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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2687685 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #915 on: 11 March 2011, 06:45:42 pm »
I've just had one!!! Hahaha

Phone call received do you
"do half hour incall bookings? "
" yes i do"
"how much is it?"
"oh that's too much for me sorry"
"ok no problem"
This in itself is fair enough, the bullshit texts I received after however are not!!!!
"sorry I'm 5 minutes away an your lush just out of my league"
"I was thinkin it would be about ?40 cheek I know lol"  (lol? Really)
Are you being serious??? Again ignored! 
Then "ok ?50 then" o_O errr is this a biding service???
Me - " sorry it's not a suggested price, it's ?80 for half an hour"
 Then " I'm sorry ur (text speak grrrrrrrr!) lush n worth it I know just can't stretch I adore black thanks anyway. I live nr asda lol "
" I know your gonna be worth it as your gorg. So curvy as well I'm gutted!!!!"
Again ignored

Ever wanna text someone and tell them to just f*ck off!!!!!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #916 on: 11 March 2011, 09:43:59 pm »

Ever wanna text someone and tell them to just f*ck off!!!!!!

LMAO...only on days with a Y in them!

Coty xxx


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #917 on: 11 March 2011, 10:00:19 pm »
Here's a belter from yesterday (no prizes for guessing the Site Of Origin):

hey honey my name is [An Optimist] in will be in Scarborough on business Friday the 1st of April and I have to say the night as I have a meeting Saturday morning. I was wondering what kind of services you are able to offer or if you would be available for a date service you or some kind of dinner play date if wasn?t for a better word lol.

I am a young professional man and hate not having a date and having to stay over some where on a Friday night lol it?s so boring and well just wrong, I like your profile hun and think that you look really sexy hun so just email me back if you think we could maybe sort something out x

This has got to be an April Fool, ffs. I emailed him back to ask what it was exactly he liked about my profile considering he clearly hadn't read a single, solitary word of it (the services aren't exactly hard to find), and pointed out that my name is Amy and I am English, not German, so why repeatedly call me 'hun'? Then I got bored of trying to include all of the things that are wrong about the email and just blocked the poor bastard  ;D.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #918 on: 13 March 2011, 02:39:59 am »

Ever wanna text someone and tell them to just f*ck off!!!!!!

I frequently text them & tell them to f-off.  Sometimes I'll ring them at silly o'clock, curse them and put the phone down, now I have free minutes.

Lately I've been thinking about calling that stupid pillow man  :D

I like to think of it as karmic retribution, restoring the balance of the equilibrium.. LOL.

They just think I'm a psycho bitch, but I can live with that  ;)
Catch me on Twitter as: NubianTempAmil

Needing someone is like needing a parachute.
If they aren't around the first time,
Chances are you won't be needing them again!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #919 on: 18 March 2011, 09:34:21 am »
Email on AW this morning

'Hi could you tell me if you have face pics in your private gallery?'

Translation- I don't want to spend the ?1.50 to check so I'm going to email you first to try and find out.
Was very tempted to reply that if he can't afford a few pennies for my private gallery I would imagine I'm out of his price range anyway ;D

The lack of shame sometimes just amazes (and amuses) me!

sammy s

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #920 on: 18 March 2011, 10:01:57 am »
Last night i got this phone call:

man - " can I cum inside you during the booking?"

me - "of course if you are wearing a condom"

man - "I see. And how much would it be to do it without one?"

me - "make me an offer" (would never actually do it but wanted to see what kind of pathetic offer he would make for my own amusement)

man - "180 for 1 hour?"

me - "?30 over my normal price to possibly contract an incurable disease among many other things? Sounds really tempting" (obviously said in a really sarcastic voice but the loser didnt pick up on this at all. Thicko)

man - "ok good, do you have any naked pics you can send to my email before I book."

me - "no problem. The 378 naked photos on my  profile probably dont give a clear enough picture of myself"

man - "can I take your full address"

me - " 1 Fanny place which is off Dick road"

man - "I think I know it but will check google maps and call you back to let you know if i can make it tonight"



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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #921 on: 18 March 2011, 12:45:07 pm »
That is hilarious!  ;D


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #922 on: 18 March 2011, 04:07:04 pm »
LMAO...brill Sammy. Good grief, talk about thinking with his brain use whatsoever there was there?
thanks for making me laugh!

Coty xxx


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #923 on: 18 March 2011, 07:10:07 pm »
And again!!!

This is the same guy who I posted 2 emails from recently!

He's now come up with an essay! I love how all these guys say things like "dont worry im 100% genuine" well of course you are you tit all freebie hunters are genjuine!!!! lol

"Hey, I've attached my pic.

Please hear me out as I'm offering you the chance to make more money...

Have you ever considered having an extra MF couple profile? There is a real lack of top MF profiles in the Glasgow area and I think there is room for one. I would really like to have a couple profile with you and I guarantee you could make yourself the same amount of money as you do on your single profile at the moment...maybe even more on-top of what you already make. Say for instance you had a couple profile with me, we could both make 90 each per 30min bookings. So we could charge ?180 for a MF meet together. Basically it would be of benefit to you (as you earn you extra cash) and won't do any harm in your money making as you're guaranteed to make at least make the same as you would on your own profile. If anything you could be making a little bit extra :)

Think of it this way, alot of 'clients' look specifically for MF profiles and bypass the single female ones. So why not broaden your horizons and reach out to more people thus making you more ???

Taking up my offer wouldn't do any harm and like I said before, it offers you the chance to earn more when maybe bookings on your own profile have dried up a little (which I actually doubt would happen because your photos are so hot and no doubt you are always VERY busy) But nonetheless you catch my drift...

Let me know what you think, even if it's a no then please do let me know as I'm very genuine and serious about my offer.

PS please dont be concerned about my hidden feedback as I've done this just for the moment in order to protect my privacy. Rest assured I'm not fake, I am who I say I am and really think we could make good money with a joint profile.

S x


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #924 on: 18 March 2011, 08:02:09 pm »
PS please dont be concerned about my hidden feedback as I've done this just for the moment in order to protect my privacy. Rest assured I'm not fake, I am who I say I am and really think we could make good money with a joint profile.

Aaahahaha! Good one. ;D
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #925 on: 18 March 2011, 08:24:03 pm »
PS please dont be concerned about my hidden feedback as I've done this just for the moment in order to protect my privacy. Rest assured I'm not fake, I am who I say I am and really think we could make good money with a joint profile.

Aaahahaha! Good one. ;D

I should alsp point out this guy is 18!!! He couldn't even pay me for services as my limit is 21!! lol


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #926 on: 19 March 2011, 12:30:17 pm »
Ohhh, puke! Can't stand these young guys who think we should be so honored to take them up on their myriad of offers that are so beneficial to us, when basically it's free shags they're after! Grrr. Just turns my stomach. Idiots!

Coty xxx


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #927 on: 19 March 2011, 03:56:59 pm »
That one reminds me of a foreign uni student who had recently booked me, been a real sweetheart, was obviously short of cash and  had been offered a discounted rate by me if he wanted a follow up ( this is something I NEVER do! ?? ) Wll, give'em an inch and they will take the whole mile as they say..
1 week later, 5am email:
Hi, I miss you.
Why do you sell yourself in this way? You sell yourself because you are beautiful and because you can. Are you happy with that? I want to see you again, but see you for ever and not to pay as that is degrading for you.

( No answer was my stern reply)

5 days later: Hi, when can I book you again?

Anytime you like. I am afraid I can no longer offer a discount as the distance I have to travel to visit you makes this unfeasable. ( ie, Should have quit whilst you were ahead soldier  >:( )

I can offer you ?120?

That isn't my full rate, please don't contact me again unless you are making a serious booking.

Fine. I will just have to go out and get it for free from one of the many young English girls that will offer it to me then. Cheers!

See, this is why I never offer discounts!!  :-\


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #928 on: 19 March 2011, 05:35:46 pm »
Fine. I will just have to go out and get it for free from one of the many young English girls that will offer it to me then. Cheers!

LMAO  I've had that kind of thing before. Think we're meant to get jealous and say..."Oh no don't!"

and all that, Why do you sell yourself and degrade yourself! Ohhhhh PLEASE! Why does he search for escorts then? Because he's a pillar of society?
when I get silly boys making comments like that I always say, "Darling if it wasn't for men like you, there would be no work for women like me!"

Coty xxx


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #929 on: 19 March 2011, 06:27:16 pm »
My name is Mohamed and am 63. I have been suffering with Leukemia for the past 3 years and am predicted to have months left. I have 3800 pounds saved from working since I came to the UK and should be leaving it to my dear son who looks after me but I am looking for a girl to strip it from me.

I am in my study with my son in his room upstairs. I am looking to be instructed how to secure myself to the chair and gag myself so I cannot call to him, then wire all the money in chunks of 500 to you (whoever accepts this)

My son is very bright and protective of me and will need to be distracted while I do this maybe via a messenger conversation while you instruct me.

I love him dearly and know this money should be going to him which drives anxious/excited.
