I am past it with aw and other escortsites and am thinking about looking at a sugar daddy site , has anyone whose in their 50s like myself had any luck on them sugar dating sites ? Or know how to go about finding one I can't do with the muppets and lack of decent punters any longer .
Hey Jadine, if I were you, I wouldn't bother with sugar dating arrangements, they are such a waste of time.
I used to do sugar dating before I started escorting and escorting is much better and less energy draining (+ the money is better).
The problem with sugar dating is that you will meet a lot of guys who are actually looking for an escort but don't want to admit it or want a "cheap" escort in a "less transactional way" basically. So obviously this will lead to a lot of boundary pushing and guys asking you for things you typically don't want to do (for example : having bareback sex).
All guys will pretend they want a "long-term" arrangement when they will actually see you once or twice, have sex with you and then disappear (in the best case scenario, you agree on a PPM (pay per meet) before the meeting, which is an amount of money they will give you for having sex so basically the same as escorting except that you're not paid per hour but per meeting (in the end it's a loss)).
Otherwise it's full of BS, like full of men who think they are "too good" to pay for sex, or evil guys who are only willing to pay for a nice restaurant in exchange of sex (LOOOL), or as well an overnight for like £300 (LOOOL) basically just full of men who want to take advantage of girls for free/very low price.
And even in the case you find someone nice, who is actually reliable and serious about it and who is willing to give you a reasonable amount of money per meeting (I've come across 2 guys like that only among hundreds), then it's fairly energy draining as they will want to talk a lot on the phone and every time you will want to see them, you will have to kind of "chase them" to ask them when you next see each other again, which puts them in a dominant position, which is really not nice.
So up to you, you can always try just out of curiosity, but you will most likely be disappointed so in my opinion, you should definitely stick to escorting