Urghh it's a total mess now. They seemed to have dragged old outdated parts of my AS profile over and no I can't work out how to view my profile as it would look publicly either. You can only see it in chunks.
There also seems to be a smaller limit on the number of words you can use so mine has been chopped off mid sentence.
They now list which Erobella members have viewed your profile, which seems to be hundreds fewer than the number of simple views you used to get as AS. No doubt they're charging prospective clients for the pleasure of having an account with them, then will take a % of our content if we choose to sell it.
They'd like to charge us to show as Available, for which of course you can buy their credits etc. All new but in many ways very familiar...
It seems odd that they haven't emailed to explain what's happening or to tell us how to navigate the new site.