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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2688061 times)

sweet jane

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1275 on: 10 July 2011, 07:56:29 pm »
probably not quite a 'booking' but the guy who says 'Hello Mistress can you tie me up and humiliate me.'

...erm, yes I could but exactly how am I supposed to do that on webcam? Is there something I'm missing here?


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1276 on: 10 July 2011, 09:04:25 pm »
"Hi honey,

After looking at your profile,i strongly belive that you need a personal website! I can do it for you and you can pay me either by cash or by sex. I charge just ?200 to do a very nice website!

Pls let me know!"

Er...? Perhaps not!

LMAO I had the same thing, was this from a AW member called 'will_kinky' by any chance??


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1277 on: 10 July 2011, 10:27:53 pm »
"Hi honey,

After looking at your profile,i strongly belive that you need a personal website! I can do it for you and you can pay me either by cash or by sex. I charge just ?200 to do a very nice website!

Pls let me know!"

Er...? Perhaps not!

LOL!  Response: I strongly believe you need to f*** off!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1278 on: 10 July 2011, 11:32:34 pm »
This is from a regular!!!!! 

I'm going to be in London for 5 days, staying at a very upmarket hotel with spa and gym. I can get you your own key and you can use the room and facilities as you please and order food on room service. Will give you a nice break, as I know you're in need of one. ( thinking this sounds bloody good!)
All I ask in return is when I'm back at night from a hard day of meetings you treat me to a massage, tlc and gfe.
No money to change hands. Let me know what you think.

Ok so 5days and nights on tap....hmmm gotta be a ?2000 at much room service and spa treatments do you think I could get to make up to that amount!

Silly man knows I'm a full time carer to my adult son (hence him saying I need a break) but where exactly does he think I'm going to deposit my son while I have this amazing break!!!! 


Coty xxx


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1279 on: 11 July 2011, 12:43:07 am »

Ok so 5days and nights on tap....hmmm gotta be a ?2000 at much room service and spa treatments do you think I could get to make up to that amount!

Cheeky bugger! Depends on the Hotel, there are some that it would be remarkably easy to run up a ?2k bill in a few days!  I'd be tempted to go for a day, buy as much merchandise as I could lay my hands on in the hotel, and flog it on eBay - serve him right!  However, seeing as he's probably not paying for the hotel, you'd think that he could afford to pay for some sex!

My gems of the week

1) "Hey  i like you sexy sweet body for good fucking if you come in dubai please call me +971556302431 or mail me i want fuck you please dear call me"

2) Hi.My name is John. I am 23 years old and I am from US. Beside I work in a technology company.Can you come to New York on   July 22th ?I want to make an appointment with you for 3 days.Thank you.David

Great, a client who clearly lies about his nationality, age and even name...just my type!
The delete button gets a lot of work this week
« Last Edit: 09 August 2011, 06:10:45 pm by Evie »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1280 on: 11 July 2011, 12:51:09 am »
"Hi honey,

After looking at your profile,i strongly belive that you need a personal website! I can do it for you and you can pay me either by cash or by sex. I charge just ?200 to do a very nice website!

Pls let me know!"

Er...? Perhaps not!

LMAO I had the same thing, was this from a AW member called 'will_kinky' by any chance??

Nope! Some douche named baba.esquire!
I am not selling sex! I'm selling condoms with free demonstration!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1281 on: 11 July 2011, 01:05:17 am »
Lmffao @ "hello my name is John.......thanks, david" oh dear hahaha


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1282 on: 11 July 2011, 01:49:31 am »
2) Hi.My name is John. I am 23 years old and I am from US. Beside I work in a technology company.Can you come to New York on   July 22th ?I want to make an appointment with you for 3 days.Thank you.David

LMAO...Classic!!!!! I'm crying laughing at that one!

Coty xxx


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1283 on: 12 July 2011, 12:41:38 pm »
I'm not sure who has been worse lately:

The Idiot:

hi there im a 24 yr old male and i am absolouteley throbbing for a fuck i have a 7 inch dick and its quite xe thick xx r u available 2day xx


send me your contact details plz gorjus xxx

The Obsessive who called me 48 52 times from his mobile and 16 20 times from his land line since 10am today

or The Gold Fish

Booked on 04/06 for 2pm today, no emails just the booking form.

Also booked my buddy for the same time, no mention of duo

Has been texting me for the past few days asking where I'm based, if I'm available for an hour at 12pm today.

I remind him he's already booked me and my buddy to which he replies "tell me more"

« Last Edit: 12 July 2011, 12:47:41 pm by MissArcaBunny »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1284 on: 12 July 2011, 01:26:02 pm »
Oh dear Lord Ms Bunny!!!!!! You really have the idiots coming out from under their stones today don't you?

Coty x


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1285 on: 12 July 2011, 01:31:43 pm »
Oh dear Lord Ms Bunny!!!!!! You really have the idiots coming out from under their stones today don't you?

Coty x

I want one of those big hammers to whack them back down with lol!

The Obsessive cannot understand how I could possibly be fully booked today and why I won't extend my hours to see him!

Are you sure they'll show? Are they regs? I'm just round the corner, I'll pay extra if you see me now!

Oooooh how ever can I turn him down now?

It could be that I'm PMS'ing, but guys do seem to be getting dumber - just got a text saying "sex? x"!

Dear men of Newcastle,






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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1286 on: 12 July 2011, 01:33:02 pm »
"Do you do anal?"
"Would you for extra money?"
*Few second silence*
"But I want anal"
"Then you should have read my website for you called me, I never have and never will offer anal as a service"
"*sulkenly*Ok thanks"

These guys!!!
I should have said I do anal for ?1mill on top of my hourly rate!! ::)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1287 on: 12 July 2011, 01:42:41 pm »
"Do you do anal?"
"Would you for extra money?"
*Few second silence*
"But I want anal"
"Then you should have read my website for you called me, I never have and never will offer anal as a service"
"*sulkenly*Ok thanks"

These guys!!!
I should have said I do anal for ?1mill on top of my hourly rate!! ::)

lol I wonder what it is that makes them believe that just because they want anal/an evening appt/ a booking right now etc they will get it even if we say no?

Do these people go into a fancy restaurant and kick off when they refuse to make them a donner kabab?



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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1288 on: 12 July 2011, 03:27:44 pm »
"Do you do anal?"
"Would you for extra money?"
*Few second silence*
"But I want anal"
"Then you should have read my website for you called me, I never have and never will offer anal as a service"
"*sulkenly*Ok thanks"

I'll bet Mummy never said no when he asked for sweeties and he's never quite got over it.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1289 on: 12 July 2011, 04:32:58 pm »
"Do you do anal?"
"Would you for extra money?"
*Few second silence*
"But I want anal"
"Then you should have read my website for you called me, I never have and never will offer anal as a service"
"*sulkenly*Ok thanks"

I'll bet Mummy never said no when he asked for sweeties and he's never quite got over it.

Bet you're spot on there!