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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2688745 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13245 on: 28 December 2018, 07:37:32 pm »
Miss B. Have you had a look at your 'default hrs', there's probably loads of info knocking about..
« Last Edit: 28 December 2018, 08:01:18 pm by saltysweet »

Dynamite Doll

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13246 on: 28 December 2018, 07:45:41 pm »
Some prat just placed a 30 hour booking for the princely sum of £80 (starting at 7pm) , to bypass the fact that I am not available after 6pm . I have told him that (by aw mail) over a dozen times in the last year ..... Here comes my first bad feedback  :FF

Can easily dispute it and make it clear reason. Placed booking request through despite informing him multiple times of not being available after 6pm. He chose to ignore this and books. Clear never met him.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13247 on: 28 December 2018, 08:57:02 pm »
Charm-You're not in any way harsh. ??? Better he shows his colours now than in your room.

I have this rule about booking people who can at least speak a couple words of English.
Points for trying?

Text -`hi do you see Asian guys who can talk like a white guy or the queen ;D?'

Thanks Salty


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13248 on: 29 December 2018, 11:24:11 am »
Some prat just placed a 30 hour booking for the princely sum of £80 (starting at 7pm) , to bypass the fact that I am not available after 6pm . I have told him that (by aw mail) over a dozen times in the last year ..... Here comes my first bad feedback  :FF

As long as you don't schedule or confirm the booking, he can only leave "feedback only" which won't affect your overall score.

Also if you send him a polite mail saying you won't be able to see him, if he does leave something shitty then AW should be able to check your sent mails and remove it.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13249 on: 29 December 2018, 02:16:38 pm »

Also if you send him a polite mail saying you won't be able to see him, if he does leave something shitty then AW should be able to check your sent mails and remove it.

Alas I have already sent him a "shitty" reply . Not rude but very stern ...  In the lines of " you have enquired many times and I have replied just as many times " my last available appointment is 6pm, no later " , a 30 hour booking for £80 is a joke, please do not contact me again" .
I do not delete any mails or bookings requests so fingers crossed AW will side with me if needs be.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13250 on: 29 December 2018, 02:22:23 pm »
Miss B. Have you had a look at your 'default hrs', there's probably loads of info knocking about..

My default hours are set as they should , but by placing a 30 hour booking , it bypass the system . AW assumes that you wouldn't want to miss a long booking . Any booking over 4 hours will go through even if your default hours are set that you're not available / working at that time , that day or even that  week.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13251 on: 29 December 2018, 02:28:02 pm »
Oh I see I didn't know that MissB :-\
...wondering now. I'll drop you a PM. Thanks.
« Last Edit: 29 December 2018, 02:32:54 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13252 on: 29 December 2018, 05:26:27 pm »
Chances are he has very little or even neg Fb himself. My 30 hour booker only had FB only from others he'd also pulled this crap with. All he could do was leave FB only and which I was able to respond and leave him FB only, incidentally he never made any comments on his crap FB.

Anyway back on track.... Don't contact us, arrange a time confirm you will send a text, and act all surprised when you finally phone to hear, 'sorry mate, I've made other plans".

I knew it was a tw anyway lol and gave him a generic will be available after X time.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13253 on: 30 December 2018, 04:56:34 pm »
Send a photo of themself next to an open toilet with solids and toilet paper in it

 :'( :'( :'( :'(

Please let me unsee it please

It is not a hardsports fan its a dummy who did not check his photo
« Last Edit: 30 December 2018, 05:05:37 pm by PissedOffPrincess »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13254 on: 30 December 2018, 06:21:36 pm »

Caller- Hello, I've had 5g of crack since last night it's my last hurrah and it's do or die for me today!
I'm standing in Westfield Shopping Center waiting for some more, would you like to come to my place? :P

(OMG! :-X do people accidentally keep photos like that if they're not into chocolate log action Princess?)
« Last Edit: 30 December 2018, 07:36:00 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13255 on: 31 December 2018, 12:26:11 am »

Caller- Hello, I've had 5g of crack since last night it's my last hurrah and it's do or die for me today!
I'm standing in Westfield Shopping Center waiting for some more, would you like to come to my place? :P

(OMG! :-X do people accidentally keep photos like that if they're not into chocolate log action Princess?)

So tempted to send you a screen shot but i think that would be cruel it can not be unseen


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13256 on: 31 December 2018, 12:58:56 pm »
Some prat just placed a 30 hour booking for the princely sum of £80 (starting at 7pm) , to bypass the fact that I am not available after 6pm . I have told him that (by aw mail) over a dozen times in the last year ..... Here comes my first bad feedback  :FF
Ask him to delete it and inform him there is a error on bookings on the system. That you don't offer 30hours.
I've had these clowns and they don't bother leaving feedback.
If you have his mobile text that info over then he can't say he didn't receive it.
Bloody nuisance


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13257 on: 31 December 2018, 05:58:19 pm »
So tempted to send you a screen shot but i think that would be cruel it can not be unseen

Too late my imagination's already created it's own photo without asking my permission.:o


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13258 on: 31 December 2018, 11:04:29 pm »
Couldn't help but share this delightful invitation...

"Can you do an outcall to xx darling??
I have a good location and can get someone to pick you up.
It's just me here and want to fuck trust me we will have a good time I have 5 acres plenty of places to fuck"

Needless to say I did not reply as I'm not keen on becoming a 'Missing Person'  ::)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #13259 on: 02 January 2019, 09:12:57 am »
Send PMs asking about what you are interested in after having said he is in a different country.
Saying he has read my profile then asking how much, do you do nal, do you do etc etc

Asking do  you do fetish not saying what fetish he is into then sending ???   ????   ????
because I said he would need to say what fetish it is

Saying he has read my profile sees I am into XX great he is too so can he have a deal for a longer booking ( the your going to enjoy this so I do not have to pay type)

Get butt hurt because I told him he can not have a freebie

My phone has been off 3 days for a break I should not read my PMs