I wondered if I could get some more experienced girls opinions on this please?
I live in Exeter, not a very big place, and after my work closed down I started escorting about 2 years ago. Some times I love it and some times I hate it. At the moment I can't seem to get any enthusiasm for it (probably due to a bout of BV) but I haven't been able to get another job and I've been looking for a few months. The gap on my CV doesn't help.
One of my regulars has asked me if I want to move into more of a suggar daddy relationship and he would pay me a monthly allowance. He's offered me less than what I'd make if I were working often, but more than I make at the moment when I can't be arsed and I hardly work. The money is fine, I can live on it comfortably, but it's the other bits I'm not sure about. We haven't arranged any of the specifics of what he'd want from me, how often we'd see each other, how he'd pay me, stuff like that, and he's giving me some time to think about it so there's room for negotiation, but what do I ask for? Obviously he won't be paying me by the hour any more, but what do you think it reasonable to offer him in terms of my time?
I know that's a bit vague, but if any one else has any experience in this field I'd love to hear it. Also, to complicate things, I've just got a boyfriend he doesn't know I escort. It's a small town and I don't plan on telling him or for him to find out which is why I'm looking for another job. Ideally, I'd like to stick with my new man and find a civvie job but at the moment escorting is my only means of finance. I'm 31, and not keeping up with the bills.
Advice on any of the above would be great. Thanks ladies xxxxx