Prostitutes are often stigmatised as especially responsible for infections and disease. OK, so this is a little different because its about venereal disease, but the 19th century contagious diseases act allowed police to arbitrarily pick up women suspected of being prostitutes and subject them to forced, humiliating and often injurious 'examinations' to see if they had any diseases. Men suspected of being punters were not of course... nor was anyone else 'suspected' of having sex.
I recall once having a very tiresome 'conversation' with a blockhead punter who, after my protestations against his "prostitutes are a social problem' speech, argued it was necessary for him to pay for sex because he needed sex but I could always 'get another job'. Words, for once, failed me.
Considering we are only a very small number of people, relatively speaking, I've already seen quite a number of articles and news pieces and other general online comments about us and from a few sex workers I've spoken to admitting you are still working - out of need - seems to ignite much more opprobrium than people who break the rules in other more so-called 'understandable' ways, like cheeky visits to friends/lovers, seems to.