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Author Topic: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!  (Read 785985 times)


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1695 on: 14 May 2017, 05:42:05 pm »
I had a message from a client regular today saying you was on late last night!!!  I feel like im being spyed on. If i want to chck messages late and reply i will and im not justifying myself to you!!  I didnt reply to that part of his message. Totally ignored it x


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1696 on: 14 May 2017, 08:08:12 pm »
I had a message from a client regular today saying you was on late last night!!!  I feel like im being spyed on. If i want to chck messages late and reply i will and im not justifying myself to you!!  I didnt reply to that part of his message. Totally ignored it x

This really annoys me too, someone the other week who had booked for 10am the next day messaged me late (after 12) saying seeing as I've logged on 'today' could we make it earlier as he assumed that I must be up early!!!  ??? I pointed out to him (when I replied at 9am as agreed) that just because I've logged on after midnight doesn't mean anything other than I happened to log on  :FF :FF And yes I felt I was being 'stalked'  ::)


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1697 on: 14 May 2017, 09:46:35 pm »
This topic does come up quite frequently.  Maybe, it deserves its own thread.  . ..?

It could be the nice weather, but things I was putting up with during the miserable months, I stopped caring, being a pleaser.    I told, well, politely, to move on.  I got sick of this reg, testing to see how far he could push his boundaries over the past few months.  I dropped a hint quite a few times.  He apologized each time and I accepted. Today, suddenly, I lost interest.  Summer is here and time for renewal, time for a good clear out.

Another, emailed, asking for my availability whilst he knows damn well when I am working and he has been stalking on my updates.   He sends me his dribble each time I add updates, without asking for a booking. :-\. I wish they only check ONLY WHEN they want to book and never contact until they want a booking.  I have wise clients, who see other girls to keep himself entertained.  Usually, loaded clients don't get too clingy as they got a fuller range of options.  I wish I had more of them. 


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1698 on: 15 May 2017, 04:44:05 pm »
When they book and take liberties by texting all the time.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1699 on: 15 May 2017, 04:46:09 pm »
This topic does come up quite frequently.  Maybe, it deserves its own thread.  . ..?

It could be the nice weather, but things I was putting up with during the miserable months, I stopped caring, being a pleaser.    I told, well, politely, to move on.  I got sick of this reg, testing to see how far he could push his boundaries over the past few months.  I dropped a hint quite a few times.  He apologized each time and I accepted. Today, suddenly, I lost interest.  Summer is here and time for renewal, time for a good clear out.

Another, emailed, asking for my availability whilst he knows damn well when I am working and he has been stalking on my updates.   He sends me his dribble each time I add updates, without asking for a booking. :-\. I wish they only check ONLY WHEN they want to book and never contact until they want a booking.  I have wise clients, who see other girls to keep himself entertained.  Usually, loaded clients don't get too clingy as they got a fuller range of options.  I wish I had more of them.

My friend tells them because of the pointless txts their txts now go to spam and if they want a booking they need to call, so far it's working for her


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1700 on: 15 May 2017, 09:13:44 pm »
Cool. xx


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1701 on: 15 May 2017, 09:25:59 pm »
My prices are quite low compared to similar escorts,  so can't afford to make my self any cheaper without going street prices.  I hate it when a semi regular wants ?40 off my hourly rate,  he may see me every other month if that.  They want lemonade prices but champagne surroundings and service.  Gets on my nerves.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1702 on: 15 May 2017, 09:47:26 pm »
One man (now banned) had seen me many times then came up with a sob story pleading cash strapped so I agreed to drop his fee by ?10. It was only a half hour booking every time so I didn't mind too much until after 3 or 4 of these good value bookings he began bragging of the cruise he had just booked.

I said nothing but became fully booked each time he attempted to see me after that. Eventually he got the message.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1703 on: 16 May 2017, 08:12:06 am »
In my own experience, any "discount" deals ever lead to anything positive.   It's entirely up to escorts to take it, but they never lead to a happy end.    Overstayers and hagglers always end up in avoid/block box.  I think it's a form of boundary pushing.     I know, as you all would be aware that escorts would consider "a discount" for regulars and there are punters, who just decided what our reasonable rate would be for themselves after a while. 


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1704 on: 16 May 2017, 08:55:39 am »
When they keep their socks on in bed. Even worse, when the socks leave black fluff on the white sheets. URGHH :FF


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1705 on: 16 May 2017, 09:51:17 am »
Ask to rebook when they have seen you before and you both know it didn't go well!
Had an email from a bloke last night asking to come and see me and referring to a previous meet where apparently he couldn't endure my services and I had stopped the booking early?!?
I didn't have a clue what he was on about and so asked him to elaborate.Apparently I had stopped the booking because he was moving around too much during oral...again this didn't ring a bell at all!
Anyway it was when he asked to book for 2 hours that it clicked!
This was a bloke who I saw years ago who had claimed he was a virgin but proceeded to sens me a list of things he hoped to do in a 2 hour session (queening,domination,foot fetish,tie and tease etc etc) these days I would have declined such an unlikely sounding booking as either a fantacist or a really hard work sort of booking that had way too much going on for the sort style of escorting that I do.
I terminated the booking 30 mins early as quite frankly it was like being with a corpse!
Nothing I seemed to do got much of a response.He didn't seem into me or the things he had asked for and when I gave him some money back I explained all this to him and he admitted he had thought it would be more like a porn film even though he had zero experience with women and wasn't acting like he was in a porn film either!He also admitted he didn't even really know what half the things he had asked for even was!
There was no nastiness but he knew why I had ended the booking and I felt I had done the right thing in terms of gently explaining it and giving him a part refund!
Turns out he is still as deluded!I told him I would meet again with him but it would be for an hour not 2 to see if we clicked better this time,he reckoned he was more experienced now etc,but no!He then tried to persuade me to extend to 2 hours and then sent me the exact same list of things he wanted to do 4 years ago adding on things like me wearing dirty underwear and dirty stockings!
Told him flat out it was the exact same list and the exact same attitude and reminded him why his first and only booking with me had ended badly!The fact that 4 years on after patiently explaining all this the first time round he put down to him moving about just shows how silly and deluded he still is!
He ended our correspondence with what a shame it was as he wanted the challenge of making me squirt to make it up to me just made me think what a total knob!
Anyway lesson learnt for me if they weren't a pleasant client to begin with chances are they don't improve and it really isn't worth revisiting it for me! ::)


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1706 on: 16 May 2017, 10:26:05 am »
Ah yes the porn star experience for men who haven't a clue.

An older gent came to see me who claimed he had no experience with professional women and I think he was telling the truth on that but he was one of those straight faced dour types which immediately makes me dread the next hour or so. Anyway he had read my profiles in detail so should not have been under any illusions as I am totally honest with my services and type of booking to expect.

I muddled through it and still had difficulty raising a smile with him and I could tell he was possibly disappointed. I asked him if there was a problem and his answer was along the lines of well I thought it would be something else, a bit of glamour and excitement.

My lack of "glamour" and excitement for him was down to him really, I need a responsive person to bounce off. Maybe he had been watching Belle de Jour or reading racy novels and expected me to serve him champagne and be wearing a sparkling evening gown which I would drop to the floor etc  ::)

Thing is if he had requested this and supplied the champers I would happily have done it!


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1707 on: 16 May 2017, 11:04:29 am »
I honestly don't know what they expect when they go into a long list of services they want and how they want passion etc then they just lie there like a dead dog then moan that it isn't like a porn film or whatever!
Real life isn't like a porn film anyway but less so if both parties aren't really joining in!
I really can't be bothered with clients like this for any money.
No problem with guys who book a 30 min and just want a massage and a bj and a bit of pampering but don't book 2 hours of non stop action and just lay there like a sack of shit!


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1708 on: 16 May 2017, 02:53:42 pm »
I've seen a couple of guys that want to make you work for the money. Much prefer it when they put a little effort in then I'm more likely to be responsive and we both end up having a great time together.
Once they get me going will gladly put the work in and give a whole lot more.
Luckily I have some regulars who know how to show a woman a good time.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #1709 on: 16 May 2017, 05:03:24 pm »
Hate it when new customers pester you for your phone number. They get the number a few hours before their booking but had one keep going on about giving him my number days in advance emailing me on aw.
Am so tempted to cancel now as he is annoying me so much. :FF