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Author Topic: What are your client screening procedures?  (Read 26698 times)


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What are your client screening procedures?
« on: 31 January 2013, 01:36:37 pm »
After reading more new posts on the warnings&wasters section it's got me thinking.

I read a hell of a lot on there how the guy sounded like a hood rat or was a bit off on the phone. So I'm surprised that some ladies will actually take the booking as I personally think there is definitely more chance of them being an undesirable client. I'm not having a go here at all, I'm just interested in how other ladies screen their calls and if they are actually happy to take booking from 'chav' or 'off' sounding clients ect.

I might be accused of being judgmental but I would never take a booking from someone who,

A. Sounded like a Chav or gangster type. Called me 'love' or just sounded extremely common.

B. Sounded distant, unusual or off on the phone. Even if they were nervous I would still expect the client to be able to engage in normal conversation.

C. Obviously rude, obnoxious, abusive ect wouldn't even entertain the phone call. Basically if I just get a slight feeling that they don't sound like the type of client I want to meet then I won't see them. My safety comes first always, even if I am 'skint' that week.

**UPDATE** I just want to say that I don't give them an inquisition on the phone or anything. I'm perfectly happy to see clients of any ethnicity between 25-65 (preferably over 30) who address me by my name and speak clearly and respectfully. It's really not too much to ask is it?

So far I've been very lucky enough to never have anything bad happen to me in 3 years this summer of doing this. I know some guys might sound perfectly nice but then be absolute assholes too. This is why (and I know several of you disagree) I use the booking system as much as possible on adultwork as I feel it really helps with the timewaster side of things for me. However since I'm going to be getting a proper website and being listed on other directories I won't be able to ask everyone to do that. So I just need to make sure I can screen my clients as much as possible without that so I'm very interested to hear how other ladies actually work and screen their calls.
« Last Edit: 29 October 2016, 12:08:00 am by xw5 »


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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #1 on: 31 January 2013, 01:41:38 pm »
don't think its judgmental to have standards!
I personally wouldn't meet young guys..
for some reason I think I'd see meeting under 40's a danger?

as I'm new & only cam on AW atm I think getting their # and letting a friend know where you are is important?
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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #2 on: 31 January 2013, 01:47:43 pm »
I agree with some of your points i.e the gangsta or chav type speak but calling you love?  never go on tour to Dorset as everyone will call you that.  Its hello love/darling, alright love/darling, how you doing love/darling.  all the time.   Same as in Derby its Duck, as in aye up duck, see ya later duck.
Words like that can be said by the nicest of people but as they have been brought up with everyone in their area saying it, it has become habit and not disrespectful at all.
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact


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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #3 on: 31 January 2013, 01:49:35 pm »
I agree with some of your points i.e the gangsta or chav type speak but calling you love?  never go on tour to Dorset as everyone will call you that.  Its hello love/darling, alright love/darling, how you doing love/darling.  all the time.   Same as in Derby its Duck, as in aye up duck, see ya later duck.
Words like that can be said by the nicest of people but as they have been brought up with everyone in their area saying it, it has become habit and not disrespectful at all.
I mean like 'alright love you free' kind of speaking I don't like. It takes nothing to just address me by name first.


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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #4 on: 31 January 2013, 01:53:53 pm »
don't think its judgmental to have standards!
I personally wouldn't meet young guys..
for some reason I think I'd see meeting under 40's a danger?

as I'm new & only cam on AW atm I think getting their # and letting a friend know where you are is important?
This is another thing. I won't meet guys under 25. I gave a 24year old a chance the other day as he sounded perfectly nice on the phone and booked online, and then he proved why I don't see young guys lol! Not bad just quite demanding. Didn't want to or see the need to shower even though he had been at work most of the day, wanting absolutely everything all at once and bigging himself up to be amazing at oral ect ect. I think guys between 30-55 are the best clients personally, but I'll see mature gentlemen up to about 65.
« Last Edit: 31 January 2013, 02:03:21 pm by MissKylie »

Brown Eyed Girl

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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #5 on: 31 January 2013, 01:56:04 pm »
Who you see, don?t see is entirely up to you. If for example you want to exclude all men who wear or have ever worn a purple shirt you can do so. Just make sure you?re clear about your preferences from the get go so people don?t waste their time.

Speaking for myself, I?m not bothered by much and will see practically anybody. But I have to admit it?s rare for a caller who doesn?t know the first thing about me and asks lots of stupid obvious questions, to get any further with me. The way I see it, I think I?ve made it easy enough to find all the relevant info anybody would ever need to know before booking me, so if they can?t find that when it?s been highlighted, put in bold text, repeated several times, under relevant sections, I just think well they have no chance in hell of finding my clit, do they? So I just think I'll save myself from a potentially crap shag, thanks love. 

Do I feel bad? Hardly, I?ve made it very clear to potential clients that it?s in their interests to familiarise themselves with the info on my site. If they choose to ignore that advice, I?m not going to lose sleep over it.

But that?s just me, other ladies are far more forgiving / tolerant of those who are challenged when it comes to reading basic English.  I have no intention of changing my approach, my stance means that 99.9% of the guys who walk through my door are sane, articulate, normal chaps. I?m happy!

P.s I also like being referred to by my name but occasionally I'll let "darling" pass - "babe" still grates when it's coming from a complete stranger and unless the guy sounds like George Clooney on the other end, my phone for some weird, totally unexplained reason seems to disconnect itself. Weird!
« Last Edit: 31 January 2013, 02:22:46 pm by Alisha »


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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #6 on: 31 January 2013, 01:56:18 pm »
and gentlemen is ideally what you want  :)
the most dangerous lie is one that is closest to the truth


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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #7 on: 31 January 2013, 02:23:40 pm »
Politness is the main thing for me. Do they listen to what I say? Sound rude? Know what time they would like?

Anyone who starts with "are you open" or that sort of thing is a no straight away.

As for accents and stuff I don't mind people who sound a little "common". Goodness give me a glass of wine and my elocution goes out the window. The main thing for me is respect and my gut instinct.

I think the most important thing is to have your security sorted. A buddy who knows who you are with and when. If you can see people park taking their plate numbers. If you have only one fixed incall even getting a little camera put in your spy hole (Paris B can give you more info).

Brown Eyed Girl

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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #8 on: 31 January 2013, 02:30:17 pm »
Politness is the main thing for me. Do they listen to what I say? Sound rude? Know what time they would like?

Anyone who starts with "are you open" or that sort of thing is a no straight away.

Oh yeah that as well lol. I don?t give appointments to chaps who start the conversation by barking ?you available NOW?? down the phone to me. Bless, obviously some people lead such busy lives; they can?t even find the time to say a quick hello...
I'm thinking of doing an etiquette section for my site so hopefully I'll get lots of ideas from this thread...  ;D


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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #9 on: 31 January 2013, 02:31:43 pm »
I've have perfectly nice clients between the ages of 18 and 25 book and turn up without any problems.  They tend to phone or email, make a booking just like anyone else. Often their age isn't apparent until they arrive and all has been fine. On the other hand I've had very flaky 30 somethings. I do find those who state "I'm 18/21 or whatever" in their first contact do tend to be those who then go on to be pretty flaky, start haggling/be demanding and generally behaving in a very off-putting manner. I don't know why that is it's as if they already know themselves they are going to be difficult ;D or using it as some excuse to behave badly.


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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #10 on: 31 January 2013, 02:56:13 pm »
Politness is the main thing for me. Do they listen to what I say? Sound rude? Know what time they would like?

Anyone who starts with "are you open" or that sort of thing is a no straight away.

As for accents and stuff I don't mind people who sound a little "common". Goodness give me a glass of wine and my elocution goes out the window. The main thing for me is respect and my gut instinct.

I think the most important thing is to have your security sorted. A buddy who knows who you are with and when. If you can see people park taking their plate numbers. If you have only one fixed incall even getting a little camera put in your spy hole (Paris B can give you more info).
This is spot on. Maybe I sounded a little over the top and i'm exactly the same when I've had a couple lol! Obviously I don't expect them to have been to finishing school or anything as I certainly haven't. I just mean that they sound like a decent enough 'gentlemen'


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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #11 on: 31 January 2013, 02:58:08 pm »
I've have perfectly nice clients between the ages of 18 and 25 book and turn up without any problems.  They tend to phone or email, make a booking just like anyone else. Often their age isn't apparent until they arrive and all has been fine. On the other hand I've had very flaky 30 somethings. I do find those who state "I'm 18/21 or whatever" in their first contact do tend to be those who then go on to be pretty flaky, start haggling/be demanding and generally behaving in a very off-putting manner. I don't know why that is it's as if they already know themselves they are going to be difficult ;D or using it as some excuse to behave badly.
I totally believe there are decent younger clients out there. It's just not for me, even in my personal life lol!


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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #12 on: 31 January 2013, 03:02:40 pm »
It's a good question.

I have discovered over the years that sometimes guys who come across as rude on the phone are actually extremely nervous or shy and just want to get the phonecall over with as quickly as possible!  I personally don't engage in text coversations whatsoever which certainly cuts a lot of the timewasters down.  When they call me for details I ask them closed questions in answer to their questions, for instance:  "When are you free?"  I say "What time do you want to come along?".  By the end of the conversation I know if they are genuine or not.  Also, there's a lot to be said for good old gut instinct as well!

I wouldn't not see an individual based on accent, in fact someone who was rude sounding on the phone turned out to be one of the lovliest reguars I have now, so it's best to take everyone as an individual, and just trust your instincts x


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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #13 on: 31 January 2013, 03:05:54 pm »
I've have perfectly nice clients between the ages of 18 and 25 book and turn up without any problems.  They tend to phone or email, make a booking just like anyone else. Often their age isn't apparent until they arrive and all has been fine. On the other hand I've had very flaky 30 somethings. I do find those who state "I'm 18/21 or whatever" in their first contact do tend to be those who then go on to be pretty flaky, start haggling/be demanding and generally behaving in a very off-putting manner. I don't know why that is it's as if they already know themselves they are going to be difficult ;D or using it as some excuse to behave badly.
I totally believe there are decent younger clients out there. It's just not for me, even in my personal life lol!

I found the younger they are equals more of a chance of being a time waster. So now only prefer seeing the 30 plus and older married men.


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Re: What are your client screening procedures?
« Reply #14 on: 31 January 2013, 03:13:59 pm »
I've have perfectly nice clients between the ages of 18 and 25 book and turn up without any problems.  They tend to phone or email, make a booking just like anyone else. Often their age isn't apparent until they arrive and all has been fine. On the other hand I've had very flaky 30 somethings. I do find those who state "I'm 18/21 or whatever" in their first contact do tend to be those who then go on to be pretty flaky, start haggling/be demanding and generally behaving in a very off-putting manner. I don't know why that is it's as if they already know themselves they are going to be difficult ;D or using it as some excuse to behave badly.
I totally believe there are decent younger clients out there. It's just not for me, even in my personal life lol!

I found the younger they are equals more of a chance of being a time waster. So now only prefer seeing the 30 plus and older married men.

So do you ask their age at point of enquiry?