Back in my younger/newbie days when I was over in Ireland I used to chat on an escort/punter forum that's no longer around. There was a guy on there that came across as really funny and I actually got the hots for him in a wish he would book me kind of way. Eventually he did, when he turned up he definately wasn't a let down and everything I would usually go for in my personal life.
The punt was going great and he went to go down on me. I cringe just thinking about it.... I grabbed a pillow put it beneath my bum and said with a big smile on my face "Let me get comfortable I've been looking forward to this"
Now I don't know if it was the pillow under my bum or the bubbles of excitement but I let out a loud fart..... it all went quiet and bless him he tried to carry on, then he lifted his head gave a little wave and said

"oh that's a stinky one"
Next minute he was heaving over the side of the bed
I started laughing with embarrassment he got a massive flop on needless to say the booking ended there lol
Surprisingly he did rebook a few times before I moved home then a few years ago I received an aw email out of the blue....
"Hi remember me I'm the one you farted on I'm in the area would you like to meet... you do remember me don't you"
How could I forget