Ended up in a text/email chat with a potential client that was going on for a few days before I got to his town... we were all friendly and having quite an intellectual conversation about a range of topics. That was until this happened....
Him: So when we finally meet up are you cool to play really rough full on PSE?
Me: To be honest I've had a bit of a bad run lately so I'm not playing rough. Totally understand if you want to see another girl (and maybe you should so you can make sure you have a good time).
Him: It's all good baby. We can just do a romantic gentle PSE.
Me: Isn't that a bit of an oxymoron?
Him: You're so rude, there is no need to take your moronic mood on me. I haven't been rude to you so don't call me a moron. I'm blocking you don't ever contact me again, go back to the country you come from.
Ummmm? I didn't call you a moron, but......