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Author Topic: Describe your last booking  (Read 729342 times)


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2565 on: 26 March 2021, 05:50:52 pm »
Some of the things said in these recent posts above make me want to chuck as it is all very close to home. I put up with rough stuff (never extreme just uncomfortable) poor hygiene, rudeness and an unwillingness or disinterest in improving how they interact with me all of the time. And that includes from most of my regulars.
Trouble is I lay there petrified to give them some directions in case they get the huff on and don't come back.

PUG8, you say you call some out when you don't like what they are doing to you but not others. How do you decide which will take direction well and which won't? Have any of them ever responded badly when asked to change what they are doing and has it made future meetings with them more difficult?
I need to grow a pair I think.

I don't mean to be flippant but why are you putting up with this behaviour from regulars? Poor hygiene, rudeness, unwillingness and disinterest from a client would guarantee I never see them again after a first session.

Do you have a note on your profile that all service is at your discretion, i.e. if they fall short on hygiene, manners etc, you will stop the appointment there and then. If you don't, it might be worth considering this. Also, remember, you are the one to grant them your time regardless of the fact they are paying you. You have every right to tell them if they're being rude, if they smell, haven't washed etc. Their money does not mean they can be discourteous.

fallen angel

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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2566 on: 26 March 2021, 07:03:01 pm »
Do you know, part of me kinda suspects this too and I think you might be right. He has shown to be quite demanding in the past e.g.. wanting a booking at 7.30pm on Friday and giving absolutely no leeway when I offer a different day/time. Last time he got in touch and I couldn't accommodate him he told me to cancel my other clients booking for him and I told him he'd need to book someone else so I think maybe it was an act of revenge.

He said he'd want to book me again in a couple weeks so I'm gona tell him no and I'm gona tell him why.

I do struggle with being upfront sometimes, especially when it's do to with their hygiene as some genuinely have no clue. But the fact that some do it on purpose makes me livid

Yes I noticed that you'd said he'd displayed controlling behaviour before, wanting you to cancel other clients for him.
I think you do right telling him why you will no longer see him, let him know that you won't put up with dirty, smelly clients.
Hopefully you'll feel more confident to speak up in future when their manners or hygiene aren't up to scratch.
If they take the hump and don't come back then good riddance, it makes space for nicer, better behaved men.


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2567 on: 26 March 2021, 08:49:42 pm »
Euurgh.... So this guy used to be a regular, hadn't seen him in a long time because of circumstances on his end and tbh the last time he contacted me for a booking he kinda pissed me off in his comms by being very demanding and expecting me to cancel another clients booking to accommodate him, which I said absolutely not...
But things have been slow recently so I begrudgingly accepted his request...
I forgot how uncomfortable and yucky I feel around this guy, I can't really explain it... He does this weird thing where he goes in for a kiss and then pulls away at the last second, then goes to do it again, like it's supposed to be cute or something? I dunno, it just makes me feel a bit...ewww.
So I decide to go in for oral and I get his dick out and I can smell urine, really stale urine coming from it...
He made a point of telling me he was jumping in for a shower before I went over so I don't know if he just decided to stop at his waist or something? His balls were a bit B.O.ish too and I was properly close to heaving. I wanted to tell him to go wash it, but this stupid thing comes over me where I don't want to hurt their feelings. I know it's so dumb! I hate the idea of potentially embarrassing someone. In hindsight though, he probably SHOULD be embarrassed!
So I suggested 69, and just gave him a hj the whole time. There was no way I was putting that in my mouth again.
This job in general (and also lack of bookings/money worries) has been really getting to me recently. I was glad he couldn't see my face because I thought I was gona burst into tears a couple of times.
All the while he's doing this weird, fast motion tongue flicky thing on my clit then sucking it as hard as possible and it feels fucking horrible. Like, it's a fucking clit, not a dick! What you sucking it for??? Honestly, I was fantasising about grabbing his balls and just squeezing them as hard as I could...
On goes the condom and for a change he came really quick! I was fucking overjoyed tbh haha.
We still had about 30 mins to go and he kept checking his watch saying oh 20 mins left, 10 mins, etc... So I just listened to him talk about his job and stuff til the time was up.
I didn't really have time to process it as I just washed and went to bed as soon as I got home but thinking about that booking now makes me wana cry. If things weren't as they are financially right now I wouldn't have agreed to see him again. I hope things get better so I can be more picky about clients again like I could pre-covid...
Jane Dough, I'm so sorry that you had to put up with this and your feelings afterward. Always remember that YOU are in control, that you can decide to provide service or not,  and that there will be many more clients if you wish to avoid this one. You deserve to be respected at all times and your body has value that you control.
Don't avoid telling a client what you don't like about them if they are doing something poorly, just say it nicely. If the client is a normal decent person, they will appreciate your feedback. If they are not nice, why bother caring about their feelings anyway. Never put a client's feelings over your own, you are too valuable for that. I am not saying to be mean, but be assertive and never give them control over you.


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2568 on: 26 March 2021, 10:36:33 pm »
Sometimes they don't realise they're smelly but sometimes you have to tell them. One of my regulars can get smelly during hot weather but never realised until I told him. Now he's always smelling nice and lovely.


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2569 on: 27 March 2021, 12:42:42 am »
« Last Edit: 03 May 2021, 04:13:08 pm by JaneDough »


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2570 on: 27 March 2021, 01:41:24 am »
I don't think you sound mean at all and I agree with everything you say, I appreciate your support. I feel like I'm maybe coming across as quite naïve and new to the business but the embarrassing thing is I've been doing this for a couple years. I've always struggled with assertiveness and being a bit of a people pleaser my whole life. If someone is an obvious asshole I find it rather easy to assert boundaries but when they're "nice" (or pretend to be) I make excuses for them in the moment then beat myself up about it later when reality sinks in. Escorting is one thing that has actually helped with my confidence massively but I'm still not where I want to be in terms of putting myself first. I guess every day is an opportunity to grow and learn from it though. Thanks for your kind words!
JD, we've all been there, while escorting and in everyday life. We are wired to think of the other person's feelings first, and often that is not fair to ourselves. This job is so much more than sex or or having great skills with sex. It builds up confidence in being assertive, setting boundaries, and being in charge, if you practice a little each time. Just don't let those skills go to your head :)  Many nice men enjoy an assertive woman, even like being told what to do for a change, you don't need to wait for an asshole to practice being assertive. :) 

Think of your boundaries before meeting with a client. If a client is rude, has hygiene issues, what will you do?  Nearly all of my clients are very respectful, but I will nicely tell them if they need a shower, etc. I need to be good at what I do to be successful and I'm not good at my whoring if I am not happy with the situation.

When you've had a difficult day at work, trying taking a long hot bath or even better spend time with a fuck buddy who knows how to treat you properly so you can reset.
« Last Edit: 27 March 2021, 01:49:46 am by PleasureSales »


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2571 on: 28 March 2021, 12:53:30 pm »
Had a 30min client this morning and he was the girthiest I've ever seen. The head was so fat and round it almost made me feel sick to look at and do oral. It only just fitted in my mouth.

Normally I like to help clients get their money's worth but I was keen to do the deed and get rid so got a condom out. It almost didn't go in but we got there eventually and thankfully didn't last long.

He was a nice enough gent but it was difficult to work with. Makes me wonder if he's been turned away before. I almost wanted to


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2572 on: 28 March 2021, 03:46:24 pm »
I had one like this last week. We tried to have sex but I just found it too uncomfortable and had to ask him to stop so just ended up giving him a hand job. My hands are quite small so ended up using both hands but he was cool with it. I'm sure he must have similar problems with other women too.


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2573 on: 30 March 2021, 07:17:55 pm »
Seen him a couple times just before C19 struck, fit youngie, triple-XXX elephant dick, oral, rimming, prostate. No sex or fiddling with me as he is totally passive. Asked for a shower before I offered him one! Polite, super-clean and appreciative.

New callers the past week seem pants to me and don't know how to speak or act so I'm not interested.
« Last Edit: 01 April 2021, 12:23:32 am by saltysweet »


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2574 on: 05 April 2021, 08:33:51 am »
Seen this guy once just before the first lockdown last year and then again recently, he knows I don’t allow fingering in my pussy so what does he try to do, he tries to fucking stick them in my ass! Now if I don’t allow fingering in the pussy then I definitely don’t allow it in my ass, I loathe my ass being touched.

Anyway he is a patronising guy and he booked for an hour the last time, anyway the hour was up and he starts crying and talking about his teenage granddaughter who had to be taken off of her life support machine just before Xmas 2020, now that’s sad but he could still have sex no problem and he had the whole hour to speak about it yet chooses to at 1 hour and 1 minute, manipulative old cunt, fair enough he doesn’t have sex with his wife anymore for whatever reason but surely he can speak to her about their dead grandchild.

Some men think us sp’s are cold and uncaring to the customers but they don’t seem to get the word ‘customer’, we aren’t due them anything at all and I don’t care about any of my customers really, every time I’ve given one an inch then they’ve always taken a mile, I’ll never trust them beyond being okay to go with as a punter, but that’s it, trying the way waterworks with me NEVER works.

Edited to add that this was also the client, that I wrote about on here, who last year, tried desperately to get away with not telephoning me for the first booking, and whom also coincidentally said “well it depends how much you trust me” on an email, assuming I must be stupid.

« Last Edit: 06 April 2021, 09:36:42 am by TantricTease »


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2575 on: 08 April 2021, 05:26:22 pm »
Nice young man wanked himself came on my face 7 minutes jobby, love short sweet ones. :)


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2576 on: 08 April 2021, 09:17:26 pm »
Nice young man wanked himself came on my face 7 minutes jobby, love short sweet ones. :)
Bookings...or cocks?


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2577 on: 08 April 2021, 10:27:22 pm »
Just finished a 45 min and the guy had an unusual looking penis. There was no head as such and the opening was where the frenulum normally is rather than at the end.

It was another one where I unfortunately found it a little unsightly, and I also noticed his pre-cum was rather cloudy and slightly smelly. I didn't realise he was dribbling everywhere too until I saw where his opening actually was and saw it had gone all over the towel.

At that point I got him to lie down whilst I did oral, although I didn't continue with it after a while as I couldn't stand the pre cum and decided to get on with putting a condom on to hurry things along. Nice guy but think I'd have to do owo if he returned.


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2578 on: 08 April 2021, 11:05:09 pm »
Bookings...or cocks?

Bookings! but I like cocks as magnormous as they make em! bring it on... ;D
« Last Edit: 08 April 2021, 11:44:10 pm by saltysweet »

fallen angel

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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2579 on: 08 April 2021, 11:08:34 pm »

It was another one where I unfortunately found it a little unsightly, and I also noticed his pre-cum was rather cloudy and slightly smelly. I didn't realise he was dribbling everywhere too until I saw where his opening actually was and saw it had gone all over the towel.

At that point I got him to lie down whilst I did oral, although I didn't continue with it after a while as I couldn't stand the pre cum and decided to get on with putting a condom on to hurry things along. Nice guy but think I'd have to do owo if he returned.

I assume you meant OW if he returns Maz?
Not that I offer it but if I did there is no way I would if the pre cum was oddly coloured and smelly.