I do get to read that people who have her feminine curves are much better off than women, who are very thin and suffer more from the menopausal effects.
MySecret, were you told as to why you never had any period? Do you have ovaries? Sorry, I don't mean to be "nosey". My hormones aren't good at all, either. It does affect me and hence, affects escorting.
i never add Estrogens...so i have osteoporosis! but i am healing from it with calcium supplement, vit D, weight training
i need to add some weight as my body fat was really low when i was fit! to be slim is not so good for osteoporosis! now i am ok in a good range, still have some abs but now my goal is more health than apparence.
it is not mandatory that thin people will have osteop but depend...
i never had my period, so i lost it since 14 years ago. it was good not to have period ...pratical but we need of it! to be balanced!
we need a hormones balance..in long term we need for our health! ...i still not have but i know that now i am well (a part for my hormones remplacement therapy). the problem that i never deal with abdominal pain, be moody, nervous for the period..so for me is shocking to cry without reason, be nervous for nothing, etc...
then you have a cancer as well if you miss hormones, hopefully i do not have it.
i suggest you to check it..i am young to have osteopo! i ll have a body scan again this year soon, but i know that my muscle mass is increased so will be much better!
Check your hormones levels, they are very important for metabolism, bones density, mood, skin care, hair care, etc...
just ask to your gp!
today i taken my older pill and i taken another appoint with my gp to solve mood problem, and other small things. Always try to be better!