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Author Topic: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.  (Read 142938 times)


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #330 on: 05 June 2018, 08:57:02 pm »
Probably not as bad as many on here (you will be relieved that no poo involved) - this one combines grossness with embarrassment.

Basically, I did a regular outcall to a guy in a nice apartment in central Bristol - early summer - so I went there in a nice skirt and top - no coat. When I got there, we undressed each other and got down to it - my clothes scattered on the bed

Nice guy finished in doggie position in the alloted time and rushed off to the bathroom. Usually with an incall, I deal with the filled condom, check it and make sure it goes in the bin - not in the toilet. Anyhow - he had zipped off to the bathroom and gone in the shower all I saw was that he was wearing a filled one when he pulled out - so quite happy for him to block his own drains.

I declined the shower and got dressed quite quickly - ready to go .. I never like to hang about. So, out of the apartment I go, walk through town, round Debenhams and M&S food dept and get a bus home. Nice warm day.

When I got home, I headed for the shower and unzipped my skirt and splat - there on the floor was a soggy, spunky condom - it must have been tucked in my waist band. Worse than that, the outside of the bum area of the skirt had dried spunk all down it (black skirt!). I must have walked round with a used condom hanging over my waist band for all to see. A proper dirty hooker. The client must have flipped the used rubber into my pile of clothes after he pulled out.

Moral of the story - always check where the condom ends up - dont be a walking Durex advert. The really gross bit is that I was sure I could smell spunk when I was on the bus and I was sitting right next to another woman who changed seat after 30 seconds of sitting next to me.


Can't stop laughing, literally crying!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #331 on: 05 June 2018, 09:39:12 pm »
Saw a guy, i offered him to shower he said no but stunk heavy of BO, piss and had dry shit on his arse :-[ :-[


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #332 on: 06 June 2018, 10:10:48 am »
Can't stop laughing, literally crying!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂

Oh my God, that last sentence about the other bus passenger did it for me!!  ;D Utterly hysterical!   ;D XXX


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #333 on: 09 January 2019, 12:32:07 am »
I visited this uber posh student, awesome, friendly person, big parent's house with many lap dogs. Not keen on dogs but they weren't lickers. Then my worst nightmare began, every two feet were mini dog poos in all stages of decay. He acted like it was normal to tip toe on the shitty carpets. I was stunned, but he was such a genuine sweet person, I stayed. The bathroom was also a dog toilet. Only his room was shit free. His mom was seriously mad, but no knew it yet.
« Last Edit: 09 January 2019, 01:56:50 am by saltysweet »


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #334 on: 09 January 2019, 11:48:40 pm »
I actually have found men who aren't punters (real life sex) are the ones I have horror stories from, they are so lame with their hygiene, will not care a toss about you giving head on their unwashed cock after you've gone home from a night out, or I've had boyfriend who I've had that DISGUSTING bitter taste like I have licked a left over skitter. YUk why am I torturing myself writing about this. I would never let anyone near me if I wasn't fresh! Table manners please!
My clients have always been so hygienic, I make a point of telling them in comms it's the most important thing, after the cash :)

Ellie B

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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #335 on: 10 January 2019, 02:43:43 am »
I suppose a small turd in the bottom cheeks whilst I was massaging him - gross.
I have heard of worse from others not sw related.

A client I met  years ago told me the worst story ever.
His friend was a doctor, I think was in an sti clinic but not 100% sure as was such a long time ago now.

Please do not read the following if your about to eat your breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper.

The patient the doctor saw was male and had a very swollen penis.
After examining said patient and de robed,  the penis foreskin was pulled back and a massive humongous  amount of white cottage cheese like substance appeared which apparently stunk and was everywhere. The doctor had never seen anything like it before and could not believe what he saw. This white sludge had to be cut away!!!
I will never forgot what this guy said - has stuck in my mind ever since.
Fortunately I have never seen a cock like this and if I did would run to the end of earth jump off and never ever come back


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #336 on: 11 January 2019, 01:26:14 pm »
Lucky you as I have seen a cock like that and I felt traumatised afterwards. No one should have to see that, ever!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #337 on: 14 January 2019, 12:34:57 pm »
Saw a guy, i offered him to shower he said no but stunk heavy of BO, piss and had dry shit on his arse :-[ :-[
And that's just the reason he's in that state because he dosnt shower at all probably


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #338 on: 14 January 2019, 04:03:23 pm »
I once consented to trying anal beads and it ended up being a somewhat sticky situation when they were removed at the point of ecstasy.......

lets put it this way, when the beads were pulled from my bum, they weren't all that came out!!

I ended up, literally vaulting off the bed and legging it to the loo.

........ very hard to come back from that shit!!!!

You are not alone, I had a booking where I had my glass dildo up my bum and the guy made me cum, as I cum the dildo shot out my arse like a torpedo followed by a poo! I freaked out and automatically touched my bum only to feel something wet and ended up with brown fingers it was so so embarassing.   The guy was really kind to me as I was so traumatised.

On another occasion during a 69 I farted in a guys face when I cum!........mortified!!!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #339 on: 14 January 2019, 09:00:29 pm »
A client was nuzzling into my breasts, then he went down below so I started stroking my breasts...Next thing I felt a piece of something in middle of my chest, got it between my fingers, picked it off and it was a green bogie urgh !!

Ellie B

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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #340 on: 14 January 2019, 10:49:36 pm »
A client was nuzzling into my breasts, then he went down below so I started stroking my breasts...Next thing I felt a piece of something in middle of my chest, got it between my fingers, picked it off and it was a green bogie urgh !!
Poor you - that is disgusting!!!! I feel sick!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #341 on: 14 January 2019, 11:21:05 pm »
A client was nuzzling into my breasts, then he went down below so I started stroking my breasts...Next thing I felt a piece of something in middle of my chest, got it between my fingers, picked it off and it was a green bogie urgh !!

I feel sick, that's revolting


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #342 on: 15 January 2019, 09:04:54 pm »
Poor you - that is disgusting!!!! I feel sick!

Yes, put me right off my lunch it did  :'(


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #343 on: 16 January 2019, 11:58:50 am »
Back in my younger/newbie days when I was over in Ireland I used to chat on an escort/punter forum that's no longer around. There was a guy on there that came across as really funny and I actually got the hots for him in a wish he would book me kind of way. Eventually he did, when he turned up he definately wasn't a let down and everything I would usually go for in my personal life.
The punt was going great and he went to go down on me. I cringe just thinking about it.... I grabbed a pillow put it beneath my bum and said with a big smile on my face "Let me get comfortable I've been looking forward to this"
Now I don't know if it was the pillow under my bum or the bubbles of excitement but I let out a loud fart..... it all went quiet and bless him he tried to carry on, then he lifted his head gave a little wave and said  :-[  :-[ "oh that's a stinky one"
Next minute he was heaving over the side of the bed
I started laughing with embarrassment he got a massive flop on needless to say the booking ended there lol
Surprisingly he did rebook a few times before I moved home then a few years ago I received an aw email out of the blue....
"Hi remember me I'm the one you farted on I'm in the area would you like to meet... you do remember me don't you"
How could I forget  ;D
GG x


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #344 on: 03 March 2019, 09:10:04 am »
Last summer was 34°c, the parlour was really warm, had a huge guy on top of me, he was drenched and a big drop of armpit sweat dripped right into my mouth, I actually cried a little afterwards  :o