The ones who have seen you before no problems and then start to mess you around
Today a client I had seen once no issues except he was very awkward, wanted a short notice booking today. First he asked for 15 mins notice which is absurd, my profile says minimum 1 hour. I agreed to 30 mins notice.
Then within 10 minutes he texted to cancel ‘ something had come up’ when I had rushed around getting ready 😠
I am getting similar lately and I am just losing the will.
One seen a few times before but with blg gaps between. Books in advance with specific dress requests then continues to text requirements after booking accepted, how much he loves my pics, how great I look in blah blah blah, always a red flag. I reply with absolute minimum detail as I know how this scenario goes.
Low and behold just as I'm dressed and ready he texts to say been shunted from behind when almost here, needs to cancel.Yeah right, thinking I'm the only one that's being shafted here.
Next day same thing with newbie. Puts a booking in day before, specific dress requests, gushing during comms and getting way too excited. You guessed it, cancelled on the day, family issues.
Seems to be the new thing, make the booking with way too much detail, whip themselves into a frenzy, have a wank then cancel the booking.