Call tonight from someone with a really dull, monotone voice that sounded like he was out of his head on valium
Moron: Are you working now
Me: No, Friday next
Moron: Do you do oral without
Me: Yes, all services are on my profile
Moron: how much is it
Me: Check my profile
Moron: I'm not on the computer, I cant see it
Me: How long would you like?
Moron: Erm....half an hour...maybe 45 minutes...could maybe extend to a few hours
Me: when you decide how long you would like call me back and I'll give you a price, thanks
Moron: What about that webcam thing
Me (getting irate at this point!): What about it!?
Moron: Do you have to pay for it?
Me: Yes, its pay per minute
Moron: well thats fuckin shit isnt it, hardly worth it cant you go on msn for free
*hangs up* Wtf is wrong with these docile idiots? I hate talking to guys like this! I was trying to be polite but I had no intention of giving him a booking and was going to, and have, blacklisted his number