I believe when it comes to prostitution sites this bill and the new internet laws now make the website owners responsible for any explotation, trafficking or minors (which was not the case before). For years Backpage owners were taken to court and never charged because the laws were designed for website owner to not be liable of what people posted, the minute the SESTA/FOSTA laws were signed by Trump the BP owners got arrested and charged with aiding trafficking (or something in those lines). That's the reason why AW verifiy us holding our passports and have us go through all the hoops. This measure is being adopted now by most escort sites, because if someone is being exploited/trafficked AW owners can go to jail thanks to the new bill. I believe this is the reason why we have so few decent platforms to advertise nowadays, because it's a much more risky business for owners (legally speaking).I agree that parents should supervise their bloody kids properly and let the grown ups get on with it, but the issue is more complex, individuals have been known to be exploited on certain websites and the government wants these platforms to properly supervise their content to make sure it doesn't happen. As long as women are freely advertising by their own will and giving the proper paperwork to demonstrate this is the case I don't think there will be any changes, most likely sites will hide explicit nudes or hide them in private galleries etc... Maybe a slight nuisance for some but nothing really earth shaking...