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Author Topic: Motivation to escort  (Read 25776 times)

Little Diamond

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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #15 on: 27 January 2009, 07:56:28 pm »
I agree with Amy. I chose to return to escorting after 10 years of "going straight", including gaining a BSC and an MSC .It meant fuck all. I was stitched  up like a kipper. After all, its not what you know, its who you know


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #16 on: 27 January 2009, 08:19:23 pm »
Thanks for the responses, it's interesting.

Some seem quite defensive to my posts, so I'm sorry if I came across offensive. As I said, my only idea of escorting is from the media, and as with everything in the media, negative news sells.


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #17 on: 27 January 2009, 08:27:07 pm »
Thanks for the responses, it's interesting.
As I said, my only idea of escorting is from the media, and as with everything in the media, negative news sells.

 That is very true isn't it. We never hear about the 10,000's of planes every year that don't crash because it's nowhere near as good a story :)

Little Diamond

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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #18 on: 27 January 2009, 08:48:45 pm »
To be honest, when i was working in an academic arena ( research at local uni) or prior to that , which was early 90's,  I never "grouped"individuals.I was always aware from a very early age that people enter into aspects /areas for a vast amount of reasons. I  believe the most fundamental  attribute is to be open minded and never skew your questioning bases on a prior assumption.


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #19 on: 27 January 2009, 09:38:19 pm »
Thanks for the responses, it's interesting.

Some seem quite defensive to my posts, so I'm sorry if I came across offensive. As I said, my only idea of escorting is from the media, and as with everything in the media, negative news sells.

Starting one of your posts with "Why on earth would women expose themselves to such danger? are they women that are generally into escorting due to past abuse/drug use?" shows that you're already judging escorts and why they do this job, even showing a little contempt for what we do. You are already asking us to defend ourselves and our actions in that one line. So no, you shouldn't be suprised at the(my) defence shown in this thread.


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #20 on: 27 January 2009, 10:06:50 pm »
All the escorts I know are normal women. They would (and probably have) walk past you in the street, and you wouldn't even know they we're an escort. A lot of people presume we all go around in fishnets looking for a cock to suck for a fiver to pay for out next fix/pay off our debt to a pimp who brought us to the UK. When actually, most of us (and most likely all the escorts here) are normal women who receive a payment for services. It has unfortunately got a lot of stigma attached to it. But if you read the threads and articles here, you will see that many of us are educated, professional, hardworking women (and men for that matter!). It's a shame that it's an industry shrouded in a seedy mysterious veil.

I have no shame in what I do, but I keep up the secrecy about it because some people close to me would be very hurt if they were to know, some others will simply not understand it, and I for one would rather not lose friends over it. But then I knew that before I started, and that was the hardest decision to make.


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #21 on: 27 January 2009, 10:47:13 pm »
Apart from anything else, if I was addicted to drugs or alcohol, what business is it of yours? There are plenty of alcoholic plumbers and housewives, drug addicted doctors and so on. I earn my money and will spend it as I see fit, and that includes sticking it down my neck, up my nose or in my arm if I choose to. Likewise bareback - I do not offer it as I believe the health risks to be more than I am prepared to take, but what others choose to do with their bodies is up to them. Whether we like it or not there is clearly demand, or it would not be offered - each participant's sexual health is their own responsibility and it is the individual's prerogative which services he or she chooses to avail themselves of or not.

She said it. No one can dispute that


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #22 on: 27 January 2009, 11:13:17 pm »
Ok ResearcHER,
Please look at my post on your hygiene thread, I saw that one first and was compelled to put on there what I would have written her and I can't be bothered to repeat myself, but in addition:

Frankly I now feel a little more insulted than on the other thread and I take my defence of you back,

So it's ok for a girl to escort to finance her way through her education, but it's a BAD motivation to escort because you want to kick the rat race of conforming to rules that go against your principles, lying and ripping people off and working your ass off doing a 60-70hour week, but want to retain your comfortable (not champagne) lifestyle. One WG said: "I suck cock, so I don't have to kiss ass." I agree.

So what do you class the woman who wants to give her kids the best she can as, good or bad?

Also I think Amy said it better, but what should you care how many men I've been with or why I do this, If I'm careful and you use protection with me?

Maybe it would ease your conscience, if you can tell yourself you have helped a poor girl on her way to her degree or keep 3 little nippers clothed and fed?

So tell me: "What is your motivation to used a prostitute?"
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #23 on: 28 January 2009, 08:57:26 am »

So tell me: "What is your motivation to used a prostitute?"

I have nothing to add because these ladies have all said it perfectly but i'd just like to 2nd the question above.  I think WG's get asked 'why we do it' all the time but i would never just come out and ask a guy why he chooses to visit prostitutes. Until now. 

So, what is your motivation to use a prostitute then?


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #24 on: 28 January 2009, 09:20:25 am »
Thanks for the responses, it's interesting.

Some seem quite defensive to my posts, so I'm sorry if I came across offensive. As I said, my only idea of escorting is from the media, and as with everything in the media, negative news sells.

Starting one of your posts with "Why on earth would women expose themselves to such danger? are they women that are generally into escorting due to past abuse/drug use?" shows that you're already judging escorts and why they do this job, even showing a little contempt for what we do. You are already asking us to defend ourselves and our actions in that one line. So no, you shouldn't be suprised at the(my) defence shown in this thread.


My assumption was that it is easy to catch a STD without protection and a possibility of catching the most deadly and frightening disease of HIV. Therefore I concluded that either the woman does not value her life (no protection is an uneccessary high risk), in that she puts the value of money before her health, or that she is coerced into doing it. But then I sometimes read of women who enter escorting because they like sex (as from the Billie Piper TV programme) and I wondered if that was true and how widespread that motivation, or other motivations, is in the escorting business.

I really do not know how high the risk of catching a STD is, with or without protection.

Given that even protection does not safeguard fully against contracting STDs, I think it is valid to say that escorts put themselves at a higher risk when compared with a woman on a one night stand, given that escorts expose themselves to such a risk many times over a longer period, assuming the woman on a one night stand does it once.


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #25 on: 28 January 2009, 09:28:36 am »
I have never used a prostitute or escort, but if I were to, the motivation would be to experience sex. I don't know if I would use one again afterwards.

Other motivations I can think of:
- out of loneliness to get some affection (wanting love and this as the closest way of doing it but never getting it)
- an easy way to sleep with very attractive women
- to learn how to do a certain sex act for a partner
- to relieve stress


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #26 on: 28 January 2009, 09:33:00 am »
You sound very concerned about std's so maybe you should do some research on the internet on std websites rather than here?  Any WG can only vouch for herself when asked what precautions she takes.  Can i ask one question without meaning to sound mean.  Have you been this concerned about every women you have ever slept with or is it just prostitutes that you think are likely to be infected?


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #27 on: 28 January 2009, 11:07:11 am »

It would be a concern with all women. I think I will do some research on STD.


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #28 on: 28 January 2009, 11:44:28 am »
It might help to keep some sense of proportion here. Leaving aside the fact that you clearly think we are all disase-ridden, (even though I doubt any of us have ever had an STD caught whilst working, including me as I have already stated), it's worth remembering that if the worst happens, the vast majority of infections can be cured very simply with antibiotics. There are some that cannot (herpes, for example) and obviously HIV but I would still say the risk from a responsible prostitute who does not offer unprotected sex is phenomenally low. The chances of catching HIV from a heterosexual partner in the UK remains extremely low, and my doctor at the GUM has told me that many times - if you do catch anything you are far more likely to pick up chlamydia, gonorrhoea or whatever.

How many civilian women do you think get a full battery of STD tests every three months or more? It's not many. I was very promiscuous for most of my late teens and early twenties, certainly didn't use condoms every time despite knowing better and I didn't even find out we had a GUM clinic until I was nearly 30. And yet again, it makes no difference whatsoever how many times you have sex or how many partners you have if sensible precautions are taken. Have you read ANY of our replies properly or have you just convinced yourself anyway?

Frankly, if you really are as paranoid as you sound I'm surprised you ever leave the house.


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #29 on: 28 January 2009, 11:59:26 am »

It would be a concern with all women. I think I will do some research on STD.

Yes i think you should so you have a better idea of what we are talking about and perhaps put your mind at ease.  I have to agree with amy that i think you sound terrified and although im sure you do leave your house on occasions I think research will be key before you meet with a wg.

Can i also suggest that perhaps you have a look on some of the other forums out there that are used by both WG's and punters as this is a subject that is discussed quite a lot amongst punters.  you will get some mixed views which might confuse you even more but it might help you draw your own conclusion.