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Author Topic: Rant about a friend.  (Read 2238 times)


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Rant about a friend.
« on: 29 May 2012, 04:18:22 pm »
My best friend has been nagging me to ring her all day saying its really important and bad bla bla bla... I think the worst ...something about escorting and being found out.

 So I ring her, we went out clubbing at the weekend and my boyfriends friend was trying it on with her. She went out again last night and saw this boy and went home with him and slept with him W/O protection and isnt taking anything for birth control! This morning he tells her he has chlamydia!!!!!!
I am so angry she could be so stupid as this is happening on a regular basis! I feel embarrassed she is my friend. But then I feel a hypocrite because I'm an escort. I said to her I'm annoyed she would be so stupid and try to give her advice I pick up from being an escort about men/STD's and she says she feels so unattractive, ugly and worthless and thinks because I'm an escort I feel amazing! I don't! I have ugly days like everybody.

I don't know really what to say to her because I am an escort but I know and other escorts know were not handing it out on a plate, we are selective with clients and we protect ourselves. After last year we were both sexually assaulted by the same person (who we both knew) on the same night, I didn't think she would be so f*king stupid to go home with a randomer and did anyone even know she was there!? And how could she be so stupid to go out and get so drunk after what happened?

Since that happened and I became an escort I am very wary of my safety and what I do and who I speak to about anything. She should know better.
Grrr! Sorry.


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Re: Rant about a friend.
« Reply #1 on: 29 May 2012, 05:14:32 pm »
The thing about friends is we are there to pick up the pieces when things go wrong.  We all make mistakes and if your friend is feeling that low, picking up guys is going to falsely make her feel more attractive.  In the long run she will feel worse but the high at the time is quite addictive for someone who hates themselves and the way they look.

Instead of being angry with her why not try and convince her to speak to a doctor as they can recommend a counsellor for her to help with her self image.  I know it is easy to say not to get angry but you have to remember not everyone is as savvy sexually as we all are.  It is our job to be, whereas for your friend she sees sex as a way to help her feel more attractive.
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Grumpy Cow

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Re: Rant about a friend.
« Reply #2 on: 29 May 2012, 05:52:12 pm »
Danni really summed my thoughts. I can see you care and are worried for your friend.  But getting angry at her is sadly not going to help.  Can totally understand you might want to shake her to see sense as you exasperated about her taking such risks.  But sounds like your fried is at a low point and on a bit of a self-destructive path.  Best thing you can do is encourage her to go to a GUM clinic and try and perhaps get some counselling, CBT etc.  Anything that might tackle her self-esteem issues.     


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Re: Rant about a friend.
« Reply #3 on: 29 May 2012, 07:30:39 pm »
Thanks girls, completely understand where you are coming from.
But i really have tried to help. I have told her she needs to see a doctor and get an Councillor and I'll be there every step of the way.
I have taken her out on nights out and paid for it when I was very skint, lent/given her clothes makeup etc I know that's not a lot but she doesn't have a lot. So i try to help. But she doesn't appreciate it and takes advantage of any help or anything given to her :/
I don't know how to help her. Shes a taker and never gives so it thrust-rates me at times when I help or try to make her life easier because she doesn't appreciate it and never gives back even if she could!
She does use people and wants to be with whoever has money/drugs/fags/booze/free house etc.

I have stayed away because I don't want to get too involved in drug scene and I really do have my own very serious problems so I don't need hers on top of mine and my boyfriends and my families as bad as that sounds but I honestly don't need it.

I wish I could help and bring her away from unhappiness but I am so frustrated with how she deals with things I dont know how I can help. If I ask her to come round and cheer her up tonight for example, she'll do what she always does, expect free fags, free drinks ask for food cause shes hungry, take over my room and make a mess of my bedroom and want to lend money :/ i probably sound like I'm really over reacting but I am not.


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Re: Rant about a friend.
« Reply #4 on: 31 May 2012, 12:25:47 pm »
Ok, first you have to stop feeling guilty.

Just bc you are an escort, does that mean you go around shagging men without protection?

I had a similar issue with a friend, not so much the shagging part, but other stuff she complains about. The thing I find annoying, is that it is all stuff within her power to change. For instance, she wants to get fit and loose weight, yet she keeps eating donuts and won't go to the gym.

I finally got so sick of it so I have recently stopped talking to her.

It is not your responsibility to change her life, she is a grown woman and needs to sort herself out. My personal opinion is that if someone only drags you down, they are not the type of person you need in your life.
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Re: Rant about a friend.
« Reply #5 on: 31 May 2012, 01:08:14 pm »
Sometimes we just have to 'let people go'.

People who over dramatise things and expect us to go running or who can only think of ME ME ME ME ME are not REALLY friends.  They are users.

I had to let someone go from my life lately and I feel a million times better for it.

If they were REAL friends they would be there through thick and thin but these people just seem to be there when THEY want something ................ not good.

Take care honey, you will be better off and you have all the ladies on here for support should you need it.
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