Gerard Batten isn't just UKIP though, he speaks at Tommy Robinson marches. We can't ally ourselves with people who oppose the rights of immigrant sex workers and sex workers of colour.
I have a different view.
I think that not accepting someone's support is:
1. Not pragmatic
2. Being as closed-minded as Sarah Champion
For decrim, I would gratefully embrace support even from Jeremy Corbyn

If he decided to actually support us.
I'm not that into politics, so might have missed information.
Could you please give me an example of where Gerard Batten or Tommy Robinson oppose the rights of workers of colour? That's absolutely unacceptable.
I won't comment of the issue of immigrant workers (just for the record I am an immigrant myself), because that's not the issue here.
The issue is legality of sex work - allowing a group of people who chose this industry, to work - i.e. run their business and contribute to society, instead of asking for a handout.
My idea would be to embrace the market and go the marketing/ PR route instead of political narrative. Embrace the market and be proactive instead of waiting for the political figureheads to make decisions for us.
Create a really, really good website for decrim and use every visual/ marketing way to promote it and engage with the wide public. With real life stories, with really good photos and easy way that people could express their support (like including AW profiles, embeding Twitter etc, etc...).
Very clear, very pretty and engaging website. It shouldn't be that hard to sell sex, right?

Get support from people/ social following, gain the momentum, take support from everyone who is sympathetic to this cause and cares about liberty.
There is only as much petitions and marches can do.
Marketing/ social media/ press - that's how we can gain the power and upper hand. But yea. Being publicly supportive of Tommy Robinson is a PR/ social suicide. I am fully aware of this.