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Author Topic: Client delusions?  (Read 25455 times)


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #15 on: 07 January 2016, 01:14:22 am »
Some people have a 'I can't get enough' work persona, of course, and anyone who has done swinging knows that some women are very into anonymous sex.

Anyone offering GFE is selling an illusion to some extent, so why be surprised that some people fall for it?
I agree.
I also agree with you OP some in this business won't enjoy the sex or most of it.

But me personally I'm a bit weird and I get off on having sex with strangers and like the taboo aspect of sleeping with guys who I wouldn't normally go for.. That's just me though I am sure I am in the minority when I say I enjoy it. I am very part time though and only see around 3 sometimes 4 clients a week and am extra picky recently and that usually works for me. Yes I get guys that I don't enjoy it with usually the sweaty unhygienic completely delusional guys who bash at your cervix and scratch your vagina walls with their sharp nails. But mostly I do enjoy it and get great fun out of meeting people who I would never come across in normal life. As I said I'm a weirdo and the thought of fucking a stranger turns me on lol! I have done swinging and used to have a profile on Fabswingers until very recently. I just generally enjoy casual sex.

I can totally understand where you're coming from though I've had clients assume I do this job because I miss sex or because I can't do any other job yes one client actually said that lol! i guess we are all different! X


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #16 on: 07 January 2016, 02:28:27 am »
Just speaking for myself, I don't find it all bizarre that a client would expect a prostitute to enjoy sex - it's hardly a line of work someone who didn't would take up, surely? You might not enjoy sex with them, or indeed every client, but I don't think it's delusional to think that we might have higher than normal sex drives. I do. If I was a vegetarian, I wouldn't go and work in a butcher's!

I didn't take up this job to enjoy sex. All I was thinking about at the start was the money. I still do now. And no, I know of women who would rather read a book and fall asleep than have sex and they are still prostitutes.  Saying that, if i was vegetarian I would still go work in the butchers. I am not working there to go eat meat just to make money. You have to do what you have to do. It's not delusional to think we have higher than normal sex drives but it's delusional to think that we all enjoy it with them specifically (which would mean being aroused by them) when the majority of us don't. I have a high sex drive in my normal life (which is slowly decreasing due to this job) but when in work mode I zone out and for that time I'm with them my mind is in mars. But I take them saying "oh you are really horny blah blah blah) as a complement as it just means I am a superb actress. 


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #17 on: 07 January 2016, 04:56:12 am »
Just speaking for myself, I don't find it all bizarre that a client would expect a prostitute to enjoy sex - it's hardly a line of work someone who didn't would take up, surely? You might not enjoy sex with them, or indeed every client, but I don't think it's delusional to think that we might have higher than normal sex drives. I do. If I was a vegetarian, I wouldn't go and work in a butcher's!

I didn't take up this job to enjoy sex. All I was thinking about at the start was the money. I still do now. And no, I know of women who would rather read a book and fall asleep than have sex and they are still prostitutes.  Saying that, if i was vegetarian I would still go work in the butchers. I am not working there to go eat meat just to make money. You have to do what you have to do. It's not delusional to think we have higher than normal sex drives but it's delusional to think that we all enjoy it with them specifically (which would mean being aroused by them) when the majority of us don't. I have a high sex drive in my normal life (which is slowly decreasing due to this job) but when in work mode I zone out and for that time I'm with them my mind is in mars. But I take them saying "oh you are really horny blah blah blah) as a complement as it just means I am a superb actress.
But true vegetarians wouldn't work in a Butchers since they wouldn't agree with the killing or consuming of animals, any vegetarian that works in a Butchers can't be a true one in my eyes.

Personally I could never ever do a job I don't enjoy no matter how much money, it would impact on my life and would depress me, I had a job in retail before I escorted and I hated it and ended up leaving because I got depressed working all those long hours and being practically shat on for such shit pay. I'm sure there are women out there who can do jobs they don't enjoy and make it look as though they enjoy it but personally I couldn't and I'm amazed at others who can do it.

Escorting for me is a job yes but it's also fun with a bonus of extra pay for me. If escorting is impacting on your normal sex life I would say you probably need a long break.
« Last Edit: 07 January 2016, 04:58:03 am by DesignerWhore »


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #18 on: 07 January 2016, 07:51:55 am »
If escorting is impacting on your normal sex life I would say you probably need a long break.

Assuming someone has actual alternative options, yeah. Though it's not always as so clear cut as that.

Kendra Glasgow

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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #19 on: 07 January 2016, 08:06:41 am »
Just speaking for myself, I don't find it all bizarre that a client would expect a prostitute to enjoy sex - it's hardly a line of work someone who didn't would take up, surely? You might not enjoy sex with them, or indeed every client, but I don't think it's delusional to think that we might have higher than normal sex drives. I do. If I was a vegetarian, I wouldn't go and work in a butcher's!

I didn't take up this job to enjoy sex. All I was thinking about at the start was the money. I still do now. And no, I know of women who would rather read a book and fall asleep than have sex and they are still prostitutes.  Saying that, if i was vegetarian I would still go work in the butchers. I am not working there to go eat meat just to make money. You have to do what you have to do. It's not delusional to think we have higher than normal sex drives but it's delusional to think that we all enjoy it with them specifically (which would mean being aroused by them) when the majority of us don't. I have a high sex drive in my normal life (which is slowly decreasing due to this job) but when in work mode I zone out and for that time I'm with them my mind is in mars. But I take them saying "oh you are really horny blah blah blah) as a complement as it just means I am a superb actress.
But true vegetarians wouldn't work in a Butchers since they wouldn't agree with the killing or consuming of animals, any vegetarian that works in a Butchers can't be a true one in my eyes.

Personally I could never ever do a job I don't enjoy no matter how much money, it would impact on my life and would depress me, I had a job in retail before I escorted and I hated it and ended up leaving because I got depressed working all those long hours and being practically shat on for such shit pay. I'm sure there are women out there who can do jobs they don't enjoy and make it look as though they enjoy it but personally I couldn't and I'm amazed at others who can do it.

Escorting for me is a job yes but it's also fun with a bonus of extra pay for me. If escorting is impacting on your normal sex life I would say you probably need a long break.

To be fair, I don't think she was saying it impacts her normal life, she was just saying that due to the nature of her job.....her sex drive isn't as high as it would have been if she wasn't doing this job and I can totally understand that x


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #20 on: 07 January 2016, 08:49:24 am »
But true vegetarians wouldn't work in a Butchers since they wouldn't agree with the killing or consuming of animals, any vegetarian that works in a Butchers can't be a true one in my eyes.

Personally I could never ever do a job I don't enjoy no matter how much money, it would impact on my life and would depress me, I had a job in retail before I escorted and I hated it and ended up leaving because I got depressed working all those long hours and being practically shat on for such shit pay. I'm sure there are women out there who can do jobs they don't enjoy and make it look as though they enjoy it but personally I couldn't and I'm amazed at others who can do it.

DW, vegetarianism or veganism concerns what somebody eats (and to some extent wears), not their personal beliefs or what they do for a living; some people just don't like meat. I know one vegan chef and I've worked in food retail with several vegetarians, including at one butchers; what you're talking about (and the part which relates to this) are people who can't or don't want to separate work from their personal feelings. As the old sayng goes, principles are great if you can afford them ::).

A lot of people (both clients and people in general) think it's black and white - either you do this job because you just love having sex with strangers and you're so horny all the time, or you hate it and are being irreversibly damaged by it. They don't realise there's a huge grey area, which I think most of us are in. I enjoy my job - I enjoy providing a service and seeing the client go away happy. I don't love it or hate it, I just like it and that's fine.

I'm with Nova. There's another thread somewhere where somebody posted that they don't think of work sex as 'sex', and I agree with that too - I don't do my job to get my rocks off and all the enjoyment is to do with the satisfaction of doing it well. Anybody who's doing anything full time for a living is going to have times where it's great, times where they would rather be doing anything else on earth and the rest of the time it's just completely mundane, everyday stuff. That's the nature of work.

Why people think we're any different is a mystery to me too, and whilst nodding politely is part of my job I've pointed out to a few punters (usually when it's assumed that if I'm busy or unavailable it's because I'm having sex with somebody else rather than at the cinema or doing my shopping, or whatever) that I'm as ordinary as anybody else.
« Last Edit: 07 January 2016, 08:53:00 am by amy »


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #21 on: 07 January 2016, 10:26:03 am »
Personally I think it's good that a client would be thinking you/escorts in general enjoy sex. A punter wanting to fuck a woman he knows doesn't enjoy herself-- doesn't that seem a hell of a lot creepier?
Some people are good with numbers, they become accountants. I'm useless with numbers but very good at sex.


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #22 on: 07 January 2016, 10:55:26 am »
Personally I think it's good that a client would be thinking you/escorts in general enjoy sex. A punter wanting to fuck a woman he knows doesn't enjoy herself-- doesn't that seem a hell of a lot creepier?

I think that's a pretty loaded way of putting it - there's a big difference between 'enjoying yourself' (or even enjoying sex) and getting actual physical or sexual gratification from it. As far as I'm concerned the latter isn't going to happen just because Joe Punter and his penis have had a bath and turned up on time, but that doesn't mean I won't thoroughly enjoy their company for an hour or whatever.

I don't think most punters are dumb enough to think that we're all reduced to a damp knickered mess at the thought of a shag, at least not in my experience. That doesn't mean they want to have sex with somebody who's hating every second because that isn't the same thing either and to be honest, even if their chosen prossie is hating every second (even if it's just because she's got a headache or is hungry or needs a poo) then provided their paid experience isn't affected by it that - along with whatever else is going on inside her head - is none of their business. Handing over cash doesn't give anybody the right to control what we think or how we feel.
« Last Edit: 07 January 2016, 10:57:20 am by amy »


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #23 on: 07 January 2016, 11:33:40 am »

I think that's a pretty loaded way of putting it - there's a big difference between 'enjoying yourself' (or even enjoying sex) and getting actual physical or sexual gratification from it. As far as I'm concerned the latter isn't going to happen just because Joe Punter and his penis have had a bath and turned up on time, but that doesn't mean I won't thoroughly enjoy their company for an hour or whatever.

I don't think most punters are dumb enough to think that we're all reduced to a damp knickered mess at the thought of a shag, at least not in my experience. That doesn't mean they want to have sex with somebody who's hating every second because that isn't the same thing either and to be honest, even if their chosen prossie is hating every second (even if it's just because she's got a headache or is hungry or needs a poo) then provided their paid experience isn't affected by it that - along with whatever else is going on inside her head - is none of their business. Handing over cash doesn't give anybody the right to control what we think or how we feel.

But some of them sure do think it does! How about the guys who almost demand that you enjoy yourself or spend ages trying to give an orgasm?


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #24 on: 07 January 2016, 12:31:35 pm »
I'm not sure it's delusional per se, many wg have "I do it because I love sex" type headlines in their online profiles. However, the act of money crossing palms changes EVERYTHING. Punters will try to get the absolute best bang for their buck (for want of a better expression) and that often means attempting to satisfy the lady they are with. The fact that it's hardly ever going to happen doesn't stop them trying. Dunno whether that IS actually delusion or just blind optimism.

I get asked, especially from newer (younger) clients whether I personally sexually enjoy spanking men. I'm honest, sometimes I do, I can be great fun, sometimes I don't. SOME clients can be horribly sleazy.


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #25 on: 07 January 2016, 12:39:18 pm »
But some of them sure do think it does! How about the guys who almost demand that you enjoy yourself or spend ages trying to give an orgasm?

If it's possible it will happen, guidance as to how to do that.

If it's not, either lying and eventually faking it, or distraction 'I want to suck your cock'-style.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Winding down


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #26 on: 07 January 2016, 01:00:43 pm »
But some of them sure do think it does! How about the guys who almost demand that you enjoy yourself or spend ages trying to give an orgasm?

If it's possible it will happen, guidance as to how to do that.

If it's not, either lying and eventually faking it, or distraction 'I want to suck your cock'-style.

For my part, I just gently tell them that I take so long that we'd waste an entire booking on me, and then refocus the entire thing on them again.


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #27 on: 07 January 2016, 01:27:31 pm »
But some of them sure do think it does! How about the guys who almost demand that you enjoy yourself or spend ages trying to give an orgasm?

If it's possible it will happen, guidance as to how to do that.

If it's not, either lying and eventually faking it, or distraction 'I want to suck your cock'-style.

For my part, I just gently tell them that I take so long that we'd waste an entire booking on me, and then refocus the entire thing on them again.

That's a good idea! Although I'm never sure if they're doing things such as RO, for example, because they really like to do it (in which case go ahead, no problem) or because they assume it will give me an orgasm.


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #28 on: 07 January 2016, 01:56:15 pm »

Why people think we're any different is a mystery to me too, and whilst nodding politely is part of my job I've pointed out to a few punters (usually when it's assumed that if I'm busy or unavailable it's because I'm having sex with somebody else rather than at the cinema or doing my shopping, or whatever) that I'm as ordinary as anybody else.

That's what I can't understand too, a lot of guys assume that because I haven't answered my phone or I've said I'm busy that I must be having constant sex with clients one after another they'll say things like 'wow you're busy you must be making loads!' I can never get hold of you!!!  I've sometimes tried to explain that I do have lots of other things going on, other commitments, ie; a private life. Without boring them to death with the petty details and giving them too much info I often just say yes I am, to shut them up lol!

I had one young man absolutely astonished that I was going on holiday, he went "think of all the money you'll be losing"! Its like banging your head up against a brick wall with some of them.


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Re: Client delusions?
« Reply #29 on: 07 January 2016, 03:01:51 pm »
DW, vegetarianism or veganism concerns what somebody eats (and to some extent wears), not their personal beliefs or what they do for a living; some people just don't like meat. I know one vegan chef and I've worked in food retail with several vegetarians, including at one butchers; what you're talking about (and the part which relates to this) are people who can't or don't want to separate work from their personal feelings. As the old sayng goes, principles are great if you can afford them ::).


Why people think we're any different is a mystery to me too, and whilst nodding politely is part of my job I've pointed out to a few punters (usually when it's assumed that if I'm busy or unavailable it's because I'm having sex with somebody else rather than at the cinema or doing my shopping, or whatever) that I'm as ordinary as anybody else.
Ah right I've never known that Amy, then again I don't know many vegetarians and am probably only going of how I would probably work! Everyone is different in all aspects!

That makes me laugh when clients can't get hold of you and they assume it's because you're having sex at every given chance, no sweet I'm shopping, and having a day off like normal workers do  >:(
« Last Edit: 08 January 2016, 12:08:57 am by xw5 »