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Author Topic: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements  (Read 136238 times)


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Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« on: 21 May 2010, 04:06:35 am »
I'd also like to take the oppertunity to recommend [removed] for a sugar daddy type arrangement, have met some great clients from there.

Hope you don't mind newgirl007 that I've taken your earlier advice for a new thread.

I wonder how does one best approach sugardaddies? I mean if you register on that site, do you mention your escorting site in your profile? Or is it an absolute no? Also, which is the best way of breaching the subject of money? I personally prefer to be paid upfront, rather than been given gifts or having to ask for help with my bills or whatever.

Three or so years ago I placed ads in Financial Times looking for "a generous gentleman" for exciting dates kind of thing. I had replies, most of course TW but a few genuine too. I then proceeded to text them that I was looking to get financially compensated for our dates (can't remember exact words I used) and if that's what they were looking for, then contact me etc.

I've got a couple of bookings that way, but felt I had to kind of pretend that I wasn't an actual escort. Although I did tell one or two that I was.

But this has always puzzled me. When looking for sugardaddies, do you sort of pretend that you're not "just an escort" in order to not repell them? Or was it just me being paranoid?

 :D SnakeLady
« Last Edit: 14 September 2015, 06:45:02 pm by amy »
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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #1 on: 21 May 2010, 12:51:24 pm »
Sugardaddies basically want something less 'transactional' than hiring an escort. You need to be prepared to accept valuable gifts instead of cash per date.

They are also ususally in denial that what they need is an escort. Just be a good version of yourself, but make it clear that you are 'cash strapped' damsel in distress routine etc.

Good luck! I've found it very lucrative
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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #2 on: 21 May 2010, 01:19:37 pm »
I know a lady who put in her details on a Sugardaddy website that she was an escort. She was immediately banned!
TBH though I cant eat expensive clothes or jewelery and what if he buys something I dont like? I know that must sound ungrateful but id feel awkward asking for the reciept. I like my cash.  ;D
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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #3 on: 21 May 2010, 01:53:09 pm »
I'm giving it a go actually, since I noticed that monthly allowances are fairly normal (I don't get pleasure from handbags, I get it from watching my savings account grow until I have a nice juicy deposit for a house, and I'm saying that if asked!). I'm not mentioning that I'm an escort but staying as close to the truth as possible since I don't like lying and have face pictures so they could find out at any time. I figure being a normal girl with slightly flexible morals rather than an unrepentant harlot is part of the fantasy.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #4 on: 21 May 2010, 03:43:24 pm »
I know a lady who put in her details on a Sugardaddy website that she was an escort. She was immediately banned!

Argh, the hypocrisy.

TBH though I cant eat expensive clothes or jewellery and what if he buys something I don't like? I know that must sound ungrateful but id feel awkward asking for the receipt. I like my cash.  ;D

And have you seen the resale value of diamonds? Pathetic!

One male escort I know who had this sort of 'oh, I have a bill, please pay it' deal with someone found it hard work, because the client became very demanding, expecting him to drop everything at a moment's notice. There were other issues too, including discovering more downsides to accepting cheques.

'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #5 on: 22 May 2010, 09:01:02 pm »
do you mention your escorting site in your profile? Or is it an absolute no?

5. Can I advertise my services (e.g. escort, dating services)?

No. You may not advertise your services on Anyone caught doing so, will have their account cancelled and will be banned from using our website. Please do not advertise your dating services or escort services on our website. Advertising such services violates our User Agreement, and as such you may be accessing our website without authorization or permission from us. Unauthorized access is a felony offense, and we reserve the right to seek legal action against you.

I dont get it. I dont fucking get it. They have a photo of a man with 1,000 worth of bills, and 2 women kissing on 1 man. If its not escorting, what is it?



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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #6 on: 23 May 2010, 12:10:57 am »
Lolol. Perhaps it was perfectly innocent. He may have been on his way to pay a 1000 off his grandmas utility bills. Whilst on his way he could have had a coronory. The 2 ladies may have been good samaritans attempting to administer CPR. Highly unlikely but possible!
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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #7 on: 23 May 2010, 12:39:04 am »
The blog talks quite openly about things like negotiating monthly allowances, and I saw one comment where a girl had a sugar daddy who she saw irregularly, so he just gave her an allowance for each meeting.

But as daft as that is, I am sympathetic. 1, it's a US site and presumably they think they're safe enough as they are, but if you say you're an escort everyone knows you're a prostitute and that's illegal. 2, those guys aren't on escort sites, even if it is just denial. They're paying to use the site for a particular purpose and aren't expecting to be bombarded with hourly rates.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #8 on: 23 May 2010, 07:42:34 pm »
I'm giving it a go actually, since I noticed that monthly allowances are fairly normal (I don't get pleasure from handbags, I get it from watching my savings account grow until I have a nice juicy deposit for a house, and I'm saying that if asked!). I'm not mentioning that I'm an escort but staying as close to the truth as possible since I don't like lying and have face pictures so they could find out at any time. I figure being a normal girl with slightly flexible morals rather than an unrepentant harlot is part of the fantasy.

Anika, im not sure about the allowances you mentioned but i recently signed up with one of the sites and im now laughing becuase as i write this ive got the site open in a differnt tab, theres actually tonnes of men listed which i found quite surprising, it made me question if they were all real or some fake.  I signed up using a second email address but this time as a sugar daddy and i was surprised again to see how many women were listed, as i went through the lists i saw several familiar faces, i was not sure if they were fake accounts and the photos had been stolen or if they were real.

The site im using allows you to post a free advert but to send and receive messages you have to subscribe, i havent subscribed yet but i would be interested to know how you get on.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #9 on: 23 May 2010, 10:50:08 pm »
« Last Edit: 10 October 2010, 03:34:57 pm by Jasmine »


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #10 on: 25 May 2010, 02:00:33 am »
I signed up for an account too, but alot of the guys just seem like average professionals looking for love?

You know, I had the same problem with my former Financial Times ad. Despite it being short of screaming "I'm a Whore - Give Me Your Money", many men replied looking for romantic, longterm relationships. :o

Well, I don't know about you, but if I was looking for love, then perhaps I wouldn't go for ads stating "generous" as the most sought after attribute, followed by "mutual fun" and "looks and age unimportant". Nor would I register with sites displaying guys with wads of cash, as a way of attracting (younger) women. ::)
« Last Edit: 25 May 2010, 02:34:13 am by SnakeLady »
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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #11 on: 25 May 2010, 02:28:26 am »
5. Can I advertise my services (e.g. escort, dating services)?

No. You may not advertise your services on Anyone caught doing so, will have their account cancelled and will be banned from using our website. Please do not advertise your dating services or escort services on our website. Advertising such services violates our User Agreement, and as such you may be accessing our website without authorization or permission from us. Unauthorized access is a felony offense, and we reserve the right to seek legal action against you.

I dont get it. I dont fucking get it. They have a photo of a man with 1,000 worth of bills, and 2 women kissing on 1 man. If its not escorting, what is it?


Thanks Joey for looking up the clause.  :D

I suspect just as Anika May that because it's a US site, they don't want no association with (gulp!) Prostitution for legal reasons.

Although there seem to be murkier undercurrents too. I mean personally, even though you may develop a closeness in a sugar daddy relationship, I still prefer to have those monetary boundaries of escorting. So if say a SD would like to pay me a monthly allowance, then I'd like to know for how many dates it would cover and for what amount of money. That so we both know exactly what to expect from each other.

Another aspect is that I do not so much wish to play "Damsell in Distress" role. As lovely as our dates and relationship may be - I provide for them as a professional. And not because I'm their skint girlfriend.

Although the side that does appeal to me, is when guys want to help financially and with business advice if you have other goals in your life. Such as running a new business, etc. They (SDs) see themselves a bit as mentors - with added bonus of having sex.  :P
« Last Edit: 25 May 2010, 02:39:19 am by SnakeLady »
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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #12 on: 25 May 2010, 04:52:55 am »
Many clients are very happy to give business advice and be a mentor Snakelady. Usually its along the lines of charge a lot less and see more people.  ::) So do twice the work and risk neighbours noticing more men coming and going for the same money.
Its great to get free advice but sometimes it turns out to be worth exactly what we paid for it. Sweet FA!
find out exactly how and why a man hoping to escort women for a living has more chance of plaiting fog, and better earning prospects on Jobseekers Allowance.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #13 on: 25 May 2010, 07:04:51 am »
Many clients are very happy to give business advice and be a mentor Snakelady. Usually its along the lines of charge a lot less and see more people.  ::) So do twice the work and risk neighbours noticing more men coming and going for the same money.
Its great to get free advice but sometimes it turns out to be worth exactly what we paid for it. Sweet FA!

Dont even get me started. That reminds me of a guy who I 'sugar daddied' with for a bit...we were good friends and I liked him, but at one point he says, "Where's your website? Your business would be doing alot better if you had some consistancy"  >:(

I dont need anyone to tell me how the hell to run my business. At the time, I was undergoing a name change to my current Joey name. I think they have all the best intentions, and some are business people with great business advice which can be related. However, one has to be in the driver's seat in order to really give advice. Its like, I'm trying to do 1 thing, and you're trying to get me to do something competely different. (That does not pertain to the advices of any of you ladies!)


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #14 on: 25 May 2010, 10:26:18 am »
Ah, the good old days. I love a SD-SB relationship. As long as you are both singing from the same hymn sheet. I have my profile up on several sites, and straight off the bat, it is not unusual to chat for a bit, skype, then arrange a meet, where he covers the costs of travel, which will include some serious shopping, nice hotel, and then shag him senseless. As to items purchased, get a gift receipt if you can. :)