Well by the usual standards I would think the vast majority here are part time - I doubt many are doing forty hours of bookings every week, week in and week out?
I'd also raise an eyebrow at the idea that ten to twelve bookings a week is 'very' part time unless it's some kind of weird stealth boast - I work four days a week and twelve bookings would be average for me (as in not busy but not quiet either). Very part time to me would be somebody doing a handful of bookings (less than one a day) a week or even a month.
This thread often gets derailed with similar stuff when people rightly question how any of it can mean anything when everybody's idea of busy and quiet is different. The answer is it doesn't mean anything; it's a repository thread for posters to have a moan and was created way back when to stop the section being bunged up with dozens of threads all about the same thing when somebody's phone hadn't rung for an hour (ditto the Hello thread).
Then one of us separates these posts and adds it to one of the 'What do you call busy/quiet?' threads, this one gets back on topic and we all live happily ever after until it starts all over again
