Third time I have seen this man but during today's booking although it went well I was shocked when he told me the exact house another lady works from. Just came right out with it with no warning. He had been telling me of their booking because she is a dominatrix with her own (makeshift) dungeon and he was revelling in the memory
. She advertises as in a discreet location so what would you do? Would you contact her and tell her what he said?
My immediate thought was will he tell any other sp MY exact location?
Sometimes this job throws up a stinker. 
I opened the door to a guy and immediately recognised him from a swingers club I had attended, so he knew my real name. During the booking he started telling me about another lady in our area who is the same age as me. He told me exactly where she lived which turned out to be in the next road to where I live, her name and all about her drink problem

I thought thank god you don’t know where I live, knowing my name is bad enough. I have refused to see him since.
One man sat chatting with me as he had time left and was revelling in being with a whore, his 60th birthday treat to himself, had never done it before. He turned to me and asked had I ever been raided by the police. He was quite dissapionted when I told him we had done nothing illegal. I think I spoilt his birthday.