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Author Topic: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!  (Read 763715 times)


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2655 on: 27 October 2018, 05:20:51 pm »
I hate anal anything I tell them I do not do anal do not touch me only on the front.

I now have placed a hard anal toy where I can get it and shove it up their arse with no lube

See if they like getting it the way they give it.

Surprise thumb rammed up my arse is not nice and your getting it back, wish the toy was not so tiny I need  at thumb wide one.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2656 on: 27 October 2018, 05:23:41 pm »
I am also going to place a massive strap on where it can be seen and when they ask what that is Im going to tell them it is for you honey if you touch my anus.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2657 on: 27 October 2018, 05:25:28 pm »
Im constipated that might help thank you

ooh I need the loo move out of my way quick ooohhh while clutching my  stomach.

Im looking forward to the next anal player  >:D


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2658 on: 27 October 2018, 08:52:35 pm »
I did that once, got my own back. I am happy for a little anal finger play on me (stopped doing full anal a while back) but do like to be asked first. One man just went straight for it and shoved a finger straight up.

I said nothing but a minute later I did the same to him (hated doing it with an uncovered finger but had to) and he yelped! I just gave him a look and he knew not to complain. Just because we are service providers does not mean we take anything that is literally thrust at us. Not me anyway!


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2659 on: 29 October 2018, 05:05:31 pm »
This has happened to me three times in the course of my six year career as an escort.

Clients have lingered at the end of a booking and taken forever to get dressed and leave.

Why do some of them do this?

They have ALL been older than 65 too.  Is this a thing that some of that age group have?  I have seen plenty 65 and older as generally they are great but these other 3 really have got up my nose.

Two were positively creepy but the one today was just downright annoying.  He knew I wanted to leave early but he took so long to get dressed and although he was very obese and struggled to put his shoes on (which I Helped him with in the end) he really was taking the pee.

In the end I started packing my things away and he still took forever.

15 mins chat after the hour is up to get ready and go simply isn't acceptable.

I will block him.

He is new to escorts maybe it was that who knows.

Think he would turn out to be unboundaried more and more.

Time is money also and we really cannot be entertaining them when their time is up!

Is it that age group I wonder.  Also he had the old man smell.  Not the best.

Some of them are great but others spoil it for the rest of them.

Ellie B

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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2660 on: 30 October 2018, 12:34:00 am »
Im constipated that might help thank you

ooh I need the loo move out of my way quick ooohhh while clutching my  stomach.

Im looking forward to the next anal player  >:D

or the opposite to constipation - that is a mood breaker and messy...
Why do they think we want fingers shoved up in to any hole? yes, they maybe paying, but not for pain, especially they have sharp fingernails!


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2661 on: 30 October 2018, 03:01:45 am »
They have ALL been older than 65 too.  Is this a thing that some of that age group have?  I have seen plenty 65 and older as generally they are great but these other 3 really have got up my nose.

There are definitely some pensionsers who hit their retirement age and develop an attitude of "I'm no longer being paid for my time, so nor will you be".
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2662 on: 30 October 2018, 08:39:27 am »
This has happened to me three times in the course of my six year career as an escort.

Clients have lingered at the end of a booking and taken forever to get dressed and leave.

Why do some of them do this?

They have ALL been older than 65 too.  Is this a thing that some of that age group have?  I have seen plenty 65 and older as generally they are great but these other 3 really have got up my nose.

Two were positively creepy but the one today was just downright annoying.  He knew I wanted to leave early but he took so long to get dressed and although he was very obese and struggled to put his shoes on (which I Helped him with in the end) he really was taking the pee.

In the end I started packing my things away and he still took forever.

15 mins chat after the hour is up to get ready and go simply isn't acceptable.

I will block him.

He is new to escorts maybe it was that who knows.

Think he would turn out to be unboundaried more and more.

Time is money also and we really cannot be entertaining them when their time is up!

Is it that age group I wonder.  Also he had the old man smell.  Not the best.

Some of them are great but others spoil it for the rest of them.
Yes I've definitely found older guys to be the lingerers, the ones who will dress so slowly and pause to talk when they could do both at the same time. Maybe they think because they have more time on their hands they are free to do that? It bothers me loads.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2663 on: 30 October 2018, 01:20:37 pm »
Yes I've definitely found older guys to be the lingerers, the ones who will dress so slowly and pause to talk when they could do both at the same time. Maybe they think because they have more time on their hands they are free to do that? It bothers me loads.

I don't let them linger, no way! But it is mostly the older guys but I think it's more when someone has a day off or is retired, those that come during or before work never fuck about, same with those sneaking in on the way home from work. Give me those anyday!


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2664 on: 30 October 2018, 02:06:04 pm »
Call me heartless but I have emailed the guy very politely on adultwork to state I cannot see him again.  Also not to linger in future should he book anybody else.  He could see I was packing away too in the end and yet he still carried on!!

He wanted more kissing than I was comfortable with and I let that be the main reason.

I did not state he had the horrible 'ole man whiff'.

Not all are like these however!  I usually like the more mature and  seasoned approach to life and the chat but sometimes a guy comes along to remind us how they aren't always a straightforward client.

I also decided to block him after I sent the email as if not I am sure I will get one or two bitter replies or him arguing the toss.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2665 on: 30 October 2018, 02:31:09 pm »
I was getting messages for a year can you believe from some guy asking me to tour his area where I have no desire to go .
So I'm touring Manchester he's looked at that on the profile made a song and dance about wanting to see me there  and because I wouldn't supply hotel name yet he's  got pissed off .
He's put no booking through yet sent a picture of himself holding a baby  not needed but at least not a cock shot for once !!
Guys that friendly message for months on end drive me mad , I don't even co respond until they book on the day because of time waster behaviour.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2666 on: 30 October 2018, 03:22:31 pm »
Many clients are just odd.  Three days prior to a tour day I have been asked 'Do you know where you will be yet'.

Like we just wake up on the morning itself and start looking for somewhere to tour?  How on earth do they think we run our affairs!!

sammy s

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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2667 on: 30 October 2018, 04:12:42 pm »
Just saw the most irritating client ever!
He booked for 15 mins and I make it crystal clear on my profile that quickies can involve either sex or foreplay but not both unless they can cum incredibly quickly. I also say that they need to arrive freshly showered as there won’t be time for one at mine before or after.

Anyway - this dickhead arrives and starts pawing at my boobs at the door before he’s paid me. I firmly remove his hands and ask for the money. We then go upstairs and I ask him if he wants foreplay or sex. He tells me he cums within 5 seconds so he’d like both. The next 10 mins are spent with him contorting my body like I’m a god damn rubber doll. He keeps losing his hard on and isn’t cumming even though we are doing different positions and I’ve given him oral.
I tell him times up but he can extend to 30 mins if he wants to keep going. He says he’s fine to finish but could he have a 30 second shower. I tell him to hurry up as he’s already been there for the agreed time. 10 mins later he was still in my shower and I had to bang on the door telling him to get out.
He then got dressed ridiculously slowly whilst asking me loads of personal questions which I was just giving him one word answers to and my face must have been like thunder. He had been there for 30 mins now but paid me £30 less than my 30 min rate.
I’ve blocked the idiot from contacting me again!


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2668 on: 31 October 2018, 11:01:40 am »
Many clients are just odd.  Three days prior to a tour day I have been asked 'Do you know where you will be yet'.

Like we just wake up on the morning itself and start looking for somewhere to tour?  How on earth do they think we run our affairs!!
I get this none sense too
Plus  oh when are you coming to their town ,like we would go all the way to a random location just to suit a telephone enquiry


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #2669 on: 31 October 2018, 12:09:29 pm »
Yesterday was a bit shite for me.
Lots of timewasters and some regulars who were mucking me around not committing to firm times etc.
I had some bookings so all was not lost but left my phone on after I stopped working in case anyone wanted to pre-book for tomorrow ( ie today)

Had some stuff going on in my personal life so when I logged into AW late last night to find two messages from two different blokes ( both with 0 feedback and the messages were long (!))
I was too knackered and drained from life in general to reply.
I’m usually excellent at comms. One in particular was asking for foot fetish services which I don’t provide but I was tired and stressed so I didn’t reply.

Was rushing about this morning... meant to respond but got caught up in other stuff. Then I log into AW to find a reply from one of these guys having a go at me for not responding to his message!

The one time I slip up and get a load of abuse in my inbox!

I mean my number was showing all night and this morning for him to call me to arrange a booking