I was featured today, and even set available today up... thinking maybe I could get a nice client or two. But no. I had 6 texts when I woke up at 8 this morning (all sent between 2-6) and 5 missed phone calls

I blame it on being a Saturday night, but grrr really. I had a lovely voicemail as well saying that 'I have 3 clients lined up for you, if you want them' (urm do I look like I need a pimp?!) at 4.30am. After that I had a bunch of timewasters, 2 no-shows (to be fair I knew they wouldn't show up) and this lovely conversation to top it all off (after arranging booking)
Idiot: is there anything you don't do?
Me: Please take a look at my profile likes, that shows everything I do, with no extra cost
Idiot: I want anal
Me: I don't offer anal
Him: (an hour after I had decided he was a tw) How much for gang bang? tonight
Me: No response
Him: ?
Not going to waste money on featuring or available today again. I have uni work due as well, so definitely not helping my productivity.
Just when the other day I was thinking I've had no timewasters for a while *sighs* its always the way.