WHUT??email today:Subject: hi (me)
Hi I require your remarks/opinion on a matter. As you are a mature woman,
an escort and also well experienced which makes you perfect for providing
a remark/opinion. Hunny if you are okay helping with it, can I put my
matter? It wont take you more than 4mins:)

:)but I?m sorry that I would
not be able to pay or place any booking for it, and your opinion is to be
free, but PLEASE, I would really appreciate it as it would help me loads.
btw u r damn sexy (my name)

haha and is that reaaly you? or a fake profile
with a model pics? :/ and (me) by no means u look 47
gawd give me strength, how do people find the time to write such bollox?pondering the free remarks/opinion I might offer.