SAAFE forum

General Category => Blather and Babble => Topic started by: SnakeLady on 21 May 2010, 04:06:35 am

Title: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SnakeLady on 21 May 2010, 04:06:35 am
I'd also like to take the oppertunity to recommend [removed] for a sugar daddy type arrangement, have met some great clients from there.

Hope you don't mind newgirl007 that I've taken your earlier advice for a new thread.

I wonder how does one best approach sugardaddies? I mean if you register on that site, do you mention your escorting site in your profile? Or is it an absolute no? Also, which is the best way of breaching the subject of money? I personally prefer to be paid upfront, rather than been given gifts or having to ask for help with my bills or whatever.

Three or so years ago I placed ads in Financial Times looking for "a generous gentleman" for exciting dates kind of thing. I had replies, most of course TW but a few genuine too. I then proceeded to text them that I was looking to get financially compensated for our dates (can't remember exact words I used) and if that's what they were looking for, then contact me etc.

I've got a couple of bookings that way, but felt I had to kind of pretend that I wasn't an actual escort. Although I did tell one or two that I was.

But this has always puzzled me. When looking for sugardaddies, do you sort of pretend that you're not "just an escort" in order to not repell them? Or was it just me being paranoid?

 :D SnakeLady
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Bond ;) on 21 May 2010, 12:51:24 pm
Sugardaddies basically want something less 'transactional' than hiring an escort. You need to be prepared to accept valuable gifts instead of cash per date.

They are also ususally in denial that what they need is an escort. Just be a good version of yourself, but make it clear that you are 'cash strapped' damsel in distress routine etc.

Good luck! I've found it very lucrative
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cindy on 21 May 2010, 01:19:37 pm
I know a lady who put in her details on a Sugardaddy website that she was an escort. She was immediately banned!
TBH though I cant eat expensive clothes or jewelery and what if he buys something I dont like? I know that must sound ungrateful but id feel awkward asking for the reciept. I like my cash.  ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Anika Mae on 21 May 2010, 01:53:09 pm
I'm giving it a go actually, since I noticed that monthly allowances are fairly normal (I don't get pleasure from handbags, I get it from watching my savings account grow until I have a nice juicy deposit for a house, and I'm saying that if asked!). I'm not mentioning that I'm an escort but staying as close to the truth as possible since I don't like lying and have face pictures so they could find out at any time. I figure being a normal girl with slightly flexible morals rather than an unrepentant harlot is part of the fantasy.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: xw5 on 21 May 2010, 03:43:24 pm
I know a lady who put in her details on a Sugardaddy website that she was an escort. She was immediately banned!

Argh, the hypocrisy.

TBH though I cant eat expensive clothes or jewellery and what if he buys something I don't like? I know that must sound ungrateful but id feel awkward asking for the receipt. I like my cash.  ;D

And have you seen the resale value of diamonds? Pathetic!

One male escort I know who had this sort of 'oh, I have a bill, please pay it' deal with someone found it hard work, because the client became very demanding, expecting him to drop everything at a moment's notice. There were other issues too, including discovering more downsides to accepting cheques.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 22 May 2010, 09:01:02 pm
do you mention your escorting site in your profile? Or is it an absolute no?

5. Can I advertise my services (e.g. escort, dating services)?

No. You may not advertise your services on Anyone caught doing so, will have their account cancelled and will be banned from using our website. Please do not advertise your dating services or escort services on our website. Advertising such services violates our User Agreement, and as such you may be accessing our website without authorization or permission from us. Unauthorized access is a felony offense, and we reserve the right to seek legal action against you.

I dont get it. I dont fucking get it. They have a photo of a man with 1,000 worth of bills, and 2 women kissing on 1 man. If its not escorting, what is it?

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cindy on 23 May 2010, 12:10:57 am
Lolol. Perhaps it was perfectly innocent. He may have been on his way to pay a 1000 off his grandmas utility bills. Whilst on his way he could have had a coronory. The 2 ladies may have been good samaritans attempting to administer CPR. Highly unlikely but possible!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Anika Mae on 23 May 2010, 12:39:04 am
The blog talks quite openly about things like negotiating monthly allowances, and I saw one comment where a girl had a sugar daddy who she saw irregularly, so he just gave her an allowance for each meeting.

But as daft as that is, I am sympathetic. 1, it's a US site and presumably they think they're safe enough as they are, but if you say you're an escort everyone knows you're a prostitute and that's illegal. 2, those guys aren't on escort sites, even if it is just denial. They're paying to use the site for a particular purpose and aren't expecting to be bombarded with hourly rates.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sarah_bbw on 23 May 2010, 07:42:34 pm
I'm giving it a go actually, since I noticed that monthly allowances are fairly normal (I don't get pleasure from handbags, I get it from watching my savings account grow until I have a nice juicy deposit for a house, and I'm saying that if asked!). I'm not mentioning that I'm an escort but staying as close to the truth as possible since I don't like lying and have face pictures so they could find out at any time. I figure being a normal girl with slightly flexible morals rather than an unrepentant harlot is part of the fantasy.

Anika, im not sure about the allowances you mentioned but i recently signed up with one of the sites and im now laughing becuase as i write this ive got the site open in a differnt tab, theres actually tonnes of men listed which i found quite surprising, it made me question if they were all real or some fake.  I signed up using a second email address but this time as a sugar daddy and i was surprised again to see how many women were listed, as i went through the lists i saw several familiar faces, i was not sure if they were fake accounts and the photos had been stolen or if they were real.

The site im using allows you to post a free advert but to send and receive messages you have to subscribe, i havent subscribed yet but i would be interested to know how you get on.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jasmine on 23 May 2010, 10:50:08 pm
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SnakeLady on 25 May 2010, 02:00:33 am
I signed up for an account too, but alot of the guys just seem like average professionals looking for love?

You know, I had the same problem with my former Financial Times ad. Despite it being short of screaming "I'm a Whore - Give Me Your Money", many men replied looking for romantic, longterm relationships. :o

Well, I don't know about you, but if I was looking for love, then perhaps I wouldn't go for ads stating "generous" as the most sought after attribute, followed by "mutual fun" and "looks and age unimportant". Nor would I register with sites displaying guys with wads of cash, as a way of attracting (younger) women. ::)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SnakeLady on 25 May 2010, 02:28:26 am
5. Can I advertise my services (e.g. escort, dating services)?

No. You may not advertise your services on Anyone caught doing so, will have their account cancelled and will be banned from using our website. Please do not advertise your dating services or escort services on our website. Advertising such services violates our User Agreement, and as such you may be accessing our website without authorization or permission from us. Unauthorized access is a felony offense, and we reserve the right to seek legal action against you.

I dont get it. I dont fucking get it. They have a photo of a man with 1,000 worth of bills, and 2 women kissing on 1 man. If its not escorting, what is it?


Thanks Joey for looking up the clause.  :D

I suspect just as Anika May that because it's a US site, they don't want no association with (gulp!) Prostitution for legal reasons.

Although there seem to be murkier undercurrents too. I mean personally, even though you may develop a closeness in a sugar daddy relationship, I still prefer to have those monetary boundaries of escorting. So if say a SD would like to pay me a monthly allowance, then I'd like to know for how many dates it would cover and for what amount of money. That so we both know exactly what to expect from each other.

Another aspect is that I do not so much wish to play "Damsell in Distress" role. As lovely as our dates and relationship may be - I provide for them as a professional. And not because I'm their skint girlfriend.

Although the side that does appeal to me, is when guys want to help financially and with business advice if you have other goals in your life. Such as running a new business, etc. They (SDs) see themselves a bit as mentors - with added bonus of having sex.  :P
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cindy on 25 May 2010, 04:52:55 am
Many clients are very happy to give business advice and be a mentor Snakelady. Usually its along the lines of charge a lot less and see more people.  ::) So do twice the work and risk neighbours noticing more men coming and going for the same money.
Its great to get free advice but sometimes it turns out to be worth exactly what we paid for it. Sweet FA!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 25 May 2010, 07:04:51 am
Many clients are very happy to give business advice and be a mentor Snakelady. Usually its along the lines of charge a lot less and see more people.  ::) So do twice the work and risk neighbours noticing more men coming and going for the same money.
Its great to get free advice but sometimes it turns out to be worth exactly what we paid for it. Sweet FA!

Dont even get me started. That reminds me of a guy who I 'sugar daddied' with for a bit...we were good friends and I liked him, but at one point he says, "Where's your website? Your business would be doing alot better if you had some consistancy"  >:(

I dont need anyone to tell me how the hell to run my business. At the time, I was undergoing a name change to my current Joey name. I think they have all the best intentions, and some are business people with great business advice which can be related. However, one has to be in the driver's seat in order to really give advice. Its like, I'm trying to do 1 thing, and you're trying to get me to do something competely different. (That does not pertain to the advices of any of you ladies!)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Violette on 25 May 2010, 10:26:18 am
Ah, the good old days. I love a SD-SB relationship. As long as you are both singing from the same hymn sheet. I have my profile up on several sites, and straight off the bat, it is not unusual to chat for a bit, skype, then arrange a meet, where he covers the costs of travel, which will include some serious shopping, nice hotel, and then shag him senseless. As to items purchased, get a gift receipt if you can. :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SnakeLady on 27 May 2010, 12:58:30 am
Many clients are very happy to give business advice and be a mentor Snakelady.

Oh tell me about it, Cindy and American Joey. And on Grunternet you'll get it in buckets - free of charge.  How kind! ::)

What I meant was civil career advice, not advice on escorting. After all, a few professional gents may have plenty of experience in the civil world - which could be helpful if you wish to set up another business/study something in particular etc.

Of course many more men are only too happy to give advice on things they know nothing about. Like escorting.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SnakeLady on 27 May 2010, 01:25:51 am
Ah, the good old days. I love a SD-SB relationship. As long as you are both singing from the same hymn sheet. I have my profile up on several sites, and straight off the bat, it is not unusual to chat for a bit, skype, then arrange a meet, where he covers the costs of travel, which will include some serious shopping, nice hotel, and then shag him senseless. As to items purchased, get a gift receipt if you can. :)

Ah so it's true then. Some ladies accept (expensive) gifts instead of money. I only write this because when one gent replied to my FT ad, he got quite upset when I only wanted cash. As he said, he was happy to take me out for dinners, trips, buy designer clothes etc. I wasn't sure if he was for real, so it's good to know that some people are actually just looking for that.

A woman once told me that there are 3 types of Sugar Daddies:

Apparently an American lady has written a book on how to meet SDs as she herself managed to get cars, houses etc by this. I can't remember the title though, plus at this level it sounds like she really was their fulltime girlfriend.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Violette on 27 May 2010, 09:09:44 am
It is a delicate balancing act. I had one who liked me to travel with him, bought me presents, and payed some of the household bills. In all honesty you do need to be slightly sociopathic to be able to give the level of detailed attention and affection, but not be affected by it. It is different from escorting. Because you need to involve more of the real you, but still maintain a distance. But the rewards can be great, indeed.
The key with the Gift Daddy, is to establish the level of gift he needs to come baring. If he wants to give you gifts, he needs to be subtly taught that it needs to come with a 4 four figure price tag, as an appetizer. Vacations need to be 5* and above, flights need to be Business class and above. Remember, you too have something to offer.
Cash Daddy, if homeboy isn't offering you a minimum of a 5 grand a month allowance, don't waste your time with him. Because these ones are the hardest work. They think they can monopolize your time whenever where ever, you need to set FIRM ground rules with these, and not slack up. They will start with 5000 a month, seeing you once or twice a week, and then in three months time want to pay half and double the amount of time they are spending with you!  The min they start to cry financial hardships, it is time to nip it in the bud. Remember this type is more of a business transaction.
Cash/Gift Daddy The best of both worlds! These are rare creatures, but when you get one, treat him like gold! But don't fall in love, and run when they talk about leaving the wife. Good Luck.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SnakeLady on 29 May 2010, 03:03:23 am
Thank you Violette (and others) for your tips! Yes it does seem like I wasn't totally wrong in thinking that one should tone down the "I work as an Escort" truth and instead market yourself as a "nice and innocent girl with money troubles".

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lena on 29 May 2010, 03:54:46 am
So I have set up my profile and will let you know how it goes...
Violette, I really wonder how the vetting procedure goes in this case? Or it is the same as escorting?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Violette on 29 May 2010, 09:18:57 am
Lena, you WG-radar will come in soo handy here. Some things to look out for:
Offers a large allowance after one email, and wants you to send pictures. :)
Wants you to describe what will happen the first time you meet.
Another thing, is there are some poor lost souls, REALLY looking for love in the wrong place. You will get loads of these. Politely, but firmly turn them down.
Another thing to do, google them! Make sure they are who they say they are.
Unlike working with a direct pay client, SDs need a bit more work to get the good stuff out of them; it is along term investment of time and effort.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Anika Mae on 29 May 2010, 10:32:31 am
Urg, I don't know if I can be bothered with this! Four guys contacted me. #1 was a gaping bumhole (and I suspect only on there because he was too cheap or entitled to pay proper money for sex), #2 had a crap profile, said he'd met me once as Anika which I didn't believe, and that I'd told him my real name but he'd forgotten, #3 was scared off when I mentioned the ?2k allowance that whoever posted the link originally suggested, and #4 stood me up.

I realise this rate of failure is perfectly reasonable for what is pretty much a dating site, but I'm not sure I'm cut out for it after the simple joy of escorting. Once I'm over this lot I'll try approaching some guys, and if that doesn't go anywhere I'm off.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lena on 29 May 2010, 04:53:34 pm
Violette, thanks for the tips!

It seems to be a way to blurred and I am quite sure that many of advertised sd's are just punters who are looking for cheaper options. Anyway, as you have already said, it is probably possible to get smth out of it but it takes time...
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sammy s on 30 May 2010, 11:09:27 pm
I think a lot of these men are too good to be true. Offering monthly allowances to just meet up a couple of times a month?  I dont think so!

For the past week I have been speaking to a potential sugar daddy who i got on with very well. I told him exactly what my requirements were and we agreed on everything. we had arranged to meet tomorrow for lunch so earlier today i sent him an email basically saying "i just need you to definitely confirm before we meet that if we end up liking eachother tomorrow that you are going to be happy to still go ahead with our previous agreement on the monthly allowance etc".
(i worded it much better than that and was extremely polite. Dont think I came across as pushy or anything either).

He has just replied basically telling me he would rather we spend a few weeks dating first before we properly agree to anything regarding money.

REALLY pissed off because id spent the past week chatting to him and vetting him to make sure he was genuine and he is going back on his word now. I still think he's a genuine guy but it all sounds like hard work with no promises at the end of it.

But on the other hand what should I have expected by using a site like that. Any girls that manage to secure the perfect sugar daddy are very lucky in my book"!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Violette on 31 May 2010, 12:55:38 pm
Sammy, this is a common thing, what you will find is that some of these guys have been burned, and are a bit more cautious. I would go and have lunch and see how you get on. Dress, nicely, and once he sees you are a genuine person, it will put some of his fears to rest.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Harlow on 01 June 2010, 08:26:26 am

I looked into this about 5 years ago & I wasn't tempted then, & I am not tempted now! With Escorting everyone knows the score, he gets sex ,I get money! We go are separate way & every on is happy!

I also had this client try & turn himself into a sugar daddy. He would always give me double my fee, never say how long he wanted to stay for but never stayed longer then a 1hr 30min, so I was always with extra cash. he did the whole I like helping you out with bills etc. He would buy me gifts, expensive ones etc. He would see me 2-3 times a week. Then he wanted to take me out all the time, shopping, dinners blarr blarr. Yes in the beginning I lapped up the extra cash & the gifts, but the whole thing drove me into the ground & depressed me.

In the end I blacklisted him & it made me feel bad, in my work I like making people feel good. But that's just it, it's work & I like my cut off line.

Lol, I'm sitting here writing this post on the lap top he bought me, & moaning about him  :o
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Mary on 01 June 2010, 02:24:39 pm
darlingsssss, I have missed you all. (Honestly!) So much has been happening my way, I havent been able to read the forum, nevertheless get my whore on.  ;) But this morning, i took a glance and I saw sugar daddies and knew booom. Must be fate.

My history with SDs has been a sordid one, but it is as the always sage Violette has mentioned a very very delicate balance. It requires a great deal of you-- yourself, your emotions, your time. And the money issue is always a sensitive topic. And as mentioned before most of these men just need a damn escort, they are fooling themselves. So you play along and play the damsel in distress role, and do your thing, I actually recently procured ANOTHER sd, but honestly sabotaged the entire thing. I simply couldn't do it. He was unbelieveably needy, unbelieveably WASPy (think: trips to Block Island and Nantucket, bland food and history of drinking too much) and just a simple bore. BUT- he always treated me with respect. And I appreciated that.  We went on a short trip together that nearly drove infuckingsane, and I was forced to spend 4 hrs in each direction, listening and pretending to be interested. By the time we reached his condo in the mountains I was ready to murder him and drive the car back home. I jerked him off instead.

While I was giving him the rub and tickle, I was unbelieveably disgusted. Not with me of course :), but him. I just couldnt go down the road again with pretending to be horny all the fucking and pretending like I wasn't pretty much revolted by him. (In retrospect, I started to get my period so maybe......this may have affected my thinking ;) ) Whats funny is he had such an issue with "what he was doing to his wife" that we decided it may be better to move on. He even offered to pass me on to some rich friend of his, but I dont think he ever spoke with him.

Times like this I want to escort more than ever. The separatism is righteous. They have their lives and you yours. I still have an SD, but with him it is very different, and we care about and understand each other deeply. I'm actually due to meet his daughter soon. (Nervous! She's only 3,4 years younger  ??? Bound to be interesting.) He is a brilliant CEO and has helped advise me on business and etc. But still, the relationship carries some weirdness. But it helps EXTREMELY, to have some sort of affection for these men. Otherwise you might drive a fucking nail through his head. Or worse, yours.

My point is, I may have lost my edge with SDs, or maybe it was a bad spell. But it is a situation I wouldnt suggest for everyone. If money is your focus, just be prepared to deal with alot. And be prepared to realize it may a take a bit more effort to find your perfect SD

I forgot to mention that the disasterous SD was in fact as Violette mentioned- lost soul looking to fall in love. Blech. Ladies, proceed with caution when encountering one of these men. I choose the run, not walk option. Preferably in the opposite direction.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Mary on 01 June 2010, 02:33:54 pm
I forgot to mention I have been on seekingarrangement but Im not really the dating site type. I dont remember anything coming of it. But they are having a meet party in NYC. Im thinking of going, could be interesting!!! If any ladies are interested PM me, maybe we can hunt together :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cindy on 02 June 2010, 01:03:39 am
To be completely frank if ever I secretly haboured an idea that this kind of arrangement would make my life easier, it is looooong gone now. Id so much rather earn my fee,go home and switch off. Rather than have the constant needy me,me,me. Or if you invest emotion then me,me,me so long as the wife is blissfully unaware and its at his convenience. Sod that for a game of soldiers? Me too.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Violette on 02 June 2010, 07:59:31 am
MM, hey lady, glad to see you are back in the boudoir. The needy ones are the worst! But the worst thing about the needy ones, is you don't know they are needy until it is too late! I can't tell you how many confident, powerful men, seemingly independent men turn out to be teet hangers! They have created a facade that works most of the time until they encounter a strong independent woman. There upon latching on to you like a starving infant and proceeding to drain the hell out of you. I had one SD to the point of suicide one weekend, because I wouldn't answer my phone! He lived, unfortunately!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sammy s on 06 June 2010, 12:49:30 am
When I first joined Seeking arrangement I was very excited about it and had lots of genuine sounding emails from men wanting "arrangements" for large quantities of money every month.

However, every single one of them has proved to be a complete and utter time waster.

Ive found they either just want a cheaper escort (most tht ive spoken to want to spend ?400 for an overnighter max)
or they want to chat for ages on the phone or by email and refuse to give straight answers when it comes to the money side of things.

I dont know if im cut out for meeting these men for a chat over coffee to see if we get first before they even think about giving any money.
When I tell them that they need to pay me for my time if they want to meet me they get extremely offended and tell me they are not looking for an escort.

I understand that a SD relationship is different to an escort/client relationship and I understand that  a SD wont want to hand money over unless he has met me first and feels a spark. Its a big investment for a SD every month.
However I think 99% of the men on that site dont understand the true concept of what is expected.

I think that escorting is a better way of being able to keep full control over your life and your income.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: EmilyJones on 06 June 2010, 09:20:19 am
I think that escorting is a better way of being able to keep full control over your life and your income.

I think so, too. :) I mean, the only sugar daddy that I could tolerate would have to be super-mature, handsome, fit, funny, witty and too busy with his amazing life to be whiny or insecure. Because it sounds like the sugar daddy relationship is way too up-close-and-personal, despite the money (which has to be disguised as gifts? WTF? I can't eat shoes!) so if you don't actually like each other, it's a nightmare.

I have rather high standards for my male company unless I'm getting an hourly fee. So I'm pretty sure that 99% of the wankers on or whatever can consider themselves completely safe from seduction attempts by me. ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Violette on 06 June 2010, 11:53:29 am
When I first joined Seeking arrangement I was very excited about it and had lots of genuine sounding emails from men wanting "arrangements" for large quantities of money every month.

However, every single one of them has proved to be a complete and utter time waster.

Ive found they either just want a cheaper escort (most tht ive spoken to want to spend ?400 for an overnighter max)
or they want to chat for ages on the phone or by email and refuse to give straight answers when it comes to the money side of things.

I dont know if im cut out for meeting these men for a chat over coffee to see if we get first before they even think about giving any money.
When I tell them that they need to pay me for my time if they want to meet me they get extremely offended and tell me they are not looking for an escort.

I understand that a SD relationship is different to an escort/client relationship and I understand that  a SD wont want to hand money over unless he has met me first and feels a spark. Its a big investment for a SD every month.
However I think 99% of the men on that site dont understand the true concept of what is expected.

I think that escorting is a better way of being able to keep full control over your life and your income.

You are  so right, most of these guys have not idea of what being a SD is about, and will get quite offended when you mention money. Which I find ironic when they will happily plaster their net worth and potential earnings up on the web for all to see. They know exactly what they are about, hoping to get it for free. Wishfully thinking the girls on there aren't as experienced as escorts! Ha! The joke is on them, most of the ladies on there ARE escorts, wether they admit it or not.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sammy s on 06 June 2010, 12:18:43 pm

i had one potential SD and we spoke for ages and really got on well. We had agreed our arrangement and everything was going well.
Anyway, the day before we were due to meet I text him asking him when he was thinking of paying me.
He replied saying "To be honest I am very shocked by your previous message. I thought we were on the same wave length and tomorrow we would be meeting for dinner and drinks with no obligations for me to give you money".

EH HELLLOOOOOOOOO....... why the  hell do these men think girls are using this site? To date ugly old men for free?


And I also had one who told me he would pay me a monthly allowance to meet him once a week for sex, HOWEVER he wouldnt be paying me anything unless I let him do whatever he wanted to me no matter how painful it was. And if I wanted to stop then he wouldnt pay me a penny and would leave.

I think you can occassionaly find a SD that is married, older, generous and not a demanding creep.  However these men are gold dust and if you manage to find one then congragulations
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cassie on 07 June 2010, 12:08:31 am
TBH though I cant eat expensive clothes or jewellery and what if he buys something I don't like? I know that must sound ungrateful but id feel awkward asking for the receipt. I like my cash.  ;D

And have you seen the resale value of diamonds? Pathetic!

Ah, but gold on the other hand is worth going for just now! ;)

But seriously, I am obviously way past the SB age, so couldn't even if I wanted to. However one ex-client did offer me a monthly payment, for this I had to be at his beck nd call 3 times a week and was not allowed to see any other clients, so I told him to take a run and jump.

I can't see any guy who wants that sort of arrangement being happy with his girl having sex with other men too.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SnakeLady on 07 June 2010, 01:20:33 am
I can't see any guy who wants that sort of arrangement being happy with his girl having sex with other men too.

I've encountered a couple of guys wanting the lady to be exclusive to them (when I had my ad in FT). Nevermind that at least one of them was married. >:(
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cassie on 07 June 2010, 01:24:09 am
I can't see any guy who wants that sort of arrangement being happy with his girl having sex with other men too.

I've encountered a couple of guys wanting the lady to be exclusive to them (when I had my ad in FT). Nevermind that at least one of them was married. >:(

Yep, the guy offering me the exclusive deal was married too, but that is the great hypocrisy of the whole thing.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Violette on 26 June 2010, 01:50:52 am
Oh I love the married ones! They are fantastic, you know the time spent will be limited because they have the darling wife to return to. The last thing you want is a single SD, ultimately becoming the center of their universe. NOOOOOOOO! Hell on earth. They fall in love, and then you can never get rid of them.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Jameson on 26 June 2010, 04:39:50 am
Ah, the good old days. I love a SD-SB relationship. As long as you are both singing from the same hymn sheet. I have my profile up on several sites, and straight off the bat, it is not unusual to chat for a bit, skype, then arrange a meet, where he covers the costs of travel, which will include some serious shopping, nice hotel, and then shag him senseless. As to items purchased, get a gift receipt if you can. :)

You are a riot, Violette!

Typically, with a Sugardaddy, you DON'T approach them. That's because I use SeekingArrangement and Sugardaddy for Me for civvie dating. The most successful SD/SB relationships happen when you don't come off so needy. Plus, nowadays the 'damsel in distress' bit gets very old QUICK. Great clothes and accessories, stylist-done hair, a nice flat, and for those in the US, a great car ALWAYS lets a man know he has to come off the checkbook. (You don't have to have it ALL, but any combination of these assets will work.)

Of course, so does being just young and hot too, but it ends up being more of a mind-fuck than anything if you're 'not singing from the same hymn sheet' (THAT is hilarious). Most men's idea of Benefactor is code for DADDY, which means 'I tell you what to do and when to do it.' When he feels like you have no life or no choice than to deal with him, he will offer to put you up in a flat, with a car and allowance, all so he can come by when he wants. So no friends, no plans, cause you have to be ready when he is. Too bad it's your mum's birthday, cause you can't go. And if you make plans when they make plans, they're like spoiled brats. Things with a guy looking for vulnerability always ends up bad.

As far as the arrangement is concerned, he will usually tell you what he is able to do for whatever level of involvement. If he doesn't mention it, tell him that you'll need a cash allowance directed to your bank account. Those who really know the deal and know they don't have the time for a LTR will anyway (your profile should say what you're open to, whether that's a LTR or NSA friendship.). Honestly anything you gain from a Sugardaddy relationship is meant to help your life, not to stop your life. I would not stop being an escort at all for a man unless you were about to be married. Even then it should be a gateway to following your dreams of making money in other ways.

But when you SEEM already financially set, it allows you to set the pace. He has to woo you. He looks at you and knows your inbox on Seeking Arrangement is full and there is competition for him. When my friend found a suitor on Sugardaddy for Me, she borrowed my clothes, my car, a condo that I used as my incall location, and now she's about to get married. After a month of dating, he wanted her to go on a month-long vacation with him, so she just told him to transfer the amount of her bills for two months into her account while he was at it. It was more than fair. She has a good head on her shoulders, and all she needed to show him was that she wasn't some lowlife gold digger.

All the best to you Sugarbabies,

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Violette on 26 June 2010, 07:57:50 am
Thanks Tiffani.  :-*
As I have said before it is a delicate balance. But I do find, that when you are not at his beck and call, it will send some of them into a frenzy. Especially when they know you don't need them, is when they will start wanting to leave the wife and kids. Oi Vey! I will tell them, "Your family NEEDS you." What I really mean is: I  will not be interested in you once your wife has taken half of what you now have, you lose your business, your kids, your mind, and now you are all mine? No thanks. Stay with the family, and load me up with the guilt gifts.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Jameson on 26 June 2010, 08:52:53 pm
Thanks Tiffani.  :-*
As I have said before it is a delicate balance. But I do find, that when you are not at his beck and call, it will send some of them into a frenzy. Especially when they know you don't need them, is when they will start wanting to leave the wife and kids. Oi Vey! I will tell them, "Your family NEEDS you." What I really mean is: I  will not be interested in you once your wife has taken half of what you now have, you lose your business, your kids, your mind, and now you are all mine? No thanks. Stay with the family, and load me up with the guilt gifts.

LOL You are SO right!! But you have to admit, you're a lucky girl if you can tell a man that you're flat broke, available anytime, and you don't end up with someone's babyfied husband who's expecting you to be his second wife, since the first one's gone bad, or because he thinks you'll depend on him solely he won't try to cheapen you with JUST bill money, and no spending money. I think what you get out of a SD relationship is totally up to to smarts of the lady.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sarah_bbw on 27 June 2010, 01:18:24 am
The site 'seeking arrangements' is not one I'm familiar with but theres another site which  i have experience with and a good friend of mine who also uses the site appeared in a documentary about it on a free view channel a while back.

I know that many escorts look at sugar daddies and consider it as another revenue stream but truthfully anybody that is an escort would struggle to be a successful sugar babe. 

Most guys that use the site are just after someone for a bit on the site or a few meets a week or weekend fun. The typical sugar daddy is not after anything too serious and most of them don't mind girls who have one of two other sugar daddies at the same time. He basically wants all the benefits from being in  a relationship without the commitment (i call this a guyship), most of these guys have worked hard for or inherited their money and they feel they deserve more from life than what they see others settling for,  having  someone younger fitter and better looking than they are sends a message out  to everyone else that they have made it in life.  Saying this theres also others that want a girl without anybody else knowing about it, especially if their married and the sex has dried up.

The type of girl that makes a good sugar babe is one that does not want a normal  9-5 job with a low to average income, she wants the type of lifestyle she imagines most highclass escorts enjoy but at the same time she can not do the job of meeting different clients week in week out.  The job of a sugar babe is quite simply to be a girlfriend to the sugar daddy without him having to , most only want to know enough about you to make sure they are not being lied to and made a fool of, remember ladies sugar daddies are successful and are used to being in control, you will be very lucky to find one that believes what you say without first having it checking out by a private investigator.   

Many sugar daddies would not think twice about offering  a sugar babe a living allowance, infact that's what its all about, but this is something that comes up later once a connection between a sugar babe and a sugar daddy has been made. This connection happens just like it does in a traditional relationship but instead of it happening on an emotional level it happens just on a logical level, it may take one meeting it may take more but it never happens  after just one phone call.

 An escort is someone that receives a fixed amount of money for a fixed amount of time, a useful sugar babe gives an unmeasured amount of their time in exchange for a living allowance, this will nearly always include sex but its not something that's measured by the hour.

I mentioned  above my  friend who  joined the same site as me, shes not an escort  so the sugar babe setup works better for her than it ever has for me, some weeks she spends just a couple of hours with her daddy talking on the phone which will sound pretty cushy to alot of you reading this, other weeks she spends a couple of nights a week with him on the days he is in town but only last month she spend a full 5 days with him in Brighton.  Her allowance stays the same week in week out regardless of how much time they spend together. She has her apartment paid for and ?500 a week spending money, however she does make herself exclusive to him and if she met other people  that would drop by allot.

Escorts = business women who charge by the hour
sugar babes = make believe girlfriends who are always available and taken care of.

If you genuinely want to be a sugar babe i would suggest you don't mention money in the first couple of dates, it sends a red flag up straight away for him,  my advice would be to meet him a few times first during the day, don't clock watch and just get to know him and him you. If hes a genuine sugar daddy and he finds you appealing  he will respond well to this approach and even enjoy it, after hes more comfortable with you it will be him that takes the lead regarding how things proceed, hell bring up the subject of the allowance, however if hes not a genuine sugar daddy and hes just looking for a cheap lay hell try and get you into bed before he talks about the allowance, that's your Que to leave. If he finds out your An escort as well, your chances of finding a proper sugar daddy will fall to almost zero.

I'm an escort first and formost so the sugar babe setup failed for me, but Alisha has been with the same guy now for 3 years and i cannot see it changing any time soon.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Jameson on 27 June 2010, 04:44:34 am
Escorts = business women who charge by the hour
sugar babes = make believe girlfriends who are always available and taken care of.

...and never the two shall meet? I'm pretty sure that some of us have had the chance to enjoy this relationship before we're outed as dirty filthy whores, not only on the online dating sites, but with our clients as well who know everything about us. I know escorts about to be married to their sugardaddies.  As a matter of fact, a lot of sugardaddies appreciate the fact that you have an escorting background, cause they know the sex is usually better than what they get at home. Most well off men see escorts anyway, since they don't have the time for relationships. Getting your favourite on call is just a bonus.

If you genuinely want to be a sugar babe i would suggest you don't mention money in the first couple of dates, it sends a red flag up straight away for him,  my advice would be to meet him a few times first during the day, don't clock watch and just get to know him and him you. If hes a genuine sugar daddy and he finds you appealing  he will respond well to this approach and even enjoy it, after hes more comfortable with you it will be him that takes the lead regarding how things proceed, hell bring up the subject of the allowance, however if hes not a genuine sugar daddy and hes just looking for a cheap lay hell try and get you into bed before he talks about the allowance, that's your Que to leave.

This I agree with on some levels. If you've met someone on the SD websites, you will neither bring up money, nor have sex with him. It's a courtship. Like I said, I use these sites for dating. There are some who, before they court you, ask you what you're looking for. If they like your answer, they proceed. If you blindly say, 'I'm open for anything', that's when you get what Violette described: the married guy trying to take you from 0 to 60 in a month flat. The trick is to beat them talking about what they're looking for, and keep them on track during the dating process. I have turned down men who are overzealous in their approach, trying to be overlysugardaddyish. I have turned down men who seem unstable. I had been in a sugardaddy relationship for a year and a half where my being an escort never came up. I have had two sugardaddies at a time.  Any situation is doable when the lady is smart, and not looking to be a mindless young girl looking for Richard Gere in the 'Pretty Woman' scenario. Guys see right through that.

If he finds out your An escort as well, your chances of finding a proper sugar daddy will fall to almost zero. I'm an escort first and formost so the sugar babe setup failed for me, but Alisha has been with the same guy now for 3 years and i cannot see it changing any time soon.

I would say that this answer is likely false. I don't know you very well, and I don't know why the Sugardaddy thing didn't work for you, but you should definitely speak to more ladies. I know so many ladies who are currently unavailable due to exclusive relationships. But I understand what  you mean, being with one guy. If you wanted a boyfriend or a husband you'd go get yourself one. I personally don't do exclusives with my clients. Anymore. Now THAT is a horse of a different color. Clients trying to see you as more than just a hobag can sometimes be a tiring thing. So for me, SD relationship= boyfriend, as I would definitely like to be in a relationship. And escorting=escorting.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Violette on 27 June 2010, 08:50:38 am
As to telling a prospective SD that I am an escort, why on earth would that ever come up? It is a different situation and has to be managed accordingly. Not to mention I detest the term SB, it implies some your bubble headed teeny bopper with two repelling brain cells. The old fashion term used to be having a mistress, or being a kept woman, and that ladies is the approach I apply when engaging in a SD relationship. As I've stated before, I tend to prefer the married ones, because I know for a fact they will not be as demanding as the single ones, or if I have a single one, he needs to live in another country so as no to get underfoot.
There are different approaches. The trick is finding the one that works for you.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Mary on 28 June 2010, 09:11:16 pm
Violette and Tiff (welcome, btw), your words are like gold. I'm about ready to string up my heels and say f the whole SD situation. Today had been extremely disheartening and I was ready to take a frying pan up a man's head today. I haven't dabbled in dating sites but I wonder truly how much, they would help me and my situation. I agree with you ladies that you should never come off too needy. but what if you are needy? Lol? then what? Fake til you make it?

I mean I'm not exactly needy-- no. But I want some things. That cannot be denied. Today has made me so weak, and the idea of gameplaying makes me nauseous. :(  But at the end of the day I still want the gifts and cash. I smell a serious dilemma..... I need some kind words.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Jameson on 28 June 2010, 09:53:24 pm
Violette and Tiff (welcome, btw), your words are like gold. I'm about ready to string up my heels and say f the whole SD situation. Today had been extremely disheartening and I was ready to take a frying pan up a man's head today. I haven't dabbled in dating sites but I wonder truly how much, they would help me and my situation. I agree with you ladies that you should never come off too needy. but what if you are needy? Lol? then what? Fake til you make it?

I mean I'm not exactly needy-- no. But I want some things. That cannot be denied. Today has made me so weak, and the idea of gameplaying makes me nauseous. :(  But at the end of the day I still want the gifts and cash. I smell a serious dilemma..... I need some kind words.

Damn right, fake it til you make it! Just don't hurt anybody with that frying pan!  ;D

And thank you for your welcome. With some guys, it's a waiting game. With MOST of them, it's a total game. Some guys will take you to every fine restaurant in town before he even mentions any sort of thing. Some guys play the game just to see if you'll hang around after he's shown himself to be mentally unstable or in some way undesirable. Try your best to take care of yourself in the process, and only take a SD date if you have the time around escorting.

I don't know, Violette. I've had some of the worst luck with the married ones. I absolutely dread getting another woman's 'problem child'. I've only had two married men that absolutely got the concept, mainly because they were emotionally mature enough to understand that they loved their wives, but their libido and bank accounts afford them the luxury of more than one woman.  The rest of my friends have been single, and being financially stable helps with weeding through the socially awkward ones that are in essence looking for a financially dependent puppy.

You have to be selective AND patient in this process as well. I mean like escorting selective. Don't discriminate on the physical characteristics, but more on personality and emotional stability. You notice the slightest hint that he needs you to feel better about himself, you're lower than he is, I don't care what he offers, don't do it. I know that some guys even do it as an act, just to see if you'll deal with anything for the money, so being too understanding will come off as being desperate. Never be afraid to be selective. All money isn't good money, as my mom would say.

Best of luck to you.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Mary on 28 June 2010, 10:04:17 pm
i agree with you 1000% Tiffani on being discriminating, mentally/emotionally, i feel like I have my weirdo radar on 24/7. I have yet to really swim the sugardaddy dating site seas yet...but alot of you have mention Seeking Arrangement...are there any other people have had good luck with? I'm feeling knackered from all the ups and downs, not even sure if I'd like to try again.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jewel on 29 June 2010, 01:25:29 am
Hello again, everyone, I haven't been around for a while - I had a life  :o and now I'm back and almost late for this beautiful thread!
I've been a kept woman for a year in London and although I'd agree with most here saying that having a SD is a time consuming business, I'd also say that it can work for you if you know what you want. To explain - it was my last year at the Uni, all my time was divided between the Uni, the library and the clinic, I didn't always get to sleep, forget work. So I gave an ad in a newspaper (an alluring young lady is looking for an affluent and lavish older gentleman for a mutually beneficial long-term relationship, exactly these words, will never forget them) and 3 days later (no kidding) I had what I wanted. It was a comfortable arrangement, a monthly allowance to cover my rent, bills, etc, and some shopping trips on the side so I could give all my attention to studies and not worry about bills. And since he encouraged my studies, I would always show up with my papers and laptop and work till silly hours and he would be happy just looking at me. There wasn't much going into my savings account but at that time it wasn't important, I needed to have the basics covered regularly.
A year after this relationship ended, I tried some SD site. As Tiffani here said - never let a man think you need him. This has always been my motto. If he sees you need him - you'll have to play by his rules. It's only when he knows that you couldn't care less when he starts needing you and then you can lay out your rules. And it's with this attitude that I met a few nice well-off men through that site, and, as someone suggested here on the thread (sorry, don't remember who now) I thought that since we all know the rules of the game, I'll let them come to me with what they have to offer. But after a few dates and presents, there were no offers so I didn't persue them. But playing like I didn't need them helped me realise that I DIDN'T need them and I left the site knowing it was time well wasted.
If you go on with your hunt for long enough, you are bound to find someone. The trouble with English blokes is that they are extra cautious. They are not going to pay you for a month only to have you gone 3 days later. 
So if you have time to spare, do give it a go, even if only for "been there, done it" tick. You can end it anytime you're not happy, remember? If they are whiny/ needy, you can go and look for others. Just don't expect to be paid by the hour. And don't expect it to be easy - no relationship is, especially if money is involved.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Violette on 29 June 2010, 08:33:16 am
My general approach is quite goal oriented. Acquiring an SD is as all who know, a rather time consuming business. To be honest, if I just wanted an SD for the nicer things in life, I wouldn't really bother. Too much hassle for the odd designer bag or outfit. I tend to acquire an SD for larger projects, such as support for returning back to school, payment of the little ones school fees, really important things. Now because I looking at it from the stand point of a project, I apply the principles of project management to the exercise. So, I manage the SD relationship. I will create  a project outline for the SD relationship I am embarking upon. I know this sounds so heartless, but it does help to keep the focus of what the original project is all about. This does take a great deal of dis association from the possible emotional issues that can arise, but if you are managing a project, you do of course have to factor in for this. As with all long term projects, there needs to be constant reassessment to determine if the original purpose of the project is being met; if the terms and conditions are being adhered to. You need to do this after ever meeting, keep a diary if necessary.

Now I know this is a rather clinical approach to take when dealing with interpersonal relationships, but let's be honest it is a business arrangement, and needs to be handled as such.

Now ask yourself, are you getting what you need from this person at this time in your life? If the answer is yes, then learning new coping factors to manage the situation may be necessary, if the answer is no? To what percentage is it no? Is it a total loss at 100%, or is there still some redeeming elements available for salvaging? Also, some hard core self assessment may be called for. Start with where you are now, and work from there.  

xx Violette
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Mary on 29 June 2010, 01:14:29 pm
Professor Violette, I agree. My motive is a large goal(s), one being a shiny new piece of swag with a steering wheel, heat, AC, 4 tires, and hopefully a blue and white checkered emblem emblazoned on the front. As well some investment money for a company I'm trying to start. Oh and my return to school as well.  :D (Too ambitious for my own good.) I am quite the planner, so your suggestion is one that falls right up my alley.  For the acquisition of the previous mentioned items I'm willing to do the time. Unless life throws me another bone.

Violette you really should think about creating some sort of Whoring for Dummies book or trivia set, I'd do the press and marketing of course!!!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SnakeLady on 02 July 2010, 02:26:07 pm
Wow, I'm really pleased this thread has taken off again with so many experienced ladies contributing. Thanks for that! There are so many things which confuse me about SD relationships, so here are a few questions.
Those who really know the deal and know they don't have the time for a LTR will anyway (your profile should say what you're open to, whether that's a LTR or NSA friendship.).

I take it LTR stands for a Long Term Relationship. But what does NSA friendship mean?
Honestly anything you gain from a Sugardaddy relationship is meant to help your life, not to stop your life. I would not stop being an escort at all for a man unless you were about to be married. Even then it should be a gateway to following your dreams of making money in other ways.

This is what confuses me. Reading various posts it seems that as a Sugar Babe you wouldn't mention/admit to being an escort alongside your SD relationship/s. But how would that secrecy not get in the way of leading your life? Apart from the burden of keeping secrets from a man whom you periodically see a lot more of, surely there must be a conflict if he expects to see you when you already planned your tour/bookings with other clients?
And when some of you mention marriage I presume you mean marrying for money, or am I wrong? Because if Sugar Daddies are only after a bit of fun and not a serious relationship, then how comes some of them want to marry their babes?
I'm not pointing fingers here. It's just that I don't get monogamy best of times* so find it difficult to understand the whole leap from "this relationship is not serious cause I'm with someone else (so it's OK to keep secrets then)" to "oh wait, I'm single again so now I love you very much, let's get married despite all secrets we've been keeping from each other" mentality.
~ SnakeLady

*I simply capitalize on it, since so many men wish to pretend being monogamous.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Jameson on 02 July 2010, 04:10:47 pm
Wow, I'm really pleased this thread has taken off again with so many experienced ladies contributing. Thanks for that! There are so many things which confuse me about SD relationships, so here are a few questions.
I take it LTR stands for a Long Term Relationship. But what does NSA friendship mean?

Hello Sweets!

NSA is No Strings Attached.
This is what confuses me. Reading various posts it seems that as a Sugar Babe you wouldn't mention/admit to being an escort alongside your SD relationship/s. But how would that secrecy not get in the way of leading your life? Apart from the burden of keeping secrets from a man whom you periodically see a lot more of, surely there must be a conflict if he expects to see you when you already planned your tour/bookings with other clients?
And when some of you mention marriage I presume you mean marrying for money, or am I wrong? Because if Sugar Daddies are only after a bit of fun and not a serious relationship, then how comes some of them want to marry their babes?

The thing about me that I'm aware that a lot of people aren't able to do, is I compartmentalize. There is the 'normal' me who wants to date, have a real life, and get married. I'm not into frivolous sex AT ALL, and dating me can mean months going without it. I'm a mom to a young lady I have to show how to be a woman, and I have a great career outside of this, so I'm not hard up for the money. It just so happens the kind of man that I would hope to find usually have profiles on  Sugardaddy sites. 

If you haven't shopped around on the sites, from bad to good, there are men who are looking simply for wayward pretty girls to make a fool of, then there are married men who can't/won't get a divorce, but looking to have a beautiful lady on retainer for trips and occasional romance, there are single busy men that are looking for the same thing, and then there are those looking for an understanding woman who can be there for them in a Long Term capacity. Most SANE men with money tend to be realists. They understand the odds of running across the love of their lives at the market are slim to none. And finding a woman they don't have to take care of is even slimmer. I am highly selective, and most of these rich bastards get turned down FLAT because I would hope that there would be more than money that would keep us together. When I meet someone, I am not considered a Sugarbaby, therefore my availability is not an issue. And normally when I meet someone worth it, I am not a Service Provider, since my 'companion' self  only exists to service my physical needs.

Then there is the 'companion' me, who's accepted the fact that she's single, and seeks to enjoy every opportunity with the strangers she meets. I'm open-minded, as this industry affords me the freedom to not worry about what the men I meet think of me. I don't use the SD sites for NSA arrangements, as that's what the escort industry is for. FOR ME.  And as a fact, MOST sugardaddies see escorts.

I'm not pointing fingers here. It's just that I don't get monogamy best of times* so find it difficult to understand the whole leap from "this relationship is not serious cause I'm with someone else (so it's OK to keep secrets then)" to "oh wait, I'm single again so now I love you very much, let's get married despite all secrets we've been keeping from each other" mentality.

You know what? I don't get monogamy either! LOL Even in my civvie life it's not a requirement for a suitor, just the respect of not knowing. The advice I have given in this thread are for women who are young, and looking to get ahead without the hassle. (I try not to give advice based on who I am. I know I'm an odd lot!LOL) Because the SD bit can be quite taxing because it attempts to mingle civvie dating and prostitution in one, it's best for the young ladies open to it to be ahead of the pack in their understanding of who you're going to meet (I'm the oldest of 17 siblings. It's not unusual to find me on a soapbox trying to get the youngfolk to listen.).

I am a firm believer in less headaches in life, and the more we accept our humanity (which is inclusive of NOT being monogamous by nature) the better off we'll be.

I hope this explains more.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cassie on 03 July 2010, 12:23:28 am
I agree with what Miss Jameson and Violette are saying apart from this bit regarding monogamy.

Even in my civvie life it's not a requirement for a suitor, just the respect of not knowing.

I am happy to be in a non monogamous relationship, as long as this is what we have both agreed on and are open and honest about out other dalliances. I don?t mean giving each other a blow by blow account or flaunting it in the others face, but just having the courteousy to say that we have met or are meeting another person and have had or may have sex with them.
To me honesty in a relationship is the most important thing and my 'partner' screwing around behind my back would really upset me, which apart from my age means SD is out of the question.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Jameson on 03 July 2010, 02:57:51 am
Hey sweetheart, these sound like two conflicting statements. I kinda think I know where you're coming from, so clarify me if I'm wrong:

I am happy to be in a non monogamous relationship, as long as this is what we have both agreed on and are open and honest about out other dalliances. I don?t mean giving each other a blow by blow account or flaunting it in the others face, but just having the courteousy to say that we have met or are meeting another person and have had or may have sex with them.

If you're in a civvie relationship, a nonmonogamous relationship can be the love of your life, cause it's one where you can be free to be human, make mistakes, and not be in danger of the dramatic.

To me honesty in a relationship is the most important thing and my 'partner' screwing around behind my back would really upset me, which apart from my age means SD is out of the question.

This is where it get's tricky for me: The 'honesty in relationship' and SD situation is two different things: unless you're already in a relationship. I can understand how having a SD when you're in a committed relationship WHILE you're a working girl would be redundant and a waste of energy. I wouldn't want one either LOL! Or somebody would have to go.

As far as your age is concerned, in my opinion, I'm a big believer in living your life first, being allowed to mature between the ages of 18-25 before investing in anyone emotionally until you've 'made your rounds in life' so to speak. But if you're lucky enough to find that person that makes you happy, accepts the ever-changing you just the way you are during this period in your life, you should consider yourself very lucky. At my age, I don't have time to waste on emotionally dead-beat men. If you don't multifunction i.e. sugardaddy-boyfriend or  generous anonymous lover, it's time to move on!

But for those ladies between the ages of 18 and 25 , and I'm pretty sure the other old birds would agree with me, you're at a time in your life where men prey on you because of your naivety, because you think you know everything right now. I don't care what you've been through, or what you've pulled yourself through, you are not the woman you will be in 10 years.  And I'm sure I'm not the lady that I'll be in 10 years. In getting into a SD relationship, and in this business, you have to be strong, cause it's easy to let these days make who you are 10 years from now a bitter shell of a woman. In asking a question like this one and getting great advice from the great ladies on this board, I hope it makes a positive difference in your lives and experiences.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lucy Chambers on 03 July 2010, 07:22:28 pm
mmm. Forgive me my naivety, but it looks to me like a sd relationship is very much like a fling where you don't like the guy particularly, just milk him for available benefits and then flit when you can. Is this a true and honest transaction? I think not. And to be honest, my relationships are the ones I don't charge for...
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Jameson on 03 July 2010, 08:24:24 pm
mmm. Forgive me my naivety, but it looks to me like a sd relationship is very much like a fling where you don't like the guy particularly, just milk him for available benefits and then flit when you can.

Naivety forgiven sweetheart :-*. In so many ways, you're right. In a perfect world, that is. But you're looking at it one-sided. You're assuming that he's going to be so blinded by your beauty that he just passes you anything that you want. That he'll be some hobbit drooling over you and you're going to call the shots. Not always the case. If a lady is not careful, she'll barely escape wondering who actually came out on top. If it's the money you're after, that's NOTHING to some men to make a complete ass out of a woman. To rob her emotionally and show her how low she really is. Like putting pearls on a pig. That's why I stress being smart.

Is this a true and honest transaction? I think not.

And you're correct again. Being in a SD relationship isn't for the stupid or the faint of heart. Because, like I said, it attempts to be prostitution only in a round-about way. Like having a prossie on retainer. But it's essential that you like the person that you're in any relationship with. Even something as simple as an hour transaction. The less humanity you see in a person and vice versa the dirtier you feel.

And to be honest, my relationships are the ones I don't charge for...

Now this is debatable. I believe that we all pay. We're all being charged. Either you're paying a financial toll or an emotional one. It's these inequalities in human relationships that make life interesting. It's how you view and handle these inequalities that make us who we are. No relationship is without price. You might as well be smart in the process.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lucy Chambers on 03 July 2010, 08:39:22 pm
Hi Tiffany

Excellent point. However, for me the emotional price of a relationship cannot be priced or valued. I think the problem I have with this is that to put a price on something therefore makes it..available. I am a escort, I price per hour. I am also a fun loving, sensual, sex loving princess. This has no fee, as it is mine to share as I see fit. This is where I find the difference between Lucy and me. There has to be a element of truth in my life, I do not judge, I merely comment.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Jameson on 04 July 2010, 05:36:14 am
Hi Tiffany

Excellent point. However, for me the emotional price of a relationship cannot be priced or valued. I think the problem I have with this is that to put a price on something therefore makes it..available. I am a escort, I price per hour. I am also a fun loving, sensual, sex loving princess. This has no fee, as it is mine to share as I see fit. This is where I find the difference between Lucy and me. There has to be a element of truth in my life, I do not judge, I merely comment.

Of course we're commenting, I hope I don't come across as judgement or arguing (well debate was definitely one of my favorite subjects LOL). But we're saying the same thing. There are ladies who couldn't be escorts and keep themselves in all of this. Throwing in a SD in that mix can be unnerving. I agree with you wholeheartedly. You never compromise yourself in any of life's processes. Whether it's relationships, escorting or Sugardaddies. And the freedom to be ourselves in any of these situations is priceless.

I wear so many hats and play so many roles in life, but they all coincide for one cause: and that is the benefit of XXXX(my name here) and xxxx (my daughter's name here). My version of being safe is to hypercompartmentalize my roles, but never lose who I am. I am always that smart, witty, sexually charged queen that I am!LOL It's redundant for me to look for a sugardaddy, cause I'm looking for a relationship. Plus I'm no where near a sugarbaby. I own my condo, still paying for one my younger sisters live in (incall gone wrong. Another long story), and I own two of the three cars I have. While I'm not in a relationship, my sexual prowess has a price. When I find someone that makes me happy, and hopefully for good, Tiffani Jameson will retire and she shall be no more. All the fun she had or will have had I hope to have with one person. Yes, I am monogamous. I'm just a realist. I don't expect anyone else to be.

But somewhere on this board is a 20 year old Uni student that is struggling to buy her books, keep a flat and keep herself fed. She has turned to this industry to help herself out. And in thinking about her life, she thinks instead of several tricks, how about ONE GOOD trick? In theory, it's safer, and the odds of encountering a problem reduce drastically. There are also ladies here that think, 'I wonder if a really rich guy knew that I wanted to buy my own flat, or nice car, how much help can I get? At my current rate WITH my bills I can be on my back til 2012.' (of course this is an exaggeration ladies) Honestly SD relationships are no different than what we're doing now. Except it's a LOT slower. Most times, if you find one with a modicum of brains, he's under no illusions that you're going to be together forever. Then there are the 'teet hangers' as Miss Violette would say LOL. Hell, YOU might end up the teet hanger! Most are not as ugly, dull and fat as you think. LOL You can't predict people's feelings. Sometimes things that start out really good don't end up that way.

I hope nothing I said on this thread came across as you shouldn't enjoy any part of your life, or be yourself. Yes, I have said fake it til you make it, but I meant in the sense of your possessions. With some guys, you can't just tell them 'I'm accustomed to the finer things in life. You WILL keep me in the lifestyle I'm accustomed' and you don't have a decent pair of shoes to your name. If you're doing too bad, it's a chance he thinks that no one has your back, and you're desperate for his help. This is not a good idea. It's almost always a losing game. Getting a man's help to pay off your flat, pay tuition, or help with the kid's private education, is easy when he sees you have goals. But once you've put yourself out there on the right foot,  you've got to decipher through the losers. Just like in any arena, you always have a choice.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lucy Chambers on 04 July 2010, 06:13:07 am
Hi Tiffany

Excellent point. However, for me the emotional price of a relationship cannot be priced or valued. I think the problem I have with this is that to put a price on something therefore makes it..available. I am a escort, I price per hour. I am also a fun loving, sensual, sex loving princess. This has no fee, as it is mine to share as I see fit. This is where I find the difference between Lucy and me. There has to be a element of truth in my life, I do not judge, I merely comment.

Of course we're commenting, I hope I don't come across as judgement or arguing (well debate was definitely one of my favorite subjects LOL). But we're saying the same thing. There are ladies who couldn't be escorts and keep themselves in all of this. Throwing in a SD in that mix can be unnerving. I agree with you wholeheartedly. You never compromise yourself in any of life's processes. Whether it's relationships, escorting or Sugardaddies. And the freedom to be ourselves in any of these situations is priceless.

I wear so many hats and play so many roles in life, but they all coincide for one cause: and that is the benefit of XXXX(my name here) and xxxx (my daughter's name here). My version of being safe is to hypercompartmentalize my roles, but never lose who I am. I am always that smart, witty, sexually charged queen that I am!LOL It's redundant for me to look for a sugardaddy, cause I'm looking for a relationship. Plus I'm no where near a sugarbaby. I own my condo, still paying for one my younger sisters live in (incall gone wrong. Another long story), and I own two of the three cars I have. While I'm not in a relationship, my sexual prowess has a price. When I find someone that makes me happy, and hopefully for good, Tiffani Jameson will retire and she shall be no more. All the fun she had or will have had I hope to have with one person. Yes, I am monogamous. I'm just a realist. I don't expect anyone else to be.

But somewhere on this board is a 20 year old Uni student that is struggling to buy her books, keep a flat and keep herself fed. She has turned to this industry to help herself out. And in thinking about her life, she thinks instead of several tricks, how about ONE GOOD trick? In theory, it's safer, and the odds of encountering a problem reduce drastically. There are also ladies here that think, 'I wonder if a really rich guy knew that I wanted to buy my own flat, or nice car, how much help can I get? At my current rate WITH my bills I can be on my back til 2012.' (of course this is an exaggeration ladies) Honestly SD relationships are no different than what we're doing now. Except it's a LOT slower. Most times, if you find one with a modicum of brains, he's under no illusions that you're going to be together forever. Then there are the 'teet hangers' as Miss Violette would say LOL. Hell, YOU might end up the teet hanger! Most are not as ugly, dull and fat as you think. LOL You can't predict people's feelings. Sometimes things that start out really good don't end up that way.

I hope nothing I said on this thread came across as you shouldn't enjoy any part of your life, or be yourself. Yes, I have said fake it til you make it, but I meant in the sense of your possessions. With some guys, you can't just tell them 'I'm accustomed to the finer things in life. You WILL keep me in the lifestyle I'm accustomed' and you don't have a decent pair of shoes to your name. If you're doing too bad, it's a chance he thinks that no one has your back, and you're desperate for his help. This is not a good idea. It's almost always a losing game. Getting a man's help to pay off your flat, pay tuition, or help with the kid's private education, is easy when he sees you have goals. But once you've put yourself out there on the right foot,  you've got to decipher through the losers. Just like in any arena, you always have a choice.

My apologies Tiffani. I was speaking for myself...I think perhaps I am in danger of becoming a pompous twit! I couldn't have a sd relationship, but good luck to those that can! x
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Miss Jameson on 04 July 2010, 06:42:51 am
No need to apologize ???. You are on a public forum full of public opinions. You could never be a twit. And we all have our boundaries and limitations so be as pompous as you wish to be ;) I wish you the best in all your endeavors.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cassie on 04 July 2010, 11:23:39 pm
Right Tiffani, bear with me, because this will take a bit of thought,
Hey sweetheart, these sound like two conflicting statements. I kinda think I know where you're coming from, so clarify me if I'm wrong:
I don?t mean it to be conflicting

I am happy to be in a non monogamous relationship, as long as this is what we have both agreed on and are open and honest about out other dalliances. I don?t mean giving each other a blow by blow account or flaunting it in the others face, but just having the courteousy to say that we have met or are meeting another person and have had or may have sex with them.

If you're in a civvie relationship, a nonmonogamous relationship can be the love of your life, cause it's one where you can be free to be human, make mistakes, and not be in danger of the dramatic.
Yes, that?s what I mean.

To me honesty in a relationship is the most important thing and my 'partner' screwing around behind my back would really upset me, which apart from my age means SD is out of the question.

This is where it get's tricky for me: The 'honesty in relationship' and SD situation is two different things: unless you're already in a relationship. I can understand how having a SD when you're in a committed relationship WHILE you're a working girl would be redundant and a waste of energy. I wouldn't want one either LOL! Or somebody would have to go.

Generally I agree with what you are saying. Honesty in a civvie and committed relationship is a must for me, where as I think a degree of dishonesty would be necessary in a SD relationship, for instance I would not feel it necessary to tell a SD that I was a working prossie or if I had a partner. Though I also agree that it would be too much hard work juggling a committed relationship and a SD.

As far as your age is concerned, in my opinion, I'm a big believer in living your life first, being allowed to mature between the ages of 18-25 before investing in anyone emotionally until you've 'made your rounds in life' so to speak. But if you're lucky enough to find that person that makes you happy, accepts the ever-changing you just the way you are during this period in your life, you should consider yourself very lucky. At my age, I don't have time to waste on emotionally dead-beat men. If you don't multifunction i.e. sugardaddy-boyfriend or  generous anonymous lover, it's time to move on!

But for those ladies between the ages of 18 and 25 , and I'm pretty sure the other old birds would agree with me, you're at a time in your life where men prey on you because of your naivety, because you think you know everything right now. I don't care what you've been through, or what you've pulled yourself through, you are not the woman you will be in 10 years.  And I'm sure I'm not the lady that I'll be in 10 years. In getting into a SD relationship, and in this business, you have to be strong, cause it's easy to let these days make who you are 10 years from now a bitter shell of a woman. In asking a question like this one and getting great advice from the great ladies on this board, I hope it makes a positive difference in your lives and experiences

The reason I mention my age getting in the way of me having a SD is because I am too old for it, lol, I?m older than you Tiffani.
But in my younger years I would have been too vulnerable to do cope with that sort of relationship and would have been open to being exploited. Now that I am more experience and have given up on finding ?the one? I think I?d be ok with being a mistress, as long as my benefactor lived abroad and would only visit a couple of times a month and not care what I got up to when he was not around.

Hi Tiffany

Excellent point. However, for me the emotional price of a relationship cannot be priced or valued. I think the problem I have with this is that to put a price on something therefore makes it..available. I am a escort, I price per hour. I am also a fun loving, sensual, sex loving princess. This has no fee, as it is mine to share as I see fit. This is where I find the difference between Lucy and me. There has to be a element of truth in my life, I do not judge, I merely comment.

I partly agree here, one can?t put a value on the emotional aspect of a relationship, but there is also a financial aspect to a civvie relationship, if you are committed you automatically share the cost of things, buy each other gifts, etc. The difference is that there isn?t a fixed rate and normally not a demand for payment per service. As one client said it?s cheaper visiting a prossie regularly that having a wife.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Blue on 05 August 2010, 03:04:14 pm
How do you word a profile to basically sounds like money/gifts in exchange for sex but without saying that.?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: HunnyBun on 21 December 2010, 12:33:48 pm

So I think I've got myself a sugar daddy (met off SeekingArrangement), hes asked if he can pay me per date rather than a monthly allowance as he thinks its 'easier'. However, I thought the whole point of having a sugar daddy was that they were meant to pay you monthly rather than per date (which seems closer to escorting)?

He's also told me that 'when I feel comfotable' he will need my bank details which I'm uncomfortable about -as I gave him a fake name etc. However, he's warned me there will be times when he has to cancel in future, and so I'm worried I'm going to get a bit screwed over.

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: EmilyJones on 21 December 2010, 01:03:51 pm
It sounds to me like your gut is giving you plenty of warnings; the impression I get is that you're feeling cautious about this man, and I am in complete agreement.

There's no reason you can't play it by ear and see how it goes, but you'll need to manage the situation with lots of care and attention to the details (and attention to your gut instincts). Of course you can try a date or two and see what you think in person, see if he really does pay you and treat you with respect (but without any creepy obsessiveness). Just bear in mind all the caution that you'd have were you to meet a new client in a strange place: Cash BEFORE any sex, always, don't be alone with him without letting someone know where you're going (i.e. if he says his money is upstairs in the hotel, don't just dash up there to "find it" with him without telling him you need to call your security and let them know first). All that usual safety stuff applies - but if you're doing all that, there's no reason a potentially great sugar-daddy relationship couldn't still blossom, it would just require him to abide by your boundaries and rules. :)

And trust me, the fastest way to find out if a man is "secretly" a total f*cking nutcase is to start implementing boundaries and rules. If he doesn't understand why he can't call you 100 times at 4am, you know he's a bit insane. If he doesn't understand why you won't just drop your knickers when he waves cash at you, then he clearly doesn't think much of you. If he doesn't understand why you might not tell him your real name, then he just doesn't give a damn about your safety (or worse, thinks his curiosity is more important than you not getting stalked). And so on, etc etc. I think you'll be fine playing this situation by ear cos it's obvious that you've thought a lot about potential negative consequences as well as potential benefits, and so you just need to keep weighing it up sensibly like that. :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: HunnyBun on 21 December 2010, 01:17:21 pm
Thanks for the advice Emily!

So this is what I'm you think its ok to get paid for the first date alone, and then say that on the second date I would like the rest of the months money?

As I'm not sure if hes genuinely worried I may do a runner with his money if he paid me for the full month on our first date..

So meeting up with him for a second date would give him a little reassurance that I weasnt going to be doing a runner no?

I'm  just sensing that hes going to have too much control if its 'per' date as I'm at his beck & call.

And if hes not willing to pay the full monthly amount on our second date, then he probably cant actually afford it anyway?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: EmilyJones on 21 December 2010, 01:30:21 pm
I think, in all honesty, that a genuine sugar-daddy relationship takes time to build. What would the problem be with being paid per date to begin with? That way, one or both of you can at least easily and without guilt cancel the relationship at any point, should you discover that you don't get along.

He sounds very cautious but if some young lad came up to me and said I should give him a grand now for sex later, well, I can't say I'd want it either way :-X but you know what I mean. I'd never pay for my haircuts in a yearly lump sum! What if I wanted to try a different salon? Or the hairdresser turned out to be totally mad and disappeared to Bermuda?

I think you could benefit from the pay-per-date system for these reasons, too. He might turn out to be completely insane and the last thing you want is him accusing you of robbing him if he doesn't think you're reciprocating enough in return for him paying a full monthly fee.

If you don't want to be at his beck and call, why would you accept a monthly fee from him in the first place? This is where the stuff about boundaries that I wrote in the above post would come in; you'll need to both set rules in place that you are both happy with, and then allow mutual friendship and trust to (hopefully) develop naturally.

As for him not being able to afford it... well, that's another reason for taking it slow, right? The best thing about escorting is that it's like having dozens of sugar-daddies and if one gets poor, I wave him a sorrowful goodbye (and point him towards a good parlour, if he asks!). This is the only way not to be at the beck and call of any individual man, unless you manage to get yourself that magical unicorn of a bloke - i.e. he wants to pay you five grand a month and isn't bothered if you only answer one of his phonecalls a year!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: naughtyjas on 21 December 2010, 01:47:12 pm
If he wants to pay you per date then he is no different to a regular client and I would treat him like one.

If he want to be a sugar daddy then surely he needs to play by the rules as well?  Maybe he just wants the extras of being in a relationship (phone calls, texts, e-mails etc) but at the price and convenience of being with an escort.  In my opinion that is not fair on you.  If wants to pay you like he would pay an escort then he needs to abide by your escorting rules.

If he wants to be a sugar daddy then he needs to act like one.  I can understand his warriness/suspicion, there are just as many women out there who 'pull a fast one' as there are men.  I think you should explain your side of things to him and take it from there.  You could always go a few pay as you go dates, but make sure he knows your boundaries.

Or maybe he is just someone who 'does not have to pay for it and is most definately not the type of person who would pay an escort'  ::).  So he thinks that by being a sugar daddy he is not really paying for sex  ???  If that's the case then I think that he will go on one or maybe two dates and you'll never hear from him again.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Jas x
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: HunnyBun on 22 December 2010, 12:56:34 am
Ok, so I have another question. As I mentioned I?ve signed up to one of the sugar daddy websites and a guy has contacted me offering to take me shopping.. Now I happen to be a girl with expensive taste and was wandering what is acceptable amount to spend. E.g. should I spend the equivalent of what I would usually charge for 3hrs of my time?

This is part of his message:

'I am in London next week with a friend - 27th and 28th. Would you be available for dinner i wonder? Staying at (hotel name)... next week's trip with my friend Steve is all about good food, drink, shopping and if you can handle that - would love to hear from you!'

Does this sound reasonable to you? The guy doesn?t know I escort..
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Trafford on 22 December 2010, 08:25:30 am
Ok, so I have another question. As I mentioned I?ve signed up to one of the sugar daddy websites and a guy has contacted me offering to take me shopping.. Now I happen to be a girl with expensive taste and was wandering what is acceptable amount to spend. E.g. should I spend the equivalent of what I would usually charge for 3hrs of my time?

This is part of his message:

'I am in London next week with a friend - 27th and 28th. Would you be available for dinner i wonder? Staying at (hotel name)... next week's trip with my friend Steve is all about good food, drink, shopping and if you can handle that - would love to hear from you!'

Does this sound reasonable to you? The guy doesn?t know I escort..

Are you happy to have sex with him and his mate Steve in a hotel room when you have met neither before??
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: EmilyJones on 22 December 2010, 09:28:58 am
This is part of his message:

'I am in London next week with a friend - 27th and 28th. Would you be available for dinner i wonder? Staying at (hotel name)... next week's trip with my friend Steve is all about good food, drink, shopping and if you can handle that - would love to hear from you!'

"If you can handle that"?

"next week's trip... is all about... fun"?

He sounds like a fantasist and a loser. I expect that if you meet up with him and, er, Steve, you'll just end up being pressured by two idiots to go and shag them both for free. Or in exchange for a couple of drinks, if you're lucky.

This thread reminds me of why escorting is approx 1000 times better than sugar-daddy-seeking; you can dismiss all these ridiculous idiots and go straight for the, "Hello, my name is Bob and here is ?200 for you" lovely clients. :)

Don't forget the warnings that have been posted on this very site about creeps and abusers who use sugar daddy sites to find a huge pool of women who are clearly a bit desperate for quick'n'easy cash but who are, for whatever reason, not going properly pro (with associated set rates + security measures). I've heard stories of men renting flash cars to "take [you] out on a big night on the town" only to end up pressurising the woman into sex (in a cheap hotel) and getting the hell out of there when she starts asking for that ?1000 he mentioned earlier. They give fake names and addresses and probably enjoy themselves royally, messing women around and paying nothing for it.

It's not that I don't think a wise woman can't use a sugar daddy to get a lot of good things. But... if there were 100,000 wealthy chaps waiting out there to pepper us with ?50 notes, don't you think we'd all have a couple of them on hand? :) It's much more common that even a full-time working girl will only have one super-generous and rich client at a time; even full-time sugar babies rarely find it possible to maintain a continuous and beneficial relationship with a rich man without both parties wondering if they're getting screwed over.

I recommend waiting til you get a better response from the sites, from someone who sounds sane, serious and sensible, and then take it from there. Probably don't meet anyone who's bringing along his mate Steve. ;)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: css3456 on 19 February 2011, 11:48:20 pm
Feeling a bit sad because I met up with an older man recently who was very interesting and we had a great time. I thought it might be my first experience of sugar daddying. Until he started going off about hookers and how he would never pay for it and how I was such a nice girl. And how he had been suckered in by someone who then suggested that he help her with her bills. Ugh.

It was kind of disappointing because I was hoping it might turn into something. How do you go about getting a real sugar daddy?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: amy on 20 February 2011, 12:04:45 am
Hi Css  :)

There are a few threads on the subject on the forum already - this is the longest, I think but if you use the Search box there are others. Since the idea is about as far away from honest whoring as it's possible to get, they ought to mostly be here in Off-topic.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lorelei on 20 February 2011, 08:35:16 am
I've been on Seeking Arrangement for about three weeks now, but I don't seem to be getting anywhere with any of the correspondents. Most of them seem somewhat late and not very interested in replying. My reply to one of them that "I prefer to be who I am rather than who others want me to be" didn't help much either probably - I'm just a newbie myself looking to start out in the industry.  ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Friday on 20 February 2011, 01:57:00 pm
I signed up for fun lol Do these men reall exist? surely its just "GFE" at the end of the day lol  ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: LouLou37 on 20 February 2011, 05:51:44 pm
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Meg_Foster on 23 February 2011, 01:09:59 am
Read a NYT of 2009, there were 10x as many women on the site as men...and well...makes sense, we get on for free, they pay.

I'm back stateside and honestly thought it would be an easy way to ease out of escort work...and to give me something to do until I finish school in a few months and figure out where/what I'll be doing for the next substantial, makes sense to date chunk of time.

Overall, got inexperienced guys, guys who ultimately wanted an escort, guys who were just plain awkward, guys who wanted long-term fetish relationships...

I'm not sure if I'm too selective on that site...with escorting, I generally liked pretty much 70 or 80% of my clients and would have been happy to have a long-term, non-exclusive, more personal relationship with them...but most of the guys looking for that on this website seem like just duds...
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Meg_Foster on 23 February 2011, 01:14:04 am
For those of you who have experience in this in-between-escorting-and-dating wierd space, what is your selection criteria? More like repeat-client-selection, more like real-world dating?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Friday on 23 February 2011, 02:22:00 am
Well I signed up for interest and im pleasantly suprised that i dont appear to be being harassed by time wasters! lol

I have had one serious enquiry from a business men who'll be in the area in a couple of months and to be honest its basicly worded like an escort booking as I expected so all good so far lol

I think being an escort is fine as i am but im not sure how it works if you sign up hoping for companionship/non sexual meets.. ?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Cesca on 26 February 2011, 09:56:41 pm

I think some escorts get it wrong about sites like SD & Seeking, that it's basically just for 'work'. Yes, there will be men who will want a 'arrangement' and there will be other men who will want a loving lasting relationship which is normal.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Cesca on 26 February 2011, 10:03:00 pm
do you mention your escorting site in your profile? Or is it an absolute no?

5. Can I advertise my services (e.g. escort, dating services)?

No. You may not advertise your services on Anyone caught doing so, will have their account cancelled and will be banned from using our website. Please do not advertise your dating services or escort services on our website. Advertising such services violates our User Agreement, and as such you may be accessing our website without authorization or permission from us. Unauthorized access is a felony offense, and we reserve the right to seek legal action against you.

I dont get it. I dont fucking get it. They have a photo of a man with 1,000 worth of bills, and 2 women kissing on 1 man. If its not escorting, what is it?


The images show prosperity and wealth. And a nice couple kissing and flirting. Doesn't exactly mean it's for escorting. It's to meet refined gentlemen and go on dates as a companion with a bit of fun.  It's to attract the types who are interested in meeting Miss right and Mr right. It's completely different to the local dating sites like 'dating direct' ''
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sandraxxx on 15 June 2011, 05:26:36 am
Hello everyone,

Hope you're all well :)
I've just registered on a SugarDaddy site and was wondering if I could have any advise of how to approach or discuss any of my financial situation with them. What am I suppose to do if I get invited for lunch/dinner?
I don't have a clue so any replies would be appreciated.


Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Newbabe on 15 June 2011, 08:29:09 am
Have you specified in your ad that your expecting an allowance/compensation of sorts? Im assuming yes.   In my experience, Sugar Daddys are often also escort clients,  ( Thats how I met the two I had)  but ones who are either total tossers like many on the Sugar Daddy sites hoping to get something for nothing or the Real Deal - SD's who are looking for something more meaningful to them.  Delusional either way, bless them.  The real ones dont really like to be told in the first email they want a $ amount to meet them for dinner.  Thats what I think anyways.  So its completely going against the escort system.  But if you can hook a good SD he will definitley make it worth your while ;-)

Thing is you need to play them at their game.  You need to suss them out and Sugar daddies take time.  If you have the time and inclination I would go on the dinner date and Im sure he will broach the subject.  If he doesnt then you can ask what kind of 'arrangement" did he have in mind and go from there


Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: EmilyJones on 15 June 2011, 08:54:20 am
Sandra, you can also pop "sugar daddy" into the search form to find quite a few long threads covering other people's experiences and ideas.

I've found that dealing with the very wealthy clients who want something more like a sugardaddy/sugarbaby relationship is tricky enough already, without having to comb through a bunch of idiots (after freebies or even just free tedious sex chat) like Newbabe mentioned on a website first. Men can be very volatile and emotional creatures but if you're good at sussing them out and are capable of taking the utmost advantage of them (and I don't even mean that in a bad way! Just taking what you want while giving what he wants, etc) without getting annoyed, bored or tired then you can probably make some extra money from it.

As you can probably imagine from my post, though, I much prefer a straight-forward transaction exchanging hours for cash sans neediness/emotional crap. ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Claudia Reina on 15 June 2011, 10:49:46 am

As you can probably imagine from my post, though, I much prefer a straight-forward transaction exchanging hours for cash sans neediness/emotional crap. ;D

I can't agree more! I've tried to find a sugardaddy and it was frustrating to say the least. They were worse than my worst clients...One of the guys wrote me a mail at say 11 AM and I responded only at 5 PM, he was desperate and he sent me at least 5 mails during this time all of them asking why don't I reply him, what did he do wrong?  ::) Most of them were like this: "oh, Claudia, these photos are very nice, I like you" "great, can we arrange a date?" " oh, no, not just yet, not before you sent me a photo where you are in a cow costume with your hair and face painted green, with a dildo in your left hand and a condom in your right..." You get the point...or: "No, I can't meet you before you told me all your desires in a really explicit and long mail"...After one week of this I said I had enough! I value my freedom more than the money they could give  me, I will just stick to the straightforward way of escorting!
Having said that, I can imagine that I was just unlucky but I sure won't be trying again...Good luck and have patience, it may be rewarding in the end, who knows:) There are many freebie-hunters and other kinds of wankers so it's really a good idea to read the other sugardaddy thread here on Saafe, many useful infos there :D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Newbabe on 15 June 2011, 11:00:21 am
Yes spot on "Neediness"  thats definitely what I remember from my experiences.  Its like the most powerful and wealthiest guys are sometimes so desperate to be loved its crazy!!!!!  Uuughh! 
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: hot_totty on 15 June 2011, 12:09:34 pm
i can totally understand why wealthy powerful guys are needy to find love, what i dont get is why go to a site where they will find ladies who arent interested in loving them, but just want their money? it's a bit weird
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: EmilyJones on 15 June 2011, 12:37:51 pm
i can totally understand why wealthy powerful guys are needy to find love, what i dont get is why go to a site where they will find ladies who arent interested in loving them, but just want their money? it's a bit weird

It could be because they want to find love... but only with a super-hot young woman who loves to have lots of sex (but only with him) and loves to look pretty and will spend all her time looking pretty and having sex (but only with him).

It's not really surprising that super-hot young women who are prepared to have sex with men they only find mildly attractive can see their value (look at all of us here ;D although of course I know we all look different and are at different ages, but you know what I mean!) and therefore expect the older men they're dating to pay for stuff.

So these rich older men know that if they want Ms SuperYoung&Sexy they will need to pay for her time, or her Louboutins, or whatever. I'm sure they do understand the situation. And I guess they might be prepared to put up with paying for lots of those oh-so-evil "gold diggers" ::) in search of their one true love (i.e. a young hot woman who won't expect him to pay for his carnal pleasures = the holy grail, or perhaps, eventually, he'll lower his expectations to include older women or less-hot women who are also financially independent and are looking for an equal as a boyfriend but who might not be so happy to give constant blowjobs and to always agree with his decisions). I think it takes some people quite a lot of time to realise that you can't really get exactly what you want in a relationship; like buying a house, it's aaaall about compromise (or having at least three partners at a time).

It's a silly old world out there. I feel smugly content to not participate in all of that particular nonsense. ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sandraxxx on 15 June 2011, 01:34:14 pm
Thank you all for your replies. They've been a great help :))
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Kiko on 15 June 2011, 02:52:58 pm
I used that site a few years ago... I would say dont bother with it. Its full of idiots just looking for free sex. Most of them are incredibly stingy... I met up with 3 people from there. One of them was amazing! Not at all rich but yet he would take me out for dinner weekly and buy me small gifts... All for nothing! There was no physical thing between us during that time! It was a little strange... It was like going out with a friend... That lasted about 3 months.

Then there was the next person... He would come over to my place every week for a topless foot massage and coffee! He gave me a little bit of money. There was no set amount. Sometimes it was a decent amount... Sometimes not. Then one day i asked him for ?500 towards my birthday party and he happily gave it to me! Then we just drifted apart.

Then the third person... Wanting me to buy him drinks! That one lasted about 10 minutes!

But every other person i got in contact with via email was just a cheapskate posing as a rich guy hoping for free sex!

The most ridiculous thing though was the fact that at the time, you were not allowed to write on your profile anything about any sort of financial reward or expectations that you had. I personally thought that was silly. Why create a sugar daddy site but ban the use of mentioning anything about money?

Bah... Just dont waste your money! Do they still charge you to read your inbox messages too? Thieves!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Friday on 15 June 2011, 04:16:42 pm
Im on there, waste of time, I dont even get waste of time emails! lol
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Liverbird on 17 December 2011, 01:44:30 am
Was chatting with a fellow WG today. She told me that she's been a member of  for over a year and has managed to get a few 'overnighters' with the guys on there. Seems she's made a pretty good income from these arrangements on a regular basis.
Would be interested to know, has  anyone on here had a similar positive experience on this or similar sites?

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Kiko on 17 December 2011, 02:22:57 pm
I joined that site many years ago... It was terrible! Guys were just looking for free sex! And since you cant mention anything about exchange of money on your profile... Or actually you cant mention anything about money on your profile, its like a cheap dating site. And the registration fees werent cheap... Do you really want to pay x-amount of money every month just to read the ramblings of some cheap douchebag men?
I'd say your friend is very lucky...
Infact, i eventually got banned from it after some douchebag flagged me for abuse! He insulted me because i turned him down. My natural reaction back then was to insult back! And the folks at sugardaddie took the mans side... Just like adultwork... Its simple to get us escorts kicked off but damn near impossible to get the timewasting males kicked off...
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Holly T on 17 December 2011, 03:28:54 pm
I've used that site, but no longer.  It was a complete waste of time for me.

After having a previous relationship with a rich man I thought it might be an idea to give it a go.  From previous experience I seemed to equate success with togetherness - not as a human bank account.  Wasn't looking for someone to give me money at the time, yet after each date I was handed a small amount of money as a thank you.

I met several wealthy men from there.

One is currently stalking me from afar with regular e-mails telling that he fell in love with me after one dinner.  He deposits money into a bank account on a regular basis even though I've told him to stop, and I haven't touched that money with the intentions of withdrawing it and putting it through his letter box next time I'm in the area.

Another lives abroad but spends half his time in the UK for business and to see his children.  I did spend one night with him where he constantly begged me for anal sex and I'm just like, "No, get a grip or a hooker" lol.  He gave me ?40 for my taxi fare home.

And then there's the white man.  He wears white shoes, white jackets, drives a white car, hates that I didn't wear white on our date.  He wanted me to lie about my age, making me several years older to be the same age his ex wife was and wanted me to dress like his ex wife.  That was the last straw and I deactivated my profile... After taking the ?400 that he thrust into my hand the last time I saw him.

Needless to say I no longer think that successful men are very together emotionally.  And on that site they seem to either be looking for free sex or someone they can buy.  Which is fair enough, but that's not what I was looking for after being in a relationship where I had my own money and we both had the disposable income where if on a whim we felt like catching a flight to London so that we could see an exhibition or a show we did.

At the same time I was on SD, I also registered on POF... seems to me just a bunch of people looking for a string of one night stands, all at no cost to them.  Although I met someone semi-famous through POF who is an absolute gentleman, and we still meet up to go for coffee or the theatre occasionally.

So after all that rambling, just my personal opinion of dating sites is that they're not all that good to use for work.... unless your overnight rate is ?300-400.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Friday on 17 December 2011, 09:15:58 pm
I was on it, total waste of time..I haven't even had freebie hunters! lol  ::)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Liverbird on 18 December 2011, 01:36:42 am
Thank you ladies for your nuggets of wisdom regarding my enquiry.
Always great advice... helping to put it all into perspective, no matter what the problem!
I have to admit, it did sound a bit too good to be true!
But after reading your comments, it makes sense that most affluent guys who genuinly seek a younger lady to spoil, don't need to go on a shady site like that! Won't be bothering with that waste of time then :D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: amy on 18 December 2011, 01:41:40 am
Wiley if you want to read more still, typing 'sugardaddy' into the Search box came up with a lot of previous threads when I just tried it, although the general consensus has pretty much always been that honest whoring is far more straightforward than twatting about like this with the punter-but-in-denial mob.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Liverbird on 18 December 2011, 01:50:51 am
Agreed Amy! Always worth an ask tho' eh?
Curiosity killed the cat;-)... that's me...
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ladyjennaj on 18 December 2011, 10:34:37 pm
I had mixed experiences with that site. I got 4 overnights out of it, at a paying rate of ?1500, and had a few 2 hour bookings here and there, but it was alot of hard work and ego-massaging...
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Cheryl on 19 December 2011, 02:57:18 am
its a load of crap. My membership runs out on the 28th and i haven't had not one successful dinner date much less any money! All fools trying to find love on a site called sugardaddie. go figure.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Liverbird on 19 December 2011, 11:03:19 pm
Well done Ladyjennaj! That's pretty good money you made my friend! Maybe there's a knack to the whole 'Sugardaddie' thing?? It seems like a game of 'patience' to me! As you mentioned, lots of  ego-massage to get the ????'s! You should be well pround of yourself for getting one over on the rich and self-indulgent of the male species!!
Cheryl, I think maybe like me, you are 'not' a massager of ego's;-)...
..I suppose we all have our forte's and must stick to what we know we're good at!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ladyjennaj on 19 December 2011, 11:51:21 pm
Thanks huney  :-* It took ALOT of patience...!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Liverbird on 20 December 2011, 12:09:55 am
You're most welcome... respect :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Nikkita on 20 December 2011, 05:15:01 pm
 there is another site called SA which  have some genuine verfied "sugar daddys" lol  and I met a couple of guys of there and they were OK  but I guess you  need to have alot of patience  as you do attract alot of freebie hunters and just general timewasters/ fantasists xx
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: joanna1 on 07 June 2012, 12:03:16 am
Hi all,

Has anyone had or got a sugardaddy? 

If so where did you find him?  Whats your arrangement with him and how did you come by/foster the arrangement?   If you've no longer got one why did it end? 

I used to have one but found it way too much hard work (constant texts, calls and neediness - was like minding a baby!) so I ended it to get my life back!  But just wondering how others find the arrangement?

Jo x

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Sahrbear on 07 June 2012, 11:24:58 am
sugar daddies! ugh! So not worth it.

a) you have to lie about being an escort and if they ever found out they know a lot about you (or come to know a lot)
b) it's so much effort for what is in the end the same thing. They promise trips to overseas which is fine but then you're going to get a trip to Spain with him and spend a week with an old guy, having sex with him all the time and in the end you get a gucci handbag and a free but boring trip.

I did this for a while and it wasn't worth it. It took up a lot of time and in the end the pay was the same or slightly less but with really arrogant guys who thought i was their "girlfriend" and being a sugar mummy you have to act like a girlfriend. It's not like an escort client relationship where they know texting you ten times a day is a no-no.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 07 June 2012, 02:08:48 pm
Sugar Daddy's can be good if you can find the right ones! But the amount of effort you have to put in to find them is unbearable!  :FF The best one's I've had have been foreigners and very experienced, well other than my existing one who I've not seen for 4 years!!! Weirdo! LOL! He's kept me sweet though for all this time and at times has supplied a very generous allowance, although it was never seen as that.

Sadly on the SD's sites there are just as many TWs as there are on AW, if not more!  ::) I have a story or 6 to tell believe me! I will write a book one day about some of my experiences LOL! I turned to escorting as it became very clear that most of these guys just want a cheap escort, end of! There are the good guys who take you to lunch and then into town where they walk around carrying bags whilst speaking business on the phone whilst you shop, shop, shop! But it gets boring after a while!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Greeneyedcat on 07 June 2012, 03:51:29 pm
How would someone approch getting a suga daddy?

Is it easy and how does the whole money/gifting thing work. Do you have to have sex with them or can you just date them and be treated like a queen without that expectation?

I'm a nice innocent looking girl with money troubles... i may need one for future reference :P
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 07 June 2012, 05:21:30 pm
The best websites  (if you can call them that) in my opinion are sugardaddie dot com and seekingarrangement dot com. There are others but these are the only two that I would touch these days and the latter is the only one which you can place your "requirements", ie allowance requirement.

The one thing I'd say about being a sugar babe is that you shouldn't act too much, be yourself as much as possible and be honest and upfront. If you sign up to these sites and find some interest then be honest about what you are looking for. I would also not say you're new to the SD/SB relationship as there will be guys looking to exploit you as there are in the escorting world. I ALWAYS ask if they have experience beforehand, if they have then that really helps! If they haven't got experience, or say they haven't, don't try and exploit them, there are many girls out there looking for a true SD/SB relationship.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ParisB on 07 June 2012, 06:00:59 pm
Ive been reading this with interest   ;D  do you think the guys are more so say attracted to those girls that dont seem so needy initially those that maybe already have certain things

Im just wondering if i borrow my other halfs new audi tt,  my sisters prada handbag and shoes  and i have the expensive watch to flaunt on my wrist (as i collect them)
 then i would look more sucessfull so maybe be able to blag more from them  as they would see me as on  the level 

to be honest i dont think i could put up with there shit and i would probably run them over in the audi or wack em to death with my sisters handbag or shove the watch up there ass

but is it worth it         
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 07 June 2012, 06:13:22 pm
Is it worth it? Not unless that's what you really want in my experience Paris! LOL! And I have to say men are all attracted to different kinds so I'm sure there will be men who will appreciate your description!  ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ParisB on 07 June 2012, 06:21:32 pm
lol  it was kind of a joke anyway i just couldnt be that nice for no instant return - i couldnt do it   i can fuck suck and can be great for 2 -3 hours  maybe longer if i like the guy and get along with them  but  i just couldnt be assed with pandering to someone needy
 i dont need it so i think i will stick with good old fucking for good old fashioned cash     

Is it worth it? Not unless that's what you really want in my experience Paris! LOL! And I have to say men are all attracted to different kinds so I'm sure there will be men who will appreciate your description!  ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 07 June 2012, 08:17:16 pm
lol  it was kind of a joke anyway i just couldnt be that nice for no instant return - i couldnt do it   i can fuck suck and can be great for 2 -3 hours  maybe longer if i like the guy and get along with them  but  i just couldnt be assed with pandering to someone needy
 i dont need it so i think i will stick with good old fucking for good old fashioned cash     

Yup exactly the way I prefer it as well!  8) I still keep the old SD on as I never see him and other than a couple of texts a day it actually works out about the same as spending an hour with a punter in RL! LOL!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lili69 on 07 June 2012, 10:21:48 pm
Before I became an escort I tried my luck on Sugar Daddies website.  I met one guy as it sounded very promising - drinks, dinner, hotel, shopping, etc.  So I meet him for lunch to see how we'd get on.  He asked if I would be sleeping with him after the first dinner date so that he could book and hotel and said as a sign of goodwill he would like to take me to M&S and buy me some tights!!  WTF!!!  PMSL!!! Not quite what I had in mind for a SD!

A lot of guys on the Sugardaddies site moaned about the fact that lots of the girls on there were escorts and according to a lot of guys, apparently the way to tell if a girl is an escort is if she lists her occupation as self employed.

Now I am an escort I don't know why they are so anti-escorts as essentially they are offering the same thing - goods or money in exchange for sex/companionship...

I also found that after going on several SD dates I didn't like the way I was treated like a piece of property.  Completely unlike the way I have been treated now I am an escort.  As an escort I have been treated with much more kindness and respect that I ever was on regular dates!!!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Serendipity on 11 June 2012, 06:09:27 pm
Anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone every had a sugar daddy? What's it like?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jaeger on 14 June 2012, 02:40:43 pm
I would like to know everyone's opinion about what I have said and did I make the right descison?

I met up with a guy from a Sugardaddie website. I met him at my Station and he seemed ok probably a little too old for me but the arrangement details he was giving me sounded perfect. He was offering me ?3,000 per month allowance plus a small credit card for me to use to go shopping with. He also offered to let me stay in London in a holiday apartment whilst I would see him for 4 times per month.

I met him and he wanted to sit me down and have a chat in the Station where I just left from my train, which I spent 2 and half hours on just to sit at a cafe to see if him and I were right for each other. I refused and said let's go to Oxford Circus. He didn't even know where to go, he was 58 years of age and apparently had this Investment Company. Well we spent a hour and a half walking around Regent Street looking for a place. I did mention to him, I don't think there is anywhere we will find, let's just go to John Lewis bar. He insisted we would find somewhere, so we walked for ages and ages and went back on the tube to Oxford circus again! then we went to John Lewis. He didn't even suggest a place to meet, he didn't even know where to go!

So anyway this week he emailed me saying if we meet again meet me at this hotel in London Bridge, he wanted me to get a train on a Sunday afternoon from 7am till 11am to arrive there to get to London Bridge at 12noon. We would then spend 4 hours in a hotel getting to know each other and I would then obviously have intimate fun with him and I would get a confirmation letter sent to me to say he has paid ?3K into my bank.

So, in his email he said he likes anal sex, so I replied back and said, we would have to use condoms as I have only just met you etc. He emailed me back and said, " If you cannot trust me and what I say, then we do not have a future, best wishes" I replied " I don't understand, you didn't send me any evidence anyway" he replied " I thought I did, so he sent me a copy of his doctors letter to say he is clear from hiv and stds"

So I said " You want me to have unprotected anal sex with you? I don't even know you, I have just met you! and for what a bank transfer? " he replied " I have shown you evidence of my letter and you would get a payment from my bank which would be set up to send you automated monthly payments to your bank. You will recieve the money the next working day after Sunday. " " If we don't gel and we don't get on, you can walk away with ?3K in your bank account and I have just had 4 hours of expensive fun with you and I will move on! "

So, I emailed him back and said " do you mind if you could just give me the cash on the day when we meet at the hotel? " because I didn't want to go there and meet him and have unprotected sex when I have no payment upfront, as that is not fair. He gets sex and what do I get ? a risk of hiv or stds with a payment the next working day?! I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

But I couldn't some how understand if he could give me a confirmation of a letter that he has transferred money to my account and paid it in directly. Why couldn't he give me the cash or half of the cash upfront? which I thought was a bit strange.

So I tried googling him, his name doesn't come up anywhere! I found out that the Company he says which is up and running dissolved last year. I had to do some researching because I was suspicious about him.

He ignored my last email about details of his company I found out about. He called me names and throwed insults at me. He told me his last arrangement was with a Polish girl and everytime she would travel to Russia he would double the allowence in her bank account to go with him and she would get a ?7K credit card to spend!

I did get my hopes up high and I did get excited but I had a plan if he would pay me ?3K then I would meet him but if not I wouldn't bother. What would of you have done?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: casey_kisses on 14 June 2012, 02:48:03 pm
Never have gone to meet him unless he was paying me to do so. But then this is why I am an escort and not a sugar baby   ::)

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jaeger on 14 June 2012, 02:58:09 pm
Yes but would you sleep with someone for unprotected anal sex even though he has proof? for the sake of ?3k and be paid the next day? I found it risky.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: LouLou37 on 14 June 2012, 02:59:11 pm
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: casey_kisses on 14 June 2012, 03:03:02 pm
I wouldn't have even entertained the idea of anal bareback for anyone no matter how much money they offered.

I found it risky.

Well that's an understatement...


(He was obviously just trying to get free bareback anal)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jan10 on 14 June 2012, 03:04:14 pm
Bareback anal sex for ?3k a month? No No and No. I don't care what proof he had the filthy scutter. No amount of money no matter how desperate I was would make me bareback a regular let a lone stranger. If he is a chancer too. Yuk  :o.  He is taking the 'p' if you ask me. If he turns out to be real fair enough but no way would I see anyone that wants bareback sex.

I suppose you have to meet them to see how you get on because you found out that he doesn't seem to know his way around certain parts of London and he hadn't arranged anything. So that made you more alert to check him out. Just as there are timewasters in escorting you will find there are timewasters on the sugardaddy websites.

Him telling you the story about his previous encounter is just to l;ure you into a false sense of security. Go by your gut instinct.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Mellow on 14 June 2012, 03:05:17 pm
This guy just screams freebie hunter to me.  It doesn't matter if its a sugar daddy or escort agreement this guy is not going to pay anytning (IMO). 

Of course its up to you whether you have unprotected sex BUT even if this guy has a cert saying hes STI free thats only worth anything the day the test was taken.  Bearing in mind how hes messed you around already my question is why are you even still considering him?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: xw5 on 14 June 2012, 03:13:29 pm
Yes but would you sleep with someone for unprotected anal sex even though he has proof? for the sake of ?3k and be paid the next day? I found it risky.

Yes, it's staggeringly risky both in terms of infection (if he has anything, you're more likely to be infected for almost everything) and of the chances of being scammed. So...

a) No. What a certificate says, if genuine, is that he didn't have anything they tested for up to a month before he was tested. Let's say he tested yesterday, but caught HIV two weeks ago = he tests negative. Normally, being on the receiving end of anal with someone who is HIV+ gives you about a 3% chance of infection, but it'd be higher in this case because he'd be particularly infectious (it's before his body has produced antibodies to HIV).

b) Always, always, always get the money first. Either cash (and you need to be sure it's not fake) or by looking yourself to see it has arrived where you wanted it (and even then, you have to be sure it was paid in a way that it cannot be taken back, so that rules out cheques unless they are paid in about a week ahead - check with the clearing banks' website for more details).

I don't think it's a coincidence that it'd be a four hour journey for you to get to London Bridge: he wants someone who's not going to be around to kick up much fuss when they end up with a sore bum and no money to show for it. There isn't exactly a shortage of escorts / sugar babies in London itself.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: casey_kisses on 14 June 2012, 03:18:25 pm
I like to refer back to this post when bareback is discussed:

I had a no show, I was bored and I was answering my emails. If my maths is wrong I'm going to cry, but I had a good laugh writing this.

Quote from: Idiot Client

I am writing to you to ask if you would consider offering the service of bareback sex for a meeting with me. I have never had unprotected sex before and I am now more than curious as to the feeling and sensations of this over protected sex. I am prepared to pay whatever you would be willing to offer this service for. I also would be prepared to provide any required health certificates. My request is 100% genuine.

Quote from: Me
Ok, as I'm sure you understand I cannot accept your word that you have never had risky sex before, and certificates are easily faked (not to mention the fact that they are out of date the day you get them because of the 3 month window period for the HIV virus). Therefore I would view this as a very high risk activity.

My ability to have sex is worth between ?200 and ?1500 a week. Let's average that out at ?650. If I provided you with bareback sex I would be ethically bound not to risk any other gentleman's health by having any kind of sexual contact with him so could not work for 3 months. Let's even that out and call it 12 weeks. That is ?7800.

There is also a risk of me contracting HIV, as I said I cannot take your word or a piece of paper against my health. If I contract HIV I will have a maximum of 20 years to live, meaning I will die by the age of 40, cutting my life expectancy in half. Obviously at that time my suffering will be over, but my fiance (who by then will be my husband) will be left without my income or my companionship.

Therefore, I would require my full ?650 per week for the next 20 years, to make up for my early retirement. This is ?676,000. After my death, I think a flat rate of compensation for my husband would be ?100,000 which he could use to buy a new place away from our memories, go on a few nice holidays or adequately drown his sorrows in expensive champagne. He would then require an income for the next 20 years I would have been working before my projected retirement age of 60. It can reasonably be expected that in the 40-60 range I might be less busy, due to my age and also due to being tired from many years in the business. We'll call that a nice ?400,000.

Naturally, I would require the full fee upfront, as I can't trust you to make the regular payments, especially after my death. Therefore, please present to me in pounds sterling cash at the start of your appointment the sum of ?1,183,800. I am aware that this is a large sum of money, but, as you said, you are willing to pay whatever I am willing to offer bareback for. This is in fact a very generous offer as I have not even charged you my usual ?100 hourly fee! I'm sure you will be in touch with your bank first thing Monday morning. I look forward to our meeting,


It's on this thread:

One of the most ingenious posts on SAAFE.  ;D

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Cat_BBW on 14 June 2012, 04:23:46 pm
Yes but would you sleep with someone for unprotected anal sex even though he has proof? for the sake of ?3k and be paid the next day? I found it risky.

NEVER NEVER EVER. Not even for a million pounds, upfront, in cash. NEVER.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jaeger on 14 June 2012, 05:17:12 pm
Thank you for all responding. No I never did go along with it, he turned nasty and sent threatning emails after I said his I found his Company dissolved a year ago. I didn't like the fact that I would have to have unprotected anal sex with someone I have just met just for the sake of ?3K it's not worth taking a risk for life.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jaeger on 14 June 2012, 05:31:40 pm
He called me a high class prosititute! So I replied to that, you want to pay ?3K for sex and companionship so what is that then? your a man paying for sexual services! I hate it when men try and lower you down, an arrangement is still like escorting but only with 1 person on a arrangement basis.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Amberrr on 15 June 2012, 12:46:05 am
typical sugardaddy bullshit, no way, dont ever go down that path. These men can be horrid assholes.
State upfront that you want an arrangement with ONE person, therefore you need to be sure he is a genuine man. That unfortunately means him coming forward with proof he's not some skint old bugger pestering young girls. Whatever bullshit they come up with, dont ever agree to, however whiny they get. There are so many ways he couldve gone about this to calm you down... if he refuses you can be sure you'll be left regretful. The only genuine SD's I met were the ones willing to come forward on the first meeting with their part of the deal- if they expect you to strip. no ultimate step from them- no ultimate step from you. You are the one at risk and they should treat you with care and respect if they want to be your SD.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: bananamuffin on 15 June 2012, 05:12:30 pm
I can't eat shoes!)

Why ever the hell not?!!

I looked at this a while ago. The guys were either absolute total munters or as others say, guys looking for an escort at low rates. I also found on sugardaddie that many (not all, there ARE some nice guys on there in the 'not just looking for a sugar babe' category), are complete tossers and think they can tell you what to do, when, etc and you'll just take it.

Had one very rotund gentleman with a sour face and no looker at all (certainly not distinguished well groomed businessman for sure!) be terribly insulting to me because I wouldn't just hop on a plane (at his expense, of course) and go and see him in the south of France. He was most insulting about my level of intelligence and hoped I'd find someone 'with a similar level to mine' - cheeky ****** (insert your own curse word of choice). I mean for God's sake, do they think a woman is that stupid to travel out of their own country to a place they possibly haven't been before to meet a complete stranger with NO guarantee of any money changing hands. Knickers to that I say.

I think the proper well traveled attractive and debonair businessman who wants someone they can meet when they come into town and who genuinely can afford to put hundreds and hundreds of pounds into you every month, is few and far between.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lil Lolita on 15 June 2012, 05:56:36 pm
Bananamuffin has it in one, couldnt agree with her more.

Personally though, I do tend to take more of the SD approach, rather than work as a proper escort. I did so a few years ago, by myself, and experienced loads of timewasters.

However, as people have previously said on here, there are a few genuine guys on SD sites, though sadly, most are just looking for cheap escorts. I have met loads of timewasters, although I have stuck to my guns. I say that if we get on on the first date, and he wants to take it further, I expect a generous cash allowance. I dont allow bareback, or anything else I am not comfortable with, no matter what crap they may throw at me (e.g. oh, but I have had the snip, I hate condoms)... so? my health is more important thanks!

I think with these sites, you need to be persistant. It is never a good idea to say you are an escort, as chances are, you will just get loads of abuse and banned from the site.

The way to approach them? Just be friendly, and then find out what they are looking for. State what you are looking for as well, and see if he is happy with that. From my own experience, I would say be prepared for alot of timewasters (the amount of people who just want wank material sent is ridiculous), and alot of abuse. I have been called some very horrid names and had to develop a very thick skin.

I have managed to get a few regulars as a result though who are kind and generous. It's worth it I think if you stick at it, but it is a little bit time consuming!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 15 June 2012, 08:44:00 pm
The only way to be successful with SDs is to convince them that you are experienced and tell them what you expect from them (rough guide is sufficient) and let them know what you expect from day one! If they are genuine then they'll either agree or disappear. If they think they can get you to jump through hoops then they will and there are many men out there who get a lot of kicks out of this and also get lots of free sex as a result!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Arabella on 16 June 2012, 11:32:10 am
What is considered a suitable arrangement, ie how much can you expect to be paid just a rough guide will do.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 16 June 2012, 04:59:55 pm
Depends what you're both looking for Arabella, frequency of meets etc, I used to indicate that it would be about ?150-400 per 'date' dependent on location, times, etc etc etc. Google Seeking Arrangement and have a look at what girls ask for on there as a guide. If you want a fixed monthly allowance and you're not going to see them every week then start at ?1k maybe and then tailor the amount to the specific scenario.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Amberrr on 16 June 2012, 08:50:27 pm
no, i dont think you should go that low with sugardaddies

an overnight date with full access to all you charm,wit and sexiness is worth 1000 on the average
a monthly allowance I would say should start around 3-4k

for some reason, the higher you go the more respect and admiration you receive
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Arabella on 17 June 2012, 11:12:16 am
Ok ladies

I am in negotiations with a SD offered to meet only during the day (wifey at home) once  / twice a month.  I was thinking ?500 per date.  What do you think.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lili69 on 17 June 2012, 11:20:43 am
I would say that sounds like a fair rate to me.  Good luck! :) xx
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Luvmylips on 17 June 2012, 01:16:02 pm
If this idiot is the same old man who claims he has business in Russia and has the initials MW, he has been on the sugardaddy black lists for ages! Jaegar have tried to PM you but it bounced back - if you can PM me, please do so - I've put his response below that he sends out to escorts - one of the working girls who I hang out with was sent the email below.

I had a relationship for 14 months with an attractive 27 years old slim Polish woman until she returned home in March this year.
We met no more than 4 times a month at my apartment near Tower Bridge, 3 or 4 hours at a time in exchange for a ?3,000 monthly allowance paid automatically into her bank.
When she came to Moscow or Saint Petersburg with me, she was paid twice.
If this is of interest, we can meet publicly for coffee.
I'm 58, 1.87, 88kgs, long-time divorced, non-smoking, tea-total and run a property development company with Russian and shortly, Chinese investors.
If this is of interest, details and a picture, please.

I would like to know everyone's opinion about what I have said and did I make the right descison?

I met up with a guy from a Sugardaddie website. I met him at my Station and he seemed ok probably a little too old for me but the arrangement details he was giving me sounded perfect. He was offering me ?3,000 per month allowance plus a small credit card for me to use to go shopping with. He also offered to let me stay in London in a holiday apartment whilst I would see him for 4 times per month.

I met him and he wanted to sit me down and have a chat in the Station where I just left from my train, which I spent 2 and half hours on just to sit at a cafe to see if him and I were right for each other. I refused and said let's go to Oxford Circus. He didn't even know where to go, he was 58 years of age and apparently had this Investment Company. Well we spent a hour and a half walking around Regent Street looking for a place. I did mention to him, I don't think there is anywhere we will find, let's just go to John Lewis bar. He insisted we would find somewhere, so we walked for ages and ages and went back on the tube to Oxford circus again! then we went to John Lewis. He didn't even suggest a place to meet, he didn't even know where to go!

So anyway this week he emailed me saying if we meet again meet me at this hotel in London Bridge, he wanted me to get a train on a Sunday afternoon from 7am till 11am to arrive there to get to London Bridge at 12noon. We would then spend 4 hours in a hotel getting to know each other and I would then obviously have intimate fun with him and I would get a confirmation letter sent to me to say he has paid ?3K into my bank.

So, in his email he said he likes anal sex, so I replied back and said, we would have to use condoms as I have only just met you etc. He emailed me back and said, " If you cannot trust me and what I say, then we do not have a future, best wishes" I replied " I don't understand, you didn't send me any evidence anyway" he replied " I thought I did, so he sent me a copy of his doctors letter to say he is clear from hiv and stds"

So I said " You want me to have unprotected anal sex with you? I don't even know you, I have just met you! and for what a bank transfer? " he replied " I have shown you evidence of my letter and you would get a payment from my bank which would be set up to send you automated monthly payments to your bank. You will recieve the money the next working day after Sunday. " " If we don't gel and we don't get on, you can walk away with ?3K in your bank account and I have just had 4 hours of expensive fun with you and I will move on! "

So, I emailed him back and said " do you mind if you could just give me the cash on the day when we meet at the hotel? " because I didn't want to go there and meet him and have unprotected sex when I have no payment upfront, as that is not fair. He gets sex and what do I get ? a risk of hiv or stds with a payment the next working day?! I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

But I couldn't some how understand if he could give me a confirmation of a letter that he has transferred money to my account and paid it in directly. Why couldn't he give me the cash or half of the cash upfront? which I thought was a bit strange.

So I tried googling him, his name doesn't come up anywhere! I found out that the Company he says which is up and running dissolved last year. I had to do some researching because I was suspicious about him.

He ignored my last email about details of his company I found out about. He called me names and throwed insults at me. He told me his last arrangement was with a Polish girl and everytime she would travel to Russia he would double the allowence in her bank account to go with him and she would get a ?7K credit card to spend!

I did get my hopes up high and I did get excited but I had a plan if he would pay me ?3K then I would meet him but if not I wouldn't bother. What would of you have done?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 01:26:13 pm
Ok ladies

I am in negotiations with a SD offered to meet only during the day (wifey at home) once  / twice a month.  I was thinking ?500 per date.  What do you think.

I am also giving the sugar daddie thing a go as it really appeals to me having an exclusive arrangement with someone. I may even give up escorting or just do long appointments and overnights if I had a good enough arrangement and got on really well with the guy! I have already had loads of interest and am arranging a few dates. But that does sound like quite a lot to me! I don't think they want to be paying the same or even more than an escort rate! I think the idea is that it's slightly less but regular or an allowance. It depends how long you were going to spend with him but if it's just a few hours I would say more like ?300 per date unless he offers more obviously.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Luvmylips on 17 June 2012, 01:46:21 pm
Absolutely BM!  I toyed with the idea of sugardaddying and the first rule is always that the SD should meet you on the first date at a place of your choosing! They should always travel to you!

I can't eat shoes!)

Why ever the hell not?!!

I looked at this a while ago. The guys were either absolute total munters or as others say, guys looking for an escort at low rates. I also found on sugardaddie that many (not all, there ARE some nice guys on there in the 'not just looking for a sugar babe' category), are complete tossers and think they can tell you what to do, when, etc and you'll just take it.

Had one very rotund gentleman with a sour face and no looker at all (certainly not distinguished well groomed businessman for sure!) be terribly insulting to me because I wouldn't just hop on a plane (at his expense, of course) and go and see him in the south of France. He was most insulting about my level of intelligence and hoped I'd find someone 'with a similar level to mine' - cheeky ****** (insert your own curse word of choice). I mean for God's sake, do they think a woman is that stupid to travel out of their own country to a place they possibly haven't been before to meet a complete stranger with NO guarantee of any money changing hands. Knickers to that I say.

I think the proper well traveled attractive and debonair businessman who wants someone they can meet when they come into town and who genuinely can afford to put hundreds and hundreds of pounds into you every month, is few and far between.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Luvmylips on 17 June 2012, 01:49:21 pm
That is a good rate.  Let's hope he goes for it! Good luck.

Ok ladies

I am in negotiations with a SD offered to meet only during the day (wifey at home) once  / twice a month.  I was thinking ?500 per date.  What do you think.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 02:01:26 pm
That is a good rate.  Let's hope he goes for it! Good luck.

Ok ladies

I am in negotiations with a SD offered to meet only during the day (wifey at home) once  / twice a month.  I was thinking ?500 per date.  What do you think.


Yes it's good for her but it's still an expensive rate that's all I am saying. And with sugar daddies it's not about a 'rate' is it, it's a regular agreement/arrangement.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 17 June 2012, 02:22:39 pm
OK, so I'm too old for this SD thing but I was under the impression that these guys like you to 'drop everything' when they want to see you and they expect to see you regularly for 3/4 hours at a time.  Is ?500 a date really such a great deal ........ should it not be more.

Sorry if I have offended anyone by saying this but ?500 for all these ties - and all that time you gotta spend with what I can imagine as overbearing overweight older guys sounds more like a nightmare than anything else to me. :FF

I hope I'm wrong with these thoughts but if anyone has actually met a real SD who is tall, dark, handsome and fun to be with please reassure me, please.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 02:38:57 pm
I think what you are referring to sounds like a client who then becomes a exclusive arrangement and they can be that way and expect too much from you. I think sugar daddie especially an experienced SD seem more relaxed in general though, and I would never give up my life or drop things for anyone. But I really like the idea of not having to escort much and having an exclusive arrangement with one person. I will never lose my Independence or let anyone take that away from me and will make that very clear. I think with money some escorts seem to expect a lot in these sugar daddie arrangements by the sound of things because we are used to lots of cash but I don't think that's how this is always supposed to work. It completely depends on how much you see each other and what you get up to I would imagine, but I wouldn't have thought its as hard work sexually as being an escort would be because you are not sex on tap like you are as an escort. ?300-?500 per date depending on how long you spend together i.e. a few hours to an overnight but at least once a week sounds perfectly reasonable to me! If they offer more then great! With a SD I hope that both people would get on well and have a connection not just that it feels like 'work' if we got on well it would be nice to accompany them on trips ect also.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Mellow on 17 June 2012, 02:46:54 pm
I'm probably too old too (I imagine you have to be under 30 or so) but the thought of having to pander to someones ego so much and negotiate money is exactly what would put me off if I was young enough.  For those of you who have the time and patience to do this.....good on you if thats what you choose.

For me the great thing about escorting is that its straightforward - you know exactly where you stand in that you offer sexual services for X amount per hour, and thats that.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 17 June 2012, 02:50:33 pm
No im not referring to 'courtesans' who make exclusive arrangements with guys.  I was referring to your normal joe blogs (SD) who thinks because he may pay you a retaining fee that you will be available when and if he wants to see you.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 17 June 2012, 02:52:12 pm
I also think ?300 - ?500 is NOT a great price for an overnight.  :FF
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: amy on 17 June 2012, 02:59:30 pm
For me the great thing about escorting is that its straightforward - you know exactly where you stand in that you offer sexual services for X amount per hour, and thats that.

Ditto. The idea of being expected to haggle negotiate a suitable fee just to be at some stranger's beck and call, however pleasant he may be I find unsavoury, and every time I look at this thread I just find the whole tone of it incredibly desperate and demeaning on both sides. I'll stick to being an honest whore, I think.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 17 June 2012, 03:04:01 pm
For me the great thing about escorting is that its straightforward - you know exactly where you stand in that you offer sexual services for X amount per hour, and thats that.

Ditto. The idea of being expected to haggle negotiate a suitable fee just to be at some stranger's beck and call, however pleasant he may be I find unsavoury, and every time I look at this thread I just find the whole tone of it incredibly desperate and demeaning on both sides. I'll stick to being an honest whore, I think.

Couldn't agree more with these two ladies.  Thanks for the posts.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 03:04:39 pm
I also think ?300 - ?500 is NOT a great price for an overnight.  :FF
But it's not an overnight 'rate' is it! It's a mutually beneficial REGULAR arrangement! :FF
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Brown Eyed Girl on 17 June 2012, 03:05:08 pm
Ditto. The idea of being expected to haggle negotiate a suitable fee just to be at some stranger's beck and call, however pleasant he may be I find unsavoury, and every time I look at this thread I just find the whole tone of it incredibly desperate and demeaning on both sides. I'll stick to being an honest whore, I think.

A woman after my own heart  ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 03:06:25 pm
For me the great thing about escorting is that its straightforward - you know exactly where you stand in that you offer sexual services for X amount per hour, and thats that.

Ditto. The idea of being expected to haggle negotiate a suitable fee just to be at some stranger's beck and call, however pleasant he may be I find unsavoury, and every time I look at this thread I just find the whole tone of it incredibly desperate and demeaning on both sides. I'll stick to being an honest whore, I think.

Couldn't agree more with these two ladies.  Thanks for the posts.
Rub it in why don't you Jesus Christ! Am I not allowed an opinion?!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Mellow on 17 June 2012, 03:22:36 pm
Everyone here is allowed an opinion. Just most of us understand that its perfectly ok to be disagreed with.

Quite frankly if I took things so personnally I would avoid coming on forums altogether.   Every single thread you go on you.manage to.make it all about you and take away from what the thread is about. So I'm bowing out of this thread and any others you may be on in the future.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 17 June 2012, 03:26:35 pm
................. ?300-?500 per date depending on how long you spend together i.e. a few hours to an overnight but at least once a week sounds perfectly reasonable to me! If they offer more then great! With a SD I hope that both people would get on well and have a connection not just that it feels like 'work' if we got on well it would be nice to accompany them on trips ect also.

This is what I was referring to.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Brown Eyed Girl on 17 June 2012, 03:36:13 pm
................. ?300-?500 per date depending on how long you spend together i.e. a few hours to an overnight but at least once a week sounds perfectly reasonable to me! If they offer more then great! With a SD I hope that both people would get on well and have a connection not just that it feels like 'work' if we got on well it would be nice to accompany them on trips ect also.

This is what I was referring to.

I think if Kylie (or anyone for that matter) is happy with ?300-?500 for an overnight then that?s entirely her business. I do think though this whole SD is seen as a ?softer? option to escorting. I?ve never had a SD and never been remotely interested in acquiring one so I don?t claim to be an expert on the subject. What I can say though is that if something sounds too good to be true, it often is. SD arrangements may look more appealing on the surface but I expect the emotional drain and stress they cause isn?t that much different to our normal work.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 17 June 2012, 04:02:07 pm
That is a good rate.  Let's hope he goes for it! Good luck.

Ok ladies

I am in negotiations with a SD offered to meet only during the day (wifey at home) once  / twice a month.  I was thinking ?500 per date.  What do you think.


Yes it's good for her but it's still an expensive rate that's all I am saying. And with sugar daddies it's not about a 'rate' is it, it's a regular agreement/arrangement.

This is the key, the regular agreement/arrangement and the fact that you hope to be able to rely on a certain amount each month. The comparison between being an escort and a sugar babe only goes as far really as the fact you 'may' get paid for being intimate with the SD, this doesn't always have to be the case!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: casey_kisses on 17 June 2012, 04:05:25 pm
I'd hate the feeling that I was completely dependent on that one man for my income, and that is by itself reason enough for me to never do it. 

Plus... I'm just going to come out and say it... I am way to lazy for the SD thing. Too much having to be nice, having to text back, etc.

And this may be weird to some, but I like seeing lots of different men, it's fun and simple and no- one's feelings get hurt.

But I respect someone's decision to do it and how much they think is reasonable to get paid  :)

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jaeger on 17 June 2012, 04:40:57 pm
YES that is that man! Michael Wyatt !!!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 04:48:23 pm
................. ?300-?500 per date depending on how long you spend together i.e. a few hours to an overnight but at least once a week sounds perfectly reasonable to me! If they offer more then great! With a SD I hope that both people would get on well and have a connection not just that it feels like 'work' if we got on well it would be nice to accompany them on trips ect also.

This is what I was referring to.
I think what I said was confused. I said ?300-500 for a few hours TO an overnight is perfectly reasonable, meaning about ?500 for an actual night and around ?300 for a few hours. But this is NOT A RATE it's NOT escorting and should NOT be regarded as work IMO. Like I said the way I see a SD is hopefully having a genuine connection and that it to be an on going REGULAR thing. Not see them for a cheap overnight rate and never see them again! This is why I would also prefer it as a monthly allowance. My overnight ESCORT rate is only ?650 anyway as I really enjoy them most of the time. I would hope that with a sugar daddie it was not like 'work'

People are fine to disagree with me of course but when someone says 'thankyou ladies' to other posters completely disregarding me obviously it's not nice, and is clearly trying to rub it in that they disagree with me. There's just no need for it.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 04:59:40 pm
That is a good rate.  Let's hope he goes for it! Good luck.

Ok ladies

I am in negotiations with a SD offered to meet only during the day (wifey at home) once  / twice a month.  I was thinking ?500 per date.  What do you think.

Yes it's good for her but it's still an expensive rate that's all I am saying. And with sugar daddies it's not about a 'rate' is it, it's a regular agreement/arrangement.

This is the key, the regular agreement/arrangement and the fact that you hope to be able to rely on a certain amount each month. The comparison between being an escort and a sugar babe only goes as far really as the fact you 'may' get paid for being intimate with the SD, this doesn't always have to be the case!
Yes exactly. And like I said I would be sure never to lose my independence either but it would be nice to just do longer appointments once or twice a week and overnights with the escorting and then have an arrangment with a SD. I think that would work very well for me. I could be even more selective about who I see which I would like and would probably enjoy it even more and still have a nice income. That sounds ideal to me. If it happened that is!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 17 June 2012, 04:59:54 pm
I think what I said was confused.

Perhaps if you took time over writing your posts and checked them before pressing the 'post' button, then they would not appear so confused Kylie. 
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 05:01:54 pm
I think what I said was confused.

Perhaps if you took time over writing your posts and checked them before pressing the 'post' button, then they would not appear so confused Kylie.
Well I read it fine thankyou. If you read it back properly you may understand it better.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 17 June 2012, 05:04:55 pm
Kylie I have no need/requirement to read your posts again.  I have full reading skill/understanding skills, thank you and see things as they are written.

I'll leave you rant on to your hearts content now.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 05:09:02 pm
Kylie I have no need/requirement to read your posts again.  I have full reading skill/understanding skills, thank you and see things as they are written.

I'll leave you rant on to your hearts content now.

Rant till my hearts content? But i'm not ranting at all? We are having a discussion. I really don't understand you. It's okay for one person to make a comment but not okay for someone else to comment back?
I am not going to be told I am turning this into the 'Kylie show' again when I have not done or said anything wrong or in a ranting way at all and you should clearly be able to see that.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: janitor on 17 June 2012, 05:25:47 pm

One more off topic post and the pre mod gets dusted off, I have a headache.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 17 June 2012, 05:27:19 pm
Thank you Janitor.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 05:36:02 pm
Yes thankyou!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 17 June 2012, 06:27:52 pm
That is a good rate.  Let's hope he goes for it! Good luck.

Ok ladies

I am in negotiations with a SD offered to meet only during the day (wifey at home) once  / twice a month.  I was thinking ?500 per date.  What do you think.

Yes it's good for her but it's still an expensive rate that's all I am saying. And with sugar daddies it's not about a 'rate' is it, it's a regular agreement/arrangement.

This is the key, the regular agreement/arrangement and the fact that you hope to be able to rely on a certain amount each month. The comparison between being an escort and a sugar babe only goes as far really as the fact you 'may' get paid for being intimate with the SD, this doesn't always have to be the case!
Yes exactly. And like I said I would be sure never to lose my independence either but it would be nice to just do longer appointments once or twice a week and overnights with the escorting and then have an arrangment with a SD. I think that would work very well for me. I could be even more selective about who I see which I would like and would probably enjoy it even more and still have a nice income. That sounds ideal to me. If it happened that is!

Good luck, it can work and you sound like you have your head in the right place to make it work.  ;)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 06:29:41 pm
Thanks :)

Back to topic, which is the best site to use would most people say? Sugardaddie or seekingarrangment?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 17 June 2012, 06:35:33 pm
Thanks :)

Back to topic, which is the best site to use would most people say? Sugardaddie or seekingarrangment?

Try both Kylie  ;)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: TeenKylie on 17 June 2012, 06:42:35 pm
Thanks :)

Back to topic, which is the best site to use would most people say? Sugardaddie or seekingarrangment?

Try both Kylie  ;)
I am! I have been on both for a year actually! But didn't log in for over 6months and only really putting in the effort to do it properly now. Just wondering which on is the most successful or attracts the best guys?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Brown Eyed Girl on 17 June 2012, 06:45:03 pm
There was an article about seekingarrangement I read earlier on...will try to dig it out for you later x
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: blondieMK on 17 June 2012, 06:47:08 pm
I have been on ~SA 6 months and hardly any UK traffic :/  I think it's more of a US thing.
Sugar daddie seemed a lot more active for me, although men scoffed at my 2k a month. xx
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 17 June 2012, 06:51:43 pm
Thanks :)

Back to topic, which is the best site to use would most people say? Sugardaddie or seekingarrangment?

Try both Kylie  ;)
I am! I have been on both for a year actually! But didn't log in for over 6months and only really putting in the effort to do it properly now. Just wondering which on is the most successful or attracts the best guys?

Look at it the same way as you do advertising as an escort, there will be different types of men in different areas of the country on both sites. Personally I had more joy with SA as that's more worldwide and a few of the good guys would search for girls when they were in a particular area for business etc.  but obviously they weren't long term arrangements.

What works for one girl might not work for another, the same as with escorting. Be prepared to put a lot of time and effort into it!!! My best SD (and the only 1 still around) I found on a totally different site, it was a site for finding rich guys though and it just turned into an SD/SB relationship. Give yourself set times to work the sites though and don't let it take over your life as it can be very frustrating!!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lexi on 17 June 2012, 07:49:51 pm
Hi guys,

I've been reading this post with interest. I signed up to a sugar daddy website many many months ago but never got past registering and have found it really interesting reading all your thoughts on it.

I was just wondering though, do you use your real name when you register? Im just thinking if anything came to light with any arrangements e.g. bank transfers you'd need to give a real name and that's what would put me off slightly! Or are there ways of getting round this?

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 17 June 2012, 08:29:15 pm
I'm sure one of the mods on here said on another post NEVER REVEAL YOUR TRUE ID TO ANYONE - and I've got to agree, you just don't know who you are dealing with.

If he was a true SD and wanted to take you abroad however I don't know how you would get round this one, maybe someone else knows, apart from getting the money from him to book your own flights.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: casey_kisses on 17 June 2012, 08:32:25 pm
I'm sure one of the mods on here said on another post NEVER REVEAL YOUR TRUE ID TO ANYONE - and I've got to agree, you just don't know who you are dealing with.

If he was a true SD and wanted to take you abroad however I don't know how you would get round this one, maybe someone else knows, apart from getting the money from him to book your own flights.

My impression of SD relationships were that the guy does know your real name, and it's very much about how he can support your 'real life?

Hmmm this is the problem when it's not as cut and dry as ?150 an hour and ?100 p/h after that.  :-\

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Coty on 17 June 2012, 08:38:47 pm
Wish there were such things as Sugar Sons! I'm too old to have a SD. But if only there were young men wanting to support MILFS or GILFS lol
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 17 June 2012, 08:41:38 pm
Yes Coty, I'd be there with you  ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 17 June 2012, 08:46:29 pm
Wish there were such things as Sugar Sons! I'm too old to have a SD. But if only there were young men wanting to support MILFS or GILFS lol

Oh there are! LOL!

As for using your real name - difficult not to but you can keep it hidden. Pick a username and once you are happy with the SD then there will be a time when he might expect you to use it, but not all will. It's possible to accept bank transfers still without revealing your real name don't forget, even regular ones!

There are some SDs who get off on 'dating' escorts, I had a 20 something from Canberra who got off on trying to encourage me to do it, even to the extent of sending me money to set up a website! We never met... But there are lots more who would not entertain the idea. Think of it more as dating a married man rather than selling services, very, very different!!! Not all SDs are married either, other than to their job, a lot are very busy men who don't have time for a full time relationship but would love to build a relationship with a sugar babe.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Luvmylips on 17 June 2012, 09:39:14 pm
I have been on ~SA 6 months and hardly any UK traffic :/  I think it's more of a US thing.
Sugar daddie seemed a lot more active for me, although men scoffed at my 2k a month. xx

Seeking arrangement is definitely huge Stateside.  I've just had a browse on and it is more a dating site so I can't see how the genuine sugarbaby will find a guy who offers an allowance on that site from the way it's set up.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: blondieMK on 18 June 2012, 02:29:29 pm
I think you either say you're looking for a strict SD/SB relationship or a date pretty much. Although there are a lot of lonely men on there thinking they are going to find a hot young thing to spend the rest of their lives with lol. It's hard work. X
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Foxing on 18 June 2012, 02:50:16 pm
I was on seeking arrangement a few years ago but the men used to gross me out  :(
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lexi on 18 June 2012, 04:57:27 pm
Thanks everyone for the response! Obviously a varied opinion.

Foxing why did they gross you out? X
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: bananamuffin on 04 July 2012, 02:18:24 pm
I could be available to such a guy every other weekend so twice a month on average. How much would you charge for 24 hours and would you expect travel costs on top if they were in a different town, or quite a distance away?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: JellyBean on 17 July 2012, 12:46:57 am
So here is my story with SD
I put in my advert the usual mutually beneficial arrangement ect,I got a reply which really stood out very well written,he was a writer and also does theatre living in Hampstead and i checked him out, anyway we emailed 3 times then he says after thinking about it i would like to take the financial aspect out of it   :oNow wait for this he is 80 years old.
I despair  :FF
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Sensualtouch on 17 July 2012, 01:23:02 am
Well seeking arrangement mostly guys using as a way to wanting girls for basically escort services but pay far less. Most men I have spoken to just make you feel cheap and not convinced there are many real sugar daddies?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lili69 on 17 July 2012, 04:23:37 pm
Well seeking arrangement mostly guys using as a way to wanting girls for basically escort services but pay far less. Most men I have spoken to just make you feel cheap and not convinced there are many real sugar daddies?
I would totally second this!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: bananamuffin on 17 July 2012, 09:40:04 pm
My findings:

Seeking Arrangement - utterly useless. - so far:
most guys assuming that they will get a guaranteed fuck if they take me to dinner (yeah right!!!!  :) :)
one who called me by the wrong name (quality)
another who I spoke to then 24 hrs later he'd forgotten I'd already told him my area but he couldn't remember where I was
another one who was astounded at my profile that clearly states I'm seeking a financial arrangement who told me 'after all, sex is the only thing a man  can offer a woman" ha ha!!! (This attitude is clearly why, as a 28 year old man, you can't get a woman through normal means!!)

All totally deluded twits quite frankly.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 17 July 2012, 11:09:45 pm
Some of them don't like the financial arrangement thing being thrown in their face on a profile on sugardaddie, just saying  ;) SA is a totally different site with different expectations, leave the mention of what you're looking for until you get to emails on sugardaddie.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Devilish Afro on 17 July 2012, 11:45:46 pm
I have had quite a lot of interest from SD. However because I can't afford to upgrade to a Premium Member status I can't contact members :(.  I have all these emails sitting in my inbox from potential suitors and I can't get in touch with any of them. No money, no honey.  And am the one without the money and it sucks. It never rains it pours, eh?

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lili69 on 17 July 2012, 11:52:46 pm
I have had quite a lot of interest from SD. However because I can't afford to upgrade to a Premium Member status I can't contact members :(.  I have all these emails sitting in my inbox from potential suitors and I can't get in touch with any of them. No money, no honey.  And am the one without the money and it sucks. It never rains it pours, eh?

you could always try the Sugar Daddy UK site.  I set up a profile and then changed my mind because I didn't fancy putting in my real name and card details.  Anyway, when I cancelled my subscription they replied immediately and offered me 3 days premium use of the site for free, no strings attached.  So I used the 3 days to peruse all the decent guys and send them messages saying they could contact me on email address!  When the 3 days free use ran out my profile just went back to normal and then I just asked them to delete it.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Devilish Afro on 17 July 2012, 11:59:31 pm
I have had quite a lot of interest from SD. However because I can't afford to upgrade to a Premium Member status I can't contact members :(.  I have all these emails sitting in my inbox from potential suitors and I can't get in touch with any of them. No money, no honey.  And am the one without the money and it sucks. It never rains it pours, eh?

Thank you. I will look into that. Besides, it would be cruel to deprive these men of my company. Tee-hee.  :D
you could always try the Sugar Daddy UK site.  I set up a profile and then changed my mind because I didn't fancy putting in my real name and card details.  Anyway, when I cancelled my subscription they replied immediately and offered me 3 days premium use of the site for free, no strings attached.  So I used the 3 days to peruse all the decent guys and send them messages saying they could contact me on email address!  When the 3 days free use ran out my profile just went back to normal and then I just asked them to delete it.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: bananamuffin on 18 July 2012, 09:02:49 am
Some of them don't like the financial arrangement thing being thrown in their face on a profile on sugardaddie, just saying  ;) SA is a totally different site with different expectations, leave the mention of what you're looking for until you get to emails on sugardaddie.

I won't leave what I'm looking for out of my profile (although I don't speak of it, unless THEY ask for specifics, when we're messaging) - what would be the point in pretending I want love when I don't. But I don't 'throw it in their face', its just stated in my profile so everyone knows what's what. I find that even if you DO state clearly what you're looking for, you still get guys who really should be getting someone off AW instead - they expect a guaranteed shag, for what, a free dinner?!!! Not happening. This is how it will go: we chat, we arrange a date in MY home town during which we will chat and laugh and find out if we like each other, there will not be any sex, an arrangement will be established, funds received, then let the games commence. Not dinner, shag, oh I've changed my mind! 

I can't see the point in talking to guys who clearly want to find their soul mate pretending that I do too, when that's not what I'm looking for. Unfortunately 99.9% of the guys who join the site are players looking for free sex and unable to read the name of the site they have joined, which really should be a big clue for them as to the nature of it. All of those guys getting straight to the free sex part are getting nothing but the cold shoulder from me I'm afraid.

As to sugar daddy uk - I personally (and this is just me) find this site repugnant. When you go through setting up your profile and it wants to know if you like anal, bdsm etc - wtf?!!!! That's just RANK - again, more aligned to AW and PN than to a site for sugar. I think the vast majority of men in this country just haven't got a CLUE about what an arrangement actually is and are too dumb to work it out.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DianaMurphy on 18 July 2012, 10:49:51 am
Sounds like you're attracting the wrong types BM, I was trying to offer advice from experience but it's probably easier for you to find out yourself.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lil Lolita on 18 July 2012, 08:56:12 pm

I won't leave what I'm looking for out of my profile (although I don't speak of it, unless THEY ask for specifics, when we're messaging) - what would be the point in pretending I want love when I don't. But I don't 'throw it in their face', its just stated in my profile so everyone knows what's what. I find that even if you DO state clearly what you're looking for, you still get guys who really should be getting someone off AW instead - they expect a guaranteed shag, for what, a free dinner?!!! Not happening. This is how it will go: we chat, we arrange a date in MY home town during which we will chat and laugh and find out if we like each other, there will not be any sex, an arrangement will be established, funds received, then let the games commence. Not dinner, shag, oh I've changed my mind! 

I can't see the point in talking to guys who clearly want to find their soul mate pretending that I do too, when that's not what I'm looking for. Unfortunately 99.9% of the guys who join the site are players looking for free sex and unable to read the name of the site they have joined, which really should be a big clue for them as to the nature of it. All of those guys getting straight to the free sex part are getting nothing but the cold shoulder from me I'm afraid.

As to sugar daddy uk - I personally (and this is just me) find this site repugnant. When you go through setting up your profile and it wants to know if you like anal, bdsm etc - wtf?!!!! That's just RANK - again, more aligned to AW and PN than to a site for sugar. I think the vast majority of men in this country just haven't got a CLUE about what an arrangement actually is and are too dumb to work it out.

Well said BM. I couldnt have put it better myself. I managed to get a few clients from the site this time, I was lucky, but you are correct in saying 99.9% of guys on there are players looking for free sex. I am straight to the point on there- no pay/arrangement= no sex. They should know there is no such thing as a free lunch... speaking of which, it annoys me when they think a dinner date shag will suffice. I basically say if they want to do it, I need paying first, and then state my terms. If they dont like it, they can lump it!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lili69 on 18 July 2012, 10:13:32 pm

As to sugar daddy uk - I personally (and this is just me) find this site repugnant. When you go through setting up your profile and it wants to know if you like anal, bdsm etc - wtf?!!!! That's just RANK - again, more aligned to AW and PN than to a site for sugar. I think the vast majority of men in this country just haven't got a CLUE about what an arrangement actually is and are too dumb to work it out.

I totally agree with you Lil Lolita - if you were wanting to date as a non-working girl, what an awful site to try and meet your soul mate!  I looked upon it as a version of AW/PN and built a profile fairly similar to my AW one, just watered down slightly.  That's why I didn't want to join it formerly as I didn't want to use my real name!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lil Lolita on 07 February 2013, 04:39:38 pm
Ok, I think I had better explain things a little bit before I get to the point.

So a couple of years ago, I had a "Sugardaddy" from a sugardaddy site. I realise now, (and deleted my profile) that they are a waste of time and it's better sticking to a simple hour rate rather than a cheapened version via that. Said sugardaddy a couple of years ago gained my trust (I was STUPIDLY naive doing it), found out my real name, what I did for a living and at the time, where I stayed. I currently am wanting to do this before anyone asks: ---->  :FF

The SD was a real pisstaker though, wanting to push boundaries and stuff as sadly many do. He gave me a cash lump sum of ?500 for the month for two meets. First meet went ok, second a disaster. So I didnt see him again after that, although he got mad cos he had apparently "booked a really nice hotel" for the next month's meeting.

Now I am happy working for an agency. Personally, I enjoy working for the agency as they are a nice bunch to work for, always make sure I am ok and provide me with very nice clients in very nice places for a very good rate. Today, I put in my hours 12-5pm. I had an incall in one of the girls flats, and the guy in the agency texted this morning and said I had a booking for 12pm. There are so many guys with the same name as the one I saw, I thought nothing of it. It was a mad dash though, as he said the client wanted me to dress as a little schoolgirl with no knickers on. Cue me doing a mad dash to town before my booking, running into Ann Summers and buying a Miss Detention outfit. I then set off for the flat.

I got there in time and after some confusion (the girls boyfriend answered the door and didnt know who I was-duhhh!!) I got in, quickly changed and told the agency guy to send him up. My face went white as I saw who it was. It was the SD, and he KNEW who I was.

I pretended to not know anything and we went through to the room and he stripped off. I gave him a massage (I thought, gotta just get this out the way and be quick about it, I have honoured the booking so need to go through with it). Then the pisstaking and weirdness begun.

"Suck Daddy's big cock!!" he shouted at me. "What are you?? You're nothing but a fucking WHORE!!" I gave him a filthy look, but kept calm. He barked more orders at me, shoved me around. At one point, I got so mad, I dug my nails into him and nearly kicked him hard in the balls, he was foul.

I lay back at one point as he wanked and I played with myself. "Hell are you doing?!" he remarked.. "What does it look like", I replied (treating him exactly how he treated me). "Well fucking wank me off, I'm fucking paying for it!!" he shouted. By now, I was scared but raging angry, I wanted to tell him to get out, but given I was in the flat and the girls boyfriend was about as useful as a chocolate microwave, there was naff all I could do safety wise if I told him to fuck off.

He did me from behind, with me nearly in tears, and remarked "I like your ass, I want to do it anally". "Well I dont do anal" i said back, "It says so on my profile!"

Eventually he came and he left. I rang the agency guy in tears. He was really mad about the guy, and said he has blacklisted him now. He also told me that I was in control of the booking, if someone makes me feel uncomfy in any way, tell them to stop or get out.

I am seeing the agency owner tomorrow who is also taking this seriously as he was disgusted to hear how I was treated by this guy.

It really scares me now though. Because they have blacklisted him, I am scared this creep will try and get revenge on me and like go to my work and say what I do. The pics arent mine on the webpage, and the other girl who was due a booking in the flat after me said "Say nothing, deny everything", plus this guy told me exactly where he lived and address before.

I seriously cant believe how stupid I was years ago, really I cant. But what do I do if this nasty piece of work tries to throw me in it? I could lose everything!  :'( I have been doing this all afternoon  :FF
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: delillahd on 07 February 2013, 04:43:57 pm
I am sorry to hear this happened to you! This guy is a total creep, jerk and sounds frankly a bit dangerous!

It's great to hear that your agency is taking this and your safety seriously.

Now, I don't know where you live or if this is an option for you, but can you contact the police? They may be able to create a file about this nasty person...

Hope that helps a bit!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lil Lolita on 07 February 2013, 04:47:04 pm
Thank you. Police wise though, would I have a leg to stand on? Thankfully, I have moved from where I was the last time, so he doesnt know where I am. But he does know my name (real) and what I do for a living (honestly, I will never be so stupid again!).

The agency are great, they make the girls their first priority and if any of them complain about a customer and how the guy has treated them, they blacklist them. So it's why I have seen 99.9% lovely men (with him and one other being fucking jerks).
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Cat_BBW on 07 February 2013, 04:47:54 pm
Is it possible that he DIDN'T know who you are, and just is like that with all the "schoolgirl" type roleplay WGs? Did he actually say anything that confirmed he knows who you are? Nothing in your posts suggests it...?

So sorry that this has happened, I hope the agency blacklists him, and I would put a warning in Wasters too.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lil Lolita on 07 February 2013, 04:51:52 pm
He said he had used the agency before but a long time ago. I am not sure if I should post in wasters etc as I cant remember his phone number, only the first five digits, would that be enough for any girls? He uses his real name for bookings though as he did when he was an SD and I know what car he drives etc.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lil Lolita on 07 February 2013, 04:53:14 pm
He said nothing to suggest he knew me, but when he was on top and how he was with me, I just had this gut feeling and he stared at me with that look of "haha, I know!"
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: delillahd on 08 February 2013, 04:43:16 pm
RE: Police. I think you would have "a leg to stand on" as he was verbally abusive and he shook you around physically. I'm in Canada, so it may be different but if that stuff happens here, it is reportable. It may not result in laying of charges, but they would have a record of this incident. Ultimately, it is up to you and you will for sure make the best decision for you.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Dani on 08 February 2013, 05:38:52 pm
First off when he booked he did not know it was you as it is another girls photos.  He may have been a little angry that he booked one girl and another turned up for the appointment.  Guys do not like bait and switch and to me it shows the agency are not very goot to do that.
So maybe he was in a bad mood from the off and did not recognise you.  If he had booked schoolgirl submissive role play , perhaps the agency forgot to tell you the submissive part as agencies tend to do so they get their money
You say you think he recognised you from the look on his face but if he did not say anything then I doubt he did so do not worry about that.
His behaviour was disgusting though, for you, as you had no idea this was the type of booking he asked for (its why i no longer do outfits as the guys assume dressing as a schoolgirl means they get to boss you around a lot).

He was an arsehole but so was your agency.  You could end up meeting a guy who is not a nice guy who is expecting to see the girl in the photos and you could end up with him getting really angry with you when the agency tells him it will be the girl in the photos but it is you instead.  They are putting you in an awful situation and should not be doing that.
Ask the agency for your own photos with the face cropped out put on their site so that you do not end up in a nasty situation.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lil Lolita on 08 February 2013, 06:10:39 pm
Hi, had a little chat with the owner today, he was very sympathetic and says he will personally ring the guy if he has to in making sure he wont snitch about my real name and place of work. He was very protective and has given assurances that he will NOT ever be allowed to book me, nor any of the ladies again.

As for the pics, the men are well aware that my profile is a "work in progress". They based a girl who has a similar body shape and hair colour to me, so some clients do think it's me and that I have just dyed my hair. It also states my stats e.g. colour of hair in the sidebar, and many men who book say they love the colour of my hair and that is why they book when they see my stats. I had two very good reviews recently so there have never been any complaints (bar one who thought I was blonde..) and clients often have said, well your pics are good but you look better in the flesh (sweet talk I know).

Irregardless, if he didnt like the look of me or something, he could have just said like one guy did and cancelled the booking. I did a schoolgirl role play before in the sauna (out of the clothes) and it was nothing like that. The guy still remained pleasant even whilst reinacting his fantasy. This one was a total jerk.

So it looks like it's been taken care of, I am so pleased he wont be able to book again and I have posted in Warnings and Wasters about him. Horrid guy!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Cat_BBW on 08 February 2013, 09:41:35 pm
says he will personally ring the guy if he has to in making sure he wont snitch about my real name and place of work

Personally I think this will be poking the tiger unnecessarily. If he really didn't recognise you during the booking, he's sure to remember you once his memory's been jogged.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lil Lolita on 08 February 2013, 09:47:57 pm
Owner is adament he would have remembered, just cos he didnt say anything at the time, there is a certainty he will possibly have remembered, but I see your point though.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Cat_BBW on 08 February 2013, 09:51:35 pm
Owner is adament he would have remembered, just cos he didnt say anything at the time, there is a certainty he will possibly have remembered, but I see your point though.

I hope this all works out for you, just remember to deny, deny, deny if anything did come out :) x
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Rooby on 08 February 2013, 09:52:59 pm
Owner is adament he would have remembered, just cos he didnt say anything at the time, there is a certainty he will possibly have remembered, but I see your point though.

How can he possibly be adamant unless he was watching you and the Client interact? To make that assurance is just bizarre.

R xx
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lil Lolita on 08 February 2013, 10:01:37 pm
Thanks Cat :)

Rooby, he said there had been a similar occurance before with a girl which he had to deal with, in fact it was almost a mirror image (stupid naive idiot like me divulging info as a sugarbabe/indie, then working for an agency and finding said customer is now using the agency). Unfortunately, Edinburgh isnt the biggest of cities so it is possible to bump into or come across clients, as I am sure it is within any city across the UK xx
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Barbie52 on 08 August 2013, 08:12:09 am
How many girls on here are registered with Seeking  Arrangement the sugar daddy site.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lady c on 08 August 2013, 08:34:06 am
well I thought I would try this as a bit lonely and thought maybe I can get the best of both worlds. Joined seeking arrangement and sugar both seem more like dating sites with the fellas saying on their profiles genuine seeking soul mate bla bla. I will give it a few weeks tho. Has anyone had success with this as I want a sugar daddy (I think) someone to spoil me and wine and dine.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lady c on 08 August 2013, 08:36:00 am
Hi that is a coincidence I have just been searching the thread for this topic I think the mods will merge this thread for you. I have just joined them last night.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 08 August 2013, 08:41:50 am
You will probably find out that Sugar Daddy sites are full of guys wanting cheap sex whenever THEY WANT IT so you are just sex on tap for them and usually at a much reduced rate to your normal rate.

Good luck though for I think you will need I t ..... Oh and a lot of patience too.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lailah terri on 08 August 2013, 10:35:52 pm
I'm on sa, have just been getting requests for body pics. I was on established men as well, waste of my time.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Freya on 10 August 2013, 01:14:43 am
erm.......... bit embarrassing and I know this makes me sound completely stupid but I've only just realised after a year that I'm in a SD/SB situation (I thought it was a real life love affair). I've been sad, needy and confused for a year. I tried to give it up as it is a complete mind fuck but can't because of financial and home circumstances. When I think about it he has been fair and played by the rules. Although I did on several occasions try to clarify if we had an arrangement or what? He has said that he loved me, wasn't an emotional l type, was surprised his feelings which confused things for me. He pays bills, legal fees, school fees and is renovating my house. It's been going on for a year. He used to also pay 1000k per month to get me back on my feet...and stopped after 6 months as agreed. Do you think that he realises what the situation is? Oh and please don't laugh but I do feel faintly ridiculous to be in this situation because of my age. He treats me like I'm a young woman even though I have now told him my true age which is 54.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: nubienne on 26 September 2013, 04:06:35 pm
Hello everyone I hope youre having a nice afternoon :-*

I recently started out as a cam girl I think its been a full week now. I'm doing okay for a newbie ( I make about ?100 a night ;))
I considered escorting but I dont think I can stomach it. I was advised here in a previous post that it will affect me emotionally because of my age. Tbh I'm more concerned for my safety. I dont have security or work in a parlour so I'll essentially be travelling around as i cant accomodate incalls

So i signed up to sugar daddies.
In the first day I got so much response I ended up paying for the membership
(money i was advised not to spend on non sexual agencies!)

As of now I'm talking to a guy, he seems legit, profile and name on the sight.
He's offering me ?600 a month.
Now I know many of you can make that in 2-3 incalls or an overnight stay but for me its a case of assuring my personal safety, getting to know someone who I can trust and not having so many notches on the bedpost.
(I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone on here as so many have been so helpful and youre all lovely)

The money will cover basically my rent for 2 months (im in a student houseshare) and I'm able to go on trips with him.
Ive always been told I have an old soul cos theatres galleries, cinema trip, cultural visitation sites are things I enjoy as opp to clubbing etc.
If I'm truly honest I just wont feel like a prostitute. The way the men speak to me and inievtably treat me will be better than random clients who can be very rude and demanding even on cam. I wouldnt want to be left feeling hollow

However I'm worried about not being able to stomach if and when its time to do the deed with a much older man.
Or if I get shy for the whole money thing....I dont know guys i just need help
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: AA on 26 September 2013, 04:17:12 pm
I mean this in the nicest way possible - I think you're being naive about the whole set up. The arrangement is still one of sex in exchange for money. No bloke alive is going to give you 600.00 per month for your lovely company alone. He's going to expect you to put out at some stage. That makes you, like the rest of us here, a prostitute, plain and simple.

You may think a sugar daddy is going to be less work / hassle compared to a regular client but from the stories I've heard that's just not the case. Personally, I'd rather stick to honest-whoring any day of the week - at least you get to stipulate the terms and set a fee you're happy with instead of having to pander to one man's demands.

Either way, good luck! And I'm happy to be proved wrong if you have indeed landed a Richard Gere here.  ;D

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: amy on 26 September 2013, 05:14:26 pm
I've merged this in with the rest of the 'sugar daddy' stuff and there's a reason this thread is in the Off Topic section. Have a read through the rest of it and then think about whether this sounds like less work and less hassle than a plain, simple 'this is what is on offer, this is how much it costs to have it for these amounts of time, and this is what you need to do to get it'.

And as Alisha says, you'll still be a prostitute so you may as well get the good stuff (money) without the bad (being at some total stranger's beck and call for a ridiculously small amount of it, especially when without the clear boundaries that we set in our advertising he's likely to be needy, demanding and pushy because he can be). Actually I'm interested to know why you think 'feeling like a prostitute' is a bad thing? I've felt like one for years, and it's done me no end of good :D. Age has nothing to do with it - if you were going to be affected mentally by having sex with strangers for money it'll happen anyway, and putting a different label on it so everybody can kid themselves about what's happening won't alter that either.

From what I can see on the Webcamming board, men who do camming are nothing like the genuine punters which most of us see or they'd never get through the door, so it's really not a useful benchmark to assume that there's any similarity between the two. Either way, some of the same basic tenets will apply; don't give anybody your legal name or your home address, buy a second phone that you can dump easily and try not to fall for any more horseshit :).
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Pink~Princess on 26 September 2013, 06:00:55 pm
I was actually thinking about joining these sites just to see what happens, I aint expecting much and I aint gonna be at on demand for ANYONE unless the money is right - would have to be what I earn per month or more  ;D

Anyway should I NOT use my real name and get another phone as Amy just mentioned in the above post?

So with sugar daddy's, we just treat them like clients and don't give out our real details?

Yep sugar daddy's are defo just another form of punter in my eyes!

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Abbeycro on 26 September 2013, 09:20:23 pm
I think the guys who use these sites do it to save money, and they know that if they booked an escort for what they wanted it would cost them way more.  This guy is just out to use you and get what he wants at a discount rate, he will know what the local escorts charge, does not want to pay it so joins a Sugar Daddy site to try and talk someone into seeing him at ?600 a month and save himself a ton of money.  He is taking advantage, don't let him do it!

I would leave it and continue webcamming, which you are comfortable doing.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ana30 on 28 September 2013, 11:41:43 pm
I believe this question belongs to this thread so I'm posting it here. I have this good friend (let's call her "Jenny")  who started in the business at the same time as me and we've had a very close relationship for many years. I don't mind posting about it here because she doesn't read this forum and lives in another country. One month ago she decided to quit the business because she found a sugar daddy who pays her bills and financially supports her. He's married. On top of it she's looking at me over the shoulder because she's a "kept woman" and I'm a sex worker. So I had this conversation with her were she told me:"I'm done with this business and my life is going in another direction" (the "other awesome direction" is none than being supported financially by a sugar daddy). I tried to reason with her as to how she's going to pay her uber expensive apartment or what's going to happened when sugar daddy dumps her but she answered me with an angry: "My guy has told me that even if we break up he will continue supporting me. And besides, he's going to be there for me ALWAYS because he loves me".

I really don't understand why some women have this childish believe that they need not to worry about the future (financially speaking) because "a man will come and save them". She's in her mid 30's and no spring chicken Any reasoning with her stating the contrary ends up with her getting mad at me.

I don't want to loose a friend so I decided not to touch the touchy subject matter.

What would you guys do?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: missA on 29 September 2013, 01:21:25 am
Its difficult for me to answer this as most of my friends are in normal jobs and a few keep getting marride because they don't have enough income on their own to secure their future or pay their mortgage, but the few ladies that do this are all hell bent on finding a SD  :-*

I am also a mature lady and worry that I will be still working in my 50's but would not give up my work unless there was a large lump sum upfront with someone who was very special and I thought could be a long term situation, or alternatively just a sugar daddie that payed a reasonable monthly sum for however long it lasts.

She sounds like she is not happy and maybe getting depressed about her situation which is understandable as this for some people can be a very limiting existence long term :-\
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ParisB on 29 September 2013, 10:06:14 am
I was actually thinking about joining these sites just to see what happens, I aint expecting much and I aint gonna be at on demand for ANYONE unless the money is right - would have to be what I earn per month or more  ;D

Anyway should I NOT use my real name and get another phone as Amy just mentioned in the above post?

So with sugar daddy's, we just treat them like clients and don't give out our real details?

Yep sugar daddy's are defo just another form of punter in my eyes!

Use a different phone. And Name and photos because guys may google your number and up pop pink princess adultwork profile  ad tey can tin eye yourbpictures which will show where they have come from / wherever else they are on the net , however I ave been told that there are a fair amount of punters on there as well so bear that in mind 
The holy crail for many men. Is free sex with a pretty woman a lot of te en on the site have the power as there are n awful lot of desperate woman on there probably more than the men

However expect to give them you real name address and most will want  bare back sex after all its a real girlfriend experience that they are after  and you run thevriskthatbif try find out what you do tey could out you as they ave your real name address ect

It's just another form. Of prostitution in my eyes just dressed  up for those ladies who don't want to be classed as a prossie and those men  that don't want to be seen as a punter

Nothing in life is free you will pay for intone way or another but as long as you remember that then you will be fine

(fixed quote)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ParisB on 29 September 2013, 10:17:52 am
I believe this question belongs to this thread so I'm posting it here. I have this good friend (let's call her "Jenny")  who started in the business at the same time as me and we've had a very close relationship for many years. I don't mind posting about it here because she doesn't read this forum and lives in another country. One month ago she decided to quit the business because she found a sugar daddy who pays her bills and financially supports her. He's married. On top of it she's looking at me over the shoulder because she's a "kept woman" and I'm a sex worker. So I had this conversation with her were she told me:"I'm done with this business and my life is going in another direction" (the "other awesome direction" is none than being supported financially by a sugar daddy). I tried to reason with her as to how she's going to pay her uber expensive apartment or what's going to happened when sugar daddy dumps her but she answered me with an angry: "My guy has told me that even if we break up he will continue supporting me. And besides, he's going to be there for me ALWAYS because he loves me".

I really don't understand why some women have this childish believe that they need not to worry about the future (financially speaking) because "a man will come and save them". She's in her mid 30's and no spring chicken Any reasoning with her stating the contrary ends up with her getting mad at me.

I don't want to loose a friend so I decided not to touch the touchy subject matter.

What would you guys do?

She is getting mad cos she knows your right.  When he leaves her for a newer model she will have bugger all . apart from a few nice handbags and shoes .   Woman should be able to support themselves and not look to a man.  But many still do unfortunately

 50 years of feminism has done fuck all apart from the fact that we now think ourselves equal to men so work as hard as them but still have to do the brunt of childcare and give up work to bring up kids
Sacrifice careers and pensions ad savings  while men just carry on in the same way as beforehand

Until men have babies men and sacrifice there careers and pensions and savings  and women will never be equal  and yes there are a few men that do this but they are very small compared to woman that do it all the time

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ana30 on 29 September 2013, 11:36:44 am
Its difficult for me to answer this as most of my friends are in normal jobs and a few keep getting marride because they don't have enough income on their own to secure their future or pay their mortgage, but the few ladies that do this are all hell bent on finding a SD  :-*

She sounds like she is not happy and maybe getting depressed about her situation which is understandable as this for some people can be a very limiting existence long term :-\

I think my friend was "burned out" and is now very happy to give herself a much needed break from the biz.  She believes this guy is going to support her forever and she's going to be his mistress for the rest of her life. IMO she is trying a fix a problem in the "short term" (finding a SG so she can quit the biz), but SG's (like most men) come and go, so she's NOT thinking "long term" because once he leaves her she'll have to go back to sex work as she doesn't have any other skill. Obviously she's deluding herself by not accepting this cold & hard fact  hence the reason "Jennny" gets so angry with me every time I bring it up. But hey, maybe this guy is going to support her forever and I'm just being a jealous cow lol! But truth is  she's turned into a slave for him and part of him wanting her to "not work" is so that he can control her. On the other hand she doesn't seem to have a problem with it. in her mind it's better to be a slave for one man than a slave for 50 guys. The "free bird" in me would NEVER sign up for this situation (being 100% financially dependent on a man and let him have so much power over me) so I guess I'm not sugar babe material. Which is probably why I 've never had a SG in my whole life. It's not looking like it's going to happen either. Not that I care to be honest.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ParisB on 29 September 2013, 02:26:36 pm
Its difficult for me to answer this as most of my friends are in normal jobs and a few keep getting marride because they don't have enough income on their own to secure their future or pay their mortgage, but the few ladies that do this are all hell bent on finding a SD  :-*

She sounds like she is not happy and maybe getting depressed about her situation which is understandable as this for some people can be a very limiting existence long term :-\

I think my friend was "burned out" and is now very happy to give herself a much needed break from the biz.  She believes this guy is going to support her forever and she's going to be his mistress for the rest of her life. IMO she is trying a fix a problem in the "short term" (finding a SG so she can quit the biz), but SG's (like most men) come and go, so she's NOT thinking "long term" because once he leaves her she'll have to go back to sex work as she doesn't have any other skill. Obviously she's deluding herself by not accepting this cold & hard fact  hence the reason "Jennny" gets so angry with me every time I bring it up. But hey, maybe this guy is going to support her forever and I'm just being a jealous cow lol! But truth is  she's turned into a slave for him and part of him wanting her to "not work" is so that he can control her. On the other hand she doesn't seem to have a problem with it. in her mind it's better to be a slave for one man than a slave for 50 guys. The "free bird" in me would NEVER sign up for this situation (being 100% financially dependent on a man and let him have so much power over me) so I guess I'm not sugar babe material. Which is probably why I 've never had a SG in my whole life. It's not looking like it's going to happen either. Not that I care to be honest.

I've never known of any mistress  in their  80s although i suppose they are out there  (  thinking about the comment that he is going to support her for the rest of her life ) 

If it were me and i were going down this line i would be aiming to get a sugar daddy to buy me a house outright in my name not in his name or a lease and everything that i got would be in my name not his
because when he dumps me for a younger more obliging sugar babe at least I would have got my money worth
But actually while I'm pretty mercenary in both life and business I  just don't think i could do this sort of whoring  Im the opposite would rather fuck 50 guys for my own money than be reliant on one guy for everything
I guess I'm a  prostitute  when I'm working and fucking but if i was a sugar babe i would feel like i was one 24/7 never getting any down time
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ana30 on 29 September 2013, 02:42:48 pm
If it were me and i were going down this line i would be aiming to get a sugar daddy to buy me a house outright in my name not in his name or a lease and everything that i got would be in my name not his
because when he dumps me for a younger more obliging sugar babe at least I would have got my money worth

You're talking like a "traditional wife" now Paris, which is kind of an "upgraded version to the sugar babe status". The most looked after position for many women: a whore with a "government contract that is socially accepted, has "benefits" and a pension.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ParisB on 29 September 2013, 08:20:41 pm
If it were me and i were going down this line i would be aiming to get a sugar daddy to buy me a house outright in my name not in his name or a lease and everything that i got would be in my name not his
because when he dumps me for a younger more obliging sugar babe at least I would have got my money worth

You're talking like a "traditional wife" now Paris, which is kind of an "upgraded version to the sugar babe status". The most looked after position for many women: a whore with a "government contract that is socially accepted, has "benefits" and a pension.


nah with a wife you have to wash his smelly socks and skid mark pants  if i were doing that then i would defiantly want the house in my name (lol)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: LouLou37 on 29 September 2013, 10:51:43 pm
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ana30 on 29 September 2013, 11:58:33 pm
I would rather women were FULLY independent of men, but that will not happen whilst women with children are still expected to bear the financial and household brunt of things after children are born.

Lou lou, if men could bear children the whole dynamics of society would change 100 degrees. We would have an egalitarian society. Heterosexual men would have to stay at home and find a woman to provide financially . Watch abortion becoming free, ready and available in every street corner (plus gas stations and pubs).

On the other hand i don't believe we've gone "backwards" at all, in the 16th century a woman who choose to be single and not have kids would be labelled a "witch", in the 18th century she would be "a sad spinster" whose only options were being a nun, a nurse, a midwife or a seamstress". Nowadays being a single career woman with no kids is "empowering". We can vote, decide if we want to reproduce or not, drive commercial aeroplanes, even become CEO's if we want. Had you been born a century ago they would throw you into jail for being a prostitute! Nowadays you have a GUM clinic, a Praed project, a "National mugs site", a safety forum and can advertise freely. But we still bear children and that STILL messes up the whole financial dynamics between the sexes. Because as you say now we have double the workload: being home makers and "bringing the bread to the table" .But that's the price we had to pay for "women's liberation", and I'd rather have it a million times that way than the way it was for us 2 centuries ago. You can't "have your cake and eat it too".
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lisa lisa on 30 September 2013, 08:19:03 pm
I have recently joined this bang wagon and I do think having a sugar daddy who you actually meet in person is too much effort.

However having a few who think they are being cleaver by chatting and seeing you on Skype after a purchase from my wish list of course is a suitable alternative for me :-)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: zara jayde xx on 17 January 2014, 05:06:03 pm
Was it worth it?
 Im thinking of maybe finding me a sugar daddy not anything serious as going to sign up to a few sites.....but im expecting  a lot of time wasting.

im thinking of something short term perhaps maybe a month or two.

what are your experiences :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Caledonia on 17 January 2014, 05:08:04 pm
Never done it but from the posts I've read on here its more trouble than it's worth.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: KimberlyC on 17 January 2014, 07:33:58 pm
I had a sugar daddy years ago. Guy gave me a big allowance every week, rented me a nice flat, and leased me a sports car. He took me on fancy holidays to super posh resorts in Hawaii and Europe. He would also buy me anything I asked for.

And it wasn't worth it. I got totally sick of him and RAN back to being a prostitute.

The arrangement is like being a full-time prossie without any boundaries. At least that was my experience. Ugh.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Pink~Princess on 18 January 2014, 12:13:16 pm
I actually wouldn't mind having my rent paid, car paid, holidays, big weekly allowance and anything I wanted in exchange for me being at his beck and call as it would save me sleeping with literally hundreds of different men HOWEVER I have never tried it for real so don't actually know what I am talking about lol but I would love to give it a shot. I'd never go down the sugar daddy route if I was worse off than what I am doing now, that would just be silly considering I made excellent money and only need to actually work 3 hours a day xx
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Sassy Slapper on 18 January 2014, 03:48:42 pm
OMG the thought of being at the beck and call of a guy because he has control of your cash flow, home and car is the stuff of nightmares for me. Yes I would love to be kept but it would have to be a love situation for me to put up with a guys demands?I am simply incapable of hiding my intolerance towards some sorts of people and their little strange ways. I would probably lose it big time and bash him over the head with my expensive shoes he has bought me if I tried to swallow the irritations for too long, they would build up and build up until I just couldn't keep it in any longer.

I dont know how anyone can manage this unless the guy is very work orientated so not around much or an absolute billionaire so you can afford to be all over the world doing all sorts of things all the time. Being trapped in a flat or house with someone I didn't really want to be with would just grind on me till i burst.

I had a guy who was kind of a partial sugar daddy years ago, not a full on arrangement or anything but it was of that ilk and I ended up smacking him on the head with the mobile phone he had just bought me. He gave me a "present" and then said "soo, whadda you gonna do for me now eh??" whilst proceeding to grab my boobs. So I gonked him right on the top of his presumptive bald head with the phone and said "thats what"then gave him the phone back. uughghggh so slimy and smarmy. I think he still has a dent in his head  ::)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: curvy_girl on 18 January 2014, 03:53:51 pm
I think when it comes to sugar daddies you can choose who you would like to be with, like when you are independent you can turn down whoever you like if you wish.

If you are lucky enough to have a few guys who would like to 'keep' you so to speak you can go on dates like you would do with any other potential, if you are serious about sugar daddying you will go to the dates and see if you find a goodun'.

If you don't then I guess it is wasted time. That's why escorting is a lot easier. I would only accept a sugar daddy arrangement if he contacted me through AW so he would at least know he would have to pay for my time. But I know some sugar daddies don't like to have an escort baby and would rather a girl trying to get through college and what not. I think what I am trying to say is if it came to me maybe in the form of a wealthy client then I would think about it for sure!

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Julia1985 on 19 January 2014, 07:08:27 pm
Any views on a suitable monthly allowance in London area and the number of meeting per month. Seems like something that might be worth trying but sorting out the TW from the genuine might be a challenge.

I was also wondering how successful others have been in getting clients to commit to monthly arrangements rather than per meeting. I don't yet have any clients who pays by the month but would certainly welcome them as it would give a more reliable source on income. Just don't know whether there are many out there willing to commit.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: KaylaCouture on 09 September 2014, 05:16:09 am
A good friend of mine,  who's been escorting a few years longer than I, was telling me about a few girls she knows who have all had incredible success as "Sugar Babies" recently. She said they all started with profiles on sites like &, and all eventually met gentlemen who pay extremely well to see them on a regular basis. One of the girls drives to San Francisco (two hours from us in Sacramento) twice a month, to spend every other weekend with the guy in his big,  beautiful house on the bay and he pays her $12,000 (evi says that's the same as ?7,600 in the UK) every month! Another gets $8,000 for four overnight visits a month. Both their "arrangements" are fairly new,  like 3 months in,  but a third girl found her sugar daddy exactly a year ago, and he just bought her a brand new BMW as a gift for their "anniversary"!

So I'm very curious if any of you have experimented with relationships like these,  or are on these types of websites? I've often heard that they discourage girls who are considered "escorts" from using their sites, that the type of women they want to attract is along the lines of young, beautiful, single coeds who are struggling financially from paying for college. I imagine that's because the type of man who uses their service, a) is interested in a lot more than just having sex, b) wants to feel like his money is going to good use and c) most likely either wants a monogamous deal,  or at least not have to wear a condom.

Do you think any of that matters,  or are most the girls on there just escorts in disguise?  Any experiences to share,  or stories to tell? I'm also dying to know how many of the guys are actually rich,  and how many are completely full of shit and still live with their mothers??
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: xw5 on 09 September 2014, 07:14:15 am
Have a search for "sugar" for a variety of experiences with such things, but sex for money is sex for money, no matter how it is marketed.

It's not unknown for people to exaggerate how much they are earning and downplay how hard it is to get it, of course.

Update: Now merged with another relevant thread.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: laceygracie on 09 September 2014, 07:19:04 am
I agree with XW5. Sex for money is sex for money. I 'sugared' while at uni and eventually found it tedious and a waste of time. I think it depends on your personality! I know a few veeeery happy 'spoiled girlfriends' but it's not my cup of tea!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Candy on 09 September 2014, 11:01:10 am
Really? I never believed that there are men that pay for the companion only and it never ends with sex. Is that for real thou?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jess1888 on 09 September 2014, 11:10:44 am
I think that these kind of relationships can work well but you have to genuinely get on with the guy. he doesn't want you to be an 'escort' they more like the idea of a naughty part time girlfriend that's not sleeping with anyone else, it can get tedious though because most things you do are on their terms as essentially they are paying you, and I've found a lot of these guys also expect you to not use protection. so I do think it depends on the type of person you are xx
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 09 September 2014, 11:12:21 am
There is also the saying "familiarity breeds contempt" and as you say all examples given are fairly new it could start getting more stressful at any time.

The amounts of money look good but when you break it down to regular bookings it really isnt.  Getting the money regularly is good however, but as soon as they start trying to move the goalposts it could cause problems.

These girls are just prostitutes (someone who takes money for sex) who do longer length bookings.  Most of these guys simply want a girl "on tap" so that when he has an itch he can get a booty call, simply cause he has paid for sex on tap when he pays the girl.

This is not a companion thing only.  And as other have said exaggeration and lies have to be taken into consideration.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Candy on 09 September 2014, 11:37:31 am
I think it's for the clients to have a girl exclusive to him. They give enough money for them to have to pay their studies, house etc. But I wouldn't like to be in those relationship. It would be kind of slavery for me.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Velor on 12 September 2014, 07:16:12 pm
I totally agree it's a whole different type of prostitution, but in the end it's still prostitution even if the sugarbabies like to think otherwise.

This is my take as I have been a sugarbaby for years,still am but have also been an escort before and currently doing both sugar and escorting.
The stupid sb's tend to give so much of themselves eg meeting often which I don't , I have always managed how much time I spent with my sd, this all depends on how much I was paid. What I like about being a sb is I find it safer in that you're dealing with one man not waiting at home and not knowing which punter is walking in next. I also like the fact you have just normal sex no kinks and demands, and they tend to be more respectful than punters who pound you and want to come twice or thrice for an hours pay.  I meet my sd very rarely and he pays me the same set amount of money wether or not we meet that month ( it's paid monthly before any engagement) The only thing I struggle with is being reliant on him, if a sd drops you, it's not easy to come by one who is generous and a total gentleman. So replacing a sd is harder than finding a punter IMO ( my experience) reason I've decided to do both escorting and sugar is, purely because I do not want to be dependant on my sd, it works for me and I think I will always have one on the side.( you have to set boundaries which I have hence what my sd currently gives me is costing him more than actually getting an escort by the hour) being a sugar baby is not for everyone just as escorting isn't for all. I think escorting full time is perfect for girls who have a certain type of work ethic, the type that are on the ball, I admire that type however I'm a lot more layed back I find I burn out quick on just escorting....I love being dined and wined but getting same money as the per hour. But yes they are all whores personally I find sugar babies too naive and could easily be taken advantage of by sd. Sugarbabies go wrong when these men start lieing to them about being in love, that's the minute the sugarbaby begins to overly be available, I've always said there no such thing as sugardaddy/boyfriend , his either a sugardaddy or a boyfriend can't be both,and if he claims to be boyfriend he better be buying the house in my name outright.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: meetingdiversity on 13 September 2014, 01:08:52 pm
Sugar daddies and clients sound so similar to me paying for time or services is all the same thing. Where as without the money no clients or sugar daddies. I can see how some can get more demanding then drop if not satisfied. 
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Curvygal on 28 September 2014, 05:17:03 pm
I totally agree it's a whole different type of prostitution, but in the end it's still prostitution even if the sugarbabies like to think otherwise.

This is my take as I have been a sugarbaby for years,still am but have also been an escort before and currently doing both sugar and escorting.
The stupid sb's tend to give so much of themselves eg meeting often which I don't , I have always managed how much time I spent with my sd, this all depends on how much I was paid. What I like about being a sb is I find it safer in that you're dealing with one man not waiting at home and not knowing which punter is walking in next. I also like the fact you have just normal sex no kinks and demands, and they tend to be more respectful than punters who pound you and want to come twice or thrice for an hours pay.  I meet my sd very rarely and he pays me the same set amount of money wether or not we meet that month ( it's paid monthly before any engagement) The only thing I struggle with is being reliant on him, if a sd drops you, it's not easy to come by one who is generous and a total gentleman. So replacing a sd is harder than finding a punter IMO ( my experience) reason I've decided to do both escorting and sugar is, purely because I do not want to be dependant on my sd, it works for me and I think I will always have one on the side.( you have to set boundaries which I have hence what my sd currently gives me is costing him more than actually getting an escort by the hour) being a sugar baby is not for everyone just as escorting isn't for all. I think escorting full time is perfect for girls who have a certain type of work ethic, the type that are on the ball, I admire that type however I'm a lot more layed back I find I burn out quick on just escorting....I love being dined and wined but getting same money as the per hour. But yes they are all whores personally I find sugar babies too naive and could easily be taken advantage of by sd. Sugarbabies go wrong when these men start lieing to them about being in love, that's the minute the sugarbaby begins to overly be available, I've always said there no such thing as sugardaddy/boyfriend , his either a sugardaddy or a boyfriend can't be both,and if he claims to be boyfriend he better be buying the house in my name outright.

So do you recommend it then?  It does sound appealing but I'm not sure how simple it would really be....back at the begining of the arrangement did you get the initial payment before you met up with him for the first time?  I see these guys on AW advertising as Sugar Daddies but then they say things like they'll give you ?1,000 a month (just an example) but they want the arrangement to begin today and they'll make the first payment on 15th.  I don't trust anyone enough for that.  Also, does he know you escort too?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: meetingdiversity on 29 September 2014, 01:00:47 am
One last night gave that proposal and after thought it wasn't my thing. It would be like walking on egg shells. I cannot give this up for an allowance that can be stoped if he got in a strop. That would leave me in a terrible situation starting escorting from scratch. Well building the escort popularity again.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: alice842 on 29 September 2014, 02:31:13 am
I had a guy messaging me saying he wanted to be my rich sugar daddy. I exchanged a few emails with him asking about what sort of arrangement he'd like and when we could arrange a meeting to have a chat and see if we got on well and he was really vague and annoying, not making any definite plans and asking lots of invasive questions. He didn't have any feedback and I didn't want to be at someone's beck and call either - which is what it seemed like he wanted with his boundary pushing questions  ::)

I stopped replying and blocked him and received a nasty message from a different account, something along the lines of 'I'm glad I found out what you were really like before meeting.. when I want a slag to piss on we will meet' and more abuse along those lines. I couldn't resist replying to tell him that I really enjoy watersports but he'd still need to pay me, after which I blocked him. I don't know why people looking for a sugar daddy arrangement message escorts and not people on other websites who are specifically looking for a sugar daddy. The whole thing seems less professional and organised to me, and harder to guarantee your safety if they want to know personal details etc. - but then that's just me, I like to be the one in control :)

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DustedWithSugar on 29 September 2014, 12:16:49 pm
I just spend good couple of hours reading posts on tumblr of girls who are doing sugardadding stuff. All I can say - they are completely deluded. They all say you have to value yourself and of course its true, but come on, let's be realistic. No one will pay thousands to girl for just dining and staring in her eyes. All of them proudly say "we are not prostitutes", as they are not payed per hour, but honestly what's the difference? If I'd have to spend x amount of hours in company of guy in my grandpa's age and even thinking about money wouldn't make it any better, as there is no money stated... seems so tedious. Isn't it really better to get down to business for stated before x amount for x time?
Another thing I want to say is that most of those girls seem very unorganized and even sometimes deluded. Honestly 95% of posts I saw was just listing of gifts they got and what they ate ate fancy restaurants. I mean I don't mind, its not my life and it sounds quite nice, but it seems likd ... I don't know, like there is nothing else? I've seen quite few posts of girls who claim its best style ever, and they are paid to look pretty and just be there. Alright, but come on, how long its gonna last?

Honestly I had completely different opinion about sugardadding before I did my reading. I belive it can be really lucrative and good business if its your cup of tea, but I think one has to stay very focused on long distance goals and build some future, not roll in handbags and shoes. I think its very easy to get off track and get into believing that there will be always some older rich guy to save the girl.

I think escorting is much easier (despite it seems like completely opposite) and its much easier to stay in right set of mind.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: savvygirl on 25 October 2014, 02:13:36 am
Hi I'm new to saafe although I have been escorting for a while. I'm thinking of looking for a sugar daddy, although I do have my reservations and I'm sure I'll encounter a lot of timewasters and men who basically want sex for free or pittance. I noticed a number of people mentioned that it's best not to let Sugar Daddies know you are an escort, but is it really that easy to hide when they might come across your profile on aw? I don't show my face on my profile but someone who knows me might recognise me if they looked hard enough. Ultimately I don't think there's much a difference between sugar babies and escorts except in the name, but men like to think they're not paying for sex.

Another query is that I'm thinking of putting a picture up on my sugarbabe profile and it looks like most of the girls show their faces. If  I don't show my face will men assume I'm an escort? Do you think it's better to put up a normal picture or a professional pic on my sugar babe profile? Ideally I'd like to carry on escorting while being a sugar babe but I'm not sure how easy that will be, what are your thoughts on this from other girls who've done this. I'd be keen to chat with other escorts who've dallied in this area.. :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 25 October 2014, 10:46:49 am
Welcome to SAAFE.

No one could ever know what a man is thinking.  Though I'm sure they must have more intelligence than I would ever give them credit for especially when it comes to their wallets.

IMO sugar daddies are simply older guys who want to get as much sex as they can for as little as they can from young naive females.  And like you say I am under the impression they are very territorial about the female they are fucking.

As I'm an older worker I can't claim to have ever tried the SD thingy out but then I would never be at any mans beck and call.  This situation may arise frequently and if you have bookings for the same time you may have to cancel them thus getting yourself a bad name.

I've got to be honest I've never heard of an SD situ that worked, sorry.  Good luck.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: savvygirl on 27 October 2014, 12:58:14 am
Well, so far you're right. The one's that have contacted me are worse than my stingiest clients! One offered me ?800 a month to meet twice a week (including overnight) every week  :-\. That would work out less than ?100 for each meeting of who knows how many hours. I am planning to give it a bit longer to see if there are some more realistic SDs.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: alice842 on 27 October 2014, 01:31:22 am
Well, so far you're right. The one's that have contacted me are worse than my stingiest clients! One offered me ?800 a month to meet twice a week (including overnight) every week  :-\. That would work out less than ?100 for each meeting of who knows how many hours. I am planning to give it a bit longer to see if there are some more realistic SDs.

Most girls I know who have sugar daddies met them through escorting - they were just regular clients who became quite good friends and then ended up paying for extra things for them, like some money towards a new car or bills, and over time they ended up becoming basically a paid girlfriend. I think in order to be successful, those relationships need to build up over time, after all there's a high level of trust involved, it seems very risky to jump into that kind of commitment with a stranger, especially if you want to keep escorting as well.

Also as others here have said, having a sugar daddy presents all sorts of problems like them pushing boundaries, expecting services like bb, expecting you to drop everything to see them, not seeing other men except them, knowing your real name, where you live, personal things about you etc. also issues of payment like if they don't pay by the hour when DO they pay you? At each meeting or in monthly instalments? and what happens if one month he doesn't pay and you were relying on the money? I know regular income seems nice in theory but be careful you have all the details ironed out and know exactly what you're getting for your time/services :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: MissFlint on 03 February 2015, 12:12:30 pm
I met with a potential SD through seeking arrangement and he agreed to ?800 per meet if we spend the night together. It sounded like a good deal but the time frame seemed to expand every time we talked about it, for example he said we should meet for lunch, spend the day together and then spend the night together. In my mind I was just thinking of meeting for dinner then spending the night together. Also he was constantly texting me in the lead up to our first paid date (which wasn't for 2 weeks). I could not deal with all the texts and emails and realised it wasn't worth it for all the work I had to put in and all the flattery that was expected of me. 
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SusieSu on 11 May 2015, 01:32:03 pm

I wondered if I could get some more experienced girls opinions on this please?

I live in Exeter, not a very big place, and after my work closed down I started escorting about 2 years ago. Some times I love it and some times I hate it. At the moment I can't seem to get any enthusiasm for it (probably due to a bout of BV) but I haven't been able to get another job and I've been looking for a few months. The gap on my CV doesn't help.

One of my regulars has asked me if I want to move into more of a suggar daddy relationship and he would pay me a monthly allowance. He's offered me less than what I'd make if I were working often, but more than I make at the moment when I can't be arsed and I hardly work. The money is fine, I can live on it comfortably, but it's the other bits I'm not sure about. We haven't arranged any of the specifics of what he'd want from me, how often we'd see each other, how he'd pay me, stuff like that, and he's giving me some time to think about it so there's room for negotiation, but what do I ask for? Obviously he won't be paying me by the hour any more, but what do you think it reasonable to offer him in terms of my time?

I know that's a bit vague, but if any one else has any experience in this field I'd love to hear it. Also, to complicate things, I've just got a boyfriend he doesn't know I escort. It's a small town and I don't plan on telling him or for him to find out which is why I'm looking for another job. Ideally, I'd like to stick with my new man and find a civvie job but at the moment escorting is my only means of finance. I'm 31, and not keeping up with the bills.

Advice on any of the above would be great. Thanks ladies  xxxxx
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cheesypeas on 11 May 2015, 02:10:20 pm
I'm guessing it would expand into
more comittments than he's promised.

I'd also be concerned about messing
with my independence.
And I'd get bored looking at his face.

Think of the amount you'd feel
happy with then double it lol.
See what he says. ;)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Midsstudent on 11 May 2015, 02:47:01 pm
I'd only do that if there was an agreed contract in place stating the amount of time/contact I'd be willing to spend with them for the money. Also I'd want the freedom to continue escorting especially as it doesn't sound like he's offering you a lot of money.

The risk with not having very specific boundaries in place means that shaky ones can be pushed. Him being your sole income gives him a lot of power, be aware of that.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Lady_Lust_XXX on 11 May 2015, 03:05:05 pm
I met with a potential SD through seeking arrangement and he agreed to ?800 per meet if we spend the night together. It sounded like a good deal but the time frame seemed to expand every time we talked about it, for example he said we should meet for lunch, spend the day together and then spend the night together. In my mind I was just thinking of meeting for dinner then spending the night together. Also he was constantly texting me in the lead up to our first paid date (which wasn't for 2 weeks). I could not deal with all the texts and emails and realised it wasn't worth it for all the work I had to put in and all the flattery that was expected of me.

I think this is what happens most times.  They start off wanting 10% of your time, it goes up to 15% then up to 20% .... Do I need to go on and all for the same minimal amount that they want to pay.  I've never heard of one that has worked out. I'd run for the hills if I had the energy to run rofl.

Be very very careful if you ever get duped into one of these "relationships", it's all about them wanting to control you. Nasty!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Sabrinavanessa on 11 May 2015, 07:45:36 pm
I am currently negotiating a similar arrangement. We have a price for private time and a price for public time and a commitment of two meetings per week. I suggested that I am taking a risk by putting all my eggs in one basket and he says he will create a fund (worth about 10 meetings or 5 weeks) which I keep if he breaks the arrangement.
I am happy with the commercial arrangement just a bit unsure about the other bits. I know he is not a boundary pusher and he isn't looking for freebies, the only downside I can see is the dependency one.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cheesypeas on 11 May 2015, 08:30:49 pm
Related girlfriend does
the 'seeking night out for a gift' sites.
It's a lot of time emailing and  selecting.
Huge amounts of fantasists and space cowboys on these sites.
She does it because she's bored and needs a lush night
out with a banging meal and fine wine.

There is no dependency.
She makes the rules.
She has a non-sex, self employed job.
She treats it like a hobby, a bit of a hunt and chase.

She gets a 'gift' of 1000 pounds average
for an evening with her 'date'.
Often it's a late night not an overnight.
Sex is involved but if he does not pay
enough she'll terminate the date nicely
and not go to his room.

Escorting is never mentioned.
She is very much in control of the transaction.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: xw5 on 11 May 2015, 08:46:24 pm
I am currently negotiating a similar arrangement. We have a price for private time and a price for public time and a commitment of two meetings per week. I suggested that I am taking a risk by putting all my eggs in one basket and he says he will create a fund (worth about 10 meetings or 5 weeks) which I keep if he breaks the arrangement.

The 'safe' way to do that is for you to have at least five weeks of money in advance at all times. Otherwise, if he decides to stop seeing you, what makes you think he'd hand over hundreds of quid not to see you? It may be worth reminding him that this is not a deal that the courts would enforce.

Quite a few people with this sort of deal are not, in fact, monogamous to one client. Or one escort.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Shewolf on 11 May 2015, 09:13:33 pm
I'd also like to take the oppertunity to recommend [removed] for a sugar daddy type arrangement, have met some great clients from there.

Hope you don't mind newgirl007 that I've taken your earlier advice for a new thread.

I wonder how does one best approach sugardaddies? I mean if you register on that site, do you mention your escorting site in your profile? Or is it an absolute no? Also, which is the best way of breaching the subject of money? I personally prefer to be paid upfront, rather than been given gifts or having to ask for help with my bills or whatever.

Three or so years ago I placed ads in Financial Times looking for "a generous gentleman" for exciting dates kind of thing. I had replies, most of course TW but a few genuine too. I then proceeded to text them that I was looking to get financially compensated for our dates (can't remember exact words I used) and if that's what they were looking for, then contact me etc.

I've got a couple of bookings that way, but felt I had to kind of pretend that I wasn't an actual escort. Although I did tell one or two that I was.

But this has always puzzled me. When looking for sugardaddies, do you sort of pretend that you're not "just an escort" in order to not repell them? Or was it just me being paranoid?

 :D SnakeLady


This is my approach. I don't term them 'sugar daddies' though and as far as they are concerned I am a mistress of sorts. Just put it to married men that you would like a regular arrangement. Be honest with them about what you require in order to do what they want (this way there is no fannying about with gifts etc). Most will do exactly what you ask for if you sell it to them in the correct way. This way you get reliable, professional men who don't cling on etc. You get to know them and I think the whole thing is safer than just meeting strangers week in week out. Too dangerous.

PM me if you would like more details x  ;D

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Naked Chef on 11 May 2015, 09:54:12 pm
I have just signed up to after reading this thread but I had to laugh at a lot of the profiles - idealistic much?? :-P

I have had a few responses but would it be best to get a separate phone for this as my number is searchable on google and links to my escorting ads.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Sabrinavanessa on 11 May 2015, 09:58:33 pm
Xw5, thank you, I think you are right. I asked him how much he would pay to fire somebody - I thought closer to 3 months but he was pretty convincing. There appears to be a big difference between how it works in the U.S. Vs here in the UK.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Midsstudent on 11 May 2015, 10:00:53 pm
I have a regular arrangement for this year and he pays for 3 bookings in advance at a time because I offer him a slightly discounted rate. I think that's different though because it's still just escort bookings.

Though I'd be very happy if he extends beyond the 12 agreed. He's easy and I like the bulk payments.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Naked Chef on 11 May 2015, 10:22:48 pm
So how exactly should it work? Make them pay x amount in advance or pay by session like escort bookings? I am not really sure of the rules for this but it is another way to make bookings, both social and intimate, for an agreed price. Or do you go about it completely different to an escort booking?? Ie, no hourly rate?

Very confused :-S  surely these people should just book an escort?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: amy on 11 May 2015, 10:40:50 pm
So how exactly should it work? Make them pay x amount in advance or pay by session like escort bookings? I am not really sure of the rules for this but it is another way to make bookings, both social and intimate, for an agreed price. Or do you go about it completely different to an escort booking?? Ie, no hourly rate?

Very confused :-S  surely these people should just book an escort?

Yes they should, but it's basically punters who don't want to admit they're punters punting prostitutes who don't want to call themselves prostitutes, and as tedious, time consuming and annoying as that sounds to those of us who are used to 'put up straightforward ad-phone call-booking-take money to bank', rinse and repeat.

Vagueness is the order of the day, just in case some poor lamb's delicate sensibilities are affronted despite the fact that it's a crap earner pro rata (stating 1 hour = ?X is far quicker) and the lack of boundaries means confusion reigns supreme when it comes to things like what they're actually getting for their money. Fuck that noise ;D.

And (following my mistake when merging the new posts in earlier) it's back in Off Topic where it belongs. If anybody else wants to quote five year old posts, can you please take the links out?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Sabrinavanessa on 11 May 2015, 10:46:51 pm
You want a minimum amount per month and a maximum number of appointments 2 per week in this case paid for according to an hourly rate. Texting only relating to appointments, no calling currently paid as you go. I am thinking of whether I can improve on this. The minimum equals what I earn in a day times 2 per week. So, I dedicate two days per week to my SD, which means I can study, work on other business or do more SW on the other days. We have been doing it for 2 months and it has been great for both of us.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Naked Chef on 11 May 2015, 11:41:02 pm
Well that lasted long - my account was deleted by admin!

I think my head was clouded with views of being showered with money and gifts from men but after a few messages and phone calls offering ?150 for a date with some very blurred lines I think I will stick with my rather fabulous escorting malarky. Set price, set time, set activities. Done.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cheesypeas on 12 May 2015, 12:00:27 am
Hi Chef, I don't know the reasons..but
I think they delete acounts if they get complaints from
'nieve members' and  if 'fake' pics are used.
My mate says...they check with reverse pic search.

She was banned from Ashley for using a stock photo.
So she made a new account from a new mobile phone.

I was banned from a dating site as I told the deluded men
who annoyed me with rude mails to fuck their mums.
I think they took offence.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Shewolf on 12 May 2015, 08:45:21 pm
So how exactly should it work? Make them pay x amount in advance or pay by session like escort bookings? I am not really sure of the rules for this but it is another way to make bookings, both social and intimate, for an agreed price. Or do you go about it completely different to an escort booking?? Ie, no hourly rate?

Very confused :-S  surely these people should just book an escort?

Yes they should, but it's basically punters who don't want to admit they're punters punting prostitutes who don't want to call themselves prostitutes, and as tedious, time consuming and annoying as that sounds to those of us who are used to 'put up straightforward ad-phone call-booking-take money to bank', rinse and repeat.

Vagueness is the order of the day, just in case some poor lamb's delicate sensibilities are affronted despite the fact that it's a crap earner pro rata (stating 1 hour = ?X is far quicker) and the lack of boundaries means confusion reigns supreme when it comes to things like what they're actually getting for their money. Fuck that noise ;D.

And (following my mistake when merging the new posts in earlier) it's back in Off Topic where it belongs. If anybody else wants to quote five year old posts, can you please take the links out?

I don't mind calling myself a prostitute. Moreover, I think there are many different types of prostituting because peoples' situations are all different. There are other reasons that different types of scenarios work better for some women too. I don't think either that any woman who does any form of prostitution has a 'delicate sensibility' either. I would say that it takes somebody with some guts.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Shewolf on 12 May 2015, 08:47:52 pm
So how exactly should it work? Make them pay x amount in advance or pay by session like escort bookings? I am not really sure of the rules for this but it is another way to make bookings, both social and intimate, for an agreed price. Or do you go about it completely different to an escort booking?? Ie, no hourly rate?

Very confused :-S  surely these people should just book an escort?

Yes they should, but it's basically punters who don't want to admit they're punters punting prostitutes who don't want to call themselves prostitutes, and as tedious, time consuming and annoying as that sounds to those of us who are used to 'put up straightforward ad-phone call-booking-take money to bank', rinse and repeat.

Vagueness is the order of the day, just in case some poor lamb's delicate sensibilities are affronted despite the fact that it's a crap earner pro rata (stating 1 hour = ?X is far quicker) and the lack of boundaries means confusion reigns supreme when it comes to things like what they're actually getting for their money. Fuck that noise ;D.

And (following my mistake when merging the new posts in earlier) it's back in Off Topic where it belongs. If anybody else wants to quote five year old posts, can you please take the links out?

I don't mind calling myself a prostitute. Moreover, I think there are many different types of prostituting because peoples' situations are all different. There are other reasons that different types of scenarios work better for some women too. I don't think either that any woman who does any form of prostitution has a 'delicate sensibility' either. I would say that it takes somebody with some guts.

PS I see that you meant the men with their 'delicate sensibilities', not the women, apologies.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Ieaio on 12 May 2015, 10:40:42 pm
put the java script amazon wishlist module on your site (simple copy and paste of the html) Just call it a section for sugar daddies, or cash subs or when (mostly for regulars who want to get you somethign for birthday or xmas).

You get something now and again :) But don't expect thousand pound of gifts for a date.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Ieaio on 12 May 2015, 11:01:11 pm
Oh but be aware, don't use the "amazon wishlist tool" where you put things from other sites other than amazon on your wishlist, as your address will show up to the buyer if you source your wants from elsewhere to put on the amazin wishlist.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: magonlialady on 01 July 2015, 08:40:11 pm
Wondered if anyone had experiences with sugar daddies and what websites they used.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Bella.X on 01 July 2015, 08:54:29 pm and Seeking Arrangement used to be very good back in the days but there's more time wasters on there now looking for free dates and more in the name of "Lets meet and see if there's a connection". And this is me speaking from my experience on the 2 websites.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Ieaio on 01 July 2015, 09:10:17 pm
I think sometimes you just accidentally get one without jumping on those sites. Blue moon occasion of course. I've had 2 in the 2 years of doing this. 1 good one that is my regular and one weirdo one that i kept around because he had a habit of crying over his insecurities and shoving money in my hands and in my drawers but I finally decided it's weird and taking advantage of a sad man so I don't see him anymore.

Sugar daddys arn't like clients, I follow a lot of girlies on tumblr who are sugar babies and by the sound of things you have to serioussllyy sift the time wasters  much more than within escorting or those who are looking for an escort relationship but don't realize there is a place online for that too.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: xw5 on 01 July 2015, 09:45:28 pm
I thought there was at least one obvious thread to merge this with, but I can't find it.

The short version is that, yes, you get even more men after a freebie 'to see if you are worth my (imaginary) millions' and, yes, this is an area where boundaries about client behaviour can get seriously blurred. Their sense of entitlement can be massive...
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Shewolf on 01 July 2015, 10:03:11 pm
I thought there was at least one obvious thread to merge this with, but I can't find it.

The short version is that, yes, you get even more men after a freebie 'to see if you are worth my (imaginary) millions' and, yes, this is an area where boundaries about client behaviour can get seriously blurred. Their sense of entitlement can be massive...

In my experience, they start off nice and respectful and gradually become more demanding and entitled and basically, show their disgusting colours x
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: amy on 02 July 2015, 12:08:56 am
I thought there was at least one obvious thread to merge this with, but I can't find it.

Found it :).
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Emma_C on 16 July 2015, 10:16:38 am
I thought there was at least one obvious thread to merge this with, but I can't find it.

The short version is that, yes, you get even more men after a freebie 'to see if you are worth my (imaginary) millions' and, yes, this is an area where boundaries about client behaviour can get seriously blurred. Their sense of entitlement can be massive...

In my experience, they start off nice and respectful and gradually become more demanding and entitled and basically, show their disgusting colours x

I've seen a few ladies with this on their aw profile now. Does make me wonder if they get any requests...?

A lot of these guys are on the sociopath scale & have NDP - grandiosity, sense of entitlement, rewriting a script etc. Best avoided. Must be difficult to filter through to find a "genuine" one unless you've experienced cluster B types before & know what the red flags are. Speaking from experience I've dated a few of them unfortunately. At best will just leave you with a head f**k for months.  Probably best to stick to clients where you both know what to expect.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: kamila on 16 July 2015, 11:14:24 pm
With prostitution being legal in UK I do not see sugar relationships working out - both parties have an option of being/hiring an escort. While in U.S. It's illegal so I guess sugar relationships are the only way to legally receive sex for money
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cheesypeas on 20 July 2015, 03:19:59 pm
Ashley was hacked google
My GF is concerned as she uses it for occassional
meets and it may scare clients.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SelenaLondon on 20 July 2015, 04:14:12 pm
I love my daddies  :D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: xw5 on 20 July 2015, 11:57:52 pm
Ashley was hacked google
My GF is concerned as she uses it for occassional
meets and it may scare clients.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving company. As well as using bots to message male members in an attempt to get them to pay to read the (automated!) messages, they also won't delete your account data unless you pay them.

Even if the hackers are never identified, this one is ending up in court.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: MM3 on 21 August 2015, 08:44:28 am
I've been on sugar and must say that never in my life have I experience  such amount of abuse,  just told them to f*uck of as it was getting out of hand with all the control and entitlement thing.
Most men on there are nuts/ have some issue.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: annabellexoxo on 21 August 2015, 12:13:44 pm
Because these guys want things for free and when they do not get it they chose to abuse you: why on earth are they on SugarDaddy?  To count peanuts?  They think they are clever, there are lots of sites where girls on both sides of the Atlantic discuss the tricks these guys do on SD.  Some are rich indeed........ because they do tricks in every aspect of their lives but honest they ain't......

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: BibiofLeeds on 21 August 2015, 12:44:29 pm
A fair few of these guys are I feel quite deluded anyway. They think they are superior because they are not punters and don't want to feel they are paying for sex but of course that is exactly what they are doing.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: JJay1985 on 26 September 2015, 01:02:41 pm
I'm going back to college this week may be I should it a try as I'm now a part-time student lol  (PS. I am very excited about starting my course this week woop woop)

Never done the sugarbaby thing but have found this page useful and fun (
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: erotica on 26 September 2015, 06:04:41 pm
I have had a sugar daddy for 3 years now who give me a monthly allowance and who I see every week , I cook meals for him (at my place) and he stays over , we go out & have sex from time to time. I have declare the money he gives me as income (in cash), am I right ? In this case what is considerate as expenditure  (rent , etc.) ?

Also when I was escorting in the past , I have been given some presents and have buy some expensive outfits (for shoots &clients)& would like to sell some of them as I don't really like some of them & need to build a bit of that taxable ?

Thanks in advance ^^
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: MollyG on 27 September 2015, 12:39:08 am

Also when I was escorting in the past , I have been given some presents and have buy some expensive outfits (for shoots &clients)& would like to sell some of them as I don't really like some of them & need to build a bit of that taxable ?

Thanks in advance ^^

Selling the occasional item is not taxable unless you have many, many items.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Layla2015 on 17 November 2015, 11:37:16 am
Just wondering if them sugar daddy sites are any good?
And if so how does it work?
Advice would be great x
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Emma_C on 17 November 2015, 12:01:49 pm
Just wondering if them sugar daddy sites are any good?
And if so how does it work?
Advice would be great x

If anyone has success from it then great but my advice is; DON'T BOTHER! Full of skin flints, fantasists & narcissists. Absolute waste of time. Once of the reasons I ended up going into escorting because of a bad sugar daddy experience. There's clients now discussing on review forums seeking arrangement, saying how they are getting over nights for 200 & a bottle of perfume.

Had a new client ask me to go to lunches with him, I suspect wanting me to listen to all his BS about his other 3 women. He offered to pay for my beauty treatments & to do my tax return for 2 years lol Found him boring & annoying so didn't take him up on it. No sex though in the booking which was easy money. Would rather pay for my own beauty treatments & pay someone to do my tax return or do it myself then put up with his self indulgent crap.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Shewolf on 17 November 2015, 08:10:37 pm
Just wondering if them sugar daddy sites are any good?
And if so how does it work?
Advice would be great x

If anyone has success from it then great but my advice is; DON'T BOTHER! Full of skin flints, fantasists & narcissists. Absolute waste of time. Once of the reasons I ended up going into escorting because of a bad sugar daddy experience. There's clients now discussing on review forums seeking arrangement, saying how they are getting over nights for 200 & a bottle of perfume.

Had a new client ask me to go to lunches with him, I suspect wanting me to listen to all his BS about his other 3 women. He offered to pay for my beauty treatments & to do my tax return for 2 years lol Found him boring & annoying so didn't take him up on it. No sex though in the booking which was easy money. Would rather pay for my own beauty treatments & pay someone to do my tax return or do it myself then put up with his self indulgent crap.

I agree. It's not worth the hassle. Far better to just see someone and get down to the physical act asap then get gone. I think is easier money than chat about them/them/them.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: arianna on 29 March 2016, 04:18:38 pm
I have come across the site it appears to be a sugar daddy site for escorts who want their secret life to be kept private. It seems to me like a site that offers punters a regular arrangement with escorts. Has anyone else used this site and is it legit?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: JJay1985 on 02 April 2016, 11:33:41 am
I have come across the site it appears to be a sugar daddy site for escorts who want their secret life to be kept private. It seems to me like a site that offers punters a regular arrangement with escorts. Has anyone else used this site and is it legit?

I'm not familiar with it.  Most of my clients refer to seekingarrangements as that seems to be the most popular online forum where SDs find SBs and WGs.

You can be private on seekingarrangements and lots of other sites too, it's all down to you: what username you use, what info you share, or what pictures you upload (e.g. blurring your face - my face pics are not shown on seekingarrangement).
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: JJay1985 on 02 April 2016, 11:36:19 am
I got a SD to help me finance my degree which has been great, but i've found many other benefits too.  What?s put me in goodsted is my SD giving advice on focusing on the end goal when starting my own business in the future, he told me to treat my new job as a baby: work on it everyday to make it develop.  This has stuck with me so I don?t waste a day in achieving want I want.

Forgetting the financial aspect of this arrangement for a bit, what?s the best advice/guidance/infor you have received from your SD or even regular client that has stuck with you?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: roseanna on 02 April 2016, 12:34:31 pm
I agree. It's not worth the hassle. Far better to just see someone and get down to the physical act asap then get gone. I think is easier money than chat about them/them/them.

Absolutely agree.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cutie_pie on 03 April 2016, 04:35:33 pm
I have tried to get a SD when I used to live in London. I was working then already, but thought I could get some nice SD. I set up account 3 different times and eventually was fed up with it. So many guys were e-mailing me, but it was getting nowhere. The ones I wanted to give a chance I wanted to meet them right after a few e-mails, as I don't like exchanging e-mails too long. One meeting will be better than hundreds of e-mails. But they disagreed and kept writing very long e-mails, as they wanted to "connect with me and not rush things".  I got 1 SD, he seemed nice at first, but he was very demanding and barely gave any money. Very popular saying for them was that they don't want to give me money as they "respect me too much for that ". And that they don't want me to feel cheap as money was exchanging..... Well, when I work and get paid I don't feel cheap. But when I met up with maybe 10 SD who obviously were well off and just wanted sex for free -well that was cheap....  :( >:(  It didn't work for me.

But I know 1 girl who was doing great in London, the same nationality, same age, a bit different look, but she was very good at this and somehow could find very generous guys. It worked for her very nicely. But for me - will never try that again.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: hybridwork on 01 May 2016, 12:36:03 pm
I'm a uni student and I've recently signed up to SA and would like your advice on posting pics. Should I post pics with my face blurred or not? Would being identified as a SB potentially affect my chances of employment in the future?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: amy on 01 May 2016, 12:50:08 pm
I've merged this in here Laura, since there's a lot of information which might be helpful to you :).

If you do a search for things like 'face picture' or 'showing your face' then there are separate specific discussions about this too - for what it's worth I daresay somebody finding your picture on sites like these might make it easier to blag that it isn't prostitution, but if you're concerned then I'd say exercise caution. You don't have to rush to decide and once you've put any picture online you've basically lost control over it.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: hybridwork on 01 May 2016, 10:49:04 pm
In terms of success rate with SDs I've found it interesting reading this thread. Whilst I have read blogs about how to attract SDs get the right one i.e. someone who isnt after sex all the time, I am shocked to hear stories about about guys always pushing the limits after a few dates.
Has anyone had a long-term SD say over a year, or what is the average lifespan of a  SD/SB relationship?

As for pics, I will blur my facee in the public pics for my privacy.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Sexy Sarah on 03 May 2016, 02:27:14 pm
I tried the SD/SB thing before and it never works out. The guys will really only spend money on both of you and only when you're together. For example, trying to get a SD to buy new clothes or a new phone is like pulling teeth. But, they usually will pay well for expensive dinners or trips/vacations when you're together.

The only times I've had any success is when I had a regular escort client who I really liked, personally. Then, we'd meet for our regular appointment (and exchange) and occasionally go to fancy dinners or on holiday.

If you're looking for money, stick with escorting. If you're looking for companionship, then get a SD.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: KittenCandy on 03 May 2016, 04:42:17 pm
I tried the SD/SB thing before and it never works out. The guys will really only spend money on both of you and only when you're together. For example, trying to get a SD to buy new clothes or a new phone is like pulling teeth. But, they usually will pay well for expensive dinners or trips/vacations when you're together.

The only times I've had any success is when I had a regular escort client who I really liked, personally. Then, we'd meet for our regular appointment (and exchange) and occasionally go to fancy dinners or on holiday.

If you're looking for money, stick with escorting. If you're looking for companionship, then get a SD.
For example, trying to get a SD to buy new clothes or a new phone is like pulling teeth.

So true. I had an older guy who didn't even want to buy me a new phone and will find it hard to even let go ?100 in my hands. Most men are very tight fisted and cheap. They don't want to let go of their money. But want pussy. Surely if you are well off, buying your  partner a ?400 phone is nothing?  If you are not well off then why are you looking for an SB? To give her pizza hut money? Maybe they don't like feeling used? Or don't want to be reminded of the fact that you're only with them for the money? Oh, I remember, they are deluded right? Well I don't like feeling used for sex and as arm candy/ego booster for nothing in return. SO they can fuck off. For the people that want an SD,Good luck. To me an SD is just a TV thing, equivalent to millionaire escorts. Very Rare.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lulu7 on 03 May 2016, 08:09:39 pm
Sorry to add to this but I tried the sugar daddy/sugar baby thing.

There has been a huge influx in the media about these sites and "successful sugar babies" e.g. dailyfail  ::)
a) I think these articles are paid for by sugar daddy websites in order to get more exposure, so more people sign up tot heir site and they can get more money from the guys.
b) Those articles paint a rosy picture of what is actually not that great/lucrative of a "career" option. Don;t let those bloody articles fool you.

sugar daddy/sugar baby is a cute word for escort. but it comes without the benefits of being an actual escort.
i) you will have to sift through numerous and I mean numerous time wasters! Guys who are poor but want to pretend that they are rich so that they convince you to sleep with them. Or some guys who just want to play text tennis/email tennis and get you to send numerous pictures of yourself etc.

ii) Sugar babies are often used as opposed to escorts because men are able to get wildly discounted prices compared to using actual escorts. Have a look around on other forums,(without naming names) they talk about being able to get an over night for 300 pounds compared to the 800 etc you could charge as an escort. if your fine with that okay, or you could set up a profile and market yourself as a sugarbaby style escort with set rates. Someone who isn't available to everyone and only for discerning gentleman who you will enjoy spending time with. you can even call yourself a sugar baby. 

iii) Sugar babies have to deal with a lot of boundary pushing! and they are easily shortchanged/robbed whatever you want to call it.
e.g. One of the guys i talked to was offering me "?4000" a month to see him every weekend. He wanted to have bareback sex with me and only pay me the 4000 after he had fucked me 4 times" 
He could have been a time waster but if he wasn't i'm sure he would have fucked me without paying me a dime and i would have hung onto the hope that he would pay me. There are so many guys out there who do this.
One guy would offer a girl 250 on prepaid credit card and only load the card up with 50. It is ridiculous!! They see you as fresh easy meat. Read all the stories above! They're lovely genuine sounding men who are trying to get a free fuck/try to make you bareback/ do ridiculous things that you don't do.
If you ask for the money upfront they can brand you as a gold digging whore and convince you that it's not the done thing if you don't take money after you've had sex etc  (where it then never materialises) ::) :FF

I think so many girls are going on these sites etc unprepared and not knowing the actual realities. I am not saying there aren't success stories but please don't go in with rose tinted glasses. If you are going to do it make sure you do it with the escort mindset (absorb everything you read here) and know what you will be dealing with and what your boundaries are. 

Some escorts have SD/SB relationships with their clients. Which I think is best. Good/real sugar daddies rarely ever say "let me be your sugar daddy" They more ask to come to an arrangement of some kind/ they're besotted with you and want to help you out etc. These are the better type of arrangements because you can just drop them when they become problematic.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Fabulassie on 03 May 2016, 10:16:05 pm
Fantastic post, Lulu!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lulu7 on 04 May 2016, 01:20:24 am
Thank you fabulassie.  :)

I went on a little bit and didn't answer your questions. I'm so sorry! I just wanted you to be aware of the realities. You might think it won't happen to you and it can't be that bad but honestly I compare how I work now to back then and it's crazy because i actually did okay for a SB, but I wouldn't go back to it ever.
a) You don't have to show your face.
b) Those blogs that tell you to find a sugar daddy who doesn't want a lot of sex are selling you dreams.
(Sorry i sound so cynical!!.) They might enjoy your company, your intelligence etc but don't lose sight of the fact that they are on these sites trying to find girls to have sex with. (no matter how romantically those sites put it)

c) The length of time these relationships last vary! No one can give you a answer. They might meet you once, they might meet you for a year but also bear in mind there are new girls constantly signing up to that site. (being sold dreams of a better life and louis vuitton shopping trips in newspapers)

What are your financial plans? Is it for extra spending money/gifts or do you need it as a separate income?
It always makes sense to have a couple of SD's on the go. Just be extremely careful and cautious and if it sounds to good to be true it probably is. And safety is number 1. Also pick guys who have pictures of themselves on their profiles and who are verified (if i remember correctly, men and to pay to verify or something like that? )
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: hybridwork on 04 May 2016, 09:15:24 am
Really appreciate these latest posts. I was hoping to learn more about the world and business from these men too.
I will think seriously about options.
Ultimately, I want the extra income to pay fees as I don't want to work stupid parttime hours in shop which will cover some of my rent only, plus I need to study and not work all the time.  Escorting isn't something I've considered.
Really thank you guys : )
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ana30 on 04 May 2016, 02:29:09 pm
Fantastic post, Lulu!

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: katrina on 04 May 2016, 08:15:36 pm
I was hoping to learn more about the world and business from these men too.
I will think seriously about options.
Ultimately, I want the extra income to pay fees as I don't want to work stupid parttime hours in shop which will cover some of my rent only, plus I need to study and not work all the time.  Escorting isn't something I've considered.

Probably all you would learn from these 'sugar daddies' is about the world and business from THEIR point of view, they will always have a hidden agenda.  The thought of having to hang around with someone who you might not even like, for long periods of time just for a bit of extra cash when and if they choose sounds horrific. The feel good factor of earning your own money is much nicer :-)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lulu7 on 04 May 2016, 09:28:35 pm
+1 to what katrina said.

The best way to learn about business and the world is by doing and experiencing it yourself.  I have clients who are telling me to "invest in silver" "do an MBA" etc but whilst I might listen to this i take it with a pinch of salt and always research things for myself. In terms of learning about business there are great books/websites out there and university is the perfect time to explore this as you have a lot more free time than when you are a working adult! If i could go back to the start of my degree, I would have done so much so differently! Funnily enough being an escort has taught me so much about business and given me tons of experiences already! (though i'm not sure i can recommend it to you being a student who escorts myself)

If you want to pay fees and are still thinking of going down the sugar baby route set a financial goal! Do you get student finance? My mother always told me to save every penny of student finance I got (which I didn't because i was a silly kid). How much do you need for rent food/ travel/phone bills etc?  The problem with relying on being a sugar baby to tide you over is that you will spend a lot of time weeding through guys and sending emails to them before you finally meet and it might not be that great if you need the money immediately, it works best as something you have on the side to supplement your income/ if you only want pretty things. It takes a lot of effort to make it lucrative enough to pay your bills.
There wont magically be guys who want to give you ?1000-2000 a month to pay your bills. There will be a lot of guys who say this but the reality is that a lot of men are poor and have families to support and don't have this money to burn.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Nova on 05 May 2016, 11:30:13 am
Really appreciate these latest posts. I was hoping to learn more about the world and business from these men too.
I will think seriously about options.
Ultimately, I want the extra income to pay fees as I don't want to work stupid parttime hours in shop which will cover some of my rent only, plus I need to study and not work all the time.  Escorting isn't something I've considered.
Really thank you guys : )

It's unlikely you will find someone who can teach you anything worth knowing about business. Most wannabe SDs are just ordinary Joes hoping for cheap sex with a nice lady. Why would they know anything about business?
Perhaps you could consider escorting?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Mirror on 05 May 2016, 11:36:33 am
Most men wanting to give me business advice simply only want to spend more time off the clock.

A very successful millionaire keeps asking why I don't do some photography modelling? Why would I spend time I have for sex work doing something which would expand my exposure, without leading to a career I'd enjoy for a lot less income? It doesn't make sense.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: hybridwork on 05 May 2016, 01:49:45 pm
Seriously, many thanks for all the advice and very eye opening points you have recently made.  It really has been food for thought, like if I want specific career advice I should talk to someone directly in that field rather than hoping some random Mr SD from a random company will be able to provide it.

Thanks Lulu, Nova, Katrina, Mirror, Sarah, Jessica, and all the others :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Ella mae on 05 June 2016, 12:44:21 am
A seemingly genuine person has asked me if I would consider entering into an "arrangement" with him where I see him one day a week...he pays me an allowance with gifts and tips...he wants to know how much I want. ..any idea? I don't know what a reasonable ask is!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Cat_BBW on 05 June 2016, 05:54:31 pm
A seemingly genuine person has asked me if I would consider entering into an "arrangement" with him where I see him one day a week...he pays me an allowance with gifts and tips...he wants to know how much I want. ..any idea? I don't know what a reasonable ask is!

Will he be wanting exclusivity? Will he be wanting bareback? How many hours per week does he want? One? Ten?

You need to think about how much your time plus all the above is worth. And why doesn't he just book you normally?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ghostworld on 06 June 2016, 12:33:50 am
A seemingly genuine person has asked me if I would consider entering into an "arrangement" with him where I see him one day a week...he pays me an allowance with gifts and tips...he wants to know how much I want. ..any idea? I don't know what a reasonable ask is!

Have a look on Adultwork for escorts in your area, and see how much girls of your age/attractiveness, who offer the services you feel comfortable with charge for an overnight. This will give you an idea, don't sell yourself short because it's not "escorting". He might want you to be only seeing him, which is worth more too.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Isabelle18 on 30 June 2016, 09:58:07 am
Other sites which may be worth a shot - as they're free (or may be a complete waste of time) are sugar daddy sites - from my experience this is basically a site where guys expect sex and pretend they don't. Don't advertise that you're an escort as you'll get kicked off but you can say you expect '?... for a .. hours meet' and that's fine:') it's ridiculous, from my experience guys want a lot for not a lot and like to pretend they're not hiring an escort even though they're asking for sex for money and they want to be the only one you're seeing. Prepare yourself for some 'haha you're way outa my price range, have guys ever ACTUALLY paid tha?' when you put the price you're comfortable with on your pussy, cause how dare you think it's worth more than they do. BUUUTTT, if you have low rates, things are abit slow atm or enjoy getting taken out for dinner, shopping trips, it's good for all of that and as said before, it's free so why not.

Whatsyourprice- this is another site where I think sex is implied for money and they expect it but the site pretends that's not what it's about. Basically if they're interested in you they'll click a button to ask your price, you say your rates then they either confirm the meet or don't. I haven't actually tried this site yet, I'll be joining it now but it seems okay and free.

Nite flirt- Is a site which allows you to advertise your phone services for free, it's a good site to navigate I believe from a glance, but I don't actually do phonesex so I haven't properly tried it.

May be worth looking for other sugardaddy sites cause many are free advertising and it's just basically escortation for cheaper usually (again just from my experience, you're welcome to correct me if I'm wrong)

[link edited to make non-clickable, moved to appropriate thread]
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: hybridwork on 17 July 2016, 09:46:58 am
Anyone tried the Sudy App or Miss Travel?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: intergalactickitten on 21 July 2016, 05:16:04 pm
Anyone tried the Sudy App or Miss Travel?

Gurrl, don't waste your time!
I actually met a guy once on Sudy and god he was such a cheapskate. It's mostly full of teenagers and I don't think there is any maintenance.
Seriously, don't bother with sugardaddying. Allowances are not common these days and all those guys are either looking for trophy wives or cheap escorting experiences.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lapetitemort on 07 October 2016, 09:55:12 pm
Sorry if this is on the wrong board, please move if it is.

So I'm curious as to what you girls think of sugar daddy/baby arrangements... for me personally., I started escorting after having a few of these and working out that, for less stress and double what I made being a 'sugar baby' I could escort, without the drama of one guy. The reason I ask is because when I WAS doing the seeking arrangement thing, I had this one specific guy try to start something with me and due to him thinking he could ask me to cancel my plans for him, I decided it wasn't worth it. 6 months later and he comes to me for an escort booking (not sure if he remembered me) and he then asks if I'd like an arrangement. He offers me ?1200 a month to meet twice a week, a few hours each time, and I politely decline, saying that for this amount I would only see him for two hours a week. He then says he 'doesn't want an escort type arrangement', to which I say, well I'm sorry but I am an escort, and although I deliver a great GFE, I'm not taking a cut on my hourly rate, I'm regularly fully booked and don't need an arrangement to give me regular work. He then starts the whole 'yeah but don't you want to do something a bit less self degrading, you're more safe seeing the same guy every week, blah blah'. I tell him I have a selection of regulars who I absolutely love seeing, I love my job and I have some great (albeit professional) relationships, and that my regulars even buy me birthday gifts and bring me things, just because. He replies 'lol, bringing  a hooker a birthday gift' or something to that effect. I tell him that sugar babies ARE sex workers, they're effectively escorts., and whether in an arrangement or using an escort, he's still paying for the services of a sex worker.

What's your opinion on this? Apart from that the guys a dick obviously, who needless to say I've blocked and it's water off a ducks back.... but it got me thinking, how many girls are doing the arrangement thing and taking a 50% pay cut because they've got it in their head it's better in some way, shape or form? [off topic content redacted].
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: amy on 07 October 2016, 10:16:05 pm
22 pages of what people think about it here  :).
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lapetitemort on 08 October 2016, 12:30:46 am
22 pages of what people think about it here  :).

Ha ha thank you, totally didn't see this one!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Kay on 08 October 2016, 02:33:29 am
Sorry if this is on the wrong board, please move if it is.

So I'm curious as to what you girls think of sugar daddy/baby arrangements...

He's an ass. IMO a lot of men look for sugar babies to try and wangle bareback and pay less than escorting rates, or get more (e.g. anal) than they would otherwise. I find it all a bit distasteful and think you're better off being a good honest whore!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 08 October 2016, 08:26:55 am
He's an ass. IMO a lot of men look for sugar babies to try and wangle bareback and pay less than escorting rates, or get more (e.g. anal) than they would otherwise. I find it all a bit distasteful and think you're better off being a good honest whore!

Agree. I did the seeking arrangement thing for a while before getting into proper honest sex work. It was far more degrading, especially the way you have to chase guys, and then they're all looking to pay you something ridiculous like ?500 a month for meeting twice a week. Erm, nah bruv. Take your cheapskate arse elsewhere!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cherryfcuk on 08 October 2016, 09:26:23 pm
Arrangements can be alot of hassle to be honest guys want stuff for nothing and i refuse to bow to that. I had a meeting the other day and quoted the guy my 3 hour rate for a pay per meet date. i doubt he will last 3 hours but he is taking up my time so he should pay.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Shewolf on 08 October 2016, 09:29:04 pm
Agree. I did the seeking arrangement thing for a while before getting into proper honest sex work. It was far more degrading, especially the way you have to chase guys, and then they're all looking to pay you something ridiculous like ?500 a month for meeting twice a week. Erm, nah bruv. Take your cheapskate arse elsewhere!

I also had a couple of 'arrangements' with cheapskates prior to thinking fuck it I can get more by just doing it the straight escort way.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Luciexx on 08 October 2016, 09:50:20 pm
Are these guys already in committed relationships hence they want hot chicks on the side who will shag them spend time with them for gifts and tips?   Or single guys also do it as a cheaper option than escorts?   You know the cheapest, if I were a shallow dude, will go for hot chicks who are escorts e.g. money, beauty, sex etc etc.  he will get hot sex with hot chicks for free!  or am I so jaded?  :P. I got some punters asking to meet up outside escorting.  Do they think I'm stupid?  :-\
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: katrina on 08 October 2016, 10:07:25 pm
I got some punters asking to meet up outside escorting.  Do they think I'm stupid?  :-\

Yes they do, they want your services for free simple as. Clients who ask you out on a 'date' are just trying it on so they don't have to pay anymore.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Luciexx on 08 October 2016, 10:25:35 pm

Yes they do, they want your services for free simple as. Clients who ask you out on a 'date' are just trying it on so they don't have to pay anymore.
   I bet they love their "trophy" escort GF whom hundreds of men have to pay to see, too.  A Win win situation.   "I scored this escort girl hottie",  I would, if I was a dude.   But I digress.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: katrina on 08 October 2016, 10:27:04 pm
The ones that used to get me were "Do you fancy going out for a drink sometime when you're not working?" Not even the offer of a nice posh meal, just a drink  ??? So they assumed that I would meet them, they buy me half a lager and they get a free shag! Yeah that's really NEVER going to happen  ::)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: katrina on 08 October 2016, 10:34:47 pm
   I bet they love their "trophy" escort GF whom hundreds of men have to pay to see, too.  A Win win situation.   "I scored this escort girl hottie", 

I had an ex like that who, when we first 'got together'  found it compulsory to tell anyone and everyone who we spoke to about my job...Until I had to tell him to shut his big trap after he managed to 'unwittingly' due to sheer showing off, get me evicted from a hotel that I was working from!!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: KittenCandy on 08 October 2016, 11:25:24 pm
He's an ass. IMO a lot of men look for sugar babies to try and wangle bareback and pay less than escorting rates, or get more (e.g. anal) than they would otherwise. I find it all a bit distasteful and think you're better off being a good honest whore!

Yep one of my clients said to me he is on a seeking arrangement site and met a girl but told her he doesn't want someone who is just in it for the money ! (Eerm, why else would a girl want a sugar daddy ? To hook up with old men for free?) he then said to me that he hasn't got any money like that to give hefty monthly allowances(erm so why tell her you don't want someone who is in it for the money knowing full well you have none . It's basically a scam cuz the poor girl is probably hoping if she shows him she is with him for not just the money then eventually he would trust her and let go a big fat wad of cash in her hand when really it's never going to happen because he isn't rich) similar to these clowns who call up saying they want a booking but then keep you on the phone for free sex chat. It's just a ploy to get free sex. My friend  got conned like that when She first started this. A demon responded  to her x amount of pounds for sex ad on Craigslist and said he is not into direct prostitution but can take her to nice places on holidays etc. ofcourse he wanted bareback and came inside her and didn't even tell her.. She got the morning after pill. They will use you and feed you false promises of giving you monthly allowance or expensive holidays etc. Some men just DO NOT want to pay. Even if they have the money. I always wondered why they just don't go on eharmony so thanks for explaining! You are right , they want to pay less and even want it for free. That client was my fave up until he told Me that ! Just reminds me of those men that look for girlfriends on a paid escort site. Shame , I thought he was different but he's just another freeloading scammer.  That poor girl. I had someone emailed me asking if they can be my sugar daddy ! 0 feedback and 30 years old! I think it was someone who couldn't afford my rates or just gets a thrill out of scamming. Either way I don't want an SD. I don't want to be owned I'd rather work for my own money. These men are just too evil. I look at them and all I can see is fucking horns.  So scary.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: strawberryjam on 08 October 2016, 11:39:46 pm
I find it pointless. It moght have been different a few years ago, or in Central London...I'm in smaller town and I get only rude tossers and guys looking for freebies.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: lapetitemort on 08 October 2016, 11:55:28 pm
Yup... I love just being a good, honest sex worker! No frills here (except for the ones on my Agent Provocateur knickers)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Luciexx on 09 October 2016, 12:02:30 pm

 I always wondered why they just don't go on eharmony so thanks for explaining! You are right , they want to pay less and even want it for free.

Just reminds me of those men that look for girlfriends on a paid escort site. Shame , I thought he was different but he's just another freeloading scammer.
 These men are just too evil. I look at them and all I can see is fucking horns.  So scary.

Men biologically do need regular sex (they use it or lose it and they know it!), not one off sex here and there where each time he has to pay.  They may want overnighters too..pref. on a regular basis. 

Escorts are a win-win solution to these men.  A real passport to regular sex with a hottie, who might even live with him if she liked him enough!  Men love sex and sex with hotties, not those who might be a "nice girl" (but not hotties) on eHarmoney....  They might also make compromise, they might offer hotties a LTR or love, even to get to regular sex..  good sex..they probably do anything for it as he knows the value of it.  It would have costed thousands if you scored and bagged an escort hottie, who makes decent money (who won't depend on him financially and she contributes nicely)....  Men aren't stupid and clever ones know which emotional strings to pull... They have been practicing over decades chasing women (SEX)...
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Shewolf on 09 October 2016, 12:17:42 pm
I don't think that it's just the fact they get regular sex with the same woman or more sex for less money overall...I think there's another reason certain men like to be Sugar Daddies:

They are in denial about the fact the woman is in fact a prostitute. Their EGO couldn't deal with the reality of seeing an escort who is paid by the hour. This would mean they are just a client. Like every other Tom, Dick and Harry who comes to see her. No, they are not like other men. They want a mistress (like a status symbol type thing) who is theirs alone who loves them and feeds their egos.

My experience.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: KittenCandy on 09 October 2016, 01:35:33 pm
Men biologically do need regular sex (they use it or lose it and they know it!), not one off sex here and there where each time he has to pay.  They may want overnighters too..pref. on a regular basis. 

Escorts are a win-win solution to these men.  A real passport to regular sex with a hottie, who might even live with him if she liked him enough!  Men love sex and sex with hotties, not those who might be a "nice girl" (but not hotties) on eHarmoney....  They might also make compromise, they might offer hotties a LTR or love, even to get to regular sex..  good sex..they probably do anything for it as he knows the value of it.  It would have costed thousands if you scored and bagged an escort hottie, who makes decent money (who won't depend on him financially and she contributes nicely)....  Men aren't stupid and clever ones know which emotional strings to pull... They have been practicing over decades chasing women (SEX)...
It's not that they are clever it's just that they think we are dumb ! Yes I have had someone say they love me and I knew it was just to try butter me up to get fre sex but I just said "oh ok" nothing more cringe than an old man saying he loves you ! Not sure how this works on some women? I don't understand. My male neighbour always says things to me like "you look nice" "sexy body"  when half the time I look like a tramp at home so I don't really take him seriously.  I know he just wants some. Then he asks for a hug after complementing lol. How you gon see me in my buss up pjs with stain and discolouration, ashy feet, no makeup,bed head and sleep in my eyes and say I look nice  lol! It's so obvious what he's doing. I  see through their bullshit so I don't quite get it. I think also They don't want to go on eharmony because the girls on there would not give them the time of day unless there is money involved because they want to date guys their age and/or aren't looking to hook up so they scam through seeking arrangements. And shewolf's comment is spot on as well.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Luciexx on 09 October 2016, 05:07:38 pm
They want a mistress (like a status symbol type thing) who is theirs alone who loves them and feeds their egos.

My experience.

Whatever it is, good luck to them.  :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: katrina on 09 October 2016, 08:35:06 pm
They want a mistress (like a status symbol type thing) who is theirs alone who loves them and feeds their egos.

My experience.

Yeah instead of just paying a random woman for sex and leaving after the event, these emotional retards hang around desperate for validation in their pathetic sad existence  ::)

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Luciexx on 09 October 2016, 08:52:05 pm
Interesting.  It's a fact that men who buy sex may / could develop romantic feelings towards escorts for some reason.  I guess attachment could happen.  Didn't quite occur to me it was the self validation. Lol

Anything called, arrangements are just that.  Mutual agreements between men who need/ want sex with younger girls and younger sexy women, who may enjoy receiving resources (money, designer gifts, free holidays, dining out etc that these women would not otherwise obtain) in exchange.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: katrina on 09 October 2016, 09:20:26 pm
Interesting.  It's a fact that men who buy sex may / could develop romantic feelings towards escorts for some reason.  I guess attachment could happen.  Didn't quite occur to me it was the self validation. Lol

Its because to these type of men escorts are the ideal minded, always up for it, always happy, never tired or 'not in the mood' Always caring, always giving, dealing with Their needs... ... its an illusion that we are paid for.

The client I got involved with was financially secure but the most emotionally needy insecure person that I have ever met, he needed constant reassurance and it became tiring and boring.

I very rarely get asked 'out on a date' (unpaid) by clients now..maybe they can see the cold hard knowing look in my eyes haha  ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: KittenCandy on 09 October 2016, 10:49:34 pm

Its because to these type of men escorts are the ideal minded, always up for it, always happy, never tired or 'not in the mood' Always caring, always giving, dealing with Their needs... ... its an illusion that we are paid for.

The client I got involved with was financially secure but the most emotionally needy insecure person that I have ever met, he needed constant reassurance and it became tiring and boring.

I very rarely get asked 'out on a date' (unpaid) by clients now..maybe they can see the cold hard knowing look in my eyes haha  ;D
very rarely get asked 'out on a date' (unpaid) by clients now..maybe they can see the cold hard knowing look in my eyes haha  ;D
Same for me lol ! I think they can sense it ! Though I had one bugger allude to us dating with the reason being that what I do for a living wouldn't bother him. Lol. It's a joke!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Emi787 on 11 October 2016, 05:47:00 pm
No complaints here. The more money thrown my way for doing basically nothing, the better  ;D

I had one follower on facebook who (I assume) didn't know I was stripping/escorting who would deposit ?40-60 into my bank account whenever I asked him for some, all because he fancied me more than anything it was his way of trying to pull me. I got minimum ?1k off him before I met him, I made him the happiest man in the world just for a 5 minute shag after he progressively gave me over ?1k. Yep, more men like that please, roll up roll up!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: katrina on 11 October 2016, 09:10:29 pm
No complaints here. The more money thrown my way for doing basically nothing, the better  ;D

I had one follower on facebook who (I assume) didn't know I was stripping/escorting who would deposit ?40-60 into my bank account whenever I asked him for some, all because he fancied me more than anything it was his way of trying to pull me. I got minimum ?1k off him before I met him, I made him the happiest man in the world just for a 5 minute shag after he progressively gave me over ?1k. Yep, more men like that please, roll up roll up!

I'd prefer to just do a straight forward 30 minute booking for ?70 than all that faff! I would hate to feel like I was begging  ::)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Emi787 on 11 October 2016, 09:30:39 pm

I'd prefer to just do a straight forward 30 minute booking for ?70 than all that faff! I would hate to feel like I was begging  ::)
That's the thing, I wasn't begging... at all. Ok the one time when I had no cash on me when I ran our of petrol is an exception.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: katrina on 11 October 2016, 09:43:10 pm
That's the thing, I wasn't begging... at all. Ok the one time when I had no cash on me when I ran our of petrol is an exception.

Yeah well that's a good enough reason...just remembered when I lost my purse on holiday and got my (then) boyfriend to send ?900 through via the Western union and never paid him back lmao  ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Emi787 on 11 October 2016, 09:54:14 pm

Yeah well that's a good enough reason...just remembered when I lost my purse on holiday and got my (then) boyfriend to send ?900 through via the Western union and never paid him back lmao  ;D
I know right! I think the most I've never paid back was ?2k... he claimed it was 3k but I reckon it was 2k...too much to explain! It involved a brand new iPhone at the time and a shop around town. All for a...lets say a very brief quick romance. I only shagged him once for it.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: katrina on 11 October 2016, 10:16:14 pm
I know right! I think the most I've never paid back was ?2k... he claimed it was 3k but I reckon it was 2k...too much to explain! It involved a brand new iPhone at the time and a shop around town. All for a...lets say a very brief quick romance. I only shagged him once for it.

Nice one  ;D

Years ago I agreed to spend a whole weekend with a client...he paid me ?1000 and took me shopping spent about ?500 on presents trying to woo me into 'falling in love' with him...and he was there pretending 'its not about the sex'... so we only shagged twice  ::) it was the longest weekend of my life and I couldn't wait to get back to my real boyfriend, I still had the receipts so took most of the stuff back lol  :D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Emi787 on 11 October 2016, 11:45:20 pm

Nice one  ;D

Years ago I agreed to spend a whole weekend with a client...he paid me ?1000 and took me shopping spent about ?500 on presents trying to woo me into 'falling in love' with him...and he was there pretending 'its not about the sex'... so we only shagged twice  ::) it was the longest weekend of my life and I couldn't wait to get back to my real boyfriend, I still had the receipts so took most of the stuff back lol  :D
I know what you mean but, I can't give sex for free to anyone even a loving boyfriend. I'm weird I know. Somehow I enjoy sex far more when I know I'm gaining financially from it even in some round-about way of getting them to come back for more.

Some men are really boring, ugly fat whatever. At the end of the day its whats in their pockets, and I'm not talking penis size. Money is what turns me on mainly anything else just helps.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DanielleMidlands on 30 October 2016, 03:43:01 pm
has anyone in the UK used any of the sugar daddy sites before and could recommend one please. I've used them before in other countries and had success with it, but I've never done it here. Thanks
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 30 October 2016, 08:34:10 pm
Seekingarrangement is the busiest one, but the men on there are fucking skinflints IME. They want the moon on a bloody stick for something pathetic like ?250 a month. If you are young (under 25) and very conventionally attractive you might have better luck than me.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sexyshanti93 on 17 November 2016, 06:46:05 pm
I'm on seeking arrangement actively just started using it though.

Have any of you used it and what were your experiences?

Hope this post is allowed x

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: laceygracie on 24 November 2016, 01:31:34 pm
I'm on seeking arrangement actively just started using it though.

Have any of you used it and what were your experiences?

Hope this post is allowed x

I was a SB before escorting and SA is a big fat waste of time. It's full of the guys who would most likely be declined by escorts. Try freestyling by going to upscale restaurants/bars, it's usually more lucrative.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: loubyloo on 24 November 2016, 06:42:15 pm
Ive just rejoined it.
I did have a 4 yr relationship out of it before I started escorting and had a monthly allowance and fab holidays etc so it can work but I believe it's very rare.

So far since joining I've been asked for naked photos, offered ?5k a mth to give up my job ( my pretend one, I haven told him I'm an escort) and travel round the world with him. Yeah right, I'm sure you're genuine.

I had lunch with someone last week who then texted me 2 days later and said ' fancy a coffee and some fun on Monday?'
A coffee in return for sex? Not even dinner?!!! Wtf????

This is the kind of shit you'll have to wade through.
I'm very realistic and if I get some nice dinners out of it without giving sex in return that'll do for the time being but I'm not holding my breath
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sexyshanti93 on 24 November 2016, 08:09:13 pm
I had a ?250 meet last week, The guy came straight frm work, booked a hotel in central, had a glass of wine and well got to business. Much like an outcall. Was probss there for an hr max lol. No complaints 8) ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Silencieuse on 29 November 2016, 01:46:10 am
I made a profile with SA, but never found the motivation to sift through and spend time flirting to meet many men. A few of my friends had great success with SA though and when they have photos up, that is always a bonus. The tricky part is setting a price (I am always terrible at negotiating) when you can't have your price on your profile.

Two of my clients were on SA, both were good looking and young (30s) but both seemed to want more of a gf that is always available and accepting of gifts instead of cash (they were also kind of flashy despite being less successful than my long term SDs)

I had a SD for 2.5 years whom I partially lived with, travelled with, etc. I would consider him a very good friend and it was more like a mistress/gf scenario than escort, whereas some men on SA are really just looking for escorts. However I find guys who want this GFE also prefer it to be exclusive.

If I have any advice it would be to set the prices high (and early) because you never know how much attention they want or what they might pay, and have a pay schedule. One SD (previous client) would pay me weekly, seeing me on scheduled days of the week and stay for a few hours at a time, another monthly and I would travel or spend consecutive 24h days with him, but both would first try to offer gifts instead of cash (um NO). Eventually both gave me gifts as extras and still paid the cash, so I was happy I had been assertive. If you can find older ones, they tend to be more willing to pay the prices and understand that your life is not all about them. It seems very unlikely to find this in younger, attractive guys but I always hope to meet one someday lol.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: LillyRose on 18 March 2017, 10:00:45 pm
I know what I'm doing when it comes to monthly allowances kind of but I'm just wondering people's experiences when it comes to "arrangements" when it comes to in exchange for property. I'm about to possibly cover rent in kind for a nice flat and am wondering key things I should maybe make sure of or check or do if i do go through with it? I'm aware this is a little dangerous & has the potential of being messy but I want to do what I want to do for my reasons.

Would be interesting to hear if many people do/have done this....
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Kay on 18 March 2017, 10:22:28 pm
I know what I'm doing when it comes to monthly allowances kind of but I'm just wondering people's experiences when it comes to "arrangements" when it comes to in exchange for property. I'm about to possibly cover rent in kind for a nice flat and am wondering key things I should maybe make sure of or check or do if i do go through with it? I'm aware this is a little dangerous & has the potential of being messy but I want to do what I want to do for my reasons.

Would be interesting to hear if many people do/have done this....

I'd be extremely wary of this. At the very least, make sure you have a normal tenancy agreement with all the legal tenant's rights. And what is he expecting 'in kind'? Ten blow jobs and five shags a month with anal on bank holiday weekends...?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: LillyRose on 18 March 2017, 11:03:10 pm
Hahah that description cracked me up! I guess a meeting a week I would do, but come to an agreement that suits both.I know it is risky but I guess if it worked well it'd be quite good. That's a good idea about tenancy agreement, thank you.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: LillyRose on 18 March 2017, 11:10:07 pm
It's just been offered to me currently so I haven't had a chance to weigh up my options yet and I haven't agreed to anything....I know could go badly or well but I've not heard much about it before or what to look out for or make sure of first other than my gut and the usual stuff when moving in anywhere... ???
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 19 March 2017, 10:25:01 am
Is he offering to pay your rent, or is this a flat he owns and is saying he'll let you stay there for free?

In either scenario, you need to make sure you have a proper tenancy agreement in your own name.

If the former, just say to him you'll need XXXX per month to cover your rent and bills, and you'll be happy to meet him X times a week in return. I would suggest he pays you via bank transfer.

If he owns the flat, he needs to be specific about what's included (and that needs to be laid out in the tenancy agreement.) Is he also going to pay your water, electric, gas, council tax, internet, etc?

If you don't have a tenancy agreement, then he can at any time claim you are a lodger and basically make you homeless. If you have a tenancy agreement then he'd have to go down the section 21 route which would give you a minimum of 2 months' notice to leave.

I would personally not go down the second route, it leaves you way too exposed. In case of the first scenario, I'd want to make sure I still have enough coming in every month to be able to pay my rent and bills, because he will end the arrangement at some point.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: LillyRose on 19 March 2017, 04:56:02 pm
Is he offering to pay your rent, or is this a flat he owns and is saying he'll let you stay there for free?

In either scenario, you need to make sure you have a proper tenancy agreement in your own name.

If the former, just say to him you'll need XXXX per month to cover your rent and bills, and you'll be happy to meet him X times a week in return. I would suggest he pays you via bank transfer.

If he owns the flat, he needs to be specific about what's included (and that needs to be laid out in the tenancy agreement.) Is he also going to pay your water, electric, gas, council tax, internet, etc?

If you don't have a tenancy agreement, then he can at any time claim you are a lodger and basically make you homeless. If you have a tenancy agreement then he'd have to go down the section 21 route which would give you a minimum of 2 months' notice to leave.

I would personally not go down the second route, it leaves you way too exposed. In case of the first scenario, I'd want to make sure I still have enough coming in every month to be able to pay my rent and bills, because he will end the arrangement at some point.

It's a flat that he owns so he's offering me to have the flat to myself in exchange for an agreed amount of "companionship" every month instead of me actually paying rent. Right okay, I will definitely insist about a tenancy agreement if i go for it...Makes sense as to why.

 I already have other arrangement that i can rely on (Unofficial escorting still lets be real lol)to be very honest & i do other work so I wouldn't be completely fucked if he suddenly decided i needed to just pay rent. Because of it being in a sort of new area it would just really help me out for at least 6 months so i can pay for a course and get out of debt that I've just ignored & need to deal with. And I could really do with not having to come up with 5/6 months rent upfront. I'm not homeless so it's not a desperate situation to move, it's a case of considering opportunity that would make my plans so much quicker to get to & I fancy a change.

I'm not sure if I'd would want him overlook more than just the rent and possibly council tax just in case he becomes more demanding than I'd want but I haven't yet felt out the situation of what he's like yet or how his income comes across if you get me. I think bills and stuff i'd be fine dealing with myself. I'm going to chat with him properly tomorrow so we shall see how it seems at least a little bit more before i go and view the place etc etc.

Looks like a nice place from pics sent and ideal, just don't want to end up in silly situation based on impatience so trying to think of everything to make sure...
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: katrina on 19 March 2017, 06:56:41 pm
I've done this years ago, rented a house off a client and 'paid in kind' he seemed very professional and genuine but boundaries became blurred and the 'rent' increased, its not something I would consider ever again. Its all well and good having a tenancy agreement but will you be happy with a client knowing your real name and date of birth? What happens if you fall out with him...
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: LillyRose on 19 March 2017, 07:27:50 pm
How long did it work out for you? Ah yes that is the type of thing that does worry me with what you describe. There isn't really a lot that he could do with my real name & DOB because there are no links of those details to me anywhere on the internet so it would be difficult to link me to anyone i know or anything, be that business or personal. There is also no internet trail of me escorting anymore and it doesn't worry me as I pay my taxes etc and outing me holds no power over me, out me at your own risk haha.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 19 March 2017, 07:37:14 pm
If things got really shitty, would you be able to crash somewhere else in an emergency? If you have a back up plan e.g. go sleep on your mum's sofa, which would also allow you to complete your course, then I'd go for it, but you really need to nail things down in writing to protect yourself.

How long have you been seeing him? I'm curious that he has a flat that is presumably sitting empty right now and he's not already renting it out.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: LillyRose on 19 March 2017, 08:12:16 pm
I have a friend I could crash a couple of miles a way if i needed to like the same night or something and yeah my mum lives about an hour away from that area if i didn't have a chance to sort something else properly out & it didn't work out as planned so I'd be a bit closer to family. I've spent the last couple of years wasting my money on complete crap & just the odd holiday so I don't feel like I have anything truly valuable to show for it so far so trying to change that as of recently & be "sensible".

Yeah will try and get everything down in writing if I agree, thank you for your advice :)

I don't know him well at all. I've only met him a few times as I've been more invested in someone else. I'm pretty curious too. As not spoken in proper detail yet i don't know what i really think yet. He comes across pretty professional but i don't have a proper connection like i have some where they are quite predictable and con-find in you about this and that.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SweetAngel on 20 March 2017, 09:22:14 am
I wouldnt do that. Even with a contract its always risky. He might increase the "rent" and also he will have a key, your details and everything. I am usually bit paranoid and living in fear is not best option plus all the stress from escorting. Personally i think that its wiser if he just pays ur rent and bills but has to do nothing with the flat itself. Ways safer  :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: LillyRose on 20 March 2017, 11:34:17 am
I wouldnt do that. Even with a contract its always risky. He might increase the "rent" and also he will have a key, your details and everything. I am usually bit paranoid and living in fear is not best option plus all the stress from escorting. Personally i think that its wiser if he just pays ur rent and bills but has to do nothing with the flat itself. Ways safer  :)

What is it you live in fear/paranoia about just out of interest? Do you mean your work being found out or? Well with this person he just owns the flat but doesn't live in it but who knows what will decide. I don't technically escort anymore so i don't need the place for clients. I like different people for different things, I'm not suited to full time escorting. The main thing i'm worried on is the danger factor of him being a psychopath or "rent" going up as you say but i'm sure if he's a half normal person and he wasn't happy with arrangement anymore maybe he would just accept my money instead like any other tenant, i would hope anyway.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: meetingdiversity on 20 March 2017, 11:45:00 am
I read some where another had the same arrangment little did she know he set up devices in the home so he could listen in to all conversations. Having your own contract for the house wont protect. He strangled her in the end after over hearing she was going to move and take all the money.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Transexual247 on 12 April 2017, 02:58:18 pm
is sugar daddies only for female or can a transsexual make a profile on there too?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sugar on 12 April 2017, 05:47:59 pm
is sugar daddies only for female or can a transsexual make a profile on there too?

It's for all genders.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Guiltypleasure on 15 April 2017, 10:57:15 am

I'd prefer to just do a straight forward 30 minute booking for ?70 than all that faff! I would hate to feel like I was begging  ::)

Sorry old thread it came up and I thought it was new soz but I still agree .
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: English natural beauty on 25 April 2017, 10:11:47 pm
Nothing but problems with the seeking arrangement website. All the guys expect either something for nothing or services for very cheap. All in all it's just not worth my while.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jazmyn on 27 April 2017, 03:31:32 pm
Nothing but problems with the seeking arrangement website. All the guys expect either something for nothing or services for very cheap. All in all it's just not worth my while.

How disappointing. I've just set up an account (not paid) in the hope I would get super rich professional med throwing wads of cash at me  :(
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: English natural beauty on 27 April 2017, 04:46:22 pm
Your Better off just escorting girls on that website are happy getting 300 to stay overnight with guys and they don't even use condoms half of them. I've given up. Another guy thinks that free dinners and hotels are fine as payment. It's crap.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 27 April 2017, 07:16:13 pm
Nothing but problems with the seeking arrangement website. All the guys expect either something for nothing or services for very cheap. All in all it's just not worth my while.

I agree. That was my experience. Guys want you to be exclusive to them, and provide PSE, for like ?500 a month. JOKE.

It may be worth keeping a profile and directing guys to your own website.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: cherryfcuk on 27 April 2017, 10:48:01 pm
I find in the UK this doesnt work well and i havent found any one willing to pay what i want. but in the USA men are way more willing to give gifts and money as getting an escort is way harder with all the screening they have to go through. I set up a profile when i done a tour and got alot of interest it was great...
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: MissJaz on 02 May 2017, 08:39:55 am
Seeking arrangements and other arrangement/dating sites are full of broke guys wanting all for nothing even those with money see these site as a cheaper alternative to an escort as we know our worth and do not settle for the cheapskates or foolery they try to play. I have been on SA, AM, CL and tinder and got all types of offers not worth putting on makeup for. I dismiss the ones that think taking you out to a fancy restaurant and getting a gift worth ?50 is more than enough for you to open your sweet juicy legs, boy bye!

I had one try belittle me for wanting to live in Canary Wharf, he said young girls that live there were prostitutes because its too expensive and they clearly cant afford it, its far for him, he doesn't like traveling into the city, bla bla bla.. he offered one of his houses in Hounslow which I refused. You have the ones that prefer to offer you 'things' but never tangible money that you can use as you like, the site of those and I block them immediately! They try disguise it but they are usually controlling, emotionally unstable and get too attached real quick, they expect sex every min, if he gives you a place, expect no privacy as he sees it as his house he can walk in whenever! and if you escort, erhmm i couldn't accept a house as an arrangement, that is if you intend working from the property.

Oh mr hounslow amongst all the crazies also said why continue with my own business, I wouldn't be able to travel with him when he wanted! He wanted a cute girl on demand and at the end of the relationship, you will have gotten experience and a car  ::) Told him he found the wrong one, told him about himself and that was the last I heard from him!  :)

As for me I no longer consider anyone I haven't see as a client. I have had regulars who were infatuated that do more just because, that is why I will no longer entertain these men on those sites because you can get more from those you already entertain.

Do any of you girls get those 'want a sd?' text  :FF
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: VoluptuousCurves on 02 May 2017, 09:29:27 am
all types of offers not worth putting on makeup for

My new favourite phrase :D

Those guys are delusional. They think they are "too good" to pay for sex so being a SD massages their ego and lets them tell themselves they're not paying for it.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: MissJaz on 02 May 2017, 05:01:31 pm
My new favourite phrase :D

Those guys are delusional. They think they are "too good" to pay for sex so being a SD massages their ego and lets them tell themselves they're not paying for it.

The ego thing is seriously annoying esp once with nothing tangible to offer, do they think we do not smell the bs from a mile? I can't blame all of them though as some girls still accept the crumbles, there's enough blame to go round
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: hybridwork on 19 May 2017, 06:35:19 pm
Not sure how many of you were aware but there was a SA sugababy event yesterday in Soho
From chatting to someone who attended, during the coaching session in the day the CEO spoke about how he empowers women and it's not prostitution but he then picked a spanish girl who attended the event to be his escort for the night and paid girls at an after party event for some "stuff" in private
Guess it goes to show that the ppl who run the site try and portray one thing in public but are just as sleazy (or like all men) in private
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Kay on 19 May 2017, 07:37:16 pm
Not sure how many of you were aware but there was a SA sugababy event yesterday in Soho
From chatting to someone who attended, during the coaching session in the day the CEO spoke about how he empowers women and it's not prostitution but he then picked a spanish girl who attended the event to be his escort for the night and paid girls at an after party event for some "stuff" in private
Guess it goes to show that the ppl who run the site try and portray one thing in public but are just as sleazy (or like all men) in private

I don't understand how people don't just boke merely at the term 'sugar daddy'!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sweetmilf on 19 May 2017, 07:50:22 pm
I often wondered about that, too... The name itself is so patronising as if SD seeking a naive bimbo.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sweetmilf on 19 May 2017, 08:15:53 pm
Seeking arrangements and other arrangement/dating sites are full of broke guys wanting all for nothing even those with money see these site as a cheaper alternative to an escort.

I tend to think it may not be too far from the truth if I am honest.  I always believed in romance and love, but we all need to face the reality, don't we?  I'm sure there are quite a few divorced men in their 40s/50s/60s on these dating sites who no longer want to keep a committed relationship after having had a few bad LTR/divorces.  These men just "wanna have fun" e.g. sex.  They are too tired from the demands of work.  They are thinking of their retirement, a real possibility of sickness leave, regular outgoings, don't want to invest their money on another woman from a dating site.  The trouble is that so many women ended up keep giving sex for free to these non-committal men, who just wanted some fun/convenience e.g. sex whilst he has no care for this woman, treating her like a free sex dispensing device.  So using escorts is far more honourable and honest.

Even if some these men you picked up from dating sites were initially "committed", as soon as the honeymoon period disappear, they start looking at other girls/ladies, ready to move onto the pasture new e.g. new body/new sex/a new romance etc.   Men using a SD site like that are at least not pretending to be a nice future boyfriend material.   Their choice, but nice girls/ladies probably detest men like that, whilst using escort is far more discreet. 

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: chloinnyc on 21 May 2017, 12:10:50 am
Ugh, it looks like it's the same in the UK as it is in the US.  One of the big SD/SB sites was how I got into sex work, it was probably around 2011...I had a friend who used the site to find a guy to pay her rent and figured why not give it a try as a broke early 20-something.  I arranged to meet this much older man who was divorced, short, fat and obsessed with himself.  It's really weird b/c they don't want you to talk about money or what you need out of the "relationship" or "date" but they clearly expect you to be all over them and do everything they want, because I guess it's ok to ask for sex but not to ask for money?!? Anyway I was young and stupid but not a complete idiot, and before we slept together I made sure to ask him for "something that would show me he was serious and not taking advantage of me."  He assured me he'd give me what I deserved, we had horrible sex, he fingered me with claws, then I remember him barely moving on top of me with his fat belly crushing my lungs and then asking me to tell him when I came, like he just expected me to orgasm from the sheer magnitude of his presence.  Afterwards he gave me $50 which was basically enough for a cab ride back uptown, and I walked to the subway in the pouring rain without an umbrella crying, feeling completely violated and used.  He called me the next day and I blew him off and he was like "what's the matter, didn't I make you feel good?"  Gross.  I remember thinking, how this man got a woman to marry him and knocked her up twice is beyond me!

These sites are a waste of time for anyone who is used to sex work.  You have to beat around the bush, often they want to meet you for a free date BEFORE they agree to pay anything- which is shit since they should be paying for your time- and every man I met on an SD site was in utter denial of the transactional nature of our relationship.  Most of them would agree on $300 for "a visit" but you can't say "per hour" without them thinking it's too prostitute-y, so they'd try to stay for like half the day for $300.  I guess a lot of young girls will go for that because it's scary declaring yourself as a sex worker, but if you're being paid to fuck someone you're a prostitute and if you're paying for it you're a client.  I'd rather just call it like it is and have all the boundaries that come with it.  All the men I met were much cheaper than my true escorting clients, were always trying to get freebies, and assumed our "relationship" would progress to the point where he was still getting fucked by a hot younger woman all he wanted but i wasn't getting any money.  NO THANK YOU.  As for my friend, she ended up getting $2200 per month for her rent in exchange for having to be exclusive with the guy, him having a key to her place, spending weekends with him, texting constantly...I mean really we could make that in a day or two and then walk away and live our lives!  Not worth it.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: londonlady on 19 June 2017, 09:19:41 am
I know a lady who put in her details on a Sugardaddy website that she was an escort. She was immediately banned!
TBH though I cant eat expensive clothes or jewelery and what if he buys something I dont like? I know that must sound ungrateful but id feel awkward asking for the reciept. I like my cash.  ;D

LOL! agreed ;D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Sexymilf on 02 September 2017, 05:57:55 pm
On seeking arrangements i see we have to pay 60 quid a month to see messages. Is that right??
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Cat_BBW on 03 September 2017, 03:42:50 pm
On seeking arrangements i see we have to pay 60 quid a month to see messages. Is that right??

No I think that's what the men pay. Unless they've changed it since I looked.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: mm_reading on 03 September 2017, 04:33:28 pm
I was on seeking arrangements before I started escorting and it was honestly ridiculous! I had one guy want an overnight bareback for ?100 and after I told him to jog on he then offered ?120 and his wife's chanel sunglasses  ::) I had a few dates - one wanted to pay me ?200 monthly for twice a week meets... the rest were just desperately looking to someone to send naughty texts all day every day  :FF
I did manage to get a "daddy piggy" who (unknowingly) paid for all my webcam/travel costs when I started up escorting.

Turns out my second client was a guy who had tried to get a date with me on SA (I didn't have face pics on my AW so a bit of a coincidence) who wanted to save me from "becoming bitter" (too late! ;D) and wanted to be exclusive and buy me handbags and blah blah blah. So he'd been pestering me for months so I told him I'd be exclusive to him for 3k per month, he made his excuses not long after  ::)

Personally wouldn't bother with it, bunch of dudes trying to scam naive girls for freebies by pulling the "you sound like a whore when you ask for money" crap
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: kamila on 06 November 2017, 11:40:21 pm
A lot of TWs who expect your company for a dinner for ?30 and then cheekily add if I want massage as well. Keep your hands and ?30 off me. :-X
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: chocoholicgirl on 07 November 2017, 12:29:08 am
Christ Almighty I was on SA before AW and it is full of the biggest load of arrogant, cheapskate wankers I have ever had the misfortune to come across. Full of horrendous ugly guys who really want an escort but won't actually admit it. They are so rude too.  Hardly any guy on there actually wants a proper arrangement either. Just man up and join AW! Actually no don't, keep your patronising selves to SA!

I did have an unfortunate 'date' with a guy from there, my one and only before I saw sense. He did pay me, not much I grant you, to see him in a hotel and he wanted lots of kissing. Ew. I think he put me off from doing it now. There was no sex, not back then and he just wanted a LOT of kissing before we went for food etc. Anyway I asked him a couple of times if he was ready to go out and he threw a wobbler like a fucking child, sulking and asked me to leave. Had to hide my amusement as I walked out! My first and last SA experience.

If any girls can make it work then fucking good luck to you, I think it's slim pickings...  :D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: demelza on 07 November 2017, 10:34:47 am
5. Can I advertise my services (e.g. escort, dating services)?

No. You may not advertise your services on Anyone caught doing so, will have their account cancelled and will be banned from using our website. Please do not advertise your dating services or escort services on our website. Advertising such services violates our User Agreement, and as such you may be accessing our website without authorization or permission from us. Unauthorized access is a felony offense, and we reserve the right to seek legal action against you.

I dont get it. I dont fucking get it. They have a photo of a man with 1,000 worth of bills, and 2 women kissing on 1 man. If its not escorting, what is it?


Actual LMAO. It's so stupid isn't it.

And whats with the 'Daddies' stating 'Absolutely NO escorts' on their bio, like they feel that ALL sex workers are dead eyed robots and magically somehow every SB is going to be an adorable, naive, loyal 18 year old.

Cash strapped 18 year olds balk on the date out of fear, experienced SW's dont. Just man up and get an escort.

I met a couple and they were absolutely gross, patronising old codgers trapped in dead relationships.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Funkymonkey on 07 November 2017, 09:12:57 pm
Ugh. I?ve joined and left about 3 times. I met one guy who was nice enough and was actually offering a decent amount but then something happened in my personal life so I didn?t pursue it. Second time I managed to find a guy to ?employ? me so I could get a mortgage so that worked out well but the most recent time I couldn?t believe it.

I wanted to know how much they are willing to offer as an ?arrangement? before we met but they wouldn?t say. I wasn?t going to miss out on bookings to meet some guy who reckons they can shag me all day for ?50. Oh and one guy who was like ?I?m married so we will have to meet at your place and have to be discrete so no lunches or shopping.? He also wouldn?t show a face picture. I told him just to go get a prostitute.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Britishblonde on 17 December 2017, 01:45:38 am
Hi girls,

As some of you'll know from other posts, I'm new to escorting. In the new year I'm looking to join SA but still keep my AW profile for the time being.

To those who've used SA or similar while escorting, do you use a fake name and not include face pics on public profile? I'm aware that potential SD's will want a face pic or skype prior to meeting.


Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 17 December 2017, 01:49:44 am
Hello welcome to escort world.

I am on SA. I use different - name - email - images i use ensure they are not used for escort or on facebook. So new pic thats taken on phone cropped to the lips. For genuine SD guys (well I only target married ones with family where discretion is priority) Do quick whatsapp video call - i have a separate sim and cheap samsung for that so no link to personal and escort life.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 17 December 2017, 01:52:04 am
Oh I forgot to add I make sure that after speaking on the phone verbally and moved to short video whatsapp call. I keep it very very short ( i'm on a mini break from my work office I must be quick) so they seen your face and you have not sent out many face images to stupid timewasting dick heads who are image collectors.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SimplySinful on 17 December 2017, 08:45:41 am
Hi girls,

As some of you'll know from other posts, I'm new to escorting. In the new year I'm looking to join SA but still keep my AW profile for the time being.

To those who've used SA or similar while escorting, do you use a fake name and not include face pics on public profile? I'm aware that potential SD's will want a face pic or skype prior to meeting.



If you don?t know the pitfalls of SA have a good read of this thread to prepare yourself....
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ladyofthemansion on 17 December 2017, 09:03:57 am
What is SA??
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: amy on 17 December 2017, 09:07:24 am
If you don?t know the pitfalls of SA have a good read of this thread to prepare yourself....

Merged, just to keep it all together :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Britishblonde on 17 December 2017, 09:57:14 am
Oh I forgot to add I make sure that after speaking on the phone verbally and moved to short video whatsapp call. I keep it very very short ( i'm on a mini break from my work office I must be quick) so they seen your face and you have not sent out many face images to stupid timewasting dick heads who are image collectors.

Hello welcome to escort world.

I am on SA. I use different - name - email - images i use ensure they are not used for escort or on facebook. So new pic thats taken on phone cropped to the lips. For genuine SD guys (well I only target married ones with family where discretion is priority) Do quick whatsapp video call - i have a separate sim and cheap samsung for that so no link to personal and escort life.


Thanks for this! All very useful :) I use different name, email and even background (what I do at uni etc) as you'd expect for escorting, but wasn't sure whether it was the done thing with SD's! x

What is SA??

Seeking Arrangement - a popular sugar daddy site x
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Z on 17 December 2017, 10:15:38 am
Personally wouldn't bother with it, bunch of dudes trying to scam naive girls for freebies by pulling the "you sound like a whore when you ask for money" crap

If not freebies then mimimal payment, just not worth the crap you have to put up with. Plain old escorting is much better. Getting paid by the hour. Short and simple if not sweet.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Dynamite Doll on 17 December 2017, 04:13:18 pm
I always think of them as clients the ones from S.A so get what I can get if its 300 quid or 400 quid with the hotel booked for two nights so the second day I am using that hotel for escort incalls. Course coming off innocent to suggest hotel that I never been to (yet it is a hotel I read on here that is upmarket good for incalls) majority of the time the men married my target market don't sleep over be with me few hours have to run off to the mrs.

The S.A can be handy depending how you go around it. Single guys are dicks want less for nothing and lovey dovey crap.

The married guys with family less drama complications.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Funkymonkey on 15 February 2018, 09:51:37 am
Ugh back on SA. It could be so useful cos I?d like to have just a couple of lovely clients who spent the day with me for less than the hourly rate would be but my regs usually can?t stay long.

First off, they want to chat on WhatsApp before I?ve even seen what they look like or how Much they?re looking to spend. Then just got out asking for age play, bareback and anal. Crazy - they want ?normal? girls but they?re acting like that?!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: amy on 22 April 2018, 11:32:20 am
I've moved these last couple of posts here, since they're more appropriate. Please don't reanimate threads that have been dead for three years, especially to make off topic posts (they've been removed).
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: sparkly_top on 08 March 2020, 04:20:42 pm
Does anyone have any experience with seeking arrangement? I was thinking of starting to use it, but want to here some experiences :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: amy on 08 March 2020, 05:04:11 pm
Merged again. Lots of 'experiences' here, along with many, many reasons why straightforward whoring is easier :).
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SomethingNew on 08 March 2020, 05:09:17 pm
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Philipa on 08 March 2020, 08:22:12 pm
Does anyone have any experience with seeking arrangement? I was thinking of starting to use it, but want to here some experiences :)
Last time I was on seeking arrangements, men were offering £200 for overnight in London. Many are the same men on adultwork -but they get offended if you ask for escort rates. Plus, I had one splenda-daddy ask if he could compensate me with drinks and riveting conversations about himself instead of cash. He seemed shocked I didn't realise what a privilege it was to be with him! No joke, if you look at the VIP members of seeking arrangement, many are exchanging their 'social currency' instead of cash for your time.  If you're someone who wants to social network through these men, then it might work out....But many fake their credentials and net worth.

Oh, and they message you all day long because they want to build a connection. Conversations were duller than a turd, might as well do 1 escort booking and get the cash quick.
In theory, seeking arrangement is good. In reality it is filled with entitled men dangling carrots.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ana30 on 08 March 2020, 11:24:02 pm
I do have a gf who met her SD on tinder he got her a really lovely house (rented) pays bills etc and but she depends on him and it’s a messy situation.

Beware of the man who wants you to be financially dependent on him. Be veeeery afraid because there's a dark reason for it. The money might be good but the toll on your mental health won't.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SomethingNew on 09 March 2020, 09:45:14 am
Beware of the man who wants you to be financially dependent on him. Be veeeery afraid because there's a dark reason for it. The money might be good but the toll on your mental health won't.

Couldn’t agree more, it’s not worth it
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: BangerRacing on 09 March 2020, 03:52:13 pm
Does anyone have any experience with seeking arrangement? I was thinking of starting to use it, but want to here some experiences :)

You don't need to be on Seeking etc because these cheapskates will try & tout off AW. I had one once saying that another SW went on holiday for free because she loved his company so much  ::)  Lets not forget the ones who offer you a touring room in a hotel so they can screw you all night for 80 quid.

[off topic content redacted]

Up to you though if you ant to play third fiddle in a guys life for gifts & company go for it. Generally it doesn't end well. Watch out for being outed aswell. I know an escort who was outed by her seeking psycho daddy. He did this by copying her AW account with pics of her face. Most likely lifted off Seeking.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Honeyxx on 09 March 2020, 10:53:37 pm
If you want a proper sugar daddy go out in high end bars, hotels, restaurants, cafes, spend time in Knightsbridge Mayfair etc. Dress up. Men will approach you.
Sa is rinsed out and a lot of men trying to get sex for cheap. There loads of men who have even made vids on YouTube on how to scam naive women on SA. It’s a lot of work and weeding out. You can find real ones but it’s not that many on there, go out in the right places and you’re more likely to get multiple
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Croissant on 10 March 2020, 12:31:17 am
agreed, SA is a waste of time and most of the guys are still on AW but wanting to get cheaper or bare services. There is a hidden sub thread on popular punting forums about which girls do low overnight rates and meet ups. x
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Ukdarling on 12 March 2020, 01:23:48 am
I now ask for a £200 payment when men want to discuss a sugar daddy style arrangement with me, firstly so I know they have the income to follow through with their idea, and also because unsurprisingly it cuts 99% of these conversations off before they become someone jerking themselves off with their fantasy chat and waste my time too much  ;)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: DarcyLady on 12 March 2020, 11:18:37 am
I now ask for a £200 payment when men want to discuss a sugar daddy style arrangement with me, firstly so I know they have the income to follow through with their idea, and also because unsurprisingly it cuts 99% of these conversations off before they become someone jerking themselves off with their fantasy chat and waste my time too much  ;)

Absolutely this. I did sign up a while ago, and was so p*ssed off with the TWs. Maybe I need to start charging for these conversations?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 March 2020, 04:29:23 pm
One of my regulars said he used SA and saw one young girl for a few months. Said it cost more as he had to pay for hotel  and paid what he would an escort on top. The appeal for him apart from being young and beautiful was she was totally exclusive to him.

He did mention though there were a lot of con artist women on there asking for money up front.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: saltysweet on 12 March 2020, 04:40:17 pm
One of my regulars said he used SA and saw one young girl for a few months. Said it cost more as he had to pay for hotel  and paid what he would an escort on top. The appeal for him apart from being young and beautiful was she was totally exclusive to him.

He did mention though there were a lot of con artist women on there asking for money up front.

Yes the really good rinsers brainwash these guys to think they're the only one.
They also ask you to remove your ad to be 'exclusive' lol

I've cruised SA and one fool said he wasn't gonna buy me a drink and expected sex as soon as we met-most of them are mental.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: CelesteManchester on 12 March 2020, 06:07:14 pm
This is absolutely fascinating, bc there’s a well known site here stateside that’s pretty awful ~ it’s strictly for these guys who are looking for the absolute rock bottom prices they can get ~ & the things they say about SA are horrific.

“Im not paying more than $250 a month for anyone & she’d better available 24/7/365, all bare!”

“Sure I’ll be a SD but I’m not buying her anything or taking her out. I’ll throw her a few hundred bucks a month but no more.”

& so on. Again, this is a real bottom of the barrel type site that I’ve lurked on for years, mostly to make sure I never appear in it. Fortunately bc I’m midlevel in my donations ~ or according to them, it’s called GPS (golden pussy syndrome🙄) ~ I’ve been mentioned, but never see by anyone that’s a member there, bc they don’t want to “pay so much.” ~ thank god. They’re brutal in their reviews.

Anyway, it’s just sooooo interesting, bc everything we’re asking for, they’re objecting to. Smdh.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ana30 on 12 March 2020, 06:10:56 pm
He did mention though there were a lot of con artist women on there asking for money up front.

How dare a woman charging for sex asks for her money upfront! The cheek... :D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Phoenix on 12 March 2020, 06:21:56 pm
How dare a woman charging for sex asks for her money upfront! The cheek... :D

Am in danger of outing myself everytime a hollywood film or british drama shows money left at the bedside the next morning  ;D

The production companies should recruit real life prossies to advise. Technical and otherwise 😎
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jessiegirl on 12 March 2020, 11:11:10 pm
No I meant charging up front before meeting then suddenly disappear
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: ana30 on 12 March 2020, 11:31:34 pm
No I meant charging up front before meeting then suddenly disappear

I've heard many stories of naive ladies spending sexy time then watching the guy vanish when it came to that  politically incorrect thing called "discussing money arrangements", but that's what happens when you treat business like it's not: that people get conned on all sides. It's a little bit like going into my local Tesco and walking out with a bag of apples while telling the cashier: "let me get home, try one apple and If I like it I'll come back with whatever amount I deem apropiate".
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: SomethingNew on 12 March 2020, 11:40:38 pm
This is absolutely fascinating, bc there’s a well known site here stateside that’s pretty awful ~ it’s strictly for these guys who are looking for the absolute rock bottom prices they can get ~ & the things they say about SA are horrific.

“Im not paying more than $250 a month for anyone & she’d better available 24/7/365, all bare!”

“Sure I’ll be a SD but I’m not buying her anything or taking her out. I’ll throw her a few hundred bucks a month but no more.”

Sounds like the u.k site that shall not be named 😂

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: PinkR2021 on 26 October 2021, 07:06:26 pm
For those that have found being a Sugar Baby has worked for them:
-Did you use your real name/ show your face in pictures
I’m tempted to try it, even just to say I’ve had a go, but I am worried about being outed.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Tina Sparx on 26 October 2021, 11:57:25 pm
As a Tgirl can I please comment?

I would love a SD!!

The best I have had is a guy who sent flowers to my house every year for my Birthday FFS!

You go milk them girls, I know I would!
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jadine on 30 August 2022, 09:48:46 pm
I am past it with aw and other escortsites and am thinking about looking at a sugar daddy site , has anyone whose in their 50s like myself had any luck on them sugar dating sites ? Or know how to go about finding one I can't do with the muppets and lack of decent punters any longer .
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Ana66 on 31 August 2022, 01:42:58 pm
I am past it with aw and other escortsites and am thinking about looking at a sugar daddy site , has anyone whose in their 50s like myself had any luck on them sugar dating sites ? Or know how to go about finding one I can't do with the muppets and lack of decent punters any longer .

Hey Jadine, if I were you, I wouldn't bother with sugar dating arrangements, they are such a waste of time.
I used to do sugar dating before I started escorting and escorting is much better and less energy draining (+ the money is better).

The problem with sugar dating is that you will meet a lot of guys who are actually looking for an escort but don't want to admit it or want a "cheap" escort in a "less transactional way" basically. So obviously this will lead to a lot of boundary pushing and guys asking you for things you typically don't want to do (for example : having bareback sex).

All guys will pretend they want a "long-term" arrangement when they will actually see you once or twice, have sex with you and then disappear (in the best case scenario, you agree on a PPM (pay per meet) before the meeting, which is an amount of money they will give you for having sex so basically the same as escorting except that you're not paid per hour but per meeting (in the end it's a loss)).

Otherwise it's full of BS, like full of men who think they are "too good" to pay for sex, or evil guys who are only willing to pay for a nice restaurant in exchange of sex (LOOOL), or as well an overnight for like £300 (LOOOL) basically just full of men who want to take advantage of girls for free/very low price.

And even in the case you find someone nice, who is actually reliable and serious about it and who is willing to give you a reasonable amount of money per meeting (I've come across 2 guys like that only among hundreds), then it's fairly energy draining as they will want to talk a lot on the phone and every time you will want to see them, you will have to kind of "chase them" to ask them when you next see each other again, which puts them in a dominant position, which is really not nice.

So up to you, you can always try just out of curiosity, but you will most likely be disappointed so in my opinion, you should definitely stick to escorting  :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jadine on 31 August 2022, 08:05:06 pm
Thankyou for your response , it was just a last thought that i had in mind , I just am not getting any decent men enquiring anymore or had any really good payers since I lost my others that were generous with me ,  I just seem to attract all the idiots going and the cheapskates  i put up with so long who still try seeing me I told not to bother with me again as I have done with their shit ,   is why I wanted a change , I will think about what you mention , and i think from how you explain it would be  maybe not ideal for me ,  though I been checking out some sites , even when i smartened up my profile to try attracting a better quality punter it just brought out the inbreds even more , so hard to get the nicer business types like I used to see a lot years back just a matter of the when and if the good ones will  reappear be i happy getting those ones .
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jadine on 03 September 2022, 06:52:01 pm
Anyone on here tried whats your price ?
Any luck on it finding punters  ? Or is it just fuckbuddys and chancers wanting freebies ?
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jadine on 04 September 2022, 12:51:47 pm
I have looked on one of these sites thought I join anyway,  seems some nice guys on but I can tell the ones who aren't up to paying they just stand out wanting freebies ect or not even dressed good ,  just like being  on  aw I attract dickheads , only messages up to now is off a stupid boy in 20s who only can say he can last all nite night,  told him not what i looking for , another says I looked nice ect but gone quiet not really much communication going on .
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Milf-G on 05 September 2022, 09:21:10 pm
I am past it with aw and other escortsites and am thinking about looking at a sugar daddy site , has anyone whose in their 50s like myself had any luck on them sugar dating sites ? Or know how to go about finding one I can't do with the muppets and lack of decent punters any longer .

I'm in my early 40s and was on a SD site but they wanted like 2hrs, bare, for £50 plus lots of chat and pics. I got very little interest being in my 40s, but maybe that's my location. I deleted my account on the SD site in the end.
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Petlover29 on 05 September 2022, 09:33:41 pm
I tried the sd dating when I was young and very naive. I was only 19

I had cheap skates and with me  being so easy lead at the time, I allowed it to happen  .. I had one man he had me do an overnight with him.. he wasn’t friendly very rude to me. He didn’t even take me out for dinner.. he cooked a crap meal.. (tight as 🦀 ) In the morning when we woken up he gave me £40 told me to buy a nice dress.. that’s all I got..  I used to always make stupid decisions when I was younger  ..(i still do occasionally as I’m older)

Point being I would rather be an escort anyday . I Find clients who book you escorting treat you with lots more respect. The dates I had from that sugar dating site was vile. I was letting myself get conned.. (my own fault being so naive)

I had met some  of the worst men I ever come across In my life on sugar dating sites..I’m not saying it be like that for everyone but from my experience.. I had shocking experiences.

Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jadine on 05 September 2022, 09:58:31 pm
I deleted the what's my price site waste of time , I been on dating sites and I have had 100s of guys giving me likes and still do , i recieved loads and loads of messages,  but this site obviously too old for them wouldn't be bad but a lot are past it in looks and look like tramps not sugardaddys , I am on 3 sugerdaddy sites at the moment  there's older women on there , I have  got 1 guy interested in me at moment  who I'm chatting with now so see how that pans out , no interest in anyone else .

Pet lover I was same as you when I were younger had punters  pay me peanuts for overnights , all these years I been so stupid and let the wankers take advantage of me I done with it now , sacked all the lot , and refuse to see others that are no good blocked them or told them I'm not putting up with it anymore and must admit I been to soft letting them undercut me ect for so long just because they seen me so often .

Milf - G
 I'm going to give it a week or so and see if anything happens but I know any ask for bare can forget it , don't think be long before I delete it .
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Ana66 on 18 September 2022, 12:44:21 am
Thankyou for your response , it was just a last thought that i had in mind , I just am not getting any decent men enquiring anymore or had any really good payers since I lost my others that were generous with me ,  I just seem to attract all the idiots going and the cheapskates  i put up with so long who still try seeing me I told not to bother with me again as I have done with their shit ,   is why I wanted a change , I will think about what you mention , and i think from how you explain it would be  maybe not ideal for me ,  though I been checking out some sites , even when i smartened up my profile to try attracting a better quality punter it just brought out the inbreds even more , so hard to get the nicer business types like I used to see a lot years back just a matter of the when and if the good ones will  reappear be i happy getting those ones .

I know, this thing requires so much patience and hard work

Another tip for you Jadine is : men who don't have any pictures are in 99% of the time more likely to be rich and reliable so when you message some men there, always prioritise the ones with no picture over the ones with fancy cars, in fancy places/holidays (because trust me the ones who show off are always the biggest cheapskates who pretend to be rich when they are not/or could be rich people in some cases but in general they never want a "pay per meet" arrangement (which is the most advantageous and the one you should look for if you want to make money), these will always say something like "sorry but I'm not looking for an escort" loool, in other words, they are just another type of piss takers 
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Ana66 on 18 September 2022, 12:49:34 am
Anyone on here tried whats your price ?
Any luck on it finding punters  ? Or is it just fuckbuddys and chancers wanting freebies ?

Sorry I'm a bit late to the party but yes I've tried what's your price, and actually got one from there (saw him once and he gave mea very good amount for a 2-3h meeting) but I think I just got very lucky since I got banned from this website literally 24h after I registered there for no apparent reason so you can keep trying but I don't think you will find qualitative men on there tbh, you should focus more on seeking arrangement, secret benefits and sugardaddie
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jadine on 18 September 2022, 09:44:00 pm
Ana 66
I did delete the what's your price , got deleted no reason  off sugarbook, I deleted one of the sugardaddy sites as wasn't getting messages only off someone wanting to meet but he already was with a sugarbabe and going on about her and I wasn't attracted to him ,  so I deleted my profile but then went back on a few days ago  , today I been speaking to someone and we are meant to be meeting tomorrow,  usually I would rather wait until I know them a bit but I thought he might try his luck elsewhere as some do not like waiting for weeks ect to meet , hopefully things be good🤞
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jadine on 19 September 2022, 11:48:36 am
Well he turned up , lots of compliments about me , seemed happy enough during session until he wanted bareback , when I said no  he wasn't pleased , carried on with what we was doing , he even mentioned going away weekends and staying if i see him again ,  we finished the deed , he got his phone out checking lots of messages of other women on the sd site , when leaving I could tell from body language and ect he lost interest , I looked on the sd site and his blocked me the knob .
Says he wasn't looking for a escort and think he disliked the fact I told him was what I did , I knew damn well we weren't doing it raw , could been good thing seeing him if he not gone off as he did in the end .
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Ana66 on 19 September 2022, 04:39:33 pm
Hi Jadine,

Yes, to avoid any awkward situation during the session, always make sure you ask them what they are looking for/what they are into sexually before meeting the guy in person, it will save you a lot of time because as you mentioned plenty of them ask for bareback (or other things you're not willing to do).

Also make sure you do a phone call/video call with them prior to the meeting and always check if their number doesn't have reports (trust me plenty of people there have). Also avoid those who want to text over Telegram, Kik, Viber or any other platform where you can't get to know their phone number, these are never genuine! (use WhatsApp only !)

Don't tell them you're an escort because a lot of them will be turned off by this (even though it's exactly the same at the end of the day lol), just make up a bs story

Once you're in the bedroom, always ask for the money first as some of them will try to rip you off (also always agree on a ppm amount before the meeting).

If you goal is to make quick money, don't bother going to the restaurant with them. Indeed, plenty of guys there will invite you to the restaurant and after that, they will never see you again, or will say something like "I want to think about it" so in the end you just wasted your evening for nothing (because these guys are never ever willing to pay for your time during dinner dates). So my advice here is when you start chatting over the phone with them, just say that before going to the restaurant, you would like to "see if you're compatible in the bedroom first and then if you see each other again, you can go to the restaurant together on that occasion", most of the time guys will accept to have se first because even if they pretend the contrary, in the end they are just looking for sex lol.

As well, something very important that is connected to the last paragraph about not going to the restaurant : a lot of guys on these sugar dating website will have "trust issues" because they are apparently a lot of girl scammers on these so the idea of going to the restaurant is for them to check that you're genuine so in order to prove them you are genuine without wasting your time sitting in the restaurant, do a video call (it will add an extra step to your screening, save your time and show the guy you're genuine so he will be more relaxed about going into the bedroom directly)

To sum up, treat sugar dates pretty much the same as you treat an escort booking, the main difference is be a bit less straightforward with them in your intentions (don't say you're an escort, pretend you want a long term arrangement with them, be quite chatty with them, also don't say that you want x amount of money for x amount of hours, just say that you want x amount of money per meeting (give yourself a tolerance bar in terms of how long you want the meeting to last but I would say 4h on average in my experience, could be less though)

These are all stuff I've done myself when I was doing sugar dates and it worked pretty well in order to make good money and saving your time  ;D

Good luck  :D :D
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jadine on 19 September 2022, 07:50:53 pm
Thankyou for your advice
I will use it if I meet anyone else , gutted about the one I seen my type of guy too 6'4 gorgeous looks , shaved head , he says he was receiving lots of messages .
I am going to try other sites again and stick on the one I am already on  , and I will try not to make any mistakes slipping up again about escorting ,  you given me plenty of tips
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: hybridwork on 20 September 2022, 03:11:57 pm
Anyone on here tried whats your price ?
Any luck on it finding punters  ? Or is it just fuckbuddys and chancers wanting freebies ?

WYP is a waste of time
SA is ok but become full of chancers overs the years.  Defo look out for basic profiles like the ones with no pics as they are often men with the money and want discretion ; )
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jadine on 20 September 2022, 04:31:59 pm
Laura Laura
Yeh I know it was a waste of  time I didn't stay on it long , went on seeking arrangements , lots of messages I got but wasn't going be a paid member to read them so just came off it  , noticed lots of guys with naked pics of their dicks showing , so bet most are on for freebies , with the experiences i have had I ain't paying to view men I'm not attracted too either .
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jadine on 24 September 2022, 08:06:57 pm
I  just today joined a very well known site which was once in the news ,  as I'm still trying for a  SD  as soon as my profile was on I got lots of messages , one was a young guy who got stroppy when I said what I was on it for and cheeky cunt saying I should reconsider as I'm too old lol just because he don't want or can't afford to pay  , majority of the men just after free sex which isn't what I'm on for ,  another guy now is moaning its prostitutes on the site and ones looking SD , not told him yet that's what  I am on for too lol .
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: Jadine on 26 September 2022, 10:17:11 pm
Omg the amount of messages I am receiving I just can't handle so many not even reading them messages ,  wish it like that on aw ect ,  they like my photos , that  but the majority are all tossers wanting free sex , none want to pay for pussy ,  so obvious , one wants meet me for free time go a coffee like I'm really going lose paying punters even says his not much money , another wanted take me for dinner , as if I go for a bit of grub to drop my pants lol thought this certain site be good for SD or punters but I can't advertise what I'm doing or get booted off , hoping I get someone that I'm looking for .
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: hybridwork on 27 September 2022, 09:57:11 am
Omg the amount of messages I am receiving I just can't handle so many not even reading them messages ,  wish it like that on aw ect ,  they like my photos , that  but the majority are all tossers wanting free sex , none want to pay for pussy ,  so obvious , one wants meet me for free time go a coffee like I'm really going lose paying punters even says his not much money , another wanted take me for dinner , as if I go for a bit of grub to drop my pants lol thought this certain site be good for SD or punters but I can't advertise what I'm doing or get booted off , hoping I get someone that I'm looking for .

that's how it is! most men on SA treat it like tinder.  Make a cup of tea and take your time  :)
Title: Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
Post by: londonbeca on 28 October 2022, 01:35:53 pm
I've just started in the world of Seeking which I feel is a good compromise between escorting (as I understand it) and dating. I am based in London and it would be good to exchange views/experiences on Seeking in London.

Fairly mixed experience so far but I don't hate it....yet. I find the biggest problem is finding men who actually want to meet rather than ask me for endless an endless supply of photos. Half the time I don't know if they are really looking for an arrangement or a one off.

I've met a few guys now and am getting the hang of how it works. It've made a decent amount of money (for me at least) from it but find the time consuming nature of feeding through profiles and responding tedious.

Have a lovely day!