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Author Topic: Sex work and the menopause  (Read 20759 times)

Nora batty

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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #90 on: 10 January 2018, 08:05:34 am »
I am currently on tour accompanied by the chain saw massacre who today I have somehow managed to keep in check and have put the git on a star chart ( literally) in my diary today it was a two slash three star but I have a heap of bookings tomorrow so I'll see but I'm working whatever !

I had very very very heavy periods like you for about a year before they completely stopped.  Literally it was like turning a tap on and the blood was thick, dark dark red and full of clots.  It was so painful.  I couldn't predict when they would arrive and they made me physically sick.  Sex seem d to bring them on if the guy was normal to large.

It was an amazing relief when they stopped and I not had one for a year now.  My DR said the heavy bleed was peri menapause and wouldn't last long. 

Dryness is not an issue for me, in fact I am always wet, even when not having sex.  Hope that's not my bladder lol (no smell so prob not).


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #91 on: 10 January 2018, 08:57:00 am »
Oh lord I hope so I'm currently upgraded to a five star now as it's exactly like the ones your on about Nora , taken two co-codamol and been to gym to just try and get that shit out now !

I've lost so much money on tour due to booking and literally being in bed ! I've got more tablets than superdrug in my kitchen cupboard , tried everything going , now I'm sticking with tanexamic acid , stops the clots at least , but I'm going to bloody have to risk it today with two sponges and a patterned throw FFS !

I don't cam either so can't make it up there and my massages are shite lol


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #92 on: 10 January 2018, 09:40:02 am »
Reading through some of these posts makes me feel so grateful I suffered none of the above, I know from other family members and friends that the menopause can be awful for many women but in this job it must be a nightmare not knowing when to expect a bleed or feeling unwell etc. My periods just stopped dead a couple of years ago with no other symptoms other than a few hot flushes which didn't really bother me as they lasted only a minute.  I had no need of medication and my work did not suffer at all.

Men who mock the menopause are shits. If they had to go through half of what the ladies do they would think they were dying.


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #93 on: 10 January 2018, 10:49:02 am »
Yep I kept crying even if I saw a cute cat on tv and I don't even like cats that much ! ( I don't dislike them ) I turned into a complete nervous wreck , a personality transplant for 3/4 weeks of the month and approx one week feeling ok , plus I was either spotting or had mega heavy bleeding for 8 months because they kept persuading me it would settle down .

It was only when half my hair fell out in a week that I decided to stop it ( it's now come back in) but I had really bald bits and it's fine anyway but this was see through .

All I kept thinking was guys just wake up everyday feeling the same , no hormone fluctuations ever.
Good luck with it and it may settle down , I'm on nothing now and much happier , more stable mentally and just putting up with the periods !

so, you stopped! but apparently is not good to we became more older quickly, our skin became sh**, etc.
i am not in meno, actually i never had my period! so to fight osteoporosis they give me that!
i think to come back to older one...yesterday i tried the new one and i was horrible.
i am going to mess up a bit! i know if i am going to my gp, she ll say to keep taking and wait that became stable!
i can not understand why the medecine didn t found out a solution without all bad side!
i am very ignorant about hormones, i was period free all my life and i was so happy!
i am single, no baby dream....just to save my bones...

 :o need to call now my gp, become a nightmare!


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #94 on: 10 January 2018, 12:27:39 pm »
 I do get to read that people who have her feminine curves are much better off than women, who are very thin and suffer more from the menopausal effects.
MySecret, were you told as to why you never had any period?  Do you have ovaries?  Sorry, I don't mean to be "nosey".  My hormones aren't good at all, either.  It does affect me and hence, affects escorting.


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #95 on: 10 January 2018, 01:21:49 pm »
I do get to read that people who have her feminine curves are much better off than women, who are very thin and suffer more from the menopausal effects.
MySecret, were you told as to why you never had any period?  Do you have ovaries?  Sorry, I don't mean to be "nosey".  My hormones aren't good at all, either.  It does affect me and hence, affects escorting.
i never add i have osteoporosis! but i am healing from it with calcium supplement, vit D, weight training
i need to add some weight as my body fat was really low when i was fit! to be slim is not so good for osteoporosis! now i am ok in a good range, still have some abs but now my goal is more health than apparence.
it is not mandatory that thin people will have osteop but depend...
i never had my period, so i lost it since 14 years ago. it was good not to have period ...pratical but we need of it! to be balanced!
we need a hormones long term we need for our health! ...i still not have but i know that now i am well (a part for my hormones remplacement therapy). the problem that i never deal with abdominal pain, be moody, nervous for the for me is shocking to cry without reason, be nervous for nothing, etc...
then you have a cancer as well if you miss hormones, hopefully i do not have it.

i suggest you to check it..i am young to have osteopo! i ll have a body scan again this year soon, but i know that my muscle mass is increased so will be much better!

Check your hormones levels, they are very important for metabolism, bones density, mood, skin care, hair care, etc...
just ask to your gp!
today i taken my older pill and i taken another appoint with my gp to solve mood problem, and other small things. Always try to be better!


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #96 on: 10 January 2018, 02:40:05 pm »
That's all sorted out then! Back to sex work now, please :).


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #97 on: 11 January 2018, 02:43:34 pm »
Thank you, MySecret.    :)  You're such a caring, lovely lady, who looks out for other women on Saafe whilst you got so much going on.    It's good to hear that your GP is supportive.  No health or if health isn't too great, no happy escorting. 

Nora batty

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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #98 on: 11 January 2018, 11:20:43 pm »
Oh lord I hope so I'm currently upgraded to a five star now as it's exactly like the ones your on about Nora , taken two co-codamol and been to gym to just try and get that shit out now !

I've lost so much money on tour due to booking and literally being in bed ! I've got more tablets than superdrug in my kitchen cupboard , tried everything going , now I'm sticking with tanexamic acid , stops the clots at least , but I'm going to bloody have to risk it today with two sponges and a patterned throw FFS !

I don't cam either so can't make it up there and my massages are shite lol

I had used Ibuprofen to lighten the blood flow, it's does work a treat.  I only did this when working and when you stop the ibuprofen the flow kicks back in.

It's not healthy to do this long term, but when needs must.  Made me very ill though afterwards as with kidney issues nephrotic drugs like ibuprofen are poison to me.  But I couldn't do sex work without it.


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #99 on: 12 January 2018, 10:32:26 am »
I had used Ibuprofen to lighten the blood flow, it's does work a treat.  I only did this when working and when you stop the ibuprofen the flow kicks back in.

It's not healthy to do this long term, but when needs must.  Made me very ill though afterwards as with kidney issues nephrotic drugs like ibuprofen are poison to me.  But I couldn't do sex work without it.
Yes that's similar to how tranexamic acid work , but I worked mainly half hours tues and wed this week but it decided to go premiership yesterday and I couldn't even hold it back for half hour with a super plus tampax , so no sex work for me , got money back on room though plus discount , and at least at this rate I'll be ok for next week .

It makes it so hard tp plan ahead though although their still pretty much monthly , but can be a week or so out either way and that's my problem trying to get advance deals. I know I can cancel them but it's more people booking and me appearing bloody flaky I don't like , unreliable because i can't bear being late or disorganised so it goes against the grain !


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #100 on: 13 January 2018, 07:14:54 am »
I have had erratic periods for the past two years and I am 54.  My mum was 56 when hers stopped so I imagine I will unfortunately be the same.  I tend to feel especially fragile in winters when my anxiety levels shoot up.  I am on the spectrum and borderline Asperger's.  Being perimenopausal alongside ongoing SAD triggered Asperger's ain't pretty!

I take Bach flower remedies e.g. Rescue Remedy/Gentian/Gorse and when I am menstruating I take a mild homoeopathic dose to lessen the flow.  It all helps but it bores the pants off me and my financial worry that I have this to cope with for up to two more years.  I don't like to take too many conventional tablets and am already on two different ones for being on the spectrum.... Hey ho. :FF


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #101 on: 30 January 2018, 06:56:07 pm »
I am going through the peri menopause.  The last 2/3 years my periods have gotten more and more irregular, from missing every second one last year, the last maybe 9 months I?ve been skipping a couple then getting one.

I haven?t had too much of a problem until recently except for never knowing when to expect a period.  I had one a month ago, it didn?t get going properly so I was surprised when a few weeks later I got another one.

All of a sudden I started getting full on night sweats (starting 2 nights prior to the period, actually thought I was getting ill), then my actual period was intolerably painful to a level I?ve never known before.

I can normally manage to work on my period, but from day 2 the flow was so heavy, it was so painful I couldn?t.  I also felt physically ill.

I don?t want to go on HRT if I can help it, I also get migraines so my options are limited there anyway. 

So folks I haven?t had a proper period since that awful one in Nov; I?ve had every month faint spotting and it never gets fully started.

Now just this last one I feel I may have developed hot flushes, but since I?ve also had a nasty virus unsure if it might be to do with that too.

Anyway its like I get hot for no reason, it comes over me, often when I?m just sitting down doing nothing physical, then it goes, am I describing a classic hot flush?

During my first couple of bookings since being sick its happened as well which hasn?t helped my comeback! I suppose I?m concerned its going to affect work more and more, I never know if I?m going to get a period, and I dread another really painful one which incapacitated me for a week basically.


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #102 on: 30 January 2018, 08:51:24 pm »
Anyway its like I get hot for no reason, it comes over me, often when I?m just sitting down doing nothing physical, then it goes, am I describing a classic hot flush?

You could be - but the problem is, it could also be some sort of infection (tonsillitis etc.)

Are you on any sort of hormonal contraception? If not, you can see your GP and discuss HRT etc.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress

Nora batty

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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #103 on: 31 January 2018, 08:50:10 am »
With my hot flushes, it's the top half of my body only.  They last for a few minutes each and come and go every few weeks for a few weeks at a time.

Skin can get very clammy.  I pore sweat, but clients think it's from all the effort I put in 😎


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Re: Sex work and the menopause
« Reply #104 on: 31 January 2018, 01:53:24 pm »
You could be - but the problem is, it could also be some sort of infection (tonsillitis etc.)

Are you on any sort of hormonal contraception? If not, you can see your GP and discuss HRT etc.

Yes it could be the tail end of this current virus, or god forbid another one...I?m not on hormonal contraception, most pills I can?t take due to migraines, and I don?t want to do HRT unless I have to (my current surgery is really anti anyway).

With my hot flushes, it's the top half of my body only.  They last for a few minutes each and come and go every few weeks for a few weeks at a time.

Skin can get very clammy.  I pore sweat, but clients think it's from all the effort I put in 😎

Yes that?s exactly it! Also the clammy skin after, workwise for some time now I got really hot easily, and I guess this is the next step towards the big M.

Luckily for work, I still lubricate as well as I ever did (phew)