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Author Topic: They said what???  (Read 215613 times)


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #30 on: 06 May 2016, 09:59:32 pm »
'Are you pink inside?'

A seemingly totally random remark thrown into the conversation when someone tried to book me. I did query why he said it and his reply was 'dunno, it just popped into my head'. ::)

Alrighty then.... ???


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #31 on: 06 May 2016, 11:35:56 pm »
Most memorable one of mine is "So was your child a work accident?"

Good Lord!  :o

You win this thread!

(If someone asked me that I would probably make it clear that they'd fucked up and that whatever remained of their booking was now down the drain.)


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #32 on: 07 May 2016, 07:31:05 am »
Sometimes they say I am a housewife.  I find it so insulting!


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #33 on: 07 May 2016, 09:06:17 am »
I had a really bad booking with a very creepy guy once.  He stuck his fingers all the way inside me and started having a good feel around.  I stopped him but he looked at me very intently, tilted his head to the side and said ''don't take offence but have you ever had a miscarriage or had an abortion because it really feels like you have?''.  Wanker.

And no, he absolutely wasn't a doctor at all.  Really disturbing and it upset me quite a bit actually because I did have an abortion many years ago (and it was profusely botched) and what he said really fucked with my head.

I asked my doctor if there was any real chance he could tell, she laughed and said not a chance. 

It's no wonder this job makes us grumpy at times - we deal with utter loons like this!  >:(


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #34 on: 07 May 2016, 09:53:50 am »
Wow, Clarabella that is really awful.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #35 on: 07 May 2016, 10:58:12 am »
Jesus Christ.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #36 on: 07 May 2016, 01:53:16 pm »
Another one that I posted about a while ago. A combination of things led to me kicking him out but this one stuck in my mind 'you're a big girl, you should be better at massages than this' I'm a size 12 ffs and already told him that I was an amateur. Also not sure what my size has to do with ability to massage


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #37 on: 07 May 2016, 09:15:35 pm »
I had a really bad booking with a very creepy guy once.  He stuck his fingers all the way inside me and started having a good feel around.  I stopped him but he looked at me very intently, tilted his head to the side and said ''don't take offence but have you ever had a miscarriage or had an abortion because it really feels like you have?''.  Wanker.

And no, he absolutely wasn't a doctor at all.  Really disturbing and it upset me quite a bit actually because I did have an abortion many years ago (and it was profusely botched) and what he said really fucked with my head.

I asked my doctor if there was any real chance he could tell, she laughed and said not a chance. 

It's no wonder this job makes us grumpy at times - we deal with utter loons like this!  >:(

What a disgusting little worm.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #38 on: 07 May 2016, 10:33:28 pm »
I had a really bad booking with a very creepy guy once.  He stuck his fingers all the way inside me and started having a good feel around.  I stopped him but he looked at me very intently, tilted his head to the side and said ''don't take offence but have you ever had a miscarriage or had an abortion because it really feels like you have?''.  Wanker.

And no, he absolutely wasn't a doctor at all.  Really disturbing and it upset me quite a bit actually because I did have an abortion many years ago (and it was profusely botched) and what he said really fucked with my head.

I asked my doctor if there was any real chance he could tell, she laughed and said not a chance. 

It's no wonder this job makes us grumpy at times - we deal with utter loons like this!  >:(

What an absolute fuckwit. Sorry Clarabella that you were subject to this.

Mine was a lovely (I thought) professional man that I had seen a number of times and had always liked and respected. Between rounds, and talking about other things, he asked "So when was the first time you did this?" meaning escorting. I was just chilling out and mistakenly let my mouth run away with me a little, saying actually due to some bad circumstances in my life, I actually did this for the first time when I was 15.

A completely lecherous look came over his face and he went "Phwoar... you were a right little goer then weren't you! I'd love to have met you when you were 15"

Creepy and depressing doesn't even begin to cover it  :( x
"Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding."

-Betty White


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #39 on: 08 May 2016, 07:31:05 pm »
A very posh, old man asked if I had ever had a "real job". I wish I had replied with "Nah, I went on the game as soon as I got my NI card at 15."

He also was shocked and kept exclaiming "how unusual!" when I mentioned the fact that I have a boyfriend who is fine with my job.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #40 on: 08 May 2016, 07:33:00 pm »
Posh old men can be about the stupidest of all. They're often a bizarre mix of arrogant know-it-all and infantile naivety.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #41 on: 08 May 2016, 08:13:57 pm »
An idiot a while back asked if I had a pimp. When I'd finished laughing and told him no he was genuinely surprised and asked "So how do you handle your money?!" Well enough without giving it to anyone else thankfully!
Same guy went at me relentlessly for the whole booking, after we'd finished I started getting dressed and he shouts "Wait! I haven't had my full time!" And whips out his stopwatch on his phone which was at 28 minutes... He left disappointed that I couldn't make him pop for the second time in 2 mins... Still made me try though!
They tried to bury us.
They didn't know we were seeds.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #42 on: 08 May 2016, 08:59:23 pm »
Posh old men can be about the stupidest of all. They're often a bizarre mix of arrogant know-it-all and infantile naivety.
That may not be wrong at all.  I just need to come up with an excuse for not available.  I gave him a chance but he missed it to my delight!!   :D :D


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #43 on: 09 May 2016, 09:57:55 pm »
Obese client: You know if you lost a stone you would be really pretty!

It took every ounce not to shove that tacky bottle of Moet up his patooey.

I had that from an ex regular. 'Oh you've put on weight, you looked better before, when are you going to lose it?'

The same guy would say every meet 'you'd look better with a boob job, when are you going to get one?'

I noticed that some of my regulars were nicer to me when I was slimmer lol  :FF


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #44 on: 10 May 2016, 08:40:21 pm »
An idiot a while back asked if I had a pimp. When I'd finished laughing and told him no he was genuinely surprised and asked "So how do you handle your money?!" Well enough without giving it to anyone else thankfully!
Same guy went at me relentlessly for the whole booking, after we'd finished I started getting dressed and he shouts "Wait! I haven't had my full time!" And whips out his stopwatch on his phone which was at 28 minutes... He left disappointed that I couldn't make him pop for the second time in 2 mins... Still made me try though!

And then they'll drag you through the mud for being a "clock watcher" if you made them leave on the dot. Hate these idiots. These are the same people who expect to pop multiple times in a 30 minute session or worse 15 minutes then get upset when you somehow couldn't get them up a second time.