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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2687869 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #870 on: 21 February 2011, 11:26:21 am »
"[...] I don't want to give you money but [...]"

I am totally using this line EVERY TIME I try to buy anything from now on. ;D

"Hello, Gregg's Employee, I don't want to give you any money but may I have that bag of donuts?"
"Hello, brilliant hairdresser who makes me look almost decent, I don't want to give you any money but will you come and live in my kitchen cupboards so you can style my hair every day?"
"Hello, Big Issue seller, I don't want to give you any money but could you go away and stop being so homeless?"

I could go on all day! Especially since I have tons of homework that I should have started a week ago. Ahem! Back to the real world... ;D
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #871 on: 21 February 2011, 11:31:29 am »
The best bit of it was he sounded EXACTLY like Wearside Jack (The bloke from Sunderland who posed as Peter Sutcliffe during the Yorkshire Ripper investigation :o) Come to think of it I don't think they every caught that guy, knowing my luck it was probably him ((shudders))

Caught in 2005 due to some DNA on an envelope he licked in the 70s. Sentenced to eight years for perverting the course of justice in 2006.

I didn't know that! (and I'm a Sunderland girl as well so I really should :P) they caught him from DNA from the seventies? That's truly amazing.
I'm assuming it wasn't him then ;D probably a very unfortunate sound a like.
And yes Emily I'm going to use the 'I don't have any money but...' line myself from now on. There's a lovely pair of platform heels in Kurt kieger that have a ?12o price tag I don't want to fork out for, wish me luck!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #872 on: 21 February 2011, 01:13:33 pm »
Voicemail this morning 'Hello Simone, I've seen your website and you look great, I don't want to give you money but if you are looking for some no strings fun give me a ring on blah blah blah'

And in the same vein from across the pond (by way of proof that they don't change no matter where you go):

Email received Saturday:
I seen your ad on Eros and I think that your absolutely amazing lol

I am 26yrs old I am very well educated as I hold a Master's degree and 2 bachelors degrees.  I was hoping you would consider giving me the night of my life that I would never forget.  If your free any night, maybe you would consider spending it with me?  Have a few drinks, order food, hangout together.  I always promised myself I would never pay for this so it was worth a shot to contact you to see if you would do it.  Anyway I attached a photo of myself, let me know what you think.  

Hope to hear back from you :)

Bwahahahahaha. And even better:

> Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 00:23:44 -0700
> From: anotherchancer
> To:
> Subject: My Photo
> I believe at first we need to each other better to communicate
> further.
> So hereby I am attaching my photo. You also please send me your
> photo and your info.
> Thanks.
> John,

The photo was of James Lafferty from One Tree Hill. Good old Tineye  ;D.

« Last Edit: 21 February 2011, 01:20:42 pm by amy »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #873 on: 21 February 2011, 01:57:05 pm »
The photo was of James Lafferty from One Tree Hill. Good old Tineye  ;D.

Baahahaha! For some reason, that really cracks me up. ;D Look at him, supposedly peeking out from behind a tree at a prossie.
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #874 on: 21 February 2011, 06:46:41 pm »
Yesterday I had this annoying guy keep texting me, I asked him to call me if he wanted to arrange a booking, he drop called me, then asked me to call him back.  Then more texts.

I sent him a message "Just stop right now. Find someone else to inflict yourself on.  You won't get a further response from me".

That seemed to do the job.
I got the "Find someone else to inflict yourself on" from Emily's site.  It works well.  Thanks Emz  :D
« Last Edit: 21 February 2011, 06:48:58 pm by NubianTemptress »
Catch me on Twitter as: NubianTempAmil

Needing someone is like needing a parachute.
If they aren't around the first time,
Chances are you won't be needing them again!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #875 on: 22 February 2011, 09:33:27 am »
Text at 10.40pm last night from a number I didn't recognise 'Can I get an outcall?' (Don't kill me with details there mind mate ;))
I was feeling rather short tempered so I text back 'I don't know, can you?'
5 minutes later got a reply 'No need to be sarcastic'
 ;D ;D ;D


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #876 on: 22 February 2011, 10:20:57 am »
I got the "Find someone else to inflict yourself on" from Emily's site.  It works well.  Thanks Emz  :D

Good lord, what a cow I am! I did mean it to sound half-jokey on my site, honest. ;D
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #877 on: 22 February 2011, 10:27:11 am »
Good lord, what a cow I am! I did mean it to sound half-jokey on my site, honest. ;D

Oh it did Emily.. I was cracking up when I read it, love sarcastic humour, but stripped the niceness for the TW's LOL.
« Last Edit: 22 February 2011, 10:29:24 am by NubianTemptress »
Catch me on Twitter as: NubianTempAmil

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If they aren't around the first time,
Chances are you won't be needing them again!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #878 on: 22 February 2011, 11:42:16 am »
Via text: "Wish I could see you tomorrow. But im broke"

What is it with these people?
Do they also stand outside expensive restaurants
looking forlornly at the menu and hope the staff take pity and
offer a free meal?   ;D
Actually, they probably do.

« Last Edit: 23 January 2017, 09:28:12 pm by River »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #879 on: 22 February 2011, 12:54:47 pm »
Text at 10.40pm last night from a number I didn't recognise 'Can I get an outcall?' (Don't kill me with details there mind mate ;))
I was feeling rather short tempered so I text back 'I don't know, can you?'
5 minutes later got a reply 'No need to be sarcastic'
 ;D ;D ;D

I had a guy once phone without even as much as a hello go "can I get an outcall please?"

You're not booking a taxi mate!   ::)

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #880 on: 25 February 2011, 12:03:57 am »
Ha, this is very imaginative how many of youz also had this one :L

((The full text of a basic 'Hello, I am a corrupt banker and I want you to help steal some money. Did I mention there will be some fees for modalities? Never mind, there will be..' scam email deleted.))
« Last Edit: 25 February 2011, 11:18:22 am by xw5 »
Sometimes you just want to be able to speak to someone who gets it. I'm available for in-person sessions in Edinburgh or online

Anika Mae

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #881 on: 25 February 2011, 12:21:39 am »
Zugi love, can you not post all your 419/Nigerian scam emails here? Everyone with an email address gets them (you might not have noticed before because your spam filters caught them). We tend to get more of them than people who don't post their email addresses publicly on the internet do, but otherwise it's absolutely nothing to do with escorts and the weirdos we attract, which is what this thread is about.

If you want to see some more examples of 419 emails, look here. You might also like 419eater.
« Last Edit: 25 February 2011, 12:23:42 am by Anika Mae »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #882 on: 25 February 2011, 02:40:38 pm »
Voicemail this morning 'Hello Simone, I've seen your website and you look great, I don't want to give you money but if you are looking for some no strings fun give me a ring on blah blah blah'

And in the same vein from across the pond (by way of proof that they don't change no matter where you go):

Email received Saturday:
I seen your ad on Eros and I think that your absolutely amazing lol

I am 26yrs old I am very well educated as I hold a Master's degree and 2 bachelors degrees.  I was hoping you would consider giving me the night of my life that I would never forget.  If your free any night, maybe you would consider spending it with me?  Have a few drinks, order food, hangout together.  I always promised myself I would never pay for this so it was worth a shot to contact you to see if you would do it.  Anyway I attached a photo of myself, let me know what you think.  

Hope to hear back from you :)

Bwahahahahaha. And even better:

> Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 00:23:44 -0700
> From: anotherchancer
> To:
> Subject: My Photo
> I believe at first we need to each other better to communicate
> further.
> So hereby I am attaching my photo. You also please send me your
> photo and your info.
> Thanks.
> John,

The photo was of James Lafferty from One Tree Hill. Good old Tineye  ;D.

I was really bored, had a bit of time to kill so played someone like this at their own game. Basically a guy contacted me via MSN last week. I don't usually entertain guys via that method, but hey like I say I was at a loose end.

Anyway he basically asked me for a free shag, said he wasn't looking to pay and even better said that I would fancy him. So I lay down the gauntlet, I said "Ok matey boy, we'll meet up have a few drinks, and if I fancy you as you say I will then maybe we will get down to some rumpy pumpy". Suddenly he didn't have any transport, couldn't believe me, asked me to send him some photos that weren't on my website, said he didn't fancy meeting me in a bar because I was probably a 'known' escort and he wasn't going to be seen out with one.

Called his bluff and he went running off frightened.

I'm guessing he came on line for a bit of sexy chat and went away with more than he bargained for. Ah well!!!

PS do not try this at home readers ;)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #883 on: 25 February 2011, 02:49:26 pm »
I got someone asking me for a15 minute booking, (at that time I didn't have a incall place yet )
I told him I didn't do 15 minute outcalls,
Then he wanted to book an hour which was ok with me and if I knew any place to do the booking, Or otherwise if I was able to do it outside....

I told him I was ready to do it on the beach if he was ok with that....

Obvious no reply after that


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #884 on: 25 February 2011, 06:55:45 pm »
How rude!!

phone rings this morning (well my this morning so more like lunch time)

Anyhoo conversations goes like this:

Him: hi i'm on your profile and it says your dress size 18 but you dont look it, is this right?
Me: Of course its right, not something i would lie about

*click* hangs up!

how bloody rude! And added straight too ignore cause you know he'll forget and call again another time, they always do  >:(