so I can pick a pair. He honestly couldn't understand what the issue might be?! The sense of entitlement regulars seem to pick up after a while really gets to me sometimes.

I had one fiddling with my luggage🧳tags once!!! I’d gone into the bathroom🚽, came out & he’s *clearly* trying to get a gander at my real name😡😡. I said, “Any luck with that information you’re looking for?” with my patented Celeste Death Glare. He had the good grace to be embarrassed & say, “Oh you caught me. I just wanted to know your name.” (He’d asked earlier; of course I’d refused)

Fortunately, FORTUNATELY I have the kind of tags that are hidden, not the type that you just turn over & can see everything written. That was purely by accident, but it’s all I ever use now.

Fucker. Blocked him & IIRC he texted from another # asking to see me again. I said absolutely not & told him why.😡
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 28 November 2020, 04:20:49 pm
I get this a lot , wanting to know my real name and just asking really personal information.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 28 November 2020, 11:55:38 pm
I had one fiddling with my luggage🧳tags once!!! I’d gone into the bathroom🚽, came out & he’s *clearly* trying to get a gander at my real name😡😡. I said, “Any luck with that information you’re looking for?” with my patented Celeste Death Glare. He had the good grace to be embarrassed & say, “Oh you caught me. I just wanted to know your name.” (He’d asked earlier; of course I’d refused)

Fortunately, FORTUNATELY I have the kind of tags that are hidden, not the type that you just turn over & can see everything written. That was purely by accident, but it’s all I ever use now.

Fucker. Blocked him & IIRC he texted from another # asking to see me again. I said absolutely not & told him why.😡

At least yours was embarrassed! A long time ago I was coming downstairs with a then regular, who went down first and then grabbed the post from the letterbox that had been posted while we were upstairs and took a nice long look and got my full name before slowly passing it to me. I was FUMING!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Liverpoolgal123 on 29 November 2020, 09:15:13 am
Got this gem sent to me after this client had booked in for an hour

“So sorry love but I’m going to have to cancel, I’ve got about £700 coming out my bank the next few days so I’m too skint to see you, this isn’t me trying to get a freebie even though we did get on so well and you seemed to enjoy it as much as I did (winky face)”

He’s faceless to me, I had to reread past txts to try remember who he was which I couldn’t. Absolutely blows my mind how they don’t realise that it’s the money that makes us get on so well, and the thought of future custom that makes me fake enjoying it so well
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 29 November 2020, 09:53:30 am
The fact that punters literally NEVER read your profile....

 ignorant bastards!!!

It's amazing how big and arrogant your capital letters, those idiots will NOT read it.  I also have big ostentatious capitals  right before the profile starts and still get messages as if they didn't see them, don't they friggin read at all?? Grrrr   :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 29 November 2020, 04:07:00 pm
It's amazing how big and arrogant your capital letters, those idiots will NOT read it.  I also have big ostentatious capitals  right before the profile starts and still get messages as if they didn't see them, don't they friggin read at all?? Grrrr   :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF :FF

Even if you have to dumb it down they will still not read.

Example on my adverts I have :
Still get idiots ask "Do you do Owo " :FF

SO if you had wrote :

They will still not read. Lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EllaUnicorn123 on 29 November 2020, 04:21:51 pm
Probably been mentioned before but I had a tiff with a client this morning who rang me and asked “who’s this?!”  >:( I reluctantly told him and he replied “ow much for 15!”  I don’t even do 15 minutes.

Prices and names are easier to find than my phone number.  :FF. Why are you calling before you know if you don’t know my name or how much I charge. Grrrr
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 29 November 2020, 04:32:13 pm
Probably been mentioned before but I had a tiff with a client this morning who rang me and asked “who’s this?!”  >:( I reluctantly told him and he replied “ow much for 15!”  I don’t even do 15 minutes.

Prices and names are easier to find than my phone number.  :FF. Why are you calling before you know if you don’t know my name or how much I charge. Grrrr

Anyone who calls and asks WHOSE THIS

I never say who I am, they simply get a response of You should know who this is as you called me.
If they say a different name I put phone down or most times they save me the time of ending the call as all hang up. Timewasters.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 29 November 2020, 05:42:21 pm
Yeah, I hang up if they say that. Also when they ask how much for 15 mins, I hang up cos I don't want them to even hear my voice apart from "hello". The best ones for me are the guys with deep educated voices who just say they saw my profile and want to know what my availability is. I have lots of time for them and will happily chat for five minutes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 29 November 2020, 08:25:42 pm
Yeah I hang up on those also.
Had one the other day who I asked if they had read my profile and said yeah happy with everything on it then 2 seconds later.. what’s your name on there again?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 29 November 2020, 09:19:05 pm
My completely rational and not at all unreasonable contribution today is when they lie on my side of the bed  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 29 November 2020, 10:12:40 pm
My completely rational and not at all unreasonable contribution today is when they lie on my side of the bed  >:(

I'm certain they're not there long 😁.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 29 November 2020, 10:39:43 pm
Mine is when I pick up the phone & say, “Good afternoon, this is Celeste.”

“Hello, who’s this?”

😡”Good *afternoon*. This is CELESTE.”

“Is this Celeste?”

“I’ve told you my name twice now. You’re not listening🙉.”



Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nelly on 01 December 2020, 07:21:27 pm
"It's me, Dave! You came to see me a couple of years ago, don't you remember? We got along really well!"

I couldn't pick the clients I saw yesterday out of a line up so good luck with that
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 01 December 2020, 11:22:34 pm
It's starting all over again ... as during last lockdown, they all want to come see you when you're not working but as soon as you announce you're back they all disappear and all you get are cheapskates wanting 15 mins when you are not even ofering them   :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BangerRacing on 02 December 2020, 03:05:03 pm
When they can't find the hand towel in a bathroom that's 6ft square  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 02 December 2020, 04:42:36 pm
I had one using my bathroom and I caught him wiping his hands on my bath robe. I was fuming and had a go. He said he couldn't find a towel which was right next to it. Either lying, stupid or blind.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 02 December 2020, 04:51:38 pm
When they have a shower but don’t dry themselves after and want to hop on my bed / cuddle me soaking wet?
They often come in with the towel wrapped round them too.. like why not use it?  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 03 December 2020, 01:16:59 am
When they have a shower but don’t dry themselves after and want to hop on my bed / cuddle me soaking wet?
They often come in with the towel wrapped round them too.. like why not use it?  :FF

Haha I know, it's almost like they think they are wasting precious time by drying themselves off. I just remove the towel a incorporate it into their session to dry them off properly, yes it's like you did with your kids as they were incapable of making a proper job of it themselves but hey that's men for you ...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 03 December 2020, 08:36:29 am
Spare a thought for my poor throat that had to endure a mouthful of chemical.

Thanks for spraying a half a ton of deodorant on your dick you nob!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 03 December 2020, 04:04:34 pm
Spare a thought for my poor throat that had to endure a mouthful of chemical.

Thanks for spraying a half a ton of deodorant on your dick you nob!

That sucks. If you got your client to clean himself especially his dick area then you would not have a sour deodorant mouth.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 03 December 2020, 04:36:01 pm
Spare a thought for my poor throat that had to endure a mouthful of chemical.

Thanks for spraying a half a ton of deodorant on your dick you nob!

Aww. Rather that than the opposite though. At least they tried and it's so much easier to be able to tell them to go rinse themselves to get the deodorant off ,(which I've had to do before) rather than, "I can taste piss and cheese you filthy bugger", which I always find difficult.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 03 December 2020, 04:52:34 pm
Spare a thought for my poor throat that had to endure a mouthful of chemical.

Thanks for spraying a half a ton of deodorant on your dick you nob!

Sauvage anyone? Had this last night :-X
This is a Client known to me and pays extra for OWO, so knows I'm getting a mouthful down there.

I really think they have no idea we can taste it aswell as smell it? and don't start me off again on stinking of men's aftershave every bloody day  :'(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 04 December 2020, 01:38:15 am
When they have a shower but don’t dry themselves after and want to hop on my bed / cuddle me soaking wet?
They often come in with the towel wrapped round them too.. like why not use it?  :FF

YES YES YES!!!  God I thought I was the only 1! Y’all know me tho, I pull a face & say, “Ugh, you’re all wet. I’m not lying on a wet bed🛌. You need to dry yourself off.” (I especially don’t want my next client lying on a damp bed, you dope)

Like it never fucking occurs to them, hurrr de durrr.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 04 December 2020, 12:53:28 pm
That sucks. If you got your client to clean himself especially his dick area then you would not have a sour deodorant mouth.

I was working outcall, he was in his hotel room and the deoderant was fresh, but thank you for the victim blame SOOO appreciated.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 04 December 2020, 12:57:46 pm
Sauvage anyone? Had this last night :-X
This is a Client known to me and pays extra for OWO, so knows I'm getting a mouthful down there.

I really think they have no idea we can taste it aswell as smell it? and don't start me off again on stinking of men's aftershave every bloody day  :'(

I don't think they do, I think they assume it would make them smell nice all over..doofus!!!  ::)


Still it was an hour booking that lasted 20 mins with a car there and back, I was NOT upset!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Liverpoolgal123 on 18 December 2020, 01:33:01 pm
Be indecisive!
Have a client booked in for later tonight I’ve saw him a couple of times now, he’s just txt to ask what time am I free from as he MIGHT be able to do earlier, so I say from 4pm and he replies ok I’ll let you know around 3.30. So he might want early but he also might still want his late appointment if it turns out he’s not free early after all. Expects me to wait with bated breath till 3.30 to know what’s going on. Nope if I booking comes in I’ll be taking it and you can wait till tonight like originally planned
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 21 January 2021, 10:29:30 pm
Leave gum stuck somewhere!! Had a reg earlier and after he left I discovered his gum he had stuck on the window sill. Theere's a bin a foot away, which he is well aware of as he's used it before. He'll be getting told off next time he's here. Disgusting.   >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 22 January 2021, 08:52:41 am
Requesting things not on your likes list then after I say I don't do it trying to convince me it will be fun.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 22 January 2021, 10:45:43 pm
Requesting things not on your likes list then after I say I don't do it trying to convince me it will be fun.

Oh Christ Jessie, don’t get me started🙄. I had a 70 year old twit mansplain to me how much “nicer” it is “for me” if I allow FIV.


10 minutes later he tries the the same GD thing, but in regards to my ass.

Nooooo. No, that’s... that’s going to be the same answer there, Bob. I then get the same mansplaination.

Sometimes the older gents are worse than their younger counterparts🙄.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 22 January 2021, 11:58:03 pm
What's fiv.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Zandie on 23 January 2021, 03:08:55 am
What's fiv.

i think its finger(s) in vag
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 23 January 2021, 05:33:39 am
Oh Christ Jessie, don’t get me started🙄. I had a 70 year old twit mansplain to me how much “nicer” it is “for me” if I allow FIV.


10 minutes later he tries the the same GD thing, but in regards to my ass.

Nooooo. No, that’s... that’s going to be the same answer there, Bob. I then get the same mansplaination.

Sometimes the older gents are worse than their younger counterparts🙄.

I can't stand FIV. Not so bad if they're gentle I guess, but some go at it like they're stuffing a Christmas turkey.

The way some constantly use their saliva to lubricate pisses me off. I've started telling some not to do it so much as it isn't necessary.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 23 January 2021, 12:16:30 pm
[quote author=Maz link=topic=23826.msg403988#msg403988 date=1611380019

The way some constantly use their saliva to lubricate pisses me off. I've started telling some not to do it so much as it isn't necessary.

Oh yuk!  I hate that too, that's what lube is for and I always have that so no excuse
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 24 January 2021, 01:10:48 pm
As well as having a smelly arse, one client when using the bathroom helped himself to the hand towel on the rail. Then just left it half soaking wet hanging out of the sink!

I didn't notice until after he'd left. Pillock.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 27 January 2021, 12:03:15 am
[quote author=Maz link=topic=23826.msg403988#msg403988 date=1611380019

The way some constantly use their saliva to lubricate pisses me off. I've started telling some not to do it so much as it isn't necessary.

Oh yuk!  I hate that too, that's what lube is for and I always have that so no excuse

Absolutely!  It's so friggin annoying especially since I tend to get really wet very quickly so they aren't doing it for any practical reason, they just do it automatically.  That and spitting on me are one of my pet peevs.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 27 January 2021, 09:15:37 am
I hate any spitting on me too, must be a porn thing.

I don't mind spitting on them though, I have a few who love it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 27 January 2021, 07:54:25 pm
Had a client just leave. He was late and didn't even apologize when he arrived. Asked for a drink (I don't tend to offer for 30mins so this put me about).

We then proceeded with the booking, eventually he shot his load and it literally went everywhere, I've just had to strip the sheets. I know it can't be helped but no apology for the mess.

No 'thanks' or 'nice to meet you', he just left and said 'see ya'.

So glad he only stayed for half the time and I made little effort to chat, give my best and be friendly.

Maybe I'm being sensitive but it really pissed me off. Banned forever.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miffy on 27 January 2021, 10:30:51 pm
You're not being sensitive at all. He was incredibly rude and lacking any manners whatsoever.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 29 January 2021, 08:05:28 am
Thanks, what's even better is that after washing the sheets, I found a condom wrapped up in tissue that had been stuffed inside the duvet cover.

Perhaps I should start putting the bin right up on the shelf where it's impossible to miss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Zandie on 29 January 2021, 08:48:04 am
I cant stand clients chewing gum during a booking , if that isnt bad enough chewing loudly, mouth open and making all sorts of chewing sounds  and worst still attempting to go down on me with the darn chewing gum still in their mouth and arguing blindly with me when I ask him to spit the gum out as the sugar in the gum will might give me thrush.........the amount of rubbish coming out of his mouth I had to ask him if he has was a gynaecologist or if he has / has had a vagina FFS, put me in a right mood........  :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 29 January 2021, 03:50:22 pm
I was giving oral to this guy. He asks me to stop after a few mins then starts slapping his cock around my face. I was a bit shocked at first and a bit speechless thinking WTF.

He said sorry I've always wanted to do that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 29 January 2021, 05:50:47 pm
I was giving oral to this guy. He asks me to stop after a few mins then starts slapping his cock around my face. I was a bit shocked at first and a bit speechless thinking WTF.

He said sorry I've always wanted to do that.

I actually ask them to do that cos I like it. 😸.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BethElizabeth on 01 February 2021, 07:50:50 pm
Ask you to do ridiculous things...
Today, a regular asked me if I would dye my hair (which is blonde) bright red. I said no, and he acted really annoyed and said 'what if me booking you again depends on it?'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 01 February 2021, 08:20:28 pm
Ask you to do ridiculous things...
Today, a regular asked me if I would dye my hair (which is blonde) bright red. I said no, and he acted really annoyed and said 'what if me booking you again depends on it?'

This drives me mad. I have one regular who always pesters for me to shave. My partner prefers me unshaved (which the reg knows.) and so it's staying that way. Why he thinks I'd rather please him than my partner is beyond me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 02 February 2021, 01:11:27 am
This drives me mad. I have one regular who always pesters for me to shave. My partner prefers me unshaved (which the reg knows.) and so it's staying that way. Why he thinks I'd rather please him than my partner is beyond me.

Had one ask me the same thing, if I’d shave🪒for him🙄. Batted it right back to him & said yep, sure would, $3,000 dollars please. Outraged, he asks why. For all the hassle that it’s going to cause ME to grow that shit back out, buddy.

He didn’t book😂.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 02 February 2021, 08:03:50 am
Had a client text yesterday that I saw a couple of weeks ago. He said 'if I come and see you tomorrow, can you wear some better stockings than what you had last time?' They were simple white stockings with lace at the top. Perfectly normal.

I said no and the only other stockings I had were black and were the same sort as the white ones. He said 'ok no worries'.

I heard no further from him. I couldn't resist texting a few hours later to say 'plus if you are in the company of a young woman, I'm not sure how much it matters what stockings she's wearing'.

He told me to trust him and that it does matter to which I replied, if he has particular stockings in mind then he should foot the bill for them.

Seriously, after the service I provided and he's more bothered about a pair of bloody stockings?  Prick.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cat_BBW on 02 February 2021, 08:47:55 am
Had one ask me the same thing, if I’d shave🪒for him🙄. Batted it right back to him & said yep, sure would, $3,000 dollars please. Outraged, he asks why. For all the hassle that it’s going to cause ME to grow that shit back out, buddy.

He didn’t book😂.

I'm the same - any hair requests (including that on my head) is £1,000. Up front. No one's ever taken me up on the offer, it couldn't have been THAT important then, eh.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 02 February 2021, 01:41:27 pm
Had one ask me the same thing, if I’d shave🪒for him🙄. Batted it right back to him & said yep, sure would, $3,000 dollars please. Outraged, he asks why. For all the hassle that it’s going to cause ME to grow that shit back out, buddy.

He didn’t book😂.

I was going to respond the same thing. hahahaha Cos my clientele like me natural with hair and so if such idiot wanted it removed for him he have to cough up the funds but I would say that will the cost £5,000 GBP ontop of the hourly rate  without the please at the end.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 02 February 2021, 01:48:07 pm
Had a client text yesterday that I saw a couple of weeks ago. He said 'if I come and see you tomorrow, can you wear some better stockings than what you had last time?' They were simple white stockings with lace at the top. Perfectly normal.

I said no and the only other stockings I had were black and were the same sort as the white ones. He said 'ok no worries'.

I heard no further from him. I couldn't resist texting a few hours later to say 'plus if you are in the company of a young woman, I'm not sure how much it matters what stockings she's wearing'.

He told me to trust him and that it does matter to which I replied, if he has particular stockings in mind then he should foot the bill for them.

Seriously, after the service I provided and he's more bothered about a pair of bloody stockings?  Prick.

Such guys get on my nerves of clothing request. I simply say  - No problem do buy whatever outift that you like me to wear call me when your in the shop and hand the phone over to the sales assistant (I don't trust any idiot who claims it to be fresh not worn) so I know your in the store and is purchasing that outfit. This is to be done on the day of your booking. If you don't do this and turn up I will wear what I have in my wardrobe the stockings you do not like.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 02 February 2021, 02:19:25 pm
Had a client text yesterday that I saw a couple of weeks ago. He said 'if I come and see you tomorrow, can you wear some better stockings than what you had last time?' They were simple white stockings with lace at the top. Perfectly normal.

I said no and the only other stockings I had were black and were the same sort as the white ones. He said 'ok no worries'.

I heard no further from him. I couldn't resist texting a few hours later to say 'plus if you are in the company of a young woman, I'm not sure how much it matters what stockings she's wearing'.

He told me to trust him and that it does matter to which I replied, if he has particular stockings in mind then he should foot the bill for them.

Seriously, after the service I provided and he's more bothered about a pair of bloody stockings?  Prick.

It sounds like for him, fault finding and control matters more than the sex. He's being vague about what he defines as 'better' which leaves the door open for complaint once he sees what you've picked.

You're right, if the stockings mattered he would have spent a tenner on them.
I give them my size and they pop into the nearest Boots and buy the stockings they fancy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 02 February 2021, 07:32:28 pm
Yes it does seem more of a control and nit picking issue on his part. He got on my nerves the first time he came so don't fancy meeting him again.

Requests for clothing get on my nerves too. Especially some that ask for seamed stockings. Does it really matter whether or not they have a line down the back? I'll get a marker pen and draw some on if you want.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 02 February 2021, 07:36:59 pm
I have so many stockings and don't mind requests myself. Lots of men love seamed stockings, especially with the keyhole finishing loop at the top. It takes two minutes to put them on so I don't see the problem. Small request in my view for the money they're shelling out.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 02 February 2021, 10:14:12 pm
Had one ask me the same thing, if I’d shave🪒for him🙄. Batted it right back to him & said yep, sure would, $3,000 dollars please. Outraged, he asks why. For all the hassle that it’s going to cause ME to grow that shit back out, buddy.

He didn’t book😂.

Ha! I'm going to start telling them absolutely for 5k.  ;D  I just don't get it. If your preference is shaved, book someone who advertises they are shaved.  Or blonde, don't book a brunette and so on. Is it so difficult? :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 02 February 2021, 10:39:28 pm
Ha! I'm going to start telling them absolutely for 5k.  ;D  I just don't get it. If your preference is shaved, book someone who advertises they are shaved.  Or blonde, don't book a brunette and so on. Is it so difficult? :FF

Right? Or book a damn redhead🧑🏻‍🦰! Don’t ask Beth Elizabeth (who’s busy planning her wedding👰🏼with ole Jim Bob😂, let’s not forget) to dye her frigging hair!

🙋🏼‍♀️Still available for cake🎂testing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 03 February 2021, 05:07:15 am
I have so many stockings and don't mind requests myself. Lots of men love seamed stockings, especially with the keyhole finishing loop at the top. It takes two minutes to put them on so I don't see the problem. Small request in my view for the money they're shelling out.

True, they are shelling out a lot of money but I'm not going out of my way for just one fussy client when the majority are happy enough with what I've got.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 03 February 2021, 12:22:40 pm
Right? Or book a damn redhead🧑🏻‍🦰! Don’t ask Beth Elizabeth (who’s busy planning her wedding👰🏼with ole Jim Bob😂, let’s not forget) to dye her frigging hair!

🙋🏼‍♀️Still available for cake🎂testing.

Celest you always crack me up hhahahah
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BethElizabeth on 03 February 2021, 01:42:35 pm

🙋🏼‍♀️Still available for cake🎂testing.

 ;D ;D

Unfortunately it seems we have to bake our own wedding cake as my one true love believes it is degrading to pay bakers for their products!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 03 February 2021, 02:36:08 pm
Celest you always crack me up hhahahah

Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all week .....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 03 February 2021, 02:37:22 pm
;D ;D

Unfortunately it seems we have to bake our own wedding cake as my one true love believes it is degrading to pay bakers for their products!

*slaps forehead* DOH!!! How foolish of me😂.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JaneDough on 14 February 2021, 03:23:47 am
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 14 February 2021, 09:25:19 am
Just had a booking there. He was ok until he kept asking personal questions like where am I from, what pub do I go to, do I know such and such? I kept changing the subject and was getting really uncomfortable/pissed off but the penny just wasn't dropping for him. Then he says "oh what if I see you out and about, what should I do?" I'm like "NOTHING. Just keep walking!" But he's adament that he'll need to say hi to me. I'm trying to explain that I want to remain discrete while also trying to remain polite then he goes "ok I'll just give you a wee *tilts head gesture*"
Like for fuck sake naw just don't even bother!!!!!! Why can't they get that MY discretion is fucking important too, not just there's! If I wasn't so bothered about trying not to hurt his feelings I'd have said "just keep on waking because I won't acknowledge your existence and will ignore you! I don't want to publicly associate with you, this job is a fucking secret part of my life and we are not friends so leave me the fuck alone please!"
And not that it should make any difference what the client looks like, I'd expect the same and give discretion equally to all, but he's about 70 years old! Can just imagine I'm out with a friend and some old man starts making eyes at me, they're gona wonder wtf is going on. Then I'm gona have to make up some bullshit story and I shouldn't have to. He's pissed me right off but whats annoyed me more is that I was still trying to be polite, I wish I'd have just been more direct! I'm so used to putting on a smile and being sweet no matter what that I can't snap out of it even when I want to  :FF
What a dickhead.

I bite my tongue too much but there are some that piss me off so much that my politeness just goes out the window.

I've noticed more recently as we are about to start the booking some clients have asked me 'so what's your name then'. Unbelievable that some don't even know who they've booked  :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EnglishAmy40 on 14 February 2021, 09:57:07 am
Jane Dough, when we are chatting before we get down to business I always ask if they live in my town and always say if they ever see me out just ignore me. I say it to all newbies. I had one young regular I bumped into at the petrol station and he blatantly said hello. I ignored him, went and paid and he was hanging around outside filling his car up and when I came out he came towards me to say hello. I was fuming. I didn't say anything but when he called next, I banned him and told him why. He was so apologetic but no way I'd see the div again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 15 February 2021, 05:24:41 pm
Had 4 clients messing around today, texting when they've been asked to call and after all that faffing about it didn't result in even one booking!  :FF
Days like today make me want to scream!  Why do they need to make a simple process so damn difficult??  Just call with the time and duration they want,  job done .... Jeez it's not rocket science!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: candidrose on 16 February 2021, 01:53:24 pm
So I posted on here (find find the comment) about how I had put on my profile 'NOT TAKING BOOKINGS - If you message me and ask for a booking I will ignore your message'

after still receiving around 30 more messages asking for bookings I kinda had enough and replied to a few of them 'Please can you read my profile before contacting me. It states, very clearly, that I am not takin bookings at the moment'....

One of the cheeky fuckers replied 'clearly you can't read either cause it says that you won't reply... So are you free?'

so the fucker did read my profile thought he'd try his luck anyway!!! 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 03 March 2021, 07:36:55 pm
So I posted on here (find find the comment) about how I had put on my profile 'NOT TAKING BOOKINGS - If you message me and ask for a booking I will ignore your message'

after still receiving around 30 more messages asking for bookings I kinda had enough and replied to a few of them 'Please can you read my profile before contacting me. It states, very clearly, that I am not takin bookings at the moment'....

One of the cheeky fuckers replied 'clearly you can't read either cause it says that you won't reply... So are you free?'

so the fucker did read my profile thought he'd try his luck anyway!!! 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬

Sounds very familiar, I updated only last night to make it clear that I am not taking bookings so please don't contact me.  Also, the rest of the profile make it clear that I only do incall.
First message today. 

"Are you free for a quick tit wank at your place this around midday? Cheers"

I just don't have the time to entertain this BS.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 04 March 2021, 11:48:55 pm
Getting a huge increase in guys contacting me in the complete opposite way to stated on my profile, it seems if you ask them not to do a certain thing that's precisely what they will do!
 Pretty sure it is just to try and wind me up or maybe they think in these strange times we will accept any old shit despite what our profiles say.

I do GFE with hospitality and socialising and slow and gentle in the bedroom. Todays client wasn't very talkative and very physical. I had to prod him to get the business bit out of the way. Oh, and this was after he wanted to use the bathroom before paying so this was the second time of asking. He was really cock-centric which I don't like. He began asking question like how many I had seen today and how busy I am and I must make a lot and do I use drugs? I'm okay with giving BJs as a spontaenous thing if I'm in the mood for a tease but not on demand. I also don't like mens hands holding my head when I'm doing it. Yes I get men have fantasies and yes I get some men use pretty graphic terms for sexual activitives. I don't like the feeling I'm being "skullfucked". I'm fine with the odd spanka s a tease but not when I'm on edge with a man who isn't very social and who is too physical. He used up his full hour plus ten minutes because he arrived early. He left the spout up on the alchohol gel sanitiser bottle which I don't like because the whole point of the spout being down is to keep the alchohol from evaporating and making it useless. I only noticed this after he had left. I also noticed he had mistakenly (?) shortchanged me by counting out all the notes as if they were 20's but one was a 10. I'm very clear in both my profile and on the phone what I offer and what I like. When he came he tasted like utter cack and I spat this onto my arm in the hope I wouldn't get it all over my bed. I don't want to do that again. This entire list of what happened during this booking is like everything on my do-not-do list.

I had some suspicions when we were on the phone but nothing ringing alarm bells so I thought I could manage this call. I did manage this booking as things turned out but then I put my mind in different places and navigated my tension. The money being short does niggle. He decided I'm his new favourite in life so wants to see me again in a few weeks. I'm not overjoyed about this prospect. On reflection there's points of similarity with previous clients I dumped. Nothing huge which stands out noticeably but 2-3 of these things all at once.

I have a tagging scheme on my phone so I can tell at a glance who is calling and who they are (regular, timewaster, caution, blocked) and I give them a star rating from one to five. 5 star being VIP client I'm always happy to see. Three star acceptable. Two star don't see unless I'm desperate. I did mark him as  three star but felt this was pushing it so downgraded him to a two star. The thing is he's not a complete asshole. He respected my boundaries if I drew a line but it was the assumptions plus the fact I felt stressed so this booking ended up feeling like halfway between boundary pushing and griefing. I like to provide a very personal service and this wasn't anywhere near personal. After some more thinking I blocked him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 05 March 2021, 02:21:32 am
I do GFE with hospitality and socialising and slow and gentle in the bedroom [redacted]

That skull fucking!!!! Arghhh🪓🪓 I get out of that by very deftly/casually dodging away a few times & they get the point.

I think there’s been 3x in 5 years they’ve refused to stop, so I pulled back, sat on my heels , crossed my arms & stared at them.


“You gonna keep doing that?” *glare* (Don’t play dumb goddamit!)

Then, the ever popular, “Oh. You don’t like that?”

(Having you slam your dick into my esophagus? Sure. It’s what I live for🙄)

“Stop it.”

Once I actually *held a guys hands down* to keep his off my head ~ he did not like that😆😆, but GD it I told you TO STOP.

[quote edited]
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 05 March 2021, 04:26:51 am
Sounds like a one star if youre being generous.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 05 March 2021, 12:53:51 pm
I'd had the rare client worse than this who get a one star hence I gave him two stars but he's blocked now anyway. Any two star or below I block stays blocked. Another thing I only just remembered is when he got out the money he said "X for the hour" (X being how much I charge). Given his counting mistake (?) and this I remembered him stating an amount then rapidly flipping through the notes in front of me and bunging the wad of notes at me is an old con trick. They hope you lock onto the number and your brain misses the fact one note is different whether you are doing the counting or it appears he did a fair counting and you took his word for it. It's easy to do this and easy to miss if you just glance at the stack to see if it looks right.

I now get why some women I've counted out money for in the bank or a shop no matter how slowly and carefully and visibly I count the money out insist on counting it themselves. They do it every time all the time.

I also felt he took advantage of my euphoria and aim to provide a personal service, and I don't like clients like him anyway. The fact I got conned on the money is just rubbing it in.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BethElizabeth on 05 March 2021, 02:47:33 pm
When they try to pick and choose services like they do pizza toppings..

Had a client arrive this morning, all good, polite enough. He says he knows I offer anal, but do not offer unprotected oral and he would like to switch the two. I didn't know what he meant, so he explained he will not have anal but he will have OWO... I was a bit taken aback and said I don't do oral without a condom.
He then tried to justify it by saying "Well you know.. it's like when you order a pizza, you can take off the anchovies but add pineapple!"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannah78 on 05 March 2021, 04:52:36 pm
Lol I’ve had this client message me, completely ignoring my booking process explained on my profile  :FF. So it was already a definite No ::). I was going to ignore the message. But after vetting his number on client eye & seeing the amount of time waster complaints on his number, I wanted to piss him off a little bit  ;D ...

Client: Any chance i cam make a booking with you. I love your pics.. call me (phone number) xx

Me: No chance.

Client: Baby girl why not? I will come to you pay for the hour x

Client: Why are you saying no chance i dont get it? Are you that prestige

Client: There is a chance cos i got money even a donkey with money has a chance with a hoe no offence

Me: Not when that hoe says N-O, no.

Like wtf? :D Clients like this irritate me. He was just going to make a booking and not turn up anyway
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Liverpoolgal123 on 05 March 2021, 05:27:24 pm
I didn’t realised at first how many clients I’ve seen who’ve done this, only noticed when the thought popped into my mind mid action, a lot of clients have smacked my arse whilst I’m giving them oral, Im usually kneeling at the side of them on the bed bent down, arse a little up so they can touch me, but a god few have smacked me and I just think your cock is in my mouth and you want to surprise hit me, don’t you think I could bite down in surprise! The last thing I would do is slap someone’s arse whilst my cock is between their teeth  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 06 March 2021, 08:57:30 pm
The ones that have to be too vocal and make so much noise constantly through the booking.

Had one this evening that kept going 'mmm yeah... mmm fuck yeah baby'.

Really had to refrain a couple of times from telling him to shut up. Thankfully these are rare for me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sugar on 06 March 2021, 11:43:26 pm
One thing that really annoys me is, when a client contacts you, asking if you will accept less money, because his regular girls has lower rates.   One older gentleman contacted me today saying he will give £500 for a overnight,  because that is how much his other girls overnight fee is £790 btw. Which is very reasonable for a 12 hour overnight booking.
When I politely refused, he then accepted to pay my price. 6 hours later, he contacts me again , saying he wants to cancel because he has made arrangements with a old flame, and she does not charge him anything,  because she genuinely has feelings for him. He then types a paragraph about how they have had many foreign holidays and trips away, and she never asks him for money, and he is going to hold on to his money instead right now. He said he has to travel a extra hour and a half to see her, but she is worth it.  Lol ;D He said he may contact me in the future.
He then apologises and says,  sorry for the inconvenience.  I did not reply back, and just blocked the idiot.
WTF !!!  Do these men forget we are escorts?? I get so tired with this type of bull*ck . Ffs  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannah78 on 07 March 2021, 12:14:19 am
I’m about to lose the will to live here   :FF

Annoying client message today. I don’t even do outcalls  >:( What do they get out of this??? I usually ignore messages like this but I’m in a really bad mood, have been for a while  :-\

Read the convo from the bottom to top

Client:wat do i have to do
Me: That is not how it works.
When you are serious about booking, let me know.

Client: im naija boy and let me spoil u a little x come through
Client: aha i just did but yeah thats long x me was thinking we can link up i send u deposit no problem x
Me: You have not bothered to read my profile at all.

Client: okay ?
Me: and I am serious ... L-O-L.
Client: Fam am serious wat u on
Me: Lol

Client: Hey x can i see u for outcall tonight xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 07 March 2021, 03:51:37 am
I'm into rap so I can do a bit of translation into Queens English here, I know what 'fam' is but what's a 'naija boy' though?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: sugar on 07 March 2021, 04:35:42 am
I'm into rap so I can do a bit of translation into Queens English here, I know what 'fam' is but what's a 'naija boy' though?

It's a young man from Nigeria.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 07 March 2021, 11:53:12 am
Constantly texting me to make a booking (client I already know so he doesn't have to call) and it taking 5/6 texts, and my time, just to make a fuckin' half hour booking, asking how I am and all that crap, why can't they save the smalltalk bullshit for the booking?

If I wasn't so skint then he'd be sacked but I'll sack him off soon, Christ I've hardly any regulars left, they all go bad in the end with me, and I bore easily of them but I never get bored of their money of course:)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 07 March 2021, 12:52:54 pm

It's a young man from Nigeria.
Thanks Sugar :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 07 March 2021, 01:50:35 pm
Have I written about this? Over 50 brain🧠here.

Twice now I’ve gotten clients who’ve booked, then an hour or so before, they’ll ask for a lower rate because they’re driving so far.

Sorry, I should add they chose to only do a hhr visit. (I don’t mind those) I’m completely perplexed bc I don’t see how this is MY problem🤷🏼‍♀️.

Both times I’ve very excitedly said I had a great solution: book a longer appointment.

Shocker. They don’t want to DO that🙄. I actually asked 1 to give me his address😆😆. What? Why?

Well, to see where you’re coming from & if it is indeed 50 minutes as you’re claiming.

I’m not giving you that!

Then clearly you’re a liar, sir. Funny. Neither of them showed🤔.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Escortx on 07 March 2021, 01:56:37 pm
I’ve had a few day I want to see you but it’s really far and you’re too expensive. I’m not my prices are reasonable
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Zandie on 08 March 2021, 03:30:10 pm
The ones that have to be too vocal and make so much noise constantly through the booking.

Had one this evening that kept going 'mmm yeah... mmm fuck yeah baby'.

Really had to refrain a couple of times from telling him to shut up. Thankfully these are rare for me.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Had a regular that would say - you like daddy's cock , yeah give it to daddy

I had to tell him, I wont do this to my daddy so please stop this daddy stuff......he laughed , we still 'friends'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 08 March 2021, 04:47:56 pm
When they start giving you pet names like you would with a partner.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 08 March 2021, 05:30:56 pm
Asking when you're next available, being told in x days time and then they respond asking can you do today.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 08 March 2021, 09:13:04 pm
A new client wanted to book two hours sex with taking photos. We discussed wardrobe and practical issues and how the time may break down between the two. All was good until it was clear he hadn't paid attention to my T&Cs.

I insist on all rights being transferred to me with me doing the editing (which may take 1-3 hours) and sending the photos I am happy with to the client. I grant the client a personal and private use licence only. I also do not publish anything identifying the client without his permission in writing (a "model release") at the clients discretion. The client said he was basically paying me to have a photoshoot and didn't want to be left with nothing. As I point out my rights management T&C's are there to protect me. I don't want any old photos leaking out and I retain the rights so I can take formal action against any website hosting unauthorised images or any doxxing or blackmail attempts.

As far as I'm concerned the client isn't a professional with a career or reputation to lose nor is there a written contract in place nor are the images destined for a reputable well paying publisher who will defend the contract. That's me in the photos and he gets to fuck me too? Well, no. My body my rules. There is such a thing as "fuck for photo" but I'm not doing that. If they were any good they would be paying me and wouldn't need a fuck. If they were top of the line like a Helmut Newton I'd be queuing up.

I told him if he can't trust me to do my job I don't want him as a client. He got snotty about this so I just updated my notes and blocked him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 11 March 2021, 06:07:42 pm
Regulars not listening to a thing you say/not accepting no for an answer and texting at bloody ridiculous times.

One reg text not so long ago at 12.30am asking when I was working again. He text again recently at 1.30am asking the same. Ask me at a fucking normal time that won't piss me off! My phone is off overnight but it still winds me up when I see the time they contacted me.  :FF

Had one recently asking when are you next available? I told him Tuesday. He then asks can you see me today? If I could see you today, I would have fucking said I am available today. I ignore it, he asks again. I tell him no, as stated I am not available until Tuesday! He says okay can I send pictures... He is fully aware that's not something I do. Strike two. One more and he's being binned off.

Another one asked a while back if I would consider an overnight, I told him I am unable to do them. A short time later he mentions an overnight and booking a hotel for us. I've already told him I can't do them, so I just ignore this. He then mentions it again asking me to choose a day in a couple of weeks that will suit me best for an overnight....I respond telling him I CAN'T do overnights, I have other commitments overnight/early morning! I shouldn't have had to say why, my first answer should have been enough. However, I thought maybe if I make it clear it isn't going to happen because of other commitments, maybe he will listen. Oh, he listened alright. I haven't heard a thing since and considering he has always responded almost immediately I am fairly sure he is sulking about it. If he sulks to the point of not booking again that will be a shame as I genuinely enjoyed our bookings  and his personality etc. However, I'm not rearranging my personal life to suit any client's needs. 

It's bad enough when the idiots and timewasters don't listen. Regulars should know better.  :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 11 March 2021, 06:38:23 pm
I know, Hannaah.😔 I’ll get that & say I can see them @, I dunno, 6:30. It’s currently 3:30. They say well, what about 4 pm?

(No, you moron, I’m booked up til then but I’m gracefully trying not to tell you that)

“Unfortunately the earliest I can see you today is 6:30.”

Why would I say 6:30 if I could see you at 4?🪓🪓🪓
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 March 2021, 04:33:18 pm
I hate it when they become so indecisive or keep changing their minds. One of my regulars was booked in for yesterday then tells me he can't do it can we rearrange. So change it for tomorrow but says he might be able to see me today instead but depends.

Texted me to say he cant wait until tomorrow now can he see me today in half an hour if possible.
I say no I'm not even working today and am doing him a favour by seeing him tomorrow as not working then either.

I think they forget we actually have lives ourself and are not waiting by the phone ready for them to snap their fingers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 12 March 2021, 04:56:54 pm
I hate it when they become so indecisive or keep changing their minds. One of my regulars was booked in for yesterday then tells me he can't do it can we rearrange. So change it for tomorrow but says he might be able to see me today instead but depends.

Texted me to say he cant wait until tomorrow now can he see me today in half an hour if possible.
I say no I'm not even working today and am doing him a favour by seeing him tomorrow as not working then either.

I think they forget we actually have lives ourself and are not waiting by the phone ready for them to snap their fingers.

When regs start misbehaving like this,  I feel one's been downgraded to 'trusty old slipper'. Reliable, familiar, but the shine's worn off. Usually gets worse and I feel it's time to dump em or block them for a few months to re-learn their manners. They come back good as gold!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 March 2021, 10:55:46 pm
Hmm might try that or give him a good caning as part of my bdsm training
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 12 March 2021, 11:20:40 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 13 March 2021, 04:52:01 pm
Because trade was slow I decided to unblock a previous five star client who had got flakey and see what he had to say so messaged I was available when  I missed his call. When he did (eventually) call we had a nice chat but he exhibited timewaster signals. The promised booking during the week and now weekend never materialised. Yet another regular client who want bad and a leopard which didn't change his spots.

I very very rarely unblock when I have blocked. I do so for good reasons. Pretty much nobody else I have blocked stands a chance of ever being unblocked and I just discovered this week how to block messages as well as calls. That's handy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 14 March 2021, 03:39:44 pm
Having a post sex shower with client, he says "your body is gorgeous, can hardly tell you've had kids" and other remarks about stretch marks and love handles
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinUpGirl8 on 14 March 2021, 04:44:00 pm
Having a post sex shower with client, he says "your body is gorgeous, can hardly tell you've had kids" and other remarks about stretch marks and love handles

I hate it when they spitefully make remarks about having a child/children, my worst one is when they say ‘so I take it your kid/kids don’t live with you then?’
Oh because I’m a sex worker that means I am unable to provide for my child/children and be a good mother?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 15 March 2021, 04:35:31 am
I hate it when they spitefully make remarks about having a child/children, my worst one is when they say ‘so I take it your kid/kids don’t live with you then?’
Oh because I’m a sex worker that means I am unable to provide for my child/children and be a good mother?!

I know. And later we were back in the bedroom and he was running his hand over those same areas like my hips, bum, belly etc first telling me I had a nice body and then saying how his wife hadn't worked that hard on her body after having kids, then asking me how many kids I have.
Which is invasive and none of his business but also what a wowed place and time to ask and talk about that sort of thing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 18 March 2021, 01:37:33 pm
Just had a booking with a guy for 30 mins which I charge £90 for.

Paid me £85 in notes and the rest in coins! Then when I checked at the end he was £2 short.

He reckoned he was looking round and couldn't find it then offered to go back to the car to get me the remaining £2.

Me being a soft idiot, I just let it go. He was completely full of shit, never stopped talking the whole time. Probably would have stayed the whole afternoon if I hadn't told him time was up.  >:(

Another lesson learned  :FF

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 18 March 2021, 02:05:15 pm
Messages like this
“Trust me babe I’m a genuine guy X X X X 💕💕💕 xx we’ll have a good time hun xx check my feedback and see what lovely things they’ve said about me there X X X X love.. Me! “
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 18 March 2021, 03:24:41 pm
I just hate it when they get cocky thinking we should be grateful as they are so amazing in bed. Find it such a turn off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 23 March 2021, 03:50:23 am
Messages like this
“Trust me babe I’m a genuine guy X X X X 💕💕💕 xx we’ll have a good time hun xx check my feedback and see what lovely things they’ve said about me there X X X X love.. Me! “

Ugh I hate this. Because if they were a time waster they would obviously tell us so beforehand; so we can accept their word for it when they say that they're genuine 🙄
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 23 March 2021, 03:51:04 pm
Is it just me that really just doesn’t like it when
“Sorry I’m a bit new to this, not really sure, never done this before”
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Liverpoolgal123 on 23 March 2021, 05:33:53 pm
Is it just me that really just doesn’t like it when
“Sorry I’m a bit new to this, not really sure, never done this before”

Nope, I had one today who told me a thousand times how new to this he is so he’s so shy  ::) I just say ah ok well txt when your sure you want to book. Soon as the phones down I block
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 23 March 2021, 07:20:38 pm
Is it just me that really just doesn’t like it when
“Sorry I’m a bit new to this, not really sure, never done this before”

To me that's code for "I want to send you lots of long rambling texts and ask a million dumb questions in the hope that you'll be desperate enough for money that you'll indulge me, and then I will never book or turn up ever".
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 24 March 2021, 04:04:59 pm
Just finished a booking with a client asking what turns me on and then asking if he was making me wet  ::)

Then when he came and started to remove the condom, he pulled it off so it flung and splashed everywhere!  >:( >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 24 March 2021, 11:27:22 pm
Just finished a booking with a client asking what turns me on and then asking if he was making me wet  ::)

Then when he came and started to remove the condom, he pulled it off so it flung and splashed everywhere!  >:( >:(

I always remove the condom, most guys seem to like that and a bit of attention to clean them up, stops that spunk splashing horror!
Asking if he was making me wet  ???   instant block for being a weirdo
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Zandie on 27 March 2021, 01:35:57 pm
A client ive seen 4 times in a year heads straight into my bathroom on arrival WITHOUT ASKING or even a hello, locks the door then stay in there for 12mins on a 30min booking and moans when I indicate times up after 35mins of actual service (never mind that I constantly had to remind him to use his words not pull, tug and flip me over like a pancake at his will)

He then has the nerve to ask for another towel to shower before leaving and spends another 10mins in bathroom.

I always offer showering on arrival and departure but to head straight in there without asking and spend over 20mins in total is not on at all.....told him on his way out not to contact me again !!! and he looked surprised and asks why? >:( >:(

Just no manners
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 27 March 2021, 06:32:29 pm
Maybe you've just got a really really nice bathroom Zandie?  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 27 March 2021, 10:59:30 pm
A client ive seen 4 times in a year heads straight into my bathroom on arrival WITHOUT ASKING or even a hello, locks the door then stay in there for 12mins on a 30min booking and moans when I indicate times up after 35mins of actual service (never mind that I constantly had to remind him to use his words not pull, tug and flip me over like a pancake at his will)

He then has the nerve to ask for another towel to shower before leaving and spends another 10mins in bathroom.

I always offer showering on arrival and departure but to head straight in there without asking and spend over 20mins in total is not on at all.....told him on his way out not to contact me again !!! and he looked surprised and asks why? >:( >:(

Just no manners

Totally disgusting behaviour.
I would have pulled him up the second he was heading off without acknowledging me.
When they are in my space I expect them to show respect and follow my rules.
Sounds like he is just a cheapskate who wanted the luxury of a leisurely hour long booking whilst only paying for 30 mins.
Good on you for telling him he wouldn't be welcomed back.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Saffy on 28 March 2021, 12:37:58 am
I had one he had a full on service half hour and then gets up and walks straight in the shower. If I had known he wanted a shower I would have finished him 5 minutes earlier.   He's in the shower I can hear plastic bottles falling.  I put cheap separate stuff in there for them.  The door is open and hear "Can I get a coffee love?"!!!!!! There is nothing in my ad about refreshments.  I told him no and hurry up because my phone was ringing. It was a bottom feeder region.  Twice after this he tried to mess me about by booking then cancelling.  A short ugly fuck who has been with a lot of attractive escorts so thinks he's a stud.

My rules are showering comes out of their time especially in HALF hour and one hour appointments. They have to come showered so that cuts out any disgusting things they might do in there.  Also if I see a trail of anything disgusting on their used towel I won't be able to go ahead with the booking. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 28 March 2021, 02:20:36 am
I get super annoyed about the bath mats. Sometimes I’ll have 1 hanging up on the bar to air dry bc the last asshole drenched it🙄, & they’ve literally left it hanging up, therefore getting water💦all over the floor.

It’s like, do you do this at home?🪓

Were  you raised in a BARN? By wolves🐺?

By wolves🐺 in a barn??? *irritated look*

So then I make them go BACK in there & clean🧽the water up. I’m certainly not going to do it. Fucktards.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 28 March 2021, 08:55:13 am
A client ive seen 4 times in a year heads straight into my bathroom on arrival WITHOUT ASKING or even a hello, locks the door then stay in there for 12mins on a 30min booking and moans when I indicate times up after 35mins of actual service (never mind that I constantly had to remind him to use his words not pull, tug and flip me over like a pancake at his will)

He then has the nerve to ask for another towel to shower before leaving and spends another 10mins in bathroom.

I always offer showering on arrival and departure but to head straight in there without asking and spend over 20mins in total is not on at all.....told him on his way out not to contact me again !!! and he looked surprised and asks why? >:( >:(

Just no manners

If he'd spent all that time in the bathroom I'd have told him his time was up and kicked him out when they'd reached 30mins. Sometimes I've just got up and dressed while they're still trying to bring themselves off.

I hate the ones that struggle to come and use up all their time to try and cum, then want a shower after. Had one do this the other day but he's normally so pleasant and polite that I couldn't say no to that one. If he books again I'll start sex earlier so he's done in time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 28 March 2021, 11:48:05 am
I had one he had a full on service half hour and then gets up and walks straight in the shower. If I had known he wanted a shower I would have finished him 5 minutes earlier.   He's in the shower I can hear plastic bottles falling.  I put cheap separate stuff in there for them.  The door is open and hear "Can I get a coffee love?"!!!!!! There is nothing in my ad about refreshments.  I told him no and hurry up because my phone was ringing. It was a bottom feeder region.  Twice after this he tried to mess me about by booking then cancelling.  A short ugly fuck who has been with a lot of attractive escorts so thinks he's a stud.

My rules are showering comes out of their time especially in HALF hour and one hour appointments. They have to come showered so that cuts out any disgusting things they might do in there.  Also if I see a trail of anything disgusting on their used towel I won't be able to go ahead with the booking.

Unbelievable cheek! 
Clearly guys who can't really afford their chosen hobby and are determined to try and wring every last pennies worth out of it!
I too take  showering out of their  time and as you say, especially in shorter bookings.  If they want to be cheap and book the cheapest option then they can't expect us to be giving our time away for free, time is money.
I used to have a guy who only ever booked 30 mins but wanted a shower before and after with a fresh towel for each and would spend ages in there! It's just taking the piss. Got to the point where I just ignored the phone when I saw it was him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Zandie on 28 March 2021, 12:03:30 pm
Maybe you've just got a really really nice bathroom Zandie?  ;D

 ;D ;D

just another ill mannered opportunist, im glad he inadvertently caused his banning .......he was quite annoying on a good day
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Zandie on 28 March 2021, 12:11:11 pm
Totally disgusting behaviour.
I would have pulled him up the second he was heading off without acknowledging me.
When they are in my space I expect them to show respect and follow my rules.
Sounds like he is just a cheapskate who wanted the luxury of a leisurely hour long booking whilst only paying for 30 mins.
Good on you for telling him he wouldn't be welcomed back.

I usually call out bad behaviour. ... i think i was in shock  at the level of disrespect tbh

Im glad he wont be returning , i ll have flashbacks of rage if i see him again
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Zandie on 28 March 2021, 12:47:32 pm
I get super annoyed about the bath mats. Sometimes I’ll have 1 hanging up on the bar to air dry bc the last asshole drenched it🙄, & they’ve literally left it hanging up, therefore getting water💦all over the floor.

It’s like, do you do this at home?🪓

Were  you raised in a BARN? By wolves🐺?

By wolves🐺 in a barn??? *irritated look*

So then I make them go BACK in there & clean🧽the water up. I’m certainly not going to do it. Fucktards.

I get that too.......... as well as walking around as they dry off .... leaving puddles of foot prints everywhere!!!........and leaving wet towels on my bed....AARRGH

Dont even get me started on the ones that leave pubes / hair and /or black sock fluff on bath mats and in the bath .....Animals i tell you, pure animals
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Zandie on 28 March 2021, 01:10:47 pm
If he'd spent all that time in the bathroom I'd have told him his time was up and kicked him out when they'd reached 30mins. Sometimes I've just got up and dressed while they're still trying to bring themselves off.

I hate the ones that struggle to come and use up all their time to try and cum, then want a shower after. Had one do this the other day but he's normally so pleasant and polite that I couldn't say no to that one. If he books again I'll start sex earlier so he's done in time.

Thank goodness i dont get the delayed cummers that often!!!

I usually ask at beginning of session if they are a two or one time cummer so i know how to deal with the two timers..... i get them to cum fairly quickly the first time...... then ask for specifics on how i can make them cum for the second one .......most know how and IF they will cum the second time, to those that pretend not to know........ once time is up i say im tired and it looks like its not going to happen but good thing the first one was so intense yeah? LOL
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Zandie on 28 March 2021, 01:20:51 pm
I had one he had a full on service half hour and then gets up and walks straight in the shower. If I had known he wanted a shower I would have finished him 5 minutes earlier.   He's in the shower I can hear plastic bottles falling.  I put cheap separate stuff in there for them.  The door is open and hear "Can I get a coffee love?"!!!!!! There is nothing in my ad about refreshments.  I told him no and hurry up because my phone was ringing. It was a bottom feeder region.  Twice after this he tried to mess me about by booking then cancelling.  A short ugly fuck who has been with a lot of attractive escorts so thinks he's a stud.

My rules are showering comes out of their time especially in HALF hour and one hour appointments. They have to come showered so that cuts out any disgusting things they might do in there.  Also if I see a trail of anything disgusting on their used towel I won't be able to go ahead with the booking.

My fear of restricting showers ( especially before the session) is the very high probability of SAABS (smelly arse and balls syndrome)....Taking a shower at home doesnt guarantee there wont be fart particles and sweat lingering ..... bad smells traumatise me ....... ;)  i cant take the risk
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 28 March 2021, 01:30:36 pm
My fear of restricting showers ( especially before the session) is the very high probability of SAABS (smelly arse and balls syndrome)....Taking a shower at home doesnt guarantee there wont be fart particles and sweat lingering ..... bad smells traumatise me ....... ;)  i cant take the risk

Lol, thankfully most of mine seem clean and smell free. Occasionally if they aren't, I'll run a baby wipe over them first.

Had a lovely older gentleman this week but he DID smell and taste unpleasant, even after I'd wiped him up. I couldn't stay down there long so just laid and cuddled with him instead.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 28 March 2021, 03:33:30 pm
My fear of restricting showers ( especially before the session) is the very high probability of SAABS (smelly arse and balls syndrome)....Taking a shower at home doesnt guarantee there wont be fart particles and sweat lingering ..... bad smells traumatise me ....... ;)  i cant take the risk

I don't restrict showers, I actively encourage one on arrival but guys who think the time they have booked will be wholey taken up with sexual activity, especially when they only book 30 mins,  then assume showers go into extra time are rude and unrealistic.
Personally I don't give a damn if they don't have one before leaving.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JaneDough on 30 March 2021, 05:33:13 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinUpGirl8 on 30 March 2021, 11:00:43 pm
On one of my last bookings the client said at the end, does this job pay you well? And if I ever need any money just to call him  :FF :FF first of all I’m never going to tell you if my job pays me well and even if it does or it doesn’t the last person I would go to would be a client, never mind someone Iv known for one hour!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 31 March 2021, 12:51:54 am
This is less of an "annoyance", more just weird. I went to a booking and he had his laptop open with my adultwork page on display. He'd placed his computer on the couch with it turned to face the door, like he wanted me to see it when I walked it. He made no mention of it either. Really strange...
I stopped seeing him because he was showing signs of passive aggressiveness/manipulation so I think maybe this was one of his tactics, but I don't quite get what it would achieve other than confusion on my end? Haha

I'd also be wary of something like that in that he may be filming.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Zandie on 31 March 2021, 01:28:55 am
I'd also be wary of something like that in that he may be filming.

My thoughts exactly,  open laptop facing the door ....very dodgy indeed
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 31 March 2021, 08:11:54 am
On one of my last bookings the client said at the end, does this job pay you well? And if I ever need any money just to call him  :FF :FF first of all I’m never going to tell you if my job pays me well and even if it does or it doesn’t the last person I would go to would be a client, never mind someone Iv known for one hour!!

Had someone last night say 'this job must pay well' to which I replied 'well yours must do too' as he was an Engineer. I really hate when they ask intrusive questions and make comments.

I'd also be wary of something like that in that he may be filming.

Yes I wouldn't have been happy with this.
I'm stopping outcalls next year. At the moment they're just useful if I need a boost to my weekly take.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JaneDough on 31 March 2021, 02:05:24 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cat_BBW on 31 March 2021, 02:49:38 pm
This is less of an "annoyance", more just weird. I went to a booking and he had his laptop open with my adultwork page on display. He'd placed his computer on the couch with it turned to face the door, like he wanted me to see it when I walked it. He made no mention of it either. Really strange...
I stopped seeing him because he was showing signs of passive aggressiveness/manipulation so I think maybe this was one of his tactics, but I don't quite get what it would achieve other than confusion on my end? Haha

This is his way of making you know he has read your profile, and he knows what services you offer, so don't be telling him you don't do XYZ because it's right there on your profile!  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 31 March 2021, 06:51:48 pm
The thing is with showers, why would you expect that time to be outside of any time booked? I don't turn up for an hour long appointment at my therapists expecting him to give me ten minutes extra? My time is paid for, anything outside of that is me losing money!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 01 April 2021, 12:33:42 am
This regular rings about tomorrow such and such time, then half talks to himself about the cheaper option-'but I want rather', I'm silent, as he's got a rep for moaning about my fee recently and deciding his day's too busy to fit me in.

He'll call tomorrow 'when he sorts out his day.' I got shit to do and a sunny day to enjoy tomorrow. So I tell him I'm unwilling to be on standby for his grand entrance. He's done this several times before and I'm not up for being on his waiting list. I tell him not to call me again.

His reply...'I accept I've been rather indecisive. I have guilt problems. I'm sorry'.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 01 April 2021, 08:31:21 am
The thing is with showers, why would you expect that time to be outside of any time booked? I don't turn up for an hour long appointment at my therapists expecting him to give me ten minutes extra? My time is paid for, anything outside of that is me losing money!

Exactly, when I book a massage the therapist will finish 5 mins before the time is up to allow for dressing before leaving but for some reason there are guys who think they are being shortchanged if we do the same thing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 01 April 2021, 05:33:17 pm
Exactly, when I book a massage the therapist will finish 5 mins before the time is up to allow for dressing before leaving but for some reason there are guys who think they are being shortchanged if we do the same thing.

Because they don't look at us charging money for sex as a serious job so the rules do not apply to them of normal business practices. They suddenly become self entiltled and apply a mindset of not taking our time as anything professional or serious.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 01 April 2021, 07:19:11 pm
Because they don't look at us charging money for sex as a serious job so the rules do not apply to them of normal business practices. They suddenly become self entiltled and apply a mindset of not taking our time as anything professional or serious.

Best explanation ever!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinUpGirl8 on 01 April 2021, 08:01:45 pm
The thing is with showers, why would you expect that time to be outside of any time booked? I don't turn up for an hour long appointment at my therapists expecting him to give me ten minutes extra? My time is paid for, anything outside of that is me losing money!

Oh I can’t stand clients that think they’re entitled to stay over their time they’ve paid for, this also goes for clients that think I would want to spend any time with them or stay in touch with them out of work. Most clients don’t understand that we’re just very good at our job which is to make them feel good about themselves in the specific time paid for!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 01 April 2021, 08:09:24 pm
Because they don't look at us charging money for sex as a serious job so the rules do not apply to them of normal business practices. They suddenly become self entiltled and apply a mindset of not taking our time as anything professional or serious.

Exactly, they don't see it the same as any other paid service at all. I've said before, I hate how escorts get accused of being clock watchers for keeping to time in bookings.

Never, when I've paid for a service elsewhere, has the session run over.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 01 April 2021, 09:10:10 pm
Because they don't look at us charging money for sex as a serious job so the rules do not apply to them of normal business practices. They suddenly become self entiltled and apply a mindset of not taking our time as anything professional or serious.

This is exactly it, possibly because many of them actually begrudge having to pay for it and do not think that we run it as an real business as in paying taxes or having any form of overheads/outlay. According to them we get free condoms from the clinic! ( Jeez we'd be there every  day to keep a decent supply and no way do they offer the various different brands/sizes I carry) and of course all the lingerie/toys/equipment we have already for personal use as we are all nymphomaniacs that can't get enough cock, no matter what that cock is attached to!  They really need to pull their heads out of their asses!
One guy actually asked me after a booking what I do for work!??   Eeeerrrr well this!!
They really don't see it as work and as someone else said, because we are so good at our job and make them feel good they actually think we get real enjoyment from fucking them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 01 April 2021, 09:24:35 pm
Oh I can’t stand clients that think they’re entitled to stay over their time they’ve paid for, this also goes for clients that think I would want to spend any time with them or stay in touch with them out of work. Most clients don’t understand that we’re just very good at our job which is to make them feel good about themselves in the specific time paid for!

I've had this twice this week with new clients, only book 30 mins and 20 mins in are asking me to slow down as they don't want to cum yet! Realistically they have 5 mins left which leaves the last 5 mins for showering/dressing. I cheerfuly say how time flies when you're having fun and they should remember to make a longer booking next time  ;D
They get so carried away when we are not laying there like a sack of spuds mentally writing our shopping list ( what they are used to with their other halves, if they are lucky enough to be getting anything at all!)  that they suddenly think they have turned into a sex god and we are having as great a time as they are!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 02 April 2021, 08:13:40 am
This is exactly it, possibly because many of them actually begrudge having to pay for it and do not think that we run it as an real business as in paying taxes or having any form of overheads/outlay. According to them we get free condoms from the clinic! ( Jeez we'd be there every  day to keep a decent supply and no way do they offer the various different brands/sizes I carry) and of course all the lingerie/toys/equipment we have already for personal use as we are all nymphomaniacs that can't get enough cock, no matter what that cock is attached to!  They really need to pull their heads out of their asses!
One guy actually asked me after a booking what I do for work!??   Eeeerrrr well this!!
They really don't see it as work and as someone else said, because we are so good at our job and make them feel good they actually think we get real enjoyment from fucking them.

Yes. I was getting along really well with a guy the other night, but had to smile when he told me he only ever saw Escorts who do it, "For a hobby, just  because they love sex".. and that he never wanted to visit them if they are "Obviously doing it for the money"
Seriously deluded.
He's just met a lot of good Actresses🙄

We are ALL doing it for the money, otherwise we would be on a sex dating site and '"choosing' who we see.

 I mean there are obviously women out there that give no-strings-sex to strangers, but they are not getting paid large amounts of money to offer sex to anyone who walks through their door.

This guy was also one of those who asked me dozens of really personal questions and later told me out loud he now felt guilty he had spent so much of his money on booking a "lovely lady like me" that evening  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinUpGirl8 on 02 April 2021, 09:48:15 am
The ‘lovely lady like you’ comment  :FF the amount of times guys have guys, ‘now, what is a lovely lady like you doing something like this for?’ Wow what a stupid comment and a great way to get my back up before you pay me to have sex with you. I always feel like saying something along the lines of ‘would you consider yourself a lovely man for having to pay for sex or are you just a sad lonely twat deep down?’ Let’s put the questioning spotlight on you for a second.

I find it so judgmental.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miffy on 02 April 2021, 10:11:09 am
and later told me out loud he now felt guilty he had spent so much of his money on booking a "lovely lady like me" that evening  :(


He's an adult, one who has made up his own mind and chosen to spend his money on sexual services. Nobody is going to feel sorry for you and your decision.

Nice things cost money, particularly a 'lovely lady.' And if it makes him feel guilty, maybe he should not being spending his money on sex.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 02 April 2021, 02:36:31 pm
Yes. I was getting along really well with a guy the other night, but had to smile when he told me he only ever saw Escorts who do it, "For a hobby, just  because they love sex".. and that he never wanted to visit them if they are "Obviously doing it for the money"
Seriously deluded.
He's just met a lot of good Actresses🙄

This guy was also one of those who asked me dozens of really personal questions and later told me out loud he now felt guilty he had spent so much of his money on booking a "lovely lady like me" that evening  :(

He was probably hoping that as you were such a "lovely lady"  and clearly only doing this "for a hobby just because you love sex so much"  that you would offer him his money back whilst assuring him that you'd had such a wonderful time with him that you felt it rude to accept his money ....   Haaa haaaaa haaaa  as if! 
As you rightly say, seriously deluded.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 02 April 2021, 04:47:02 pm
He was probably hoping that as you were such a "lovely lady"  and clearly only doing this "for a hobby just because you love sex so much"  that you would offer him his money back whilst assuring him that you'd had such a wonderful time with him that you felt it rude to accept his money ....   Haaa haaaaa haaaa  as if! 
As you rightly say, seriously deluded.

You have hit it spot on fallen angel 😇

It was one of those bookings in which we had a coffee at the start and a good chat about everything from Covid to Megxit at the end.. I got the feeling he was thinking it was just like a real date with a normal woman, except I had a pile of his money in my bag to take home with me  8)

A real date for me - should I have one ever again in the rest of my life - would not involve a penis in any shape, form or fantasy..  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 02 April 2021, 06:22:38 pm
You have hit it spot on fallen angel 😇

It was one of those bookings in which we had a coffee at the start and a good chat about everything from Covid to Megxit at the end.. I got the feeling he was thinking it was just like a real date with a normal woman, except I had a pile of his money in my bag to take home with me  8)

A real date for me - should I have one ever again in the rest of my life - would not involve a penis in any shape, form or fantasy..  :-\

I think I might be with you there, Phoenix  ::)

The ones that ask how I am when I take their call...

I'm not interested in telling nor asking how they are, get to the point - do you want to book or not? Nine times out of ten these tend to be time wasters in my experience anyway.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 05 April 2021, 07:57:25 am
For me it will always be the 'are you single' comments or 'would you date someone like me'. I always just say I am married to the job and be done with it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 05 April 2021, 08:07:57 am
For me it will always be the 'are you single' comments or 'would you date someone like me'. I always just say I am married to the job and be done with it.
When I’m asked this then I just say that in order for me to date a client that has booked me then I’d have to fall in love with you on the spot as I am not okay with meeting a personal life man, in my work life, and as soon as I mention the word ‘work’ then they say ‘oh aren’t you in this job for fun’, god men that pay for it are the most deluded men of all time which is one of many reasons why I wouldn’t date a client.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 07 April 2021, 08:04:55 pm
I clearly put on adverts  I only see mature guys ect , yet my phones not stopped with undesirables , lost out on making owt but I really prefer guys who I find a lot easier to entertain .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 08 April 2021, 03:28:39 pm
Making an advanced booking in the day and then never confirm whether they are actually coming only to contact you at 5 minutes before the appointment to say they’re in the area what’s you address and you’re in the middle of eating dinner because you didn’t plan on having any appointment at that time after all he never confirmed. Why is it just so hard for some people to send a message an hour before to say they’re still coming or something. I get umpteen messages a day. If someone tells me at 1pm that they’re coming at around 5pm for an appointment I don’t take them seriously. Around 5pm is so vague. I don’t wait hand and foot waiting for someone to come at anytime they please. So annoying.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 08 April 2021, 10:13:37 pm
Making an advanced booking in the day and then never confirm whether they are actually coming only to contact you at 5 minutes before the appointment to say they’re in the area what’s you address and you’re in the middle of eating dinner because you didn’t plan on having any appointment at that time after all he never confirmed. Why is it just so hard for some people to send a message an hour before to say they’re still coming or something. I get umpteen messages a day. If someone tells me at 1pm that they’re coming at around 5pm for an appointment I don’t take them seriously. Around 5pm is so vague. I don’t wait hand and foot waiting for someone to come at anytime they please. So annoying.

I hate this. Some are just so un-communicative.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 08 April 2021, 11:16:48 pm
Making an advanced booking in the day and then never confirm whether they are actually coming only to contact you at 5 minutes before the appointment to say they’re in the area what’s you address and you’re in the middle of eating dinner because you didn’t plan on having any appointment at that time after all he never confirmed. Why is it just so hard for some people to send a message an hour before to say they’re still coming or something. I get umpteen messages a day. If someone tells me at 1pm that they’re coming at around 5pm for an appointment I don’t take them seriously. Around 5pm is so vague. I don’t wait hand and foot waiting for someone to come at anytime they please. So annoying.

That's because they don't see us as normal human beings who set aside time to eat, shop, see family/friends.
We are just sex robots who sit there for hours a day dressed in our sexy gear just gagging for their call to service them at a few minutes notice   :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 09 April 2021, 07:36:48 am
Not quite a booking but a failed booking, he was actually in my I call place BUT it failed and here is why:

A man calls me yesterday, he is foreign and his English is okay, we had a few misunderstandings regarding the making of the booking but we got it sorted it end, as per I told him to call me when he reached my landmark at appointment time, he did and I gave him the directions to my place, the same ones I’ve given out for the past 2 years with zero issues, and it took him 40 fucking mins to get to mine which was literally 30 seconds from the landmark  :FF..when he got to mines -after me phoning and texting him to repeat my directions, you know the same fucking ones I always give- I was livid and stressed and there was now 20 mins to my next booking and this dumb cunt wanted half an hour, it was 12.12 when he reached mines! I couldn’t hide my bad mood, I’m really bad when moody, it takes me time to shake it off, esp with clients I’ve never even met before, and he said “you in mood, you angry, I leave” and I gladly showed him the door, missed out on £80 but due to my mood, then I just couldn’t bring myself to act happy!!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 09 April 2021, 11:03:02 am
Not quite a booking but a failed booking, he was actually in my I call place BUT it failed and here is why:

A man calls me yesterday, he is foreign and his English is okay, we had a few misunderstandings regarding the making of the booking but we got it sorted it end, as per I told him to call me when he reached my landmark at appointment time, he did and I gave him the directions to my place, the same ones I’ve given out for the past 2 years with zero issues, and it took him 40 fucking mins to get to mine which was literally 30 seconds from the landmark  :FF..when he got to mines -after me phoning and texting him to repeat my directions, you know the same fucking ones I always give- I was livid and stressed and there was now 20 mins to my next booking and this dumb cunt wanted half an hour, it was 12.12 when he reached mines! I couldn’t hide my bad mood, I’m really bad when moody, it takes me time to shake it off, esp with clients I’ve never even met before, and he said “you in mood, you angry, I leave” and I gladly showed him the door, missed out on £80 but due to my mood, then I just couldn’t bring myself to act happy!!

I'd be so frustrated. When I get in a bad mood I can't hide it and become very brusque when talking to them. Although it does make it easier for me to kick them out at finishing time  ;D

I guy yesterday called and wanted to meet at 8:30. I couldn't be bothered with that late so suggested 8pm which he agreed to. It got to a minute to 8 and usually by this time I assume they're going to be a no show so I text to 'cancel' before they have the satisfaction of no showing.

Ten mins later he texted saying he was at such and such place and please would I see him as he had travelled more than half hour blah blah. Part of me felt bad so I decided to see him still. He kept asking for the house number which I wouldn't do until he had parked at the phone box up the road. I then called him to direct him down the road to the incall. In the end it did end up being 8:30 by the time we met though! It just annoyed me that he had agreed to 8pm and then was late without bothering to let me know.

Think I was being wary too as I had some dickhead the other day pretending to be parked just to get the address and even telling me that he was walking down the road. Scum bag.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 09 April 2021, 11:22:14 am
Not quite a booking but a failed booking, he was actually in my I call place BUT it failed and here is why:

A man calls me yesterday, he is foreign and his English is okay, we had a few misunderstandings regarding the making of the booking but we got it sorted it end, as per I told him to call me when he reached my landmark at appointment time, he did and I gave him the directions to my place, the same ones I’ve given out for the past 2 years with zero issues, and it took him 40 fucking mins to get to mine which was literally 30 seconds from the landmark  :FF..when he got to mines -after me phoning and texting him to repeat my directions, you know the same fucking ones I always give- I was livid and stressed and there was now 20 mins to my next booking and this dumb cunt wanted half an hour, it was 12.12 when he reached mines! I couldn’t hide my bad mood, I’m really bad when moody, it takes me time to shake it off, esp with clients I’ve never even met before, and he said “you in mood, you angry, I leave” and I gladly showed him the door, missed out on £80 but due to my mood, then I just couldn’t bring myself to act happy!!

This is the reason I no longer see guys who's first language isn't English.
As you found out, it's just too stressful and I too struggle to go into another booking once I've been put into a bad mood without some time out to calm down.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 09 April 2021, 04:39:00 pm
This is the reason I no longer see guys who's first language isn't English.
As you found out, it's just too stressful and I too struggle to go into another booking once I've been put into a bad mood without some time out to calm down.

I totally understand what you mean but his English was enough to work with, it’s the fact he thought I was actually gonna give him the address, when I had already explained to him, that I would guide him in from landmark...I honestly still feel the rage when I think of it 😂😂...I could never have went through with a booking with a client whose pissed me off no end!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 09 April 2021, 08:30:39 pm
I think that some men are just incapable of following simple instructions, English or not. I also find the more intelligent they are, the more likely they are to get lost. I had an American today completely ignore my instructions and was unable see a massive military landmark despite apparently standing opposite it. I literally give up
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 09 April 2021, 08:55:31 pm
I have been the same as you , with a few of them ended up shouting at them and lost out how thick are they when can’t follow directions? And even worse if someone’s booked in for when they should have been ended , and they pissing about .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 10 April 2021, 08:34:25 am
I have been the same as you , with a few of them ended up shouting at them and lost out how thick are they when can’t follow directions? And even worse if someone’s booked in for when they should have been ended , and they pissing about .

I had one the other year argue with me about where I was asking him to park and he was making a right fuss. I hung up the phone and said fucking knobhead under my breath but my phone was still connected and he heard me. Serves him bloody well right!  :D  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 10 April 2021, 11:56:00 am
I think that some men are just incapable of following simple instructions, English or not. I also find the more intelligent they are, the more likely they are to get lost. I had an American today completely ignore my instructions and was unable see a massive military landmark despite apparently standing opposite it. I literally give up
I think it’s part that and part that they don’t trust us, like if I tell them to go to my usual landmark then they get para that I’ve got a team of boys in a van to rob them of their big massive...£120 for the hour!! It works both ways though because I don’t trust 90% of them, they’ve only themselves and their shitty behaviour to blame for that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 13 April 2021, 03:17:59 am
Arranging services and fee on the phone, then at the end saying 'does it matter if I come in the first 5 minutes'. I had one of those calls today and I said 'I'm not trained for premature ejaculation problems or psychological issues. You need to see someone else'.

I charge a bit extra for 2 pops for happy multi-cummers who fancy it for sport or those who disclose PE difficulties at the start. But I dislike ones who throw it in at the very last second before the phone goes down. I feel it's manipulative.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 13 April 2021, 12:38:13 pm
I detest the idiots who ask for postcode after wasting time with other questions making out they want to see me  then saying I am to far , I am only 15 - 20 mins drive from the city centre
Always find the Sheffield punters twats for doing it yet I get a few travel long distance coming to see me from other city’s .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 13 April 2021, 06:37:23 pm
I detest the idiots who ask for postcode after wasting time with other questions making out they want to see me  then saying I am to far , I am only 15 - 20 mins drive from the city centre
Always find the Sheffield punters twats for doing it yet I get a few travel long distance coming to see me from other city’s .

I'm not far from you Jadine and get a lot of them. If I don't trust them I give them a different postcode or a road name nearby.

If they tell me it's too far I tell them to use common sense and read the advert before messaging the escort. I think some just do it as a wind up.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 13 April 2021, 08:55:48 pm
I know they do it as a windup
The knob who messed today did same thing a few years back but I thought give benefit of the doubt and the cunt still did same said to far , I told him about himself ,
I’ve had idiots pretending to be in the area and pestering for door number and they not even there ,  I never give it or real road until I see them in view , still get para that one day they still get my address and not come in , I have be careful  where I live as well with it being a selective area so don’t need the idiots that piss around as you don’t know what they capable of .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 14 April 2021, 09:08:02 am
I know they do it as a windup
The knob who messed today did same thing a few years back but I thought give benefit of the doubt and the cunt still did same said to far , I told him about himself ,
I’ve had idiots pretending to be in the area and pestering for door number and they not even there ,  I never give it or real road until I see them in view , still get para that one day they still get my address and not come in , I have be careful  where I live as well with it being a selective area so don’t need the idiots that piss around as you don’t know what they capable of .

I had one cunt last Monday that did it, and pretending he was walking down, the road, telling me to be ready. Absolute prick hole. Hoping he's one of those nobs that will try again in future so I can tell him where to shove it.

I love that some are stupid enough to have another go though ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 14 April 2021, 11:50:02 pm
I get told and must have been told a million times about my nips how they like em
I hate them pulling and biting , and fucking around like they trying to tune a radio station in , really gets on me nerves , and one a few month ago right over the top slurping and sucking right loud , never known owt like it , I had both my fist clenched felt like swinging in his head , even worse if they stinky slimy breath and you can smell the stench after .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 15 April 2021, 05:16:39 pm
Asking the same fucking thing repeatedly. Had a reg do this recently, after I had already answered. He mentioned it in EVERY text and several times on the day before the booking, despite the fact I'd stopped answering days before. If it was the first time I was seeing him, I would have canceled thinking he was a time waster! No less than 8 times he asked me the same thing.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 15 April 2021, 05:33:22 pm
I had one cunt last Monday that did it, and pretending he was walking down, the road, telling me to be ready. Absolute prick hole. Hoping he's one of those nobs that will try again in future so I can tell him where to shove it.

I love that some are stupid enough to have another go though ;D

Maz I ask them to name the shops (landmarks, features) they're passing as they walk over. If in doubt ask what they can see on opposite side of road. I'm listening on speaker as I'm getting ready. They're verifying all the time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 15 April 2021, 07:32:25 pm
Maz I ask them to name the shops (landmarks, features) they're passing as they walk over. If in doubt ask what they can see on opposite side of road. I'm listening on speaker as I'm getting ready. They're verifying all the time.

Thanks SS I don't know why I didn't think of that before  ::)

Amusingly, the guy in question called again earlier this afternoon  ;D ;D
I get told and must have been told a million times about my nips how they like em
I hate them pulling and biting , and fucking around like they trying to tune a radio station in , really gets on me nerves , and one a few month ago right over the top slurping and sucking right loud , never known owt like it , I had both my fist clenched felt like swinging in his head , even worse if they stinky slimy breath and you can smell the stench after .

I used to love some guys doing this previously but absolutely hate it when they do this these days. Makes me want to die.

Had a potential client this morning ask if I was available at 11.30am for an office based outcall, fairly local so I agreed.

He gave me the street name but no building no. I noticed this but with there being plenty of time, I thought I'd ask him to confirm an hour before the booking so texted at 10.30 for number.

Got to 11am and still no reply so I cancelled him and told him where to go. Then at 11.42am he messages to apologise and that a meeting overran, he isn't a TW blah blah, gave me the street number and said he would let me in. By this time I had left home and gone out walking so ignored him. Even if I had turned up I'd probably have left before seeing him as he wouldn't have been ready due to his late meeting.

I wouldn't have minded so much, but turned down one/two possible bookings to accommodate him!  :FF Just as well that next year I am planning to do away with outcalls.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 16 April 2021, 12:23:37 pm
Give me financial advice...GRRR.

Just had an email from an old client whom I used to do back when I worked in a parlour and he emailed me today and said “I hope you’re saving your money”! Ffs would you say that to anyone else who runs their own business?! No would you fuck.

I replied that I’m a big girl now and I don’t appreciate the advice, he replied “I’m just letting you know I care about you and not just about sex”, so that’s why he constantly asks for BB then coz he “cares”, aye ok then, lying creep.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinUpGirl8 on 17 April 2021, 08:41:37 am
He sounds like a real creeper TT I would stay away if was you! These clients get so personal it’s very twisted, and lucky for us we get to see first hand the real weird personalities they have that they probably cover up from the rest of society  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 19 April 2021, 05:56:18 am
Had a client yesterday ask me for change.
I felt like saying "sure just let me open up the till that I have in the other room."
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 19 April 2021, 08:08:11 am
Had a client yesterday ask me for change.
I felt like saying "sure just let me open up the till that I have in the other room."

I hate this, only a few have ever asked. Most will let you just keep the extra.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 19 April 2021, 11:06:54 am
I hate it too
Had one I done a few times another tight twat always says he like to buy me some underwear been saying it since I known him a few years now , never gives money for the undies though , he came last week business done asked me if I got any change which I never had so he got it cheaper I make sure I will not see him again .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 19 April 2021, 01:00:46 pm
Move the conversation briskly onto another subject once you have the cash. 'I have no change, sorry, let's get undressed ;D'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 19 April 2021, 02:27:25 pm
Move the conversation briskly onto another subject once you have the cash. 'I have no change, sorry, let's get undressed ;D'

I'm just like you hehehe
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 19 April 2021, 02:38:17 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 19 April 2021, 03:08:23 pm
Got another creep texting me wanting to meet me for free and he’s “not a weirdo honest”, he just wants to meet for a “chat”, unpaid of course, any man that trawls hooker websites looking for a girlfriend is a weirdo and a creep and I feel sorry for any woman that gets involved with these men.

He likes my profile and “respects me” but yet can’t respect me enough to pay my time when he knows full well hooking is my ONLY income, and he’s an Executive of some fancy company so stingy to boot.

He has been with 2 escorts but he was disappointed because they “were only in it for the money” :FF :FF :FF...what hooker, in their right mind, becomes a hooker to have sex with strangers that they’re more than likely not attracted to and wouldn’t touch them without payment?! Answer: a woman that has issues, imo 99% of us are attracted to hooking due to the cash and if you’re an independent, then it’s also the freedom of time that they like, I have never met any hookers, in all my years, that got into this work just to have sex with men, it just doesn’t happen.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 19 April 2021, 06:20:12 pm
Was going to say, think in future I'll just start saying I don't have any  ;D  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 19 April 2021, 06:49:16 pm
I've had this just the once and I said sorry I don't keep a float as I'm not the local corner shop  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 19 April 2021, 10:23:24 pm
Move the conversation briskly onto another subject once you have the cash. 'I have no change, sorry, let's get undressed ;D'

Yup, same here. Or since I work strictly out of hotels, I’ll pull a regretful face & say, “I sure don’t! I bet the front desk does though, you want to run down real quick before we get started?” Sweet smile.

Amazing how quickly they change their minds.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 19 April 2021, 11:14:45 pm
Was going to say, think in future I'll just start saying I don't have any  ;D  :)

I keep my fees divisible by £20 so it's rarely needed, but I still keep a single tenner handy in case somebody turns up with fifties, and I don't consider it risky because it's completely separate from the rest of cash (and if my fees ended in 5 I'd keep a fiver too).

I don't find it that odd a question; I'd rather they were on time with enough cash than fannying about in the Tesco round the corner buying an apple or something to break a twenty and get the exact amount, and then being late.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 20 April 2021, 03:38:55 pm
The way they linger beyond their booked time.

Had one just now that booked 30 mins to start. Then when I said we were getting to time he said he'd pay extra if we overran, which he did.

In the end he paid for 45 mins but was close to an hour by the time he left. He just kept talking and spent ages in the bathroom, dragging everything on. It sounded like he was running himself a bath, the amount of time and water he was using.

Then even when I am trying to see him out at the door he's asking me personal questions about who I am able to cum with because I didn't cum in the booking. In the end I just said "ok well you have a lovely afternoon" etc.

He was whittling because he wanted to make me cum as that what gets him going (I refused to even pretend to cum with him), and going on about how he'd seen another escort the other week and she came and that made things easier for him to get hard and cum and apparently she said it was her that should pay him.

I think I only agreed to see him as I haven't done many so far this week.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 20 April 2021, 04:05:24 pm
I hate it when they put pressure on you to cum. I do cum with some clients but not if they keep asking me if I've cum yet every few mins. I had a client who did this and found it so annoying one time I blurted out I'm never gonna cum if you keep asking me.

It did the trick and shut him up.

I also find it annoying when they suddenly start talking to you halfway during sex.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 20 April 2021, 04:23:55 pm
I hate it when they put pressure on you to cum. I do cum with some clients but not if they keep asking me if I've cum yet every few mins. I had a client who did this and found it so annoying one time I blurted out I'm never gonna cum if you keep asking me.

It did the trick and shut him up.

I also find it annoying when they suddenly start talking to you halfway during sex.
In these cases then you just gotta fake it, I see it as part of the job but sometimes they’re smart and know you’re faking it, when they go on at me about that I’m just blunt and say, “well I’m a hooker, this is my job and I can’t just cum coz you feel like it”, this usually shuts them up!

Talking during sex could well be a delay tactic not to cum early!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Saffy on 20 April 2021, 04:46:06 pm
Lingering.  I hate that.  I throw something on, check my phone and go and stand by the door ready to open for when he leaves.

When they ask you if you ever orgasm with a client and you tell them you have a half hour client in sometimes (random) and he's cum and you've cum and he's dressed to leave with 5 mins to spare.  The look of disbelief and sometimes disgust on their faces is funny. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 20 April 2021, 11:05:11 pm
I'm rubbish at faking it. Just get really self conscious about how ridiculous I may sound. I'd rather cum naturally or not at all.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 21 April 2021, 08:03:49 am
I'm rubbish at faking it. Just get really self conscious about how ridiculous I may sound. I'd rather cum naturally or not at all.
I totally get what you mean.  I just stay quiet, I don’t go overboard with morning as I wouldn’t in real life anyway, unless it was amazing of course and I just couldn’t help myself, lol, but what I do is copy what I’d do with a real orgasm anyway and just shake a little and they seem to believe me, very hard if I’m still bone dry though which I often am! Lol.

Get a magic wand and use that on yourself, omfg the best orgasms EVER!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 April 2021, 09:21:36 am
The way they linger beyond their booked time.

Had one just now that booked 30 mins to start. Then when I said we were getting to time he said he'd pay extra if we overran, which he did.

In the end he paid for 45 mins but was close to an hour by the time he left. He just kept talking and spent ages in the bathroom, dragging everything on. It sounded like he was running himself a bath, the amount of time and water he was using.

Then even when I am trying to see him out at the door he's asking me personal questions about who I am able to cum with because I didn't cum in the booking. In the end I just said "ok well you have a lovely afternoon" etc.

I think I only agreed to see him as I haven't done many so far this week.

This I hate hate!
Always the tight wads who only want to pay for 30 mins and drag it out.
I've heard from an old guy this week wanting to book again after a gap of over a year and he has always been an offender of the worst order.
I've tried the getting up, throwing on a robe and standing by the door and still he's sat on the bed regailing me of the same story of his I've heard umpteen times and taking the usual 10 mins to get dressed! And 30 mins has invariably turned into 50 mins with no offer of paying any extra.
As you can maybe tell, the thought of this upcoming booking is already getting me riled up haha, but as someone else has said, it's been a slow week so......
Maybe this is the time I'll just outright tell him it's not acceptable ..... I don't offer concessions to OAP's on my profile so it's not my problem if he can't aford as much time as he'd like on a pension.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 21 April 2021, 09:32:09 am
This I hate hate!
Always the tight wads who only want to pay for 30 mins and drag it out.
I've heard from an old guy this week wanting to book again after a gap of over a year and he has always been an offender of the worst order.
I've tried the getting up, throwing on a robe and standing by the door and still he's sat on the bed regailing me of the same story of his I've heard umpteen times and taking the usual 10 mins to get dressed! And 30 mins has invariably turned into 50 mins with no offer of paying any extra.
As you can maybe tell, the thought of this upcoming booking is already getting me riled up haha, but as someone else has said, it's been a slow week so......
Maybe this is the time I'll just outright tell him it's not acceptable ..... I don't offer concessions to OAP's on my profile so it's not my problem if he can't aford as much time as he'd like on a pension.

I had this from someone who told me he was out of work or just starting work again, some years ago after leaving a significant time after his booked time. Happened twice out of 2 appointments, so I advised we needed to observe time a little better next time. Got in a bit of a strop saying he didn't work as quickly as other men, and could not afford to book longer. I was not asking him to book longer, only mentioned we needed to be careful with time.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 April 2021, 10:50:39 am
I had this from someone who told me he was out of work or just starting work again, some years ago after leaving a significant time after his booked time. Happened twice out of 2 appointments, so I advised we needed to observe time a little better next time. Got in a bit of a strop saying he didn't work as quickly as other men, and could not afford to book longer. I was not asking him to book longer, only mentioned we needed to be careful with time.


I honestly can't figure out how their minds work to think that the fact that they may not " work as quickly as other men" or don't have sufficient funds for longer bookings  would be any of our concern!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 21 April 2021, 01:34:37 pm
This I hate hate!
Always the tight wads who only want to pay for 30 mins and drag it out.
I've heard from an old guy this week wanting to book again after a gap of over a year and he has always been an offender of the worst order.
I've tried the getting up, throwing on a robe and standing by the door and still he's sat on the bed regailing me of the same story of his I've heard umpteen times and taking the usual 10 mins to get dressed! And 30 mins has invariably turned into 50 mins with no offer of paying any extra.
As you can maybe tell, the thought of this upcoming booking is already getting me riled up haha, but as someone else has said, it's been a slow week so......
Maybe this is the time I'll just outright tell him it's not acceptable ..... I don't offer concessions to OAP's on my profile so it's not my problem if he can't aford as much time as he'd like on a pension.

I've had this and it was annoying. I think the upfront approach is best policy. And it sounds like he gets on your tits and he's close to being banned anyways.

But if you don't want to say outright. You are within your rights to end the sesh 10 minutes earlier to compensate. I get them to remove their watch as they undress if they are clock watchers.

FA, have you tried 'ringing' an 'imaginary' client/friend/plumber to come up in 3 minutes on the phone?''. You could reinforce with, 'I'll leave the front door open for you...just wait in the ----- room'. Many variations of that to shoo (mal)lingerers away fast. :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 21 April 2021, 02:11:25 pm
Fallen Angel you just gotta be firm, and say that his time his up and he’s gotta go, it’s horrible having to be assertive sometimes but they do or say stuff to make us have to feel the need to be assertive.

I look and my phone watch/clock then them and say “tick tick”, I know it’s cheeky but I am cheeky and it works and if my straight up manner stops them from coming back then that’s their issue, there’s always another punter there to replace the earnings.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 April 2021, 03:24:34 pm

I've had this and it was annoying. I think the upfront approach is best policy. And it sounds like he gets on your tits and he's close to being banned anyways.

But if you don't want to say outright. You are within your rights to end the sesh 10 minutes earlier to compensate. I get them to remove their watch as they undress if they are clock watchers.

FA, have you tried 'ringing' an 'imaginary' client/friend/plumber to come up in 3 minutes on the phone?''. You could reinforce with, 'I'll leave the front door open for you...just wait in the ----- room'. Many variations of that to shoo (mal)lingerers away fast. :)

Yep he definitely gets on my tits and I've managed without him for over a year so its time he was told.
Haha I like your idea of the phone call but I have the feeling nothing short of dynamite will shift him any quicker and I doubt the old bugger could make it down the stairs in 3 mins!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 April 2021, 03:32:29 pm
Fallen Angel you just gotta be firm, and say that his time his up and he’s gotta go, it’s horrible having to be assertive sometimes but they do or say stuff to make us have to feel the need to be assertive.

I look and my phone watch/clock then them and say “tick tick”, I know it’s cheeky but I am cheeky and it works and if my straight up manner stops them from coming back then that’s their issue, there’s always another punter there to replace the earnings.

I know TT but I was brought up to be respectful to old folk and it makes me feel a bit bad but he really is taking the piss!
You are right though, I like your "tick tick"  so maybe I'll try that   ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 21 April 2021, 03:34:19 pm
 ;D Then it's off to the dump with him!
He knows exactly what he's doing, it's calculated and practised and he knows exactly what you'll tolerate. Using the disguise of a gormless old man. :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 25 April 2021, 06:27:22 am
Turns up to the area I work in on the “off chance” I’m available, even though I have made it clear on my ads that I need 25 mins notice, and then he gets pissed off that I’m not about, maybe try reading the fucking ad properly then and not getting in your car to come to me when you don’t even know if I’m available.

Treat what you, as a sex worker, says as a legally binding statement, for example to get him to hurry along and cum then you may “embellish” what you can do for him next time and he treats it as if this statement was signed in front of lawyers or something, not realising that some/most of us sometimes spout any old shite at them to get them to cum!

If you, as a SW, cancels an appointment (which I’ve been known to do) then they never ever seem to get that text with the cancellation and they turn up anyway, yet I would bet my life on it if I was to say “I AM DOING U FOR FREE” then I bet miraculously they would get that text!

Expecting discounts and/or extra time just because he keeps coming back to me...erm I’ve been using the same hair salon for years and I never get discounts or extra hair treatments just because I keep going back to them, and nor would I as it’s their job and livelihood.

The personal questions that you would never dream of asking any other service provider, infact you would be embarrassed to ask such things, well I would anyway.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Escortx on 25 April 2021, 08:34:41 am
Some of the old ones annoy me it's like they don't have a life but that's not my problem. I don't want to hear about their back problems or wife
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 25 April 2021, 08:54:29 am
When i ask the client to confirm the booking an hour before but he didn’t confirm his  booking an hour before.. so I  text him  and asked him if he  still wanted to go ahead but I got radio silence so I assumed  he wasn’t coming.. I left it 30 mins incase he might have been late to confirm and text me back but he didn’t so I gave the booking to someone else..

Then he text me on bang on the time he booked, saying he was on the car park and had just arrived..
I felt awul but  I never seen him before and he had no feedback..i thought he was a timewaster as he never confirmed..  so I had to text him and explain the booking has gone to someone else as he didn’t confirm a hour before as we agreed.. he wasn’t happy but I can’t wait around for maybes from a new client.. i have a booking process what I explained to him before he booked.. most seem to understand...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 25 April 2021, 09:45:59 am

Expecting discounts and/or extra time just because he keeps coming back to me...erm I’ve been using the same hair salon for years and I never get discounts or extra hair treatments just because I keep going back to them, and nor would I as it’s their job and livelihood.

I was thinking about this the other day. I'll often go back every cple of weeks to get my nails done rather than the 3 weeks many women leave between appointments but that's my choice, I don't get offered a discount for going more regularly than many do and I wouldn't expect to.
As TT said about hairdressers, I've been to the same one for years but don't expect a discount or special treatment, infact I give her a tip every visit, now wouldn't that be a novelty in our business!?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 25 April 2021, 10:00:07 am
Turns up to the area I work in on the “off chance” I’m available, even though I have made it clear on my ads that I need 25 mins notice, and then he gets pissed off that I’m not about, maybe try reading the fucking ad properly then and not getting in your car to come to me when you don’t even know if I’m available.

I have one who does this all the time, no matter how many times I tell him that's not the way I work, makes me want to scream!
He must know a fair while beforehand that he's coming to my area so why can't he contact me then!?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 25 April 2021, 03:05:48 pm
I've got one who normally books a few days in advance. As we approach day off the booking he texts night before won't be long until my cock is in your wet pussy or something along those lines. So on morning of last booking says just a few hours to go now then almost like a countdown several more texts, one hour to go, half an hour to go, ten mins to go.

I was seriously tempted to do a countdown for him during the booking. Just twenty minutes to go . He's actually a nice guy but I did tell him sending all those texts is a bit annoying.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 25 April 2021, 03:36:44 pm
I've got one who normally books a few days in advance. As we approach day off the booking he texts night before won't be long until my cock is in your wet pussy or something along those lines. So on morning of last booking says just a few hours to go now then almost like a countdown several more texts, one hour to go, half an hour to go, ten mins to go.

I was seriously tempted to do a countdown for him during the booking. Just twenty minutes to go . He's actually a nice guy but I did tell him sending all those texts is a bit annoying.  :FF

Haha I think the idea of doing a countdown for him telling him how long he has left is a brilliant idea! Then he may realise just how annoying his behaviour is.
All those texts before the booking would annoy the hell out of me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 26 April 2021, 03:27:18 pm
When they're late and don't bother to apologise. Had one this morning that was a little late and didn't acknowledge it when he arrived.

I even drew attention to it as a way of giving him chance to apologise and he still didn't and so, he didn't get my best in the booking.

Good thing I kept an eye on the time too otherwise think he's have been here all day.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 26 April 2021, 05:39:23 pm
When they're late and don't bother to apologise. Had one this morning that was a little late and didn't acknowledge it when he arrived.

I even drew attention to it as a way of giving him chance to apologise and he still didn't and so, he didn't get my best in the booking.

Good thing I kept an eye on the time too otherwise think he's have been here all day.

Ugh. Probably one of those who thinks we are all just lying around all day gagging for it, no matter who walks through the door.

 Some guys are shocked that we actually run serious and successful business, as long - if not longer- than many other small businesses.

I hate bad manners  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinUpGirl8 on 27 April 2021, 12:09:52 am
If they’re late I would still charge them for the booked time but tell them they need to leave on the time we agreed, I can’t stand it when they take advantage of appointment times. It’s just like any other appointment based business and you may have another client 30 min after that you need to prepare for them.
Something else that really bothers me is when they get all your information incorrect on the first message for example your name, days and hours you work and then when they repeatedly do it day after day and expect a polite tone back im very much slapping my forehead with my palm  :FF idiots!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Zandie on 28 April 2021, 12:40:03 am
The next guy that jumps on my bed without drying himself off properly and leaves a damp dent in my pillow and bed will get an "accidental" bite on his cock I swear.... enough of this silliness 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 28 April 2021, 06:59:43 am
Guys asking “do you squirt” and then they look really disappointed when I say no :FF and this bugs the hell out of me for 2 reasons, the first is that I don’t offer it and nor have I ever offered it and they should know this before booking me as that’s what the ‘likes’ list on my AW profile is for.  The second reason being that these dipsticks don’t get that not all of can squirt, yes I know some of us may pee and pretend it’s squirting (or at least I have done this in the past😂) but some women genuinely do squirt and it’s not a talent, it just happens and these idiots do not seem to understand this, I have been made to feel like a failure in the past for not being one of those woman, even though it’s completely just a Chance thing, like just having nice natural tits for no reason is a Chance thing...I blame porn.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JaneDough on 28 April 2021, 03:32:42 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MayJ10 on 28 April 2021, 04:05:49 pm
I know TT but I was brought up to be respectful to old folk and it makes me feel a bit bad but he really is taking the piss!
You are right though, I like your "tick tick"  so maybe I'll try that   ;D

I feel like older clients feel like they can get away with anything because they're elderly.
I recently had a much older client (80) book me for 30 minutes, at the start of the booking he said he loved eating pussy and just wanted to pleasure me. So I let him do (very very bad) oral on me in different positions for 30 minutes (it felt like 10 years) and then when the time was up, he got stroppy with me because he hadn't cum! I didn't even think he would be able to, he said 'it will only take 10 minutes', but I told him unless he wanted to pay for extra time then the booking was over. Sorry but my time is my time...He knew exactly what he was doing...then he stood there slowly getting dressed with a face like a slapped ass, acting like a total little bitch. Idiot!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JaneDough on 28 April 2021, 05:18:21 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 28 April 2021, 09:00:48 pm
Guys asking “do you squirt” and then they look really disappointed when I say no :FF and this bugs the hell out of me for 2 reasons, the first is that I don’t offer it and nor have I ever offered it and they should know this before booking me as that’s what the ‘likes’ list on my AW profile is for.  The second reason being that these dipsticks don’t get that not all of can squirt, yes I know some of us may pee and pretend it’s squirting (or at least I have done this in the past😂) but some women genuinely do squirt and it’s not a talent, it just happens and these idiots do not seem to understand this, I have been made to feel like a failure in the past for not being one of those woman, even though it’s completely just a Chance thing, like just having nice natural tits for no reason is a Chance thing...I blame porn.

I completely blame porn for this; it’s infuriating & maddening & I HATE IT.

The client & I will be twined around each other, he’s nuzzling me, I’m thinking about KitKats, he’s getting worked up, I’m considering going down to the sundry shop to SEE if there’s KitKats .....🤷🏼‍♀️

And then I hear it. Murmured in my ear: “Do you squirt?”

Me: “Nope! Sure don’t!!”

Giggles to self as the guy visibly deflates in front of me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 28 April 2021, 11:37:45 pm
I don't do cim and says that clearly on my profile. The number of guys trying to convince to try it with them saying apparently their cum tastes nice. I don't care just don't like it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 29 April 2021, 01:53:43 am
I don't do cim and says that clearly on my profile. The number of guys trying to convince to try it with them saying apparently their cum tastes nice. I don't care just don't like it.
Omfg cum tastes anything but nice!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 29 April 2021, 04:04:11 pm
I know but they still try and convince me theirs tastes nice and sweet like I'm gonna change my mind.

When I first started I did offer this but that was a few years back. A few wanted to do snowballing but every time they backed out once they came except one guy who ran straight to the bathroom to spit it out.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 01 May 2021, 02:41:52 pm
I hate it when clients send either a  text or an email with Hey. I try to avoid seeing those ones wherever possible.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 01 May 2021, 04:20:03 pm
I hate it when clients send either a  text or an email with Hey. I try to avoid seeing those ones wherever possible.

Yeah the ones that just message with 'Hi' get ignored/deleted.

On another note, the ones that just think your incall room is a dumping ground for their cum. Had one that came almost immediately after stripping off at the start of the booking; he walked around the bed to me and was wanking and aiming his cock around asking 'where should I cum?' To stop him doing it on the towels I told him to do it on me. The second time he came was in my mouth so not as messy but was like an explosion and made me heave slightly.  :-X

The third time he came was in the condom and he just rolled it off and nearly let it dribble onto the floor.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Saffy on 04 May 2021, 12:36:55 am
When they've had a shower and then they need moisturiser or want to borrow your comb.  I l keep everything  out of the way so they can't touch my stuff. 

A regular asked for a comb he is a very clean guy and I wouldn't have a problem lending him a comb if it was to hand. But he has an inch or two of hair above his ears and bottom of head.  The middle is all chrome dome. The days of his hair giving him away are long gone.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 04 May 2021, 10:37:09 am
They clearly haven’t read the profile and when you can’t accommodate their requests or they refuse to pay a deposit - they say something along the lines of “well I was gonna book for 300 hrs for £1million so your loss Babe”.

I’m exaggerating of course but it’s the blatant lie that I just find hilarious.
It’s usually something over 2/3 hrs which I don’t even advertise.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 04 May 2021, 01:27:43 pm
When they kiss you and press their face/nose so hard into yours that you can't bloody breathe!

Had one just now whose chewing gum dropped into my mouth as he kissed me  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MayJ10 on 04 May 2021, 03:24:47 pm
When they kiss you and press their face/nose so hard into yours that you can't bloody breathe!

Had one just now whose chewing gum dropped into my mouth as he kissed me  :-X

I’m honestly considering taking French kissing off my list of services. Soooo many men don’t know how to French kiss nicely and they just shove their tongues as far down your throat as physically possible. It’s gross!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 04 May 2021, 06:33:34 pm
They clearly haven’t read the profile and when you can’t accommodate their requests or they refuse to pay a deposit - they say something along the lines of “well I was gonna book for 300 hrs for £1million so your loss Babe”.

I’m exaggerating of course but it’s the blatant lie that I just find hilarious.
It’s usually something over 2/3 hrs which I don’t even advertise.

Anyone under the age of 30 who asks for "2 hrs, maybe more ;)" (so the usual Sunday morning-still-up-all-night-on-coke brigade) are automatically on a 'deposit essential' booking.

It means at least my time and petrol are paid for if they are 1.setting me up on a fake Outcall 2.high as kites on booze and drugs.

If only they knew to ask for just half hour.
I only need address proof as they are more likely to be genuine and sober (in my experience)  8)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinUpGirl8 on 07 May 2021, 07:32:36 pm
Does anyone have regulars that are way too clingy and obsessive? Iv had another one declare his love for me today, he holds me so tightly during our contact it really weirds me out, when I tell him he’s holding me too tightly he says he just can’t help it because I’m ‘so beautiful’ *sticks fingers down throat 🤢’ urrrgh I just hate all the lovey dovey stuff, I just think, get a fucking grip I’m an escort and I wouldn’t even acknowledge you if I saw you out and about and some of them I wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire!! Some of them are such fantasists it really annoys me and he’s definitely getting kicked to the curb for next week
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: thickthighs on 08 May 2021, 12:20:14 pm
Does anyone have regulars that are way too clingy and obsessive? Iv had another one declare his love for me today, he holds me so tightly during our contact it really weirds me out, when I tell him he’s holding me too tightly he says he just can’t help it because I’m ‘so beautiful’ *sticks fingers down throat 🤢’ urrrgh I just hate all the lovey dovey stuff, I just think, get a fucking grip I’m an escort and I wouldn’t even acknowledge you if I saw you out and about and some of them I wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire!! Some of them are such fantasists it really annoys me and he’s definitely getting kicked to the curb for next week

yep I've had a few of those, avoiding seeing them they soon got the hint. As soon as the texts in between bookings start, I'm thinking uh oh here we go again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 08 May 2021, 10:23:50 pm
Does anyone have regulars that are way too clingy and obsessive? Iv had another one declare his love for me today, he holds me so tightly during our contact it really weirds me out, when I tell him he’s holding me too tightly he says he just can’t help it because I’m ‘so beautiful’ *sticks fingers down throat 🤢’ urrrgh I just hate all the lovey dovey stuff, I just think, get a fucking grip I’m an escort and I wouldn’t even acknowledge you if I saw you out and about and some of them I wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire!! Some of them are such fantasists it really annoys me and he’s definitely getting kicked to the curb for next week
I had a regular say to me quite recently that if we had met outwith the booking then he could see us together, I’m 39 and he is 65 and I’ll admit, I’m an ageist, 45 is my limit up the way and 25 down the way 😂😂😂 and I’m not fucking kidding...I just smiled sweetly and inwardly groaned.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tina Sparx on 09 May 2021, 09:09:30 am
Constant texting after a meet ... "hi - hows your day?"     "Hi - what are you wearing?"     "Hi - U OK?"

How does Feck Off sound??!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 11 May 2021, 10:49:08 pm
I had a regular say to me quite recently that if we had met outwith the booking then he could see us together, I’m 39 and he is 65 and I’ll admit, I’m an ageist, 45 is my limit up the way and 25 down the way 😂😂😂 and I’m not fucking kidding...I just smiled sweetly and inwardly groaned.

Haha you have to give them points for their optimism I guess but can they really be that deluded?
I too am ageist, in my real life I wouldn't even think about giving it away for free other than to a guy who was at least 10 years younger than me and in pretty good shape, that being because I look after myself and look younger than I am, unlike guys in my actual age range.
When will they realise that's why it's pay to play?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 16 May 2021, 02:58:57 pm
Anyone else hate it when they stroke or play with your hair?

My hair gets greasy enough without them running their grimey mits over it  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 16 May 2021, 03:16:06 pm
It depends who s doing it really. I don't mind if I like them. I hate it when they pull your hair especially during doggy
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ms_Mila on 16 May 2021, 07:29:53 pm
When they run their hands and fingers through your hair like they’re your long lost lover is so annoying, why don’t they understand we don’t care or want that form of passion
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 16 May 2021, 07:37:22 pm
Anyone else hate it when they stroke or play with your hair?

My hair gets greasy enough without them running their grimey mits over it  :FF

This is forbidden as I wear wigs. I flip their hands away. Stand away from the hair mister.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 16 May 2021, 08:27:56 pm
Ask you to take your hair out when your down giving him oral and then he starts playing with it to the point that it’s going in your mouth along with his cock...I really FUCKING hate that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 17 May 2021, 01:16:04 am
I've posted this before, but the hair touching is possibly the only thing that will make me stop whatever I'm doing and ask them not to do it. My hair is long and thick, I don't wash it that often and not only does touching it make it dirty and greasy, trying to run fingers through it doesn't work and it hurts - when I get asked what I don't like, it's the only thing I say.

That's before we come to the ones who shove their fingers up your bum or have a wank with lube all over them and then shove them straight in your (invariably newly washed) hair. I'm usually quick enough to get out the way but not always, and I've had to dig my nails into my palms and count to ten before just to stop myself knocking them out  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 17 May 2021, 12:05:21 pm
Hope everyone's had their dinner... But I have a theory that men's anuses are not as sensitive as women's. Twice in my dating experiences I was having sex with someone only to discover that they had a noticeable 'turtle's head'. I cannot EVER imagine that happening with me, even if I went to the loo 'just in case'.

Once it was in a hotel, and he left a severe skid mark. Thankfully it was his room, not mine! Eeeuw!

No i think some men are just not hygiene proud or think about it like some of us do, it's not a concern for them.

I won't make excuses for them i just accept some are lazy dirty bastards when it comes to washing themselves appropriately.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 20 May 2021, 01:26:22 pm
I tell clients that they can finish on my body like my tits not neck up.
Recently I've had a few clients trying to abuse that privilege. Some have "finished" near my face or on my face, others in my hair.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 20 May 2021, 04:07:42 pm
I tell clients that they can finish on my body like my tits not neck up.
Recently I've had a few clients trying to abuse that privilege. Some have "finished" near my face or on my face, others in my hair.

If they did that to me I'd ban them as I don't allow it and they are taking the piss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 20 May 2021, 07:33:12 pm
I don’t let them cum on face , the only time I did was years back the first and last time and the bastard shot in my eye lol stung like hell , sure he did it on purpose.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 20 May 2021, 10:45:02 pm
If they did that to me I'd ban them as I don't allow it and they are taking the piss.

Oh believe me I have no tolerance. On numerous occasions I've asked them to leave. Previously I've just given warnings but now I'm beyond that. It's about courtesy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 21 May 2021, 06:08:25 pm
I don’t let them cum on face , the only time I did was years back the first and last time and the bastard shot in my eye lol stung like hell , sure he did it on purpose.
That happened to me once but I don’t believe he meant to do it, he just had that type of cum that just shot everywhere naturally, I couldn’t open my eye properly for about 2 hours, it was awful.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 24 May 2021, 04:37:59 pm
When you send the location and he never confirms an appointment turns up two hours later saying I’m here can you let me in. Don’t think I can. I’m in my pjs and ready to take a nap. God I swear some of these idiots genuinely must have this idea melted into their brain that escorts just sit around all day in lingerie and hair up and full face of makeup freshly showered and shaved and moisturised all over waiting for men to come in and penetrate us. I have a life too I’m not ready to see clients at the click of a button so annoying. Nothing pisses me off more in this world.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 25 May 2021, 04:48:41 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 26 May 2021, 05:39:32 pm
Have a regular that's been a few times now and more often than not I always get a text saying he's going to be about 15mins late, although sometimes he is slightly later than that.

Previously I have let him off but today I am feeling tired and can't be bothered to wait around for him so said I have plans after 6pm. Haven't heard any further from him so far

Being late can happen to everyone but to do it nearly every time is annoying. He also likes to play music on his phone which I'm aware some might like but I find it a nuisance.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 26 May 2021, 05:57:58 pm
Have a regular that's been a few times now and more often than not I always get a text saying he's going to be about 15mins late, although sometimes he is slightly later than that.

Previously I have let him off but today I am feeling tired and can't be bothered to wait around for him so said I have plans after 6pm. Haven't heard any further from him so far

Being late can happen to everyone but to do it nearly every time is annoying. He also likes to play music on his phone which I'm aware some might like but I find it a nuisance.

He's playing you isn't he! I'm a late breaking bunny so I live in fear of clients turning up 5 minutes early or exactly on time which they always do. So to me that 15 minute late palava is quite unusual. Not had a punter play their own music in my yard unless asked eg my speakers bust! I set the musical mood, that's a new one on me Maz.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 26 May 2021, 07:35:23 pm
He still turned up, clearly ignoring my message and asked if I'd still see him for 15 mins so I told him he'd still have to pay same as half hour.

He's rearranged for tomorrow so I'll be telling him it's not acceptable and bin him if it continues.

Maybe I should just decide on the music or tell him straight that I don't like it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 27 May 2021, 12:22:36 am
When you send the location and he never confirms an appointment turns up two hours later saying I’m here can you let me in. Don’t think I can. I’m in my pjs and ready to take a nap. God I swear some of these idiots genuinely must have this idea melted into their brain that escorts just sit around all day in lingerie and hair up and full face of makeup freshly showered and shaved and moisturised all over waiting for men to come in and penetrate us. I have a life too I’m not ready to see clients at the click of a button so annoying. Nothing pisses me off more in this world.

I make them confirm the text & tell them upfront if they don’t, I’ll assume they’re ghosting & will treat them as such. 10 minutes after the confirmed time I’ll call & say, “You’re late. Where are you?” in a none too friendly voice. That’s when I find out they’re either not coming (“And you were planning on tell ME that, exactly?😡) or they’re running late (same question).

That’s assuming they even answer the phone lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 29 May 2021, 10:49:16 pm
Lie (and be totally obvious about it.)

I recently had a reg booked in and his time came and went so I messaged asking if he was still coming. He said he'd tried to ring and text to confirm but as he didn't hear back, he thought that I'd forgotten about the meet. I had zero calls, zero texts. Nothing since we arranged it. He obviously chose to ignore the fact that all phones these days have records of texts and calls and in actuality, it was him that forgot. I'd rather he just say sorry Hannaah, I forgot!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 30 May 2021, 08:01:42 am
When they mention something about their job and quickly add, "Don't worry - I'm not a Policeman!"
This infuriates me and I can't help but inform them of the laws regarding prostitution in the UK

They never admit they didn't know it either, they just say, "Oh of course I know, I just thought I would put your mind at rest"  ::)  Dickheads.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 30 May 2021, 08:08:14 am
 .. and when 49 year old men mention multiple times how they love 'older women' and completely seriously ask (several times) if they can be your "Toyboy"   :-\
'Pal, we shared a childhood in the 1970s'..Your days of being anyone's Toyboy are minimal  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 30 May 2021, 09:04:16 am
Lie (and be totally obvious about it.)

I recently had a reg booked in and his time came and went so I messaged asking if he was still coming. He said he'd tried to ring and text to confirm but as he didn't hear back, he thought that I'd forgotten about the meet. I had zero calls, zero texts. Nothing since we arranged it. He obviously chose to ignore the fact that all phones these days have records of texts and calls and in actuality, it was him that forgot. I'd rather he just say sorry Hannaah, I forgot!
How can anyone forget they’ve booked an appointment with a hooker?! Most men act like paying for sex is the best thing in the world and I’ve forgotten how many men get so so excited to pay for sex, which baffles me but it just says there’s no way in the world that you forget something like that.  A man forgetting that he is getting sex? Pfffft my arss.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 30 May 2021, 09:41:00 am
Had a booking a few days ago which was fairly normal but now and then he would say stuff like 'oh but you never know who's behind the door, it's brave of you', and at the end of the session he said 'I guess I'll be blocked now'. I thought why would I need to block you?

Then in his texts we were talking about a duo and an outdoor meet and he said 'but I could be an axe murderer'. He said we could just do 121 if I didn't want another girl and going on about me feeling safe and do I trust him. It's getting on my nerves enough that I'd rather not see him again now.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 30 May 2021, 04:32:24 pm
In texts after booking has been set

"Oh and can you....."

(bound to be some shit I don't want to do.....)

Why can't they ask you all this stuff UPFRONT?  Grrrrrr :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 30 May 2021, 08:13:42 pm
In texts after booking has been set

"Oh and can you....."

(bound to be some shit I don't want to do.....)

Why can't they ask you all this stuff UPFRONT?  Grrrrrr :FF
Because they want to drag out their stupid fantasies and timewaster behaviour as long as they possibly can
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GabyLondon on 31 May 2021, 01:38:05 pm

I hate it when the client asks for more photos or videos!
"I need a video call to confirm if i'm talk with a real person"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 31 May 2021, 01:40:51 pm
I hate it when the client asks for more photos or videos!
"I need a video call to confirm if i'm talk with a real person"

This pisses me off when in fact I have plenty of images variety on my advert which are non photshop. I have learnt to hang up and block.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 31 May 2021, 03:17:34 pm
How many times do they have to ask me how many times can I cum in 30mins ..
This always leads me to think they are tw. Or overly enthusiastic about their performance.
I dont tell them most punters cum dress and go !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 31 May 2021, 06:31:58 pm
Just had a guy turn up. He tried to call me other day but I missed him so he called today.

He's just turned up at the door. I greeted him as normal and as I led him upstairs he then he said he'd changed his mind and started walking out.

 I told him he ought to pay me something as I'd turned other people away. Then he said 'how are you going to get the money off me?' Then he started walking out.  I was angry so placed my hand on his shoulder to rush him out the door and called him a few names under the sun.

He turned and said 'you shouldn't be aggressive to clients as they could be aggressive back to you'. I told him to fuck off.

I'm shaken a little but more with anger. I've only had one walk out previously but this guy was a bit different. Sometimes you get a feel for them on the phone when you talk to them and I wondered if he might have been a no show. He didn't seem to know my rates either. Absolute arsehole, doesn't deserve to be entertained.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Saffy on 31 May 2021, 07:46:05 pm
Had one tell me three or four times my hourly rate was 3 days pay for him.  I did my bit he came twice with health problems and the fact that he hadn't had sex for 15 years.

Boo hoo.  Nobody ever died of not having sex!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 31 May 2021, 08:43:03 pm
Had one tell me three or four times my hourly rate was 3 days pay for him.  I did my bit he came twice with health problems and the fact that he hadn't had sex for 15 years.

Boo hoo.  Nobody ever died of not having sex!
It's not like you forced him into paying escorts !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 01 June 2021, 09:35:28 am
Men who slobber all over your face. Honestly so disgusting men who think it’s appealing too literally eat your face. I dislike it so much. Having spit all over my chin and cheeks is not the idea of sexy to me.

Men who don’t realise how feeble I am. I’m a really thin girl. Like very thin and a lot of my clients don’t take this into account. I have one client in particular who is quite a lot more built than I am. He’s about two of me. And he always has habit of going in from behind and sitting right on top of me when lying down. It gets awkward when I constantly have to tell him off about this because he’s too big and the pressure on my body cannot take a big large man sitting down on top of me practically.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 01 June 2021, 02:46:24 pm
Because they want to drag out their stupid fantasies and timewaster behaviour as long as they possibly can

Absolutely, no surprise that he ended up being a right timewaster. Who messed me about.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinkestChick on 01 June 2021, 05:42:19 pm
I hate it when the client asks for more photos or videos!
"I need a video call to confirm if i'm talk with a real person"

this this this this this!!!! Excuse me I'm verified, what's your credentials?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 01 June 2021, 07:31:12 pm
Yeah, I’ve been getting that a lot myself. They’ll ask to see me, I’ll say sure & of course you understand I screen all new “friends”, give them a (very generous) list of things they can pick from, then they say they’ll need MY DL, Linked In, etc etc to verify me.

My bonafides aren’t in question here, Sparky, yours are. Google my #? That 1st page is nothing but me. Me, me, me. So you can’t ask if I’m “real”🙄.

There’s no quid pro quo here & I find it hilarious that they think it’s a bargaining chip.

Him: “I won’t see you w/o that information.”

Me: “As you like. Goodbye.”

Invariably, INVARIABLY! 2 hours later they’re back with the required info.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 02 June 2021, 09:10:13 pm
Guys who you've seen a few times then come saying that now they've retired they can only afford 30 mins instead of the hour they used to book but still expect everything to be at the same pace, asking if you're enjoying it, does it feel good type of shit etc as if hinting that if you're enjoying yourself you should forget the time and let them stay longer.
Sorry mate but it was the cash I was enjoying not your dick so hurry up and finish and be gone in your cheapskate 30 mins!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 03 June 2021, 11:40:55 am
The client that wants GFE for an hour then just turns up wanting 15 mins has just left .. I just let him give me the 30 min fee as I dont do 15 mins which I explained despite him appearing put out. Hes said oh oh but it should be less
To which I said if you asked for 15 mins I would have told you I dont do that service
 But hey he was blocking time that somone else could have taken.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 03 June 2021, 01:54:02 pm
The client that wants GFE for an hour then just turns up wanting 15 mins has just left .. I just let him give me the 30 min fee as I dont do 15 mins which I explained despite him appearing put out. Hes said oh oh but it should be less
To which I said if you asked for 15 mins I would have told you I dont do that service
 But hey he was blocking time that somone else could have taken.

What an arsehole. Serves him right for not looking at your ad properly first.

He probably just wanted to get away with 15 mins all along. Cheapskate
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miffy on 03 June 2021, 07:51:49 pm
Two cancellations, both citing they hadn't realised how expensive it would be. Really? Funny how my prices weren't an issue when you booked.

Still, both paid hefty deposits, so it's more their loss rather than mine, not least because my sudden availability has enabled me to accommodate a regular for a dinner date  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 04 June 2021, 10:30:07 am
Two cancellations, both citing they hadn't realised how expensive it would be. Really? Funny how my prices weren't an issue when you booked.

Still, both paid hefty deposits, so it's more their loss rather than mine, not least because my sudden availability has enabled me to accommodate a regular for a dinner date  ;D
Glad you got a deposit maybe punters  like that will be reluctant to mess escorts about
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 04 June 2021, 01:53:18 pm
Book days in advance then cancel an hour before they are due to arrive   :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 05 June 2021, 04:40:26 pm
Yeah I don’t take advanced bookings because it’s always just fantasist and timewasters. 99 percent of time people who make advanced bookings always sprout the same bs. Hey you available Sunday evening x it’s all just weirdos who want free conversation in my opinion.

Hate when clients ask what time will I come at? As if I’m meant to know what fucking time you’re free during the day. As if I know everyone’s work schedules on earth. As if I know when this guy is going to be out drinking with his mates. Give me a ducking time and I’ll tell you if it suits me. So fucking dumb.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 05 June 2021, 09:15:06 pm
Men who don't shave properly and leave my face looking like I've had acid thrown all over my chin. So annoying and hurty  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 05 June 2021, 09:56:49 pm
Men who don't shave properly and leave my face looking like I've had acid thrown all over my chin. So annoying and hurty  >:(

If it starts to hurt or I think it’s getting to the point that I’ll be red afterwards I put fingers over the stubbly area and I’m happy to keep kissing.. but usually that gets the point across and they settle with a few pecks and maybe a short snog sesh throughout the rest of the session..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 06 June 2021, 02:31:06 am
Clients who try to perform a laryngoscopy are by far the worst. I like deep French kissing, not a client trying to sticking his entire head into my fucking mouth.

I know it’s not technically their fault but I cannot stand clients that can’t seem to push their foreskin back. They always have the smelliest cocks and it’s so hard to do a blowjob without the foreskin rolled back.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: BJC on 06 June 2021, 07:32:27 am
I've had a lot of guys asking for pics/video calls to "verify that you're the same girl from the ad"- i always say no; I didn't get over 300+ positive feedbacks by ripping my clients off. If you want to see more pictures there are plenty in my private gallery. Had one guy tell me that it was against his principles to pay for pics which made me chuckle.
Had a clown asking for an overnight and wanting free access to my private gallery, as he thought he shouldn't have to pay for pics if he's going to be paying me £850 later on. I knew he was a time waster so I told him that I'd knock the £2.50 for my private gallery off the £850 overnight fee... Funnily enough I didn't hear anything back from him  8)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 06 June 2021, 04:03:22 pm
Yeah I don’t take advanced bookings because it’s always just fantasist and timewasters. 99 percent of time people who make advanced bookings always sprout the same bs. Hey you available Sunday evening x it’s all just weirdos who want free conversation in my opinion.

Thing is he's a semi regular but it's not the first time he's done it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 07 June 2021, 06:47:51 am
They dont want you calling them because they have somone at home
But they message at stupid hours and have no consideration that you have a private life yourself.
I've put them on mute !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 09 June 2021, 04:42:37 pm
Asking me really personal questions about my sex life. One guy who i saw for the first time was asking me details of how i masturbate and how often. Then asks if I use condoms in my private sex life.
I told him to mind his own business and thought it rude of him. He then said I obviously do bareback in my private life because i wouldn't answer.

Really annoyed me big time  so have blocked him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missizzy on 09 June 2021, 06:40:03 pm
This'll sound bizarre but I have one client who flatly refuses to believe I'm not innocent. It's not part of a fantasy; he genuinely seems unable to grasp it. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but it's still strange.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 13 June 2021, 06:29:14 pm
Had a really sarcastic reply text this evening from somone who I cant see because I'm not available to suit him.I did explain I only worked on a certain day to which  I got replied *oh I wish I only worked on 1 day a week.*
 Do these numb skulls not realise we have a life that dosnt revolve around them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 13 June 2021, 09:25:45 pm
This'll sound bizarre but I have one client who flatly refuses to believe I'm not innocent. It's not part of a fantasy; he genuinely seems unable to grasp it. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but it's still strange.
An innocent hooker...erm ok 😉😉😉

Weirdo lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 13 June 2021, 09:44:58 pm
Innocent of what? ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 15 June 2021, 08:36:48 am
Yesterday I had a client who removed himself after anal and tried to to put himself straight into my front bottom.  :FF
No double dipping.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jackiela on 15 June 2021, 03:43:54 pm
Or when they go suck my balls especially the hairy once I just tell them t o have a shave if they want there balls sucked.
After whoring for 7 years on and off I still get paranoid even sucking the shaved once I feel like them glands are gona bust in my mouth 😂😂 sounds silly I know.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missizzy on 15 June 2021, 03:53:34 pm
He says "you're so sweet and innocent", he bangs on about it. I assume he means virginal. The thing is I swear he means it, it's not just him fantasizing.
He won't be dissuaded, the fact I have a mum tum and stretchmarks, or the fact that he pays me to suck his knob makes no difference, I'm innocent apparently  ???

Mind you I've been called much worse in my time so screw it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 15 June 2021, 04:14:01 pm
He says "you're so sweet and innocent", he bangs on about it. I assume he means virginal. The thing is I swear he means it, it's not just him fantasizing.
He won't be dissuaded, the fact I have a mum tum and stretchmarks, or the fact that he pays me to suck his knob makes no difference, I'm innocent apparently  ???

Mind you I've been called much worse in my time so screw it.

Oooo makes my stomach squirm. Eek
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missizzy on 15 June 2021, 04:16:24 pm
I don't get serial killer vibes from him, he just seems totally naive, I dunno?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 18 June 2021, 04:41:35 pm
When they try and play you off against your duo partner (if you have one). I've stopped offering them now.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Schwiftysquancher91 on 18 June 2021, 06:41:18 pm
Cock cologne, my mouth has literally gone totally numb after doing OWO the past couple of weeks  :o

I offer a shower before long bookings but for blow and goes I usually don't. I always say they really don't need to spray their cock directly for it to smell good, just wash it  ::)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 20 June 2021, 10:16:09 pm
Cock cologne

Ewwww, been there and the thing was ALL he wanted was oral so I didn't even have a break from it. I swear he must have dangled all his bits in the stuff.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 20 June 2021, 11:08:20 pm
Messaging or calling after a booking to say not to contact me again as I have a wife. Lol I wasn’t planning on doing so Mr. Over Ambitious.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 21 June 2021, 10:48:31 am
When I've spent the morning carefully massaging,oiling and moisturizing my face, only for it all to get rubbed off when in a booking
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 26 June 2021, 11:03:57 am
Client slapped my arse really hard yesterday, left a big red mark. Ouch.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 26 June 2021, 01:20:51 pm
Smelly feet
Had one the other day not only disgusting breath but the pongy feet , even after he left the stench still hung about 🤢
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 26 June 2021, 04:56:54 pm
Such wildly inappropriate questions.

Just back from Gotham (NYC); they’re all bat shit crazy there anyway but the $$s good. See this 27 year old kid from Brand X country. At the end as he’s leaving, he says, apropos of absolutely nothing, “Did you lose your virginity to a black man or a white man?” (I’m FIFTY FIVE)

Wha ... what? I stutter. I’m completely poleaxed. “Not answering you & you need to leave NOW.” Literally shove him out the door🚪. Note to self: don’t see again.

He texts the next day, wanting another session🤦🏼‍♀️.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 27 June 2021, 12:25:33 am
Texting me asking how I'm doing and what am i up to today. Just lots of Fucking as usual. Thanks for asking. Keeps them quiet.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 27 June 2021, 12:25:39 pm
Texting me asking how I'm doing and what am i up to today. Just lots of Fucking as usual. Thanks for asking. Keeps them quiet.
I used to get these irritating calls and texts too, do they think we even appreciate it ! .. they arnt even booking
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 02 July 2021, 06:25:34 pm
Touching my fucking hair. On top of this touching and rubbing my back in a way that pulls my hair or causes friction.

I don’t think some men realise that I’m petite and even when they think they’re being gentle. They aren’t they’re literally pulling and prodding at me like a porcelain doll. I don’t think men genuinely have awareness of the fact that they’re a bit stronger than the average woman in a lot of cases. Like genuinely when men grab or pull my back I have to warn them they’re being way to rough and they look at me like I have ten heads like oh I didn’t realise what I was doing.

Anyway back to the hair. I wear fucking clip in extensions and I will tell someone this ten fucking times in an appointment and they’ll still prod and pull at my hair and sometimes the fucking clips rip the shit out of my hair from friction or being pulled which hurts like hell.

I don’t want your sweaty fucking hands that have been all over your cock on my fucking hair is that not clear as day.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 02 July 2021, 10:26:30 pm
When they try with sexual gymnastics; one client picked me up and flipped me around and before I knew what was happening I was in a standing 69, which was incredibly uncomfortable!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 11 July 2021, 11:24:49 am
When they ask you 20 questions about your availability for the day, only to end with 'thanks I'll let you know'.

Erm no you won't, I'm going out instead now.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 11 July 2021, 03:18:41 pm
Can I get a postcode
I'm 5 mins from nearest town
Thanks I'll call back ..still waiting
No I'm not giving out my postcode for collectors anymore  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 12 July 2021, 01:27:46 pm
Asking me if it has been busy today or if I’ve seen many clients. Why do so many of them want to know this. I genuinely don’t understand if they’re just making small talk or god awfully intrusive shits.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 July 2021, 03:54:32 pm
I think its just small talk. I do the same with taxi drivers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 12 July 2021, 04:36:11 pm
I think its just small talk. I do the same with taxi drivers.
Yep and I have heard from taxi drivers that they also hate the “have you been busy today” question, just like us!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 12 July 2021, 05:24:34 pm
The asking if busy is mostly small talk i just say so so it's ok although one time i had someone ask me how many you seen? What have you earnt so far then? I ignored it then he asked again how busy you been? I then said why do you want to know? He said just like to know how many you seen before me. I said not getting in to that. At the end of the booking he tried it a different way by saying what do most girls earn doing this then when he was getting dressed i said i don't know because i don't ask them all. Really intrusive man.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 12 July 2021, 10:16:19 pm
Asking me if it has been busy today or if I’ve seen many clients. Why do so many of them want to know this. I genuinely don’t understand if they’re just making small talk or god awfully intrusive shits.

I got so used to responding back with - So have you seen many escorts today besides me then It shuts them up.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 16 July 2021, 02:45:56 pm
Ripping, tearing or leaving bodily fluids on my very fucking expensive Victoria Secrets, Ann Summers etc underwear. Like I be damned if I paid 59 pounds for a bra for some idiot to tear it assunder. Might start adding fees for soiled lingerie at the end of bookings. Like the hotels do hehehe. You may be Eligible to pay a safety deposit of £50 for ruined undies.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 20 July 2021, 01:40:39 pm
Another thing that pisses me off is British guys messaging me especially in London to tell
Me they messaged cause they want to see a British girl and they’re few and far beyond in London nowadays. That’s all well and good but I’m fucking Irish and it says that in my profile. Boils my blood even more when they say same thing though isn’t it. No it’s not. I’ve lived in London for 8 months and can tell you Irish and British people share a similar sense of humour and that’s about it. British and Irish people are as different as day and night.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 20 July 2021, 04:00:36 pm
Another thing that pisses me off is British guys messaging me especially in London to tell
Me they messaged cause they want to see a British girl and they’re few and far beyond in London nowadays. That’s all well and good but I’m fucking Irish and it says that in my profile. Boils my blood even more when they say same thing though isn’t it. No it’s not. I’ve lived in London for 8 months and can tell you Irish and British people share a similar sense of humour and that’s about it. British and Irish people are as different as day and night.

I'm guessing these are the same people who think 'British' and 'English' are interchangeable - I get the occasional 'Oh yes I only book English escorts', as if I give a flying fuck who they book ???

I always ask why they booked me (Scottish and my ads say this) if that was the case, and I get 'oh, you know what I mean'. Apparently what they mean is that they're too thick to understand that England is one country and Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are other, separate countries ::)

If I was Polish or Czech and had to get used to being constantly dismissed as being 'Eastern European' (because of course all the dozen or so countries that make up Eastern Europe and the people in them are all exactly the same) I swear I would have had to throw in the towel years ago before I murdered somebody  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 20 July 2021, 06:08:32 pm
You mean you’re not all the same over there???😳 It’s not all, like, THE SAME COUNTRY??

*Does my best dumb American act.* (not that hard, actually😆)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 20 July 2021, 11:53:17 pm
A lot of my clients say how they only see English girls myself included. I sound English but I'm actually not. If only they knew. Lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 21 July 2021, 07:31:06 am
Message after I've removed my number and available today info I sometimes think this is deliberate that they have no intention of booking anyway
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cass on 21 July 2021, 01:39:34 pm
I'm guessing these are the same people who think 'British' and 'English' are interchangeable

When I lived in England I had to take 'British' off my ads or else I had to have this conversation at least twice a day-

"Hi are you English"


"But it says you are on your profile"

No, it says I'm British.

"Right, so you're English then?"

No, I'm not.

"So why does it say you are?"


Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 22 July 2021, 05:29:23 pm
Not allowing sex to go naturally. I’m trans and I do find it difficult to get an erection because I take estrogen.

What doesn’t help at all is punters coming and basically singing and sobbing at me if I’m not rock solid for them within 20 seconds of taking my pants off.

Then complaining and asking why you aren’t getting hard is such a turn off it kills the vibe. They’re too used to watching porn and don’t realise that sex isn’t just bang bang bang. There needs to be foreplay and communication too. Otherwise it just doesn’t work.

Why am I not getting hard? Maybe because whinging and complaining isn’t exactly sexy is it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 22 July 2021, 08:40:13 pm
Message after I've removed my number and available today info I sometimes think this is deliberate that they have no intention of booking anyway

I hate this but sometimes I'm not busy so agree to see them but you're right, some of them can be TWs.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 31 July 2021, 08:37:04 am
People asking for bookings longer than an hour all of a sudden, when I've only just taken those options off my ad because I don't want to do them anymore!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 31 July 2021, 12:47:38 pm
Had a client earlier today saying some horrible things about people who are plus sized. It was gross. We were laying there lost sex chatting away and he started to rant using some colourful language, and then he moved onto sex workers who he thought didn't do enough to lose baby weight. Even though he was talking to me who has four kids. And ten minutes earlier he had been telling me how he loved my curves.
What a horrible man.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 31 July 2021, 08:12:14 pm
Had quite a few of these recently. Starting to think they must do it on purpose.

Him: hi do you do 15mins?
Me: everything I offer is mentioned on my profile
Him: I don’t see anything about 15mins?
Me: …………
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 31 July 2021, 08:52:57 pm
Had quite a few of these recently. Starting to think they must do it on purpose.

Him: hi do you do 15mins?
Me: everything I offer is mentioned on my profile
Him: I don’t see anything about 15mins?
Me: …………

I ignored one of these the other day. Was sure he was just asking to take the piss
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 31 July 2021, 10:06:25 pm
One today arrived hour and 20 mins late only because he travelled further afield I allowed it , thought he was going timewaste , anyone else I cancell but he seemed genuine,  no apology for inconvenience, all kind of well up to point he wanted to rub his dick on me unprotected and asking for bareback a level ( not what I offer ) annoys be when you got condom and they insult ask without , and also never did extra service agreed so ended up giving some of cash back , he will not see me again .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 01 August 2021, 04:02:13 pm
Next time one is late I'm going to stick to my guns and just say no. I had a guy who was 30 late and still wanted an hour. I got him down to 45 but he was AWFUL, job st weird, awkward, responded badly. I almost gave up three times during the booking. In the end he left in 30mins anyway. Never....again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milkymoo26 on 05 August 2021, 07:30:14 pm
Prob already mentioned.
But I hate the clients that book for 1 hour. Arrive and start chatting shit, I'm like you need to pay first. Still don't hand over money. By this point I'm thinking in my head ugh another look and go I bet, you can leave. Then they say how much is half hour blah blah. Then they're like actually i'll leave it.

Like why tf you drive this way to waste your own time. :FF
Cheap ass pricks, I don't understand what goes through their tiny heads honestly.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milkymoo26 on 05 August 2021, 07:59:50 pm
but what I do is copy what I’d do with a real orgasm anyway and just shake a little and they seem to believe me, very hard if I’m still bone dry though which I often am! Lol.

Lmfao! I do this. Anything to hurry and get them off me so they can go, ugh.
I'm going to hooker hell 🤣
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ssfox on 05 August 2021, 09:22:07 pm
Literally got asked for a discount from a chap who said he was handsome and that I would have fun with him and that maybe he shouldn’t pay at all but he was feeling generous. Agggggg
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 05 August 2021, 10:52:24 pm
Email asking if I'm free tomorrow I reply that I only work a certain day to which he emailed back so not tomorrow.
I wont be replying..fucking annoying
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 06 August 2021, 12:06:13 am
Literally got asked for a discount from a chap who said he was handsome and that I would have fun with him and that maybe he shouldn’t pay at all but he was feeling generous. Agggggg

This one gets me everytime. 1. I have plenty of attractive clients who are conventionally handsome, smell good and are amazing in the sack and they’re more than willing to pay me for it therefore why you think I’d do it with you for a discounted rate or for free is beyond my knowledge. 2. Normally the ones who have a god complex and think they’re “handsome” are usually painfully average and it actually gives me a good laugh that they’re that confident for no reason. I’ve found that men who are good looking and confident in their looks don’t have to make it known all of the time. It’s the insecure ones who are always blabbering on about “how hot they are” and “how you might want to do it for free.” The genuinely good looking guys always are the nicest I’ve met and most respectful and don’t hold this same arrogant attitude with them that they’re attractive so I should do it for free.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tina Sparx on 06 August 2021, 06:56:41 am
Had a young lad (19) recently, who told me in his 300 texts that he was a published male model and I wouldn't want paying from him!
When I (in no uncertain terms) told him that it made no difference, he eventually cracked and made an appt.
When he rocked up - he had his modelling portfolio with him! - He spent the first 15 minutes of his hour showing me pictures of him modelling swimwear for Littlewoods catalogue!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tina Sparx on 06 August 2021, 07:02:23 am
I hate the ones who start off by saying they want a weekend away with me, then after they realise the cost, they end up settling for a 20min cum n go! 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 06 August 2021, 08:43:47 am
I hate the ones who start off by saying they want a weekend away with me, then after they realise the cost, they end up settling for a 20min cum n go!
Wow what a cost difference makes you wonder if they had the money in the first place ..cheakskates  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 06 August 2021, 08:57:32 am
I've had a few wanting to take me on holiday but can't afford to pay for my time. So basically working for free in exchange for a holiday.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 06 August 2021, 12:42:34 pm
I had one who I never invite again for undercutting
He was on about staying a night for £200 in a hotel lol or even more to cut cost at mine
Tight twat .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 07 August 2021, 08:23:58 am
Did a guy other day fingers poking , and prodding wouldn’t stop ramming them in , i kept trying to move but he still got stuck in, pulling , prising stretching me open like it was a book he opening pages ,  I bet they would not like it if we was tough on their cocks and balls   >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 07 August 2021, 01:56:32 pm
Did a guy other day fingers poking , and prodding wouldn’t stop ramming them in , i kept trying to move but he still got stuck in, pulling , prising stretching me open like it was a book he opening pages ,  I bet they would not like it if we was tough on their cocks and balls   >:(

Hey Jadine? You know how you handle that bullshit? Grab hold of their earlobe & twist hard. Don’t bother with their nether regions bc some of them get off on that. Nobody likes having their ear 👂🏻 twisted (grim look). When they yelp ~ & they will, oh yes, they will; you say, “That’s what it feels like you’re doing to ME. Knock it off.”😡
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 07 August 2021, 06:10:12 pm
Might give it a try next time  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miffy on 10 August 2021, 11:57:15 am
I'm very aware this is a 'my wallet's too small for my fifties and my diamond shoes are too tight' kind of post, so advance apologies...

I have a client who keeps sending me Harrods gift vouchers. I have asked him to stop, pointing out that I haven't even spent the ones I already have, but still he sends them to me. It's very thoughtful as he knows I like nice things, but it kind of makes me feel like he's trying to groom me or something. It's ridiculous, I know, but it just makes me more than a little bit uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 10 August 2021, 02:28:53 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 August 2021, 04:49:57 pm
Saw a lovely client of mine. After the booking he text me saying hope I don't mind he put his empty wine bottles in my recycling.

Maybe I'm overreacting but I thought it was cheeky of him to do it without even asking.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 12 August 2021, 09:52:22 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 13 August 2021, 12:53:37 pm
Against my better judgment I just saw a guy who had 3 warnings on CE and had tried 3 times to haggle me.

He paid my full fee without question and was OK at sex. Tried to stick his finger up my bum without paying extra, but did listen to my "oh no you don't"

I mean, I wouldn't go out of my way to see him again.but he was okay. Maybe he learned his lesson about haggling back in 2018 when I smacked him down.

Aww I'm on the wrong thread! But the thing he did to annoy was go in my bathroom and leave the tap running. I'm on a meter, arse hole!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 13 August 2021, 03:54:00 pm
But the thing he did to annoy was go in my bathroom and leave the tap running. I'm on a meter, arse hole!

Me too and I hate it! Sometimes I’ll faff about for a bit downstairs before going back up to shower/tidy after and find the tap running and wonder how much it’s cost me  ::)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 14 August 2021, 12:14:12 pm
 Was in my local nandos yesterday with my eldest who is 16, and who I considered telling about what I do for work. I didn't but that's another story.
He went to the toilet and I was sitting at the table in silence minding my own business and a voice said "Harriet? Harriet hi, it's me Paul. how are you?"
A client who I've seen about four times, mostly recently a week ago was standing there.
I said hi and that I was having a private lunch, but he lingered for a bit longer because maybe he was hoping for a hug or something..then after the longest minute of my life he said "OK well good to see you, bye" and walked off, and then as me and 16 were leaving a bit later he fucking saw me and waved. Thankfully 16 seemed to have missed. All of this by some miracle.
I was seething all night.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 14 August 2021, 12:18:13 pm
You are a Saint! I would throw a look so deadly they will turn to stone if any MF so much as nodded at me when I am with my fam.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 14 August 2021, 06:36:06 pm
And they are the ones want discretion.. he shouldnt have even approached you.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 14 August 2021, 06:42:00 pm
And they are the ones want discretion.. he shouldnt have even approached you.

I've been in similar situations, and the guy was someone who had told me they needed discretion / were often afraid of being caught / noticed / seen.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missizzy on 14 August 2021, 08:09:56 pm
Try some complete random walking up to you in Tesco and asking you if you're working, with your mum stood next to you.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 14 August 2021, 09:11:55 pm
Few years ago a regular saw me in a store he said dont  do or say anything I'm with my wife
What did he think I was going to do? !
Suck him off in the frozen section 🤣
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 14 August 2021, 09:24:47 pm
Few years ago a regular saw me in a store he said dont  do or say anything I'm with my wife
What did he think I was going to do? !
Suck him off in the frozen section 🤣

😂😅 that made me laugh my head off

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 15 August 2021, 12:57:59 pm
You are a Saint! I would throw a look so deadly they will turn to stone if any MF so much as nodded at me when I am with my fam.
I know. It was tempting. I think that if 16 had asked I would have just said that it was someone I used to work with. That's plausible.
And they are the ones want discretion.. he shouldnt have even approached you.

Pretty much.
I'm just waiting for him to call me to make another booking so I can give him an earful.
Try some complete random walking up to you in Tesco and asking you if you're working, with your mum stood next to you.
Few years ago a regular saw me in a store he said dont  do or say anything I'm with my wife
What did he think I was going to do? !
Suck him off in the frozen section 🤣

They really are clueless.
They think we just throw ourselves at people regardless of where we are.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: thickthighs on 15 August 2021, 01:33:40 pm
Was in my local nandos yesterday with my eldest who is 16, and who I considered telling about what I do for work. I didn't but that's another story.
He went to the toilet and I was sitting at the table in silence minding my own business and a voice said "Harriet? Harriet hi, it's me Paul. how are you?"
A client who I've seen about four times, mostly recently a week ago was standing there.
I said hi and that I was having a private lunch, but he lingered for a bit longer because maybe he was hoping for a hug or something..then after the longest minute of my life he said "OK well good to see you, bye" and walked off, and then as me and 16 were leaving a bit later he fucking saw me and waved. Thankfully 16 seemed to have missed. All of this by some miracle.
I was seething all night.

What a complete knob jesus christ  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 15 August 2021, 03:45:41 pm
I once ran into a regular-ish punter in M&S and whilst he didn't say anything, he stared at my basket for ages (I only had a few bits in there, no underwear or anything similar).

Apparently we don't need to eat food because the next time he booked I got 'What were you doing in Marks and Spencer that day?' ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 15 August 2021, 08:16:02 pm
Few years ago a regular saw me in a store he said dont  do or say anything I'm with my wife
What did he think I was going to do? !
Suck him off in the frozen section 🤣

Now look here, Kiss!! I’ve had a gander at your profile *points*, & it very clearly states you WILL suck the client’s dick in the frozen section of Tesco OR Asda! *Shakes paper at you*

Runs off cackling.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 15 August 2021, 08:53:37 pm
Now look here, Kiss!! I’ve had a gander at your profile *points*, & it very clearly states you WILL suck the client’s dick in the frozen section of Tesco OR Asda! *Shakes paper at you*

Runs off cackling.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Harriet_Lille on 16 August 2021, 10:09:37 am
I once ran into a regular-ish punter in M&S and whilst he didn't say anything, he stared at my basket for ages (I only had a few bits in there, no underwear or anything similar).

Apparently we don't need to eat food because the next time he booked I got 'What were you doing in Marks and Spencer that day?' ::)

Apparently all of our sustenance comes from sex with clients.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 16 August 2021, 10:13:17 am
I'll add suck offs in frozen section as an extra the charges being astronomical!!😄
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 16 August 2021, 12:08:27 pm
Now look here, Kiss!! I’ve had a gander at your profile *points*, & it very clearly states you WILL suck the client’s dick in the frozen section of Tesco OR Asda! *Shakes paper at you*

Runs off cackling.

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 21 August 2021, 07:26:40 pm
Their effing pre cum leaking all over. Had to shower and wash my hair again earlier  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 26 August 2021, 03:51:12 pm
When they just don’t bother to read your profile at all and you point it out and they always seem to respond with ‘sorry I don’t do this everyday’ what? Read??
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tina Sparx on 27 August 2021, 05:31:56 am
Their effing pre cum leaking all over.

As discussed previously -  almost nothing worse!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tina Sparx on 27 August 2021, 07:02:37 am
Just had a bell end ring me at 06:50 asking if I was dressed and ready to 'go'. 

Go where? ... for a Poo?? !!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 27 August 2021, 04:16:02 pm
Just had a bell end ring me at 06:50 asking if I was dressed and ready to 'go'. 

Go where? ... for a Poo?? !!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: barbiegirl on 27 August 2021, 08:49:09 pm
Terrible kissers...I am so sick of this. It’s always the ones that insist on kissing a lot that are also remarkably terrible at it. Someone literally dribbled in my mouth earlier.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 28 August 2021, 08:05:56 am
Terrible kissers...I am so sick of this. It’s always the ones that insist on kissing a lot that are also remarkably terrible at it. Someone literally dribbled in my mouth earlier.

It's just horrible. I've had two of those in the last week. So awful that I turned my head away and scrunched my face up as I did it. I don't even care if they noticed  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 28 August 2021, 09:23:55 am
When they try to bite...why do they do that?! I had one yesterday trying to bite my neck and gnaw my bottom lip off, then when he was on top, he tried to bite my cheek  :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: TantricTease on 28 August 2021, 09:47:30 am
When they try to bite...why do they do that?! I had one yesterday trying to bite my neck and gnaw my bottom lip off, then when he was on top, he tried to bite my cheek  :o
I had a biter on Monday, and whilst the bites weren’t bad then they nipped and made me squirm, he also bit the tops of my thighs and hips, and was crap with his hands, basically he was shit in bed. 

For all that men love sex and the lengths they go too to get sex, then the majority aren’t very fucking good at it! 🤣 let’s face it ladies, we have all shagged the majority, in the UK most likely anyway haha.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 28 August 2021, 11:43:20 am
Get a tetanus jab asap !!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GucciGang on 28 August 2021, 11:04:29 pm
When they ask if you do DEEP french kissing. Just the word DEEP makes me urge. You know it’s gonna be the most awful long saliva tongue being rammed into your mouth. I have kissing at discretion on my profile if I’m relaxed and in the mood I will initiate it. But when it’s the focus of the booking and they ask you this on text I cant stand it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 29 August 2021, 08:31:32 am
Get a tetanus jab asap !!
;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: RB1 on 30 August 2021, 01:56:39 pm
Had a young lad (19) recently, who told me in his 300 texts that he was a published male model and I wouldn't want paying from him!
When I (in no uncertain terms) told him that it made no difference, he eventually cracked and made an appt.
When he rocked up - he had his modelling portfolio with him! - He spent the first 15 minutes of his hour showing me pictures of him modelling swimwear for Littlewoods catalogue!

Littlewoods - are they still around 😂😂
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: RB1 on 30 August 2021, 02:00:54 pm
Ripping, tearing or leaving bodily fluids on my very fucking expensive Victoria Secrets, Ann Summers etc underwear. Like I be damned if I paid 59 pounds for a bra for some idiot to tear it assunder. Might start adding fees for soiled lingerie at the end of bookings. Like the hotels do hehehe. You may be Eligible to pay a safety deposit of £50 for ruined undies.

Ugh I get guys who ask if they can dress up in the appointment
I’m like sure but you need to bring your own stuff
Oh no I want to wear yours - insert whatever they want
I’m like you NFW are you wearing my nice expensive lingerie and stockings to ruin - just why
  I have one punter who I have known for years and he has this annoying habit of twanging my suspenders belt straps   - he broke one once and it’s the type that you can’t fix

I didn’t say anything  but now whenever I see him I wear my cheap crappy suspender belts that cost a fiver and not the ones that cost £50 - they are for clients that respect my lingerie 😂
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 30 August 2021, 05:15:11 pm
Constantly emailing asking when I'm returning to my incall place.
Despite my profile info.
Getting fed up it says on holiday but to them we arnt allowed holidays
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinkR2021 on 30 August 2021, 08:34:08 pm
Constantly texting me while I’m getting ready. Then, when I don’t awnser my texts, I get Whatsapps/AW sent “to check you haven’t blocked me”.
He was actually a really nice client but my god, I can’t multi task  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 09 September 2021, 01:25:26 pm
Miss Goodness and light- what would you like to book?
Incel-What are you good at? ::)
Miss Goodness and light-Sipping champagne and good conversation ;D
Incel-  >:(  >:(  >:( (he hangs up)

I'm aware of the increasing number of 'dead eyed' randoms ring up for the hollow thrill of rejecting a female. Something they may not have the opportunity to do in civvy life. The aim of the call is rejection-not sex.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 09 September 2021, 01:45:40 pm
I have one punter who I have known for years and he has this annoying habit of twanging my suspenders belt straps   - he broke one once and it’s the type that you can’t fix

I didn’t say anything  but now whenever I see him I wear my cheap crappy suspender belts that cost a fiver and not the ones that cost £50 - they are for clients that respect my lingerie 😂

Are you certain it can't be fixed RB? I can mend most things if you wanted me to have a go :).

I no longer buy nice lingerie for work and haven't for years - too many things stained, torn, dribbled on and otherwise ruined. The last straw was when I had a beautiful pair of french knickers which I bought in Paris stolen, and I still have the rest of the set somewhere (which I now can't wear). They can have M&S and La Senza and like it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 09 September 2021, 04:32:44 pm
Are you certain it can't be fixed RB? I can mend most things if you wanted me to have a go :).

I no longer buy nice lingerie for work and haven't for years - too many things stained, torn, dribbled on and otherwise ruined. The last straw was when I had a beautiful pair of french knickers which I bought in Paris stolen, and I still have the rest of the set somewhere (which I now can't wear). They can have M&S and La Senza and like it.

Each to their own I guess, but I've never understood buying and wearing designer or expensive lingerie for work. Especially when most of it comes off within about five minutes of the booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 09 September 2021, 09:03:05 pm
I will not spend much on outfits for them , they don’t notice half the time what I wear , I just get cheap outfits , i rather spend my money on other things than for them.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 09 September 2021, 10:20:11 pm
I will not spend much on outfits for them , they don’t notice half the time what I wear , I just get cheap outfits , i rather spend my money on other things than for them.

Exactly. The ones who are bothered will say so, and the rest normally just want to get whatever it is off (and so do I, especially in this weather :D)

I have half a dozen plain black mini dresses (the clingy kind with thin straps), which bung in the wash and dry on the airer overnight with no fuss. I don't take clothing requests bar the most basic stuff, so that's pretty much what everybody gets :).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 09 September 2021, 10:23:12 pm
Back on the topic, I have had no fewer than five call today claiming to be enthused by my Adultwork profile, then ask me where I'm based - I even looked at the site in case there was something gone wrong with it. My location including nearest tube is on the top line in bold capital letters.

I know the AW folks aren't the brightest and the majority don't read a word of the ad, but ffs  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 11 September 2021, 09:16:41 am
I've come to the conclusion they dont want to read our details . :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 11 September 2021, 09:56:54 am
Thats just it they don’t read I’m sick of all the undesirables all week long every message I would have made hundreds this week if they weren’t all twats . :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 11 September 2021, 09:19:56 pm
Someone this week contacted me via Whatsapp requesting my location, when I suggested he read my tab called "READ WHEN & WHERE" he had the absolute audacity to send the eye roll emoji! If he'd been in front of me I'd have bitch slapped him
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 11 September 2021, 09:43:50 pm
Someone this week contacted me via Whatsapp requesting my location, when I suggested he read my tab called "READ WHEN & WHERE" he had the absolute audacity to send the eye roll emoji! If he'd been in front of me I'd have bitch slapped him

What is with that attitude from them? I get those : “can’t you just tell me?” “Just text the details” “I’ve closed the site now” “I’m driving can’t read it”
Okay? And? It’s written in several places already, why do they act like we’re being ‘difficult’ for not wanting to type it all out across 20 messages for them as they start up some q+a back and forth like we’re a free chat-line or something.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 September 2021, 11:56:20 pm
Getting arsey when I don't relpy straight away. Had one regular say you haven't replied to me so you won't be seeing me again. Yep you guessed right arsehole.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 13 September 2021, 12:28:15 am
What is with that attitude from them? I get those : “can’t you just tell me?” “Just text the details” “I’ve closed the site now” “I’m driving can’t read it”
Okay? And? It’s written in several places already, why do they act like we’re being ‘difficult’ for not wanting to type it all out across 20 messages for them as they start up some q+a back and forth like we’re a free chat-line or something.

Yes totally agree they want comliance one way. Someone pliable to mess around.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinkR2021 on 13 September 2021, 09:55:21 pm
Had a new client book several hours. Was okay at first but he then spent the whole time doing what felt like an interview to be his girlfriend. Despite me telling him on several occasions that I’m not looking to date, he didn’t get it.
After he kept asking for my private number which I told him I couldn’t do. He then replied that he hoped I was interested in him for more than sex.  ???
Words fail me sometimes !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 17 September 2021, 12:24:32 pm
I'm just getting my prescence back together on one problematic escort website with a new profile. It's not completely done and I haven't activated escort status yet. I went to the chatrooms and went on cam for passive advertising. I've got one decent possible. One who wanted cam work I had some private chats with and arranged for a discussion this evening.

The problem is he couldn't leave it alone and began trying to push in to chats with other people and things slowly went downhill from there. I asked them to stop as I was busy doing other things but the pestering continued including questioning rates information through suggesting I was hard work when someone passed compliments to claiming I wasn't an escort and then demanding I get on Skype now. There were red flags all the way from the moment we first chatted so told him he was cancelled which I was already mulling over. Not only that I was off to the shop so it was a good time to quit the chatrooms.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 18 September 2021, 11:15:05 pm
Ask the "...and what do you like, sexually" question. I got asked this on Friday and I was actually sick in my mouth..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 19 September 2021, 11:10:22 am
Ask the "...and what do you like, sexually" question. I got asked this on Friday and I was actually sick in my mouth..

I hate this question.  Sometimes I wonder if they ask it because they're stuck for something to say.

It doesn't come up often but I hate when they ask "how old do you think I am?" I feel like saying 'I don't know and really couldn't give a shit.'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 20 September 2021, 09:51:38 pm
I hate this question.  Sometimes I wonder if they ask it because they're stuck for something to say.

It doesn't come up often but I hate when they ask "how old do you think I am?" I feel like saying 'I don't know and really couldn't give a shit.'

“Having you throw the $$ at me, then leave.”

We should get 1 day a year when we can say this stuff, you know? Technically I suppose we could at anytime, buuuuuut….🤷🏼‍♀️
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 21 September 2021, 03:47:58 am
Asking for a bump from an hour and a half to two hours. I said yes because it's been so dry lately. Asking if they could bring some white wine along. I drink red. Phoning up later because they wanted to arrive earlier and bring not one but two bottles of wine. Arriving with two bottles of cheap red wine I wouldn't use for cooking. Red flags all the way I know and there are other things I was unhappy about on a basic compatibility and consent level but the real kicker? After asking if they could smoke when they arrived which isn't a problem pulling out a crack pipe when he had got his feet under the table.

I have since read up on crack and whatever he said about occasional use to chill out it's one of those drugs which can make them impatient for another high and also paranoid.

Another thing is when he was at the in-call he asked if I'd visit him. I'm in a scary situation so just going with it and he says he could pick me up in his car. I don't have to spell out to anyone what was going through my mind at the time about what might be on the other end of the journey.

Obviously blocked and I will be reporting this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 21 September 2021, 07:21:48 pm
OMFG Tickle, cheap red wine is bad enough but pulling out a crack pipe?! Jesus wept, you really couldn't make this shit up :P
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 22 September 2021, 12:31:27 pm
OMFG Tickle, cheap red wine is bad enough but pulling out a crack pipe?! Jesus wept, you really couldn't make this shit up :P

It was a bit much wasn't it? I have never watched it but not unlike wandering into an episode of The Wire, I would hazard a guess.

I threw the second bottle of red in the bin. I couldn't drink it. I don't like cheap bad wine and the emotional association was too much ugh.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 27 September 2021, 02:09:29 pm
When they ask about precautions you've taken re covid.

I tell them they shouldn't be booking an escort if they want to ask that question.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Snow Whitest on 27 September 2021, 09:12:44 pm
Oh and clients who go on and on about their married status and how nervous they are, dead giveaway for a time waster. Add to that, is your place discreet? I always say no, there's a massive neon sign above my home saying "GET IT HERE". I also say if you're that worried about being seen, perhaps you need a different hobby?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 28 September 2021, 09:09:22 am
Mention in general conversation about cosmetic surgery while initially socialising not to grab and squeeze my boobs if anything like this is done and later have the client grab and squeeze my boobs insanely hard like he was about to fall off a cliff while giving me a rear end.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 01 October 2021, 06:59:26 pm
When they make a booking and don't specify the time.  Have one that has requested next Wednesday, days ago but hasn't said a time yet.

Until then, I'll just keep taking other bookings  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 01 October 2021, 07:09:51 pm
When they make a booking and don't specify the time.  Have one that has requested next Wednesday, days ago but hasn't said a time yet.

Until then, I'll just keep taking other bookings  ;D
Might have watched too many soaps where they just meet no time specified !!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 01 October 2021, 09:37:21 pm
Might have watched too many soaps where they just meet no time specified !!

Haha that always winds me up too!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 01 October 2021, 10:14:23 pm
The taller ladies probably don't get this often, but picking (or trying to pick) me up off the ground, whether it's in a face to face way so I have to try and cling on and wrap my legs around him to avoid falling, or just generally - I once had one try to scoop me up and carry me through the doorway without any warning at all.

It's scary (nobody can run away if they're being carried), It hurts my back, plus I'm terrified of them dropping me. And I am not a fucking toy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 02 October 2021, 02:25:56 am
The taller ladies probably don't get this often, but picking (or trying to pick) me up off the ground, whether it's in a face to face way so I have to try and cling on and wrap my legs around him to avoid falling, or just generally - I once had one try to scoop me up and carry me through the doorway without any warning at all.

It's scary (nobody can run away if they're being carried), It hurts my back, plus I'm terrified of them dropping me. And I am not a fucking toy.

I used to have failed attempts at picking up and was dropped once.
My policy now is to stop the session and kick him out, not risking my spine.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 02 October 2021, 07:04:11 am
The taller ladies probably don't get this often, but picking (or trying to pick) me up off the ground, whether it's in a face to face way so I have to try and cling on and wrap my legs around him to avoid falling, or just generally - I once had one try to scoop me up and carry me through the doorway without any warning at all.

It's scary (nobody can run away if they're being carried), It hurts my back, plus I'm terrified of them dropping me. And I am not a fucking toy.

I get this sometimes. I don't like it and protest jokingly like, "Oh, I'm heavier than I look!"
It's really pointless too, once they have me up there all they do is try a few awkward thrusts, before abandoning the idea.
Definitely is one of those tick boxes they do  >:(
Once guy recently did this (he's only little himself) and placed me on his kitchen side work top to continue.
Freely volunteered later that he had been racking his  brains what we should do this time, that we hadn't already done.

My problem is, I don't really mind at the time, but halfway driving home when I have cooled down I think WTF? :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 02 October 2021, 03:33:08 pm
One of my recent clients picked me up and carried me. It was okay, actually. It's a romantic cliche and I don't mind it if the moment is okay.

Large men don't have a problem if they are strong. Due to laws of physics and mechanical reasons short men actually find it easier. You'll find it's always the shorties with the biggest muscles for their body size and lifting the big weights in competitions. The client who picked me up last wasn't all and had been keen on gym work when he was younger. In fact when I stood next to him his eyes popped because I was taller than him. I'm 5'7" and 5'10" in heels so do tend to tower over older men as they are shorter on average to younger men due to changes in diet over the generations.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 02 October 2021, 03:47:04 pm
My post has nothing to do with a punter's physical ability to lift and/or carry me, nor whether they would have a problem doing so ('oh no, but what if the poor menz feel a bit inadequate!?' ::)) and everything to do with making me/women more vulnerable by making it more difficult for us to move freely and retain full control of the situation.

I am not interested in their height, muscles or anything else; this is not dating, and I am interested in my safety and my bank account. And again, I am not a toy for them to toss around the place.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 07 October 2021, 11:18:55 pm
Trying the old "Oh I thought my time started when we got on the bed"
Only books 30 mins and wants a drink/chat/bit of a tease and a shower before that which uses up about 20 mins!
I pointed out that maybe he needs to book longer but he just plays dumb .
I feel like asking him, "so do you think guys who book an hour actually get an hour and 15 mins?
Any one else get guys like this and how do you handle them?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 08 October 2021, 02:21:07 am
Block and forget. Once you've enabled overstaying they get too comfortable conning you.

When you start to correct their  time sucking it sours the rather not be exposed to that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 08 October 2021, 07:53:39 am
When they come in take a shower and dont seem to understand their booking time starts from when they walked in the door not after they have dried themselves !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 08 October 2021, 09:52:39 am
Trying the old "Oh I thought my time started when we got on the bed"
Only books 30 mins and wants a drink/chat/bit of a tease and a shower before that which uses up about 20 mins!
I pointed out that maybe he needs to book longer but he just plays dumb .
Pisses me off as its not like he's a great regular, maybe 3 or 4 times a year!?  So just fucking tight!
I feel like asking him, "so do you think guys who book an hour actually get an hour and 15 mins?
Any one else get guys like this and how do you handle them?

Fast forward to the action bit, cut out the part he doesn't include.

If someone wants half an hour, then there is not any time for the drink, chat, tease.

Also learned to broach the issue directly, no suggestions simple "Just so you are aware I need to stick to the booked time, I have to be/need to be saying goodbye just after the half-hour mark". I would have said it when he was leaving in this instance, but since he has gone I would now mention it when he gets in touch for the next booking - be upfront. He then has a choice, do be prepared for "I thought we were friends/cannot afford to book longer/like the chat-tease-etc". Some will adjust and be respectful, some may have a little complain, or bit of a reaction.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 08 October 2021, 02:31:04 pm
Not knowing the words 'please' and 'thank you' exist.
When they book like this I shut off and say I'm busy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miffy on 08 October 2021, 03:09:47 pm
Not knowing the words 'please' and 'thank you' exist.
When they book like this I shut off and say I'm busy.

I hear you! Good manners cost nothing and never fail to catch my attention.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missizzy on 08 October 2021, 03:13:44 pm
Don't you find though, that massively overpolite customers are the ones who turn creepiest after a bit?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miffy on 08 October 2021, 03:26:53 pm
No, can't say I have ever had anyone be overly polite. However, I do find those who refer to themselves as a 'gentleman' or a 'gent' to be utter arseholes. (Weirdly, only those I met from AW referred to themselves in this way.)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missizzy on 08 October 2021, 03:30:14 pm
They were exactly the type I'm referring to Miffy. "Gentlemen"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 08 October 2021, 03:55:18 pm
Miffy  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 08 October 2021, 08:03:01 pm
When they come in take a shower and dont seem to understand their booking time starts from when they walked in the door not after they have dried themselves !

Heavens yes, this absolutely slays me🙄. Or when I say 20 minutes in, “We’ve got about 10 minutes left.” & they act like I’m cheating them of their time. Puh-leese. You want to take your time, book a goddamn hour. Is 30 minutes different on your planet🌎?🤷🏼‍♀️
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 09 October 2021, 12:49:30 pm
Fast forward to the action bit, cut out the part he doesn't include.

If someone wants half an hour, then there is not any time for the drink, chat, tease.

Yes Mirror I've already mentioned making a longer booking which seemed to fall on deaf ears so as you suggest, I'm going to have to cut down on the frills and move it along at my pace. I wonder how long it will be before I get the whining about being rushed!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 09 October 2021, 12:57:25 pm
Heavens yes, this absolutely slays me🙄. Or when I say 20 minutes in, “We’ve got about 10 minutes left.” & they act like I’m cheating them of their time. Puh-leese. You want to take your time, book a goddamn hour. Is 30 minutes different on your planet🌎?🤷🏼‍♀️

Haha totally Celeste, had a guy the other day about 23 mins into a 30 min booking wanting to slow things down a bit!?
I'll have to use that " Is 30 mins different on your planet"   ;D  Love it!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 12 October 2021, 10:51:02 am
Had one the other week for 30 mins. He took nearly 10 mins in the shower then came into the bedroom, so I started kissing and giving him oral.

He then stopped me quickly and went to give me oral for ages (and turned out to be the rest of the session), as if he had all the time in the world. I then had to tell him we were running out of time unless he wanted to extend. He said he didn't have the cash so up I got and out he went  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 12 October 2021, 07:28:52 pm
No, can't say I have ever had anyone be overly polite. However, I do find those who refer to themselves as a 'gentleman' or a 'gent' to be utter arseholes. (Weirdly, only those I met from AW referred to themselves in this way.)

Absolutely true and they are condescending pricks.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miffy on 18 October 2021, 06:11:48 pm
Client changing location of our meeting to his home. No, I do not do that, something I was very clear about before I confirmed his booking/took his deposit.

Why do some aways think we'll make an exception for them?  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 19 October 2021, 05:39:44 pm
Why is it they go on about wanting to see you but ignore you if you do not reply straightaway , I had one message today and was in two minds if to see him as he was not the criteria I go for plus I had other things on although replied his first message and just because I wasn’t quick he ignored me , just told him forget seeing me and blocked , do this men think we do not have a life or see other punters ? In between their emails .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 19 October 2021, 05:50:52 pm
Is it only me or anyone else get cheapskates moaning about other women charging a high amount for services ?  I say good luck if they do if they can get it , this one today wanted a extra which I charge more and he was too tight to pay it , I wouldn’t have told him to come if knew who he was I did him twice at my old address and didn’t recognise as he lost weight ,  and last visit years back I didn’t want to see him again as he used to book a hour then change it to half , when he mentioned something it clicked who he was and I thought I wasn’t letting him take piss today with turning someone else down for him , I am not giving them joblot when they not regular or refuse pay extras thinking I am so desperate days being soft are done  .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 19 October 2021, 08:48:11 pm
If they start talking about other sex workers in any context (bar the odd brief mention) I change the subject the first time, then tell them outright to pack it in if they keep it up. It's rude and inappropriate, and also a bit weird - they're paying a fair amount of money to be there so why are they thinking/talking about somebody else?

If they're very indiscreet (and I've been told what they think are other women's legal first names, where they work and all sorts) then they're blocked as soon as they've left. I don't want to be their next conversation topic, even if there isn't much I can do about it  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mimi_ on 19 October 2021, 09:53:48 pm
Today has been an absolute joke. I'm not superstitious but I wasn't remotely surprised when I did the "when is the full moon" google - it's like they all lose the tiny bit of sense left in them, every single time. Had my first look and go for yonks today, then someone with absolutely zero common sense, who I'm pretty sure is now texting me from a different number. Lawdamercy.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lady Frog on 20 October 2021, 02:01:11 pm
If they start talking about other sex workers in any context

Thankfully I don't really get this, but when I hear/read other workers complaining that their clients have been slagging off other workers at length, it makes me think, well, most likely you have been letting/encouraging him  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lady Frog on 20 October 2021, 02:07:01 pm
Plus clients who enjoy discussing sex workers, (not just their own sexual experiences but the way in which we work) are usually the  ones who secretly consider themselves experts on the sex industry and want us to hang on to every word they say because they think they are sharing golden nuggets with us. At worst this is very condescending (feels sexist as well cos I am always a female receiving it from a male?) and at best it makes me want to yawwwwwwwwwwwn
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 23 October 2021, 11:51:47 pm
Turn up unannounced!!!!!!!  :FF :FF :FF :FF

I've had several months away from work because of health issues. When I finally turned my work phone on I had a bunch of texts from a regular over the course of the time I'd been away. As it was so long since his last text, I had no idea if it would be discreet for him if I responded. So I didn't reply. Because I give a shit about discretion.  Fast forward a few weeks and I get a knock at the door one night. I open it to find said regular standing outside. He starts asking where I've been, how come I didn't reply, shall he come in? Said as he's inching in and I have to shut the door almost fully on him and say no I have family in the other fucking room!!!

Still mad about this weeks later.  :FF :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 24 October 2021, 05:56:21 am
Turn up unannounced!!!!!!!  :FF :FF :FF :FF

I've had several months away from work because of health issues. When I finally turned my work phone on I had a bunch of texts from a regular over the course of the time I'd been away. As it was so long since his last text, I had no idea if it would be discreet for him if I responded. So I didn't reply. Because I give a shit about discretion.  Fast forward a few weeks and I get a knock at the door one night. I open it to find said regular standing outside. He starts asking where I've been, how come I didn't reply, shall he come in? Said as he's inching in and I have to shut the door almost fully on him and say no I have family in the other fucking room!!!

Still mad about this weeks later.  :FF :FF :FF

This awful, I am mad for you! Had something similar a couple of times years ago, not regulars as such - repeat bookers who lost my number.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 24 October 2021, 08:23:14 am
This awful, I am mad for you! Had something similar a couple of times years ago, not regulars as such - repeat bookers who lost my number.

Yes I've had it too.
 I swear some of them think we spend our lives entirely alone, no family or friends, just waiting on their calls because clearly we love sex so much that that's all we have in our minds and lives!
Fact is they are thinking with what's between their legs!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 30 October 2021, 09:06:34 pm
Say how they like to take things slow …. In a half hour booking. ??? Huh
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 31 October 2021, 02:16:53 am
Say how they like to take things slow …. In a half hour booking. ??? Huh

Eve, I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard that with the GD 1/2 hour appts🪓🪓🪓.

I look at them & say, “Is 30 minutes a different time frame on your planet🌎?”

Works beautifully.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 08 November 2021, 01:55:26 pm
Having way too high expectations of you in the booking. Like you met on a dating site or something - not being mindful of the fact that you’re a service provider and you don’t want your bloody ear, back and neck licked or pressure to cum! Or your nipples and boobs constantly pawed at. Or wanting penetration for very long periods of time. I’m getting exhausted. These guys are hard work these days. It’s wearing me out. Think I’m getting a slight case of burnout!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mimi_ on 08 November 2021, 07:43:13 pm
Having way too high expectations of you in the booking. Like you met on a dating site or something - not being mindful of the fact that you’re a service provider and you don’t want your bloody ear, back and neck licked or pressure to cum! Or your nipples and boobs constantly pawed at. Or wanting penetration for very long periods of time. I’m getting exhausted. These guys are hard work these days. It’s wearing me out. Think I’m getting a slight case of burnout!

Take care of yourself Clarabella. Add a tab to your profile along the lines of, "What I enjoy in a booking" or "Services" and describe your ideal booking, honestly. Mine is very unsexy and I talk about enjoying a laugh with my clients - but it works! I also use that opportunity to restate that I don't offer CIM or DFK (In a nice way). Have a look at your enjoys list and be honest with yourself. If there's anything you want to remove, do it! Also if you hate long bookings, stop them for now - and look at your rates.

I recently withdrew some services and upped my prices at the same time and it's not had any negative effect. Well except for the usual oddballs who can't read!!  ;) x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mimi_ on 08 November 2021, 07:50:04 pm
Being too bloody intense!!! Kinell, it was only a 30 minute but every time I said something he just sort of half smiled and stared at me. I had to wonder whether he was partially deaf but nope - he just seemed to think I had the gift of telepathy. About 5 mins towards the end of our time (which was probably about 30 mins in, in reality) he hadn't completed. I asked him how he wanted to finish and he did the staring and said oh it's ok, I just want to cuddle. Fair enough! Time up (35 mins) I said ok, our time has finished and he just stared at me looking really surprised! I'd just sat there for the best part of 10 minutes listening to him talking absolute balls and he then asks me to finish him off by hand. Hahaha, no, I think not mate. Saved as "only if desperate"  ::) ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 09 November 2021, 11:21:13 am
Being too bloody intense!!! Kinell, it was only a 30 minute but every time I said something he just sort of half smiled and stared at me. I had to wonder whether he was partially deaf but nope - he just seemed to think I had the gift of telepathy. About 5 mins towards the end of our time (which was probably about 30 mins in, in reality) he hadn't completed. I asked him how he wanted to finish and he did the staring and said oh it's ok, I just want to cuddle. Fair enough! Time up (35 mins) I said ok, our time has finished and he just stared at me looking really surprised! I'd just sat there for the best part of 10 minutes listening to him talking absolute balls and he then asks me to finish him off by hand. Hahaha, no, I think not mate. Saved as "only if desperate"  ::) ;D

Jeez you have more patience than me, he'd have been blocked the minute he was out the door as a never again!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: mimi_ on 09 November 2021, 02:37:36 pm
Jeez you have more patience than me, he'd have been blocked the minute he was out the door as a never again!  ;D

Haha, I mean I'd have to be down to my last 50p so he is highly unlikely to be revisting! His comms were excellent though (until he arrived) so it just goes to show how they can sometimes slip through the net  :o ...he was actually really respectful when I declined his request, just got up and dressed. It was an awkward couple of minutes of me filling the silence with small talk but he didn't actually do anything disrespectful...I just wouldn't prioritise him in future and don't think he's make that mistake twice (expensive wank!!) xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 09 November 2021, 08:19:58 pm
Having my lady parts licked and slurped at like a buffalo drinking from a waterhole.

Makes me wish I was dead.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 09 November 2021, 09:11:08 pm
Having my lady parts licked and slurped at like a buffalo drinking from a waterhole.

Makes me wish I was dead.  :FF

Haha I can identify with this
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 11 November 2021, 03:19:48 pm
Appalling spelling.

Not to sound judgemental but when somebody messages you and spells in fact as infacked and then enuff, that for me is enough to bin them.

He didn't sound like my kind of client on the phone either so glad I got rid.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 11 November 2021, 03:21:31 pm
Haha I can identify with this

The only good thing about receiving oral for me is that it passes the time on  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: washingline on 13 November 2021, 09:59:49 am
Appalling spelling.

Not to sound judgemental but when somebody messages you and spells in fact as infacked and then enuff, that for me is enough to bin them.

He didn't sound like my kind of client on the phone either so glad I got rid.
Yu did rite. I wood ave az wel  :)
Thay knead too lern how too spel  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 14 November 2021, 06:33:25 pm
Tongueing my ear  :-X
I've had a couple of these in the last week alone.

Do any of you find it a turn on to have someone's tongue basically fucking your ear lobe?  ???

My Client last night claimed most other women like it and I was being unreasonable to object  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Northwestraven on 14 November 2021, 08:10:36 pm
I had 2 clients in 1 day who wanted to know every lingerie set I have, describe them and send pics so they could choose what they wanted me to wear, both are regulars so I knew they would show but pisses me off especially when it’s for a 15 minute booking, even more so when they strip you with in a minute!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 14 November 2021, 10:47:12 pm
Do any of you find it a turn on to have someone's tongue basically fucking your ear lobe?  ???

My Client last night claimed most other women like it and I was being unreasonable to object  :-\

So unreasonable to state what you dislike.  ::)

I hate it. Had a reg do it recently and it was an immediate cringe before pulling away.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 16 November 2021, 05:37:53 pm
I had 2 clients in 1 day who wanted to know every lingerie set I have, describe them and send pics so they could choose what they wanted me to wear, both are regulars so I knew they would show but pisses me off especially when it’s for a 15 minute booking, even more so when they strip you with in a minute!

That is totally taking the piss! Entitled pricks!
Way too high maintenance for me, they'd have been ex clients.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 17 November 2021, 08:27:58 am
I had 2 clients in 1 day who wanted to know every lingerie set I have, describe them and send pics so they could choose what they wanted me to wear, both are regulars so I knew they would show but pisses me off especially when it’s for a 15 minute booking, even more so when they strip you with in a minute!

I'd tell them where to go
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Supergirl on 17 November 2021, 01:31:06 pm
Oh god I've got this regular who has recently developed a fascination for making me squirt. He hasn't come anywhere near even making me cum so this is never going to happen. His idea of foreplay is vigorously rubbing my outer labia for 30 seconds.

Make me squirt? In 4 years of meets he's not found my clitoris 🤣🤣
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Pinky123 on 17 November 2021, 07:43:59 pm
Here are my top peeves!

1- Getting out the shower, not drying properly and getting on the bed soaking wet

2- Bad kissing. It makes my skin crawl and I will block soley based on this

3- Too romantic?! Some clients are so old fashioned and act like we're teenagers on a date, like I'm a China doll

4- Too deep tongue. I once had a guy put his tongue so far in my mouth I actually retched lol he stopped immediately

5- Not able to understand subtle cues. Like if I'm really not enjoying something and it's blatantly obvious they just look at me with a dumb smile and carry on. No self awareness at all
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 25 November 2021, 05:17:35 pm
Booking 15 minutes and expecting a shower.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 26 November 2021, 11:03:25 pm
Had a text (I say all new clients must phone)
Hi as I am 70 can I text (ignored)

Its about seeing you (ignored)

Ok I can see you've read my message if you don't want to know just say but I have seen others from AW (was actually with another client at the time)
2 mins later...
No respect for the elderly shame on you, you lost out on a lot of money

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 26 November 2021, 11:08:31 pm
Fuck off with the bedtime boogie routine when I’m trying to keep your dick in my mouth 😩
Seriously. No wonder you have a sad look of ‘oh I didn’t cum though’ when you’ve been bouncing around for half hour and I can’t get any rhythm going ffs
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KirstyKiss on 27 November 2021, 12:22:05 am
Ask for a shower after the booking when they never showered before  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 27 November 2021, 09:05:41 am
Digging and running their nails down your skin! Like it’s something erotic or something. They’re never gentle about it either, not one of them. It really, really hurts.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 27 November 2021, 09:23:55 am
Fuck off with the bedtime boogie routine when I’m trying to keep your dick in my mouth 😩
Seriously. No wonder you have a sad look of ‘oh I didn’t cum though’ when you’ve been bouncing around for half hour and I can’t get any rhythm going ffs

Haha totally! I had a bloke knee me in the face because he couldn't stay even remotely still!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 27 November 2021, 09:32:55 am
Made a remark to my neighbour.. that not being bad enough he then never told me about it so was totally blindsided when my neighbour questioned me about it.
Had saw him several times but was blocked instantly after that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 27 November 2021, 10:16:03 am
Made a remark to my neighbour.. that not being bad enough he then never told me about it so was totally blindsided when my neighbour questioned me about it.
Had saw him several times but was blocked instantly after that.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 27 November 2021, 12:50:06 pm
Ask for a shower after the booking when they never showered before  ::)

Yes, it is difficult not to feel a little insulted by that (even though I can understand the circumstances in which it might make perfect sense).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 27 November 2021, 05:32:37 pm
Fail to follow simple bloody instructions
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 28 November 2021, 06:00:22 pm
Thinking they can get extra time for free.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 28 November 2021, 09:46:26 pm
Ask for a shower after the booking when they never showered before  ::)

Hm, don't care about being fresh for us but don't want to go back home/work smelling of pu@@y
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 03 December 2021, 09:38:35 pm
Asking for fuck buddy status lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: honeyangel on 03 December 2021, 11:15:08 pm
STOP taking a dump in the toilet I find it so rude & it stinks. Especially annoying when you have back to back bookings!  :'(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lady Frog on 04 December 2021, 01:37:33 am
Hm, don't care about being fresh for us but don't want to go back home/work smelling of pu@@y

Maybe I shouldn't jinx it but I seem to get the opposite. Vast majority of my clients have great hygiene and happy to freshen up on arrival. But so many don't want to shower after and prefer to go home with their mouth/dick/finger covered in pussy  :-X :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 04 December 2021, 03:02:51 am
Maybe I shouldn't jinx it but I seem to get the opposite. Vast majority of my clients have great hygiene and happy to freshen up on arrival. But so many don't want to shower after and prefer to go home with their mouth/dick/finger covered in pussy  :-X :-\

I agree mine too. I've always got hand sanitizer on offer pre-covid, right by where they sit, free to use, but they ignore it. I think they like the sweet juices as a reminder.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 04 December 2021, 09:58:42 am
STOP taking a dump in the toilet I find it so rude & it stinks. Especially annoying when you have back to back bookings!  :'(

Eww gross.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 17 December 2021, 09:09:50 am
When they take a shower and mess with my temperature settings on the shower  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 17 December 2021, 03:45:20 pm
One time clients expecting you to remember them and suddenly escort just for them despite giving up and just doing phone chat in a completely different  location no where near them

I just dont find *stupid men  a turn on ever  *
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missizzy on 17 December 2021, 08:17:28 pm
Smoking half a packet of your fags then walking off with your only working lighter  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 18 December 2021, 09:13:43 am
There's one I did other day and will never entertain again though a good payer , he left and a fee hours later started bombarding me with unwanted text , then started wanting wankchat which I don't offer , I was tired as it was late and told him that I see him the next day as he asked me to do a outcall to his home , just because I wouldn't give him a bit of text to get him off , the next day I messaged him he lied saying he had lots of work on , his now blocked,  hate doing older men anyway they always end up stubborn and awkward so he can fuck himself off to someone else .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 18 December 2021, 02:10:27 pm
When you’ve seen someone ONE TIME, 2 years ago & they expect you to recall them & what you did to recreate it (it was a perfectly ordinary session🙄.)

“Jim? From Pittsburgh? You said you had a really good time?”


“We can just do what we did before.”

You are going to have to throw me a bone🦴here, JIM.😡
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 18 December 2021, 03:20:09 pm
It amazes me that they think  escorts are going to remember them !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cass on 18 December 2021, 04:31:41 pm
When you’ve seen someone ONE TIME, 2 years ago & they expect you to recall them & what you did to recreate it (it was a perfectly ordinary session🙄.)

I had one recently who said "You suggested something when I was here last time that I'd enjoy, what was that again?" when I've seen him once before and that was years ago. If you can't remember yourself mate I definitely can't!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nonsugar on 18 December 2021, 08:42:13 pm
Getting a booking from a client that was claiming he saw me a few years ago (even told me a wrong address where I never lived before) claiming that he was missing me and insisted that I should remember him and give him a discount even as we got along so well in the past!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 19 December 2021, 10:28:51 am
Getting a booking from a client that was claiming he saw me a few years ago (even told me a wrong address where I never lived before) claiming that he was missing me and insisted that I should remember him and give him a discount even as we got along so well in the past!

 :o :o :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 19 December 2021, 09:15:10 pm
Clients coming out the woodwork at xmas emailing this weekend knowing full well I'm not working any longer  previous to that not even getting in touch when I did escort  then sending messages on aw saying they will miss seeing me .. are they having a laugh ?!
They only saw me once they were hardly regulars visiting .just regular messaging maybe they thought that made them regulars in their minds  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 19 December 2021, 10:23:54 pm
Lol 😆
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 20 December 2021, 09:18:58 am
I’ve been off this weekend and took my number off AW. Turned my phone on this morning to this charmer!

Are you available for Incall

Are you available for Incall

You available for Incall beautiful sort it out love

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KirstyKiss on 21 December 2021, 10:44:25 am
When you have in big bold letters at the top of your profile 'Off Now for Christmas' and they are STILL emailing you asking for bookings!  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: denise96 on 21 December 2021, 05:31:24 pm
Oh, just had an inquiry from this guy asking if I am clean down there because sometimes smelly pussy kills the mood! I was oh my God, I've replied saying yes I am I get tested every 2 months, are you clean for owo and get tested? 
Never answer my question and kept asking if i have mouthwash because it's very important for him! Ffs  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miffy on 21 December 2021, 06:23:08 pm
Not a trick question but why would you even respond to someone like this?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 22 December 2021, 11:48:05 am
Saw a youngish client a year ago, he was extremely smelly, stank my bedroom out with BO, I should have told him to shower. Last night he texts, number wasn't saved in my work phone as previously used personal phone. I asked who he was so I could make sure I hadn't previously blocked him. One message in I remembered. When he saw me last year he negatively made comments about my wobbly bits due to losing half my body weight, and despite me keeping my Basque on to cover my belly as I'm self conscious. He again, in the text last night made comments about my body shape and size (I will add he was rather overweight himself when I saw him) but added he didn't mind that I had loose skin. In the 13 months I've been working I have never had a client comment negatively on my looks, body or size, I'm a size 12, in fact I get loads of compliments for being a milf with killer curves. I politely declined smelly man last night, don't know if he has aspergers or tourette's or whatever but I'm not in the mood for dickheads making me feel self conscious.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 26 December 2021, 12:54:12 pm
No ..and your not paid to be insulted
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 30 December 2021, 07:21:56 pm
I know this will have been mentioned before.
But them chewing gum! Didn’t notice till I felt it in my mouth  :-X
2nd one this month, noticed the first time and handed a tissue but seriously?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 31 December 2021, 03:41:28 pm
I know this will have been mentioned before.
But them chewing gum! Didn’t notice till I felt it in my mouth  :-X
2nd one this month, noticed the first time and handed a tissue but seriously?

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: pennypicker on 05 January 2022, 08:13:32 am
A client that has seen you once years ago. And messages you EVERY SINGLE time your in town to chat and apologise for not booking you because they are BUSY
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 05 January 2022, 11:08:13 am
Can’t quite explain why, but when they message or text and put your work name in “”
Like : hey “Eve” how are you? Etc.
Just makes me … hmmm what game is this. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milkymoo26 on 05 January 2022, 11:15:09 am
When they say "hey I've read your profile and you sound great. What time you available from?"
My profile has dates and times on there. So if they've actually "read" it, they would see! Boils my blood. BLOCKED :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 05 January 2022, 08:07:23 pm
Can’t quite explain why, but when they message or text and put your work name in “”
Like : hey “Eve” how are you? Etc.
Just makes me … hmmm what game is this. 🤷🏻‍♀️

So funny, I'm the opposite.
I take them more seriously when they address me by my name.
I think it's good manners.

But then I'm a bit of a Victorian with formality.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 05 January 2022, 08:16:27 pm
So funny, I'm the opposite.
I take them more seriously when they address me by my name.
I think it's good manners.

But then I'm a bit of a Victorian with formality.

I don’t mind the name part it’s the quotations around it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 05 January 2022, 08:17:47 pm
Oh sorry I misread... I see what you mean! I never had that, gosh yeah it's emphasising it's not your real name maybe ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Curvymamma on 06 January 2022, 08:31:32 am
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but when clients shorten my name it really annoys me (even though it's not my real name!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 07 January 2022, 01:13:54 pm
When clients get my fake name wrong lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 08 January 2022, 06:50:38 am
During a text exchange with a longterm Client, I mistakenly signed off with my old Escort name. He's over the moon, thinking he's discovered my real name (always digging) and insists on using both Escort and "real name" in every exchange, separated with a forward slash  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 08 January 2022, 07:47:39 am
I never understand why some guys seem so obsessed about finding out our real name. If they keep asking I will never tell them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 08 January 2022, 02:30:07 pm
During a text exchange with a longterm Client, I mistakenly signed off with my old Escort name. He's over the moon, thinking he's discovered my real name (always digging) and insists on using both Escort and "real name" in every exchange, separated with a forward slash  ;D

Lol that's quite funny
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 08 January 2022, 04:22:35 pm
I had the oddest thing Thursday. Well I dunno, it’s happened before but this just struck me wrong, smh. So he gets here, we do my little chit chat,💲, hand wash, bedroom.

He says, “What’s your name?”

Now usually when they ask that, they’re angling for your real name. He actually had NO IDEA what my name was🤦🏼‍♀️. I said well …. ummm. You went to my website, right? He did. It’s on every page📄, Bob. He’s not old, doesn’t seem the forgetful type….he just probably texted too many of us.

I don’t tell him ~ I say I’m not going to. If you went through all this effort to see me, the screening, the drive over here, getting the💲together, you can surely find my name?

He’s completely flummoxed.

I never did answer him lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 09 January 2022, 04:34:06 pm
When clients get my fake name wrong lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 10 January 2022, 07:55:07 am
I've had wannabes on the internet try digging for my name as well as clients. One wanted to know my full name so I told him I don't go by anything else but told him the name I use just to keep online sites happy. I've also had wannabes then try and pull the dodge of asking if they could name me. Like, what? One actually admitted later he was being a dick. I'm not doing that again and then next one who tries it gets binned because none of them have ever turned into a paying client. Nor am I ever going to tell a client my star sign. From now on they get a fake star sign. I had one late last year who began digging for the month then the birth. Oh no you don't!

I think a lot of these types have spent too long lurking cam sites with free viewing options and taken advantage of new to the game performers and have accumulated all sorts of abusive habits.

I hate clients whose only or majority previous experience has been online because they bring too many bad habits into the room. I find you can just tell because their brains are in lazy cock in hand ordering you around like a robot mode. The other clients I'm leery of are the ones whose only previous experience is whacking off to porn. I find they tend never to call again which is probably for the best but I may just block them in future because they're not worth the mental damage.

I find the system is full of fishing expeditions and poor training and other weird problems like you get with difficult clients which makes me wonder what state some men's brains are in even when they have job titles and a duty of care.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 10 January 2022, 08:40:37 am
I never understand why some guys seem so obsessed about finding out our real name. If they keep asking I will never tell them.

Funny story ... I was out last night with a friend and called a taxi. I gave my real name cos - one - I wasn't working and two my friend has no idea what I do. Taxi came and I said taxi for (real name) and the driver said yes. Half way home, I clocked the driver was one of my favourite regulars  :o who dropped me off outside my house. He knows where I live anyway as I work from home and then he took my friend home.
It really tickled me once I got over the initial shock, so I ended up texting my reg to thank him for taking me home and said I hoped my friend tipped him well. He replied saying no worries, so it was definitely him. Hilarious  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 10 January 2022, 12:46:25 pm
I had an enquiry for a Friday mid morning a few months back but I had contractors coming that morning so whilst I said I was available that day I didn't know FROM what time. Him - of that's ok I don't mind seeing you whilst you have contractors there. Me - you might not but my discretion is important. I'm declining your booking!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 11 January 2022, 03:43:05 pm
Like Tickle, I have a fake star sign  8)
One of my clients was born on the same day as me, but there is no way I would ever tell him that! He is the type who wants to 'be my boyfriend/let's get married' though. I don't think I would be as bothered if he was a busy married man with far too much else to think about.
I only tell clients about my pets if it becomes unavoidable (due to needing to rearrange a meeting/get home sooner etc) and even then I tell them a different breed entirely  8)

The less that random - potentially dangerous blokes - know about my real life the better.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 11 January 2022, 04:14:11 pm
I had an enquiry for a Friday mid morning a few months back but I had contractors coming that morning so whilst I said I was available that day I didn't know FROM what time. Him - of that's ok I don't mind seeing you whilst you have contractors there. Me - you might not but my discretion is important. I'm declining your booking!

I’ve had to push back meetings a few times bc of toilet/shower🚰🚽🚿issues in the hotels that maintenance needs to look at, & these men😡🤦🏼‍♀️ :FF are literally saying, “I don’t care if you’ve showered.” OR, I had 1 tell me it was FINE if someone else was there!!! Men are just getting weirder I swear.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 11 January 2022, 04:18:41 pm
I’ve had to push back meetings a few times bc of toilet/shower🚰🚽🚿issues in the hotels that maintenance needs to look at, & these men😡🤦🏼‍♀️ :FF are literally saying, “I don’t care if you’ve showered.” OR, I had 1 tell me it was FINE if someone else was there!!! Men are just getting weirder I swear.

Glad I'm not the only one lol, some of them don't even realise what they've just said  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 14 January 2022, 11:48:14 am
You know what, when they brag about being rich and having so much money, big houses and a swimming pool, and then don’t tip… I find it rude tbh, big arrogant knobheads.
If you’re gonna be so flipping patronising at least chuck me a £20 for the pain my tongues gonna be in from biting it so hard 😑

The particular dick who’s brought this annoyance to the surface was the 59min59second type and didn’t want to extend the time when I was sat smiling saying sorry times up, and he was begging for 2more minutes please, go on..

Gross. Rude. Tight fists wankheads.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Curvymamma on 14 January 2022, 02:34:25 pm
When clients shorten my work name, it really annoys me (even though it's not my real name!!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 14 January 2022, 03:02:27 pm
You know what, when they brag about being rich and having so much money, big houses and a swimming pool, and then don’t tip… I find it rude tbh, big arrogant knobheads.
If you’re gonna be so flipping patronising at least chuck me a £20 for the pain my tongues gonna be in from biting it so hard 😑

The particular dick who’s brought this annoyance to the surface was the 59min59second type and didn’t want to extend the time when I was sat smiling saying sorry times up, and he was begging for 2more minutes please, go on..

Gross. Rude. Tight fists wankheads.

This makes me nuts🔩. You’re a CFO👨🏼‍💼& make bags of $$? But can’t toss me a $50 tip? Fuck off. I understand tips are voluntary & you do it if you’re pleased with my service & blah blah this, that & the other BUT GODDAMN. I gave you a blowjob for 45 minutes straight. Show. Your. Appreciation.😡
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 14 January 2022, 03:04:28 pm
When clients shorten my work name, it really annoys me (even though it's not my real name!!)

Me too  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lillyx on 15 January 2022, 12:02:14 am
Funny story ... I was out last night with a friend and called a taxi. I gave my real name cos - one - I wasn't working and two my friend has no idea what I do. Taxi came and I said taxi for (real name) and the driver said yes. Half way home, I clocked the driver was one of my favourite regulars  :o who dropped me off outside my house. He knows where I live anyway as I work from home and then he took my friend home.
It really tickled me once I got over the initial shock, so I ended up texting my reg to thank him for taking me home and said I hoped my friend tipped him well. He replied saying no worries, so it was definitely him. Hilarious  ;D

Haha this is hilarious! Out of all the taxi drivers you could have gotten ;) That was good of him to not mention the name thing! It's obvious you have a work name! And he could have started acting weird which your friend would have picked up on aha x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lillyx on 15 January 2022, 12:07:48 am
You know what, when they brag about being rich and having so much money, big houses and a swimming pool, and then don’t tip… I find it rude tbh, big arrogant knobheads.
If you’re gonna be so flipping patronising at least chuck me a £20 for the pain my tongues gonna be in from biting it so hard 😑

The particular dick who’s brought this annoyance to the surface was the 59min59second type and didn’t want to extend the time when I was sat smiling saying sorry times up, and he was begging for 2more minutes please, go on..

Gross. Rude. Tight fists wankheads.

Omg I know! So many arrogant ones trying to make themselves look good, which ends up having the opposite effect!

Then they try and extend the time, without paying... um if you're that rich, you shouldn't have to think twice about it ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: seachild on 15 January 2022, 01:22:11 am
When clients shorten my work name, it really annoys me (even though it's not my real name!!)

Or when clients insist on knowing your real name, because they want to know "the real you". I obliviously have a "backup" name that sounds more girl next doorish than my escort name in case anyone keeps asking and then they are pleased. It's ridiculous how hearing a second fake name makes them happy  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 15 January 2022, 09:45:12 am
Haha this is hilarious! Out of all the taxi drivers you could have gotten ;) That was good of him to not mention the name thing! It's obvious you have a work name! And he could have started acting weird which your friend would have picked up on aha x

I know lol, he's a star, bless him  ;D

My friend who I've since seen again had absolutely no clue, so it's all good.

I didn't know my reg was a taxi driver anyway, so in a way that made it funnier lol.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Maz on 19 January 2022, 09:34:15 pm
Requesting an evening booking at the last minute. Most likely because they've been let down by someone else  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 19 January 2022, 10:51:02 pm
Clients that hate when they have handed the money over and you count it in front of them.

Not many have a issue with this and understand this is a business transaction but the very small amount that do hate it are the ones that have issues with having to pay for it.

They are in denial and believe we should just trust them!! Nope i have caught several out underpaying by counting.

Funny how they have no problem with a supermarket or restaurant counting the money but seem to think it's bad of us to do it. Only had this a couple of times and i can tell  straight away those ones have resentment for sex workers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Curvymamma on 20 January 2022, 06:54:57 am
I have a couple of clients that always seem to wear brand new cheap socks when they see me, as every time they leave a trail in my bathroom of black "sock fluff"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 20 January 2022, 08:18:18 am
I have a couple of clients that always seem to wear brand new cheap socks when they see me, as every time they leave a trail in my bathroom of black "sock fluff"

I hate this, too! Mind you, plenty comes off my own socks which were not cheap  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 20 January 2022, 09:19:41 am
I have a couple of clients that always seem to wear brand new cheap socks when they see me, as every time they leave a trail in my bathroom of black "sock fluff"

Christmas effect, people think it's nice to wear new socks but they leave a fluff trail. Never noticed the sock brand, I just know it occurs around the same time each year.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 20 January 2022, 01:25:46 pm
Regular texting 'looking forward to seeing you soon' and 'are you in your flat now?' without booking  since November. It's Dawning on me its one of those ,' 'are you dead yet?' communications.

I just texted him that I don't like texts and am turning off the facility on my phone. Like shit....or get off the pot dude cause I'm totally not interested now. I don't let newbies do this and not having it from a reg.

Update:Whoops 5 mins later he apologised, saying he agrees it's unfair on me. he's hanging on by a thin thread today.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 24 January 2022, 09:13:04 pm
I have a couple of clients that always seem to wear brand new cheap socks when they see me, as every time they leave a trail in my bathroom of black "sock fluff"

I had this the other day and I hate it  :FF. Now I just wipe their feet with baby wipes incorporate it with the sensual touch before getting to the f.u.c.k.i.n.g.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 25 January 2022, 02:19:00 am
Very annoying things clients do in my opinion :

-when the guy arrives 20min before the agreed time and asks if he can come earlier, I hate when clients think we are sitting here waiting for them lol

-when someone wants a 1h booking and then « changes his mind » and says he wants to stay only 30min but then end up staying the whole hour but paying only the fees for 30min (overall people who think they can stay longer without paying)

-uncircumcised guys who don’t pull down their foreskin when they take shower (the smell is horrendous sometimes)

-people who go into the bathroom with their shoes on and end up leaving muddy marks on the feet towel (some people are seriously very disrespectful)

-people who ask you out for dinner (obviously for free) because they had a good time and now think you’re their friends
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 28 January 2022, 06:52:33 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 01 February 2022, 01:54:40 pm
Turning up 30 mins early expecting to be seen.. Lots of my clients been doing this recently.. so annoying.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 01 February 2022, 02:59:24 pm
Turning up 30 mins early expecting to be seen.. Lots of my clients been doing this recently.. so annoying.

If I'm ready I don't mind 10-15 minutes early but yeah 30 mins is taking the piss
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 01 February 2022, 07:29:07 pm
If I'm ready I don't mind 10-15 minutes early but yeah 30 mins is taking the piss

I agree the 30mins is faak no. I am resting or doing my personal things or just eating etc I will still make them wait and if they moan well they booked for such and such a time not a time earlier.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 02 February 2022, 01:38:23 pm
Is it just me?  I get a lot of 'what services do you offer' type phone calls, which I say 'please read the profile' but then they start asking about a levels (which I rarely agree to - only with a reg), CIM etc, I just think these are phone wankers and they immediately get my back up, or should I be kinder and discuss with them? I've been caught out before discussing services only to find out they're a phone wanker after finishing the call and checking CE. What do others do when clients start asking about what's on offer?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 02 February 2022, 01:56:00 pm
Is it just me?  I get a lot of 'what services do you offer' type phone calls, which I say 'please read the profile' but then they start asking about a levels (which I rarely agree to - only with a reg), CIM etc, I just think these are phone wankers and they immediately get my back up, or should I be kinder and discuss with them? I've been caught out before discussing services only to find out they're a phone wanker after finishing the call and checking CE. What do others do when clients start asking about what's on offer?

Stick to your way of - Refer back to my profile if I provide what you are seeking call back to book - etc.

They are phone wankers no need to be nicer as the ones who will book you will have read your advertising and knows what you provide and don't plus rates and won't make it a hard hassle.

They are just dick heads.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 02 February 2022, 02:16:18 pm
When you state no text on your ad
and they ignore  and still  text anyway , a lot are tws or never ring to book .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 02 February 2022, 02:39:13 pm
New inquiry asks if I will be feminine. What? So I tell him I have a pair of boobs and look as good when I visit the shops as I do in my photographs. He backpedals saying he didn't mean that. He said he meant he wanted to know if I would be wearing suspenders. What? Well yes and they would have been a nice pair too but he's never going to see them as it turns out.

He asked other questions too and wanted more pictures over whatsapp and wanted my post code so he could "plan how long it would take to visit me". The short version is I repeated what was in my profile and he starts going on that he will have to drive back the other way. I think he also had the cheek to ask if anyone operated in [outlying part of the city]. No. Nobody does. Oh he'd just check the journey and phone back. After this classic bottler/postcode collecter/timewaster/thrill seeker performance I said if he didn't phone back in ten minutes I'd mark him down. I'm far to kind so upgraded him from timewaster to blocked.

I cannot believe the amount of braindead BS which goes on in some people's minds at times.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 02 February 2022, 03:59:50 pm
Is it just me?  I get a lot of 'what services do you offer' type phone calls, which I say 'please read the profile' but then they start asking about a levels (which I rarely agree to - only with a reg), CIM etc, I just think these are phone wankers and they immediately get my back up, or should I be kinder and discuss with them? I've been caught out before discussing services only to find out they're a phone wanker after finishing the call and checking CE. What do others do when clients start asking about what's on offer?

This type of thing winds me up, especially when I direct them to read my profile/website, and they say something like they're not good with the internet, don't have access etc. Yet they miraculously were able to find my number? I really don't want to interact with people who can't use basic technology (unless of course there's a very good reason).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: EvelynWho on 02 February 2022, 04:10:30 pm
This type of thing winds me up, especially when I direct them to read my profile/website, and they say something like they're not good with the internet, don't have access etc. Yet they miraculously were able to find my number? I really don't want to interact with people who can't use basic technology (unless of course there's a very good reason).

Or when they say they cant read it bc they just saved your number …
Like okay, when did you save it, yesterday, last year, before I changed my rates and services or after ?? Although either way if they “can’t read it”, idk how you could expect them to read the address or a clock … Some seriously brain dead fucks about.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 02 February 2022, 05:47:59 pm
This kills me as well. “I’m old (they’re MY age FFS), IDKH to use the Internet.”

Really, I reply. What newspaper 📰 did you find my ad in then?

Stuttering ensues. My friend found it for me!!!

Then your damn friend can find my ad slash website. I have NO time or patience these days …..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 02 February 2022, 09:05:05 pm
If I have had a missed call from phone wankers (obs check every number as soon as I can) if they ring back again and start asking about services I'm like 'oh I don't discuss my services over the phone, there are professional phone wankers who phone any escort just to wank off, I'm sure you're not one of these sad creatures but I won't be discussing my services sweetie'.

Had a no show yesterday because he asked about a levels if we got on... nope my profile is clear on that, I only do it with select regs, not any dick. He obviously did a no show because I said no. Had this quite a few times now when they ask during a call and I say no, they then no show. Think I'm going to cancel them if they again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GucciGang on 02 February 2022, 10:47:17 pm
Using their spit as lube and rubbing it all over their cock when there is a choice of 4 lubes on the side. Makes me feel sick. I don’t kiss so why would I want their slimy spit inside my pussy is beyond me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 02 February 2022, 11:41:13 pm
When you state no text on your ad
and they ignore  and still  text anyway , a lot are tws or never ring to book .

I've had a guy chatting away to himself in  my blocked messages for months now...

Are you available
Would like to see you
You free
Can I see you please
Would you rather me ring you
Shall I ring
Let me know when I should ring
Do you have any availability

Rinse and repeat lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 15 February 2022, 08:44:48 am
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 15 February 2022, 11:34:44 am
Wanting wankchat after a booking then getting stroppy if I hadn't entertained them , one did this to me and I refuse to see him again
Also the ones who see you then think you dumb asking to bareback on next visit  .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 15 February 2022, 12:51:31 pm
When they keep their eyes open when kissing you.

I find it odd and irritating. Oh and sending flirty texts e.g. asking how much cock you've had today.

Both of those would give me the ick!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 16 February 2022, 12:52:08 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 16 February 2022, 01:28:11 pm
A guy I saw for the first time a couple of weeks ago, that appeared to be new to booking an escort, texting me and asking if I get regular tests (after a couple of annoying ping pong messages beforehand).

I told him that was my business, then he asked if I "thought there would be any need for him to get a subsequent check or if I do have regular, clear tests then all should be fine".

I know some girls have it on their ads (and I do get tested if I feel the need) but to me it is nothing to do with them and if they are that concerned, they should just have the tests themselves.

I would be blocking. Its disrespectful. If they're that concerned they shouldn't be seeking the service of a SW. As someone else said on here once, those sort of questions could be quite disingenuous and mean they might try BB. Would they be asking that to someone on a swinging site? I bet not. It insinuates we are not clean when actually most aex workers I know are tests regularly.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 16 February 2022, 02:22:26 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 21 February 2022, 08:19:49 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 February 2022, 09:03:09 pm
A guy I saw for the first time a couple of weeks ago, that appeared to be new to booking an escort, texting me and asking if I get regular tests (after a couple of annoying ping pong messages beforehand).

If he is that worried then he's on the wrong site.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 22 February 2022, 09:29:07 pm
When they keep their eyes open when kissing you.

That half eye open look when they are kissing you like they are blissing out on opium.

Oh well. At least one of us is enjoying it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: dazwhite on 23 February 2022, 08:31:15 pm
When clients boast about their "excellent feedback"... when I do my ratings a positive means "this booking happened and I was safe". It doesn't mean I enjoyed the time or that he was a great lover as some clients seem to think!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 23 February 2022, 08:52:02 pm
When clients boast about their "excellent feedback"... when I do my ratings a positive means "this booking happened and I was safe". It doesn't mean I enjoyed the time or that he was a great lover as some clients seem to think!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 23 February 2022, 09:53:55 pm
When clients boast about their "excellent feedback"... when I do my ratings a positive means "this booking happened and I was safe". It doesn't mean I enjoyed the time or that he was a great lover as some clients seem to think!

The best one is when they say "I'm sure ***** enjoyed the booking as much as I did"  OUCH! sorry to spoil the illusion but unless you're fit, attractive and healthy that's very unlikely.
Today I had a mouth breather who was trying to stick his tongue down my throat and hold my head in a vice like grip whilst doing it. EEEWWW sorry not happening, I now have the confidence to say no I don't enjoy/want that and move away.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 23 February 2022, 10:11:05 pm
The best one is when they say "I'm sure ***** enjoyed the booking as much as I did"  OUCH! sorry to spoil the illusion but unless you're fit, attractive and healthy that's very unlikely.
Today I had a mouth breather who was trying to stick his tongue down my throat and hold my head in a vice like grip whilst doing it. EEEWWW sorry not happening, I now have the confidence to say no I don't enjoy/want that and move away.

Urgh! Totally!

I had a tight gripper today, I hate being held especially if they're gross, smelly and unattractive.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 24 February 2022, 08:46:55 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 24 February 2022, 10:02:06 pm
When they make a booking with you and refer to it as "fun".

It might be fun for you, mate but I'll have more fun picking my toenails. Either that or spending the money they're paying me.

Lol, 'fun' gives me the ick definitely.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 25 February 2022, 08:01:42 am
When they make a booking with you and refer to it as "fun".

I've had so many dorks use the word "fun" if they don't come up with a good answer as to what they mean by "fun" very fast they get blocked.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: misscleo on 25 February 2022, 09:05:24 am
Just had a long term regular announce to me that he had been gossiping about me to another escort. Told her where i lived, where im originally from and where i used to work. Im raging at the indiscretion and putting my privacy at risk. A timely reminder to be careful what info you share with these guys.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: One More Rodeo on 25 February 2022, 10:09:49 am
Just had a long term regular announce to me that he had been gossiping about me to another escort. Told her where i lived, where im originally from and where i used to work. Im raging at the indiscretion and putting my privacy at risk. A timely reminder to be careful what info you share with these guys.

So disheartening, especially when you thought you had some basic level of trust with a regular  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Slavetolove on 25 February 2022, 11:30:11 am
I have a regular who tells me our time is “splendid” and the word really gives me the ick for some reason lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: misscleo on 25 February 2022, 11:38:18 am
So disheartening, especially when you thought you had some basic level of trust with a regular  :(

Yes exactly its the betrayal of trust for some petty gossip. I ll be keeping him at arms length on future bookings, lesson learned. :FF :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 25 February 2022, 12:12:30 pm
Just had a long term regular announce to me that he had been gossiping about me to another escort. Told her where i lived, where im originally from and where i used to work. Im raging at the indiscretion and putting my privacy at risk. A timely reminder to be careful what info you share with these guys.

I'd be blocking!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 25 February 2022, 01:36:11 pm
Just had a long term regular announce to me that he had been gossiping about me to another escort. Told her where i lived, where im originally from and where i used to work. Im raging at the indiscretion and putting my privacy at risk. A timely reminder to be careful what info you share with these guys.

That is disgusting! And then to tell you what he'd done  ???  What a complete dick!
Some of these men seem to think it's only their discretion that matters, like the a..holes on those awful review sites who think it's fine to share exact locations online.
If we wanted every Tom, Dick and Total Dick to know exactly where we lived don't they think we'd put that info out there ourselves!?   Entitled pricks.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 25 February 2022, 03:32:19 pm
Arrives 20 mins late, stinking of alcohol in the early afternoon, also stinks of BO, rough with his hands, forceful holding which I hate, left shit stains on my bedspread, almost fell down the stairs on the way out.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 25 February 2022, 03:54:49 pm
Arrives 20 mins late, stinking of alcohol in the early afternoon, also stinks of BO, rough with his hands, forceful holding which I hate, left shit stains on my bedspread, almost fell down the stairs on the way out.  :FF

OMG that sounds like a total nightmare.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 25 February 2022, 05:04:28 pm
OMG that sounds like a total nightmare.

Bloody was. Won't be returning.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 26 February 2022, 01:52:34 am
Regular client I had tagged as a five star pulled every trick in the book. Booked a time then called half an hour before to say he would be half an hour late and arrived 45 minutes late. If I was busy my fingers would be itching to block him. Then he springs on me he wanted half an hour not my standard hour. I told him he was lucky I didn't throw him out. Then he had the cheek to say he needed 20 for petrol and would I accept a lower rate. He scraped my old rate. The sex was good but he was pulling the overstay act which after him spending ages snogging and munching me I did tell him when he began getting his clothes off five minutes before his time was up. In the end he had 45 minutes at my old 30 minute rate when my standard minimum is one hour.

There's a couple of other details I'm not happy about. One of them asking me if I had a friend who would join in. After he was getting his clothes on he began boasting how he had three (civilian) women on the go. He also mentioned how he can't always orgasm when having sex but every time we have had sex he's come like a boss very quickly. That's another thing which irks me after he pulled the boundary pushing cheapskate act.

Blocked with copious notes...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 26 February 2022, 09:55:19 am
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 09 March 2022, 09:58:37 am
Some of these men's behaviour is appauling.
They are the first ones to expect privacy yet quite easily  disclose our info and overstep boundries toward us
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 12 March 2022, 12:48:45 am
Sending a ridiculous amount of emails to arrange a booking .. HIM : I love doing XYZ to you, don't you love me doing XYZ to you? 
ME : Mate I don't care, just make the booking and hand over the $
HIM : Oh I want hours with you to do XYZ,,, blah blah blah....
 25 YES 25 emails later he finally made a short booking.. Not even an hour the bloody cheapskate!   I deserved at least that for replying to all those damn emails!
I literally had to detach him from my body when his time was up and it took another 10 mins to get him dressed and out
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 12 March 2022, 12:50:45 am
Blatant attention seeking and I really don't have the will to deal with it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 12 March 2022, 08:32:28 am
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 12 March 2022, 01:32:11 pm
When they are heavyhanded touching your bits I hate and had it yesterday prising my pussy apart hard like  it's a slab of meat I can't stand the rough fingering and fumbling about either and when you try stop them fingering push there hands away they start on it again  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 13 March 2022, 07:47:58 am
When they are heavyhanded touching your bits I hate and had it yesterday prising my pussy apart hard like  it's a slab of meat I can't stand the rough fingering and fumbling about either and when you try stop them fingering push there hands away they start on it again  :FF

I've had 3 like that in the last 2 days. Feels like I've been beaten up down there. I was going to ask one what hecwas trying to find up there as he seemed to be reaching for something. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 13 March 2022, 08:44:50 am
When they are heavyhanded touching your bits I hate and had it yesterday prising my pussy apart hard like  it's a slab of meat I can't stand the rough fingering and fumbling about either and when you try stop them fingering push there hands away they start on it again  :FF
That's an awful experience.,and very uncomfortable.
They have no idea some of them how to treat a woman let alone a human being. They are best off buying a blow up doll
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 13 March 2022, 09:07:46 am
I always tell them if they are being too rough. I really think some of them just have no idea. Luckily I don't get many like that
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 13 March 2022, 02:08:04 pm
Wanting longer booking than you offer to block out your free time schedule to see other clients  :FF
With no intention of turning up .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 13 March 2022, 07:20:52 pm
Wanting longer booking than you offer to block out your free time schedule to see other clients  :FF
With no intention of turning up .

That's why I only allow up to 90 mins 1st time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 14 March 2022, 08:27:42 am
Emailing asking what I enjoy and what I want them to do to me in a booking.
 I have written a detailed profile covering all that, do they think we have the time to repeat it all again just to make them feel special and provide free wanking material.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 15 March 2022, 08:26:16 am
In the last 24 hours I've dealt with a former banned forever client (2 x bookings attended 10+yrs ago, major issues surrounding and since).

New client who can't understand why I wouldn't send identifiable photos from some thing I do in my personal life.

Another who has made specific booking enquiries over the last 2 years without going ahead possibly bought a video from one of the platforms I upload to, is going over the top with 'sorry I messed you around, you are beautiful' going into explicit details, saying he wants to make love to me, has seen me in the street (from what I know of him via the details he has given, and where I live this is entirely possible, and infact very likely). He's made comments about how lucky my OH is, constantly apologising but ignoring advice on profile, adverts, website to not use text message, not get into lengthy conversations. The information I found Googling his name (after he was difficult), indicates he has a reputation for being problematic.

'I haven't done this before, sorry I messed it up I didn't mean to'.

The messages are scary, stalkery. But he is sorry. ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 15 March 2022, 12:44:25 pm
Jeez Mirror that does sound scary. I've had a few like that, over the top messages, wanting chat, even after I've seen them etc. Needy, creepy etc. Hate it. Just pay me and leave me alone.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 16 March 2022, 09:43:48 am
Jeez Mirror that does sound scary. I've had a few like that, over the top messages, wanting chat, even after I've seen them etc. Needy, creepy etc. Hate it. Just pay me and leave me alone.

The banned person shouted my working name in a very sensitive situation and place, it was awful, when I said "that isn't my name" he said "I am sure it is". This is someone who when he did come to see me expressed lots of concern about discretion regarding himself. No-one must find out or see him. Turned out to be incredibly indiscrete, also unreliable, and boundary pushing in contact. I told him I can never, ever see him again he has gone too far. So repeated that when I received a message asking for a booking (also didn't include many details apart from 'today' and half a postcode).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 17 March 2022, 07:34:07 am
I hate when they arrive half hour early go overtime and do not offer any extra money ( had one other day do it and he knew I had something on as i needed go somewhere  ) or if you do not do cim they telling you that they ready to cum , so wanting do it but no intentions of pay for it
I am fed up with these types of pisstaking cunts and really going stop being nice either them .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 17 March 2022, 03:55:12 pm
I never let anyone arrive that early, maybe a few minutes. If they are pies takers ban them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 17 March 2022, 04:58:30 pm
I hate when they arrive early, I think it's very rude.
If I'm ready and allow them in before the start time of their booking then that's the new start time, none of this turning up early thinking they'll get extra time on the sly.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 17 March 2022, 06:15:01 pm
You right , I'm not going let him back or any doing it again, treat them nice , treat them well they don't appreciate it
anyway I am done with it me the amount that do it to me go on like they so special and think they owed everything  .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 17 March 2022, 08:09:33 pm
I never let anyone arrive that early, maybe a few minutes. If they are pies takers ban them.

I allow 10-15 mins early if they say something like 'I'm parked up earlier than expected'. The ones who just think they're the only ones I'm seeing that day and arrive 30 mins early are made to wait. I get ready 30 mins before, and no earlier. Stinks of entitlement when they arrive that early and expect to be seen.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 18 March 2022, 08:37:05 am
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 19 March 2022, 09:36:17 am
I hate when they arrive early, I think it's very rude.
If I'm ready and allow them in before the start time of their booking then that's the new start time, none of this turning up early thinking they'll get extra time on the sly.

Yes, my street/postcode template even includes 'please be punctual', and if they call more than five minutes early I ignore it. I also ignore the running commentary texts ('I've just got off the tube', 'I'm heading for you now', 'I'm about five minutes away' and so on); I have no idea why they do that? And the 'I'm here a bit early but I don't mind waiting if you're not ready!' Why the fuck would I be ready when your booking doesn't start for another fifteen minutes?

I had one strop off after arriving nearly twenty five minutes' early and being told he'd have to wait until the time he booked. If he'd been here a couple of minutes before that he could have hi fived the last bloke on the way out :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 19 March 2022, 03:33:26 pm
I get running commentary texts, one in particular texts to say he's on his way, I'm just parking the car, I'm walking to you now.

Maybe I should say something like I'm only interested if you're running late otherwise just turn up on time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 20 March 2022, 10:19:49 am
I get that irritating phone call they haven't even arrived . I just find myself repeating constantly. Just call on arrival for directions to the location
And guess what they get lost in the location because they can't be bothered to call on arrival but that's some men  they hate asking for directions unless completely lost .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Busty Madeline on 20 March 2022, 10:33:09 am
I had a gent call me about 40 mins before his booking time saying, ‘I’m here!’

I said, ‘I’m not!’. I hadn’t even left home to travel to my incall flat ffs  :FF

I often say to early arrivals, ‘I don’t lay here scantily clad all day on a chaise lounges waiting for the phone to ring or clients to arrive!’

They seem to forget that we have a life too…
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 20 March 2022, 12:09:25 pm
Failing to park where I tell them to and then ringing me and calling me by my escort name to say they're walking towards the parking place and then repeating my flaming address. Not discreet  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 20 March 2022, 10:00:46 pm
Failing to park where I tell them to and then ringing me and calling me by my escort name to say they're walking towards the parking place and then repeating my flaming address. Not discreet  :FF

This irritates the hell out of me!
Had one recently who disregarded my instructions and just drove round and sat waiting outside my property, entitled prick!
I too have to instruct them not to repeat what I'm saying to them as regards address if they are walking round to the property, it's not bloody rocket science is it but I'm sure that by then all their blood has diverted from their brain to their cock!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 21 March 2022, 11:59:40 am
Deliberate  texting and emailing when they know you aren't working asking if your free .
Rewarded by being blocked by me
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 21 March 2022, 05:15:43 pm
This irritates the hell out of me!
Had one recently who disregarded my instructions and just drove round and sat waiting outside my property, entitled prick!
I too have to instruct them not to repeat what I'm saying to them as regards address if they are walking round to the property, it's not bloody rocket science is it but I'm sure that by then all their blood has diverted from their brain to their cock!

I've had 2 do this just this weekend. The 2nd one said he didn't park where I told him to in case I could see him and his car from the house because his need to discretion is too great. Yet you're calling me walking down the road saying 'hello xxxxx what's the address'. I told him 'you do realise some escorts will refuse to see you if you're not parked where they tell you to park'. Really put me on edge.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 21 March 2022, 06:11:34 pm
I had a great dinner date booking, sadly he rushed through the meal too fast, claiming to be full but he didn't eat all that much, obvs keen to get back to the hotel.  Still it was a fairly easy and lucrative booking so I was very happy. ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 22 March 2022, 01:31:23 pm
I've had 2 do this just this weekend. The 2nd one said he didn't park where I told him to in case I could see him and his car from the house because his need to discretion is too great.

Well this says it all really doesn't it?!  Their sense of entitlement and lack of care for our privacy and discretion is in some cases staggering.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 22 March 2022, 02:31:19 pm
I had one strop off after arriving nearly twenty five minutes' early and being told he'd have to wait until the time he booked. If he'd been here a couple of minutes before that he could have hi fived the last bloke on the way out :D

This reminds me of the near argument I had with a guy when he came in (on time I may add!) and said "that was a close call". I asked what he meant and he said he passed my last client going out of the building. I told him no I had not seen anyone before him. He insisted I was covering up my back to back bookings and even my explaining that in a block of flats there will inevitably be other people coming and going at any time, he still doubted me.

He probably still thinks I am a liar.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 22 March 2022, 04:07:00 pm
This reminds me of the near argument I had with a guy when he came in (on time I may add!) and said "that was a close call". I asked what he meant and he said he passed my last client going out of the building. I told him no I had not seen anyone before him. He insisted I was covering up my back to back bookings and even my explaining that in a block of flats there will inevitably be other people coming and going at any time, he still doubted me.

He probably still thinks I am a liar.


I had someone think a passer by was watching the property, this guy was full of guilt and afraid he would be found out.

He made a lot of mistakes in and around bookings, but would act injured if I didn't trust him with various requests finally after being really stupid in a booking (physically hurt me), he left apologising profusely committing a huge shoutback indiscretion in earshot of neighbours and any passersby.

I have to list things not to do because so many did them despite insisting they were/are discrete.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 22 March 2022, 06:58:00 pm
Well this says it all really doesn't it?!  Their sense of entitlement and lack of care for our privacy and discretion is in some cases staggering.

Yep, massively pisses me off. I can't see their car but ask them to park there so I know they'll follow instructions and also to not take more than 2 minutes to walk to my place. 99% do as they are told. I watch them through the spy hole and if they dither about which house to walk towards I get annoyed too. Had one bloke park opposite mine and stand on the road looking like a dealer  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 23 March 2022, 10:19:14 pm
I don't see why the client made the effort to put an agreed booking through after our session and then just didn't bother doing one.
I know feedback dosnt matter to many ladies but when the guy was really nice and suggested it ..maybe he changed his mind about me despite his enthusiasm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 23 March 2022, 10:50:23 pm
I don't see why the client made the effort to put an agreed booking through after our session and then just didn't bother doing one.
I know feedback dosnt matter to many ladies but when the guy was really nice and suggested it ..maybe he changed his mind about me despite his enthusiasm

I have had similar, some get paranoid about leaving evidence that may get them found out by a partner.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 26 March 2022, 10:48:15 am
Just walking to my house and one of my clients drives past honking his horn blowing me kisses. I was so embarrassed as there was someone next to me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 26 March 2022, 11:08:03 am
I don't see why the client made the effort to put an agreed booking through after our session and then just didn't bother doing one.
I know feedback dosnt matter to many ladies but when the guy was really nice and suggested it ..maybe he changed his mind about me despite his enthusiasm

I think it may be one of those 'polite' things to say at the end of a booking. Just like when they say; 'I'll be back', It's a politeness. Not a reflection on you.
As you say..I'm one who doesn't use reviews and don't feel it effects quality or volume of my clients.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 26 March 2022, 11:28:57 am
Just walking to my house and one of my clients drives past honking his horn blowing me kisses. I was so embarrassed as there was someone next to me.

I have had similar and one example still makes me seethe. Client I had seen many times and was fairly reg, one I liked to see too. I was shopping in a large store and he pounced. Saw me before I saw him obviously. He had "just popped in to buy so and so" as if I cared.

He had no idea if anyone I may have been with was just yards away. Luckily for me I was alone. I saw this man again in the same store a few weeks later and he was with his wife. I steered myself away so did not pass them. I did imagine how it would be if I had stopped him to "chat" but would never in a million years do this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 26 March 2022, 11:33:35 am
(Mithering for days your not working)

It states on my profile I don’t organize any bookings by email

But this one Sending constant emails asking for days im not working..when I don’t reply to his email he is  emailing back ??

I explained I not working the day he wants.. so he emailed back demanding that I should see him on the day I don’t work .. i ignored it

 he has now sent me a random booking request for the day I will working .. without me agreeing to seeing him..  i don’t accept just random booking requests without speaking to the guy on the phone.. it  states all this on my profile ..I never take advantage bookings either.. he is already showing signs of Boundary pusher before I even met him

I learned men who come across pushy before even meeting them end up being awul in the room.. I blocked and deleted him…
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 26 March 2022, 03:18:43 pm
After giving address I watch him walking around the street and the next street looking like he is lost... not discreet at all.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 27 March 2022, 10:28:33 am
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 27 March 2022, 06:31:53 pm
I've had a few like that complete idiots.  I also have a regular that is always 10-20mins early and loiters at the bus stop across the road.   :FF

Yeah and then the lost ones will stand outside your propery phoning you, stating your escort name asking if it's the one with the red door...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 27 March 2022, 08:11:13 pm
They are lost unable to find our location because we don't have a red light glowing through the window !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 29 March 2022, 07:49:26 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 29 March 2022, 08:22:21 pm
Yeah and interestingly mine is a red door!  ;D

Anyone find it weird when a client brings a print off of your ad/pics/reviews?
Had one do it today and another that did it a couple of years ago  ???

Not had that but yeah I'd find that very weird...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 30 March 2022, 02:56:26 pm
Yeah and interestingly mine is a red door!  ;D

Anyone find it weird when a client brings a print off of your ad/pics/reviews?
Had one do it today and another that did it a couple of years ago  ???

Oh yes, I've walked into houses to be faced with a big screen TV image of my profile looking down at me  :-\

On a similar note, I once visited a chap who had framed images of Escorts on his bedroom walls! One was very young looking with school girl outfit and plaits and the other was quite zany.
 He claimed to be in touch with them. Can't remember if he'd met them, though he wittered on about them all the way through our time together.

He never booked me again, so I'm fairly relaxed I don't now take pride of place on his wall of fame ;D

He was a grandfather, though I wouldn't know if they ever visited his home/bedroom.
Just. Odd.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 30 March 2022, 04:01:30 pm
Clients who never stop with the fucking hands. Hands everywhere. It’s annoying. I hate being touched for some reason.  I don’t mind I mean skin to skin contact but I can stand someone putting their hands on me I just find it so irritating. Pulling or prodding at my hair. Grabbing me into a certain positions.

I always slap clients hands if they piss me off so they know not to keep doing it.

I had a boyfriend once who used to love to touch everything. Touching my face with his hands, touching my hair with his hands just so annoying. I don’t want someone’s dirty greasy hands on my face rubbing dirt on it and giving me acne. I don’t let clients even cum on my face and don’t really put their cock on my face or rub it on my face either. I’m really religious about my skin care etc. not letting anyone fuck it up and getting me spotty lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 30 March 2022, 10:13:35 pm
Clients who never stop with the fucking hands. Hands everywhere. It’s annoying.

I had one (old - late 60s) that kept trying to fondle my boobs like juicy melons whilst I was led next to him trying to give him oral. I was secretly ecstatic when he lost his erection and said he'd had enough 45 minutes into the hour. Feel like I'm a fruit and veg market sometimes with their groping. Urgh!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sophine88 on 31 March 2022, 03:55:52 pm
Not having a separate punting phone so I have guys messaging me on WhatsApp with pictures of their children or wife. Are these men tapped in the head or something? Do they not see something extremely weird and wrong about messaging escorts off a WhatsApp profile that displays pictures of their children. Not only that but I can’t help but feel it’s terribly dangerous to do so as well. You’re exposing your relatives identities to random sex workers who you don’t know who could even have mental health issues and have bad intentions too. Like I just can’t understand it it’s so stupid. Get a £40 Nokia burner phone. So stupid.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 31 March 2022, 06:34:54 pm
The guy I mentioned at the bus stop sat there 30 mins early  today.

Usually I tell him to come in when he's near, this time I let him sit in the cold until the booked time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Janet-Oundle on 31 March 2022, 10:08:23 pm
Had one today wanted to keep a pair of my knickers, OK working ones aren't expensive but that seemed overly personal - have other men asked for them?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 31 March 2022, 10:12:33 pm
The guy I mentioned at the bus stop sat there 30 mins early  today.

Usually I tell him to come in when he's near, this time I let him sit in the cold until the booked time.

Lol, just spat my gin out
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 01 April 2022, 08:29:09 am
Lol, just spat my gin out

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 01 April 2022, 12:54:21 pm
When they book a hour or more and struggle to cum twice then go on like it's my fault if they can't, had one I done before yesterday was bad enough first time as he massive must weigh over 30 stone , hard work too couldn't do sex proper as his belly in way I on top switched position kind of cowgirl even worse as uncomfortable with size of him , and he going floppy he thought it funny laughing he making me work the fat cunt told him time up I were pissed off he gone half hour overtime didn't seem please but I had something on and he was no fun , I'm big myself but find fat men so shit to do , doubt I see him again good payer but I hate do men when they not easy .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jackiela on 01 April 2022, 05:18:42 pm
Sophie I just had one this afternoon with long nails and wanted to stick his fingers inside my pussy I told him to stop but it was like talking a different language. Fuck me what a nightmare the whole session was hard work. Thank God he booked for half an hr. Once his time was up he asked to add more money to stay I refused couldn't wait for him to go bloody hell. I know its slow at the moment but fuck that
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 01 April 2022, 05:45:50 pm
Had one today wanted to keep a pair of my knickers, OK working ones aren't expensive but that seemed overly personal - have other men asked for them?

Do you mean More personal than .....having sex with them?   ;D
Yes it would be annoying if he expects to walk off with your lingerie  for free. That's why I never leave them thrown around always on my wrist.

I've sold g's once or twice while stripping. Approached after the gig.
I haven't been asked as an escort.

But I don't give for free.£10 each or more if they're posh nicknacks. ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 01 April 2022, 07:55:09 pm
When they book a hour or more and struggle to cum twice then go on like it's my fault if they can't, had one I done before yesterday was bad enough first time as he massive must weigh over 30 stone , hard work too couldn't do sex proper as his belly in way I on top switched position kind of cowgirl even worse as uncomfortable with size of him , and he going floppy he thought it funny laughing he making me work the fat cunt told him time up I were pissed off he gone half hour overtime didn't seem please but I had something on and he was no fun , I'm big myself but find fat men so shit to do , doubt I see him again good payer but I hate do men when they not easy .

Urgh, sounds awful. I hate it when they keep going floppy and you literally have to work your butt off to keep resurrecting their floppy members.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 01 April 2022, 07:56:03 pm
Had one today wanted to keep a pair of my knickers, OK working ones aren't expensive but that seemed overly personal - have other men asked for them?

Sell them!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 01 April 2022, 08:15:13 pm
Expecting you to remember them several years later.

Had a guy message me a few days ago saying he saw me in 2017, could we meet again and he'd like the same services as last time. When I asked who he was and what services he was after, he was offended I had no idea who he was and didn't remember our session.  I save every number and this time it was an unknown one, so he'd not even contacted me on the one he originally booked with...but expected me to remember.  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 01 April 2022, 08:58:06 pm
Expecting you to remember them several years later.

Had a guy message me a few days ago saying he saw me in 2017, could we meet again and he'd like the same services as last time. When I asked who he was and what services he was after, he was offended I had no idea who he was and didn't remember our session.  I save every number and this time it was an unknown one, so he'd not even contacted me on the one he originally booked with...but expected me to remember.  ::)

Pmsl. I had one text a few days ago saying 'remember me?' Saw him well over a year ago, I just replied 'sorry mate, slept a few times since then' ego crushed.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 01 April 2022, 09:44:55 pm
I hate floppy dicks too, he were OK first round managed cum  but wasn't happening 2nd round , he had one of those ugly cocks too where its that horrible dangle at end of knob , felt like biting it off when he pissed me off  :' he would happily carried on making me sweat my tits off  if I never stopped him  , i couldn't even hide my look of anger as he  kept asking what was wrong, nothing worse than  them deliberately holding time up knowing they gone past the booked time as well and he fucked me up going to where i needed as it were going be shut by the time I would have got myself washed and ready .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 01 April 2022, 09:51:18 pm
I hate the long nails too
Years back when i were younger I used to  work for  a escort agency and they used to  send me to this disgusting tramp in Donnie , the house was absolutely filthy , muck and dust all over the floor  if i had black clothing on be covered in it if clothes were on the floor  , the bedroom had  ripped curtains , the guy had not only long fingernails but long toenails too , so gross , I had stop the booking couldn't even continue as I couldn't stand him touching me , all the women hated going there it was a nightmare.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 01 April 2022, 10:35:52 pm
Pmsl. I had one text a few days ago saying 'remember me?' Saw him well over a year ago, I just replied 'sorry mate, slept a few times since then' ego crushed.
I don't even remember them two days later when they come back  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 02 April 2022, 05:03:26 pm
I hate the long nails too
Years back when i were younger I used to  work for  a escort agency and they used to  send me to this disgusting tramp in Donnie , the house was absolutely filthy , muck and dust all over the floor  if i had black clothing on be covered in it if clothes were on the floor  , the bedroom had  ripped curtains , the guy had not only long fingernails but long toenails too , so gross , I had stop the booking couldn't even continue as I couldn't stand him touching me , all the women hated going there it was a nightmare.

Eww that sounds gross. I did an outcall once to a private home, it was rank, he was rank and I left dead on the 30 minutes after his floppy dick wouldn't perform.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 03 April 2022, 06:58:14 pm
Pmsl. I had one text a few days ago saying 'remember me?' Saw him well over a year ago, I just replied 'sorry mate, slept a few times since then' ego crushed.

Even when they contact me on the same number and I have reference to full sometimes copious hints and tips about them, I still often can't remember them until the follow up booking is well under way  ;D
Saw one a couple of weeks ago. Had visited him several times before in 2018.
 Followed my notes where I should park etc, arrived.. and it was just another bald bloke in his late 50's..Wouldn't have recognised him if I tripped over him. About halfway through, it's usually something technical that rings a distant bell  8)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 13 April 2022, 01:01:05 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 13 April 2022, 09:25:35 pm
Not knowing your rates after they've seen you a number of times.

Just seen one for half hour that said "how much, £70?"

I said err, no it's £90 and he said "oh has it always been £90? Have you had a price increase?"

I told him it has always been £90. Perhaps his memory isn't that great or he's mixing me up with someone else... or just trying it on  ::)

Yes he's trying it on.

Guys who keep emailing afer a booking saying they are planning to visit again on such and such a day but the the email goes on to say " hope you enjoyed when I did such and such last time, hope you could tell how much I enjoyed it" bla bla bla.. I'm not going to be blowing smoke up some guys ass about his performance.. it's not fucking Tinder!
FFS just make the booking already and hand over the cash  :FF
And guess what, the day arrives... and no booking... I just don't have time for their attention seeking shit!
It is totally draining!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: HiddenTalents02 on 13 April 2022, 11:23:31 pm
Maybe others noticing this more..
Couple regs making comments / hints about price rises and they might not get to see me as much with extra costs etc etc etc.
I just reply with something like ‘don’t worry my prices aren’t going up!’
But regs especially should know better.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 14 April 2022, 01:12:19 am
Maybe others noticing this more..
Couple regs making comments / hints about price rises and they might not get to see me as much with extra costs etc etc etc.
I just reply with something like ‘don’t worry my prices aren’t going up!’
But regs especially should know better.
Yes I've had this too, they are just trying it on hoping that you will offer a discount due to all the "price rises".
Do they think we are somehow magically exempt from said price rises.
Stick to your guns and your rates, they'll either continue their visits at the same regularity or they wont but in the case that they don't, rest assured others will take their place.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 14 April 2022, 03:12:00 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 14 April 2022, 04:16:27 pm
I just saw a guy who literally wanted everything I don't offer which I clearly state on my profile. At first I thought is he taking the piss then started to wander if he's the type that plays games trying to get you to do stuff you don't like.

The booking became a bit uncomfortable in the end and then tried to blame it all on me making sarcastic comments.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: thickthighs on 14 April 2022, 04:20:29 pm
I just saw a guy who literally wanted everything I don't offer which I clearly state on my profile. At first I thought is he taking the piss then started to wander if he's the type that plays games trying to get you to do stuff you don't like.

The booking became a bit uncomfortable in the end and then tried to blame it all on me making sarcastic comments.

Don’t you agree services prior?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LittleMinx2 on 14 April 2022, 05:15:48 pm
Had a guy tell me they were on there way and proceed to show up, even after I told them I had to cancel due to illness. Not sure if they thought I was faking it or something, but I feel like death today and can't even get out of bed! Ended up having to get my hubby to tell them I wasn't in.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 29 April 2022, 02:19:41 pm
The next caller that asks me how many times can he cum in 30 mins ( they don't ask for longer bookings I notice) I'll tell them it's only once cum no more I'm fed up with this crap question .
Each rare client who had come  twice,I noticed it  was a huge struggle anyway to squeeze  any more out of their overworked cock !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 29 April 2022, 08:29:27 pm
I can’t stand when after doing it once, they wait until 5 minutes before the end of the booking to say “can we have a round 2 ?”  >:( >:(
I sometimes accept if the client was nice otherwise I just decline and say that we don’t have time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 30 April 2022, 05:07:09 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 30 April 2022, 06:25:38 pm
Him (new number not saved on my phone) 'oh Hi I saw you last year I was the guy who made you squirt'
Me - 'sorry that doesn't narrow it down at all'.
Worked out who he was, saw almost a year ago...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 02 May 2022, 04:39:15 pm
Him (new number not saved on my phone) 'oh Hi I saw you last year I was the guy who made you squirt'
Me - 'sorry that doesn't narrow it down at all'.
Worked out who he was, saw almost a year ago...
Of course he thought he was memorable !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 02 May 2022, 06:41:28 pm
Of course he thought he was memorable !

Thing is, I don't recall him making me squirt, few actually do that and only with very vigorous hand action. Nice enough chap though.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: V24 on 04 May 2022, 07:14:13 am

My current pet hate is when they ask 'Are you discrete'?.  I find it such an offensive question.  Is it just me?0

I had one yesterday, so I just said 'No, I'll meet you in the car park naked, ringing a bell and shouting unclean'!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 04 May 2022, 08:27:59 am
My current pet hate is when they ask 'Are you discrete'?.  I find it such an offensive question.  Is it just me?0

I had one yesterday, so I just said 'No, I'll meet you in the car park naked, ringing a bell and shouting unclean'!

Tw's always ask me this question  ::) I don't think I've actually met anyone who asks this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 04 May 2022, 10:55:14 am
My current pet hate is when they ask 'Are you discrete'?.  I find it such an offensive question.  Is it just me?0

I had one yesterday, so I just said 'No, I'll meet you in the car park naked, ringing a bell and shouting unclean'!

Love your response haha
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: thickthighs on 04 May 2022, 01:21:11 pm
My current pet hate is when they ask 'Are you discrete'?.  I find it such an offensive question.  Is it just me?0

I had one yesterday, so I just said 'No, I'll meet you in the car park naked, ringing a bell and shouting unclean'!

Been asked this so many times, I find it such a bizarre comment. I too usually come back with a sarcastic quip.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 04 May 2022, 04:10:49 pm
My current pet hate is when they ask 'Are you discrete'?.  I find it such an offensive question.  Is it just me?0

I had one yesterday, so I just said 'No, I'll meet you in the car park naked, ringing a bell and shouting unclean'!

The even worse 1 is this:

I’d had a youngster visit me (meaning probably under 35) & he’d gone down on me. Fine. He’d asked to, I didn’t force him, coerce, beg….nada. As we’re getting dressed this SOB has the temerity to ask me “If I’m clean, since he …. errr ummm…. went down on me, & ummmm…. he’s married so ummm, he can’t be bringing anything home….*nervous laughing* ummm…”

I was incensed. And said, “Just for that remark? You don’t deserve to know the answer. I didn’t ask you to do SHIT. Your timing is OFF, son.”

He walked out  totally chastised. Yeah, you just worry about that for a few weeks. Miserable sack of shit. Oh, I was HOT😡.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Scarlettwoman on 04 May 2022, 05:07:24 pm
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 04 May 2022, 09:59:10 pm
Got the wrong vibes from someone this morning within 15 seconds on the phone. Wanted to know exactly what bookings I had today... Ended call. 10 mins later text message saying 'we want to see you, me and my mate' yup, I knew something was off. Since then countless call attempts. I don't advertise for threesomes seeking as I'd want to meet each person 1 on 1 first.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 06 May 2022, 01:56:01 am
Got the wrong vibes from someone this morning within 15 seconds on the phone. Wanted to know exactly what bookings I had today... Ended call. 10 mins later text message saying 'we want to see you, me and my mate' yup, I knew something was off. Since then countless call attempts. I don't advertise for threesomes seeking as I'd want to meet each person 1 on 1 first.
Your instincts are crucial in this job . Glad he didn't come visit you
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 06 May 2022, 06:45:45 pm
Your instincts are crucial in this job . Glad he. didn't come visit you

Absolutely. I mean I've probably turned away plenty that would have been alright but if something doesn't feel right it's best to say no.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 06 May 2022, 10:02:46 pm
Exfoliating my face with his stubbly kisses, then when I turn away for respite, proceeds to wet lick inside my eardrums  >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 06 May 2022, 10:08:28 pm
Exfoliating my face with his stubbly kisses, then when I turn away for respite, proceeds to wet lick inside my eardrums  >:(

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: denise96 on 08 May 2022, 08:06:39 pm
Oh yesterday this guy that I've seen a couple of times now. I never let anyone in my living room except a few people that I have known for more than 3years, and I went to bring him some water.. I didn't close the door because he was in the bedroom and couldn't see there, when I turned around he was in the door creeping all over my place and said, oh now that I know we are alone in here we can maybe go there and try new stuff ughh I said no, because I have my stuff it's a bit messy and blah blah.. now in the bedroom he took his shirt of and opened one of my closet door out of nowhere so he can hang it there! I told him angrily to never do that again!
I mean wtff men, why would you do such thing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 11 May 2022, 06:24:44 pm
A new client yesterday. Booking went well I think, no reason to doubt it.

While putting his jeans back on and chatting to me he stated "well you are now in my top 3"  ;D

I resisted the urge to give a cheeky response so just heard myself do a silly girly giggle (am too old for girly giggles) and then he said "let's see if you can move on up the queue to take top place"

He will not get the chance to find out. Twatty McTwatface.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessica_Hannah on 11 May 2022, 06:44:12 pm
Has a tiny cock and asks if he hurt you after all is done.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 11 May 2022, 06:59:55 pm
A new client yesterday. Booking went well I think, no reason to doubt it.

While putting his jeans back on and chatting to me he stated "well you are now in my top 3"  ;D

I resisted the urge to give a cheeky response so just heard myself do a silly girly giggle (am too old for girly giggles) and then he said "let's see if you can move on up the queue to take top place"

He will not get the chance to find out. Twatty McTwatface.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D  @ Twatty McTwatface.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CelesteManchester on 12 May 2022, 01:47:22 am
Damn you Dynamite, you beat me! Laughing my ass off here😂😂.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Nadya on 12 May 2022, 04:59:05 pm
I leave some lotion in the bathroom but some dude is all up in my body oil in the bedroom....stop touching my stuff dude.....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 12 May 2022, 05:11:59 pm
Why does every single male leave the toilet seat up?


It is almost forgiveable if they flush before exiting the bathroom but some don't even do that!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 May 2022, 06:58:05 pm
When they text you several times about non work stuff then saying I hate it when you ignore me. Text me when you want to book then you'll get a response.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 13 May 2022, 08:44:33 am
Has a tiny cock and asks if he hurt you after all is done.

Pmsl 😅
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 13 May 2022, 08:46:17 am
Had one recently that kept farting on the bed and wanted to take a shit in my ensuite. I sent him to the cloakroom, I'm not listening to you taking a shit next to the bed!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 13 May 2022, 02:57:45 pm
Had one recently that kept farting on the bed and wanted to take a shit in my ensuite. I sent him to the cloakroom, I'm not listening to you taking a shit next to the bed!!

Omg.. no sods given with some of them..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GucciGang on 13 May 2022, 04:00:44 pm
Constantly bringing old £50 notes. I know they are still usable but it’s getting on my nerves. Seen loads of them lately.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: denise96 on 13 May 2022, 07:18:14 pm
Text messages like "hi hun, how are you?" Or I had one
" what are you up to"
It's so dumb. Why would I want to answer to that, it's clearly for me that will never turn into a booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 13 May 2022, 07:22:27 pm
Some guy booked for a service scheduled in a week now starting to ask all kinds of questions about stuff he's not requested ..I can see the way this is going so I just messaged back when you come for your booking I'll go through all that then with you.
You know how they like to drag out the communication while jerking off and making a pathetic excuse to cancel  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 15 May 2022, 09:13:52 am
When you ask them to send hotel postcode, so you can decide whether to visit.. and you receive a buff body holiday pic of them reclining on a sun lounger -all Tatts'n'Tan.. and no postcode.

Very nice. But you found me on Adultwork, not Tinder!. Do one!  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Red_rosie on 15 May 2022, 03:04:47 pm
Text messages like "hi hun, how are you?" Or I had one
" what are you up to"
It's so dumb. Why would I want to answer to that, it's clearly for me that will never turn into a booking.

Happens all the time
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 15 May 2022, 03:35:30 pm
Happens all the time

And according to CE they are doing it to Escorts all over the country.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Twisted...tinkerbell on 18 May 2022, 04:04:31 am
For me it's when I send a very self explanatory message. Such as "hi sorry missed your call I'm based next to (da da da ) I'm available from (insert time) and if you kindly let me know a time and duration I'll send the full details and see you then , otherwise any questions will be gladly answered via phonecall when I can answer after (insert time)

And then the response ... so where are you based? What time you available  ...
I'm pretty sure all they see is hi..  :FF :FF XD it infuriates me XD

I couldn't have  given more information if I tried 😂😂
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: lauren.nico2020 on 20 May 2022, 07:17:21 am
I have a big list aha
Breath lol
What are your prices
What time do you finish
Asks for everything I don’t offer and it clearly states I don’t offer what they ask
Non washers 🤢
[removed] ,
Guys who compare you to others (this boils my piss lol)
Guys who just try and open the door to come in.
Ones who over stay there time
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 20 May 2022, 08:12:05 am
Calls up wanting to know postcode to check if it's near for them or how long it takes .When told it's near that's 10  minutes they say they will call back to book they don't or when given the postcode say it's too far yet the profile states the town I'm in  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 20 May 2022, 10:05:51 pm
A man I seen a few times made a booking to see me.. he text to tell me arrived along with a nice sweet text saying

(I know you probably do but please take a shower before I come in) to me that’s insulting I’m always freshly clean..

he tired to book again recently but once I told him where I was staying.. he claimed the hotel wasn’t good enough for him.. he said he will try again to see me  when im working in his better choice of hotel.. no other clients complain about the place  (nothing wrong with my choice of hotels)

I text back told him I wont be right the girl for him and to find someone else.. I’m not putting up with men like that.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 20 May 2022, 10:21:17 pm
A man I seen a few times made a booking to see me.. he text to tell me arrived along with a nice sweet text saying

(I know you probably do but please take a shower before I come in) to me that’s insulting I’m always freshly clean..

he tired to book again recently but once I told him where I was staying.. he claimed the hotel wasn’t good enough for him.. he said he will try again to see me  when im working in his better choice of hotel.. no other clients complain about the place  (nothing wrong with my choice of hotels)

I text back told him I wont be right the girl for him and to find someone else.. I’m not putting up with men like that.
What a bloody cheek ..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milkymoo26 on 20 May 2022, 10:32:25 pm
When they ask you what services you do, so you list the ones you don't do and they say " ooh that's a lot of donts". Like wtf  how is no fingering or no anal and (owo/cim at discretion) a lot of don'ts?? Frigging greedy cheap twats! If you read my profile you'd bloody know.
 I've noticed it's always the large, horrible looking guys that think they are sexy af that say this  :FF

When they cant find my clit, and it's right in front of them.

When they say "go slower" "slow down" and you're barely riding them at 3 mph! They do this to take the piss and try drag out the time.

Or when they say they want to go toilet after a booking. You don't hear the toilet flush. So when they leave you go check and there's fucking chewing gum at the bottom of the loo!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 21 May 2022, 01:14:39 am

When they cant find my clit, and it's right in front of them.

I tell them (especially if they're grim) 'if you want to make me cum maybe rub my clit and not my pubic bone'. #egocrushed 😅 some need a satnav.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 21 May 2022, 10:57:39 am
Had 1 booking only and feel the need to comment or message you each time you add new photos but not rebooking !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 21 May 2022, 02:53:21 pm
Had 1 booking only and feel the need to comment or message you each time you add new photos but not rebooking !

Haha yeah I've had that too.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 21 May 2022, 04:52:08 pm
I had this guy a few days ago comment after we had sex doggy. You have such a sexy arse I love watching your flabby arse cheeks flopping around when I'm fucking you from behind. He was actually smiling when he said it but my reaction must have been obvious on my face.

He then said sorry he's not very good at describing what he sees. Maybe if he can film it next time I will know what he's on about.

I wonder why he's still single and never married.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 21 May 2022, 08:15:26 pm
I had this guy a few days ago comment after we had sex doggy. You have such a sexy arse I love watching your flabby arse cheeks flopping around when I'm fucking you from behind. He was actually smiling when he said it but my reaction must have been obvious on my face.

He then said sorry he's not very good at describing what he sees. Maybe if he can film it next time I will know what he's on about.

I wonder why he's still single and never married.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missizzy on 21 May 2022, 08:17:36 pm
had this guy a few days ago comment after we had sex doggy. You have such a sexy arse I love watching your flabby arse cheeks flopping around when I'm fucking you from behind. He was actually smiling when he said it but my reaction must have been obvious on my face.

He then said sorry he's not very good at describing what he sees. Maybe if he can film it next time I will know what he's on about.

I wonder why he's still single and never married.

One of mine called me a panfaced cocksucker once and was clueless why I wasn't overjoyed at the compliment.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 21 May 2022, 08:17:48 pm
Arrives 20 minutes late with no warning after I say late comers won't be seen (because I need to go out) and starts to scream abuse down the phone at me as it's not his fault.....
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 23 May 2022, 08:23:50 am
I had this guy a few days ago comment after we had sex doggy. You have such a sexy arse I love watching your flabby arse cheeks flopping around when I'm fucking you from behind. He was actually smiling when he said it but my reaction must have been obvious on my face.

He then said sorry he's not very good at describing what he sees. Maybe if he can film it next time I will know what he's on about.

I wonder why he's still single and never married.

If he hadn't used the term "flabby" I would excuse him for being 'excited, but he was being a twat >:(
If it was me I would have been tempted to tell him I love Doggy because even the teeny/narrow cocks can give pleasure. Or, I love it when your fat belly squoshes against me!  >:D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 23 May 2022, 10:54:21 am
Expects me to justify my decisions,changes to them when it's none of their business
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milkymoo26 on 23 May 2022, 03:13:19 pm
"Yeah but I'm a doctor I'm clean i get regularly tested, I want owo and cim." Blah f-ing blah. Like that automatically makes me want to change my mind. At my discretion means at my f-ing discretion.
What is it with these fake ass doctors thinking we're stupid. I should've said, "and I'm a nurse. Your point is?"  :-*
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 23 May 2022, 10:23:05 pm
"Yeah but I'm a doctor I'm clean i get regularly tested, I want owo and cim." Blah f-ing blah. Like that automatically makes me want to change my mind. At my discretion means at my f-ing discretion.
What is it with these fake ass doctors thinking we're stupid. I should've said, "and I'm a nurse. Your point is?"  :-*

Doctors don't regularly get tested, I can promise you that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 23 May 2022, 11:34:48 pm
"Yeah but I'm a doctor I'm clean i get regularly tested, I want owo and cim." Blah f-ing blah. Like that automatically makes me want to change my mind. At my discretion means at my f-ing discretion.
What is it with these fake ass doctors thinking we're stupid. I should've said, "and I'm a nurse. Your point is?"  :-*

aha yes I get this scenario quite often as well lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: denise96 on 25 May 2022, 09:58:39 am
Arrives 20 minutes late with no warning after I say late comers won't be seen (because I need to go out) and starts to scream abuse down the phone at me as it's not his fault.....

Of course it's not his fault 🙄 something happened and he didn't care to plan his journey to arrive on time.. I hate when they say 'it's not my fault ' but whose fault is it?! :)))
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 25 May 2022, 08:41:59 pm
Had a 30 min booking today with a guy who wanted ONLY a blowjob for the whole 30min, nightmare  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 26 May 2022, 04:38:23 am
Had a 30 min booking today with a guy who wanted ONLY a blowjob for the whole 30min, nightmare  :(

Really annoying!
That's taking the piddle, I'd tell him I provide a 10 minute blow job and sex and say if he doesn't fancy sex I will do a massage for the first 20 minutes. (He can toddle off on the dot cum or no cum). Personally I'd let random boundary pushers like that walk.

He probably sprung that on you last minute when he pressurise you. It's called a mind-fuck. And he wants far too much high value service packed into a short time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 26 May 2022, 12:29:46 pm
I just endured an hour of blowjob only, with him pushing my head down at intervals, but he soon stopped after I gagged a load of saliva over his balls, haha he squealed and moved out of the wet patch  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 26 May 2022, 03:50:57 pm
Haha. That reminds me when I used to do cim. I'd get the odd request for snowballing and when I approached them to take back their cum, the look of dread on their face like little scared boys.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 27 May 2022, 11:26:04 am
Running out of time then expecting me to work longer for free because they "need to cum".  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 27 May 2022, 04:36:11 pm
Running out of time then expecting me to work longer for free because they "need to cum".  :FF
Yea just give me a few more mins I'm ready to cum ..
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 02 June 2022, 12:30:05 pm
I saw a guy a few days back , he had a hour within his time he cum three times , he had a few cups of tea I never rushed him out after we done in the bedroom , I  sent him a message to thank him for coming  to see me ( he lives alone or I not have done ) and he just ignored me , I don't know what's wrong with some of these punters they go on like you do wrong.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miffy on 04 June 2022, 01:29:22 pm
While some appreciate little touches like a thank you message after you see them, some don’t. After all, it’s not just sex they’re paying for, they’re paying to be left alone afterwards. Him not responding isn’t a reflection of you at all, and yes, it’s rude on his part, however, it’s his prerogative not to respond or to owe you anything once you have gone your separate ways.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 05 June 2022, 03:08:30 am
Once they leave my door I don't text them again. If they text 'thanks' after I'll be polite, 1 message 'yw' type but that's it, and only if they initiate 1st.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 05 June 2022, 12:53:14 pm
I'm surprised to get messages after the booking
I only text the location time etc to them I don't have much other communication with these clients .
Jadine  try not to take any offence from him not replying.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: thickthighs on 05 June 2022, 01:24:23 pm
I often get messages of thanks after which is always nice to hear and know I’m giving a good service. I certainly wouldn’t be messaging them with thanks, but hey we all work differently.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 05 June 2022, 02:15:57 pm
Going to rub their bare dick on my bare vulva without asking (the answer would be an absolute no for obvious reasons).  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 06 June 2022, 03:11:47 pm
Yeh I won't be sending anymore out unless they message me first, I got some guys I see who I known years and they always message after to say they happy ect which is nice .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 06 June 2022, 03:15:16 pm
I hate even they start that with bare dicks and it makes you wonder how many are barebackers which I dislike their slyness especially when it's on my profile I do not do it , I still get idiots messaging asking for it bare they get blocked and those who aim to see if I let them do it bb who actually come .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 06 June 2022, 06:04:30 pm
Pre cum dripping everywhere on the sheets.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 06 June 2022, 06:05:57 pm
Going to rub their bare dick on my bare vulva without asking (the answer would be an absolute no for obvious reasons).  :FF
Yes this and one or two  deliberately slipping it in ..I've never moved so fast away from them .
It's all deliberate  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 06 June 2022, 07:20:52 pm
I hate precum as well I get the wetwipes straight on it
Once I had some guy and it were like turning on a tap he leaking nonstop  it were so gross all that slime everywhere   :-[
and I hate when they touch their dicks and then touch me with the same hand .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 06 June 2022, 08:22:51 pm
I hate even they start that with bare dicks and it makes you wonder how many are barebackers which I dislike their slyness especially when it's on my profile I do not do it , I still get idiots messaging asking for it bare they get blocked and those who aim to see if I let them do it bb who actually come .

I have no bareback on my profile too and block everyone who asks, but maybe I need to make it clear that this includes genital to genital contact, as apparently they think it's okay just because it hasn't gone in? Bet some people would still chance it though.  :FF

Yes this and one or two  deliberately slipping it in ..I've never moved so fast away from them .
It's all deliberate  :FF

One guy did what felt like him trying to push his bare dick in, literally as I was reaching for the condom.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 07 June 2022, 11:50:17 am
Pre cum dripping everywhere on the sheets.

That is one f my pet hates. Ok I know "we" deal with all kinds of sticky things in this work but pre cum to me is horrible. They never know it turns my stomach though 😕
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 08 June 2022, 05:50:50 pm
I hate precum as well I get the wetwipes straight on it
Once I had some guy and it were like turning on a tap he leaking nonstop  it were so gross all that slime everywhere   :-[
and I hate when they touch their dicks and then touch me with the same hand .

oh yes had one like that once, absolutely disgusting, next time this happens, I'll say it's mandatory OW
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Boudoir on 08 June 2022, 06:59:52 pm
One thing that seems to be the exclusive habit of younger men in their twenties, and I don't know if it's because they think a woman a good 30 years older than them knows something about sex that they're not privy to yet....they call to book and I ask them what sort of things they enjoy and they say "Surprise me babe".

Short of pulling a rabbit out of a top hat while singing opera and simultaneously popping balloons between my butt cheeks, I still haven't a clue what I'm expected to do  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 09 June 2022, 01:35:11 pm
I also hate when clients mess up the bed by taking the pillows out of underneath the bedspread if you see what I mean. Like I put a big bedspread to cover the whole entire bed (which is nicely done underneath) and I don't want clients to take pillows from under the bedspread to use them. I don't want their head to touch my pillows lol. I mean if there is a bedspread, it means it's not meant to be removed but seems that some people don't understand that  :(
This kind of thing drives me nut
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 09 June 2022, 01:37:54 pm
One thing that seems to be the exclusive habit of younger men in their twenties, and I don't know if it's because they think a woman a good 30 years older than them knows something about sex that they're not privy to yet....they call to book and I ask them what sort of things they enjoy and they say "Surprise me babe".

Short of pulling a rabbit out of a top hat while singing opera and simultaneously popping balloons between my butt cheeks, I still haven't a clue what I'm expected to do ;D

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 10 June 2022, 10:30:23 am
In the street quiet home town, several times a year booker who knows not to shout my working name because he did it after the first booking. ::)

Spots me this morning greets then plays with working name, the other name I've given him, says Mirror uh the other name,  Mirror or the other name. I'm rolling my eyes, he asks how I am then announces he hasn't been able to afford me recently.

Then says I'm being paranoid telling him he's being indiscreet because it's so early in the morning. There are open windows and residential properties around the narrow street.

He is someone I've had difficulty with previously, phoning drunk, being demanding.

Still reeling from this.

I guess it's the biannual indiscretion incident.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 10 June 2022, 12:39:03 pm
Re the above (indiscreet usage of work name when could be overheard etc) but also the " saving up to see you" emails.

One man I have seen many times now but usually every few months has emailed me saying exactly that. I don't know if he's hinting at a discount on my very average fee but  he's always told me of the business he owns and I assumed he's not short of cash.  I haven't replied and now unsure whether to see him again. 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: bustybbwsteph on 10 June 2022, 01:23:38 pm
Re the above (indiscreet usage of work name when could be overheard etc) but also the " saving up to see you" emails.

One man I have seen many times now but usually every few months has emailed me saying exactly that. I don't know if he's hinting at a discount on my very average fee but  he's always told me of the business he owns and I assumed he's not short of cash.  I haven't replied and now unsure whether to see him again.

When I get these types of emails my gut is usually telling me they are after a discount, they feel they are entitled to it because they have spent so much money on me over the past X years..... I usually politely reply with something along the lines of 'Looking forward to seeing you again soon' or 'I look forward to our next meeting'

It's not just regs I have had this email from, I have had it from complete strangers that 'have been admiring me for a while' or they are 'Trying to pluck up the courage to save and book me'
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 13 June 2022, 06:56:48 am
I have no bareback on my profile too and block everyone who asks, but maybe I need to make it clear that this includes genital to genital contact, as apparently they think it's okay just because it hasn't gone in? Bet some people would still chance it though.  :FF

One guy did what felt like him trying to push his bare dick in, literally as I was reaching for the condom.  :FF

I state I consider bare genital contact to be akin to BB cus god knows they 'accidentally' slip in and I will throw them out without refund if they initiate bare genital to genital contact.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 15 June 2022, 12:07:30 pm
I state I consider bare genital contact to be akin to BB cus god knows they 'accidentally' slip in and I will throw them out without refund if they initiate bare genital to genital contact.

I've updated my profiles to say no bareback, which includes genital to genital contact as well as penetration. Not sure it will make a difference as we all know how clients can be for actually really our profiles, but at least I can say I made it completely clear.

It's disgusting how much people chance it though. People who never mention it in communications prior to the meet, then they try for it. One guy recently kept asking for it and going on and on about how he wanted to. Kept asking for genital to genital contact and I said he would need a condom on for it, but he kept asking when he didn't have one on and I repeated many times that I don't do any unprotected contact. Occasionally he'd be like "oh, right" as if I'd just explained something new and provided new information.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 15 June 2022, 02:36:19 pm
I've updated my profiles to say no bareback, which includes genital to genital contact as well as penetration. Not sure it will make a difference as we all know how clients can be for actually really our profiles, but at least I can say I made it completely clear.

It's disgusting how much people chance it though. People who never mention it in communications prior to the meet, then they try for it. One guy recently kept asking for it and going on and on about how he wanted to. Kept asking for genital to genital contact and I said he would need a condom on for it, but he kept asking when he didn't have one on and I repeated many times that I don't do any unprotected contact. Occasionally he'd be like "oh, right" as if I'd just explained something new and provided new information.  :FF

Most are just pricks though aren't they, and oops slipped in accidentally. I had that a few times when I first started out then realised it was premeditated. I was far too nice and very nieve when I first started out.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 15 June 2022, 04:06:47 pm
When I first started I had some guys try it on. One guy was rubbing his cock over my clit and I was convinced he was about to go in until I intervened. He said sorry I just got carried away.

I often wonder how many guys would go unprotected if given the opportunity.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 15 June 2022, 07:04:05 pm
When I first started I had some guys try it on. One guy was rubbing his cock over my clit and I was convinced he was about to go in until I intervened. He said sorry I just got carried away.

I often wonder how many guys would go unprotected if given the opportunity.
Unfortunately too many would take the risk they would get carried away and not stop unless told too :-[
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: saltysweet on 15 June 2022, 07:53:18 pm
100% I think.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 15 June 2022, 08:36:28 pm
100% I think.

Yup. They don't care.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 15 June 2022, 09:17:39 pm
Can STIs be transmitted from bare genital contact? I consider it possible.

One client said I was being inconsistent offering OWO, but no bare genital contact.

As far as I'm concerned I'm lowering risk.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 15 June 2022, 09:32:35 pm
I had one young man book me .. I have only my profile I don’t see under 30s but they still slip through net every now and then.

Halfway the booking he said to me your a lot slimmer than I thought (looking disappointed) I got  on my profile that Im a size 8s on my profile..(my pics all upto date)  not sure what he was expecting.. he  told me he prefers taller ladies and that he is disappointed, he said he expected me be taller.. it says on my profile I’m petite and only 5’2.. I just laughed in my head thinking okkkk

This is reason I don’t see under 30s. I find them hard work.. most of them have been very demanding with me or say rude comments .. not sure if they like this with me due to me being Under 30 myself.  I haven’t had many good experiences with under 30s.

(Give me a middle age gent any day he he)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 16 June 2022, 12:06:34 pm
Perhaps he got your profile mixed up with someone else Petlover. I don't mind the under 30s, most are respectful, fun, and finish quick. A few have been dicks. I prefer younger or my age (early 40s) than the 60+. I find that age group the most entitled and critical, albeit I do have some nice ones.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 16 June 2022, 12:26:58 pm
Perhaps he got your profile mixed up with someone else Petlover. I don't mind the under 30s, most are respectful, fun, and finish quick. A few have been dicks. I prefer younger or my age (early 40s) than the 60+. I find that age group the most entitled and critical, albeit I do have some nice ones.

I did think that at first.. maybe he got my profile mixed up.. so I told him I have put on a  recent pic what I took the other day on my profile..I asked him had he seen it.. .. he said he had.. he described  the outfit I had on ..I think he maybe just didn’t look at my stats properly or read my profile.

I say my fav age is 35-55 there the best clients I found.

[quote fixed]
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 16 June 2022, 09:22:44 pm
Chop and change the time repeatedly.

I recently had a reg do this, he asked to see me but didn't give a time, so I asked 9am then our usual? He says can it be 10? Okay. So on the day he asks can it be 9am actually? That's what I offered to start with! But okay, no problem. About half an hour before he was due he says actually can we push it back to 10, I've been delayed. I'm getting irritated by now, but he's usually reliable, easy and in and out within 15-20 minutes, so I bite my tongue and agree. A few minutes past 10, he texts saying I'm gonna be 15 minutes is that okay....No it fucking isn't!! It would clash with another booking and I've pissed around all morning to accommodate you already  :FF :FF

Perfect example of when decent regulars start to go bad. Will be getting a talking to and dumped if it doesn't change.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 16 June 2022, 10:43:03 pm
Ring the bell, then when I press the door release just stand there gaping at the door with their arms by their sides waiting for it to magically swing open by itself. You're not at Tesco - there is a handle for a reason ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: oleyoleyWG on 17 June 2022, 08:50:11 am
I’m sick to death of ‘are you available today’ texts when it states on my profile 4 times through paying for available today banner and my tour dates are stated 3 times in different tabs. Honestly I’m going to lose my shit if I get one more text like that. I’m clearly fucking available today. Sorry for the rant ladies it’s not even 9am and I’ve had enough lol x
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 17 June 2022, 10:41:17 am
Ring the bell, then when I press the door release just stand there gaping at the door with their arms by their sides waiting for it to magically swing open by itself. You're not at Tesco - there is a handle for a reason ::)

This peeves me off. I don't want to speak on the intercom so people hear me that is why I have them still on the phone to me to baby them through the steps.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 17 June 2022, 11:54:27 am
An Indian gent  booked me the other day

As soon as he walked he said to me for  30 mins I want a full 30 mins. My heart sank as I thought he would be a nightmare after coming out with that comment straight away.. I was ready to say I don’t think this will work and ask Him to leave.. as I found ones who act this way have been nightmares to deal with.. but I decided to give him a chance..

To my surprise He was actually was a nice man. I enjoyed the booking with him..  He just explained at the end the booking he just didn’t want me being to fast with him.. (which I never am anyway)

It’s was all good in the end. I would happily see him again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: bustybbwsteph on 17 June 2022, 04:20:30 pm
Guy on cam last night asking if I was single or married (If I had a pound for everytime I was asked that question I wouldn't need to work!) 
Then he asks me if my husband ALLOWS me to do this....... Like it's not a real job & I need permission to be able to make money how I choose to - Funny how clients never ask if your partner allows you to have a job in any other sector other than sex work
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 17 June 2022, 06:09:18 pm
Guy on cam last night asking if I was single or married (If I had a pound for everytime I was asked that question I wouldn't need to work!) 
Then he asks me if my husband ALLOWS me to do this....... Like it's not a real job & I need permission to be able to make money how I choose to - Funny how clients never ask if your partner allows you to have a job in any other sector other than sex work

This is a common question, some guys really get off on married or partnered women - work it, work it. I say he's supportive and have a great answer/explanation ready (which is actually true too). One or two spenders like to see a ring during shows  ;)

I have come across this attitude regards ownership/control/allowing/restricting partners decades before sex work, had boyfriends who would say "You don't need to go into higher education, get a shop job/you don't need to do that independent hobby you enjoy which attracted me to you/you don't feel like that any more you have me all your problems are over/you need to be with me  watching TVevery night not doing anything else".

And I have heard of partners not allowing their partners to go out shopping on their own....I can go on.

It's just people (sometimes women as much as men) [Sigh]  :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 17 June 2022, 10:59:22 pm
I’m sick to death of ‘are you available today’ texts when it states on my profile 4 times through paying for available today banner and my tour dates are stated 3 times in different tabs. Honestly I’m going to lose my shit if I get one more text like that. I’m clearly fucking available today. Sorry for the rant ladies it’s not even 9am and I’ve had enough lol x
They get to me too I want to be very rude to them all but I just do not reply ever.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 18 June 2022, 08:42:23 am
I’m sick to death of ‘are you available today’ texts when it states on my profile 4 times through paying for available today banner and my tour dates are stated 3 times in different tabs. Honestly I’m going to lose my shit if I get one more text like that. I’m clearly fucking available today. Sorry for the rant ladies it’s not even 9am and I’ve had enough lol x

Yup, me too. If I had a £1 for every one I got I'd be a very rich lady. Sometimes I respond with 'available today is on for a reason'. Sometimes I respond with 'without a time or duration I'm unable to say'. They very rarely result in a booking or they're asking times after I finish and my hours are clearly bloody listed. I ignore most of them tbh. Like pulling teeth!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 19 June 2022, 12:29:18 pm
Another man (I posted about one very recently) rang me yesterday to tell me he's financially struggling but hopes to see me in the near future. He last saw me almost 2 years ago.

I was polite (while eye rolling) and told him to get in touch when he's sure he can visit me.

I have never done discounted fees and not about to start. Two of my longstanding clients still pay my rates pre increase but they book me usually every month.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 19 June 2022, 12:35:15 pm
Another man (I posted about one very recently) rang me yesterday to tell me he's financially struggling but hopes to see me in the near future. He last saw me almost 2 years ago.

I was polite (while eye rolling) and told him to get in touch when he's sure he can visit me.

I have never done discounted fees and not about to start. Two of my longstanding clients still pay my rates pre increase but they book me usually every month.

I've received contact like this right from the start when my rates were lowish and I discounted / overran / spent a lot of time off the clock with clients / punters, and 1 or 2 decided to short change me then.

Anyhow yes I do the same just advise to make contact when they are ready and able to book.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 19 June 2022, 08:37:59 pm
I had one young man book me .. I have only my profile I don’t see under 30s but they still slip through net every now and then.

Halfway the booking he said to me your a lot slimmer than I thought (looking disappointed) I got  on my profile that Im a size 8s on my profile..(my pics all upto date)  not sure what he was expecting.. he  told me he prefers taller ladies and that he is disappointed, he said he expected me be taller.. it says on my profile I’m petite and only 5’2.. I just laughed in my head thinking okkkk

This is reason I don’t see under 30s. I find them hard work.. most of them have been very demanding with me or say rude comments .. not sure if they like this with me due to me being Under 30 myself.  I haven’t had many good experiences with under 30s.

(Give me a middle age gent any day he he)

I personally don't see people below 25 years old but that's why I don't mention it on my profile so that when they text me they tell me their real age as they don't know about this policy and I just ignore them
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 19 June 2022, 08:39:32 pm
Ring the bell, then when I press the door release just stand there gaping at the door with their arms by their sides waiting for it to magically swing open by itself. You're not at Tesco - there is a handle for a reason ::)

Do some people really do this ??
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 19 June 2022, 08:43:11 pm
I’m sick to death of ‘are you available today’ texts when it states on my profile 4 times through paying for available today banner and my tour dates are stated 3 times in different tabs. Honestly I’m going to lose my shit if I get one more text like that. I’m clearly fucking available today. Sorry for the rant ladies it’s not even 9am and I’ve had enough lol x

That's why I don't reply anymore to people who ask "are you available today?" because when I'm available I always have my green light on so it's obvious that I'm available. I've always noticed that people who ask if you're available today have been bad clients that you don't want to see again, or chancers you declined to see and who try contacting you with a new number or simply the usual timewaster
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 20 June 2022, 08:55:04 am
That's why I don't reply anymore to people who ask "are you available today?" because when I'm available I always have my green light on so it's obvious that I'm available. I've always noticed that people who ask if you're available today have been bad clients that you don't want to see again, or chancers you declined to see and who try contacting you with a new number or simply the usual timewaster

When I used to reply to their stupid texts (available today was on) it would rarely result in a booking. I reckon they just get off on knowing you're working. 95% are timewasters.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 20 June 2022, 05:26:43 pm
Client arrived, slightly patronising and arrogant, counting out the money slowly.
Spilt the oil all over the place and soaked the sheets . Cum whilst this happened ,don't know how.
Wanted body to body then muscles massage on shoulders then wrecked the bathroom water everywhere.
No I'm not seeing him again,trying to clear up for my next guy  :-\
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 20 June 2022, 06:26:09 pm
Client arrived, slightly patronising and arrogant, counting out the money slowly.
Spilt the oil all over the place and soaked the sheets . Cum whilst this happened ,don't know how.
Wanted body to body then muscles massage on shoulders then wrecked the bathroom water everywhere.
No I'm not seeing him again,trying to clear up for my next guy  :-\

Sounds deliberate. I wouldn't see him either.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 20 June 2022, 07:43:26 pm
Another client today who came with a cold least he was honest enough to tell me that he had something on his lip a week ago (pretending they have no clue what a cold sore is and that they don't know it's contagious lol), I find this kind of behaviour very disrespectful because it shows that they literally don't give a f*** about infecting someone else.  >:( >:(
I'm extremely picky when it comes to cold sores (and herpes in general) as I've never had any in my life and hope to never catch it (I know I might have the virus dormant but I've never had any outbreak).

The first thing I always do when a client passes my door is inspecting their lips to see if they have any visible cold sores or even marks. Even if I have a very small doubt that it's a cold sore
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinkR2021 on 22 June 2022, 12:23:55 pm
Being really f**king loud!
I had one client who booked in and  Not only did he not keep his voice down, but everytime I touched him, he flapped around like a fish and groaned. It kind of reminded me of a  Kevin tantrum (from Kevin and Perry Go Large ) 😂. I didn’t know whether to laugh or call an ambulance  :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 22 June 2022, 01:35:19 pm
Being really f**king loud!
I had one client recently (new) who booked in for several hours. Not only did he not keep his voice down, but everytime I touched him, he flapped around like a fish and groaned. It kind of reminded me of a  Kevin tantrum (from Kevin and Perry Go Large ) 😂. I didn’t know whether to laugh or call an ambulance  :o

Kevin 🤣🤣
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 22 June 2022, 10:12:43 pm
Say crap like "your body was made for sex" yuk, what does that even mean anyway?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 23 June 2022, 03:22:53 pm
Say crap like "your body was made for sex" yuk, what does that even mean anyway?!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinkR2021 on 24 June 2022, 11:11:04 pm
Say crap like "your body was made for sex" yuk, what does that even mean anyway?!
Or “I can tell you really love doing this.”
No, Sir. I am just a very good actress  ;)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 25 June 2022, 06:45:13 am
Or “I can tell you really love doing this.”
No, Sir. I am just a very good actress  ;)

Had feedback once which said 'she seemed to really enjoy our time togerger'. Nope, he was everything I hate in  client - lazy, smelly, entitled, unattractive and far older.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 28 June 2022, 06:54:12 pm
Think you'll rearrange your personal life for them.

I've been seeing this guy for 5+ years now, every 2-4 weeks. Given the time length, a few details about our personal lives have cropped up (on both sides.) Recently he text saying Hiya I know you're busy on the weekends with your family but was wondering if you could see me still as my new job doesn't allow a lot of free time, maybe when the kids are in bed or ask their dad to have them for a few hours while I come and see you?

Cheeky fucker. I most certainly won't be losing out on my personal time/family time for ANYONE!! Not only that, but the sheer audacity of basically asking me to dump my family for a bit just so he can get his dick wet means he won't be seeing me ever again!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 28 June 2022, 10:29:22 pm
Think you'll rearrange your personal life for them.

I've been seeing this guy for 5+ years now, every 2-4 weeks. Given the time length, a few details about our personal lives have cropped up (on both sides.) Recently he text saying Hiya I know you're busy on the weekends with your family but was wondering if you could see me still as my new job doesn't allow a lot of free time, maybe when the kids are in bed or ask their dad to have them for a few hours while I come and see you?

Cheeky fucker. I most certainly won't be losing out on my personal time/family time for ANYONE!! Not only that, but the sheer audacity of basically asking me to dump my family for a bit just so he can get his dick wet means he won't be seeing me ever again!

Unbelievable. I only work part time because of my kids but when I was home schooling them in lock down I barely worked at all. All these wankers saying 'sneak me past them, they won't know'. Blocked. Entitled pricks.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinkR2021 on 29 June 2022, 01:09:48 pm
Think you'll rearrange your personal life for them.

I don’t see people at my home(and people know this!) and yet I still have clients asking to be allowed to come and see me at home. They get quite pissy when I say no, but is mine and my daughters home. I don’t want strange men in my space.
I work odd hours due to childcare and the amount of clients who ask me to “just stick your kid with a babysitter” when I can’t see them of an evening pisses me off no end. I’m not doing that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: One More Rodeo on 06 July 2022, 06:00:28 pm
Why do some of these men think it's appropriate to ask me what my age is? >:(
Am I too touchy about this or is it just a normal question?
I don't think it is.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 06 July 2022, 08:55:00 pm
Why do some of these men think it's appropriate to ask me what my age is? >:(
Am I too touchy about this or is it just a normal question?
I don't think it is.

Is it on your profile? I know a number of escorts who take a few years off. I don't as I don't think I could pass for in my 30s, but I think punters think we're all a good 5-10 years older than we are.

For me it's them lying about their age. One yesterday said 59, he was clearly at least 65 and I dispised him as he was entitled and rough and creepy. I generally do not enjoy men in their 60s bar a few regs.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 06 July 2022, 10:33:14 pm
A client today let out a noisy stinky fart as I was riding cowgirl, I struggled not to pull a face  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 07 July 2022, 02:37:59 am
Why do some of these men think it's appropriate to ask me what my age is? >:(
Am I too touchy about this or is it just a normal question?
I don't think it is.

I don't think it's usually appropriate, but I can understand it given so many escorts lie. Also, if you look very young, it's probably a good idea they check - though obviously no one sensible is going to admit to being under 18.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 07 July 2022, 07:40:14 am
I don't think it's usually appropriate, but I can understand it given so many escorts lie. Also, if you look very young, it's probably a good idea they check - though obviously no one sensible is going to admit to being under 18.

Yeah, I'm in my late 30's and people rarely believe I'm out of my 20's  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 07 July 2022, 07:59:43 am
I don't think it's usually appropriate, but I can understand it given so many escorts lie. Also, if you look very young, it's probably a good idea they check - though obviously no one sensible is going to admit to being under 18.

Quite a few apologise for asking 'Hope you don't mind?', I don't mind at all.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 07 July 2022, 02:21:35 pm
I've had quite a few clients ask about my age because I look younger. I am mid twenties but have been asked I think twice to confirm that I'm definitely over 18 - one even said I looked about 16...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 08 July 2022, 07:55:00 pm
A client today let out a noisy stinky fart as I was riding cowgirl, I struggled not to pull a face  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 08 July 2022, 08:04:43 pm
A client today let out a noisy stinky fart as I was riding cowgirl, I struggled not to pull a face  ::)

Had one once farting on my bed, without shame, then asking to use my ensuite for a shit.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 10 July 2022, 09:39:28 pm
Not one call or message during my stated working hours today then  as soon as it's finish time the damn phone hasn't stopped ringing!  :FF :FF 
What is wrong with these men!?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 12 July 2022, 10:33:02 pm
Not one call or message during my stated working hours today then  as soon as it's finish time the damn phone hasn't stopped ringing!  :FF :FF 
What is wrong with these men!?
Isnt this so  irritating?
I think it's deliberate
I'd get emails on days I didn't show as working but they never contact me when the numbers displayed .
They are probably wanking as their emailing or calling
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 12 July 2022, 10:35:09 pm
See you one time then think they can mess you about and waste your time from then on.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 12 July 2022, 10:55:27 pm
Isnt this so  irritating?
I think it's deliberate
I'd get emails on days I didn't show as working but they never contact me when the numbers displayed .
They are probably wanking as their emailing or calling

I agree. As soon as my advertised hours end, no end of calls, even from 'returnees' who I say check my profile for my hours.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 13 July 2022, 08:47:33 am
I agree. As soon as my advertised hours end, no end of calls, even from 'returnees' who I say check my profile for my hours.

I know, don't know why we bother putting so much precise detail on our profiles regarding our availability as they are just too damn lazy to check it before bugging us with their stupid " are you available/working" texts and out of hours calls.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 13 July 2022, 09:26:49 am
SheffSW that's what I find happens with me too
Had quite a few do it see me once then mess about , I saw one a few months back he did me a good review on aw then knowing I dislike tws he cancelled the second booking with so.e bullshit , sending ne text with crap a few times , last week he reckoned he lost my number as he lose his phone ( still could messaged on aw ) was on about a meet this Monday on Tuesday after his dickhead text again, then gone quiet , next time he decides to message as I deleted his number he can fuck off thinking I time for  him immature fat prick .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 13 July 2022, 08:39:40 pm
Yup, as soon as I jumped into the car, 2 phone calls and a text. Barely a sausage all day.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: denise96 on 14 July 2022, 05:53:51 pm
Asking about prices, as soon as I tell them they never get back to you/me. You should have checked your bank account before contacting me.
(I'm not very expensive, I would say normal for this times)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 14 July 2022, 06:04:28 pm
SheffSW that's what I find happens with me too
Had quite a few do it see me once then mess about , I saw one a few months back he did me a good review on aw then knowing I dislike tws he cancelled the second booking with so.e bullshit , sending ne text with crap a few times , last week he reckoned he lost my number as he lose his phone ( still could messaged on aw ) was on about a meet this Monday on Tuesday after his dickhead text again, then gone quiet , next time he decides to message as I deleted his number he can fuck off thinking I time for  him immature fat prick .

Yep, had a few like that too.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 14 July 2022, 07:59:25 pm
SheffSW that's what I find happens with me too
Had quite a few do it see me once then mess about , I saw one a few months back he did me a good review on aw then knowing I dislike tws he cancelled the second booking with so.e bullshit , sending ne text with crap a few times , last week he reckoned he lost my number as he lose his phone ( still could messaged on aw ) was on about a meet this Monday on Tuesday after his dickhead text again, then gone quiet , next time he decides to message as I deleted his number he can fuck off thinking I time for  him immature fat prick .

Ughhhhh. I've had two existing clients arrange further bookings with me then stop replying/not confirm so I just haven't set off. Another messages once in a while asking when I'm available then doesn't respond or says he will get in touch with me tomorrow to arrange something then doesn't. Then there was another who kept sending me sexual messages and seeming annoyed when I didn't get back to him, hinting at future bookings but not making any. It's shit when you have a decent booking with someone and think they will be fine to see again, then they pull this on you. Luckily now I have a few genuine regulars who communicate well when they want another booking and don't mess me about.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 24 July 2022, 08:25:07 pm
Think they can confirm whenever they want to.

Told him to confirm by 3pm. 3pm came and went so I made other plans. Confirms at 4.30 and then becomes passive-aggressive when I inform him I have canceled his booking and made other plans.

If they don't confirm by the time I ask them to, 9 times out of 10 I have made other plans within 10-15 minutes after their deadline. I always ask them to confirm by a certain time, instead of at a certain time to allow for things like getting stuck in a meeting, the wife, children etc being in the room and so on. If they can't manage that, it's not my problem. My time is just as important as theirs!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 25 July 2022, 02:37:23 pm
See you one time then think they can mess you about and waste your time from then on.

Oh yes, I can totally relate to this, so annoying. They've seen you one, you got along quite well during the booking and then they start sending you regular messages about their daily life, music they life, hiking they went too. Either they never make a new booking and just want some free chit chat or want to make a booking from time to time but they keep changing times and cancel with the sentence "I'll try again tomorrow" but never do.  >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 26 July 2022, 09:07:51 am
Sending a text asking if I'm available for an outcall on a certain date, time location.

Texting next day to check the booking is still on.

Another deleting my carefully typed booking confirmation containing confirmation time, confirms 2 hours after requested time.

Let's go back to 1st after spending time whilst busy explaining how to book, taking deposit sent by a very slightly inconvenient method (I need to minutae my instructions). Confirms as requested. No room number I am outside at venue, I send a text. He says had texted after landing at airport to advise doesn't have sterling, hadn't had time to change currency doesn't have a vehicle to get to nearest ATM, his only suggestion is he pays in gift vouchers.

I left very frustrating. I'm really clear in my comms. I didn't receive any texts from him after the morning confirm (he'd agreed to send room number), and I have warned him phone signal is poor at hotel, to phone or check texts are sent/received. If he'd told me sooner I would have advised on cash points available on his journey and or taxi companies he could use locally.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 26 July 2022, 10:20:32 am
When you decided to not take a booking from them as they failed your screen process, but
Still they try to make attempts to see you ever time you work  not talking no for an answer.. .. ( being pushy even calling me paranoid and being cocky to why  I won’t see them) They even go to attempts lying saying they have seen  you a few times, just to try and trick you into a booking.. 

These type of situations Just reminds me that my gut was right to not let them book..if they can be that pushy demanding and rather insulting when refused a booking. I dread to think what they be like in person.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 26 July 2022, 11:56:06 am
((They even go to attempts lying saying they have seen  you a few times, just to try and trick you into a booking..)) 

Oh yes those chancers who think they're so clever.  When they say we've met before or several times I ask for some details of that and I can tell in a jiffy that they are picking clues from my reviews.

It does not work and they get no booking.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 26 July 2022, 07:52:41 pm
When they say they have seen me before but their number is not saved in my phone = red flags. Had 2 in 2 days say that and both were blocked previously, both for being timewasters. I put the phone down on one because he failed screening, I thought to myself, I need to stop being so hard on them, then he emailed me on AW and I realised my gut was right as he was abusive when I saw him a few years ago. He's tried to book me multiple times.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 30 July 2022, 02:10:07 pm
Had 1 come earlier I have seen loads of times fed up doing him as he always runs overtime playing stupid games delaying me , we finished and he went into the bathroom hawking and spitting in the sink , I just bleached out before,  also found him wiping his cock on my towel when other visits I offer a clean one . :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 31 July 2022, 12:09:12 pm
Had 1 come earlier I have seen loads of times fed up doing him as he always runs overtime playing stupid games delaying me , we finished and he went into the bathroom hawking and spitting in the sink , I just bleached out before,  also found him wiping his cock on my towel when other visits I offer a clean one . :FF

OMG! Total disrespect on so many levels!
Would be an instant block.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 31 July 2022, 01:49:31 pm
When they want to give you a massage. No thanks!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missizzy on 31 July 2022, 03:54:21 pm
When they want to give you a massage. No thanks!

I just knead them like I'm making dough. They soon ask me to stop.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 31 July 2022, 04:02:59 pm
I meant that they want to give me one. I don’t mind massaging them because they enjoy it but I’ve let clients massage me in the past and it’s just sn excuse for them to constantly molest you lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 31 July 2022, 04:49:17 pm
I meant that they want to give me one. I don’t mind massaging them because they enjoy it but I’ve let clients massage me in the past and it’s just sn excuse for them to constantly molest you lol

When clients told me they are good at massage I used to expect a professional standard one, I soon realised their version is more like random handstrokes without any training or knowledge of physiology. That expectation is gone and so just go with it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 31 July 2022, 05:19:11 pm
I meant that they want to give me one. I don’t mind massaging them because they enjoy it but I’ve let clients massage me in the past and it’s just sn excuse for them to constantly molest you lol

I don't allow it (I don't give massages either, so there isn't any massage oil or similar lying about). The idea that I would lie on my front facing away from somebody who's likely to be bigger and stronger than me and not be able to see what they're doing is not happening. At least in doggy you can quickly move away forwards if you have to.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GucciGang on 03 August 2022, 12:40:38 pm
When they get out of the shower and go for a wee and don’t tell wash I always send them back in I don’t offer water sports and don’t wish to taste urine yuck !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 03 August 2022, 01:01:56 pm
When they want to give you a massage. No thanks!
Only allowed it once and never again, ended up slathered in baby oil and had to wash and style my hair all over again!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 04 August 2022, 12:52:33 pm
Only allowed it once and never again, ended up slathered in baby oil and had to wash and style my hair all over again!

Years ago someone grabbed my bottle of highly perfumed Sanctuary massage oil, rubbed most of it all over my pelvis and pussy region  :o . When he indicated he wanted intercourse I then of course advised him I needed a shower to remove oil from the areas that will come into contact with the condom. I could literally feel the pH being restored as I washed.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GucciGang on 06 August 2022, 10:08:15 am
When every client I see has an obsession for putting your legs in the air in missionary. One it painful when they are banging my cervix so now I’ve started telling them not to do it before we start as it was like every booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Boudoir on 06 August 2022, 11:59:09 am
When every client I see has an obsession for putting your legs in the air in missionary. One it painful when they are banging my cervix so now I’ve started telling them not to do it before we start as it was like every booking.

God yes I hate this too! If they're pushing down on me at the same time so I'm getting folded in half I find it hard to breathe.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 06 August 2022, 02:08:13 pm
 That is really uncomfortable do they not realise were human .. you can get really unwell in that position if in it for too long .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 10 August 2022, 12:07:53 pm
Asking what you do for work while you're literally providing the service they payed for.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 10 August 2022, 02:02:17 pm
Asking that if I won the lotto jackpot would I give him a free booking.  Yes of course I would do the lot of them for free!

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 10 August 2022, 04:03:17 pm
Asking what you do for work while you're literally providing the service they payed for.  :FF
Or when they ask "is this all you do"  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 10 August 2022, 06:18:47 pm
Does anyone else get this?

Asks for days this week I can do a booking at a particular time, I reply with the days I can offer that time. He replies saying what about these other days(days I have not put in my reply because I cannot do that time on those days).

Have learned to put into my first availability reply "I cannot do these other days". One client say he used to ask for mornings, I would reply saying mornings on the dates requested were not possible, he would then say "Remember I can do as early as you like". I learned to write into my replies "I have taken into account you can do very early in the morning".
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 10 August 2022, 10:28:09 pm
Or when they ask "is this all you do"  ???

I get asked that too. I did have another job before going full-time (as I wanted to ensure I could financially support myself before having this as my sole income) but quit that job a month into escorting, and responded to someone's message about my availability to inform them that I was in my notice period for a full-time job so would have much more flexible availability soon - he said something along the lines of "I take it you prefer escorting to your proper job then?". Imagine paying someone to provide a service and not thinking the person you pay for this service has a proper job.  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 11 August 2022, 12:11:43 am
I get asked that too. I did have another job before going full-time (as I wanted to ensure I could financially support myself before having this as my sole income) but quit that job a month into escorting, and responded to someone's message about my availability to inform them that I was in my notice period for a full-time job so would have much more flexible availability soon - he said something along the lines of "I take it you prefer escorting to your proper job then?". Imagine paying someone to provide a service and not thinking the person you pay for this service has a proper job.  ???

I get this quite a lot too, " Is this all you do?"  It beggers belief really when you consider the amount of admin and organisation it takes not to mention the guys who expect us to be available at practically zero notice.
I think many of them prefer to think we are just hobbyists and so must be very much into having sex with them (and any random guy) rather than the idea that we are only doing it for the money.
Clearly many of them don't consider it to be a "real job".
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 11 August 2022, 01:33:28 pm
One of my favourite regs came out with, Oh, I didn't know you worked, when I told him I've been really busy with work lately. I said of course I do it's this and he goes, Ohhh  ;D

I had to laugh. In fact, it really tickled me  :D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 11 August 2022, 10:00:30 pm
I think many of them prefer to think we are just hobbyists and so must be very much into having sex with them (and any random guy) rather than the idea that we are only doing it for the money.
Clearly many of them don't consider it to be a "real job".

I think this is very much the case (even though I've taken to answering the inevitable 'what do you like?' question with 'money'), but I do wonder how they reconcile that with their apparent belief that "I must see some real 'weirdos' ", since they ask me that an awful lot too. Obviously they are the lone, unique punter who is pleasant and normal ???.

I've banged on about it on this thread already and probably more than once, but the early arrivers are driving me round the fucking bend. No I am not 'ready', because your booking doesn't start for fifteen minutes. And no, I don't want you to 'just let me know you're here', because - incredibly - it doesn't make me feel relaxed and comfortable knowing there's some random numpty hanging around my street pacing up and down checking his phone  >:( :

I would be less irritated if my text template with their directions didn't include the words 'please be punctual'. Nothing I add makes a blind bit of difference.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 12 August 2022, 05:42:22 pm
I think this is very much the case (even though I've taken to answering the inevitable 'what do you like?' question with 'money'), but I do wonder how they reconcile that with their apparent belief that "I must see some real 'weirdos' ", since they ask me that an awful lot too. Obviously they are the lone, unique punter who is pleasant and normal ???.

I've banged on about it on this thread already and probably more than once, but the early arrivers are driving me round the fucking bend. No I am not 'ready', because your booking doesn't start for fifteen minutes. And no, I don't want you to 'just let me know you're here', because - incredibly - it doesn't make me feel relaxed and comfortable knowing there's some random numpty hanging around my street pacing up and down checking his phone  >:( :

I would be less irritated if my text template with their directions didn't include the words 'please be punctual'. Nothing I add makes a blind bit of difference.

Yes I am asked this quite a lot, also assumed that marks on my body from general life etc have been inflicted by A N Other client. They seem to think others are awful.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 12 August 2022, 11:10:31 pm
Yes I am asked this quite a lot, also assumed that marks on my body from general life etc have been inflicted by A N Other client. They seem to think others are awful.

Yes! I often have small bruises (mostly on my legs) from the hexagonal dumbells at my gym - they have pointy corners. I've had several comment on them and at least one idiot thought they were track marks ::).

It's like their version of Occam's razor; the simplest explanation is definitely going to be the right one provided it fits whatever stereotype they're applying to the situation. I also have a missing tooth which broke and had to be removed years ago and I was asked more than once at the time who had dunnit  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 14 August 2022, 01:57:22 pm
It's like their version of Occam's razor; the simplest explanation is definitely going to be the right one provided it fits whatever stereotype they're applying to the situation.

I've had the same questions others have remarked upon. Least effort and first stereotype which springs to mind explains a lot of things. I've experienced this in none sex work situations too including those which would count as a failure of professional standards by people who should know better.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 14 August 2022, 03:12:12 pm
Not a huge problem but I don't like the introductory emails which begin " hi hope you're (or your😏) having a wonderful day so far "

It bugs me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 14 August 2022, 03:43:25 pm
Not a huge problem but I don't like the introductory emails which begin " hi hope you're (or your😏) having a wonderful day so far "

It bugs me.

Hope you are well, I'm finding this is a life wide work thing not specific to sex work. I find it very weird but assumed it's just me (I can be blunt).

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 15 August 2022, 08:29:47 am
Alot of these strangers don't know what to say to escorts !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 16 August 2022, 05:45:24 pm
Regular client and good payer who is manageable but oh my life his breath reeked. When he was snogging me it was unbearable when I could only breath through my nose. I had to pull a few tricks for a moment of respite! Thankfully he decided munching me was a better idea which burned up a fair few minutes. I'm not so rude as to put a movie on or read a book in the meantime but it was that or be gasping for air again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 16 August 2022, 09:58:51 pm
Regular client and good payer who is manageable but oh my life his breath reeked. When he was snogging me it was unbearable when I could only breath through my nose. I had to pull a few tricks for a moment of respite! Thankfully he decided munching me was a better idea which burned up a fair few minutes. I'm not so rude as to put a movie on or read a book in the meantime but it was that or be gasping for air again.

You are too polite. Regardless of being a regular stanky stinky breath I will let you the client know I can't kiss you cos your oral hygiene is not great. Here is a toothbrush and toothpaste to freshen your breath then I give you mouth wash. If the client gets iffy well - I won't give the full service you are used to cos of your bad breath.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 17 August 2022, 09:28:24 am
Regular client and good payer who is manageable but oh my life his breath reeked. When he was snogging me it was unbearable when I could only breath through my nose. I had to pull a few tricks for a moment of respite! Thankfully he decided munching me was a better idea which burned up a fair few minutes. I'm not so rude as to put a movie on or read a book in the meantime but it was that or be gasping for air again.

It's bad enough having them in the room with terrible breath let alone kissing them.  I couldn't put myself through it but a lot of women grim and bare it and say nothing probably from the embarrassment but it's the clients that should feel embarrassed not you.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tickle on 17 August 2022, 11:59:16 am
I could ignore most of his foibles and put on a happy face but the bad breath threw me. Actually he was hard work as he was constantly working his whiles on me. I didn't have time to feel embarrassed! Client from hell the more I think about it. I'm just too mentally exhausted thinking about it to write it up. But ye Gods the reek of the exhaust from his nostrils as not having any other air to breath. It was like sniffing a dead cat.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: KirstyKiss on 17 August 2022, 05:37:55 pm
The fact they are living and breathing today is annoying me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 17 August 2022, 06:55:11 pm
When they mess you about with times and stuff like they're the only client you see. I would never dream of ringing my dentist, doctor or hairdresser and saying I'd love to come and see you today but I can't tell you a definite time  :FF

How the hell are we supposed to work around a none existent time?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 17 August 2022, 07:03:04 pm
Vagueness doesn't get them bookings.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 17 August 2022, 10:26:45 pm
When they mess you about with times and stuff like they're the only client you see. I would never dream of ringing my dentist, doctor or hairdresser and saying I'd love to come and see you today but I can't tell you a definite time  :FF

How the hell are we supposed to work around a none existent time?!

Exactly. I won't entertain something so vague.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 18 August 2022, 08:33:32 pm
When you tell them you don’t want to see them again in a polite way but they trick you into a booking making contact from a different number.. they turn up at the door hoping you see them.

I had this one client who only booked the once.. I could tell he was looking for more dating rather than strictly services .. he booked 30 mins and paid only 30 mins  but he overstayed and ended up having a hour out of me .. after the booking he starting  texting me what an amazing time he had.. I told him politely that I can’t see him again.. I knew he be problems as I got that feeling.. I said he was to big for me down below as an excuse to not see him again .. he started trying to try and text tennis with me about how much of a connection we have (yawn) I blocked then. He knew I didn’t want to see him again.

Fast forward a few months he has pretended to be someone else and turned up at the door using a different  number.. lucky I was in a hotel what’s safe.. plus my hotel room I was In  Was near the cleaning room where the cleaners was close by.. I answered the door and said what you doing here.. he said he thought I would see him.. (even tho I told him previously I wouldn’t) he left, but I do wonder if the cleaners hadn’t been close by in the corridors he maybe would have caused a fuss

I text him after he left and told him what he is doing is harassment and I did say if it happened again I would report it..

He started texting me that he isn’t a bad guy and wanted see me.. sorry but good men don’t trick or take the piss overstaying an extra 30 mins..

I just hope he isn’t going to be a problem for me.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 18 August 2022, 08:43:46 pm
When you tell them you don’t want to see them again in a polite way but they trick you into a booking making contact from a different number.. they turn up at the door hoping you see them.

I had this one client who only booked the once.. I could tell he was looking for dating.. he booked 30 mins and paid only 30 mins  but he overstayed and needed up having a hour out my time.. after the booking he starting  texting me what an amazing time he had.. I told him politely that I can’t see him again.. I knew he be problems as I got that feeling.. I said he was to big for me down below as an excuse to not see him again .. he started trying to try and text tennis with me about how much of a connection we have (yawn) I blocked then. He knew I didn’t want to see him

Fast forward few months he has pretended to be someone on and turned up at the door using a different  number.. lucky I was in a hotel what’s safe.. plus my room In the hotel Was near the cleaning room where the cleaners was close by.. I answered the door and said what you doing here.. he said he thought I would see him.. (even tho I told him previously I wouldn’t) he left, but I do wonder if the cleaners hadn’t been close by in the corridors he maybe would have caused a fuss

I text him after he left and told him what he is doing is harassment and I did say if it happened again I would report it..

He started texting me that he isn’t a bad guy and wanted see me.. sorry but good men don’t trick or take the piss overstaying an extra 30 mins..

I just hope he isn’t going to be a problem for me.

Someone is trying to do this to me at the moment he's awful he had one booking 5 years ago lots of specific request phone calls before he made his first booking, really fixated on clothing. Turned up very scruffy himself. During the booking was pushing boundaries in a 'can we date/meet out of the booking', when the booking time was up he would not budge. Very opinionated said some very daft things about things people spend their own money on (which considering he was spending similar amount on the booking with me was hilarious). Took me a while to get him out of bedroom, then down the stairs, then even though I was telling him it was time to leave he just turned his back on the front door, carried on talking. I had to literally shout at him to get out of my property, at the same time open the door and push him out. He then had the audacity to phone me for feedback on his performance (not AW feedback he says he found me in a contact magazine(I have had some nice clients from contact magazines)). I gave him a piece of my mind and told him to stop wasting/using my time.

Roll on a few months after this booking he tried to mess me around about a second booking which I was totally reluctant to accept. 

He has a very distinctive voice and MO, started calling on a new number in the last month or so. When I ask him he says he has never seen me before, I tell him he sounds like someone I have seen.

MO is the same re clothing, keeping me on the phone. He is now reported to CE (to be fair I have said "Sounds like a guy who was difficult, but I am certain it's him), and I will be either ignoring his calls or telling him I am not seeing any new clients.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 19 August 2022, 08:29:56 am
This one I had was the same wanting certain outfits and stocking colour .. If a professional hairdresser told me they didn’t want to give me another appointment.. I would be to embarrassed to turn up under false pretences.. some of these men  have no shame.. when they act this way it just makes me realise my feelings for them was right..

I’m guessing they think once they at the door under false pretences.. we will let them in as in there eyes why would we say no to money.. they think we will see anyone who turns up..

I was More annoyed as I turned down another booking for this  man.. I hope he isn’t going to start being an issue for me, hopefully he won’t....I think he did this as he got away with having extra time of me the first time he saw me.. he thought he could get away with more boundary pushing so that’s why he tried his luck booking me off a different number.

That’s a good idea if you recognise his voice, saying your not taking new clients on.. that way least he won’t slip through the net like mine did.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 19 August 2022, 11:31:09 am
Same thing has happened to me. When i told a client i do not want to see him or ever contacting me again told him both verbally and by text. Do not contact me again.

When he turned up by deception on a new sim i called police.

He got in trouble and was warned when someone says do not contact them again to do that is harrasment.

Booking by deception is not legal. For all those freaks changing sims to get a booking again or to trick you are breaking the law.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 19 August 2022, 07:40:57 pm
Can't stand them ones who if you are  not free ignore your apology like I'm going to sit 24/7 everyday waiting on them , 
In many cases they are not genuine , they do  not even say they try to see me another day or if they have said it I do not hear off them again  , if they had any sense in their thick heads they would message in the morning or the time stated on my profile when I say to when to contact me , but they never do they just expect me to be avaliable like its a drop in parlour.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 20 August 2022, 09:39:47 pm
The ones who say " oh I've been wanting to see you for ages " or" how come I've not seen you yet?" but had plenty of opportunities to book despite emailing with no mention of booking
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 05 September 2022, 09:02:00 am
Sick of the skint and wannabe photographers bombarding me with free  photo messages ,  do they really think we so stupid we open our legs without payment ?  I'm on to try making  money not  give out freebies , and in my case it don't matter what pics I put on the profile it makes no difference getting work .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinkR2021 on 06 September 2022, 05:36:24 pm
I’ve started seeing a few new clients. Quite a few of them have started asking me what my “real” job is  ::). They don’t seem to get that this could be my “real” job.
I’m going to start making stuff up like Tightrope Walker or Lion Tamer 😂
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Missizzy on 07 September 2022, 07:15:55 am
I’ve started seeing a few new clients. Quite a few of them have started asking me what my “real” job is  ::). They don’t seem to get that this could be my “real” job.
I’m going to start making stuff up like Tightrope Walker or Lion Tamer 😂

That's the opposite of my experience, most men who say anything about it think I can only do this. Mind you a fair few just assume I'm at university, which I suppose is probably the same deal as assuming I've got another job? I dunno.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 07 September 2022, 12:06:51 pm
I’ve started seeing a few new clients. Quite a few of them have started asking me what my “real” job is  ::). They don’t seem to get that this could be my “real” job.

I think a lot of this is them wanting to believe we don't really need the money so they can kid themselves on that we're having sex with them (at least partly) for fun, rather than because we have bills to pay.

There is a whole subsection of deludedness which wants to think we're these horny libertines traversing the fringes of society rather than perfectly ordinary people who want the electric paid and food on the table quickly and easily so we can forget about it and go off to do something else. And to be fair, some marketing approaches do nothing to dissuade them of the idea.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 07 September 2022, 02:01:34 pm
I’ve started seeing a few new clients. Quite a few of them have started asking me what my “real” job is  ::). They don’t seem to get that this could be my “real” job.
I’m going to start making stuff up like Tightrope Walker or Lion Tamer 😂
😂 You'll better have a circus name to go with that .!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 07 September 2022, 04:17:22 pm
I’ve started seeing a few new clients. Quite a few of them have started asking me what my “real” job is  ::). They don’t seem to get that this could be my “real” job.
I’m going to start making stuff up like Tightrope Walker or Lion Tamer 😂

I only really do part time hours and the amount of guys who can't believe I don't work at 7am, or midnight, or every day is astonishing.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PinkR2021 on 13 September 2022, 09:49:17 pm

That's the opposite of my experience, most men who say anything about it think I can only do this. Mind you a fair few just assume I'm at university, which I suppose is probably the same deal as assuming I've got another job? I dunno.
I’ve had the odd client like that. Telling them I used to have a professional job (that required a degree/ post graduate training) and I still chose this line of work for the money/flexibility normally shuts them up.

I think a lot of this is them wanting to believe we don't really need the money so they can kid themselves on that we're having sex with them (at least partly) for fun, rather than because we have bills to pay.

There is a whole subsection of deludedness which wants to think we're these horny libertines traversing the fringes of society rather than perfectly ordinary people who want the electric paid and food on the table quickly and easily so we can forget about it and go off to do something else. And to be fair, some marketing approaches do nothing to dissuade them of the idea.
I’m lucky I tend to see older blokes who accept it is what it is. I’ve found the younger men seem hung up on the idea that I’m some nymphomaniac who can’t wait to jump them  ::) . These same men seem to get annoyed that I won’t rearrange my day to accommodate them.

I think some resent paying so they have to make this fantasy up to make them feel better.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 20 September 2022, 06:14:51 pm
Why is it when you tell punters who you do not want to see anymore they will not leave you alone?
I have  had some guy I seen a few times years back he was hard work and I always thought bit  snidey , I stopped see him when on a feedback ( i looked on one he did from my feedbacks after we stopped contact ) I  noticed he been to a  barebacker , the man made a fake booking sometime after on a different site used a different name and email and when I had a go at him for  not turn up I realised who he was , he said he done it on purpose to get back at me for ignore him, then over the last couple of years he keeps using different emails to bother me sprouting shit , other day HD on about his paying xamount big money to women who appreciate him , I told him stick with them am I meant be jealous ? Today he started again 3 emails different names and saying I had it in my head we were going get married and I following him around on the Internet saying his been with barebackers , (  like i nothing else to do than that the fucking idiot ) the guys a weirdo and deluded.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: bustybbwsteph on 28 September 2022, 11:35:50 pm
It will forever be an issue but not reading a profile - I am not sure how many times I have to write OUTCALLS ONLY within a profile for them to get the hint that I don't do incalls!

This is the one thing that worries me about getting my own website up & running fully, having to deal with the guys who can't be bothered to read
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 29 September 2022, 08:16:24 am
 When i used to work some guys would turn up saying ..oh I've been trying to book you for months .
I'd ask them if they had emailed me to get a booking they hadn't nor had they called before !!!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 29 September 2022, 08:41:08 am
It will forever be an issue but not reading a profile - I am not sure how many times I have to write OUTCALLS ONLY within a profile for them to get the hint that I don't do incalls!

This is the one thing that worries me about getting my own website up & running fully, having to deal with the guys who can't be bothered to read

Having your own website increases the quality of men, I think. Those that find you through your website have bothered to look and research as supposed to those who just sit and scroll through pages of AW  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 29 September 2022, 12:36:49 pm
When they've seen you once before and since then have never booked in advance despite you pretty much always being booked up at the times they want, but message you asking if you have availability and to let them know if you have any cancellations. Bonus points when they literally say they hope you have cancellations. Though if I do become available and let them know, there's no response or suddenly they can't make it.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 29 September 2022, 01:09:10 pm
When they've seen you once before and since then have never booked in advance despite you pretty much always being booked up at the times they want, but message you asking if you have availability and to let them know if you have any cancellations. Bonus points when they literally say they hope you have cancellations. Though if I do become available and let them know, there's no response or suddenly they can't make it.  :FF

Yes what I do is ask for specifics the times and days they can do, obtaining this can be a task but I want to target my cancellation notifications.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 29 September 2022, 01:59:46 pm
Why is it when you tell punters who you do not want to see anymore they will not leave you alone?
I have  had some guy I seen a few times years back he was hard work and I always thought bit  snidey , I stopped see him when on a feedback ( i looked on one he did from my feedbacks after we stopped contact ) I  noticed he been to a  barebacker , the man made a fake booking sometime after on a different site used a different name and email and when I had a go at him for  not turn up I realised who he was , he said he done it on purpose to get back at me for ignore him, then over the last couple of years he keeps using different emails to bother me sprouting shit , other day HD on about his paying xamount big money to women who appreciate him , I told him stick with them am I meant be jealous ? Today he started again 3 emails different names and saying I had it in my head we were going get married and I following him around on the Internet saying his been with barebackers , (  like i nothing else to do than that the fucking idiot ) the guys a weirdo and deluded.

yes 100%, I never understood this as well, like you tell people you don't want to see them but they keep contacting you with different names/numbers/age like what's the point ?
Why would you want to see somebody who doesn't want to see you??!!! That doesn't make sense, I think their ego must be hurt after a refusal (especially if they "pay" lol) and they just can't accept it

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: bustybbwsteph on 29 September 2022, 03:22:10 pm
Having your own website increases the quality of men, I think. Those that find you through your website have bothered to look and research as supposed to those who just sit and scroll through pages of AW  :)

This fills me with some hope so thank you!!  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyJ on 02 October 2022, 01:04:34 pm
The ones who have seen you before no problems and then start to mess you around

Today a client I had seen once no issues except he was very awkward, wanted a short notice booking today. First he asked for 15 mins notice which is absurd, my profile says minimum 1 hour. I agreed to 30 mins notice.

Then within 10 minutes he texted to cancel ‘ something had come up’  when I had rushed around getting ready  😠
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 02 October 2022, 06:48:51 pm
That kind of behaviour would  be a instant block and no more chances .  >:D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 02 October 2022, 08:58:56 pm
The ones who have seen you before no problems and then start to mess you around

Today a client I had seen once no issues except he was very awkward, wanted a short notice booking today. First he asked for 15 mins notice which is absurd, my profile says minimum 1 hour. I agreed to 30 mins notice.

Then within 10 minutes he texted to cancel ‘ something had come up’  when I had rushed around getting ready  😠

I am getting similar lately and I am just losing the will.
One seen a few times before but with blg gaps between. Books in advance with specific dress requests then continues to text requirements after booking accepted, how much he loves my pics, how great I look in blah blah blah, always a red flag. I reply with absolute minimum detail as I know how this scenario goes.
Low and behold just as I'm dressed and ready he texts to say been shunted from behind when almost here, needs to cancel.Yeah right, thinking I'm the only one that's being shafted here.
Next day same thing with newbie. Puts a booking in day before, specific dress requests, gushing during comms and getting way too excited. You guessed it, cancelled on the day, family issues.
 Seems to be the new thing, make the booking with way too much detail, whip themselves into a frenzy, have a wank then cancel the booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 02 October 2022, 09:58:48 pm
This is one reason why I won't do dress requests, they seem to get off on it only to cancel.

Recent Texter from new number (I.e. never met before) but I state calls only from new clients
1930hrs - hello are you available tomorrow at 10am for foot fetish?
1945hrs - hello?

Absolutely tore him a new arsehole. He then accused me of being on drugs.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: barbiegirl on 02 October 2022, 10:02:04 pm
This is one reason why I won't do dress requests, they seem to get off on it only to cancel.

I don’t do them either. I found it extremely annoying to put on particular outfits all for them not to show up or if they do, act like a picky twat during the booking.

I only do them if they’re a good regular that I know is going to show up, or if it’s casual/gym clothes that I’m wearing already.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 02 October 2022, 10:14:16 pm
I don’t do them either. I found it extremely annoying to put on particular outfits all for them not to show up or if they do, act like a picky twat during the booking.

I only do them if they’re a good regular that I know is going to show up, or if it’s casual/gym clothes that I’m wearing already.

Had one last week ask for stockings and suspenders. I told him I don't take dress requests and am always in hold ups and heels as per my profile. When I ended the call I actually remembered I was wearing a Basque with suspenders clips so prior to him arriving I changed out of it for pure spite 🤣
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 02 October 2022, 10:37:31 pm
I have only ever entertained two dress requests. One a long time ago, one recently. Different clients but had seen both previously. Both requested pjs.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 02 October 2022, 10:38:28 pm
Sorry double post
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 02 October 2022, 11:37:32 pm

I only do them if they’re a good regular that I know is going to show up, or if it’s casual/gym clothes that I’m wearing already.

As I said, the first guy had been a few times but not what I'd call regular so the alarm bells weren't ringing until receiving the OTT gushy texts after the booking was made then more texts saying can we do X Y Z ?
Still didn't think he'd cancel... until he did.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 03 October 2022, 05:50:50 am
I insist requests including service requests are made at the time of making the booking and before any deposit is paid. This is because quite a few would then continue contact to discuss dress requests and or throw in roleplays, BDSM, something else which required more contact. Had the same with webcam bookings too, so I stipulate content communicated at time of booking in one or the same message/phone call used to book. One man made 6 phone calls over a 4 week period after making the booking, adding in more and more specifics.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LadyJ on 03 October 2022, 03:49:17 pm
This is one reason why I won't do dress requests, they seem to get off on it only to cancel.

Recent Texter from new number (I.e. never met before) but I state calls only from new clients
1930hrs - hello are you available tomorrow at 10am for foot fetish?
1945hrs - hello?

Absolutely tore him a new arsehole. He then accused me of being on drugs.

Yes I don’t do outfits and state it on my profile. I recently got a guy asking me to wear a fur coat! I won’t wear fur anyway, but even if I did sure Mr Idiot I got one hanging in my closet for clients.

Sub and foot fetish TWs are common too. Trying to go into detail and send long winded scenarios with no booking, not with me Sonny Jim!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 03 October 2022, 10:23:01 pm
When they say something ridiculous; I was about to start oral and he said "enjoy" - quickly ducked my head so he couldn't see my eyes roll  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: bustybbwsteph on 04 October 2022, 01:05:24 pm
Using chat up lines on cam  ::)  Gives me serious ick!  He left before my eyes could stop rolling

t; Are you a bank loan?
t; Bwcause you got my interest
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 04 October 2022, 09:58:45 pm
Yes I don’t do outfits and state it on my profile. I recently got a guy asking me to wear a fur coat! I won’t wear fur anyway, but even if I did sure Mr Idiot I got one hanging in my closet for clients.

Sub and foot fetish TWs are common too. Trying to go into detail and send long winded scenarios with no booking, not with me Sonny Jim!

I used to allow foot fetish but I really hate my feet being touched. Gave up offering role play a long time ago as the scenarios were too detailed and most enquiries never ended up in a booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 04 October 2022, 11:08:36 pm
I used to allow foot fetish but I really hate my feet being touched. Gave up offering role play a long time ago as the scenarios were too detailed and most enquiries never ended up in a booking.

Same.. can't stand my feet being touched but had a request for foot fetish the other day even though its not offered on my likes list. Can't be arsed with role play either, far too mentally draining.
Pisses me off too when a really vanilla client will suddenly ask for dirty talk mid service whilst offering no input themselves, like we can just flip a switch!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 05 October 2022, 08:54:00 am
Using chat up lines on cam  ::)  Gives me serious ick!  He left before my eyes could stop rolling

t; Are you a bank loan?
t; Bwcause you got my interest

I'm sorry but I actually laughed at that  :D

Never heard that one before lol
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessica_Hannah on 05 October 2022, 06:08:10 pm
Men with dirty bums are doing my head in at the moment.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 05 October 2022, 07:05:39 pm
Ha ha worst when your in doing 69 oral position all ready for action.. then you happen to see a turtle head popping out there there under you and your over them.
Yuk (odd as they can be clean everywhere else)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 05 October 2022, 11:29:11 pm
Men with dirty bums are doing my head in at the moment.

I know what you mean. Had one recently who claimed to have showered prior to arriving. Laid on his front for  a massage and the stink from his bum hit me, it was disgusting, made me feel sick.
It seems that it doesn't occur to many men that they actually need to clean their arse using a soap product.
I have come to realise that what these men consider cleaning themselves properly and being clean and fresh is poles apart from what we consider that to be.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kay on 06 October 2022, 01:46:16 am
Ha ha worst when your in doing 69 oral position all ready for action.. then you happen to see a turtle head popping out there there under you and your over them.
Yuk (odd as they can be clean everywhere else)

That happened to me but the other way round, i.e. I was underneath. How can they not tell?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 06 October 2022, 01:01:18 pm
Men with dirty bums are doing my head in at the moment.

Yep happens so often. I can never understand how they do not wash all relevant areas for a booking like cock, balls, bum and armpits. What makes it worse they do not always stay on there allocated towel but move around the sheets polluting the whole of the bed. Sometimes i feel dirty afterwards and don't even want to sit or lay on the bed where some have touched. I buy a lot of room sprays for bedding too as i need to do this chore a lot to get better smells back.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Milf-G on 06 October 2022, 08:03:29 pm
Men with dirty bums are doing my head in at the moment.

Had one the other day, lovely chap but 2 huge shit stains on my throw.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 07 October 2022, 12:59:33 am
Yep happens so often. I can never understand how they do not wash all relevant areas for a booking like cock, balls, bum and armpits. What makes it worse they do not always stay on there allocated towel but move around the sheets polluting the whole of the bed. Sometimes i feel dirty afterwards and don't even want to sit or lay on the bed where some have touched. I buy a lot of room sprays for bedding too as i need to do this chore a lot to get better smells back.

I feel the same, dont want their smell or nasty DNA on my bedclothes so I have a summer weight duvet I use with duvet cover on that I swap out for clients so can launder both easily and use my own seperate bedding to sleep in, quick and easy solution.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Ana66 on 13 October 2022, 12:15:47 pm
I feel the same, dont want their smell or nasty DNA on my bedclothes so I have a summer weight duvet I use with duvet cover on that I swap out for clients so can launder both easily and use my own seperate bedding to sleep in, quick and easy solution.

Agree, some guys have such a strong body odour (even after showering) that it spreads everywhere and stays for a few hours after the booking  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: oleyoleyWG on 16 December 2022, 01:38:06 pm
I’ve had 2 people ring me from my hotel reception in the past 24 hours, they proceeded to throw fits because I cancelled them on the spot.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: oleyoleyWG on 16 December 2022, 05:29:27 pm
Just had a 3rd ring me from reception, fuck me there’s something in the water today no one can follow simple instructions. Why the fuck would a client come into the hotel and stand in reception like a tit. you know what it’s like you give someone the room number and they repeat it to make sure it’s right. I’m fucking off home early I’ve had enough.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 16 December 2022, 06:57:21 pm
fuck me there’s something in the water today no one can follow simple instructions.

I think you might be right. I've had to tell one today that he needs to use the lift like I asked and not come crashing up the stairs past all the other flat doors, and also had to ask two not to bellow my flat number out loud when they're inside my building. I've also had four out of five today need explaining how to use a doorbell that has the instructions engraved on the metal wall plate next to it (my flat number is a single digit, so not that hard to ring) ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 16 December 2022, 07:35:07 pm
When they put their hand over their cock while cumming to avoid the big splash up their own bodies/faces etc. but then rest their hand on my clean bed cover before I have the chance to reach for the wipes and tissues.  😱

Now I have to firmly but nicely tell them please keep hands where they are till I sort it.  (some of these men get dressed and leave without even washing their hands, maybe a quick swipe with a wet wipe is enough for them!)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 21 February 2023, 12:09:50 am
Give ridiculous reasons why they don't turn up. Todays was his mother had been rushed to hospital and it's not the first time I have had that. I'd rather they just be honest and say they changed their mind or had a wank!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 21 February 2023, 08:50:59 am
When they come out with that immortal line "I think you should be paying me"
No mate, you smell like over ripe bananas, with the oral skills of a potato! I'm just one hell of an actress  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 22 February 2023, 02:07:47 pm
When they come out with that immortal line "I think you should be paying me"
No mate, you smell like over ripe bananas, with the oral skills of a potato! I'm just one hell of an actress  :)

 ;D I've had this too, you have to laugh, bless em.
If we showed what we are really thinking ... yaaawn  how much longer .... what we having for tea.. oow that prog I like is on tonight etc etc I doubt many would want to come back.
So many of us out there clearly giving a performance worthy of Oscar nomination   ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 22 February 2023, 03:16:35 pm
When they come out with that immortal line "I think you should be paying me"
No mate, you smell like over ripe bananas, with the oral skills of a potato! I'm just one hell of an actress  :)

When you make a few small fake moaning noises (i.e. nowhere near to the intensity of the moans when approaching or at orgasm) after they've barely been at it for a minute and they smugly ask "Did you just cum?!".  ::) ;D Even if the technique was good and I was feeling it, which it usually isn't in the case of people who say that line, it would still take a bit longer than that! There have been a very small amount of clients who have genuinely made me orgasm, but funnily enough they didn't feel the need to ask.  :D Also they simply enjoyed the experience rather than getting cocky about it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hithere on 19 March 2023, 12:03:23 am

How many of us have heard " i'm going to be a regular" when they haven't even been once and you don't see them for months or ever again ?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 19 March 2023, 06:58:54 am

How many of us have heard " i'm going to be a regular" when they haven't even been once and you don't see them for months or ever again ?

Currently this for me is associated with enquirers who want to persuade me to fit them in, be available when I am not. Those who are saying it and book in a sensible manner are going forward to book regularly.

This is a change from years ago when the 'regular' claim was to try to obtain a discount, extra time, extra consideration.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: JaneLondon on 19 March 2023, 04:31:30 pm

How many of us have heard " i'm going to be a regular" when they haven't even been once and you don't see them for months or ever again ?

Someone said this to me recently that he’s in London “all the time” and will see me every week. Then the next time I saw him he said “I don’t plan to come to London for a long time so probably won’t see you in a while”  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 21 March 2023, 04:56:06 am
A new client claimed he would see me weekly as he is my way on business for 24 hours a week. He then vanished and failed to confirm his first meet with me lol. Deluded!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hithere on 21 March 2023, 07:20:42 am
Why can't some clients find your address when you give them clear instructions, i was on a road with the only red door he still managed to go to the wrong house and claimed the door was red even though the other 3 houses had white /black doors (no he wasn't colour blind)

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 01 April 2023, 12:47:42 pm
Recently I saw someone whose kissing "technique" was awful to the point of being uncomfortable verging on painful. I do DFK so am totally fine with lots of tongue action even if it isn't always the best technique, but this was something else. He was just sucking really strongly, like a vacuum cleaner or something. I don't mind a bit of tongue sucking, but it was way too much when he sucked my tongue, and a lot of the time it was like he was sucking my entire open mouth? It felt like a really strong hold on my mouth, which was very uncomfortable. He sucked my lips too. Quite a bit of biting too, which I also don't mind, but again was too much especially combined with the vacuuming. My mouth was sore after that booking, but mostly I was just like wtf. 😬
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: FoxxyClara on 04 April 2023, 09:53:22 am
Recently I saw someone whose kissing "technique" was awful to the point of being uncomfortable verging on painful. I do DFK so am totally fine with lots of tongue action even if it isn't always the best technique, but this was something else. He was just sucking really strongly, like a vacuum cleaner or something. I don't mind a bit of tongue sucking, but it was way too much when he sucked my tongue, and a lot of the time it was like he was sucking my entire open mouth? It felt like a really strong hold on my mouth, which was very uncomfortable. He sucked my lips too. Quite a bit of biting too, which I also don't mind, but again was too much especially combined with the vacuuming. My mouth was sore after that booking, but mostly I was just like wtf. 😬

Rofl  ;D I’ve actually noticed an increase in this sucking technique (if you can call it that) - recently

I wonder if there’s a joke video online somewhere about this hoover technique and some men have taken it seriously.

I have one guy who not only sucks my mouth, but then goes on to lick around all my teeth - including the back ones - it’s crazy - he must have a really long tongue.  ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 04 April 2023, 10:21:49 am

I have one guy who not only sucks my mouth, but then goes on to lick around all my teeth - including the back ones - it’s crazy - he must have a really long tongue.  ???

Eeeeeeww a bit of sick just came up! I can't imagine anything worse, that's put me off my breakfast  :-X
But then most of the guys I see have nowhere near the standard of oral hygiene to permit such intimate rooting around my mouth. Maybe I'm just overly picky.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 04 April 2023, 10:31:59 am
Rofl  ;D I’ve actually noticed an increase in this sucking technique (if you can call it that) - recently

I wonder if there’s a joke video online somewhere about this hoover technique and some men have taken it seriously.

I have one guy who not only sucks my mouth, but then goes on to lick around all my teeth - including the back ones - it’s crazy - he must have a really long tongue.  ???

It was bizarre! 😂 It felt like he was sucking my teeth as well actually, and his teeth knocked into mine too. The feeling of the outside of my mouth being sucked into his was such a weird, uncomfortable sensation. It wouldn't surprise me if men have learnt it from a joke video.  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 04 April 2023, 12:32:37 pm
It was bizarre! 😂 It felt like he was sucking my teeth as well actually, and his teeth knocked into mine too. The feeling of the outside of my mouth being sucked into his was such a weird, uncomfortable sensation. It wouldn't surprise me if men have learnt it from a joke video.  ;D

How about a man who licks inside your nostrils?  Gross and no warning or request first. Horrible in the extreme. 😞😬

On a somewhat lighter note the men who state in feedback "the best there is" or "the best in Manchester" so that must mean they have been with every other sp then?! Brains in trousers perfect example.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SweetMelody on 04 April 2023, 07:12:28 pm
I’m amused by the comments  ;D

Has to be the following for me

Arm pit licking
Continuing to have sex knowingly he won’t be able to c*m
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 04 April 2023, 07:18:28 pm
How about a man who licks inside your nostrils?  Gross and no warning or request first. Horrible in the extreme. 😞😬

On a somewhat lighter note the men who state in feedback "the best there is" or "the best in Manchester" so that must mean they have been with every other sp then?! Brains in trousers perfect example.

I've had that too - feels so weird!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 04 April 2023, 09:53:52 pm
I think I'd sneeze if someone licked my nostrils!  :o

I've had the armpit lickers many times, but always in domination bookings  :)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bloomer on 05 April 2023, 10:45:44 am
Its not done to annoy but its grossing me out. Even thinkjng about writing it is makkng dry heave but
Slobbering during oral. Arghhh and its an older gentleman. His bedding is soaked with it afterwards,  as he likes to do it for about an hour if I can stand it that long.  It runs down your croack *boak* and I can hear him suck and slavering away  with a 10 second suction noise and laboured breathing every minute probably to suck his teeth back into place .

Its at least once a week and is fastly becoming dreaded.  ::)

Edited to add.  It's probably the least taxing of my clients but for some reason I am finding it vert difficult on such a regular basis, hate my lingerie /outfit being soaked through with slobber
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 05 April 2023, 12:12:11 pm
Its not done to annoy but its grossing me out. Even thinkjng about writing it is makkng dry heave

I stopped doing RO about ten years ago, and this was the main reason why. If it wasn't for the dribbling I could have probably just carried on letting them get on with it while I did the grocery shopping in my head, but it actually got to the point where it made me retch  :-X

I know I've banged on about this enough times already, but I've just cancelled one who was in my street after I'd told him to be punctual (in the text template that everyone gets) and made it clear that I was going to have to rush to be ready for 12 as he'd asked for anal at 11.30.

So knowing that there was no way I would be ready and despite being told to be on time, he turns up at 11.45 and texts to 'let me know he was here'. What is the fucking matter with them?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: FoxxyClara on 05 April 2023, 03:15:01 pm
What makes me laugh is when they give reverse oral … and then make a BIG point of stating how wet you are… really proud of themselves…

Yeh I’m wet because I have the entire saliva content from your mouth now on my vagina  ;D

That said - I’m still happy for them to do RO  ;D … what I despise is slobbery kissers or ones that try to slyly spit in your mouth (gip)  :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: thickthighs on 06 April 2023, 12:19:32 pm
Its not done to annoy but its grossing me out. Even thinkjng about writing it is makkng dry heave but
Slobbering during oral. Arghhh and its an older gentleman. His bedding is soaked with it afterwards,  as he likes to do it for about an hour if I can stand it that long.  It runs down your croack *boak* and I can hear him suck and slavering away  with a 10 second suction noise and laboured breathing every minute probably to suck his teeth back into place .

Its at least once a week and is fastly becoming dreaded.  ::)

Edited to add.  It's probably the least taxing of my clients but for some reason I am finding it vert difficult on such a regular basis, hate my lingerie /outfit being soaked through with slobber

If it is so gross why continue to see him?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 06 April 2023, 08:02:37 pm
When you have politely told them in the past you don’t want to see them again and block them. But they contact you or a different number and attempt to trick you into another booking.

I don’t understand why they do it, There Is plenty of other service providers about. I don’t understand why anyone would want to see someone that has told them to never book again.. they wasting there own time by traveling to the hotel/accommodation to be refused at the door. It is just bizarre to me.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bloomer on 06 April 2023, 08:05:33 pm
 ??? He is booking 2 hours regularly and I'm very much Trughling to pay the bills
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bloomer on 06 April 2023, 08:10:40 pm

That said - I’m still happy for them to do RO  ;D … what I despise is slobbery kissers or ones that try to slyly spit in your mouth (gip)  :o

Slyly.... I think I'd die on the spot :-X

I've always been squeamish about bodily fluids ironically

[quote fixed]
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hithere on 09 April 2023, 08:50:42 am
This is petty but what annoys me is :

They have  a shower and spend so much time in there
Leave Towels on the floor
Use most of your wet wipes to clean themselves
When they have finished they look at you as they've done you a favour !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: swanlake on 09 April 2023, 11:10:49 pm
Yeh I have a regular who spends ten minutes in the shower before the booking and tens after the booking, just chucks the wet towel, was using nearly half a bottle of lynx shower gel, so now I fill an empty lynx shower gel with cheap 30p stuff, don't get me wrong I appreciate him having a shower before hand but Jesus ten minutes is taking the pee,  last time he was here I caught him washing his arse crack with my valderma face soap, so that went in the bin,
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hithere on 12 April 2023, 07:05:00 am
Yeh I have a regular who spends ten minutes in the shower before the booking and tens after the booking, just chucks the wet towel, was using nearly half a bottle of lynx shower gel, so now I fill an empty lynx shower gel with cheap 30p stuff, don't get me wrong I appreciate him having a shower before hand but Jesus ten minutes is taking the pee,  last time he was here I caught him washing his arse crack with my valderma face soap, so that went in the bin,

That's 20 minutes of water ???? has he not heard of the cost of living !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 12 April 2023, 10:59:19 am
That's 20 minutes of water ???? has he not heard of the cost of living !

Better still is when they arrive and want a shower so you set it going right away to warm up and then they just let it run for a full five minutes before they even get in while they fanny about chatting and getting undressed, so they're not even using the water.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 12 April 2023, 11:02:47 am
Excessive unnecessary messages between bookings. I don't mind messages to arrange booking date/time, ask/provide information about specific things they may want from the booking and specific requests, but texting in the days before saying basically nothing... Bonus points if they say something related to giving you pleasure... 😅
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 13 April 2023, 07:17:55 pm
When there  hygiene was brilliant but it starts to become bad. I have one reg he is a lovely man and I do like him as a client, last time he visited me his hygiene wasn’t as great as it normally is. he has always been a fresh guy in his previous visits . Is it a sign they get comfortable when this happens.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: FoxxyClara on 17 April 2023, 08:23:58 pm
When there  hygiene was brilliant but it starts to become bad. I have one reg he is a lovely man and I do like him as a client, last time he visited me his hygiene wasn’t as great as it normally is. he has always been a fresh guy in his previous visits . Is it a sign they get comfortable when this happens.

I’ve had this as well. Defo a sign they are getting comfortable imo.

I just try to bring it to the forefront of their mind by mentioning how important hygiene is and how I’ve had an issue with some clients in slipping their standards.

If they don’t take the hint then it has to be a direct convo.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 18 April 2023, 08:26:31 am
When there  hygiene was brilliant but it starts to become bad. I have one reg he is a lovely man and I do like him as a client, last time he visited me his hygiene wasn’t as great as it normally is. he has always been a fresh guy in his previous visits . Is it a sign they get comfortable when this happens.

Depends I have long term clients 10+ years who once were not as scrupulous as usual, depending what it is I do usually mention it but with the caveat 'You are always so clean, I just want you to know this'. No further problem. One who was going down hill I asked when did you last shower, he was showering day before then only a standing wash on the day. This guy is now  squeaky clean at every booking, also the pandemic taught him much about hygiene (his own personal and work situation).

I find if someone values their bookings, they will listen and make simple changes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: nachos on 25 April 2023, 07:25:38 pm
Better still is when they arrive and want a shower so you set it going right away to warm up and then they just let it run for a full five minutes before they even get in while they fanny about chatting and getting undressed, so they're not even using the water.

Exactly that, Amy!!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 02 May 2023, 06:00:24 pm
I've had so many lately cancel their booking saying "I cant get out of work" or "I wont be finished in time"
So why make a damn booking when they're not even sure that they'll be free!!??
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hithere on 03 May 2023, 07:20:53 am
I've had so many lately cancel their booking saying "I cant get out of work" or "I wont be finished in time"
So why make a damn booking when they're not even sure that they'll be free!!??

You're not the only one , i get the ones who say the boss has asked them to stay behind as someone hasn't turned up or delivery was late
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 03 May 2023, 12:30:34 pm
A little annoyance here but when as happened yesterday they wait till 5 minutes left of their paid time then declare they want to try XXX or xxxxxxing. I obliged and we ran over by a few minutes but next time he better not think he can pull that trick again.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissBetty on 12 May 2023, 05:28:08 pm
Unorganised client running low on battery, he decides to knock on 1 of my neighbours to borrow a charger.  He just didn't understand the word discreet.  So I tell him to leave, he ignores that and stands at my front door ringing my video doorbell. 

He must have really thought I would open the door and accept his indiscreet action.  I left him standing there with no answer, I not getting into any conversations at my front door.  I text him to fuck off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 12 May 2023, 06:35:00 pm
When they message you to say they've set off. Bonus points if they message again at different stages of the journey such as getting off a train or having just parked up if the nearest parking isn't right outside the venue I'm using. All I care about is if/when they get here. ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: One More Rodeo on 19 May 2023, 09:26:54 am
A client who is very careful about his privacy. Won't use a mobile phone to call or text, only AW.

Then leaves me feedback saying that I work from hotels.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hithere on 23 May 2023, 12:45:05 pm
A client who is very careful about his privacy. Won't use a mobile phone to call or text, only AW.

Then leaves me feedback saying that I work from hotels.

I had one in Manchester like that won't give me his number !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Boudoir on 23 May 2023, 05:24:00 pm
When they message you to say they've set off. Bonus points if they message again at different stages of the journey such as getting off a train or having just parked up if the nearest parking isn't right outside the venue I'm using. All I care about is if/when they get here. ::)

This yes! And also after they've told me they're outside and ready to come in and I've sent them directions to my room and told them I'm standing looking out for them through the spyhole anyway..."Just got in the lift" ....."Just out of the lift"
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 24 May 2023, 04:56:30 pm
Ah, the narrators. I get them too 'I've just left the office ...I've just got on the tube ...I'm just leaving the tube station ...I'm just walking down X'. I never reply so I think they must enjoy it.

Mine today is punters who wrap themselves in a towel after a shower but don't actually dry themselves at all and then lie straight down on my bed with their back still soaking wet  Thanks for that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: FoxxyClara on 24 May 2023, 06:55:39 pm
Ah, the narrators. I get them too 'I've just left the office ...I've just got on the tube ...I'm just leaving the tube station ...I'm just walking down X'. I never reply so I think they must enjoy it.

It’s even more interesting when they narrate the entire booking…

‘Touches left breast’… ‘inserts cock into vagina’… etc etc.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 24 May 2023, 09:32:29 pm

It’s even more interesting when they narrate the entire booking…

‘Touches left breast’… ‘inserts cock into vagina’… etc etc.

That's just so creepy  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cuddly555 on 25 May 2023, 03:02:32 pm

 ‘inserts cock into vagina’

How fascinating, certainly those narrations make the ones of «Lady Chatterley's lover» pale in comparison...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 01 June 2023, 08:54:09 pm
Really annoyed with one idiot today, he was a new client. He only booked 30 mins

This man didn’t sound to with it  On the phone, but he had 3 postive feeback on the site so I let him book me due to having 3 positive feedback. He sent me a booking request.  (Lesson to self now if they don’t sound right on the phone call don’ let them book, even if they have feedback)

He books for 11:15. He kept texting me saying be there bang on 11:15, can’t wait to see me blah blah. I didn’t Engage in back and forth text tennis. I said perfect see you at 11:15. I don’t think he liked that, he was probably hoping for text tennis with me before the booking.

The time comes he has not arrived.(shows signs of rudeness straight away when they can’t even be organised enough to tell there running late and you have contact them to find out )  So I ring him after waiting 10 mins past the agreed time. He didn’t pick up the phone but then he text me to say he won’t be long in traffic. At this point I tell him I could only wait 5 more minutes. He told me he don’t think  he would get to me in that time. So asked him how long would he be he said not sure as he in stand still traffic. So I told him sorry the booking cancelled. He didn’t reply or apologise for any inconvenience. I don’t even think he had any intentions of turning up, or if he did it would have been probably hour late, expecting still be seen. None of my other bookings was late or in stand still traffic like he claims he was.

It’s on my profile I don’t allow lateness, anything Over 10 minutes late the booking will be cancelled  . He only booked 30 mins but expecting to rack up when ever he ever suited him and still get full time. I’m so annoyed I turned down a good regular for this idiot.

Looking back I should have read his feedback proper what the ladies had to say. They was saying basically in a polite way he had to be directed but  finally got there. I didn’t have time read his feedback fully. Lesson learned. I Probably dodged a bullet as if he can be that rude with communication. I dread to think what he Be like in person.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Slavetolove on 03 June 2023, 11:30:50 pm
When they are super late!! Takes the piss.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 04 June 2023, 10:40:14 am
When they are super late!! Takes the piss.

I don't mind them being late as long as I know - it's their time they're losing. I had so much trouble with the Adultwork ones in particular turning up early I had to add a bit to my listing that says if they're fifteen minutes or more early then their booking is cancelled.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: AmelieC on 04 June 2023, 04:57:20 pm
Or when told you that " I m here ' and after all gave, tell you will be in 10 min.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cgiw on 13 June 2023, 12:58:34 pm
Skid marks left on my bedding at the end of the session when I haven't even played near there!
Bleugh goes to show dirty some are and the bedding needs to be washed twice!!!

If there's one thing this job has shown me it's how many men are just walking through daily life with dirty bumholes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 14 June 2023, 01:01:41 pm
If there's one thing this job has shown me it's how many men are just walking through daily life with dirty bumholes.

Yep this happens a lot. Sometimes there dick is washed and clean but they just don't bother washing anywhere near the arse and it is so so horrid. It can really pollute the air.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 18 June 2023, 09:47:24 am
Long-term regulars who say they really value their booking, want everything to be nice - but every booking more or less is changed, moved, cancelled. Sometimes genuinely ill/genuine disaster, sometimes mismanagement/mistake in their diary, sometimes family turning up but it's almost every time (apart from the reschedule) and it's the type who like a little banter too.

Thankfully many are reliable, never cancel in years and years of repeat bookings, but just really building up for some and quite a difficult juggle when all at once (and have others wanting to book).
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Hannaah on 18 June 2023, 08:06:40 pm
Mess you around and then try to book again.

A while ago I had a reg make a booking and on the day ask to change the time... at least 5 times within 2 hours! Back and forth between half past and on the hour. He'd never messed around before and I had been seeing him every couple of weeks for 3/4 years, so I assumed he was at work or his schedule kept changing etc and was agreeable. Then 15 minutes before he was due to arrive texts to say he will be 20 minutes late. (I think that annoyed me most, the just telling me and not asking if it was okay.) No can do, I had another client booked by then. I told him I could see him but he would have to wait, which he agreed to. See him after the other client, no issues in the booking, seem to move on.

A few weeks after he makes a booking and then never shows up at the time of booking. No confirmation or communication, despite stating he would definitely confirm by x time due to the mess around last time. I don't hear anything for about 6 months and then get a text asking for a booking. Did he think I would have forgotten that he took the piss if he waited a while? He can sod right off, he's no longer welcome.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PassionFlower on 22 June 2023, 06:21:05 pm
My biggest pet peeve at the moment is the prospective clients who ask a question then apparently throw their phone into the nearest body of water, never to be retrieved...

Him: "Hi, are you available today?"
Me: "Sure, what sort of time and how long would you like?"
Him: Apparently gets eaten by a bear and is never heard from again

This is happening with messages that include my name, specific service requests and references to my profile and pics so it doesn't seem like a case of mass messaging, and I respond within minutes or not at all (in case they're not alone later)

It's also happening with guys offering to book online or send a deposit without me asking, they read my reply the vanish into the ether... just why???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 22 June 2023, 06:30:19 pm
My biggest pet peeve at the moment is the prospective clients who ask a question then apparently throw their phone into the nearest body of water, never to be retrieved...

That's really odd - I've had loads of these just this last couple of days including three today!

All of them sounded fine or I wouldn't have replied - I thought I must sound like a mardy twat when replying but I haven't sent anything I don't normally. I just assumed their Plan A must have got back to them after all.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PassionFlower on 22 June 2023, 06:37:28 pm
It's been going on for the last week or two and it's got me  :FF

There's also a spate of guys who are surprised when I ask about when and how long they want to book like it never occurred to them that this is vital info

I think I'm aboard HMS Mardy Twat with you today lol xx
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sasha love on 02 August 2023, 04:10:10 pm
When  a client wants to put in and he's not even hard and expects you to keep him inside. Knowing they wouldn't be able to perform as they had a warm up at home  or in the car before arriving.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LittleMinx2 on 04 August 2023, 11:26:43 am
Clients that go shower, but still stink afterwards! Like, do they just wash with water? Also clients that break something, don't tell you and act like nothing happened. Had a client break my shower door yesterday and I didn't know until he was gone!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 04 August 2023, 03:39:59 pm
My biggest pet peeve at the moment is the prospective clients who ask a question then apparently throw their phone into the nearest body of water, never to be retrieved...

Him: "Hi, are you available today?"
Me: "Sure, what sort of time and how long would you like?"
Him: Apparently gets eaten by a bear and is never heard from again

This is happening with messages that include my name, specific service requests and references to my profile and pics so it doesn't seem like a case of mass messaging, and I respond within minutes or not at all (in case they're not alone later)

 they read my reply the vanish into the ether... just why???

I'm getting a lot of this too lately. Guys sending emails with specific days and times, I reply and then see that they haven't even read the reply until after the time they were asking for a booking or just disappear when they've read it.
My other major peeve at the min is the amount of texts and emails I get from new guys when I clearly state I want them to call me, then so many of them just disappear when I remind them that's what is required..
Why are they suddenly so shy?? I already have their number when they've texted me so it can't be a discretion issue.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 04 August 2023, 03:45:19 pm
I'm getting a lot of this too lately. Guys sending emails with specific days and times, I reply and then see that they haven't even read the reply until after the time they were asking for a booking or just disappear when they've read it.
My other major peeve at the min is the amount of texts and emails I get from new guys when I clearly state I want them to call me, then so many of them just disappear when I remind them that's what is required..
Why are they suddenly so shy?? I already have their number when they've texted me so it can't be a discretion issue.

Quite a few tell me they are with their partner, friends or at work. Problem is if I've asked them this I am either driving cannot type but can accept a phone call, or they will not read the information text I send containing links answering all their questions.

However these are mainly not clients they are at the enquiry stage.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 04 August 2023, 04:10:10 pm
Quite a few tell me they are with their partner, friends or at work. Problem is if I've asked them this I am either driving cannot type but can accept a phone call, or they will not read the information text I send containing links answering all their questions.

However these are mainly not clients they are at the enquiry stage.

Yes I get " Can't call I'm at work" etc but they aren't at work 24/7 so why don't they call when on a break or finished work.  Just seems like they don't want to actually speak on the phone. Weird
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 14 August 2023, 10:08:20 pm
When they send a text instead of calling after you've said a call is preferred method of contact so you ask them to call and they respond with " is now a good time?"
Do they text the plumber or electrician first to ask if now is a good time to call them!?
After dealing with twats all morning I respond with "This is what I do for a living, why would it not be a good time to call?"
Turns out we had actually met before and he called and made a booking with 45 mins notice only to cancel  13 mins before start of booking saying he couldn't make it over... so how come he could 45 mins before?
Ok maybe I was a bit short but he was being annoying. I don't know if that was his reasoning behind cancelling but I am getting sick of having to pussy foot around their over sensitivity and general lack of realisation that we see this as a business not some sort of fuck buddy situation.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bunnyboo on 15 August 2023, 11:39:14 am
I’ve had a couple recently that go something like this

Client - I can make it for 5pm
Me- I have 5 pm available or even 4:30 if you can make it sooner
Client - Let’s keep it as 5pm so you have a chance to freshen up and shower before you see me

If I’m offering you 4:30 it’s because I know I can be READY and AVAILABLE in the same way I’m fresh for my first client or be my 7th client of the day. It’s just the patronising tone for me and trying to manage my time for me and making stupid assumptions. Honestly sometimes I find it hard not to bite my tongue with these men trying to do me a ‘favour’ or telling me how to do my own job :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: LittleMinx2 on 16 August 2023, 03:45:08 pm
Starting to get annoyed with clients using my shower. Had various issues, but one broke the door off and then never said anything! When asked about it, when he tried to book again, he just said he didn't know. When I explained it was literally hanging off, I was met with radio silence (as expected). Just hate clients that disrespect your house and property.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jadine on 16 August 2023, 08:48:55 pm
Expecting lower rates every single time they come , I got one taking the piss wants cheaper deals,  don't want pay my going rate but works out can do 2 visits for paying less
Paid going rate every time I stop seeing him then goes back to being a pisstaker and cheapskate .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lushblossom on 17 August 2023, 06:21:26 am
When they have bad breath and a smelly bum. Not the best.

I spray Lynx deodorant in the air and refuse to kiss them.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 18 August 2023, 08:19:57 pm
Some guy
Want to book a month ahead for an hour twice in same week
Screams time waster
So text him to message me day b4
But he will be all wanked out way b4  then !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fayeinlondon on 18 August 2023, 08:46:23 pm
When they arrive very early. Like 20 - 30 mins early. And ask if they can come up ? No - Just come at the time booked, no earlier , no later. ???
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissBetty on 20 August 2023, 02:27:20 pm
When a tip is not a tip.

I had a client recently who arrived and paid. Then just as we about to begin.  He grabs another £10  and tells me if I pleasure him properly then I will get a tip but if I don't please him I won't get the tip and he'll never return.

I don't care about tips. And I don't perform on demand when told too everyone gets my best anyway for my fee..  Had he phrased his delivery of his comment better it wouldn't have put my back up. 

After booking finished he gave me the £10 tip but I told him to keep it.  He just had zero people skills.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Caligirl on 20 August 2023, 07:26:54 pm
When a tip is not a tip.

I had a client recently who arrived and paid. Then just as we about to begin.  He grabs another £10  and tells me if I pleasure him properly then I will get a tip but if I don't please him I won't get the tip and he'll never return.

I don't care about tips. And I don't perform on demand when told too everyone gets my best anyway for my fee..  Had he phrased his delivery of his comment better it wouldn't have put my back up. 

After booking finished he gave me the £10 tip but I told him to keep it.  He just had zero people skills.

Good for you not taking it! What a rude prick.

I also hate when you ask a new client how long they’d like to book and they say ‘why don’t we start with 15/30 minutes and see where it goes’ gets my back up!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 31 August 2023, 06:43:22 pm
Booking 24 hrs in advance then expecting flirty, teasing texts right up until the booking, keep texting shit like "what you going to wear for me?" etc.
Then don't confirm when asked to and suddenly decide last min they want the booking brought forward 30 mins cos they can get away earlier than expected, like we have absolutely nothing else to do but sit ready at a moments notice like we are gagging for a fuck!
He really needs a reality check!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cgiw on 07 September 2023, 09:29:52 am
Men who pull their fingers out of me and wipe them on my leg.
The disrespect.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Northwestraven on 08 September 2023, 04:41:53 pm
I have this regular client who is super easy throughout the booking apart from the beginning and end,  he does things that irritate the life out of me. He comes in and uses the toilet then once sat on the bed he shows the time on his phone and says “right it’s 17.03 so we’ll be done at 18.03” i understand if in the past he’s been rushed out and not been given his full time but to be so precise for some reason really irritates me. Then at the end when we’re finished if he looks at his phone and it’s 18.01 he’ll say right we have 2 minutes so we might as well chat! It’s 2 minutes!! He’ll wait till it’s bang in 18.03 then move to get dressed. Again I’m not cheating anyone out of time but he could get chat AND get dressed in them 2 minutes.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 08 September 2023, 06:56:19 pm
My vagina grew over just reading that :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Romily on 12 September 2023, 02:59:51 pm
What really annoys me is when the client takes the shower  at the beginning of the session and after the shower he pees. Then expects a bj  ::)
Why not pee before showering and come out squeaky clean?  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 12 September 2023, 09:04:35 pm
I have this regular client who is super easy throughout the booking apart from the beginning and end,  he does things that irritate the life out of me. He comes in and uses the toilet then once sat on the bed he shows the time on his phone and says “right it’s 17.03 so we’ll be done at 18.03” i understand if in the past he’s been rushed out and not been given his full time but to be so precise for some reason really irritates me. Then at the end when we’re finished if he looks at his phone and it’s 18.01 he’ll say right we have 2 minutes so we might as well chat! It’s 2 minutes!! He’ll wait till it’s bang in 18.03 then move to get dressed. Again I’m not cheating anyone out of time but he could get chat AND get dressed in them 2 minutes.

A client who behaved like that with me would not  become a regular but if I really wanted to keep him coming back then a few kind words from me to him would be necessary 😙
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DBLM on 15 September 2023, 10:33:24 am
I have this regular client who is super easy throughout the booking apart from the beginning and end,  he does things that irritate the life out of me. He comes in and uses the toilet then once sat on the bed he shows the time on his phone and says “right it’s 17.03 so we’ll be done at 18.03” i understand if in the past he’s been rushed out and not been given his full time but to be so precise for some reason really irritates me. Then at the end when we’re finished if he looks at his phone and it’s 18.01 he’ll say right we have 2 minutes so we might as well chat! It’s 2 minutes!! He’ll wait till it’s bang in 18.03 then move to get dressed. Again I’m not cheating anyone out of time but he could get chat AND get dressed in them 2 minutes.

Although I have never been a strict clock watcher, I believe that "an hour" is from the time they enter the door to the time they go back out of it. That is what i used to work to when I did off an hour service.

These days my sessions are all 2 hours but in my info i make it clear that the massage is 90 minutes - sometimes I get guys with FOMO asking what happens in the other 30 minutes!
Oh for god sake - have to spell it out that people get un/dressed, like to talk, use the loo, etc., and some of my clients are fragile or disabled.

I hate it when people take their clothes off ASAP when they've only just met me and have no time for a little politeness.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: 9024xx on 17 September 2023, 10:48:43 pm
I have a few
*When they ask too many personal questions
*When they try to interfere with your life
*When they say that are in love with you etc - you've known me 5 minutes, you don't need to try and get into my knickers, your already paying for that privilege.
*Hagglers - the first time I met this one guy he asked for "mates rates" I don't do mates rates... I find it offensive especially if I've just met the guy

Don't know if anyone else has experience of the above.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Bunnyboo on 18 September 2023, 11:36:50 pm
I get the too many personal questions and interference constantly and it’s getting draining.
I get it because I’m Pakistani and it’s generally quite taboo to be in this industry, 80% of my clients are also Pakistani and they constantly ask me questions about my family, if they know what I do, why I do it etc etc
It’s actually just really boring and intrusive at this point  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GucciGang on 05 October 2023, 05:46:15 pm
The one I’ve had the most recently is “so what are you investing your money in”. I’m a single parent just about getting through life leave me alone.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 05 October 2023, 05:52:06 pm
The one I’ve had the most recently is “so what are you investing your money in”. I’m a single parent just about getting through life leave me alone.

I know they forget we are in a cost of living situation too and think we are just busy all the time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 05 October 2023, 06:21:21 pm
The ones that follow my profile like a hawk and quiz me on a day I had off or a new area I'm visiting  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Caligirl on 05 October 2023, 08:10:32 pm
The ones that follow my profile like a hawk and quiz me on a day I had off or a new area I'm visiting  :FF

Yes! So creepy!
I was walking a client out, and he said so you’re back in two weeks? I said yes, see you then.
Two days later I get a text at midnight saying ‘so you are working next week then???’
He must have got mixed up, but it’s just weird and screams of red flags
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 11 October 2023, 10:14:38 am
Has anyone ever asked a client to shower because he has applied far too much aftershave/perfume/bodyspray. This man was clean wasn't hiding any BO or cheesyness, but the smell of his aftershave hit me as I walked in - the strongest I have ever encountered in 10+ years of experience. There were other things held me back in this booking, he and his property were clean and warm (have been in some well-appointed properties that have been very cold/cool temperature (I cannot stand the cold!))but lacking even basic home comforts.

I did tell him on the way out that it was overpowering, he thought he was doing the right thing. Could also have been to try conceal smoke from cigarettes.

It was so heavy my stockings are still too pungent to wear for another booking after two handwashes.

I always look back with hindsight wonder if I could have asked him to shower?One reason I didn't was some of the other circumstances as well as how he had come across.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cgiw on 13 October 2023, 06:34:30 pm
I get clients to call when they're at my postcode so I can give final directions in person and get them to walk into my view before I tell them which door to come to.
The number of idiots who are walking round my neighbourhood with me giving directions ON SPEAKERPHONE is staggering.
And they're asking me if my location is discreet. Fucking morons.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 13 October 2023, 07:19:09 pm
I get clients to call when they're at my postcode so I can give final directions in person and get them to walk into my view before I tell them which door to come to.
The number of idiots who are walking round my neighbourhood with me giving directions ON SPEAKERPHONE is staggering.
And they're asking me if my location is discreet. Fucking morons.

Does not surprise me, had lots shouting into phones outside various properties over the years - many very paranoid they would be seen. I used to point the door and path out at distance. These days I text discretion information (things not to do, explaining that if I do not mention this people do it), along with postcode when I receive deposit, then full directions to door when they confirm their appointment.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Cgiw on 13 October 2023, 07:28:19 pm
Does not surprise me, had lots shouting into phones outside various properties over the years - many very paranoid they would be seen. I used to point the door and path out at distance. These days I text discretion information (things not to do, explaining that if I do not mention this people do it), along with postcode when I receive deposit, then full directions to door when they confirm their appointment.

Discretion info in advance, that's a good idea.
When I'm in apartments I give them the door number on the phone, and they bloody repeat it out loud. Gah!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 14 October 2023, 08:54:28 am
Discretion info in advance, that's a good idea.
When I'm in apartments I give them the door number on the phone, and they bloody repeat it out loud. Gah!

I've all sorts of tales running up communal stairs clutching cash shouting my name in greeting, leaving shouting back this was a small block of flats. Phoning from outside have had the door pointed out (very distinct door with door number by the side) to ask "Is it number....." I could hear them from inside the property. In a block of flats (mostly all small blocks in the town I used to work in) I advised in advance the buzzer on keypad at the back wasn't working, please come to the front. He went to the back pressed other buttons asked neighbours to let him in 'I'm here to see Mirror in flat xx".  :'(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 14 October 2023, 09:41:47 am
I've all sorts of tales running up communal stairs clutching cash shouting my name in greeting, leaving shouting back this was a small block of flats. Phoning from outside have had the door pointed out (very distinct door with door number by the side) to ask "Is it number....." I could hear them from inside the property. In a block of flats (mostly all small blocks in the town I used to work in) I advised in advance the buzzer on keypad at the back wasn't working, please come to the front. He went to the back pressed other buttons asked neighbours to let him in 'I'm here to see Mirror in flat xx".  :'(

Years ago i remember one twat i wanted to torture, he turned up at my flat where you have to buzz in. Small block of apartments and summer time with Windows open and when i buzzed him in and said nothing for discretion he never came in and buzzed again and i said come in push the door he then said hi just want to know do you to reverse and oral and toy shows and is it in with the price?? I could not believe it. Chances are a neighbour would have heard that with the windows open and yep they did as a week later i was told to get out as they know what is going on. I ordered a Voodoo doll for him.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 14 October 2023, 10:18:24 am
Years ago i remember one twat i wanted to torture, he turned up at my flat where you have to buzz in. Small block of apartments and summer time with Windows open and when i buzzed him in and said nothing for discretion he never came in and buzzed again and i said come in push the door he then said hi just want to know do you to reverse and oral and toy shows and is it in with the price?? I could not believe it. Chances are a neighbour would have heard that with the windows open and yep they did as a week later i was told to get out as they know what is going on. I ordered a Voodoo doll for him.

Just awful, and ignorant it's as if people do not think. I do allow for punters really not knowing because they do not walk in our shoes. For some years I found it difficult when one or two clients told me they felt the block I used to work from was ideal for their discretion. In reality it was not, and visitors were noticed. Not least when they slammed the door, or parked in other residents numbered spaces.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: AmelieC on 14 October 2023, 11:38:44 am
A good part of my working in hotels is that are discreet generally. But some stupids go to reception and ask them to call me to announce: "Ms. X wants to visit you". When happened this I told them: " I don't know MR X"
How some of them ( once, or twice like that) can be so stupid?!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 14 October 2023, 02:17:06 pm
When I worked from hotels I used to sometimes wonder whether I ought to be telling them walk straight in and call from in front of the desk, then loudly repeat my room number a few times before making for the lift. Hopefully they would do the opposite of what I told them, which is what used to happen when I'd asked them to call from outside and try to be discreet.

A good part of my working in hotels is that are discreet generally. But some stupids go to reception and ask them to call me to announce: "Ms. X wants to visit you". When happened this I told them: " I don't know MR X"
How some of them ( once, or twice like that) can be so stupid?!

The level of fuckwit here is off the scale. I'm grateful I never had this to put up with.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Phoenix on 18 October 2023, 03:34:18 pm
I charge slightly extra for a client to cum on my stockings telling him - truthfully - that I would not be able to wear them again.
To me, it's no less gross than a randomer blowing his nose on them  :-X

He makes darn sure this is true, by peeling it off me & chucking it in his bin and this last time, wipes his fingers on the remaining stockinged leg.
 Bloody twat!
 Won't do it next time :(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 18 October 2023, 07:42:02 pm
A good part of my working in hotels is that are discreet generally. But some stupids go to reception and ask them to call me to announce: "Ms. X wants to visit you". When happened this I told them: " I don't know MR X"
How some of them ( once, or twice like that) can be so stupid?!

So many thickos. This is why I stopped giving my room number and I hand them the oppoiste room number when they are on my floor and call so I see through the keyhole if they are here or not and if it is more than one person at the door.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 18 October 2023, 08:16:19 pm
Recently I tried a new hotel to work from, first client of the day was  someone I had seen before a few times,I wasn’t sure about him, as  He had cancelled on me once last minute the last time he was supposed to see me. 

He booked again, I gave  him a second chance as I had seen him few times
In the past. Really I Should have listened to my gut. He arrives 30 mins early, I told him wait til booking time. I gave him clear instructions how to get To my hotel room. He text me he was on his way. Then my mobile rings it’s only the hotel receptionist asking me am I expecting guests. I was shocked, then there was a knock on my door. The hotel receptionist had walked this man to my door.

I let the client in I was furious. Instead of ringing me saying he was lost. He had gone to the hotel staff and asked them where was my room. He came In moaning saying he had an awful day at work.
No sorry for being indiscreet. I was so mad. I told him leave. I was too angry to do the service. He left without issues.  But What a fool. Lucky I didn’t get asked to leave of the hotel . But very embarrassing the receptionist knowing my job.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: 9024xx on 19 October 2023, 10:28:16 pm
The ones that follow my profile like a hawk and quiz me on a day I had off or a new area I'm visiting  :FF

It's so weird when they do this...
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 20 October 2023, 09:20:29 am
And when they spot my car in the parking space, and it's like ooh is that your car?!  Creeps me out.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 20 October 2023, 09:44:40 am
I had one turn up half an hour late (which I didn't mind since it meant I would have only had to deal with him for half an hour instead of an hour), then not listen to my directions properly and take a further five minutes to find my building despite being yards away.

When he finally got in I was watching as the lift door opened and a massive bloody scooter started wheeling it's way out (on a day when it was pissing down outside, so it wasn't just huge but wet and dirty) which he was obviously thinking he could bring in my flat. I decided to forgo the cash and told him to fuck off.

It's still pissing me off that I waited for the twat for over thirty minutes when I could have been getting the tea on.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 20 October 2023, 12:05:51 pm
I had one turn up half an hour late (which I didn't mind since it meant I would have only had to deal with him for half an hour instead of an hour), then not listen to my directions properly and take a further five minutes to find my building despite being yards away.

When he finally got in I was watching as the lift door opened and a massive bloody scooter started wheeling it's way out (on a day when it was pissing down outside, so it wasn't just huge but wet and dirty) which he was obviously thinking he could bring in my flat. I decided to forgo the cash and told him to fuck off.

It's still pissing me off that I waited for the twat for over thirty minutes when I could have been getting the tea on.

Oh my god i love it. Did you actually say fuck off or this situation is not suitable? I hate it if they turn up really late and still expect their full time. I had a couple reduce their time down and i was fuming so i have to take a loss miney wise because they are late and worry that they might not get every minute.

Had someone do that recently and i kept saying that is nor fair but he would not hand it over for the hour and i never wanted to lose and have no money so he got a rushed service, i never made a great effort and when he kept saying slow it down want to make it last. I said thought you was in such a rush. I said right at the end when he was trying to get more stuff i said when you mess with our income how can you expect for me to give you the best time as you never cared about giving me less money  and refused to give me our arranged and booked hour's money.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Gypsy on 20 October 2023, 03:03:38 pm
When they turn up unannounced at your home and post notes through the door with your working name written in bold on the letter.

I've had letters with my working name and cards with my pets' names on them too!

Just how stupid are they?!  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 20 October 2023, 03:50:34 pm
When they turn up unannounced at your home and post notes through the door with your working name written in bold on the letter.

I've had letters with my working name and cards with my pets' names on them too!

Just how stupid are they?!  :FF

I had some put notes through saying they'd lost my phone number, hasn't happened for years now but I see far fewer incall most of whom regulars who totally understand discretion.

Did have someone who had had just 2 bookings displaying warning signs send a parcel with working name in capitals, after first warning sign I'd had a chat - if I was based in a big city would not be so much of an issue but it should be obvious. Made worse by his frequent 'Hope you are well, stay safe' messages.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 20 October 2023, 04:01:23 pm
Oh my god i love it. Did you actually say fuck off or this situation is not suitable? I hate it if they turn up really late and still expect their full time. I had a couple reduce their time down and i was fuming so i have to take a loss miney wise because they are late and worry that they might not get every minute.

I was so taken aback I opened my flat door and said 'What the fuck is that?' (thankfully next door weren't in I don't think). He said 'no?' I said 'No.' It wheeled backwards into the lift again and left 🤣

He could have left it downstairs and I wouldn't have known, or I could have come down and locked it in the meter room for him or something but there was no way it was coming in, the muppet. He would have had twenty five minutes of his booking left max and not a minute more but I'd had a busy day and I just couldn't be arsed.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 20 October 2023, 04:28:26 pm
I was so taken aback I opened my flat door and said 'What the fuck is that?' (thankfully next door weren't in I don't think). He said 'no?' I said 'No.' It wheeled backwards into the lift again and left 🤣

He could have left it downstairs and I wouldn't have known, or I could have come down and locked it in the meter room for him or something but there was no way it was coming in, the muppet. He would have had twenty five minutes of his booking left max and not a minute more but I'd had a busy day and I just couldn't be arsed.

So it was one of these mobility scooters he was trying to bring in. What a joke and not even asking on the phone before hand to see if you could have it in even if you wanted to.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 21 October 2023, 08:29:09 am
So it was one of these mobility scooters he was trying to bring in. What a joke and not even asking on the phone before hand to see if you could have it in even if you wanted to.

No, just the normal two wheeled kind that you stand on, but one of the motorised ones so it was huge. It barely fit in the lift 🤣
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 October 2023, 11:57:55 am
When they turn up unannounced at your home and post notes through the door with your working name written in bold on the letter.

Just how stupid are they?!  :FF

I've had this too, saying they've lost my number.
Surely they don't think we actually tell them our real names so to post a note through the door with our work name on it, which they did, as you say Gypsy, just how stupid are they!?
A friend or family member who has no idea what we do could have been in there and picked it up before we got to it, they really do seem to just think with their dicks.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 October 2023, 12:05:33 pm
Another is when they've visited a few times then start asking to do the deed in other rooms in the house or on the sofa.
I'm like no way do I want your bare ass or bodily fluids on my sofa! Bad enough when they get it all over the bed covers or carpet.
When you think that a few years back expecting kissing wasn't a thing and now they want free rein of your house and furniture!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 22 October 2023, 07:57:28 am
Recently quite a few clients trying to book me when I'm not available but keep trying to change my mind. In the past I haven't been strict enough and given in to some of them.

Also wanting to fuck in other parts of my flat such as my own bedroom, shower, sofa, dining table. One even wanted to do it on the stairs which is shared with my neighbour.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 22 October 2023, 10:28:44 am
Some of my clients got giddy when I stayed in an open plan apartment, lifting me up onto the kitchen worktops! All I could think about was whether I'd wiped it down properly  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissBetty on 22 October 2023, 01:18:38 pm
Recently quite a few clients trying to book me when I'm not available but keep trying to change my mind. In the past I haven't been strict enough and given in to some of them.

Also wanting to fuck in other parts of my flat such as my own bedroom, shower, sofa, dining table. One even wanted to do it on the stairs which is shared with my neighbour.

I have this issue too.  So I started telling anyone who asks that I have a increased price for working outside of my advertised schedule.  They don't want to pay so they mostly sticking to my advertised schedule.  Still get requests but not as many since I added it to my profile.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 22 October 2023, 01:29:16 pm
I have this issue too.  So I started telling anyone who asks that I have a increased price for working outside of my advertised schedule.  They don't want to pay so they mostly sticking to my advertised schedule.  Still get requests but not as many since I added it to my profile.

I have some who try to persuade me with extra money ,promises of becoming a regular ask me to make them an exception sometimes encourage me to bump another booking. I certainly will not bump anyone, neither will I drive myself into the ground. I have 2 businesses, and a personal life I don't give enough time.

The thing is regards exceptions is several may be asking me, if I except all who ask then I'll be over working.

I do have an out of hours charge, but generally want to avoid it because those hours generally don't fit with my preferred lifestyle and I may have other commitments that are subsequently put at risk. Eg a late night booking would mean not enough sleep to then be ready for a booking or other work in the morning. As above I won't bump commitments already in place.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 22 October 2023, 04:13:56 pm
Some guys are so cocky and cheeky asking if I can cancel a booking so they have the slot they want, basically my first booking of the day.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: RB1 on 24 October 2023, 11:09:57 am
No, just the normal two wheeled kind that you stand on, but one of the motorised ones so it was huge. It barely fit in the lift 🤣

I’ve had someone try that before I could see him on his scooter coming across the car park
The thing is there is a drop of about 6 inches behind my door to the floor so no way was he getting in with the scooter
I don’t know why they don’t think to tell you this in advance it’s just common sense
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Greta72 on 24 October 2023, 03:03:15 pm
He calls me on the phone, and asks countless questions...  And meanwhile I can hear him panting and the sound of him handwork.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sue69 on 25 October 2023, 08:02:43 am
If the answer is on my profile I tel him, after 3x its bye.

Not sure how many numbers I can block on this phone but I suspect I will find out >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 25 October 2023, 10:18:28 pm
If the answer is on my profile I tel him, after 3x its bye.

Not sure how many numbers I can block on this phone but I suspect I will find out >:(

Yep my block list is way bigger than my contacts list and my old phone reached its limit pretty quickly then you have to get inventive to think of zillions of ways to describe a timewaster!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 25 October 2023, 10:45:10 pm
I'm getting tired of guys or even some regs who are overstaying, maybe 15 mins which would have taken them into the next price bracket.
A guy I have seen a few times and thought was ok visited recently for his usual 30 min booking.
Seemed to be struggling to stay hard and after a few different positions and oral encouragement from me still hadn't cum. Time almost up and he's getting tetchy asking for this and that.
Still no joy, he then starts blaming everything from the room temperature ( too hot) !?  If it's too cold they moan about that too!  to the background music WTF!?
It's you mate! Your mind is cock blocking you for whatever reason ( usually not wanting to cum too quick so hold off and than can't cum when they want to)
I mention that we have gone well over time but he ignores this, no intention of compensating me for the extra time and says he'll have to cum twice next time!?
Not on my time you won't matey, you're on a yellow card now so unless you increase the booking time your ass will be out the door dead on the time you paid for whether you've cum or not.
Another reg with a case of EAS books but turns up 15 mins early, suited me as I had stuff to do afterwards, commences with cuddling and chatting, I'm checking the clock thinking we need to move this on, he goes down on me for ages leaving 10 mins to do the deed. Get into it then after he's wanting more chat and cuddles.
He finally leaves 15 mins over, I'm pissed off as too late to get done the jobs at bank I'd intended.
Just find it so annoying.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: 9024xx on 27 November 2023, 06:20:33 am
I'm getting tired of guys or even some regs who are overstaying, maybe 15 mins which would have taken them into the next price bracket.
A guy I have seen a few times and thought was ok visited recently for his usual 30 min booking.
Seemed to be struggling to stay hard and after a few different positions and oral encouragement from me still hadn't cum. Time almost up and he's getting tetchy asking for this and that.
Still no joy, he then starts blaming everything from the room temperature ( too hot) !?  If it's too cold they moan about that too!  to the background music WTF!?
It's you mate! Your mind is cock blocking you for whatever reason ( usually not wanting to cum too quick so hold off and than can't cum when they want to)
I mention that we have gone well over time but he ignores this, no intention of compensating me for the extra time and says he'll have to cum twice next time!?
Not on my time you won't matey, you're on a yellow card now so unless you increase the booking time your ass will be out the door dead on the time you paid for whether you've cum or not.
Another reg with a case of EAS books but turns up 15 mins early, suited me as I had stuff to do afterwards, commences with cuddling and chatting, I'm checking the clock thinking we need to move this on, he goes down on me for ages leaving 10 mins to do the deed. Get into it then after he's wanting more chat and cuddles.
He finally leaves 15 mins over, I'm pissed off as too late to get done the jobs at bank I'd intended.
Just find it so annoying.

It annoys me when they do this, it's so rude when they keep on talking and talking then sit down and keep talking while slowly getting dressed.  Any ladies have any tips on how to get rid of them lol?

Also, the ones that don't pay upfront and then you have to ask at the end for payment, I'm sure they want you to say "oh don't worry about payment, i had a nice time and don't need compensating" I'll be taking a few people of my books in the new year I think (if I can). 
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 27 November 2023, 10:09:54 am
Only thing to do to stop them over staying is when they go to book you again say to them should i book in 45 min or hour booking as you obviously need it as you keep going over time. If they say no then say ok but we have to finish by 30 mins as even though it's nice seeing you ( i really do not just need your cash) but this is a business.

If they get funny just tell them look your trying to take advantage and i don't need clients like that.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 27 November 2023, 11:14:31 am
Only thing to do to stop them over staying is when they go to book you again say to them should i book in 45 min or hour booking as you obviously need it as you keep going over time. If they say no then say ok but we have to finish by 30 mins as even though it's nice seeing you ( i really do not just need your cash) but this is a business.

If they get funny just tell them look your trying to take advantage and i don't need clients like that.

Someone once said "You are treating me as a client", we had had perhaps 5 bookings each time he paid my 1 hour fee then we went out off the clock for lunch - taking up all my afternoon or certainly 12 noon - 3.30pm. The lunch out I had put in because I thought I was being nice and he seemed ok, he then expected it every time. When I explained I could not do this on an ongoing basis he said "You are treating me as a client".  :o Learned a bit of a lesson there.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: regieeee on 27 November 2023, 11:53:20 am
Being unnecessarily "loud" - sex noise- so selfish (i was kicked out
after the "incident") inconsiderate !! >:(
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 30 November 2023, 01:50:36 pm
Getting sick to death of men asking for 15 mins because they do not want to pay my half hour rate and sometimes not asking til end of conversation. Most of these irritating cheapskates know i do not offer it. It is made very very clear on my advertising. There is many women that offer 15 mins so why don't they stick to contacting them.

Such timewasting bastards. I even had one arrogant prick say i don't like the other women advertising 15 mins in that area on that day so that is why i am asking you. How rude!!

I have now been driven to putting down a 15 min price same as half hour rate. I hate these oxygen thiefs.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 01 December 2023, 05:54:27 pm
Being unnecessarily "loud" - sex noise- so selfish (i was kicked out
after the "incident") inconsiderate !! >:(
I worry about this, why do some clients have such exuberant orgasms?!
Not so bad if it's a domme session as I can clamp my hand over their mouth  >:D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fayeinlondon on 02 December 2023, 12:22:22 pm
When they wait for you to ask for them to leave.

I have a regular coming today and he never fails to ask me the same shit at the end of the booking. Always asking what time it is when it’s nearing the end of the booking time and there’s a clock next to my bed. He will then say ‘oh should I go’ and then continue with his conversation or try and get hard again. Now I just say would you like a shower ? Or just look at my phone and not engage anymore. I don’t get why we need to go through the same old routine every booking. If you want longer book longer! I used to tolerate it but I’ve got to the point where I am blunt as he’s clearly doing it on purpose.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 13 December 2023, 04:52:48 pm
Two today turning up early, one fourteen minutes early. I did wonder whether he'd actually read my AW page and knew that he'd be cancelled and sent away had it been fifteen minutes, but no.

Also two ignoring my directions to use the lift and coming crashing up the stairs past all the other flats ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: DBLM on 15 December 2023, 10:53:11 am

Also, the ones that don't pay upfront and then you have to ask at the end for payment, 

Do NOT let this happen.
Even if it happened before change and take the money first ALWAYS. And then go put it somewhere that he doesn't see and somewhere that is separate from the rest of your money.

Because eventually, the ones who haven't paid up front will turn out to have no means to pay you at the end.

And secondly, if you ever get robbed, you don't want the guy to take all your money. If you keep it in separate places he'll only get some of it.

ALL the decent punters will expect to pay up front and will not be offended when you ask for it.

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 15 December 2023, 11:45:57 am
Do NOT let this happen.
Even if it happened before change and take the money first ALWAYS. And then go put it somewhere that he doesn't see and somewhere that is separate from the rest of your money.

Because eventually, the ones who haven't paid up front will turn out to have no means to pay you at the end.

And secondly, if you ever get robbed, you don't want the guy to take all your money. If you keep it in separate places he'll only get some of it.

ALL the decent punters will expect to pay up front and will not be offended when you ask for it.

I've had regulars short me paying at the end, always rectified when mentioned but a hassle I have been shorted upfront by new clients too, who say they've counted, or claim they thought the amount to pay is less - I have usually confirmed this by text or email when accepting the booking so I have a record.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: themoneyhoneyy on 16 December 2023, 09:28:58 am
I am not sure if this is the correct section, but he is a client and I am annoyed (disgusted) so I believe it fits. Overnight with a regular, dinner, shopping, nice time, usually a clean guy. I found some "leftover" turd in the toilet this morning. How difficult is it to flush properly????? Fortunately, we didn't have sex in the morning since we woke up late. I couldn't stop thinking about how he probably didn't clean himself properly afterwards. It's been a couple of days and I'm still disgusted.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: T.Sophia on 30 December 2023, 04:43:21 pm
I really can't stand those who say only "Are you available" in their texts and don't respond no matter what the circumstances are. I block those who persistently write the same thing. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, but I just can't tolerate them and there are too many. Probably the hardest part of my job
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 30 December 2023, 09:42:48 pm
I really can't stand those who say only "Are you available" in their texts and don't respond no matter what the circumstances are. I block those who persistently write the same thing. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, but I just can't tolerate them and there are too many. Probably the hardest part of my job

I know especially when they see a green light saying available today. It's very lazy text that they send to lots of women at the same time. If they said are you available at 3pm for 1 hour that is very different but this lazy rude way of contacting someone is terrible.

Worst one is "working??????" Or "free????? Or postcode????
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 30 December 2023, 09:50:49 pm
I know especially when they see a green light saying available today. It's very lazy text that they send to lots of women at the same time. If they said are you available at 3pm for 1 hour that is very different but this lazy rude way of contacting someone is terrible.

Worst one is "working??????" Or "free????? Or postcode????

When I've asked for specific details in their first contact quite a few say other Escorts don't like specific details (time, date, incall/outcall, duration) but I see posts about this on X as well as here, and in other places by Escorts saying they want these details.

Sounds like the punter is avoiding taking responsibility.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 30 December 2023, 10:07:06 pm
Haha no mirror what they mean is the women don't want long spill texts about what they want to do in the booking or any sex type talk fantasist shit.  We always want proper details of time they want and what service or time frame they want to book.

It's like the stupid 1 text saying hey and nothing else.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 30 December 2023, 10:18:48 pm
Haha no mirror what they mean is the women don't want long spill texts about what they want to do in the booking or any sex type talk fantasist shit.  We always want proper details of time they want and what service or time frame they want to book.

It's like the stupid 1 text saying hey and nothing else.

I recieved an email yesterday saying "Hi".
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: T.Sophia on 31 December 2023, 09:43:55 am
I know especially when they see a green light saying available today. It's very lazy text that they send to lots of women at the same time. If they said are you available at 3pm for 1 hour that is very different but this lazy rude way of contacting someone is terrible.

Worst one is "working??????" Or "free????? Or postcode????
Majority of girls respond to such messages instantly. The biggest reason why this bad manner does not improve is the girls who jump on every caller without setting any criteria
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 31 December 2023, 10:38:34 am
Majority of girls respond to such messages instantly. The biggest reason why this bad manner does not improve is the girls who jump on every caller without setting any criteria

So true as too many men do this all the time so they must get what they want off some women.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: T.Sophia on 31 December 2023, 10:51:25 am
So true as too many men do this all the time so they must get what they want off some women.
Years ago, I was working in the same apartment with a girl. She was answering all the texts that written much more disgraceful than "Are You Available". I told her not to do that, but she didn't listen to me. Finally, one of the men she saw caused a lot of trouble for her. She stopped escorting because of him
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 05 January 2024, 11:57:17 am
Guys who despite my profile saying I need notice for bookings decide to wait until they are practically streets away then seem surprised that I can't see them in 10 mins time ... had two of these idiots calling yesterday.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 05 January 2024, 12:03:25 pm
Majority of girls respond to such messages instantly. The biggest reason why this bad manner does not improve is the girls who jump on every caller without setting any criteria

Once again, women are NOT responsible for men's rudeness and bad behaviour.

Years ago, I was working in the same apartment with a girl. She was answering all the texts that written much more disgraceful than "Are You Available". I told her not to do that, but she didn't listen to me. Finally, one of the men she saw caused a lot of trouble for her. She stopped escorting because of him

If somebody wants to answer a text that I would ignore that is their business, and if they make some money out of good luck to them; we don't all work the same way. Plenty of us have had huge problems with individual punters at one time or another that were nothing to do with text nessages.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lara123 on 19 January 2024, 03:27:11 pm
I've had a spate of guys texting, but when I reply they ghost me. Like what is the point of emailing/ texting then not replying to my response? It's so annoying.  I end up blocking them. Has anyone else had this?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 19 January 2024, 06:13:39 pm
I've had a spate of guys texting, but when I reply they ghost me. Like what is the point of emailing/ texting then not replying to my response? It's so annoying.  I end up blocking them. Has anyone else had this?

Do you mean new enquiries or guys you have previously had bookings with?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: girlnextdoor2024 on 19 January 2024, 07:02:19 pm
I've had a spate of guys texting, but when I reply they ghost me. Like what is the point of emailing/ texting then not replying to my response? It's so annoying.  I end up blocking them. Has anyone else had this?

Yes all the bloody time! I suspect they message multiple women and if someone replies sooner than you they ignore, very annoying!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 20 January 2024, 10:22:13 am
Yes all the bloody time! I suspect they message multiple women and if someone replies sooner than you they ignore, very annoying!

Yep this not really wanting you personally just messaging loads of women to see who responds quick.

I have it lots too and if i give them the info and they blank me i find it rude so i block a lot.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: girlnextdoor2024 on 21 January 2024, 02:16:31 pm
I definately need to up my blocking game  >:D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 29 January 2024, 08:56:26 am
Changing the booking length by giving me a lower fee, both regulars one told me he'd forwarded his fee by bank transfer as agreed a few days before our booking, the other I was lucky I checked the money left on the side because otherwise I would have assumed it to be the length he booked. I have had similar with cam clients, to the point I've banned a few who treat me like a vending machine.

Recent experience with Escort clients is reinforcing counting up front as well as being clear with booking details.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 29 January 2024, 12:37:59 pm
I've had a spate of guys texting, but when I reply they ghost me. Like what is the point of emailing/ texting then not replying to my response? It's so annoying.  I end up blocking them. Has anyone else had this?

I am getting a lot of this too.
I don't know if it's attention seeking because they are skint and bored or what but it's very annoying.
I too now block if they've asked something specific then read the reply and disappear, just rude, but I find rudeness is becoming more commonplace.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 29 January 2024, 12:45:25 pm
Changing the booking length by giving me a lower fee, both regulars one told me he'd forwarded his fee by bank transfer as agreed a few days before our booking, the other I was lucky I checked the money left on the side because otherwise I would have assumed it to be the length he booked. I have had similar with cam clients, to the point I've banned a few who treat me like a vending machine.

Recent experience with Escort clients is reinforcing counting up front as well as being clear with booking details.

That's very sneaky behaviour especially from regulars.
Maybe a sign of the times, they still want their fun but can't really afford it but it's not on trying to scam you.
I have started to confirm the fee with new clients now and tell them I don't do transfers so they don't turn up with no cash and do count the fee even with regulars now .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 29 January 2024, 03:19:29 pm
That's very sneaky behaviour especially from regulars.
Maybe a sign of the times, they still want their fun but can't really afford it but it's not on trying to scam you.
I have started to confirm the fee with new clients now and tell them I don't do transfers so they don't turn up with no cash and do count the fee even with regulars now .

The problem is they both have a history of slightly messing me around in different ways, one I had made clear to I wouldn't be messed around again was only just back into trusted mode. So difficult to be understanding.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 29 January 2024, 09:22:05 pm
The problem is they both have a history of slightly messing me around in different ways, one I had made clear to I wouldn't be messed around again was only just back into trusted mode. So difficult to be understanding.
It sounds like you can't really trust either of them.
When it gets to that point it's maybe time to get rid. Difficult in these times I know but with some a zero tolerance policy is all they understand.
I've just had to get rid of a regular for overstepping the mark, that's a monthly visit I've lost but hopefully in the coming months there'll be someone to replace him.
My well being and mental health are worth more to me.
At the end of the day only you can decide.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 29 January 2024, 09:37:40 pm
It sounds like you can't really trust either of them.
When it gets to that point it's maybe time to get rid. Difficult in these times I know but with some a zero tolerance policy is all they understand.
I've just had to get rid of a regular for overstepping the mark, that's a monthly visit I've lost but hopefully in the coming months there'll be someone to replace him.
My well being and mental health are worth more to me.
At the end of the day only you can decide.

That's the annoying thing, much of the time I have enough clients and one of these bookings I could have replaced with a higher value one but the actual money isn't point it's the subversiveness. There was another problem with that booking too. I have it in hand, at least one of them has lost his old rate eligibility.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: English Green on 30 January 2024, 04:07:43 pm
Changing the booking length by giving me a lower fee, both regulars one told me he'd forwarded his fee by bank transfer as agreed a few days before our booking, the other I was lucky I checked the money left on the side because otherwise I would have assumed it to be the length he booked. I have had similar with cam clients, to the point I've banned a few who treat me like a vending machine.

Recent experience with Escort clients is reinforcing counting up front as well as being clear with booking details.

I have had that happen few times before and i really don't like it. They should honour the agreement of the booking price. If they do this i will do it but they will not get a great time it will be very basic.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 07 February 2024, 09:39:17 pm
When your a Non-smoker and yet they insist on wanting a smoke or to vape refuse even make clear property non smoking. The ones that keep pushing I end booking kick out utter disrespect. I won't be getting any fine from airbnb or booking dot com etc. Plus I hate smoke smell if they cant hold off from smoking for 30mins or 1hour don't bother booking escort  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Kombucha Queen on 08 February 2024, 03:55:54 am
When your a Non-smoker and yet they insist on wanting a smoke or to vape refuse even make clear property non smoking. The ones that keep pushing I end booking kick out utter disrespect. I won't be getting any fine from airbnb or booking dot com etc. Plus I hate smoke smell if they cant hold off from smoking for 30mins or 1hour don't bother booking escort  :FF

Yes, I hate this! I often find that the clients that smell like heavy smokers on arrival generally have the worst hygiene downstairs too. That stale cigarette smell makes me nauseous  :-X
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 11 February 2024, 01:15:41 pm
When they live so far away and have no clue as to how long it might take to get to you and haven't bothered viewing your location information. Then say oh your so far away ! :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 11 February 2024, 02:18:52 pm
When they live so far away and have no clue as to how long it might take to get to you and haven't bothered viewing your location information. Then say oh your so far away ! :FF

Over the years I found many would underestimate be it visiting me or me visiting them, some even arguing with me - either to make it seem closer or they'd be quite late.

I am very firm now I tell them how long it will take, some actually do give me chance to do this which is appreciated. Shows me they (a) take attending their booking seriously (b) take me seriously ie are more likely to be considerate during the booking.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissFlint on 13 February 2024, 01:43:24 pm
A client who I’ve seen once before called saying he was nearby and wanted to be seen “now” . I said I can be ready in 15 minutes. He said, can’t you see me in 5 minutes. I said, no, I need 15 minutes. He said (wasting more time), can’t you see me in 10 minutes.
He said, “okay in 15 minutes I’ll let you know if I’m coming or not”.  :FF
I said I would need to know for sure if he was coming or not otherwise I wouldn’t be getting ready!”
I like to have 15 minutes to quickly freshen up and change as I don’t sit around in my lingerie.
So annoying!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 14 February 2024, 08:21:01 pm
A client who I’ve seen once before called saying he was nearby and wanted to be seen “now” . I said I can be ready in 15 minutes. He said, can’t you see me in 5 minutes. I said, no, I need 15 minutes. He said (wasting more time), can’t you see me in 10 minutes.
He said, “okay in 15 minutes I’ll let you know if I’m coming or not”.  :FF
I said I would need to know for sure if he was coming or not otherwise I wouldn’t be getting ready!”
I like to have 15 minutes to quickly freshen up and change as I don’t sit around in my lingerie.
So annoying!

OMG the "now" brigade!
Totally dillusional and think we sit ready and waiting just for them to call or you are their plan b/c when they've been let down and got a hard on.
I hate being rushed, puts me in a bad mood so I just usually wind them up then block em.
Rude and entitled in the extreme.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: MissFlint on 14 February 2024, 10:54:07 pm
Yes it’s so annoying and rude!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Lara123 on 15 February 2024, 11:30:45 pm
I am getting a lot of this too.
I don't know if it's attention seeking because they are skint and bored or what but it's very annoying.
I too now block if they've asked something specific then read the reply and disappear, just rude, but I find rudeness is becoming more commonplace.

100%. I never got timewasters in central London before- tw would always have reports on CE. Its like there's a whole new spate of timewasters now with no reports against their name. You're right it's so bloody rude. If you've changed your mind- fine. Just text me back.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Miss_chievious on 20 February 2024, 03:43:58 pm
My pet hate has got to be the hair thing! When I've taken the time to wash and straighten my hair I really 'HATE' when I'm giving a guy oral and he scoops it up with both hands as if he's trying to put it in a man bun, JUST FEKN LEAVE IT!

Also when I'm giving a BJ and the guy is asking me a question :FF *Em I'm kinda busy just now* ??? Idiot!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 21 February 2024, 12:31:13 pm
When they sound half asleep on the phone (because they’ve literally woken up) and half arsed mumble, ‘Are you available?’. I find that so rude.

When you attend an outcall and they don’t even offer you a drink of water.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GucciGang on 22 February 2024, 12:47:10 pm
My pet hate has got to be the hair thing! When I've taken the time to wash and straighten my hair I really 'HATE' when I'm giving a guy oral and he scoops it up with both hands as if he's trying to put it in a man bun, JUST FEKN LEAVE IT!

Also when I'm giving a BJ and the guy is asking me a question :FF *Em I'm kinda busy just now* ??? Idiot!!

This made me laugh so much. I constantly get them holding my hair up in the air like a pineapple and I just think oh god I look so ugly why you doing me dirty like this.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: GucciGang on 22 February 2024, 12:48:11 pm
My newest ick is clients asking me for drinks like you just walked past the bar of the hotel mate. Get your own drink. I’ve not just been to Asda and got my tour supplies to then give it all to you !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 22 February 2024, 01:01:42 pm
When they sound half asleep on the phone (because they’ve literally woken up) and half arsed mumble, ‘Are you available?’. I find that so rude.

When you attend an outcall and they don’t even offer you a drink of water.

I'm with you on the first, but since watching Dahmer I'm OK with a drink I bring with me. To be fair some have a glass of water ready, one regular has unopened bottles of my favourite soft drink but the Dahmer documentary really made me think.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Clarabella on 22 February 2024, 01:54:50 pm
You make a very good point  :o
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SquirtyQueen on 22 February 2024, 03:16:23 pm
The one who called me *kiddo" repeatedly - I market myself as a milf for goodness sake  ;D
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 22 February 2024, 04:00:58 pm
When you attend an outcall and they don’t even offer you a drink of water.

I agree with this, although like Mirror I wouldn't accept it and I take my own water bottle with me. It's basic hospitality to offer if you're the person 'hosting', for want of a better word.

I did a three hour outcall on Monday evening and got offered precisely fuck all, plus the bloke vaped throughout - I actually left even though he wanted to extend for another hour. I also remember a long outcall I did over at the arse end of Canary Wharf which involved leaving late at night with just over £500 in my bag and being amazed that punter didn't offer to get me a taxi - again I wouldn't have taken it, but every other time I've done similar I've been asked (and that's when I've been in the middle of town).

I sound like my nana, but manners seem to have vanished altogether.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: liz22 on 26 February 2024, 08:05:25 pm
I had a client who always says he is coming at certain time and turns ups 20 to 40mins late and gets upset when I've taken another booking, He is not going to pay for the wasted time so why should I.  Time keeping is important, he should leave earlier to avoid being late.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 26 February 2024, 08:18:07 pm
The ones who ask you to pick up booze on the way to them outcall with your own money. No mate. Send me your money that you would buy booze with then I happily make a pit stop with the cab to get the booze you want.  :FF
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: liz22 on 26 February 2024, 10:20:17 pm
The ones who ask you to pick up booze on the way to them outcall with your own money. No mate. Send me your money that you would buy booze with then I happily make a pit stop with the cab to get the booze you want.  :FF
I think they are looking for a personal assistant as well as some extra company :), charge them extra and I'll bet they buy the booze themselves.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: SheffSW on 27 February 2024, 11:50:40 am
When they ask a load of questions about parking options after you've given them a hotel address for a booking, especially when you are very obviously on tour. As well as not really knowing the area since I don't live here, I don't even drive. To find out the information they are asking for, I would have to look it up on the internet, which surely they should be capable of doing. I can understand asking if there's parking at the hotel or asking about parking arrangements if going to a residential location, but a hotel is a public place and you can literally just look up parking near the place you're going to. I'm here to work and really don't have the time to be researching stuff and helping clients with their journey. Surely it's their responsibility to arrange how they will get to me. When I'm doing outcalls, I definitely don't ask clients about the best public transport routes or places that are nearby their location - I look up the information myself and plan my journey, seeing as I'll be the one making the journey. I can't imagine clients bombarding other businesses with all these questions about how to get there.

Awful, painful fingering "technique". I'm not sure if lots of clients have sharp fingernail or if they just lead with the nails and shove them in without any thought, or maybe a bit of both, but it hurts. I definitely understand why so many escorts don't allow fingering.

Similarly, when they try to put a finger up my anus without any lube or just a bit of their own spit (a lot of clients seem to think their spit is all the lube they need for some reason). The amount of times I have to tell clients they need to use lube for that, even though I always have lube on the bedside table. If I ever do anal fingering on them, I use plenty of lube even if it's only one finger, and my fingers are very thin! One guy some time ago even picked up my butt plug and was about to try to put it in me without any lube. 😬
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: matureho on 27 February 2024, 12:50:09 pm
I do have in my notes (along with various other message templates) 4 or 5 of the nearest car parks  to my locations. I just copy and paste it in with my other instructions.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 27 February 2024, 02:58:41 pm
When they ask a load of questions about parking options after you've given them a hotel address for a booking, especially when you are very obviously on tour. As well as not really knowing the area since I don't live here, I don't even drive. To find out the information they are asking for, I would have to look it up on the internet, which surely they should be capable of doing. I can understand asking if there's parking at the hotel or asking about parking arrangements if going to a residential location, but a hotel is a public place and you can literally just look up parking near the place you're going to. I'm here to work and really don't have the time to be researching stuff and helping clients with their journey. Surely it's their responsibility to arrange how they will get to me. When I'm doing outcalls, I definitely don't ask clients about the best public transport routes or places that are nearby their location - I look up the information myself and plan my journey, seeing as I'll be the one making the journey. I can't imagine clients bombarding other businesses with all these questions about how to get there.

Awful, painful fingering "technique". I'm not sure if lots of clients have sharp fingernail or if they just lead with the nails and shove them in without any thought, or maybe a bit of both, but it hurts. I definitely understand why so many escorts don't allow fingering.

Similarly, when they try to put a finger up my anus without any lube or just a bit of their own spit (a lot of clients seem to think their spit is all the lube they need for some reason). The amount of times I have to tell clients they need to use lube for that, even though I always have lube on the bedside table. If I ever do anal fingering on them, I use plenty of lube even if it's only one finger, and my fingers are very thin! One guy some time ago even picked up my butt plug and was about to try to put it in me without any lube. 😬

I have had incall enquiries from punters who do need to be told the branch line for the train, to be fair it isn't too obvious but easily discoverable if they just entered start and finish stations. I usually advise on unreliability of the service, advise they buy a flexible ticket or one for at least the train prior to the one they intend using.

I do ask about parking because parking can be very variable, and stressful I want to know if I can park on their street/drive whatever or should I leave more time and park elsewhere. Has been annoying to be told "park on the street by my house" to turn up and find double yellow lines "But no-one ever patrols here". Doesn't matter a £60 fine is going to cut into the fee, and I would be on edge throughout the booking.

Regards spit and shoving yes, even a regular did this once then started running his hands over my face and hair. He was completely new to anything anal, so a bit of education happened.

Years ago I learned to not have toys next to the bed, too easy for clients to grab and shove inside without a moment's thought or lube. Instead I get them out if and when asked along with a helpful dollop of lube.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 06 April 2024, 10:28:24 pm
When I have clearly explained in an email the days and times I work and they send me a message asking if they can see me on a day I'm not working  :FF
Blocked as I can't be bothered with these idiots again!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 07 April 2024, 12:50:20 pm
Received yet another text message from a long term regular client. He's been asking to see new photos on my profile despite me telling him previously and several times I don't feel the need to update my pics too frequently. I didn't reply so no doubt he'll bring this up again on his next visit. He even does that prayer hands gesture which gives me the ick 😏

My photos are taken by me. I've had pro pics aplenty in the past but reckon I can do a decent job myself and am confident with the ones I put out there. Last time I refreshed my gallery was the back end of 2023 and while I would like a few more as I've acquired a couple of great outfits I DON'T want him to think it was pressure from him that made me do it.

I find it a pain in the backside when choosing and editing my photos and it's no ten minute job!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Mirror on 07 April 2024, 03:10:59 pm
Received yet another text message from a long term regular client. He's been asking to see new photos on my profile despite me telling him previously and several times I don't feel the need to update my pics too frequently. I didn't reply so no doubt he'll bring this up again on his next visit. He even does that prayer hands gesture which gives me the ick 😏

My photos are taken by me. I've had pro pics aplenty in the past but reckon I can do a decent job myself and am confident with the ones I put out there. Last time I refreshed my gallery was the back end of 2023 and while I would like a few more as I've acquired a couple of great outfits I DON'T want him to think it was pressure from him that made me do it.

I find it a pain in the backside when choosing and editing my photos and it's no ten minute job!

I feel your pain, I have similar pressure and complaints,  yet other clients say I'm excessive with photos - I have hundreds of photos both public and private.

With your regular how about you jokingly suggest he funds a shoot, day, travel, your time? Or you do it in the time you'd normally see him.  If it was me I would also explain you feel under pressure
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Justine on 07 April 2024, 05:32:56 pm

I just read your suggestion 😉 and thanks for thinking of it but with this particular man it wouldn't go down well. He's already suggested he takes a few photos of me (with MY phone of course) but I'm just not interested.

I always have at least a dozen good photos which are viewed at no cost. I wish he'd just stop going on about it. He's edging nearer the bin but doesn't know it yet. 😕
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: amy on 07 April 2024, 05:33:20 pm
I get occasional moans about this, but I don't take new pictures often - my appearance hasn't changed noticeably in years. I find it a real chore (I do it all myself too) and whilst I've just bitten the bullet and put some up today, that'll likely be it for at least a year and probably more unless something significant happens with the way I look.

What I do regularly is take a basic selfie to put up as my main AW picture with the date taken added to the profile text, mainly because these can't be used on any other ads and I don't like not being able to put my proper pictures wherever I want. Almost without exception the whiny messages I get are from AW users who didn't read the profile, and who spectacularly failed to notice that the profile picture (unlike the gallery pictures) is from the last few weeks.

Yes, that's how much my appearance has changed, genius  ::)
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Serendipitydo on 07 April 2024, 10:42:47 pm
I definitely win the big prize for the most gross client EVER!

So, I've been a bit skint lately, having given this up at my mother"s insistence..she may feel that she has a point!

OK, OK, OK... where do I begin?

The prized gentleman in question first pestered me to meet him in a car. No problem if that's what you do, I don't... we are all making a living.

I saved his number in my phone as a "nuisance" because he wouldn't drop it.

Anyway, some months later and me skint, I responded to him again.

It didn't smell right and I shouldn't have but I had no money and actually needed to.

Fast forward, he gave me taxi money, my top outcall rate and sent the cash over in advance. I checked him on G@@gle Maps and it looked like it wasn't a dump. (set up an alternative Payplal or bank account for privacy ladies, keep yourself safe!!!!)

Anyway, I rock up, the place is in disarray, I mean, gross, disgusting, filthy. Kids toys everywhere and just crap, all over the place.

I needed the money, I really did. I asked if he had showered, he said that he had but when I went into his bathroom to change I could see that the shower was dry.

He then wanted to do stuff downstairs, amongst the kids toys and I suggested that we move upstairs.

He told me that he had not slept and had been "on it" all night,

The bed was badly unmade and when I got onto it there were dirty baby wipes on top of it.

Obviously I didn't do much for him, a covered BJ and a hand shandy before I left.

If it hadn't been for desperation Id've walked but it was £200.

He just called again yesterday and asked me to come over again and I said that I would need him to promise that he would change the bedding, have a shower and brush his teeth.

He tried to kiss me in the last meeting and I literally gagged, I was definitely not going down below as he was clearly lying about the shower.

So, he said that he was sorry about last time, he had been a bit worse for wear and would be showered and have minty fresh teeth and a clean bed.... I said, "ok" we have all had our moments..... and here's the punchline..

He asked if I would be COOL with his sons being in the next room as they are really heavy sleepers!!!!!

What utter disrespect, mostly to his family but to me also.
It wasn't a hard decision, I'd rather starve.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 08 April 2024, 03:18:26 am
I definitely win the big prize for the most gross client EVER! [...]

Shit .. this is a nightmare you just reminded me why I never do outcalls !

[giant quote reduced]
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Tina Sparx on 10 April 2024, 10:48:50 am
Shit .. this is a nightmare you just reminded me why I never do outcalls !

[giant quote reduced]

Me too!    That is just hideous
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Serendipitydo on 10 April 2024, 07:25:57 pm
Shit .. this is a nightmare you just reminded me why I never do outcalls !

[giant quote reduced]

This has led me to explore in-calls again but I am so overlooked, in a small community where everyone knows everyone.

I'd have to be super careful, imagine if a kn@b like that knew where you lived?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 11 April 2024, 01:53:31 pm
Can't remember If this already mentioned.

When client asks me HOW much does the taxi cost  :FF I'm not a cab firm to know rates the cab firm tell you.
I'm an Outcall escort. That questions peeves me off always asked when I've given my address where I'm to be collected.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fifi on 12 April 2024, 06:07:35 pm
Asking about a booking and they said they'll call you back to confirm

Don't ask me if I'm available if you aren't sure that you are!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Serendipitydo on 12 April 2024, 07:58:42 pm
Can't remember If this already mentioned.

When client asks me HOW much does the taxi cost  :FF I'm not a cab firm to know rates the cab firm tell you.
I'm an Outcall escort. That questions peeves me off always asked when I've given my address where I'm to be collected.

If he is worried about the taxi fare, I would be worried about receiving my compensation.

Just lately I have started requesting that I take a £50 deposit for time and trouble. It's made things a bit quieter but I have found that the serious ones respect it ( I always ask them to see my  feedback, to know I'm not bogus) but it saves soooo much time.

In my opinion, if a guy is serious about seeing you, he will do it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 15 April 2024, 12:58:12 am
If he is worried about the taxi fare, I would be worried about receiving my compensation.

Just lately I have started requesting that I take a £50 deposit for time and trouble. It's made things a bit quieter but I have found that the serious ones respect it ( I always ask them to see my  feedback, to know I'm not bogus) but it saves soooo much time.

In my opinion, if a guy is serious about seeing you, he will do it.

Absolutely. Anyone ask how much cab costs I know they won't do cab rule. I now hang up and block as they are counting pennies. My cab rules ensures not timewaster and I be paid. Real clients respect and do it.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fifi on 18 April 2024, 08:30:51 pm
When they give you oral and press their bastard chin right into your pubic bone
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: CuteElsa on 19 April 2024, 03:31:24 pm
This week a guy asked for 69 which is usual but this guy wants to be on top. Said I’m not doing that position. Then asked me to hang my head over the side of the bed as he wanted to throat me. No thanks. Gave him a bj but you guessed it hand on back of my head as he wants to hear me gag. What is it with these clients that love gagging noises ?
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 20 April 2024, 09:21:32 am
This week a guy asked for 69 which is usual but this guy wants to be on top. Said I’m not doing that position. Then asked me to hang my head over the side of the bed as he wanted to throat me. No thanks. Gave him a bj but you guessed it hand on back of my head as he wants to hear me gag. What is it with these clients that love gagging noises ?
Unpleasant ..he probably watched it in a porn movie and wanted to re enact it on you  :'(
They have no idea how uncomfortable it is
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 20 April 2024, 04:27:10 pm
A regular of mine made a booking but then asked afterwards if he could pay me a couple of days after when he gets paid. I couldn't believe he asked me but maybe becoming too entitled and taking me for granted.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 21 April 2024, 02:17:28 pm
I'm losing my temper lately with the silly "hi" texts. The last one I just replied "fuck off".
I'm deleting them after checking the numbers
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 21 April 2024, 03:07:23 pm
FF it's jsut constant isn't it and I find it so draining. All the hiyas, hello babes and oh I wish you had a face photo etc texts. And when you clearly state on your profile that you're available today and they text, "are you available today"? just drives me crazy. Fucking the guys is the easy part and I meet some great men - it's the thicko idiots that wind me up. I used to just brush it off but I'm losing it lately and they deserve it.
It's like sieving out the sand looking for diamonds and there aren't many of them left !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 21 April 2024, 09:01:19 pm
Guys who book like twice a year and each time they have a different scenario of the type of booking they want regardless of it not being something advertised, specific clothing requests, again not always offered on profile and clearly been watching too much porn.
Whatever happened to just turning up, having a nice time doing things that come naturally then clearing off.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fifi on 22 April 2024, 02:37:58 pm
Offering to take me out for social meets which I declined.

He kept saying he's not all bad and I said I know but their are rules I keep to

He also wanted to know how I communicate with other escorts which I said I wouldn't share ;D ;D

He left and seemed slightly mardy. Tough shit he shouldn't push it
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: matureho on 22 April 2024, 02:43:38 pm
Offering to take me out for social meets which I declined.

He kept saying he's not all bad and I said I know but their are rules I keep to

He also wanted to know how I communicate with other escorts which I said I wouldn't share ;D ;D

That’s one I’d be blocking
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fifi on 24 April 2024, 01:46:43 pm
I don't mind taking short notice bookings but I do say they'll have to take me as they find me. Although I'll do my best to be as presentable as I can.

One guy gave me ten mins notice and then when he turned up he said what he really loves are high heels.

I didn't have them on hand and would have meant ferreting about in the wardrobe so I did without. In that case I thought tough, he should've given me more notice.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: hellobello on 27 April 2024, 08:00:30 am
Saw this guy for 30 mins a couple of weeks ago for the first time. Booking was fine but decided that I wouldn't see hm again for various reasons;too needy constantly calling and texting before booking, made me feel very uncomfortable with topics of conversations picked, constantly asking throughout booking if I found him attractive - did not. Something in my demeanour at the end must have tipped him off as he booked me again through new number, if it had been original one I would have declined and I think he knew this. Saw him as he was already there but made very firm plans to tell him I wouldn't see him again. This guy has the nerve to call me a couple days later to have a general chat on a day Im working to which as soon as I realise I cut the phone and block both numbers. A day later I receive a booking request on AW for a 30 minute booking and after reviewing it have seen it is linked to one of the numbers I'd blocked.  messaged him back and told him in no uncertain words not to book me again. Creep.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: AmelieC on 27 April 2024, 07:46:16 pm
Yesterday , one guy called me around 9pm( my last appointment it s a 8pm) , tod me hé want to book for 10 pm. Was already 9.30pm, so I decided to accept. At 10pm call me from room no , from réception,  seems very drunk , starting to asking if it s ok 1hr and another crazy stupidity in réception. I told him I would not seem him because It s lack of respect starting to speak so load without discrétion.  I blocked him. In WhatsApp starting to call all the night . So , my golden roule, not after 9pm!! People are différents.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Fifi on 28 April 2024, 04:30:12 pm
Can't believe how many calls and messages I've had today.

The one day I've bloody chosen not to work and be with family and everyone wants to book!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 28 April 2024, 08:23:55 pm
Can't believe how many calls and messages I've had today.

The one day I've bloody chosen not to work and be with family and everyone wants to book!!
Isn't it always the way !
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Petlover29 on 07 May 2024, 05:53:00 pm
Over stay, especially the ones that book 30 mins and by the time they leave there getting closer to the hour mark. I  have had to  cut off couple of regs due to not respecting booked time.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Sammy13 on 10 May 2024, 02:32:27 pm
The ones that ram their fingers up you hard or rub your clit like they are rubbing out a stain with sandpaper
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 10 May 2024, 05:04:06 pm
The ones that ram their fingers up you hard or rub your clit like they are rubbing out a stain with sandpaper
Ooouch the very reason I don't allow fingering  :-[
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 11 May 2024, 12:53:35 pm
Over stay, especially the ones that book 30 mins and by the time they leave there getting closer to the hour mark. I  have had to  cut off couple of regs due to not respecting booked time.

I'm strict on time you book 30mins you will leave 35past such swines serial piss takers.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 13 May 2024, 12:52:36 pm
Turn up want a shower then I tell them you know it's in your visit time
The look on their face is priceless .
I should charge it as an extra before their booking .
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Jessiegirl on 13 May 2024, 03:14:19 pm
Usually I don't mind five or tens mins over if I'm enjoying the conversation unless I have another booking soon after.

As for fingering I only allow a select few who know what they are doing do this if I'm in the mood.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Serendipitydo on 14 May 2024, 01:28:45 am
Fingering, I just find gross, I don't mind receiving head but someone's dirty fingernails inside me... yuk! Also, what exactly is that doing for a woman? It's like being 15 behind the Wimpy!!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: Serendipitydo on 14 May 2024, 01:32:48 am
Turn up want a shower then I tell them you know it's in your visit time
The look on their face is priceless .
I should charge it as an extra before their booking .

I was looking online at the whole "assisted bath" thing..... Hmmmm! Few rose petals and some nice shower gel!!

Clean client, happy hooker!
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: PrincessSAL on 22 May 2024, 01:48:28 am
When they give you oral and press their bastard chin right into your pubic bone

I had a guy a few weeks ago, he’s a little rough hands wise but ok but i swear to god he was headbutting me going down, i was sore for a week felt like i’d been kicked in the public bone he’s a regular i had to tell him to be careful in future

Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: fallen angel on 01 June 2024, 11:24:40 am
Over stay, especially the ones that book 30 mins and by the time they leave there getting closer to the hour mark. I  have had to  cut off couple of regs due to not respecting booked time.

Yep one of my pet hates too.
Had an older guy recently who was trying to initiate round two 55 mins into an hour booking.
I don't see him often but he always tries it on which really pisses me off, so I just got off the bed and start tidying round, he got the message.
Title: Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
Post by: ff on 01 June 2024, 06:01:30 pm
Fingering, I just find gross, I don't mind receiving head but someone's dirty fingernails inside me... yuk! Also, what exactly is that doing for a woman? It's like being 15 behind the Wimpy!!
It's like a bad medical examination back in the day !  No thanks ...oouch