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Questions and Answers / Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Last Post by Lushblossom on 20 September 2024, 12:31:57 pm »
As soon as I use Available Today all the timewasters come out in droves.
Questions and Answers / Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Last Post by Sugarkaramel on 20 September 2024, 11:49:21 am »
I hope it picks up from Monday however, weather says there will be thunderstorms and in my experience, punters don’t come out in the rain. I can’t afford to spend money on expenses if I’m not going to break even.
Questions and Answers / Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Last Post by Lushblossom on 20 September 2024, 11:07:59 am »
I work from home but still very quiet.
Questions and Answers / Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Last Post by KBP on 20 September 2024, 10:39:10 am »
I think it’s just the economic climate.

Touring isn’t as lucrative as it once was because of massive accommodation overheads.

I work from home a lot more now but appreciate not everyone is able to do that.
Blather and Babble / Re: What have you named clients in your contact list?
« Last Post by Karena on 20 September 2024, 10:27:21 am »
This has cracked me up.
So I have - to name a few....
Birthday Boy
Blue Eyes
Boat Man
Boobs Skirt
Dribbly Dave  :o
Hernia Harry
Pussy Idiot
Penguin  ???
Red Wine Twat
Rough Builder
Rough Insurance Man
Vile Threatener
Windows   ???

Hahaa. Boobs skirt? Windows? Millwall? Hahhaa.
Questions and Answers / Re: Clients taking the pi**
« Last Post by Anonandon on 20 September 2024, 10:25:34 am »
Give them an inch....

I remember a long time ago (like 30 years...) a client wanted to see me on a certain day when he was in town. I explained that I would say no but as it was the only day he could make he needed to know I had literally just one hour - I had to leave the house at the end of that hour.
I made it clear I was doing him a favor.

The session was an hour, of course - what he paid for. And then he left a review on some PUNTER site saying he felt rushed.
I still resent that!

In all the years, I personally make sure I have more than an hour to accommodate a one-hour session.

It's all these one-off BASTARDs who spoil it for everyone. I feel less inclined to make exceptions because people take the PISS.

Yep I’ve gave them the full time they’ve paid for and let them have a shower in MY time but because I’ve wrapped up the booking on time (despite them showering In my time) they say they feel rushed wtaf!! All because they never got free extra time. Would they expect extra time from dentists, barbers, doctors etc? We’re running a business not a charity  :FF

If they don’t get any free extra time then we’re “clockwatchers” bloody ridiculous! We have to be aware of time as we’re running a business. Some think they can book x amount of time and stay around as long as they want! Not happening
Blather and Babble / Re: What have you named clients in your contact list?
« Last Post by pussywillow on 20 September 2024, 09:54:48 am »
This has cracked me up.
So I have - to name a few....
Birthday Boy
Blue Eyes
Boat Man
Boobs Skirt
Dribbly Dave  :o
Hernia Harry
Pussy Idiot
Penguin  ???
Red Wine Twat
Rough Builder
Rough Insurance Man
Vile Threatener
Windows   ???
Questions and Answers / Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Last Post by Lushblossom on 20 September 2024, 06:38:06 am »
I wonder if the forthcoming budget is affecting business.
Questions and Answers / Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Last Post by RB1 on 20 September 2024, 06:31:11 am »
Absolutely dire in is dead 😢  Is anyone actually busy???? If so, where are you??  😃

If your at the village have you checked your phone signal
Ita often 0 signal even if your phone has signal bars so you think you’re not getting calls but it’s all just going straight to voicemail.
A lot of that area is the same 
Questions and Answers / Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Last Post by Amandita on 20 September 2024, 05:03:20 am »
I’m dying at Goodbye Preston 😂😂

I went in Jan I did do quite well but you know when you are looking forward to your dinner
So my go to is Nando’s
And normally on my last night I ordered myself a Nando’s as a thank fuck it’s over reward to myself

Chicken wrap spicy rice and spicy chips and a frozen yogurt - it’s probably the only hot meal I get to eat when touring

So  all ordered follow it on the app & Go down to collect as you do

Only to See some young kids running off laughing into the distant night

The little. fuckers stole my Nando’s 😂

Yes they stole my food - I was devestated - Nando’s was what was keeping me going I could put up with the Preston punters as long as I had my hot chicken Nando’s wrap to eat when I finished

Honestly I hoped they choked on my chicken wrap but as it was boneless probably not I hope it gave them food poisoning.  I was fuming honestly I wanted to kil them - no one fucks with my food

I ended up with a a sad Sainsbury ham & mustard sandwich and a packet  of salt n vinegar mckoys
On a Saturday night as well
In bloody Preston

Like you said Good bye Preston

LOL. I am so sorry about your food got stolen. Hahaha. At least Sainsbury saved you.
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