I have this regular client who is super easy throughout the booking apart from the beginning and end, he does things that irritate the life out of me. He comes in and uses the toilet then once sat on the bed he shows the time on his phone and says “right it’s 17.03 so we’ll be done at 18.03” i understand if in the past he’s been rushed out and not been given his full time but to be so precise for some reason really irritates me. Then at the end when we’re finished if he looks at his phone and it’s 18.01 he’ll say right we have 2 minutes so we might as well chat! It’s 2 minutes!! He’ll wait till it’s bang in 18.03 then move to get dressed. Again I’m not cheating anyone out of time but he could get chat AND get dressed in them 2 minutes.
Although I have never been a strict clock watcher, I believe that "an hour" is from the time they enter the door to the time they go back out of it. That is what i used to work to when I did off an hour service.
These days my sessions are all 2 hours but in my info i make it clear that the massage is 90 minutes - sometimes I get guys with FOMO asking what happens in the other 30 minutes!
Oh for god sake - have to spell it out that people get un/dressed, like to talk, use the loo, etc., and some of my clients are fragile or disabled.
I hate it when people take their clothes off ASAP when they've only just met me and have no time for a little politeness.