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Author Topic: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?  (Read 10002 times)


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Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« on: 23 April 2011, 02:47:10 pm »
I've had a request to dress up as a school girl so the client can play at being the headmaster who punishes me. 

On one hand this seems kind of standard man stuff and no big deal.

On the other hand it makes me slightly uncomfortable.

Do others balk at the whole school girl thing?

I know I shouldn't do anything that makes me uncomfortable and I'm fine with that. I just wondered what others consider off limits when it comes to dress up or role play?

Just wanted to gauge opinion before I tell the client yes or no, also curious what others feel is out of bounds in the bedroom.

« Last Edit: 23 April 2011, 03:07:01 pm by Adamas »

Anika Mae

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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #1 on: 23 April 2011, 03:09:46 pm »
I'm ok with that kind of roleplay; I enjoy submissive roles like that sometimes so I don't find it strange that other people like the dominant bits, and I don't think someone who wants to act out a schoolgirl/teacher fantasy with a grown woman is in danger of wanting to move on to real schoolgirls.

There are other things, like "pretend to be my step-daughter", that I'd find more worrying. With any fantasy where the reality would be harmful to another person, even if it's an unusually creepy one, I think it's a pretty small minority of people who'd consider doing it for real and playing it out with a consenting adult is completely different. However, I can see how if someone was capable of doing it for real their desire may be reinforced by roleplay, so there are some things I wouldn't want to act out with clients just in case.

I did do one schoolgirl/headteacher roleplay that still makes me feel icky when I think about it. He was playing it in a nice grown-up way, like someone who wants to keep a young child on their side. I don't think he actually had paedophilic tendencies, but it was way creepier than the punishment-themed stuff. If you decide to go ahead you might want to ask for a brief synopsis to check that he's not likely to put in something that'll squick you out.


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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #2 on: 23 April 2011, 03:59:59 pm »
I don't actually do roleplay, because I'm an awful actress :P Dressing up is fun though, and I'm happy with wearing a school girl outfit but I do put a stop to anything I think is branching over into age play. I don't think it's wrong exactly for people to have a fetish for age play/fantasizing about children as long as it stays inside their head (or in a situation with a consenting adult) but I'm personally very uncomfortable with taking part in it. So, if a client starts addressing me as 'little girl' or anything like that I put a stop to it - with good humour of course ("hahaha I think I'm a little old for that, I'm 21!" etc). Happens a lot more on cam than in person, I think clients are more shy when they're in a room with an escort, they're more aware that if they offend me I could shout at them/kick them out with lots of hassle in front of my neighbours (not that I would but I guess they worry about it) etc. Webcam is annonymous so I do get some weirdos :P

My 'off limits' for dressing up would be anything that is a symbol of women being lesser to men (like certain religious clothing), or anything that was definitely an ageplay thing (like children's clothing other than a schoolgirl outfit). Or any animal/furry stuff - again no moral issue with it but I'd feel like a proper idiot dresssed up as a fox or whatever :P
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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #3 on: 23 April 2011, 07:46:59 pm »
I have no problem with being a school girl, I'm 40 for god sake - lol.

However this weekend particularly has brought out the mummy's boys.  I have had a spate of these wanting the incest role play.  Many blockings this week. What is wrong with these people.

Regarding role play, I seem to have got better at it as time goes by, honed by webcamming.  I am much more comfortable with the acting side of things now I am more seasoned.  Had to be a mum's best friend today.  No stress there, except the "son", a virgin to be corrupted (rofl), was  at least 50!!!

If you do not feel comfortable, do not do it.  It just makes a bad booking.


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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #4 on: 23 April 2011, 08:05:45 pm »
I do naughty nurse stuff. The outfit in question looks bugger all like a nurse's uniform though, it being red and white with frills  ;D I will slather the client in E-45 cream or bathe them, take their pulse, one client asked me to get all matron like and order him to swallow spoonfuls of cod liver oil. Sometimes, they just want all the usual, but with a woman in a silly outfit. I have latex free rubber gloves to make it slightly more authentic. I refuse to do things you need to be trained to do: enemas, giving injections and so on. I haven't had any really way out requests with that, fortunately.


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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #5 on: 23 April 2011, 08:37:31 pm »
Just put up a thread about this in Blather and Babble, but it really belongs in this thread too :P Another limit on what I'll wear: Fake Hymens. Eww.
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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #6 on: 23 April 2011, 08:47:21 pm »
However this weekend particularly has brought out the mummy's boys.  I have had a spate of these wanting the incest role play.  Many blockings this week. What is wrong with these people.

Oh dear!

I don't do roleplay, and the only client who's ever tried to inflict it upon me in a "Surprise! Extra services that you don't enjoy!" manner during his appointment ::) had a thing about the time he was apparently whipped while he was at boarding school. He did seem like a bit of a boarding school boy (see: Boris Johnson, David Cameron et al - I imagine they all like a whipping in the bedroom!) but yeah. That was all quite annoying not because of the fetish, but because he'd not mentioned it until we properly got started and then it was non-stop pushing and persuading. So yes, roleplay that's pre-agreed is probably great fun but definitely establish what's wanted beforehand!
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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #7 on: 24 April 2011, 04:57:18 am »
I've been a school girl no end of times....and I'm 52 lmao!

There was only once it got creepy and had me VERY worried and I put an immediate stop to it.

Coty x

Amber Sweetpetite

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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #8 on: 24 April 2011, 09:26:59 am »
I did a role play a few years back when my friend and I were nuns. The client was a monk. We had chastity belts and everything. It was really good fun! I am a bit rubbish at role play when I am on my own with a client but with my friend I feel a bit more relaxed and can get into it. So long as I don't catch her eye or I will fall about laughing.


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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #9 on: 24 April 2011, 09:41:11 am »

 I love my role-play appointments  but for some strange reason I never get asked to take on a submissive role. The one that did flip me out slightly was  a client decided shout out  'Mummy mummy can I f**k you like I saw daddy  f*****g you ? whilst I'm giving him oral. I nearly choked as there hadn't been any hint in the previous 1.5hrs of the appointment. 
Best advice I can give to any escort is have a sense of humour - it sees you through the most surreal of appointments.


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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #10 on: 24 April 2011, 11:51:09 pm »

 I love my role-play appointments  but for some strange reason I never get asked to take on a submissive role. The one that did flip me out slightly was  a client decided shout out  'Mummy mummy can I f**k you like I saw daddy  f*****g you ? whilst I'm giving him oral. I nearly choked as there hadn't been any hint in the previous 1.5hrs of the appointment. 

LMAO...thank you for making me laugh...needed that!

I use to have a guy who wanted to dress as a baby and breast feed, but then want to fuck his mummy....could never work out why one minute he was a baby, then able to fuck?

Coty xxx


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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #11 on: 24 April 2011, 11:51:37 pm »
I love doing role play. I do get a lot of guys wanting Mummy/boy role play - it usually involves me catching them wanking over my knickers or a gay porn mag. I don't mind it and it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. I do draw the line at adult babies, though. I point them towards dommes that I know do do the AB fetish.

The funniest was me pretending to be a Dalek and capturing the Doctor, tying him up using his scarf and using my tentacles (Daleks have tentacles in their cases) to violate his bum. I already had a dalek helmet and costume from going to a convention in Chicago and used black marigolds as my 'tentacles'. I then tied him to my massage table and performed alien experiments on him. I used a laser pointer and my phone to simulate him being exterminated. I'd uploaded the extermination sound to my phone. I had one of the Doctor Who sound tracks on as background music.

I must write this entire roleplay up as an AW blog post one day.

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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #12 on: 03 May 2011, 06:43:01 pm »
I love doing role play. I do get a lot of guys wanting Mummy/boy role play - it usually involves me catching them wanking over my knickers or a gay porn mag. I don't mind it and it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. I do draw the line at adult babies, though. I point them towards dommes that I know do do the AB fetish.

The funniest was me pretending to be a Dalek and capturing the Doctor, tying him up using his scarf and using my tentacles (Daleks have tentacles in their cases) to violate his bum. I already had a dalek helmet and costume from going to a convention in Chicago and used black marigolds as my 'tentacles'. I then tied him to my massage table and performed alien experiments on him. I used a laser pointer and my phone to simulate him being exterminated. I'd uploaded the extermination sound to my phone. I had one of the Doctor Who sound tracks on as background music.

I must write this entire roleplay up as an AW blog post one day.

No WAAAAAAY! How cool is that?!?!

School girl, underage stuff and bitch secretary are the ones I won't do because they trip my head space out and the guy annoys me when he's in role. I'd totally dress up in a fox's outift and have sex with a bunny though!

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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #13 on: 03 May 2011, 09:20:22 pm »
I too get the Mum/son requests, a lot of them, I guess it's my age and the guys are mid 20-30 that call me

I have  one tomorrow, his second time, he is a nice lad and I am happy it's just role play for him, I have turned down others.


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Re: Dressing up /role play whats off limits?
« Reply #14 on: 04 May 2011, 01:38:37 am »
 I had a guy on private cam tonight wanting me to pretend to be a naughty 15 year old. Ugh, no, you freak.