Just when I spoke to soon re: its usually the older men who are timewasters...
well last night, I get a kid...literally...a child, call me up. must have been early teens. Before he/she could say anymore I yelled, How Old Are You! He/she says 19...not wanting to be bothered with I said, you're too young...and hung up. It may have even been a woman, there was no base in his/her voice...so it had to have been a woman.
Bastard calls me back again, (all the while from a private number, he was calling all throughout the day prior and I was curious as to who the fuck it was). He says, "I may be young, but I have $1,000 on me and want to know what that will get me". I got furiuous and yelled, "DONT CALL ME PRIVATE AGAIN!".
This morning, I got another private call number, but my nerves were already damaged from worrying sick that I couldn't be bothered.