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Author Topic: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements  (Read 136139 times)


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #420 on: 12 March 2020, 06:07:14 pm »
This is absolutely fascinating, bc there’s a well known site here stateside that’s pretty awful ~ it’s strictly for these guys who are looking for the absolute rock bottom prices they can get ~ & the things they say about SA are horrific.

“Im not paying more than $250 a month for anyone & she’d better available 24/7/365, all bare!”

“Sure I’ll be a SD but I’m not buying her anything or taking her out. I’ll throw her a few hundred bucks a month but no more.”

& so on. Again, this is a real bottom of the barrel type site that I’ve lurked on for years, mostly to make sure I never appear in it. Fortunately bc I’m midlevel in my donations ~ or according to them, it’s called GPS (golden pussy syndrome🙄) ~ I’ve been mentioned, but never see by anyone that’s a member there, bc they don’t want to “pay so much.” ~ thank god. They’re brutal in their reviews.

Anyway, it’s just sooooo interesting, bc everything we’re asking for, they’re objecting to. Smdh.
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #421 on: 12 March 2020, 06:10:56 pm »
He did mention though there were a lot of con artist women on there asking for money up front.

How dare a woman charging for sex asks for her money upfront! The cheek... :D
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #422 on: 12 March 2020, 06:21:56 pm »
How dare a woman charging for sex asks for her money upfront! The cheek... :D

Am in danger of outing myself everytime a hollywood film or british drama shows money left at the bedside the next morning  ;D

The production companies should recruit real life prossies to advise. Technical and otherwise 😎


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #423 on: 12 March 2020, 11:11:10 pm »
No I meant charging up front before meeting then suddenly disappear


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #424 on: 12 March 2020, 11:31:34 pm »
No I meant charging up front before meeting then suddenly disappear

I've heard many stories of naive ladies spending sexy time then watching the guy vanish when it came to that  politically incorrect thing called "discussing money arrangements", but that's what happens when you treat business like it's not: that people get conned on all sides. It's a little bit like going into my local Tesco and walking out with a bag of apples while telling the cashier: "let me get home, try one apple and If I like it I'll come back with whatever amount I deem apropiate".
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #425 on: 12 March 2020, 11:40:38 pm »
This is absolutely fascinating, bc there’s a well known site here stateside that’s pretty awful ~ it’s strictly for these guys who are looking for the absolute rock bottom prices they can get ~ & the things they say about SA are horrific.

“Im not paying more than $250 a month for anyone & she’d better available 24/7/365, all bare!”

“Sure I’ll be a SD but I’m not buying her anything or taking her out. I’ll throw her a few hundred bucks a month but no more.”

Sounds like the u.k site that shall not be named 😂


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #426 on: 26 October 2021, 07:06:26 pm »
For those that have found being a Sugar Baby has worked for them:
-Did you use your real name/ show your face in pictures
I’m tempted to try it, even just to say I’ve had a go, but I am worried about being outed.

Tina Sparx

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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #427 on: 26 October 2021, 11:57:25 pm »
As a Tgirl can I please comment?

I would love a SD!!

The best I have had is a guy who sent flowers to my house every year for my Birthday FFS!

You go milk them girls, I know I would!
It costs a lot to look this cheap.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #428 on: 30 August 2022, 09:48:46 pm »
I am past it with aw and other escortsites and am thinking about looking at a sugar daddy site , has anyone whose in their 50s like myself had any luck on them sugar dating sites ? Or know how to go about finding one I can't do with the muppets and lack of decent punters any longer .


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #429 on: 31 August 2022, 01:42:58 pm »
I am past it with aw and other escortsites and am thinking about looking at a sugar daddy site , has anyone whose in their 50s like myself had any luck on them sugar dating sites ? Or know how to go about finding one I can't do with the muppets and lack of decent punters any longer .

Hey Jadine, if I were you, I wouldn't bother with sugar dating arrangements, they are such a waste of time.
I used to do sugar dating before I started escorting and escorting is much better and less energy draining (+ the money is better).

The problem with sugar dating is that you will meet a lot of guys who are actually looking for an escort but don't want to admit it or want a "cheap" escort in a "less transactional way" basically. So obviously this will lead to a lot of boundary pushing and guys asking you for things you typically don't want to do (for example : having bareback sex).

All guys will pretend they want a "long-term" arrangement when they will actually see you once or twice, have sex with you and then disappear (in the best case scenario, you agree on a PPM (pay per meet) before the meeting, which is an amount of money they will give you for having sex so basically the same as escorting except that you're not paid per hour but per meeting (in the end it's a loss)).

Otherwise it's full of BS, like full of men who think they are "too good" to pay for sex, or evil guys who are only willing to pay for a nice restaurant in exchange of sex (LOOOL), or as well an overnight for like £300 (LOOOL) basically just full of men who want to take advantage of girls for free/very low price.

And even in the case you find someone nice, who is actually reliable and serious about it and who is willing to give you a reasonable amount of money per meeting (I've come across 2 guys like that only among hundreds), then it's fairly energy draining as they will want to talk a lot on the phone and every time you will want to see them, you will have to kind of "chase them" to ask them when you next see each other again, which puts them in a dominant position, which is really not nice.

So up to you, you can always try just out of curiosity, but you will most likely be disappointed so in my opinion, you should definitely stick to escorting  :)
« Last Edit: 31 August 2022, 01:50:53 pm by Ana66 »


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #430 on: 31 August 2022, 08:05:06 pm »
Thankyou for your response , it was just a last thought that i had in mind , I just am not getting any decent men enquiring anymore or had any really good payers since I lost my others that were generous with me ,  I just seem to attract all the idiots going and the cheapskates  i put up with so long who still try seeing me I told not to bother with me again as I have done with their shit ,   is why I wanted a change , I will think about what you mention , and i think from how you explain it would be  maybe not ideal for me ,  though I been checking out some sites , even when i smartened up my profile to try attracting a better quality punter it just brought out the inbreds even more , so hard to get the nicer business types like I used to see a lot years back just a matter of the when and if the good ones will  reappear be i happy getting those ones .


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #431 on: 03 September 2022, 06:52:01 pm »
Anyone on here tried whats your price ?
Any luck on it finding punters  ? Or is it just fuckbuddys and chancers wanting freebies ?


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #432 on: 04 September 2022, 12:51:47 pm »
I have looked on one of these sites thought I join anyway,  seems some nice guys on but I can tell the ones who aren't up to paying they just stand out wanting freebies ect or not even dressed good ,  just like being  on  aw I attract dickheads , only messages up to now is off a stupid boy in 20s who only can say he can last all nite night,  told him not what i looking for , another says I looked nice ect but gone quiet not really much communication going on .


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #433 on: 05 September 2022, 09:21:10 pm »
I am past it with aw and other escortsites and am thinking about looking at a sugar daddy site , has anyone whose in their 50s like myself had any luck on them sugar dating sites ? Or know how to go about finding one I can't do with the muppets and lack of decent punters any longer .

I'm in my early 40s and was on a SD site but they wanted like 2hrs, bare, for £50 plus lots of chat and pics. I got very little interest being in my 40s, but maybe that's my location. I deleted my account on the SD site in the end.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #434 on: 05 September 2022, 09:33:41 pm »
I tried the sd dating when I was young and very naive. I was only 19

I had cheap skates and with me  being so easy lead at the time, I allowed it to happen  .. I had one man he had me do an overnight with him.. he wasn’t friendly very rude to me. He didn’t even take me out for dinner.. he cooked a crap meal.. (tight as 🦀 ) In the morning when we woken up he gave me £40 told me to buy a nice dress.. that’s all I got..  I used to always make stupid decisions when I was younger  ..(i still do occasionally as I’m older)

Point being I would rather be an escort anyday . I Find clients who book you escorting treat you with lots more respect. The dates I had from that sugar dating site was vile. I was letting myself get conned.. (my own fault being so naive)

I had met some  of the worst men I ever come across In my life on sugar dating sites..I’m not saying it be like that for everyone but from my experience.. I had shocking experiences.

« Last Edit: 05 September 2022, 09:47:27 pm by Petlover29 »