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Author Topic: They said what???  (Read 215193 times)


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #405 on: 11 November 2017, 09:12:29 pm »
Five minutes into a first meet. "I love you." This was then repeated over and over for the hour.  :o
I not usually a clock watcher, but I certainly was paying attention to the time this time.

Wannabe chancer: "You know what feels even better than a condom? No condom."
"You know what feels even better than an STD? Celibacy."
Suffice to say he got shown the door without a refund.

"You're not married?!"
"Well then I'll get a divorce and we can get married."
"Double nope."

"I have a small penis."
"That's fine."
"No, I mean a really small penis."
"Still fine. Are you wanting me to do small penis humiliation or something?"
"No, I'm just telling you I have a very, very small penis, so you don't bring it up during the meet."
"You know the chances of me remarking on it increase exponentially each time you bring it up?"


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #406 on: 11 November 2017, 10:14:30 pm »
I have a guy who messages me every few months with "mmm sexy how good is your camel toe?" but never seems to get the message when I ask what the rating criteria is...


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #407 on: 12 November 2017, 12:02:44 am »
I have a guy who messages me every few months with "mmm sexy how good is your camel toe?" but never seems to get the message when I ask what the rating criteria is...

Hahaha! I'd be so tempted to reply back "only the one hump, I'm afraid." Some guys are a bit peculiar.


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #408 on: 12 November 2017, 12:45:13 am »
I have a guy who messages me every few months with "mmm sexy how good is your camel toe?" but never seems to get the message when I ask what the rating criteria is...
I'd be tempted to send him a picture of a camels toe and say you tell me?!? ;D


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #409 on: 15 November 2017, 02:49:40 pm »
I was thinking about an old one of these today!

Working in a parlour and this young lad comes in.  Picks me I take him into the room and ask him what he'd like.  He tells me and I say that will cost you ?40.  He pulls out this ENORMOUS wad of cash, there must have been 2-3k there at least, he wasn't trying to hide how much was there either.  And the cheeky s*** has the balls to say to me "listen, I'll give you ?20, but I want the ABSOLUTE BEST SERVICE you can give" I was like mate it'll cost you at least double that like I said or you can f*** off!  Had a Rolex on his arm and everything.  May have been fake but with carrying that kind of cash around with him also maybe not.  I honestly couldn't get over the cheek of it.  Still to this day I can't!


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #410 on: 16 November 2017, 03:11:58 am »
Today I got (while I was down there giving him a bj) "so you get paid for the illusion then"

What?! I smiled after taking his cock out of my mouth and and asked what he meant.  I knew of course but wanted to know why he said it, I was not quick enough to give a better answer.

He replied "well you get paid to make me feel as though you are gagging for sex with me" - he is an old bloke by the way.

I then said something like "oh well I just enjoy my bookings most of the time" but what I should have said was "yeah I get paid to give the illusion and you pay me to receive it!"

A stupid conversation and I wanted to slap him. It isn't as though I do the pornstar fake stuff because I don't.

I agree that often we have to act this idea, I personally to try and give them the idea that this illusion is the truth, it gets them off,  makes them feel wanted and that?? Is this the reason behind this??

i do get sick of the constant assumption that we are all gagging for sex 24/7!! I guess that's part of the act lol


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #411 on: 16 November 2017, 03:18:39 am »

I was thinking about an old one of these today!

Working in a parlour and this young lad comes in.  Picks me I take him into the room and ask him what he'd like.  He tells me and I say that will cost you ?40.  He pulls out this ENORMOUS wad of cash, there must have been 2-3k there at least, he wasn't trying to hide how much was there either.  And the cheeky s*** has the balls to say to me "listen, I'll give you ?20, but I want the ABSOLUTE BEST SERVICE you can give" I was like mate it'll cost you at least double that like I said or you can f*** off!  Had a Rolex on his arm and everything.  May have been fake but with carrying that kind of cash around with him also maybe not.  I honestly couldn't get over the cheek of it.  Still to this day I can't!


At least most of the cheapskate chancers at least *pretend* to be poor. WTF...


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #412 on: 16 November 2017, 09:52:25 pm »
Yes the above post reminded me of a man I saw loads and always for half hours. One day he texted and asked could I consider a slight reduction in fee as he was a little low on funds lately.  I wish I had said no but I agreed on 10 less because he was really regular and as often as weekly sometimes.  Stupid me. 

I was far too soft and agreed to the reduced rate for bookings after that too. He played the sympathy card very well!  Until the day when we had a little post booking chat and he let slip he had just booked himself a cruise and not a cheapo one either.

He went onto my blacklist and next time he texted I said sorry can't meet you again.  He asked why a few times but got a big fat blank from me. 


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #413 on: 17 November 2017, 03:19:29 am »
My what??? moments for the day-
"Can you lick my armpits?Will you rim me?" (No shower and he stunk! I laughed and said no)
"Daddy's sexy little girl".... "No I'm not!"
"Are you clean?"....  "cleaner than you mate"
"It would be so sexy if you'd fart in my face right now"

To be fair I actually tried to do the last one. I'm occasionally a good sport  ;D
Armpit guy asked me why I kept laughing. I said "stop joking around then". He was just so gross and wanted me to lick everywhere. I've had a delightful time PMSing at a parlour today and have had little patience so have been very blunt.
« Last Edit: 17 November 2017, 03:22:01 am by hippydippy »
I've lost track of how many cats I have...


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #414 on: 17 November 2017, 08:31:52 am »
I'd be tempted to send him a picture of a camels toe and say you tell me?!? ;D

lol one of my clients has a tattoo of a camel on his big toe, pm me & ill mail it over hahah


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #415 on: 17 November 2017, 08:43:39 am »
A punter tells me that he had "a lot of trouble" with one lady on AW who fell in love with him.  "ok, not sure why he's telling me this?" I thought.  He went very specific as to who and quite frankly, I couldn't care less about it, but tried to be "interested" in case he takes offence.   I thought he was a straightforward guy, but now I'm very cautious with this guy. I also insisted he would book through the system in case he would do something stupid during the booking. I took it as a warning.  Something fishy. Also it is quite indiscreet to tell other escorts when someone fell in love with him.  To be honest, it can't be true as he isn't exactly a charming guy.  Down to earth, maybe, not the type women would generally go for.  But again, someone's definition of a cute guy may not be someone else.  :)


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #416 on: 17 November 2017, 08:48:46 am »
A punter tells me that he had "a lot of trouble" with one lady on AW who fell in love with him.  "ok, not sure why he's telling me this?" I thought.  He went very specific as to who and quite frankly, I couldn't care less about it, but tried to be "interested" in case he takes offence.   I thought he was a straightforward guy, but now I'm very cautious with this guy. I also insisted he would book through the system in case he would do something stupid during the booking. I took it as a warning.  Something fishy. Also it is quite indiscreet to tell other escorts when someone fell in love with him.  To be honest, it can't be true as he isn't exactly a charming guy.  Down to earth, maybe, not the type women would generally go for.  But again, someone's definition of a cute guy may not be someone else.  :)

Lol I'll bet my last penny that it was the other way around and she turned him down and he didn't like it!


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #417 on: 17 November 2017, 09:22:33 am »
Lol I'll bet my last penny that it was the other way around and she turned him down and he didn't like it!

 :o Never thought of that.  It could be.  I didn't think he liked it when I asked him to book on the site as before.  My point was, "this is a booking."   He's happily married, but it made me wonder about that now.  He does seem to talk too much about his own experiences, which usually means his experience with me will go public sooner or later.   ::)


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #418 on: 17 November 2017, 09:41:33 am »
:o Never thought of that.  It could be.  I didn't think he liked it when I asked him to book on the site as before.  My point was, "this is a booking."   He's happily married, but it made me wonder about that now.  He does seem to talk too much about his own experiences, which usually means his experience with me will go public sooner or later.   ::)

I've had a few clients get spiteful / weird when I've ignored their daily texts or turned them down for social meetings / dates so it wouldn't surprise me at all.  "Happily" married or not. 


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Re: They said what???
« Reply #419 on: 17 November 2017, 09:49:18 am »
Thank you for your input, LisaLisa.   I have had those, too. What's wrong with these men (whilst there are Good guys on the other hand)?