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Author Topic: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.  (Read 142905 times)


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #240 on: 08 November 2016, 09:44:09 pm »
I seriously hate the spitting dudes. I have been known to say "Did you just SPIT on me, young man? Don't do it again!"
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #241 on: 08 November 2016, 10:00:38 pm »
I don't mind a little bit of spit on me down below if used as lube lol but that guy seemed to have taken it to extremes, allover his face and drinking it out YUK!   A few clients have tried dribbling in my mouth whilst kissing I move my face away and wipe my mouth

Someone texted me the other week asking for 'spit swapping' WTF I told him to ummm go away not very politely lol


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #242 on: 08 November 2016, 11:01:10 pm »
I used to have this lovely regular - always clean and straight out of the shower at his home before coming over to me. But one time as he lay down for his massage, I was horrified to see a lump of poo in his lower back. It was the size of a satsuma. I said: "Err, hate to tell you this but....."

He was really embarrassed but I still wonder how it got there as his bum was so fresh.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #243 on: 09 November 2016, 09:41:48 am »
I've never finished with a client, shut the door with a smile, then go and almost be sick (and I use a strap-on and have dealt with smelly accidents).

No personal offense to nice men, (who enjoy this type of play)but when they want a strapon, it would be useful if he did at least some partial or more thorough anal cleaning up.  Just go and see the escort without any sort of anal preparation towards strapon play is simply unrealistic or unpleasant to escorts: strapon will cause the brown contents to leak out and cause offensive smells all over the room etc.   Escorts who offer Anal prepare herself to do anal / anal play which would take up a lot of time. 

I recently had a client, who was completely prepared for this play.  He was thoroughly prepared and the session was pleasant.  I was thoroughly impressed.   Some men probably watch porn in anal / strap on etc and think or assume that everyone is clean regardless (without any sort of preparation).  Pornstars / escorts spend some time / ages to clean up to prepare himself or herself. 


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #244 on: 09 November 2016, 07:32:57 pm »
I used to have this lovely regular - always clean and straight out of the shower at his home before coming over to me. But one time as he lay down for his massage, I was horrified to see a lump of poo in his lower back. It was the size of a satsuma. I said: "Err, hate to tell you this but....."

He was really embarrassed but I still wonder how it got there as his bum was so fresh.

That is hilarious.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #245 on: 09 November 2016, 07:38:41 pm »
Blood in semen after spitting after CIM.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #246 on: 09 November 2016, 08:51:28 pm »
Always after pulling out the anal vibe especially with the horrid smell and the mess. It always makes me cringe professionalism is out of the window at that moment. Luckily not many want it now, wouldn't it be easier to to turn gay getting a hard one up there.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #247 on: 09 November 2016, 08:53:39 pm »
Blood in semen after spitting after CIM.

Sounds like he had some medical problems, getting their blood in my mouth would make me paranoid.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #248 on: 09 November 2016, 08:59:58 pm »
I think ita relates to prostate probs, he was old. Told him to go docs and refused rest of his bookings.
Ew ew ew. X


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #249 on: 09 November 2016, 09:07:33 pm »
Postage cancer or just some infection. Not pleasant! I have used a but plug (covered) on a dude once.  When I pulled out, the condom had some smear of blood, didn't look too good.  It's the sight which I wish I could forget... :-[


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #250 on: 10 November 2016, 09:51:30 am »
It is now lol (Shewolf) :)

I refuse to do anything with bums. They can rim me and even put a finger in a little bit but I will not go near theirs....eww!!


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #251 on: 12 November 2016, 08:04:01 am »
I have known this guy for about 3 and a half years and due to erection problems, his visit consists of teasing, sucking and rimming with a CIM finish.

A few weeks ago, whilst rimming, I noted a different taste but got on with the job. Afterwards he wiped his bum and I could see brown stains on the baby wipe. Now this guy is normally very clean so I thought would get in a discrete baby wipe test next visit.
Next visit, there he is arse in the air and I pretend to use too much lube and wipe his arse...if you are eating don't read anymore....lets just say fifty shades of brown. He asks if there is a problem and I politely say no before cleaning his arse and getting on with the job in hand. I was mortified and it was obvious he hadn't cleaned his arse and was expecting me to clean it for him.
He visits again but this time I say I have an engagement at the weekend and don't want a tummy bug so use an oral dam. Well ladies and gents, after rimming I check the dam......and almost vomited. If I had of rimmed without the dam....well lets just say the only song that came to mind was a brown girl in the ring tra lalalala.
Without meaning to sound like the newly elected president but from this day more rimming without a dam.


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #252 on: 12 November 2016, 10:02:18 am »
If I had of rimmed without the dam....well lets just say the only song that came to mind was a brown girl in the ring tra lalalala.
Without meaning to sound like the newly elected president but from this day more rimming without a dam.

Hahahaha, sorry that sounds horrible but "Brown Girl in the Ring" is cracking me up!
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #253 on: 12 November 2016, 03:17:49 pm »
Sounds like hes got some leaky arse going on there xx


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Re: Whats the grossest thing that has happened to you.
« Reply #254 on: 12 November 2016, 03:34:11 pm »
It might not be as disgusting as some of your experiences... I had an incall in the hotel I used for work, older guy lied down and ... I saw a brown mark, he hasn't cleaned / wiped his ass properly! I asked him wtf is that ! He just said "you might want to put a towel..". I said noooo, you didn't clean your ass, how old are you? How disgusting. Get out. He said that he just got to my room , he wanted money back but I was assertive and I kicked him out.