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Author Topic: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!  (Read 760153 times)


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #870 on: 25 January 2016, 04:11:59 pm »
I think the real answer is that they message a few different numbers and then pick out of who responds,sort of like a working girl raffle.Also I think that sometimes they sew who is around for a plan b.Pisses me off and if I get the same text/message more than twice and no booking on the 3rd occaision I write back something along the lines of 'Does it matter?You have asked me this several times before but on each occaision you have failed to reply let alone book me.I won't be responding again' and block.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #871 on: 26 January 2016, 01:03:15 pm »
*Ask idiotic/invasive questions.

Had a reg ask me if my child was a work accident WTF?!

And another reg asked for a booking to which I reminded him I don't work weekends due to having the little one and was asked can he come round when the little one is asleep. 

* Not move the fuck on. An ex client/stalker I posted about over 16 months ago is STILL at it, trying with different numbers/aw accounts.

 :FF :FF :FF


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #872 on: 26 January 2016, 01:37:27 pm »
*Ask idiotic/invasive questions.

Had a reg ask me if my child was a work accident WTF?!

And another reg asked for a booking to which I reminded him I don't work weekends due to having the little one and was asked can he come round when the little one is asleep. 

* Not move the fuck on. An ex client/stalker I posted about over 16 months ago is STILL at it, trying with different numbers/aw accounts.

 :FF :FF :FF
That's not just idiotic it's a revolting and quite insulting question.I think I would avoid even mentioning that you have a child.I think it gives blokes like this a segueway into asking nosy questions about your life.If you aren't available just say you already have plans end of story.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #873 on: 26 January 2016, 02:01:23 pm »
I'd probably lose my composure if someone asked me a question like that. I'd likely say, "It's a good thing you're able to pay for sex, because your understanding of women, sex, and just human beings in general is so fucked up that I don't think a proper relationship is something you can do."


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #874 on: 26 January 2016, 05:25:10 pm »
That's not just idiotic it's a revolting and quite insulting question.I think I would avoid even mentioning that you have a child.I think it gives blokes like this a segueway into asking nosy questions about your life.If you aren't available just say you already have plans end of story.

I'd probably lose my composure if someone asked me a question like that. I'd likely say, "It's a good thing you're able to pay for sex, because your understanding of women, sex, and just human beings in general is so fucked up that I don't think a proper relationship is something you can do."

It's obvious I have a little one due to baby pictures/toys etc that are on the way to the work bedroom. No idea how I didn't slap him in the face when he asked me that.

And now I have a regular who has done some appointments with me and my real life Dom asking if him part owning me is up for discussion. No, you can't get freebies that way and if that isn't the aim, you still can't part own me! Is this just the week for usually decent respectable regulars turning into toal dickheads?!  :FF :FF


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #875 on: 26 January 2016, 06:15:04 pm »
I think I would be inclined to maybe move the personal pics toys etc out of the way when a client is due.When I worked from home I made the mistake of leaving a personal letter on a coffee table and a client got my real name from it.I don't think I would want one seeing pics of my kids etc into the bargain.
They do ask some silly inappropriatw questions though.Just had one now actually while shagging me ask if he could double check that I don't offer unprotected sex as he is really scared of getting stis..felt like saying yeah I do with my bf and to be honest alot of wgs will have sex at least with partners without condoms..he then went on to quiz me mid shag how long I had lived in my flat.He looked quite perplexed when I said I don't live here.Why they feel the need to conduct a conversation in the middle of sex or a bj is beyond me.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #876 on: 26 January 2016, 08:31:40 pm »
"Part owning?"

Is that like a time share?

If a client asks me directly about my children (it's obvious that I have given birth) I may say something like, "Oh, let's not get personal." The most intrusive guy, who really got on my nerves, I just said, "Oooh... I'm not sure it's appropriate to discuss children in a sexual context" with my eyebrows arched. Made him feel like a pedo for even asking. Cunt.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #877 on: 27 January 2016, 02:29:42 pm »
Book for 1pm. Text me at 12:30 saying he's stuck in traffic so can we rearrange for 2:30pm. Then at 2:25pm text me saying he's stuck at work.

Even if that were true, he would've known he was stuck at work way before 5 minutes before his booking. People like this get on my nerves.


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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #878 on: 27 January 2016, 06:27:29 pm »
Guys who only want to spend out enough for your special offer, but then ask you if x y and z from your full service price is available in the special offer. No, that's why it's a special offer. What's the point of me charging ?20 less than my official prices, just to do the same as I would if you'd paid for a full service  :FF

Nora batty

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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #879 on: 27 January 2016, 06:55:12 pm »
"Part owning?"

Is that like a time share?

If a client asks me directly about my children (it's obvious that I have given birth) I may say something like, "Oh, let's not get personal." The most intrusive guy, who really got on my nerves, I just said, "Oooh... I'm not sure it's appropriate to discuss children in a sexual context" with my eyebrows arched. Made him feel like a pedo for even asking. Cunt.

You are far more polite than me lol.  One guy asked me where my daughter worked as I am such a stunner he would love to meet the younger version but in a much sleazy way.  This too was mid shag.  I rarely lose my temper or show any kind of negative emotions to clients, but this one was thrown out half dressed.  Had to cancel my following client as didn't want him to have a half arsed service as I was in a foul mood.

I never discuss my family or theirs.  If they bring it up I usually deflect it and change subject instantly.

Nia Hope

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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #880 on: 27 January 2016, 08:24:12 pm »
"Part owning?"

Is that like a time share?

If a client asks me directly about my children (it's obvious that I have given birth) I may say something like, "Oh, let's not get personal." The most intrusive guy, who really got on my nerves, I just said, "Oooh... I'm not sure it's appropriate to discuss children in a sexual context" with my eyebrows arched. Made him feel like a pedo for even asking. Cunt.

You are far more polite than me lol.  One guy asked me where my daughter worked as I am such a stunner he would love to meet the younger version but in a much sleazy way.  This too was mid shag.  I rarely lose my temper or show any kind of negative emotions to clients, but this one was thrown out half dressed.  Had to cancel my following client as didn't want him to have a half arsed service as I was in a foul mood.

I never discuss my family or theirs.  If they bring it up I usually deflect it and change subject instantly.
That's sick! I had a client ask if my mum was fit because he thought I was and was looking for a "Lady friend" he left early too!

Also it really winds me up when they are done, showered, dressed ready to leave and they sit on the fucking bed and carry on chatting on about shit I'm not interested in, I give clients their full time paid for, showers are in my time and most respect this, I start tidying up etc and they still sit there  :FF
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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #881 on: 27 January 2016, 09:00:35 pm »

Also it really winds me up when they are done, showered, dressed ready to leave and they sit on the fucking bed and carry on chatting on about shit I'm not interested in, I give clients their full time paid for, showers are in my time and most respect this, I start tidying up etc and they still sit there  :FF

Completely this. Had a guy earlier book thirty minutes, got there and wanted an hour but didn't have enough with him. Then 35 minutes later and already 5 minutes over the time he paid for, he sat on the end of the bed and proceeded to ignore all hints that I wanted him to leave. Including me standing near the door and telling him to have a safe trip home. 45 minutes into a 30 minute booking he's still talking about how joy is quiet and rubbing his fingers together to get his point across and asking me if I could feel what he was talking about as he explained how joy felt. I was just like To which he said at least you're honest, stood and took the hint to leave.

I think he's autistic. I've seen him before and took a hell of a time to get him to leave then as well

Nia Hope

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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #882 on: 27 January 2016, 09:26:33 pm »

Also it really winds me up when they are done, showered, dressed ready to leave and they sit on the fucking bed and carry on chatting on about shit I'm not interested in, I give clients their full time paid for, showers are in my time and most respect this, I start tidying up etc and they still sit there  :FF

Completely this. Had a guy earlier book thirty minutes, got there and wanted an hour but didn't have enough with him. Then 35 minutes later and already 5 minutes over the time he paid for, he sat on the end of the bed and proceeded to ignore all hints that I wanted him to leave. Including me standing near the door and telling him to have a safe trip home. 45 minutes into a 30 minute booking he's still talking about how joy is quiet and rubbing his fingers together to get his point across and asking me if I could feel what he was talking about as he explained how joy felt. I was just like To which he said at least you're honest, stood and took the hint to leave.

I think he's autistic. I've seen him before and took a hell of a time to get him to leave then as well
I even stand by the bloody door Roxy! Had a guy today telling me his life story and how his wife has stood by him and he owes her so much, nice way to show his gratitude the poor cow! X
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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #883 on: 27 January 2016, 09:33:33 pm »
I am pretty strict at getting guys out of the door, it gets the point where I just don't care!

One thing I find annoying is the guys who take forever to get dressed.  The ones who take one item of clothes, stand there holding it, talk for a bit then finally put it on. Then repeat the process with all their items of clothing!

It can end up with me literally shoving them out the door!

Nia Hope

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Re: Things Clients Do To Annoy!!!
« Reply #884 on: 27 January 2016, 09:38:39 pm »
I am pretty strict at getting guys out of the door, it gets the point where I just don't care!

One thing I find annoying is the guys who take forever to get dressed.  The ones who take one item of clothes, stand there holding it, talk for a bit then finally put it on. Then repeat the process with all their items of clothing!

It can end up with me literally shoving them out the door!
If like today I had only half hour between clients I tell them straight that I'm in a rush, if they're regular big spenders I allow more time for small talk, I had to wash part of my hair too as one guy cum in it! Would take ages to wash the lot x
If something is not perceived it doesn't exist.