Had an interesting moron today:
Him: "Hiya how's u

Me: *ignores*
Him: "Hey u on AW initt:)))"
Me: "Yes do you want to book?"
Him: "well yeh but not now ... How much is it?"
Me: "All details are on my AW profile."
Him: "Lol

) k r u the 22 year old or"
Me: "Text me when you know who you're talking to"
Him: "dint get ya

) lool u are uptight a bit lmao"
Me: "This is my work phone not a chat line, and I'm not going to give you lots of details you can find online"
Him: "oh lol

) sorry my bad i found u now u look gorg ... Gotta admit awww u are amazing ... No wonder !!!"
Me: *ignores*
Him: "Ya there can we chat

Me: *still ignores*
Him: "U there

) xxxx"
Me: "This line is for bookings only, if you know when you want to see me you can make an appointment. I won't respond to other texts."
Him: "ok my bad

can i get ya chat line by any chance plz xxxxx"
Me: "I don't do phone or text chat I offer personal service only"
Him: "Ok in ur service can we get dirty sex"
And then I got bored