I'd also like to take the oppertunity to recommend [removed] for a sugar daddy type arrangement, have met some great clients from there.
Hope you don't mind newgirl007 that I've taken your earlier advice for a new thread.
I wonder how does one best approach sugardaddies? I mean if you register on that site, do you mention your escorting site in your profile? Or is it an absolute no? Also, which is the best way of breaching the subject of money? I personally prefer to be paid upfront, rather than been given gifts or having to ask for help with my bills or whatever.
Three or so years ago I placed ads in Financial Times looking for "a generous gentleman" for exciting dates kind of thing. I had replies, most of course TW but a few genuine too. I then proceeded to text them that I was looking to get financially compensated for our dates (can't remember exact words I used) and if that's what they were looking for, then contact me etc.
I've got a couple of bookings that way, but felt I had to kind of pretend that I wasn't an actual escort. Although I did tell one or two that I was.
But this has always puzzled me. When looking for sugardaddies, do you sort of pretend that you're not "just an escort" in order to not repell them? Or was it just me being paranoid?
