Yeah and interestingly mine is a red door! 
Anyone find it weird when a client brings a print off of your ad/pics/reviews?
Had one do it today and another that did it a couple of years ago 
Oh yes, I've walked into houses to be faced with a big screen TV image of my profile looking down at me

On a similar note, I once visited a chap who had
framed images of Escorts on his bedroom walls! One was very young looking with school girl outfit and plaits and the other was quite zany.
He claimed to be in touch with them. Can't remember if he'd met them, though he wittered on about them all the way through our time together.
He never booked me again, so I'm fairly relaxed I don't now take pride of place on his wall of fame

He was a grandfather, though I wouldn't know if they ever visited his home/bedroom.
Just. Odd.