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Author Topic: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements  (Read 136140 times)


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #105 on: 07 June 2012, 02:08:48 pm »
Sugar Daddy's can be good if you can find the right ones! But the amount of effort you have to put in to find them is unbearable!  :FF The best one's I've had have been foreigners and very experienced, well other than my existing one who I've not seen for 4 years!!! Weirdo! LOL! He's kept me sweet though for all this time and at times has supplied a very generous allowance, although it was never seen as that.

Sadly on the SD's sites there are just as many TWs as there are on AW, if not more!  ::) I have a story or 6 to tell believe me! I will write a book one day about some of my experiences LOL! I turned to escorting as it became very clear that most of these guys just want a cheap escort, end of! There are the good guys who take you to lunch and then into town where they walk around carrying bags whilst speaking business on the phone whilst you shop, shop, shop! But it gets boring after a while!


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #106 on: 07 June 2012, 03:51:29 pm »
How would someone approch getting a suga daddy?

Is it easy and how does the whole money/gifting thing work. Do you have to have sex with them or can you just date them and be treated like a queen without that expectation?

I'm a nice innocent looking girl with money troubles... i may need one for future reference :P
*Well they're aint no rest for the Wicked and money dont grow on tree's, I bills to pay, i've got mouths to feed aint nothing in this world for free! I cant slow down, i cant hold back.. now you know i wish i could.. well they're aint no rest for the Wicked untill we Close our Eyes for good*


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #107 on: 07 June 2012, 05:21:30 pm »
The best websites  (if you can call them that) in my opinion are sugardaddie dot com and seekingarrangement dot com. There are others but these are the only two that I would touch these days and the latter is the only one which you can place your "requirements", ie allowance requirement.

The one thing I'd say about being a sugar babe is that you shouldn't act too much, be yourself as much as possible and be honest and upfront. If you sign up to these sites and find some interest then be honest about what you are looking for. I would also not say you're new to the SD/SB relationship as there will be guys looking to exploit you as there are in the escorting world. I ALWAYS ask if they have experience beforehand, if they have then that really helps! If they haven't got experience, or say they haven't, don't try and exploit them, there are many girls out there looking for a true SD/SB relationship.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #108 on: 07 June 2012, 06:00:59 pm »
Ive been reading this with interest   ;D  do you think the guys are more so say attracted to those girls that dont seem so needy initially those that maybe already have certain things

Im just wondering if i borrow my other halfs new audi tt,  my sisters prada handbag and shoes  and i have the expensive watch to flaunt on my wrist (as i collect them)
 then i would look more sucessfull so maybe be able to blag more from them  as they would see me as on  the level 

to be honest i dont think i could put up with there shit and i would probably run them over in the audi or wack em to death with my sisters handbag or shove the watch up there ass

but is it worth it         


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #109 on: 07 June 2012, 06:13:22 pm »
Is it worth it? Not unless that's what you really want in my experience Paris! LOL! And I have to say men are all attracted to different kinds so I'm sure there will be men who will appreciate your description!  ;D


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #110 on: 07 June 2012, 06:21:32 pm »
lol  it was kind of a joke anyway i just couldnt be that nice for no instant return - i couldnt do it   i can fuck suck and can be great for 2 -3 hours  maybe longer if i like the guy and get along with them  but  i just couldnt be assed with pandering to someone needy
 i dont need it so i think i will stick with good old fucking for good old fashioned cash     

Is it worth it? Not unless that's what you really want in my experience Paris! LOL! And I have to say men are all attracted to different kinds so I'm sure there will be men who will appreciate your description!  ;D


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #111 on: 07 June 2012, 08:17:16 pm »
lol  it was kind of a joke anyway i just couldnt be that nice for no instant return - i couldnt do it   i can fuck suck and can be great for 2 -3 hours  maybe longer if i like the guy and get along with them  but  i just couldnt be assed with pandering to someone needy
 i dont need it so i think i will stick with good old fucking for good old fashioned cash     

Yup exactly the way I prefer it as well!  8) I still keep the old SD on as I never see him and other than a couple of texts a day it actually works out about the same as spending an hour with a punter in RL! LOL!


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #112 on: 07 June 2012, 10:21:48 pm »
Before I became an escort I tried my luck on Sugar Daddies website.  I met one guy as it sounded very promising - drinks, dinner, hotel, shopping, etc.  So I meet him for lunch to see how we'd get on.  He asked if I would be sleeping with him after the first dinner date so that he could book and hotel and said as a sign of goodwill he would like to take me to M&S and buy me some tights!!  WTF!!!  PMSL!!! Not quite what I had in mind for a SD!

A lot of guys on the Sugardaddies site moaned about the fact that lots of the girls on there were escorts and according to a lot of guys, apparently the way to tell if a girl is an escort is if she lists her occupation as self employed.

Now I am an escort I don't know why they are so anti-escorts as essentially they are offering the same thing - goods or money in exchange for sex/companionship...

I also found that after going on several SD dates I didn't like the way I was treated like a piece of property.  Completely unlike the way I have been treated now I am an escort.  As an escort I have been treated with much more kindness and respect that I ever was on regular dates!!!


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #113 on: 11 June 2012, 06:09:27 pm »
Anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone every had a sugar daddy? What's it like?


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #114 on: 14 June 2012, 02:40:43 pm »
I would like to know everyone's opinion about what I have said and did I make the right descison?

I met up with a guy from a Sugardaddie website. I met him at my Station and he seemed ok probably a little too old for me but the arrangement details he was giving me sounded perfect. He was offering me ?3,000 per month allowance plus a small credit card for me to use to go shopping with. He also offered to let me stay in London in a holiday apartment whilst I would see him for 4 times per month.

I met him and he wanted to sit me down and have a chat in the Station where I just left from my train, which I spent 2 and half hours on just to sit at a cafe to see if him and I were right for each other. I refused and said let's go to Oxford Circus. He didn't even know where to go, he was 58 years of age and apparently had this Investment Company. Well we spent a hour and a half walking around Regent Street looking for a place. I did mention to him, I don't think there is anywhere we will find, let's just go to John Lewis bar. He insisted we would find somewhere, so we walked for ages and ages and went back on the tube to Oxford circus again! then we went to John Lewis. He didn't even suggest a place to meet, he didn't even know where to go!

So anyway this week he emailed me saying if we meet again meet me at this hotel in London Bridge, he wanted me to get a train on a Sunday afternoon from 7am till 11am to arrive there to get to London Bridge at 12noon. We would then spend 4 hours in a hotel getting to know each other and I would then obviously have intimate fun with him and I would get a confirmation letter sent to me to say he has paid ?3K into my bank.

So, in his email he said he likes anal sex, so I replied back and said, we would have to use condoms as I have only just met you etc. He emailed me back and said, " If you cannot trust me and what I say, then we do not have a future, best wishes" I replied " I don't understand, you didn't send me any evidence anyway" he replied " I thought I did, so he sent me a copy of his doctors letter to say he is clear from hiv and stds"

So I said " You want me to have unprotected anal sex with you? I don't even know you, I have just met you! and for what a bank transfer? " he replied " I have shown you evidence of my letter and you would get a payment from my bank which would be set up to send you automated monthly payments to your bank. You will recieve the money the next working day after Sunday. " " If we don't gel and we don't get on, you can walk away with ?3K in your bank account and I have just had 4 hours of expensive fun with you and I will move on! "

So, I emailed him back and said " do you mind if you could just give me the cash on the day when we meet at the hotel? " because I didn't want to go there and meet him and have unprotected sex when I have no payment upfront, as that is not fair. He gets sex and what do I get ? a risk of hiv or stds with a payment the next working day?! I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

But I couldn't some how understand if he could give me a confirmation of a letter that he has transferred money to my account and paid it in directly. Why couldn't he give me the cash or half of the cash upfront? which I thought was a bit strange.

So I tried googling him, his name doesn't come up anywhere! I found out that the Company he says which is up and running dissolved last year. I had to do some researching because I was suspicious about him.

He ignored my last email about details of his company I found out about. He called me names and throwed insults at me. He told me his last arrangement was with a Polish girl and everytime she would travel to Russia he would double the allowence in her bank account to go with him and she would get a ?7K credit card to spend!

I did get my hopes up high and I did get excited but I had a plan if he would pay me ?3K then I would meet him but if not I wouldn't bother. What would of you have done?


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #115 on: 14 June 2012, 02:48:03 pm »
Never have gone to meet him unless he was paying me to do so. But then this is why I am an escort and not a sugar baby   ::)

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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #116 on: 14 June 2012, 02:58:09 pm »
Yes but would you sleep with someone for unprotected anal sex even though he has proof? for the sake of ?3k and be paid the next day? I found it risky.


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #117 on: 14 June 2012, 02:59:11 pm »
« Last Edit: 13 May 2015, 02:51:35 pm by LouLou37 »
"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin


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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #118 on: 14 June 2012, 03:03:02 pm »
I wouldn't have even entertained the idea of anal bareback for anyone no matter how much money they offered.

I found it risky.

Well that's an understatement...


(He was obviously just trying to get free bareback anal)
« Last Edit: 14 June 2012, 03:04:35 pm by casey_kisses »
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Re: Sugar Daddies & related arrangements
« Reply #119 on: 14 June 2012, 03:04:14 pm »
Bareback anal sex for ?3k a month? No No and No. I don't care what proof he had the filthy scutter. No amount of money no matter how desperate I was would make me bareback a regular let a lone stranger. If he is a chancer too. Yuk  :o.  He is taking the 'p' if you ask me. If he turns out to be real fair enough but no way would I see anyone that wants bareback sex.

I suppose you have to meet them to see how you get on because you found out that he doesn't seem to know his way around certain parts of London and he hadn't arranged anything. So that made you more alert to check him out. Just as there are timewasters in escorting you will find there are timewasters on the sugardaddy websites.

Him telling you the story about his previous encounter is just to l;ure you into a false sense of security. Go by your gut instinct.
Hello nice to meet you :)