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Author Topic: Top 5 Annoying Questions...  (Read 14411 times)


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #15 on: 14 May 2012, 12:47:51 pm »
What do you like has for some bizarre reason made me think of a joke i heard once...sorry, off topic but it may make a smile  :)

A little boy has lost his mum in a shop, the security guard says to him "Whats your mum like ?"

Little boy says "Big dicks and vodka"


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #16 on: 14 May 2012, 02:04:04 pm »
Another annoying question is this a parlour, do other girls work with you, do you work alone, Will anyone else be in the house, I mean will we be alone? I had this asked recently and I thought 'gosh' you are either extremely paranoid or up to no good. Either way I flagged him as one to be wary of. He might have been genuine but all his questions led back to was I alone.

I've had it ask several times before but not to the extreme of the above. If you are not up to no good why ask the question are you alone several times it just sounds suspicious.
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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #17 on: 14 May 2012, 02:13:34 pm »
Another annoying question is this a parlour, do other girls work with you, do you work alone, Will anyone else be in the house, I mean will we be alone? I had this asked recently and I thought 'gosh' you are either extremely paranoid or up to no good. Either way I flagged him as one to be wary of. He might have been genuine but all his questions led back to was I alone.

I've had it ask several times before but not to the extreme of the above. If you are not up to no good why ask the question are you alone several times it just sounds suspicious.

I don't like that one either, and I won't see people who ask. From the same stable (and one for the touring ladies I suppose) 'are you in a hotel or an apartment?' also guarantees that I'm suddenly busy for the rest of the millennium, especially given that all my ads CLEARLY state in bold type where possible that I'm offering hotel incalls ::). All I hear is 'how easy would it be for me to rob you later on?'

Most of my pet hates have been mentioned already, but the 'What do you like?' one never fails to set my teeth on edge; I always reply with something completely neutral, like sewing, cooking or swimming which normally gets me a blank look and means I can change the subject. Worse still 'what would you like me to do?', a question which I can never answer with anything other than 'well since you're offering, you could put on the kettle'.

sadie x

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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #18 on: 14 May 2012, 03:27:43 pm »
I think some guys have another way of asking this question to..
By saying "are you working with another girl"are you offering 3 somes"?
I alway get very on edge when they want to much detail of who im with..
Some guys have wanted to know,if im with someone,as they have had a bad experience,while seeing a girl,heard a lot of noise in apartment and made them on edge(a reason i wont share)
which is fair enough..but once the question has been asked i wont see them..
I used to get this asked constantly in northern ireland..probably lost alot of money!!


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #19 on: 14 May 2012, 03:29:03 pm »
« Last Edit: 13 May 2015, 03:00:10 pm by LouLou37 »
"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #20 on: 14 May 2012, 03:32:00 pm »
Another annoying question is this a parlour, do other girls work with you, do you work alone, Will anyone else be in the house, I mean will we be alone? I had this asked recently and I thought 'gosh' you are either extremely paranoid or up to no good. Either way I flagged him as one to be wary of. He might have been genuine but all his questions led back to was I alone.

I've had it ask several times before but not to the extreme of the above. If you are not up to no good why ask the question are you alone several times it just sounds suspicious.

I don't like that one either, and I won't see people who ask. From the same stable (and one for the touring ladies I suppose) 'are you in a hotel or an apartment?' also guarantees that I'm suddenly busy for the rest of the millennium, especially given that all my ads CLEARLY state in bold type where possible that I'm offering hotel incalls ::). All I hear is 'how easy would it be for me to rob you later on?'

Most of my pet hates have been mentioned already, but the 'What do you like?' one never fails to set my teeth on edge; I always reply with something completely neutral, like sewing, cooking or swimming which normally gets me a blank look and means I can change the subject. Worse still 'what would you like me to do?', a question which I can never answer with anything other than 'well since you're offering, you could put on the kettle'.

 ;D I know. I sometimes think they think we are so desperate to have them as a client that we will answer every question they throw at us without thinking. I know some days you can be caught off guard and I think they try it on because of that. but most of the times we do think before we give details away. Most of them sound like they are all singing from the same hymn book the way they all ask the same questions day in day out.
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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #21 on: 14 May 2012, 03:36:18 pm »
Thanks for the responses ladies, yes lots of annoyances but very few solutions....  :(


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #22 on: 14 May 2012, 03:41:25 pm »
I also hate "will we be alone?" "do you work with anyone else?" and "do you live with anyone else?" or any variations of these - they get immediately blacklisted, I just won't take the chance.

During bookings I hate the "do you have a boyfriend?" question. It immediately gets my hackles up because there doesn't seem to be a 'right' answer (I'd love to say "what an idiotic question to ask - do you have a wife?" but obviously can't really say that!) .

If I say no I don't have a boyfriend then straight away I know they are going to start asking for unpaid dates, to go out for dinner, "show me a good time" etc, and pester me for ages via texts, calls and emails afterwards, but never book a paid appointment again. Or they will try to "rescue" me (the older ones)
If I say yes I have a boyfriend to try and put them off asking for dates, the next question (guaranteed) is "and does he know you do this?" - to which there is no good answer and they seem to look horrified! 
I have a few times said I am gay, but this usually starts off a huge debate where they ask all sorts of questions, and say idiotic things like "but we are having fun together now, you can't be fully gay??!!" (who says I am having "fun" now  ;D)


Also anyone who asks for my real name, or in general anyone who refers to sex work as "this" in a really derogatory fashion as if it was a bad taste rolling around in their mouth.

Also, texts and calls where there is not even a rudimentary "hi," just launching in to "how much?" or "where are you based and what is your rates?" I find it really abrupt and don't think those who cannot even say hello are going to be very nice in person. I mean, you wouldn't call to make an appointment with a professional person in any other capacity and not first say "hello" would you?

Another is those who use the phrase "What is your best price . . . .?" or "What is the best price you can do for me?"  I don't know exactly why but that one always makes me  :-X

Yes, a lot of things annoy me!

Another question that earns them a blocking is 'U 3?' complete plank of wood. No hello I'm such and such or better still why not just ask 'are you free?' instead of text speaking it to the bare minimum.
Hello nice to meet you :)


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #23 on: 14 May 2012, 03:47:50 pm »
Thanks for the responses ladies, yes lots of annoyances but very few solutions....  :(

The best thing to do is think before you answer. Some days you will answer and have a nice conversation with them. As time goes on you will get to see a pattern of questions and know how to respond without losing your cool or getting caught out by those that just want to use you for a quick free sex chat. There really isn't a solution. You just learn as you go on.

I just try to not to be rude and just reply to them short and politely. I can't really say much more. We are all different I guess. You do what you think is best at the time.
« Last Edit: 14 May 2012, 04:01:13 pm by Jan10 »
Hello nice to meet you :)


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #24 on: 14 May 2012, 04:00:32 pm »
when youre number is displayed and the green available light is on then i get an email, are you free now babe?! to which i reply  quicker to call me than email me   ....
Ruby x SMR


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #25 on: 14 May 2012, 04:13:37 pm »
Another is those who use the phrase "What is your best price . . . .?" or "What is the best price you can do for me?"  I don't know exactly why but that one always makes me  :-X

Yes, a lot of things annoy me!

I can never understand what 'best price' actually means to them! Low price but shitty service = 'best price'? Higher price but good service = surely 'better price'?!?
Jeez they should have decided for themselves before ringing what to them constitutes the 'best price' for what they require and rang the most suitable person rates-wise...
The idea that you're going to offer a discount to some low-life you've never even met who wants to cheapen an intimate sex session is unbelievable! What's to say that such
a toerag wouldn't also turn up with less than the verbally agreed 'best price' and try to knock you down further on arrival? Its amazing how so many callers seem to want to ruin the prospect of ever seeing the escort within a couple of abrupt sentences...!


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #26 on: 14 May 2012, 04:17:44 pm »
The thing I hate most is when they don't even say a simple hello and just get straight to "how much babe?" as the first thing they say...grrr.

5.   I?m White/Black/Asian/Oriental/Mixed Raced ? will you see me? (seriously I get asked this by every race of man on earth ? who the hell is it that they think I normally see? Men from Mars?!

I get this question quite a lot. However I don't mind it at all because I know of at least two of my clients have had the door shut on them by turning up to see providers who then turned round and told them that they don't see men of their particular race even though it's not mentioned on their website (apparently they don't mention it on the website because it might stop men from other races seeing them too because they sympathise with the excluded race, if you see what I mean).


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #27 on: 14 May 2012, 04:27:39 pm »
I get this question quite a lot. However I don't mind it at all because I know of at least two of my clients have had the door shut on them by turning up to see providers who then turned round and told them that they don't see men of their particular race even though it's not mentioned on their website (apparently they don't mention it on the website because it might stop men from other races seeing them too because they sympathise with the excluded race, if you see what I mean).

Yeah that?s a good point. I have made it very clear on my profile that race is a not an issue when booking an appointment with me (but being a twat most definitely is! :D). I guess I just find it sad that in this day and age people are still left feeling that because of the colour of their skin they might be rejected. Okay ? from now on I will simply answer ?sure no problem?. Thank you Cross x :)


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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #28 on: 14 May 2012, 04:57:59 pm »




Sometimes it's not the youngest or the richest clients you want or the ones you have most in common with.

For me the perfect partner is one where I never have to be myself.

foreign affairs

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Re: Top 5 Annoying Questions...
« Reply #29 on: 14 May 2012, 05:01:07 pm »
Most annoying question I got via call/text

 Do you do quickies? 50? 20 minutes just a blow job?

 There is nothing about it on my profile.I've recently had a guy who turned up and asked for 20 min
  for 60.All he should do was to ask me beforehand,instead of wasting my time >:(

 Are you alone? Do you work with a friend? Do you travel on your own?

 I don't bother to see anyone who ask about it.I hate those questions during a booking.
 U working? Can I see you?

 Answer is rather obvious,but some ppl like to ask pointless questions.

 Are you cuming?

 I  can't guarantee an orgasm,and it puts me off when someone expects me to fake it.
 Being clean,gentle,and into sensual love making can work wonders,but it doesn't when I'm put under
« Last Edit: 07 October 2012, 03:48:05 pm by foreign affairs »