I've noticed how the advertising thing has suddenly galvanised a lot of action and interest, as if nothing has been bubbling for years. Not complaining just noticing.
because if you can’t advertise how can you work & earn money
A large percentage of Escorts on AW have never advertised in the papers working via the net is all they know.
Where I live in Bristol there is a red light area and always has been for many many years but I noticed in recent years this has gotten less and less obvious and it’s possible that a lot of the woman that walked the st could have turned to the internet and indoor work
Several massage parlours in Bristol have shut recently as well. And they had been there for years.
I think The worse thing that would happen is if the Uk follow the US and bully directories In a backhanded way of threats to remove UK /British Escorts and the reviews
a lot of Escorts are starting to realise that there earnings might be affected in the next 2 years and it could literally happen overnight
Like Amy said when it happens in other countries we don’t always pay attention but when it’s on our doorstop we do tend to listen a bit more .
But I bet only a small percent will fill out the goverment survey and think it won’t happen
I’ve already started thinking worse case scenario and been in touch with my webmaster to find out what will happen to my website and stuff