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Author Topic: Working after cosmetic surgery  (Read 40345 times)


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #15 on: 10 November 2013, 05:15:51 pm »
Yikes, I was thinking of getting some cosmetic surgery. Might give that one a miss haha! I'm sure the pain is worth it in the end, no pain no gain and what not  ;D


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #16 on: 03 February 2014, 07:51:11 pm »
Hi  :)

I have been looking into vaser lipo and from what I can see it is minimally invasive, but you have to wear pads after?
Has anybody on here had this surgery, if so how long did you have you to take off work?

Lost all of my baby weight, but got a tiny bit on my stomach I just can't shift, so would be great to hear from you girls.

The other thing is, I am not wanting to get traditional lipo, at least with vaser lipo it is a 2 hour procedure...


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #17 on: 03 February 2014, 09:12:38 pm »
Hey hun

Don't think we're allowed to post links on here but you should google cosmetic surgery forums (that's what I do when having something done). You will get all the info and advice there for this sort of thing cause I don't think the admin on here will see that question as anything to do with sex work xx


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #18 on: 03 February 2014, 09:33:19 pm »
Well the admin merged it into this thread because the original title asked about the amount of time off required, but yes, general discussion about cosmetic surgery belongs on a CS forum and not here.

It's fine to send links by PM if needs be, but again yes - we don't need to drive traffic to other sites and nor do we need them to notice they're getting hits from us and this goes especially for the gutter press. There are occasional exceptions, but the best thing to do if you're not sure is not post it :).


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #19 on: 03 February 2014, 11:10:21 pm »
I have had long looks at the cs forums, but unfortunately I couldn't actually find anything about how long an escort should have off work.
The people on these forums seem to hold down normal jobs...and with a job like ours where we seem to take our clothes off it could prove to be difficult with tenderness and bruising. Unless a client would mind seeing an escort wearing a compression garment  ???
Hence asking the question on here.  Sorry i was just trying to find another escort who had vaser so I could get as much info as possible.


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #20 on: 04 February 2014, 12:22:38 am »
I have had long looks at the cs forums, but unfortunately I couldn't actually find anything about how long an escort should have off work.
The people on these forums seem to hold down normal jobs...and with a job like ours where we seem to take our clothes off it could prove to be difficult with tenderness and bruising. Unless a client would mind seeing an escort wearing a compression garment  ???
Hence asking the question on here.  Sorry i was just trying to find another escort who had vaser so I could get as much info as possible.

From my research (but not experience) vaser means compression for 24 hours for 4 weeks and 12 hours for another 4 and bruising, swelling and tenderness that can last for 6 weeks.

I'd say you need to plan a minimum of one month off.
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
- Albus Dumbledore


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #21 on: 04 February 2014, 08:32:38 am »
Yeah its a minimum 4 weeks and upto 6 weeks I think for you to get the best result. No point in spending thousands on surgery then not looking after yourself properly and ending up with shit results.

I was thinking of having it done for the stubborn areas that annoy me at the same time as my second boon job since I will be taking 6 weeks off anyway.

If you don't save your money, make sure you have enough money to cover your bills and living expenses for 6 weeks while you recover.



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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #22 on: 04 February 2014, 09:05:05 am »
I guess it depends on how many areas you get done?
I am aware that if you get 4 areas done then you will have to wear a body suit. .. Obviously the recovery process will take longer and to look after the surgery you have to wear the suit at all times.
I was only interested in getting my stomach done. My thoughts after are that I will have to wear a garment just around my stomach.  I could be wrong though.  But I was thinking if it just around my stomach I might be able to go back to work after 2 1/2 weeks. And just make clients aware of the garment.
Maybe it is worth me phoning the clinic and just being honest about my job and go from there
I can't really afford to take 6 weeks off work.  I do save and do have savings but nursery fees are ongoing etc car on finance plus rent which is expensive. It would make a large hole in my savings :(


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #23 on: 04 February 2014, 11:35:24 am »
Escort2345, cosmetic surgery can be very traumatic and everybody's body heals differently. Going back to work so soon can put you at risk of complications if you aren't fully healed. I plan on having cosmetic surgery this year,  but now saving up for  the 6 Weeks of not working has to be done. You have to prepare yourself for worst case scenario. Not working for 6 weeks is really painful, maybe plan it around your yearly holiday?


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #24 on: 04 February 2014, 01:23:46 pm »
I guess it depends on how many areas you get done?
I am aware that if you get 4 areas done then you will have to wear a body suit. .. Obviously the recovery process will take longer and to look after the surgery you have to wear the suit at all times.
I was only interested in getting my stomach done. My thoughts after are that I will have to wear a garment just around my stomach.  I could be wrong though.  But I was thinking if it just around my stomach I might be able to go back to work after 2 1/2 weeks. And just make clients aware of the garment.
Maybe it is worth me phoning the clinic and just being honest about my job and go from there
I can't really afford to take 6 weeks off work.  I do save and do have savings but nursery fees are ongoing etc car on finance plus rent which is expensive. It would make a large hole in my savings :(

You then put yourself at risk of infection and I don't think clients would like to see your body or tummy garment as they aren't very attractive and will not be very clean either since you'll be wearing it all the time.

Best advice any of us can give you if you do decide to go down the surgery route is to either wait till you have stopped working as an escort OR take the right amount of time off to heal.

I went back to work after my first boob job after 4 weeks and I really shouldn't have and it didn't do me any favours, I am having to have them redone this year.



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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #25 on: 04 February 2014, 01:58:45 pm »
If its traditional lipo then even with just one area I would say 3 week the bruising can be very bad but it depends on how you bruise
I was bruised from my ass to my toes even my feet/ankles  were swollen up but I do bruise very very easily


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #26 on: 04 February 2014, 06:42:28 pm »
If its traditional lipo then even with just one area I would say 3 week the bruising can be very bad but it depends on how you bruise
I was bruised from my ass to my toes even my feet/ankles  were swollen up but I do bruise very very easily

Lol, poor thing. I really wouldn't mind having it done too but, will have it done when I get my boobs done again x


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #27 on: 04 March 2014, 01:47:14 pm »
I plan on getting my breasts enlarged in May, how long do you think I'll need to take off work?

I'm saving up extra money to accommodate for the time off after the surgery, I just needed a rough guide from experienced ladies who've had surgery!


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #28 on: 04 March 2014, 02:32:17 pm »
4-6 weeks but everyone heals differently but definitely not a day before 4 weeks. My incisions didn't heal properly since I was allergic to internal stitches so they took about 8 weeks to close completely x


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Re: Working after cosmetic surgery
« Reply #29 on: 17 March 2014, 01:22:21 pm »
I am seriously considering Botox and fillers and would like to ask does time need to be taken off from escorting. If so how long?. Have others had bad side effects or good experiences. It is for laughter lines really.

Thanks in advance.
