Ive had a slew of
"are you available today?"
"yes, what time would you like?"
"oh, i can do in 15 minutes"
"ahh, sorry, too late for me, sorry can't hang around that long"

Then why don't they say, "Are you available right now?"
I love when they call, find out that I need 15-30 minutes, say that's too long to wait, and then call me back 15-30 minutes later. (Because they failed to find someone else available RIGHT NOW). They always seem to think that since I said I could be ready in 30 minutes, that I will be ready when they call back. Well, no. I didn't jump up off the couch and put on my lingerie when they first called because they didn't make a booking.
Sometimes I say, "Aw, gee - I'm sorry. Someone else just called and put in a booking."
To be honest, I'm usually pretty much relieved that they didn't book because they sound like twats in hurry to find any old hole they can.