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Author Topic: The worst Night of my Life...  (Read 10120 times)


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The worst Night of my Life...
« on: 30 November 2010, 12:30:44 pm »
On Sunday I had the worst night of my life...
Someone called Micheal made an appointment with me overnight. First of all to even make this appointment I had to lie a lot to my parents. I even had to get an escort friend to pretend I was gonna be sleeping round her house and she had to talk to my parents and convince them anyway the man said it was appointment in London but it wasnt it ended up being in Hertfordshire. Somewhere Ive never been. I took a train to stevanage and met him in mc donalds. He made me walk several yards behind him on the way to his place. I just had to walk and follow. When we got to his place I found that he didnt even have a house or flat. It was just a fucking room and there other people in other rooms. Hes room was like a closet with a single and I thought oh god why did i agree to this. Then I said I was gonna get dressed so i went to the toilet and got changed. I also discovered that these people didnt use toilet paper, these was just a jug of water. Anyway I got changed and went back to his room and told him i needed a bath because i had been travelling for hours and also i had mud on my hands because I had to climb a hill on my way to his house and I tripped and he wouldnt let me out the room to be properly prepared. He just kept saying dont worry about it and persisted, I said no I need to go to the bathroom. He then said No dont worry about it and just grabbed me and started trying to take off my cllothes. I then said I wanted my payment first and again it was oh dont worry about. I then pushed him off me and said i want my payment and after about 20 mins of asking to be paid. He gave what I thought was 100 but it wasnt. It was 60 and i said this isnt what we agreed , he said he would would pay me 600 for the night. It went from that to 300 and then 100. And the annoying thing is I couldnt got back home and he knew that.I put myself in a really bad situation that i would never do again but anyway we had sex and after and hour he started asking for more and i said no you  paid me for the hour. After about 30 mins of his begging and trying to touch me up I just agreed because he blocked the door and stopped me from getting changed. He said he would pay me in the morning. After having sex with him again I was allowed to get changed. I went to the toilet and I just sat there and cried and cried. I just wanted to go home. I was stuck in a situation that I couldnt get out of and I was really underpaid. I went back to his room and sat on the floor. He said i could sleep in his bed (A single bed ) but I said no i want to sleep on the floor so there i was on the floor for hours just staring at the time to go home. In the mornin he said he would pay me at least 50 but of course he didnt he gave me 20 but whatever i just wanted to go home and see my family and friends. I walked out of his house. It was so cold and dark and the streets were bare, not even many cars, just silence and I couldnt remeber the way the train station but I found it in the end....

Never again will i do overnights and Im not seeing africans ever again...
« Last Edit: 30 November 2010, 12:35:36 pm by browncandy »


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #1 on: 30 November 2010, 12:42:06 pm »
OMG honey that sounds like a nightmare, you must have been really scared and lonely. I am
so glad you are safe and sound now. Sending you a big hug x
Being a good girl from now on.

xxFallen Angelxx

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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #2 on: 30 November 2010, 01:04:19 pm »
Honey, I'm sorry to say this but after reading your post I can't help but be really worried about you. Meeting someone in McD's, going hiking off to his house and no one knew where you were? I'm just going to be blunt with you. Don't do this, you are going to literally end up as a statistic.

Please just take what has happened as a learning experience and go and read the excellent advice on the home page of this site. Join the buddy system and for god's sake make safety calls. I know the money can be tempting but always try to suss the guy out on the phone and if you instincts tell you no to take the job don't.

This guy, in effect held you against your will and then virtually forced you to have sex with him. By rights you should go to the police and also post his details on the warnings page.

I do hope you are all right but you are just not doing the appropriate checks which in my experience is where things can go horribly wrong.


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #3 on: 30 November 2010, 01:05:32 pm »
^ ditto what tsescortvikki said.  huge virtual hugs coming your way browncandy, you poor thing.  you did really well in a horrible horrible situation and you survived.  hope you have something lovely happen to you very soon xxxx


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #4 on: 30 November 2010, 01:11:05 pm »
Argh, horrible indeed. I am very glad you're safe now.

One of the ways AW is a mixed blessing is because while it enables anyone to start working, it also makes it very easy to find vulnerable people to exploit. Abusers can have lists of potential victims - newly registered users fitting a search - automatically emailed to them.

You can avoid many such people, but it means not being a victim in more ways than one.

Someone called Micheal made an appointment with me overnight.

Lots of people will not even accept overnight bookings from people they have not already met. It's a long time to be with someone you, for whatever reason, do not get on with.

First of all to even make this appointment I had to lie a lot to my parents. I even had to get an escort friend to pretend I was gonna be sleeping round her house

Lying to parents and partners can sometimes be necessary, but someone has to know exactly where you are, who you are with, and what time to expect calls from you. One call is better than none, and two is better, including a "Hi, I'm with them, speak to you later as agreed" - they know someone knows and is looking out for you.

anyway the man said it was appointment in London but it wasnt it ended up being in Hertfordshire.

If they mess you around, think very very carefully about seeing them. See Emily's screening method..

I took a train to stevanage and met him in mc donalds.

If you chose to meet someone outside wherever the booking is going to happen, that is fine. (For one thing, in this case, they doubtless appear on someone's CCTV with you.) But you have to know - and have told someone else - where you are going to end up.

He made me walk several yards behind him on the way to his place. I just had to walk and follow.


I thought oh god why did i agree to this.

Next time you think this, walk out. Always, always, always listen to your gut. It's only money you're losing by walking, and it could end up being much more than that.

If you ever see the film Heat, the armed robber played by Robert De Niro talks about not having anything he could not walk away from if he had to. Same here: do not take anything on a booking you could not just abandon if, as here, you feel you need to get out.

I then said I wanted my payment first and again it was oh dont worry about. I then pushed him off me and said i want my payment and after about 20 mins of asking to be paid. He gave what I thought was 100 but it wasnt. It was 60 and i said this isnt what we agreed , he said he would would pay me 600 for the night. It went from that to 300 and then 100.

Hooray for sticking to the first rule: get the money first.

When they mess about or even dream of haggling, walk. Ideally with something to compensate for being messed about, but walk.

And the annoying thing is I couldnt got back home and he knew that.

This is a huge lesson: never ever get into that position, but if you do, never ever let them know.

It was you who mentioned going to see someone by bus and being met at the bus stop, wasn't it? If you cannot find someone to drive you and cannot pay for a minicab, you are not charging enough.

If you cannot get home without the co-operation of someone, you have to really trust that person and there is no client out there who can be trusted that much.

I am going to skip the next bit, but in your position, I'd feel I'd been raped and I would be looking for support about that.

Never again will i do overnights and Im not seeing africans ever again...

As your mother could no doubt tell you, shits come in all colours as well as all shapes and sizes.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Winding down


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #5 on: 30 November 2010, 01:20:26 pm »
Always know where you are going to be going(exactly), and always have the ability to leave under you own steam. I've had guys think I'm going over the top by asking for their full name, BT landline/proof of residency, booking reference with their hotel. I know chaps are worried about giving their personal details but remember we are visiting a complete stranger, and need to let someone know where we are going - never mind know ourselves. Plus of course the client wants a relaxed time, if we are onguard because he's not given us security info then that's hardly conducive to a great time together.


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #6 on: 30 November 2010, 01:39:31 pm »
Browncandy, are you in London? If you can't get a safety buddy yet, please feel free to use me as one til you can find the right person if you have any more appointments coming up soon.

You could also feel free to run your appointment requests by me or any other mod here (or by everyone if you post publicly) if you want some second and third opinions on whether or not a potential client is a total timewaster/weirdo - we all have finely-tuned freak-detectors! :)

I obviously can't add much else to this thread as the advice here is already excellent, but I did want to say that I'm glad you're okay and I'm sorry you had such an awful experience. Please get in touch with myself or any other mod if you need to ask for anything privately - remember that this forum is open and you're sharing a lot of information about yourself (including your face picture). ((hugs))
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #7 on: 30 November 2010, 01:59:18 pm »
eeek!  That's really rough.

Brown  Candy sending hugs your way and glad to know you are okay luckily enough.

sorry to add salt to your wound but from my experience you went about this the wrong way.

A never agree to see a  guy for the first time for an overnight stay at least see them once or twice on say an hourly booking to get a feel of them before you go on an overnight with them.

B Always make sure their address, name and land line tally up before you visit them.

C Always make sure you have enough money on your person when you go outcalling to help you get a cab and escape in case of any trouble and make it a point to google for about 4 taxi cab numbers in the area you going to and have them handy just in case even to transport you to the nearest station etc.

D As Fallen angel said:
Meeting someone in McD's, going hiking off to his house and no one knew where you were? I'm just going to be blunt with you. Don't do this, you are going to literally end up as a statistic.

(Always make it a point to meet at their home/hotel only and make sure someone knows exactly where you are going)

E  And money upfront before anything else as its been discussed here many times because you are never going to get it after. (you should have left after his funny attitude about being reluctant to pay you upfront) (he lived with a bunch of other people in the building so you could have screamed or threatened to do so safety first!) ( I know you said you couldn't leave that night not sure how late it was or how far you  were from home unless the overnight started after 12am? may be a cab ride to the nearest bus station or something?)

Hope you don't take my two cents the wrong way. I am sure you will soon get back on the outcall wagon again with more experienced vetting procedures next time.

Its like me vowing never to have a boyfriend again after a nasty break up some years ago needless to say I did not keep my word.   :P

(fixed quote)
« Last Edit: 20 September 2013, 02:41:47 pm by xw5 »
"The only things in this life that you really regret are the RISKS you didn't take"


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #8 on: 30 November 2010, 02:23:18 pm »
There isn't much more to add in regards to giving advice, but just wanted to send some hugs and best wishes your way.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
- Albus Dumbledore


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #9 on: 30 November 2010, 06:04:58 pm »
Agreeing to sex as the person would not let you out otherwise---That is not agreement.
0808 802 9999 is a national rape helpline {12:00 to 14:00, & 19:00 to 21:00}
You may benefit from chatting with a trained counsellor.

Everything in your post has warning signs which should have made you walk away.
  • Meeting at a mcdonnalds
  • Accommodation with other people there {that's an immediate "get out fast flag"  think gang-rape...}
  • No MUF Money Up (Front)
  • Client attempting intercourse without your agreement {That's attempted rape}
  • Blocking your exit refusing to let you leave.

All these warning signs are escalating in severity.
I hope you walk away from any future appointment, if any similar indicators arise in the future.

I had a bad situation, a couple of time in my past.
Each time I just curled my arms round my body and said
"This is no longer consensual sex.  How do you think that will sound when read out in open court?"
In both instances, the person backed off, which let me leave.

I'm being cautious now as the following may upset you
which is not what you need right now
but it will keep you safe in the future

Options. Either:
  • Change jobs
  • Read the guides on the sites main page, and follow them.
  • Get assaulted &/or Die violently

    Meeting clients can be very dangerous.
    The guides & advice on this site will minimise any risks.
    If things start to feel wrong with a client, walk out.

    Take a step back from this all & give yourself time to work things through in your head.


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #10 on: 30 November 2010, 07:54:10 pm »
Have you considered reporting this to the police
They have a section which handles sexual assault.

At least reporting him will create a record, and he may have done this previously
{a number of times to other vulnerable people}
You have his mobile number, & his address or at least approximate location.
The police may go have a chat with him, which would hopefully stop him in future. 


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #11 on: 30 November 2010, 08:39:00 pm »
The two things that made me hesitate to suggest reporting it to the police were

a) You'd need to go to a station somewhere in Hertfordshire, because that's the area the problem happened in, and..

b) You'd need to make it absolutely clear that you do not want anyone calling you at home, whether at the door or on the home phone, in relation to this.

On the other hand, it's possible that someone else has complained about him and having another report on him will help him get what he deserves.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Winding down


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #12 on: 30 November 2010, 08:42:58 pm »
You'd need to go to a station somewhere in Hertfordshire, because that's the area the problem happened in, and..

that's not true.  you would not have to go to a police station at all, and even if you choose to you would not need to go to one near where it happened.  what you need to do is call the rape crisis number that jodie ts has provided and get some actual facts, as well as support.


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #13 on: 30 November 2010, 09:33:52 pm »
first i would like to say big hugs and kisses  and i really hope you take some time out to get your head round what happend and really hope that you read and take the advice that every one is giving you on here right now  it may not be what you want to hear but its said with feelings  and your best interest from all of us

 Im truly  very sorry what happend to you and im sorry if i dont sound sympathetic  ( i really am belive me we all deal with the same shit and need to look out for each other cos no one else will  )
 And others on hear  may say im wrong to say this but i really have to as i feel so mad at the person who did this but also at you for not seeing /hearing /reading the warning signs that were so obvious please please please for your own safety and sanity take a break from this for a while  untill you get to grips with how to work safely on your own
    For fucks sake the guy could have been/ may have  been the next yorkshire ripper  or the ipswitch murder   
this may not be what you want to hear but  YOU  need to to make a choice  you either need to get out of this business or you  need to get yourself organised and sorted if you are going to stay in this business you have to start thinking of your safety  and think of your self 
  Otherwise the next thing we will all hear /read is that your body has been found in a ditch and you have been murdered and all your hopes of your parents /family not finding out will be way out the window 
sorry if it harsh but imo its the truth 

Meeting at a mcdonnalds  WTF  CHEAPSKATE  ( HIM NOT YOU)  That initself would be a major no no in my book  the red flagg must have gone up straight away at this point   meeting in public places unless you have met before is something that i would be wary off   

Overnight Without meeting him first on previous appointments  is another big no no for the majorityu of escorts especially for outcalls 

 Accommodation with other people there  think gang rape  / planned attack  whatever   as soon as you realised this you should have walked straigt away 

  No Money Up Front   again  then leave if he cant pay before then he sure as hell wont pay afters hes cum  so   
Start screaming shouting whatever have no shame make as much noise as possible especially   if there are other peopel around 
Client attempting intercourse without your agreement  That's attempted rape
Blocking your exit refusing to let you leave.  that holding you against your will /imprisonment kidnapping 
Hun i wish i could see this guy right now cos i would take a pair of my sharpest jimmy choos and stick it up it as so far he wouldnt be walking for the next year  thats after i cut of his fucking dick and crushed his balls with two bricks  i am so fucking angry   

but  most important  ifyour gonna stay in this business and  stay safe first then you have to start thinking of the bigger picture  -
   have some boundaries  and rules and stick to them , dont deviate from them ever even if you lose money it not worth your life or mental health   be prepared to walk no matter what  you are the number 1 priority no one else

have some rules like  only doing outcalls in london /hotels only not private homes and only those that are in less than an hour by public transport

check where you are going first and how your going to get back if you cant get back at that time of night just turn it down     

 its when you get blinded by the cash that people fuck up and take bookings that under normal circumstances they woudnt do   
  Dont ever feel that you cant walk /leave a booking if it dont feel right cos if it dont feel right then it aint right 
Something  i apply to everthing in life  be it an appointment for work , buying a car or  going out for a meal   if its  not going smothly to start with then its only going to get worse  so walk away  Its my way or the fucking highway 
 as far as im concerned  and i dont give a shit my safety and mental health is far more important than a poxy 100 quid or 600 quid

You need to be  firmer  and assertive and confident  when working -   dont let anyone kiss you touch or fuck you without your money upfront and check it check it check it  to make sure its correct  dont feel embarrassed  its your money you have every right to check it   
I really hope you take some time off to rest up and think about what you want to do and i hope you feel better and stay strong  xxxxParis


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Re: The worst Night of my Life...
« Reply #14 on: 30 November 2010, 10:42:56 pm »
I am sending you heartfelt hugs as this was a really terrible situation to be in.

I did read in the warnings section that you say he was rude on the phone. Rule 1. If they are rude on the phone they generally tend to be alot worse in real life so rude people should ALWAYS be refused a booking.

Please, please please never go to an outcall without a proper address.
Never allow an unknown client to meet you somewhere.
Always carry money for a taxi
Always let someone know where you are going and if you dont have a buddy just ask one of us to be your buddy till you find one.
If on arrival something does not seem right, get the hell out of there.
Scream, shout and do whatever needs to be done to get yourself out.
If they dont give all the money straight away dont get into bartering. Do NOT give them an hour or two as you have then consented to sex taking place.
The fact this guy was rude on the phone, expected you to meet him in Mcdonalds and then made you walk behind him should have had alarm bells ringing with great big flashing lights as well.

Please do not do any more outcalls until you get a little more informed on safe practices.
You probably think we are all having a go at you but I am sure, just like me everyone is very worried that you got yourself in this situation and that without help you may do so again or even worse.

Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact