It depends on how worked up you are about breaking the law ref working from home. Not many officials will be policing it as they have better things to do.
As for the hospitality industry I have checked the policies on hygiene from some of the companies that are under google search who advise the hotel industry and not one of them covers having guests in the rooms. So I wouldn't worry about the industry being finished. Far from it. It will just run on as usual.
The issue isn’t hospitality industry policies on hygiene it’s whether the government considers our industry (or the closest things to it for our consideration, I suppose such as massage therapy) safe enough to operate during COVID19. As stated elsewhere some people will be worried about the health risks, whilst others about breaking the law.
It’s going to be a interpretation process for us seeing us prostitution won’t show up on any gov list of jobs that have got the peri peri green light.