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Author Topic: Has escorting put you off men?  (Read 9027 times)


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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #45 on: 17 February 2022, 03:32:53 pm »
I’m currently in a situation where I’ve gone off sex with my boyfriend (of 1yr) and only have motivation / interest in sleeping with clients. I very rarely orgasm with clients so it’s not due to being satisfied at work, I just get bored easily I think which is why I still have motivation for work. It’s different clients and different scenarios etc. I’ve lost that mojo for my boyf. I’d be quite happy to just cuddle instead.

I’ve only had one boyf that I didn’t get bored of so I think escorting is part of the reason for me getting bored. I don’t know why I manage to get in the zone for work and quite enjoy performing but can’t seem to do it at home  ???

One More Rodeo

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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #46 on: 19 February 2022, 02:46:04 pm »
I have almost no experience with say, online dating to have a good comparison.
But the sheer number of boundary-pushers and just trying to stay safe puts me in a constant protection/ combat mode.
When I wasn't escorting I slowly started to see men as an opportunity, a possibility for something, I was open to interactions.
Now I see them as a threat almost?  :-\
It's really interesting to observe this change of mindset. It impacts the overall sense of safety for me somehow.


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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #47 on: 20 February 2022, 06:00:09 pm »
I have almost no experience with say, online dating to have a good comparison.
But the sheer number of boundary-pushers and just trying to stay safe puts me in a constant protection/ combat mode.
When I wasn't escorting I slowly started to see men as an opportunity, a possibility for something, I was open to interactions.
Now I see them as a threat almost?  :-\
It's really interesting to observe this change of mindset. It impacts the overall sense of safety for me somehow.

I get what you mean. When I was dating I put myself at risk a few times  although luckily managed myself. Now I have my spider senses on full alert. I'm lucky that there have only been a few times I've felt intimidated by clients and will block them after. I'm always sizing them up, tone (phone and in person), body language etc. I will end a phone call if they mention something not on my likes list. Even contractors I'm wary of.


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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #48 on: 26 February 2022, 07:24:53 am »
I felt like I was super picky before anyway. I've been single for 3.5 years and I've been escorting for 1.5 years now. As a plus sized lady I feel like escorting has given me an incredible sense of self confidence, maybe even self worth. I'm actively dating again so I feel like I would've given a lot of these dudes a chance before escorting but now I have zero tolerance for shitty behaviour.

I think it's because of all of the time wasters I've had to deal with in this job, I just have a better feel for flouncy man language now. Like my bullshit meter got an upgrade and I feel like it's constantly putting me off possible partners and I'm grateful about it


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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #49 on: 26 February 2022, 01:59:50 pm »
Like my bullshit meter got an upgrade

Haha love it, but you are soooooo right. Escorting has taught me how to recognise bullshit and narcissism so much more


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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #50 on: 26 February 2022, 03:50:55 pm »
Not at all, but I do think it's made me recognise what I should expect from men better and not to put up with the kind of BS I used to think was just a normal part of interactions.  I have always been big on communication anyway and this has made me want to up my game several fold.  Though due to the pandemic mostly, and my long standing disinclination around internet dating, I haven't been out much and my patience with them is thin, especially when they start running their mouth towards sex, I nip that right in the bud, hey dude, that ish costs money......

Vintage Miss

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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #51 on: 07 March 2022, 09:45:45 am »
I have had more respect from the majority of clients I actually see, than men I've dated, but I think it has to do with a different expectations. I only want a client to be clean, friendly and follow my protocol. I don't have to find him attractive, get sexual satisfaction or share common goals or interests.

 If I am dating, I am trying to find someone I fancy, whose company I like. That's a bigger ask than just 'clean and polite' and so in the past I've put up with disrespectfu boyfriends that I never would with clients because strong attraction (particularly for someone who has had a lot of sexual partners!) is quite hard to come by. The minute a client pisses me off with some disrespectful shit, even if he is a regular, I am happy to bin without a second thought, because I have no emotions or desire invested.  But when I fancy someone, or more so, love someone, its not so easy to be so 'ruthless'.

 I think punters and boyfriends know this, the former know to play nice if they want to book the woman they want again, and the latter know they often have more room to piss about. IME they use that to their advantage. This is why I don't bother with finding love anymore, because the minute you show a guy you like him, watch him play you like a football.


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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #52 on: 07 March 2022, 10:18:23 am »
Vintage Miss, so brilliant put.


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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #53 on: 07 March 2022, 10:37:02 am »
« Last Edit: 09 May 2022, 07:45:41 pm by Scarlettwoman »


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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #54 on: 07 March 2022, 10:55:44 am »
This is why I've decided men are no longer worthy of my time nor feelings. I keep my head down now and avoid any chance of meeting a civvy guy.

Totally. I'm not willing to put up with the bullshit of civvy guys anymore. I believe a client when they tell me they think I'm pretty, I don't believe civvy guys. It's just an empty compliment to get into my knickers free.


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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #55 on: 07 March 2022, 11:34:10 am »
Yes I think men are very much unfinished symphonies in general. Clients are fine however. So in that sense they help keep me out of the feminist books.

Clients in general are at their best when they visit and it is much easier than reationships.

I won't go there again with men in relationships. Single and independent has many advantages. Just a shame the world is full of dependent women wived up and half a person.

Women are more evolved than men. However clients are in general quite cool.

Vintage Miss

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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #56 on: 10 March 2022, 10:37:23 am »
Vintage Miss, so brilliant put.

Thanks Milf-glos! :)

Vintage Miss

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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #57 on: 10 March 2022, 10:42:11 am »
Just a shame the world is full of dependent women wived up and half a person.

I love how you put this.

I guess the only upside to this is that because there are so many unhappy marriages and so many bored women who can't take anymore of their husband's shite bed 'skills', and have consequently pulled up and locked down their bloomers...we get an income stream.

But there again, if other forms of work that women usually do paid half a damn, sex work wouldn't be such an appealing alternative. Waitress, wife or whore? I pick whore.


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Re: Has escorting put you off men?
« Reply #58 on: 11 March 2022, 10:22:02 am »

No, working as an escort did not drive me away or disgust me with men.

Long before I started, I knew that men are naturally polygamous. So I can't say that I'm surprised or scandalized by their involvement with escorts.  :)

And in a very selfish way, I think it's a good thing. that men are like that... because it gives me the opportunity to be in this business, a well-paid business, where I am my own boss. If all men were faithful to their wives or girlfriends, I might have to work at Macdonald's. :)

I also think that civvy men are going to be respectful...if you know how to get respect. If you're not too emotionally dependent on men.

A big factor, in my opinion, that will make a prostitute disgusted or jaded with men is simply the number of clients she sees per week. Personally, I only see three clients a week, sometimes four, mostly regulars. After all, I love chocolate, but if I eat too much of it I get disgusted. Same thing with the men!
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