Voicemail this morning 'Hello Simone, I've seen your website and you look great, I don't want to give you money but if you are looking for some no strings fun give me a ring on blah blah blah'
And in the same vein from across the pond (by way of proof that they don't change no matter where you go):
Email received Saturday:
I seen your ad on Eros and I think that your absolutely amazing lol
I am 26yrs old I am very well educated as I hold a Master's degree and 2 bachelors degrees. I was hoping you would consider giving me the night of my life that I would never forget. If your free any night, maybe you would consider spending it with me? Have a few drinks, order food, hangout together. I always promised myself I would never pay for this so it was worth a shot to contact you to see if you would do it. Anyway I attached a photo of myself, let me know what you think.
Hope to hear back from you 
Bwahahahahaha. And even better:
> Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 00:23:44 -0700
> From: anotherchancer
> To:
> Subject: My Photo
> I believe at first we need to each other better to communicate
> further.
> So hereby I am attaching my photo. You also please send me your
> photo and your info.
> Thanks.
> John,
The photo was of James Lafferty from One Tree Hill. Good old Tineye
I was really bored, had a bit of time to kill so played someone like this at their own game. Basically a guy contacted me via MSN last week. I don't usually entertain guys via that method, but hey like I say I was at a loose end.
Anyway he basically asked me for a free shag, said he wasn't looking to pay and even better said that I would fancy him. So I lay down the gauntlet, I said "Ok matey boy, we'll meet up have a few drinks, and if I fancy you as you say I will then maybe we will get down to some rumpy pumpy". Suddenly he didn't have any transport, couldn't believe me, asked me to send him some photos that weren't on my website, said he didn't fancy meeting me in a bar because I was probably a 'known' escort and he wasn't going to be seen out with one.
Called his bluff and he went running off frightened.
I'm guessing he came on line for a bit of sexy chat and went away with more than he bargained for. Ah well!!!
PS do not try this at home readers